Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 10, 1904, Image 1

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►jStock Nearly Complete|j
M The Largest. Best and Cheapest Line of rvj
| Furniture and Carpets tij
i We have Ever Shown You. kj
t Carpets and Rugs —all kinds—at lowest prices.
Bed Room Suits from $25.00 to $150.00. VA
VA Combination and Library Cases $7.00 to $40.00. ft #
L Music Cabinets and Writing Desks any finish
7 $8 to S3O. ,
i Couches —velour or leather —steel construction
f sl3 to S6O I*]
V Parlor Suits —Davenports and odd pieces —irom
Fi $5 to SBS. V
Buffets—Sideboards—latest designs—from s>ib r t
f, to SBS. , u $1
k Chiffoniers and Odd Dressers—oak, mahogany r*
r\ and bird's eye maple —$7.00 and up.
Special line of Mirrors and Pictures at very low r J
W. prices. . , „ |j
% One hundred different patterns in Rockers o. all r .
fj kinds —at prices you cannot dispute. fej
k * We are showing a large line of Round and Square f *
fA Extension Tables —and Diners to match. It will pay s
k * you to see us before buying. ff
fA We will show the largest line of medium-priced /
fancy Parlor Stands and Library Tables this store ,
has ever carried —dainty and inexpensive Xmas g,
k presents.
Fi Ask for what you don't see. We can furnish your & i
k house from attic to basement. f£•
fi DON'T wait for DISCOUNTS later. It's a mis- |•;
k take. Come, make your selections and get our best fr.
IT prices NOW! We are Ready-to-Sell. • kj
< There Are No Installment fj
j Prices Asked at This Store. |.j
| BROWN & CO. t]
W No. 135 North Main St., Butler. J* ;
* Sri® f
§ Stylish Furs at Low Prices. £
i Last Season we did an •Immense business g
and Sold Out Our Entire Stock. A
§ This s«MHon we show a complete new stock or fine furs.madeup in the Uf
{■ Intgs' The quality of ntma hiu! of workmjuighip (ire flip very b<-h *0
Cfc arid oar prices »re exceptionally Iqw.' tS
V Beaver. Bear. Fo*. Marten, Mink, Sable, Squirrel and other fars are
shown in all tins seasous shapes. fijl
C Cluster Scarfs at $1 00. $1 50. $-2 00 up. • .
Beaver Scarfs. Special, at $4 OQ.
™ American Sujpe Marten. Special, at QQ
American Sable, special, at ffi.oO. F*
S Marten, 15.00. $6.00. $8 00. $12.00.
m Fox. $8.09, $12.00. (16 50 np.
g Kid and Fabric Gloves. S
The "Josephine" is withont exception tbe very best Kid Glove ever
fp retailed for #i 00, black and all the new shades of brown, mode, tin. Q*
5 tor 4t»d gr*v. Great value at SI.OO. jA
V Splendid '<Ja»tupere Gloves; Bilk lined, black, browns and grays JJJ
Qi Can't be bear at 5Qc. fleeced Cashmere Qloyes. extra good at 25c.
»Pine Linens. . |
0 We have received a large shipment of fine linens for Holiday trade £?
5 The lot consists of fine table linens, napkins, pattern cloths with napkins »
Mf 1.1 match, fine towels, beautiful Mexican drawn work, hemstitched and
S embrojded d.iylins, wqnares and scarfs. On sale now at special low prices t
| L. Stein & Son, |
f $75 to $l5O ij
1 For Fifteen Minutes Time '
pi Pretty high wages, Eh? That's what people are
K making who take abvantage of
E r . On account of cleaning out my store in order
f* Squre pianos from $25.00 to $125. Organs frgrn
'| I K E ■ OK i
|v Merchant Tailor, Jw]
Fall and Winter Suitings
142 North Main St. vy
I ' K R C- K
J For Sale. |
The real estate of Mrs. Mary J
8j Muntz, deceased, consisting of p*
the following tracts, all located in jg
HU the Borough of Butler, Pa. pj
Ist. A strip fronting 115 feet on South
Main street and extending along the B. &
O. R. R. about 500 feet. This tract is well g*
§j adapted for manufacturing or warehouse fgj
2nd. The homestead of about two acres,
+3% having a large comfortable dwelling house
and outbuildings, fronting 150 feet on Main
street and lying between the plank road ||a
and the B. & O. R. R., having a frontage jUft
on the latter of over 500 feet. This tract
g* is unexcelled for manufacturing purposes,
and has a never failing spring of water jg
j||s 3rd. A tract of about eight acres south jS*
sill of the plank road and west of Main street. gS
f||f This tract can be subdivided into about
forty buildings lots, commanding a splendid
iWI view and within a few minutes walk of the pSS
business portion of the town.
4th. A large lot fronting 120 feet on |g*
£55 Main street and having thereon a two story
jla frame slate roof dwelling house in excel- J^s
- lent condition and with all modern con-
For prices, terms, e'c., inquire of.
| John N. /Vluntz, |
No. 637 5. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
; We are the first again, as usual. v
We have now on display our Fall and Winter line of
\ Men's, Boys', and Children's Clothing. We pride our
( selves of having the finest line of Fall and Winter Cloth
i ing ever shown in Butler. We mean that only make the
Isaac Hamburger Clothing. We get the credit ef every- i
one for selling tfye hest line of clothing, net alone in But- )
([ ler, 'put the whole country, from the very fact that we sell
C the best ready-made clothing to be found on the market. •
\ Our sales of this famous Hamburger make have doubled /
C every year and we have been selling it for 12 years.
\ cannot be said of any make, and we de not find it necessary
(to change our line every year for a better one—it cannot
( be found. When we tell you we have our Fall and Winter ;
{ line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits on display yp /
think it all th§t is necessary, fgr all knew that Qur /
QlQthiflg i| up te dati in sfyle, pattern and fit. All we ,
( ask of you is to come in and see for yourself. See
< window display. YOURS FOR CLOTHING. j
I Douthett & Graham. <
_ - , - ■ ■ i - —.-rr^rrr —
fj frT CUMALENA HAIR TONIC Prevents Baldness I
El \ If used in time, Cleanses the Hair of Dandruff .Cures Itch-
H tSjnkf fJRB Ins of the Scalp, and Insures a bead of luxuriant hair.
ME. ADAM EIBECK, or Carnegie, Pa., says :
A "CUMALENA HAIR TONIO certainly pre\eu,ju u,q
ACj \ —from beeomlng bsirt. 1 h»d been
yi3l \ ( l" r several ypata iflpj variifii* fjhlr Toulcn wlmout r»-
i f.CfvntU hirr riMulK'wAaievsr. 1 »»s Anally induced to try
'DU Cl'M U.K.N.V and It certainly worked amlracln In my case."
CUMALENA HAIR TONIC to be hatl at all first<lass
drugeists and barbers.
■ goc and Si.oo Bottles. Guaranteed by tlie manufacturer
I Fall and Winter Millinery 1
w &
Arrival of a large line of Street Hats, Tailor-made
•£ and ready-to-wear Hats. All the new ideas snd 3;
3; designs in Millinery Novelties. Trimmed and On- 31
A trimmed Hat 6 for Ladies, Misses and Children. All 3;
31 the new things in Wings, Pom pons; Feathers, 31
iji Ostrich Goods, etc, etc. £
$ Roekenstein's $
a[ X
H'iß South Main Street. ; - - Butler, Pa.
is greatly leßßenM by comfortable footwear. The flexibility of Patrician
Shoes for women makes walking a pleasure. All the attractive'ieos, style
and service of a custom-made shoe is found in the Patrician. There are
27 styles to select from.
People's Phone 633. 108 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
By Martha
Copyright, im, McCulloch
bu Martha Williams
i $
"My, but she is ugly!" Mrs. Evans
said, her accent distinctly one of re
lief. Bronson smiled covertly as he
answered: "Don't be too sure of that.
She has eyes."
"Eyes! Bah!" The ejaculation was
almost a snort. Estelle heard it, al
though there was the breadth of the
room between her and the irate ma
tron. She lookeO plaintively across at
Bronson, who answered her look with
the faintest humorous nod. Then he
strolled over to her and said in her
ear: "It's too easy— quite too easy.
Miss Mischief. I simply had to give
that good soul a hint of warning."
"Traitor!" Estelle retorted, pre
tending to hiss the word high tragedy
fashion, yet ending with a dimpling
laugh. The laugh went far to redeem
her face-so far that it set more than
one beholder speculating that old Ma
jor Gilbert's stranger granddaughter
would not really be so bad looking if
She knew how to her cloti.es
and do her heavy hair, this despite
her wretched complexion, for she had
a beautiful straight nose and good
teeth, to say nothing of her handsome
eyes. Her neck must be bad. else
why was she swathed up to the ears?
Her sleeves also quite swallowed her i
gloved hands, but her feet were as i
much in evidence us they well could
be, incased in boots at least three
sizes largo.
With everybody else in party bibs
and tuckers, such garmenting made
her conspicuous, all the more that the
gown she wore was grass green, with
a bright pink stock and much dead
white braiding. Spangles and beads
also lurked amid the braid, so rqany
that there w»s a cut or at ivason for
fistelle'i wnisper as she looked down
at herself.
"Do you know, I feel like the court
of King Solomon at the puppet show."
This made Bronson frown. "You'll
give yourself away." lie said severely
"For heaven's pake don't spuil sport
Just whetl it's getting so much better
than a play."
"I won't," said Estelle contritely:
then In a nervous aside: "When does
Adonis come in? Do hurry him along!
I shan't be easy until he comes.
pose, after all, hg siliQUlo color blind
—able to see only gold and greenbacks
and old yellow title deeds?"
"Suppose nothing so tragic. I told
you in the beginning he was artistic
or nothing," Bronson retorted; ".\rt
Is, indeed, weak salt, titiierwise
would he bjp in bowls to Miss Adela
Evans Y"
"She Is so pretty," Estelle said fer
Bronson growled: "Yes; regular chi
na baby beauty—blue eyes, pink and
white complexion and hair always
the latest mode. U»«s lobby now.
»u >vuit"ifor—Adonis. They'll be
romlng in together, the prettiest pair
of puppets you ever saw."
"I hope he isn't too gocgl logging,"
Estelle murmnred reflectively.
Bronson sco,wl?.d.
"You'll find him drngnsttmrtyn*. Ill
deed, V v e been half afraid all along
that wheu you saw him you'd be sor
"Indeed I shan't," Estelle interrupt
ed eagerly. "How can I be sorry for
anything that Bets me free u«at
odious bond""
tvronson"dM not answer. A stir about
the door drew all eyes. Adonis, other
wise George Gilbert, Estelle's cousin,
coheir and fiance, entered Adtda
|lvans cl'nging Hsteotutiously ta his
i(cr.i. she had such a bahit of clinging
there (hat the sports of Grassliope had
been ready to give odds this last half
year that she would ere this have wr't
ten herself Mrs. George Gilbert but for
Grandfather Gilbert's absurd will.
This instrument decreed flatly which
ever of his tji.o, fky»c*uidants refused to
'tne other thereby forfeited all
claim to the big Gilbert fortune.
The boy and girl had been brought
up half a continent apart. Estelle had
come to Grassliope for the first
less than a week bofore. put tales of
hor had rife there the last three
years, how willful she was, also bow
sharp of speech and of temper ;\s tu
her looks there been several opin
ions. Hfced Hrouson might have spoken
authoritatively, but he chose to be si
lent. He had met Estelle two sum
mers running at the seashore, and with
each meeting he became rnqvfc
ent to belles and their
He had known, first of all,
that Estelle was coming to visit her
mother's cousins, the Warrens. Mrs.
Evans thought her bold for it. She did
not need to marry George sue
was twenty-two might therefore
welj lett it to him to do the seek
What George thought about It no
body knew. He smiled down at
| as they crossed to E>telle- When he
j got a friM.it look at her his smile be
-1 came for a breath's space quizzical,
but it was kind and wholly cordial as
he took both her hands, saying, "I
know you all right, young lady—lf jou
would never let me have your pic
"Snn',fc\>v»a>-'« l>een telling," Estelle
ttaltt solemnly, although her eyes danc
ed. They had never rested upon a finer
fellow than George. He had all tbe
Gilbert look she so wQriil)|pt>d <n her
father's portrait. Overtly ahe glanced
fro(u liim t<> hrMttuon, tlrotrnon was big
tifld hiuest looking and had withal an
nlr of breeding, but still was not to be
named beside her unwelcome betroth
ed. No doubt he had more bruin-, al
though as tixuc wl iuis forced
admit George carried things off
very well indeed. And after supper,
when the dancing began, Bronson, the
luckless, went into complete ecUp&e.
He hated dancing, as well he might,
seeing lie danced so badly. George
filbert, contrariwise, might have been
wing footed, so lightly did he move In
such perfect time and tune. Music, In
deed, was in the Gilbert blood. Estsl)s
danced, if anything, better. Wljen they
waltzed other couples stopped
tu see. Indeed they kept on and on
and on until they had the whole crowd
staring as alone they whirled and
wheeled over the waxed floor qJ
JSsiellef* Bronsou Implored in
ft loud whisper as the couple whirled
past him. George smiled broadly. Es
telle, dismayed, put a hand up to her
face. As she took it away two pimples
and half a dozen freckles came with It.
George saw them and quickly guided
her out of the light.
"Go wash your face!" he commanded
lmperativelv. "And tbc Umo you
ffant vo g<J masquerading let me help
you make up. I know heaps of better
disfigurement. Besides, grease paint
la fearfully unreliable when one loves
dancing as we do."
"I forgot—l ought not to have
danced," Et> telle said contritely; then
with a swift change of mood. "But you
wouldn't have known If I hatl been a
little wiser."
"Indeed I would. I went 500 miles
last summer just to see you," George
half whispered. "So I understood the
minute I looked at you tonight. You
wanted to disgust me, to make me
lose a wife and a fortune. I don't
blame you. Women have to fight in
justice with their own weapons. Still
I wish you hadn't done It. You can
say 'No' to me this minute if you like
and get back more than all the money
you lose by saying it tomorrow"—
"I see. Y'ou want to invest in Dres
den china," Estelle interrupted auda
ciously. "So of course I don't want to
say it—not now, at least."
"That must be quite as you please."
George said, smiling over her head.
"Y'ou will have to go straight home,"
he added masterfully. "Changing lov
ers would be nothing beside the scan
dal of changing countenances this way
in the face of everybody."
"I know it," Estelle said sorrowful
ly. "Fate Is playing me tricks—putting
all the trumps in Adela's hands"—
"Not quite. Y'ou frrget I shall make
your excuses and take you and Mrs.
Warren home," George said. "Don't
keep me waiting either. I'm all impa
tience to see your real self."
Grassliope had no end of seusatious
through the next six weeks. The first
came when George Gilbert broke the
prearranged engagement, the next
when it was seen that he was disput
ing with Reed Bronson for first place
in his cousin's regard, " u d til® third
and greatest was to find the strange
Gilbert girl truly a beauty, with no
end of fine feathers and a most en
chanting way of wearing tliein. Adela
Evans looked faded and insignificant
beside her, although away from her
she was easily the prettiest girl in
town. But Adela was spiritless these
days. She no longer had hopes of
catching George. He was eagerly,
desperately, in earnest about Estelle,
although she had given him back, as
}n duty Utiwnd. rather more than half
x£e money. Reed Bronson was no less
earnest, so between them they kept
public interest at fever heat.
Estelle was nobly impartial. At (lvst
she had thought really tn love
with pvouso,i», That was what had Im
pelled her to the masquerading. But
somehow George's grave, hurt face
had made her very much ashamed,
although she would have died rath
er than admit love at first sight. Then
his freeing her and settling go.W4t to
court her anew negated to something
in 'lyr. us like tiber. Altogether she
was hard put to it to decide.
The strain of it all bore hardest on
Bronson. His temper, never sweet,
became abrupt and uncertain- lie was
barely civil tq ot\ipr wouieu. George,
i*>«tiMued to be a but
terfly among the aoclal flowers.
Cpoo one of those spring days that
seem made for love the three rode
together through blossomy lanes.
Bronson rode but clumsily, so when
presently his mount bolteij it yv-it* all
he could do to W tieorge,
away in a minute, caught him and
checked him so sharply that the mad
creature reared, kicked savagely and
at last fell backward, tafcteg lb* tdher
horse with it a struggling, plunging
{lMfu That anybody cauie out of It
alfvo was little abort of a miracle. But
ttiere was nothing worse for either
tlinn a broken arm. As Bronson stood
ruefully nursing it he said, lookiug
straight in Estelle's eyes: "¥<>n atiwln-t
take the trouble to, ui« anything.
I saw youj. »a we were going
frou found out whom you loved
Just then—George."
"Yes, George," Estelle said, flushing
like a rose.
4 t*e<-iillar FUh.
There is a species of fish in the In
dian ocean which have a very remark
able peculiarity," said a naturalist.
"This fish is provided with a
snout, which it uses vpry ptttck as a
sportsman use« tv pun. Swimming close
benpaVh \iic surface of the water, it
vratchos the flies flitting about directly
sverhead, and having selected one to
Its fancy suddenly thrnsts its head out
of the water and with unerring marks
manship discharges several drops of
water at its Confused, and
Jvltb its wings drenched and rendered
temporarily useless by the watery pro
jectiles, the insect droi»* the sur
face of t)i(> tV"ter, where It Is immedi
ately ffobhled up by its voracious en
emy. These fish are said to be abli»
to bring down a fly in this manner
from the height of two or tbrge i*et. v
There Are Five oi Them, and Each
Has Its Own Duty.
In their antennae, or feelers, ants
have five noses, each oX which has its
own duties to perform.
wose tells the ant whether It is
in its own nest or that of an enemy;
another nose discriminates between
odors of ants of the same species, but
of different colonies; a third nasal or
gan serves the purpose of discerning
the scent laid down by the ant's own
feet, so that it may be able to retrace
the way quite easily; a fourth nose
smells the larvae and pupae, and the
fifth nose detects til? presence of an
\lt .<u ant be deprived of a certain
nose, it will live peaceably with ene
mies, but if it retains its fifth nose It
will flght the alien to the death. There
is a difference in the functions of nose
one Riid uose five, ulthough they ap
pear to be somewhat alike.
This sense of smell does not come
till the ants are three days old. If,
therefore, ants only twelve hours old
are placed among oUier* belonging to
ironies, they will grow up
quite amicably and not understand
that they are a mixed lot, because
they will have grown up with ideas of
scent in accordance with their sur
roundings The seuse of smell to them
as important as the sense of sight
to human beings.
Bnnchtnsr It.
"How long have you married?"
asked the priiftft <}onna,
"Clftly 4).% months this time," replied
the beautiful soubrette; "but. putting
them all together, I suppose I've been
a wife for three or four yea. 18 9t
least." -Exchange.
A Soother.
He—He's put a good many to sleep
in his time. She—Doctor or pugilist?
He—Neither- ne's a preacher.—Chicago
Jasper—l often won er why Jenkins
!s not more popular, for he in the most
polite man I know. Juni'iup: e That
is just the trouble. He is so confound-,
edly polite lie leavej i*,* impression
that wants to bonow money.—Town
Sonict Itnea.
"M.v litis! - nil is ji fatalist. He al
ways maintains that men are not free
"You must rememter th"t your hus
band is murricd."—V> «uw Counter.
The Venerable Superstition That la
Auoclatrd With Julr 18.
St. Swlthin's daj falls on July 15,
and In England there Is a superstition
that if It rains on that date the suc
ceeding forty days will be wet, and if,
on the contrary, St. Swlthin's day be
fair then the succeeding twoscore
days will likewise be pleasant. The su
perstition is venerable, for one old his
torian remarks that "St. Swithin, a
holy bishop of Winchester, about the
year SfiO was called the weeping St.
Swithin, for that about his feast Prae
sepe and Aselli. rainy constellations,
arise cosmlcally and commonly cause
Another version of the story is that
the good bishop left orders at his death
that he should be buried in the open
churchyard and not in the chancel.
The monks, however, disobeyed the
wishes of their dead and laid him to
rest on July 15 *vithin the minster,
whereupon rain fell heavily and con
tinually till on the fortieth day the of
fending priests became alarmed and
hastened to fulfill their dead bishop's
Statistics furnished by the officials
at Greenwich observatory discredit the
accuracy of the whole tale. The figures
for one period of twenty years go to
show that the greater number of rainy
days after St Swlthin's day followed a
dry July 15.
The Secret of the Color In One ol
Turner's Picture*.
The late Mr. Horsley, It. A., has re
corded that at one time he studied al
most daily one of Turner's finest water
colors, called "The Snowdon Range."
admiring especially the tender waroitb
of the light clouds encircling the inoou.
He tried all sorts of glanseA to see if he
could dJspQver how the particular glow
Wft* gained, but without success.
Chance revealed the secret. The pic
ture began to buckle from Its mount,
and its owner, Sir Seymour Iladea.
put it Into the hands of a uoted expert
to be remounted, When he had suc
cessfully removed It from Its old mount
the expert sent for the owner to show
him what he had discovered. A circle
of orange vermilion had been plastered
on the back with an ivory palette knife
where the artist wanted the effect and
then worked off sutf\oJ«'Uy far through
the pores Qf the previously wetted pa
py iq give the show of color, while re
taining the smooth surface, without a
trace of workmanship on the right
This may have led 34r, Morsley him
self tq use, as he did, brilliant orange
the foundation (or a white muslin
Primitive Place of C«>t»neat la
Tb® ojxw air state Jail of Cettlnje,
Montenegro, Is unique in Europe. This
primitive place of confinement Is sit
uated in the principal public squt\ro of
the Montenegrin capital. Persons
guilty of such rnliwr offenses as as
sault wr petty thefts are sentenced to
ttuprlsoument In the open air Jail. The
prisoners are allowed to roam about
the square at will, the mere fact that
they have been deprived of their weap
ons being considered appropriate pun
ishment. At ftight the prisoners are
removed to a room tu the town hall.
Where they have far more comfortable
quarters than they would have at
home. The thought of escaping from
their open air Jail seldom occurs to
them, and even if It did 'there Is no
place where they could find refuge. The
24<>nteiiegrtns are, above all, men of
honor, and were a prisoner to escape
the population of Cettinje would soon
be at the heels of the fugitive guilty of
having broken bis (utHU.ise uot to at
tempt to es,>. up«s. -New York Tribune.
A Clock Withont Worka.
In the courtyard of the palace of Ver
sailles is a clock with one hand, ?&>'etl
L'Horloge de la Mort du Uol. It con
tains no works, but eonsists merely of
a face in th.e form of a sun, surrounded
by rny». On the death of a king the
hand is set to the moment oi bis de
mise and remains unaltered till his suc
cessor has Joiued him in the grave.
This custom originated under Louis
XIII. and continued till the revolution.
It was revived on the deatll of Louis
XVIII., and the hand still coutinues
fixed on the ;«recmoment of that
motywcU'Ti death.
Appearance a Protection.
"Appearances are deceitful" la "an
] old saying, which waa Illustrated by an
old lady in one of our banks a few
days ago.
j She drew out a sum very near the
SI,OOO mark. The banker kindly asked
her if she did not wish an eaeort to
her destination In order to Insure pro
tection for the large amount. Looking
calmly at the banker, she replied,
"Why, nobody would think I had more
than sl.2s!"—Rumford Falls Times.
The Gentle Art.
Visitor (to particular friend, who has
bad several new dresses laid on the
bed to choose from) —I do wish you
would tell me the name of the woman
you sell your things to. I've got a lot
of old gowns like these that I want to
get rid of.—Punch.
"Boss," began the beggar, "won't yer
help a poor"—
"See here," Interrupted Goodheart,
"I gave you some money last week."
"Well, gee whiz! Ain't yer earned
Iny more since?"— Philadelphia Ledger.
When a man fools his wife and is
»shamed GfJt, It Is not so serious, but
when he thniks he has a right to fool
her. that is serious.—Atchison Globe
A Body From the I*rel»l*torle Bnry
!ln( Pla«M of Untland.
In Somersetshire, England, may be
seen many 'barrows," burying places
| of prehistoric man. Long ages ago,
' when the elephant and rhinoceros, the
lion aud bear, the hjeua and wolf, the
great elk flttd the reindeer were among
tho o«*i>iniou aulmuls of England, prim
itJve man and savage beasts lived In j
! caves in this region.
At the entrance to these caves the
aborigines, clnd in Kkina, kept flres
burning for warmth and for protection
from the wild beasts. It was here that
they made flint hatchets, knives aud
arrowheads. Not long ago a trench
I was being dug within the mouth of one
; of these caves for the purnoae of drain- I
| It vua fwiiurt necessary to break up a !
I •taiagtnlte floor of two thick layers,
j Between the layers was a deposit of
cave earth aud stones, in which was i
I discovered the skeleton of a man of i
very great antiquity in au excellent
Btate of preservation. WSIh were
found several flint fculres and flakes.
Experts whu made a careful examina
♦lftta of the skull, which has projecting
brows and receding frontal oone. have
I os<4dfd th«t It belojigti to t£e stoue pf* *
aa.l in of a type intermediate between I
the paleolithic and neolithic age*.
Apparently the body bad been placed .
in a small passage leading ofT froui the '
great passages to the stalactite ca\es I
aud had l>oen presented from disturb- I
ance by stones piled around It. The |
stalagmite floor bad formed over it all,
effectually preserving It to the present
day.—Harper's Weekly.
The Gorilla's Powrrfil Arms Make 1*
a Formidable Foe.
Fish fighting is a most popular sport
in Slam. The two fish, trained from
the age of six months to fight, arc
placed in a large glass bottle. It is
most curious to note each fish's atti
tude when it becomes aware of its ad
versary's presence in the bottle. Swell
ing with rage and pride, they sail
around and around the narrow space,
pretending not to notice each other un
til suddenly one fish makes a savage
dart at its unwelcome companion, bit
ing its fins and body. The fight contin
ues until the referee sees that the Issue
is no longer in doubt, when the contest
is stopped.
Horses use either their teeth or their
hoofs as a mode of defense. A curious
instance of the effectiveness of these
weapons once occurred at Sheffield
park. A bulldog, barking and snarling,
chased a horse turned loose around and
around a meadow, not with angry in
tent. but purely from excess of high
spirits. After galloping around the
field several times the horse stopped
dead and, turning sharply around,
lashed out at the yelping dog, with a
fatal result, for its skull was cloven.
The gorilla Is a most formidable op
ponent in battle, its great strength ly
ing in Its powerful arms. Few animals
of the forest have the slightest chance
of overcoming a gorilla. A python has
been known to encircle Its coils around
the gorilla's body, only, however, to
have its own body torn open by its ad
versary's hands.
Waste of Bacr(7>
If you hold your fist as tight as you
can hold it for fifteen minutes the fa
tigue you will feel when it relaxes is a
clear proof of the energy you have been
wasting, and If the waste is so great
In the useless tightening of a fist it is
Still greater In the extended and con
tinuous contraction of brain and nerves
in useless fears, and the energy saved
through dropping the fears and their
accompanying tension can bring in the
same proportion a vigor unknown be
fore and at the same time afford pro
tection against the very things we fear
ed. The fear of taking cold is so strong
in many people that a draft of fresh air
becomes a bugaboo to their contracted,
sensitive nerve*. Drafts are imagined
as existing everywhere, and the con
traction which immediately follows the
sensation of a draft is the best means
of preparing to catch a cold.
Strmoa of Throo Boara and a Half.
Charles 11. was wont in his humor
qua way to say of bis chaplain. Dr.
Barrow, that "he was the most unfair
preacher in England because he ex
hausted every subject and left no room
for others to come after him." It was
Indeed too much the doctor's way.
When he got hold of a topic be never
knew how to leave anything unsaid
•bout it One of his best discourses,
that on the duty and reward of bounty
to the poor, actually took up three and
a half hours in delivering.
Persons who believe in luck and
aigns will doubtless agree that it is un
lucky to be struck by lightning on
Monday, or take hold of a circular saw
In motion on Tuesday, or tumble down
stairs with a coal scuttle on Wednes
day. or be hit by a trolley car on Thurs
day, or fall overboard on Friday, or
marry on Saturday, or be one of thir
teen to dinner on Sunday when there
ia food for only ten.
Sroaadleaa Fear.
Cholly—l did think of going in for
politics, but I was afwaid I wouldn't
know just how to tweat my lnfewiahs,
don't y' know. Peppery—Your Inferi
ors! Oh, you wouldn't be likely to
meet any of them. —Philadelphia Press.
The (word.
A sword is out of place in time of
yeace, and it is of very little conse
quence in time of war, except to adorn
a big general or a lodge man In a pa
rade.—Atchison Globe.
True independence is to be found
where n person contracts bis desires
b'JLLLu limits at liL; fi. ? ;
Lion (.'anally Falls an Eaar Victim,
aa He Kata Voraelonaly.
Wolves, tigers, leopards and other
carnlvora are difficult to poison be
cause of the power which they have of
rapidly getting rid of the drug. Lions,
on the other band, are very frequently
poisoned, as they eat voraciously and
quickly, more like a dog than the other
large felldae. It is said that a good
many lion skins, especially those
brought back by foreign counts and
others from Somaliland before the re
grettable misunderstanding between
whites and blacks had begun in that
region famous for large game, were
obtained by the unsportsmanlike meth
od of poisoning carcasses and leaving
them for the lions to devour.
Cattle, which have no less than four
stomachs, are hopelessly poisoned If
once they have swallowed a dose,
whether In a toxic plant or otherwise.
It Is this curious arrangement of their
Interiors which makes It such a diffi
cult matter to give cattle medicine at
In common with human beings, ani
mals seem to be affected by poison in
certain forms when in a particular con
dition of health. At other times they
can cat the same plant or shrub with
impunity. In certain states of health
a man can eat porlt, lobsters, cockles,
scallops and other somewhat risky
foods without bad effects. At other
times the same edibles would produce
on him the effect of ptomaine poison
ing. Two persons may eat of the sama
food at the same time, and while one
is perfectly well afterward the other
may become violently ill.
The curious cases of yew poisoning
among cattle or horses seem to be
Bomewhat analogous. They will some
times browse on shoots of yew and
take no harm whatever. At other
times they are obviously made very
111 or die from eating the leaves. They
have even been found dead with the
yew fresh and undigested in their
Where poisonous plants are present
in any great numbers in herbage it
seems quite impossible to prevent cat
tle from eating them.
Birds seem to have no discrimination
whatever in regard to poisons, prob
ably because they have almost no
sense of smell and swallow their food
without masticating it. Such intelli
gent birds as rooks will pick up and
eat poisonous grain, and crows and
ravens readily eat poisoned eifgs <> r
No. 43
Chickens will eat the poisonous seeds
of the laburnum and die from the ef
fects. Whether birds such as tits and
gre*n finches ever do so does not seem
to be known, but wild birds are fre
quently found dying in gardens, though
apparently they have been in good
health a few hours before, and their
death may probably be due to the con
sumption of poisonous seeds.—Chicago
She Wat Doing Her Beat.
Genuine Scotch canniness shines
through this story which the Philadel
phia Ledger publishes: "A widow one
day in spring was seen by the clerk of
her parish crossing the churchyard
with a watering pot and a bundle.
"Ah, Mistress Mactavisb," said the
clerk, "what's yer bus'ness wi' sic like
gear as that y'are carryin'?" "Ah,
weel, Mr. Maclachlan," replied the
widow, "I'm just goin' to my gude
man's grave. I've got some hay seeds
in my bundle, which I'm going to sow
upon it. and the water In the can is
Just to gl'e 'em a spring like!" "The
seed winna want the watering." re
joined the clerk. "They'll spring fine
ly themselves." "That may well be,"
replied the widow, "but ye dlnna ken
that my gudeman, as lay a-deeing, just
got me to promise that I'd never marry
again till the grass had grown abovo
his grave. And, as I've had a good
offer made me but yestreen, ye see, I
dinna like to break my promise or be
kept * lone widow, as ye see me!"
First Stoftci.
"The first stogy was made by hand
In the wilds of Pennsylvania," said an
Allegheny City man. "The story which
they tell once In awhile in West Vir
ginia and which must be true is that
the long cheroots derived their names
from the town of Conestcsa, Pa. An
emigrant train of "wagons was finding
its way across the state, and a supply
of tobacco was found at Conestogc.
The emigrants got a lot of it, but fail
ed to get any pipes, and so could not
smoke unless they made pipes them
selves. Necessity is the mother of in
vention. You may have beard that re
mark before. Anyhow, one of the men
rolled a leaf of the tobacco in his hand
and wrapped it with another leaf.
That was the first stogy. Others fol
lowed his example, and they all called
the article that they made a stoga
In houor of the town at which the to
bacco was secured. That Is said to be
the true story of how the name stogy -
originated." Louisville Courier-Jour
The Naaao of firmer.
Not every Turner owes his name to
a lathe working ancestor, for, as Mr.
Davies wrote in his account of the
York press, "the elaborate initial and
capital letters and floreated marginal
borders (in the MSS.) were invented
and drawn by the tournures and flour
lshers," and it Is highly probable that
they made Impress on the nomencla
ture of posterity. Mr. Lower ("Patro
nymlca Britannica") says that "those
who dislike the plebeian tournure of
Turner have contrived to turn It Into
Tnrnoure" on the plea that they came
from some tonr nolr In Normandy. He
states that Turner is one of the most
common of surnames and inclines to
agree with Mr. Ferguson that the pop
ularity of tourneys or tournaments
had much to do with It—Notes and
Krldeneea That Oar Planet Poaaeaaea
a Luminous Quality.
In proof that the earth does emit .
light Humboldt (1808) points to the
aurora borealls. The light produced by
this luminous arch is distinct from
that received from the sun, and its In
tensity slightly exceeds that of the
moon's light in her first quarter. At
the poles this glow continues with
scarcely a break, reminding us of the
planet Venus, whose side turned away
from the sun often gives forth a feeble
phosphorescent light.
Humboldt goes on to argue that oth
er planets also may possess a similar
luminous quality, and in our atmos
phere there are other evidences of this
emission of light from the earth itself.
Such were the famous dry fogs of
1783 and of 1831, which gave forth light
perceptible at night, and Bucb Is that
diffused glimmer which guides our
steps in the nights of autumn and win
ter, when clouds hide the stars and the
earth Is not covered with snow.
It is therefore not entirely true that,
as Sir Norman Lockyer puts It, "the
earth cannot give out more light than
a cold poker can."
Cnrloaa Poatarea of Soma Men to
Woo a Flow of Ideas.
Lombroso says that some men of
genius In order to give themselves up
to mediation even put themselves arti
ficially into a state of cerebral semi
congestion. Schiller worked best with
his feet plunged Into ice. Descartes
buried his head in a sofa while medi
tating. while Milton composed with hi*
head leaning over his easy chair.
Palsiello composed beneath a moun
tain of bedclothes, and Rossini found
bed the best place for bis best works.
Cujas worked lying prone on the car
pet. and Liebnitz is said to have been
obliged to assume the horizontal to
meditate at all satisfactorily. Rousseau
worked with his head in the full glare
of the sun. Shelley on the hearth rug
with his head close to the fire, and
Bossuet, retiring to e cold room, wrap
ped his head in hot cloths.
It is possible that some of these
devices increased the flow of arterial
blood to the head, Just as many can
think best when exhilarated by rapid
exercise or by walking up and down a
Whlatlar and Hla Tailor.
"Curious enough," wrote Mortimer
Menpes, "whenever one came In con
tact with Whistler one entirely forgot
one's own affairs and became com
pletely occupied with his. The fit of
the master's coat was far more impor
tant to me than my own artistic work.
At the tailor's Whistler would give an
elaborate description of how a certain
coat was to be made, and the tailor
would carry out bis directions literally.
But no sooner had the man accomplish
ed the work than Whistler would say:
•This Is all wrong. How dare you say
that it is what I told you to do? I am
a painter. It is not my business to
make coats. That la your province.
Therefore you should have led me to
do what you knew to be right'"
Right to the Polat.
To do even the most humble work
worthily and well something more than
blind mechanical service must be giv
en. A young mistress once asked her
cook about a certain recipe. "Just how
much flour do you put in, Mary?"
"Law, mum, you don't follow any rule;
you just use your jedgment!" "But
suppose you don't have any 'jedg
ment,' " returned the puzzled mistress.
"Then don't cook!" was the reply, sue
i dnct and to the point.