I The Butler County National Bank, BUTLER. PA | OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS I THAN ANY £ OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. % ¥ Capital Paid in $200,000.00 Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 I Surplus and Profits 200,000.00 — $600,000.00 Assets over $2,500,000.00 | I Combined wealth of Stockholders over $10,000,000.00. | * INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any lime & without notice. £ Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent —THE VERY BEST. * We most cordially solicit your business either in person or by mail. % LESLIE P. HAZLETT, President. Jsc. G. MCMARUN. Cashier. I # JOHN V. RITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C Kiu'G, Asst. Cashier. * HT. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. X *«**:K***.»tlf )• **** Let Your Money Work for You. S It will earn 3 per cent, interest, compounded, If deposited with the ? Butler Savings & Trust Co. 1 No account is too small, SI.OO will start it. u Capital, Surplus and Undivivded Profits w $435,000.00. 1 WM. CAMPBELL, JR., Pres. . F~ Louis B. STEIN, Treas. m a C. E. CRONENWETT, Asst. Treas. ■ THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL - - - $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - " 532.000.00 (EABNED) Accounta of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. ■- 'mia. J. awawaar* SEißlliii Siii*.. Pays 4 PerCent » On Savings Accounts. Compounded Setni-Aunually. ) JiMtas Safe and Easy to Bank by Mai! r.s > Coming in Person. Ask How. , ASSETS OVCB 67,000.000. WOOD ANCTDIAMGND STREETS < - DITTSBURGH, PA. •"—"* ' vr Bros.,^ S PLU MBERS I S Estimates given cn all kinds of work. ? v We make a specialty of / J NICKLE-PLATED, \ B SEAMLESS, / J OPEN-WORK. } 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa S People's Phone. 630. 11.,I 1 ., ! ' . " ItpdssHftl -<; >7|, ii _ . The Davis sewing flachine tor Sale by W. B. McCar\dless, 45, Euclid, Pa- Also Pianos and Organs. « Artistic Decorating! £ # jf you only knew how artistically lovely you can paper the simplest f 0 Ijome for a little bit of money, you would not lire another ilny in those r m old rooms. If you are going to fix np the home this season—either paper- f # ing or painting—let us lay out the whole scheme for yon. Wo offer oar £ 1 advice and experience in helping you to select wall paper and paints that $ 2 will make any room just what it on(?ht to he f 5 Come in and see all the new designs iui<l colorings for 1904 -ready j ? your inspection. Mouldings to match all papers. I Patterson Bros. I 4, z'JH North Main Street. Hoth Phones. \Vlck Building. * 0 it % REMOVAL. We have removed oor Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 200 N, Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence- Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cin cinnati, Ohio. for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler Spring Tonic Keep a bottle of Lewln's whiskey handy to drive away the chills and dampness of Spring. ALWAYS IN STOCK mCH, I.AIMIE. OVKRIWU. GUCKESHXIVER, Mr. TKKKOX.-IHOjkPSOS, OILMSGKU. UKIOGK'OitT and offer tbem to you 6 year old at $1 per full quart, 6 quarts jo 00. GRAHSFATHER'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, £ 00 per gal lon. \Ve pay express charges on all mall orders of $5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEV/IN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WISES AUD LIQUOHS. Ho 14 Smlthfleld St, formerly 411 Watei St. pirrsßrßG, FA. Tboaes: Btll 2W p. it A. 1455. M. C, WAGNEK ARTIST PHOTO GRAPH EE 130 South JkUio 0t BICKEL'S Spring Footwear. A GRAND DISPLAY OF FINE FOOTWEAR IN ALL THE NEW STYLES FOR SPRING LADIES' FINE SHOES—Just received a large shipment of Sorosis and Kum-Bak shoes and the styles are very handsome, ,made in lace or button, light or heavy soles—with low, medium or extra high heels —made of the finest Dongola, Patent Vici kid Many styles to show you. All styles, AAA to EE. Misses' and Children's Shoes—The most complete stock of fine shoes we ever had. All the latest styles in plain or patent leathers. Men's Fine Shoes —A full line of Men's Patent-Kid Shoes — the newest styles —$2.00, $2.50. $3.00, $3.50, $5.00, $6.00. Men s fine Calf and Vici Shoes in Black or Tan, $1.50 to $5. Also complete stock of Men's fine Oxfords. Boys' and Youths' Fine Shoes—Oar stock of Boys' and Youths' Shoes made on the latest style lasts, are very attrac tive. We have a full stock of Boys' and Little Gents'-fine Shoes anH Oxfords in Patent-vici, Velour-calf and Vici-kid. CL™ Will be a Popular Style for I dll Spring and Summer Wear. We received a large stock of all the new shades and styles in Tan Shoes and Oxfords. Come in and see them. The styles are handsome and are sure to please you and prices are the lowest. A Large Stock cf School Shoes to be Closed Ogt at a BIG REDUCTION REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE- John Nickel, 128 South Main St.. Butler, Pa. NEW SPRING CLOTHING. You never saw such an immense stock of Men's, Boy s and Children's suits, and 7 i/ at prices that fit your purse. FOR THE LITTLE FELLOWS We have the sailor Collar Junior Suits, Sailor Collar Blouse Suits, and Buster Brown Suits. FOR THE OLDER BOYS in 2 piece suits, The Norfolk Coat or the plain, Double Breast ed Coat. FOR THE YOIJXG MAN we are extraordinary strong. Single or Double Breasted Coats, in any kind of cloth you would want. Coats are made with hair cloth front, shoulders are hand padded. Schaul & Nasi, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS 137 South Main St., Butler. iMrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN! <| NEW FOR SPR,NG > 1904 "' f { f Ladies' fine tailor=made^| I & ffiS Suits. Ladies' fine tailor-V If Jk made Jackets, Ladies' fine^ O (T* JjQci jjyy!U T'.Vi tailor-made Fain Coats, ladies' fine tailor-madeV X Separate Dress Skirts,V V f|\ > Ladies' fine tailor-madeV A \n '■ 5 Walking Skirts. jf 9 U 1 ' Waisls and Shirt Waist Suits* | * 1 1 / ! i\ SUITS ftonpto*4o f %» I\\ • SKIRTS s2!>B to $40 1 f A 1 JACKETS |5 up to SISA K 7 r RAINCOATS $lO to s2s* £? SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS, *lO to s2sl# IT SILK COATS, new Eton effects, ss tos2o*\ t | K sew Spring Wash Goodsk A New white gojua, India linens, plf>in : n(l fancy waisting?, new cot-f# ton voiles in plain or fancy weaves, ne*v ginghams, calicoes, chintzes. V luadras, seersuckers and shirtings. _ Y O New Embroideries, Laces, and all overs —Notwithstanding the ad- ATADce in prices of all cotton fabrics, we are felling at the old prices. X OUR RECORD IS OUR GUARANTEE. X fMrs. J, E, Zimmerman I o tat But]er, Pa. The Cyphers Incubator I ... It is the original and I -| -I £ o -:!y genuine patent-dia .s \ " r.j J|| phragm, soR-zaoieture and '■ ii ■umin'i J- Winner of Gold Medal and • .... - Highest Award at the OP Pa ii-American Exposition, I . - I October, 1901 The stan ~ j ' L - du d hatcbcr of the world. || . * : Call and see this ineuba- I I y tor at the store of J. G. & W. CAMPBELL 210 Soutn Main Street, Butler, Pa. |Spring .Millinery! $ FACTS AND FANCIGS F OR SPRING % i% & *f; Flowers will be very popular, especially small flowers, foliage tifroees. y Our assortment is complete. Ornaments and novelties. The new?}? ifjiduas in gold ornaments are very attractive. Our lino of novelties isjfi TtTiarger and more varied than ever before. We display exclusive styles!!; Win patterns and show the latest productions in Trimmed Hats. A beanti ?i? ifjfnl array of Children's Hats. A handsome line of Ready-to-Wear Street£|i and Chift'on;. it! ?t? Malines" Ribbons and a wtaiU; of ethpr things that help to beautify?!? iijtho new season's headgear. COME ANL> Si£U THEM $ Rockenstein's f i?i ?f? j|| R2B South Main Street, Butler, Pa. eiSMAftCK'S BITTERNESS. The Way the Pr»«re Spolie of Ills j Forced RMlfnalloß. Henry Vlllard, writing in the Cen tury of a visit to Bismarck, says: After describing his estate tlie prince began speaking English—"so that that fellow," pointing to the coachman, j "may not understand us" —and sur- j prised me by his fluency, his command j of idiomatic expressions and his very ; slight accent. He began with these words, "Since I have been kicked out of office," which so astonished me that I begged pardon for interrupting liim and said. "Prince, that is an Americanism; where did you pick it up?" He nnswered that he did not re member where, but the expression fit ted his case exactly, for the manner of his dismissal was but the- equivalent of an application of the ti>e of a boot. He then proceeded to tell the story of his forced resignation. Such a rapid flow of keen wit, of cutting sarciism and bitter denuncia tion as followed for half an hour I had never heard before and never heard again. It was a strange mixture of eloquence and loquaciousness. Bis marck's voice seemed not as deep and 6trong as his stature led one to expect, but it had a pleasant sound. A most in tense sense of the wrong and ingrati tude he claimed to have suffered made itself manifest. As an example of his unjust treatment he recounted what ho had done to unify the nation nnd to aggrandize the Ilolienzollern dynasty. There was not only an unhesitating assertion of his own deserts as the founder of the German empire, but an almost sneering and even contemptu ous depreciation of other performers in the historic drama of "his time, in cluding even the old Emperor William, the unfortunate Emperor Frederick and the Empresses Augusta and Fred erick. His language became a perfect diatribe when he referred to the em peror and some of his ministers, whom he held responsible for his removal. His expressions regarding them were not only amazing but embarrassing to roe, as I had close social relations with many of the ministerial objects of his scorn. "Some of those rogues I picked out of the very gutter," he once said. Fortunately he did not stop for any word of assent, but went right on until his pent up wrath was expended. As he remarked when it was all spent: "It was quite a relief to me to have this opportunity to speak without re straint to a gentleman who, I am sure, will honor my confidence." Even were it not for this restriction some of the sayings I heard and noted down at the time were so extraordinary that if they were repeated their reality would probably be doubted, and cer tainly the leze majesty they involved would render it unsafe for me to ven ture again on German soil. A Novel Instrument of Deeth. According to tradition, Kenith, the legendary king of Scotland, was al lured to his death in a most novel manner. Kenith had slain a sou and brother of Fennella, who to be avenged ordered Wiltus, a famous sil versmith, to construct a death dealing statue of silver. In its right hand the statue held a basin and in the left hand an apple of pure gold, both set with diamonds and other precious stones. To touch the apple was to defy death, it being so arranged that any one guilty of such vandalism would be immediate ly riddled by poisoned arrows shot from openings in the body of the statue. Kenith was invited to inspect the wonder, and, as Fennella had hoped, he tried to pluck the precious imitation fruit. When his hand touched the ap ple he was wounded by the arrows and died where he fell. TRICKS OF THE BRAIN. fcxperleneen Which I'liysloloprlcnl Tlieorle* Fail to Ex'slniu. An uncle of mine with whom I was walking in a part of Yorkshire near Skipton, where neither of us had ever been before, stopped suddenly to say, "When we turn that corner you will see on the right an Elizabethan house partly surrounded by trees, with a lake or large pond showing through them, and in the middle of the water a little artificial island." When we turned the corner we saw precisely what he had described, and yet he had never seen or heard or read of the place. The dual brain theory fails here, sineo neither lobe of the brain had received an impression of the place before we turned the corner. Jean Jacques Rousseau in his "Con fessions" says be foresaw in a reverie while taking a solitary walk all the incidents,uf the happiest day of his life as they occurred eight years later: "I saw myself, as in an ecstasy, transported into that happy time and occasion, where my heart, all the happiness possible, enjoyed it with inexpressible raptures, without thinking of anything sensual. I do not remember being ever thrown into tlie future with more force or an illusion so complete as that which I then ex perienced. What struck me most in the recollection of that reverie, now that it has been realized, is to have found objects so exactly as I had pic- I tured them. If ever the dream of a man awake had the air of a prophetic vision that was assuredly such." It Is, I think, noteworthy that in all clairvoyant cases of this kind the body is through overwork or ill health or fasting or congenitally in the subdued state to which the Indian mystic and miracle monger reduces his own by maceration. It was so with Scott and Rousseau, and with William Hone when he had the following experience recorded in his memoir. \\ hen worn out with overwork he was shown into a certain room In a certain part of London where he had never been bo fore. "On looking around everything ap peared perfectly familiar to me. I eeomed to recognize every object. I said to myself: 'What Is this? I was never here before, and yet I have seen all this, and if so there is a very pe culiar knot in the shutter.' I opened the shutter and found the knot. Now, then, I thought, here Is something I cannot explain on my principles; there must be some power beyond matter." And from being a pronounced mate rialist lie became a believer in spirits, and, indeed, eventually a profoundly religious soul. —T. F.'s London Weekly. An Itolalrd C'linroli. In the valley of Westdale Head, in Cumberland, England, a strange little church nestles amid a group of the highest of England's mountains. It is over 400 years old and has two win dows, and the pulpit is lighted by a pane of glass having been inserted in a hole in the roof above it. There are only eight pews, of which seldom more than two are used. The little bell, hanging loose In the open belfry, may on stormy nights be heard mingling its tones with the wind and thunder. Hut for the belfry it would hardly be known to be a church. This little gray edifice Is described as the most isolated church throughout the whole of England. EtKht>-clxlit Urnrrecu Bcliiw Zero. The coldest known spot on the earth's surface Is on the eastern slope, a shelv ing mountain that runs down to near the water's edge on the eastern bank of the Lena river, in northeast Siberia. The spot in question is nine and a quarter miles from Serkerchoof, about latitude 07 north and longitude 134 east. The minimum temperature of ihe plac* is 88 degrees below zero. It Is a place of almost perpetual calm. Ia the mountains near by, where windy weather is tbo rule, it is not nearly so cold, Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1904. ; SAME. CLASS. ADDRESS. ADAMS TWP. Berringer H H, store Myoma Irvine C B, meats Mars R F D 30 | ; Leonard Mrs B. cigars Callery I Murray P H. cigars " Staples W B drugs Shannon J F. store " Thomas J 11. store Windhorst F C, store Downieville ALLEGHENY TWP. Meek James, store....Parkers Landing Parks E C, store Schell J D. store Emlenton R F D fw BRADY TWP. Glutton Miss E G, store Slipperyrock R F D 56 McNees Thos ft. hardware. Robinson W W, store Pump Smith A W, store, Slipperyrock rfd S3 Wick J S, store Pump BUTLER TWP. Emrick W J, store Butler Stoner G & C. store BUFFALO TWP. Clowes Mrs C E. cigars Freepoit Drane P A, phosphate Sarversville Douglass Thos, store Ohl C A. store Sarver A E. store Witte W H. store Wilbewitz G. store " CENTRE TWP. Borland J W, St.,re Butler rfd 1 Fleeger A F, store Holinan Dr A, drugs Mill*-r DC, store McCandleee W B, machines, Euclid rfd 43 CHERRY TWP. Bolincrr A, stove... W Sunbury ifd 50 Elliott H W. store Kiester Graham W J. store. .W Snnbnry rfd 50 Hinkinson W J. drugs.. .Kiester rfd 55 Lindsey R J. milliner " McCoy HC&Son,store, W Snnbnry rfd 50 Magee A J, feed Bovard Porter Belle, cigars Tannehill ME.notions W Sunbury rfd 50 CLEARFIELD TWP. Fennel 1 Peter, store Fennelton Krause Robt&Son.store,Fenelton rfd 13 Si pes W J & Bros, store CLINTON TWP. Anderson R J. store. .Saxonbnrg rfd 21 Bartley T A, phosphate Hay DA, cigars Hay Thos A, phosphate " Harvey Jas, phosphate.. .Carbon Black Kennedy T G, store. .Saxonbnrg rfd 21 Stark & Uilliard, feed, Thompson John, store, CONNOQCENESSING TWP. Kneiss J E, store Butler rfd 0 CLAY TWP. Johnston T W. phosphate Euclid Lawrence L store " _ S her win S, store Sherwin Wick H B, store Claytonia Welsh Jas store.-. CONCORD TWP. Balsiger & Stewart, store Magic Kuhn W H & Bros, store Hooker McCleary J R, store Magic Markwell Frank, store.. .Greece City CRANBERRY TWP. Diglit Bros, store Mxrs rfd 31 Frontz Jonc. store • Garvin J A, store Hendrickson A G store Mtedtr Geo, feed DONEGAL TWP. CaieHS, store Greer Graham Jos U,store Fenelton rfd 12 Brcwr.field Bros, store Rattigan FRANKLIN TWP. Watson Wm&Son.store,Prospect rfd 44 Watson Wm & Son, store, Butler rfd 10 FAIR VIEW TWP. Day W P. store Chicorarfd 77 Richards B 11, cigars Whitener V, hardware.. FORWARD TWP. Bradley W H. store -Carr Greer Jas, store Evans City rfd 34 Starkey D, store " 35 Schilling Alex, store Reibold JACKSON TWP. KirkerSD. feed Harmony Winters P R, store Eidenau JEFFERSON TWP. Hartenstein L. store Great Belt Lang W M, harness Montag E, hardware. .Jefferson Centre O Neil & Co, store.... Great Belt Smith A B & Son,store, Jefferson Centre Schroth L J, cigars LANCASTER TWP. Metz A B. store Harmony rfd 30. MIDDLESEX TWP. Brown EG, store Valenci ifd24 Cooper & Croft, store. Marks R A. store Glade Mill McFann L R, store. .Glade Mills rfd 20 Wilson Jas, phosphate, Valencia rfd 45 MARION TWP. Baldein H, store -• Boyer Bailey Jos, store.., Ilarrisville Gormley J H, store Murrinsville Kerr A P, cigars Boyer Middendorf HJ, store . 'j Mabold Wm, store Sisney L J, store Sproui Bros, feed MERCER TWP. Bovard & Son, lumber... Forestville DeMarch F, store Oweus E L, store Shields Mrs Fannie, store MUDDYCREEK TWP. Fisher CL, store... .Portersville rfd b3 OAKLAND TWP. Ball Geo, store N Oakland Brutier W F, store St Joe Badger S B, storu Bntler rfd 2 PENN TWP. Bowser & Son. hardware .Renfrew Brown A B, notions Hoon L S, meat Kirkpatrick Bros, store. .... Kennedy Wilson, cigars Marshall J T, phosphate. .. " pii.-e Bros, haidware.. Renfrew rfd.2B Pond C W, store Butler rfd 8 Riley L 3, store Brownsdale Roberts D W & Son, coal Renfrew Sutton A D, store Entler rfd 8 Van Ransseleer L D, store Renfrew Watson A R, cigars White Jos J, drugs " WintersF J, phosphate... .Butler rfd 8 Wise WII, store " " 7 PARKER TWP. Allen W S. store Parkers Landing Howard .T Cvstore " " Morgan J A. store Parkers L'nd'g rfd 07 SLIPPERYROCK TWP. Adams E H, phosphate Forestville Adams J, feed Coal & Limestone Supply Co, store Slipperyrock Cheesman C L, feed Kiester Flick & Co, store Slipperyrock Zlindnian F F, store Branchton Hall Amos, store " Perry R C. store W lck Kiester .PB, feed Kiester Kiester Matilda, store SUMMIT TWP. Carter A J, store Carbon Centre Dittmer J J. store Herman Liuiberg F W, store Herman Lehuard V, store Bonnie Brook VENANGO TWP. Ferris' Supply Co, store Ferris Gould Supply Co, store Boyer HigginsJP- feed Hilliard Kohlmeyer G F,store. .Emlenton rfd 05 McGuirk J A, powder.. .Uilliard rfd 52 WORTH TWP. Cuinley G W. store. Portersville rfd 43 Gardner WF. store..Slipperyrock rfd 58 WIN FIELD TWP. Cresson Supply Co, store. .. \\ r V> infield Denny Flavins, store Carbon Black Donaldson CC, store W Winfield Faulkner L H, hardware. .Carbon Black Hutzler Bros, store W Winfield Ivrause A & Son, store Marwood Krause & Freehling. hardware Osborne J M, lumber Carbon Black Post Henry, meat W Winfield Schwartz Jacob, clothing.. Smith & Logan, store... Carbon Black WASHINGTON TWP. Altmire Mrs T, store Hilliard Beatty J J, store " Cook P E, store Parkers Landing Day John E. meat Hilliard Graham J P, store Lewis M. store North nope McKee & Co, hardware Hilliard Mifflin & Mifflin, store. ...North Hope Pisto Fred, store Hilliard Pelle Frank, store Seaton Lorene, cigars North Hope Sherman J A, cigars " Stone A, store Hilliard Turnbull R, cigars " ; Thompson E C, store ; Thompson IN, drugs,... .North Hope • Weakley B B # Co, store. .,,..Hilliard 1 XEME CLASS ADDRESS I BRUIN IIOROCCH. Black R M & Co, store Bruin Fisher J W, store " Luce W F, store " Myers C M, meat " Orr J 11. store ... " Ramsey J 11, cigars " COSXOQUEN ES.SING ITOROUGII. Armstead GS. junk, Connoquenessing Barnhart & Son. store *' Graham H M. feed Nick las & Co, store... " Pnrviance W A, store. CHICORA BOROUGH. Ulackinore & Gaisford. drugs.. .CUicora Brown Geo. cigars Campbell W \V, store " Davis I) J. wall paper " Deitef Wm. store " Dewolf's Pharmacy, drugs " Frederick P J & Co, lumber " Frankle S. clothing •* Fetzer G I" & Son. clothing.... " Forquer BJ. cigars " Glossner J W, meat " Glass Geo. store Graham P E. cigars " Harris A M, milliner '* Hoch Bros, hardware " Hoch A A, cigars '• Horwitz L, store " Horwitz L. junk " Hays E F & Sou, hardware.... " Johnston CH, hardware • " Joliustou C H. shots •' James W E. harness " Lackey W E, Cigars " Litzinger H C, store '• McMicheal Ella, milliner... Mason E. candies " Philips Tony, fruit " Philips Tony, frnit ' Sehott J C, cigars S.harbacli C. jewelt-r " Teste Mrs C, notions " Wagner C A, news room " Waltman Frank, feed " Westerman Bros, gen rndse EAU CLAIRE BORO. Jamison W C, store Eau Claire Jamison W C. store. No 2... " Miller A O. drnirs. . " McDonald Mrs R A, milliner " Reynolds & Coulter, store.. " Stickles W P harness " Wilson A C & Son hardware " EVANS CITY BOKO. Burry & Mark el, hardware .-.Evans City Barkey Enos, feed and coal. Barto David, shoes " Blair Sisters, milliner " Corso F, fruit " City Pharmacy, drugs Coplau H. junk Dunbar B \V. hardware Dunbar C J, store " Domb irt G D. store " Eber B H, clothing Griesbach W C, cigars Hylo Bros & Young.fnrniture Hudson R, store " Helm J J, harness. .. IfTt Geo <fc Sons, store " List J M, drugs Long A J. confectionery..,. " Larderer W C, implements.. " Marburger J, meat " Miller Chas. cigars ' Miller F E. seed Nicklas Brtis, store " Peffer Fred,'music " Ripper J A, stationery " Selioeffel A, clotning " I Sboup L E, hardware " TheEdwDambach Co,lumber " Wabldorf Hotel, cigars Zeiuan D & (Jo, clothing.... " FAIRVIEW BOKO. Adaius Mrs M, cigars Baldwin r Havvn WC. store " i McClnre Mrs SM. milliner... " i Scott C, store Terapletoa S H, cigars " I HARRISVILLE BORO. ) Borland CR. store Harrisville Brown R L. meat - Brown WE, meat " Bortz J 15, store " Ciimmings L R, cigars Elrick R E, drngs Humphrey D W & Co, store r Kelly & Glenn, hardware... " 1 Morrison WL. store > Morrison JH, Jr. harness... 1 Snyder C,store Steen Miss B, millinery.. .. " r Ward James, cigars " • , Williamson IN, store " HARMONY BOROUGH. t Bame HW, store Harmony Boyer E R R.cigars Barnbart J J, drugs \ Boyer Levi, patent med 5 Beam SA, cigars Douglass W C. harness Epp'.nger A. store Foe* l ringer Fred, store - Grieser & Miller, organ? Goetman Bros, meat I Harmony Cereal Co . feed Milleman HC, store " I Miller Jos, jeweler i Oil Well Supply Co. hardware i Ronymues GG, hardware " Sahli E. meat , Sliontz Chas, cigars Sitler, Swain & Moyer, store... , Wise H M, lumber " . Winter E, hardware Ziegler O W & Co , furniture. " Ziegler L N, cigars " Zemaa S, clothing lv A UN'S CITY BOBOL'GII. Balsiger CP & Co., store Karns City Dieter MrsC, store McGill Geo E. hardware..,. Shira & Wallace hardware WershJohn. store MARS BOROUGH. Brown J M. store Mars Boyd W D & Son. store " Crow D W, store Clark J S, lumber " Craig Kennedy Hardware Co,h'd'w " Davison cigars File C A, jeweler " Fernwalt Mrs Ida. millinery " Irvine A C. furniture " Jordan & Co, store " Kerr T E, store " Koonse M E, store " Kneal Geo & J. meat " Kerr & Sons, drugs " Kearns W C, store " Levy B, store " . Link W J, feed " Mars Drug Co, drugs ' Mars Milling Co, feed " McCormick R W, cigars..... " McCormick P A, cigars " Miles J E, fish " Miles Tims H, cigars " Miller J P, cigars " Shannon W L. store " Sheridan J J Co, hardware " Snyder J R. shoes ' Walters H W, harness " Ziegler Al, hardware " Ziegler & Schwab, shoes " Oil Well Supply Co., supplies " PROSPECT BOROUGH. Bowers A, drugs Prospect Critchlow Bros, store Dick F E. meat Glenn J G. furniture " Hunter P L, cigars " McClearv E L. store " liiddle W R & Co., store Scott J C, store PORTERS VI L.LE BOROUGH. Breuneman D J, store Portersville Brenneman J S, cigars " Covert Mrs R B. milliner.. " Dann W H, harness Heberling Jean, milliner... Heberling H, hardware Hay S. drngs Humphrey W & Son, store. McDonald G B. hardware.. " McDonald & Co, furniture. I'KTROLI A BOROUGIL. Brown Miss S E, milliner Petrolia Chesebro E P, store " Denholm F, atore Ervin Ida O, milliner " Evans O E. cigars " Foster VV C. drugs Foster W C, shoes " Fritz F M. cigars Hawk J M & Son, store Jacobs E B & Co. hardware Kurtz G H. cigars Painter W 11. store Stouirliton W R, store " Yeager S, junk SAXONBURG BORO. Gibson Charles, cigars Saxonburg Helmbold&SonMrsTheo.store Horn Cora E, milliner " Hammer G O, gas fittings. Hammer G O, cigars Krause T & Co, store Lang G. buggies Muder H A. furniture Mershon Dr E B. drugs Maurhoff G W, store Muder T E. cigars Stnebtfen Bros, meat Sciirolh Win <>c Sou, harness Schoeptog C F, store NAME CLASS ADDRESS SLIPPERYROCK BORO. Adams R P. cigars Slipperyrock Bingham J T, buggies.... Bnrd & Son, store " Binsham F P & Co, hardw' Bartz Peter, store " Bingham L D. meat Campbell Mrs Ella, milin r " Clntton F. drugs " Chandler EF. notions.... " Friedman Bros, clothing.. Forester FL, lumber " Kerr A: Gibson. store '* Kiester L D. fnrnitnre.... " Morrison S L. feed " Morrison D M, feed McQuistion & Martin.meat " Patterson G V, wail paper Rosenbliiiu 13. clothing Rhodes T M. Ramsey W O, cigars '* Roberts J M. implements Still wagon J N. hirness.. " Stoops <& ConUer. store.... Über & Sons, furniture.. Williams Miss S A,milliner Watson & Williams, store Williams O N, jeweler.... VALENCIA BOUO. Barr J C, store Valencia Purvis S A. store " Stoup & Morrow, hardware... WEST SUNBURY BORO. Arthurs Bros, store WestSunbnry Breadin.Conway&Co, store Brown P P, harness " Donaldson Wm, cigars " Dnn!i J L, store Hindman II C, drugs..... " Meeliling Mrs M. furniture Phoenix Milling Co, feed.. Russell W G, gas fixtures. Steindorf Bros, hardware " Sloan H A, cigars ZELIENOPLE BORO. Bumgardcer Wm, hardware,Zelienople T"'im John, shoes vids V J, store " Dindinger W R & C L, store *' L v nic JT, plumber " D in HE, clothing '• Fnskhora F A, hardware " i 'ehring & Keck, store " 1 Idebrand BM, candy , " H;.itungA, harness Householder G, buggies " HYt John & Co. lumber " King Geo, cigars " Kwfiiiatin Mrs M. shoes... " Knauff Mrs A L. cigars " Mrs E C, milliner " Levis R L. wool " McKim H G. 5 and 10 cents.. " Meeder Edwin, store " McCormick W S, cigars " Reed CE, drugs " Reibold J, machines " Seaton A & Son,"lumber " Sitler A. drugs Stokey H W, cigars " Weise I M, store " Wright W J, sto-e " Zehner Fre<l, implements " Zelienople Hardware Co. hd'e " Zehner Edwin, furniture BUTLER BORO. Anderson BC, cigars,... 107 Centre ave Allen J W, cigars 113 N Mnin st Anderson C, cigars B&O depot J W Bailey 500 W Penust Biehl Henry, store 122 N Main st Brown & Co, furniture.. .136 N Main st Bickel John, shoes 128 S Main st Boos Jacob, store 348 S Main st Bellis G C & Son,store,239 E J: S>r-;>!i st Bovard & Sefang Co, hardware 105 W Jefferson st Bianucci C, cigars.. .348 Rreul D, machines. .235 Boyd CN, drugs Main st Bayonette V, store Daugberty ave Btrckbigler . store... 300 Second st Brackney Mrs C L,store.327 W North st Butler Lubricating Oil Co,oils. 107 W Jeff Biehl C, store cor Third «S: Brady sts Burton A R, store.. .112 W Jeffer-on st Bntler Furniture Exchange. 354 E Jeff Bntler Plumbing Co. .340 E Jefferson st BungarJohn. store Bntler Butler Hide & Fur Co Miller st Blank Sam, store Lyndora Campbell J G & W, hardware 208 & 210 S Main st Campbell A A, fnrnitnre. 337 & 339 South Main st Campbell A M. Cobn A H, junk 210 Elm st Cornelius Lumber Co, lumber, Kittanning st Cavalier Frank, fruit... .213 Centre ave Cavalier Jos, cigars 344 E Jeff st Cavalier Polo, frnit 99 Centre ave Colosime John, store 234 Centre ave Connel & Gront. store ... 120 S Main st Cohn J S. clothing 150 S Main st Colbert H.gent's fnrnish'g 130 S Main st .Cypher GA. & C, hardw'rel2l S Main st "Cleeland DL. jeweler 125 S Main st Coovert Mrs W C, cigars.234£ S Main st DeArme W H, dry goods. .347 S Main st Davidson AW, store... .400 Franklin st Dean Mrs S S. store, cor West & Water Dillon C A & Co. meat.. ..120 W Jeff st DeFoggi L, store 211 Centre ave DePrill, ttore 201 South st Donthett & Graham, clothing Main st Dnffv Chas.dry goods, 125 & 127 Main st Dailey Mrs J S. milliner, 131 S Main'st Doutt JH & (to.dry goods 120 S Main tt Danbenspeck & Turner, shoes, 108 S Main st Dnffee T J, cigars 322 8 Main st Donglass JH. stationery. .241 S Main st Dixon Clarence, drugs 310 S Main st Eskovitz N, store Fairground ave Ehmer J A, store 240 Second 6t Eberle Bros, nlumbers.. .354 Centre ave Eyfb Bros, stationery 251 S Main st Eisler&Mardorf.dry goods 221 S Main st Fox GW. store. .141 North McKean st Fisher W A, store 257 S Main st Friedman C, notions 853 E Jeff st Feigel Bros cigars 326 S Main st Friedman J. store Fairgronnd nve Ginzler, clothing Lyndora GiesC H, cigars Lyndora Gregg Ralph, cigars. .108 East Diamond Grieb E, jeweler 139 N Main st Gormley W P & Co, store Butler Goldstronv J H, meat .. .315 Center ave Graham Bros, store 317 Center ave Graham E T, store 151 N Main st Green <fc Young, clothing 118 S Main st Godwin C A, Jeweler 103 Jeff st Greek American Fruit Co, frnit 22? S Main st Goldbern & Littlestone, store Fairground ave Hawortb GC, cigars.. .311 Centre ave Harper Bros, store 357 Centre ave Hoch & McGuire, store. .805 Centre ave Heinzer MN,store 316 & 31» Ziegler ave Hull 11. store 423 Centre ave Hotel Waverly, cigars 319 & 321 McKean st Iluselton B C, shoes 103 N Main st Hi Idebrand J & Son, meat 135 N Main st Hotel Arlington, cigars S Main Hotel Williard, cigars.. Wayne & Main Hotel Bntler, cigars S Main st Huff F J, plumber. .113 E Cunningham Hotel Lowry, cigars Butler [" Hotel Standard, cigars. .Fairground ave Hotel Central, cigars.. Alain & Diamond Israel & Rice, clothing.. ,333 S Main st Jackson cte Mitchell, hardware 133 S Main 6t Johnston Pharmacy,drugs, 1116 NMain st Jenkins & Royal, store. 162&164 Riic*> st Jefferson Market, frnit 131 E Jeff st Jack J S. stationery Bntler Kr&inbulier & Nitssliin, store. Lyndora Kepple J 11, store 370 Centre ave Knigiit EE& Co drugs,3ol Ceutre ave Klingler <fc Co, feed 139 Jeff st Kummer Mrs A, meat .. .331 S Main st Kamerer G D, store 231 Centre ave Kamerer W A. store 100 Mercer st Knmuier Bros, meat ... 122 E Wayne st Kirkpatrick W Til, store, 306 N Main st Koch & Sou. store 124 N Main st Koch Frank & Son, hardware 129 S Main st King G J. meat 107 S Main st Keterer ,Geo, furniture. ..223 S Main st Keterer Bros, shoes 224 S Main st ■ Kemper John, harness... .343 S Main st Kirkpatrick 11 L, jeweler.246 S M«in et LangThos. store Bluff and Wtst st Levinton A: Son, clothing, 122 S Main st Lester W J. store 612 Brown st Legions liobt. cigars Fairground ave . Levy J. clothing 228 S Main st ] Leighner C. Jeweler 209 " Lyndora Supply Co, store Lyndora , Lyndora Drug Co, drugs Myers A E. store 109 E Jefferson st Miller W W, store 234 S Main st ] Moore & Porter, store 230 N Main st Morris JD. cigars 319 Centre ave t Mardorf GW, amusement.2lo S Main st j Miller C E. shoes 215 S Main st t Metsger W F. shoes 127 " McVay & Pollock, cigars,3ll " t McCrea & Co, feed Chnreh alley t McCabe J E. cigars 40? S McKean st McCrorey J G <fc Co. 5& 10c,407 McCnllough J B, notions, 108 S Main st j McClain M, furniture 104 Centre ave McCnllough A, meat 103 Lincoln aye McKee J L, estate, drugs Butler McGorlick J E. store 604 Centre ave McCutcheon J E & Co. junk. Bnt'.er Martincourt S B & Co. bmrgies 8 12« E Jefferson st E Miller G W, store 116 Morrison T A, confectioner,2l2 S Main st \liller Grocer Co, store, k»SO E Jeff' st NAME CLASS ADDRESS I i Newton W R. organs. 317 8 Main st N'iggel Jos & Son,hardware. 130 E Jeff s» | ( Oram S, clothing Fairground ave 11 • Oram S, clothing... Centre a*e I , Oil Well Supply Co, bard'e.l2o C Jeff st a Pape E A, cigars. 119 E Jefferson st I Purvis Pharmacy, drugs...2lß S Main at J Pagenelle D. fruit .223 Center are I Patterson Bros, wall ppr, 236 N Main at I Perry FP. Store Mulberry at I Purvis S G Co, lumber Franklin at I Pittsburg Organ Co, organs. Butler O'Brien W H & Son. plumber. 132E Jeff at Phelps Bros, notions 323 8 Main et Poradu John, store. New Castle st S Reed's Pharmacy, dnigs...lol S Main st i liu«h C N. cigars 323 " i Rockenstcin P & M, mil's,32B •* ' Rtiber Alf & Bro.dry gds,2os " |a| 1 Reiber A & H, store 143 " ! Ritter & Rockenstein, clothing. 141 8 Main st i Ruff A & Son. shoes 114 ■' ! Richey J A. confectioner, 143-144 " i Kedicl: & Grohinim.drugs. 109 N Main st :3 Rockenstein Mrs M C, haidware. 121 N Main 61 B C, harness 119 " Rockenstein Jos. harness, 140 " Kisinger F, gas fixtures, 113 W Cunningham st Ralston & Smith, jeweler...lloW Jeff at Raisley & Whitesides, store, 215 New Castle at • Sebaffner Geo, cement..33o Lockout ave Shloss Bros, clothing Butler Thnulovitz A, clothing...Fairground ave Smith E S, store *.356 E Jefferson st Shira C C, store 340 Locust st Stein John. confectioner,ll7E Wavne at Snaman bros, furniture N Main st Swart z W F Store 402 Carbon st Smith H P. cigurs Butler Schaul & Nast. clothing... 13? 8 Main st 1 Socrates Pooloe, fruits 133 Steel A, clothirg 104 " Smith Mrs M A, store 31? Stein & Son. dry goods 108 N Miin st Seipel M, cigars !06 Centre ave i Snell W J, lumber 451 W Pearl Starr & Reed, store W Jefferson 6t Sullivan T C.harness,l33 " • , • Schlicbt&Niggle.fish, 115 ' Stock C, hardware SB2 S Main st The Evans Mfg Co, supplies, McKean it The Butler Bniiders'Sapply Co, Ininter. 155 N Main street The I Cure U Co.drugs. 709 Fsirv'w ave Trcutman A & Son. dry goods. 200 & 202 S Main st The Siiiirvr Mfg Co, machines Pittsburg TafelMS. shire Fairgronnd ave \~ogel J W & Son.'wnll pp»\ 130 Main st Vanlet Jean, store 21 Hickory st Vogeley J M, meat I.ocust st Wendell M, store Lyndora Weihe & Gibson, hardware. Centre nve J Wright J B store 100 Locust «-t Walter Geo & Sons, feed, Washington & Mill £ts West End Drug Store,drugs,ll6 Race st Wick WS, lumber Monroe st W'kitemau E E, store Lincoln ave Wilson W B, tinware.. .102 Centre ave Wick L C, lumber Butler Wuller D H Est, drugs. .113 8 Main st Weiss Kelly, cigars 200 Centre avo Wick Jno S. gents fornishihg, 3 242 S Msin st [ Wbitehill Geo W, hardware, 318 S Main st t Young Mrs Lizzie M, milliner, t 232 8 Main et E Young HE, store Butler t Zimmerman Mrs JE, dry goods, l 100 N Main st f Zom ho S, store Lyndora , Zeefo M, store Butler < Wholesale- Atinntic Ri-tining Co, oils, Bth st & Daquesne Way, Pgli -■ Butler Grocery Co, grocers, 153 N Main st 1 Klingler II J, feed 139 E Jeff *t t McCrea WS & Co, feed.. .Church alley Rntnberger W F, w001..423 W Penn st 8 Sarver A H buggies 309 N Main st r The Llovd Co, confections, 143 W Jeff f The Rott McCoy Co, Butler 1 Walters Geo & Sons, feed, Washington & Mill sts 1 Lewis Snydor, junk Mars rteal Estate t Abrams & Dale, real estate Butler Christley LE & Co., real estate... •' (; Hazlett & McCnllough,real estate " t Sutton D H, real estate S Main st I Theo Vogeley, real estate.,23B S Main st Wm Walker, real estate, t Room 307, National Bank Building P . Miller Wm H, real estate, t Room 508, National Bank Bnilding .'J Billiards and Pools ADAMS TOWNSHIP. [ Murray PH, 3 billiards Callery t BUTLER BOROUGH. t Chairales Steve, 3 billiards Ivjndora t Millmger & Pfeieter, 5 billiards, t 323 S Main st t Pape E A, 6 billiards, 119 E Jefferson st t Parker Mrs MJ, 3 billiards Butler r Root AW, 10 billiards, S Main st, " K MARS BOROUGH. Miles Thoa, 3 billiards Mar* SLIPPERY ROCK BOROUGH, t Ramsey WT, 2 billiards, Slippery Rock t Eating Houses ADAMS TOWNSHIP. tj Leonard Mrs B, restaurant Callery Murray P H, restaurant BUFFALO TOWNSHIP, a Clowes Mrs CE, restaurant Freeport t BUTLER BOROUGH. : Anderson C, restaurant B&O Depot c Coovert Mrs WC, rest 334J S Main st " Campbell AM, restaurant, 110 W Jeff st : Duffeo Theo, restaurant, 322 8 Main tt i Graut WH, restaurant Centre ftve Kirk H D, restaurant 215 8 Main st ■ Smith H J, restaurant, rear Hotel Bntler ' Seipel M R. restaurant.... 106 Centre ave Webster R H, rest Fair Ground ave CHICORA BOROUGH. Brown Geo. restaurant Chicora Sebott Jos C, restaurant Chicora EVANS CITY BOROUGH. 1 Long AJ, restaurant Evans City HARMONY BOROUGH. Boyer ERR, restaurant Harmony Shoutz Chas, restaurant " HARRISVILLE BOROUGH. Ward James, restaurant Harrisville MARS BOROUGH. Miles J E, restaurant Mars PETROIA BOROUGH Evans O E, restaurant g etro1 '* SLIPPERY HOCK BOROUGH. Adams R P. restaurant...Slippery Rock ZELIENOPLE BOROUGH. King Geo, restaurant Zelienople McCormick W S, restaurant- Auctioneers Js-iiah McCall, anct....Sf»conbnr« rfd 21 BUFFALO TWP. Easloy GF, anct Barversville rfd 18 CHERRY TWP. Gilghrist J G, auct, West Suubury rfd 50 PENN TWP. Powell J C. auct Renfrew rfd 2S BUTLER BOROUGH. Dodds James, auct Butler Mothers J B, auct " Kea r ns Jas, auct " BRUIN BOROUGH Kelly V F T, auct Bruin CHICORA BOROUGH. Malocey Dan, auct Chicora KARNS CITY BOROUGH. McDevitt D, auct Karns City PETROLIA BORGUGH. Morgan G A. auct Petrolia PROSPECT BOROUGH. SII3OOI R, auct Prospect McGowan J A, auct SLIPPERY ROCK BOROUGH, K ir J C. auct Slippery Rock SAXONBURG ! OROUGII. | Anderson Frank, auct Saxonburg Lensner F B, auct ; .... ZELIENOPLE BOROUGH. Riebold Jacob, auct Zelienople Theater Lyndora Theater Co Lyndora The Court of Appeals will be held at the oftire of Countv Treasurer in But- 4 ler. on Friday, April 29th, 1904, between the hours pf 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., at which time and place all who are inter ested in the above report may attend if they think proper. GEORGE P. HARVEY, Mercantile Appraiser. March 25th, 1904. W*M. WALKER. CHAS. A. MCELVAIN. WALKER & IV'cELVAIN, gO7 Butler County National Bank Bldg. F.VL KBTATE. INBL RANC OPET[TIE3 LOANS. BOTH P?OKp.
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