VOL. XXXXI. Clean-up Sale This Week J Bigger Bargains Than Ever For Ladies. Misses, Men and Boys. THE MODERN STORE. jj Balance of our stock of Fine Lawn, Madras, anrl Silk Shirt Waists all to l»e i* clossed out at l j off our former urices. SI.OO line white Lawn ana ivM t « Vi trimmed, now tfTc. $1.35 White Lawn Waists, now *4o. §1 .«0 andl *1 .«.» » hlte Waists. beautifully trimmed and 'finished. 12.00 Waists, hamdsoimelly tnmnn 1 Ej $1.:«. $2.30 Lawn and Wash Sl;k Waists, now $2.00. liner Watets all at th same N reduction. These are all this "season's latest productions. All o* the « .Hiur. e< Victoria and Acorn Brands made of the best materials and Antiy unlsliea. \£(J K Shirt Waist Suits all reduced. 51.75 Percale Suits no Suits, now « K $l5O and SI.OO Suits, now $2.50. *5 00 Suits, now f£». Walkinff Skirts at, « °fr. i» H Skirts, now SJ. $5 Skirts, now $*.75. *SO to S7.W Sk irfcs, W t^h/««• \VhIT« P K fj skirts now *V»*c Ladies' Wash Duck Skirts, now <Bc. Ladies unit r. k. ra Ekiru winh tsa-now fflS!' WhlteP.Jv. Skirts worth 13.00, now &S. Lot | Dark Percale Shirt Waist Wrappers, worth si—>. reduced to 78c. Big Bargains in Musiin Underwear This Week All Summer Wash Goods to be closed out this mont h regardless of cost. M 15 dozen Men's tine Madras Negligee Shirts ?1 to $l5O gr ides, this week ®Jc. th Men's be#t 50c Underwear, Blue and Salmon. 35c each. '.»> dozen 50«: four-in-hand Lj Ties. 35c each. 10 dozen regular Suspenders, lac a pair, n dozen Boys Cotton is Sweaters in pretty stripes, 3Sc each Men's and Boys 2.> c Underwear reduced to g| ISo >ach EISLER-MARDORF COMPANY, | SOOTH MAIH STREET j OQ-J : S Vs i Send in Your Mail Orders. » x>co>'>opooooo^o«cooe>©CN&< I Mrs. j. e. zimmerman| I FALL ANNOUNCEiENff New Fail Jacket Suits for Ladies and Misses O New Fall Tourist Coats for Ladies and Misses ij New Fall Separate Skirts for Ladies and Misses f* New Fall Dress Goods and Silks Slew Fall Millinery, Dress and Street effects 0. Lollies' Suit* $lO. worth sls. Ladies' Suits $16.50, worth S2O. v Ladies' Suits $25. worth S3O Ladieg' Separate Skirts, new kilt effect $4 98. worth $7 50 Ladies' Separ»t» Skins, new kilt effect, $5 <JB, worth jZ $7 50. Lndies' Separate Skirts, new kilt effect $7 SB, worth SIO.OO. 1# All Dress Goods, Millinery and Trimmings priced less than else- A where. Quality always the best. Summer Goods. x I We still have some seasonable summer noods t-j dispose of. Stocks ft are low. bnt what is here still selling ut end of summer season clearance prices. A OUR RECORD IS OUR GUARANTEE Mrs. J. E. ZimmermanJ Bell Phone 208. t—•* . -«%■ I p [ -^ *r» o> People's Phone 126. DUllts, i ci. KARL SCHLUCHTER, j Practical Tailor and Cutler, 115 East Jefferson Street, v (UPSTAIRS) Has received his Fall and Winter samples, from three large wholesale houses, and is pre pared to take orders for Winter Suits snd Overcoats from the best to the cheapest. He is a practical tailor, does his own cutting, ' superintends his own work and guarantees fit and quality. j (UNION SHOP) Employs none but the best of Union Tailors. I BICKEL'S AUGUST SALE. Many Interesting Bargains In Seasonable Footwear. Men's $4.00 and $5.00 fine shoes reduced to $0 IjQ Men's $3.00 and $3.50 fine shoes reduced to 225 Men's $2.00 fine vici shoes reduced to - - 1.50 Men's $1.50 fine satin calf shoes reduced to 95 Ladies' $1.50 fine Dongola Oxfords reduced to QQ Boys' $3.00 fine patent leather shoes reduced to 2,00 Boys' $1.50 fine satin calf reduced to - - 95 Youths' $1.25 fine calf shoes reduced to - 85 Ladies' $3.00 fine hand-turn shoes reduced to 2,00 Ladies' $1.50 patent tip shoes reduced to - - gFj Child's 75c fine Dongola shoes to - - Infants' 35c soft sole shoes reduced to - 19 Ladies' fine serge slippers reduced to - - 24 Balance of our stock of Oxfords to be closed out regardless of cost. JOHN BICKEL, BUTLER, PA. K E C K Merchant Tailor. Jh] Spring & Summer Suitings ( ) JUST ARRIVED. ( 1 w 142 North Main St. vy KECK Til (state Library jalyOS & Nasal Catarrh quickly yield? ;o treat ment by Ely's Cream Ur.liu, which is agree ably aromatic. It is rei ivcd through the nostrils, cleanses an l hta'.s tho rvholo sur face over which it diffuses it-elf. Druggists sell the 50c. size; Trial si/.e by mail, 10 , cents. Test it and you are sure to continue the treatment. Announcement, To accommodates those who aro partial to tho use of atomizers iu applying liquids into the nasal passages f->r c. r' irr/ial trou bles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be krown as Ely's liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 1"> cents. Druggists or by : mail" The liquid form e:nbodie3 the med icinal properties of 'ho solid preparation. l!|j Examination^^^ BE norai ji | Silver Plated Ware M § spoon and Iyj will convince you that it is fit Soup Ladle uncqualcd in the beauty of P Silver Tl\ let us show you as well If H plate 1| our other specialties in the J tE way of jewelry, watches, Ralston & Smith 110 W. Jefferson Street. $ -I? tft OA | T jgl HI I? I oo Ob tj? 3•DIFFEf TiNTifi & KINDS jfc BUT ALL jg WSHERW N-WILLIAMS CO'S^ A i'AINT iji FOR & & EVERY ffc *fs PURPOSE & 4* 31 Reciick & Grohman # $ T ###lo9 N. Main St.,### # BUTLER, PA. |t Trusses. If you are ruptured this will interest you. V/e have the agency for the "Smithsonian Truss," which allocs absolute freedom of movement and holds at the "internal ring," the only place where a truss should hold, but very few do. When a cure can be affected with a truss, this truss will cure. Children can often times be cured with a properly fitted truss. Safisfaction guaranteed. If after a months v/ear you are not satisfied, your money will be returned. Come, or write for literature. Don't forget our special Saturday sale, a 60c box of candy for 35c, on Saturday only. The Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G., SUCCESSOK TO Johnston's Crystal Pharmacy, BOTH PHONE* 106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. ELY MAY V. STUART MAY & STUART, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Best Accommodations in town For Transient Custom. PHONES: People's 1 Dell 59 Rear of Bickel Hnildirg, g. Mian St Butler, Pa. E BUTLER CITIZEN. ALICE of OLD 1 j* By MAURICE THOMPSON J| ?' Copyriifh*. ?sr*. by th? Bcrcrv me'-r.:iL company 'if V-i'j."i ; W. .... .. . . ■ v - BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4. 1904. CHAPTER XVII. A MARCH THROUGH COLD WATER. ON the stli day of February. 1779. Colonel George Rogers Clark led an army across the Kaskaskia river and camped. This was the first step in his march toward tho Wabash. An army! l)o not smile. Fewer than 200 men, it is true, answered the roll call when Father Gibault lifted the cross and blessed them. It was an army, small indeed, but yet an army, even though so rudely equipped that, could we now see it be fore us. we might wonder of what it could possibly be in a military way. Clark knew when he set out on li';s march to Vincennes that he was not indulging a visionary impulse. The enterprise was one that called for all that manhood could endure, but not more. With the genius of a born lead er he measured his task by his means. He knew his own courage and forti tude and understood the best capacity of his men. He had genius—that is he possessed the secret of extracting from himself and from his followers the last refinement of devotion to purpose. There was a certainty, from first to last, that effort would not flag at any point short of the topmost possible strain. The march before them lay over a magnificent plain, mostly prairie, rich as the delta of the Nile, but extremely difficult to traverse. The distance, as the route led, was about 170 miles. On account of an open and rainy winter all the basins and flat lands were in undated, often presenting leagues of water ranging in depth from a few inches to three or four feet. Colonel Clark understood perfectly the stra tegic importance of Vincennes as a post commanding the Wabash and as a base of communication with the many Indian tribes north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi. Francis Vigo (may his name never fade!) had brought him a comprehensive and ac curate report of Hamilton's strength and the condition of the fort and gar rison. This information confirmed his belief that it would be possible not only to capture Vincennes, but Detroit as well. Just seven days after the march be gan the little army encamped for a night's rest at the edge of a wood, and here, just after nightfall, when tho fires were burning merrily and the smell of broiling buffalo steaks burdened the damp air, a wizened old man suddenly appeared, how or from where nobody had observed. He was dirty and in every way disreputable in appearance, looking like an animated mummy, bearing a long rifle on his shoulder and walking with the somewhat halting activity of a very old yet vivacious and energetic simian. Of course it was On cle Jason, "Oncle Jazon sui generis," as Father Beret had dubbed him. "Well, here I am!" he cried, ap proaching the lire by which Colonel Clark and some of his officers were cooking supper. "But ye can't guess in a mile o' who I am to save yer livers an' lights." He danced a few stiff steps, which made the water gush out of his tat tered moccasins, then doffed his nonde script cap and nodded his scalpless head in salutation to the commander. Clark looked inquiringly at him, while the old fellow grimaced and rubbed his shrunken chin. "I smelt yer fat a-fryin' somepin' lilce a mile away, an' It set my in'ards to grumblln' for a snack, so I Jes' thought I'd drap in on ye an' chaw wittles wi' ye." "Your looks are decidedly against you," remarked the colonel, with a dry smile. He had recognized Oncle Ja zon after a little sharp scrutiny. "I suppose, however, that we can !t't you gnaw the bones after we've got off the meat." "Thank 'ee, thank 'ee, plenty good. A feller 'at's as hongry as I am kin go through a bone like a feesh through water." Clark laughed and said: "I don't see any teeth tunt you have worth mentioning, but your gums may be unusually sharp." "Ya-a-s, 'bout as sharp as yer wit, Colonel Clark, an' sharper 'n yer eyes, a long shot. Ye don't know me, do ye? Take ernother squint at me, an' see 'f yc kin 'member a good lookin' man!" "You have somewhat the appearance i>f an old scamp of tho name of Jazon that formerly loafed around with a worthless gun on his shoulder, and used to run from erery Indian he saw fiiwn yonder in Kentucky." Clark held out his hand and added cordially: "How are you, Jazon, my old friend, and whore upon earth have you come from?" Oncle Jazon pounced upon the hand and gripped It in his own knotted fin gers, gazing delightedly up into Clark's bronzed and laughing face. "Where'd I come frurn? I come frum ever'wheres. Fust time I ever got lost in all my born days. I've been a trompin' round in the water seems like a week, crazy as a pizened rat, not a-knowin' north f'om south ner my big toe f'om a turnip! Who's got some tobacker?" Onele Jazon's story, when presently lie tokl it. Interested Clark deeply, lie and Kenton had, with wise judg ment, separated on escaping from the Indian camp. Kenton striking out for Kentucky, while Oncle Jazon went to ward Kaskaskia. The information that Beverley would ba shot as soon as he was returned to Hamilton caused Colonel Clark serious worry of mind. Not only the fact that Beverley, who had been a charming friend and a most gallant officer, was now in such imminent danger, but the impression (given by Oncle Jazon's ac count) that he had broken his parole was deeply painful to the brave and scrupulously honorable commander. Htill friendship rose above regret, and Clark resolved to push his little col umn forward all the more rapidly, hoping to arrive in time to prevent the impending execution. Next morning the march was resum ed at the break of dawn, but a swollen stream caused some hours of delay, during which Beverley himself arrived from the rear, a haggard and weirdly unkempt apparition, lie had been for three days following hard on the ar my's track, which he came to far west ward. Oncle Jason saw him first in the distance, and his old but educated eyes made 110 mistake. "lander's that youngster Beverley!" WfW ■ \m I <3J "I'lvr Zhorzli Vosinton!'' lie exclaimed. "Ef it aiu't I'm a sqaaw!" Nor (lid he parley further on the sub ject. but set off at a rickety trot to meet and assist the fagged and excited young man. Clark had given Oncle Jazon his liask, which contained a few gills of whisky. This was the first thing of fered to Beverley, who wisely took but a swallow. Oncle Jazon was so elated he waved his cap on high and, unconsciously falling into French, yell ed in a piercing voice: "Vive Zhorzli Vasinton! Vive la banniere d'Alice Uoussillon!" Seeing Beverley reminded him of Alice and the flag. As for Beverley, the sentiment braced him and the be loved name brimmed his heart with sweetness. Clark went to meet them as they came in. Ho hugged the gaunt lieu tenant with genuine fervor of joy, while Oncle Jazon ran around them making a series of grotesque capers. The whole command, hearing Oncle Jazon's patriotic words, set up a wild shouting on the spur of a general im pression that Beverley came as a mes senger bearing glorious news from Washington's army in the east. It was a great relief to Clark when he found out that his favorite lieuten ant had not broken his parole, but had Instead boldly resurrendered himself, declaring the obligation no longer bind ing and notifying Hamilton of his in tention to go away with the purpose of returning and destroying him and his command. Clark laughed heartily when this explanation brought out Beverley's tender interest in Alice, but he sympathized cordially, for he him self knew what love is. Although Beverley was half starved and still suffering from the kicks and blows given him by Long Hnir and his warriors, his exhausting run on the trail of Clark and his band had not worked him serious harm. All of the officers and men did their utmost to serve him. He was feasted stint and furnished With everything that the scant supply of clothing on the pack horses could afford for Ills com fort. He promptly asked for an as signment to duty in his company and took his place with such high enthusi nsm that his companions regarded him with admiring wonder. None of them save Clark and Oncle Jazon suspected that love for a fair haired girl yonder In Vincennes was the secret of his amazing zeal and intrepidity. In one respect Clark's expedition was sadly lacking in its equipment for the march. It had absolutely no means of transporting adequate supplies. The pack horses were not able to carry more than a little extra ammunition, a few articles of clothing, some sim ple cooking utensils and such tools as were needed in improvising rafts and ranoes. Consequently, although buf falo and doer were sometimes plentiful, they furnished no lasting supply of meat, because it could not be trans ported. and as the army neared ln cennes wild animals became scarce, so that the men began to suffer from hun ger when within but a few days of their journey's end. Clark made almost superhuman ef forts in urging forward his chilled, wa ter soaked, footsore command. To ward the end of the long march a de cided fall of temperature added ice to the water through which our daunt less patriots waded and swam for miles. The wind shifted northwester ly, taking on a searching chill. Each gust, indeed, seemed to shoot wintry splinters into the very marrow of the men's bones. The weaker ones began to show the approach of utter exhaus tion just at the time when a linal spurt of unflinching power was needed. True, they struggled heroically, but na ture was Hearing the inexorable limit of endurance. Without food, which there was 110 prospect of getting, col lapse was sure to come. Standing nearly waist deep in freez ing water and looking but upon the muddy, sealiko flood that stretched far away to the channel of the Wabash and beyond, Clark turned to Beverley and said, speaking low, so as not to be overheard by any other of his of ficers or men: "Is it possible. Lieutenant Beverley, that we are to fall, with Vincennes al most in sight of us?" . "No, sir, It Is not possible," was t' i> firm reply. "Nothing must, nothi i ' can, stop us. Look at that brave cliiid! He sets the heroic example." Beverley pointed as he spoke at a boy but fourteen years old, who was using his drum as a float to bear him up while he courageously swam beside the men. Clark's clouded face cleared once more. "You are right," he said. "Come on! We must win or die!" "Sergeant Dewit," he added, turning to an enormously tall and athletic man near by, "take that little drummer and his drum on your shoulder and lead the way, and, sergeant, make him pound that drum, like the devil beating tan bark!" The huge man caught the spirit of his commander's order. In a twinkling he had the boy astride of his neck with the kettledrum resting 011 his head, and then the rattling music began. Clark followed, pointing onward with his sword. The half frozen and totter ing soldiers sent tip a shout that went back to where Captain Bowman was bringing up the rear under orders to I s ii2P l every man that straggled or shnink from «lv*y. Now came a'liuie whi'n not a niouth ful of food was left. A whol;' day thoy floundiTPfl on. starvlnjr. fainl pr :it evpry sttp. the the ice thickeninK- Thoy «• übi> >1 oa land, and uext mora ins they heard Ilamilt n's distant sunrise pnn boom over the water. "One half ration for the men," said Clark, looking disconsolately in the direction whence the sound had come. "Just tlve inouthfuls apiece, even, and I'll have Hamilton ami his fort with in forty-eight hours." "We will have the provisions, colonel, or I will die trying to get them," Bev erley responded. "Depend upon me." Tliey had constructed some canoes in which to transport the weakest of the men. "I will take a dug«ut and some pick ed fellows. We will pull to the wood yonder, and there we shall find some kind of game which has been forced to shelter from tho high water." It was a cheerful view of a forlorn hope. Clark grasped the hand extend ed by Beverley and they looked en couragingly into each other's eyes. Oncle .Tazon volunteered to go in the pirogue. lie was ready for anything, everything. "I can't shoot wo'th a cent," he whined as they took their places in the cranky pirogue, "but I might jes' hap pen to kill a squir'l or a elephant or Boniepin' 'nother." "Very well!" shouted Clark in a loud, cheerful voice, when they had paddled away to a considerable distance. "Bring the meat to the woods on tho hill yon der," pointing to a distant island-like ridge far beyond the creeping flood. "We'll lie there ready to eat it!" He said this for the ears of his men. They heard and answered with a strag gling but determined chorus of ap proval. They crossed the rolling cur rent of the Wabash by a tedious proc ess of ferrying, and at last found themselves once more wading In back water up to their armpits, breaking Ice an inch thick as they went. It was the closing struggle to reach the high wooded lands. Many of them fell ex hausted. but their stronger comrades lifted them, holding their heads above water, and dragged them on. Clark, always leading, always inspir ing. was first to set foot on dry land. He shouted triumphantly, waved his sword and then fell to helping the men out of the freezing flood. This accom plished. he ordered fires built, but there was not a soldier of them all whose hands could clasp an ax handle, so weak and numbed with cold were they. He was not to be baffled, how ever. If fire could not be bad, exercise must serve its purpose. Hastily pour ing some powder into his hand, he dampened it and blacked his face. "Victory, men, victory!" he shouted, taking off his hat and beginning to leap and dance. "Come on! We'll have a war dance and then a feast as soon as the meat arrives that I have lent for. Dance, you brave lads, dance! Victory! Victory!" The strong men, understanding their colonel's purpose, took hold of the deli cate ones, aud the leaping, the caper ing, the tumult of voices and the stamping of slushy moccasins with which they assaulted that stately for *st must have frightened every wild thing thereabout into a deadly rigor. Clark's irrepressible energy and op timism worked a veritable charm upon his faithful but almost dying compan ions in arrac. Their trust in him made them feel sure that food would soon be forthcoming. The thought afforded a stimulus more potent than wine. It drove them into an ecstasy of frantic motion and which soon warm ed them thoror.glu/. It is said that fortune favors the brave. The larger meaning of the sentence may be given thus: God guards those who deserve his protec tion. History tells us that just when Clark halted his command almost in sight of Vincennes—just when hunger was about to prevent the victory so close to his grasp—a party of his scouts brought in the haunch of a buf falo captured from some Indians. The scouts were Beverley and Oncle Jazon. And with the meat they brought In dian kettles in which to cook it. With consummate forethought Clark arranged to prevent his men doing themselves injury by bolting their food or eating it half cooked. Brotb was first made and served hot; then small bits of well broiled steak were doled out, until by degrees the fine effect of nourishment set in, and all the com mand felt the fresh courage of healthy reaction. "I ain't no gin'ral, nor corp'ral, nor uotliin'," remarked Oncle Jazon to Colonel Clark, "but 'f I's you I'd hist up every dad dinged ole flag in the rig'ment, w'en I got ready to show my self to 'em, an' I'd make 'em think, over yander at the fort, 'at I had 'bout ninety thousau' men. Hit'd skeer that sandy faced gov'nor over there till he'd think his backbone was a-comin' out'n 'im by the roots." Clark laughed, but his face showed that the old man's suggestion struck him forcibly and seriously. "We'll see about that presently, Oncle Jazon. Wait till we reach the hill yonder, from which the whole town can observe our maneuvers; then we'll try it, maybe." Once more the men were lined up, the roll call gone through with satis factorily and the question put: "Are we ready for another plunge through the mud and water?" The answer came in the affirmative, with a unanimity not to be mistaken. The weakest heart of them all beat to the time of the charge step. Again Clark aud Beverley clasped hands and took the lead. When they reached the next high ground they gazed in silence across the slushy prairie plot to where, on a slight elevation, old Vincennes and Fort Sackville lay In full view. Beverley stood apart. A rush of sen sations affected him so that he shook like one whose strength was gone. His vision was blurred. Fort and town, swimming iu a mist, were silent and still. Save the British flag twinkling above Hamilton's headquarters noth ing indicated that the place was not deserted. And Alice? With the sweet name's echo Beverley's heart bounded high, then sank fluttering at the recol lection that she was either yonder at the mercy of Hamilton or already the victim of an unspeakable cruelty. Was it weakness for him to lift his clasped hands heavenward and send up a voice less prayer? A little later Clark approached hasti ly and said: "I have been looking for you. The march has begun. Bowman and Charleville are moving. Come; there's no time to lose." Lro BE CONTINUED.} Tlie Other Way. "Why did mamma spank you today? Because you are bad?" tatise mamma was bad."— Ifo'usion I'O.it. I con ! \ tl: :e - .1 *.r. ...•«. '.e ri'otfsh.- 1 vi-r.v :i „'... t:;: i t . whk'i every di-.y <l::::ini-I,e ■ i; , forever. Sir William join-s. C«0*0»C«0*C*00»0>CaO»0*0*0 t HIS fotRMAIDI 5 § O By HENRY THOLENS O 5 § 0 ...Cop; iro3, by T. C. McClure... O 3iCj«C«si*o»o»o39o*o3o*o*o«o "By Jove, Jack, you must wait until 1 get my camera for that afternoon sun over the water. Aren't C.ose clouds magnificent? The rocks on the beach, the woods over yonder, the wares al most too lazy to break as they come rolling up—l can see the picture now, printed deep down on sepia paper, fast to a prize at the amateur exhibition." Jack laughed good naturedly. "All right, old man; sail in, but hurry up." he said. l'ive minutes later George Carring tcn had snatched his camera from the broad hallway of the Berkeley inn, snapped it at the waterscape, and he and Jack Cray sou were oil on a fishing trip. It was the last day of their vaca tion, spent wandering down the coast at random, seldom two uights in the same place. The final day's sport over, Carring ton sped back to the city In a train, camera, fishing kit and grip beside him. tanned and tired, but happy. He reach ed his apartments and thought of the last picture of clouds and rocks and sea. He must develop it forthwith, and he did. "A vacation of jolly good fun with out a romance." he mused. "Nature, sunshine, fresh air, a good chum and good fishing; nothing more to be de sired." The film sank In the developing fluid, and in a few seconds the outlines of a const scene appeared. First came the blotches of black, representing the high lights—clouds and the crests of waves. By an alchemy which never ceases to be marvelous all the delicate grada tions of light and shade filled in until the perfect picture appeared. Then occurred something which caus ed Carrington to gasp in astonishment and almost drop the developing tray, for In the center of the picture, head and shoulders visible above the crest of a breaker, appeared the form qf a young woman, like a mermaid arising out of the sea. There was a saucy tilt to the laughing face, and the bare arms were outstretched as a beckoning mermaid's might have been. Carrington knew that no hitman being had been in that ex panse of sea while he was on the beach. With almost feverish haste he made a print from the film. There was no doubt about it. It was no freak ef fect. The girl's face, which he had never seen before, seemed to mock him in mystery. Clad in a dainty bathing SILENT AND BEWILDERED, SHE STUDIED THE PHOTOGRAPH. suit, she fitted into the picture as if an artist hand had posed her there, a dainty bit of indisputably human life that rounded out the scene and per fected it. Fate had tossed a romance Into his vacation after all. He recalled the events of the day. Grayson and he had reached the inn just before noon, tired by a tramp of a half dozen miles from a fishing sta tion farther down the coast. Dinner, then a rest; the snapshot and the final two hours' fishing that closed the fort night's holiday, leaving the camera In the hotel office beside his grip while he was gone; then supper and the train back to the city. All this was clear enough. But how did the mer maid creep into his camera? Carring ton stared at the laughing face In blank perplexity. Only one point was certain. It was the prettiest face he had ever seen in his life. A paper he had recently read In a scientific journal flashed across his mind. It dealt with the photographic discovery of a new light ray invisible to the eye, but duly recorded on the peculiarly sensitized photographic plate. "Nonsense!" lie promptly said. "That's a flesh and blood girl. She has the faee of an angel, but angels don't wear bathing suits with all those frills." Next day he jumped on a train And was whisked to Berkeley Inn. He sought the manager and showed him the picture. "You recognize her, of course?" Car ihigton asked, with a careless air. "I should say I did," said the man tiger. with a smile. "That's the hand lome one of the Langford girls, who were here a month with their aunt. Went back to town only a couple of days ago. Splendid picture. Taken right here on the beach, too," he added in a quizzical tone. "I didn't know you were acquainted." Carrington rejects! tlie conversation al tender. "Yes; 1 think it's pretty good," was all he said. But Just be fore train time he sought the porter and casually asked him the destination cf ttie Langford baggage two days be fore. , "New York, sah," came the ready re sponse. "Thaulc you, sah." The journey had not been altogether in vain. And while other passengers 0:1 that train chatted gayly to tether or read their newspapers or walched the panorama of forest and farmland and the twinkling lights of villages there was one young man whose eyes and attention did not wander from a photo graph ho held before him. Three months later he was at one of Mrs. Bloomer Billings' receptions. He cid not know Mrs. Bloomer Billings, but he had not been idle during the au tumn months, and without being a Sherlock Holmes he decided that ho must get an invitation, and he did. Mrs. Billings was a literary lady , whose assemblages were diverse and ; often astonishing. Artists and writers j attended theiu. musicians aud player folk, with u leavening of accepted "so ciety." They were truly heterogeneous gatherings. Eagerly C'arriugton scanned the rooms. A long haired violinist had Just finished a Beethoven sonata, and there was much clapping of hands. Carring- . ton was presented to Mrs. Billings. ' who was surrounded by a bevy of '■ pretty girls. A moment of gallant con- | versation, and then his face lit up with a sudden joy that caused his hostess to ; look up in politely suppressed wonder. < In that group, now in a setting of pink aud white, but with the same laughing face of the glistening beach and wave, stood his lady of the sea. An hour later they sat together on a window seat listening to a prima don na's song. "I have n picture I would like you to see. Miss Langford." he said diffident ly. lie took the photograph from his pocketbook and showed it to her. She gave a little startled cry. and the unmounted print fell from her bund. "Why—why, you were at Berkeley inn!" she exclaimed. "I took a picture of the l»cach, but not that one." he said slowly. "And yet that is the one I fouud In my cam era." Their eyes met for an instant, and the girl flushed crimson. Silent and be wildered. she studied the photograph. Suddenly she broke. Into the laugh of the water witch again. "No less surprising was the picture my sister took of me," she exclaimed excitedly. "The water and rocks v.-ere lovely, but I was nowhere to be seen!" "Now the mystery is no longer mys terious!" laughed Carrlngton. "It's plain enough. I saw another camera in the hotel office, but never thought until this instant that I might have picked up the wrong one. Your sister took a picture with my camera, and I took one with hers." Suddenly he became silent and after a moment or two stam mered, "I—l suppose this is your sis ter's property, but may I not keep it?" The girl tossed her head and smiled in mock hesitation. She had been turn ing the picture around and around in her hand. Then the smile and the warm blood left her face in company, and there was au almost imperceptible tremor of the long dark eyelashes. On the back of the photograph she had read: "My mermaid." Again their eyes met, but lisrs were quickly withdrawn. Her hesitation was real now. Both were silent another moment. He sat eagerly, expectantly. Her eyes were fixed on the floor, and as she slowly ex tended her hand and placed the picture in his he felt the warm touch of her finger tips. Politeness. If those who are doubtfiil as to the correct course to pursue in any given situation will remember that even the wrong thing is overlooked if one is but absolutely polite in the doing of it their relief might be great. A gentleness of demeanor and s courteous response or question can never be out of place. A man may wear a business suit of clothes to an evening wedding less noticeably than a truculent air of insolence. If he be perfectly well bred as far as behavior goes, it matters not so much what his outward garb, although by an unwrit ten law of social observance certain clothes are the correct thing for cer tain occasions. Politeness is never wrong. Its prac tice goes nearly all the way toward the goal of the right thing in the right place. We hear of polite Insolence, but Insolence is never polite, and It is nev er, under any circumstances, polite to be insolent The Tonrlat and the Porter. An English tourist was discussing the relative merits of British and Ameri can railway service the other evening when he suddenly sprang the following clincher on his cisatlantic cousins; "I tell you, though, there's one point you folks are behind In, and that Is the lack of consideration showa white pas sengers in having them pass inspectlen by an African. Why, the idea of such treatment Is an Insult to any gentle man. "A few days ago when boarding one of your famous express trains I was chagrined, to put it mildly, to be asked by a liveried colored man to show my ticket to him. I subsequently learned that this same Individual Is nothing but a train waiter. Such a thing could not happen in my country."—New York Press. WHEN YOU CAN'T SLEEP. Jut Pretend Yon Don't Want to and Yon'll Soon Drop OS. When we are kept awake from our fatigue the first thing to do is to say over and over to ourselves that we do not care whether we go to sleep or not In order to imbue ourselves with a healthy indifference about it. It will help toward gaining this wholesome indifference to say: "I am too tired to sleep, and therefore the first thing for me to do Is to get rested In order to prepare for sleep. When my brain Is well rested It will go to sleep; it esn not help It. When It Is well rested It will sleep Just as naturally as my longs breathe or as my heart beats." Another thing to remember—and it is very important—ls that an overtired brain needs more than the usual nour ishment. If you have been awake for an hour and it Is three hours after your last meal take half a cup or a cup of hot milk. If you are awake for another two hours take half a cup more, and so, at Intervals of about two hours, so long as you are awake throughout the night. Hot milk is nourishing and a sedative. It is uot inconvenient to have milk by the side of one's bed, and a little saucepan and a spirit lamp.—Leslie's Weekly. WOODEN BREAD. It la Possible to Make a. Palatable Loaf From Sawdust. As long ago as 1834 Professor Aute rlth of Tubingen succeeded in making a tolerably good quartern loaf out of a deal board. Everything soluble was removed by maceration and boiling; the wood was then reduced to fibers, dried In an oven and ground, when it had the taste and smell of corn flour. A sponge was then made by the addi tion of water and the sour leaven of corn flour, and It was baked and found to be better than a compound of bran and com husks. Wood flour boiled In water forms also a nutritious Jelly, which the pro fessor found both palatable and whole some in the form of gruel, dumplings and pancakes. Professor Brunde has also recorded the making of bread from woody filter. He says: "Before me is a specimen im ported from Sweden. Seeing the close relation between the composition of starch and lignine, the conversion of the latter into bread does not seem so remarkable." He also cannot praise the quality of strctrtoreirtf i No. 29 Some Oi/a Plaata. There are few plants that bare not been utilized In one way or another by mankind for food, paper, drags, or In other ways. Among many not BO well known may be mentioned the Japanese wax tree, bearing bunches of fruit growing like grapes which contain a species of wax used in making candles. Another tree, found in the Pacific is lands aud known as the candle nut, yields a large quantity of oil, while the kernels are strung together on a stick and lighted as a candle. The fruit of the candle tree is between three and four feet in length and about an Inch In diameter, and of a yellowish color. As they are seen hanging from the tree they present the appearance of a number of wax candles. The telegraph plant, which grows In India, Is a slen der, erect shrub, so called because of some resemblance to signals In the mo tion of its trifoliate leaves—the two side ones rising and falling alternately for a time, and then resting. Some times many of the leaves, are in motion, and sometimes only a few, the greatest jctivlty being in the early morning, and not depending on the wind. New Year'a Snprritltloii. The following superstitions In con nection with New Year's are still be lieved in various parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales: On New Year's morning go to a well or foun tain and leave an apple and nosegay, and the water will keep fresh and be more wholesome all the year. If a dark complexloned man crosses your thresh old first on New Year's day you will be prosperous; If a blond, unlucky, and If a redheaded man dire disaster will sore ly follow. Before locking the door for the night on New Year's eve place a gold coin near It and let It remain there until the church bells ring the next morning, and you will have plen ty of money all that year. So strong Is the belief in this last adage In some places that dark complexloned men are paid a small gratuity to call early and walk through the first floor of the bouse, entering by the back door and leaving by the front Nation Without a Lamtiae*. Among the people of the world the Swiss arc alone in having no language they can call their own. According to a recent visitor to the little country about three-fourths of the people of Switzerland speak German, while the remainder divide four other languages among them—mainly French and Ital ian—the languages varying, as a rule, according to the proximity of the peo ple to each country whose tongue they speak. Public documents and notices are printed In both French and German. In the Swiss national parlia ment the members make their speeches either in French or German, for nearly all the members understand both lan guages. The orders of the president are translated by an official Interpreter and furnished to the newspapers In both languages. Vonm Journey* Made by WBales. The whales that swim about the Is lands which lie off the coast of Norway and Finland In March and April travel immense distances. In May they turn up at the Azores or even at the Ber mudas and sometimes pay a visit to the Antilles. They swim fast, for In June they are back again off Norway. Some of these whalca have been known to bring back evidences of where they have been, for harpoons of the peculiar kind used off the coast of South Amer ica have been found stuck In them. — St James Gazette. x Grand Advice. A shoemaker came to the minister asking his advice because "that sweep, his landlord, had given him notice to quit and he would have nowhere to lay his head." The minister could only advise him to lay his case before the Lord. A week later the minister returned and found the shoemaker busy aud merry. "That was gran' ad vice ye gied me, minister," said the man. "I laid my case before the Lord, as ye tell't me, an' noo the sweep'! deid." Geikie's "Scotch Reminis cences." Good Humor. According to ancient theory, there are four principal humors in the body —blood, phlegm, choler and melancholy. The predominance of any one de termined the temper; hence the expres sion "choleric humor," etc. A nice bal ance made a good compound called a good humor, and a preponderance of any a bad compound called an 111 or bad humor. Had Mlajadffed Hl*. "Does your father ever kiss your mamma, Willie?" asked the lady who had once been the gentleman's sweet heart. "Yes, every morning when he goes away to the city." 1 "Dear me! And to think that I onoe doubted his courage!"— Chicago Bec ord-Herald. ■ Her Cttrloaltr. "Mrs. Chellus looks bad, doesn't she?" "Yes, and no wonder. She's been awake every night for a week past" "The idea! What was the matterV "She discovered about a week ago that her husband talks in his sleep, and of course she had to listen."—Phil* odelpbla Ledger. A Novice at the Baalneu. "I suppose you had a perfectly lovely time at Wexford's house party?" "No, it was a fizzle. Mrs. Wexford bas so little tact She was always ar ranging it 60 that the men would have to pair off with their own wives."— Exchange. Emotion turning back on itself and not leading on to thought or action IS the element of madness. —J. Sterling. For Hnbby'a Eyes. Shopman—You wont a nice motto to hang up in the house, ma'am? How would "Heaven Bless Our Home" or "No Tlace Like Home" do? Severe Looking Lady—Wouldn't do at aIL What I want is a card to bang up In the hall bearing the words "Better Late Never." Why Is This Sot A father of four boys has discovered that different sounds travel With dif ferent velocity. A call to dinner, he says, will carry over a ten acre field in a minute and a half, while a summons to return to work takes from five to eight minutes. —Chums. ■till Able to Attend to Bulatu. "I told Uncle Simon that he was get ting too old and feeble to attend to business." "Did he take it klnAy?" "He threw me out of his office."— Vanity Fair. Looking? Plfimant. Photographer— Now, sir, if you'll look u little less as though you bad a bill to meet and a little more as though you'd just been left a legacy you'll be • picture.—New Yorker.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers