VOL. XXXXI. [j Stock Neady^ Complete | M The Largest, Best and Cheapest Line of M H Furniture and Carpets 0 rl We have Ever Shown You. M W t Carpets and Rugs—all kinds —at lowest prices. k Bed Room Suits from $25.00 to $150.00. VA f < Combination and Library Cases $7.00 to $40.00. k Music Cabinets and Writing Desks —any finish — VA 7 $8 to S3O. kl v * Couches —velour or leather —steel construction — VA f sl3 to S6O. LI % Parlor Suits—Davenports and odd pieces—from VA \ $5 to SBS. VI I Buffets —Sideboards—latest designs—from $lB J to SBS. - , Chiffoniers and Odd Dressers —oak, mahogany J , and bird's eye maple—s7.oo and up. n > Special line of Mirrors and Pictures at very low J , prices. ( One hundred different patterns in Rockers of all A ; kinds —at prices you cannot dispute. >1 k We are showing a large line of Round and Square J rJ Extension Tables—and Diners to match. It will pay you to see us before buying. A WA We will show the largest line of medium-priced fancy Parlor Stands and Library Tables this store fJj A has ever carried —dainty and inexpensive Xmas presents. A Ask for what you don't see. We can furnish your k j house from attic to basement. VA A DON'T wait for DISCOUNTS later. It's a mis- J take. Come, make your selections and get our best rA A prices NOW! We are Ready-to-Sell. LI A There Are No Installment M | Prices Asked at This Store, ; ""COME IN"AND COMPARE" r] I BROWN &• CO. t| , No. 135 North Main St., Butler. Me*** Mviexxxxjwvxlrwx I Stylish Furs at Low Prices. & Last Season we did an immense business £ and Sold Out Our Entire Stock. TbU season we show a complete new stock of fine furs.madeupin the Uk latest *tyle*. The quality of skins and of workmanship are the very beat and onr price# are exceptionally low. J0 Beaver, Bear, Fox. Marten. Mink, Sable, Squirrel and other fara are ahown in all this season* chape* 0 Cluster Scarfs at $1 00, $1 50, ffi 00 np. Beaver Scarfs, Special, at #4 00. flr American 8 tone Marten, Special, at s!i.oo. \ American Sable, Special, at $5.00, P Marten. *5.00, fQ.OO. |8 00, $13.00 Fox, |B.OO, $12.00, $10.50 up. « Kid and Fabric Gloves. S The "Josephine" fa without exception the very beat Kid Glove ever S retailed for SIOO, black and all the new abadea of brown, mode, tan. OT caa tor and gray. Great value at SI.OO. Splendid Caabmere Gloves. ailk lined, black, browns and grays W Can't be beat at 50c. Flseced Caabmere Gloves, extra good at 25c. Ok Pine Linens. g We have received a large ahipment of fine linens for Holiday trade, m) The lot constats of fine table linens, napkins, pattern cloths with napkins \ to match, tine towels, beautiful Mexican drawn work, hemstitched and V embroided doylies, squares and scarfs. On sale now at special low prices, f L. Stein & Son, | 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA £ I $75 to $l5O 1 ■ For Fifteen Minutes Timel I Pretty high wages, Eh? That's what people are B I making who take abvantage of ■ I NEWTON'S I ■ Price Sacrifice Piano Sale! I On account of cleaning out my store in order V ■ to get it finished for Christmas trade. It will sell Kj I Pianos at factory prices, and many less. I will ■ ■ quote you a few of the bargains I have for you: E I Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $275.00. ■ ■ Sale Price $lB5 00 B I Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $375.00. H I Sale Price 5225.00 H ■ Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $575,90. H H This piano has been used, but is a bargain, $250 H ■ Squre pianos from $25.00 to $125. Organs from I ■ SIO.OO up. 10 per cent, for cash. 9 ■ There are 24 of these Pianos to select from —new I I and used—so you certainly ought to make a selec- I H tion. Bring this advertisement with you. ■ I NEWTON'S I I 317 South Main. Open Evenings, H KE C K Merchant Tailor. Fall and Winter Suitings ( ] JUST ARRIVED. P 142 North Main St. KE O K THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Special Sale to Make Room for Holiday Goods. From Friday, Nov. 25th to Saturday Evening, Dec 3rd. , Bargains in Every Department. THE MODERN STORE. i ! 1 Our store is loaded to the guards with the largest stock of new goods we have ever bought, and as our Holiday Goods are arriving, we must make room to ! display them. We have cut prices on our goods that will lessen the load promptly. We must have the room. You need every article we offer. SEE CIRCULARS FOR PRICES. SPECIAL SALE COMRPISES DRY GOODS, LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR, MILLINERY, ETC. Tnis sale just before Christmas will be appreciated. EISLEK=MARDORF CO T PAN Y, | SOUTH MAIH STREET | AAj \"I Send in Your Mail Orders. ■ OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER. PA. (£ The Great Sacrifice Sale of Clothing, Men's and Boys' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps is still going on. Otfing to the dissolution of the firm of Schaul & Nast, prices on all goods in the store have been slashed regardless of cost. The following are a few of the many bargains v/e have to offer you: Men's fine ail wool, black and blue, Kersey SCR Qft Overcoats, regular price sls, sale price s/vJ'vO Men's Oxford, black, very dressy, Overcoats, SC/1. A ft regular price $lO and sl2, sale price ■ . iO Men's very fine English Rain Gnats, *£lfl regular price S2O, sale price H7|VJ.£\J Men's fine Hodgmans Alexombrice Rain and Qft Storm Overcoats, regular price $lB, sale price Men's heavy Rain and Storm Overcoats, • •< i* t ? . 11 Emporium, nf H2B South Mnin Street, - .... Butler, Pa. [sAvr~| c Are You Thinking S i Of Buying Clothing? / y before long, we would «ay come in and examine # / . our ntock, we can allow you idt)M in clothin« S you have never »aw before, and don't forget that I r there are two tbiugH to remember. The one in / !that the DOUTHETT & GRAHAM label on a / garment iu guarantee of natiNfaction. and the > other in that quality and [irice conaidered there V in no Ijetter clothing sold anywhere. T YOURS FOR CLOTHING. f Douthett & Graham. | INCORPORATED. C See Wir|di)w Display. ( Hair Falling Out? ML * CUMALENA HAIR TONIC WII fttoplt. I iwl Cures Dandruff, Itching of the .Scalp, Splitting / Ai \V\ un(J 1 Out of the Malr and all scalp dlaeatea. SrSmKm i ) Craflon, I'M , July 22, iwx. JWHSBPV® Cuinalewi Mff. Co., )/\. m 4- 1 *r«at pl«iMiire lu recoiiimendtOtf // ~ C CM MALKNA IIAIU TO.NH AMI AMISKI'Tic / (i\ \ / HHAMF«K> I WM trouhltMl for over I m vTV oul " r t*alr and dandruff, aud lu V _V W-'j }r\7H uijr cmh ilieyeifwtud • pertua«M»iit cure. j \ I YuursrMpftrtfully, A JJ, WAI.KKU. ! CUMAI.fiNA HAIW TONIC to )>e ha't at all lii.-.l <.lau and barber*. Boc and Si.on liottlcs. Our gimruuirc jjoea with every tattle. CUMALtNA MFC. CO., Inc., CKAFTON, PENNA. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1904. Drj inp preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far ia "■ ) serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry • ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snulis I and use that which cleanses, soothes and ! heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy | and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo | mailed for 10 cents." Ail druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers 56 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, T C. BOYLE, M. D. F) • EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, SPECIALIST. 121 East Cunningham Street. Office Honrs. 11 to 12 a. in., 3 to 5 and 7 to 0 p. in. BOTH TELEPHONES. DR. JULIA E. FOSTER, OSTEOPATH. Consultation and examination free. . Office hours—o to 12 A M.. 2 to M., daily except Sunday Evening appointment. Office—Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But ler, Pa. People's Pbone 478. DR H. J. NEEL\. Rooms 0 and 7, Hughes Build'ng, South Main St. Chronic diseases of genito urinary organs aud rectum treated by tbe n:08 approved methods. CLARA E. MORROW. D 0., GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9 to 12 m., a to 3 p. m People's Phone 573. 1/6 S. Main strett, Bi6 West Liiamoiid, Dr. Graham's former offce. Special attention j> 1 ve». to tiye, No-e and Throat People's Phone 274. OAMUELM. BIPPUS, U PHYSICIAN AND SORGKON too Wefct C" nninjjbam St. DENTISTS. DR. FORD H HAYES, DENTIST. Graduate of Dental Department, University of I'ennsylvania. Office -215 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, BUUUKON DENTIST. Formerly of Butler, Has located opposite Lowry Houue, Main St-, Butler, Pa. The finest, work a specialty. Expert painless extractor of teeth by his new method, no medi cine used or jabbing a needle into tbe gums; also gas aud ether used. Com munications by mail receive prompt at tention. ir J. WILBKRT McK.EE, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over Leighner'n Jewelry store, Butler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty mad« of fillings, gold crown anil bridge work. UF J. HINDMAN, • DENTIST. 12Ji South Main street, (ov Metzer's shoe store.) OR. 11. A. McCANDLRSS, DENTIST. Office in Butler County National Bank Building, 2nd floor. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 a. Jcflerson St., over G. W. Miller's grocery ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT, • ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, Offico in Butler Connty National Bank building. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No, 8. We*t Diamond Bt, But ler. Pa, POULTER & BAKHR, 'J ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Butler Connty Natiouil Bank building. TOHN W. COULTER, TT ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW, Office on Diamond, Butler, Pa. S)iecial attention given to collection* and business matters. I D McJUNKIN, 'I • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Otlice in Reiber building, cornet Main ami K. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on Main street. 1 B. lIREDIN, '/ • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court llousi nlf. GOU2HER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wise building EH. NKGLKY, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Ncgley Building, West Diamond. TV .C. FINDLEY, IF • ATTORNEY AT-LAW, ANII PENSION ATTORNEY. Office on South side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. (1 V. L. McQUISTION, *J. Civil, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Office near Court House. LP. WALKER, • NOTARY PUBLIC, BUTLER , Office with Herktner, next door to P. O F. HILLIAHD • GKNF.HAL SURVEYING. Mines anil Land. County Surveyor. R. F I). 4'J. West Hunbury, Pa. jc. F. T. Papej . S "Tk-. . IJEWELERI / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / ?IK M\ !'Buttercups And Daisies "By K.ate M. Cleary Co}>vri(jht, bu Kate M. Clearu Jocelyn glanced at the tiny clock on her dresser. "Seven teu!" she said. "I'll have time to answer that letter after I get the dishes washed!" Her task was accomplished with brisk dexterity. To be sure, there were not many dishes to be washed—one cup, one saucer, one spoon, one plate, one knife, one fork. "Quite an old maid's outfit!" she said, with a little grimace as she rinsed out the diminutive teapot aud set it ou the shelf with the china. "No\> to tell Ned, dear old Ned, that—that—oh, how would a girl in a story refuse to marry a man that was quite the best fellow she knew, only—only"— She read Edward Ford's letter through again, as though seekiug some suggestion as to the most delicate and decisive manner in which she could de cline his proposal. It was a charming letter—simple, manly and straightforward. He loved her—he had always loved her. She must know that. There never had been another girl for him. There never could or would be while life lasted, whether she made him happy or bade him wait or—or eveu should she answer po. He had wanted to speak when she cauie up to work In the city, but had not felt free to do so, having others de pendent upon hint. But now that his dear mother's sufferings were ended and that his sister bad married and possessed a home of her own he was able to follow the dictates of his heart. The old place needed a mistress. It was very beautiful Just then, he added. The syringa hedge was white with blossom. You couldn't see the road for the clematis and seven sisters rose across the porch. The girl, sitting at the window of the lodging house, looked out at the dirty Nottingham lace curtains of the lodging house across the street and then afar over a wilderness of irregu lar brick walls and smoking chimneys with eyes grown suddenly wistful. How she hated it all! Even if she could keep this fresh and dainty—this tiny room she called her own! Maplewild! The big, comfortable country house, set back in rich orchard lands! She used to laugh at the quaint, prim, low ceiled rooms, with their air uf rigid order, of sedateness. Now •he fancied them as a sweet, cool refuge. If there were only some fresh Swisses and silkollne draperies around, aud magazines aud a lot of light, cre tonne pillows, wliut an ideal home it would !*•! She would do the dlulng room In yellow, as It was on the north side of the house, and— The clanging gong uf a tire engine passing in tho street below startled her from her dream. She straightened up with a little Jerk and glanced around the shabby little room, with the crude paper, the aggressive carpet, the cheap pine furniture, aud her trunk in the corner. It was here she was going to remain—here. She hud no intention of (parrying Ned Ford. $0 tilie hastily dipped her pen iu the Ink bottle on the window sill, steadied her portfolio on lier knee and begun to write: Dear Ned— l havo your letter, nnd I'm •orry. sorry, so sorry you wrote It! Not that I don't want you to be fond of me. I do. It sectna sometimes as If I'm mil lions of miles uwuy front every ono who ever cared a pin for me. Uut it isn't any use your loving me—that way. Don't tliitilt titer*'* any one else. There Isn't. Two men have asked me the same ques tion since I've been earning my living In town. Hut I couldn't care for either thu tiniest bit. And I do care for you—only, not In tho way I ought to if— She shot u look at the little clock- Jumped to her feet. "Seven ten, still}" S|if grabbed her hat, hastily put It ou, adjusted her veil with a glance at the pretty, pale face that looked back at her from the glass with quite a frightened expression, and caught up her gloves. "Mercy! I must have forgotten to wind the clock. I wus so tired last night. I'll be late us sure as fute!" The cars were crowded, and she had to stand all the way to the Store. She WHS |at« and was uot ouly docked, but received a reprimand from the head of the department. There was u conven tion of some sort lu town, and the great establishment was thronged with sight beers nnd shoppers. The heat of the day Increased, and what with the close, sultry warmth, the worry over the episode of the morning and the inces sant demands upon her attention a splitting headache began to torture the girl. She found It hard to retain her usual calm courtesy of manner when a fashionably dressed woman upon whom she had been waiting announc ed loudly and with a suspicious glance In her direction that she had mlHßed her pocket book, "I bad it u moment ago. I Just laid It down here!" she explained to the floorwalker who had hurried up. "This young lady was waiting on me!" "It may have been tukeu to the lost aud found department. If you will come with me, madam." She niluctanlly accompanied him. And when n few minutes later she re passed the counter carrying her re claimed property the look she sent Jocelyn Duane was as vindictive as though she still hurbored doubt of her fnnoccuce. "Pleasant 11 ft*, this!" the girl mur mured. Being Independent was not all it was cracked up to be she was l« tiding wiieu a geutlo voice spoke, "Gloves ~fl%!" "Yes, muduui! What shude do you pre"— "Goodness," cried the new customer, "If It isn't Jocelyn Duaue!" A pluuip little woman, holding a plump little baby, sat beside the coun ter. The wholesome tan of the coun try wus on her cheek, and the Joy of living shone in her soft brown eyes. "Why, Mary Andrew*!" Jocelyn greeted her gladly. "It does seem good to see any ono from Muplewili)! I heard you were married soon after I left. And this Is your child? W hat a darling!" "Isn't lie!" said the mother proudly. "John thinks then- never was such 11 boy. He came up to the convention, and of course we had to come along. You look awfully stylish, Jocelyn and pretty. You're prettier Uiuu tiver. But my, you're ihlul" "How is uvery one lit Miiplewild?" Jocelyn askel hustlly, busying herself With the glo< es. "Blooming all that are left. We've had Miiue deaths, you know, I'oor Mrs. I '«.i«l I" gone. Tlicy do say that Ellie Moore would willingly l.e nils trw< of Ned ~ line old ho i te now" "Ellie Moore!" repeated Jocelyn. She flushed hotly. There was a queer ache in her throat What right had Ellie Moore—or any other girl— "She's a rich girl—and not bad look ing! Tan, please! How queer it seems to be buying gloves from you! Yes. those will do. I must burr}"- This young man is getting impatient. I suppose you'll never condescend to come to Maplewild again. Jocelyn?" Jooelyn laughed ia a sudden, breath less, happy fashion. "Perhaps I shall!" she said. When she opened the door of her ugly little room that evening a miracle of loveliness met her gaze. In tbe pitcher on the window sill was an immense bunch of daisies and butter cups—a blaze of snow and gold. "A splendid looking young gentleman brought them," the maid said when questioned. "He said I was to put them in water in your room. And he left a card with writing on." Jocelyu's tired face glowed as she read the penciled lines: I couldn't bear to read your answer. I followed my lett«r In person. Will call at 8 this evening. Jocelyn went to her portfolio, took out a half written sheet of note paper and tore it luto minute pieces. Then she knelt down by the window and laid her hot cheek against the cool velvet of the flowers. And all the dull, monotonous, dreary present fell away from her. She was not an independent young working woman. She was a happy girl agaia among the fields at home —loved, admired, protected. Such magic had they wrought 1 And when she dressed herself in her prettiest gown of blue and silver it was a girl with starry eyes and rose red cheeks who smiled proudly back at her from the mirror. "Ellie Moore," she said—"Ellie Moore, indeed! The very idea!" She looked so radiant and so lofty when she swept into the parlor that the stalwart young fellow striding across the room to meet her felt his heart siuk. "Joce*yn," he said, "I've come for my answer," She smiled tenderly and touched the blooms thrust In her belt. "Oh, Jocelyn!*' he whispered, his eyes kindling. "Oh. Jocelyn—dearest!" The Worat Wind of the World. "What is tbe worst wind of the world?" said tbe captain of u trading ship that pokes her nose in almost every spot of the world during her curious wanderings. "Well, I'll tell you first of other winds, so as to lead up to it artistically. I've been through a Kamchatka, which is what they call the storms of that country, and I've seen It blow drifts fifty feet high In an hour. I put In three days In a typhoon, which Is the great-grand father of all tbe hurrlcaues. It blew every sail out of the bolt ropes and swept the deck BO clean that it looked as if it had been scraped. Down in St. Vincent, iu the West Indies, I lay on the beach during a West Indian hurricane, the black storm that sweeps over the Caribbean, and I bad to dig my hands Into the earth to hold tight. "But worse than all these is the wind that they call the woolly, or the willy, or the willy willy, according to locality. You got It at its best in the strait of Magellan, but a great part of the coun try around the southern end of the south temperate regions enjoys its blessings."—New York Press. Couldn't Find It. A young man having evolved what he considered a good Joke forwarded it to a comic paper, but received no answer. Desirous of ascertaining the fate of his contribution he sent the editor the following letter: Blr-I have carefully read your paper for the lust month, but fall to And any trace of the Joke I sent you on th*i Oth Ult. In due course he received this reply: Sir—ln reply to your letter, I deeply sympathize with you, for, since I received your MS. on the sth ult. I have carefully read It several Umes, but up to date I. too, have failed to And any trace of the Joke referred to, Heeehcr and the Medium. While in England Henry Ward Beecher was entertained by n gentle man who believed lu spiritualism aud WH* himself a medium. One day he usked If Beecher would like to talk with the spirit of his father, Dr. Ly man Beecher. Mr. Beecher replied that It would please him Immensely. After the seance was over he was asked how it had impressed him, at which, with a twinkle lu his eye, Beecher responded, "All I hare to say Is thnt if I deterio rate HS fast for the first ten years after I am dead as my father bus I shall be a stark naked fool." Origin of Testa. The custom of taking a text us the basis of a sermon originated with Ezra, who, accompanied by several Invites in a public congregation of men nnd women, ascended a pulpit, opened tbe boon of tho law and, after a prayer, "read in the book in the law of God distinctly aud gave the sense and cuus ed them to uuderstand the reudlng." Previous to the time of Esra tbe patriurchs delivered lu public assem blies either prophecies or moral Instruc tions, and it was not until the return of the Jews from the Babylonish cap tivity, during which they had almost lost tbe language lu which tho Penta teuch was written, that It became nec essary to explain as well as to read the Scriptures to them. Klonsrnted Pnlatea, It ip not un uncommon thlug to suf fer for an elongated palate, which causes great discomfort in various ways, it is inllumed by cold and then aggravates a persistent cough. It brings a sense of oppression In one's breathing, and It Is sure to make Itself felt In long continued talking. Doctors are generally loath to touch It. Per haps the most quickly efficacious treat ment recommended by thom is gar gling witli alum water Just before brushtug tho teeth. This bus beeu known to work a radical bettering of tbe distress.—Pearson'*. Kffrriual Way. "I thought Kmcurglu was a friend of yours." "He was until lately. I had to drop hlui. He was always wautlng to bor row money." "Refused him sharply, did you?" "No; I lent him some." Chicago Tribune. Juat it Utile Favor. Mrs. Nodd The cook refuses to get tip earlier than 7. Todd Ask her If she won't do It for a couple of days UUtll I can rearrange my business.— Brooklyn Life. WI111» Worried lllni, She But, pa, he says he can't live without uie. Pa—But the question Is whether he can live without me. New York Press Many a girl makes a blunder lu not taking a 11 ini> al Ids word when he sais, "1 am uot worthy of your love." For SaKje of | Peace ■By OTHO B. JTBC/fA. CbpvrifM, 190k, by Olho B. Stgna I "Mrs. Gray," whispered Alec Bruce, "where is Peace?"^ "In the studio." "Alone?" "Alone." 'Where are the other girls?" "They are all out somewhere. Kara Is"— "Never mind. Just »o they are not in the house. Mrs. Gray, If you have any mercy in your makeup keep everybody away from that studio for Just one half hour. I've waited two years for this chance." He hurried noiselessly up the stairs to the top floor of the Octagon, home of bachelor maids. The studio door was open, and Peace sat by the easel facing an unfinished painting of "Evan geline." "I'eace be unto this house," was his salutation as he salaamed oriental fashion, "and to me, Peace!" She feigned absorption in her work. "Must I remove my shoes?" still waiting at the door, holding a rose in bis outstretched hand. "Come you from Persia?' she que ried, smiling. "Surely, fair lady, and the rose—'tis the Persian rose of beauty and of love —to you a peace offering." "I suppose you may come In," grudgingly. "I really want the rose." " 'Tin yours, gentle maiden, likewise the heart of the Persian." "That's not funny," severely. "Nay, but 'tis truth." "It's a beautiful morning for a wulk," in a "no trespassing" tone. "Oh, delightful!" chilled, but tena ciously hopeful. "Jack and I have been out looking at houses." "How interesting!" "Tell me truly, Peace, what did you think the other day when I actually forced old Jack to show his hand, like wise his heart?" "I thought," vaguely, intuitively on the defensive, "I thought you knew— what you were about." "I did," eagerly. "I feared he would never propose to Edith unless he was helped, and I was tired of waiting." "Waiting?" with puzzled interest. "Yes. You see, I was bound by a sa cred promise, and 1 was growing des perate." "I don't understand"— "It was llko this," pushing the Ro man sunt nearer the easel and assum ing a nonchalance he was far from feeling—"you know, It's two years since Jack and I began calling here at the Octagon. Judge Graves introduced us —sort of vouched for our respectability —you may remember"— "I remember," putting fresh colors on the palette. "Well, in a few weeks Jack discov ered that he was In love with Edith. I knew long before that I was In"— "Kindly move a little, Mr. Bruce. I may spatter paint on your clothing," coldly polite. The Itoman seat was moved back a little—a very little. "Thank you. I don't often spatter, but accident, you know"— "M—m, yes. Well, as I was saying," strenuously endeavoring to regain lost ground, "Jack and I 'fessed to one an other one night, and Jack was dread fully gloomy over It," pausing, expect ing u question. The artist was Intensely interested in adjusting with the brush a fold of Evangeline's gown. "M—in, over his prospects, I mean. And when I told him that I was"— "Please baud me that rng, Mr. Bruce; no, uot that one, the otly one on the floor beside your seat. Tliauk you. I never before bad BO much trouble wltb drapery." "You don't know wbat the word trouble means, Peace Gray. Now, I'll go on," firmly. "When I told Jack that I was lu love he said that waa all right for me. With my wealth I could pro poae at once, and I could be married wlthtu a month If I wanted to, while be, with bis uncertain future, must wait an Indefinite time before be could even let the girl know he cared for lier." "Well, he ha* now, and I hope they will be very happy," dismissing the ■ubject with finality. "Oh, they will," hurriedly, "and I told Jack—actually made a vow, in fact—that I'd uever breathe a word of— "You kept the secret faithfully, Mr. Bruce. There, don't you like that dra pery better?" —"never breathe a word of my at tachment," doKKcdly persevering, "un til he wan in a position to declare hla. And I've kept faith with Jack and strict Kuard over myself for two years. Now," trlumpliuntly, "I am free to apeak"— "Do you care to have the croaa In the picture, Mr. Bruce? Many artlata show a cross, half concealed In the shadowy suggestion of trees, Juat back of the figure of Evangeline. This la your commission, and any changea"— "I wish you'd let me finish it," with apparent surrender. "Finish the picture? Why, I didn't know you cou'.i paint." "I can't, nor draw, but I can flnlab this picture to suit me. Pence, do you know she looks like you?" "Ho the girls say," following hla lead with evident relief. "I wish she didn't look so sad." , "You couldn't expect anything elae. She cannot find her Gabriel." "Home Evangeline* won't look at Ga . *lel when he comes to them," gloom ily. "I'm curious to know how you would tnlsli the picture," on guard again. "Oh, I'd Improve 011 Longfellow. I'd have (iabrlel come and surprise her while she Is sitting here. I'd have her seem glad to see him, aud-and very glad to hlui, you know. I'd have him put his arms arouud her mid klsa her— well, nine times, sure. And then I'd have tlieni 'marry and live huppy ever after,' as the old fnshioued fairy tales always did." "if I weren't afraid you'd apoll the picture," temptingly. "Oh, no, 1 won't; I won't hurt it a bit," eagerly, a daring thought fasci nating him with Its possibilities. "You get Die a big aprou; I mustn't spoil my clothes." lier absence waa brief, but sufflclent for his purpose. When she returned lie waved his hand triumphantly toward the easel. "There, Evangeline; your Gabriel has come ami awaits your greeting." Khe stepped nearer to the picture- a large, unmounted photograph of Bruce was placed on the easel close to the figure of Evangeline. Khe caught It up quickly, Ignoring the significance of lta position und of Alec's words. No. 45 "Oh, when did you have this? It la very good." lie came nearer, looking at the pho tograph over her shoulder. "That's your Gabriel, Evangeline. You must be good to him, yea know. Oh, Peace, don't pat me off any longer. You understand me—l want you for my wife. Peace. Why, Peace! Peace, Peace, dearest, don't cry! What is the matter? What have I said to hurt you so?" "Oh, Alec, I am so ashamed—so ashamed!" "Here, sit here. Peace, and teil me all about it." "Oh, Alec, I've been terribly Jealous, and I've thought hateful things about all the girls—Tlllie first, then Martha and Kara and Kathleen—oh, I've hated them all!" "M—m! This is pretty bad, Peace, but I'll tell you what I've done. I've laid plans "—lowering his voice to a tragical whisper—"deep, dark plana to do away with every man except Jack who ever came to the Octagon. I meant to smother Coleridge under a ton of his own orchids and press the breath oat of Judge Graves with a stack of law books and drown Abe Adams In a 'flood of eloquence,' and as for tflt Im petuous westerner—l thought It was you he wanted—l could have torn him limb from limb! You see, we're dan gerous—too dangerous to be at large. We'll have to marry for the aake of peace." "Not for the sake of Alec?" archly. "Oh, Peace, for my sake, and. Peace, a double wedding with Jack and Edith"— "That half hour, Alec Brace," called Mrs. Gray's voice from the hall, "la greatly overdone, and"— "Not a bit of it, Auntie Gray. This half hour is rare. There'll never be an other like it." "I thought I'd tell yon the girla are coming—all four of them"— "Keep them away, auntie; keep them away from me. You know their bel ligerent, quarrelsome dispositions. And I have determined that at any cost I must and will have Peace!" And the chronicles of the Octagon re cord that he did. A Good Matured Wife. An English rustic whose wife was blessed with a remarkably even tem per went over the way to a neighbor one evening and said: "Neighbor, I Just should like to see my wife cross for once. I've tried all I know, and I can't make her cross no way." "You can't make your wife cross?" said his neighbor. "I wish I could make mine anything else. But you Just do what I tell you, and if that won't act nothing will. You bring her in some night a lot of the crookedest sticks for the fire you can get—them as won't lie In no form—and see how she makes out then." The pieces of wood were accordingly brought in, as awkward and crooked and contrary as could be found. The man went away early to work and at noon returned to see the result of his experiment. He was greeted with a smiling face and the gentle request: "Tom, do bring me in some more of those crooked sticks if you can find them. They do Just fit around the ket tle so nicely!" Adntaaoa'i Toaib. Agamemnon, it has been claimed, la a glorious myth, but those who have felt the charm of Homer's matchless epic telling of his achievements at Troy will be loath to believe It Let us keep inviolate our belief in the heroes! You may see today Agamemnon's tomb at Mycenae, Greece—Mycenae, to which he, as king, returned triumphant from the conquest of Ilium, bringing with him, as .Sschylus tells In the greatest of Greek tragedies, the fair Cassandra. Agamemnon did not die of old age, covered with honors, for that was not the popular end of heroes In those strenuous days. Homer says he was slain by -SSglothus, lover of his queen wife, ifischylus tells that Queen Clytemnestra killed both Agamemnon and Cassandra. A Trie Portrait. The widow was taking her first look at the bust of her beloved husband. The clay was still damp. "Pray ex amine It well, madam," said the sculptor. "If there is anything wrong I can alter it." The widow looked at it with a mix ture of sorrow and satisfaction. "It is Just like him," she said, "a perfect portrait—his large nose—the sign qf goodness." Here she burst in to tears. "He was so good! Make the nose a little larger!" Oar r«»r BOB*. The "funny" bone, or "craxy" bone, as It Is commonly called, la in reality no bone at all, but a nerve, and lta pe culiar name, of facetloua origin, Is a pun on the word "humerus," the cylin drical bone which runs from the shoul der to the elbow, the ulnar nerve pass ing around It. The nerve Is here superficial and therefore comparatively unprotected, so that It may be easily compressed, and then a blow upon it causes a atrauge tingling sensation in the course of lta dlatrlbutlon, which is felt as far away as the little finger. The humerus b«s been the occasion of humor In oth ers, for Locker wittily writes In "An Old Muff," published about 1740: H« cannot bo complete in aught Who Is not humorously pron«. A man without a marry thought Can hardly have a funny bone. A Lifetime's Batlac. Bclence Hlftlngs tells us that if we could see the amount of food one would consume in a lifetime pass before*us the sight would be quite appalling. If n man lived seventy years, he would consume during that time about 100 four pound loaves of bread a year, or a total of 7,000 substantial loaves. Of meat he would consume, If he ate all beef, forty bullocks; of potatoea, an average of 200 pounds per year. If he ate only two eggs a week, It would re quire about 7,000 eggs to feed him dur ing his lifetime; of tea and coffee on an average a plut a day, or for a life time about 8,220 gallons. Wkat They Didn't Kaon Aboat Air. Health Journals have been in exist ence time out of mind. One in particu lar In its (lay was widoly accepted as lit authority ou all matters of An Item which «vv"»refl In 1*74 wia/i »moug other things that "ft is safer to sleep in a bad air all night—that Is, with the windows tight ly closed -with a temperature over 80 than In a pure air with a temperature under 40." Fatherly Coaeloaloa. Farmer Trefrog—What makes you think I>anlel Webster wuz a smart man? Farmer Hoptoad—Waal, I've been rend In' some of his speeches, an' they seein to agree purty thoroughly with Mary Jul..'* graduation essays.— * Bulletin. Faithfulness In little things fits one tpr heroism when the great trial* come. "•Louisa U. Alcott.