•43KK MXafXXXXKXX 8 Stylish Furs at Low Prices. £ U Last Season we did an Immense S and Sold Out Our Entire Stock. £ S This season we show a oosnpiele new >» of fine fur* 'fee iJk jK latest style*. The qoalitT of skins and of workmanship are tbe very nest sad oar mirt* <!* eioepttooaliT low. m Bearer. Bear. Fox. Majten Mink. Sable, Sorrel ani other fare are g M shown in ail this «ea*oos shapes- ■? 3D Cluster Scarfs at f! 0". #1 V>. $2 <JO op. ]■ Beaver Scarfs. at $4 (*') ® Americas St/<ne Marten. S|*ctal. at *-">00 IB American Sable. &p«-ial at #5.00. R S Marten. *> 00, f*.oo 00. HAW U m Fox, *«-00. #12.00, #!•> 50 up. g Kid and Fabric Gloves. S « The Josephine is withe3t exception tbe v*rv best K:4 Glove ever m retailed forfl «/), bUck aod ail the n-w shad-; of brown, mode tin. P S' castor and ;rr*y Great Ti.. .e at |l.'». m Splendid Ca>bm«re Gloves, siik lined, black, browns and gray-. JR g Can't be beat at 50c. Fleeced Cashmere Gloves, extra good at 25c. Uk |i Fine Linens. 8 V We have received a large shipment of fine linens for Holiday trade, m S The lot consists of fine table linen*. napkins, pattern cloths with napkins r\ fl# to match, fine towels, beautsfol Mexican drawn work, hemstitched and M X etnbroided doylies, square* and scarfs. Oc sale now at special low prices. O IL. Stein & Son, s > 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER. PA- |j LUHMTiTOtnH 11 " 1,111 " 1 1 Free Xmas Gift To Each Purchaser of 41.00 Worth of Goods From Us During the HOLIDAY Season. We will present a Bottle Cootaijpiax 1 Quart of Fine Table Wine 6 quarts of Wine Free With Club Orders for $5.00, Express Charges Prepaid We will do this, whether yon make MmnUr. at the •tore or send your order by mail. THIS OFFER HOLDS * ) UNTIL JANUARY 10, I*os. We take this occasion to thank our friends and patrons for favors dnring * tbe n«*t year; and we assure them tbat we will leave no stone unturned to make our relations as mutually pleasant and profitable dunn z the coming twelvemonth. OUR MOTTO IS "PAIR DEALINGS TO EVERYONE. Always in Stock Grandfather's Choice Hack. Large. Ora-fc.lt. Whiskey guaranteed X years u SSuker, old, $2 00 per gallon. We pay MrUftptrL express charges on ail mail offer them to you, 8 year orders of $5.00 or over. Goods old at SI.OO per full quart, « shipped promptly, quarts pi-00. Robt. Lewin&Co Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors, 14 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, Pa. 'Phonea: Bell 2179- P. <fc A 1458 DANDRUFF." 1 fB '-s TO CUMALENA HAIH TONIC u a »«r« cure at W • / <£>' I »«r Daadru'f, r tok.r - f »'.« bcalr, SpMtun* and B W "ii| I I ali»r,af Oat erf l»c »1 i.. I /• I brorm until i pr*tmr*a a tut* <4 K ' \Atm HAIIf TONIC tx, be had at all fir. t -!;•.» £ \ tJrusK'.M* and _ |l bottle*. Our pamiltc k«c* wUb trttry beetle. ■ CUHALEN^^4TC^CO^nc^^^CRAF^^^FE>INAj| fEberle Bros.,^ } PLUMBERS | Z OFEN-work. / / * 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Paf C S Phone. 630. C ffl (0 l|j Hi ili ill 111 Hi iliil' it' il: X !Ii ili !li it; iIiStWS jj PARK INSTITUTE, | it 8 North Ave. West, Allegheny, Penn'a. ' {i \\FULL BUSINESS, p H SHORTHAND AND 11 ENGLISH COURSES.« i i We teach the Budget System of Bookkeeping f} < t and McKee and the Graham Systems of * ■ 11 Shorthand. |! (*? Tuition payable monthly. \\ • j Write for illustrated catalogue. t l || Rowan & Hughes, Managers, jg direct from the maker ■ H Forsts7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 J2 I 11 P*®k#d in plain, sealed cases, expressage H I H prepaid to your nearest station. I ■ >. Onr gooda ia aged lo the wood, and la pure ud me|- E mL p U low. better tb»n YOU have ha/1 from othera for the * M prjcu - tJT y t)nr tl .<niry htvk. W, ■ Any JUnk of Plttaburg or the !->!jUJr of thin j>;«jx-r H I will tell you that our wont ia good, and that w« are H I ■*?« reaponelble. H We do not humbug you like no many advertising ao ■ H called "DUtlller*." ** By btiyiag from ON yon get an boneat article, mad): rw| H from boneat, aelect grain, by boneat people, H H Hend for our private j»rlce liat. B If yon will aend aa tb«* narn<-a of 10 good famillea in yonr B H vicinity wbo nae Whlakey for medicinal purpoae*, and to whom we ■ may aend onr price Mat, w« will aend you. with yonr lirxf order, H H UM 'inartof Pnre Virginia Homemade l»la/kl<erry Wln<-, KKKE. H I MORRIS FORST & CO., I Car. TM Ave, * Swltklltld St., fit u bar;, Pa, J DO YOU WISM TO HAKE YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS, YOUR CHURCHJ YOUR LODGE, OR ANY ROOM MORE ATTRACTIVE? WRITE US FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING WHEELING CEILINGS MADE OF STEEL. WHEELING CORRUGATING CO., WHEELING. V. VA. | DANCE OF THE DEER THE OLD DOE S GRACEFUL ANTICS WITH HER YOUNGSTERS. Ckaralsc aid tnunoaJ sp»rt»fle That Vu WltnfKed by a Hm»«er. A Sorel Clrcn In i Falrr Him*. Tie Voibk Lord of the Wo«da. Tie first tiiue I s-a-x him 'was in the co&piiDT of iiis mother and a sister, whom Le much resembled, says Hngh M. Warraod in Blackwood's Magazine. He was playing and nibbling along the soft frige of a little tarn. What a dainty, nimble, unconcerned looking llt tkr person be was! 1 sat hidden on a hillock about 200 yards distant watch ing the trio. His mother was a very large old doe, whom I bad known by for several seasons, but this was the only one in whicb she had been suc cessful in rearing both ber infants to such an age of semi-independence. It might bare been a week later ere I saw the old mother doe out again w;tb her family, when again I foqgfl her feeding by the little tarn In the hollow. Sbe appeared totally unaware of ity presence, and what she was about I ooukl not imagine, for she strolled backward and forward as a man might who was making up his mind about something. Suddenly sbe sprang forward a yard or two into a round open space in the heather, hitherto unnoticed by me, and beg sn running round and round. As if from out of the very earth and al most at the same moment into tbe cir cle jumped Master Buck and his sis ter, and before I had time to gues3 at what was going to happen I found my self tbe solitary spectator of certainly the most novel and graceful circus I had ever seen or may ever hope to see again. Bound went tbe old doe faster and faster, ber children after ber. Then she faced about, chasing tbe latter this time. Again sbe turned and was fol lowed, and so tbe game went on. Pres ently all three w#re out of tbe ring, led by tbe doe, and bounding away through the heather, over the ridge and out of sight. I thought that I bad seen the lait of them for one day, but not so. Back I beheld tbe performers coming at full gallop, and this time tbey had another performer with them. Last year's fawn bad Joined the troupe. On they all came without a stop and into tbe fairy ring, where I was treated to another graceful performance, which seemed rather more complicated than the first. I w!»h I had studied it bet ter, but I was so surprised at tbe whole tblag and it was ov«r so quick ly tbat I really had not a fair chanc* to grasp every detail. In a few minutes the ring watt emp ty. the performers out of sight, and I left alone to wonder If what I saw wag real or Imaginary. ileal It certainly wan, for when my astonishment had worn off a little I got up and went for ward to view the fairy circle, where I found abundant trace# of my fairies, and a few yard* away I found another circle, which wan evidently In use, and farther on another, frhlch appeared old and disused. In one stood a tree, In another two stumps of tree* cut down, the latter being the one most In use, to judge by the state of the ground, I went home happy that evening, for I felt that I htd been n witnew to a spectacle few *i*ortsn)en have had an opportunity of witnessing. From the time when I fir«t saw my young lord of the wood* playing In the fairy ring with hi* mother and ulster I saw him frequently each year and usually about the »ame spot. He was really a grand beast. Tlie full deep coronate*, stout dark horn*, rough a* ancient birch trees, with long curved points atmve, formed a head »u< h as I have never seen on any living buck before. It was a head to dream of. My brotlier, a friend who had never seen a buck and I took a walk one Sunday afternoon to vl*lt a loch on the hill which had lately been atocked with trout. We lay for u long time In the heather watching the fish rl*e, and flndhig the hour, when we rone to go, wan later than we had Imagined, we took a Nbort cut back through the big fir wood*, which short cut led u* through my lord'* domain. Our friend was particularly anxious to see a good buck, so I led the way first by a track where I happened to know a nice beaut was often to Men, but of course on that day he was Invisible. Proceeding homeward we entered a little valley to the east of the part of the wood that my lord wax supposed to have selected a* hi* own and where I had not hem a roe that season. A* we came out at the far end, there, ly ing down on the slope before u», was my lord himself. He must linve seen us before we saw him, hut had allowed us to approach to within *lxty or seven ty yard*. We all three stood still gay. In.; at him In rapt astonishment, while be gazed Inquiringly back at u* with a look whi'-h said, "1* not the Sabbath my own to rest?" Then he row, and with two loud slurp hark > disappeared over the bill. I have never him since. I ■ought him many times, hut hi* pow er* of evasl 'i ere superior to mine of pursuit. At times 1 almost wonder ed if he was not some uncanny phan tom, the ghost of a ijreat hu ,- k of the pleistocene age. Uut, no; It I* he v/hom 1 knew from babyhood, grown now to be a great lord of the forest, and a master of woodcraft. Are not the mark* of hi* torn* on every sapling within his domain? Kverywbwe there is evidence of a material body and of mischief and temper. I can only wish that he mny go scot free all bis days. Ill* grace I* hi* own, hi* charm p'-r --hap* thai of the falrle*. Who I' m ever •hot a buck that he *aw Initiated in the Ix'Wllderlng turn* and doubling of the falrle*' ring? THE SPANISH NOVIO. A (illtnnl Who Karri? WrcJn llw Mal<J<-» II- Att-utim. A Kpnnlah maiden wbo IN In tb« letiat attractive U alwaya attended by a young man. Ho la called her novlo, anil It la hla privilege to accompany bw on her walka, though of cotirac nl way* with either b<-r mother or n maid to play propriety. ilia courtaldp ad ton end* In hla becoming engaged to the young lady, but wblle It hiata abb baa to be obedient and loyal lo blm. If he ahould Iranafcr hla affection* to another fair damael, lh<* slighted one I' baa no r«-dr<-aa, for be la nt liber ty to do ao, their friendship never !><• in k regarded In the light of a formal 'WWemeat. Marriage* ar<- settled by : the h«-fi<la of the two famlllea chiefly J concerned, and until such an arrange i ment la made the young Hpanlard may I be novlo to aa many glrla aa be llkca, I one after another. 'Hil* ctiafotn baa J certainly more advuntagea for the men than It baa for the maldcna, hut yet j few Hpanlah glrla would care to lie ! without a novlo, however fickle he 1 might be. Hula In l*ala*»»la. A a< lentlat exploring t'utagonla aaya: "The Impaaaablllly of I'atagonbt mud 1« proverbial, You cannot walk through It, and It takea a aturdy utile to curry you through. More often than not II ' la '-auaeii hy the burrowing of a tallleaa j rat known aa the tucu tueti. Acrea Upon iKYea, amounting to a<juare mile* even, of olberwlne aound ami whole j aome ground are undermined |,y thla I liid.-fifllgnble Utile pe»,t. !(<• holda the country aa nothing elae holila It until j the advent of aheci> or <uitl«> (which he , hai< i; induce* him to aiilft the accne of hla nightly luhora." IJoaton i'ran- IKTlpt,. 1 Pace i /v ~ That I Tells. In the six day bicycle races the pace tells terribly at the end. Man after man falls out exhausted. The victor wabbles wearily over the line. In the business race it's the same. Man after man drops oat exhausted. The success ful man is often a dyspeptic, unable to enjoy success. When the stomach is diseased there is not enough nutrition assimilated to sustain the body and re pair the daily waste of tissues. The result is weakness, tending to collapse. Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery cnres diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion anrl nutrition. It enables the perfect assimilation of food by which the body is built up with sound, healthy flesh. •I have taker: one bottle of Doctor Fierce® Golden Medical I«jcc.-rrry for indigestion and liver complaint.'* write* Mr C M WiUcm, of Yadkin College Davidnon Co.. N C. " had no bad »ince I commenced tak.n? y.uz medicine—in fact have not felt like the utne man Before I took the 'Golden Medical Discovery' I could not eat anything with- ut awful dlitress bat now I can eat anything I winh withoot having unpleasant feeling? J—■ st far:znrz ocr baby was teething and so ptx r he was almost a skeleton We gave him your Golden Medical I/isovery' and now he is as healthy and well as anv child. I will speak a (food word f'.r your medicine whenever I have an opportunity." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure sick headache. N QSSi CATARRH /f|,^ In Hi iu JUO/ Ely's Cream Balm v P/// &euum,tootbetat»dheais f the diseased mem brace. 1 It care* catarrh atd drive* •way a cold in the bead qnkklj. Cream Ilalm ia placed into the noatrJ», epreada over the membrane and ia absorbed. Eei ef ia im mediate and a care follows. It ie not drying—doe* not produce sneezing. Larze Size, 50 cents at Drag gift* or hjr mail; Trial Size, JQeecta. ELT BROTHERS. V, Warren Street, New York For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief Immediate—cure certain. Three Sizes, 25c.. 30e. aud £ I .00. hold by 'iruccUu. or sen I prepaU on receipt of priee. luinphrpfV Medletoe Co., Cor. William and fobn fcta.. .tew l urk. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over AO years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Hold by DragghU, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphrey*' Med. Co., W.lluun t John St«., N. V. PAROID READY OOFING, J)/ ; .KUII). The koofing with NO FAk. Won't dry out. Won't i;row brittle. A NYONK can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core ol each roll. IJ EI'RESKNTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. / iNLY requires painting every f<:wyears. Not when fif»t laid. I S Cheaper than Gravel, S!;:te or Shingle* I DEMAND for I'AKOID is world wide. 'MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Otbw t"su—A. Humpies arid Price* are your* if yon will auk DM. L C. WICK, BUTLEK. PA. *I.OO DELIVERED ANYWHERE t' l in the United States, beautiful rnirilatur*. walnut "(Juckoo Clock." (Mtw nmaiiwnt n jr c*r»»1; milotautlally i<u> ABjk '/4t«th«r. Kv<-rjr clock ruurmiU;.*! SBfIMWI l»«rfr. i tlmn k««p«r Kl>»a«it Krtw- fICTIW tor car'l parll<;«; pruunt. HKI 2B Mjvlc of lmf'l wood. hJ4 liicFmi* fillfli, Sg! jL iJSI/iclie* «Me H« <1 for Urge cat* ViMT lo* of >p4>'lsltl/:> tin low •/JS* t>rl''! will utartlc you I IRI*STATI TRADING CO., fi 109 torttoM Wrffl. fitlvfeorfl. P«. '« REMOVAL. We hav« removed our Marble and Granite ahopa from corner jif Main and ' lay *trc< i« ii N'" '<"> N. Main f (opposite W. I» IJraridon'a reaidenc*), where we will i<e pleaded to m -et our caatomera with llgurea that are right on Monuments & Headstones 'A all kinds atirl *»n .i! to prcjoircl to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc.. nn M- btvr ur<-1 lha aolc agency from tbe (Stewart Iron Work* of Oin cinoati.Obio, for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler :v you liavc uny t' itl itlitli- or liunliK't* lo •wit. we i'nri aell If. II- you wuni, tolMiy iievtl.lnir w have IL for ante, THE < I'KKII.It 'XiMI'ANV, Z4M 4tb Ave, I'llUl.iirK, I'a. Do You buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want tin ■< •» f<;i Ik leant money. I hat is our motto. (Zotnr anil >»<•<• »'* whet, i i nec<l of anything in the \)rt ;j» Line and w arc sure you will call again. We carry .1 full line of I>rngH, Chemical*, Toilet Article*, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy H. <i. PtJUVIH, I'M. <J Both Phonaa. 818 H Mali: Ht. Hutler I'*. Might aa wull h«vo tins l*«t, trr lilt tor & KockenaUdu a fur your u#xt aolt. I ANOTHER WORD ABOUT XMAS. Do you realize that Xmas will be here in less than four weeks, it is a fact and people are already buying. My stock is now complete and includes a : full line of Hand Painted China. ' Gold Vases, Imperial Bronze, Statuary, Gold Clocks, Toilet ( Sets, in addition to a full line of Jewelry, Diamonds, Diamond | Brooches, Watches, both in gold and gold filled, solid silver ware, Fancy Articles. Portable Reading Lamps, etc., in fact 1 have the largest line of goods this year I have ever had and my store is surpassed by few even in large cities and my prices are much lower, quality considered. No misrepresenta tion. I would be very much pleased to have you call and look around. Carl H. Leighner •leweler ami Optician, 2<'DS. Main .-treet. - Bntler, Pa. 1 —— Christmas Tailoring •m't any belter here than onr plain, every day kir,<f. For we always do onr bet-f OU ev. ry SUIT OK CO 4 T oideied. You tan never find fanlt witl' on wcuk. for there isn't any to find Cloth fir wnd finish are altvajs perfect. We would liks to make yotl Boiue new clothes for Christinas, jui-t to have yon feel r«ai!y well for oace Jas trv the experiment and see, WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor Diamond, Butler, Pa metal novelties Useful things to give a man —at little cost. Table of handsome Metal Bill Clips, Ink Wells, Paper Weights, Match Holders, Pipe Racks, Ash Trays—Novel de signs—with artistic colorings, 15c to $4.50 each. Burnt Wood Novelties with hand painted decorations In vivid colors, 50c to $3.50 each. Remember, that we will pay Postal, Freight or Express Charges on all purchases amounting to $5.00 or more if destined within 500 miles. Bo£sj\s & Huh) AIJ.F.OHKMV PA. EVERY WEEK SHOWS GROWTH nnd tuinK* morn convincing »vi di-i.n h of a Imalthy biiHiuMM | Ikxiiii. Kow in lh< time to n.'iiki' money, an«l my o)Ji<e* a r « the place t'> make it in M|»ectilatlon. H«-nd for Ixiokh td nhowinK what 1 do for my euntomer* R. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds 223 Fourlb Avenue, MTTSBUHG. Local office,2l3S. Main St. Butler, E. L. STILLWAGON, Manager. $350 PIANO ONLY $l4O lloflmann'i, SJ7 hmllhllclil SI., i'lllalwri. j A handaome mahogany upright piano \ with Iwantlful, mellow ton<\ worth : wil Im «old for 1110, Including ' «tix»l and cover. Thin i* a high grade, | allghtly ua»d piano, in perfect condition ' nnd an • xceptlonal linrgain. If yon want a piano and can h'Jy one , at aliont half iu regnlar value would It not pay well to InviNtlgal" thia extra <rdinary olfi-r"' If ao, call or write for roll pnrtii'tilaiM .1 M HOFFMANN ''O., | fi37 Hmithfleld atri' t, I'lttabnrg, I'a Katahliahed IHlli). Hole repreaentatl vea ( Cor bohmer, V'oaa and JUohuiatf Plauoa. ' ■ The "7.7." i-s guar- j anteed forflOdajs given if they break within If yrur dealer j does not keep them write ! Eyes Examined Free of Charge Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next Do-jr to Court House. Butler, Pa COY IAZ RR( >T - EHS Members Pittsburg Stock Exchange. Boorc> SOC-j<>7-Keystone f:ldg.. .'124 4t hive. Both l'hones. Pittsburg. Pa. HUGH L CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278 People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street BUTLER. PA bpecidl Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO 1 will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904. FIB H K, R, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works We haw a large number of late model IC'-rriirigtoiiH. i-mlth Premiers. Hammonds, I ituburg v i*»lb!es and other standard makes ,f Typewriters that we will sell ch-aii. UNDEKWOOD TY'PEWKITEK COMPANY. -11 I'lfth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. IF YOL" WANT TO BELL YOUB KAKVt. House I,r Business we ran sell It for you. If yon w<*nf i« buy «i- <-ac furnish you a prop «-riy or business. Wrlce to Heal Estate De partment, Isterna'icnal Savior* * Trnat CO., Pttteburg, I'a. FARM 3 FASMi FARMS ixt you want to sell or exchange your farm? IK> you want to buy a farmV If %o write •IA«. A. COOPEK A CO.. 41') Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. TIM XALL- feller and prouoter of nat ents. <4*< (lerman National llanU Itulldln/. Pittsburg, Pa. PEHf-iVHOVAL PILLS . Jk. <?>• ir j *mfr. M* . -r» •lluAA* l.iulif*. nMk riruinrUl fo» CilK f(IlN / > !•; *• ««<*■,lHlf it, K«-d «>«»!>• t* > • with bin* ribbon. ribfßOl' r. I*.- f t'u« (fititKrruuilblMtl luMo»iwitnii hiiilMilftim. liny of your I'njififint, of mud i«•. i • to* l # i iilculan, T*atl ifi'itjl.tln . . " for (.itdlra," in W^r by rrluni Zr»*l. I «-• imottia!*. Hold bj ail l»rtiry ■*, fH!< »J* . /Krf ORKMICAL CO. ■ Utfdu -. VJ .» 1~. M* «a<%4A VICTOR MACHINERY CO. C <r. Mxlitli A I.llxrly Ht*. I'lll.*liur|f, l»a. l-tinil IHfttance Bell Telephone. Hid* furnUl.wl for Installing or morltitf plant*. Crneral repair* on prlnlliiK idii <-hln»-ry. Kxtx-rt* tar lent awl *U-a»i <i,iflno». Experimental work; general repair*, etc. Yot'NQ MEN To li'urn teiegraphy anil ixmltlotm on rallrou'l; rare op|x>rltinl ■»; rail ul onre. I'KNNHVI,VA NIA TEI.Efi ItA I'll OOI.LEUE No* IVW-WI W2 OUII/ewl* lilock, I'ltUliurx. I'a VISITORS tj I'itthl<nr« or Allegheny will ftuil the BEST DINING ACCOMODATIONS K. J. IH RIG, Ladli-H* and Gentlemen')) I fining ami Limcli Kooiiih, t'J & lil I'nrk Way, Oj<p. Bf >k«h <V Buhls (SfHr Ft Wayne Station) Allegheny, Pa Ste ti:r Sign direct oppmllc the Old I'uxtolflce Thjolor9 Vogelfcj. M Real EktaW and w^m Imurancc Agency, l*i li* S. Main St. L 3 duller. Pa. J ■ ft you har* property I mmM Ui irtulf., or ruo k or, want to buy or cTI runt rati, writ** or A uhorin u»#i. VJH List Mailed Upon Application ®> ®> II VOC WANT TO HEAR WFAR (iA«;i.T S TELEPHONE EAR DKI.'M Im St LMdw Balldioff. IIFTII AVEM'K. I'ITTHUI'HO, PA. madam'"Sh. Dean's I A ntf*', r**rUt\t\ r« \U ,t Hu|«(#r«-hmml I Mcfmf million. N'-v . k t,.,«rn 'o f.»/l. Hnfi*? I Hurt*l Halln/if f lon < 4 intrant* «"1 H of mom y ri'l«^l. Wi'tit |>r« (or H II.W/ jx-r mi«, Will nt-m1 Unm on I riit) lo H lm paid forwli*ri n*ll« v<*«l. Htimplin Kruf. ■ UWItIP MCOICAI CO., mo* tA, Itnifitn g BoM in l5otl««r at th« Centra Ave. Pharmacy. LEGAL RIGHTS OF TENANTS A V Eli IT AIS I«K MINK Ol IMoUMATION, I Worth many t lm<-» lt« cot! ; in <J<i»ljfm*<J to [ nrot« 'i t« nant« to tin- fullnut «-*l«*n» «»f th«* ilnw, I ull > H'curttUi hm<l ulmoliii«'ly r«- Miilfh-; wnili-ii In plain and klmplti litnKUfttfti, i Ik will |>ay f»»r l!n«ilf many hundr«-<l iln»« «». I J'tlhlUhcl l.y th« TKNANTK ttfOIITH MCAOI'K. In*,j#L "A" I' lint. Nallonal Hani' Jll'ltf. Wllblfin hu/'t'. I'a I'rifM puNtpiild. Agm<u wanted l:asy and Quick! Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To make tlie veiy lir-.t tonp, f.imply •lisvilve :t c.iii of Ihtnttir Iys in «old watrr, inclt slb». of };rc.f.r, jiour the I.yc water in tlic j;rca-.<-, J.tir and jnil u'i'lc to let lull lllrcitliini on I.very l'w.ka(o Jtunnrr !ye ii pulveri/c<l. The ran may l/c o(jened arid • loitcd at will, jicr mitting the u-.e of a omall quantity at a lime. It ii ju-jt tli«- ariiile ii<!t'<lr<l in evciy houachold, ll will clean paint, floors, mai Me and tilr work, ►often iv.iicr, ili*»irifert hinkn, rlotet* and wa«.to pipe* Write lor booklet of H,inner Iyt ' free. ' lb* Pmn Chrmlial Worka. 1'lilla.Ul„lil« Adv« rtli' iu Tli« Citlzou. 1 Beef Iron and Wine. i Our famous system builder and general tonic makes rich, red blood and tones the various organs. Easy to take and quick to act. A warm glow can be . felt stealing to the finger tips with almost the first dose. Don't You Need a Tonic? Are you weak, tired, run i down, nervous, with thin blood, ; pale lips, and no appetite? If ! so, take a bottle; it brightens ! the eyes and makes red cheeks. Price 50 cents a pint Satisfaction or your money back. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G„ BOTH PHONES. 106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Binding: of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire timf to studying the best j and latest iretliods of doing our' work. It" ycu arc thinking of having sorrc work done in this line I am sure you will be weil pl.-a&cd if ) ou have it done a; Ite Boiler Book Binder;, W. W. A MOM, Prop. OPD Conrt Honw. L. C. WICK, DEALKB Ts* LUHBER. ■—t m MMMM Vr Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rt.ar of Wick House- Butler ''enn'a The best of horses and first class rigs al wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perma aent boarding and transient trade. Bpecl al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A K»od c ass of horses, both drivers a«>(l draft horses always on band and for sa!e j"ler a full guarantee; and horses bough won proper notification bv PEARSON B. NACE. T- Kttcon* No 21 . ELY MAY J. V. STUAItT MAY & STUART, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Best Accommodations in town For Trannient Custom. PHONKS: People's 125; Bell 59. Kearofßickel Building, H- Mian St. Bntler, Pa W S. & E. WFCK, UKALEUHIN Hough and Worked Lumber of til Kln(V Dnora, Hanh and Moulding OH Well lUkh a Hpeclaltf. Oflli-e and Yard K. Cunningham and Monro* Hti 'nur wniit Heon Depot, in"' rtj » i i fWindowGiassi £ ANY > ; J SIZE < > CUT S \ TO T ' I ORDER < 5 Redick <& Grohman | S 109 North Mdin St:, I 1 Butler, Pa. i Don't Know That? That Ht'-ni'n Creamery an«l Milk depot lit Dim jear of 417 Honth Mmlu Afreet horn operation* WELL, IT IS! Ami if you want if'""! Milk, C'rram. Cr«uii«ry Butter or Butter mllk, call awl «(••• mm or wnteh for our wax oo ' People * Phone l!I"i 801 l Phono 2<JB. AHK YOU 11 GR(X;KR for Hteen'ii Boiled f'ider in quart j»m. We KnnmnU-e >ur nroduct" pare and fr e from any adulteration. J. II STEEN'S CREAMERY. M C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER IMb Hon 111 Main Ht C< )STI I MKS Ami all niM*im»lll»«i tar Hlitg* find MiiMjiiartMln Mi&U" ni#h Wlkh, IliunU, <ir«ii»c|ii4lfit«, <illt lirutil. ll' IU, « < hi* r.-uHonuMy hlrttd or lxjlJ|(lll lit Kmhct BrnH. •toxJK. Ohio Htr<»)t. Allegheny, Pa. 111. 1,1. I'IIONF. nb-U* KIIAH < Wm. Foster, ? | Architect. I ? 4WMMNI iIMMM *.> c r Plan of all kind of liuildlnif* v j furninhed on mhort nottoo. S ' >€ Ofllee In IW# HulliliiiK. f J \ Butler, Pa I THE LARGEST IN THE COUNTY. | | THE \ j Butler County National Bank. j | A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of 1 Butler County to do business with. | / Capital # 300,000.00 j | Strength surplus 300,000.001 (Assets 2,706,342 30 f We invite YOUR business—assuring ycu PROMPT COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. I "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" j """"' MAKE THE I 1 YOUNG FOLKS HAPPY By opening for each one with a Dollar or more a ?■ CHRISTMAS BANK ACCOUNT tit will teach them habits of thrift that will benefit theui later in life. S Three per cent, interest compounded semi annually paid. *■ I Branch Banks for home use free to depositors. tier Savings & Trust Co. 108 South Main Street ASSETS $2,034,801.12. booklet "Saving for the asking. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLEK, PA. CAPITAL - $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EARN EI)) Account* of the public solicited. A liberal rate of inteiest paid. JOHN T YOUNKINS President.. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice Proeideut E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER. Ass't Cashier. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIg j For Sale. | || The real estate of Mrs. Mary IS gj B. Muntz, deceased, consisting of j sg the following tracts, all located in jj« gf the Borough of Butler, Pa. lis Ist. A strip fronting 115 feet on South JSi Main street and extending along the B. & {gj* O. R. R. about 500 feet. This tract is well Jgf adapted for manufacturing or warehouse Ip 2nd. The homestead of about two acres, j^l having a large comfortable dwelling house fsrs; S6SJ and outbuildings, fronting 150 feet on Main street and lying between the plank road and the B. &O. R. R., having a frontage .fls 86|J on the latter of over 500 feet. This tract is unexcelled for manufacturing purposes, and has a never failing spring of water f&l 8 M a 3rd. A tract of about eight acres south tg* of the plank road and west of Main street. *||| This tract can be subdivided into about iF; forty buildings lots, commanding a splendid jHI view and within a few minutes walk of the business portion of the town. |f|jg 18 4th. A large lot fronting 120 feet on jg* igj Main street and having thereon a two story all! frame slate roof dwelling house in excel- )§k lent condition and with all modern con- |g jg veniences. | V? For prices, terms, etc,, inquire of {j| | John N. /Muntz, jj §} No. 637 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa, || li Pittsburg Exposition W ■J AND THE M fj KLEBER PIANO l] A I'itUjtirn Art Product. Manufactured by Ll r 4 tbit old and well known firm, H H. KLEBER & BRO. 0 rfl Factory in (Jreonabnnr, Pa. When yon vlttit W2 kl the Exposition don't fail to call at Kleber'a [ ■ W A Ml# Store, 2'H-WA Fifth Avenue, and fee the kl Irf'Hiitifnl Klulrt r Pluno*. W A 3 The Kleber Baby Grand r. In now and daintleat (Irand Piano mad*. Catalog free if yon urn thiukinK "f W A > imyiiiK « Piano fill ont thin COUPON. r ■ i »»»****»*♦*** ***]t > | lam Ihlnkiot of a IMaao Srad to my nddrea. a | I « I J copy of your I'amoui Hlil Time Sooja free of (barge: I r K letter* are the nolo agenta for the f anion* ij 1 Knabe Pianos ij Subscribe for the CITIZEN
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