Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 23, 1904, Image 3

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NOTE—AH adrtrtUere intending to make
rhufn la their ads. sboael notify ns of
. tbetr intention to do so not later than Mon
dav morning.
Executor's notice, estate of J. W.
Monks. r
Statement of Butler Co. Nat. Bank.
School Report of Concord twp.
Wheeling Corrugating Co.
Railroad noticee.
AdmlniaiiAton and Exaculors uf estates
eta xeenre their receipt book* at the
CITIZEN offlce. and person- *n-- n» pabllc
Mies ihstr rote book*.
—»sl vs.< the lucky number.
—Nos. 17 and 1» are great cars and
took fine on Main St.
—L. Stein & Son offer bargains in
shirt waist* See adv.
—Since tbe roads have been 'worked
they are better spoken of.
—The shoe stores of Butler will close
at # p.m.. after next Friday.
—lf you want an iron ceiling try the
Wheeling Corrugating Co. for one See
—The Modern store offers bargains
, in muslins and linens, nntil Saturday.
See adv.
—The cellar of the D. H. Wuller drug
store was robbed of some liquor Satur
day next.
—The Northern Pacific offers induce
ments to settlers in D«kota— June to
OitoUr. 8«« *dv.
—A g!anse at our co;umu«. this week,
will inform yon tb»t the excursion sea
son is with us a.'Hin
—lron steamers, bulkhjaded; and
short trains, vestibaled, would lessen
tbe danger on excursions.
—P. O. increases in salary— Miss
Robinson to $1,400, A. L. Oesterling to
f1.000; J. G. Moore to S7OO
- Butler is to have a Golf Links on
tbe Kohler farm, west of town; also a
plaster factory near the brewery.
—The 4th of July parade—firemen's
—will form on Centre Ave., neai the R.
R station and inarch all over Butler
—The newest mail box is cylindrical
in form and the carrier puts up the
flag after putting something in the box.
—Taesday was a great day in these
United States—tbe Republican Nation
al Convention convened in Chicago, and
License Court convened in Butler.
Frog hunters are reminded that
the frog is either game or game fish
now and tbe season for stopping his
bass solos does not open until the first
day in July. Tha penalty for violating
the law is t fine of $lO.
—Tbe hospital for incurables, built
by Father Hickey at Fenelton, wan de
feated and opened for patients last Hun
day. The nana of St. Francis will have
charge of it. It is a three-story, frame
building, with mansard roof, acd has
20 rooms for patients.
—A young lady dreamed for two
nights that she was going to marry a
certain you at? man here who is addict
ed to the nse of cigarettes. lielieving
In the superstition that if the ranie
dream occurs three nights it will come
troe, she sat up all night the 3rd night.
—Up to 8 o'clock yesterday morning
850 bodies bad been recovered from the
water, at the scene of the Slocum dis
aster, 725 of which had been indents fled.
The recovery of over 100 bodies that
day was dne to the use of explosive*,
which caused the bodies tc rise.
—Rural Mail carriers have made in
formation against the supervisors of
Georges twp., Fayette connty, charging
them with criminal negligence in per
mitting certain Toads to remain in an
almost impassable condition. This is
is probably the first snit of the kind
brought in the State.
f —A minister oat in Wisconsin lifts
np his voice against the wearing of net
or " peek-a-boo" waists by women,
which leads an exchange to remark that
the gospel war-borse wouldn't sby quite
as badly if he wore blinders. The net
waists has its good points and perfora
tions. As the sleepy fellow said when
be wrapped a fish net aronnd him, "It'll
keep ont the coarest of the cold."
—A recent decision of the Postoffice
Department imposes a penalty of 1200
on any one taking mail ont of the Post
office that is directed to another party.
All postt issters are liable to make
mistakes and get the wrong boxes, and
the law says that the people mnst ex
amine their mail before leaving the
office, and if they have other th»n
their own, it must be returned at once.
—(jaite a number of divorces have
been granted by the Courts of Bntler
connty doing the pant few months.
"Divorce is an evil, but it is a result
rather than a canse. It is the result of
vices like licentiousness and drunken
ness that make companionship insup
portable; cruelty, which involves risk to
life itself, and the lighter but more gen
•rally diffused vices of vanity, selfish
ness and ungoverned temper. It has
been said, rather superficially, that it
takes two to make a quarrel, but one is
sufficient to make married life insup
portable. The clergy do well to fight
the evil of divorce; they will do even
better to fight the vices that lead to it."
The following graduates and students
of the Butler Business College have
recently accepted positions as follows:
Elizabeth Killian, stenographer, Mc-
Onire Casket Co., Butler; Etta Boon,
stenographer, Dr. Wasson, Butler; Cora
Kottraba, stenogragher, Burial League
of the United States, Pittsburg; Myrtle
Koblmeyer stenographer for a Pitts
barg firm; Lillian Crowe, stenographer
for Joseph Flcmuiing, Pittsburg; Bertha
Hammei, stenographer and clerk, with
Dr. Atwell, Butler.
Tho School Board of JefT«r»on town
ablp will trutt-t at tho Ilannahatown
school. No. 2, on Saturday, June 25th,
at one o'clock P. M., to elect fonr
twhnn» fur h term of seven months at
#45 [*r month.and none hot experienced
teachera newl to apply. By order of
the Board.
H. G, KOKOMCB, Sec'ry,
Carbon Black.
The school director* of Fairview
boron Kb will meet on Hatnrday, Jnly
2nd, at 2:00 p. ui. to elect a teacher.
Term 7 month*. Wa«ea SSO per month.
First claaa paper* required.
OKO. H. GKAUAM, Seo'y.,
Baldwin, Fa.
Wanted male teacher for Unlonville
district achool No. 0. \Va«< H 945 per
month. Apply to
Butler R. I'. D. No. 1.
and Pnro Spring Water, delivered daily
to all part* of the town by
People's Phone 190.
Elmer E. Adams is borne from Kansa-s
t City.
Hill says that Parker is "silent. safe
and sane.
Frank Murphy has returned from hii
Western trip.
Mrs. Sheriff Gibson is ill at her home
on the Diamond.
Miss Lillian Allen is visiting her
mother at Jewett, Ohio.
John Somebody, a Presbyterian, won
the ticket to St Louis.
Thomas Cooper of Jefferson twj>. was
in town on business, Tuesday.
Bryan especially dislikes "a speechless
candidate and a meaningless platform.
lituj. W. Garvin uf Cranberry twp.
was in town, Monday, to bid on New
ton's farm.
Mrs W. H Coulter of the Plank road
is visiting her grand parents in Craw
ford connty.
Mr?. Calvin Logan and daughter of
Jefferton twp., did some shopping in
Bntler, Saturday
President Roosevelt was the gnest of
Attorney General Knox over Sunday,at
his Valley Forge farm.
Miss Ross of Grove City returned
home, Saturday, after a brief visit with
Miss Stewart of W. Clay St.
Mrs. Wilkinson and family of New
Jersey, and Dick Dunbar of Kentucky
are the guests ot Jno. J. West.
Mrs. Felsing and her sisters, Agnes
and Stella Peters of Clinton twp . did
some shopping in Bntler. Mondav.
Ale* Mitchell, J. V. Ritts and J. M.
Leighner will audit the books of the
Typhoid Fever Relief Committee.
J. E. Meehling and family visited his
parents at Breez; Place and left, Tnes
dar.for their new home at Terre Haute
In 5.
Saixiuei P«ivis, Jr, entertained a
number «>f Iriemls at Aluiied.. T iiintoy
evening m honor of Mr. aud Mrs. L fc..
W. H Conlier was up from Spring
dale, Allegheny county Sitcrday.
where he h«6 been carpentering with
his brother.
J. C. Graham and wife attended the
Commencement at Lafayette College,
at Easton. Pa., last week. Mr. Graham
is one of its graduates.
Mrs. Renfrew, widow of David A.
Renfrew celebrated her WOlh birthday
at the hiftae of her daughter, Mrs. J. L.
Walker, in Butler, last Friday.
Sheriff Gibson received his two blood
bounds from a party in Texas, last Sat
urday, but he was instructed to allow
nobody to see then, for ten days.
Robert F. McMeekin of Chicora is
quite a scholar, and in recognition of
this the faculty of Grove City College
lately granted him the decree of P. H.
Charley Smith of Tarenlnm came up
to the funeral of his cousin; George
lienno, Saturday, and afterwards visi
ted with his brother-in law George
Prof. John MeLanghin graduated
from a two-weeks wnrtt and operation
at tbe Bntler Conntv General Hospital.
Monday, and went to bis home in Don
gal twp., feeling better.
John P. Thompson of Slippery rock
twp., H J. Forqner of Washington
twp.. J F. Wiles of Grove City and E
J. Dersbimer of Connoqnenessing were
among our callers, Saturday.
John Dfndinger and J. N. Hnrsner
of Zelienople attended license court
Tuesday. Mr. Bursner has a plant
there for the manufacture of liquid
or compressed gas, for use in soda
fountains. and does an excellent busi
Pearson B. Nace, tbe handsome lively
man, and Mrs. Ida M. Rumbangb, were
married at the U. P. parsonage by Rev.
Robinson, early list Tuesday morning,
and left town on their wedding trip.
The l«st wishes of their many friends
went with them.
Miss Myrtle Kearns, daughter to Mr.
and Mrs. James R. Ke».rns of Butler
township, and George C. Atwall a son
of David Atwell of Anandale, were
married yesterday at the bride's home.
Rev. A. R. Robinson officiating. A
number of friends and relatives wire
Jacob B is one of those positive
dutchmen who knows a good thing
when he don't see it. but whose English
is confusing. Ho went to a fnneral in
a neighboring town the other day, and
after he returned announced that he
didn't like that town that he -'wouldn't
be buried in it, alive."
"You make a mistake said a neigh
bor, vou mean—"
"No. I don't," said Jacob, hotly, "I
wouldn't live in that town, dead."
▲oci msxra
Geo. Flanuigan of Institute Hill, a
brakeman on the P. R. R. was hit on
the head by a beer keg, thrown into his
train near the Junction, last Saturday
night, and so seriously injured that he
was taken to the West Penn hospital
The keg struck him on tbe heaa and
fractured his skull.
He died Tuesday morning,
Wesley Wise wns seriously injured
V>y the fall of an elevator in the Dam
bach planing mill at Evans City on
Wednesday of last week.
Four boys standing under a cherry
tree, near Chester, Pa , were killed by
lightning, last Snnday.
, Jos. Shaffer had his face and arms
burned by tbe explosion of gas at the
Plate Works, Monday.
A foreigner hud an eye knocked out
at the Car vVorks, Ttieday, by being hit
with a pin froin a power hammer.
Adam Byerly's barn in Buffalo twp
was struck by lightning and destroyed
by fire, Tuesday afternoon. The live
stock and farming implements were
saved but tbe barn with some hay and
grain burned.
Mutter County C. K. I'IIIOII.
The Fourteenth Annual Convention
of the Butler County Christian Krtdeav
or Union will be held at Mars, i'a ,
July 20 and 21.
This organization is composed of all
the C. B. Societies in the county, 50 in
all, Senior, Intermediate and Junior.
Each society is entitled to two delegat'-s
to this convention.
An program has been *ar
ranged by the Executive Committee and
subjects very practical and suited to the
needs of every local society have been
The Endeavorers are asked to be very
prompt In sending in the rejtort of their
society, also the names of the delegates,
to the Corresponding Secretary, Miss
Lotta B. White. Butler, I'a.
Picnic* 1111(1 KfllllloilM.
June iiHth, Masons at Alameda Park.
June 00th Thursday— Picnic, re
union and Donation Day at Orphan's
Home in Zellenople. Rate from Butler
AO cents.
June 80, Methodist picnic at Con"
neaut Lake. Round trip fl./W)
July 4th, Firemen at Alameda Park. |
July 14, Pipe Line picnic at Conneaut l
Jnly 2Hth, Lutherans of Western
Pennsylvania and Eftstern Ohio nt
Alameda Park.
Aug. 24, at Alameda Park, reunion of
the Black family, bnslness meeting at
11 a.m. banquet at 1 p.m. Col. John
A. Black of Jeannette will he present.
Sept Ist First annual reunion of tbe
Datifx'nspecks at the farm house on the
H. S. Daubenspeck farm Everybody
welcome. Bring well-filled baskets.
Address H. S. Dnnbensis-ck, Sec'y,
Bruin, Pa.
puki: ICK.
Made from pure, deep well water,
; and delivered daily bv the
j People's phone 493. Bell 185 J.
Yonrsnrlng suit at Ritter & Rocken
stein's, their price Is always right.
Always the best in men's and boy'it
clothing at the lowest prices nt Ritter
& Rockenst"u's. *
Henrietta Hollulay va Arthur .1 Hol
liday, petition tor divorce, cruelty al
' Jeged.
G Walter & Sons vs Co. Com'rs, ap
= peal from asses.-nient of Kl'J.D'iO on mill
D. B. Campbell vs Co. G.m'ri, appeal
from assessment of fI4,C-jO on property
: on S. Main St.
Wni. Campbell, Jr. vs Co. Com rs ap
i peal from assessment of *l-' 600 or;
property on S. Main St.
Dr. J. J. Schnltis vs Jos. Fleming,
! summons in as-umpsit.
; . Mrs. ?-!att:e Reihing vs G>. Com'rs,
■ appeal from a sinent of $5:2.000 on
j Hotel Willard.
International Savings and Trn-t Co
vs Co. Com'rs. appeal from assessment
of |45 000 on Cavanangh plan of lets
' St indard Plate Glass Co. vs Butler
. Co.. appeal from assessment of #250.0 <"j
' on gla-:s works.
Elizabeth Sehoentag vs Geo Schoer.
; tag, petition for divorce, desertion ar.d
! adultery alleged.
McQnistion vs Eutler county, |
appeal from as ement of $10,700 tin
property on S. Main St.: C. Stock from
assessment ot' s*,<iflo on property on S.
Main St : and R. F. and C. E. Flanders
and J. W. Riddle of St. Paul. Minn, on
assessment of s*o per acre on 13J acres
••farm land'' in Fourth Ward.
T. W. Phillips vs Cour ty Com'rs ap
peal from assessment of #3500 on a luas
ed lot <<n Cunningham St.: W. 11. L-ir
kin & Co. on assessment of £20200 on
machine shop.
The cases growinir out of the death
of Annie Phillips on March 13. 1904,
were galled for trial, last Thursday.
Tbe charge of contempt- of court against
J iht Shanor fur Tfefnsing <<"> b- s*v»rn
} before Cmwr At veil and bis j lrj wasl
tbe h:n: taken The tacts weic
at-re.-d upon and the <-a»e I—ft with
Jnd.e Galbreatb for judgment as t;
whether tbe offence was contempt.
Mrs Elizaijeth Nailor of Cliff S"..
was then placed on trial for perjury.
Sue was alleged to have told several
neighbors that an operation had been
performed on Annie Philips, while at
the inquest she swore there was no.oper
ation, and that she bad not. told there
was. On this the charge of perjury
was based.
Mrs. Harrison. Mrs. Bushnell, Mrs.
Ilite and Mrs. Il irrer neighbors of Mrs
Nailor. swore she had told them so. and
Mrs. John Hopkiri*. Thomas Phillips
and John Phillips, tbe mother, brother
and cousin of Aunie Phillips, swore she
admitted to them after Annie s
that th*-re had been an operation.
Mrs Nailor denied everything.
The jury, after being ont 80 minute",
returned a veruict of gnilty. A motion
for a new tiial and for arrest of judg
ment was then made bv her attorneys.
Because there were more cases on the
June calendar than conld be tried, the
District Attorney and the attorneys for
tbe defendants joined in asking the
court to continue trial »u the charge of
assisting in an al>ortion against Mrs.
Nailor, and of adultery against John
Shanor until September, which was
In the contempt of court case, the at
torneys could not agree on the facts af
ter agreeing to agree, and Saturday af
ternoon Shanor was pnt on trial and
convicted on the facts.
A coroner's icquest held by Justice
D P. Boggs, with E. If. Hutchison, W.
C. Latehaw, H. B. Wise, E R. Boze, F.
W. Kidd and A. D. Moyer :;s jurors, re
turned a verdict that Alex Miller, aged
'II years, came to bis death at Harmony,
June 17, 1004. from drinking chloral
with suicidal intent.
N. C. McCollongh, Esq., Dr. F. L.
flazlett and <i. W. Amy have been ap
pointed a coinmisaion in lunacy on W.
J. Bowser of Oakland twp.
A charge of larceny has l>een entered
against Harry Wright. •
Hale of the Newton Garvin farm in
Cranberry twp., bas been postponed to
July 12, at the Court Hon -*, the bids
being insufficient.
In the ca u e of Com. S. V. Kerr and J.
'/. Mnrrin, the jnry returned a verdict
of guilty of malicions mischief, and not
gniltv of n&b, but pay the costs. The
charges arose from the defendants' rig
colliding with Samuel Meals' rig at
Main and Jefferson Sts. The evidence
was that they drove into Meals.
A motion for a new trial wss made.
John Parsdo, a New Castie St. gro
cer, was pnt on trial, Friday, on a
charge of larceny entered by Mike
Pctroff, who alleges Parado extracted
#l4O in #lO and #2O bills frotn a roll of
money which he banded him to examine
in the Standard Hotel last fall Petroff
had saved the money to send home.
Parado was found guilty and a motion
for a new trial was made.
In the cases of Andy Cram ai d Joe
Renork, n&b, the jury returned ver
dicts of not guilty by direction of the
J. F. ltinninger, convicted in two
cases of selling liquor without license,
was fined #SO and cost 4 in ont;, and sen
tence on the other was suspended.
Mike Lombraso, the young Italian
w'uo attempted to elope with Louisa
DeFoggi, aged 13 years, daughter of
Leonard DeFoggi, was put on trial,
Hatuulay. on a charge of rape and con
victed, DeFoggi was said to have made
an assault on Larnbraso with a kn'fedn
Squire Keek's office, but no prosecution
was made. Before court adjourned
Larnbraso was called and after a plea
in his behalf bv W. Z. Murrin and a
statement on part of the prosecution by
S. F. Bowser, was sentenced to pay
costs, a fine of #SOO, and to undergo im
prisonment in tbe West era Penitentiary
for three years.
The execution of Frank Burner, who
claim 1 Butler as his home, and who kill
ed a sea captain in New York, has been
set by Warden Johnson of Sing Sing
for June 27. Bnrness says be will be
glad to go to the electric chair, as he is
tired of the delay in his case. Bnrness
wants V> sell his body t» pay bis debts.
Win. Shoot, a native of England, has
petitioned for naturalization.
Rev. J. O. McConnell and wife of
Slipperyrock have legally adopted Lulu
Mary Learsof, now McConnell, a child
from tbe U. P. Orphans Home in Alle
J. Harvey Bell was appointed guar
dian of Marin, minor child of Samuel
Hllliard, dee'd, of Washington twp.
The John George Milheim property
hi Bntler, was sold at Bankrupt sale,
Monday, to W. S. Wick for #IO7O.
Bruin borough school district bus de
cided to issue #SOOO worth of bonds to
pay its debts. The share decreed by
Court for it to pay of tbe debts, etc , in
recent litigation was #1271.50.
Henry Keister of Slipperyrock has |
been returned for trial on a mis
Owen Critehlow has been held for
trial charged with larceny of a lot. of
knives from Burry & Markel's store in
Evans City.
A rule has be<-n untitled on Zelienople
borough to show cause why it should
not pay costs in a case in which it was
M. Schiller, of Youngstowrt 0., was |
electrocuted early last Friday morning j
In tbe penitentiary at Columbus. He]
paid the penalty of his crime after the
method prescribed by tbe law of that
state, but by some awful and myster- 1
ious complication the execution of the
I wretched man WHS a thing horrible to 1
contemplate. Twice after Schiller had i
been pronounced dead signs of life were j
j discovered and the electric enrrent was '
. again passed through his body. The
{ three application.; that became neces !
' sary were maintained for 17 minutes
I and 62 seconds and It was only after the
, body bntl literally been roasted that the
certainty of death was established.
Yon will find .just what you want in
a new spring suit at Ritter & ftocken
For better melt's clothing at lent
money try Ritter & Rockenstein's.
Era Sailer to J 0 Trimbv-r 65 acres in
Oakland for $.300.
F A Miz-jner to Standard Coal Co 13
acrts in Washington for $3500.
W P Stickle tii Alva E Sloan lot in
EMU Claire for $85:1
R J McMichael to W M Mitchell lot
in Ein Claire tor $643. .V).
Myra E Magee to M J M<>ore lot in
Slip;<en. rock for |KIS.
\V J Bolinger to Frank A Sankey 72
seres in Marion for $138«».
F A to Jas Duff 37 acre# in
Marion for £-">10
P R Bollinger to L H Rankin lot in
Fail view for $l2O.
•T 11 Ronksly to C'hss Deganoo lot in
Zrliri:- pie for $135.
A 11 -Sarver, gdn. to R W Harvey 41
r.cres iu Bnffalo for
Agues E Sarvt-r et al to R W Harvey
•■dine foi- si>oo.
j Sonth Ptnn Oil Co to A A and A
H-ch 12 acre lease and wells in Donegal
j for sl.
Mary and Robert Montgomery to S S
' Atwell. right of way in Cherry tw;>, fur
Frank Kelly to John Kelly 1* acres in
Buffalo for SI2OO.
A E King to Concord twp. School
District 1 acre for *Ho.
E J Boyd to Elizabeth Witte lot st
Saxon Station for $l4O.
L'zzie QiHilacd to Louis Nauhaus lot'
in Mari for £2500.
Jos P Kennedy to Peter H Kennedy
50 acres in Winfield for SIUOO._ ,
John M McCollongh to R M Pontiu*
lot in Milleretown for £!«7
Ziegler Lodge. Odd Fellows to O D
K itnerer lot on Centre ave for sl.
Mai riage UCCIIM'S.
Win. J. Stein Obicora
Emma Hess Ailegheny
W. H. Stainbrook Emieut n
Ida M. Robb
Gorge W. Scaring Harrieville
Ellen G. Cochran '*
tie 1 ' London New C«- ■ >.- j
j Xcr t McA-i.vit u Hnut»u-y
i CM ' - Ie» Pliff Pr fill '»*".• j
Flora Re-lick Reutr**
Ho'-- rt i;«.«>er Brady* i;»-ii*i
Lnr-iet.a Conu A .
Jo- -. ii PJiim Wilkin<t»ing
•toii/ie iiiterjberger Hii'l»-r
Oeorae l'. Atwell Uut'.er
Myrtle K. Kenrns
John Kaufman Butler
Mary A. Martsolf Renfrew
P.-itr>«»nß. Nace Butier
Ada M. Rumbaugh "
Notbtrl C. Brandt Turtle Creek
Anna J. Steiirbner Summit tup
F. M. Knhu Karns City
Eflit-<i. Camjibell.. .North Washing^u
H. E. Miller Cillery
Blanche A. Campbell.. N. Yvashingtou
R-nrv D. biekert Jefferson C«n!re
Phoebe Blair E tu Claire
William J. Stein Chicora
Emma Hess Allegheny
Xev. toa 11. McCandless... .Centre twp.
Estella Altiert Prospect
E. E McConri'-ll Harrisville
Minnie V. Walley Grove City
James Kelleruiati Eun Claire
Pearl G. Morris North Hope
Thomas Watson..Connoqnenessintt twp
Nettie Stewart Renfrew
At Franklin, Amos Crum of Mars
and Lucretia Ritchey of Emlenton.
At Kittaiming, John B. Stnitb und
Emma F. Hall of Butler county.
At Pittsburg, Fred Back of Alle
gheny and Amelia Rndert of Saxon
At Franklin—James A. Jackson of
Bruin and Ella Scbeidemantle of Eil
No nci; TO FAitMKits.
Mr. Rnmberger having retired from
the wool business, we wish to call the
attention of the farmers to the fact that
we will pay the highest market price in
cash for wool.
107 S. Main St., Btitier. Pa.
Place for boy 10 years old on a faMii
for summer. Inquire at this office.
Bntler dealers are paying
Eggo 17
Better j, 15
Onions, a tfoz. bunches 20
Chickens, dressed 1H
Honey 20
Ijettnce, lb 15
Hay ft 2 sls
The best at the lowest prices at
Hitter & Rockenstein's.
Heady for your spring suit -look over
Hitter &. Rockensteiu's line
You will always lind the new styles
in Men's and Boy s clothing at Hitter &
If it i u an up to date spring Kuit you
want try Ititter & Rockensteiu's.
Music scholars w.mtei at Hi W
Wayne St.
Reduced Rates
Yellowstone Park
For the sca-on of 1904 the Northern
Pacific announces a great reduction in
rat<s from Chicago, Kt. I'aul, I>ti
lutli and other Northwestern points to
and. through Yellowstone Park. These
reductions materially decrease the ex
panse of the park tour.
New I Inlets have been bnilt. <>I«I
faithful Inn, modern in everv re
spect, constructed of logs and boulders,
is located near Old Faithful geyser and
is probably the inost unique struct ire
of the kind in the country and bound to
become a favorite. A new and statn'y
hotel on the banks of Yellowstone Laky
mak> s thin the most reposeful spot in
park Each of the park hotels now has
a capacity tor 200 quests, is electric
lighted, steam heated and has a good
Season extends from .lnim I to
September ;M>. Ronte via N P. H,
Livingston und <«urdincr.
Inquire of any agent of the N. P. R.
or write to A. M. Cleland, (Jen. Passx'r
agent, Kt Paul Minn., for particulars,
and send six cents f.,i "Wonder
land nun "
World's Fair.
The Baltimore and Ohio R. R. will
sell excursion tickets from Butler to St.
Louis. Mo., account of the World's
Fair, at the following rates: -•
Tickets, good for the season, return
ing any time to December 15th. will l«!
sold every day at $25.00 for the round
Tickets good returning sixty days,
not later than December 15th, will be
sold every day at $20.00 for the roun l
Tickets good for returning within fif
teen dnys will be sold every day at® 10.75
for the ro.ind trip.
Coach excursion tickets, with return
limit of seven days, will be sold twice a
week, every Tuesday and Thursday, be
uinnsng May 17th, until June 80th, at
ilii.oo for the round trip Coach excur
sion tickets are restricted to day coaches,
whether on regular or special trains.
For further particulars, call on or
addros nearest Baltimore & Ohio Tick
et Agent or It. N Austin, General Pas
sender Agent, Chicago.
#l!M'O To St I.oiiis ami Itcturii
Via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Coach excursion tickets on sale each '
i Tuesday and Thursday, good for return !
' within seven days.
i I
• Julv Ith (excursions.
j Excursion tickets will be sold at low j
rates between all (mints on the Bessem
ler & Lake Erie H. H and to points on j
1 connecting lines July 2nd and Ith. good
returning July sth. Inquire of agents
for rati—, time of trains and other in
form ■ tion.
Kl'> OO To ->t. Louis ami Iteiiirn
V ia Baltim >r<'and Ohio Hailroad
(' i.icli excu.idon tickets "U sale each
Tuesday and Thnrsday, good for return
within seven days.
li. «V O. Excursions.
June 27. 2*. and 2t> the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad Company will s-11 ex
cnrsion tickets from all local stations
west of Pittebnre. Pa. Wheeling and
Parkersbnrg. W. Ya . to St Joseph. Mo.
at rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the
round trip, account Bi-ennial cot-yen
tion, Young Feoples Christian Union
of the U. P. Church. Tickets will be
good for returu uutil July 5. 1904. bat
rnoy be extended to July 31. by deposit
with Joint Ag--nt and p syment of -Vtcts.
Juue 27 audi" 1 the Baltimore <sc Ohio
Railroad Company will sell excursion
ticket-* from ali local stutions west of
the Ohio River to Indianapolis. Ind..
at rate of one fare plus 25 cents for
the round trip, account Natihnal Pro
hibition Convention. Ticket.- Till be
good for retnra until July 15. I'JO-l.
For further information call on or
addri-s nean st Baltimore & Ohio
Ti'-ket. Agent, or B. S. Austin Gener
al I'a-senger Agent. 111.
On June 30 to July 3, inclusive, the
Baltimore A- Ohio Railroad will sell ex
enr-ion tickets to Mountain Lake Park,
Md.. at rate of one fare plus 50 cent#
for the round trip account above occa
sion. Tickets will be good for return
until July 13, 1904.
July 2 to 0 inclusive, the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad will sell ex'-ursion tick
ets from all local stations west and in
cluding Pittsburg *nd Wheeling t) St.
Louis, Mo., at rate of one fare plus 25
cents for the round trip, account Dem
ocratic National Convention. Ticket?
w:l! be good for return 15 days includ
ing date of sale.
On July 2, 3 and 4, the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad Company will sell low
ra*H exenri-ion ticket# bet ween nil points
w--«t -r PirtsHurtr. within « rad'm
2 ' ii-iks from stlrit g strtti-ir. Ti' kets
will 1-e good for return until Julv 5,
Jnlv 16. 17 mid If the Baltimore &
Ohio R iilroad will sell exenr-ion tickets
from all local stations WHS- of Pitts
burg and Wheeling t> Cincinnati at
ta'eof one fare plus 25 cents for the
round trip, account Annnt! Meeting B.
P. O. Elks. Tickets will be good for
return until July 23, subject to an ex
tension until August I s *. bv deposit of
ticket with Joint Agent and payment
of 50 cents.
Special Kound Trip Kates via
Commencing June 2* ai d continuing
thereafter ou each Tuesday during
July and August 1904 the Chicago
Great Western Railway will sell round
trip tickets at very low rates to Banff
Hot Springs Alb. Laggan, Alb. and
Field, B. C. For further information
apply to any Great Western Agent, or
J P Elmer, P A. < hi'-ago 111.
Service on Now Wabnsli Line,
lo Start .Fitly 2ml.
First train leaves Pittsburg at 8.30
P. M that day. with three trains daily
The Wabash Railroad Company
t ikes pleasure in announcing the open
isitr of its new extension to Pittsburg
The first train will leave the Pittsburi;
Pasaenger Terminal, Liberty Ave. and
Ferry Street, at 8.30 P. M . Saturday
July 2nd. This will be a through train
to Chicago and St. Louin, with direct
connections for all points west of those
Beginning July 3rd, three regular
daily trains will be operated on conven
ient schedules, leaving Pitt-burg at
8.30 A. M , 2:30 P. M. and 8:80 P. M.,
Eastern Time.
With the trains a new route will be
•ifTcred to prospective travellers from
Pennsylvania, Went Virginia and Ohio
to the St. Louis Wor'd's Fair, and to
Toledo, Detro t, < hicago, Kanpax City,
Omaha and all p:irts west, southwest
and northwest The rates are low and
A s.ife, quick and agreeable journey,
witii courteous attention to the wishes
of patrons is assured by this line to the
tiaveiling public.
Inquiries for further information will
receive prompt attention by addressing.
Asu't. fi. P. A., Wabash It. R.,
330 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
\Vorl<l'N Fair.
June!), 18, 23, and 30 are the next
dati s for tin- great Pennsylvania Kail
roarl coach excursions to the World's
Fair at St. Louis. A special train of
standard day coaches will bo run ou the
following schedules, and excursion tick
ets. good going only on special train,
A ill be «<jld from tho stations named at
rates quoted:
Special Train Leaves Pittsburg East
ern time 10. l"). Central tim.- lt 15, P. M.
Ar. ImliatiMpolis fßreakfast) 8.30 A. M.
" Terre Haute (Luncheon) 11.00 "
" S'. Louis (Union Station) 4.00 P. M
Proportionate rates from other points.
Returning, tickets will he good in
coaches on regular trains leaving St
Louis (Union Station) on the day of
validation, within ton days, including
date of excursion.
For rates of fare from other stations
and leaving time of connecting trains
consult nearest Ticket Agent.
Special KOIIIKI Trip ICntcn via
Commencing Juno 28 aud continuing
thereafter on each Tuesday during
July and August 1004 the Chicago
Groat Western Hallway will well round
trip tickets at very low rates to Hanff
Hot Springs Alb. Laggan, Alb. and
Field, B. C. For further information
I'Pply to any Great \Vehtern Agent,
or J P. Klmer it. P. A. Chica/'o 111.
I'ciiiinjlvnnla Cli;uitau<|iia.
For tho Pennsylvania Chautauqua,
to be held at Mt. Gretna. I'a., July I to
August 5, 1004, tho Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will sell special exenr
Mon tickets from Butler and principal
intermediate points, to Mt. Gretna and
return, at reduced rates. Tickets will
l-e solil June 25 to August 5, inclusive,
and will l«f good to return until August
10, inclusive. For specific rales con
suit, ticket agents.
Kcducctl ICat«*H to Nt. latins.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend tho Democratic National Con
vention, to lie hold at Ht. Louis. July <i,
the Pennsylvania Ri.ilroad Company
will sell round-trip tiitkets to St. Louis,
from all stations on its lines, from July
2 to it, inclusive, good returning, leav
ing Hi. Louis not later than 15 days, in
cluding date of sale, on date of vallda
tion by Joint Agent at St Louis, at
rate af single fare fur the round-trip.
For specific information concerning
rates and time of trains, consult near
est ticket agent.
ICiiNsia-.fup War Atlas IO cenfs.
Throe fine colored maps, each
bound in convenient form for reference.
The Knstern situation shown iu detail,
ihstted by The Chicago «& North-West
ernlt. It. mailed u|sin receipt of ten
cents in stamps by A <7. Tallant, 504
Smithfield St. Pittsburg, Pa.
$30.00 to Colorado and ltcfnrii.
Via (,'hicago, Unioa Pacific & North
Western Line. Chicago to Denver,
Colorado Springs, and Pueblo, dally
throughout the summer. Correspond
ingly low rates from all points east.
Only one night to Denver from ('hlcago
Two fast traiLs'daily JA. Tallant 501
Smithfield St. Pittsburg.Pa.
Kcducctl ItalcN to InillaiiiipoliM.
For the benefit of those desiring to
! attend tho Prohibition National Con
| volition, to lie held at Indianapolis, June
j2B to 30, the Pennsylvania Railroad
j Company will sell round trip tickets to
, Indianapolis, from ali stations on its
lilies. June SB and 27, good returning.
I leaving Indianapolis not later than
| luly 15, at, rate of single fare for tho
round trip. For specific infomatlou
concerning rates and time trains,
consult nearest ticket agent
I'otirlla ol'.lnly.
Agents ot the I! ssi-iner Kullroid will
sell excursion licktH July 2nd and 4tli,
fcood returniog lie sth, al very low
rates. Special attractions at Kxposition
Park. Inquire of agents for rates and
time of traius.
A delicate constitution exposes a
;hild to all sorts of ailments. l)o not
,-vaste any more time and money trying
*o doctor each complaint separately.
Doctor the Constitution.
Vin-Tone takes right hold cf any
weak system and builds a good
healthy foundation,
j It puts life and vigor into the body
ind mind. »-
j That is what the child r.ecds. thai
what any person who is we- - '
sickly needs. Vitality.
People grow thin, pale, even 1
40 ill they arc obliged to gicc ii!.
, occupation, when there is nothing
; wrong with them excepting they arcs-j
I tired, so weak, their vital.ty is so low.
| To say that Vin-Tone is worth its
■ weight in gold to those suffering from
; a lack of energy is to speak lightly cf
it. It is invaluable as it begins its
work with the first dose and ia a
remarkably short space ct time the
patient is restored to a lisaiihy rigor
ous condition.
Many miserable wrecks have been
transformed into strong happy n:en
and women by this marvel of recent
medical discoveries. Vin-Tone.
Good for little folks and big folks
too. Pleasant to take.
Sold on a positive guarantee by
Near the Con it House, Butler. Pa.
Special KOIIIMI Trip Kates via
Commencing June 2S and continuing
thereafter on each Tuesday during
July and August 1904 the Chicago
Great Western Railway will sell round
trip tickets at very low rates to Banff
Hot Springs Alb. Laggan, Alb and
Field.B. C. For further information
apply to any Great Western Agent, or
J P Eliner, G. I'. A Chicago, 111.
Excursions to Atlantic City
June 23. July 7 ami 21. August 4 and
I*. and September 1 are the dates for
the Pennsylvania Railroad annual low
rate excursions for 1904 to Atlantic City
Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City,
Avalon, Auglesea, Wililwood, Holly
Beach, N. J. Rehoboth. Del., or Ocean
City, M. D.
Tickets good to return within sixteen
days, including date of excursion.
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will leave Pitts
burg on above mentioned dates at 8.55
A M., reaching Philadelphia 0 25 P. M.,
iu time for supper, and arriving Atlan
tic City, via the Deleware River Bridge
Route the only all-rail line, at B.fts P.
M. A stop will be made for luncheon
en route. Passengers may also spend
the night in Philadelphia, and proceed
to the shore by a regular train from
Market Street Wharf or Broad Street
on the following day.
Passengers for New Jersey poiuts
other than Atlantic City will spend the
nigh*' in Philadelphia, aud use regular
trains the next day from Market Street
Wharf Passengers for Rehoboth, Del.,
or Ocean City, M. D , will use regular
trains on the following day from Broad
Street Station.
A stopover within limit will be al
lowed at Phil'a returning, if passen
wiil deposit their tickets with the Tick
et Agent at Broad Street Station, Phila
delpliia, immediately on arrival. Tick
ets must be deposited with Agent on ar
rival at sea shore destination aud prop
erly validated for return trip.
Tickets will bo Fold from stations at
the rates named below: —
ItATC Tl<k<-trtl*ood
Tl< k. ta«oo.l iu Pall. Can Tralu
only in in <onnectioii Leaici
CO4IIII-. witii i»*»fuUr
Poll. Ticket P.M.
Foxburg 810.00 sl2 00 1.30
Butler 10.00 12.00 0 15
Free port 10.00 12.00 743
A 1 toon a 8.00 10.00 12.35
Philadelphia... Ar 825
Atlantic City .... 8.35
Returning coupons will be accepted
011 any regular train except tho Penn
sylvania Limited and the Chicago Lim
ited and the St. Louis Limited.
For detailed information iu regard
to rates and time of trains apply to
Ndat agents or Mr. Thomas K Watt
District Passenger Agent, 300 Fifth
Avenue, Pittsburg.
B. & B.
Fine Wash Goods reduced
In price—because the back
ward season has played havoc
with the Summer Cotton busi
Many lines we've bought
from the makers away under
price—many others are goods
we have too many of.
12 1-2 cent, 30 inch wide
Batiste, 7 1-2 c—solid Light
Blue, Pink, Navy and Black
grounds with White dot and
ring printings.
25 cent White India Linons,
35 cent White P K with hair
line stripes of Red, Black, Blue,
and.Blue and Red, 20c.
Choice new Fine Wash
Coods; 8, 10, and 12 1 2c.
Pretty and fine Organdies,
12 1 2, 15, 25, and 35c.
Notice: —The above are all
priced close to* cost and any
thing you choose will be an Im
portant value for the money.
I J< & Hi ill I
Binding of Books
Is our ov.cti[>;ifi<>n. We put our
entire time to studying the best
and latest methods of doing our
work. If you are thinking of
having some work done in this
line I am sure you will Lie well
pleased il you li.ivc it done at
Tfee Butler Bock Bindery,
w. w. A MON, Prop.
Opp Court lioomj.
JUNE 27 AND 28
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mahaffey.
the Expert Opticians, will be at
the Hotel Lowry, Butler, Pa.,
giving free eyes examinations.
No one urged to buy. Prices
from $2 to SB. Headaches
overcome by our special
I ' fi \/
v Bl
All lenses are guaranteed
for two years.and changes made
free of charge. Mr. and Mrs.
Mahaffey have an office in
Pittsburg and all records are
kept at our home office.
If you are ruptured this will
interest you. We have the
agency for the "Smithsonian
Truss," which allows absolute
freedom of movement and holds
at the "internal ring," the only
place where a truss should
hold, but very few do.
When a cure can be affected
with a truss, this truss will
cure. Children can often times
be cured with a properly fitted
Safisfaction guaranteed. If
after a months wear you are
not satisfied, your money will
be returned.
Come, or write for literature.
Don't forget our special
Saturday sale, a 60c box o*
candy for 35c. on Saturday
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G.,
Johnston's Crystal Pharmacy,
106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
We will inake'for you clothes that
fit and please. Wo will do it
because we know how and want to do it.|
with us it is not merely asonrce of pro
lit. We take pride in good work and
our tailors share in our Enthusiasm.
Make your selection for a suit now.
Don't come in a rush just before you
want it Wo can hurry the making of
clothes but it is better not to hurry
abont anything to get the best results.
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa
t'yes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next Door to Court Houso. Rutler, Ps.
W. R. Newton,
The Piano Man,
317 S. Tlain Street.
Sacrifice Sale of Pianos.
I will sell any piano In my store at a
discount of #|O<MM) under regular retail
price for tho next ten days with an
additional discount of 5 per cent, for
ISta rl<ey I
Leading Photographer, 0
Old Postoffice Ituilding, $)
Butler, Pa. (¥)
| Worth ninny linn -ll»U rimlfflH'd to
, urtiltw-l leliitnlH lo tin' full- -I .'Xli'iil of Mm
I law; I- ttiiliv ii.-rimii.- mail uixolnioljr re
| 11111111-; written IN |il:illi llinl ktlll|lli* lltll|(il»U<
li will IJIIV for l!Mi-lf niuiiy liomlm! Mtue*
|n<l<l. "A" t'lr»l kintloiuil llitnk itUIK. Wllktlin
' bars, r*. I*rk« ttc. l>«>«t p*i<l. Agei.u wantvd.
8 8
; O It saves you money on the most worthful O
; O kinds of clothing, strictly new, high class ©
o Well I garments. You can choose from blue and o
© worthy black serges, worsteds, cassimeres and©
© of cheviots. Then there are outing suits in©
© your I light and dark homespuns in double and©
© attention I single breasted at 25 to 50 per cent, re-©
O is I duction on every garment. There is more©
o this I intrinsic worth in this clothing offer than in©
© great that of any other house. Your own-judg-©
© June I ment will convince you of this fact. Hun-©
© Clothing dreds of men are giving it practical en-©
© and I dorsement and emphasizing it by purchas- ©
© Hat I ing here after look quite sometime at other©
© Sale. clothing houses. ©
© Every garment is reduced. Men's,©
© Youths' and Children's. ©
© ©
8 Ideal Clothing and!
8 Hat Parlors, 8
© * .©
© 228 South /Vlain St., s u tl?r> ?£• ©
| The Summer is Here to Stay, j
\ Douthett & Graham. <
A Cut Price Sale for June.
Seasonable Merchandise at Immense Price Sacrifices.
Our entire stock to be placed on sale at the lowest prices
ever quoted in the month of June, right at the beginning of the
Ladies' Tailor Made Suits & Skirts
Ladies' tailor-made suits, 4 off regular price on any suit in the store.
Ladies' tailor-made separate skirts, $3.98 for mohair and cloth skirts, worth $5.00.
At $4.98 -another shipment of those fancy weave cloth Bkirts, stylishly made,
worth $8.50. ■»,««/»
$5.88 for tine granite weaves black and blue skirts, stylishly made, worth SIO.OO
$7.50 for fine black Panama and fine voile skirts, stylishly made, worth $12.00.
Special Reduction on all Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Waists
and Shirt Waist Snits.
$1.«9 for ladies' stylish wash shirt waist suits, worth $2.00.
$1.98 for ladies' stylish wash shirt waist suits, worth SB.OO.
$3.98 for ladies' stylish wash shirt waist suits, worth $5.00.
$4.98 for ladies' stylish wash shirt waist suits, worth $7.00.
Ladies' stylish white Jap silk waists, cut price $1.89 from $2.75.
Fine black voile in fancy nub effect cut price 90c from $1.25.
Fine black voile in plain and fancy effect cut price 79c from
Fine black and colored voile in fancy weaves cut price 59c from 75c
One lot beautiful fancy silks suitable for dress and evening waists at t price.
One lot of fine white Jap wash silk at cut price 25c from Hsc.
Special offer of fancy taffeta silk, colors blue, brown and gray for shirt waist
suits, cut price 59c from 75c.
3fl inch black taffeta silk, cut price 98c from $1.25.
37-inch black water proof taffeta silk, cut price $1.19 c from $1.50.
30-inch changeable colored taffeta silk, cut price $1.19 from $1.50.
Mrs. J E. Zimmerman
June outings find added pleasure where your feet enjoy perfect comfort.
Whether at sea-shore or mountains—on trap or tratn—woods, Holds,lafce sine
or links, a pair of Patrician Shoes will be found to possess every require-
Ditmt the faatidiouß woman demands. An infinite variety of styles all one
quality— the beet. Price $8.50. YOURS FOK SHOES.
People's Phone 633. 108 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
The f«rm of the late Amos
Michael, deceased, situate in
Centre township, Butler Co.,
Pa., containing 45 acres, 73
perches. Located near the
Elliott School House and about
one mile south of Oneida Sta
tion. First-class land In good
state of cultivation, good frame
barn and outbuildings, well
fenced and well watered, under
laid with coal. Inquire of
R. F. D. 1, Butler, Pa.
' Williams & Mitchell, Att'ys.
WcstcrflUniverslty of Pennsylvania I
Knlranc* eaamlnallonafot .dmti»U.n lo th« ■
fti-.limrn cl«»« In th» ■«') I
I tig itrMtltnenU will b« on l'ri<lay and ■
s., t tit liny June IT an<l I*. IWM. at » « •»«> I
,m scptrmLr Vanri IO.a« th»l)nl« r «llyB"IW I
Inn on rrrry«vltl<- Avnur, Allrghrny. «■ ■ I
|",T«. «" o#»r«1 far the t*»t cnlrancc e« I
u mi nut ton* in »n«l I
' ''l
Reur| ions!
Wc often cause ourselves end
lrss worry and remorse by neg
lecting to do some little thing.
Get a good picture of your family
and home made at your first op
portunity Wc make the best at
$6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches and
guarantee them permanent. Let
us know in time to go out.
The Butler Dye Works
Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing.
Strictly CleanlltieM and
Flrnt Ola**. Prompt Service.
Ladieu' nuil Gentlemen'#
|»liiinir HIKI I Illicit ItOOIHM,
1U& 21 Park Wny, Opp. HuKK" & Buhl's
j(Ne*r Ft. Wayne .Station) Allegheny, Pa