! The Batter County National Bank, f f- BUTLER, PA i Y\ OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITEES 1 THAN ANY | I H % OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. I Capital Paid in $200,000.00 fj : J, I Shareholders' Liability. 200,000 00 m $ 1 Surplus and Profits 200,000.00 $600,000.00__ || I Assets over $2,500,000.00 __ || I Combined wealth of Stockholders over $10,000,000.00. | * INTEREST paid on lime deposits, subject to at a>,} time • * without notice. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent—THE VERY BEST. * We most cordially solicit your business either in person or by mail. | PI LESLIK P. HAZLETT, President. Jsc Cuhto | Z Tntxv v RTTTC; Vice President. ALBERT t Ksco, ASSI. x \T. P. MIFFLIN/ Vice President W. S. BL.AKSL.EE, Asst. a? iier. P »W*-T ******* * ■* * * * *• *-** **** **** **** **** * * * '* Let Your Money Work for You. | It will earn 3 per cent, interest, £ compounded, if deposited with the i Butler Savings & Trust Co. j I > No account is too small, SI.OO will start it. | Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits | $435,000.00. Wm. CAMPBELL, Je., Pres. » Locis B. Stf.in, Treas. t C. E. CBONENWETT, Asst. Treas. THE / Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL - 2100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS ~ $32,000.00 (CAKSEU) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HCTZLER. ASS t Cashier. ** §AJAAA & <•«—• tk i' A AAAAAAAAAAAAAA Jfc J" .*l /i *• »- ♦' • SEIMIIU SHHts i: - • Pays 4 PerCent j On Savings Accounts. ■ Cocnpotmdcd Semi-Anna ally. ) Just as Sale and Easy to Bank by Mail as { Coming in Person. Ask Mow. J AeeCTS OVER •7,000,000. WOOD ANDIMAMOND STREETS, ; PITTSBURQH, PA. I . •--» »«.WWWWWWWWWWWWW-WWT»W vv-wt vr». WVAAAA/WSAA/^V^SA/^-f sEberle Bros.,S S PLUMBERS | 5 OPEN-WORK. * } 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa ? £ People's Phone. The Davis Sewing flachine tor Sale by W. B. McCaqdless, 45, Euclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs. * Artistic Decorating! j J If you only knew how artistically lovely you can i.-ipf-r the Bitr.ptot J T home for a little bit of money, yon wonld not Hv<; another diy in those T W old roomc. If yon are to fix np the home this season —either |n;,> r 9 9 log or painting-let ns lay out the whole scheme for you. Yv'e offer <> .r 4j> A advice and in helping yon to lect wall pnper mid p-iuts rh.-'.t £ will make any room jn*t what it ought t» 1 >.« Come in >sn«l «eo all the BOW DENIJRN-AND i'.'il-.ilu-n for reiuly for a i jour inspection Mouldings to match all p.ipcrH. J \Patterson Bros. < * i tin N'ortli Muln Strcut. Itolb Piioneft. VTick llul'-.Hng f REMOVAL Wo have removed oar Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay etrect* to No. 300 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cin cinnati, Ohio, for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler Spring Tonic Keep a bottle of Lewin'a whiskey handy to drive away the chills and dampness of Spring. „ ALWAYS IN STOCK PiSCH. I.AhUK DVtailllM. tiCCKEKHKM El. Jd.UfJM 11! m. I Hi,-,, UIBHVV, JfIM.i.U.KU. Ill; IIN,:: <»!!'r! and offer them to you fl year old at il w»r full quart, o iO no. OHAWi>FAT3EJt'S CHOICE. whisk - y guaranteed :i years old, 00 per gal lon. We uayexpress charges on all tnail order* of |floo or over. Uoodn khluo'd promptly. * v ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IB WISES AM) LIQCCKS, tl'j 14 SmUMlrld St, formerly 411 Wate £t. PITTSBURG, PA. Those#: Bell 2I1» r. U A. I4SS. M C. WAGNER ABTTST PEOTOGRAPHFB 189 South Main at. BICKEL'S Spring Footwear. A GRAND DISPLAY OF FINE FOOTWEAR IN ALL THE NEW STVLES FOR SPRING LADIES' FINE SHOES —Just received a large shipment of Sorosis and Kum-Bak shoes and the styles are very handsome, i made in lace or button, light or heavy soles—with low, medium jor extra high heels —made of the finest DongOia Patent Vici | kid Many styles to show you. All styles, AAA to EE. Misses' and Children's Shoes—The most complete stock of fine shoes we ever had. All the latest styles in plain or patent leathers. Men's Fine Shoes—A full line of Men's Patent-Kid Shoes— the newest styles— s2.oo, $2.50. $3.00, $3.50, $5.00, $6.00. Men's fine Calf and Vici Shoes in Black or Tan, $1.50 to $5. Also complete stock of Men's fine Oxfords. Boys' and Youths' Fine Shoes—Our stock of Boys and Youths' Shoes made on the latest style lasts, are very attrac tive. We have a full stock of Boys' and Little Gents fine Shoes and Oxfords in Patent-vici, Velour-calf and Vici-kid. Cknac Will be a p °P u,ar St > le for 1 all Spring and Summer Wear. We received a large stock of all the new shades and styles in Tan Shoes and Oxfords. Come in and see them. The styles are handsome and are sure to please you and prices die the lowest. A Larce Stock of School Shoes to bs Clcseri Out at a BIG REDUCTION REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE- John sickel, 128 South Main St.. Butler, Pa. NEW SPRING CLOTHING. You never saw such an immense stock of Men's, Boy's and Children's suits, and at ,prices that tit your purse. FOR THE LITTLE FELLOWS We have the sailor Collar Junior Suits, Sailor Collar Blouse Suits, and Buster Brown Suits. FOR THE OLDER BOYS in 2 piece suits, The Norfolk Cost or the plain, Double Breast ed Coat. FoH THE YOUXfi M.\X we are strong Single or Dsubie Brem-' ed Co;.ts. In any kind c' clcth you vpuK wsnt. Coats are made .-ith hair cloth front, shoulders are hand paudefj schaul 6l iNast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS 137 South Mam St., But't-r, iMrs. J. £. ZIMMERMAN? v NEW FOR SPRING, 1904, O V' Ladies' fine tailor*madey JSI p made Jackets, Ladies' fincv T fffll IfclA I tailor made Kain Coats, v' X. I\ i * adie3' fine tailor-madey rf\ 1" Separate D ess Skii ts,v f]\ i -—• x Ladies' fine tailor-madeV 111- Walking c kirts. V 111 ' Waists and Shirt Waist Suits^ 1 / ] A Bt:iTH $lO op to S4O jf t f { A SKIRTS a rn to *4OO ■,)' .TA< KKTH *.) up to $1 ~if\ Jr )}'■ *2 H A IN' ('OATS *:<) to t J- J! K SUIP.T Wvil T SI'ITS, SlOto s*2.*iCr "IJ/K ' f'ATH, > w I'ton e.'Ttof;- i,"i tos2o f % X Now Spring Wash I # New wlilt'* ko»'->h, li; c-ris*. [1 ii s-nd f-iiicy -v; Ktingrf, new t-i.(■ \Jj Aton voiles in plain or f-inry f.f.vc, n a- ; ' '-.licoeM, < liint-r ,yt V madras, and . iiuthii'-i. V; if New Embroideries, L«( e-. ;ind ail Not'AillMian iiug ttK.- ; d . i I vance in prices of all cotton fabric", we are «til;.' <Jd prices*. . ; Y OUR BECOIiD IS ODIt GUARANTEE X |Mrs. J. I Zimmerman! I KISS,, BuitJer, Pi.. >OOOOOX The Cyphers Incubator I |h, J.G.& W.CAMPBELL 210 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. ISpring Millinery! FACTS AND FANCI6S FOR SPRING I* *4* if« I FIOWOTH will i;e very popular, «>-p>:cially wmall flowera, foliage arnlTxr ?J?roHfH. Onr an.Hortment U complete. Ornament* and noveltieM. Tlie newtl? § ideas in gold ornamentH are very attractive Onr line of noveltica i ifi larger and more varied than ever befoie. Wi- display excluaive fly 1«-hTZX in patterns and show the latent production)* in Trimmed IJatM. A bcauti ful array of Children's Hats. A handsome line of Ready to-Wear Street ill Hats and Chiffon*. V •if Malines' Ribtions and a wealth of oth«r thin«s that help to beautify?*? •Ji'he new seauon's heailgear. COME AND SEE THEM. II Rockensteln's 1 j|j S2H South Main Street, Lsutler, Pa. X STORY OF THE CTE.i WHY THE CHINAMAN WEARS HIS HAIR IN A LONG BRAID. Thereby Hanga on Ancient Tale of Ardent Love anil Rnthle»» War. The W ay Manchorln Hoae Through China's Sacrifice to a LoTer'i Kane. The cue that every Chinaman wears . is th« badge of his servitude to the Mantchoos, for they, in the conquest ■ of racking and the replacement of the dynasty of the Mings with their own princely house, imposed their own na tional headdress on the people of all China. Bound tip with this conquest Is one of the finest and fiercest love stories ever told. The story is related in ex- Consul General Rounsevillc Wildman's book, "China's Open Door." It all happened in the years 1£43 and 1044. The Ming emperor, Chwang Lich Ti, had two rebellions on his hands then—not a very unusual condi tion in China. One of the rebel chiefs, Li, had proclaimed himself emperor and was marching victoriously on Pe king. At his approach the emperor went out and hanged himself on a tree in his garden. Everything seemed propitious for Li's triumph and his as sumption of the imperial throne. Rut in the north there was a power which was greater than that of Li. It was that of Wu Sankwei, a might} Chinese general, who commanded the fortress of Ningyuen and who had long held at bay the Mantchoo tribes in that quarter. Wu Sankwel, with an army of veterans, was on his way to the capital to light for the lawful au thority when he received a letter from his father, Wu, urging him to submit to Li. It is every Ckinaman's duty to obey his father at whatever cost, and Wu Sankwei would certainly have obeyed in this case and kept a Chinese dynasty on the throne if a stronger love than the filial had not dominated his heart. Sankwel was on the point of tendering his allegiance tu Li when he heard that a beautiful slave girl, belonging to him, to whom he was wholly devoted, had been seized and presented to one of Li's officers. Then his fury against the victorious rebel chieftain rose and ■ knew no bound*. In his love for this girl, says the his torian, Wu Sankwel forgot filial obedi ence, his own future, the safety of bis family and every consideration of pa triotism. He was possessed only by a mighty passion of grief and auger. He i wrote one letter to his father, upbraid ing him for not protecting the girl, and another to Dorguu, the prince regent Of the Mantebcos, inviting him to join hlin (Sankwell in the subjugation of the empire. The Mantchoos did not hesitate a mo ment. They pushed their army for ward by forced marches to a junction with Sankwci. Li, astonished at the / iuru ut ;< ft', ir-> and determined to crush the man >vlk> iared dispute his title, ndvaneu rapidly \vltli 500,0uQ jjJcked . Infantry and £>,ooo cavalry. lii the front line be marched Wu, the aged father of Sankwci, who, by all thr de crees of Confucius, Sankwci was bound to obey, even to the sacrifice of his own life aud lionot. The*father not only ordered him, but pleaded with him, to submit, but the vision of the outraged girl steeled the heart of his son, and he stood helpless while the father was being murdered before his eyes. The battle that followed was one of - the most fitfcejy contested as well as one of the most noted In history. »Sank wcl was outmarched and outnumbered, t/Ut Hut outgeneraled. lie fought with like the ffry spirit of the ills truo, —h /luring (faff )>lt fearful storm that tie, but in spite of bis terrific chart,,.., he would have been compelled to con fess defeat had not the Mantchoo ad vance guard of 20,000 veteran cavalry thrown themselres into the breach with a rush that was irresistible. The fight, which commenced as a duel, ended In a slaughter. For four teen miles Sankwel pursued the usurp er's disorganized forces and butchered thein by the hundreds. LI stayed 111 Peking long enough to strip the palace of its treasures and mercilessly to ex ecute all the family of Wu and set lire to the government buildings, j Sankwel, however, was close on his heels. He left the empire to the Mant choos, the sacking of the city to the troops, and the bodies of his family unburlcd, but he swept on, tireless, re morseless, beat solely on revenge. Ills mistress was dead, liis father murder ed, his family obliterated, but LI still lived. Battle succeeded battle. LI, deserted by his followers, hunted like a mad dog, with all doors shut to him, and even the necessities of life becoming Impossible, was killed by the rustics whom he was plundering for food, and Sankwel arrived only to claim the corpse of the rebel and murderer who for a few hours had dared to sit on the sacred dragon throne. Leaving Sankwel to avenge the death of his mistress, Dorgun entered Peking in January, l'M-1. He proclaim ed his youthful charge, his six-year-old nephew, emperor, and formally trans ferred the Mantchoo capital from Muk den t'J Feklng. The young prince, who adopted the title of Hhuncblh, arrived In October, and with his advent the Mantchoo, or Tslng, dynasty, which still bc.irs sway In China, came into being. Thus the cue that every Chinaman wears today may Justly be claimed as a badge of mourning for the beautiful slave girl i-f General Wu Sankwel, who In hla grief and anger sealed the fate of the Chinese nationality. Hut Tor her the Mantchoo would have re mained to this day a league of scatter ed tribe* on China's frontier.—New York Mall. THE CO?-SACKS. I Favorite Cn in ;> Stary Tlirouxh Which <• <*MITII IH Are (rlt lel».-<l. Unlike other Russian soldiers, the Cossacks are very Intelligent In mili tary matters and do not hesitate to criticise their generals freely among themselves. They have hitter tongues and a genius for satire. There Is a fa vorite story whicb has been told In Cossack camps for generations. It Is hanilit 1 down from father to son, the names being changed to tit the mili tary commanders of the. day. Freely 1 luted, It runs something like this: . <• war god of Russia was asleep In leaven one day when he was awak ened by the coiifused clamor of two hosts In battle on the earth beneath. He shouted to the Angel Cahrlel: "Look out and see what my Cos sacks are doing." "They are fighting the Turks, and Prince Potcmkln Is leading them." "Oh, that's all rlKiit," said the war god. "lie's a good man." So the deity went asleep again, only to be awakened by another turmoil. "What's that?" he asked sleepily. "They are fighting the Turks again under Kuwarow." "He's a line fellow. They'll do all right." And so the story goea on Intermina bly around the campflre, each man adding the name of his favorite com mander until at last one of them ( makes the Angel Gabriel mention the name of some general who happens to he regarded by the Cossacks as a duf fer. Then the next man inuke:t the war god reply In accents of great alurin: 1 "Oh, my beloved Cossacks! They ; must he perishing under that man! It ; is time I Interfered. Hasten, Gabriel, , and bring me my long boots, for I - must go down at once and save them." ' j Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1904. i NAME. CLASS. ADDRESS. ' ADAMS TWP. j 1 Berringer H 11, store Myoma ' Irvine CB, meats .... .Mars RF D 3t> i Leonard Mrs B. cigars Callerv \ i Murray PH. cigars " | i Staples W B drugs " ; Shannon .T F. store " j 1 Thomas J 11. store | Windhorst F C, (store Downieville j ALLEGHENY TWP. Meek James, btoru Parkers Landing i Paris E C. store Schell JD. store.... Cmlenton RFD 65 , BRADY TWP. Clntton Miss E G, store Slipperyroek R F D 56 McNees Thos G. hardware, Robinson W W, store Pump Smith A W, store, Slipperyroek rfd 82 Wick J S, store Pump BUTLER TWP. Emrick W J, store Butler Stcucr G & C, store " BUFFALO TWP. Clowes Mrs (J E, cigais Freepoit Drane P A. phosphate Sarversville Douglass Thos. store Olil C A. store Sarve-r A E, store. , Witte W H. store Wilkewitz G, store CENTRE TWP. Borland J W, store Butler rfd 1 F'eeger A F. store Hoi man Dr A, drugs ; Mill- rD C, store McCandless W B. machines,Eoclid rfd 45 CHERRY" TWP Bolinger A, store.. .W Sunbury rfd 50 Elliott II W, store Kiester ' Graham W J, store.. W Sunbury rfd 50 ' Hlnkinson WJ, drugs.. .Kiester rfd 55 ' Lindsey RJ. milliner 1 McCoy HC&Son.store, W Snnbnry rfd 50 t Ma gee AJ . feed Bovard Porter Belle, cigars • Tannehi!l ME,notions, W Sunbury rfd 50 1 CLEARFIELD TWP. 1 Fennell Peter, store Fennelton r Krause Robt&Son,store,Fenelton rfd 13 i Sipes W J & Bros, store CLINTON TWP. 5 Anderson RJ. store. .Saxoubnrg rfd 21 t Bartley TA. phosphate , Hay DA, cigsr3 1 Hay Thos A, plicspbate " » Harvey Jas, phosphate.. .Carlwn Black Kennedy T G, store. .Saxonburg rfd 21 St .rk & Billiard, feed, ' T.iompson John, store, OONNOQUENESSING TWP. Knciss J E, store Butler rfd 9 " CLAY TWP. . Johnston TW. phosphate Eaclid Lawrence L store Sherwin S, store Sherwin 3 Wick HB, store Claytonia " Welsh Jas, store " CONCORD TWP. * 1 Balsiger & Stewait, store Magic 1 Kuhn WH & Bros, store Booker f McClcary J R, store Magic Mark well Frank, etore. : .Greece City CEAKHLKR? Twp. " Bight Bros, store Mars rtd 81 1 Fron'z J-.nn. store 3 G.irvin J A, ft'>re J Hendricksun A G store.... ■, Mc-t ri' r Geo. feed 1 DONEGAL TWP. e •;»•,. ft_ n t\ ,:c Greet 1 irahani joa ore,.I'-eneij,'>n ifd 1 - - Urownfkld Bros, store tUttiir n L FRANKLIN TWP. 1 Wat->on Wm&Son,store,Prospect rfd 44 Watson Wm & Son, stoie, Butler rfd 10 t FAIRVIEW TWP. 2 Day WP, gtor* (..'bicora rfd 77 s Richards BH, cigars..,. • VVhitener V, hardware.. 1 FORWARD TWP. Bradley W H, store Carr ' Greer Jas, store Evans City ri\l 84 a Stai key D, store " - Schilling Alex, store Reibold 1 Kirker SD, feed............. Harmony s Winters PR, store Eidenati yEI"PERSON TWp. *an»u»li4 L, ; .. ; ' ''** * • • • | i i : 2 ' Lang W M, harm._ ~ a Cn;f{4' e • Mootag E. hardware. .Jeiu. 0 Neil & Co, i-tore.... Great ue». i Smith Alt & Son,store,Jefferson Certre Schroth L J, cigars LANCASTER TWP. Metz A B, store Harmony rfd 3D MIDDLESEX TOP. Frown EG, store Valenci rfd 24 Cooper & Croft, store... Marks R A, store Glade Mill McFann L R, store. .Glade Mills rfd 26 Wilson Jas, phosphate, Valencia rfd 45 MARION TWP. Baldein H, store Boyer Bailey Jos, store Ilarrisville Gormley J H, store. . Murrinsville Kerr A P, cigars Boyer M'ddendorf H J, store Mabold Wm, store Sisnuy L J, store S pro ill Bros, feed " MERCEIi TWP. 80-'iird & Son, lumber... Forestvilie DcMarch F, store Owens 12 L, store Shields Mrs Fannie, store.... MUDIIYCBEEK TWP. Fisher CL. store... .l'oitersville rfd K1 OAKLAND TWP. Ball G*o. store N Oakland Braeer W F, store St Joe li ul er h 11, store Butler rfd 2 PEN.N TWP. Bowser & Son. hardware Renfrew Biown A B. notions 1 loon L S, meat Kukpatrick Bros, store Kennedy Wilson, cigars Marshall J T, phosphate. .. Price Bros, hardware.. .Renfrew rfd 28 Poud C W, store Butler rfd 8 Riley L S, store Brownsdale Roberts I) W & Sou, coa 1 Renfrew Sutton A D, store Butler rfd H Van Ramseleer L I), store Renfrew Watson A R, cigars White Jos J, drugs " Winters F J, phosphate....Bntlov rfd H Wise W H, store " " 7 PARKER TWP. Allen W S, store Parkers Landing Howard J C, store " Morgan J A. store Parkers L'nd'g rfd 67 SLIPPERYROCIC TWP. Adams E 11, phosphate Forestville Adams J, feed Coal it Supply Co, store Slipperyroek Chetsmall C L, feed Kiester Mick Ac Co, store. Slip{>eryriK:k llitidinan F F, store Brauchton Hall Amos, store Perry R C, store Wick Kiester J B, feed Kiester Kiester Matilda, store SUMMIT TWP. Carter A J, store Carbon Centre Dittmer I J, store Herman Limberg F W, store.. Herman Lehnard V, store B.w.uie Brook VENANGO TWP. I Ferris' Supply Co, store Ferris Gould Supply Co, store Boyer Higgins J P. feed Hilliard Kohlmeyer G F,store. Emlenton rfd 65 McGuirk J A, powder.. .Hilliard rfd 52 WORTH TWP. Cumley (i W. store. ,'Portersville rfd 42 Gardner W F, store..Slipperyroek rfd 5m W INFIELD TWP. ('resson Supply Co, store... W Win field < Denny Flavius, store Carlxm Bluck | Donaldson C C, store W Wlnfield Faulkner L H. hardware. .Carbon Black lln tzler Bros, store W Winfield | Krause A A*. Son. store Mar\voo<l ] Krause & Freehling. hardware Osborne JM, lumlier... .Carlxm Black | Post Henry, meat W Winfield Schwartz Jacob, clothing.. Smith & Logan, store... Curlton Black | WASHINGTON TWP. Altmire Mrs T, store Hilliard Beatty J J, store " Cook 1' E. store Parkers Landing Day John E. meat Hilliard ( Graham J P.-store " 1 Lewis M. store North Hopn I McKee & Co, hardwire Hilliard I Mifflin & Mifflin, ntor*. —North Hope I Plato Fred, store Hilliard I Pelle Frank, store I.' " 1 Heaton Loreno, cigars North Hope I Sherman J A, cigars Stone A. store Hilliard ! Ttirnbull R. cigars " 'lhiimpson E C, storo " > Thompson 1 N, drng i North Hope i - Weakley R B 6c Co, a (ore Hilliard t 1 NT. ME CLASS ADDRESS BRUIN BOROUGH. Black R M dir Co, store Bruin | Fiaher J W, store *• i Lnce W F. store " , Myers C M. meat " j t>rr J H, store " • ( Ramsey J H, cigars " I CONNOQUENESSING BOROUGH, j Armstead GS. junk, Connotiuenessing i Barnhart & Son, store I Graham H M. feed 1 Nick las & Co, store... iPurviance WA, store. " CHICORA BOROUGH, j Blackmore ot Gaisford. drugs.. .Chicora I Brown Geo. cigars Campbell W W, store j Davis D J. wall paper " , Deitcr Wm. store " Dewolf'i Pharmacy, drugs " Frederick P J & Co. lamber " Frankle S. clothing " Fetzer GF & Son. clothing " Forqner B J, cigars Glossner J W, meat " Glass Geo, store " Graham P E, cigars " Harris A M, milliner " Hoch Bros, hardware " Hoch A A, cigars " Horwitz L, store Horwitz L. junk " Hays E F & Son, hardware.... " Johnston GH. hardware....... '* Johnston C H. shoes •' James W E: harness " Lackey W E, Cigars " Lit>:iuger H C, store McMicheai Elht. milliner *' Mason E, candies " Philips Tony, fruit " Philips 'fonv, fruit " Schott J%, cigars Scharbach C. jeweler " Teske Mrs C, notions " Wagner C A, news room " Waltman Frank, iVed " Westerman Bros, gen mdse EAU CLAIRE BORO. Jamison W C. store Eau Claire Jamison W C. store. No 2... " • Miller A O, druirs " McDonald Mrs R A. milliner " Reynolds & Coulter, store.. " Stickles W P harness " Wilson A C & Son. hardware " EVANS CITY BOKO, Burry & Marl el, hardware, .Evans City Barkey Enos, feed and eoal. " Bar to David, shoes " Blair Sisters, milliner Corso F, fruit " City Pharmacv, drugs " CopUin H, junk Dunbar B W. hardware " Dunbar C J, store " Domlmrt (x D. store " Eber B H, clothing " Griesbach W C, cigars Hyle Bros& Young,furniture " Hudson R, store " Helm J J, harness. .. Ifft Geo & Sons, store. " List J M, drugs " Long A J, confectionery " Larderer W C, implements.. " Mat burg'er .T, meat 1. " Miller Chas, cigars ; Miller F E. seed , Nicklas Bros, store " PefFer Fred, music Ripper J A, stationery " SchoefTel A, clotnjng " Shonp L E, hardware ...... " TlieEdwDambach Co.lumbtr Waiddoif Hot-l, cigars Zc n:an D & Co, clothing.... FAIKVIEW BOUO Ad! in-i Mrs cigars Baldwin llsv.a W C. stoic VtcClore Mr" S M. milliner... S'.iott C; store: ; Temp'ieton SH, cigars ;; '' nARRISVILLE BOKO. 1 Borland CR. store Harrisville Brown R L, meat Brown W E, meat " Boitz J S, store " Cummings L R, cjyarv. Elrick R E, drugs . *' Humphrey D W & Co, store " ; Kelly & (ilenn, hardware,.. Morrison W L, store " 1 Morrison JH, Jr. harness... Snyder C,store Steen Yvsfe B, millinery.. .. Ward .Barnes, cigaia. ... . Williamson IN, store HARMONY HOKOITGH. Dame H W. st >re Harmony ' Boyer £ U.cjjars Barnhfitt's3, dfut/j ■ '! Luvi, Beam S A. cigam Douglass W C, harne>s Eppinger A. store Foe K ringer Fred, store Grteser & Miller, organs tioetman Bros, meat Harmony Cereal Co , feed " Milleman HC, storo Miller Jos, jeweler Oil Well Supply Co. hardware " Ronymues G, hardware Sahli E, meat Shontz Chas, cigars Sitler, Swain & Moyer, store- Wise H M, lumber Winter E, hardware " Ziegler O W & Co , furniture. " Ziegler L N, cigars " Zetuan S. clothing KAWNS CITY BORODGH. Balsiger CP& Co , store Karua City Dieter MrsC. store MctJiit Geo E. hardware.. .. shira & Wallu-'e hardware Wersh John, store MAHS BOROUGH. Brown J M. store, Mars Boyd W 1) & Son, store Crow I) W. store ' ('lark J S, lumber < 'raig. Kennedy Hardware Co.h'd'w Davison cigars File C A, jeweler..... *' Fernwalt Mrs Ida, millinery Irvine A C, furniture Jordan <fc Co, store Kerr T E, store Koonse M E. store " Kneal Geo & J. meat " Kerr & Sons, drugs Kearns W C. store . " Levy B. store. " Link W J, feed " Mara Drug Co, drugs " Mars Milling Co. feed " MctJormick It W, cigars " McCoruiick P A. cigars " Miles J E, fish " MilexThos 11, cigars " Miller J P, cigars " Shannon W L, store " Sheridan .1 J Co, hardware " Snyder J R. shoes " Walters H W, harness. " Ziegler Al. hardware " Ziegler <?fe Schwab, shoes " Oil Well Supply o>, supplies " PROSPECT BOROUGH. Bowers A. drugs Prospect Critchlow Bros, store " Dick F E. meat " (i !i-mi J G. furniture Hunter 1' L, cigars " McClearv E L. store Riddle W R Mc Co., stor« Scott J C', store PORTEITSVILLE IIOROUGH. Ureimemau I> J, store Portersville Brenneman .1 S, cigars Covert Mrs R B, milliner.. " Dunn W H. harness " Ileberling Jean, milliner... Heberling 11, hardware Hay S. drugs Humphrey W & Hon, store. " McDonald G B, hardware.. " McDonald <fe Co, furniture. " PETItOLIA BOROUGH. Brown Miss S E. milliner Petroll* Chesebro E P, store " Di<nholm F. store Ervin Ida O, milliner " Kvuns O E. cigars " Foster W C. drugs " Foster W C, shoes " Ft It* F M. eiKars " Hawk J M & Son, store Jacobs E B & Co. hardware Knrtz <1 H. cigars " Painter W H. store Stouichton W R, store " Yeager S, jonk " SAXONBURG BORO. (jibson Charles, cigars Saxonburg Hel.mlsild&SonMrsTheo, store Horn Cora E. milliner Hammer GO, gas fitting*... Hammer G O, cigars " Kraus« T & Co, store " Lang G. buggies Mnder H A. furniture Mershon Dr E B, drugs MaurhotTO W, store Muder J E. cigars " Stuebgen Bros, meat Schroth Wm & Sou, harness BchoenUg C F, store " J NAME CLASS AEDRESS' SLIPPERYROCK BORO. Adams R P. cigars Slippervrock Bingham J T, baggies ,r | Bard & Son, store " ; Bingham F P & Co, hardw ! Bartz Peter, store " : Bingham L D, meat i Campbell Mrs Ella, milin'r " Clattou F. drags " Chandler E F, notions " Friedman Bros. clothing.. " Forester F L. lumber Kerr & Gibson, store " Kiester L D, furniture " Morrison S L. feed " Morrison D M, fml Meruit.tion & Martin,meat Patterson G V. wall paper " Rosenblmn H. clothing.... " Rhodes T M. harness " liamsey W ti, cigars Roberts J M, implements Stillwagon J N, harness..* Stooi>3 & Con Iter, store " Über & Sons, furniture.. Williams Siiss S A,milliner " W atsan dc Williams, store " Williams O N, jeweler VALENCIA BORO. Barr J C, store Valeucia Purvis S A, store Sfconp & Morrow, hardware... " WEST SUNBURY BORO Arthurs Bros, store West Sunbnry Breadin,Conway&Co, store Brown P P. harness " Donaldson Win, cigars.... " Dunn J L. store Hindman li C. drugs.. " Meehling Mrs M. furniture Phoenix Milling Co, feed.. " Russell W G, gas fixtures. .Steindorf Bros, hardware Sloan H A, cigars ZELIENOPLE BORO. Buingarduer Wm, hardware.Zelienople -um John, shoes i.'odds V J, store '* Dindinsrer W R & C L, store " 1' uic J T. iilnmber .... " 1J E, clothing Friskhorn F A, hardware.... •" C 'ehring & Keck, store " li Idebrand B M, candy " Haitung A, harness " Householder G, buggies " lift John & Co. lnmber " King Geo, cigars " Kanfmann Mrs M. shoes... " Knantf Mrs A L. cigars " Litiecbrink Mrs E C, milliner " Levis R L. wool " McKim H G. 5 and It) cents.. " Meeder Edwin, store " McCoruiick W S, cigars " Reed C E. drugs " Reibold J, machines •< Seaton A & Son, lumber Sitler A. drugs. Sfokey H W, cigars Weiae 1 M, store 1.. " Wright W J, store Zehner Fred, implements " Zelienople Hardware Co. hd'e " Zehner Edwin, furniture BUTLER BORO. Anderson BC, cigars,.. .107 Centre ave Allen J W, cigars 113 N Main st 1 Anderson C. cigars B & O depot J W Bailey 500 W Pennst Biehl Henry, store 12*3 N Main st Brown & Co, furniture... 130 N Main st Bickel John, shoes. ..... 12p 3 Main st I'oos Jacob, sujfu. HtK B Main ft lif IMB (i C & Son,store,239 E Jeff<-r.-on M Boviud & Sefang Co, hardwire 105 W Jeffetsoa st Biaiini.ci C cigars... 818 " Prenl D. machines. .235 Boyd CN. drugs Main st Bhv >netfe V, store Daughertv av> Binrkbigler ——. store... B'>o Second a? Bracking Mis C L,store.327 W North st Butler Lubricating Oil Co,oils. 107 N .V Jeff ■ Biehl C. store cor Third & Brady sts Burton A R, stom . .112 W Jeffer«on st Butler Furniture Exchange, !?54 E Jeff Butler Plumbing C0..84C E Jefferson st Bnngar John, store.:.' . .Butler Butler Hide & Fur 00. Miller st Blank Sain, store Lyndora Campbell J G & W, hardware 808 & 210 S Main st Campbell A A, furniture. 8)57 & 839 South Main st Campbell A M. eiga*s 110 W Jeff, st fjobn A 11. jr.uk 'BO Elm st Cornelius Lumber lumber, Kittanning st Cavalier Frank, fruit 218 Centre ave | Cavalier Jos, cigars.'..... 341 E Jeff st Cavalier Polo, fruit f»9 Centre aye Colosime John, storp 234 CenJ.rn ave Uojiael 'Grout, store .. .1:20 S Main st Col)ii J S>. cjotihjog.'...... {SO y Muin t,r Colbert H,gent's furniah'g 180 S Mijin st - ' *--- >*u C, liarrtw'rel'J! « Main »'■ a Muiu #1; Cleeland D L. jeweler.... . Coovert Mrs W C. cigars 284 , 8 Main st DeArtne W H. dry goods. .847 S Main st Davidson AW, store... .400 franklin st Dean Mrs H S. store. «ftr West Jf Wjjfpr Dillon C A & Co, meat.. ..130' W Jeft s,, DeFoggi L, store 211 Centre ave DePrill, store 201 South st Douthott # Graham, clothing Main st Duffy Chas.rtry K00,<1u,12.S # 137 Main at Dailey Mrs J H, milliner, 1J»1 S Main st Doutt JH & Co.dry goods 120 S Main st Daubeusnot'k & Turner, shoes, 108 S Main st Dnffee T J, cigars «3l} S Main st Douglass JH, stationery. ,241 S Main st Dixon Clarence, drugs BlB H Main st Eskovitz N, store Fairground ave EhmerJ A, store 240 Second st Etierle Bros, plumbers.. .854 Centre ave Kyth Bros. stationery 251 S Main st EislerArMardorf dry goods 921 S Main ft Fox GW, store. . HI North MeKeap »t Fisher W A, store 251 S Mam at Friedman C, notions 852 F. Jeff st Feigel Bros c igars 826 S Main st Friedman J, store Fairground ave Ginzler, clothing Lyndora GiesO 11, cigars Lyndora OregK Ha!pi), t'ig»r» .108 East Diamond Qrieb E, jeweler 18J# N Main st Goruiley W l' & Co, store. ButloF Goldstrom JH, meat... ,315 Center ave (Jrahain Bros, store 317 Center ave Graham ET, store 151 N Main st Green <S i Young, clothing 11H S Main st Godwin C A, Jeweler 103 Jeff st Greek American Frtjit Co, fruit 237 8 Main tit Goldbern & Littlestone, store Fairground ave Haworth (J C, cigars.. .311 Centre ave Harper Bros, store 357 Centre ave Hoi-h & McGuire. store. .805 Centre ave Heinxer MN,store 310 & 31H Ziegler ave Hull H, store • 4W Centre ave Hotel Waverly, cigai* 319 & 321 McKean st Huselton BC, shoes.... 102 N Main st Hildebrand J & Sou.meat 135 N Main st Hotel Arlington, cigars ,H Main Hotel Williard, cigars.. Wayne ■& Main Hotel Butler, cigars S Main st Huff F J, plumber. .112 E Cunningham Hotel Lowry, cigars Butler Hotel standard, cigars. .Fairground ave Hotel Central, cigars.. Main & Diamond Israel Rice, clothing.. .838 H Main st Jackson & Mitchell, hardware 182 S Main st Johnston Pharmacy.drugs. 10(1 NMain st Jenkius & Royal, store, l(('&l(i4 R(to» st Jefferson Market, fruit 131 E Jeff st Jack J S. stationery ~.Butler Krainbuher St Niessllm, store. Lyndora Kepplf J H. ht<>rc 870 Centre ave Knight EK & ('■• drugs,Bol Cenfrw ave Klingler (!o. feed 130 Jeff st Knmmer Mrs A. meat ...331 S Main st Kainex r (; D, store 231 Centre ave Kamerer W A, 5t0re.,.,,. 1«0 Mercer st Kummer Bros, meat ... 133 E\V ayne st Kirkpatrick W M, store, 300 N Main st Koch & Son. store 121 N Main st Koch Frank & Son, hardware 120 S Main st Krug G.J. moat 107 S Main st Keterer'.Geo, furniture. ..222 S Main st Kcterer Bros, shoes 224 S Main st : Kemper John, harness 342 S Main st Kirkpatrick RL. jeweler.246 H Mvin st Lang Thos. store Bluff and West st Leviuton (V Son, clothing, 122 S Main st Lester w J. store,,... 042 Brown st I_.-Kll.ns Robt, < l K ars Fairground ave . Levy J. clothing 22h H Main et ] Ls-ightter Jeweler 2»H> " Lyndora Supply Co. ston Lyndora Lyndora Drug Co. drug* Myers A E. nt«>re 100 E Jeffernon st Miller WW, store 234.S Main si ] Moore Ac Porter, store 230 N Main st Morris J D, cigars 210 Centre ave ( Mardorf ii W, ainnsement.24o S Main st , Miller C E. shoes 215 S Main st , Metzger W F. shoes 127 " , M< Vay & Pollock, cigars,Bl4 " ( McCrea A- Co, feed Church alley ( McCabe JE, cigars 407 S McKeau st Mct'rotcy J G & <"o, 5&10 C.407 McCullough J B, notions. 103 8 Main at . McClain M, furniture. ....404 Centre ave McCullough A. meat 108 Lincoln aye McKee J L. estate, drugs Butler 1 McGorlick J B. store 004 Centre ave MeCutcheon J E «& Co. junk Butler Mactincourt S B & Co. bucKies I; 12H E Jefferson st r Miller G W. store 110 Morrisou TA, confectioner,2l2 S Main st Miller Grocer Co, store, 850 £ Jeff at SAME CLASS ADDRESS Newton W K. organs. 31" S Main st Niggel Jos & Son,hardware,l3oE Jeff at I Oram S, clothing Fairground ave ; Oram S, clothing Centre ave ! Oil Well Supply Co, bard'e. 1201 Jeff st Pape E A. cigars. 119 E Jefferson st Purvis Pharmacy, drugs...2lß S Main st Pagenelle D, fruit 223 Center ave Patterson Bros, wall ppr, 230 N Main st Perry F P, Store Mulberry et Purvis S G Co. lnmber Franklin st Pittsburg Organ Co. organs Butler O'Brien W H & SOD. plumber. 132E Jeff st Phelps Bros, notions 323 S Main st Poradu John, store «t | Reed's Pharmacy, drugs...lol S Main st Rush C N. cigars 323 *• Rookenstein P & M. mil's.B2B Rtiber Alf & Bro.dry gda,2os Reiber A & H, stoie 143 •« Hitter & Rockenstein. clothing. 141 S Main st Ruff A & Son, shoes 114 •' Richey J A, confectioner, 142-14-4 " Redick & Grohmau,drugs. 109 N Main st Rockenstein Mrs M C. hardware. 121 N Main st Roessing B C. harne&j 119 Rockenstein Jos. harness, 146 Risinger F. gas fixtures. 112 W Cunningham st Ralston & Smith, jeweler,..lloW Jeff st Raisley & W hitcsides, store, 215 New Castle st Sehaffrer Geo, cement..3Bo Lockout ave Shloss Bros, clothing ; Bntler Smnlovitz A, clothing...Fairgioui d ave Smith E S, store 350 E Jefferson st Shiru C C. store 340 Locust st Ste;n John, confectioner. 117E Wayne st Snams.n liros. furniture. N Main st Swartz W F Stoic 402 Carbon &t Smith H P. cigars Butler Sehuul & N»st, clothing...l 37 S :<*in st Socrates Pool'is, fruits 133 St<-e! A, clothing 104 " Smith Mrs M A, store 817 " Stein & Sou, dry goods lt;8 N Maiu st Seipel M, cigars 106 Centre ave Suell W J, lumber 451 W Pearl Starr & Recti, store W Jeffeison st Sullivan T C harness. 132 Schlicht&Niggle.lish, 115 Stock C, hardware 333 S Main st The Evans Mfg Co, supplies, McKean ft The Butier Buiiders'Supply Co, lumber. 155 N Main street The I Cure U Troatman A & Son, dry goods. 200 & 202 S Main at The Singer Mfg Co, machines.Pittsburg Tafel M S. store Fairground ave Vogel J W & Son,"wall ppr, 130 Main st Vaulet Jean, store 21 Hickory st Vogeley J M, meat Locost st Wendell M. store Lyndora Weibe & Gibson, hardware. 928 Centre ave Wright J B. store 400 Locust st Walter Geo & Sons, feed, Washington & Mill st-» \V«at End Diug Store,drugs,ll6 Race st Wick WS, lumber Monroe st Whiteman E E, store Lincoln ave Wilson W B, tinware.. .103 Centre aye Wick L C, lumber.,,,, Butler Wullcr D H ,Est, drugs. .112 S Main st \Wia= Kelly, cigars 20<) Centre ave Wick Jtto S, gents furnishihir, 242 S Mvin st Whitehill Geo W. haidware, 318 S J!ain st Young Mrs Lizzie M, milliner, 333 S Mi.in et Young H E, store Butler Zimmerman Airs J E, dry goods. 100 N Main st 7s uil»o S, st(<re Lyndora Z'tfeM, htore Butler Wholesale Refinicj: ("o, oils, Blh st IT Duquesne W.IT. P»;h Burler Grocery Co, grccers. 153 N Main st Kinkier II J, feed ~lB'JEJeff«t McCreu W S & Co, feed.. .Church alley fluiuberger W F, wo6l. .422 W Peun st Server A H. bngyies 1309 N Main <-t The Lloyd Co, confections, 142 W Jeff The Robt McCoy Co, IT" ' Bullet Walters Geo & Sous, feed, aghipgtou & J>|ill Lewis Snyder, junk.. . . . Hats Real Estats Abrams & Dale, real estate Butler Christley L E & Co.. real estate... Hazlett &Mt Cullough.real estate " Hutton D H, real estate S Main st Theo Vogeley, real estate..23H S Main st Wm Walker, real esi it«, Roots 307, Nati(in»l Bank Building Miiler Wm H, real eftate. : ? Room 508, N Ht i o,,B l'Eank Building Billiards and Poolf ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Ulurray tl, i) billiards... Cjillefj HUTI.fcK Chakales Steve, 8 billiards L.\ndori MlUinurr (Sf 823 S Mnin st Paw E A, 0 billiards, 111) E Jeriferaou Parker Mrs M J. 3 billiards Butler AW. 10 billiards, S Main st, " , UARii Miles Thos, 3 billiaj-ds Mafi SLIPPERY ROCK BOROUGH. Ramsey Vy T, 2 billiards, Slippery Rick Eating Houses ADAMS TOVVN§HI«. Leonard Mrs B, restaurant Caller# Murray P H. restaurant .... IH:fi>'ALO TOWNSHJP. Clowes Mrs CE, restaurant Frccport BUTLER BOHOUCJH. Anderson C, restaurant B&O Dej ot Coovert Mrs WC, rest 2341 H Main st I Campbell A M, restaurant, llOWJeffst Duffee Thio, restaurant, 322 S Main st Grant W 11, iv«taiH'«t4 ; J'eutre r.vg I liirk H l>, restaurant.3li S s| I Smith HJ. restaurant, rear Hotel Butler I Seipel Mlt restaurant. .. 10t> Centre ave I Webcter R 11, rest Fair Ground ave I CHIOOHA BOROUGH. I Brown Geo, restaurant ('hicora I Hchott Jos C, restaurant Chicora I KVAffS CJTY ttOituuOif I Loni; AJ, restaurant,.,.., tjvans City I HARMONY BOROUGH. I Boyer ERR, restaurant Harmony I Shontz Chas, restaurant " I HARRISVILLE BOROUGH. I Wflt-d Jame». restaurant Harrisville I WARS BOROUMH- I Miles JE, restaurant Mars I PUT ROT A BOROUGH. I Evans OE, restaurant Petrolia I SLIPPERY ROCK BOROUGH. I Adams RP, rpstanrnnt .Slippery Rock I ZELIKNOPLE BOROUGH. , I King Geo. restaurant Zelienople I McCormlck W S, restaurant,. " ■ Auctioneer* m Is iiah McCall, auct....Saxonbur« rfd 21 ■ BUFFALO TWP. I Etwley GF, auct Sarversville rfd 18 I CHERRY TWP. ■ Gilghrist JG, auct. West rfd 50 I PENN TWP. ■ I Powell JC, auct Renfrew rfd 2? ■ BUTLER BOROUGH. I Dialds James, auct Butler I M' thets J B, auct . ... ■ Keaens J as. and." ■ BRUIN IIOROt'GH ■ Kelly VF T, auct bruin ■ CHICORA BOROUGH. I Moloney Dan. auct Chicora H KARNS CITY BOROUGH. I McDevltt D, auc< ,K«»rns City H PETROLIA BOHGUGH. I Morgan GA. auct Petrcll* I PROSPECT BOROUGH. H Sir.nor R, auct Prospect ■ M'-Gowsn J A, auct SLIPPERY ROCK BOROUGH. H K ir •f C, aflct Slippery Rock H RAXONBUBG IIOROUGH. ■ Anderson Frank, auct Saxonbarjf Lensner F B, auct " H ZELIENOPLE IM)ROUGH. H Riebold Jacob, auct. Zejienopia H Theater H Lyndora Theater Co Lyndora ■ The Court of Appeals will be held at H the offlco of County Treasurer in But ler. on Friday, April 29th, 1904, between H the hours of 10 a. in and 4 p. m., at which time and place all who are inter* H| ested in the alwve report may attend if thev think proper. GEORGE P. HARVEY, H Mercantile Appraiser. March 25th, 1904: WM. WALKER. CHAS. A. MCELVAIN. H WALKER & McELVAIN, ■ Butler County National Bank Bids. 15 VL ESTATE INSURANCE. OIL PROPERTIED. LOANS BOTH PQONIf.
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