THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1904 j NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE-AU day morning. ' Receiver's notice, estate of Butler Bnildera' Supply Co. of Farmers Mutual Store's Christmas Goods. Notice of meeting of Butler Patrons Fire Ins. Co. Grove City College. Slipperyrock Normal School. Stein's Holiday Goods. Farmer* National Bank. Clothing Parlor's AppareL Hnaelton's Slippers. Campbell's Rugs, etc. Boyd's Xmas Goods. Redick & Grohman's Holiday Per fumes. Leighner's Xmas Goods. Coo oar's Christinas Cloths. Girl Wanted. Dr. Mahaffy for Dec. 19, 20 and 21. aud Executors of estates cto secure their receipt books at the CITIZEN office, and p«rsons tn ildcs public Allies thslr rote hook*. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Sleighing. —Holiday advs. —Holiday excursions. —Teacher's Institute next week. —The hunting season closes today. —No s-bool next week, nor the week after. —Girls, but two weeks or Leap Year remain. —Basket ball at the Y. M C. A. to morrow. —Christmas in ten days, and no pres ents yet selected. —People are already laying in a stock of 1905 calendars. —Carpenters who are framing houses have a cold job these days. —Come in and pay up as soon as pos sible—as the editor is short of cash. —Read the label on your paper. It * will inform you whether you owe us or not. —The jingle of the sleigh-bells recall memories of times gone by—if you're old. —Be merciful to the mail carrier, thtse days. The White man's burden is his —Two yonng Butler county couples made a Gretna Green of Youngstown. last Friday. * —A year's subscription to the CITIZEN makes an acceptable holiday gift to an abaent friend. —Chas. W. Johnston has purchased the Baily tobacco store next door to tbe CITIZEN building. —Last Saturday, Dec. 10th, might be called our first really-trnly winter day, and the sleigh bells jingled. —The Butler lodge of Maccabfes ex pects to attend the nnlon meeting of lodges at Cbicora this evening. —During December and January tbe days average but ten hours in length, and ever) body shoull know why. —Tbe'residence and part of tbe furni ture of Plat Bnllman's bouse at Annis rille were destroyed by fire, last Friday. —When the buyer is considering where he shall make his Christmas pur chases he first consults the CITIZEN advs. —The three gambling rooms in this tonn are said to be cn the "ragged edge" on account Of the visits of a stranger. —The children in tbe Sunday Schools •re now preparing to give interesting exercises in tbe various cbnrchfcs Christ mas timr. —Calendars for 1905 are being circu lated. Schlicht & Niggle, the oyster and fish dealers have a handsome one made in Enrope. —Patronize yon home merchant the man who assists yon in paying the run ning expenses of the town yon live in. That is business. _ —A very wise man once said that when be began to feel too Important be got a map of tbe universe and tried to find himself on it -Corn is Ling in this land. Cotton la queen—of the south; while wheat and hay each contend for tbe place next in honor to the queen. —A basket social will be held tomor row, Friday, evening in the Gallagher school, Jefferson twp., Miss Negley, teacher. All invited. —The Pet Poultry Association had another meeting in Batler, last Friday, and are rapidly completing their ar rangements for an exhibition. —At the Giove City special election the proposition to issue $12,000 water bonds to extend the water works was carried by a vote of 854 to 44. -A special train is to carry a large contingent of Batler Maccabees to Chi cors. this evening, to partake of a ban quet givea by the Chicora Lodge. —Pejple who intend to send Christ mas piesents to the children in the State Institution at Polk, Pa. should aend them immediately, addressed to State Institution, Polk, Pa. —A moving picture and phonograph entertainment will be given in the Sun day School room of Grace Lutheran church, this, Thursday, evening, under the auspices of the yoang people. Ad mission 15 and 25c. —The Tafele store building on Fair ground ave. took fire Monday morning from bay pat in the kitchen to dry. The firemen got there in time to put out the fire, but the building was damaged to the valae of about SSOO, covered by In surance. —The cantata of "Esther, the Beau tiful Qaeen," will be (riven nnder the the direction of Lyman 8. Leason, in fall coetume and with dramatic action, on Friday and Saturday evenings, Dec. 1# and 17, 1904, in Normal Chapel. Slip peryrock. Chorus of one hundred and fifty voices. —At the secret meeting of the Coun cil. Monday evening, Bargees Kennedy read his rejtort of the money received by him daring the epidemic; and also of the money paid over to the Relief Committee, Red Cross Society, to gro cers, etc , and as the accounts balanced the report was accepted and ordered published. The Council then passed a resolution requesting the Relief Com mittee and the Bargees to make and pnbliih an itemized statement of the beneOclnries of the fuad, bat that will act likely be don<». and the incident will be considered closed. . fsht as well buy a suit which looks right, fits right, wears right, try Ritter * Rockenstein's. —The close of navigation on the lakes for the winter will lessen the ore freights and it is said that the Bessie will be doable tracked throughout dur ing the winter. The Butler basketball team were defeated by East Liverpool at that place Tuesday evening. 47 to 24. Monday night they defeated the Indiana team at Indiana. Turner. Williams, Hay?. Young, Gerner and Anderson did the playing. —lf yon have a fat pocket-book now is the time to reduce its bulk. The ruling principle of Christmas giving 9 that it is "More blessed to give than to receive," and the gift which does not bring as much joy to the giver as to the recipient had better not be* made. —The Butler Water Co and the State of Pennsylvania will be the plaintiffs in a Bill in Equity designed to prevent the future contamination of oar water-sup ply, and if the interests and well being of fifteen thonsand people are para mount to those of about fifteen, some thing will be done. —The Butler Board of Health now consists of Dr. M. E. Headland, Dr. T. M. Maxwell. Dr. J. M. Leighner. Joseph Rockenstein and R. B. Fowzer, and at its meeting of last Thursday, they ap pointed Bernard Kemper to be Health Officer at SSO per month, vice B. Mc- Quistion, resigned. The new Risinol Art Calendar for 1905 is one of the most beautiful calen dars ever issued. Six sheets of heavj enameled paper contain on one side six beautiful color designs of babies and children, while on the reverse sides are drawings depicting child Lfa, with spaces for the notation of baby s say ings and doings." It is a work of art. —According to that alleged decision of the Supreme Court water must take its natural channel, but this is not wa ter, it is salt-water, the stuff that ruins boilers, type, and everything that comes in contact with it, thereby being in it self as much of a nuisance per touch, aa a pig-pen is per se—excepting for put ting out fires. Suppose it were poison ous, would this community have no remedy. • —The P«pe Bicycle Daily Memoran- Calendar for 1905 contains a memoran dum leaf for every day in the year, and 365 original sayings in favcr of good roads, good health, outdoor exercise, and that great vehicle of health-giving, the modern bicycle, by our most emi nent living men of marked accomplish ment. The calendar is free at Pope Mfg. Co's store or any of our readers can obtain it by sending five 2 cent stamps to Pope Mfg. Co.. Hartford, Conn , or 143 Sigel St., Chicago, 111. —The supply of water for Bntler at present is ample, as to quantity, as one of the dams is full, but the supply will be further polluted if drilling continues in the water-shed. Tbe pollution o the water at present is said to be caused by the salt-water entering the conduct be low the dam, which is an important point, if true. There are some cisterns and a few dag wells yet in use in But ler, but were it not for the many drill ed wells very few people could, at pres ent, live in the town. —The gas fire on the Steighner farm in Oakland twp. was extinguished by turning a strong preisare of steam upon it from a pipe leading to a boiler carry ing a hundred pounds of presure. That is one way of doing it, but when the gas pressure exceeds the steam pres sure it does not work, and recourse is had to a patented arrangement -two joints of casing screwed into a large nipple, and all flitted with valves. The nipple is placed or set into the casing in the well, all the valves being open, and after being chained down, the valves are gradually closed. Marriage Licenses. Gabor Dobos M urrinsville Sara Tukasz J N Buckley Bruin Nellie M Slagle Clarion Co Harry Robinson Gibsonia Rose Gray Bakerrtown F A Wills Thorn Hill, All y Co Anna Goes Keowen, " Oliver J Ramsey Butler Jennie Kennedy " William E Sahli Harmony Bertha J Bame " McCartney L Shaffer Jefferson Co Margaret E Albert Butler John Bert Seorey Baldwin Carrie Maude Burke Earns City At New Castle—J E McEinnis and Annie Bnrris of Butler county. At Pittsburg—Joseph E List and Ida R Turner, of Glade Mills. At Younestown, O. —(9th) David W Locke and Nancy A Glody of Harris ville; Andrew J Covert and Salina M Henry of Mars. The Butler UuHinesH College Winter term opens Monday. January 2, 1905. Sahool in session day and night. Fine enrollment, with prospects of our best year's work. Best dates on which to enter, Dec. 5 and Jan. 2, 1905. May enter at an time. New catalogue and circulars fr to those interested. INVESTIGATE! A. F. REGAL, Principal. Butler, Pa. No better Christmas present than a scholarship in the Butler Business College. State Normal School. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Butler County. Pa. Advantages first class, rates low; tui tion free to teachers and to those who j intend to teach. Winter term begins | Jan.2,1905. Send for a catalogue. Ad dress ALBERT E. MALTBY, Principal. Grove City College. The winter term will begin Tuesday, January 3d, 1905. Students can enter in January and by staying through the summer term cover the work of a full college year. Young ladies desiring in struction in Literary branches. Music or Art are invited to investigate the merits of these departments in Groye City College. Their attention is also I called to the excellent facilities for their care and comfort at the Colonial, the new dormitory for ladies. Room, boarding and tuition for lady students at the Colonial is 975 a term of twelve weeks. Young men interested in Me chanical instruction will find excellent opportunities for study in Mechanical ana Civil Engineering here. For cata logues and all information address the President. ISAAC C. KETLER, Grove City, Pa, BUTLER MARKETS. Batler dealers are paying Eggs 25 Butter 22 25 Potatoes 50 Chickens, dressed 12-15 Apples, per ba 40-50 Cabbage, per lb li Buckwheat flour, per hundred $2.75 Turnips, bu 40 Turkeys lb 20 Parsnips, bu 75 Sausage, lb 10 j Navy beans, bu 92 00 i Onions, bu 1 00 ; Carrots, bu 60 | Lettuce, lb 15 ' Dressed Pork 7 i Honey per lb 18 i Dried Apples .........g j Might as well have the beet, try Rit ! ter A Rockenstein's for your next salt. PERSONAL. County Commissioner Robt MoClung is seriously ill. J. E. Say of Penn twp. visited friends in Butler, last week. C. P. Andrew of Forward twp. did some shopping in Butler. Saturday. W. Henrp Wilson and J. E. Bard of Slipperyrock were in town on business, Tuesday. Mrs M. A. Croft and son of N. Con noquenessing did some shopping in But ler. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R M. Harper of the First Ward celebrated the 50th anniver sary of their wedding day. yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John H Heiner. at a tea given last Friday announced the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Charlotte, and Paul Sturtevant of High land Ave., E. E., Pittsburg. Levi Logan of Jefferson twp., return ed from a six weeks visit with friends in Kansas, a few days ago. He had a serious sick spell while away, and stop ped at a hospital in Pittsburg.for a few days, but is recovering his health Frank Adams, of Kansas, is visiting friends in Jefferson twp. He went west twenty years ago, and has lately pros pered in the Kansas oil fields. He met his brother, George, on a street corner, the other day, and neither recognized the other. A. J. Allen, the bricklayer, left But ler seven years ago, and went to Seat tle. Wash., where he has prospered. He and his wife are now visiting friends in Butler, New Castle and Mercer county, and propose stopping at Los Angeles for several weeks on their way home. Dr. Martin N. Grier of Allegheny was taken to his home at 37 Lowrie St.. last Friday, after a six-weeks stay in tbe Allegheny General Hospital, where he had to undergo a very severe surgi cal operation, and he intends going south for his health as soou as he is strong enough to stand the travel. Mrs. Chadwick of Cleveland was ar rested in New York, last Thursday, and as she could not secure bail in $15.- 000 was taken to jail. Andrew Car negie denies that he signed her notes or knows her, and it looks as though Cas sie was at the end of her string. The notes and other "securities containing the forged signature of Carnegie are said to aggregate fourteen millions, and with these she ruined a bank at Oberlm, 0., and secured big money from other banks and institutions. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Wm. White, Jr. and Miss Virginia F. Baghman of Pittsburg, on the evening of Dec. 20, The good wishes of bis own aud his father s friends will attend Mr. White and his bride, who are to leave for Japan the sauie evening. OIL KOTEB. The market remains at $1.60. Clinton twp.—Dan Overheim struck a good gaaser on the Elizabeth Maiz land, right through the 100-foot, last John Walker and Andy Chandler are hauling timbers for a rig on the John McLaughlin. Wad Ekas is drilling for gas on the Wm. Fleischer. ACCIDENTS. Miss Etta Wadsworth of Slipperyrock twp. had an ankle badly sprained, last week, by slipping on a stone. Dave Scott had a rib broken at the Car Works, last Friday. Simon Croft of N. Connoqueuessing had a rib broken by a fall, a few days ago. C. Z. Richey of Butler had two fingers cut off at the King Planing mill in Grove Gity, last Saturday. Those well dressed men have been to see Ritter & Rockenstein. See the special 14k solid gold watches with Elgin or Waltham movements, regular price SBO now selling at $23 at Carl H. Leighner's Jewelry Store, 2095. Main St., Butler, Pa. Perfectly satisfactory, Ritter & Rock enstein's clothes. Agents of the Bessemer Railroad will sell excursion tickets between all sta tions Dec. 24, 20, 31, 1904, and Jan. 2nd, good returning Jan. 4th, 1905, at ex cursion rates, on account of Christmas and New Year Holidays. Your new Fall suit at Ritter & Rock enstein's. Toilet Seta. Manicure Sets, Portable Gas Lamps, Chaffing Dishes, Gold Vases, Imperial Bronze Statuary, makes fine Christmas gifts. Call and see my fine line. Carl H. Leaner, Jeweler and Optician, Butler, Pa. Always up-to-date Ritter & Rocken stein's clothing- Wail ted. A girl for general housework. In quire A. Beighley. 417, Went Jefferson St., Butler. Improved 1) & U Train Service. Effective with inauguration of winter schedule November 27th, trains 14 and 15 carry dining cars between Akron and Pittsburg. Train 14 leaves Chicago at 10:30 p.m, daily, three hours later than on old schedule, arriving at Pitts burg 8:15 p in., making connection with Duqnesne Limited for Philadelphia and New York. Time of train No. 15 has not been changed. Winter Holiday ExcurHiun*. The Bessemer & Lake Erie R. R. Co. will sell excursion tickets between all stations December 24, 28, 81, 1904, and January 2nd, good returning Jan. 4th, 1905, at one and one third fare for the round trip. Inquire of agents for rates, time or trains and other information. E. D. COMBTOCK, G. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa. PURE SPICING WATER ICE and Pure Spring Water, delivered daily to all parts of the town by JOHN A. RICHEY. People's Phone 190. A CliriHtmaH Gilt bought at my store always pleases the reciepient for they know it is good. Ido not deal in shoddy jewelry and silverware and ex pect to be in Butler all my life. CARL H. LEIOHNER, Jeweler and Optician, 209 S. Main St., Butler. You would look better in one of Rit ter & Rockenstein'a new Fall suits. Has your silver table-ware been giv ing yon satisfaction 7 If not you did not buy it from me. I do not handle shoddy goods. CARL H. LEIGHNER, Jeweler and Optician, Butler, Pa^ Going to buy a Fall Suit—try & Rockenstein's. TWO FARMS FOR SALE. One in Adams township, within u quarter of a mile of Downleville station, containing forty (40; acres, with good orchard, and 5-room house, and well watered. Perfect title. One in Connoquenessing township, on the Harmony and Prospect road, be tween 80 and 90 acres, 5-roorned house, three good orchards, and well watered; and heavily underlaid with coal. Per fect title. For particulars inqure at CITIZEN OFFICE. The Right ltou<l. The Chicago Great Western Railway offers superior service mid lowest rates to any one contemplating a trip to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Des Moines, Kansas City or Omaha. For further informa tion apply to W. D. Jones, 918 Park Building, Pittsburg. Insurance and Real Estate. If yon wish to sell or buy property you will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Estate. Room 508, Butler County Kjtitio'Jal Bauk building. The now Browns at RITTER & ROCKENSTKIK' Try the store that pleases both the purse and mind. HITTER 6C ROCKENBTEIN. IJEGAIJ NEWS. NEW SUITS. Vance Stronp and Maud StToup, his wife, vs Fairview tp. Benj Rankm and R J McCollougb, supervisors, trespass 1 for S2OOO. The statement sets forth lhatonAug3l. 1904. Mrs Stronp. her two little children, and Mrs W W Korn were in a bugev driving on the Middle town road, near the Wagner farm, in Fairview tp That by reason of the L«i-i condition of the road the horse became uninanagable, ran off and jumped oyer i a bridge over Bear creek, to which there were no guard rails. Mrs. Stronp had her 6honlder blade broken and was otherwise injured. M H Kelly vs Batlei; construction Co, assumpsit. Kelly was employed by the defendant company as foreman at f#U j per month ard he sues for back wages. J A McFadden vs D C McLean, de fendant, Millers town Deposit Bank, garnishee, attachment execution on moneys of defendant on deposit in the bank. Yf. B. Encs vs McGuire Metallic Vacuum Casket Co., bill in equity, ask ing for a receiver, and that the court make an order reqniring an assessment on the stockholders enfficient to pay toe company's indebtedness. Eaos has a claim of *967. The company was or ganized with a capital of $300,000, only 10 per cent of which was paid in at or ganization. It failed to make good and a number of local people lose money by it. Wm J Noel vs Herman Lensner, exr of Catherine Swaney. assumpsit for $517. Noel lives m Allegheny and his wife is a daughter of the decedent. The amount sued for is claimed for board ing and maintenance. GRAND JURY. The Grand Jury finished its work Friday, finding as follows: TRUE BILLS. Annie Stonll, f. "Patrick M Goeghh, f&b. Jacob Ratly, furnishing liquor on Sunday. . . ... F Blnmenkrantz. keeping a gambling device, conducting lottery. Jacob M Freedmau, attempted abor tion on Mary Tames. Tony Phillips, selling liquor without license. Baetian Tangeto, defrauding a board ing house keeper. Andrew Fisher,, agg a&b; not a true bill on count of felonious a&b. Jacob Yorkovich, feloniops a&b; not a true bill as to charge of murder. NOT TRUE HILLS. Edward Kingsmill, f&b, costs on countv. Miss Serena, coats on county. Blaza Ghnatic, felonious assault,coets on Frank Stepero. A county bridge was recommended over Bull creek in Clinton township. PRESENTMENT. The late Grand Jury recommended "That the commissioners be instruct ed to repair the roof and spouting of the court house immediately. "Tb:it the county either bnild a new bridge or repair the old one at Kearns crossing in Butler township. "That the commissioners be informed that the bridge in Forward township known as the Amberson bridge is posi tively very unsafe for public travel. "That the Bessemer railroad be com pelled to have a watchman during the night time at the crossing known as the Kearns crossing in Butler township. "And that the Baltimore and Ohio railroad be, if possible, compiled to place safety gates at their crossing in Centre avenue, Butler. "That we visited the poor farm and found everything in good condition in side of the buildings, but would direct that farm implements and machinerv be housed and kept housed when not in use. "We would recommend that the. ex pense of the farm labor be curtailed somewhat if possible and that the in mates be supplied with more food. "Wo would recommend that the next grand jury be instructed to investigate the management of the poor farm. "That we have acted on 36 bills, find ing 2M true bills and ignoring eight bills " NOTES On petition of Samuel Beers, of For ward tp, Dr H R Wilson, W J Martin, Esq. and O C Watters were appointed a commission in lunacy on his father, Samuel Beers, Sr, afeed (10 years. On petition of the County Commis sioners, Registry Assessors were ap pointed for Butler twp as follows: Ist precinct, Jaa A McMarlin; 2d precinct, Eli Oesterling; 3d precinct, Theodore Kearns. Bernard Kemper has resigned as con stable of the Fourth ward. The case of Commonwealth vs Ed Graham, in which InezJJhryock was prosecutrix, ha? been settled. Surety of the peace cases were heard Friday morning The first called was that against Mrs Anna McPherson and her daughter, Eflie Griffins, in which Ben Stillwagon and wife were com plainants. They swore Mrs McPherson had threatened to break Mrs Stillwagon in two and to pmash her, and called her an old cow, etc. Mrs McPherson admitted she put her thumb to her nose and made a familiar motion with her lingers when Mrs Stillwagon called her "beer belly." The paities live on Zieg ler avenue. After hearing the case in all its details, the Court termed it dis graceful and ordered each of tho de fendants to pay one-third of the costs, and the complainants to pay the other third, and ordered them all to be placed under bonds to keep the peace. The surety of the peace oune of An drew Moser vs Richard Cypher and Mi chael Cypher, af Winfield tp, followed Moser testified that Richard, the young er Cypher, had gone after him with a shot KUD and thieatened to shoot him, and that the older man, Michael, had preached for a plumb hour that he could whip all the Mosers that ever were born, and could lick all the ■ black Republicans in Butler county. Richard Cypher in married to Moser's daughter. Michael Cypher was discharged and Richard was sentenced to pay the costs and give bond to keep the peace for one yepr. "John Doe" is in jail on a charge of disorderly conduct. John wag brought to Butler to take the pla<•« of a striker at the carworks IJe was given his snpper and a drink or two, and then declared he was a union man and a gentleman and would not take a striker* place. In the liquor selling case of Common wealth vs Tony Phillip*, an attachment was issued for Peter Hainil, of Chicora. one of the Commonwealth witnesses. Ar«umenta for new trials in the cases of Commonwealth vs Mrs Lizzie Nailor and John Shanor, were beard Friday and Saturday. The surety of the peace case against C E Ruffner, in which Mrs C McCool was complainant, was settled. The County Commissioners, of Clear field county, require all witnesses in criminal cases to register in their office as soon as possible after reaching the county seat. Jake Yorkovitch, the Austrian ac ousen of killing' young Keasey, had a hearing last week and was held for court. Harry and Perry Grossman of Cherry twp. were put on trial. Monday morn ing,on a charge of larceny made against thein by their cousin, Abuer Grossman, to whom they had sold a team, wagon I and harness with the understanding that title remained in them till the property was paid for. Afterwards they took the harness without Abuer knowing it and th»- indictments follow ed. The defendants were acquitted. On motion of Attorney Murrin for the defense, the caso of Com. VH Joseph | Hoveler was continued until March. W. E. Eisler, the oil man, had Joseph ' and Raymond Lati«l>ein arrested, Satur day, on a charge of larceny by bailee. Last summer Eisler left a sleigh at Lttogbein's bhop to IK? repainted, when he called for it Saturday the proprie- I tors knew nothing about it. Eider had j them arrested and they spent Saturday ; ui«ht in jail. Sunday bail was furnish ed and on Monday, someone who had ' borrowed the sleigh without leave, brought it back and the case ended. Pat Hays, formerly ot the 31«t Regu lars. was put on trial on charges of a&b with intent to rob. and robbery, for holding np Jacob Bowman. The jury found him guilty of assault with intent to rcb. Hays was arrested with Bow man's hat on his head, and his explana tion of this was that Chief Schultz ran up to him as he was stauding on the street with his own hat on his head. , snatched off his hat. put Bowman's hai 'on his head, arrested him. and then , took Bowman's hat offhim and restor -1 ed his own. Petro Muto, charged with breaking and entering the shoe-shop of his em ployer, Joe Colloeimo, on Bast Jefferson street, with intent to commit burglary, was tiled Monday and Tuesday. Col loeimo and his brother -wore they were awakened by a noise in tbe shop be neath them, and on getting up saw Muto crawl through a wiudow and ran awav. Mnto and the people with whom he boarded on Etna street, swore he was in bed all the night. The jory re turned a verdict of not gniltj. The case of Commonwealth vs Geo R D-.wson desertion, has been continued. Mary E Pribble plead guilty to a misdemeanor. Sentence was t-uspend ed. The case against Dr A G Duucan, of Zelienople, who was indicted for prac ticing dentistry without a diploma and without registering, was argued Mon day. The assault and battery case in which William Leithold was defendant and Gus Graff, complainant, was tried Tuesday. The men, well-known resi dents of West Clay st, had a fight over some boys teasing Mr Leithold. Leit hold accused Graff of urging on the boys and in the fight which followed both men were struck with a club. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. A very unusual mix-up occurred yesterday morninir. After the Leithold jury had retired it was found that one juryman, Reuben Park, who had been drawn for the Thompson case, which followed the Leithold, was with the Leithold jury, while Samuel Gilliland, who was on the Leithold jury, had got ten in tbe box with tbe Thompsom jurors The men both said they told the court officers of the mistake before conrt convened. The matter was ad justed by Park being withdrawn and eleven men deciding the Leithold case. Fred Leonett, of Branchton, is in jail on a charge of selling liquor without li cense. Ira Thompson,a farmer who formerly lived near West Liberty, was put on trial yesterday on charges of adultery and rape, alleged to have been commit ted on Mary Rutter, a 14-year-old girl, who was living at Thompson's house in Lancaster twp, while Mrs Thompson w?:s away in June and July, 1903. At adjourning time last evening the jury brought in a verdict finding Thompson guilty of adultery. The case of Commonwealth vs D W Gill, who lives in the old Stone House, on the Mercer road, ia on trial. The charge is cruelty to animals During a dispute about plowing a ditch on the roadside last September, Gill is alleged to have jabbed a pitchfork several times into a horse belonging to Jas Donagby, bis neighbor. A special term of court for the trial of civil casts has been fired to commence Monday, Jan 23. The case of Commonwealth vs George A Dunlap has been settled. A week or so ago residents of Chicora are reported to have been complaining to the Human Society agents that Tony Phillips, an Italian fruit dealer, was starving his hogs. Later a warrant was sworn against Touy for violating the liquor laws. Constable Mills went to serve the warrant and Mrs Phillips knocked him down and beat him with a club. She was arrested and is under bail for a&b. Monday, Mills brought Phillip-? to Butler and lodged him in jail, The constable had arrested him Rfter chasing him three times around the race track at Brook viHe, Pa. The grand jury investigating the Sib ley corruption charges made a special report, Monday, recommending indict ments agaiust three former County Commissioners, of Venango county, charging them with the violation of the laws on contracts for bridges and build ings. The indictments were at once prepared by District Attorney Mcßride, who presented them to the grand jury, and true bills were returned in all three cases. The indicted ex-county commission ers will claim the grand jury was one day too late in acting on their oases. They assert while the bridge contract in question was not signed until Dec. 12, 1902, the resolution awarding the same w:ts adopted the day before,the statutes of limitation thus barring criminal ac tion. It develops that up to 18 months ago no commissioners in Venango Co ever complied with the statute which Black, Thomas and Plimpton are ac cused of violating. Its existence seems to have been unobserved by every coun ty solicitor since 1«70. including Judge Criswell, Hon J H Osmtr and other prominent members of the bar. * THE HAKKISVILLE NUISANCE. Has William Brown complied with the sentence of the court in ordering! him to abat« a nuisance* That is tho 1 question which brought the town coun cil, board of health, some of the doctors and several other prominent citizens of Harrisville into court Friday. Last September Brown was returned by the grand jury for maintaining a nuisance in the shape of a slaughter house on his property in Harrisville. Mrs. Caroline Morrow, whose dwelling is near the slaughter honso, was the complainant. Brown plead guilty, paid the costs and said he wouid abate the nuisance. Mrs Morrow claims ho did not. and that the stench from the slaughter house forced her to move from Harris ville to Avalon. Brown was haled into court on a rule granted to show cause why he had not complie-l with the sen tence. The borough oflicialt, were di vided on the subject, gome of the board of health and councilmen swearing that Brown had abated the nuisance satis factorily, and others that he had not. The people of the town have taken sides on the case and the bad blood en gendered almost eqnals the bad smell. Judge Gal breath did not r under a de cision at the hearing. PttOI'EUTV TRANBKEKS. Grace C Snow to J C Say let on Mon roe st for S7OO. Thomas A Morrison to Abe Flick lot on rear W Wayne bt for $2200. Herman C Greuuert to Maria Rimer lot on Grand avenue for $275. William Hoffman to Kate M Allen 1 acre at Whitestown for $375. JosESaelerto John S Spicher one ciixteenth in lease in Oakland tp for $175 M L Gibson.sheriff to H U S G Stepp 53 acres iu Middlesex for $1450. Gottlieb Weitzel to Cbas A Weitzel 80 acres in Winfield for S3OOO. Jas S Wilson to Slipperyrock Nor mal School lot in Slipperyrock for SSOO. F H Brown to F M McAnally lot iu Chicora for $302.50. Mary J Faber to Rachel J Peoples lot in Mars for SI4OO. Mrs Laura Mulholland to Chas Redick lot in Saxonburg for SI4OO Daniel Kennedy to Loretta Sarver lot on Dunbar st for $950. Thomas Robinson to Arthur K Wright lot ou South Side for S3OO. Clara Band W J Grubbs to Eflie E Pierce H acres in Butler tp for SI2OO. Florida and the Sunny South. Beginning October 15, the P. R. It. Co. will sell Winter excursion tickets to the resorts of Florida, the Carolina*, and other btates in the south and South west, at greatly reduced rates. For specific rates, limits, and other condi tions of tickets, consult any ticket agent. The CliriHtmas Number of The American Horae Hrccder. The holiday number of tho American Horn* Breeder was isssed on December 13. This excellent journal, easily the leader in its class, has issued, the laxt few years, most admirable Christmas 1 Numbers. Wa should judge from its prospect us that the forthcoming number will easily rank first among them all Tho price of this number will be 25c. ' It will be on gale at all news stauds or can be had by addressing the American Horse Breeder Publishing Company, 101 High Street, Boaton, Maaa. MAJESTIC THEATRE. , Girls Will Be Girls—Dec 19. Persons who are in the habit of ar riving at theatrical performances from half an hour to three-quarters after the beginning of the entertainment, miss one of the most charming features of • Girls Will Be Girls" which comes to the Majestic Theatre, on Monday, Dec. 19. The featnre in question is R. Mel ville Bakor and Joseph Hart's dainty love song. "And That Little Girl Is You," which is sung with excellent ef fect after a manner devised by William A. Brady. The tenor and the soprano sit on a bench during the dnet, and at the last chorus, the other young women tip toe upon them from all directions. A word should be said concerning the ! chorus, which is industrious, intelligent I and more than ordinarily handsome. Tbe Alvin, Pittsburg:, Pa. Sergeant James—Next Week. "Sergeant James," one of the last season's principal successes in New York j City, will have its first presentation in , Pittsburg on Monday afternoon, Dec. j 19tb. at the hands of the Harry Davis j Stock Company. Pittsburg Orchestra. The sixth set of concerts this 6easou I by the Pittsburg Orchestra, Emil Paur ! conductor, will be given Friday evening, 1 Dec. 10, and Saturday afternoon. Dec. i 17, in Carnegie Music Hall, with the | co-opera Lion of David Bispham, bags soloist. i Tlic Gajety—Pittsburg. Monsieur Beaucaire —Next week. There seems to be a very marked de sire on the part of theatre patrons to do j more than ordinary homage to the gen- j ins of Creston Clarke, whose appearance j in Monsieur Beaucaire is announced for | next week at the Gayety. Not only do | the lovers of uplifting dramatic pur pose appreciate Mr. Clarke's ennobling aims, bnt they recognize the splendid talents which he undoubtedly inherited from John Sleeper Clarke, and from his uncle, Edwin Booth. Holiday Excursions. On December 24, 25, 26 and 31, 1904. and January 1 and 2, 1905, the Balti more & Ohio Railroad will sell low rate excursion tickets from all stations on itj line west of the Ohio River. Tickets will be sold to all points on B. & O. R. R. and connections west of Pittsburg, Wheeling and Parkersburg. Good for return until January 4, 1905. For detailed information calL on or address nearest B. & O. Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. 1 THE MODERN STORE'S | Shopping List of Christmas Gifts I Something for Father, Mother, Sister, Brorher, Sweetheart, Friend, Etc. The Largest and Best Assortment Ever Shown. We Can Make Shopping Easy and Save Tou Money. Come in and Look Through Our Extensive Stock. "Bonny Blossom," The Shetland Pony, is now the talk of the town. Every child wants this I pretty pet. Positively given away day after New lj Year's. See circulars for particulars. Mark on this list what you would like to see; then come in we will be pleased to show you through every department. We have the largest stock ever shown in this store. BFor Ladies and Girls Handkerchiefs Fancy Stock Collars Fine Fur Scarfs Kid Gloves Woolen Gloves Silk Umbrellas Fancy Hose, 25c to $3 00 per pair for fine silk. Fancy muslin Underwear put up in matched sets of 4 pieces in box Fine Underwear Silk Dress Patterns Wool Dress Patterns Silk Shirt Waist Pat'ns Wool Shirt Waist Pat'ns Ladies' Sweaters Shirt Waists Walking Skirts Silk Underskirts Leggins Fascmators Fancy Garters Table Cloths Napkins Fine Linen Towels Gold Hat Pins Sterling Silver Novelties Gold Brooches Belt Pins Rings Belt Buckles Waist Seta Belts Fancy Combs Fancy Boxes Handkerchief Boxes Glove Boxes j Work Boxes Brush and Comb Sets (Silver, Stag and Ebony) Manicure Sets (Silver, Stag and Ebony) Pictures Vases Fancy Plates Silver Bonnet Brushes Leather Hand Bags Fancy Neck Ribbons Fancy Lace Collars Sterling Silver Scissors Mirrors Fine New Hats at about half price For Children and Infants Kid Gloves and Mitts Woolen Gloves <fc Mitta Leggins Dolls Handkerchiefs Sweaters Fur Sets Infant's Sacques Infant's Bootees Infant's Caps Infant's Cloake Infant's Kid Shoes Infant's Cashmere Hose Infant's Crib Blankets [white, pink, blue) Infant's Dresses Infant's Brush and Comb Sets For Men and Boys Shirts (white & colored) Kid Gloves Woolen Gloves Fur Gloves Neckties (all kinds) Mufflers Way's Muffletts Fancy Socks Silk Umbrellas Ha'chiefs (silk & linen) Fine Underwear Fancy Night Shirts Pajamas leather Suit Cases Silk Suspenders Wool Sweaters. See the new Bustor Brown Sweaters for boys Full Dress Shirt Protectors Collars Cuffs Collar and Cuff Boxes Brush and Comb Sets Shaving Sets Tie Boxes Handkerchief Boxes Smoking Sets Hair Brushes (Silver, Ebony) Cloth Brushes (Silver. Stag or Ebony) Silver Handled Whisk Brooms Silver Handled Hat Brushes Cuff Buttons Scarf Pins Watch Fobs Match Boxes Lunch Boxes ! Our Men's department is stocked with all the newest and best in above lines. All marked at very lowest prices for reliable goods. Our Doll Display in basement is attracting much attention by reason of the beautiful life-like faces and features. Unlike most dolls. Prices range from 10c to $5.00 Both dressed and undressed. EISLER-MARDORF COHPANY, SOOTH MAIM STREET | QQ f ("I Send in Your Mall Orders. i OPPOSITE HOTKL ARLINGTON. BUTLKR. PA. ■ J X>OO<X>O<X>O<>OO<>OOOOOOOOOOO<K S E£yth Bros., ;[ A NEAR COURT HOUSE- 1 ) |C Kii<> minus I ..lite ol Fflncy Holiday CJootls—Toilet Cuhcm, \ | X Smoking S«?ta, Albums, Framed Pictures, etc. ( \ I X YOU AKK WKI-.COM K TO LOOK AltOl'NIJ. X We well lute copyright fletlou at #I.OB. < ) EYTH BROS., :; ! X NEAR COURT HOUSE. < > \ Christmas ? / In your / l leisure moments b S when the angels of , / / Peace and Happiness \ \ are floating through \ / the air, then ( \ take a look at all those / * pretty things in S / BOYD'S I ? Drug Store. ? C ALL KINDS \ / AND ? J ALL GOOD. 7 / Reymer's Fine Candies / j (the best made) > In Pretty Packages. ? | Main and Diamond. CHURCH NOTES. An entertainment will be held Friday evening, Dec 23, at White Oak Springs J U. P. church. Rev. John McNaughton D. D., who occupies the chair of New Testament Exegesis in the Allegheny Theological i Seminary,preached in the U. P. churcb, Sunday, Rev. Robinson and wife being . away on a visit to Mrs. Robinson's pa rents at Waynesburg, Pa. The annual congregational meeting i of the Grace Lutheran church, will be ! held in the church, next Wednesday j evening, when officers are to be elected : and other important business transact ed. A'.l members are U> be pres ent, and as the meeting is to be follow ed by a social, with lunch by the ladies, all friends of the congregation are in vited- COUNCIL. The ladies of the South Side Reform ed church have made great preparations for their bazar which is to be held to morrow evening at the church. An en joyable musical program will be render ed, and various useful and beautiful ar ticles offered for sale, as well as a pret ty collection of pictures. The program for Saturday popular entertainment at the Y. M. C. A will be rendered by S. W. Mountz. a noted baritone of Chicago, Mrs. J. H. Heiner of Butler, and Miss Maud Mitch ell of Butler, accompanist. | Fall of J904-. 1 ' ■; These cool nights mean that the warm weather is I H over, and it behooves you all to look out for heavier® j goods. In our spacious stores you find, not only the 9 largest but the lowest priced stock of Woolens in the I ■ country. PI Li Consisting of the Follwing: j ' Blankets 1 Half Cotton Heavy SpreadS kj r n „t ",r I All Wool WoolensS | Comforts Dress floods I 1 Underwear {S.w™. Flannettes j f | In our Carpet Department which enjoys an enviable ■ H position not only in the county but out of it, will be found. E 9 Hemp Carpet and Straw Mattings, the cheapest Floor® fig Coverings All Cotton Ingrain. Half Wool Ingrain. 9 9 Hartford two and three ply all wool, ihe /ery best make in 9 the world. Body and Tapestry Erussela, Ve'vei: Carpets® ■ and the Acme of Carpet preiection Hartford Axminsters.9 ■ Then we have Small Rugs, Large Rugs, and Druggets, p| H Brussels and All Wool, in endless variety. Linoleumns, Bj I Oil Cloths! IS ) Hundreds I 9 of Patterns from which to choose. &j 9 NOTE—Our prices are the old prices in every Department 9 I Duffy's Store. I I Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN!: X CLEARING STOCK FOB HOLIDAY GOODS. . > I Coats Skirts Furs < > sls value fine Kersey Coats in latest Tourist and Semi-Fitted Back, in < > choice shades of Castor. Brown and Black, for $lO. t . SUITS-$lO for sls Women's Tailored Suits. $12.98 for S3O Women's Tailored Suits. sls 50 for $25 Women's Tailor Suits. I m SKIRTS—S4.9B for Tailor-made Walking Skirts, worth $7.50. One lot. k of Dress Skirts $1.98, worth $5. $2.98, worth $10.50, and $5 00 for Skirts formerly $lO, $12.50 and 915. ( ► FURS—Lowest Fur offered so early in the season. Furs < L worth $1.50 for 98c. Furs worth $4.50 for $2 98. Furs worth $7.50 for' 4.98. Furs worth $18.50 for $lO 00. < > Most unusual Millinery pricing—Must reduce Millinery stock and we, t \ will do it by the powerful medium of low prices. $2 Hats for 50c. $2 Hats for sl. $4 Hats for $2. $7.50 Hats for $8.75. All these hats are > made in this fall's latest styles. Buy Ostrich Plumes now at J to i off > regular price. O Clearance sale of Shirt Waists am! Dressing: Sacques on 2nd floor. I /J Clearance sale of Blankets and Comforts in basements. < I jf Prices on Lace Curtains, Portiere and Draperies that will appeal to you.' <y MENTOR UNDERWEAR—Every genuine Mentor garment is branded < > A with the word "Mentor" on tab. Refuse all garments as first quality < i Jr from Mentor Mills ttnless plainly marked on tab in red letters "Mentor." 0 We have them for Ladies. Misses and Children in Union Suits and 4 I ft Separate Garments graded from 15c to SI.OO. j | 1 Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. | People's Phone 12#. Butler, Pa. A S;»OO<>C>OOOOOOO<fe>OOOOOOOP0OOO! Iboes This 1 H 9 w/ E think that we wante<l to do 9 something extra nice for some one 9 we know we'd ask this gentleman to call 9 at HUSELTON'S for a pair of his fine 9 FUR-TRIMMED ROMEOS to deliver to her! 9 75c to $1 '"pTHEY are as fine as silk, and have a very 54 I clever combination of ease and perfect yj is all fit—just the thing to charm a very particular woman; and good—well, they are beauties. ■ tliey cost [Huselton's, CAMPBELL'S GOOD FURNITURE SUBfIS iSteel Ranges and! I Round Heating g jjg _ j For Slack or Lump Coal fig fvv I at Reduced Prices. j^jj |P| Each stove or range is guaranteed perfect. They arc sample stoves that we have shown the past season. kSC H - 'E sp $39.00 STEEL RANGE jg WBaf Large oven; warming closet on top; six lids; nickel trim- /f* OT MM frSgf mod First-class in every respect. E<iual to any of the / J » higher priced ones. Reduced to m r^ m •t ; W $39 Steel Range sl6 Heating Stove Jg *33 With warming oven. Reser- Extra large ronnd heater; ysi voiron back; full size oven. cast metal base. Steel top; lsr| six lids. No better range very largo basket for lump Sfi made. coal. aPs Prices $27 Price sl2 jUk g $16.75 HEATING STOVE £ Slack burner, metal base, steel top, nickel trimmed. A perfect heater. Price $12.50 9S lAlfred A. Campbell 1 I Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers