Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 15, 1904, Image 4
Once Morel I Sme 0U I 0 ' tS I I Notwithstanding the great advance on these goods thisg B season, we are in a position to sell all these goods at lessH ■ than last yea r's prices: - I Men's Wool Boots and Rubbers, Lot No. 1, - - $1 -48 B I Men's Wool Boots and Rubbers, Lot No. 2, 1.75^ ■ Men's Wool Boots and Rubbers, Lot No. 3, - 1 I Men's Wool Boots, Non-Snag Rubbers, Lot No. 4. 2.25 m ■ Men's Red Ball Boots, Non-Snag Rubbers, Lot N0.5, 2.48 B . m Men's Mishawaka, Knit Boots & Rubbers, Lot. No. 6, 2.758 B Boys' Wool Boots and Rubbers, - - - - 98c to 1.48* B We sell the only genuine water-proof shoe made. || B Just the thing for oil men. It will be a saving ofß B money to see us before you buy, i| [Huselton s, "Igf Free Xmas Gift 1 To Each Purchaser of SI.OO Worth of Goods From Us During tte H HOLIDAY Season. We will present a Bottle Containing 1 Quart of Fine Table Wine 6 quarts of Wine Free With Club Orders for $5.00, Express Charges Prepaid We will do this, whether you make yonr selections personally, at the store or send yonr order by mail. THIS OFFER HOLDS GOOD g UNTIL JANUARY 10, 1905. We take this occasion to thank our friends and patrons for favors during a the past year; and we assure them that we will leave no stone unturned w to make our relations as mutually pleasant and profitable during the coming twelvemonth. OUR MOTTO IS "FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERYONE. | Always in Stock Grandfather's Choice Mt TmM 111 ' Whiskey guaranteed 3 years g Thompi Glbson, Dill&rer, old. $2.00 per gallon. We pay 8 Bridgeport. express charges on all mail B" and offer them to yon, C year orders of $5.00 or over. Goods § -old at SI.OO per full quart, 6 shipped promptly quarts $5.00. Robt. Lewin&Co 1 Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors, 14 Smiihfield street, Pittsburg, Pa. 'Phones: Bell 2179- P. & A 1458 1 wiwirr • t Bros.,S £ PLUMBERS | Estimates given on all kinds of work. J 3 We make a specialty of f NICKLE-PLATED, C C SEAMLESS, / £ OPEN-WORK. / / 354 Centre Ave., Butler, PaJ C S Peoples Phone. 630. C • i 1 ■ ■ ■ - " ~~~ jf INSTITUTE, J 8 North Ave. West, Allegheny, Penn'a. a FULL BUSINESS, | I SHORTHAND AND f jj ENGLISH COURSERS.| • « We teach the" Budget System of Bookkeeping iji t ? and McKee and the Graham Systems of ji? •; Shorthand. - Tuition payable monthly. ■ !f? |ij Write for illustrated catalogue. 3; Rowan & Hughes, Managers. J| BUYYOUR WHISKEY DIRECTFROM THE MAKER Jg I H Forst's 7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 '•• I Packed in plain, sealed cases, expressage I ll prepaid to your nearest station. *§ B Our Roods is aged in the wood, and is pure and m *1- H Hi |l H low. better than you have had from others for the ~ 9HBS3HH price, or your money ba<-k. ■ WMcrfllPß Any Bank of Pittsburg or the Editor of this piper fej will tell you that our word is Rood, and th.it we are I SJI We do not humbug you lilie so many advertising s > fed called "DUtillert*. " By buying from us you got au honest arti dt, male if If® H from honest, select grain, by honest people. ■* H Send for our private price list. ";?K- H If yon will sfnd us the names of 10 good families in yo ir ;rs ■ vicinity who use Whiskey for medicinal purposes, and to whom w<? Ra?j may fend onr price list, we will send you. with yonr first. order, jeS B oie quart of Pure Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, FREE, R MORRIS FORST & CO-, I DO YOU WISH TO MAKE YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS, YOUR CHURCH YOUR LODGE, OR ANY RCOM MORE ATTRACTIVE? WRITE US FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING [' WHEELING CEILINGS I MADE OF STEEL. WHEELING CORRUGATING CO., j 1 WHEELING- V. VA. Subscribe for the CITIZEN i FEEDING STEERS. Alfnlfn nml torn KniiluKr Give Itapid Gain* and I'rlme Condition. The Kansas experiment station be gan one season, in 'the month of No vember, an experiment in feeding en silage, alfalfa hay and Kaffir corn to steers of different ages, which repre sented the average quality of cattle, such as ordinarily handled by feeders. ! The steers weijp taken directly from ' pasture and the calves from skim milk. Each lot was given all the roughness BEST OAEvEB AMOXO THE CALVES. [Total g-aln 400 pounds.] the cattle would eat up clean without scouring. It was found that with al falfa it was possible for the steers to eat too much hay and become loose. The grain ration was begun with four pounds per 1,000 pounds live weight. The grain was increased very grad ually, the steers getting on full feed In five weeks. The cattle arrived In Kansas City on June 20 for slaughter. The packers' found the carcasses of the ensilage lot (two-year-olds) of goqd quality. They were covered with the right amount of fat, the loins were excellent, and the carcasses showed very little waste and were salable In any market The carcasses of the KaQir corn lot looked like grass cattle. They were fairly well fleshed, but not well cover ed with fat. They were considered only an ordinary bunch of cattle. The best animal as to quality is not always the best gainer. With one ex ception the highest market price was placed by Armour & Co. on the choice animals. In this test the profit for the feeder is, with one exception, consid erably more for the best gainer than for the choice animal. It should be noted, however, that the best gainers were also of excellent quality and stood close to the choice animals in re spect to merit. The lot of calves and the lot of three year-olds were fed cut alfalfa, corn chop, Kaffir corn chop and cottonseed meal. Contracting two lots of two-year-old steers, one lot fed with ensilage in ad dition to alfalfa hay for roughness and the other without, it was noticed that for every 100 pounds of gain 471 pounds of ensilage saved 18 pounds of grain and 150 pounds of alfalfa, a sav ing of 52.012 cents; also the ensilage steers sold for 25 cents a hundred weight moro than the others. This makes the 471 pounds of ensilage worth 77.02 cents, or at the rate of f3.29 per ton. Average farm land with an average season will produce from twelve to fifteen tons of green corn per acre. Rich bottom land under favora ble conditions will produce from twen ty to twenty-live tons per acre. With the modest yield of ten tons per acre there is an income, according to the above experiment, of $32.00 per acre. The financial statement shows that the ensilage steers made a profit for feed consumed of $4.10 per head, while the same grade of steers on the same feed except ensilage ftst $1.47 per head. The ensilage acted as a regulator of the bowels. It was also nn appetizer, and for these reasons the steers fed en silage could be forced more than the others. The best gains from the ensi lage occurred in the fore part of the feeding period. The heaviest loss, $7.41 per head, was with the two-year-olds fed Kaffir corn stover for roughness. The results show that by feeding plenty of nitrogenous roughness (like alfalfa) and plenty of succulence (most cheaply obtained in corn ensilage) it is iaac a —m mm ' I '.'-- " BEST OAIKEIt AMONG THRIVE - YIIAIt - OLl> STEEKB. [Total gain 502 pounds.] possible to make rapid gains and at the same time put the steers in prime con dition for market. The results further emphasize the superior and economic value of alfalfa hay. Corn or Kaffir corn stover does not contain the nutrients require! by the steer in securing best results un less the grain ration is supplemented with nitrogenous concentrates like oil meal or cottonseed meal, which Is usu ally costly. Since alfalfa Is such a splendid feed, is a heavy yiclder and a good drought resister, its growth cannot be urged too strongly as an economical producer of beef us well as other classes of stock. Alfalfa and eusilage combined fur nish a feed that can almost invariably be depended upon, no matter what the season is, and when grain falls will keep stock hi good condition an 1 wi.cn grain is available will enable the feed er to put on gains rapidly with a com ( paratively small allowance of grain. j Vvralnly, hut Ivlnrc of Soaring; IltrdH. j No one would be likely to Imagine, j for example, that so heavy and, in ; fact, apparently ungainly a bird as a j pelican is a king among soaring birds. ; After much Hopping when these great I birds have acquired headway the I broad wings are spread, and In ninje ; tic circles they mount skyward, with J only an occasional flap of the wing, of : ten passing beyond the range of one's ! vision.—Countrv Life In America. |j A Petition. j Little Johnnie had been taught to ; ask a blessing at the table. One moru- I ing there was company present to , i breakfast, and Johnnie, being a little ! embarrassed, made the following brief I petition. "O Lord, forgive us for this j food."—Llppincott's. IloardliiK House Amen it leu. 1 First Landlady (pointedly) Well, thank heaven I haven't got no skele ! tons in my cupboards. Second Land ; lady (sweetly)— Nobody thought for a : minute that you kept your boarders !■ there. lleluti* el y. Maud—Do you like Mr. Dinwiddle? , Ethel—Oh, yes; I like him, relatively speaking. Mand—Relatively speaking? What do you mean by that? Ethel— You see, I promised to be a sister to him.—St. Louis Republic. Dlnproved. "You can't eat your cake and have It, too," remarked the cheerful man. | '"You can't, eh?" groaned the dyspep tic as lie swallowed a couple of tablets. i "That's all 3 - ou know about it."—Phlla- I delpliia Ifeeord. The man who can be nothing but serious or nothing but merry Is but half a man.—Hunt. Baby Costs Too Much When the price paid is the mother's health ana happiness. The father doesn't realize as he romps with the child what years of wifely suffering must be set against the baby's laughter. Chronic invalidism is a high price to pav for the painful joy of maternity, yet it "is at such a cost that many a woman becomes a mother. Such a price is too much because it is more than nature asks. Bv the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription maternity is made practically painless, and a quick convalesence i« assured in almost every case. SSOO Reward for Worn on Who Oannot bo Oured. The proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to pay SSOO in letral money of the United States, for any case of Leueorrhea. Female Weakness, Prolap sus, or Falling of Womb which they can-, not cure. All they ask is a fair and reason able trial of their means of cure. " There are thousands of sick women dragging out a wcarv. miserable existence, who would be welt and happy did thev but have my experi ence with I)r.'Pierce's Favorite Prescription," ■writes Mrs. Annie Leninan. Lady Commander Star of Bethlehem. Lodge No. 37, of 106 Jackson Street. Atlanta. Ga. "Four years ago I was nearly dead with inflammation and ulceration. I enaured daily untold agony, and life was a burden to me. I had used medicines internally snd externally until I had made up my mind that there was" no relief in sight forme. A friend of mine endorse.! your ' Favorite Prescription.' and I determined then to give it a trial. It took patience and perseverance for I was in a bad condition, and had to use vour medicine for nearly four months before I was cured, but what a change it brought; from despair to happiness, from miserv to the delightful, exhilarating feel ing that only health brings. I would not change back for a thousand dollars. Your ' Prescrip tion 'is a grand medicine. I wish every sick woman would only try it and be convinced." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription con tains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. The dealer who offers a substitute for « Favorite Prescription " does so to gain the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. His profit is your loss; therefore, accept no substitute. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate the bowels. HUMPHREYS' Specifics cure by acting directly on tho sick parts without disturbing the rest of the system. No. 1 for Fevers. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Teething. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Suppressed Periods. No. 12 " Whites. No. 13 " Croup. No. 14 " The Skin. No. 15 " Rheumatism. No. 1G " Malarin, No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " The Kidneys. No. 30 " The Bladder- No. 77 " La Grippe. In small bottles of pellets that fit tho vest pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. each. Medical Guide mailed free. Humphreys' Me J. Co., Cor. William & Jolin street*. New York. PAROID READY OOFING. T) VKOID. The Roofing with NO TAU. Won't dry out. Won't rjnnv brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core ot each roll. L»EPRESKNTS the results o y, ars of Experience and I-'x purirnenting. /"\NLY requires painting •■■•very fcwyears. Net when first laid. I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. I \EM AND for PAROID is world iJ wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Oth*r Fatva, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. *I.OO DELIVERED ANYWHERE s" — in the United States, Beautiful miniature, walnut "Cuckoo Clock." Unique hall ornament; ex luisitely carved: substantially put together. JO very clock guaranteed KfBWSP* perfect time keeper Elegant prize KSSRJBM for card parties: acceptable present. {a&Sffif Made of hard wood, 6% inches high, VA Inches wide. 8e d for large cata ipspif log of household specialties-the low ti price will startle you. fIII TRI-STATE TRADING CO., flf iOS K«> stone Wig. Pittsburg, Pa. '» REMOVAL We hive removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clsy streets lo No. 200 N, Main street, (oppof.it« W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleaded to in set our customers with figures that are on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and arc also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc.. as we hiive secured the aoleager.cy from the Stew art Iron Works of Cin cinnati, Ohio, for this town and vicinity. P. H.Sechler CATARRH tL#f ELY'S CREAM BALM This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Civo Satisfaction. C!VES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heaL°, and prolei Is the diseased luewbrono. It cures Catarrh and drives away a C< .Id iu tlio Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Tasto and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils und absorbed. L:irge Size, f>o cents at Druggists or by mail; Trial 8; 10 cents by i.mil. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren St., New Yorii. WM. WALKER. CHAS. A. MCELVAIN. WALKER & McELVAIN, 307 Bntler County National Bauk Bldg. REAL FBTATK. INSURANCR. OIL PROPERTIES. LOANS. BOTH PHONES M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA j R-R-TIME-TABLES IS K I' It It Tiuio table in effet-t Nov. 27. 1904 PaFsenßor trains leave hm-1 arrive at Bntler as follows: LI;AVF, roR NORTH. 7:' Ma. iu., lutsed for Piiaxsutawnev, Du Bois and i'lteruiediate stations. iO-.:JI in. daily, vestibnled day ex-: press for Buffalo, connects at AsLford, week days, for Rochester. 5:37 p. tn. IOCHI for Pnnx'y. l>n Bois and intermediate stitioiu -11:81 iii. uifjht e.tpre?>- for bnllnlu and Rochester. ARRIVE FI.OM NORTH. 0:10 a, m, daily, express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:50 a.m. week dnya, accouTodation: from Daßois. 5:84 p.*u.. daily, vt stibuled day express from Buffalo. Uas connection at Ash j ford week days from Rochester. 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train , from Du Bois and Punxsntawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, I Pittsburg, for ButTalo and Rochester j at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local j points as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On I Sunday the a.m. train runs to Buf falo alon- j . B A: <> it N Time table ia t&Vi-t. Nov. 27. H'o4. Trains for S until Hl.<! Went,leave Butler town RIZJJT-; WEEK DAYS. 6:20 am, Allegheny Accommodation. 8:00 a in, Allegheny A- Cleveland Ex. 9:10 a m, Allej?hein Express. 11:40 HID. 1:25 p ui. Pittsbnrg Ex & Ell wood Ac. 3:35 p.m. Allegheny Ex. 5:00 p.m. Chicago. SH'.vcod, X. Castle. 5:20 p.ni, Allegheny Ex. 5:50 p in Allegheny Ac. —New Castle SHNDAYS. 8:*:<I a m. Allegbtnv A: Cleveland Ex. 1:25 am. Pittsburg Ex 3:35 p ui. Allegheny Ac. 5:50 p n Allegheny Ac New Castle. GOING NORTII--WEP:K DAYS. 9:42 a m. Kane &• Mail. 4:55 ('larion A" jcm«' Trains leave the Allegheny staliou for Butler 7:00, 815, and 10:40 A. M., and 1:15, 5:30 6:15 and 11:30 P. M On Sund;:v at 7:30 A. M. and 6:15 and 11:30 P. M For through ticket*, Pullman rcf-nr.ti.na and ii»- t ra:ntioii ai't'ly to W. I;. Tl'llNKH, Agt, Butler, F:i. . K. I'. SMIT!I, A. G. P. A., Pitt.-hurg, Ta PBNNSMIT hl. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. FI'ERI I F J.S Ki ricr Nov. 27 1904. « ' ~ «. V/EKK DAYS % A.M A.M. A.M. P. M P. M KCTI.SR 6 16 i 8 40 10 2 4 25 Arriva « 4*> 905 11 00 255 4 49 !?ut!i i Junction.. " 7 14 9 30 11 25 3 20 5 15 Bodcr Ju&ctii-o. Le»v< 7 :i7 932 11 3«> 2»J 5 17 Nutr. na irriv 7 W 9 40 11 39 3 29 5 25 Tareutum. 7 h'2, 9 45 11 46 3 35 5 31 < ? ringdale 8 V 2 9 55 11 58 3 44 6 41 Ciar. niont.. 12 16 3 58 .... b 21 ll> 13 12 24 4 00 6 01 All« j:h®uv.. . K :iSMO 27 12 40 4 :>» 6 15 A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M. P. M. SCKDAY TRAINS.— Lfavc Butlei for Ofn ? princips' atatioua at 7:20 a.m., IP ' 5 '6 V Lt , : WELK PAYS A.M. A.M. A.M. P M. I*. M City lv 615 K2510 25 220 610 -hrrpalrarg 3<» 8 10 30 2 35 G 21 ' l.immoiit 6 :■iS 84710 4C 247 .... S}iri ngdale 7 00, y 07 11 Ut 3 (hi 0 42 Tarentusj 7 13 9 20 11 11 3 *3 6 63 Natrona 710 9 :.l 11 li» :i Butler June 7 30 9 3T 11 27 3 45, 7 05 Butler lv 7 42! 940 12 'Mi 4iC 706 BUTLEE BSo 10 33 1 2'J 6 05i 7 55 A.M. A.M, P. M. P 31. P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny «;ity for tut ler and principal interKKviiatr? etationj *t 7.00 a m and 9*30 V in TBI KART. Week Day«. Sunday a A.M. A. M.iP. M. A.M. P li BuTLEa IT 615 ... |2 30 72u .... Butler J'ct ar 714 !3 2o 810 .... Butler J'ct lv 740 400 814 .... Feeport kr 744 ..... 402 817 .... Kskimineta? J't.. .." 7 Leech burg " 8 (X» 4 2«> 837 ... West Apoito " 822 439 i 3 54 .... Balt*burg " % Blairaviile 920 542 962 Blairsville Int.. .. " 927 . ' 53d 10 0i» Altoona " 11 46 ..... 860 1 40,. .. Harrisburg " 310 100 635 Philadelphia " 623 ... . 423 10 20 P. M. A.M. A. H. P. M. i'. M Through trains for the east leave FitUlurg (Union Station), as fbHows;— Keystone Exprem dafly 3:OC a m Mtnlmttin (Liily, f.#r N » th P •ilti <ielphia and New Yurk 3:3"; " Pennnylvania L>niite<l »iaily 7:16 *' New York " " 7:15 " Atlan'ii: Express, " . .7:3" 1 Main Line Kxx>re>o, " . .. 8:W •* Day Express, ♦» .. .... .15.01 NQOQ Mall Expruns *' 12:46 r * Chicago Mail luil«, fur Haltimoie and Washington 4:5" " Kast'-m Kxpreia, dally, f>r Phil a and N V 4:55 •• New York Kjcnroits, M M " 7:10 ' Philalelphia Expre», daily 9:00 k Nfw York S|>ecial, daily fbr New York. only. Piiiladelphiii Special daily. Sleeping cars to Phihulelphia, Haltiniore uud Wush ington. No coaches 10:00 ' Ph'.lad'a Mail, Snnda\« on»y .. .. ... 8:36 A.N Note—Carries coach passenfers between Pittsburg and Harrisburg. I' Or Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge al! • nil route) 8:00 a.m., 7.1 dan lan I '* K) p. m. daily, "Pennsylvania Limited," and New Y<»rk Limited 7.15 а. tit, week days. Buffalo and Aliefccieny Valley Division. Trains leave Kiskiminetas Junction OH follows: For Buffalo, 9.51 a.m. atul 1150 p. m. daily, "wi tli through parlor and sleeping cars. For Oil City, 7 .*8 9.51 a. n.„ 2.32, 607 ami 11.60 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.51 a. m„ 6.07 and 11.50 p.m. For Bed Hank, 7.48, 9.51, a. m., 2 32, 6.07 ami 11.50 p. m. week-day*. Sundays, 9.51,10.40 a. m., б.07 and 11.50 p. rn. For KiManning 7.48, 9.28, 9.51, U.37>.n5,,2.32,5.38, 6.07,7.30, 10.15, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sunday*, 9.61, 10.44) a. m., 6.07, 1«».44, and 11.50 p. m. M r Stops only on signal or notice to agent or con ductor to receive or discharge passengers. Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or a (droits Thos. £. Watt, i'agx. Agt. Western District, .'tfio Fiftb A vsnn*. Pittsburg, Pa. W. W. ATTBIiHUtY, J It WOOD Oen'l .Manager. Pass*r Traffic Manager. GJ.O, W. BOYl), General Passenger Agecl. Wiutield It K Co Time Table In effect Nov. 30th. 1003. WESTWARD. STATInNS. AM P M Leaves West Winfleld . 7 3<» 2 45 M Boggsville 745 300 " Iron Bridge 7y. :t 10 " Wiufield Junction 810 3 " Lane 62" 335 " Butl«r Junction 82n 340 Arrive Putler 10 '"»5 5 38 Arrive Allegheny 10 Oil 5 05 pn. I Arrive Blairsville 12 4">| 5 30 CAS I« ABD. if AXIOMS. A M P M Leave IMaii-sville 7 50 2 25 44 Allegheny 900 300 " Butler 7 3") 2 35. " I'iiller Juncti.ic 10 15 440 " Lane 10 IS 443 u U infield Junction 10 30 450 44 Iron Bridge 10 « Arrive West Wiufield 10 05 5 30 Trains stop at Lane aud Iron Bridge only on Flag »o take* on or leave off passengers. Traius Counectat Butler Junction with; Trains Kastward for Free pert, Vandergrift and ; Blairsville Intersection. Trains Westward for Natrona, Tarenlum and A.He - j gheuy. Trains Northward tor Saxcnburg, Murwood and But- ! ler. B. O. BXALOR, i General Manager. COMPANY. TIME TABLE in effect Sept. 18th, 190-;. EASTERN STANDARD TIME DRTHWARD SOUTHWARD (Head tp) Dally Except Sunday (Read down) I * i 14 | 12 | ™ j ® I I' j I** p.:u p.m.a.in. oi.iuuna. a.in. p. in. p.m. I :i<> l 44 10 so! Krie. 7 oo I OOi 4 30 7( • 10 24 Fulrview ! 7 2>; 1 4 56 05; 1 111,10 12, Giruril 7a? I 37 508 7 bi, t 40110 2.VAr_Conneaut..Lvi 7 a) 12 04 4 so ; 'li 0* 7 JO.LV-Conneaui _.\r lu _ 7 f, ■.. ... | a s"> "..Cranes ville . . V i: . ... t, an fi WM2 51 3 S2J AlMcu 8 Or 2 Oo 5 30 0 li'- fl23Gi» 3a Sliad> land I 8 ]:• f2 J0 f."> 42 61: '2 83| 9 3:! Springboro i 8 1( 21: 644 cP. ,2_2b| 9 30|..conneautTllle...! 8 2: 2 1: 5;o ■£;<■>. J wiaFMea<l ville l.i: 7 ;; i : r.> 1 !- 1 32, 7 47 Lv..Mead ville Ar 9 to 3 IB 6 SO 0 22,12 22 9 aA..<'Oß'» Uk"'..lv' 8 IS 2 IB 5 M 6 20 12 00 8 lVLv.Con't Lake. Ar 9 22 2 So, « 12 545 ! ...'Ar.Xlneavllle I-v ft 65 > 1 2 12, 9 12. .MMdtllit Jet . 842 2 371 • 12 r. 2*lll 55 857 HarUtown 8572 4: 6 2fi ft 2. 150 850 ___Adamsvll]e.. .. 9 0 2 M «31 £. 1 849 Osgood 9 l;:.. . .6 II 50. 11 35 8 33l Greenville 9 V<« 3 ill f. 4B 5 0 :1 24 A 24 Hlicnango 9 2-3 I«. ('. 6i 11 112 all Fredonia 9 4:> :i 31; 712 4 2 068 7 601 Mercer 10 0 34< 710 4 2.: 19 r,;t 7 51' Houston Jet 10 O 720 4 o.i 10 3'J 730 .. .Grove City 10 28 4 f'H 750 34s 10 '2l a.m.) llarrisvlllo {lO 40 420 p.m. 3 iiiojb! .....| nrancbton io 48 4 .... ,11 30f V r._. Hilt anl L\ 7 1" 3 7 lo l.r ..llllliard- Aril ;i. c :v 10 13 ! Kei5ter......... 10 S2 4 811. 3lalo 02 1 Euclid.-- 11 on 44N _ 11 00 ....'.7Ar._Kajrlor._Xv~ I 3 80 H W LT--.Kwlor.-Ar « M _ 2 50|9 35) I Butler 411 80|B m | 7M.. . i.North BcgMmer.l | G so 1 is 8 IS; .... Allegheny 1 w| 6 35 p. in a. mi 4 Ip.m. p. m.| Train No.| leaving Greenville at G:4. r > a. m.: Shenango o:s3;Kredonla 7:11; Mzrcer 7:2b; Grove illy 7:55; KeUter 8:18; Butler 0:00. arrives in Mlegheny at 10:25 a. m.; connects at Queen tincuon with trains to and from Kajlcr, and it Butler to North Bessemer. Train No. 2 leaving Aileibeny at8:(10p m.; lutier 4:45; Kelster 6:30; Grove City 6:53; lterc< r •: Fredonia C:34; Bhenango C>'2, arrives in ireenvllle at 0:57: connects at Queen Junction th trains to and from Kaylor, and at llutler jin North Bessemer. E. 11. TJTtEY, E. D. COMSIOi'K. lienertl ilaufcgw, Gin'l F&S. Agtot. BFREE Th, Uguar j antped forWdays Apgio- American Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, j Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next Door to Court House. Butler, Pa COVLKi R; )T KHS Members Pittsburg Stock Exchange. Rooms Keystone Bldg.. :C4 4th ave. Botii Phones. L'lttsburg. I'M. HUGH L CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278 People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street BUTLER, P/> Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904. FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works We have a large number of late model Remingtons. Smith Premiers, Hammonds, Pittsburg visibles and other standard makes of Typewriters that we will sell cheap. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 241 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM. House or Business we can sell it for you. If you want to buy we can furnish you a prop erty or business. Write to Real Estate De partment, International Savings & Trust CO., Pittsburg, Pa. FARMS FAEM3 FARMS I>o you want to sell or exchange vonr farm? I)o you want to buy a farm? If so write J AS. A. COOPER & CO., 413 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. TRUXALL—SeIIer and promoter of pat ents. 000 German National Rank Building, Pittsburg, Pa. stars ENGUSS mjmvkims ... S .s ;: " %y Safe. Al AU \s ;■ Druggist for CUMJIIAJT.i s ill Ke«l an<* €»<>!<! metallic boxen, aeal<nl with blue ribbon. 'i'aSte no olhvr. Itefvae d:in][croiia &übati tulioxkfeiLcJ kr/aitntlcßM. Huy of your Druggist, or send Ic. in stamps f fc arllnalars. Teat!* ■uoniala t for Ladifi," In by return Kull. fO.Mtfl Testimonials. bold bj ail Drogyists. OHIOIIFSTI:R CHEMICAL CO. 3U©3 S'|uar«, k I'ILA H PA All own, % VICTOR MACHINERY CO. Cor. Eienth & Liberty Sts. Pittsburg, Pa. Long Distance Bell Telephone. Kids furnished for installing or moving plants. General repair? on printing ma chinery. Experts for gas and steam ensines. Experimental work; general repairs, etc. ! Ol NG MEN—To learn xeiegraphy and j accept positions on railroad; rare opportuni ty ; call at once. PENNSYLVANIA TELEGRAPH COLLEGE ] Nos. WO-601-002 003 Lewis Block, Pittsburg. Pa VISITORS to Pittsburg or Allegheny will find the BEST DINING ACCOMODATIONS K. J. IH RIG, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dining- and Lunch ICoonis, 19 & 21 Park Way, Opp. Boggs & Buhl's (Near Ft. Wayne Station) Allegheny, Pa i ! See tlie Sign direct opposite the * -V&MJV Old Postoffice Theodore Volley, 9 Real Estate and kjjji Insurance Agency, L fc / 238 S. Main St. L 3 Butler. Pa. , If you hare property I aJ to sell, trade, or ran lafl k or, want to buy or kWM rent caii. write or A M . ohooe me. 4UH list Mailed Upon Application @> ©> IF YOU WANT TO HEAR WEAR GAULT'S TELEPHONE EAR DRUM Room as Leader Building. ! FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG. PA. I jnadamDean'sl ■ I A cafe, certain relit Suppressed M ■ Menstruation. Neve r ktn/<rn to mil. tsnfo! H ■ Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed B ■or money Refunded. Beni prepaid for R ■ SI.OO per box. Will send tb.m on triaj, to ■ H be paid forwhen relieved. Samples Free, ff J UNITED MEOICAICO-, Boi 74. L*WCA«Te«. »*. J Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. LEGAL RIGHTS OF TENANTS A VERITABLE MINE OF INFORMATION. Worth many times its cost; is designed to protCi'i tenants to tlie fullest extent of the law; ltgally accurate and absolutely re llable: written in plain and simple language. It will pay for Itself many hundred times Published by tlie TENANTS'RIGHTS LEAGUE. Dept "A" First National Bank Uldg. Wllklns buri;. I'a. Price SBc, postpaid. Agents wanted • : ,-v-,y and Quick! Sa «p=Making with BANNER LYE To i J il.e very best soap, amply di- a . :n < f lye in cold v. ■ 5 ll.i. -f JjTease, pour the I.ye v ia the u'c;i;c. Stir and put .'.fide to set. Full Directions en Every P-ickaze Bann r J.ys ii pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, per mitting the u-e of a small quantity at a time. It i. just the article in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet "f'vi cf Banner Lyt " —free. The Penn Chemical Works. Philadelphia Advertise in The Citizen. EVERY WEEK SHOWS GROWTH and brings more convincSigr evi dences of a healthy business booui. Now is the time to make money, and my offices are the place to make it. in speculation. Send for booklets showing what I do for my customers. R. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds 223 Fourth Ayeoae, PITTSBURG. Local office, 2135. Main St. Butler, E. L. STILL WAGON, Manager. IF you have any real estate or business to sell, we can sell it. IF you want to buy anything, we have it for sale. THE CURRIER COMPANY, 248 4th Ave. Pittsburg, Pa. Binding; of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking cf having some work c< ne in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at Tie Butler Book Bindery, w. W. A MOW, Prop. ODP Conrt Ho nee. L. C. WICK, LUfIBER. Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House. Butler 'enn'a The best of horses and first class rigs al <r:ivs OD hand and for hire. Rest accommodations In town for perm a nent boarding and transient trade. Specl al cure guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers add draft horses always on hand and for sale U'-.ier a full guarantee; and horses bougl< uon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. No 21 . ELY MAY J. V. STUART MAY & STUART, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Best Accommodations in town For Transient Cnstom. PHONES: People's 125: Bell 59 Rear of Biekel Bnildinp, s Mian St. Butler, Pa W S. &E. WICK, DEALERS IS Hough and Worked Lumber of all Kind* Doors, Hash and Mouldings Oil Well Rifts a Specialty. Office and Yard R. Cunningham and Monroe St* • near West Penn Depot, f Tfw r< {f indowfilassj I ANY ? : < SIZE < $ (JUT $ < TO $ J ORDER { jßedlck & Grohman | \ 109 North Main St., 3 c Butler, P.i. 3 Don't Know That? That Stern's Creamery and Milk depot at the rear of 417 Sonth Main street is-in operation? WELL, IT IS! And if yon want (rood Milk, Cream. Creamery Butter or Butter milk, call and see us or watch for our wagon. People's Phone 435. Bell Phono 263. ASK YOUR GROCER for Steen's Boiled Ciller in qnart jars. We guarantee our products pnre and fr e from any adulteration. J H. STEEN'S CREAMERY. M C, WAGNER ARTIST JPEOTOGRAPHFB 13ft Ron tli Mnin Ht COSTUMES And all necessities for Stage and Masquerade Make tips. Wigs, Beards, Greasepaints, Ulll braid. Bills, etc.. can b«! reasonably hired or bought at Bros. 60?; E. Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa. BELL PHONE 726-L ( EDA It. \ Wm. Foster, ? \ Architect, h / Plan of all kind of buildings v \ furnished on «liort notice. r | i Office in Berg Building, ] m v Butler, Pa. V I )l£ ft jfr H? tit-•#-Ik mWW Wi Hit "it W "if W W TKHHf t THE LARGEST IN THE COUNTY. THE Butler County National Bank. I [ A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of Butler County to do business with. 1 /'Capital $ 300,000.00 I | Strength surplus 300,000.001 (Assets 2,706,342.30 I We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, I COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. I "The big Bank on the owner by the Court House" | MAKE THE | j YOUNG FOLKS HAPPY I By opening for each one with a * ■ Dollar or more a I CHRISTMAS BANK ""ACCOUNT fc It will tench them habits of thrift thnt will benefit thein later in life. Three per cent, inttrest componnded eeini- -1 annually paid. Branch Banks for home nee free to ' [ depositor?. Butler Savings & Trust Co. 108 South Main Street ASSETS $2,034,801.12. Our booklet "Saving for the asking. ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None Stronger in tlie Cour\ty. | For Sale. { 5 , The real estate of Mrs. Mary J SB. Muntz, deceased, consisting ofjjjl gj the following tracts, all located in |g the Borough of Butler, Pa. j@ Ist. A strip fronting 115 feet on South Main street and extending along the B. & l|gs 3£pt O. R. R. about 500 feet. This tract is well g|| adapted for manufacturing or warehouse j|§; purposes. 2nd. The homestead of about two acres, ' having a large comfortable dwelling house fss s§|l and outbuildings, fronting 150 feet on Main street and lying between the plank road gjsi and the B. & O. R. R., having a frontage on the latter of over 500 feet. This tract |jf* is unexcelled for manufacturing purposes, jpf and has a never failing spring of water jg jflj 3rd. A tract of about eight acres south 12 Spj of the plank road and west of Main street. j|SC This tract can be subdivided into about H! forty buildings lots, commanding a splendid jagg sll view and within a few minutes walk of the J||| business portion of the town. |||| if|j 4th. A large lot fronting 120 feet on V~; Main street and having thereon a two story jpf frame slate roof dwelling house in excel- Jsis B§a lent condition and with all modern con jjljj veniences. ® For prices, terms, etc,, inquire of jjf | John N. (Muntz, g sB No. 637 S. Main Street. Butler, Pa, jjj I $75 to $l5O I I For Fifteen Minutes Time! H Pretty high wages, Eh? That's what people are If P making who lake abvantage of || I INEWTON'S I I Price Sacrifice Piano Sdlel y On account of cleaning out my store in order m If to get it finished for Christmas trade. 'lt will sell ||f iff Pianos at factory prices, and many less. I will ■ 111 quote you a few of the bargains I have for you: ■. Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $275.00. ||| § Sale Price $lB5 00 g| ip Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $375.00. pg !ffi Sale Price $225.00- Ste Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $575.90. ■ This piano has been used, but is a bargain, $250- If Squre pianos from $25.00 to $125. Organs from jfe SIO.OO up. 10 per cent, for cash. I| P There are 24 of these Pianos to select from —new H tp and used —so you certainly ought to make a selec- K || tion. Bring this advertisement with you. ||- I NEWTON'S I ■ 317 South Main. Open Evenings,