THE BUTLER CITIZEN. WILLIAM O. SEOLEY - Publisher. Thcksday. November 10, 1904. |I W per year la Admce, Otherwise SI-50 "Didn't I Told You." We arc a "safe anil sane" people. We know a good thing when we have It, ancl we hold 011 to it— hence the election of ROOSEVEX.T & FAIRBANKS, Who carried every Northern state and who will have the phenomenal majori ty of 174 in the Electoral College—32s to the 151 of the ' Solid South." Even Maryland is Republican this year, and so is Nebraska (Bryan's state). In New York state the polls close at 4 d ; ui.,and as they vote with machines which total as they'go, the resnlt was known by 7 p. m., and all over the country shortly after. -Greater New York", the city, gave Parker but 40.000 majority, where as he was expecting at least 140,000, but the state gave Roosevelt about 235,000 which leaves Roosevelt's majority about 175,000 in the state. That vote ended all the Democratic hopes of National « success, and pulled Higgins through for Governor. « ■>« nnn West Virginia came in with 30, 000, Indiana with 75,000. Wisconsin with CO,OOO, Ohio, 200,000; Pennsylvania, 325,- 000, etc., and it was soon seen that the election was entirely one sided—an ava lanche or landslide, or whatever you choose to call it. Congress. The next Congress will consist of about 237 Republicans to 149 Democrats. This state electa 31 Republicans and 1 Democrat; and in most of the states where U. 8. Senators are to be elected for terms beginning March 5, 1905, tbe Republicans have elected a majority of the legislators. Butler county gave Huff 3,000 plurality and Westmoreland about 5,000, making his majority in the die trict about B.OCO. Butler county gives McNees for state senate 3,000 and Arm strong county 2,000, making his major ity in the district about 5,000. The Republicans of this state elect 175 of the 204- members of the Assembly, and 25 out of 26 new state senators, and their majority on the National ticket may reach 500 000. The County. ■file entire Republican county ticket is elected by pluralities ranging from 2500 to 3000. The Republican majority in the coun ty on the National ticket is about 3300; the unofficial figures are, Roosevelt, 6300; Parker, 3000. For Clerk of Courts, L E. Cbristley had 1344 votes in the town and 4312 in tbe county, (with 8 to hear from),, or 5656 in all; Eppinger had 505 in the town and 2034 in the county, or 2589 in all; leaving Christley a majority of 8117. For District Attorney, Walker had 1496 in town and 4225 in the county, making 5721 in all; and Henninger had 491 in town and 2643 in the «j'i> iei "45 44 ijo '43 168 "49 Middlesex 71 ?1 - 4 72 7 , 7 - 71 7ti 74 (4 69 04 77 V, "° n '" 1ft n 35 ay 33 KXi 32 86 31 98 85 44 30 95 36 79 56 Me°S° ::: :::::::::: SS??«-«« »»•« » » «« » p^rw d ios "8 'io2 8 io2 8 ioa ii io4 i('e "ii 13101 8 m 2i - 68 28 63 26 64 28 64 .28 71 62 35 26 66 26 67 37 llS 88 121 33 124 31 132 32 121 119 32 34 125 30 111 51 fflinnervTock 185 72 119 56 lib 58 117 57 122 147 53 45 125 55 115 71 wSdlVtpre""""": 140 52 132 45 132 46 130 43 132 131 45 45 132 44 134 44 TTT V "si hfl ' *7l 21 74 25 69 23 70 71 27 24 73 24 69 30 Washington IQ2 jj 93 93 10 9<< 11 93 91 14 11 94 8 94 12 •nr.,*,, 98 60 97 62 99 61 111 58 107 108 64 56 90 64 86 92 Rcrtler Ist w lst'sre 152 59 105 57 110 65 104 58 114 100 74 fiO 119 52 126 56 Butler Ist w. Ist pre 12 - 46 m 6)H 12 3 48 123 120 73 46 121 51 136 59 Butler 3d w IstDre 134 .54 109 47 108 53 108 44 108 97 63 44 134 26 129 38 Butler 3d w. Ist pre m Butler 3d w Ist pre 46 26 36 23 35 25 32 22 33 34 80 18 44 14 48 16 Butler Mw, Ist pre 8g 129 123 81 131 77 12G n3 116 64 150 62 172 o4 M Elf 58 18 48 12 44 20 38 9 44 42 ; 20 13 48 14 58 17 Rntler 4th ward ' 236 132 218 121 174 174 218 120 210 206 161 107 250 95 301 65 ISSUiltp™.ss !« >» .« .« ■» » » »j » » » m g «« » a 2d pre ! T* 4S 74 4< 69 55 <5 44 <4 t*l o. 44 bo w) » 4o SHooervrocfr iio "38 "t»7 "43 "96 "42 i()6 S8 "99 ' 33 ' '46 24 105 36 98 54 EaXe 1 40 7 33 5 34 5 35 7 38 86 7 5 33 5 32 17 HarrLue4« 28 44 25 u 27 « 28 M W 25 46 26 38 52 Prosneet 53 16 53 16 55 15 54 lb 56 sell united them I as husband and wife. Th ndora Land aud Improvement Company in their deed conveying said prop erty : and being lot No. 230, in said Lyndora Land and Improvement Company's plan of lots; having erected thereon a one story frauie sloie building. Both oft lie aforesaid mentioned and de scribed lots of land are subject to a mortgage indebtedness of twelve thousand dollars and interest thereon. Sale made subject to the aforesaid uioit gage now ou both of the aforesaid lots. Right to reject any or ail bids reserved. Terms of Sale—Cash. ROBERT B. LEAN, Receiver for Lyndora Supply Company. FHANK H. MURPHY. Attorney. Butler, Pa.. November Ist, 1904. Trustee's Sale. In tbe District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In the matter ot f So. 2591, in Charles Bertram Hoffman, >• Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. J The undersigned. Trustee of Charles Bertram Hoffman. Bankrupt, will offer at public salt?, free and discharged of all liens on Wednesday, November 23,1904, at one o'clock P. M.. at tbe Court House In Butler, Butler county Pa., the following de scribed real estate: All that certain lot. No. 133, or piece of ground situated in the John R Cavanaugh plan of lots in the Third Ward of the Borough of Butler. County of Butler, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at the north westerly corner of lot No. 134 and McCool avenue: thence soutt.wardly sixty-nine («> 70-100) feet to a line; thence westerly twenty-live (25) feet to the corner of lot No rifi; thence northwardly slxtv-nlne (09 70-100) feet to McCool avenue; thence easterly along McCool avenue twenty-five (25) feet to the place of beginning; said lot having there on erected a two story frame dwelling house with slate roof, containing nine rooms and bal h room. " TERMS OK SAl.lfi -Ten per cent, of the purchase price at time nf sale, and the bal ance on confirmation of sale by the Court. JOHN H. JACKSON, Trustee of estate of Charhs Bertram Iloff man, Bankrupt, Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. lii the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Charles Young, of Mars. Butler county. Pennsylvania, a bankrupt uuder tbe Act of Congress of July 1. IWJs. having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act. notice is hereby given to all known creditors aud other persons in interest, to appear before the said Court at I'lttsburg. in said District, ou the 19th day of Nov.. IUO4, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted, WILLIAM T. LIXDSEV. Clerk. Auditor's Notice. Xoiico is hereby Kivcn thut tho under s ned Auditor, appointed by the Cuiirt 0 Common Plaiiß of D.tupliiu county, to •l.etiibute il»e balance in the hmds of Hurry A. Stauffer, Ueooivsr of the So-iuditrd Trust '.'ouipany, of Uutler, Pt-unsylvauia, will sit for the poroses of bis appointment at the offices of Wil i liauis & Mitchell, No. 110 East Diamond street, Uutler. Penu'a, on Wednes day, November 20d 1904. at two o'clock P. M., wlieu and where all perilous iu> terested may attend if they see proper. FRANK P. BNODGRASH, Auditor. Public Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the part nership lately subsisting between Mack Burton and D. C. Burton, under the firm name of D. C. Burton & Bro., was dissolved on the 15th day of October, 1904, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by the C. Burton and all demands on the said partnership are to be presented to the said D. C. Burton for payment MACK BURTON. R. F. D. 22, P. C BURTON, R F. D 21. Saxonbnrg, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of John Ward, dec'd., late of Parker township. Butler County, Pa, having been granted to the undersigned, ail persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to D. L. HUTCHISON, Adm'r.. R. F. D. 72, Petrolia, Pa. H. IL GOUCHJCR, Att'y. 11-3-04 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Martha Amberson, dec'd., late of For ward twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grartedtothe undersigned, all persons having claims against said estate will present same duly authenticated, and all persons indebted to same will make prompt settlement. W. H. BUHL, LEV. MCQUISTION, Executor. J. C. VANDERLIN, JOHN H WILSON, Attys. for Executors 10 27-04 WM. VVALKER. CHAS. A. MCELVAIN. WALKER & McELVAIN, 807 Butler County National Bank Bldg, REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. OIL PROI'EKTIES. LOANS. BOTH PHONES Drying: preparations simply devil op dry catarrh; they dry up the secret:( • which adhere to the mombrano and deei-rc pose, causing a far more serious trouble ti ■ the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dr\. ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and «nu! s and use that •which cleanses, soothes sud heals. Ely's Craam Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers 6C Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneering. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm yea are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Obituarr. •T. H. Barrett. Gen. Supt. of the B ,R & P R R., died suddenly. Tuesday morning, at his home in Rochester, N. y. SHERIFFS SALES. : By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. B«.. Fl. Fa.. Ler. Fa.. 4c., Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa . and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the borough of Butler, Pa. on Friday, the 2d . D., late of Butler Co., Pa. 17. Final and distribution account of t rank Clutton, administrator of Margaret Clutton, late of Brady township, dec'd. 18. Final account of Jos. H. Studebaker, executor of Shepler Boston, late Jof'Muddy creek township. 19. Final and distribution account of Robert 8, Harbison and Mary H. Harbison, executors of Catharine Harbison, late of Middlesex township. St. Final recount of P. P. Brown. Trustee of Mrs. Jemlmah Shull, late of West Sun bury, Pa. 21. Account of L. C. Fisher, administrator of Mrs, Louisa Fisher, late of Summltitwp. 22. Final account of H. H. McClymonds. guardian of Charles E. Melnhart, minor child of John J. Melnhart, dec'd., late of Renfrew, Butler Co.. Pa. 23. Final account of W. J. Klldoo and Al fred Kildoo. executors of James Klldoo, late of Clay township. 24 Final account of A. W. Bhannon. execu tor of Robert McKlnnts, dec'd., late of Franklin township. 25. Final account of Frod Glace, guardian of Flora Glace, minor child of Mathlas Glace, dec'd., late of Butler, Pa. 2U. Final account of Fred Glace, guardian of Clarence Glace, minor child of Mathlas Glace, late of Butler. Pa. 27. Final account of John C. Moore, Esq., executor of Daniel Heck, .late of Centre township, dec'd. 28. Final account of Helen L. Gercken, ad ministratrix of Charles H. Gercken. late of Centro township, dec'd. 29. Final account of Harry E. Conn and J. H Wick, administrators of John T. Wick, laie of Concord township. 30. Final account of Oliver R. Miller, ad ministrator. C. T. A. of George E. Miller, late of Butler borough. 31 Second and final account of Robert Mc- Kee and James Little, executors of James Beers, late of Adams twp.. Butler Co., Pa. 32. First, final and distribution account of John N. Allison, administrator of Amos Michael, late of Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa. XI. Final account of Wm. Logan, guardian of I nez Logan, minor child of J. K. and Emma Logan, dec'd, late of Middlesex township. 34. First and final account of Henry E. Dambach. »nd C. F. Dambach. exocutors (guardians) of Henry Dambach, late of Zelie nople. Pa. _ _ 35. Virst and final accsunt of Louisa Park and Edward Brown, executors of John B. Park, late of Adams township. 3ti First and final account (as to personal estate) ofO . W. l'lsk, and Mrs. Susan E. Amy. exocutors of Chas. W. Fisk, late of Mars borough. I'a 37. First and final account of John A. Burk, administrator of John Burk, late of Venango township. 38. Account of J. F. Howensteln, adminis trator of George Howensteln, late of Middle sex township. 39. Final account'lof R. E. Klrkpatrlck. administrator of W. C. Kennedy, late of Adams township. 40 First and final account of D. M. Thomp son. executor of L. N. Thompson, late of Falrvlew township. 41. First and final account of J. B. Kennedy and Mrs. Baud Bupp. administrators of Frederick Bupp, late of Lancaster twp. 42. Second and final account of Frank H. Murphy, executor of Dr. J. W. F. Moore, late of Butior borough, Pa. 43. Final account of Catherine Rltzert and Albert Rltzert. admljlstrators of John Rltzert, late of Donegal township. 44. Final account of W L. Kaufman, exec utor of John Kaufman, dec'd., late of Adams township. _ _ _ , 45. First partial account of F. C. Ralston, executor of Elizabeth Giikey. dec'd . late of Slipperyrock twp. 46. Final account of W. N. Davison, guar dian of Laura Uertrude Davison, minor child of Milton R. Davison, dec'd., late of Adams township. „ „ . 47. Final account of Norman C. Davison, guardian of Norman C. Davison, minor child of Milton R. Davison, dec'd., late of Adams township. . „ . , pj ~ 48. Final account of Magdaiena Fiedler, executor of Daniel Fiedler, dec'd., late of Jackson township. n , TI 49. Final account of Guaranty Safe Deposit A Trust Co., guardian of J. C. McMurtry, minor child of Joslah McMurtry, late of Butler 00, Pa. jp. DAVIS . HegUter. , "NOTICE. Notice is hereby Riven that W. J. Le on berg, committee of Thomas Graham, . lunatic, now deceased, has filed his first and final account at M's D, No. 2, Sept. Term 1880, and that the sa*ie will be presented to Court for confirmation on ' the first Monday of December next ', JNO. C. CLARK, Prothy. •. COYLE BROTHERS ! Members Pittsburg Stock Exchange, j ""wsfsss ~ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of William James Patterson, deceased, late of Slipperyrock borouuh, But ler county. Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to said ' estate are hereby requested to make i prompt payment and those having ; claims against the estate will present I the same duly authenticated for settle ment to ELLEN M. PATTERSON, Ex'r.. Slipperyrock, Pa. WILLIAMS & MITCHELL, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Lyman Hilliard, dee'd, late of Wash-1 ington twp., Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all j persons knowing themselves indebted to i said estate will please make immediate , payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to CHALMERS HILLIARD. R. F. D. 49, West Sunbury. Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 In re estate of Geo. E. Miller, dee'd , late of Butler Borough, Pa. Whereas, letters of Adm'n Cum Testauiento Annexo in above estate have been issued by the Register of Wills, to the undersigned, all persou.s indebted to said estate are requested to promptly pay, and aDy having claims will present them properly proved for payment. OLIVER R. MILLER, Adm'r C. T. A. W. C. FINDLEY, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of J. W. Monks, dee'd., late of Middlesex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersized, all person? knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay meet, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to REV. W. A. MONKS. Ex'r., JAS. B. MCJCNKIN, Att'y. 6-23-04 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE OF WATSON E. DUNKLE, DEC'D. Notice is hereby given that letters ot ' administration on the estate of Watsor E. Dunkle, deceased, late of Parkei • township. Butler county, Pa., have been j granted to the undersigned, to whom - all persona indebted to said estate are - requested to make payment, and tbost • having claims or demands auainst said ;, estate, are requested to make the same s known without delay. '• MEAD. W. DUNKLE, Adm'r., P O. Box 163. Parkers Landing Pa • A. T. BLACK, Attorney. 8-10-04 B ; Beef Iron and Wine. t ; Our famous system builder r and general tonic makes rich 1 red blood and tones the various e organs. Easy to take and quick \ to act. A warm glow can be I felt stealing to the finger tips (. with almost the first dose. Don't You Need a Tonic? Are you weak, tired, run down, nervous, with thin blood pale ltps; and no appetite? If so, take a bottle; it brightens the eyes and •nakes red cheeks. Price 50 cents a pipt. Satisfaction or your mone> back. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G„ BOTH PHONES. 106 N. Main St, Butler, Pa. An investment in the is always a source IBv W7 • Aa. satisfaction. H brand combines M:\ " the greatest possible M durability with the daiatiett °f designs. 8 11 Let us show you our stock of this ■ II ware ' Also our '' nc diamonds, 3 If watches, and jewelry. I If RALSTON <& SMITH I |f 110 W. Jefferson St, B < • Binding: of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking o having some work done in thi line I am sure you will be wel pleased if you have it done at Tlie Butler Book Bindery, W. W. A MOW, Prop. OPP Conrt Honse. Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a The best of horses and first class rigs ml wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Bpeel al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horaea A good c ass of homes, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sa,e u»*der a full guarantee; and horses b<7U«b pon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. TV. noon* NO *1 • See the sl(n direct opposite the BbiaZaSSASfV Old Post fflce, v ' Theodore Yogeley, fin Real Estate a M Insurance Agency, Z3S S. Mala St. IS Butler, Pa. J B| tf you have property |"'«J to sell, trade, or ren leg or, want to buy or jTJ rent cail, write or übone me. IM list Mailed Upon Application If you have any real estate or business to sell, we can sell it. IE vou want to buy unj thlng, we have It for sale. TIIE CURKIER COMPANY, 238 4th Ave. Pittsburg, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration, C. T A..ou the estate of Catharine A. Dunn, dee'd., late of Franklin tp., Butler Co., Pa. hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be in debted to said estate will make immedi ate payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN M. DCNN. Adm'r., R F. D. 10, Butler, Pa. J, D. MCJUNKIN, Att'y 4-38-04 Ht-IKI; Hi a-ili a? ipilias as - Jewelry, Silverware. I w ? f ►Ji Now is the Time to select Holiday Goods. {& t|t CALL AT i\ ;1 * Cleeland's Jewelry Store jj ifc and look over a very fine stock of Watches, Solid * \ 4? Silverware, Hand Painted and Imported China, Gold t ? tif Jewelry, finest plated ware and many other new and f ? ?g up to date goods suitable for a nice wedding or Christmas gift. :: 1 D. L. CLEELAND, I V (; 125 South Main street, - - - Butler, Pa. j [Winter Goods for Wintry Blasts. Some Low Prices for the Best Fabrics. Record Making Millinery. THE MODERN STORE- Following arc a few sample prices. All over the store, you will find the same range of values. Yon can't go away. We snow the most reliable stock of Dry Goods at the most reliable prices. A child ran boy here as safely as her parents. Xew Plaid Silks for Waists. *I.OO ayd New Plaid Wool and Silk Goods, 88 in. wide, 50c a yd New Kainproof Cloths, 56 in. wide. Celebrated Forest Mills Hand-finished Underwear for ladies and children, all sizes and qualities, 35c to fl 50 per garment Gordon Dye Hosiery for ladies and children, 96c and 50c a pair. * Exclusively Designed Millinery- Tfcat means no duplicates. When we make yon a hat, yon won't 3 find another one like it. This is Millinery to order, individnal headwear, U not hand-me-down advertisements of the shop window; and our prices fjj are no higher than you pay for the others. Ladies' Trimmed Hats, 51.49 up- Children's Hats, 98e up. S EISLER-MARDORF COHPANY, H SOUTH MAIS STRUT J | fo°toffice e box es ) (L£\ Send in Your Mail Orders. OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BDTLPR. PA. 1- i 111 ii in ii ii'ii 11iwm—iiiw"imini lliim—a—iiiii —i F Bf Once Morel It's Time You Look For Your I Wool soOtsl 1 AND Stockings I f|] Notwithstanding the great advance on these goods thisH season, we are in a position to sell all these goods at lessH M than last year's prices: 9 Men's Wool Boots and Rubbers, Lot No. 1, - - $1.48H Jg Men's Wool Boots and Rubbers, Lot No. 2, - - 1.75H H Men's Wool Boots and Rubbers, Lot No. 3, - - 1.98H «j Men's Wool Boots, Non-Snag Rubbers, Lot No. 4, 2.25 ■ 1} Men's Red Ball Boots, Non-Snag Rubbers, LotNo.s, 2.48® Hf Men's Mishawaka, Knit Boots & Rubbers, Lot. No. 6, 2.75 ■ || Boys' Wool Boots and Rubbers, - - - - 98c to 1.48H JI We sell the only genuine water-proof shoe made. ■ « Just the thing (or oil men. It will be a saving offl w money to see us before you buy, H M A V d A « Opposite® iHuseltoiVs^^sj L. S. McJCNKIN. IBA McJUNKIN GEO. A. MITCHELL. b. 5 & CO., Insurance Sc Real Estate 117 E- Jefferson St. QUTbER, " Ph. THE Established COUNTRY ,831 SENTLEMAN Hie ONLY Apltural NEWSpaper, AND ADMITTEDLY THE Leading Agricultural Journal of the World. Every department written by specialists. ■' highest uutliorlties In their respective lines. , , . >.i other paper pretends to compare with It In qualification* of editorial staff. Gives the agricultural NEWS with a degree of .-ompieteness not even attempted by others. , _ . Indispensable to all country residents who wl»h to keep up with the times. Single Subscription, JI.SO. Two Subscribtions, $2.50 Five Sub fccriptiocs, $5.50 SI'EtIAL ISDDCKIIKNTn TO BAHKRK 0» LAIUUK T'LUBS, Fonf Months' Trial Trip 50 cents. SPECIMEN COPIES w ill !>e mailed free on request. It will pay anybody iiiterasted In any way In lire to send for them. Address the publishers: LUTHER TUCKER <& SON, Albany, N. Y {SFVubscription taken at this office. Both papers together. < Wm. Foster, ! \ Architect, j f Plan of all kind of buildings \ S furnished on short notice. / f Offloe in Berg Bnilding, S N Butler, Pa. I , 5 0 YEARS* EXPERIENCE P | TRHRT OBMMS "FT" COPYRIGHTS JtC. hssM&ssaaeibfsßSt gent froe. UMsst agency forHCurlllfMttlllfc I'nfpntt taken tfirodfh Mann A Co. RMTTF tl*cial not let, without obarge, LA tie Scientific American. A handsomely tlloitrated weekly. Largest etr. Citation of any scientific Journal. Terms. IS s vi.itr: four months, IL Bold by all nawtdealera. MUNN & Co "««—». New Yorfc Bra.nct Otto*. «5 K BL. Warhlrirtrto. D. C Advertise in The Citizen. i{ ITne 80Tb6R Otizcn. ♦I.OO per year If paid In advance, otherwise i 11..i0 will be cnargod. AuvEnnsijsa RATIW— Ono Inch, one tiirt II; each subsequent Insertion SO cents e.-i. h Auditors' and divorce notices $4 eacb; exec utors' and administrators' notices 13 each estray and dissolution notices $2 each. Beam ing notices 10 cents a line for first and S cents for each subsequent Insertion. Notices among local news Items IS cents a line for etch In sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks resolutions of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of 6 cents a Hue, money to accompany the order. Jeven words of prose make aline. Kates for standing cards ana job work on application. Ail advertising is due after first insertion, and all transient advertising must be paid for in advance. All communications Intended tor publica tion in this paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publica tion bui a guarantee of good falth.ana should roach us not later than Tuesday evening. Death notice* must be accompanied with responsible nam* LOOK AT THE LABEL. Pasted on your paper, (or on the wrapper in which it comee,) for a brief but exact statement of jour subscription account. The date to which you have paid is clearly given. If it is a past date a remittance is in order, and is re spectfully solicited, Remember the subscription price, SI.OO a year in advance or $1.50 at end of year. W. C. NEQLEY, Butler, Penna. If the date is not changed within three ,weeks write and ask whv. Why You Nlioulil visit the World's Fair. The principal reason why a visit xliould be made to this greatest of Ex positiocs is on account of its education al value. A visit to the World's Fair is in itself a trip around the world, for fifty cents, the price of admission The president of one of our greatest univers ities has said, "To the bright student the Exposition is worth a thousand col lege lectures." The opportonity of a life time is afforded in which to acquire, by a few day's sojourn at the Fair, an education which could not otherwise be received. The World's Fair Grounds cover over 1200 acres, being more than twice as large as those of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago Only n few data left in which to take advantage of this great opportunity Every day from now until the close of the Fair is a "special" day. The Wa bash ta selling daily excursion tickets to the Fair at greatly rtdnced rates; sl2 St Louis and return, on sale daily, ex cept Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets K «od in palace and reclining chair cars #ls 00, St Lonis »nd return. Tickets on nale dally, and good in either palace rtclininj? chair cars or Pullman sleep ers. The Wabash operates through trains from Ptttsbnr* to the Worid'a ; Fair main entrance, all trains leaving | the magnificent new passenger station, icorner of Liberty Avenue »rd Ferry I Street, at 3;00 P. M and f:3O P. M. daily, city time. Detailed information regarding rates and train service, to St Louis, as well as to many Homewekera' jwirts in the West Not thwest and cheer full v furnished at Wabash City ticket Office 320 Fifth Avenue, Ticket Office.' Wabash Station. -St. Lotus Excursions- The B. & L. E. road will sell low rate excursion tickets to St Louis on ac count of the Louisiana Purchase K*v«h sition. Inquire of agents for ratM ana other haformatton.