I ■■ 11 THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1904. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE-AU advertisers U>t«ndlo* to make changes In their ads. »boaid notify nsor tbeir Intention to do so not later than MOD dar morning. Butler Savings and Trust Co> state mAlf M. Keiber & Bros Christmas Bros Holiday Goods. Halston & Smith s XM Good* Notice of meeting of Worth Mutual of meeting of Butler Co. Nat. Bank. Carl Leighners locals. Administrator* and Execji«ir» of estates cin a«cur« their receipt boo** at the OITUI.H oQce. and psrw.-.i m . .Ins pa'iUc sales thrtr rote book*. LOCAL AND GENERAL. $ No"W is the Time £ To enroll yonr name on subscription list In thisria TEiseue we begin the opening altera of 'The Simple Life."' ■Jpstory that President Rc*>sevelt<© ■•■ recommends so highly, and the\#/ *author of which. Mr. Wagner. issg W,the only man whom the sfbas, or will, introduce to an audygv Jfience during his presidency * One dollar sent to ns now will<33 *get yon the CITIZEN marked paid£o *until January 1, 1806. Order 2,oncc and get the whole story. —Road our Christmas alvs. —Many new houses are going np in the West End. —The Car Works strike is over, and the West End bars are again down. —All the departments of the Car Work* are now in operation at niglt. —A Pittsbarg firm shipped a million tobies to Shanghai a few days ago The Chinks are trying to screw np enough courage to take part in the war. , —A Chicago man asked tor a court Injunction to restrain hi* wife from talking. Anybody can imagine what happened to him when he got home. —The Butler Choral Union made their public debut Tuesday evening by presenting the opera "'Creation' in toe Majestic. The audience WHS highly pleased. —The Grand Jary of Venango coun ty was at work on those charges of cor ruption last week, bat none of the at torneys there would assist the District Attorney. —A special mass and service was held is St. Pitnl's Roman Catholic church, Monday morning in memory of Father Daniel Walsb, whose death occurred. Dec. 5, 1903, from typhoid fever. \ —A continued growth of the Butler Savings and Trust Co. is indicated by their statement as made to tho Com missioner of Banking under data of Nov 21. The statement will be fonnd . elsewhere in this issue. Christmas comes on the last Sunday of the month and year Under the ■t<tubes of Pennsylvania Christmas is a legal holiday, and when a legal holiday falls on Sunday the following day, Mon day is observed as the leg-il holiday —The datea and places for the Farm ers' Institutes are— Slippery rock, Jan. 18 and 14; W Sunbnry, Jan 16 and 17, sod Saxoobnrg, 1% and 19. A new tern in with which to "inoculate" the ■oil is said to have been discovered. —Under the Belgian law. unmarried men over twenty-five have one vote, married men and wiaowcrs with fami lies have two vote% and priests and other persons of position and education have three votca. Severe penalties are imposed on those who fail to vote. —Two big Bntler county farms have lately been sold at high figures. Robert S Irwin sold the old Sheriff Brown farm tX Brownsdale to Mr. Hnrtzell for $14,000, and C. Gerlach, the Harrisville creamer} man, bought the Lewis Pat terwn farm at Slipperyrock for $14,000 —Several new houses art being built On the McJaukin & Stover tract at > Kearns Crossing, and the Butler Brick F & Tile Works and Daubenspeck & Tomer's mine are giving employment to many men. now thirty - fire houses between the crossing and the old Salt Works. —During the past few years the P. R. B. Co. has spent twenty millions of dol lars for improvements in and about Pittaburg The new belt lines of track aggregate a hundred miles, and there are now 350 miles of storage track, which onght to prevent another freight congestion. —A deer was.killed on the Clapp es tate near President, Venango county, the other d<iy, by one of the foremen in charge of the lumbering operations. He •titled out earl; in the morning and de cided to take his gun with him. When f about three miles from the hotel he heard a rustling in the bushes and cock ed his gun and waited on the road. A | moment later a six-prong back attempt ed to cross the road and he had a broad tide shot and fired. The deer dropped dead in its tracks. Kiirou(;li Affairs. At the meeting of tbe Borough coun eil. Tuesday evening, bill* and balance* aggregating over neven thousand del l»r» were ordered paid, and HH thirty- I •even thousand of the forty-three thou a»nd for the year ending May 1, 1005. ban already been expended, the council la fearfnl of running oat of money. Dr Maxwell ana Joi Rockenstsin were appointed members of the Board of Health, vlca members resigned. Of ficer McQuistion resigned, bnt bis place was not filled. A request for teams from the Fire Department was referred to tbe committee; and the Council will look at the Shoffel lot for garbage j, nr . i poaea. Mayor Kennedy aaked for and was granted a secret session of tho Council for to-morrow evening. B. J\ O. K. The Majestic was crowded, last San day afternoon, for tbe annua) memorial services of the Benevolent & Protected Order of Elks, which has a large meui bernhip here. The stage was handsomely decorated, and tb« servic.es included addresses by Dr*. W*«*)ti ami Barber; solos by Miss es Stella Armstrong and Charlotte Heiner.anl Mr. Geo. Amy,and choruses by the choir. W. J. Marks, of Butler, was the only member wbo died during the year. Thos) well dressed men have been to •ee Hitter A Rockenstein. Yoor new Fall sulf at Ritter St Rock enstein'*. Toilet Sets, Manicure Seta, Portable OH Lamps, Chaffing Dishes, Gold Vases, Imperial Bronze Statuary, makes fine Christmas gifts. Call and see my fine line. Carl H. Leighner. Jeweler and Optician. Bt tier, Pa. Always up to-date Ritter & Rwken atein's clothing. Rltter Si Rock- PERSON" AX. P. E. Graham of Chicora has been ap pointed Humane Agent for that vicini ty Morgan Davis and family have gone tp Petersburg, Ya., where they intend passing the winter. Miss Tessie Eberhart has returned from Kansas, where she spent three months with relatives. Misses Margaret and Emma St. Clair have moved from their farm in Centre twp to Mercer St., Bntler. J. M. Randall, of Branchton, one,of the "Bessie" engineers, called upon Butler friends, last Saturday. Mrs. Charles Sehoenfield and children, of Bruin, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Campbell, last week. Rev. Dr. Rhodes, a Lutheran minis ter of St. Louis, who was a native of West Snnbnry, visited friends here, last week. Queen Alexandra, of England, was sixty, last Thursday, and received a nice compliment—"May you live till you look it." Josiah Christy, of West Snnbury.Pa.. has been granted a pension of twelve dollars per month, through the efforts of W. C. Findlay. Dr. Linn Caldwell of Ford City, a son of John B. Caldwell of Jefferson twp., is lying sick with typhoid at the Mercy Hospital in Pittsburg. Rev. Moran's lecture in the Second Presbyterian church, Monday evening, on "True Success, ' was very highly ap preciated by a large audience. S. J. Taylor, of Slipperyrock, Secy, of the Worth Mutual Fire Ins. Co., was in town, Saturday, arranging for the annual meeting of the directors of that company. William B. Kirker has been appoint ed Prothonotaiy of Allegheny county, to succeed J. B. Hamilton, deed. Mr. Kirker now lives in Bellevue, tut was born in this county in IH6O. "Jimmy the Fiddler," who occasion ally comes to Butler fiom the Lord knows where, was arrested on Butler St.. Pittsburg, the other night for poor singing and fined #5 and costs. Champ Clark says he saw the land slide coming,and "got out and hustled," which is why he is one of the few Dem ocratic Congressmen re-elected in Mis souri. Mr. Clark is one of the men who would be missed if he had dropped out. Dr. J. C. Boyle intends going to Eu rope next year to take special courses on the eye, ear. noso and throat, in the treatment of which he has already been very successful, but he wishes to per fect himself rft the great school in Lon don. Jonathan Morrow has a new toy—a lead pencil with a little wheel oa the tnd of it, held there by a pin; and when yon rub the niches made on the pencil towards one end the wheel tarns one way, and when you rub the niches in the other direction the wheel turns the other way. Jonathan was exhibiting his toy in the Court House, the other day, and trying to discover a scientific explanation of the phenomenon. Miss Anna Eva Fay. a spiritualistic medium, who held forth in Old City Hall, Pittsburg, last week, astonished most people present, and amazed others bv her answers to personal questions. At the two performances of one day she answered over 500 questions, and from a number of persons in attendance it was ascertained that a number of valu ables had been regained through infor mation received from Miss Fay. County Supt. Painter. la«t week, vis ited seventeen schools and held three educational meetings in the county. On Friday he goes to New Castle to take part in the School Directors' Conven tion, of Lawrence county, where he is to give an addre3*. Mr. Painter tells us that the institute, which is to be held here Dec. 19. will be one of the best ever held in this county. The evening entertainments are each of a high class ordar. and are to be held in the Majestic Theatre. The Butler IJusineHS College Winter term opens Monday. January 2, 1905. School in session diy and night. Fine enrollment, with prospects of our best year's work. Best dates on which to enter, Dec. 5, and Jan. 2, IWJS. May enter at an time. New catalogue and circulars fr to those interested. INVESTIGATE! A. F. REGAL. Principal. butler, Pa. No better Christmas present than a scholarship in the Bntler Business College "Eager ami Nipping Air." Now that the season for Colds, Coouhs and Neuralgic Pains is with us. the careful man is on the lookout for such preventive measures as will guard him against the "eager and nipping air" that may prepare the way for a winter's sickness. It is not to look far for a preventive and cure; at the nearest drug store you will find Dr. Humphreys' "Seventy-seven." Those who habitual ly carry and take "77" at the first- sneeze or shiver rarely have a serious Cold or illness. At Druggists. 25 cents, or mailed. Humphreys' Medicine Co.. Cor. Wil liam and John Streets, New York. P. R. R. Co'* Clerical Order, i Pursuant to its usual custom, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will issue clerical orders for tho year IOCS to ordained clergymen having regular charge as settled pastors of churches located on or near its lines. Clergymen desiring such orders should make in dividual application for same on blanks famished by the Company and which can now be obtained from the Ticket Agents. Applications should be sent to the General Office of the Company as soon as possible, in no caw later than December 15, so that orders may be mailed by December 30 to all clergy men entitled to receive them. B. It. & I*. By. Clerical Orders Clerical orders for the year 1005 will be issned by tbe Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. as in former years to ordained clergymen having regular charge of churches located on or near tbe line of its road. Application blanks will be furnished by ticket agents of the Company, and should be forwarded to the General Passenger Agent at Ro chester not later than December 34th. No orders will be issued except on in dividual application of clergymen, made no blanks famished by the Company and certified to by one of its agants. Improved B & O Train Service. Effective with inauguration of winter schedule November 27th, trains 14 and 18 carry dining cars between Akron and Pittsburg. Train 14 leaves Chicago at 10:30 p.m, daily, three hours later than on old schedule, arriving at Pitts burg 3:15 p m., making connection with Duqnesne Limited for Philadelphia and New York. Time of train No. 15 has not been changed. Winter Holiday Excursions. The Bessemer St Lake Erie R. R. Co. will sell excursion tickets between all stations December 24, 20, 31, 1004, and January 2nd, good Returning Jan. 4th, 1005, at one and one-third fare for the round trip. Inquire of agents for rates, time or trains and other information. E D. COMSTOCK, G. P. A.. Pittsburg, Pa. I'UitE SPUING W AT 10It let; and Pure Spring Water, delivered daily to all parts of the town by JOHN A RICHEY. People's Phone 100. j A Christmas Gift bought at my j store always pleases tbe reciepient for ; they know it is good. Ido not deal in : shoddy jewelry and silverware and ex i pect to tie in Butler all my lifo. CARL H LKIOHNER, Jeweler and Optician, 200 S. Main St., Butler. A Yon would look better in one of Rit ter at Rockonsteln's now Fall suits. i Has your silver table-ware been giv ing you satisfaction? ir not yon did not buy it from nie. I do not handle shoddy goods. J CABI, H. LEIGH NEK, Jeweler and Optician, . Butltr, Pa. LEGAL NEWS. NEW SUITS C. H. Thompson and D. E. Hewit vs E. T. Qymonts, assumpsit for #706.6* claimed for apples sold to the defend ant. Louis J. Adler 6c Co. vs Jos E. Franklin, assumpsit for a di>puted bal ance of #SO on a liquor bill. Rudolph Kenctdy vs Louisa Kenne dy. divorce, desertion alleged. ( Denningler Bros. Oil Co. vsWahlville Coal Co.. appeal by defendants from judgment of #34 &7 rendered by H. W. j Christie, J. P. 1 International Savings and Trust ; 'o. ! receiver of the Duijuesne Mutual Casu alty and Indemnity Co. vs Westerman tiros, of th<? Chicora and Zelienople Hardware Co.. appeals by defts from judgments of #14.11. #*6.60 >»nd #43 60 rendered by 11. W. Cnristie, J. P J. H. Morrow vs Clay twp. appeal by plaintiff from judgment of Jacob Keck. J. P. Morrow was awarded the con tract for building a township bridge, but all the supervisors did not sign the contract, and they claim there was no contract. The amount involved is #lls. M. H. Kelly vs Butler Construction Co., appeal by defendant lrom judg ment of #215 rendered by Justice Keck. GRAND JURY. J. Walter Bartley of Oakland twp. was appointed foieman of the Grand Jury. Judge Qalbreath ordered thit reported violations of the liquor laws in Zelienople and Slipperyrock and in Butler be investigated fully. In givitig instructions to the constables his Honor mentioned these reports and also those of gambling rooms in Butlerand Chico ra and insisted that the officers do all in their power to bring violators V) jus tice*- Tbe Court also ordered the con stables to warn all merchants who have been selling on Sanday to des.st and if they did not heed the warning to indict them.. Jurvmen F. W Alemindinger. John Burton. Chas. Gross and James Jones did not report. O. W. Zeigler was ex cused from service. Last evening the Grand Jury made its first returns as follows: TRUE BILLS. Patrick Hays, a<feb with intent to rob. Jos. Ilooveler, enticing »■ child. S. W. Gill, a&b, and cruelty to animals. Jacob M. Freedinan, f&b. Petro Muto, burglary. Leonard De Froggi, a&b M. J. Sherman, f&b. Gt*orge Dawson, desertion and non support. Wm. M. Foster, assault. (2 cases.) Carrie Shnler fornication. John Buchanan, a&b. Peter B-Ttz, being a common gambler! Harry W. Matteer, a&b. Charles Conodore, selling liquor with ont license. S-tmuel Allen, felonious shooting. Chauncy Latshaw tnd Fred Pryor. burglary. Perry and Harry Grossman, larceny. Guy Dntriap, adultery, etc. NOT TRUE BILLS. Cyrus Manfz. assault, cos& on J. H. Martin. Mrs. John Martin, a&b, costs on C. Maatz. John Zwiztnski, false pretense costs on Jos. E.skyoitz. E R. Ward, resisting an affic?r, costs on county. Joseph Angotti, a&b. costs on county. A bridge over LittleCnnnoquenessiug in Connoqnenessing twp. was recom mended. NOT €3 The Butler Builders' Supply Co. la»-t evening j>etitioned Court for a re ceiver, placing its debts at #63,000. Tbe Guaranty S. I). & T. Co. was appointed. Tty> assets are said to exceed the liabili ties. A charge of a&b has been entered agaenst Koras Warko. Bastian Tangel, is in jail for defraud ing his boarding house keeper. Chauncy Litchaw had a hearing Fri day, and was held for Court in connec tion with the Elliott robbery. Ed. Connelly was committed to j til for disorderly conduct. On Friday last the jnrv in the case of the Henry Sheuk Co. of Erie vs the Butler County National Bank rendered a verdict for the plaintiff for $10,055.75, or about ten thousand less than the plaintiffs claimed, thereby afiirming the Bank's contention that the building was not finished according to the specifica tions. The will of Henry Steiu, dee'd, of Franklin twp. has been probated, John Stein and James Baker, executors Jacob Yorkovich, nn Austrian, held in jail on a charge of murder for the al leged killing of George Keasv at West Winfield, petitioned, Monday, for a writ of habeas corpus, having been committed to jail for trial without waiving bearing, it was alleged The writ was granted and Yorkovich had a hearing before Justice Keck, yesterday, and was held for trial. His case was also laid before the Grand Jury. II.C. Boggs hss been appointed Bur gess of Evans City, vice L. C. Mover, who has moved away. The Guaranty S. D. & T. Co, was ap pointed guardian of Fannie M. Barnes. On motion of District Attorney Hen ninger a nolle pros was allowed in the a&b case of Corn, vs J. C. Howard of Parker twp , in which Mrs. Ada McKia sick was prosecutor. A nolle pros was allowed on motion of the Com. in the case of Lynn Scott of Buffalo twp. who was indicted for man slaughter. He was charged with hav ing thrown a beer keg into a moving train, which struck and killed George Flanigan. Lick of sufficient evidence was the cause of the withdrawal. Solomon Dunbar, exr. of Jtsse E. Mil ler. was granted leave to sell real es tate. The Guaranty Trust Co. was appoint ed guardian of Fannie May Barnes. In the case of Martin Heim vs W. 11. Goehring, owner, and W. J. Powell, contractor, rule to strike off mechanics lien, the lien was stricken off for want of 30days' notice of intention to file. A writ of partition has been granted in the estate of Valentine Stock, dee'd. of Butler. Win, H. Walker. R. B. Taylor and Robert Huselton were appointed view ers on the petition of citizens of Win field twp. to'vacate a road. B. F. Milliard, Pn Daubenspeck and Harvey Boyd were appointed viewers on petition of citizens of Adams twp. for a new road. Sale of 50 acres of the estate of Nich olas Kirchner in Franklin twp. to Mary Baker, for $770.50 was approved. Sale of the Jordan Eyth property at Water and Wayne Sts., to John Scheir ing, for one of the heirs, for $-3 100 has been approved. John Connelly, a Lyndoraite who thrashed a Ilunkey who was his custo dian while under arrest sometime ago, and ran off with tbe handcuffs on him after the performance, was re arrested and on Monday was sent to jail for 00 days. The case against his brother was continued. The charge against Nick Deßello, ac cused of making an assault on Mrs Mc- Marlin at llallston. has been withdrawn and the case settled. W. E. Byers was api>ointed tax col lector of Venango twp. Report of sale of house and lot of | Nancy Stephensou in Cherry twp. to Givani Snosso for $231 was approved. Rejfort of the sale of 50 acres of Geo. ! Motherlien in Muddycreek twp. to ! Grant Jones for SIOOO was approved. ) Report of sale of lot of Emma Barr ; in Mars to A, M. Barr for $225 was ap proved. v The four case* of Mrs. Augusta Wahl, administratrix C. T. A. of Martin Wahl and Geo. Wahl, her step-sons, and W. C. Laderer, petition to strike off satisfaction of judgment* amount ing to S2JOO, were settled by the defend ants paying Mrs. Wahl $440. The petition of Charles H. Parker to strike off a mechanics lien filed against his house on E Ft-arl St. by 1 rank D. Pierce for alterations and repairs, was argaed yesterday. Lawrence Graver has been appointed Road Supervisor of Cherry twp., vice Cfcarlt-s K-rr, dec'd. The cases of E S. Boozel and Thomas Johnston vs J. K Dane, the Shenango ; Lumber Co. and Wur Schadt were argued Tuesday and \\ edoesday. Dane and the Shenango Lumber Co. were one and the same, and Schadt was the agent in charge of buying and operat ing a mill in Clay twp The plamtins did wurk and claim they were r -ver paid for it. Judgments were obtained by the plffs. before Justice Turner of \V - Sua bnry. Dane" appealed, but in bota casts the appeals were not sustained. A charge of selling liquor without-li cense has been made against A. O. Mil ler. proprietor of a drug sti'fre iu Eau Claire. Chas Burgard. a Franklin man charged with the larceny of an over coat and wnt"h from the Doyle board ing house on W»yne St., was discharged by Jastice Maxwell. Caleb Powers of Kentucky, former Secretary of State, and convicted of complicity in the assassination of GJV Goebel, has b en granted a new trial. P. G. Burford, a masonry contractor, wss compelled by Judge Criswell of Venango countv to testify to questions of District Attorney Mcßride before the Grand Jurv investigating charges of official corruption. The court room was cleared while the Judge instructed the Grand Jury as to the law iu the matter. Five other witnesses were called as follows: County Clerk E. K. Smiley, County Commissioner Charles \\ . Snan er. ex-Countv Commission *r J. T. Wal lace, C. A. Lundager. masonry contrac tor. and Wm. Farris, the representa tive of th>: Penn Bridge Co.. who ne gotiated the contract for the Kennei dell bridge, which promises to figure so prominently in the investigation. SHERIFF'S SALE I *. Sheriff Gibson has sold the following properties: 160 acres of Chas Hilliard in Wash ington twp. to A S Cannon for S2O. House and lot of Simon Pikers in Bredinville to J B Bredin for #4O. 50 acres of Annie J and John H Walk-1 er in Middlesex to Harry U S G Stepp for 814-56. 27 acres of Jos Collingwood in Clay twp to W J Breaden for #loo.^ The writ against D F McKinney of Cocnoquenessing was returned PKOPEHTY TRANSFERS. J II Boozel to G M Mercheimer 40 acres in Clay for #ISOO. Cath and J II Gormley to W C Jami son lot iu Eau Claire for #325. G F Kohltneyer to Venango twp Road Coinrs land in Venango for #IOO. PII Sechler, assignee, to J Kramer lot on Mortem ave for #I3OO. J Cramer to Ph Tack, Jr Bams for #I3OO. Mary C Kneiss to J and L Croft int in Croft estate in Cmnoqnenessing for #IOOO. F (.' Ralston to W C Ralston 50 acres iu SHpperyrock for i 1000. Sarah A Nutt to Emma J St Clair lot in Butler for #3OO. Mary M Bovard to S trab 15 Moore lot in Slipperyrock for #2OOO. H S Vanderlin to Tony Gallo lot in Venango for #75. Bntler Builders Supply Co to Martha Moore lot on Broad st for #2600. J B Kennedy to Stover & McJunkin lot on Mifflin st for #2750. Elvira G Lyon to A E McClelland lot on W Fulton St for #3OO. Robert S Irwin to Henry Hartzell 293 acres in Forward and Penn for #14,000. Henry M Hartzell to Robert S Irwin lot on Mercer St. for #IOOO. Smith M McCreight, trustee, to Bes semer Coal Mining Co 720 acres of coal on the Cochran, MnrTin, Harper, Hig gins. McJnnkin & Forquer and other farms in Venango twp for #l. A mort gage of #20,000 was placed on same. L S Hoon to L D Van Renssalaer lot in Renfrew for #llOO. A E Butler to C M Myers lot in Brnin for #4OO. Chas E Pool to John C Dight 104 acres in Cherry for #6500. Walter (ialbreath to Mable Gal breath lot in liutler for #BSO. S P Christie to T P Hilliard 12 acres in Washington for #207. Chas Weiland to Jacob Weiland 10 acres in Oakland for #-100. Ellsworth Miller to Agnes Stone lot in Bntler for #2300. J A Doerr to F J Doerr int in 100 ucres in Winfield for #3OO. Marriage Licenses. John H. Younkins.... 4 .... Pittsburg Laura Swager Petrolia O. E. Keen Fredonia El dor a Kratzer Chicora Artlmv M. Nolder Bntler Ella M. Avey " L. E. Rnndell Bliss. N Y Margxret Loguo Clearfield twp Russell Stul! Toronto, O Anna MoOlory West Winfield At Franklin, Jas R. Randolf of Oil City and Ella Alworth of Glenora. At New Castle, W. ,T. Ward of Zelie nople and Pearl Hull of New Castle. At Franklin, John H. Kilgore«of Cal lensbtirg and Sophie S. Strickler of But; ler. MAJESTIC THEATRIC. Mildred Holland—Friday, Dec. Oth. In Edward C. White's splendid pro duction of "The Triumph of an Em press," in which that eminent actreis, Mildred Holland will be seen as Cather ine the Great of Russia, at the Majestic Theatre, on Friday. Dec. 9th, close at tention has been paid to the detail of scenic mounting and costumes. Brown's in Town—Matinee and Night, Saturday, Dec. 10. An unending laugh is tho way the management of "Brown's in Town'' de scribes the farce comedy which will bo the attraction at the Majestic. Matinee and night, Saturday, Dec. 10. It is replete with humorous complications and is said to brim over with witty thrusts and a choice selection of catchy musical numbers. Three acts are used to tell the story, the first being morn ing. the second afternoon and the third night. Matinee 25c, 35c, night 25c, 50c, 75c. Aubrey Stock Co. --All Next Week. Tho "Aobery Stock Co." will l>e the welcome attraction at the Majestic Theatre for the entire week of Dec, 12, with matinees Wednesday and Satur day, this organization is known as tbe leader among the popular price attrac tions, and the plays to be given here are all new and ones seldom seen at popular prices. The acting to embraces a score of well known players all se'ect ed with care and among them will be found the names of many stage favor ite*. ''A Romance in Ireland" is an nounced for the opening play and will be followed by others of equal note. , Prices 10 20 30c. The Ciayety Pittsburg. Capt. Barrington—Next Week. An attraction of special interest in nnnonnced as coming to the Oayety, when Henri Gressitt will present his great production of "Captain Harring ton." The Alvln, IMttMlHirg, l*a. Marta of the Lowlands Next Week. "Marta of the Lowlands," by the Spanish dramatist Gnimeia, is a graphic and powerful presentation of nn episode of Catalonian peasant life. The NIXOII Pittsburg. Viola Allen—Next Weak. There has long been a question as to , the classification of "The Winter's | Tale" which Viola Allen vresents at i tho Nixon Theatre, week of Dec. 12rh. Pittsburg Orchestra. I The fifth set of concerts this season by the Pittsburg Orchestra. Etuil-Panr, Conductor, will be given Friday even ing? December 9th, and Saturday after noon, December 10th, in Carnegie Music Hall. Going to buy a Fall Suit—try Hitter die Rockenstein s. Given to the Hospital. At a meeting of the Relief to tee hnving in charge the work made necessary by last winter's epidemic. Ales Mitchell, one of the men appoint ed to audit the accounts of the Commit tee, read the report of the auditors, and the report was adopted ucanimonsly. This was followed by tlie ad-->; t.on of a resolution transferrin# tae bilaace on hands. |7,151.58 to the Batler Coutty General Hospital for the care of indi gent typhoid fever patients of the fu ture. The total amount contributed was £tC>,SOT.-K ami the tJtal expenses about -*■-< -Y. | The itvtas on the exji'-nseaccount are: F(-r f{ ; ■ ceries $ 8,"2"20 57 For drujc* 3,214 42 j Miscellaneous WJ 83 Milk 716 25 Hardware and plumbing 408 M Ambul tnce, dray and liverv. 552 74 Rrnt 859 60 I Hhces 138 0^ I Gas, coal, etc 1,323 31 [ Undertakers 703 78 Restaurants and hotels 245 35 ! Clothing 201 45 Laundry 1,136 80 Furniture 072 90 Cash aid 10,400 30 Xnrse account 22,253 5<5 Domestic account 1.191 38 General help 1,542 50 2d PTfsbyterian church 241 00 Meat, tish, etc 760 27 Dry Goods 1.326 44 Sundry expenses 580 56 Erratum, acoount Gen. Treas 25 00 School Xotcs. 13utier schools close Friday, the 16th. for two weeks —one on account of the Institute, whi'-h begins on Monday, the 19th. and the other on account of the holidays. Miss Kohlmpyer, of the Broad street school, resigned her position, and was succeeded by Mrs. Williams, formerly Miss Breed. All the school buildlnzs are now sup. plied with water from drilled wells, The attendance for November was 9» percent., and several new rooms are needed. J. W. Hutchison, of Institute Hill, complained to the Board, at its last mtetintf, of the severe whipping re ceived by his boy, and the matter is be ing investigated Oil, NOTES. The market remains at $1.60. renn—S. D. Morrison & Co. struck a 100 foot w»'ll on the Samuel Patterson, formerly Bait ley, farm, four miles south of town last week, which is put tintf out 15 barrels a day. Morrison & Co have one other well started and there are several others located on adjoining leases. Penn twp On Monday last the Tooiney & Wasson Co. sold their 100- acre lease on the Ben Powell, including a production of 78 libla a day, fix tures, etc., to the Devonian Oil Co , of P.ttsburg. for sC>>,soo, or at the ratj of about S9OO per bbl. W. Va. —M. L ' Lx'kwood ha 4 sold some interests iu W. Va to Butler par ties for *20.000. BLTLEIC MARKETS. Butler dealers are paying Eggs 25 Butter 32 25 Potatoes 50 Chickens, dressed 12-15 Apples, per bu 40-50 Catibage, per lb li Bnckwheat flour, per hnudred $2 75 Turnips, bu 40 Turkeys lb t 20 Parsnips, bu 60 Spinach, bu 75 Sausage, lb 12i Navy beans, bu $2 00 Onions, bu 90 Carrots, bu .' 00 Lettuce, lb 15 Dressed Pork 7 Try the store that pleases both the purse and mind. BITTKK <FC ROCKENSTKIN. The Avenue, Pittsburg. Mynterious Anna Fay—^This Week. Miss Anna Fay, the psychic marvel of the century, opened at the Avenue Theatre, Monday evening. Dec. sth. S*:e the special I lk solid gold watches with Elt?in or Walthnm inoveuienta, regular price !jUJO now felling at at Carl H. Lelghncr'n Jewelry Store, 2<i!>S. Main.St.. Butler, l'a. AKfiiLt of the Bessemer Railroad will eoll excursion tickets lietween all «t,t tions Dtc. 24, ~0, 31, 11*04, and Jan. 2nd, Kood Jan. 4th, 1 U>'s. at ex cursion rates, on account of Christmas and New Year Holidays. iCedmrcd ItateH to Kri« For the benefit of thosi desiring to attend the meetiDg of the Pcuns.vivituial State Grange, Patrons of Huslxtndry, to lie h«*lil at Erie, Dec. 1U to 18, the P. R. R Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Erie from all stations on it** lions in the State of Pennslyvania, December 13 to 1"), good to return until December If, inclusive, at reduced rattw 'minimum rate, 25 cents.) ZL'V'i It's STUDIO SPECIAL. One dozen fine $."» Cabinet Photo graphs and one enlargment -all for for a short time. TWO FARMS FOR SALE One in Adams township, within u quarter of a mile of Downieville station, containing forty (40) acres, with good orchard, and 5-room house, and well watered. Perfect title. One in Counoqnenessing township, on the Harmony and Prospect road, be tween HO and 80 acres, 5-roomed house, three good orchards, and well watered: and heavily uuderlaid with coal. Per fect title. For particulars iiiijure at CITIZEN OFFICE. The Itiglit ItoiMl. The Chicago Great Western Railway offers superior service and lowest rates to nny one contemplating a trip to Ht. F';inl. Minneapolis, Dee Moines, Kunsaa City or Omaha. For further informA tion apply to W. I). Jones t)l« Park Building, Pittsburg. Florida ami tlu; Sunny Sontli. Beginning October 15, the P. R. R. Co. will sell Winter excursion tickets to the resorts of Florida, the Carolina*, and other states in the south and South west, at greatly reduced rates. For specific rat»-H, limits, and other condi tions of tickets, consult any ticket agent. IVIIIIH.VI vaniu KuliroitdVi Winter IO\CIII'NI<III Itoiitc Book. In pursuance of its annnal custom, the Passenger Department of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company has just is ssued an attractive and comprehensive lxiok descriptive of the leading Winter resorts of the East and South, and giv ing the rates and various routes and combination of rontes of travel. Lik" all the publications of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, this "Winter Ex cursion Book" is a model of ical uud pictorial work. It is bonnd iu a handsome and artistic covers in col ors, and contains much valuable infor nistion for winter tourists and travel ers in general. It can be had free of charge at, the principal ticket offices of the Company, or will be sent postpaid upon application to G«so. W. Lloyd, G. P. A , Broad Street Station, Philadel- I nhia. Insurance and Real Estate. If yon wlnh to sell or buy property you will find it to your advantage to sue Win. H. Miller, Insurance and Real . Estate. Room 508, Butler County Bank building. Might as well buy a suit which looks right, fits right, wears right, try Ritter & ltockenstein's. The new Browns at RITTER & ROCKENSTEIN' A SICKLY "CHILD. A delicate constitution exposes a :hild to all sorts of ailments. Do not .va tcany more time and money trying o doctor each complaint separately. Doctor the Constitution. I'in-Torn' takes right hold of. any reik system and builds a good healthy foundation. It puts life and vigor into the body and mind. That is what the child needs, that is «rhat any person who is weak and sickly needs. Vitality. People grow thin, pale, even become so ill they are obliged to gi\-c up their occupation, when there is nothing wrong with them excepting they are so tired, so weak, their vitality is so low. To say that Vin-Tone is worth its weight in gold to those suffering- front a lack of energy is to speak lightly "of it. It is invaluable as it begins its work with the first dose and ia a remarkably short space ot time the patient is restored to a healthy vigor ous condition. Many miserable wrecks have been Iransformed into strong happy men and women by this marvel of recent rnedical discoveries, Vin-T.'ne. Good for little folks aud 1..' f -ks to< • Pleasant to til e. S.ld on a joait.vc fuarar.t ■ C. N. BOYD, DRUGGIST, Near the Conrt Honse, Butler, Pa. The Butler County National Bank BUTLER, PA., DEC, 7, 1904. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stocklnlders of the Butler Coun ty National Bank of Butler, Pa., will bo held at its banking house on Tues day, January 10th, 1905, at 3 o'clock p. in , for the p-nrnose of voting on an amendment of the Articles of Associa tion to increase the number of directors, and on the same day, between the hours of 3 p. tn.. and 4p. m , to elect a board of directors to serve the ensuing year. JNO. G. MOMARLIK, Cas'ier. Notice to Stockholders. The stockholders of the Worth Mutual Fire Insurance Company will meet at the School Honse in West Liberty borough, on the second Satur day of January, 1905, the 14th, at 10 a m , for «i»e pnrpose of electing officers, and such other business as may come before them. S. J. TAYLOR, Sec'y, Slipperyrock, Pa. JAS IIUMPBRKY. Pres., Slipperyrock, R. F. D. 68. Dec. 12,13 and 14 Mr and Mrs. W. E Mahaffey, the Expert Opticians, of Pitts burg, will be at the Central Hotel, Butler, three days more, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, Dec. 12,13 and 14, giving free examinations of eyes. Headaches overcome in one hour. No one urged to buy. Prices $2 to sß.* ■ K,' , ' sas ' Lawrence Grubbe. 80n of Mr. and Mrs A. M. Grubbe, I(MS Race St., But ler. "Our sou haii ha<l a great (leal of trouble with his eyea. We doctored him for some time, but got DO benefit. We hUq had his eyes fitted with glasses but got uo benefit to amonnt to any thing. Then we had theui changed and had him fitted by others, but got almost no benefit until w» took hiut to Mr. and Mrs. M&Uaffey almost a year ago and had his eyes examined and fitted with glasses which gave him relief at once, and still continues to relieve him. Ilis eyes never bother him now, and we can cheerfully say those opticians did for qa what all others failed to do. Mrs. A. M. Grubbe." Ch r istmas Presents. Onr t>tock is more complete than ever before, Watches from the turnout: SI.OO lu gersoll to the finest production of the watchmakers art. Rings, all kind of precious stones set in many beautiful designs to fit your hand and your purse. You get full values for tnoney ex pended here whether it be for a watch, a ring, cut glans, dishes, vases, clocks, imperial bronze, statuary, specticles, eye glasses or any article in gold or silver novelties suitable for presents. We also sell— Pianos. Edison and Victor Phonograph*. Kastnian and Pooo Cameras. Photo .Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Hpy Glasser. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, ! Jeweler and Gradual* Optician Sul to Court Hotiw FOR Christmas i i Many things, bright and novel and more beautiful than ever before shown 'in the city. We have novelties galore ! and they comprise useful things. Our display of framed pictures is the finest we have ever had. Onr China department is overcrowd ed aud we are offering some tempting bargains in porcelain dinner sets. Toys and games are on display in the Basement at Douglass' Ml & Main bt. R-R-TIME-TABLES it it & t> it it Time table in effect Nov. 27, 1904 Passenßtr trains leave ami arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE fok NORTH. 7:30 ni., rniied for Pnnxsutawney, i Du Bois and intermediate stations. 10::!1 a. m. daily, vestibnled <lay ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. 5:37 p. in. local for Punx'y, Du Bois and intermediate stations. 11:31 p. tn. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:10 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:50 a.in. week days, accomodation : from Daßois. , 5:34 p.m. daily, vestibaled day express | from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash- I ford week days from Rochester. 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train ! from Du Bois and Punxsutawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local points as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to Buf falo alone. B & O RK Time table in effect, Nov. 27, 1904. Trains for South aud West,leave Butler I— town time: WEEK DAYS. 6:20 a. in, Allegheny Accommodation. *:ooaiu, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 9:10 a in, Allegheny Express. 11:40 a. ui, " " 1:23 p ill, Pittsburg Ex & Ell wood Ac. 3:85 p.m, Allegheny Ex. 5:00 p.m, Chicago, Ellwood, N. Castle. 5:20 p.m, Allegheny Ex. 5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ao.—New Castle. SUNDAYS. 8:00 am, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 1:35 a.in, Pittsburg Ex. 3:85 p m, Allegheny Ac. 5:50 p.m, Allegheny Ac.—New Castle. GOTXG NORTH—WKKK DAY?. 9:4- a m, Kane <Ss Bradford Mail. 4:55 Clarion Accomo. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Bntler 7:00, 8:15, and 10:40 A. M., and 1:15, 8:00, 5:80 6:15 and 11:30 P. M. On Sunday at 7.30 A. M. and 6:15 and 11:80 P. M. >or throngh ticket*, l*ulln:itn rewnrntioiw aud iti f.,rui»ti,.u apply ty w. K. TIRNKR, Agt. llutl. r, Pv K. P. SMITH, A. O. P. A., IV.Uturg, Pa PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Etnisvit i» Frnrr Nov. *7 1B0». SOI'TH. WEEK DAYS , A.M A M. A.M. P.M. P.M BCTLEIt r.«*' i- 615 84010 36 2 Sir 425 SMonbor* Arrlvr «t' #O6 11 00 J Jfi 4 49 Bntler Juuctl-m.. " 7lt 93011 29 340 6IS Outlxr Junction...!.«.»« T 37 # 3211 »>' s»> S 17 Nutn.ua Arrift' T » 40 11 39 3 Ji 5 25 Tareuttm ! T 52 9 45 11 4« 3 3ft 5 31 r<prin(i!al« '»* 9 55 11 5H 3 44 S 41 Clart-mont 12 16 3 58 Sharp«burg 8 21 10 11 12 24 4 08* 6 01 Allc?h«cv 8 35 10 27 12 40 4 3) 6 15 A. M. AM. P.M. P.M. P.M. SUNDAY TRAINS.—ButIw hi AlUgheo? City and principal intannedia:c (taUuM at 7:90 a. m., and 6:' 6 p. m. NORTH, WIKU PATS A.M. A M A.M. P. M P. M. All>*l»«ujr City i» #ls 82510 25 23» 610 Shanvburg 1 3d X H9 10 3'J 111 fi 21 f iarrmout 6 :<* 8 47 10 4€ 2 47 Sjringdale 7 00 » 07,11 00 3 06, 8 42 Tiiruutum 7 13 Si 20 11 U 3 Z3 6 63 Natrona. 7 20' 9 1:7 U 18 3 3'*j 6 57 ilutior June nr 730 V£7 11 27, 3 45 ! 706 Butler June IT 7 4'J *4012 30 402' 706 Snxonburg g 0» 10 0« 12 54 4 32' 7 30 RCTLEB ~.. 8 35.10 88 1 20, 6 06 ' 7 55 a.MJA.M, P. m.lP.*.|P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.— Laare Allegheny City for Bnt Ur and principal Intartuedlate statluni at 7:00 a m. and 9-30 p in • WR THi EAST. Week Daya, Sunday* A.M.tA.M'P. M. A.M. P it BCTIM I» « 15 . . .( 2 30 ! 7 W.: Butler J'ct ar 7 li 1 3 goN 8 10j .... Butler J'ct IT 74" 400 814 Fneport ar 743 1 402 8 17: .... I Kikimlnetu J't.. 74# 408 823 .... Leocliburg " 800 420 887 .. WW Apollo " 822 439 8M ! .... Saitafcurr " 84" 6 Oft! ft SO Blalnrrtlie 920 Ha! I t M .... I Blairarlllelnt "j 9 J7 5 50; 10 0O AI toon* .j|l 36 8 Bo| I 1 40.. .. Harriaburg 1 3 10 1 OOi 1 6 36 ..... Philadelphia •• # n 4 2:! ,10 20 .. . I P. M. A.M. A.M.:IP.M., P.M Through train*for the eaat luare PHtotniig (Union Station), HH fiHowa:— Kejatone Ezpreaa dally 9:00 i.» M >n!i»tt»ri Limit**!, il.dly, fir feorth Phila delphia ami New York.,, 3 : J5 •' PennaylTania Limit*) .tiuly 716 •' N' w Y..rk •» « Atlanlii Kaa/Ma, y : 30 " Main liiue Expreaa, •' " .... 8:00 " l>«y Kxi-rune, •• .12:01 Noon Mail Exprwa •• 12:45 F B Chicago Mail lally, f.il Baltimore and Washington 4:50 " Eaatern Expreu, .lailj , f,, r Phil a an.l NY. ,4:66 " New York Kxpreaa, " •' •• 7.10 '• Philadelphia Exprew, .liily # 00 ' New York Special, daily fur New Tork, only.'i 0:00 " Philadelphia Special daily. Sleepitig cam to llilladelphia, Baltimore aud Waiih- Ington. No coachee 10:i)0 ' Piiilad'a Mall.Sutidajl oniy ... 8:36 a.a Note—Carriui ciauh |tuann(iini between P ittsburg and Harriaburg. Pnr Atlantic City (rla Delaware RiTer Bridge all rail route) H.OO a.m., 7. Id an I and 9:00 p. m. il«lly, "PeiimylTaiila Limited," an.l New York Limited 7.15 a. 111, week dayi. Buffalo ui AHegeheiu ViUejr Dlvlilon. Train* loaro Kiakiiuinetaii Junction aa IblloVK— for Buffalo, #.51 m. ra. and 11.50 p. m. daily, with through parlor and altoplng cam. for Oil Utj, 7.48' OJSI a. m„ 2 J2, 6.07 and 11.60 p. in. waak-dajra. Huu<lay«, 9.51 a. in., 6.07 and 11.60 p.m. For lUd Hank, 7.48, tt.Sl, a. in., 2 BC. «.07 and 11.50 p. m. week-daya. Hundara, 9.51,10.40 a. m., *.07 and 11.50 p. m. For Kittaunlnp 7.48, 9 «8, 9 51. 11.»7>. m.,2.32,5.33, 6.07,7. .'10,10.15, and 11.50 p. u». wtNik-<laya. Sunday a, 9.61. 10.40 a. iu., «.07, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m. *T' Hto|« ouljr on MtK»al or notica to agent or con ductor to rw «ive or <liacharK<* | >»**<« rigor*. Kcu detailed information, apply to picket agent or aiMraca TW E. Watt, Paae. Agt. Weatom LMatrict, SffO Fifth Avanu*. PltUrisurg, Pa. W. W. ATTKBBUUT, J R WOOD. Gaol Manager. i'aas r TraflJr Manager. GEO, W. HOTD, Gruaral PaffsttiK^r Win field |{ It Co Tune Tal»!« Iu effect Nov. 30th. 1003. WESTWARD. STATIONS, AM PM Leavea Weat Win told 7 30 2 45 " .. 745 300 M 19ii Brldfe 756 310 " Winfleld Junction 810 326 44 I/ane 830 8d& 11 liutlrr Junction 8 16 3 40 Arrive Butler 10 66 5 38 Arrive AUagheuy 10 02 6 05 pm A t • t. ill#. J'J 45 F> U'i RAHTWARU. OTATXOVS. A M f M Leu re UUiravillo . ' 7 50; 2 25 " Allegheny ?..! UOO .'J CK> M Hutler 735 | 236 14 Hutler Junction 'lO 15 440 " U.i» 'lO 18 4 4.1 u Wlufl**id Junction 1 10 30 450 " Iron Hrldge ! 10 40 5 Of 1 M ItoggnTilla |lo 50i 515 Arrive Weat Winfleid 'lO 051 5 'JO Traiua atop at Lane aud Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or leave off paawugfra. Train* <V»nnectat Hutler Junction with: Traiua Eastward for Freeport, Vandergrlft and nidinivilln lutoraection. Traina Weatward for Natrona, Tarentum aud Alia- Traina Northward tor Saxouhurg, Marwood and But ler. B. G. DC A LOU, Henaral Manager. £SSEMER L LAKE ERIE RAILRIAD COMPANY. TIME TABLE In aflact Sept. 18th, 1904. EASTERN STANDARD TIME KORTHWARD SOUTHWARD (Read up) Dally Except Sunday (Readdown) ~Y'RFL4 | U | BTATL „ VH ST7T| ~A" J.M P.TN.A.TN. OIAIIUKO. A. M.|P. M P.M. 7 aoi 1 4110 B0 Erie. 70U 1 ofl 480 7 «L 10 ML FALRVLCW 1 !»' UW ot> I 0!« 10 VI I. lrani 7 ."IT I 37| 508 111. I 411110 'RIJAF.OIILLICILUT.TLV 7 Mil 111 4 AO 4 B Hi ui 7 AO|LR CONNEAAT-AR|LQ % 7 CM A-. ..J# B6 -CraoCaVHlel 7IT R. 20 6WN R.IL S» R.Z ! _ ALBION BML 2 001 BSB • lf.rU 351# 3» ...Short tlaml 8 l*T2 tt)fr. 42 3 I:I;N :I;IJ AB7 HPRTNICBORU 8 INJ 213 R. 44 •0712 M 9MI < UNNEAIITVLLUV 8 23! 21H6 FO C SUI2 So| 0 SOAR MAADVLFLE LT 7 47 1 W> 4 R a 4 FT/11 839 7 47 I.V HRTULVLLLO AR 0 601 8 IH r, M> •I 2212 » Z»A 'ON'T LMKE T,V 8 15 2 IH R. 20 6 2012 00: 8 LOJL.T.CON'T LALN'.AR » 82 l M F. V 2 6 41 'AR LINEN VILLI'.. 1.V... 6 6FT ... J I 8 M|I.V..I,L»«IVLLLE AR 1.. 7 18 5 t U 12j 0 VI .M"iwlvllle JET. 8 42 2 37 II 12 5 2M 11 6TI 8 '.7 HARULOWII 8 67, 2 4U « 20 6 2u II r«j H 00 ....A'lamsvillc 0 0 < 2 M C 81 6 13 H 40! OKKOTMI 0 13 ... 6 41 607 II BJ A (irrcti villa 0 20, 311 «48 500 11 2H H 24 HIICUAIIRO .... 0 > 8 H 0 M 4 1 II 12 B 11 KRCDI.NLA • 4FJ 3 31 712 4 2H 10 R.B 7 Ui . MERCER. 10 01 8 «■ 7 V*L 4 2311863 7 M FLOU *U,n Jrl. 10 o<. 730 4OT 10 sr. 1 rnr ..<!N.VE CLLY ... 10 ■/* 4 ORT 7 BO 34* 10 23* a.m.l Ilarrl.vllle 10 4<> 4 2Up.ui. 3 40110 19 • ..BNMCHTON 10 4H 4 11201 ... AR... LLLIRARIL .LV 7 IF* 3 :«V4 7 10 . I.V LLLLLLANL ARIL * M .. •35T0 LL I .KATFTAR 10 R. 2 4SI 3 1910 QGJ.. .. 1 EURLL.L II O I I'. ;I («» .... AR. ... KNYLOR I.V 1 .«• 7 4<l I.V KAJRLOR AR •! 22 2 I . ILUIIER ...II JO|s 1« "7:10. ... I. NORTH Beaaemer.i J( 60 1 15 815 1 .... AllCKlieny.. I I 01* « .V. P. 111 A. M { LP.RO P. RO.L Train Ko.l l«avln« flrr«nvlll« at 6:46 a n.: Hli' iianip) C s.l;KrtHloiila 7 11; Mcri t-r 7 28; Ur»v« 'lly 7 15; Keuu-r 8:18; llutlrr U.WI, arrive. In AlleKli'--ny ni 10:'25 a. m : connoct* at Quenn lunctlou Willi triiln. U) ami troui Kaylor. ami it Hutler t»» North Bowon. 1 I'RNLU N>l. 2 ICAVLIMI ALLEUHENV AT 3:00 I> IN ; ILIITLAR 4:46; KEUWR 6;:»; TIROVA RFI* . HARM . FRR'LUNIA E H4; HHCUANKO <!> .'. ARRIVE, IN • OVILLA AT BUT; OOOAAOTAATQqnd JNYIW •H TRAIN. UT AMI IRUM KAYLOR, AUT*. AT LIUTLI R .RUIN NORTH LICANCNICR. E. H. UTLEY, E. D. COMHTOC'K. U«UWAL MANUAL. UAA'L RAN A««OV g! Fallofl9o4. I These cool nights mean that the warm weather isß D over, and it behooves you all to look out for heavierH ■ goods. In our spacious stores you find, not only the® H largest but the lowest priced stock of Woolens in theH H country. |p Consisting of the Following: S3 ft Blankets ' Half cotton Heavy Spreadl I Comforts I A » Wo °' n W^ S I p Dress Goods ■ 1 Underwear |SS Flanr,ettes | Flannels if In our Carpet Department which enjoys an enviableH h position not only in the county but out of it, will be found. I Cg Hemp Carpet and Straw Mattings, the cheapest FloorK jS Coverings All Cotton Ingrain. Half Wool Ingrain. H « Hartford two and three ply all wool, the very best make InH 9 the world. Body and Tapestry Brussels, Velvet CarpetsH ■ and the Acme of Carpet prefection Hartford Axminsters. H 9 Then we have Small Rugs, Large Rugs, and Druggets, H J Brussels and All Wool, in endless variety. Linoleumns, B I Oil Cloths] I§v }Hundreds I ■ of Patterns from which to choose. 11 in NOTE—Our prices are the old prices in every Department I I Duffy's Store. I >ooo<>oooooooo<>oooooooooooo' iMrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN;: I CLEARING STOCK FOR HOLIDAY GOODS. < > Coats Suits Skirts Furs * > sls value fine Kersey Coats in latest Tourist and Semi-Fitted Back, in < > choice shades of Castor, Brown and Black, for $lO. , . SUITS-flO for |ls Women's Tailored Suits. $12.98 for S2O Women's Tailored Suits. sls 50 for $25 Women's Tailor Suits. I » SKIRTS—S4.9B for Tailor-made Walking Skirts, worth $7.50. One loti . of Dress Skirts $1.98, worth $5. $2.98, worth $10.50, and $5 00 for Skirts ' formerly *lO. f 12.50 and sls. { \ FURS—Lowest Fur prices ever offered so early in the season. Furs , k worth $1.50 for 98c. Furs worth *4.50 for $2 9S. Furs worth $7.» for 4.98. Furs worth $18.50 for $lO 00. i > Most unusual Millinery pricing—Must reduce Millinery stock and we J . will do it by the powerful medium of low prices. $2 Hats for 50c. $2 Hats for sl. $4 Hats fors2. $7.50 Hats for $8.75. All these hats are* > made in this fall's latest styles. Buy Ostrich Plumes now at J to i off J i regular price. * ' ' Clearance sale of Shirt Waists and Dressing Sacques on 2nd floor. < ► Clearance sale of Blankets and Comforts in basements. < . Prices on Lace Curtains, Portiere and Draperies that will appeal to you. MENTOR UNDERWEAR— genuine Mentor garment is branded * > with the word "Mentor" on tab. Refuse all garments as first quality < i from Mentor Mills unless plainly marked on tab in red letters "Mentor. We have them for Ladies. Misses and Children in Union Suits and < • Separate Garments graded from 15c to SI.OO. , . Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.: | People's Plioue 126. Butler, Pa. O i! {•©©©©©©©©©©©©4>©©©©©©©©©©©©© « IDE Ah CkOTHING AND § 8 HAT PARbORS 8 § Ideal Fashioned Apparel § O convincingly demonstrates that it is not necessary to have clothes made- © (I to measure by high-priced custom tailors to be fashionably and correctly ft O dressed. Ideal Fashioned Suits and Overcoats are precisely what the gentlemen demand who have clothes made-to-measure —no details mining that the A most exacting man could wish for. We have these Buits and Overcoats " in every fabric, pattern and style introduced this season. Every garment %J © is so fall of individuality and character that no one wonld believe that Oyou bought them ready-to-wear—your size will fit you perfectly. Come here and examine the garments and try on your size—that's the only way to satisfy yourself that we are offering yon the finest clothes procurable in 0 Ideal Fashioned Suits SB.OO to $30.00 0 () Ideal Fashioned Overcoats SB.OO to $35.00 0 Wo are also showing all the late styles in Boft and Stiff Hats, snoh » as Young's, Stetson's and Ideal Hats. Price SI.OO to $5.00. U 8 Ideal Clothing and§ 1 Hat Parlors, | © 228 South /VLain St., Butler, Pa. © P. S. —All clothing sold by us cleaned, pressed 5? repaired free. e©©©©©©©©©©©©#©©©©©©©©©©©©© CAMPBELL'S COOD FURNITURE 1 Christmas Suggestions |. A store full of useful things, making j|f your selection of a present an easy £ matter Creditable articles at reasons S able prices* Useful things that your gj H friends will enjoy# S B *||| Music Cabinets Pictures |p a Writing Desks Lamps 10? Tabourettes Mirrors 5§U Pedestals Dinner Sets fg£ WW Book Oases Water Sets Combination Cases China Plates Jgj China Closets Cups and Saucers jgt, Boards Olive Dishes kgt alf Library Tables Spoon Trays . Q §1 Hall Chairs Chop Dishes Jgr Desk Chairs Salad Dishes fcgg Parlor Cabinets China Pudding Sets gj& Couches Nickle Pudding Dishes J jgjg ,3 Parlor Tables Nickle Bread Trays ige Extension Tables Nickle Tea Pots K gj Piano Benches Nickle Sugar and Creams a Shaving Stands Chafing Dishes kgj Pocking Chairs Toilet Sets lAlfredA. Campbell! KXKMiiiiisMMiiHnnKitinßHanßß Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers