BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, JULY2J, 19t» hook*. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Excursion season. —The Ya'as will be here, Saturday. —The soldiers leave for camp today. —"Temptation Sales" are the latest —Mars seems to be jwpular as a con vention town —The 24-mile rural routers now get their |6O per month. —Don't pick holt-3 in the weather—it has been leaky enough. Don't forget the Lutheran Reunion, next Thursday, the 28th. —The meat dealers ot Cutler have not yet raised their prices. —The Summer Theatre is catching the boys' dimes, this week. —The country is infested it prestnt with doc and medicine shows. —lf yon sent your dog to the country tie your cmlf loose for bufjrlars. —Some Tarentuiu parties ar«- build ing a big hotel near Saxon burg. The B. R. & P bridge, east cI town, was on fire yesterday morning. —A big. jolly crowd took in the C. M. B. A excursion to Conneaut, yesterday. —The Department of Agriculture if warning farmers against the "ginseng craze." -Two-thousand Butler county peo pie went to Conneint Lake, last Thursday. —Several hundred Butler county peo pie went to the dedication at Grove City, this mornin?. —The aggregation of monstrosities at Broad and Clay Sts. drew a tremendous crowd Tuesday evening. —Happiness is a matter of habit, and you had better gather it fresh every day or you'l never get it at all. —The Leedom-Worral Grocery Co. i* receiving their stock and will send four men out on the road next week. —F. E. Miller's flonr mill at Evans City was destroyed by fire last Thurs day morning. Loss $12,000; insurance SB,OOO. . —People who kuow of herbs that will save life oaght to have such herbs nam ed and. classified by persons able to do •och work. —The drnggists beat the doctors at base ball ; yesterday the lawyers beat the druggists, and now the printers are getting together and will wipe toe earth with the whole bnnch. —The Pennsylvania R. R. Co. has es tablished an "a la carte" or pay for what-youget dinine-car service on the trains of its main line which is an im provenient on the dolls r-a-seat idea. —Oar grocers are paying 15 to 18c for batter, 6c aqt for cherries, $1 a bn for peas. 5c alb for lettuce, 2Jc for cab bage, 80c a doz for beets, 80c a bu for new potatoes, 75c a bn for apples, 80c a doz for encumbers, 20c a doz for onions —The postoffice department has de cided that the names of subscribers to all daily papers delivered by a rural (terrier uiuht appear on the paper, in stead of being delivered by the carrier ID news boys' method. The Butler baseball team defeated the Saxonburg team, Tuesday, at Sax onburg, oto 6. Mel Clark hit the first ball pitched for a borne rnn. McLaffer ty also bad a home run. Pitcher Roe per of Saxonburg had bis hand split by • batted ball. —W. R. Thompson of Middlesex twp. bu a largd brouza. turktsy gobbler, that has hatched oat a brood of Plymouth Bock chickens, and he (the gobbler) takes the best of c;»re of them. The question again arises, who is the moth er of those chickens ? —Cirtiftod copies of the registration of school children made at May regis tration are now at the office of the County Commissioners ready for deliv ery. The secretaries of the several ■chool boards of the county are request ed to call or send for same Last Sunday was a very sultry day, and In Butler people suffered frcm the heat, particularly at Sheriff Hoon's funeral. In Pittsburg there were seven deaths from heat df.y, and deaths were reported in several of the larger tows ot the county. 83,000 people attended the St. Louis Fair, etch day of last week. 250,000 people went down from New York to Coney Island, last Sunday; and alone the Jersey and Long Island coasts there were probably a million people people cooling off in the water that morning—but that's different. —A writer in an exchange has tried the following with good results: It is now tjrne for the troublesome cucumber bugs to commence their ravages. It may not be generally known that a teaspoonful of saltpetre dissolved in a gallon of water and sprinkled on the vines clears them of the pests without injary to the vines. —Securing the war news from Man churia will cost the newspapers of this country and Europe at least ten mil lions of dollars, before the thing is over; and then the censorship at both head quarters is ao ri»{id that the stuff allow ed to appear can hardly be called news. The only way to keep track of the war i* to secure a good imp of Manchuria, j and sift the actual happenings from the reports as best yon can. —A case of chicken stealing which proved remunerative to the victim is re ported !ron» Greenville. Albert Martin a farmer living near that place had 20 fowls stolen recently,and while hunting for a clna the following morning found ft pockethook containing fry) near the coop. Taking stand at an upstairs win dow Martin was soon rewarded by see ing a neighbor approach and look care fully over the ground In the vicinity of tbe coop. With $2.50 inadvertently paid by the thief tor each chicken Mar tin ia not likely to prosecute. Butler Fnir, August 'lO, 81, Sept. Ist and 2nd 8 Your chance now to buy fahliionabl-: clothing at sacrifice prices attend Ritter & Rockenatein's. PF.ItSOXAL. C. W. Pond of Penn twp. was in town on business. Friday. W. E. Morse of Buffalo twp. has mov ed to 214 First St.. Butler. J. S Wilson of Slipperyrock was iu town on legal business, Saturday. Miss Nettie Payne lias returned from a visit with friends at Portersville Robert Beaver and wife of Beaver Falls are visiting friends in this city. J. A. Bailey of Marion twp. has pur chased the Tony Allen cigar store on Main St. G. C. Hawotth, wife and son. and Mr? Stratton are at the World's Fair at St. Louis. Elmer Brown and wife of Dunbar St have been made happy by the arrival of a girl baby. ~ Ex-Sheriff Dodds came down from Crawford county to attend Sheriff Hoon's funeral. Abner Patton of Oakland twp. cut some timothy, yesterday, that was as "high as a horse. " Mrs. D. L. Cleeland and son return ed, Friday, from a visit with relatives in Mercer county. E. L. Beigbley of Portersville attend ed to gome Cotirt House business in Bntler, Saturday. John P. Pollock ii home from Bell vue, sick, and is with his father, Alex snder, in Centre twp. Capt. J. F. Moore of West Liberty boro. is the guest of his fatber-iD-law. John Montgomery of Oakland twp. Frank Ralston of Slipperyrock retuni ed from a western trip, during which he took in the St. Louis Fair, Saturday. Pro. Jobn Clark was called to his home in Washsngton twp Monday, by the serious illness of his mother, wtio is iD her 70th year. Michael Knanff of E-.Bt Providence, R* 1., was in this county last week, called here by the death of his father Michael Knauff of Middlesex twp. Mrs. Henry Lewis and ton, Vincent, of Rochester. PH., and Mrs. D. J. Mitch ell and daughter. Catherine, of Monaca are guests of John H. Wilson and wife. Bryan has already planned to start a new Democratic party immediately af ter the election—by which time, it is expected, there will not be much left of the present one. John Cleeland celebrated the 63d an niversary of his birth. Friday. lor a dozen years past he has made his home with his son, D. L. in Bntler. and dur ing all that time has been confined to bed having paralysis of his legs from the knees down. He formerly lived at Portersville, and at Hadley and Sandy Lake in Mercer county, and by trade was a blacksmith. 8. P. McCalmont, the millionaire Prohibitionist of Franklin whodied last week, delivered his most effective tem perence lectnre perhaps after his death. By the provisions of his will, filed for probate , he cuts off as beneficiar- I ies any of his children who indulge in tobacco, liquor or narcotic drugs in any form or quantity. The estate passes into the hands of bis executors and the proceeds thereof shall be given to the widow who shall divide it among only those children who are abstainers from liquor, tobacco or narcotic drugs. —"Pie, coffee and conversation," said Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, ' are the three ingredient? thit constitute a good dinner." "And the greatest of theee is conver sation." commented a companion. "No; pie is the greatest." corrected the Senator. "It excells conversation in that it always comes to yon with a point to it." —When the sunlight glistens on the dewey ->bwebs in the morning you'll be safe in cutting hay that day; and on thi other band when the chickens mount the fences, and l>egin picking them selves, look oat for rain. The cobwebs, or rather the dew on them, shone bright during the last four days of last week, and some of this, and the hay crop of the county has been put np in good shape; bnt the wheat-what there is of it —is late and the oats will not be ready for a week or two. —Part of the Penn St. paving was torn np last week in order to remedy a defect in engineering. When the street was paved a large stone sewer or drain was built across it; bnt a six-inch gas pipe was allowed to pierce or rnn through it. This pipe caught the de liris and clogged the drain and the heavy rains flooded some back yards. The trouble was not located until after the drain through the back yards had been uncovered; and hence the change in the location of the gas pipe, made last weel at great expense to either the boroupli or the Gas Co., which will probably be followed by some suits for damages by the property owners. REWARD—WhiIe Robert Green was in swimming, last week, between the ice bouse and the Kittanning bridge, he lost his silver, optn-faced watch. Are ward will be paid for its return to 213 McLean Ave. by James Green. CIIUIICII NOTES. Union services were held in the Sec ond Presbyterian chnrch. Sunday even ing, Rey. E. S. White preaching. Next Sunday evening services will be held in the U. P. chnrch, Rev. WorTell will preach. Lutheran Reunion The ninth Annual Reunion of the Lutherans of Western Pennsylvania will l>e held at Alameda Park, Bntler, on Thursday, July 2*th, «U Lutherans and their friends are invited, bring yonr baskets, free coffee will be served. The attendance is expected to be very lari*«' as there will be excursions from Alle gheny, New Castle, and Clarion Junc tion and intermediate points on the B. & O; from Du Bois on the B. R. & P and from Saltsburg, Aspinwall and other points on the West Penn. Addresses will be made by Dr. 8. Fry D. D. of Mt. Airy Seminary, Philadel phia and Dr. 8. A Ort, D. D. of Wittenberg Seminary. Springfield, O. There will be plenty of amusements for the children. Mnsic, Boating, Merry go-round, minature railway, flyinß swings, etc, come and bring the family. Picnics and Reunions. July 22—At Connesut Lake, reunion ing of the Reformed chnrch, for the l>enefit of the Orphan's Home. Tickets 11. July 27—Lutheran's Volksfest a I Cascade Park, New Castle. July 2Xth, Lutherans of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio al . Alameda Park. August lo Butler Grocers at Ala } tneda. Aug. 10—Students and friends ol North Washington Institute, at Alame< da Ang. 20—Educational meeting an*l i hand-shaking of teachers at A lamedi , Park, beginning at 10 aan. An#. 24. at Alameda Park, reunion of the Black family, business meeting at 11 a.m. banquet at 1 p.m. CJol. John A. Black of Jeannette will be present. Sept. Ist—First annnal reunion of the Daubenspecks at the farm house on the H. 8. Daubenspeck farm. Everybody welcome. Bring well-filled baskets. Address 11. S. Danbenspeck, Sec'y, Brnin, Pa. Insurance and Real Eatate. to M 'l or tmy property xnn will And it t<> your advantage to Bey Wni. tl. Miller, Innnrance and Heal Fctate. Room fKKj. Butler County Rational Bank building. . LEGAL NEWS. MEW SUITS. ' Channcy Latshaw vs T. C Campbell, ! Constable of Slipperyrock, summons in trespass for $-000 damages for false arrest. Campbell arrested Latshaw as a suspect of having helped to commit ! the robbery of the residence of Nannie. Maggie and Emma Elliott in Worth twp aud this is the canse of the suit. Pittsburg Pump Co. vs Craig-Ken nedy Hardware Co., assumpsit for claimed to be due for casing sold defendants. Eleanor E. Little vs Central District I and Printing Telegraph Co , summons in trespass. John Forcht vs L. Hammond, mort gagor. and Carolina Hammond, terre tenant, sci fa on a mortgage debt of I. Dora L»on vs A. W. Bowser, replevin for 7 stand*. 2 tables. 3 bed->. 2 lounges. 1 bureau. 1 dressing case, :1 trunks, 3 stoves, 3 boxes soap, dishes, etc., siezed on a landlords warrant Commonwealth of Penn'a, at sugges tion and to the use of Robt. R. Eider, adm rd. b. n of the estate of Otto Kunze, deed., of Allegheny Co. vs Louisa Bachman, now Cress, executrix of Chas. Bachman. dee'd, assumpsit for ?? 10.38 claimed to be due on a bond given by Adaline Kunze, as adm'x of Otto Kunze, with Chas. Bachman as surety. A. W. Root vs Bntler Co., appeal from assessment of $14,250 on property on Plank road. The Oil Well Supply Co. vs the Penn sylvania Oil Co , summons in assumpsit, amount of claim fIOOO. NOTES W. M. McDowell, R. A Thompson, M. D ; and Geo. W. Campbell were ap pointed a commission iu lunacy on George Stroble of Institute Hill. He was committed to Dixmont. On petition of F. L. Clowes of Insti tute Hill, a commission consisting of A G. Williams, Esq., Dr. John Cowden and Chas. M. Mitchell was appointed I on his father, Samuel Clowes of Buffalo twp., who was adjudged insane and committed to Dixmont. G. C Pillow, Adam Ekas and J C Hepler were appointed viewers in peti tion of citizens of Clinton twp. for a new bridge. Harry Atchison was fiaed $lO and costs by Justice Christie for disorderly conduct on a Bessie train. Both the plaintiffs and the defend ants in the injunction proceed'ngs have filed exceptions to Judge Galbreath's decision; the plaintiff because he did not award damages, and the defendants allege twenty-one errors. The new Rules of Court provide for one new docket, and four new terms of Court The three negroes who confessed to assaulting Mrs. Elsie Biddle of Burling ton. N. J. were sentenced to 49 years each in the State prison at Trenton, after a record-breaking trial. The three men arrived at Mount Holly at 1:15 p.m less than half an hour later they had pleaded guilty, been given the extreme penalty for their crimes and were on their way to Trenton to begin their long sentence. A tramp who says his name ia Coch rane is in jail,charged with assaulting Mrs. Mary Shaffer of Clay twp. It is alleged Cochrane stopped at the Shaffer house and asded for food. Finding no one at home but Mrs. Shaffer and a child he overpowered the woman and chloroformed her. An hour or two afterward Mrs. Shaf fer was discovered, unconscious. When revived she was hysterical. The neighbors were aroused,and sus picion fastened on the stranger who had been seen. He was easily located and captured, and would have been lynched bad some of the party had their way. He is said to have confessed. The case against the three policemen for the death of Wm. O'Donnell, a . barber, formerly of this county, is to come up, this week. Morgan T, James iB under arrest in i New York, for passing a check for s3l. drawn on the First National Bank of Slipperyrock, Pa., on a jeweler, who be came suspicions of it and had him arrested. When searched at the police i station a number of checks were found ' in his pocket aggregating $1,850, all drawn on the First Notional Bank of Slippery Ilock, Pa., and signed John , Gardner the checks all being mode pay- ( able to Morgan T. James. There was also found in his pocket a letter which was presumably written by his little daughter, asking him to send some money, and a letter addressed to a clothing firm, signed Morgan T. James. , explaining why a chock given to that 1 firm hvl not been honored by the Slippery Rock bank. Charles M. George, formerly of Clear field twp., this county, was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter, in i the Allegheny Criminal Court, last Fri day, for the killing of Geo. W. Down < ing, at Natrona, last April, but was recommended for rnercey. George, and the Downings boarded at the same place, and Downing suspected George of being criminally intimate with his ( wife, George said the trouble started through an imaginary wrong he was alleged to have committed. He said Downing bud been driuking, and came to the Union Storage Co., where ho slapped George's face atid threated to i kill him. Downing is alleged to have said: "I am going to make you take a drink with me, and then I am going to kill you anyway." The witness took the krink at a nearby saloon. That evening he went to his home, which was Downing's home, and met the latter, who ordered him to remove his coat, saying he was going to kill him. George said Downing then forced him to get on his knees and then forced him to get on his knees and then struck him in the face. The next the witness knew Downing was over him with a large knife in his right hand. George said he then told his antofonist that he had a revolver and would use it if he did not erlease him, to which Downing replied. "I don't care if yon have a dozen re volvers I,in going to shoot you." George then got his revolver from his pooket and ared twic.e, Downing rolling over on the flt>or dead The wittness saic ho did not know where the bullets entered the body, as he did not aim any where. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Frank Morrison to M. D. Kottraba lot in Butler for #I2OO. C Duffy to Magdalenu Fiedler lot in West End for $350. Alva E Sloan to W P Stickel lot in Butler for SBSO. Fannie Pyle to Robert Gibson lot in Valencia for $650. F R Luek to Casper Sluel lot in Zelienople for $llOO. Eunice C Byerly to Rose Alwine 88 acres in Summit for SI3OO. Webster K> asey to James S Dotigan property in Winfield for $2250. Jas E Marshall, Trustee of J G Mil heim to W S Wick lot on W North for SIO7O. Henry Bubl to F C Buhl 8 tracts in Forward for SSOOO. A L Findley to Ellen Elliott lot on Lincoln Way for $450. Jacob L Kelly to Alfred J Fields lot on Brown Ave for S2BOO. Casper Fehl to Mary E Miller lot in Connoq. boro for S3OO. Frank iiehner to Margt Batimgartner ' lot in Zelienople for $515. Annie M McGairk to W D Beach lot on First St for S4OOO. Barr heirs to Rebecca J Caldwell 88 acres In Jefferson for sl. J H McK'nney, Anna Simcox et al to Jas Gribben 12 acres in Jefferson for sl. PIKE ICE. i Made from pure, deep-well water, and delivered daily by the , CRYSTAL ICE CO., People's phone 402. Bell 165 J. New goods at sacrifice prices at Rit , ter & Rockenstein's backward season sale. j A chance to buy seasonable goods in I season by attending Hitter & Rocken r j stein's sale. J ! 1 Attend Rittor & Rookonstein's back r, ward season sale of clothing at greatly reduced prices. ! Marriage Licenses;. J. Georire Nnesslein Lyndora j Rosana Kurta j Paul Edwin Daubenspeck. Butler I L. Grace 'Cumberland ' Robt. M. Savage St Louis, Mo Ray S. Williams Akron. O Frederick Bair Westmoreland Co Sophia M Ro=s Centre twp Vitus Krainbucher Lyndora Jnliaoe Feitag Merl L. Miller Buttercup Bessie M. Fox Renfrew Adriano Valentine Boggsville Giorauna Giardine Harry Kensinger Altoona. Naomi Sellers Huntingdon Th mas L. Ekr.s Sarversville Nellie E. Smith. Glade Mills Parnell Emerson t -dlerj Kate May Clark ... "Say, maw," qneiied Tommy Toddles, looking up from his picture book, "'am I descended from monkeyst " Not on my side of the honse, Thomas." replied Mrs. Toddles, with much emphasis. OIL NOTES. The Market—Remains at $1.50. Oakland twp.- Smith Brothers have a good well on their own farm, and so have Larkin & Co on the Clouse. They ale good tor alx>ut 15 bbls each. Lutherans Volk^fest. The ninth annual Volksfest of Luth erans of Western Pennsylvania aud Eastern Ohio will be held at Cascade park. New Castle, on Wednesday, July 27th. Last year the attendance there exceeded 7000 people aud it is expected that the attendance cn the "27th will ex ceed that of last vear The congrega tions of Re". Bre.-ht of Chicora and Rev. Croi'euwett oi Butler with their friends will go to the reunion by special train o\tr the B. -v. G. I. Wilson of Mars; Rev. C. E. Frontz, Chicora: P. E. Irvine. Cillery; C. C. Cox, Allegheny: Carrie B. Alien.Butler, Susan Breuneman, Portersville: May Myers, Mt. Pleasant Church; Rev. Hugh Lieth, aud R. F. McMeekin. Last evening Rev. C. P. Wiles of Lawrence ville, I'a., made an address. The convention is still in session. Those in today's program are Katie Miller. Butler; Agnes Stauffer. Har mony; Tassifl Eberhnrt, Bntler; Rev. Leith, Zelienople: Bertha Wilson, Evans City; John H; Bollen, Bellevne, and Rev. J. C. Nicholas. Butler. Rev. Parry of ludiana, Pa., will speak this evening. United Frets by terlan Reunion Notwithstanding repotts to the con trary the annual U. P., reunion will be held this year at Exposition Park Conneant Lake, on Tuesday, August 9th This reunion has won a wide rep utation as being the most largely at tended and best conducted afiair of the kind in the country, and is looked for ward to with great anticipation by the many thousands who attend each year, travelling distances of 100 to 150 miles and farther. The demand for the re union has been greater this year than ever before and the indications are that the attendance will surpass that of last year, when it was conservatively esti mated that 23,000 people were on the grounds, and 22 trains 2OO extra coaches were called into service to ac commodate the excursionists. UUS IS EBSFOItBA LE. Amusement Arcade and Repair Shop. Consisting of about :J0 of the latest novelties in coin operating machines, shooting gallery, stationery and moving targets, cigars and tobacco, guns and ammunition, small bench tools, suit able for gunsmith, locksmith and general repair work. For price, terms and fall particulars call or address GEO. W. MARDORF, 113 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. Butler Fair, August 30, 31, Sept Ist and 2nd. I'URE SPRING WATER ICE and Pure Spring Water, delivered daily to all parts of the town by JOHN A. RICHEY. People's Phone 190. Butler Fair, August 30, 31, Sept. Ist and 2nd. N<>TICE TO FA KM IS US. Mr. Rumberger having retired from the wool business, we wish to cull the attention of the farmers to the fact that we will pay the highest market price in cash for wool. Kaua's MEAT MARKET, 107 S. Main St., Bntler, Pa. {Sutler Fair, August Jil, Sept. Isi ami iiiid. Your chance to s ive money now at Rittor & Rockenstein's. Up-to-date clothing at yonr price—at tenJ Ritter & Rockenstein's clearance sale. A chance for men to save money—at tend Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. Itutler Fair, Aiigust, ItO, 111, Sept. Ist and -ml. Music scholars wanted at 124 W Wayne St. Butler's greatest clothing sale now being held by Ritter & Rockenstein. Fashionable clothing at cut prices— attend Ritter & Rockenstein'a sale. Tlic I Sill l«*r Business College will be re-opened in the new buildings, with new equipment throughout, about September Ist. Send for a copy of our new catalogue for 11)04-5, containing oyer 100 fine half-tone cuts of buildings, rooms, students, etc. Now is th» time to prepare —be ready when the times are good and business brisk. A. F. REGAL, Principal. Buller Fair, August 30, 3i. Sept Ist and 2nd Buy new clothing at sacrifice prices during Ritter Rockenstein's sale. Butler Fair, A'jgust 30, 31, Sept Ist and 2nd RAILROAD NOTICES. It. &(). Excursions. LOW KATES TO WEST BADEN AND FRENCH LICK SPRINGS, INI). July 22 to '25 inclusive, the Baltimore cS; Ohio Railroad will sell excursion tickets from all local stations west of the Ohio River to West Baden and French Lick Springs, Ind., at rate of one fare plus 25 cents for the round trip, account Commercial Law League of America, Tenth Annual Convention. Tickets will be good for return until August 11, 11*04. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore tic Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, Gener al Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111 World's Fair Excursions. Low-rate ten day excursions via Pennsylvania Railroad, July 2. 7. 14, 21 and 2H. Rate, SIB.OO from Butler. Train leaves Butler at 4.80 P. M.. con necting with special train from New York arriving St. Louis 4-15 P. M. next day. Special I&OIIIHI Trip Kates via CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY Commencing June 2* and continuing thereafter on each Tuesday during July and August 1901 the Chicago ' (Ireat Western Railway will bell round I trip tickets at very low rates to Banff j Hot Springs Alb. Laggan, Alb. and Field. B. C. For further information apply to any Great Western Agent, or J. P.Elmer, G. P. A. Chicago, 111. O. A. It. Knea 111 pinent The 21st aunual reunion of the North Western Association, Department of Pennsylvania, G. A. R. will be held at Exposition Park Conneaut Lake, this vear, Friday, August oth Excursion tickets will la' sold from all stations on the B. & L. E. R. R. at very low rates. Inquire ot agents for rates and time of trains. The Colorado .-peciai. 'Chicago. Union Pacific & North West ern Line. This solid through train, only one night to Denver, leaving Chicago at 7:i P. M.. arriving Denver early second morning, over the only double track railway between ' Chicago and the Missouri River. The ' lest of everything. The Chicago-Port - iaud special leaves Chicago daily at 11:00 P. M.. with through sleeping car service to San Francisco, Los Angles and Portland. Tickets and full iuformatiou can be se cured from your home agent or address A. Q TALL ANT 504 Suiitlifield St Pittsburg, Pa A La Carte Dining Car Service on the P R H. To still further accommodate its pa trons, the P. R. R. Cp. bus established the a la carte system ot dining car ser -1 vice for breakfast and luncheon on sev eral of its uios - popular trains A la carte breakfast and luncheon arf served ou the Maiihatten Limited leav | ing Pittsburg at 3::io A. M. daily for New York. All dinners on P. R. R. dining cars, and all other meals, except those men tioned above, are table d'hote. United Presbyterian Reunion The seventh annual U. P. reunion wili be held at Exposition Park. Con tUfat Lake. Tuesday, August Utb. For p irti.-nl irs as t > rates, time of trains, etc, addres E D. Comstock, G P. A., B & L. E. R. R.. Pittsburg, Pa. Panoramic Yellowstone Park The Northern Pacific takes pleasure in stating that it can now supply to all who have visited, contemplate visiting, or are interested iD Yellowstone Park, a large Panoramic Picture of the park. This work of art is 42 inches lonn by 38 inches wide, and is done in fifteen colors. It shows, absolutely, the topo graphy of Park location of hotels, geyser basins, canyons, roads, lakts. mor.tains and all features of the park. It gives as nothing else can a connected idea of the region aud is a valuable picture aud map combined. Framed, it is ornamental as well as useful, and is especially suiUd to the school, class room and library. This Panoramic Picture will be ready for distributisn in tubes about June 15, ane will be sent to any address by A. M. Cleland, General Passenger aud Ticket Agent, St. Paul, Minn , upon receipt of 85 cents. Orders will be taken now aud may be sent direct to A, M. Cleland or through any of the General or District Passenger Agents of the Northern Pacific in the larger cities, or through the local agents in Northern Pacific territory. sl2 00 fromiChicago to St. Panl or Minneapolis and return via Chicago Great Western Rail way Tickets on sale August 0 to 11 inclu sive good returning until August 25th. For further information apply to any- Great Western Agent op J. P. Eluier, G. P. A. Chicago, 111. si:t.OOTo St. Louis and ICetiirn Via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Coach excuasion tickets on sale each Tnesday and Thursday, good for return within seven days. ltiiMßia-Jap War Atlas H) cents. Three fine colored maps, each 14x20; bound in convenient form for reference. Tbe Eastern situation shown in detail, issued by The Chicago & North-West ernß. R. mailed upon receipt of ten cents in stamps by A. Tailant, 504 Suiitlifield St. Pittsburg, Pa. to Colorado and Return. Via Chicago, Union Pacific & North western Line. Chicago to Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo, daily throughout the summer. Correspond ingly low rates from all points east. Only one night to Denver from Chicago Two fast traiLS daily A. Tailant 504 Suiithfield St. Pittsburg.Pa. Low ICate Atlantic City Excur sion* Via B & O. R. R. 110.00 round trip from Butler; tick ets good in coaches only, sold on July 16tli and 28th, August 11th and 25th, and September Hth. |2.00 additional for tickets good in Pullman cars. Re turn limit 15 days. Apply to W. R Turner, Ticket Agent, Butler, for tick ets or further information. World's Fair. The Baltimore and Ohio R R. will sell excursion tickets from Butler to St. Louis. Mo., account of the World's Fair, at the following rates: - Tickets, good for the season, return ing any time to December 15th. will be sold every day at $2H.60 spr the round trip. Tickets good returning sixty days, not later than December 15th, will be sold every day at lIU. 10 for the round trip Tickets good for returning within fif teen days will Is* sold every day at 515.90 for the rojnd trip. Coach excursion tickets, with return limit of seven days, will be sold twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday, lw rates to Banff ll<>t Springs Alb, Lnggan. All) and Field.B. (!. For further information apply to any Ureal Western Agent, or J. P Elmer, U. P. A. Chicago, 111. Reduced Rates to Yellowstone Park For the season of 1'.'04 I he Northern Pacific announces a great reduction in rate'* from ( liieaijo, !St. aul, I>u lutli and other Northwestern point* to and through Yellowstone Park. These reductions materially decrease the ex pense of thf park tour. New Hotels have been built. Old Faithful Inn. modern in everv re sj>ect, constructed of loss anl boulders, is located near Old Faithful geyser ami is probably the most unique structure of the kind iu the country and bound t;» b- ome a favorite. A new uud stn r <-iy hotel on the banks of Yellowst >ne I,.ik makes this the most reposeful ap.it: m park Each of the park hotels now has :i capacity tor ii.">o jjuestss i* electric lighted, steam heated and has a good urehe»t ra. Season extends from June I t> September JtO. Route via X P. R . Livingston and Uardlner. Inquire of any agent of the N. P. 11. or write to A. M. Cleland, Gen. agent, St Paul Minn., for particulars, and send six cents foi "Wonder land lOOl." *SO OO California and Return I'ersonatly \ ondueted Special trains from Chicago to San Francisco without change, via the Chicago. Union Pacific and North Western Line leave Chicago August 18 and August 2->th. Itinerary includes stip overs at Denver, Colorado Springs aud Salt Lake City. Low rates, choice t f routes returning. Tickets on sale daily August 15th to September 10th. Two fast trains daily over'the only double track railway between Chicago tnd the Mo. River, and via the most direct route across the American Con tinent The Overland Limited, solid through train every day in ihe year. L-f-s than three days enroute. Low rates from all points. Write for itiner aries of special trains aud full informa tion to A. Q. TALUXT, 504 Suiithfield St . Pittsburg, Pa. Kxciirsions to Atlantic City. July 21. August 4 and 18, and September 1 are the dates for the Pennsylvania Railroad annual low rate excursions for l'.M>4 to Atlantic City Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea. Wild wood, Holly Beach. N. J. Rehoboth. Del., or Ocean City, M. D. Tickets good to return within sixteen day s, including date of excursion. A special traiu of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pitts burg on above mentioned dates at 8.55 A M., reaching Philadelphia ti.25 P. M., in time for supper, and arriving Atlan tic City, via the Dele ware River Bridge Route the only all-rail line, at 8.35 P. M. A stop will be made for luncheon en route. Passengers may also spend the night in Philadelphia, and proceed to the shore by a regular train from Market Street Wharf or Broad Street Station on the following day. Passengers for New Jersey points other than Atlantic City will spend the night in Philadelphia, and use regular trains the next day from Market Street Wharf. Passengers for Rehoboth, Del., or Ocean City, M. D., will use regnlar trains fin the following day from Broad Street Station. A stop-over withiu limit will be al lowed at Phil'a returning, if passen wiil deposit their tickets with the Tick et Agent at Broad Street Station, Phila delphia, immediately on arrival. Tick ets must be deposited with Agent on ar rival at sea shore destination and prop erly validato#Vor return trip. Tickets will l>e sold from stations at the rates named below; — RATK KATE Ticket* Good TI« K<>RN GOOTL IN PULL. CART* TRAIN <»NLY IN IU CONNECTION LMTM COACHCW. WITH R«INJL&R PULL. TICKET* P.M. Foxburg SIO.OO *l2 00 1.80 A.M. Butler 10.00 12 00 6.15 Freeport 10.00 12.00 7.43 P.M. Altoona 8.00 10.00 12.35 Philadelphia... Ar 825 Atlantic City.. ~ 8.35 Returning coupons will be accepted on any regnlar train except the Peuu sylvauia Limited and the Chicago Lim ited and the St. Louis Limited. For detailed information in regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket agents or Mr. Thomas E Watt, District Passenger Agent, 860 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. Special Kouml Trip Kates via CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY Commencing June 28 and continuing thereafter ou each Tuesday during July and August 1904 the Chicago Great Western Railway will sell round trip tickets at very low rates to Banff Hot Springs Alb. L'iggan, Alb. and Field, B. C. For further information apply to any Hreat \Vestern Agent, or J P. Elmer G. P. A. Chicago 111. Pennsylvania ('hautaii<|iia. For the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to be held at Mt. Gretna. Pa., July 1 to August 5, 1)104, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell special exeur sion tickets from Butler and principal intermediate points, to Mt. Gretna and return, at reduced rates. Tickets will be sold June 25 to August 5, inclusive, and will be good to return until August 16, inclusive. For" specific rales con sult ticket agents. fi 1835 R. WallaceX J Silver Plated Ware M ■ epoon »n«l y\ will convince you that it is boup Ladle x unequalcd in the beauty of * SILVER I AN< * U ® IHOW YOU AT WELL K plate' / I our other specialties in the Ralston & Smith 110 W. Jefferson Street. | EtY MAY J. V. STUART MAY & STUART, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables lie*t Accommodations In town i For Transient Custom. PHONES: People's 125; Bell 5L> 1 Rear of Bickel Building, S. Maiu St. Butler, Pa. A SICKLY CHILD. A delicate constitution exposcj a :hild to all sorts of ailments. I>o not .-vasteany more time and money trying to doctor each complaint separately. Doctor the Constitution. \'in-Tone takes right hold of any weak system aud build* a good healthy foundation. It puts life and vigor into the bo<:y and mind. «■ That is what the eliilc* r.c ' What any persrr. who is v. < sickly needs. I 'itality. People grow thin, palo, e\ i: io ill they are obliged t-» i; 1 v, ; occupation, when there wrong with them except in;.- i..'V -iv no tired, so weak, the ir v/. .i - low. To say that I': T r i; vo-t'.i i'. weight in pok' to" >s: a lack of eneri'T ,: • c it. It is i-y^i-.iat': :.s • . k ■ work wit"', t- f • . ' > remarkably . r* t• • c patient is resti;riu t . i r ous conditio... Mary n:i t-rab'c b or. transformed is to - : ••'•a and women by ; eut medical disco • Good for litt!. . ":s too. Plcasar.t t- i '. -. Sold on a j-o-itl'. • -J C. N. BOYD, DRUGGIST, Near the Conrt House, Bntler, Pa. B. & B. Never since this was a store have BO many opportunities been offered by im porters and makers to bny choice goods for lesa than their real market value. Lately we have sent out buyers ioto the market and bought more medium and fine Wash Goods and Dress Goods than this store ever before owned—price concessions in every case being of a startling nature. Therefore, now is the time for our thousands of mail order customers to get what they want and save a lot of money. If it's convenient, come personally. #I.OO and $1.25 plain Crash and neat Mix American Woolens, 50c 45 and 50 cent all wool Dress Goods, 25c- Anderson's 40 and 50c Madras, 18c— made in Scotland, and the best made in the world. If what yon want isn't here, send and we will take care of your order prompt ly—and give von the benefit of any re duction. Remember we prepay Express, Freight or Postal Charges on all pur chases of $5.00 or more to any point within Five Hundred Miles. Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY. PA. Quality and Price are prime factors to lie considered in selecting jewelry, but design and work manship should also be considered. Oar stock of watches, rings, silverware and jewelry will bear the inspection of the most critical. We also sell— Pianos. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. < >ptical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jawelar and Graduate Optician Next to Court Home. JUST LOOK at what we offer. Less trouble, of course, to take our word for this or that piece of goods in this big assortment of suitings, etc., but by looking through the lot something paticularly appro priate to your style may be discovered. Good! Then we'll take your order and your measure and make a handsome and perfect fitting SUIT FOR $25 We guarantee you'll like it. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa M A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA I A Clean Sweep Sale I I NOW GOING ON. I B Hundreds of pairs of high- || |f Jm/\ grade, seasonable Shoes ■ I * or e summer w ear at El A l° w prices which stand i| TBf/ absolutely without a paral- f j £sm y ' e '- have made the |i| JE~ fJi most extensive prepara- 11 if ticns possible for this sale, 11 ✓ \/ JJ Q ur ear jy shipments of £1 Fall and Winter FcTotwear H r made it imperative that |gj stocks be reduced imme- El diately. jj These shoes most vacate the room they now occupy to make room Ml for the new. Those who appreciate superior shoes at unheard of re- H dnced figures should not miss this opportunity. H Men's Fine Shoes. #1.75 and #1.2.5 grades, now IMfc K3 Men's Fine Oxfords, #5 and #2.50 grades, now $1.98 li Women's Fine Oxfords, #1.75 and #1.35 grades, now 95c km Women's Straf) Sandals. #2 50 and #1 grades, now OHc H Women's Fine Kid and Patent Shoes, #:i.so and #1.50 grades, M now $2.:*9 and #1.19 II Boys' Fine Shoes, #1.50 and #1.25 grades, now 9/5 c ■■ Children's Patent Oxfords, #1.50 and #1.25 grades, now 89c HI Better shoe the wholeJamily. Yon can save from 25 per cent to Fa 50 per cent. Come early, these go.xi< cannot last long. The biggest p3 thiDg in shoe selling this town ever saw. W HUSELTON'S, gSffiwry. I mp xx nexxxxxxxxx xseae xwx9 • The Bargair\ Counter' M Unfavorable weather and trade conditions that have existed all M !f-eason are responsible for more than the usualquantity of desirable merchandise finding its outlet by way of the bargain counter. K Stocks are larger than usual at this season of the year and extra- U ordinary reductions are made to move them. K SHirt Waists Reduced. $ Entire stock of "Acorn" brand fine shirt waists at one-fourth off, J0 and some at one-third off former prices. S White Goods Reduced jn A trreat chance to get bargains in white goods. 50c goods re- JK duccd to 29c. 35 and 25c goods reduced to 10c and others in proportion. Uk irj Wash Goods AU wash goods greatly reduced. :J5 and 25c fine wash goods ff now 19c. 20c and 18c tine wash goods now 121 c. 15c wash goods u now 9c. W U Bargains in Every Departmei\t Uk X Silks, Dress Goods, Laces, Ribbons, Underwear, Hosiery, Notions & tR and domestics all contribute their share of bargains. |L. Stein & Son, | S 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA- 5 QQOQOGOOOOOGOG&OGGOOOQOOOOQ o IDEAfe CkOTHING AND 8 § HAT PARfeORS. 8 § First Summer Clearing Sale! jj 833 P^ r cent, off| 0 on all lines of Men's Suits, Hats and Rain Coats for theo 0 next Ten Days only, and many other lines such as Chil-0 0 dren's Clothing we will sell at 1-2 price, Straw Hats too 0 close out at 1-2 price. Our stock consists of the finest 0 0 lines of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing evero 0 carried in Butler. Don't miss this sale. Golden oppor-0 0 tunities come to those who wait. Q 0 Our Goods are marked in Plain Figures and a call 0 from you will convince you of the great money saver to 0* 0 all buyers of Clothing at our Parlors. 0 § Ideal Clothing and§ 1 Hat Parlors, | © « x © 228 South /Wain St., sutl*r, Pa. © # P. S. —All clothing sold by us cleaned, pressed andg repaired free. 0 | Semi-An^^ f We only run two sales each year, one during January and February V > and the other during July and August. The object of these sales Is to rid \ t up all odds and ends after the season is oyer. V \ We never change the price which is marked on each ticket in plain / ( figures and when we sav 4 or i off it means something for the customer. 1 j We have too many goods in our store now but the falling prices will f C soon move it j / O(1 Men's Suits, all sizes in both Sacks and Cutaways go at one-half I S Z <)'' former prioe. y f Men s Suits. Many of which are the very newest in style and such 1 \ «~)UU makes as the famous Hamberger & Sons go at i off former price. V V ') T A Men's Suits at 20 per cent, discount and all the Bal including black } ] LOU and all makes at 10 per cent, off former prices. V C | ijA Boys' Long Pants Suits running In price from #5.00 to #IO.OO, all ~ % lUU go at #2 50 per suit. X I N OAA Boys'Bnlts tn both Long and Short l >ar,ts KO at i former price. J ✓ ZUU All the balauce at 10 per cent, discount. V ) Men's. Boys' and Children's Straw Hats all go at one-half price. Aleo / C all Wash Suits one-half price. J f Come early and get a real bargain because we never advertise what I r we do not have in store for you. g j Douthett & Graham. > \ INCORPORATED. # ili il' $ ft | Mid-Season Clearance Sale |j 11 Great Bargains in Millinery. & :; 1 1 * * Recent immense purchases have been com-laded, wliich have niven jj >• • i as exclusive and original millinery at which do not represent the » « II H coat of material* Thi* enables as to sell all Trininied and Untrimmed « £ t * Hats at one-third to one half the regular price. This Rives yon an op- j;;; • ♦ iiortunity to l>nv Swell Hat* at extraordinary prices. Extra Special, »• II i: Nobby ready-to-wear Hats, in stylish flare, and tnrban shapes. Large * j * t stock of light Tuscans, Cnban flats and Leghorns for Children. Iro- ;; ;• » « inense stock of Braids All the latest things in Domestic Braidf, both * • II II as to colors and patterns. Kxtra value in Kibbons. Couje and see na. £ £ H Rockensteln's \l I*l K2y Month Main Street, Butler, P*. aj