THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, MAY 2fi, 1904. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers tntondinjt to mike changes In their ads. should notify us of their intention to do so not later than Mon day morning. Bankruptcy notice, estate of G G Roneymus Bankrupt sale, estate of J. G. Mil heim. Ralston & Smith's Watches, etc. Richey's Ice. Aiimlnlstiaxrs a-jd Executors vt estates cin M>cure their rccetpt N**;ks at the CITIZEN office, and persor- n. :di{ »>ub!lc *ale» thslr rote book.-*. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Butler is booming —Ho! for the Fourth! —Memorial Day, Monday. —New schedule on the Bessie. —Bo,e is never ashamed of itself. —New schedule on tho West Fenn. —Toe r.ew street lights doa't flicker. * —The P. R. R. Cil net reduce wages. —Slipi eryrock Normal now has 448 students —lt feels a whole lot like summer, this week. • —Younkins & Thompson are letticg contracts. —Evans City will get the SIO,OOO Pythias Home. —ln the Chicago market wheat is 98 cents, this week. —Bntler to St. Louis and return, 15- day limit, $10.75. —The English Catholics intend build ing a new church. —The Knights of Malta will celebrate tomorrow evening. —A little ice has a wonderful effect on the cream and water. —Reception at the Ist English Lnth ern Church, this evening. —Saxonburg now has a fine ball park. Write Elmer llelmbold for dates. —Five children of Wm. Thompson of Clay t.vp. are down with piphtheria. —All the applications for licenses to ■ell liquor must be iu by Saturday even ing —Elison invented some very good things—and then he invented the phono graph. —Profepect will have "Miss Topsy Tojvy" in Odd Fellows Hall, evening. - A J. Dani-ls is opening a wall pa per and stationery store iu the Hook's building on S. McKean St. —A large black-oak tree standing by the Tb> rn Creek M. E. church was torn to pieces by lightning, last Wednesday. —The salary of the Butler postmast er has been -jumped another peg, and is now 32800 per year or $233 per month. —Don't miss hearing J. Bell Neff in his great lectare "Into the King Row and Crowned," in Y. M. C. A. Hall, tomorrow evening. —The telegraph companies are taking their wires ont of the city pool room", and now the sports have to go to the ponies. —The riviters at the car works went on a strike last week over a reduction in wages, and are yet ont. An effort will be made by the management to start up, today. —Four car-loads of machinery for the Klingler & Co. mill arrived at the mill ■on Mifflin St., last Thursday, and, bar ing the boiler and engine, the mill will new throughout. —The new 100-foot oil field in Penn twp. lies to the west of the plank road, near th-) old Maharg P. O. and includes the David Dodds, Harper Sutton, Pow ell, Puff and other lands. It seems to be a po". —By the new schedule on the Bessie we can start for the lake at 0:05 a.m., and get back same day at 9:15 p.m. On Saturday afternoon the lake train leaves Bntler at 2:20 and returns Sunday even ing. —President Eliot thinks "the public school houses should be used every day of the twelve months of the year." Possibly, but not by the public school children; "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. --•Another school-year" begins next Wednesday, June. Ist, and with it cornea the enforcement of the new school law requiring that no teacher be paid less than $35 per month, under penalty of forfeiting the state appropri ation. —We have some people who'are daily trying to solve the problem of why the present generation was permitted to in habit the same globe with them. Stop all this nonsense, your reward comes in the next world—when the goats are sep erat'jd from the sheep. —At a meeting of the Driving Park and Fair Association, last Thursday night, Dr. Leighner was chosen Super intendent. The street car line to the grounds will run up the valley and thns avoid the grade. The grand stand will be bui.t immediately. —Walleyed pike to the number of 35,- 000,000 are now being hatched at the Erie State Hatchery for distribution in Pennsylvania streams. When these have been hatched the total num ber of this kind of fish secured from this hatchery will have reached 100,000- 000 —The beautiful monument that the U. P. congregation has had erected over the grave of Dr. John S. McKee, D. D. was completed last week. It stands about six feet high, and is a sol id block of the best Dark Barra granite. It was erected by P. H. Sechler of But ler. —A delightful musical program was rendered at the home of Mrs. L. B. Kirkpatrick, W. Jefferson St.. Tuesday evening. The artists were, Misses Raisley, Mattison, Haupt and Knittle; Mrs. Kirkpntrick. and Messrs Hartman, Mattison. Marwh, Frank and Lou Eytfa. Prof. C. N. Hassltr of Pittsburg was director and -Mrs. Hassler, accompa nist. —The strawberries we bought last week came from N. Carolina; thin week they are coming from Tennessee and Arkansas. Last Monday morning there were 27 car-loads of them standing in the produce yards at Penn Ave. and 20th St., Pitttebnrir. A car load of strawberries is worth abont 1600. A car load of string beans from Florida sold, laxt week, for over SIOOO. The "cnkes" /tre coming from Florida and , Lonixiann. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are the auction days at the yard*. I'KI!M)NAL. Postmaster Hughes of Lvndora has resigned his office. W. J. Thompson of W. Snnbnry is visiting friends in Mars. L. M. Raisley of Franklin twp. was in town oa business. Friday. Win ilahaffey of Clinton twp. was in town on business, Monday. J. Huston Vandyke of Marion twp. visited friends in Butler, Friday. G. B. Timblin of Concord twp. did some shopping in Butler, Friday. Dr. Showalter intends building ou his lot at corner of Main and Fulton. Horace Glenn of Washington twp. was in town on business, yesterday. Miss Mabel Adams of Findlc-y. 0., is visiting Butler relatives and friends. Mrs. George Walter is having lier residence onS. Washington St. remodel ed. A. J. Campbell and wife of Concord twp some shopping in Butler, Satur day. Chas Wa.-ner and wife of Lancaster twp. did some shopping in Butler, Mon day. W. W. Blaekmore is recoyering and will not have to undergo another opera tion. George Wick, a son of J. Turner Wick, dee'd, is threatened with appen dicitis. Everett Dana of Franklin tp. attend ed to some legal matters in Butler, yes terday. T. A. Hay and daughters of Clinton twp. did some shopping iu Butler. Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Rennick and sou of Jeffer son twp. did some shopping in Butler, Saturday. Miss Mable Watson of this count}' is now one of the editors of the "Colle gian,'' at Grove City. W. B. .Shrader and daughter Bessie, have left on an extended trip to lowa and the St. Louis Expo. W. J. Burtoa of Penu twp. was in town ou business, Friday. His son J. P. is in very poor health. F. J. Marshall, the Brooklyn chess player won the SIOOO prize at the Cam bridge Springa tournament. Benjamin Sarver and wife of Brown Ave. have returned from a visit with Mr. Sarver's mother ana sisters iu Free port Mrs. Hattie Christ ley of New York is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. K. Richey and her niece, Miss Harding of East Quarry St. Maj. Van Voorhis and Wm. Earley of Allegheny expect to go to St. Louis in a balloon, now being built for them in Pittsburg. Attorney Samuel Walker will leave on a business trip to Richmond, \a., Saturday, and will stop a few days in Washington. D. C. F. J. Taylor of Pittsburg visited liis old friends in Bntler, yesterday. He ie now with Crntcbfield and Woolfolk at the Produce Yards. Mrs- Fannie Lane and daughter. Lynette of Matamoras, 0., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seolt of Centre Ave. Ex. William Wagner of Seattle, Wash., is visiting his folks here. Ho went from Butler to that place about twenty years ago, and became wealthy. N. W. Shannon, and his son B. F. did some shopping in Butler yesterday. N. W.-is now in his 83rd year, but he proposes coming to the next circus. Dr. Henry of Philadelphia who was elected moderator of the Presbyterian Assembly at buffalo, has been the pas tor of one church for over forty years. Senator QPT* was taken from Mor ganz-i to his home iu beaver, last Sun day. He is said to be a yery sick man, from nwrossis or hardening of the liver. Prof. Starr informs the American mother that her baby will be healthier and ultimately better looking if she will keep it strapped to a board, Indian fashion. The wedding of Miss Ida L. Schenck, daughter of Peter Schenck formerly of Butler, and Irving 11 Broadhead is an nounced to occur at Jamestown, N Y, June Bth. Mrs. Jos. Eppingerof Harmony, gave birth to a baby girl a few days ago that weighed but two and one fourth pounds. The baby was bora in a Hospital in New Castle. Miss Hazel Smith of New Kensington has returned home after visiting Mrs. A. J. Daniels of Standard Ave. Mrs. Daniels entertained in honor of her guest, Friday evening. W. G. Douthett and wife returned, Friday evening, from Youngstown, where they had been attending the open ing of the new Donthett & Graham store on Federal St. They made n dress-suit affair of it, with posies and music. County Superintendent H. I. Painter is a candidate for re-election, and there will be five other candidates Rolla Mctjuistion of Bntler; R. S. Penfield of Chisora; A. W. Kelly of. Eau Claire; George Walker of Parker twp. anil Isaac Dyke of Connoquenessing twp. Director Mcllvain of the Allegheny Department of Public Works wears a S2OO diamond. He saw some men leasnrely laying brick on S. Diamond St., last Friday, and jumped in and set a pace for them that was one: but when he discovered that his diamond bad dropped into the sand he wished he had left them keep their own gait. Mrs. Sadie Early, a young married woman and wife of a Pittsburg street car conductor is in trouble. She "stood in" with a Philadelphia burglar, who stole stuff and sent it to her to dispose of, but the burglar was trapped, the "swag" was traced and now Sadie is in jail. A curious feature of the affair was that the husband knew nothing of his wife's commercial transactions. Mrs. Osborne,the modiste and impres sario of the Four Hundred in New York, has begun a divorce suit against her husband on the ground that he is an incubus, and an interference with her business. She does not charge him with any statutory derelictions; indeed, he seems to be a model husband in all respects except that be does not fit in with her business relations with the public. J. V. Ritts of the Bntler County Na tional Bank returned last week from a visit to several western cities including St. Louis, where lie saw the Expo. He thinks it a very grand affair, and says the building, exhibits and grounds are arranged with an eye to convenience. •He is one of a crowd interested in the proposed consolidation of all tho inde pendent telephone companies of the country, which was the object of the trip. —Levington Bros, intend moving to Hazelton. Pa. —lt's the long green that worries the la#n iu#«rer. —The barber should find it easy to cnt an undesirable aijuaintance. Letter to Kitter & itockcnstein. Butler, Pa. Dear sirs; Hpre's n bully one. Mr. Dooley (not of Chicago), painter. Lancaster, N. H. got tlie job of pnint ing tho Episcopal parsonage. He was used to a paint, as pure as Devoe, but weak and short-measure—he didn't know it was weak or short measure. Dooley surveyed the job,and said it would take 20 gallons. Mr. L. F Moore, our agent, offered to give 10 gallons Devoe. Accepted |of course. Eleven gallons did it: the 10 plus one. Mr Moore isn't painting parsonages on shares this year. Yours truly 1!» F W DEVOE & Co P. B.—Patterson Bros, sell onr paint. Always the best in men's and boy's clothing at the lowest pries at Hitter <& Rockenst^'uV. If it is an up-to-date spring suit you want try Ititter & Rockenatcin's. IJ:I.A I. M;\VN. NEW SUITS. Fred. P. Heydrick has entered suit iu e jnity vs M. S. Adams, J. C. Heydrick, et al, regarding an oil property in Alle gheny twp. Win. J. Chambers vs B. & O. Ry. Co., appeal bv deft, from a judgment of *-">1 rendered against it by J. M. Maxwell, J. P.. for loss of a telescope containing clothing. W. 11. H. Riddle vs Butler Co.. appeal from tax assessment of $4201 on I*2 acres in Fairview twp. Mrs Catherine Shinn vs Butler Co., assumpsit for $350 claimed to lie due for nursing Mrs. Brouweie and Thoma.- Price, smallpox patients at Chicora, 7 weeks at SSO per week. APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Joseph E. Franklin, Butler. whole sale, attorneys. Robinson and Goncher. AIKJ Flick, wholesale, Bntler at torney, C. Walker. Wm. Walil. tavern. Evans City at torney, McQuistiou. Samuel Beam, tavern, Harmony. Mc- Q action. Louis N. Ziegler, tavern, Harmony. McQuistion. Geo. R. Gehm, Commercial ifott-1 Evans City. Attorney Hutchison. A A. Hocli, tavern, Chicort. W. E. Lackey, tavern, Chicora Chas. M. Gregg, whole-ale, Evans City. Franz Z. Luek, tavern. Zelienople. Jas. R. Carr, tavern. Mars. Robt. F. Blair, wholesale. Hilliard. David Stewart, tavern, Mars. P. C. Frederick, distillery. Z^lieiioyle. Albert Swager, tavern, Petrolia. C. H. Miller, tavern, Evans City. oliceman at the car works, was l>adly beaten by drunken foreigners at Lyndor.i last night. His nose was broken ami his face brinsed. He was taken to the Hospital. One of the men lias been arrested. PHOPKRTY TKANSFICUS. Jos M Byers to U G Fithian lease ami wells in Fairview twp. for $3300. Dewitt G Courtney to Christy A Snow lot in Parker for $225. .r V Ritts to Albert T Scott lot 011 X McKf in St for *l2't<>. T .las Drtddf to Martin \V Rofs lot «>n S «nt)i St for >OO. A T Scott t<» Alviu It Graham lot ou N McKean St for *240. W C Gibson to Mrs E L Boozel lot in Eau Claire for *IOO. C F and A E Barnhart to J \Y Gioss- Lter l«,t in Millerstown for SI9OO. P ,T Kellj*, guardian, to Catherine La very interest in 50 acres in Penn for $275. John L Byers to Edward C Byers lot in Beuna Vista for sl. Lizzie M and J 15 Dick to Geo W Heyl lot in Prospect for $650. A T Scott to Willis L Rhoads lot oa N McKean St for $2-130. Geo L Nicklas to Adam Nicklas 90 acres in Connoquenessing for *1 J VV Titley to Daniel Maloney lot .n Miller^town for *IOO El ward P Allis Co t) Ho'jt Me<-'slisb milling property in Harmony for ?! II H Goncher to Lake Trade Coal Co 137 acres coal in Venango for $3425. Delia Dinan to Kate Jones lot on Fonrth St for $101). Mrs Eliza Blaine to Delia Dinau lot on Fourth St for *2OO. Cath D vie to Wm P McCatferty lot in Coylesville for i->OO. lltirs of Rev. Samuel \\ ;iliau:s to Mr?. Sarah II Deau lot in Slipptryrock for S3OO. Margaret Hogan to Carrie 1- Saver i 2 acres in Siipperyrock for SI2OO. Chas Duftv to"Evaline Timblin lot in Bntler for $125. C A Hockenberiy to Burton C Cook 7.-! acres in Brady for SI4OO. Margaret P Glasgow to Laura Dun- Jap lot in Valencia for s*7s Lewis P Walker to Philip Dauben speck lot at Centre and Fairview aves. for $2-500 M'jJunkin & Stover to Win B-trend lot at Karr.s Crossing for =? 1 «s. Louis Flick Cutler Matilda Neigh Carbon Centre Jos. L. Backman Jeffoi&on Ct^tre Emma Fruth H. Grant Butler twp Catherine Biker Middlesex twp Joseph E. Saeler....» Butler Catherine E. Specher " J. P. Cratty ButUr Clara A. Campbell " Willwrt F. Shake!}- Armstrong Co Viola Luce Bruin Jo'nu D. Burkholder Bntler Pearl Baker Bntler Charles P. Hindman Petroiia Ran Kin Baldwin Maud —"Isn't it rather overwhelming to l>e receiving love letters from a pro fessor of mathematics'.'" Maybelle—' It's unique. auvbow. Iu the last one I had from him he quoted an old song, and this is the way he wrote if: " 'Oh tlieie's nothing half so sweet in life As love's young dream.' Nu4. Mr. John Richey. Dcsr Sir: Tile examination of samples of ice rakwi from your dam on December 21?t 1908, previous to y iur cutting aud storin.; the win-: >rave the following results: Sample taken was teu iavbes in thickness and examination was of the top. center aui bot tom of sample, showing three bacteria per c. c. B. Cola Couitnus al>.-eni. indi cating that the ice was of unusual purity and safe for all domestic us.;s. Yours very truly, H. B.VTT. Spring water find spring water ice de livered to every part of the city. J A. RICHEY. Low Kates to Chicago. Jii i it! to .0, inclusive, the Balti moue & Ohio Railroad Compauy will sell ix nr-i i:i tickets from all local stations west of the Ohio River to Chica go at rate < fone*"fare plus 23 cents for the round trip, account Republican X; tionn! Convention. Tickets will be ..oi«l for letura natil Jane 21). 1904. For further information call on or ad dress neat, -t Baltimore & Ohio ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General Pas senger Agent, Chicago, 111. I'l iff: si'.iiNc \v vri:u ici: and Pare Spring Water, delivered daily to all parti of the town by JOHN A. RICHKY. Pi cole's Phone 100. ittdiicrd Katvs to Atlantic City. Fur tin- benefit of those ilesirisiK to at tend the meeting of the Americjn Med ical Association at Atlantic June T to iO. ana the se-sion of tht American Academy of Medicine at the same place. June 4 and . will sell excursion tickets to Atlan tic City from all stations on its lines west of Downingtown at rate of single" fare plus SI.OO for the round trip. Tickets will be sold Jnne 1, 2, 3, s,and (i good for returning leaving Atlantic City June 4 to 13. inclusive Tickets will be good to stop over at Philadelphia on going trip witliiu limit of .Tune (i, and nt Philadelphia, and Baltimore, on return trip within the final limit on de pos't at stop-over point. All tickets inn.-t be deposited imiuediatlly on arriv al at Morris (Ju-irds'Armory, 12 South Xew York Avenne, Atlantic City. Regular excursion tickets at usual rates will be sold from "he - points na'med abeve and froui all intermediate points to Atlantic City. For better men's clothing at less money try Ritter & Rockenstein's. Uceic tcbolars wanted at 128 W Wayne St. Yourspring suit at Ritter & Roeken stein's, their price is always light. NOTICi; it) I'AItMI.KS Mr. Rumberger having retired from the wool business, we wish to call the attention of the farmers to the fact that we will pay the highest market price in cash for wool. KIOTO'S MEAT MARKET, 107 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. You will always find the new styles in Men's and Hoy s clothing at Ritter & Rockensteins'. Nixon Theatre, I'lttsburg-. SAVAGE (JHAND OI'ERA CO., 3 WEEKS. The sreat Savage Grand Opera Co. will be heard at the Nixon for two weeks beginning Monday, May 23. The organization numbers 110 perfor mers. and Includes a grand orchestra of 40 players, with two conductors of note, a chorus of To and an elaborate scenic equipment The repertoire for the Pittsburg season follows. Week of May 30 Mqp. will be one of the finest performances ever heard in Pittsburg and will be notable because of its absolute novelty. Ready for your spring suit look over Hitter tL Kockenstein's line. If you want tho best get Armour's Fertilizer at J. G. & \V. Campbell's, Butler, Pa. Start Right and You Will Not Ilavo to Unlear . l-*§ % f \ c C\ v. y t f . : ) % 'U M V .<.■' -. V P» I , V' y\ y ■ f/. . A FAIR FACE in beautified by tasteful jewelry. Beauties of personal adornment are to be found in rich measure in our im mense stork of rings, brooches, chains, watches, diamonds ami jewelry of all descriptions Prices according to unal itv. You get your money's worth at this store. We also sell— Pianos. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical poods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House I BEEF, S < IRON I \ AM) { I WINE, > i (Peptonized) ? v j \ J When yoa bny :i lteef. iron j { and wine, why not pet a good / f one? Much that is sold under } C , that name has but little to A ) commend it as such except the J ■? name. We prepare a Beef, f • Iron and Wine that is com- ( loosed of the purest extract of J } I't-ef, the 'in st digestable form v f of iron, pure sherry wine and » "5 ;i high grade of pure pepsin. } This is a splendid tonic and J , blood maker. Willagree with J J the most delicate stomach. (, Pr nipt re.--.ilts will follow its X i use in :tn|> lired nutrition, irn- > »* poverisht-d condition of the \ ''\ blood and in general debility. £ ' We have customers who ) % speak of it in the highest 5 < term -. Be sure aud ask for S f Boyd's Beef, Iron and Wine • peptonized. Full pint bottles C < jc i I $ G. N. BOYD.} / DRUGGIST, / / Near the Court House, j c \ Butler. Pa. C M* and Mrs W E Mahaffey, the Expert Op'icians, will bs at the Hcte! Lowry, Monday and Tuesday May 30 to 31 which wiil probab'y be their last trip until fall. Oon't put off coming Tm W'=> ■■! t• /- ~ J v ;|: ft i • ■ w ' i -.. Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Mahaffey have correctly fitted ovor TO.) people iu Bnt ler Co. with they gn irantee their j;lass am 14 Allegheny to Erie OA'iatu . 10 " " 2:50 pm J 2 Allegheny to Greenville 4:45 pm : 6 North Bessemer to Butler.. .8:50 pm SOt'TH Bf >t"N'D. 1 Greenville to Allegheny 9:00 am !t Erie to Alleghenv 11:30 am 11 " " 5:10 pm 1:! Erie to Bntler 0:15 pm 7 Bntler to North Bessemer...s> pm Trains 1 and 11 will connect at Butler ! with trains for North Bessemer. Trains 14 and 2 will make connections at Butler with trains from North Besse mer. E D. COMSTOCK, E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Gen Mgr. Pittsbnrtr, Pa W. R. TURNER. Tkt Agt, Bntler, Pi i; it & p it i: Time table in effect Nov. 22, 11103. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:UO a. ni., mixed for Punxsutawney, Du Bois and intermediate stations. 10:17 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. 6:80 p. m. local for Punx'y, Du Bois and intermediate stations. 11:25 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. - ARRIVE FROM NORTH. C:ON a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. SMI p.m. daily, vestibultd day express from Buffali. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 8:45 p.m. week days, mixed train from Du Bois and Punxsntawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, Allegheny, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local points as far as Dußois at 5:10 p.m. B&O R R Time table in effect, May 15. 1904. Trains for South and West,leave Butler —town time: WEEK DAYS. 0:20 a.m, Allegheny Accommodation. ■ s :00 a.uj, Allegheny it Cleveland Ex. 9:10 a.m, Allegheny Express. 11:40 a.m, 1:40 p.m, Ell wood Accomo. 3:35 p.m, Allegheny Ex. 5:00 p.m, Chicago, Ellwood, N. Castle. 5:20 p.m, Allegheny Ex. 5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac. —New Castle. SUNDAYS. S:l Leave UliiiiMville I 7 50. 2 25 44 Alh'ghony i UOO 300 44 Huth-r ! 735 235 44 Butler Junction 10 15 i 40 44 10 lh 443 44 WiufleM Junction 'lO 30 4bi 44 Iron Bridge 10 40 506 44 Boggsville 110 50 515 Arrive We»t Winfield 10 05 , 5 30 Trains stop at Lane ami Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or leave ctf piuwi ngerd. Trains Connect at Butler Junction with; Trains Kuntward for Freepcrt, Yandergrift and Blairnville Intersection. Trains Westwanl for Natrona, Tareutum and AU*- gh.-ny. Trains Northward tor SaxcuLurg, Marwood aud But lor. B. G. BKALOR, Manager. PENNSYLVANIA - RI S ' O L A , WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SenKDt'LE IN Gri'lCT Nov. 30.190:t. SOUTH. / V/K£K DAYS A.M A.M. P. M. P. M BCTLEB Loovti 6 J5 7 a.") 10 00 256 4 55 Saxouburg Arrive *S Otl 8 04 10 ;J0 3 o<> 6 2H tlutlcr Juuctloo.. " 7 23 8 38 10 55 8 45 6 54 Butler Junction...Leave 7 2M 840 11 li* 3 21* ti U0 Natrona Arrive 7 .16 8 52 11 4H 3 31J 0 It') Tareutum i 7 4:1, 8 58 It 57 3 4(i 8 17 Springdale | 7 6,» # 1J 12 07 357 6 27 Claremotit I ! 9 35 12 27 4 11 # 41 Sh»n«tiurg i H lit » 47 12 38 4 18 6 50 AlloffhhDy i 8 35,i0 04 12 53 4 E 7 02 A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlei for Allenheuj City Milt principal interme 10 05 Sax .iiburg 8 20 10 3o 1 11, 5 OH, G 6* 10 30 BUTLKD. 8 4»i 10 5* 1 47. 6 3h 7 25 II CX) A.11.A.M.P, MP. M.|P. M. V M Sl*Nl>AY TRAINS.—Leave Allfgbouy City for But lur and priucipal intormediatn stations at 7:03 a m. and 9 .' 3 p. 4D. rOH THk KAST. Week I>ays. Sundays A.M. A. M. P. M. A.M. P M BUTLKK !▼ « Butlnr J'ct ar 7 23 3 25 ' 8 10i .... Butler J'ct 7 25! 335 814 .... FVeport m 728 337 817 .... KHkiminetas J't.. .. 44 7 35 1 342 8 23, .... Leechburg 44 74H 351 8 W ... Wont Apollo 44 811 | 413 : 8 5? .... Salts! urg 14 840 4 4JJ 923 .... Blairsvllle M » 1«| 520 962 Blainwille lot.. .. 44 !• 941 .j ft 10 00 Altoona 44 11 35 J..... j8 60 1 4<)i. .. Ilarrisburg 11 3 10,. ... I •¥);! C 35 Philadelphia " 6 2:ti 42A 10 20 P M.| A M.| A. M. P M. P. M Tlirough tniiits for the cast leave Pltt»t*arg (Union Station), as follows: \tlautic KxprtMM, dally 3:00 A.U M»uliatttu Ljniit .l " (No C(NICII«*S). . .3:36 44 Pennsylvania Limited 44 (No con< ht s) .. .7:16 4 ' New York 44 4 4 44 ....7:15 44 Day Kxpress, " 7:30 41 Main Line Kxpr<*#. M 8:00 44 IMiiKd'aand New York * Rxpno, 44 12:01 Noon Ilarrisburg Mall, ** 12:46 r.n IlarriHburg Kxpreas daily 4:50 44 Philadelphia Kxprei s, • 4:66 41 Kasteru Express, 14 7:10 41 Kufit Li -, 4 9:00 4 Sew Y >rk S|K*< ial, daily fu/ Now York. only. 10:00 44 Phihuh-lphiit Special dully. Sleeping ram to Philadelphia, flaltiniore and Wash ington. No coaches 10:00 4 rhilad'a Mall,Suuda}s only 8:30 A.II For Atlantic City (vin Delaware River Bridge rail route) 8:00 a.m.and 9:00 4>. m. daily, "Penn . sylvauia Limited," and New Ys. Sundays, 9.66,10.40 a. m., 6.15 aud 11.50 p. m. For Kittanniug 7.42, 9.31, 9.56,11.14 a. «u.,2.35^.33, n.16,7.27,10.15, aud 11.50 p. m. week -days. Sunday*, 9.56, 10.40 a. m.,6.16, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m. •T' only on wiijiial or notice to agent or con ductor to receive or discharge |uiNMeugem. FOl •'♦' tailed infonitdtioii, apply to ticket agent or address Th's. K. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenne atid F>u.ith:\« ld Str«*t, Pittaburg, W. W. ATTKRBURY, J. R WOOd (ieu'l Manager. I'asi'r Tnlßc Manager. i.Ko, W. BOYD, General Pasneuger Agtnt. H. MILLKB, FIKE and LIFE INSURANCE 1 and REAL ESTATE. I OFFICE— Kootu 508, Bntler (bounty i National Uauk building. I DECORATION DAYI « & o is o O -only O O a few 4? O days off. © O For this im- o O portant holiday you 0 © need a new Suit, Top © © Coat or Hat. A special © © discount of 25 per cent, for © © Friday and Saturday. Our © © stock is at its very best now and © © the early buyers will get the benefit of © © this grand stock of fashionable clothing and hats. © © © © © ©ldeal Clothing and| §Hdt Parlors, | § 228 South St., Pa. Q S P. S.—All clothing sold by us kept cleaned, 5* and repaired free as long as you wear them. 0 © © [Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN! I ANNOUNCES < > A Ten-Day Reduction Sale:: Prices cut now at the beginning of the season wken 4 ( you need the goods. Reasons for this—a late Spring. Price cut on Fine Tailor-Made Suits < > Price cut on Fine Tailor-Made Jackets < > Price cut on Fine Tailor-Made Skirts < > Price cut on Fine Dress Goods > Price cut on Up-to-Date Millinery ( Price cut on Up-to-Date Merchandise All over the store. < > Lace Curtains, Fine Portiers, Table Linens, > Towels, fine Wash Goods- the handsomest and \ stock we have ever shown, but owing to cold, > I spring stock is too heavy, hence this deep cut in prices.) > Buy Your Spring and Summer Outfit at j [ Zimmerman's and Save the Difference. < > Our Record is our Guarantee. , > Mrs. J. E. Zimmermanl Bell I'liono 20x. E~» i it J Pa< X I'eople's Phone 120. uuijcj , x a. *» [\*OO<>®&<>OO0OOOf>OOQOOOO<>&O*H \ THREE GREAT ESSENTIALS I \ IN GOOD CLOTHES. 5 / Where style is accompanied by quality and fit, the > /combination is irresistible. USELESS EACH WITH-j S OUT THE OTHER. Our single-breasted sack suits this ) \ season present all three essentials, and if either is lack- \ f ing your money will be refunded without question or v f argument. ( \ Natty tweeds', neat cassimeres and rather striking / \ cheviots will be prevailing patterns this spring for busi- b ( ness wear, and we are glad to announce that the broad J / shoulder and the close fitting collar will characterize > / spring styles. £ \ After all, clothes make the man—in appearance —and 7 \ wherever they overcome natural defects and improve the > / looks of the wearer, the tailor's object is accomplished \ ) OUR PRICES $5 TO $25. S S OUR WIJSDOW DISPLAY. C I Douthett & Graham. < V INCORPORATED. Spring Clothing Sale. II doesn't take long for an inexperienced buyer to see how easily he can save from $3 to $5 on his suit by buying it at this sale. Men's fine fancy worsted or scotch mixture suits, Sll4- former price $lB and S2O. now ■ Men's all wool Clay worsted or fancy cheviot suits, former price sl4 and sl6, now «P Men's fancy cassimere or scotch tweed suits, former price $lO and sl2, now ■ Men's good all wool business suits, former price $7 to SB, now You will find every item above exactly as stated. Making your clothing purchases during the sale an absolutely satisfactory one from every stand point. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler EYTH BROS. [Across Irom Farmers Nat. Bank.| Our Big Line of Spring Wall Papers are all in, and are the finest ever shown in Butler. Prices Are Low. . Big Lot of Rd om Mouldings and Window Blinds. . EYTH BROS.