THE BUTLER CITIZEN. WILLIAM 0. HEOLEY - Publisher. THUBSDAY. AUGUST 11, 1904. I t I tUlftr year la Advance, Otherwise $1.50 REPUBLICAN TICKET. President—Theodore Roosevelt, ] Vice President—C. W. Fairbanks. I Supreme Judge —John P. Elkin. Congress—Hon. Geo. F. Huff. State Senate—George W. McNees. Legislature—Hon. Thomas Hays, ( Dr. W. R. Hockenberry, District Attorney—Samuel Walker, 1 Clerk of Courts— L. E. Christley. i ———- | Hailstones. i The tremendous downfall of what are called hailstones across the northern part of the county, last Saturday even ing, and the reported size of some of them—walnuts and hen-eggs—makes one Wonder how they are formed. The theory °' the formation of the ordinary hailstone, or small ball of snow, is that a cloud or mass ef vapor rises into what is called the snow region of the atmos phere and is there suddenly congealed and falls to the earth; but when the stones are "as large as walnuts" and comprised of solid ice, that theory wil' not do, and the other one is that the falling rain drops are caught in the gyrations of a cyclone, carried up into freezing zone and frozen into hail, , then dropped into the rain belt or zone, and then back again—the alternate freezing and dropping causing them to , receive additional coats of ice, and thus enlarge nntil they are thrown outside the gyrations of the cyclone and fall to the earth. All this is gness work, however, and is on the par with our theories regarding earth-quakes and other things, about which we really know nothing. A MEETING of the borough members of the County Committee and the City Committee was held in Republican headquarters, over Eyth's stationary store, Monday evening, to arrange for political work dnring the coming cam paign. Meetings of all the Ward Com mittees were called for this (Thursday) evening in Headquarters. All Repub licans are urged to attend. It should be conclusively proven this fall that Butler is a Republican town. WAR NOTES. In the several engagements of last week the Japs were generally success ful; driving the Russians from their positions near Haicheng, and advanc ing their own lines toward Liao Yang, the railroad town that has been the base of the Russians for some time. The last reported engagement was at Au-shan-chan, from ten to twenty miles north of Haicheng, which wat evacuated by the Russians. At the end of the week one division of Kuroki's army was threatening Muk den and another Liao Yang, while the third seemed to have joined the armies of Nodzu and Oku, near Hai Cheng. The Russians were retreating and eon centra ting—fighting for time and reinforcements —but the climax was ex pected to come any day. army is said to number •bout 120,000 men, while the different Jap armies contain nearly double that number: and besides this one division ofKuroki s army was said to be in po sition to interfere with the retreat of the Russians should they attempt to change their base to Mukden or Har bin. Field artillery is playing a very im portant part in this war. each army has about 800 pieces but the Japs are the beet marksmen. A Jap army is said to have landed up the Liao river, to the west of the Rus sian position, and if Kuroki has headed them off to the north, as reported, then Kuropatkin must risk all in a general engagement, for he is practically sur rounded. On Monday a general advance of all the Jap armies was reported, the inten tion being to attack all the Russian po sitions from Liao Yang to Mukden, simultaneously; and on Tuesday the Russians were again reported aB retreat ing to Mukden, to eave themselves from Kuroki's flanking movement. At Port Arthur, the Japs, according to reports from Tokio had penetrated to the third line of the Russian defenses but yesterday's papers reported another repulse for them, Monday night. The prize court at Vladivostok, after due investigation,finds that the British steamship Knight Commander, which was sunk by Russian cruisers, was a lawful prize, her cargo being wholly contraband. The cargo consisted chief ly of railway materials, which the ves sel's papers showed to have been con signed through a Japanese port to Chemulpo, with the manifest purpose of using it in the construction of the Japanese military railroad from Seoul to the Yalu river. Y. P. C. U. Convention. The annual Presbyterial convention of the Young Peoples' Christian Union of the United Presbyterian church, was held last Wednesday and Thursday in the historic old Harmony church, near Harrisville. Most of the delegates ar rived Wednesday afternoon and enjoy ed a hay ride from Carter station to the church where, after enrollment, lunch was served. In the evening Rev. J. A. C. McQuistion, of Baldwin, spoke on Giving and Church Finances and Rev. Purvis, of Grove City, on the Influence of the Individual on the Life of the World. Thursday morning the reports of the committees and the correspond ing secretaries were received. Mrs. Bracken, of Harrisville, conducted a meeting >f the Juuiors and Mrs. R. E. English, of Grove City, spoke on Jun ior work. Rev. J. H. Breaden, of West Bunbury, spoke powerfully on the liq uor question and the general sentiment of the convention was in favor of refus ing all licenses. Dinner was served in the Sabbath - school room. In the afternoon S. S. Atwell spoke, his subject being "Sum ming Up the Evidence." The closing address was the convention's feature. It was delivered by Rev. C. R. Watson, secretary of the Church Board of For eign Missions. Rev. Watson, a young man, was the son of a missionary and was born in Egypt and educated in this country, graduating from the Alleghe ny Seminary with Rev. A. R. Robinson. Rev. Watson recently returned from an inspection of the church mission fields in Egypt and India and his remarks were very interesting. The convention voted all its funds to the mission work. The following officers were elected: President, Rolla H. McQuistion. Butler; vice presidents, Eathan McMichael, Euclid, and Frank Houston, Eau Claire; Treasurer, Miss Nettie Dougan, Harris ville, Secretary, Ruth Braham, Harris ville; Junior Secretary, Mrs. R. E. Eng lish, Grove City; Executive Committee, Rev. A. R. Robinson. Rev. J. S. Wilson, Prospect. Marion Gibson. Slippery Rock; Miss Nancy McGarvey, Baldwin; Miss Sarah Douthett, Brownsdale.. Rev. E. 8. Littell, Zelienople. is correspond ing secretary. Pastor C. 8. Meanor dis missed the assemblage with prayer and benediction. The High Privilege of tin- Voter. (John Brisben Walker in the Cosmopol itan.) When American citizenship shall have reached its highest development, the duty of voting will no longer be a careless, perfunctory, ill-studied and hastily performed act. There will be a preparatory ceremo ny, in which the citizen will stand be fore his fellow men and, with uplifted hand, solemnly affirm that in exercising the high duties devolving upon him as a voter, he — Has studied with diligence the issues presented for decision; Has made carefnl inquiry concerning the integrity and administrative abili ties of the candidates in nomination: Will cast his vote without prejudice, without personal bias, without influence by money or promise of any personal advantage, direct or indirect; Will, in casting his vote, have regard solely and entirely to the benefit of the country at large if the vote be national, or if local, with reference to the good of the community. Eventually the voter will come to recognize that a failure to fulfil this duty earnestly, thoroughly and with highest integrity, should expose him to the contempt of his fellow citizens, and should disfranchise him from the exer cise of the high privilege of voting—and he will understand that corrupt voting brings in its train wars, panics, loss of income, and suffering in a thousand ways. If, after solemnly making this affirm ation in the presence of his fellow cit izens, the voter proceeds to the secrecy ot the voting-booth, who doubts that he will not, in nine cases out of ten, act differently from the careless, thoughtles?, ill-judging, selfish or corrupt man who today retards by his vote the destiny of our Republic? Within the past twenty years, corrup tion at the polls has increased with a rapidity that appals those who have read the history of the republics of Rome and Greece. Something must be done to rescue the average citizen from his indifference to and ignorance of the power contained in his vote. Men must be educated systematically through vil lage societies, and above all, the public schools must take up the training of the child to the importance of the func tion which he will eome day exercise as a citizen. Penalties for bribery at the polls are already severe. But in every town there must be a society whose business it is to pursue the briber and the bribed until the doors of the penitentiary close upon them. And the only legal excuse for absence from the polls should be a certificate of ill health or certified ab sence from the county. Hitherto we have neither educated our schoolchildren in the duties they will some time exercise as voters, nor surrounded the voters themselves with such safeguards as will elevate them to a comprehension of the high responsi bility entrusted to them. And if it continues to go unchecked, bribery at the polls will overthrow the Republic. Prospect. The Gallagher reunion will be held at the lite residence of Furgeson Gallagh er, dee'd, Aug. 27, 1904. All are invit ed, Mrs. Arthur Cooper of Slipperyrock was the guest of her folks not long since. The accidental death of Norman Shanor. Friday, Aug. 5, was a very sad affair indeed, and onr entire communi ty is in sympathy with the bereayed pa rents. Norman was a strong, manly, industrious young man, and the sudden ending of his young, hopeful life is one of the sad things of life. Mrs. A. W. Shannon is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. John Kneiss recently last a pair of eye-glasses and case, with the name, G. K. McAdoo, on it. The finder will be suitably rewarded upon the return of the glasses. Mrs. Rachel Albert recently fell down the stair steps, and sustained injuries that have kept her in bed for some time. Miss Boehm, who has returned from an extended yisit to Mantua and Erie, has resumed the leadership of the M. E. choir. Mrs. James Blake of Scio, Ohio, was here, last week, visiting her father in law and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jat. Blake. Allen McCall. Geo. Burry, Lyman Kennedy and Widdie Wilson had a con test to see who could hoe a row of corn ' across the field first. "The other boys were not in it with Widdie," says Al llen. L. M. Roth has a book that tells the right sign to plant seeds and plants, cut timber, make fence, cut brush and oth er things that farmers do. Friday and Saturday were the days for cutting I brush and several did so to see if there is anything in the sign. Pianos are becoming as common as bicycles were. Someone has counted 18 pianos in our town. Maggie McDonald has returned home from Mt. Chestnut, where she was en gaged in sewing. Thomas Cratty and wife, who spent the past year at Ada. 0., where Mr. Cratty was going to school, are visiting their parents at present. John Scott and boys were down on Camp Run, last week, remodeling and renovating the old U. P. church there. Beighley Bros, were on the Kirker farm, last week, building a derrick. Alonzo McCandl6BS has quite a large hay harvest, aijd Clyde Shanor has gone out to assist him. E. E. Welir is talking cf starting a milk wagon on Sept. 1., in place of Mrs. Alexander, who is said to be going ont of the business. Nels Over lave, who came from Sweden when Charles P. Johnson did, is in town to see Charley. Mr. Over lave is assisting Charley in the present throng, as Charley has #o many wedding saits to make. JOE COSITY. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting be tween Henry H. MeKinney and John Kohlmeyer, nndw the firm name of the Butler Engine Works, Limited, was dis solved on the 24th day of June, 1904, by mutual consent. All debts owing to such partnership are receivable by Henry B MeKinney, to whom also all claims and demands against the same are to be presented for payment. The business is to be carried in the firm name as usual by the said Henry B. MeKinney. HENRY B. MCKINNEY, JOHN H. KOHLMEYER. June 29th, 1904. .NotU-e ot Decree of Court. To all whom it may concern Notice is hereby jriven that on the 18th day of June, A. D. 1904. the Court of Common Pleas of Butler County, Pa , at M. S. D. No. 3. June Term, 1904, Made a decree changing the name of Harvey Pierce Kiester to Harvey Pierce Bagott. HY ORDER OF COURT. JOHN C. CLARK, Protbonotary. WU. WALKER. CHA?. A. MCELVAJN WALKER & McELVAIN, gO7 Butler County National Bank Bldg. EAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. OIL PKOPEBTIED. LOANS. BOTH I'HONES. ACC'I HEM S. Robert Sefton of Clinton twp. was cut across the legs by H splint from a falling tree while falling timber on Monday of last week. An engine and 23 cars of ore left the "Bessie" at Hnral Ridge, below Cuhner ville. last Friday and delayed traffiic for oyer a day. Norman Shanor' aged about "22 years, and a son of Cam r> field Shanor of Mud dy creek twp. met with a fatal accident last Friday. He was helping to load logs at the time, and they had one nearly on the wagon when the chain broke and the log rolled back over him. It was a large log, it crushed his chest, and he was dead before it was removed. William Martin of near Whitestown who was poisoned some weeks ago by eating cherries and then drinking milk is now able to be about. The mixture caused him to make violent efforts to throw-up. dnring which he ruptured a blood-vessel in his head and had a stroke of apoplexy. Three young ladies boarding with ex- Slieriff Thompson in Centre township, were thrown from their buggy in But ler, last week. Their horse scared at an auto. During a storm at Beaver Falls, Sat urday evening, a street car was struck by litrhtning and set on fire. The crowd of picnickers on it were shocked, but nobody was seriously injnred The foothills of the Rockies, at a point near Pueblo, Colo , were the scene of a terrible railroad accident Monday evening. A cloudburst changed a usu ally small stream into a raging torrent which undermined the foundations of a bridge. A heavy train, filled with ex cursionists for the World's Fair, came along, the bridge went down, and the engine and three coaches went into the raging torrent. Nearly all the passen gers were drowned and swept down the stream for several miles. Some of the bodies were recovered five miles below the scene of the accident. Elmer Westerman, of Buffalo town ship. was struck and instantly killed by lightning while working in harvest field last Saturday evening. A sndden storm came up as the harvesters were getting in the last load. Elmer was standing near a tree, a pictnre of which was im printed on his side. Chas. Helmbold, of Middlesex town ship, fell from the roof of a porch, last Saturday night, and was seriously in jured. Robt. Stroub had his jawbone broken, Tuesday, by an accident to an engine in Butler twp. DKATHS. NIXON -At her home in Brownsdale, Aug. 4, 1904. Mrs. Ellen, widow of John Nixon, ag<»d 58 years. EYTH—At her home in Slipperyrock, August 4, 1904, Mrs. Rose Kelly, wife of Frank Eyth. Sr, aged 78 years. She was a daughter of Patrick Kelly, dee d, the old hotel keeper of Butler. DILL.—At the Soldiers Home at Day ton, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1904, John W. Dill, formerly of this county. REIMER—Aug. 6, 1904, Harry Reimer of Tarontum, aj;ed 10 years. RANDALL—At the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Work, in Fair view twp., Aug. 2, 1904, Mrs. Randall, in 94th year. She was buried at Eau Claire. She was found dead in bed. SAUDERS—At his home in Allegheny, Aug. 9, 1904, Harry Sanders, aged 28 «- years. OHL—At Mill vale, Aug. 8. 1904. Frank E. Ohl, fronierlv of Butler county, aged 37 years. FOSTER—Aug. 9, 1904, Win. S., infant son of Wm. Foster, of Butler, aged 8 months. DUBLIN —At hia home, 802 West St., Aug. 11, 1904, Clinton Dublin, aged 3 mos. TRUXAL—At her homo in Butler, Aug. (3, 1904, Mrs. Susan, widow of Wiu. Truxal, dee d, in her »9th year. Mis. Truxal's maiden name was Mu- Collounh, and she was born in Fairview twp. She was a sister of John McCol lough, deed, of Butler, and an aunt of Sol. and Luther MrCpllough of Butler. Her husband died about eighteen yelira ago. and her brother, John, in 1884, aged 83 years. She is survived by her sons Felix of New Castle, Samuel of Butler and Jas. of Pittsburg, and by her daughter. Mrs Stanfler, of Beaver Falls. She was the oldest member of the M. E. church here, and was the first mem ber to be buried from the new edifice. MUNTZ—At her home in Butler, Thursday, Aug. 4, 1904, Mr.; Mary B. Muntz, widow of the late ,J. G. Muntz, Esq. Mrs. Munt:'. was the eldest daughter of the late John Negley, Esq. She is survived by her three children, Mrs. Adelaide Fithian, Mrs. Catharine Crane and Mr. John N. Muntz, all liv ine here, and one sister and two broth ers—Mrs. Susan A. Patterson and John H. Negley of Butler, and Albert O. Negley of Florence. Ala. She was a woinau of more than ordi nary activity in life and waft noted for her good work ic society and in the church to which she belonged, and in her death one of our most widely known and respectwl citizens has passed away. During her long illnesu uo word of complaint was ever heard from her but she bore her sufferings in patience and fortitude. The funeral services were held on Monday, Aug., 8, and were conducted by Rev. Robert D. Roeder, present pas tor of the First English Lutheran church of this place, assisted by Rev. D. L. Roth of Pittsburg, a former pastoi of the church. The interment was in the South cemetery. COCHRAN—At his home near But ler, Aug. C, 1904. after a brief illness, Cecil, son of Fred and Pearl Coch ran, aged 2 years. Cecil was an unusually bright child and his loving disposition and winning ways had endfared liim to all who knew him. The parents and friends have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. This lovely bud so yonn« and fair. Called hence by earthly doom. Came to show how sweet a flower, In Paradise could bloom. Ere sin could harm or sorrow fade. Death came with friendly care. This lovely bud to heaven conveyed And bade it blossom there. AugeiJ called our darling Cecil, From this worhj of siu and puiii. Ere his heart had known a sorrow Ere his soul was stained with sin. Wo would not ask jou back our dar ling, Sweetly slumber on, Till the Savior's voice awakes yon On the resurrection morn. E M. Z, Obituary. Geoffrey Stengel, one of th»> 333 men doomed to die over half a century aj(o for his participation in the German rev olution of 184», but who escaped to this country, passed away peacefully and lull of honor iu Pittsburg. J-Jin death, at the age of 81, occurred at 1 p.m. Sat nrday, at the home of his s'_>n, Theodore Stengel. The Delight of the Flashlight. Portrait*, (iroup Pictures, Interior?. Most enjoyable occupation these long winter evenings. OUR FLASS SHEETS Make flash pictures that haven't the ordinary "flashlight look." Economical —Convenient. Per pkg. 25c, 40c, 60c. Kodak Developing Machines in different sizes, $2 to $lO. We will gladly show you how they work. DOUGLASS' BOOK STORE, S. Main St. Butler, Pa. Peoples Phone 307 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE Notice 1> hereby frirrn that the following report willing presented on the fir?»t J-rttur day of Sept. Court. I'.*>4. being the 10th day of said month, and if no exceptions are filed the same will be confirmed absolutely. Borough Township and School District Docket. In the matter of the division of Ilutler Township for election purposes. No. - .June Term. 11**4. Petition presented to Court, and Georjre C. Pillow,surveyor. Hon. A. L.Camp bell and Campbell Daubenspeck appointed commissioners to inquire Into the necessity of making said division. On June 1. l!HU f said commissioners filed their report in favor of ilivUiiu? said town ship into three voting precincts (a plot of said divisions can 1>« seen at this office). June 13, ll*>4. Keport presented in op«*n court and confirmed nisi nunc pro tunc, as of June 11, 1901. BY TIIE COURT. BUTLKR COUNTY, SS: , , Certified from the record this 10 day of Aujr. l«.i>4. GEOKOK M. GRAHAM. Clerk Q. S. Court. Notice in Divorce. Eleanor Beatty. "1 In the Conrt of Libellant, | Common Pleas of Bnt vs 1 ler Co., Pa., A. D. No. James Beatty, | 20 Sept. Term, 1903. Respondent, J Libel in Divorce. And now, Aug. 4. 1904, Rnle on part of the libellant to take depositions of witnesses to be read in evidence at the trial of the above stated cause. To James Beatty, Respondent, or his attorney: Take notice that under the al>ove rule the deposition of witnesses will betaken at the office of Lyman Grundy, Escj.. in Taylorville. Christian couuty. Illinois, before competent authority, between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and 9o'clock p.m. of the 2d dav of Sept., 1904. W. C. THOMPSON, Aug. 11, 1904. Atc'y for Libellant. Notice in Divorce. Etta. J. Christy, I In the Court of Common v>s -Pleas of Butler Co.. A. I). Charles Christy. * No. 8, March Terra, 1904. COUKTY OF BrTI.EK. STATE OF I'F.NN'A. <' To Martin L. Gibson. High Sheriff of Butler County, Greeting: Wo command yon that l»y publication, once a week for four full weeks successively, you notify Charles Christy. late of your county. to beand ap pear In our Court of Common 1 leas, for the County of But ler. on the fourth Mon day of September next, then and there, to show cause. If any lie has, why Etta I Christy should not be divorced from the lionds of matrimony entered into with Charles Christy according to the prayer of petition or libel filed it said court. And have you then there this order, and make your return how you have executed the same. Witness the Honorable James M. Galbreath, President Judge of said Court, at Butler county. Pa., the first day of August. lw'4. JOHN C. CLARK. I'rothonotary. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnership known as H. Bander. Ziegler&Co., Millers and Dealers in Flour. Feed and Grain, has this day, June 6, 1904, been dissolved Ly mutual consent, Harry 11. Ziegler retiring. The business will be earned on as usual by H. Bauder and son. Thanking our patrons for past patronage, we solicit a continuance of same. HENRY BAUDER, HARRY H. ZIECI.ER, C. G. BAUDER. Orphan's Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of llutier county, l'enn'a., to me di rected, there will be exposed to public sale on the premises in the Borough of Butler, Pa., at 11 o'clock A. M. of Saturday, August 13, 1904, the following described property, real estate of Jordan Eyth. deceased, viz: A certain piece or lot of ground In the Third Ward of iiutlcr. Butler Co.. l'a.. bounded on the north by West Wayne street, on the east by Water street, 011 the south by land of Mrs. Joanna Koenlg, and on the west l>y Con noouenessing creek; fronting about one hundred and ten (110) feet on Water street, and extending about one hundred and seventy (170) feet along Wayne street: and having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house and barn. TERMS One-third of the purchase money down, and the balance in two, ecjual. annual payments. MARTIN L. GIBSON, _ Trustee. WIDOWS APPRAISEMENTS. The following widows' appralsem'.its of personal property and real estate set apart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been tiled In the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, viz: Widow oflWilliam Watson, real estate, Swo.oo I.yman Milliard, pers'l prop y I.O.&O " John P. Burton. " " 1.18.81 Thomas W. Kelly. " " :»U» " George A. Gerlach.real estate 325.00 >' C. W. Ftskp, personal pron'y, 300.00 " John Kalslon, '' ' 300.00 •' Jacob M. iMiller. " " 800.00 All persons Interested in the above ap pralsements will take notice that they will be presented for confirmation to the Orphans Court of Butler county. Pa., on Saturday the 10th day of Sept.. 1901, and If no exceptions are filed, they will be confirmed absolutely. GROUGE M. GRAHAM, Clerk. ! Clerks Office. August 10, 11*04. — Notice of Audit. In re estate if John i In the Orphan's 11. Sparks, late of [-Court of Butler Co.. Butler county, dec'd. 1 No. 51, Sept. T., I*JOI. •July U, 1904. J. I>. McJunkln, appointed auditor to rnake distribution of funds in hands of Albert C. Troutman. adm'r." 11Y THIS COURT. And now, July l.'ltli, A. D. 1001, I, hereby give notlce.tbat I will dlscharge-the duties of said appointment on the —trd day of August, 1004. at in o'clock A M. of said day. at my of fice In Butler, l'a.. whon and where those In terested may attend if they see tit so to do. J. I). McJUNKIN, Adultor. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Register hereby gives notice that the following accounts of executors, adminis trators and guardians have been filed In this office according to law, and will be pre sented to Court for confirmation and allow ance on Saturday, the 10th day of September, I'jOi. at # A. m , of said Gavi 1. Partial account of W. .T. and .T. L. Blake ley, executors of Andrew Blakeley, de ceased, late of Adams township. 2. l'inal account of Adam Weltzel, admin istrator of Gertrude Weltzel, deceased, iate of But lor township. 3. Final and distribution account of Carrie M. McKee, administratrix of .1. L. McKee, deceased, late of Butler borough. I. Finn! account of James N. Moore, cuar dlan of Mary S. McOlnng, minor child of Bell J. McClnng. deceased, late of Butler boro. 5. Final account of Milton F. Mayer, ad ministrator of Wm. A. Hlnes, deceased, Kate of West Liberty. (5. Final and distribution account of Carrie Gregg, administratrix of Harry L.Gregg, de ceasen, bite of Butler thorough. 7. Final account of Jane M. Coulter and T. F. Coulter, executors of T. S. Coulter, de ceased. late of Slippery Hock borough. h. Final account of Ida Thornherg. admin istratrix of William 11. Thornberg, deceased, late of Concord township, as stated by I. T. Wade, executor of Ida '1 horn berg. U. Final account of Isaac T, Wade, execu tor of Ida L. Thornl>erg. deceased, lato of Concord township. 10. First partial account of J. M. Galbreath and J. D. McJunkln, executors of liev. SamVl Kerr, deceased, late of Harrisvllle, Pa. 11. Final account of J. F. Shearer, admin istrator of Chas F Shearer, deceased, late of Huflalo township 1-. Final account of Ada Keiietmun. ad ministratrix of .John Kellerman, deceased, late of Hutler borough. If. Final *K*count of Enos W. Gr iljani, ex- I ecutor of D. I\. Graham, deceased, late of i liradv township. 14. Final account of W. I). Brandon, exec utor of Alkey c. Kerr, deceased, late of llar risviile borough. 1">. Final and distribution account of Sarah M. Boyce, administratrix of John D. Boyce, deceased, late of Adams township. 10. Final account of Sarah I>l nosey, one of the executors of Thomas Lindsey, decoased, late of Summit townshln. 17. Final account of William C.\ Fleming, one of the executors of John Elliott, de ceased, late of BuiTalo township. Is. Final account of Leonard O. Strabel. administrator of John W. Strabel, deceased, late of Middlesex township. 19. Final account of Charles 11. Hullngs. administrator of Alfred iluliugs, deceased, jj»te of Allegheny township. 20. Flnai account of Thomas L. Duff and S. ! 11. Duff, executors of Samuel Duff, deceased, late of Win field townshln. 81. Final account of William Thome, ex ecutor of Leonard 11. Pfeiffer, deceased, late of Adams township. £!. Final account of P. E. Dierken. admin istrator of Henry Dierken, deceased, late of Oakland township Z\. Final account of L. If. Bell, adminis trator of W. W. Bell, deceased, late of Wash ington township. 24. Final account of George A. Brunner ' mer, administrator c. t. a. of George Burn nermer. deceased, late of Connoqueuessing township 95. account of Ida L Morrow, admin istratrix of Eli/abetii Bai'calow, deceased, late of Penn township. 20. Final account of Martin Helm and Frank J. Kost, executors of Benedict Kost, deceased, late of Butler borough. 27. First partial account of John I/. Groh man and George Forcht. execuLors of John C. Grohman, deceased, late of Butler boro. 28. Final and distribution account of David Garvin, administrator of Benjamin Garvin, deceased, late of Evans City. 29. Final account of George B. McCrea. ad ministrator of Mary Amanda Floyd dc-. ceased, late of Butler borough 30. Final account of Anna M. B. Haas, ad ministratrix of John Haas, deceased, late of Jefferson township. 31. Final account of Solomon Dunbar, trustee of Miles Covert, deceased, late of J* darns township. Final account pf Reuben W. Park, ex ecutor of James W Park, deceased, late of Middlesex township. XI. Final account of £lizabet h Durnell. ad ministratrix of Jonathan Durnell, deceased, Ja»w of llegheny township. 'Ai, Final acixilint 01 t'b&PPS W Johnston administrator of Mrs. O. >. .Joi'uuton, de ceased. late of Butler borough. Final account of J. M. Covert, admin istrator of Newton Garvin, deceases, late of Cranberry township. J. P. DAVIS, Register. ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORTS. Notice Is hereby tlvi n (hut the following roads and bridges have been continued nisi by the Court and will be presented on the; :irst Saturday of s j>i< MU-i i '< urt. 1.«'4. ihe 10rh day of said month, aud if no excep tions are Bled they will be confirmed abso- ; ".utely: E. r». No. l. June term. 1>"(. In the matter \ of the petition of rill/ens of Butler township Vr a re-view for a public road from a point i on th* l Butler and Harmony road to a point , on the Butler and Gl'.liland Mill road. March 7. 1.. t. viewers appointed, who on .<une s . .«M. filed their report in favor ;>f proposed road. I >aio:iges assessed to William \\ ach scouth Now, .Tune 11. r.04. appro Ted and fix width of road at '£i feet. Notice to be given according to rules of court. Br THE. COURT. R. 1). No. 2. June term. l'.«" In the matter of the petition of citizens of Centre township to vacate, change and sapply a public road known as the Dutch Hollow road, leaillait from a point on said road at the residence or house of John Ka-al to Jamisonvtlle station. March 21, IBOt. viewers appointed, who on June r.«t. tiled their report in favor of said 'hange. No damajes. .June 11,19 M. appn-v ed and fix width of roa<l at feet. Notice to be given a<*cording to rules of court. BY THE COURT. R. I>. No 3. June term. 10"t. In th» matter of the petition of citizens of Summit town ship to vacate, change and supply a public road known as the road leading from the Butler and Kittannlng road to the Itutler tutl Millerstown road ID said township. March 17. IW4. vieweis appointed, who, on June s. liXVI. tiled their report in favor of proposed change. No damages. June 11. HKU, approved and fix width of road at - > feet. Notice to be given a-. or ling to rule - of court. BY THE COURT. R. 1), No. 5. June term. IJOI. In the matter >f the petition of citizens of Butler and Franklin townships for a county bridge across Little Conuequene.ssing creeli in But ler township where the creek crosses the 1 public road leading from Butler and Har mony road to Mt chestnut- near Cranmer's Mill. March 7. I'.KM. viewers appointed, who ■in June filed their n-pori in favor of proposed bridge. Now. June 11. 1'.«14. approv ed. Notice to be given occording to rules of ■ •ourt and to be laid before grand jury at next term. BY THE C'OI'BT. R. D. No. 6, Jane term. l'.«U. In the nutter ~f the petition of citizens of Venango town ship for a county bridge across south branch of Scrubgrasscreek in said township where said creek crosses the public road leading from Kau Claire to Clliitonville on the farm of J. I'. Miller. March 7. I.«U. viewers ap pointed. who on May -il. l'.*'t. tiled their re port in favor of proposed bridge. Now. June 11. Unl. approved Notice to be given ac cording to rules of court and to !«• laid be fore the grand jury at next term. BY Tilt C'OUIiT. R. nNo .Tone to r:... 1"1 1" t lie matti r of petition of citizens of Muddycre, town ship for a county bridge across the south branch of Muddy-reek. lIJ township, where the creek crosses the public road lean ing from Portersville to l'laiu Grove, known as the /ion road, at or near the farm of 11. I) I'ayne. March ISM. viewers appointed, who on May 27. I'.<H. filed t heir report in fa vor of proposed bridge. Now. June 11. l'.*4, approved. Notice to be given according to the rules of court and to be laid befote the grand jury at next term. BY THE t'oc.-t r. It. V. No. !<, June term. 100). In the matter or petition of citizens of Clinton township for a county bridge across east branch of Bull Creek, in said township, where the creek crosses the public road leading to '1 -trentum * n the farm of Jan i s Kitldlc. March -v l»0t. viewers appointed, who o.i May 31, l'»t. filed their report in favor of proposed bridge. Now, June 11. I'JW. approv ed. Notice to be given according to rules of court and to be laid before the grand Jury at next term. BY THE COUKT, li. D. No. y. June terra. I'.i&t. In the matter of tie- petition of cttlaens o[ Buffalo town ship fvr a public road from a point at the nortii end of a private road which leads from tlie residence of A. M. Wler in saiil township, to a point on the Turontum and Saxonburg pubii<- road, near a small bridge mile west of residence .of Willium Painter, In said township. April 4 Uk'4. viewers ap pointed. who on June 1. l'.V4, filed their re port In favor of proposed road. Damages as sessed to Joseph 11. Shook f7n. Now. June 11 i;«M. approved and tlx width of road at Ci feet, notice to IK; given according to rules of court. BY THE COURT. R. n. No. 10, June tfrm, 1!« M. In 1 Ik> mntli r of tlie petition <if l iti/A iis of l orwanl town- to vai-atc. change nn<i supply a public road In s:ild township kuown as tlie Brown s Mill r'lrul lojirtiiiff frrtti! A point at Brown's Mill to the r;iilru;i*l crossing near llltn resi dence. April 4.1.< H. viewers appointed, who nri June 1. 1901. filed their report in favor of proposed change. No damages assessed. Now June 11. l'.ml. approved and l|xed widtli of road at:« feet, notice to be given at rdlng to rule* of court. liv THE COURT. R. I). No. 12, Juno term. 190-1. in the matter of the petition of citizens of Clay township to vacate, change aud supply a public road In sstd township, known as the llut ier and Greece City road, leading froui a poiut on said road at line between lands of 9. M. and Austin McAnallen to intersection of Butler and Greece City and lower Sunbury and Middletown road. April I*. l'JiH. viewers ap pointed. who on May 20, 1904, Hied their re port. In favor of proposed chance. No <lam ages assessed. June 11. 1904, approved and fix width of road a. 33 feet, Notice to tie eiven according to rules of court. ;IV TIIE COURT. It. I>. No. 111. June term, 11)04. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Butler township for a public road leading from a point on the Pierce road lu front of the lijes Uot.-I to a point on the public road on lands of O. K. \Valdron, about M rods east of his residence, where said public road makes a sharp turn. .May 21,1'«>4. viewers appointed, wno tin Juno «. IW>4, tiled their report In favor of proposed road. No damage assessed. Now. June 11. IUO-1. approved aud fix width of road at .'i'i feet, notice to be given according to rules of court. By the Court Certified from the record this loth day of AUK-, A. I>. 1904. UEOKUE M. GUAHAJI, Clerk Q. 8. Court. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex.. I I. Fa.. Lev. l'a.. 4c., Issued outof the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co. Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court llouse In the borough of Butler. Pa. on Friday, the day ol' September, A. I>. 11*04, at 1 o.clock p. m., the following described property, to-wit: E. D. No. 'ti, Sept. Term, I'JO4. Stephen Cummintrs, Attorney. All the riff lit, title, interest and claim of C F L McOulstlon, of, in and to all that certain pice or parcel of land, situated in Butler iKirough. Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol lows, to wit: On the north by West street, east by No. *J in some plan of lots, south l»y Bortmass alley, and west by lot No. 11 in same plan of lots; fronting 4.~> feet on said Wesi St and extending back same width 11X ft. to Bortmass alley and on which is erected a two story frame dwelling house and barn. Being lot No. 10 iu John \V. Bortmass plan of lots as laid out by George Pillow in the yi ar Is!*). Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of TFL McOulstlon at the suit of Al Huff. K. l>. No. £!, Sept. Terra, lUO4. Marshall Bros., Attorney. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Ida C Cubblson and \V L Cubbi*on, her bus band, of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in liutler borough, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north forty foot by an alley, east one hundred and eighty five feet by lot now or formerly of W.I Black, south forty feet by Cleveland street, west one hundred and efghty-Hve feet by Grand ave; being lot No. Bin the Frank Morris plan of lots; also being the same lot described in the mortgage accompanying the bond upon which the judgement from which this writ issues was confessed and which Is recorded iu Mortgage Book 71. Page 117. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of IdaO Cubblson and \\ L Cubblson, her husband, at the suit of I G Pollard for use of John Berg hick ler, E, I). No. 3'.). Sept. Term, 1904. Williams A Mitchell, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Margaret.! Mattern anfl A .J Mattern, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Hutler borough, Hutler Co., Pa,, bounded as follows, ot-wit: Jlexliintni; at the northwest corner of Said lot on an allev; thence in an easterly direction along saicf alley forty (1M feet to a post at tfce northwest corner of lot No. 70 In same plan; tt.ence In a southerly direction the western Injumlary line of said lot So. 70 Dty foot, mi-rt* or leu, to a post on Centre avenue; thence in a northwesterly direction along said Centre avenue forty t wo (I-) feet to a post on the southeast corner of lot No. in harr.e plan; thence in a north rrly direetl<»n along the eastern boundary line of said lot No. to sixty-four (til) feet to the place of beginning; being lot No. <)'.» in rhlllip l>aubens|>e(rk - plan of lots in Spring dale in the of Hutler, I'a., surveyed and laid out l>v CeoC t'illow. C. E.. and hav ing thereon erected a one and one-half story frame, shingle roofed, dwelling house ami out buildings: being the same lot and prem ises that were granted and couveyed unto Mr-.. Margaret .1 Mattern by Lyda .1 Klsh and .los K Fish, her husband, and Ada lYarce, by deed dated May -nth, K and of record in the Recorder's office in and for Hut lei county, I'a., in l>eed hook No. L'age \Z\ See. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erly of Margaret I Mattern and A J Mattern al the suit of David E Dale,for use Uaurant v Safe Deposit Co.. now for use of David K I Jule. E. D. No. 27, Popt. Term, 11104. W. H. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of W x.' Pontlous. of. in and to all that certain piece of parcel of land, situated in Donegal township, liutler county, I'a., follows, to-wit: Heginning at a point on line of land of L W Kalor at a corner common to land of F McNally and the land now lieing described; tbpncu by land of K MeNaMy north 1.40 d«;g east four hundred thirty-nine and six tenths (l »U.r») feet to a point at corner of land of George W I'ontious; thence bv land of George W Pontlous south *7 deg east two tnousand eleven and four-tenths C4J11.4) feet to a point at corner of land of MrsCatharino 11 Frederick; thence by land of Mrs Catharine H Frederick south .'t dnr Vj min west three hundred u;id Uxty-flve feet to a bolul at corner Qf laud i.e.\t herein descriljeci; thence by said next herein de scribed tract north W deg 4:i mln west four hundred fifty-four and seven tenths (4."» l 7) feet to the place of beginning; containing eighteen and six-tenths (!*.«>) acres. >el/.ed and taken in execution as the prop el ly of W C l'ontlous at the suit of .1 M Hrown. E. D. No. U5, Sept. Term, lliOi. \V. 11, Lusk, Attorney. Ail the right, title, interest a?id claim of H R Kflne. of. in nnd to nil that certain plect : or parcel of land, situated In Franklin twp., ' Hutier county, I'a.. bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of James A I ("ratty and E Mc.lunkln, east by lands ofl Philip Blumns heirs and K M McCall, south by lauds of James Kiddle, and west by land* of William liaistoii and a nubile toad, con J tabling one hundred and *\x acres, more or I less, and being the same tract of land Which ' William Oallaher, late6f Franklin liutler County. Pa., deed seized and which I having beep sold IVy bis executor, \Viii!»ini j HuiitOii, to* tliu t»» h»-» debt by virtue of au order of sale issued from the Orphan's Court of Hutler county, was pur-I chased by the tirst. party andc-mveyed to him j by deed of said executor dated the lsth day : of September, lasa, and recorded in Deed i Book 1!» of said county, on Page S7; together | with all and singular the buildings and ttu ! proveraenttf. streets, lanes, alleys, passages i ways, waters, water courses rights, liberties, privildges, hereditaments and appurteu , .tuces whatsoever thereunto belonging or In ; any way appertaining and the revisions j aua remainders thereof. Seized and taken In execution as the prop i erty of B K Kline at the suit of Jacob Gel ! bach. j E. J>. No. ad, Sept. Tt-rm, IJO4. \V. H. Lusk, Attorney. All the • .ght, title. Interest and claim of B K Kline, of, in and to all that certaiu piece or parcel of land, situated in Frankiin twp., Butler county. Pa., t>ounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of James * ratty and Charles Gallagher, east by lands n»»w or formerly i>eSnugin< to heirs oi Philip Blinn. south by lands now or formerly owned by James Kiddle and on the west by lands of William Ralston and public road; contain ing one hundred and six (lor.i acres. more or les»s. being same land which William Galla gher died.seized and conveyed by his exe u - tor. William Ralston, by executors deed, executed a id dated the Isth day of Septem ber, A. I>. I* k n recorded in the «»!li -e for re cording of deeds in and for the fount v <>f Butler, in Deed Book 11*. Page '. l :, and having thereon erected a frame house, bank barn and orchard. ALSO- All that other certain tract of land situated In the township, county and state aforesaid, adjoining the tract tirst above de scribed and ttounded and described as fol low?*: On the north by lands now or former . ly of William Gallagher, on the east by lands j now or formerly belonging to the heirs of • Philip Blinu and on the south and west by lauds formerly of William Gallagher; con taining thirteen (l.i) acres of land, more or less, and being the same land sold and con veyed by the High Sheriff of Butler couuty to E McJunkin. deed dated ackdowledged March 7. lv*'.i. recorded in Butler county isi Deed Book lIJ, Page 4V»; and by the said K McJunkin, conveyed by deed dated May >tb, - { ed In Deed B >ok I*-. Page 490, and being the l same land included with land tirst above de scribed. Seited and taken in execution as the prop erty of B K Kline at the suit of Emma J 1 Hauler. E. D. Nos. 50 and M. Sept. Term. 1901. H. C. Coulter, Attorney. All tl.e right, title, interest aud claim of G J llaben, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land.situated in Butler borough. But ler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wtt: Beginning at an alley on the eastern end of said lot, thence southwest along Jef ferson street extension one hundred and four and 'J&.li-O (104.95) feet to a stone, thence northward sixty-two and sO.IOU feet to lot of Clarence Snyder, thence eastward ninety five anil 35.100 (&.&] feet to an alley and thence south along said alley six [t>] feet to piece of beginning; being the same i«»t con veyed to George ,1 HaU-n. by deed from John M' lvet and wife dated July H*ri. Seized anil tr.kesi in execration M.Stlu- pr »p --i erty of G .1 liaben at the suit of hutler Borough and the Western Reserve Woolen Company. B. D. No. 4% Sent. Term, 11)04. Williams & Mitchell, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of J O McGinnis, of. In and to all that certain \ piece cr parcel of land, situated in Washing , ton township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Oh the north or north west by the Parker City or Lawernceburg road, east by the Ueiiry vViles farm, on the south by the John McNaugbton farm, and west by a portion of the original farm of which this is a part and portion the whole 1 being known as the Fithian farm; the por tion of the tract above mentioned and de scribed, embracing and containing forty (40) acres, same being cut oil" the original farm by a line following the Parker (ity or Law re nee burg road, fifty (50) rods, beginning at the northeast point where said road enters the original farm, then by a line south through the original farm of the McNaugh ton farm so as to make forty (40) acres and • having thereon erected a one aud one-half i story log or frame, weatheriniarded, dwel- I ling house, stable and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of .1 O M.' ■ Lnnis .n til-- suit of Irm o Fithian. for use of John Forcht. E. I). Nos. 11 and U. Sept. Term, 1904. Mir shall Bros, and A. M. Christley, Attorneys. All the right, title, Interest and claim of W J Powell, of. iii and to ali that certain piece or parcel of land,situated in Butler lx>rough. Butler county, l'a., bounded as follows, to wit: One half of lot No. To, being the west half of .-aid lot., bald half Louudcd and de scribed as follows: Ou the north by lot No. 11. east by half of said lot formerly sold to Rrana Olty ipink. soatk by lftcOool a venue and west by lot No. 71, iu plan of John K i'avauuugh, said plan ncorued In IMan Book No. I'age 2, the said Vi lot being feet on McCool avenue and extending uacK 60,40 feet to lot No. 1J aforesaid. ALSO—Lot No. 71 in same plot bounded on north by lot No. I:.', on the east by H of lot No. 70 aforesaid, on the south by McCool avenue and on the west by lot No. 72; being 2b feet by 0y.50 feet, ALSO Lotofsame plot being lot No. 7-. bounded on north by lot No. IJ. on east by lot No. 71. en the south by McCool avenue and on the west by lot No. 73; being 'Jj feet by feet. ALSO—Lot No. Uin same plot, bounded on north by West Wayne street, oast by lot No. s in same plot, south by lot No. 68 and west by No. 10; being 2T> feet by G'J.JO feet. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of W J Bowel I at the suit of Farmers' National Bank. E. D. No. 47, Sept. Term, I'Jo*. W. 11. Lusk. Attorney. All the risht, title, Interest and claim of Adam Kanffmaa and Nannie \ Kanftnan, of, iii aud to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Zellenople borough, Bu - ler county, 1 1 a.. bovnded m follows, to- wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of Mrs. Wetser and widow Wemeir lots; thence cast adjoining widow Welaer Lot* twenty-nine a.i.i .16 perches t«> a post on ; n alley: thence south seven perches along said alley to a post; thence west adjoining lauds of Fred rick Welby twenty nine ana perches to a post; thence north adjoining land of Mrs. Weiser seven perches |o % poet at the place of beginning; containing one acre, more or les-* ALSO All that other piece or parcel of land lying aud being situate In the Borough of /.elieuoply, county and state aforesaid, bounded as follows: On the north by lauds of John Blamenscliens heirs, on the east by Cemetery Lane, on the south by lot of Cath erine Welser and on the west by Main street; containing one-half acre, more or less, hav ing erected thereon a one and one-half (IV%) story frame dwelling house and frame stable and orchard. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Adam Kauffmauand Nannie A KalN man at the suit of Peter Kader. for use of John Kauifman. now of Lewis Kauffman. Kx'r of John lvautfman, dec'd. TEUMS OF SALE—The following must be strictly complied with when property i» stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, aud a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold tog» ther with such lien creditor s receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 'J. All bids must be paid in full. 2. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. M., of the next day at which time all property not ; settled for will again be put up and sold at I Hie expense and risk of the person to whom lirsfl sold. K «'e Pardon's Digest, 9th edition, pag<- 4lc, an I Smith's Forms, page 884. MAK IIN L. GIBSON, Sh riff. Sheriff's Office. Bu tier. Pa.. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE OF WATSON E. DUNKLE, DEC'D. Notice is hereby (riven that letters ot administration 011 the estate of Watsor. E. Dunkle, deceased, late of Parker township. Bntler connty, Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against said estate, art requested to make the same known without delay. MEAD. W. DUNKLE, Adm'r., P. O. Box I<>>, Parkers Landing, Pa. A. T. BLACK, Attorney. a-10-<)4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration, C. T A., ou the estate of Catharine A. Dunn, dee'd., late of Franklin tp., Butler Co., Pa., hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be in debted to said estate will make immedi ate payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for s"ttlement to JOHN M. DUNN. Adm'r., R F. D. 10, Butler, Pa. J. D, MCJUNKIN, Att'y 4-28-04 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of William James Patterson, deceased, late of Slippery rock borough, But ler county, Pa,, having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to said ertuto are hereby requested to make prompt payment and those having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated for settle ment to ELLEN M. PATTERSON, Ex'r., Slippery rock, Pa. WILLIAMS & MITCHELL, Att'ya. Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand v/ashing and not fade away. No bum work, 'out a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904 FIJSHJE^Rj The Outdoor Artist, The butler Dye Worksi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, OR. Jt'LIA E FOSTER. OST>»I'ATU. Consultation nnd examination free. Office hours—'J to 12 A. M.. 2 to» il., daily except Snmlay. Eveninpf appointment. Office—Stein Blink, Rooms 9-10, But ler, Pa. People's Phone 478. pEO. M BEATTY. M. D. VT PHYSICIAN AND SCKGEON. Office in John Richer Bnilding. Office Honrs—l> ll A. M., 2:805:80 p. M.. 6:30-8:150 P. M Sunday—o-10:45 A. XL, 1 3:00 p. M. Xight calls 331 X. Washington St. People's Phone 730. OR H. J. NEELV R"X»ms C and 7. Build'ng, Sonth Main St. Chronic diseases of genito urinary organs and rectum treated by the mos approved methods. Hemorrhoids and Chronic Diseases a Specialty. W H. BROWN, 11. L> . )' • Office in Riddle building. Diamond, next door to Dr. Bell's old office. Office Hours: —9 to 11 a. m., Ito 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. I C. BOYLE, M. D. FT • EYK, EAR, NOSH and THROAT, After April Ist, office in former Dr. Peters' residence, No. 121 E. Cunning ham St, Butler, Pa., next door to Times printing office. ni.AKA E. MORROW, D. 0., v GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 1 to 3 p. m People's Phone 573. IJ6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa n M.ZIMMERMAN "3 . PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON At 327 N. Main St. 1 R. HAZLKTT, 11. D„ L« 106 West Diamond, Dr. Graham's former office. Special attention given to Eye, Noie and Throat Peoole's Ph'. ue 274. S'AMUELM. BIPPUS, O PHYSICIAN AND SCKGEON 300 West Cunningham St. DENTISTS. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, SURGEON DENTIST. Formerly of Bntler, Has located opposite Lowrv House. .Main St.. Bntler, Pa. The finest work a specialty. Expert painless extractor of teeth by his new method, no medi cine used or jabbing a needle into the s;nms; also gas and ether used. Com mnnications by mail receive prompt at tention. T\R J. WILBERT McKEE, I" STMCKON DENTIST. Offi(;e over Beighner s Jewelry store, Butler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown ami bridge wort. \r J. HiNDMAX, 1T T DENTIST. 12.4 South Main street, (ov Metzer's shoe store.) DR. HL A. MCCANI>I.KSS, DENTIST. Office in Butler County National Bank Building, 2nd floor. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 E. Jeflerson St., over G. W. Miller's «rocerv 1 J.DONALDSON, '), DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office next to postoffice. ATTORNEYS. \\J C. FINDLEY, IT • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ASD PENSION ATTORNEY. Office on South side of Diamond. Butler, Pa. P. SCOTT, . ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Office in Butler County Natioral Bank buildint?. AT. SCOTT, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But ler, Pa. pOULTER & BAKER, LY' ATTORNEYS AT L'-W. Office in Bntler County National Bank building. TOHN W.COULTER, J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office ou Diamond, Bntler, Pa. Special attention given to collections r.ncl business matters. T D. McJUNKIN, 0 • ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Oftice in Reiber building, cornei Main an»l E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on Main Htreet. 1 B. BKEDIM, •I . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Cotut IIou9« HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNKY AT LAV. Office In Wise building. H. NEGLEY, TJ. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office iti the Negley Building, We3t j Diamond MISCELLANEOUS. p F. L. McQUISTION, v. Civii, KNCINKER AND SURVEYOR Ofßce near Court House. |> F. lIILLIAHD, 1). GENERAL SURVEYING. Klines and Lnnd Conntv Surveyor. R. F D. 4'J, West Sunbury, Pa. I P". WALKER, L. NOTARY PUBLIC, BUTI.KR, Office with Uericniir, next door to P. O ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. fitters of administration on the estate of Lyman Milliard, dee'd, late of Wash ington twp , Bntler comity, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all I«>rsons knortinK themselves indelttedto said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to CHALMERS MILLIARD. R. F. D. li), West Sunbury, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In re estate of Qeo E. Miller, dee'd , late of Bntler Borough, Pa. Whereas, letters of Adm'n Cum Testamento Annexo in above estate have been issued by the Register of Wills, to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to promptly pay, and any having claims will present them properly proved for payment, OLIVER li. MILLED* Adm'r C. T. A. W. C. FLNDLEY, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of J. W. Monks, dee'd., late of Middlesex twp., Bntler Co., Pa., having Wen granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay meet, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to REV. W. A. MONKS, EX'r., JA*. B. MCJUNKLN, Atty. 0-23-04 « IDE Ah CIsOTHING AND 8 » HAT PARfoORS. § S i-2 Price Sale of § § OUTING SUITS AND STRAW HATS. § g We have placed every Outing Suit and Straw HatO at exactly 1-2 price. Nothing reserved. We want to-©. IJ make a clean sweep of all our Summer Suits. We never O JJ carry goods over from one season to another. Here isO W the range of prices: Q J | SUITS. NOW 11 0 Now is the time to buy one right in the heart of the § season, and if you v/ear an IDEAL Suit you have the 52 0 satisfaction of wearing the best at the Lowest Prices. (I 0 Any child's suit in the house at 1-3 to 1-2 off. 0 § Ideal Clothing and! |H<at Parlors, 8 o ' 0 0 228 South [Main St., Pa. 0 P. S.—All clothing sold by us cleaned, pressed andQ repaired tree. V 4> F 0 B. & B. To make this August's business the greatest in the store's history, we pro pose the following—with the firui con viction that such choice goods so low will accomplish the desired ends. •V 2 inch all wool American Voiles — Navy Blue, Brown. Tan, Cream aud Black. 35c -worth ?5e if they're worth a nickel. Regular 25c, :>2 inch fine Madras, |sc —assorted size Black and White, Pink aud White, Blue and White and Green aud White even width checks—and quite a satisfactory selection of teat broken checKs in pretty color combina tions. Should yon want to take advantage of these opportunities, come and see the goods—if you're t:o far away tell your desires to our Mail Order Department cjlor and stvle—and you'll Ret a liberal lot of samples. We will also be clad to put yon on our list for a new 1904-05 Fall aud Winter Catalogue which describes the merchandise and wares of these 07 ag gressive and thorough departments do ing business on a small profit basis. ! Notice:—We prepay Express, Freight or Postal Charges on all purchases of $5.00 or more to all points within Five Hundred Miles Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY. PA. You Must Be Measured to have a fit. We make hits with onr fits in fashionable to order clothing. There is no good reason why you should wear ready-mades when we can make you a suit for $25.00. Does that not tempt yonr purse to open and say "Get It"? A made-to-measure Suit is the c >rrect thing to wear. Satisfac tory in every partiuular—style, comfort aud price. We are at your service for coat, vest or trousers—or suit'complete. The best cloth may be rained by poor cutting. Oar cutters are experts. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa Easy and Quick! Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simply j dissolve a can of Banner in cold water, melt lbs. of grease, pour the Lye water in the grease. Stir and put aside to set. Full Direction! on Every Package Banner is pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, per mitting the uae of a small quantity at a time. It is just the article needed in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet "Vies of Banner Lye " —free. The Peon Chemical Works, Philadelphia ;C. F. T. Papej I IJEWELERi \ < ) S 121 E. Jefferson Street. / j £ Better fix up lor this hot £ £ weather. You will feel 5 # comfortable in our cool * € light underwear. All the r # new stuff —all grades. i £ See our linen-mesh. S J We are showing all the r t new patterns in neglige t # shirts and very "nifty" S € things in fancy hosiery and # J neckwear. t | * \ Straw Hats I i i | half price. | # Every straw hat in the * 5 house, all clean new stuff. ( i HALF PRICE. I lino. S.Wick,! # Peoples Phone. 615. # j BUTLF.P, PA. J a Binding; of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. It you are thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleised if you have it done at Tfce Butler Book Bindery, W. W. AMOK, Prop. Opp Court House. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick Houas- Butler Penn'a The beat of horses and first class rigs ml wavs on hand and for hire. Hest accommodations In town tot perma nent boarding and transient trade, tspecl al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65. Horsea A good c ass of horses, both drivers aud draft horses always oil hand and for sale a full guarantee; and horses boupb you proper notification hv PEARSON B. NACE. T©i»?i)noue No. 21 I|M. H. MILLER, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE— Room 508, Butler County National Bank building. j See the slgo direct opposite the Old Pesiofflce, kTJ lhe;>doi'4 Yogtlay, rjn k- il L'siate and fm| lasurinc; Agency, PJ 2. 8 S. Main St. Butler, Pa. J tf you liav.- property ¥^3 tj sell, trade, or ren ,I""J or, want to buy or 4V^ rt-nt cail. or gfe fIE ohonc me. Lis! Mailed Upon Application Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you w,.n the be>t for the least money. 1 hat is our motto. Come and s«.e us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call aga'n. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy s. G. PURVIS, PU. G Both Phones. 213 8 Main St. Butler Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers