Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 02, 1904, Image 1

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Some Special Offering for This Week.
Ladies' Washable Shirt Waist Suits ■.
Good, well made, nicely trimmed percale suits in light and dark ■
colon, at a special price of *1 69. Nice quality plain chambray anlto in g
Woe. champaznH. etc. flounce skirt*. & 6*. Big variety S
in madras. chambray. Pk's. noveltf cottou suitings, etc., f'. f-5 •» 1 |
Ladies' Washable Skirts I
Dock skirts, nicely m«td». special, encb. Better gradts in white H
sad novelty snitincs. f 1 50. $2 to $3 each. Miss<rs duck shirts. •*!- ia to ■■ fcj
in length 75c each. g
Ladies' Shirt Waists
We carry nn excellent and complete line of the well known \ ictona j
and Acorn waist-?, which range froin sl. f1.25, $1.50, t- to 11
Just arrived 35 dozen dressing -acqnep, in.lawn and percale- light and
dark colors, also plain white, worth at least 75c, all to go at 50c.
Hot Weather Millinery Specials
To omMne comfort with beauty 1* now our idea! in snmp;< r mM.lncrr and wc
show a tin* lh*l will aypoal to lou In ev«ry respect. e<p«.:tal:if from a standpoint
of co»t. Our farllltlc* cumpletc for hurry orders. Try s when you warn it quits
man tua rntxir » r%r%4 *
f Send in Your Mail Orders. ]
H Fur niture and Carpets.
Li Everything Necessary to Furnish a Hcuso to be
TA Found in this Store.
Latest designs in either Buffet or Sideboard at 7 A
4 prices from S2O to SBO. aj
€ Adjustable Sofas —Odd Divans and small pieces wj
>2 —three and ftve piece Suits in dependable makes— a
C at lowest prices. Many styles in Rockers of all kinds pJ
—at any price you wish to pay—depends on what w*B
4 you want. PJ
1 We handle the HEYWOOD line. No better Vd
\ cart on the market, as the Heyv/ood leads all others ft j
i In style, strength and beauty—and then the prices
i are an inducement here.
{ Selling more Carpets than ever before. Reason r J
' —we have the best selection in patterns to be found kji
anywhere—quality and price right. WA
► See our Suits —ranging in price from $25 to $125.
i BROWN &• CO. K
W No, 135 North Main St., Butler. pj
Jane oattogi find added pleaaure where your feet enjoy perfect comfort.
Whether at sea-shore or mountain*—on trap or train—woods. field*,lake Hide
; or links, a pair of Patrician Shoes will be found to possess every require
, meat the fastidious woman demands. An infinite variety of style#— all one
! quality—tha best Prioe 18 50. YOURS FOB SHOES.
| People'? Phone 633. 108 S. Main St., Butler. Pa.
££ Merchant Tailor.
Spring & Summer Suitings
142 North Main St.
H We wish to announce 8s
■ ourselves at Home K
■ particularly to ihe Young Sr
H Men and Ladies this week. B?
■ k
I A" the nobby dressers will turn in H
■ i at this store for inspection of their II
I r which is clear up to the mark—just P
I over their former efforts if that Is pi
I a " the old favorite leathers, h
I Nl Some new leathers—early favorites. Be!
I For any price NEW LASTS! ■
■ You wish to pay. THE NEW TOES! B
■ All the style a shoe can carry. Ease! H
■ Wc make a specialty of Men's heavy shoes, Just M
■ what you want for your early plowing. Give us a trial, m
I guwrv. [
for Daily Drtad.
At grocers, '.Co, 25c, 60c tlnn. vf
New York end Chicago.^Shfr
•nopcJodoaJ P!T Os °R I J° esflisdoid praiot j
-potu'eqj fioipoqrao raioj pmT>:i aqx *R"™
iq JO s-jsiSSaJd st Bntiti(Ts '
aid Strpr.ptn aauj -tnpifi racaio pxnl.:i j
tuaonx oq q 3 n A tuLIO J I 1 I TI T[
ui tajßft tn«3J3 eivdoi'l siopudoid sqi '»>;<? i
-Tir.J'j ]DI/.UIrJV3 JOJ gaStJSSEd [«i»B Oq 1 } OJTIt
spxnbq gcuCpldo ni BJOZTtnolc jo »sn oq? oj >
tuijisd ojb C-M. asoqi o}Bi>oraraoD3fl ox
onnt-,ncD o; oxns 3 jv noS pun ?90X •bjuoo
OX 'jrota Xq s»za T°T j X ! #z ! s "°O2 9r TJ ll 39
Bosngrp jt qo'q.tt. IOAO son;
-JUS Gfoq* oqi B[C3q pao Sosa«3{o '9IUISOTI
®r;i rjSnojq, i:o/.iod3j SI ?{ "Othjiuojs /jqa
st qorqjn 'uipj;r u i TSI O *A'l ? n9tn
o? sppti Xpjonib tiJJTT)'C3
A Cold Wave
has struck our soda fountain
and v/e are serving the finest
pure fruit juice soda in town.
Boiled Water
only is used in our fountain so
you can drink with as much
pleasure as at your own table.
Beef, Iron and Wine
The best spring tonic known.
manufacture our own
and guarantee its purity.
Pale faces, slow steps and
tired backs soon leave when
this preparation is taken.
Fuii Pint, 50c.
Prescription Work
Our First Attention
Everything in the drug line at
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G.,
Johnston's Crystal Pharmacy,
106 N. Main St, Butler, Pa.
8 20 $
» |4 ?
ti ? ?
A FAINT tl-jfl-jrlif•?
?? FOR i?i
» iijiijli 'i
Redick & Grohman l|l
N. Main St.,
»|« »|« >|« »|«»|«
W S. & K. WICK,
K >uxti and Worked Lumbor! 'if w't Jv 1 n'»w
l> torn, Na»h Hiid
0.l W. 11 iCljrn a Hpeclaltr.
CiDlco axici YarJ
K.tCunnln/barn and Monroe f-1#»
P»rw f'-uot.
"r-Tf \ V :
Binding of Books
Is our occupation. Wc put our
entire time to studying the best
and latest methods of doing our
work, II you arc thinking of
having sonic work done in this
line I am sure you will be well
pleased if you have it done at
The Butler Book Bindery,
W. w. ANION, Prop.
()j<p Court llotUHi.
The Delight of the
Portrait", Oroup Picture*, Interior*.
Most enjoyable occupation
these long winter evenings.
Make flash pictures that haven't
the ordinary "flashlight look."
Economical —Convenient.
Per pkg. 25c, 40c, 60c.
Kodak Developing Machines
in different sizes, $2 to $lO.
We will gladly show you how
they work.
' Ml H. Main HL. Dntler, J'a.
I'eotilM I'horw !JO7
4 j K n H m H n^4> t-M"T l"fr 1"I !"i"rrv ffwy-j"S*f ~b
1 ALICE of OLD |
|mi jt
Copyright, toco, by t>.e BOV.'CN-MEI?RiLL COMPANY \-4
........ . . .V 7
l . . . . ....... . .
ri:r. no::o:.- WAS.
thoroughly acquainted , wKh;
ja savage warfare, and he kn - w \
all the pacific m. s :~o suc
cessfully an 1 so long us* d by 1 ren. b
missionaries and traders to control sav
age character, but the eni-rgen'-y no*.v
up»n him was startli: l ','. It c n'u-ed
bin. The fact that he had taken a sol
euwi oath of allegiance to the Amora in
gf'Ti-riiment could liav • been pu-h. d
aside lightly c-nough upon oc
casion, but he knew that certain confi
dential agents left in Vinceusn s by
Governor Abbott had. upon the arrival
of Ilelm, gone to Detroit, and of course
they had curried thither a full r i-ort
of all that happened in the Church of
St. Xavier when Father Gibault call
ed th»* peopl? together, and at the fort
when the British flag was hauled down
and la banniere d'Allce Boussilion run
up in Its place. His expansive imagina
tion did full credit to itself in exagger
ating the importance of his part in
hatiding the post over to the re'.els.
And what would Hamilton think of
this? Would he consider it treason?
Th» question certainly bore a tragic
M. Itoussillon lacked everything of
being a coward, and treachery had no
rightful place in his nature. Hi; was,
however, so In the habit of fighting
windmills and making mountains of
molehills that lie could not at first
glance see any sudden presentment
with a normal vision. He had no love
for Englishmen, anil he did like Amur
icass, but he naturally thought that
HeJm's talk of lighting Hamilton was,
as his own would have been In a like
cast, talk and nothing more. The fort
could not hold out an hour, be well
kn*v.\ Then what? Ah, he but too
well realized the result
Resistance would Inflame the English
soldl -rs and madden the Indians. There
would be a massacre, and the belts of
savages would sag with bloody scalps, i
He shrugged his shoulders and felt a i
chill creep up his back.
The first thing M. Itoussillon did was
h sre Father Beret and take counsel of
him; then he hurried home to dig a
great pit under his kitchen floor In
which he burled many bales of fur anil
all his most valuable things. He work
ed like a giant beaver all-night long.
Meantime Father Beret went about
over the town quietly notifying the In
habitants to remain in their houses un
til after the fort should surrender,
which, he was sure, would happen the
next day.
"You will be perfectly safe, my chil
dren," ho said to them. "No harm can
come to you if you follow my direc
Belying Implicitly upon him, they
scrupulously obeyed In every particu
He did not think It necessary to call
«t II ousslilon place, having already
irlven.M. Itoussillon the b*Ht advice he
tould comi-jaud.
Juat at tins earliest break of day,
ivhlle yet U gloom of night scarcely
felt the sun's upproach, u huge figure
itiadc haste along tho narrow streets la
the northern part of the town. If ony
person hail been looking out through
the little holes called windows In those
Bill ill and ray less huts It would have
been easy to rfcognlze M. BOUSHIHOII by
his stature and his gait, dimly outlined
as he was. A thought which seemed to
him an Inspiration of genius had taken
posse.sion of him and was leading him
as If by the no <■ atralght away to Ham
ilton's lines, lie was freighted with el
oquence for the ear of that commander,
anil as he strode along facing the crisp
morning air he was rehearsing under
Ills breath, emphasizing his periods In
tragic whispers with sweeping gestures
and lilieral facial contortions. So ab
sorbed was he In Ids oratorical solilo
quy that he forgot due military precau
tion and ran plump Into the face of a
savage picket guard, who, without re
spect for the great M. ICoussillou's dig
nity, sprung up before him, grunted
ravernously, flourished a tomahawk
anil spoke In excellent anil exceedingly
guttural Indian:
"Wall, surrender!"
It Is probable that no man ever com
piled with a modest request in a more
docile spirit than did M. Itoussillon
upon that occasion. In fact, his
promptness must have been admirable,
for the savage grunted approval and
straightway conducted him to Hamil
ton'# headquarters on a battenu lu the
The British commander, a bale man
of sandy complexion and probably uu
dor middle age, was In no very pleas
ant humor. Some of his orders had
been misunderstood by the chief of Ids
Indian allies, no that a premature ex
posure of Ills approach hud been made
to the enemy.
"Well, sir, who are you?" he gruflly
demanded wjien M. Itoussillon loomed
before him.
"1 am Gaspard itoussillon, the mayor
of Vlncerines," was the lofty reply. "1
have come to announce to you officially
that my people greet you loyally and
that my town Is freely at your com
mand." He felt as Important as If bis
statrmcnts had been true,
"Humph! Thnt's It, Is II? Well,
Mr. Mayor, you have my congratula
tions, but I should prefer seeing the
military commander and accepting lil t
surrender. What account can you give
Hie of the American forces, their nuin
bt-r and condition?"
M. Itoussillon winced, inwardly at
least, under Hamilton's very undefer
entlal iilr and style of address, it
piqued him cruelly to be treated as a
person without the slightest claim to
respect. He somehow forgot the roll
ing and rhythmic eloquence prepared
for the occasion.
"The American commander natural
ly would not confide lu me, M. le <iou
vcrneur; not at all. We are not very
friendly. Ho ousted me from office,
he offended me"- He was coughing
and stammering.
"Ob, thunder! What do I care? An
swer my questions, sir!" Hamilton
gruflly Interrupted. "Tell me the num
ber of American troops at the fort,
"I don't know exactly. I have not
had admittance to the fort. I might be
deceived as to numbers. But they're
strong, I lielleve, M. le Gouvcrneur;
at least they make a great show and
much noise."
Hamilton eyed the huge bulk before
him for a moment, then, turning to a
subaltern, said:
"Place this fellow under guard and
see that he doesn't \> •? away. Send
word Immediately to Captain Far*.-*
worth that I wish to see h iat one.
The interview thereupon closed ab
ruptly. Hamilton's cm;.- trie:: bad niv
en hlni a detailed account of M. Umu
sillon's share in submitting Vineer.:. •
to rebel dominion, t:i,d he was n>t in
the least Inclined toward treating him
"I would suggest to you. M. le flour
vcrneur, that my official i.o -i'.:o:i de- f
mauds"— M. Banaoillon began. But;
he was fastened upon by two "U; rds.
who roughly hustled i.::a aft :-:ii
bound hint so rigidly that he eou:d i
scarcely move r or toe.
Hamilton sr.iii -d coldly and turn-d ;
to give some orders to a stalwart, rud
dy young offi er who in a ca:r>e had
just rowed alongside the l .-.tteau.
"Captain Farnsworth," he said, ac- j
knowledging the military salute, "you ,
will take fifty m a .ml make every-j
thing ready for a reconno: •.-ai:ce In the .
direction of tiie fort. We will move (
down the river Immediately and choose i
a place to land. Move lively! We have j
no time to lose."
In the meantime Beverley slipped j
away from the fort and made a hurri d ;
call upon Alice at Rousalllon place.
Thei* was not much they ccuhl say to
each other during the few moments at
command. Alice showed very Uttle
excitement. Her past experience had
fortified her against the alarms of
frontier life. But vbo understood and
perfectly appreciated the situation.
"What are you going to do?" Bever
ley demanded in sheer despair. He was
not able to see any gleam of hope out
of the blackness which had fallen
around him and into Ids soul.
"What shall you do?" he repeated.
"Take the chances of war," she said,
smiling gravely. "It will all come out
well, no doubt."
"I hope so, but—but I fear not."
Ills face was gray with trouble.
"Helm Is determined to fight, and that
"(Jood!" she Interrupted, with spirit.
"I am so glad of that. I wish I could
go to help him. If I were a man I'J
love to flglit. I think It's just delight
"But It is reckless bravado. It Is
worse than foolishness," said Beverley,
not feeling hc-r mood. "What can two
or three men do against an army?"
"Fight and die like men," she replied,
her whole count-nance lighting up.
"Bo heroic!"
"Wc will do that, of course. We—l
do not fear death, but you—you"--
His vulco choked hlin.
A gunshot rang on* clear In the dis
tance, anil lie did not finish speaking.
"That's probably the beginning," he
added In a mom nt, extending both
bands to her. "Ooodby. I must hurry
to the fort. Goodby."
She drew n quick breath and turned
so white that her look struck him like
a sudden and hard blow. He Ktood for
a second, his arms at full reach, then:
"My Coil. Alice, I cannot, cinnot
leave you!" he cried, his voice again
breaking huskily.
She made a little movement as If to
take hold of his hands, but In an in
stant she stepped back a p.ice and said:
"Don't fear about me. I cnu take
care of myself. I'm all rl- lit. Vou'd
better return to the fort as quickly as
you can. It Is your country, your Hag,
not me, that you must think of now."
She folded her arms and stood boldly
Never before In all his life had he
felt such n rebuke. He gave her a
straight, strong look In the eyes.
"You are right, Alice," he crii d, anil
rushed from the house trt the fort.
She held her rigid attitude for a little
while after she heard him shut th.i
front gute of the yard so forcibly that
It broke In pieces, then she flung her
arms wide, as If to clasp something,
and ran to the door, but Beverley was
out of sight. She turned and dropped
!ns<> a chair. Jean came to her on! of
the next room. Ills queer little face
was pale and pinched, but his J iw was
set with the expression of one who has
known danger and CIIII meet It some
"Are they going to scalp us?" ho half
whispered presently, with a ilnnliler
llig lift of his distorted shoulders.
Her face was burled In her hinds,
and she did not answer. Childlike ho
turned from one question to another
' Where did Papa Itoussillon go to?"
he next Inquired. "Is he going to
fight ?"
She shook her head.
"They'll tear down tho fort, won't
If she heard hlni she did not make
any sign,
"They'll kill the captain and lieuten
ant and get the fine flag that you set
so high on the fort, won't they, Alice?"
She lifted her head and gave (lie
cowering hunchback such a stare that
he shut his eyes and put tip a hand as
If afraid of her. Then she Impulsively
took Ids little misshapen form In her
arms and hugged It passionately. Her
bright hair fell all over hlin, almost
biding him. Mine. Itoussillon was 1}
lug on a bed lu an adjoining room
moaning diligently, at Intervals ban
dllng her rosary and repeating a pray
er. The whole town was silent out
"Why don't you go get the pretty
flag down and hide It before they
come?" Jean murmured from within
the silken meshes of Alice's hair.
In his small mind the gaudy banner
was tln* most beautiful of all things.
Every day since It was Met up he had
gone tn gaze at It lis It llotteri d again t
the sky. The men had frequently said
In ills presence Unit the enemy would
take It down If they captured the fort.
Alice heard hit Inquisitive voice, but
it seemed to come from far off. His
words were a part of the strange, wild
swll'l In her bosom. Beverley'* look as
he turned and left her now shook ev
ery chord of her beln;:. He had gone
to Ids death at her command. How
strong aflil (rue and brave he was! In
her Imagination she saw the Hag above
him, saw h1 in die like u panther lit
bay, saw the cay rag snatched down
and torn to shreds by savage hands.
It was the tragedy of a single moment
enacted In u flashlight of anticipation.
She released Jean so suddenly that
he fell to the floor. She remembered
what she had said to Beverley on tho
night of the dance when they were
standing under the flag.
"You made It and set it up," he light
ly remarked. "You must see that no
enemy ever gets possession of It, espo-
cially .Is' l I.i i I:."
"I'll s•; down ami it
th'Te'.! (i-ii.o -r of that." -liti in t'- '
sai.u> spirit.
And now SLL- stood thc-r.\ AT
Jfvaa without s.-eins liim. :;iid renor : 1
the wonls under ln'r Lr *ll.
"I'll tab? it down and hide it. Tii' T
ph:ra't l-ive it."
MUJO. Kous illon I>l : an to call from
tlic otlicr room in a loud, complaining
voice, but Alice pave no heed ta Ler
querulous di'inanJls.
"Stay. hert>, Jean, and take care o*
Mamma Itoii33illon," she pri'seisily ...!
to the hunchback. "I am uoiu;,- out:
I'll be back soon. Don't you dart- leave
the house while I'm gone. Do you
She did not wait for hi 3 answer, but,
k K yfr 1/ ' V I
i/\ , //N.
"Wrtih, tui rcitdcrV
matching a hoodllk;- f.v cap from n
oa tiie wall, she put It on sad hastily
left th" house.
Down at the fort Ilelm "Uj Beverley
were making ready o resist JI-'.miitoti's
attack, which, tii- y k;:e>v, would not be
long d-fcrred. The t ».-o heavily charged
cannon were planted «o as to cover the
space in front of the gate, niai some
loa.k-J musUetH were ranged near by
lt-ady for use.
"We'll give tiiem on? good blast,"'
growled the captain, "bstozo t'. cy over
power us!''
Beverley mad? no rcspou v in words,
but he was preparing a b;t < 1 Under on
the end of a stick v. ith w' ' '• t > tiro the
cannon. Not far aw. y I > heap of
lflgs was burning in tin* fc '-.': area.
The British o:Heer. air.- ntioned
as at tiie head of tl:»* Hiu' a. .".".icing dl
agonally from the river's 1 .i.U. halte<l
his men at a distance of Ui >■> yards from
the fort and seemed to be taking a de
liberately careful survey of what was
before hi in.
"Let 'cm come a little nearer, lieuten
ant," said Helm, his jaw setting itself
like a lion's. "When we shoot we want
to lilt."
He stooped and squinted along his
"When they get to that weedy spot
out yonder," he added, "just opposite
the little rise in the river bank, we'll
turn loose on 'em."
Beverley had arranged his primitive
match to suft his fancy and for proba
bly the twentieth time looked critically
to the powder In the beveled touehhole
of his old cannon. lie and Ilelm were
facing the tsieniy, with their backs to
the main area of the stockade, when
a well known voice attracted their at
tention to the rear.
"Any room for a feller o' my size In
this here crowded place?" It demanded
in a cracked but cheerful tenor. "I'm
kind o' outen breath a-runnln' to git
They turned about. It was Onele
Jazon, with his IOIIK rifle on his shoul
der and wearing a very Important air.
He spoke In English, using the back
woods lingo with the ease of long prac
"As l's a-eomin" In font a-huntln' 1
tuck notice 'at soinepln' was up. I r.ee
a lot o' boats on the river an' some fel
lers wl' k'uis 8-scootlll' around, so I Jes'
slipped by 'em all an' come in the back
way. They'd plenty of 'em, I tell you
what! I can't shoot much, but I tuck
one chance at a buck Indian out j un
der an' Jes' happened to lilt Mm In the
Icf eye. He was one of the gang 'at
scalped me down yander In Ivalntuck."
The greasy old sinner looked as If lie
had not been washed since he was
born, lie glaneed about with furtive,
shifty eyes and grimaced and winked
after the manner of an animal Just
waking from a lazy nap.
"Where's the rest of the lighters?"
he demand's! qui/.ilcnlly, lolling out bin
tongue and peeping past Helm so as to
get a glimpse of the line.
"Where's yer garrison? llave they all
gone to breakfas'?"
The last question set Helm oIT curs-
I rig and swearing In tho most melo
dramatic riiKc.
Onele Jazon turned to Beverley and
saiil In raphl French, "Surely the man's
not going to light thoso fellows yon
Beverley nodded rather gloomily.
"Well," added the old man. Angering
his rllle's stock and taking another
glance through the gate, "I can't shoot
wo'th a cent, beln' sort <»' nervous like,
but I'll stan' by ye nwhfle Jen' for luck.
1 might accidentally hit one o' '••in."
When a man Is truly brave himself
there Is nothing that touches hltii like
an exhibition of absolutely uiiselllsh
gaineness In another. A rush of admi
ration for Onele Jazon made Beverley
feel like hugging him.
Meantime the young British olllcer
showed a Hag of truce and, with a I)lu
of men, separated himself from Hie
line, now stationary, and approached
the stockade. At a hundred yards ho
halted the file and came on alone, wav
ing the white clout. He boldly ad
vanced to within easy speaking dis
tance and shouted:
"1 demand the surrender of this
"Well, you'll not get It. young man!"
roan I Helm, his profanity well mixed
In wh.li the words. "Not whltfe there's
a man of us left J"
"Yc'd bettor use sol" soap on Mm,
cap'n." said Onclo Jazon In ICngllsh.
"('iisslii' won't do no good." While ho
spoke he rubbed the doughty captain's
arm and then patted It gently.
Helm, who was Dot half as excited
as lie pretended to be, knew that Oie'le
Jason's remark was the very esseneo
of wisdom, but he was riot yet ready
for tin- diplomatic language which the
old trooper called "si ft soap."
"Are you the British commander?"
he demanded.
"No," said the officer, "but I speak
for him."
"Not to me, sir. Tell your command
rr that I will hear what he has to say
from his own mouth. No understrapper
Will lie reeognl/.ed by me."
That ended the conference. The
young olllcer, evidently Indignant
strode back to Ills line, and an hour
later Hamilton himself demanded the
unconditional surrenderor the for: nu'l
"Fight for It!" Helm stormed forth.
' Wo are soldiers!"
Hamilton held a confab with •*
fleers, while his forces, usdor CDvar cl
tha town cabins, wire depJoyiarr so
as to form a half circl2 alxut ti:*"- Bto ':-
ade. Some artillery appeared r.r.d wa j
planted directly opposite tha ??at?. act
three hundred yards distant. Oc? £!ast
of that battery would, as Hclra well
knew, level a part o* the stock
"S'posin' I hev' a cannon, too, soein'
it's tha fashion," said OCCIJ Janon. "I
can't shoot much, but I "_i;.;b:
'em. This little one Ml do mo."
He set his rifie against tho wa!l and
with Beverley's help rolled on? of the
swivels alongside the guns alrer.dy in
in a few minutes Hamilton returned
under the white flag and shouted:
"Upon what terms will you surron
".Vll the honors cf war." Helm firmly
replied. "It's that or tight, and I don't
•are which!"
Hamilton half turned away, as If
done with the parley, 11K n facing the
fort again he said:
"Very well, sir. Haul down your
Helm was dumfounded at this
prompt acceptance of his terms. In
deed the incident is unique in history.
As Hamilton spoke he very naturally
glanced up to where la banniere d'Al
ice Itoussillon waved brilliantly. Some
one stood beside it on tin- dilapidated
roof of the old blockhouse and was al
ready taking it from its place. His aid,
Captain Farnsworth, saw this, and the
vision made his heart draw in a strong,
hot flood. It was a girl in short skirts
and moccasins, with a fur hood cn her
head, her face, tlirillingly beautiful, set
around with fluffs of wind blown
bro*.»n go!d hair. Farnsworth was too
young to be critical and too o'.d to let
his eyes deceive him. Every detail of
the tine sketch, with Its steel blue back
ground of sky, flashed into his mind,
sharp cut as a cameo. Involuntarily he
took off his hat.
Alice had come in by way of the
postern. She mounted to the roof un
observed and made her way to the
flag just at the moment when Helm,
glad at heart to accept the easiest way
out of a tight place, asked Oucle Jazon
to lower It.
Beverley was thinking of Alice, and
when he looked up he could scarcely
realize that he saw her. But the whole
situation was plain the Instant she
snatched the staff from Its place, for
he, too, recollected what she had said
at the river house. The memory and
the present scene blended perfectly
during the fleeting Instant that she
was visible. He saw that Alice was
smiling somewhat as in her most mis
chievous moods, and when she jerked
the staff from its fastening she lifted
It high and waved it once, twice, thrice
defiantly toward the British lines, then
fled down the ragged roof slope with
It and disappeared. The vision re
mained in Beverley's eyes forever aft
erward. The ICngllsh troops, thinking
that the flag was taken down lu token
of surrender, broke Into a wild tumult
of shouting.
Oncle Jazon intuitively understood
just what Alice was doing, for he
knew her nature and could read her
face. Ills blood effervesced In an In
"Vive Zliomh Vaslnton! Vive In ban
niere d'Allce Itoussillon!" he screamed,
waving his disreputable cap round his
scalpless head. "Hurrah for CJeorge
Washington. Hurrah for Alice Itous
sillon's Hag!"
It was all over soon. Helm sur
rendered himself and Beverley with
full honors. As for Oncle Jazon, ho
disappeared nt the critical moment. It
was not Just to his liilnil to be a pris
oner of war, especially under existing
conditions, for Hamilton's Indian allies
had some old warpath scores to settle
with him dating back to the days
when he and Simon Kenton were com
rades In Kentucky.
When Alice snatched the banner anil
descended with It to the ground she
ran swiftly out through tho postern, as
she had once before done, and sped
along under cover of the low bluff or
swell which, terracelike, bounded the
flat "bottom" lands southward of tho
stockade. She kept on until she rench-
Slie lifted (( hltjh and nutvid U.
nl it point opposite Father Beret's hut,
to which she then ran, the Hag stream
ing bravely behind her In tho wind,
her heart beating time to her steps.
It was plainly a great surprise to Fa
ther Beret, who looked up from Ills
prayer when she rushed In, making a
startling clutter, the loose puncheons
shaking together under her reckless
"Oil, father, here It Is! Hide, It; hide
It, quick!"
Khc thrust tlm flag toward him.
"They shall not have It! They shall
never have II!"
lie opened wide his shrewd, klinlly
eyes, but did not fairly comprehend her
Klie was punting, hit f laughing, half
crying. Her hnlr, wildly disheveled,
hung In glorious uinsHeM over her shoul
ilei-H Her fin-e lien mod triumphantly.
"They are taking the fori,'.' she breath
lessly added, again urging the llag upon
Mm. "They're going In, but I got this
mill ran away with It. Hide It, father;
hide it, quick, quick, before they come!"
The during light lu her eyes, the
writching piny of her dimples, tho mad-
I Nip all- Intensified by her nttltm e and
I the excitement of the violent exercise
Just ended, something compounded of
i ifl these nml more, nffected the good
I priest strangely. Involuntarily he
j crossed himself, iim If against a datiger
•llS charm.
"Alon Dlou, Father Beret!" she ex
| claimed, with Impatience. "Haven't
! you ,i grain of si use left? Take this
flag and hide It, I tell you! Don't stay
there gn/lug and blinking. Here, quick!
I They saw ine lake It; they may be fol
i lowing inc. Hurry, hide It Home where!"
| lie comprehended now, rising from
til i knees with a queer smile broadeti
; lug on his face. She put the banner In
, to his hands and gave him a gentle
j push.
I "Hide 11, I (ell you; hide 11, you dour
II lit goose!"
Without speaking he Inruci! the *ln(T
over iiml over ia bis hand until the
flag was closely wrapped around It:
then, stooping, lie lifted a puncheon and
with It covered tlie gay roll from sight. '
Alice caught him in her arms and .
kir-sed him vigorously on the clieek.
llcr warm lips made the spot tingle.
"Don't you dare to let any person
have it! It's the flag of George Wash
Slio gave him a strong squeeze*
He pushed her from him with i>oth
hands and hastily crossed himself, but
his eyes were laughing.
"You ought to have seen me. I waved •
the flag at them—at the English—and
one yoilng officer took off bis bat to |
me! Ob, Father Beret. it was like
what is in a novel. They'll set the fort. ,
but not the banner, not the banner! •
I've saved It, I've saved it!"
Iler enthusiasm gave a splendor to
her countenance, heightening its r!cb"s
of color and somehow adding to its
natural girlish expression an audacious j
sweetness. The triumphant success of j
her undertaking lent the dignity of
conscious power to her look, a dignity j
which always sits well upon a young |
and somewhat Immatttrely beautiful |
Father Beret could not resist her fer
vid eloquence, and be could not run
away from lier or stop up his ears
while she went on. So he had to
when she said:
"Oh. if you had seen it ail you would
have enjoyed It. There was Oncle Ja
zon squatting behind the little swivel,
and there were Captain Helm and Lieu
tenant Beverley holding their burning
sticks over the big cannon ready to
shoot, all of them so intent that they
didn't sec me, and yonder came the
English officer and his army against
the three. When they got elose to the
gate the officer cried out, 'Surrender!'
and then Captain Heini yelled back:
'Blessed If I do! Come another step
and I'll blow you all to hades in a see
ondr I was mightily in hopes that
they'd come on. I wanted to see a
cannon ball hit that English command
er right In the face, be looked so arro
Father Beret shook his li"ad and
tried to look disapproving and solemn.
Meantime down at the fort Hamilton
was dcmaudlng the flat;. He had seen
Alice take It down and supposed that
It was lowered officially and would be
turned over to him. Now lie wautini
to handle it as the best token of his
bloodless but important victory.
"I didn't order the flag down until
after I had accepted your terms," said
Helm, "and when my mail started
obey we saw a young lady snatch it
and ruu away with it"
"Who was the girl?"
"I do not inform on women," said
Hamilton smiled grimly, witli a
vexed look In bis eyes, then turned to
Captain Farnsworth and ordered him
to bring up M. Housslllon, who when
lie appeared still had bis hands tied to
"Tell me the name of the young wo
man wlio carried away the llag from
the fort You saw lier; you know ev
ery soul in tills town. Who was it
It was a hard question for M. Itous
slllou to answer. Although his humili
ating captivity had somewhat cowed
lilm, still Ills love for Alice made it Im
possible for bim to give the Informa
tion demanded by Hamilton. He chok
ed and stammered, but lluaily man
aged to say:
"I assure you that I don't know- 1
didn't look—l didn't Bee—lt was too
fur off for me to—l was somewhat ex
"Take hlui away. Keep bim secure
ly bound," said Hamilton. "Confine
him. We'll see bow long It will take to
refresh his uilnd. We'll puncture the
big wind bag."
While this curt scene was passing
the flag of Great Britain rose over the
fort lo the lusty cheering of the victo
rious soldiers.
Hamilton treated Helm and Beverley
with extreme courtesy. Ho was a sol
dier gruff, unscrupulous and cruel to
a degree', but be could not help ndmlr
-1 IIK the during behavior of these two
officers who bad wrung from bim the
best terms of surrender. He nave them
full liberty, on pnrole of honor not to
attempt escape or to aid In any way
in enemy against him while they wcro
Nor was it long before Helm's genial
and soeluhle dis|>osltioii won the Eng
lishman's respect and confidence to
such »n extent that the two became al
most Inseparable companions, playing
cards, brewing toddles, telling stories
and even shooting {cor 111 the woods
together, as If they hud always lieen
the best of friends.
Hamilton did not permit Ills savage
Cllles to enter the town, and he Inline- !
dlutely required the French Inhabitants •
to swear allegiance to Great Britain, j
which they did with apparent lieartl- !
ness, ull save M. Housslllon, who was |
kept In close confinement and bound
like a felon, chafing lugubriously awl
wearing the air of a martyr. Ills prls- .
on was a little log pen In one corner
of the stockade, much open to the |
weather, Its gaping cracks giving lilm a
dreary view of the frozen landscape
through which the Wabash flowed In a
frond, steel gray current. Helm, who
(rally liked hlui, tried In vain to pro
ture bis release, but Hamilton was In
exorable on account of what lie regMrd i
nl as duplicity In M. Uousslllou's con
"No; I'll let blnt reflect," lie said.
"There's nothing like a little tyranny !
to break up a bad ease of self Impor
tance. He'll soon find out that lie has
jvcrratrd himself."
f TO nx coimi»nitn.J
When Wntrr Ineronsen Klre.
"Will water add fuel to fire?" re
marked the Inspector of combustibles
in the fire department of New York
city. "Not In ordinary circumstance#.
In certain cases It might. Take that of
a building burning with n quantity of
paints and their solvents. Chemical
combinations may bo formed by the
addition of water which would result
In the generation of Inflammable gases
und so thwart the efforts of the fire
men; also that of 'banana' oil. a lac
quer composed of soluble cotton, fusel
oils and ether. When water reaches
this and liberates the gas It adds fuel
to lire, as in the case of a hose stream
striking floating or running oil and
dashing it Into flumes. Then there Is
calcium carbide. You get a pretty hot
lire when water Interferes with it."
l.luMnlttK It united l»oek.
An extraordinary effect of lightning
j Is reported from Lake Grundllcu, In
1 the Nantes region. A violent tempest
! burMt over the lake, with vivid light
ning and thunder. A numls-r of boots
were mi the lake, and whllti they were
hurrying to bank there was a tremen- '
dons peal or thunder. Almost Imnie- j
' dlutely there fell among the boats the
' dead bodies of a large flock of wild |
■ ducks, some of them roasted to n nice
i t.v, and some charred to a cinder.
! Roast duck cooked by lightning reads
I like a novelty, even In the freaks of
j meteorology. If It could only be adapt
! Ed to the "quick lunch" system!
No. 21.
I lu'.tr Church IlntT More to Do Vlth
bcilanlas Thru Than All Other
tuthoritlea C'orulilnril— TllP Ilea»»»u
Criioilniir Killed Street.
The churchwardens of old Trinity
church had more to do with nauiiag
the streets In the lower part of old New
Yprk than ah other authorities com
bined. To be sure, the quaint burgo
masters. before the first Trinity church
was built, after hearing the pros and
Cons of landowners, found names for
many streets significant of certain es
tablished facts, for streets and byways
below Maiden lane on the easterly side
of the lleere straat, afterward changed
to Great George street, in honor of
King George, by the authorities of
Trinity. Then our patriots ignored the
name and called it Bloomingdalc road
and then the Broad way, simplified
; into Broadway.
TliV» present Trinity church, at the
; head of Wall street Is the third edifice
of that name, the two preceding struc
tures erected upon the same ground
having been burned, but the first was
one of tho first churches erected in this
city, and Trinity has nlways been tlie
wealthiest corporation, patronized by
the richest and most Influential families
for ages. The churchwardens of this
church had their own way about nam
ing the streets from the church to
what Is now Twenty-third street, west
of Broadway, ulong the Hudson river
front, because they owned that im
mense property.
in tho olden time Queen Anne of
England owned what was known as
the Queen's farm, which covered tho
land commencing at St. Paul's church
and extending to what is now Twenty
third street, bounded by Broadway on
the east and the Hudson river on tho
west •'
Vestry street was so r.tyled by Trin
ity because the church bad a vestry In
that street between Hudson and Green
wich streets. Church street was so
called because It bounded the west
side of St. Paul's churchyard. Rector
street was honored by the residence of
the rector of Trinity. Barclay and Ve
eey streets were named after two cler
gymen of tho church.
Trinity's officers determined that tho
main artery of the city should run
through It? land, and, grounded in their
belief in tlieir ability to carry out their
Intention. Hudson street was laid out
St. John's park and many other im
provements werp offered as Induce
ments to purchasers of land, and St.
John's chapel was erected and finished
In IHO3, one of the handsomest pieces
of church architecture In the city.
Trinity counted without an expression
of the majority of the people and fail
ed In Its endeavor.
The arrogance of the church fretted
the good people, and more to spite tho
churchwardens than because Broad
way was nearer tho center of the city
Brondway acquired the preference, and
the glory of Hudson street departed,
never to return.
It has been remarked that the streets
laid out by Trinity on the farm are all
perfectly straight, while many In tho
lower part of tho city ore wonderfully
crooked. The explanation of this lies
In the fact that scarcely a small bill
existed on tfoe farm, while below thero
crooked lanes and byways, to say noth
ing of cow paths, were turned Into
streets, which ran In devious ways
around hills, valleys and swamps.
Many streets were named after tho
owners of property adjacent to or
through which tho ways were laid.
Moore street was originally tho lino
of the first wharf erected In tho
Colonel Moore was formerly a largo ""
owner of the lots when first built upon.
John street was named nfter John
Ilurpcndlug, wlio resided In Broadway,
and John street when first laid out
passed through Ills garden. Cortlandt,
l)ey and Beekinnn streets were carried
through tlie property of the men after
whom they were named. Ann street
was named after Ann Beekman. Van
dewater, Roosevelt, Rutgers, Gouver
neur, Harrison, Llspenard. Bayard, Do
Lancey. Rlvlngton and Wlllett streets
were so designated because tliey pass
ed through the property of people bear
ing these mimes.
Hester street was named after one of
the Bayard family ami Catharine after
Catharine Rutgers. Henry street was
named aftef 1 n son of the Rutgers fnm-
Iv, and Jacob street bounded tho Ja-
Lelsler estate. Frankfort street
.. i also it boundary of the same es
tate. i/clsler was a native Of Frank
' furt. James street was .named after a
i mouther of tho Do Luncey family, as
I was also Oliver street. Batavia lano
was so called because tho Roosevelt
1 estate, through which this street was
run, was called New Batavia.
Division street was originally the dt
i vision lino between the De Lancey and
I Rutgers farms. Leonard street was
named after ono of tho Llspcnards,
and Orchard street was cut through
tho orchard of tho Do Lancey farm,
i Sheriff street was called after Sheriff
Wlllett, through whose estate it was
carried. Mangln and Ooerck streets
were named offer the two city survey
-4 ors who laid out tho river lino.
The first mayor of Now York after
the Revolution, a true patriot, wns
I James Dnane, who was honored by tho
j naming of Duane street after him.
101 in, Orange and Mulberry streets
were laid out through public property
in the vicinity of tho Collect pond and
owe their names to tho peculiarities
they suggoot. Cherry street was origi
nally run through "the road by tho
cherry trees" and named accordingly.
New York Herald.
Rogues differ little. Each began Its a
disobedient son.— Chinese Proverb.
When Ten Was Slew.
Tea In the seventeenth century was
offeri-d ns a curious foreign drink. It
was prepared with care and drunk with
bramly afterward us u corrective. A
learned physician, Dr. Lister, wrote
(Jiat "tea and coffee were permitted by
God's providence for lessening the num
ber of mankind by shortening life, as a
kind of silent plague."—Besant's Sur
vey of London.
ItlcuHliiK In l>UanUe.
By an unlucky blow with a hammer
Mr. Benson had disabled ono of bis
thumbs. "That's too bad," said a
friend to whom lie showed the dam
aged member several days afterward.
"No, It Isn't," replied Mr. Benson al
most resentfully. "It is one of the
best things that ever Impj ed to me.
H Ims taught nit to appreciate that
thumb. I never know Its value before.
I. found out by actual count the first
day that there were 257 things I had
been using that thumb for every day
I of my life without ever giving It a
! thought, and it was practically India
pen ibl<? for every one of them. Please
i open my knife for me, will you?
I Thanks. That makes 288."