II The Butler County National Bank, I BUTLER, PA : | | OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERSi THAN ANY | OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. J 11 Capital Paid in $200,000.00 : j \ Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 if Surplus and Profits 200,000.00 — $600,000.00 | i; Assets over $2,500,000.00 $ i\ ' - " 1 |[ Combined wealth of Stockholders over $10,000,000.00. § II i i 1 INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrav/al at any time * ! I without notice. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent—THE VERY BEST. We most cordially solicit your business either in person or by mail. \ \ LESLIE P. HAZLETT, President. Jxc. G. MCMARLIN, Cashier. * i i JOHN V. RITTS, Vice President ALBERT C. KRCG, Asst. Cashier. $ || T. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. | Let Your Money Work for You. It will earn 3 per cent, interest, compounded, if deposited with the Butler Savings & Trust Co. No account is too small, SI.OO will start it. | Capital, Surplus and Undivivded Profits p, $435,000.00. j WM. CAMPBELL, JR., Pres. §J Louis B. STEIN, Treas. a C. E. CRONENWETT, Asst. Treas. ■ —————— —BMgaBaAHJ.nl llfci Wl lll'l i I Standard Trust Company j I ROTbER, PA. I CAPITAb $150,000.00 | I Fuid on Deposits. | | Prompt and Careful Attention to all. | 1 C. D. GReeNbEE, President. I I C. A. QAIbEy, SectV. and Treasurer. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- 5100.000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - $32,000.00 (EARNKD) Accounts of the pablic solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER, Ass't Cashier. QMU UIIIH 2iSl] Pays Per Cent > On Saving* Accounts. CamfMadtd Semi-Annnally. » Ju*t as Sale and Easy to Bank by Ma.il «% J Coming in Person. Ask How. A«6DT« OVER WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. | jEberle Bros.,S I PLUMBERS i p Estimates given cn all kinds of work. C L We make a specialty of / NICKLE-PLATED, \ J SEAMLESS, / J OPEN-WORK. £ £ 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa C S Peoples Phone. 630. C BICKEL'S Spring Footwear. A GRAND DISPLAY OP FINE FOOTWEAR IN ALL THE NEW STYLES FOR SPRING LADIES' FINE SHOES—Just received a large shipment of Sorosis and Kum-Bak shoes and the styles are very handsome, made in lace or button, light or heavy soles —with low, medium or extra high heels —made of the finest Dongola, Patent Vfci kld. Many styles to show you. All styles, AAA to EE. Misses' and Children's Shoes—The most complete stock of fine shoes we ever had. All the latest styles in plain or patent leathers. Men's Fine Shoes—A full line of Men's Patent-Kid Shoes — the newest styles—s2.oo, $2.50. $3.00, $3.50, $5.00, $6.00. Men's fine Calf and Vici Shoes in Black or Tan, $1.50 to $5. Also complete stock of Men's fine Oxfords. Boys' and Youths' Fine Shoes —Oar stock of Boys' and Youths' Shoes made on the latest style lasts, are very attrac tive. We have a full stock of Boys' and Little Gents' fine Shoes and Oxfords in Patent-vici, Velour-calf and Vici-kid. T q n CU nac WW be a Popular Style for 1 €x\\ Spring and Summer Wear. We received a large stock of all the new shades and styles in Tan Shoes and Oxfords. Come in and see them. The styles are handsome and are sure to please you and prices are the lowest. A Large Stock of School Shoes to be Closed Out at a BIG REDUCTION REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE- John si c k e '» 128 South Main St.. Butler, Pa. j Artistic Decorating! jj J If you only knew how artistically lovely you can paper the simplest ? ; 5 home for a little bit of money, you would not live another day in those r ' i old rooms. If you are feeing to fix up the home this season—either paper- P ? ing or painting—let us lay out the whole scheme for you. We offer our 4 advice and experience in helping yon to select wall paper and paints thar f \ 4 will make any room just what it ought to be. f Come in and see all the new designs and colorings for 1004—ready for j J Yonr inspection. Mouldings to match all papers. 5 i Patterson Bros. I 1 238 North Main Street. Both Phones. Wick Building. & Receipts and Expenditures of But ler County For the Year 1903. STATEMENT OF COUNTY TAX FOR 1903. I i > > 1 58 Be - B ® M » 5 5 ? © ST g T>§ Spff I cJ 1 ; OS- ® * 3 • B*® < DISTRICTS. , COLLECTORS. a £ g a K S ~ • B S3 1 n ■ g- ® ; ; : g. 1 : ® • ® • • Adams Lewis Kaufman.... *2016 02 *1298 8.31 96 26 * 620 93 j Allegheny GS Glenn 14- r >3 13 900 00 66 70 .. 486 43 ; Butler John Ilinchberger.. 2275 32: 1136 42 84 22 1054 68 BuFalo J L Simmers 2038 65 1077 00 79 82 .... 88183 Bradv . . .. JP Castor 984 00' 549 59 50 83 .... 383 58 Clinton 'W J Flick 1837 57 1518 22 99 86 .... 219 49 Clav O R Thome 1626 87! 1242 51 84 97 299 39 Centre .P E Heck 1500 69 1100 00 81 52 .... 319 17 Clearfield J F Criley ! 1199 73 906 48 60 73 ... 232 57 ' Cherry John Hutchison .. 1389 31 948 70 66 24 374 87 Connoauenesseng... Samuel Gilliland. 1470 3~ j 875 00 64 84 .... .>3O 48 Cranberry ..... John Lei5e....... 1901 5 . 1108 < 1 H2 1 * .... •10 69 Concord Piatt R Sutton... . 1580 3?, 1438 09 99 33 12 93 29 98 Donegal!.* W F Heil 1418 2* fi6s 90 49 35 .... 702 97 Forward Henry Drusell 1825 11 1163 42 86 22 ... 575 47 Franklin Alonzo McCandJes3. 1459 18: 950 00 70 4" 438 78 Fairview J J Campbell 1427 9* 1000 00 68 73 .... 359 25 Jefferson W J Puff 1855 17 1224 63 88 67 541 87 Jackson ,Chas Zehner 2164 23 1810 o<> 127 70 226 o3 Lancaster 'CW Schul 1498 74 980 59 72 67 .... 445 48 Marion Bailey ; 1266 45 1000 00 74 11 .... 192 35 Mercer Henry Morrison 810 27 575 88 53 41 180 98 Mnddvcreek Wmßupp ! 1279 o*' 831 84 61 04 ... 385 58 Middlesex .!!.Robert /erguson... 2115 57 1742 84 128 24 ... 274 49 Oakland . ! .!!!. F N Eyth I 1450 49 710 00 52 62 .... 687 87 Parker.! W S Allen 1192 6! 548 44 40 60 ... 603 60 p t nn G S Huselton 1830 40 1650 00 106 18 . . 74 28 Summit'.'.'.'.'.'."'.'.'.'. J W Baldauf 1570 82 850 00 62 96 ... .i 657 86 SliDPervrock A H Rennic 1822 43. 1546 00 108 75 ...i 167 68 VenX. ........ W M Staker 1108 6!)! 75 00 5 .55 .... 1028 14 Washington ;UC Wray 1643 76 1111 00 75 89 406 8i Winfield. G W Galbreath 1530 19 1000 00 74 11 .... 456 08 w or t}i Wm Gardner 1365 56 1141 57 84 53 409 46 Butler boro Dan Slater 17016 85 11610 47 860 49 4545 89 Bruin WO Gordon 345 75 231 66 21 52 ... 92 57 Eau Claire J A Wilson 196 40 65 00[ 6 04j ... 125 36 Fairview ... Geo Graham 182 23 109 00! 10 12j 1 63 11 Harmony Fred Weigle 652 00 300 00 22 22 329 78 Harris rille iJasPew..? 332 90 288 91 22 30.... 21 69 Karns City Hugh McLaughlin.. 139 38 118 00 10 95 ... 10 43 Millerstown Pb Callahan 634 19 468 26 42 70 1-3 23 Mars W D Boyd 592 36 400 00 37 04; 155 32 Prospect ! .EEWehr. 361 35 236 00 21 92.... 103 43 ffi:::: Karlßutzer 190 49 156 20 13 86 516 15 27 Portersville W H Dann 255 51 190 00 17 65 ....> 47 86 Sbpperyrock'.!!.... P H Sowash 709 06 493 00 36 53 .... 179 53 Saxonburg WD Hollican 419 37 343 95 30 17 .... 4r, 2o Sunbury PP Brown 284 03. 175 00 16 25 92 87 Valencia Amos Cooper 140 79j 125 00 11 61 418 Zelienople Geo Householder... 1170 82 901 81 66 84 ... ~0- 14 Total i. .1 77195 6l!ol585 50 3809 66 18 09 21782 36 STATEMENT OF COUNTY TAX FOR 1902 AND PREVIOUS. > "S ■ H i B O 55 o i a B 2 Si£.sa ee 3 C 5 o , =r ® ? So o OirtiSC c 7 g c a a b^B DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. \\ ° ° % E ®, 2. | :ai*: s 1 e a • :ce? § | g •?r; « ; : : Parker Jos Wallv i * Karns City b0r0.... Frank Babbit 3 Clinton Jasß Riddle 2G4 91 j w s'J *ih SSSSSii vSSS::::::::::: ' K43 Marion -IC Vandyke 97 4.) vt « Harmony boro Fred Weigle 219 10 MUlestown b0r0.... R N Emery .» - v Allegheny k ' nn S" Ssr 170 Clinton IN Harvey. j &37 f o l' o Clearfield PB Fennell j « « 31 187 Cherry RJ Barron 50128 . aOl M :::::::::: I ae .. ® Slippery Rock. .. . John Kelly „ - Venango Jos Eakin 44 34 4. 01 -33 i Worth iJohn Reichert 31 09 2a fc 1® 4 o.v Butler boro Jas Maxwell 379 57 110 8, 5 ft. 20_ Centrevllle boro ... J A Aiken JC ;»< 2T> 1 -f-J Harmony b0r0... ! Fred Weigle 157 j* SO 00 2 (t. U 3-> 92.. Petrolia Karl Butzer 2(5 04 25 31 1-J Valencia IW II Smith . ' 1 Eau Claim J A Wilson • «77 37 W Ift, «.# Arl-irrt wn A F Werner 906 27 4?», •♦*> •> i %% iiS| Si » r ufl [rJ o IN B™d geT : I? 97 W«1 so} 10 W 145 11 {, R R B T"S m*i: AS ; Kenn.ai wsfj »i?j Jgg I Cherry It J Barron.... "■> « -**Z foimoaiiniesslng... Greer Mi-Oarnll.ss... f».| 4 s, ■' »•« ; Cranbt-rrjr Wo Cr.h«tn 1| . ■ ;'or,r..rd P It «BlU>n , I" 2 5# | Hon. •< • K v.-h« I »>«! 650 iS .11 i. .A bl I-'oi ward. AC Bronti £•> !■" M 8 :»> .!U Oi. Kiaukl n .'as A Cratty ft; Fairview.:::::::::::: :U cnmu-ir. m u ft on a 37 31 n Jefferson W H C4rabo JjJ 47 U\ iU ,i C- u w Ja>'kson John liehm J4l 6* . 14 44 oh Lancaster Jos Garniau 4JO 92 45. <■> -4 00 807 Marion J O Vandyke 1M 6<» m «.-> jsoi; « Muddy creek J C McC'lymonds 3W W 254 14 !)4 750 Middlesex George Stcpp 12 Z? }'' ,' n T.' n® *?, Oakland F M Eythe zm 91 108 47 10 12 .« 32 Penn G 8 Huselton 4;> 4« 9 43 3.» »>4 Parkpr W A Bell - r )01 4-J.t K4 —B3 4j «J2 Summit!...! John Baldauf 741 00 M 38 l.i 1J 04 Klinnorv Itork John Kelly 575 01 It Venango. '.'Eakin . 45,5 70 :W 71 20 97 50* 30 34 Wlnfiefd 'Martin Cypher 212 £ 130 1. 71. 7178 Woni! nKt °" :J L Reichert. ... . . 364 84 U7 Sf| ®7 gIU m2O Butler boro Jas Maxwell 2351 0 i 02ft Ih 32 90 1092 ». Harmony boro Fredl Weigle 90 100 00 SJ. 10 4- 110 _ Harrisvllle b0r0.... Sim D Morrison......i ! m 24 »• » 4 «, Karns City boro. .. Hugh McLaughlin... 31 K, . « ««• Millerstown boro 1 J Donahue 203 U Ist U 9 J- U Maw boro WDBoyd 140 27 «} W 6 4 11 Sb, Prospect boro E E Wehr 11l 13 I°l ?■" * 81, lVtrolla boro Kurl Butzer. 53 4, 4j « 587 Saxonburg Wo Fmll Schrothe 177 Oo 11" 3, 80J . 04, Sunbury boro P P Brown •>. 1 4J 51 -on Slippery Rock boro. J A Aiken 25 U I-5 •> T«I Valencia boro W H Smith 79 30 73 10 aB4 230 „ Zelienople boro Wm Allen., S -Z SJ . ... 2i > " Bruin toro W C Jordon 90 aO 2b 41- 8 l.| i C'lisass 02 #12102 70 $057 11 f 1101 00 $1725 ~i's3l 00 1 89 f3T"f79 89 of County transferred from State to show standing of Treasurer with ( ounty. UNSEATED LAND TAX RECEIVED IN 1903. to a tdHiaiH |CsOaP ! O - o i I I Mi ~ E 1 2 I r* ?■ ; 58 ; » »•' i DISTRICTS : : : : ; ? r ■ g : j I i : : : : I : ; ! : : •; J_L !_i_ j Fairview / # 40| 08| 47 s.s * 1 64'$ 13 sl<o j Oakland 22 94 IS 5 44 . 8 03 55 04 3 IS; 57 IP j Docesal 16 17 22 64 22 65 .. 5 07 07 13 1 39 68 53 t Franklin 536 420 7 00.. 1 87 18 51 ...J 18 51 j Winfield 42 16 67 46 C 7 45.. 14 79:191 86 ....jlOl 86 f. Venango 428 297 0 41.. 150 15 16 98 10 14 J Jackson 154 91 1 86,.. 52 4 3.3 _ - Alleshenv ; 27 00 19 65: 15 15 .. 9 47 71 27 6 04 << cl Summit 21 80 10 85 25 62 ~ 764 <1 41 3 92i <5 33 Penn 850 840 320 .. 29923 09 28 23 37 Clearfield 47 51 47 51 77 88<.. 16 64 180 54 6i 190 15 Clav 444 1 77; 620 .. 156 13 97 1 33! 15 W Butler 175 140 35].. 61 411 411 Marion 14 80 11 84 11 85i.. 5 17 43 66 1 86! 45 52 Slipperyrock 410 420 203 .. 1 44 11 79 1 06, 12 85 Jefferson 33 20 14.. 11l 78 ...J i» Butler boro 4 76 13 78 10 93148 1 66 31 61 1 61; 33 32 Parker 519 892 7 88.. 1 80(23 79 75 24 54 Washington 2 25j 225 26| 251 Total 233 03i251 54 274 28 48 81 61 840 94 22 38 863 32 j STAMEMEN.T OF STATE TAX FOR 1903. £ I t f ' c DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. I S ~Z 15 ? £ p « s : * Adams Lewis Kaufman £ 5M)52$ 570 13$ 42 t sll 80 V Allegheny iG S Glenn W) .19 80 00 J, 9|l 446 II Butler lohn Ilinchberger 88# Hj 29.1 li «| <2 52 (W S Buffalo J L Simmers 177 S9 141 00 »0/ 20 fU /. Brady 'J F Castor 103 t!« 89 07; 3a 537 A Clinton iW J Flick 833 M 298 47 ÜBB WlO A Clay 'O R Thorn 108 04 83 55 «OS 18 4i Centre l'E Heck 156 08 100 00' 741 49 2- Clearfluld J L Criley 128 24 116 89 H66 869 H Cherry John Hutchison 142 21 100 00 741 49 -< Connoquenessiog Samuel Gilliland Cranl>erry John I.else Xttl 29 327 85, 29 1. 85 C Concord....' Plat R Sutton 131 59 122 77 882 C Donegal W S Coyle 155 20 133 00 987 13 A C Forward llenry f>rushell ! OSI 20 579 is 42 9 1 58 ft. Franklin Alonzo McCandless 97 IBt. 75 00 558 16 48 C Fall-view I J Campbell 104 13 Ifc 00 821 39 92 D Jefferson W J Puff. 388 38 S-'l 18 $9 SO. 43 40 I Jackson Chas Zehner I 452 51 420 32 3i> i SDj Lancaster O W Schul ! 175 65 154 01 11 41 10 23 1 Marlon las M Bailey 93 67 80 00 592 775 J< Merj-er Henry Morrison 118 84 125 95 11 70 119 Jl Muddycreek Wmßupp 160 oo 67 16 498 96 so I. Middlesex Hobt l'urgeson 1014 09 9T>.) 80 58 89 M Oakland IF N Eyth 228 751 205 00 15 19 956 M Parker IW S Allen 28 W 24 95 I 85 1 80 M Penn G 8 Huselton I 042 64 580 00 41 27 21 37 O Summit JW Baldauf 412 01 345 00 25 55 41 46 Slippery Rock AII Rennic 210 70 180 25 14 24 : 321 P. Venango. 'WmM Stalker 39 09 39 0;> S< Washington G C Wray ) 889 80 350 25 20 40! 715 SI Winfield (} W Galbraltli 509 96 150 00 11 11 348 8a V Worth Wm Gardner 76 77 72 48 5 37 1 OH \V Butler borough A Slater 5556 08 4272 10 316 61 907 37 W Bruin W C Gordon 90 62 K1 48 4 9i, 32 17 \V Conuo<iueni*ssing.........■ Wm Burr 11l 66 111 F.vansC'lty George D McFarland 403 0-2 368 57 27 31 751 C< Eau Claire J A Wilson 14 91 700 ft> 7j. E' Fairview George Graham 40 54 33 49 Blt 394 E: Harmony Fred Welgel 104 59 50 00 370 50 89 II Ilarrls\llle Jas Pew 489 12 459 94 39 18 II Karns City Hugh McLaughlin IS 80 10 00 93 127 K Millerstown Philip Callahan 760 34 689 75 63 57 iO2 M Mars W D HOyd 354 48 260 00 24 15 70 33 M Prospect,'..:::.: EEWehr 322 97 290 IK) 26 76 621 fPi Petnilla Karlßutzer 127 85 121 46 11 29 490 Pt Portersville: Wll Dann 82 04 65 20 625 10 59 SI Slippery Rock PH Sowash | K7 7a 5.'(2 00 49 42 13 67 St Sasonburg. . " W D Hoffman »» 06 280 00 28 01 96 8a Sunbury P P Brown 67 90 S* 30 356 L 8 04 ,\i Valencia A L Cooper I 70 18 62 on Si. . 4t! jZc Zelienople Geo Householder j 618 75 581 37, 41 6o u» fSj 111 Total .7!7J $19060 70V1MS3 l#fU» n'|3W7 H ' CTTBIATED LAND ACCOUNT OF IKB. SCHOOL ROAD TWP. POOR jCo. POOR q | a je *9 a e so 3 a « ? 5 S~ ' > >■ o m ¥ » sb 5 j=. » » 5 £. 2L ■ S B g 1 £ ~ * 2- C* m. " ** ?* 5- -» °* o. -» ,» o. g* a. ! DISTRICT. § « 4 2 I 5 " I » • f; -I s ! ? I •—S:3T_s• s c 5 ■ s 2- ■ tip ? ! ? 1 p I ? » i: 1 f£ : i : : ■ i • j • I : : • . • 1: ; I : :i : Bnffalo ~ f ISSO * .... $ «530 $ 2 7»|» .... If ... f279 f ... f. i #.... f . Clinton 2 45 2 45 9' 97 I Lancaster j 2 11 2 11 70 .. TO Middlesex 1 1 1 27 27 2 76.. .... 278 .... West Sunbnry. I I ! | 9" 11® ..; —■ 120 ........ Fairview 40 9 84! 63 9 S4i 63.24 30 47 24 30 47 5 21.. 521 .... 14 14 Oakland 22 94 |lB 63 13 54 5 09| 69* 544 700 342 10 61 .10 61 .... 803 808 Donegal 16 17 20 19 22 64 31 36 11 47| 22 65 22 65 156 .. .... 1565 67 567 Centre 1 220 | 220 4 18' I 4 lft 4 85.. 435 .... .... .••• Adams ' ! ! j 316 I 3 16 88.. 88 .... •••• Franklin 536 233 428 661 20 94 7 o<> 27 94 10 69 .. 10 69 ... !187 1 Winfield 42 16 592 67 46 28 97 44 4! 669 67 45 28 86 45 28 371 .. 3711479 14 79 Venango 428 126 297 423 303 641 j 941 150 150 Connoquenessing 19 40 19 40 j 629 629 389 •• 389 • ••• Jackson I 154 10 23 ! 23 ; 04 04 . 08 08 Evans City 78 78 40 40 | ... .... Clav 444 ' ' I 116 1 116 57 ..... 57 t Allegheny 27 00 ,19 65 il9 65 15 15 240 12 75 I 9 47 947 Brady 460 460 o ; 5<5 860 .. .... 86" Summit 21 80 | 16 35 j 16 85 j 25 6*: 25 62; j 7 04 7 04 Fairview 3 94 3 94 I : 8 92.. 8 92 Penn 850 17 48 840 18 38 750 i 320 * 320 j2 90 290 Clearfield 47 51 17 97 47 51 60 70 478 29 84 77 88 100 08 765 10 91 •10 91 .... 16 64 16 64 1 Cherrv 36 22 177 36 53 146 19 75 6 20' 25 95' 174 .. 174 ~..| 156 156 Concord 321 15 34622 30 06122 30; 06 4 94.-4 94 .... 05 05 Butler twp 17512 04 14013 44 i 410 35i 4 45.... 49 04 -- j ....49 04 61 61 Marion. 14 80 ! 11 81 11 84 . ... 11 85; 11 85 517 517 Slippervrock 410 j4 20 4 20. j9 64 205 ;11 69 748 .. ... 748144 144 Jefferson 33 109 20. 109 20 73 14 i 87 46 - - .. 46 11 11 Bntler boro 4 76 200 13 78! 2 0(1 13 78 10 93 | 10 93 48 48 1 66 1 66 Forward I j j ~6 <6 500 ... j .... 500 .... . Millerstown ' j ; 1 1 10..' ... 1 10 Mnddvcreek i 286 286 158 158 515 ..;.... 515 Parker 519 263 892 :11 55 788 645 143 912 .. 912 ... 180 180 Washington 4 20| j 420 95 225 j3 20 j .... Total.. 233 03 180 22 250 91 250 00 181 13 177 47 273 02 304 29 145 20 158 59 48 62 84 96 73 81 1881 13 j JTATPWPVT OP SIT ATP TAT FOR 1002 AXn PRF.VIOI'S. I IQOO W- > > *3 ! H W I C ®ca® i w * < pd g fa j © r- 2 71 O O q DISTRICT COLLECTOR : ! g. g. § § 0 | • i T* r*- ® j. i . sr • • ; e 2? : § : I : j: I g £ : • * Clinton twp Jas R Riddle 99 f- 16 60 $. sl6 60 $ Harmony Fred Weigle 46 58 30 00 158 230 13 70 ... Cherry R J Barron 00 317 3li .... Donegal.... C F Vensel 160 158 0b !.... Harmony Fred Weigle 11l 88 11l 88 .... Clinton J M Harvey 01 27 82 26 36 146 Donegal CF Vensel i 150 142 08 Marion JC Vandyke 15 47 464 23 .... 10 60 ... Washington G C Wray , 24 68 .. 24 68.... Bntler boro James Maxwell 39 37 39 37 Harmony Fred Weigle j 110 30 50 00 263 .... 57 67.... Ean Claire J A Wilson 06 06 Adams twp A F Werner 02 49 17 46 71 246 Allegheny J S Glenn 122 39 116 28 6 11 Bntler twp Geo Baaer 14 05 13 35 70 J—. Buffalo J L Simmers ; 19 55 19 55 Brady I S Badger i 22 72 2 10 30 62 ... Clinton J M Harvey ! 308 308 Clay OR Thorne 32 42 30 84 158 Center. JG Rennic 595 147 08 441 Clearfield P B Fennell 6 24 6 24 . Cherry R J Barron 50 89 63 50 26.... Connoquenessing . Greer McCandless . 49 86 37 02 205 842 237 .... Donegal C F Vensel 53 30 50 64 266 Forward AC Brown 48 90 35 46 13612 08 Franklin Jas A Cratty 20 44 19 42 102 ... Fairview J J Campbell 39 23 30 74 1 52 687 Jefferson W H Grabe 66 09 58 23 306 480 Jackson John Behm 22 23 20 33 106 84 ... Lancaster Joseph Gorman : 722 687 35 ! Marion J C Vandyke 43 82 1 52 ol 80 .... Moddycreek J C McClymonds j 60 41 57 40 301 ! Middlesex Geo E Stepp 50 38 40 26 212 800 ... Oakland F M Eyth 898 854 44 ;.... Penn GSHnselton 10 39 421 22 596 Parker W A Bell 794 754 40 Summit John W Baldauf... 109 72 90 27 47514 70 Slipperyrock Jobn Kelly 5 8:t 227 12 344 ,•••• Venango Joseph Aiken ' 41 20 41 20 .... Winfield Martin Cypher... . 40 87 38 83 204 Washington G C Wray I 27 74 21 49 1135 12 .... Worth JL Beirhert j Bntler boro James Maxwell 94 12 17 03 89 76 20 Connoquenessing .J M Ro.se 173 164 09 Evans City A S Pfeifer : .... 94 94 Eau Claire J A Wilson 788 550 28 .... 2 10.... Fairview HLSt->rey 43 41 02 •••• Harmony Fiv<] Weigle 28 18 j 28 18 . .. Millerst>wn .... -1 >T 1 2i3 08 2.>9 43 13 65 Mi.rs WD H«vrt 95 91 04 Saxonbnrg Su.ii tl, 67 47 59 62 313 472 Slipiwy Rock T A Wi'.'-i' 23 31 22 15 11C Vnleucia . W H 3 73 5 46 1 73 Zt'lionople Win A tvii 1 53 ... 6 14 4 01 Total..'.. IW2 01 1218 92 63 05 98 45 568 27 7 28 DO'i TAX FOR IMB. " > > S C . r £ M a a - 2. c 5 2 5 c a~ I a § —5 —£ a r l ? 5 DISTRICT COLLECTOR c° !F* J?"i c 3 X £ -2, =• " = S =■ ~£g g S Si ' g & " 0 <*• | 2. a ■ Adams Lewis Kaufman $l5O 00 I 55 so I 4 l:; $ 90 07 | SO 00 t Allegheny G S Glenn 7.» 00 50 00 3 <'*: 21 30 to 00. .... Butler John Hlnchberger lit 00 33 58' 2 42i 88 00 115 30 .... Buffalo LL Simmers 128 00! 47 00 : 3 48' 75 52 i Brady J P Cwtcr 80 00 30 4 ! 282 28 77 .. .. .... Clinton w J Flick. . 130 00 97 55; 817 38 28, 77 50 .... L'luv OR Thorn 11l Oo 6101 290 48 00 00 00 .... Center.'.'.'..'^!'...".".l 1 PE Heck lO» 00 90 83 . 718 21 34 00 .... Clearfield J F Crlley 105 00 77 50 5 0!> 22 41 58 00 Cherry John Hutchison 92 00 75 00. 4 49: 12 51, 92 00 .... Connoquenesslng Samuel Gllllland 121 00 80 38 44. 58 15 WOO .... Cranberry John Lelse 120 0(1 58 T\ 452 58 .5| 107 50 _... □oneord Piatt Button 128 00 1(6 50 744 28 00 15 00 Donegal W F Coyle 181 00 58 72 430 130 07 23 00 .... Forward Henry Druschell 174 00 50 2)' 43s 110 42 38 50 .... Franklin Alonzo McCaudloss 98 00 42 00 3 11, 50 89 CO 50 .... Fairview J J Campbell 123 00, 50 00 3 18, 89 *4:125 00 Jefferson W J Puff. 149 00 81 00 800 i 82 00 82 50 .... lackson Ohas Zehner 181 00 125 00 841 27 50 15 00 ... Lancaster C W Schul 128 00 09 35 514 51 511 4.1 2". .... Marlon J M Bailey 109 00 34 82 256 71 821 11 00 .... Vlercer Henry Morrison 30 00 30 0(i 2 is 17 22 21 Oo .... Muddvcreek Wm Bupp 100 00 48 45 354 48 01 38 00 ~,, Middlesex ..' Robert Ferguson 185 00 93 30 597 65 73 23 00 .... Oakland .............. VN Ey the. 108 00 38 00 282 85 IS; 29 50,.... pirkor ... W 8 Allen 88 00 25 85 Is 7 58 4* 24 00 .... I'enn . . .' OSHnselton 135 00 110 00 740 17 60' Jimm t. I J W llaldauff 138 00 100 00 8 M 32 87 39 00 .... slluporyrock All Reunlck 112 00 80 00 5 28' 28 .2 85 20 .... k'enanao Wm Stalker 95 00 i 05 On 8. 00 Washington. I! Q C Wray 118 «" 59 20 385 76 91.202 001.... .Vlnfleld Q W Galbra(th 117 Oo 50 00, 370 83 31) si> 00 Vortb Wm Onrduer.... I 110 QO 49 4i) 3 B7j 58 9:) 74 00 {utler boro Dan Slater 2»V.» OO 87 31 669 171 00, | } ru |n \V C Gordon 28 f<i 11 40 1 (fi 13 5." •onnoiiuenessing Wm 8urr....... 12 00 :....: 12 00 .... ■"vans l.'itv Geo McFarlf nd •*> (Vi l.) o.i 9. 18 00 ciucuire::.::.J wiison 1200 500 47 «» .... "alrvlew . ... Geo Graham 17 OO COO 58 10 44 ... larmony Fred Weigle 34 00 15 00 139 17 61 iar°iswiie.Jas pew isoo IOTB 121 .... .... larusClty 4 McLanghlln 28 00 16 39 la- 10 Ofi llllerstown I'lillip Callahan 61 00 27 95 205 .'l4 00 i lara Wf> Wd moo 20 00 U. 32 15 'rSoectF.KWeltr..... 00 800 1128 •••• 'etrolla Karl Butter,,., ~ ~,, 27 0" 1 lo SO 10! <• ■ .00 wtergvt lo . . ::.... w H I)ann !.... 800 549 5 2 « llDDervroek T H Sowash 18 00 « 71 <2B ...... .... Ss^. k ::::wnHotrman 47m 24 w i» «oi| ** .... unbury !•{ J5 —• • *••• I S? ' alcncla A L Cooper 12 00 N fx» 7.> J-u I .... elleoopta.' Geo Householder ;>y 0|) 27 00 2 o<>i 00 j Total .~r .T .T7771 77.TTT~~T.. TTTT mi oo zha is m m 21m 2:1742 40 17 oy DOG TAX FOR 1902 AND PREVIOUS. ~ " ~~r > > i t M o o 3 3 n C < • | 1 "i i • s DISTRIOT COLLECTOR 2 ** § £: £2 s? o " i I . E ; g | 1 "*7 # .7 h«rrw Hui*h Sproul > ' l<, ;* •••• llnton. .'. .............. ■ JS it Uldillo 17 56 17 58 .... onegTii c F Vensel 1 -8 30 -0 88 1 t , ... ld ?? M'::::::::::..::::: 4 & «'« ra ::::: .'. ;:::: a?f,?n ■' O Vandyke I 44 41 .... .. .. 44 41 .... iia'? ":'. ,:...,..::::: J " wiey ■ ■> ■••••: •••• •••• • l)r i I, John Rjilch«rt I J? ?! :! L'! 3? -ii'.'-i " utler boro James Maxwell ; S> ffi i .*{ -0 -1 68 ... au Claire boro i A , A \ l i s< ? n < 1 V« 1a armony boro Fred Weigle |Oh .. .... 4 ... Ui .... )SaS:::::: e j| v l d = •» S ! ss wsn d™ JrttV"":::::::::::.::! SS i« •* 8 *3:::: • r m 1 (-irvi'v .11 92 5 25 26 67i .... [inu«i i-nu-r J G Rennic 6 20 8 40 -20 learfleld.. P B Konneii.. : , ;;;;; ;;;; ,f g i m"Jiuen'essiag .'.'..'.'.'.'.V. Greer McCandleiij i «j. 48 16 3565| 270 .... SSs : ;88 «?:«■ ::::: :::: i'lJ.I. WH Grabe . . . 52 08 44 47 234 525 ......... ickson " i!! !!!!£.' , '°' in Behm 44 87 25 4S 13417 85 incister 11!.'". Jos German 1 54 82 41 12 215 11 j;> .... * * f {} VandvlrA 16 99 1 31 50 14 51 12.SS iS SS ::::: f. 15 .Llinrf FN Kythe 1» W 901 47 W A Bell 21 xs 12 11 8» 91" GS Husel'ton".'...".Till!.ll.'.' . 13 20 114 08 12 00 .Jnmit w Baldauf ' 22 41 832 . 44 13 115 SSSaav:::::.::.::::.{atSfl!"- iiBB " " Hr: m Inftela. Martin Cypher 17 &» 1-. 8s 6i 420 orth """ John L Relchert | 19 49 4.u —4 |4 i 0 ltler'borolll.'.'llll'.ll Jawes Maxwell 140 70 43 1 97 111 .»i SSES^;::|| is. u, m ~ irmony lioro FredWelgle 10 »> ...... ... 3 irris\(lle boro Sim D Morrison 390 171 09 -It ...^ irnsClty boro Hugh McLaughlin I 14 »» Ilerstown boro JJ Donahue ?5 S J irs boro W D Bovd 19 W L 0« W 6aO onpect boro K Welir *— » 7* • i, r - troll a boro Karl Butter 28 16; 15 NO 8 11 » pwryrock boro JA Eakln 04a ■' «• z\ 0 " nbury boro P P 8r0wn.... . 49' 467 -4 ..... xonburp boro Emile Sehroth 22 10| 18 »> ■<•> 3 1.. ilencla lx>ro W H Smith 910 6 tv. 3i - 1 llenople boro Wm Allen I'!-,, ii'-ii "-i l u". nln boro W C Jordan j lbOlj 14-1 1 ' f oU j 77 XflßO 26 1015 94 53 W 704 W I*) 30 S3 Disbursements for 1903. k mount Taltl for assessing $ 1764 25 "or publishing Auditors' report- Robinson & Shlever »l"0 00 Rutler Herald 100 00 C E Herr 100 00— 300 00 "or Allegheny Co Work House 943 13 "or bridge repairs $ 28£4 58 "or new bridges 22124 S2 "or brldre views 53W50 "or bridge Inspection 14fi 23 3113 63 "or holler house repairs, J:c 60 56 For Commonwealth (costs) if-10 49 • or Court House expenses- County Commissioners 847 43 J L Patterson, 300 days SIOSO 00 Robert McClung. 306 day#. 1071 no Greer McCand less, 308 dys.. 1078 00— 31W 00 ourt Stenographers— F. S Kiddle 1f,75 00 Miss Ada Flndley 497 78 .1 H Jackson UK 23 Mary McLaughlin 12 00 Miss Bessie Golden 9 ot>- 223 38 County Commissioners' Attorney— K L Ralston t-W 00 H H Goucher 10 00— 210 00 v"or County detective <K I. Baraes). WO 00 For Court Auditor (J fl Jackson). . 75 00 Countv Auditors— H C Hazlett slfco 00 G S Huselton 1«7 64 W C I Jet rick 161 84 P H Sechler. (clerk) 10 CO— 498 t« For Constables'quarterly returns.. 719 Mi For Clerk of Courts (G M Graham).. 769 56 For Coroner's li.quest 571 IS District Attorney— J R Henninger SIO6O 50 J M Painter 21 CO— 1081 SO County Commissioners (clerk)— J C Klsk.>ddon SCO 00 Court Crier— J S Campbell $375 00 Joseph Crlswell 96 00 471 00 For Election 5300 10 For freight and drayage 2S 20 For gem ral or extra expense 101 70 For fuel account 1423 42 For Improvements to Co buildings and public grounds 3128 01 For Indexing (E I Brugh) 1022 37 For insurance account 1836 87 For injured coal miners 100 00 For jurors, pay. Ac 7907 70 For jail repairs, supplies, Ac 2209 43 Janitress of Court House offices— Gtace McClafferty 127 50 Janitors- Hugh Morgan I 88 00 E A McPherson 738 75 Peter Wise 39 00— 665 75 Jury Commissioners— A D Nlckias 124 60 J G Christy 130 srt- 245 44 Jury Commissioners' clerk—John Efchert 80 64 Jail Physician—Rr L K Hazlett 75 00 For Livery hire 130 50 For lunacy inquest 590 99 For light expense 1277 47 For military enrollment 209 07 For printing 204 84 For postage 25 to For Prothonotary sundry fees .'174 50 For Penna. Reformed School 295 33 For Pennsylvania Industrial Re formatory 229 .V! For road views 778 59 Register & Recorder— W J Adams • 1H 50 J P Davis 119 40- 132 '.«> For refunding — 1 89 For reglsterlr.g voters 1593 (») For registering births and deaths... 91 25 For registering school children 1334 Oo For Sheriff for boarding prisoners and taking prisoners lo work house and other institutions 5977 30 State tax sent State Treasurer, tax of 1!*V1 18980 81 Special detective service— The Perklus' Union Detective Agency 99 William Shay ">4 50-- 350 -111 Stationery ur.d dockets 2112 99 Soldiers' burial 375 Oo Tipstaves— J C Welsh I 10 00 Itll Harbison 30 oo R O Lewis 30 00 C Hinchburger 8 oo F M Renno 190 00 H G Seaton 116 00 J G Blppus 168 00 John Hinchburger 156 00— 714 00 Traveling expense 115 OH Transcribing clerks- Laura B McClung 1:22 75 Mary Patterson 296 31— 619 00 Temporary loan 8000 111 Telephone service 86 48 Unseated land tax to townships and boroughs 617 86 Water service for county buildings. 490 68 Western Penitentiary maintenance of prisoners 823 09 Interest on loan 66 67 Damage account 13" 10 $120985 91 W, S. DIXON. Treasurer. Balance In Treasury Jan 5. nB CR 1903 • 2*618 IS County tax from 1902 and previous 13332 87 Countv tax from 1903 51585 50 State tax from 1902 and previous 1218 92 State tax from 1903 15653 W Rec'd from Co Commission ers :.... 466 12 From temporary loan 8000 00 From Prothonotary 27 i* l From Clerk of Courts Hues. 3071 Justice of Peace, Hues 874 95 From Sheriff 51 41 From retail liquor 555 75 Of 3-4 state tax from statej 14003 17 From Automobile license.. 25 65 On unseated land of 1903 and previous 803 By state tax seut sta'o for 1903, tax $ 18080 81 Warrants paid on county funds 97050 32 treasurer's per cent 2458 70 Cash sot aside for Butler county sinking funds 3175 7c Cash paid totwps and borog on unseated land . 616 63 To Bar Association, 1-2 of tines 1611 48 Balance due county Jan 4, 190 . 12905 21 $136837 935136837 93 W. S. Dixon in account with Butlor Co Sinking Fund. Bit CB To cash on band Jan 5, 1003 $2N55 16 Rcc'd from taxes of 11)03 and previous 3175 7< By bonds A coupons redeemed $ 420 CO Treasurer's per cent 11 15 Bal on hand Jan 4,1904 5609 79 SOO4O 9456040 94 Assets of Butler County. Cash in treasury Jan 4, 1904.512905 21 $ Due from Collector County tax of 1902 and previous... 4725 73 From collector county tax of 1903 21782 36 From collector state tax of 1902 and previous 568 27 From collector state tax of 190 2297 08 Cash In treasury of Butler Co sinking fund 5609 79 Jury fees due from officers.. 353 on Fines due from officers— . 60 00 48301 44 Liabilities of Butler County, IJoiids outstanding §I2OOO 00 Sundry bills due and unpaid 3321 00 Due tps ant lioros. school tax from unseated land.... 181 13 Due tps and horns,road and ;>oor tax, unseated land 211 93 Butler Co poor district from unseated land 377 79 Due bar association 149 59 1 >1271 44 Assets In excess of liabilities $33030 00 W. S. Dixon in Account with Dog Tax for 1903. To dog reserve fund from 1903$ 200 00 i Dog tax from 19IJ8 and pre vious 1015 64 Dog tax from 1900 ZHA 18 By vouchers on sheep damage 1753 K"> Treasurer's per cent 54 24 Amount turned over to Co— 1493 14 Treasurer's per cent on bal... 78 59 Dog tax reserve ax> ou *1579 82 $3579 82 j W. S. Dixon in Account with Surplus Dog Tax. To bal from Jan 5. 1903 s3l 07 $ Amt of surplus dog tax of l!»(t. 1272 2s By amt paid tps and horos— !**) 40 Bal due tps and boros 342 95 $1303 35 $1303 35 We. the Auditors of Butler Countv, Stale, pf Pennsylvania, having met at the court j house In said county on the 4th day of Jan- I uary. 1904, being the lirst Moudav. a,'cording | to the Aet of Assembly, having examined the several accounts of the county, do cer tify that the foregoing Is a correct state ment of the above a -counts.according to the best of our knowledge and belief, this sth day of March. 1904. G. S. HUSELTON, W C. DETKICK, HOWARD C. HAZLETT. County Auditors. POOR DISTRICT. STATEMENT OF BUTLER CO. POOR DISTRICT FOR I*oß. I > I > K| W I O 3 B 5 1 S ' ° 1 § j | i DISTRICT. COLLECTORS S° * ?» ? ?§ O „ « D C ?£ § 8 I I 1 P i r I Adam* Township Lewis Kaufman J 70S 611 479 88!$ 33 561 if 190 17 Allegheny G S Glenn .VW HO ion 00 29 65 I 78 96 Butler John Hlnohl-erger 796 42 387 94 29 ¥) 38k 99 Buffalo .1 I. Simmers 713 S3 378 0U S7 86 .... 309 67 Bra.lT J P Cantor. M4O 103 05 17 91,.... 133 44 Clinton ... W J Flick 643 15 531 51 KOI ... 76 83 Clay OK Thome sfi9 4C' 4SS 74 28 OH .... 114 57 Centre 1* E Heck £3 34 104 00 7 Sti .... 413 68 Clearfield JFCriley 419 91 378 09 21361.... 19 44 Cherry John llntrhlson 4s« y, 3tf 3P SSJ .... 97 43 ronnoiiuencsslag Sanil Gil land ! 514 78 322 00 23*6 188 80 Cranlierry John l-else CAS 55 282 94 28 3> SM S3 Concord l'latt It Sutton 533 11 453 SO mm IM 10 54 Donegal W T Coyle 4WS 4e 333 »' 17 31 .... 245 40 Forward Henry f'ru*he'l £S* 78 483 i*i, 3% HO 119 02 l'ranklin Alonzo McCandless 510 71 280 00 21 49 ....I 199 28 Falrvlew J J Campbell 499 »» 375 Of' 28 17 ....I 98 J2 Jefferson WJ Huff 049 31 42S 53 31 13 .... M 65 Jackson rhu Zehroer 757 48 <6S> 00 43 79 ! 93 60 Lancaster C W Schul i 521 if. Wv IB 73 ... 137 16 Marlon. J M Bailey 443 28 3« 00 14 82 ....! 238 44 Mercer Henry Morrison 2<! 5U 2iX) 00 18 57 05 02 Mu.ldycreek Wm Bupp 417 87 2»> 80 21 54 ... 135 47 Middlesex liol>t Ferguson 750 95 02< sS 42 76 79 34 Oakland I" N Kvtlif 307 67 347 00 18 *. .... 42 37 Parker W S Allen 417 43 1« Oct 14 30 211 30 IVnn GB H use 1 ton .-... ««1 6K 5."0 00 ST. 39 ...' 55 27 Summit J W Kauldauf 549 ?J 30 00 22 21 ....j 227 58 Slippery Rock \ B Rennic 637 sr. 575 00 40 99 .... 21 86 Venango Wm Stalker :s«i 04 25 00 IK - . ... ; 381 IB Washington G C Wray «* 32 tfio 85 24 91 ... 191 56 Wlntield G W Galbreatb_ 535 5.' 300 00 32 23 .... 213 36 Worth Wm Oardner 572 44 3»4S 29 57 .... 143 44 Butler Borough I) A Slater SKB 90 4063 8b 301 18 .... 1590 86 Bruin WC Gordon 121 01 73 75 C 38 .... 40 88 Connoquenesslng Wm Burr 113 94 113 94 Evans city Geo MeFarland 383 29 343 87 18 08 .... 10134 Kau Claire 1 A Wilson 88 74 20 00 1 84 .... 46 90 Falrvlew George Graham 63 7s 2s 40 2 64 32 74 Harmony Fred Welgle 228 30 50 00 37V ... 174 50 Karrisville las few 116 51 102 35 834 .... 5 M Kams City Hugh McLaughlin 4»t 7- 40 00 3 71 5 07 Mlllerstown Philip Callahan £2 08 183 15 14 87 .... 44 04 Mars W1) Boyd 9*7 311 145 00 13 47 .... 48 84 Prospect F. F. Wehr 136 47 80 00 743 .... 39 04 Petrol la Karl Butxer fid 67 59 75 5 111 81 Portersvllle W 11 Dann >9 4:: 6110 4 52 .... 23 81 W II Hoffman 146 78 128 37 10 87 ....! 9 54 unbury P P Brown 99 41 0) 00 5 57 33 84 V alencia A L Cooper 49 27 40 00 372.. .: 556 Zelienopie George Householder 409 78 3(15 37 22 63 ... 8178 S ippery Rock PAfowssh 248 17; ISS 00 17 18| .... 45 99 Total I **79s 73 #17746 30 $1306 02 $8 34 $7740 07 5- TATEMEST OF BUTLER CO POOR DISTRICT FOR 100? AND PREVIOUS <| > >• 5 h ; o o II i' | g | • sp c ® J « DISTRICTS COLLECTORS : £ S J 3 £§ » r - 5 s = s S I 8. ! §! 8 : : ; f- 1 i '! I ! j Cherry twp RJ Barron 00$ 15 48$ j ...» ...,j$ 15 46 .... Donegal C F Vensel i fil 8s 58 60 3 (tot I Marlon ' C Vandyke ! lu6 72 185 72 .... Harmony boro Fred Welgle t 140 48 883 137 63 ... Petrolia boro Karl Butier ; ill Allegheny J S Glenn (01 10 38 Clinton.. I N Harvey. 70 24 66 54 370 Clay R N Patterson i —: 3 83 3 83 Clearfield P B Fennell ' 2 27| 2 ?7 .... Cherry RJ Barron .. 221 40 221 40 .... Donegal C F Vensel....: 121 05 115 00 cOS Marlon I C Vandyke I 236 00 100 00 5 2fi 847 124 29 .... Parker Jll Walley 25 63 34 M 130 Summit.. John W 8au1dauf.......... 2XI 11' 238 80 10 39 ...... ...... .... Venango Joseph Eakln 221 94 140 00 737 74 57 .. . Worth John L Reichert 17 85; 15 58 82 145 Butler boro Jas Maxwell 131 W1 38 74 203 94 19 .. Centrevllle boro A J Aiken 11 38' 10 81 57 Harmonr boro Fred Welgle 0» 21j .... 515 5» o<i .... Petrolia boro Karl Butzer 12 49 11 86 63 Valencia boro W H Smith tt Eau Claire boro J A Wilson 14 90 10 92 57 341 Adams twp A F Werner 02 S.-7 14 301 71 15 85 958 Allegheny J L Glenn ITS 51 139 34 JSSM Butier Geo Bauer 1.6 24 146 33 769 23 22 llnlT-ilo Jas I. Simmers 228 W 2 67 2J5 V.' .. Bradv " I N Badger W 87; 90 30 475 382 "... Clinton IN Harvey 69 17 55 00 . 275 194 9 41- .. Clay OR Thome 105 00, 91 89 481 827 Centre' J G Rennic 15 80 942 49 589 Clearfield.. PB Fennell 123 Co 36 » 96 67 Cherry RJ Barron 282 11 75 00 396 5 Of, 138 09 . .. Connoquenessing Greer McCandless 178 17: 157 15 873 381 8 4.* .... Pranberrv Wm Graham 601 571 .» Concord . P R Sutton 39 81 23 63 124 14 94 Donegal C F Vensel 248 51 224 09 11 79 12 63 . Forward'. • A C Brown 50 07 11 70 62 11 88 25 8: Franklin las A Cratty 53 67 47 sfij 250 361 Falrvlew J J Campbfell 131 "« 113 So 596 15 81- Jefferson W II Grabo 64 02 58 87 310 2 » Jackson ' John Behm 254 33 220 81 11 93 15 59 lancaster' Jos Gorman 152 82 116 11 400 271 MaHon J O Vandyke 891 23; | 23 45 267 78 .... Muddy creek J C McClymonds 241 67 94 11 SB 260 115 .... - 4 7 s I Sfl t?« Oakland J, J .fythe 88 16 48 3 81, 11 67 p onn G liuselton 18 }tii 30 12 (»• Parker W A Bell 188 16 163 75 861 13 HO siinDerv Rock John Kelly 306 72 192 58 10 13 401 Venango Jos Eakin, S® 51 45 00 237 200 190 U .... Washington JC Wray 77 M| 61 61) 324 12 61 Worth John Reichert 185 17 : 53 00 279 193 127 45 .... Wlnfield Martin Cypher 12U 95> 94 31 496 24 68 Butler two-..*.. Jas Maxwell «3 COi 2» 10- 11 58 621 «? .... ConnnquenessinK b0r0.... J M Kose 565 473 25 ....67 Evans City boro . A. L Pfelfer W 42 (JO 221 9Zi 74 64 ... Eau Claire f,A Wtkon 35 0? 8 » « 277 23 Si .... Fairview ltoro r i w7u 11' i ? it' iin'i*. Harmony boro 1 red Welgle 113 3 K. 110 06 .... Harrisvlile boro |Mm I> Morrison. 4 to, 24, 13 145.. .. .... Karns City boro '.'Vjl l M cL»uglln J43 Mlllerstown boro JJ Donahue 59 g) 5. g .78 4 19 Mars born J'l'M 49 80 43 34 .27 41. l'rosp(i"t ixiro . ....... *. t« E \Nehr... .......... .... 40 51, GT» 344 167 ...... .... Petrolia boro. Karl Butzer £1 i» IS 4fl W ltt Portersville 1>0r0.... A llensbaw .... • Sunhurv i»oro I 1 Brown.< **B t (t. 96...... ...... >«.• boro En.ll 8-hrv>th , 0117, sfi 91 2 W 128 .... SlinrJery ifock lwro].!.!!!. A J Aikeh 29 31 JS 17 132 282 VaVencfa boro .™.WII fcmith 28 53 24 42 128 83 /ellenole boro. ........ Wm Allen 652 ... 5 .V. 136... WO Jordan 40 47| 36 r I 102 15.- ... .... Total J7741 52 4311 79 221 97 389 07 2822 52115 27 Expenditures of Butler County Poor District for 1903- Amt uaid for burial oxpenses for »»- mates of home » Amt paid for clothing -» « Amt paid for extraordinary expo uses. 40 (X Amt paid for furniture, bedding and dry eoods Amt paid for fuel and light 097 g Amt paid for farm expenses K— •> Amt paid for insurance on County Home buildlnes lj™| ■>; Amt paid for improvements ow ji Amt paid for Justices, fees on orders of r lief Amt paid for livery hire l* « Amt paid for live 5t0ck...... •••••; - 30 01 Amt paid for medicine and medical __ supplies JJ Amt paid for out door relief .. —-51 n Amt piiid for provisions and supplies, 223!) <1 Amt paid for professional service on outdoor relief 10 ~ }) Amt paid for printing and stationery. 3a( Amt paid for repairs "J « Amt paid for removal of paupers 5! Amt paid for refunding « I* Amt paid for salary, labor and wages .i 387 £ Aint paid for traveling expense lag a Amt paid for teleptioue service 1J 0, Amt paid for Insane and hospital acct <dßo s< Amt paid for extraordinary outdoor expense ~ ,,j8 Amt paid for oxpressage W Amt paid for guarding prisoners 4KI Si Amt paid for transportation for poor persons ? " Amt paid for attorney account lo w Total 884W53 M W. S. Dixon in Account with Butler Co Poor District, To amt In treasury Jan 5.190.'if17747 ft-' i Amt of tax rec'a from 1002 and previous Wll ■!! Amt tax rec'd from 1903 In4ts JO Amt cash rec'd from Co Com mlssioners I—*' 34 Ity vouchers redeemed By treasurer's per cent 43j »< Set aside for poor district sinking fund IJJS £ Bal on hand Jan 4, 1904 f 41103 05 f-11103 01 W. S. Dixon in Account with Butler Cc Poor District Sinking Fund. To amt tn treasury Jan 5.190.® 6780 liO # yet aside from poor tax from 1908 VSt» M Interest aud redemption of bonds «j»fc Treasurer's per cent " Hal on band Jan 4. 1901 1~"77 PC fl'J2«) 14 #19290 11 Liabilities of Butler County Poor District for 1904. Bonds outstanding _SII2OCO 00 Sundry bills due* unpaid 125H tlj—fllo£>B OS Assets of Butler County Poor District. Cash in treasury January 4. 1904 t 3275 52 Amt due from collectois tax of 1902 and previous.. 2fC2 52 Amt due from collectors tax of 1903 7740 07 Amt due from county (un seated land tax) 377 79 Cash on hand In poor dlst sinking fund 13677 00—f~7002 90 Liabilities over assets £*Blo.> i.i v We, the Auditors of Butler County, state of Pennsylvania, bavin* mot at the court house In said county ou the 4th day of Jan., 14MV4, being the lirst Monday, according to the Act of Assembly, having examined the sev eral accouuts of the county, do certify that the forenolng Is a correct statement of the above accounts, according to the best of our knowledge and belief, tbls sth day of March, G. 3. HUSELTON, W. C. DKTBICK, IIOY.'AKL) C. lIAZI.KTT, County Auditors. Farm Products for 1903. 192bu wheat: 21 bu rye; 550 bu oats; 12M bu ear corn, 34 bu sweet corn; 35 tons hay; 3GO bu potatoes; l."> 00 head cabbage; 70 bu touia'oos; Uli bu turnip-; 20 hu onions: 10 bu green peas; 20 bu green beans: 10 bu pickles; 2.01 *) head lettuce: 13 bbls cider: lfto gallons apple butter 250 bu winter apples; 3J43 lbs pork: 3,000 gals milk; 900 lbs butter; 20 bn beets. ( Wm. Foster, ( I Architect. \ / Plan of all kind of buildings v \ furnished on short notice. r r Office in Berg Building, j V Butler, Pa. V Heed's Wine of Cod bjver Oil will build you up and make you strong, will give you an appetite and new life. If you feel tired and worn out try our Wine of Cod Liver Oil and find relief. It is stronger and better than pure Cod Liver Oil Pleasant to take and is inoffensive to delicate stomachs. Indorsed and recom mended by physicians every where. The best Spring tonic to give you Health and strength. For sale only at Reed's Pharmacy Transfer Corner Main and Jefferson Sts, Butler. Pa Do You Buy Medicines ? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. G. PURVIS, PH. O Both Phones. 213 S Main St. Butler Pa. NEW STOCK £TI have purchased J. Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the store. I have twenty-two years experience as a pharmacist, and compounding of prescriptions will be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs and honest treat ment guaranteed. When In town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J. L McKee, Pharmacist, Stein Block, S. Main St.. Butler, Pa. Wm. Wuerthele, Billiard and Pool Tables, Bar fix tures, Oflicee Desks, Chairs, Table#, Parti tionH. Bookcases, etc. Turning of Billiard and Pool Ball*. Bowling Alley Equipment*. 418 Diamond St &.bove Smithfield St.) Pittsburg, Pa. 11-HMn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers