THE BUTLER CITIZEN. J WILLIAM C. NEGLEY - Publisher. | THURSDAY, MARCH 81, 1904. j c - I j j a SIJO per year la Advance, Otherwise $1.50 t \ REPUBLICAN TICKET. President—Theodore Roosevelt, t Congress—Hon. J. D. Mcjunkin, j State Senate—Hon. A. G. Williams, \ Legislature—Hon. Thomas Hays, I Dr. W. R. Hockenberry, , Dirtrict Attorney—Samuel Walker, Clerk of Courts—L. E. Christley. , The Republican Convention of 1904. i General Good-Nature took command , of the Republican County Committee i of Butler County of 1904, and after the love feast—the congratulations and humorous speeches of the successful and unsuccessful candidates —nobody felt like bothering about the type-writ ten resolutions that were presented, though some decided "noes" came from over the room against the motion to adopt them "as a whole." Butler is short on halls, just now, and the convention met in the court room. Chairman Hutchison called for order, and the roll of the districts was called, in response to which each delegate answered and deposited his "return" with the secretary. The Temporary Organization came next, and J. M. Painter was nominated and elected ehairman without opposi tion; and Geo. Robinson, M. C. Shanor, J. J. Frank, W. P. Kinsey and Ed. A. Brown were elected secretaries. Ex- Chairman Hutchison made some re marks about last fall's campaign, ad vised to the committeemen to respond promptly when written to by the chair man; thanked the Committee and re tired with a vote of thanks. Some of the delegates were slow aboct answering, and their districts were recalled. It was moved and seconded that the temporary officers be made permanent, and that carried. A motion waa made for a committee on resolutions, and Chairman Painter named A. W. Kelly, J. B. Caldwell, H. G. Seaton. N. S. Grossman, Cal Tinker, E. H. Hutchison, Jno. Womer and Dan iel Dieken. On motion, Chairman Painter ap pointed E H. H. B. Wise, Ed. Brawn andS. Atwell to be a committee to tabulate the vote. Chairman Painter here found time to thank the convention for the honor con ferred upon bim, and asked the com mittee for its hearty co-operation. Speeches were then called for: J. D. McJunkin was named and he responded with thanks for his nomination, refer red to the agreement between the two counties which gives the district to Westmoreland county this year aad two years hence, but hoped this county would similarly honor him in 1908 and 1910, said the mission of the Republi can party was not yet fulfilled, this country had not had a better president since Lincoln than Theodore Roosevelt, and predicted his election—amid great applause. W. H. Lusk thanked the convention and party for the honor conferred upon bim, and seconded McJunkin's remarks about Roosevelt. Samuel Walker said this was the hap piest day of his life, thanked everybody and endorsed McJnnkin and Lusk's re marks. L. E. Christley has gratitude for his friends and charity for all others, would look to his elders for counsel, and en deavor, if elected, to make a satisfacto ry officer, etc. Thomas Hays was not yet snre of his nomination but would support the tick et whether or no. Dr. Hockenberry was thankful for the honor conferred upon him, and will endeavor to uphold the interests of the county. Esq. Leslie was grateful to his friends for their support and will give the tick et his hearty support as he has always been a Republican. The glory and prosperity of the couutry during the past forty years are due to the Republi can party. He served three years in the army, and he made a good speech, though suffering from a severe cold. Zack Tinker said be had just been in formed that he was defeated, bnt that as he believed in the vox populi he was sorry that he could not feel bad. He congratulated himself on the handsome vote he received, if be had been elected the Plum Tree at Harrisburg would have had no attractions for him, as no body could buy his yote. Then he got off some humorous remarks on feeling bad that made those present roar with laughter. Zack is a "brick." O. G. Meehling said we could not all be winners, thanked his friends and said ke would go with the band wagon. W. C. Findley was sorry he was not a winner, thanked his friends, and will support the ticket. John W. Coulter felt a measure of sadness over his defeat, but snpposed that an All-wise Providence had ordain ed that he should never be District At torney. He thanked his friends for their support, and will support the tick et The Resolutions weie then called for, they were read by Mr. Kelly. Iney fix the last Saturday of May of 1905, as the date for the next Republican county primary. Ben. Donthett moved their adoption as a whole, nobody felt like saying any thing, the chair called for the ayes and nays, the resolutions were declared car ried, and the convention aajourned at call of chairman. Total Vote. CONGRESS. J. D. McJunkin 3871 NATIONAL DELEGATE. W. H. Lusk. 3855 STATE SENATE. A. G. Williams 3727 LEGISLATURE. Thomas Hays 2675 W. R. Hockenberry.. 2166 8. A. Leslie 2025 O. G. Meehling 1188 STATE DELEGATE. W. W. Campbell 2794 J. N. Moore 2736 W. R. Thompson .2717 Z. W. Tinker 1799 W. W. Watters 1429 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. J. W. Coulter 382 W. C. Findley 960 Samuel Walker 1657 E. E. Young 1297 CLERK OF COURTS. L. E. Christley 2716 R. M. McFarland 1501 Resolutions. The Republican party of Bntler county in annual convention assembled, resolve: Ist. That we heartily indorse the wise and patriotic administration of President Roosevelt in the management of our National affairs, in the vigor he has displayed in carrying forward the policy organized and introduced by his Illustrious predecessor, the martyred McKinley, through which our National authority is not only respected at home but throughout the civilized world. 2d. That we congratulate the conn try on the wise policy she has pursued in the line of reciprocity—a policy first introduced by that prince of statesmen, James G. Blaine; through its operation the protective policy is aijuste L to present conditions and our home indus tries amply protected. 3d. That the re-election of onr fed eral executive is not only demanded by the party that elected him but by all in any way connected with the business interests of the country; the more so as the reifinaut of the Democratic party still extant stands for no known princi nle or policy—that he will be re-elected by an overwhelming majority is con ceded by all observing citizens. 4th. That under the honest manage ment of our state affairs by our present governor and his appointees, our state stands before the country in her true light as a manufacturing center, and w th her mineral and agricultural in dustries in healthful condition. sth. That we indorse the-official coa duct of our representatives in oongress, in both the senate and honse, and favor the re-election of Senator Quay to suc ceed himself, he having always stood for the honor and best interests of the whole country 6th. That we heartily endorse the county ticket this day pot in nomina tion and invite for it the united support of the entire party. Resolved, That the last Saturday of May. 1905, between the hours of one and seven p. m. be fixed as the time for the party nomination and that the con vention be held on the following Mon day. Resolved. That Hon. John H. Negley, I of Butler, long distinguished for his in- , tegrity and Republicanism, is highly recommended to the state convention for one of the presidential electors and that our delegates are instructed ac cordingly. . Resolved, That the candidates this day declared nominated for the offices of congress, national convention dele gate and state senate be and are hereby authorized to choose their conferees to meet with similar conferees from the counties of Westmoreland and Arm strong. REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE ll»t Adams, south—J C Campbell. Mars. Adams, north—W A IrwTn.C'allery. EF D t.. Allegheny—Jno E Womer, l'arkers Land- IDC. fr>. Butlcr-J J Frank. Lyndora. Buffalo—T F Shearer. SarversvUle, HI- U 1". Brady—Chas McCurdy, Euclid 4t>. Clinton—T A Bartley, Saxonburg 21. Clay—J F Thompson. Euclid 4f>, Centre—S E Thornburg. W Sunbury 4 . Clearfield -Jno Beiger, Fennelton 1-. Cherry, south -Calvin Tinker, klester nl. Cherry, north—Abner Groumard, kles- Connoquenessing, south —B W Douthett. Renfrew 27. . Connoquenessing, north I-rank ClarU. Prospect 43. Cranberry— C Pearce. Evans City 33. Concord—Conrad Kerr. Donegal—J B Rumbaugh, Chicora. Forward—W H B'adlv, Carr. __ Fairview—ll C Thorne. Chicora ... Franklin—N S Grossman. Prospect. Jefferson—.l B Caldwell. Butler 6. Jackson, cast—H H Goehring, Evans City. Jackson, west—E H Hutchison, Harmony. L-incaster—Jno G Sleg, Ha.-mony 39, Marlqp—J T McMurray, Harrisville iv.. Mercer—Wm Clark Middlesex—J A Snyder, \alencia24. Muddycreek—Sherman Gallagher, I ros- P 'oakland-E T Walker, Chicora 79. Penn. south-1 J Maharg, Butler 8. Penn. north—W F Shira. Renfrew. Parker—S C Shlra. Parkers Landing. Summit —J L Wise, Butler 4. Slipperyrock—F W Magee. Venango—W II Ferguson, Hilllard 51. . Washington, south—Harmon Seaton. North Washington. north—JH Allison. llllliarQ 52. Winfield, Ist Precinct—W T Freehilng, Mar- W \Virifleld, 2d Precinct—S W Galbreath, Car bon Black 17. , _ Worth—J H l'isor, Slipperyrock »<• Butler. Ist Ward, Ist Precinct—Frank Lar ct. Butler. Ist wd, 2d Precinct—Geo E Robin- S °Butler. 2d wd, Ist precinct—A W Davidson Butler, 2d wd. 2d precinct—Jno H Jackson. Butler, lid wd. Ist precinct—Wm Craig. Butler. 3d wd. 2d precinct—E H Negley. Butler, 3d wd. 'kl precinct—N J Boyer. Butler, 4th ward—S S Atwell. Butler, sth ward—J M Painter—Chairman, Bruin—V F T Kelly. Connoquenosslng—Thos Graham. Eau Claire —R L Allison. Evansburg— \V P Kicsey. Fairview - R O Scott. Harrisville —D L Lock. Harmony —H B Wise. Karns City—T P Shira. Millerstown—Dan Dierken. Mars—E Brown. Prospect—M C Shanor. Petrolia—H Cromllng. Portersville—G W Kinsey. Slipperyrock—Geo W Cooper. Saxonburg—Jno E Muder, Jr. Sunbury —C L Campbell. Valencia —J IfPtoup. West Liberty—Jno H McDeavltt, Slippery rock 56. „ . . Zelienople—W A Goehring. WASHINGTON NOTES. In the House, last Friday, the report of the Judiciary Committee recommend ing the impeachment of U. S. Judge Charles Swayne of the northern district of Florida for high misdemeanor was adopted. The House passed t'np postoffice ap propriation bill, after a prolonged de bate on the paragraph affecting rural letter carriers, which was stricken out the day before, but which was inserted with enthusiasm under a special order of the Committee on Rules, on a mo tion of Mr. Dalzell of Pittsburg. After a prolonged discussion the orig inal paragraph brought iu by the com mittee was agreed to. It provides a salary not to exceed $720 per annum, and prohibits the soliciting of business or the reception of orders by carriers from anj* persons, firm or corporation, but permits the carriers, under certain restrictions, to carry merchandise for hire aud upon request of patrons resid ing upon their respective routes. POLITICAL. The Republican primaries of Centre county for the election of delegates to the national and state conventions and the selection of congressional conferees were held last Saturday. There was no contest and no indorsement of anybody for suprome court judge Governor Pennypacker's candidacy was complete ly ignored. James H. Tillman, who shot down Editor Gonzales, of Columbia, South Carolina, in cold blood, without giving Mr. Gonzales who was unarmed, the slightest chance to defend himself, is a candidate for Congress, and with fair chance of success. After Tillman's acquittal he was lionized, rather than ostracised by his neighbors, who thought him something of a hero for his sum mary action in disposing of an offensive Republican. Now Mr. Tillman wants to vindicate himself by going to Con gress through the suffrages of his fellow citizens who refused to send him to the gallows or the penitentiary. .And it would net be at all surprising if the same sentiment that perverted justice in the Colnmbia court would inflict him nx»on the country as one of the Nation s representatives at Washington. Concortl twp. The new patent two-legged oil rig on the H. Knhn farm is about the moat un sightly object in the oil field. The Hoch well on the McClelland is in and dry in the Speechley. Patsy O'Neal will soon occupy the new home bniltby A Turn-jr in Hooker. Andrew Carr's new house will be ready for occupancy this week. Rig builders are busy and rig timbers are in great demand. Mrs. Jemima Sutton is very sick at her home. Mrs. Lewis Lorimer is seriously ill with bronchia) trouble at her home near Magic. Misses Belle and June Varner, two of our brightest and best young ladies.left this week and will make their future home in Bradford. They will long be remrinbered by scores of warm friends in this place. Tbo Young Peoples Easter service will be rendered at Troutoian M. E church, next Sunday at 3 p.m. Fairview Facts. Fire broke out in J. J. Maxwell's wash honse, Friday, and consumed it with all its contents, inclnding his meat supply. It also destroyed a portion of his house. Their daughter, Maggie, came up from Pittsburg Saturday. IS'isi Tillie, daughter of John R. Mo- Nauiara, returned to Slipr>eryro"k school. Mis. Famuel Eykes, who his been >c riou-jb ill is improving. Frel Byeis parsed the common school examination hell at PirVi.i. Saturday. J. J. "Mf xwell is down with pneumo nia. FIR US. During the snow-storm of 1 -r Sniiday morning a fire broke out i~, r"i • base ment of the P. O. buil! <-i-i East Brady, (occupied by theb-----b n n-Tid destroyed that building >..1 s:-r--a<i north and south destr > t v -rity buildings, the business *.-••> ; .< rot the town, including the F:.--. Iw- •) Bank, People's National 11,I 1 , ",i-, -i . store, Haskel building, Odi«.». etc The loss is estimated at SIOO,'"J >, The town has no water supply and tie bucket brigade was powerless to stop a fire during a storm. SOME skirmishes between the Japs ; and Cossacks have occurred in northern Korea, during the pa*t few days, and , in each case the Cossacks retreated. : PART of Michigan was flooded, last week. At Grand Rapids three thous and houses were snrrounded by water and at the city wae in darkness, i Official Returns of Butler Co. Republican Primary, Mar. 26, 'O4 ~ ~ ASSEMBLY | STATE DELEGATES |DISTRICT ATTY CLERK L ITTST¥I o I *3l SM 31 N l 3 3£ z I sI3B® 2t Si *Ni s* B IsS * 1 I a ~ Sh.H 2 3 c . t. 1 ? ? Wo »- s B* , 5" , < K 3- W DISTRICT. S. %r| g § Eg" |9|2« I• g* 2 ; . Pi • w • p »».••• * i i l Adams N.. ~ ~~10 19 22 4 13 22 25 5 31 jj J I|| " J»j jjj Adams S .... 19 12 If. 1 12 20 1S( 1. I ' - * JJ u Allegheny.." 26 .83 * 24, J* }®i J,, 6 « ao| 0 K«: 35 «*« 24 22253 »; «109 Rntler 58' 83 73 86 119 118 111 30: • 14 114 24 <4 centre::::::: «i 19 1? 19 22 i« 2- 34 20 4!is n *s« 15 Cherrv N ... 13 26 32 2] 8 23 23 35 <>; It 9 11 «< .. I'herrv S 1 ->0 34 1 31 6 25 14 29 49 7! 4, ffy^.::::: 3 « l! *1 » 4. so * 24 5 4 0 23 12 r, « Cleirfield 1 13 2 17 11 20 20 14 4 , 1 2 16 3 I.' 8 canton :::: 25 28 .53 u\ 47 44 » « u 211 10 37 » Concord.... 4o 5$ 46 13 70 40 s:} 54 19 > «> Conno<| N 19 21 17 8; 27 20 28 10 9 315 4 9 . -•> C-onnoq S 5 14 4 3 12 9 11 4 4 • • 1 * .7; Cranberry.... 23 ll 21 5 21 ' 19 16 U 2 8 A 18 15 15 Donegal. .... 88 4 29 21 47 19 29 12 8 1 2 30 30 1. Fairview 46 33 26 9 5B 48 41 11 15 •; '_ •' 43 • Forward.... 30 25 34 12 36 24 39 19 23 6 4 2b 33 18 Frankliu 30 27 20 12 35 18 34 29 11 6 ]■ 16 14 1» 27 Jackson E.... 1 ® 3 4 6 5 5 .. 5• • f 1 Jackson W.. 37 26 8 10 12 33 25 1'- 35 1 4 •> 33 i Jefferson 13 5 16 55 32 22 42 .»4 30 42] 1< 16 3- 19 Lancaster 5 20 19 2 is 6 ~l 1« 4 1 4 lj> ~ * Marion 18 24 4 29 17 22 3! 10 2 2" 28 Mercer 28 29 22 _2 24 21 29 22 15 822 9 10 1> -9 Middle»ex.... 47 10 117 54 55 75 118 4.» 33 ' 1_ 4. 44 • Muddycreek.. 16 19 9 1 18 15 18 9 2 6 o 1 10 l«j 6 Oakland 25 25 29 4 36 32 26 23 6 ' 14 lH 24 Parker 37 12 12 23 35 24 27 30 7, « 2 10 o 3 8 PennN 21 25 30 4 26 25 36 11 16 - 4 18 1, 8 M 9 Penn S 31 20 48 31 42 41 58 23 24 t> 23 9 28 32} 33 Summit . . 6 8 6 3 5 7 1 8 5 -1 5 8 o\ 4 Slipperyrock 55 100 25 6 77 72 63 68 8 835 20 36 7j J3O Venaneo 12 6 7 7 7 12 5 12 12 3 7 2 4 10 b Washington N 39 28 16 7 15 39 10 43 27 823 C 9 3}j 18 Washington S 43 56 36 15 44 SI 3.) .>2 1-; 16 11 34 o< -3 Winfield Ist.. 39 14 26 27 34 47 43 2? 9, t; 4 22 I-' 31 Winfield 2d.. 21 8 22 11 27 15 26 16 5 316 6 (> 24 . Worth 35 39 6 8 18 27 27 1!' 23 «21 10| 11 l 9 24 Butler 1w 1 p 104 41 47 38 94 96 55 19 73 8 3 lOOj 24 94 34 Bntler 1w 2 p 91 59 55 50 82 85 7.". 40} 50 b 12 6. 8' 46 - 2w 1 p 119 36 j 32 68 68 104 95 70 30 12 11 31 126J 9 2w 2 p 108 55 41 32 81 78 46 24 9 12 bo; 38 104, i 6 8w 1 p 22 12 16 40 30 22 28 21 34 5 3 34 6 4'- , •' 3w 2 p 94 60| 63 54 101 67; 98 85 33 528 92 18 100 85 •' 3w 3 p 31 4w .. 131 108 105 59 142 16.".; 141; 76 53 4 21 15 > 11 144 ,8 5 w . 216 229 146 91 253 271 217, 119 7 8 25 39 255! 51 261 101 Brnin 56 10, 36 5 50 48, 10' 5 43 51 28 14 8j 52 4 Connoqboro.. 16 8 3 9 7 10 9| 9 7 17 10 1; 11 7 Eau Claire.... 18 19 15 1 15 19; 17 23 513 5 2 » 19 9 Evans City.. 74 27 27 f 34 60, 41 15 72 7 25 14 34 .4 12 Fairview boro 29 9 6 27 21 13 19 3 610 9 11 -0 Harmony... 32 12 18 13 22 33l 17 14 23 3| 5 6 23 26 12 Harrisville .. 22 32 15 3 18 12 25 21 17 5 8 9 14 21 1, Kama City..! 30 15 14 3 29 15 24 20 2 5 1 22 6 27 a Mars ........ 46 42 37 . 38 4 7 44 18 31 131 17 16 48 15 Millerstown ..' 75| 37 54 28 98 35 66 52 29 7 6 18 70 71 28 Petrolia 34 27 13 8 39 16 25 25 6 9 3 3 27 81 11 Portersville .. i 17 12 13 1 19' 7 16 16 2 4 1 .. 16 11 9 Prospect . ...| 5; 44 39; 8 39 3: 31' 30 23 5 8. 1 36 o9 , Saxonburg ..I 31 11 9, 20 35 34 5: 1 32 .. 1 32 3 5 31 Slipperyrock 60 95 17' .. 74 7-5 ;>9 31 11 17 31 30 16 6~ 31 Valencia j 7 2 13 4 6 12 1 7 2 3 2 5 5 7 W Liberty ..1 9 22 10 3 17 13 15 10 9 1 10 4 9 6 18 W Snnbury .. | 26 24 21 13 19 21 19 31 21 426 « 5 26 13 Zelienople ! 81 54 74 10 58 86 93 13 69 251 53 Total 2675 2166 2025 1188 2794 2736 2717 1799 1429 382 9CO 1657 1297 ! 2716 1501 DEATHS. HELD—At her home in Saxonburg, Mar 23, 1904, Violet Maria, daughter of Ludwig and Florence Held (nee Walters) aged 8 years. KELLY—At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Stepp. in Cooperstown, Mar. 25, 1904, D. M. Kelly, formerly of Centre twp, aged 70 years. Mr. Kelly's death was caused by drop sy. He is survived by four sons and three daughters, one of whom is the wife of Edward Kramer, of Bntler. HOFFMAN—At Tecumsah, Oklahoma, Mar. 25, 1904, Chas. Hoffman, former ly gf Bntler. aged years. PREFORCE—At her home in Pitta burg, Mar. 24, 1904, Mrs. Albert Pre force, nee Sullivan, of Butler. DOUDS—At his home in New Castle. Mar. 22, 1804, Perry Douds, aged 65 years. He was a native of Centre twp , this county, and his wife, who with 3 sons, survives him, was Miss Lizzie Hersh, of Portersville. BARNES—At liis home in Mercer twp, March 19, 1904. Hiram B-irces. ajred years. McCLEARY—At her home in Prospect, March 29, 1904, Mrs. E. L. McCleary, aged about 35 years. HASELTINE -At her home in Youngs town, March 26, 1904, Mrs. Caroline, widow of Dr. M. G. Haseltine, former ly of Butler, aged 87 years. AULDEN —At the County Home, Mnrch 27, 1904, Mrs. Rosana Anlden. aged 95 years LEE—Af the County Ho rce £M»u< li 27, 1904, David (Daddy) Lee, aged 76 years. HINTERLING—At his home in Sum mit township, March 27, 1901, Martin Ilinterling, aired 89 years. RUSSELL—At bis home in Butler. March 28, 1904, John E. Rnssell, aged 73 years. ill - . Russell was a unlive of Concord township, was engaged in the oil busi ness, and moved to Butler about twenty years ago. He is survived by two sons, A. E. and E. A , and one daughter, Mrs. Greenlee. Obituary. Mrs. Ruth Foley Price, one of the nurses iu Butler eluring the epidemic, died at Columbus, 0., Inst week. She is the seventh of the 190 nurses em ployed heie to die since, though she contracted the disease in Columbus, 0., where they have been Laving an epi demic of their own. Mrs. Sophia Heilm-m Davis, apel 100, whose descendants number 84 persons, and who was one of the oldest residents of Somerset county, Pa., died last Sat urday morning of ailments due to old age at the home of her son-in-law, Amos Kurtz, at Aadison, Somerset county, with whom she had made her home for the 1 ist three years. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try J&H-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling! no baking! add boib'ng water and set to eooL•Flavors:—Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your lo cts. NcISSJ CATARRH fffiS&k In all its stages. J!UD# Ely's Cream Baling ffy cleanses, soothes and heals I / / the diseased membrane. K It cures catarrh and drives away a cold la the head qnickly. Cream Balm Is placed into the nostrds, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is Im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York. 244 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. A SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING CONDUCTED BY EXPERTS. \VF TP AfH Bookkeeping, Desk l'r i<-Hce * Higher Arcounttux. Audit ing Shorthand and Typewriting Coa.mercial Arithmetic, Uupld Business Writing, Orna mental Penmanship, etc. preferred, we have had many students como to us after taking up the study of bookkeeping from a text-book, and the study of short hand with Inexperienced teachers, and wo find that beginners are more successful. The Delight of the Flashlight. I'or traits, Greap Pictures Interiors Most enjoyable occupation these long v/inter evenings. OUR FLASS SHEETS Make flash pictures that haven't the ordinary "flashlight look." Economical —Convenient. Per pkg. 25c, 40c, 60c. Kodak Developing Machines in different sizes, $2 to $lO. We will gladly show you how they work. DOUGLASS' BOOS STORE, 241 S. Main St. Bntler, P:i. Peoples Phone 307. T M. 11. MILLAR, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE—Room 508, Buih-r County National B.tnk building. FARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned, acting under a power of attorney from the heirs of George Maizland. elee'd., late of Clinton t.wp., Bntler Co., Pa.; offers at private sale the farm lately occupied by the decedent, located two miles s .ntiiwest of S.-ixonbiirg and ore mile frotn the Bessemer railroad station of Bart ley, containing 162 1-2 acres, with coo<l buildings, and considered one of the best farms in the township. c\lso another farm of 130 acres in same township, with good buildings and in a good state of cultivation, and adjoining farms with an oil production from the Third sand. Inquire of JAMES WALKER, R. F. D. ND. 20, Saxonburg.-Pa. KOWALSKY GAS EBGISE CO JJjjir Manufacturers of Small G AS and GASOLINE ENGINE W For Stationary and Murine iiri'J Automobiles. wfflKjrSr 'or Ulacksmlth shops. l'ump galaA ng water, Itunnlng Kaus and Ico Cream freezers, etc. MME. BARTLETT'S MASSAGE PARLORS, Mire, Kartlett, assisted by a New York masseur and beauty specialist; magnetic, electric, vapor baths scalp treat ment, massage; bust development. 24 E. Robinson St.. Allegheny City, Pa. mi imim '/ m¥ li IFIiLS «• tcr L , ,S; <^ C Q,J \< y Q e «. ttufe. f. . n* ; * r »r'JK£iet foi iMIUr. .. s i >/..;• •' 1-. •!:-J rutf Gold :»i« > %- •• i 'i'i i. t. .It.- ; ' •• •;"» iaUua<;.i< • fj .*rt i.; .?r J;n.«;pi*t, or B€i:d (<. 1 7 '.w' •<•?!.»«•*. anoni:U>i iu >l * -« '» #»» WAer, by iMut j. . . &11 J>tusk«v». Ct-I.'.'.J o y r.a . HLK '«"*.! CO. 3f-f.- • . •. M Iffiadam «»»*.. Dean's li ? A safe, certain n-11, Srpi>r.-ssed S B Menstruation. Neverltwwu to fnil. »«•*•! r-v 'i Sure! Hpecdy! Batieli,-t!on <» "4 ■ or money Refunded. pre>>:«M for 3 m tI.CO per box. Wlllsendtb inontrlaj to 1 be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. 5 UNITED KEOICALCO.. Sox UncttTlt. »*. f'4 s, t u. )« ; ler »t be Pharmacy. | '•ce ;>H sgo direct apposits the Old Fofitrffice, YOG ley, krr.l E lite 8;:-l YELE InsLrotiCs Agtocy, 235 S. Main St. But r, f'r. If you have projx r: y to trade, or or, want to buy .«r rent r i i, writ- or uhor.e inc. I ist MAI EJ Upon Aprlicaticn LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. In The District Court ot the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania in, Baukruptcy. In the matter of Leon Shioss. Trading and d> ! In ing Business as Sh loss Bros., Bankruptcy Bankrupt. j To the creditors of f.eon P)ilos«, Trading and Dcins Business as ?bloss Bros., of But ler. In the County of Butler, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the -Ist day of March. ls«4. the said I.eon Shioss. trading and doing business as >-hloss Bros., was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the oflice of J. VY. Hutchison, referee in bankruptcy. No. lit N. W. Dia mond. Butler. Pa., on the 4th day of April, A. I>. HUH. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt ana transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. March Sird. ISOt. J. W. HUTCHISON. Referee In Baukreutcy NOTICE. 1' B Brougbton and C A Davis, partners trading as I'BBrough-; MT v „ ton and Company. ' ,Lh vs W .1 Powell, os ner. To W J Powell. Owner: You are hereby notified that on the sth day of March. lfOt, in the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co. i'a. at Mechanic's Lien Docket No 7. Pago 177. and at M I. I> No 11. March T'Ttn. KIM, a Mechanic s Lien was filed against you as owner of the property hereinafter described, bv I' B Brougnton and C A Davis, partners trading as 1* B Braugli ton and Company- The property against which said lien was filed being bounded and described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situated In the 1 bird w ird of the Borough of Butler. County of Butler and State of Pennsylvania, and which Is bounded and described as follows:—On the north by other lands of said W .1 Powell: on the east by lot of Charles C Reeder; on the south by McCool avenue, and cn the west by other land of said W.l Powell. Having a frontage of six ty-two and one-half feet on said McCool avenue and extending northwardly thence preservlug the same width si\tv-nine and 3tMeO feel to other lands of W .! Powell, be ing lots No li* and 60, and the eastern half of lot No 70, in a plan of lots laid out by John li Cavauaugn. in tiie borough ot Butler.county of Butler and state oi Pennsylvania. Said plan being recorded in Plan fiook No 2. of said county, on page - and which were con veyed Interalia ny John R Cavanaugh and wife to said YV J Powell, by deed dated Sep tember 1. and recorded in said county of Butler, in Deed Book No 2£i, page 47. The house or structure erected upon said lot and against which this lien is filed, being a three story brick and stone dwelling house, con taining twenty-eight rooms with paper roof, said house or Uuildirnr being roriy right feet long and forty-eight feet wide, with four chimneys, not plastered as yet. witii a stone wall and cellar under building, aud no porches as yet. P. B. BROUGnTON St CO , FranK n. Murphy Per P. B. llroughton. Attorney. March li 1904. Dissolution Notice Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between E. G. Sproull and J. A. Sproull, under the firm name of Sproull Bros., at Anatidale Station, Butler county. Pa., was dissolved by mutual consent, on Saturday, March 12th, 1904, and that the books of the former firm have been placed in the hands of John F. McCoy, of Anandale, for settlement and collec tion, to whom all debtors will make their payment, and all creditors present their claims. E. G. SPROULL, J. A. SPROULL. JOHN F. MCCOY. li. F. D. 50, West Sunbury, Pi«. Notice—E. G. Sproull, of the late firm will continue in the feed business at Anandale station or Bo> ers P. 0.. and will be known as the E. G. Sproull Milling Co. The Sproull Bros, also wish to sell their farm in Marion twp. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF WATSON E. DCNKLE, DEC D. Notice is hereby given that letters ot administration on the estate of Watson E. Dunkle, deceased, late of Parker township, Butler county, Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted t > said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against said estate, are requested to make the same knovvn without delaj r . MEAD. W. DUNKLE Adm'r . I' O. Box 163, Parkers Landing, Pa. A. T. BLACK, Attorney. 3-10-04 EXECUTOR'S N'jnCE- Letters testamentary on the estate of John E. By ers, M. D.,dec'd, late of Butler boro.,Butler Co., Pa .havingbeen grant ed the undersigned, all persons kuown ing themselves indebted to said estate wiii please make immediate payment, and uny having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to M. KATE BYERS, Executrix, No. 207 S. Washington St., H. H. GOUCHER, Butler, Pa. Att'y. 2-25-04 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary in the eslate of James R. Robertson, dee'd., late of Oak land twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grafted to the uudersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please xuake immediate pay ment, aud any ha', ing claims against said estate will present them, duly authenticated for payment to MRS. FANNIE E. ROBERTSON, EX'X., R. F. D. 78, Chicora, Pa. .J. D. MC-JUNKIN, Att'y. 2-18-04 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate ox Henry Knanff, dee'd., late of Cran berry. twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make im mediate payment,' and any having claims against the fame to present them duly authenticated for settlement to GEORGE LEONBERG, Adm'r., R. F. D. No 32, Callery, Pa. WILLIAMS & .MITCHELL, Att'y*. 2-18-04 W. R. Newton, The Piano Man, Has his office temporarily with Cooper & Co., on the Diamond. CALL AND SEE HIM. MURTHA A BROWN. 339 sth Ave I'ittsburfr, I'a., Citti sell your Real Estate, Firm or Uu-Iness, Correspondence so) letted. Aft. TRANSACTIONS OONKIDEWTIAI.- FOR %dicl{ k Grohman, 109 N. (Wain Street, Ph. Service. Prompt and Careful Attention. Four Registered Pharmacists. Prescription Wor!< a SpecialtV- ADJUSTABLE FIN, Our I'orner Clamp .. -&V - - - * \ made the "Ar?aE" (fts3 \ ,**ll - \ much superior to any \~~ J? ..***' vf A other stret« 1 er. Our t-~" .'?i I \1 No*. Patent Adjustiiblo RL'fil * -* J ACMC'HTTWI f Plu leaves the scallops In the'.r natural s!iap?; docs not weaken the bars: is of ample length, very practical and a great improve* ment. Don't fall to examinoit. At your dealers,of teats M'F'tt. CO., AiUfbenj, PM Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1904. NAME. CLASS. ADDRESS. ADAMS TWP. Berringer H H, store Myoma Irvine C B, meats Mars R F D 30 Leonard Mrs B. cigars Callery Murray f H. cigars Staples W B drucs Shannon J F. store " Thomas J 11. store Windhorst F C, store .Downieville ALLEGHENY TWP. Meek James, 6tore .. Parkers Landing j Parks E C. store Schell JD. store.... Eiuleaton RFD Co j BRADY TWP. Clutton Miss E G store Slipperyrock 11 F D 86 McNees Thos G, hardware. Robinsoti W W. store Pump Smith A W, store, Slipperyrock rfd 82 Wick J S, store Pump BUTLER TWP. Euirick W J. store Butler Stoner G & C, store " BUFFALO TWP. Clowes Mrs C E, cigars Freeport Drane P A, phosphate Sarversville Douglass Thos. store Ohl C A, store Sarver A E, store Witte W H. store Wilbewitz G, store CENTRE TWP. Borland J W, store Butler rfd 1 Fleeger A F, store Holuian Dr A. drugs Millar DC, store McCandlessW B,machines.Euclid tfd 4-"> CHERRY TWP. Bolinger A. store..-W Sunbury rfd 50 Elliott H W. store Kiester Graham W ,T, store.. W Sunbury rfd 50 Hinkinson W J, drugs.. .Kiester rfd 55 Liudsey R J. milliner McCoy HC&, W Snnbnry rfd 50 Magee A J, feed Bovard Porter Belle, cigars " T;-iinehi!l ME notions. W Sunbury rfd 50 CLEARFIELD TWP. Feuneil Peter, store Fenueiton Ivrause Robt&Son,store,Fenoltou rfd 13 Si pes W J & Bros, store CLINTON TWP. Anderson R J. store. .Saxonbarg rfd 21 Bartley T A. phosphate Hay DA. cigars Uay Thos A, phosphate Harvey Jas, phosphate.. .Carbon Black Kennedy T G, store. .Saxonburg rfd 21 Stark & Hilliatd, feed, Thompson John, store, CONNOQUENESSING TWP. Kneiss JE, store Butler rfd 9 CLAY TWP. Johnston T AY. phosphate Euclid Lawrence L store Sherwin S, Sherwin Wick II B, store Claytonia Welsh Jas store " CONCORD TWP. Balsiger & Stewart, store Magic Kuhn W H & Bro*, store Hooker i McCleary J R, store Magic Mark well Frank, store.. .Greece City CRANBERRY T\VP. ' Dight Bros, store Mars rfd 31 • Frontz Jonn. store Garvin J A, store Hendrickson A G, store.... Meeder Geo, store DONEGAL TWP. Cate H S, store Greer ) Graham Jos ll,store Fenelton rfd 12 i Brownfield Bros, store Rattigan FRANKLIN TWP. ' Watson Wm&,Prospect rfd 44 ' Watson Wm & Son, store, Butler rfd 10 FAIITVIEW TWP. Day W P, store Chicora rfd 77 Richards B H, cigars Whitener V, hardware.. 1 FORWARD TWP. 1 Bradley W H, store Carr Greer jas, store Evauu City rfd 34 1 Starkey D, store " 35 1 Schilling Alex, store Reibold JACKSON TWP. I Kilker S D. feed Harmony > Winters PR, store Eidenau JEFFERSON TWP. Havteustein L, store Great Belt ■ Lang WM, harness 1 Moutag E, hardware. .Jefferson Centre " O'Neil & Co, store Great Belt Smith A B & Son,store, Jefferson Centre ■ Schroth LJ, cigars : LANCASTER TWP. Metz A B, store Harmony rfd 39 [ MIDDLESEX TWP. Brown EG, store Valencia ifd 24 [ Cooper Jfc Croft, store... . Marks RA, store Glade Mill McF'ann L R. store..Glade Mills rfd 26 Wilson Jas, phosphate, Valencia rfd 45 MARION TWP. Baldein H, store Boyer Bailey Jos, store Harrisville Gormley J H, store Murrinsville Kerr A P, cigars Boyer , Midden dorf HJ, store . Mabold Wm, store " Sisney L J, store | Sproul Bros, feed " MERCER TWP. Bovard & Son, lumber Forestville DeMareli F, store " ■ Owens EL, store " Shields Mrs Fannie, store " MUDDYCREEK TWP. Fisher C L, store Portersvillo rfd X) OAKLAND TWP. Ball Geo, store N Oakland Bruner W F, store St Joe ; Badger SB, store Butler rfd 2 FENN TWP. i Bowser &• Sou, hardware Renfrew Brown A B, notions " Hoon L S, meat " ; Kirkpatrick Bros, store. .... " Kenned}' Wilson, cigars " Marshall J T, phosphate. .. " Price Bros, hardware.. .Renfrew rfd 28 Pond C W, store Butler rfd 8 Riley L 3, store Brownsdale Roberts D W & Son, coal Renfrew Sutton A D, store Butler rfd 8 Van Ransseleer L D, store Renfrew Watson A R, cigars " White Jos J, drugs " Winters F ,T, phosphate Batler rfd 8 Wise WH, store " " 7 PARKER TWP. Allen W S, store Parkers Landing Howard J C, store Morgan J A. store Parkers L'na'g rfd 67 SLIPPERYROCK TWP. Adams E H, phosphate Forestville Adams J, feed " Coal &: Limestone Supply Co, store "Slipperyrock Cheesman C L, feed Kiester Flick & Co, store Slipperyrock Hindman F F, store Branchton Hall Amos, store " Perry li C, store Wick Kiester J B, feed Kiester Kiester Matilda, store..., " SUMMIT TWP. Carter A J, store Carbon Centre Dittmer J J. store "Herman Limberg F W, store.. Herman LehnarU V, store Bonnie Brook VENANGO TWP. Ferris' Supply Co, store Ferris Gould Supply Co, store Boyer HigginsJ P. feed Hilliard Kohinieyer G F,store. .Enilenton rfd 65 McGuirk J A, powder.. .Hilliard rfd 52 WORTH TWP. Cnmley <i W, store. .Portersville rfd 42 Gardner WF, store..Slipperyroek rfd 58 WINFIELD TWP. Cresson Supply Co, store... W Winfield Penny Flavius. store Carbon Black Donaldson C C, store W Winfield Faulkner L H, hardware. .Carbon Black Hnrzler Bros, store W Winfield | KrauseA & Son, store Marwood I Kranee & Freehliug. hardware j Osborne J M, lumber Carbon Black i Post Henrv. meat W Winfield Schwartz Jacob, clothing.. " ' Smith i!c Logan, store... Carbon Black WASHINGTON TWP. I Alt mi re Mrs T, store Hilliard j Beattv J J, IT tore " Cook P E, storo Parkers Landing : Day John E. meat Hilliard ! Graham J P, store Lewis M. store North Hope McKee & Co. hardware Hilliard Miftiin <1- Mililin. store. ...North Hope Pisto Fred, store Hilliard Pelle Frank, store Sratou Lorenc. cigars North Hop; Sheriiiau J A. cigars " Srone A. store Hilliard Tnrnbnll R, cigars Thompson E C, store " Thompson I N, ilrugs North Hope \\ eakley R B Ac Co, store Hilliari NEME CLAS3 A DURESS BRCIN BOROUGH. Blaek R M & Co, store Bruin Fisher J W, store " Luce W F, store " Myers C M, meat *-" Orr J H. store " Ramsey J H, cigars " CON NOQUENESSING BOKOUGH. Armstead GS. junk. Connoqnenwe-ing Barnhart & Son. store Graham H M, feed Nicklas & Co, store... Pnrviance W A, store. CHICORA BOROUGH. Blackuiore & Gaieford. drug».. .Chicora Brown Geo. cigars " Campbell W W, store Davis D J. wall paper Deiter Win, store Dewolt'i Pharmacy, drugs Frederick P J & Co. lumber Frankle S, clothing Fetzer G F & Son, clothing Forquer B ,T. cigars Glossner J W, meat Glass Geo. store -.... . Graham P E. cisars " Harris A M, milliner " Hoch Bros hardware Hocli A A. cigars " Horwitz L. store llorwitz L. junk Hajs E F & Soa, hardware Johnston C H. hardware " Johnston C H. shots James W E. harness ' | Lackey W E. Cigars Litzinger H C, store McMicheal Ella, milliner Mason E, caudles Philips Tony, fruit Philips Tony, frnit Sehott J C, cigars Scharbach C. jeweler Teske Mrs C, notions Wagner C A, news room Waltinan Frank, feed Westerman Bros, gen md3e EAU CLAIRE BORO. Jamison W C, store Eati Claire Jamison W C. store. No 2... Miller A O. drnsrs.. " McDonald Mrs K A. milliner " Reynolds <V Coulter, s-tore.. Stickles \V P harness Wilson A C & Son hardware EVANS CITY BOKO. Barry & Murk el, hardware. .Evans City Barkey Enos, feed and coal. Barto David, shoes " Blair Sisters, milliner " Corso F, fruit City Pharmacy, drugs Coplan H. junk... Dunbar B W. hardware Dunbar C J, store Dombart G D. store Eber B H, clothing i Griesbach W C, cigars flyle Bros & Young,furniture Hudson R, store 1 Helm J J. harness. .. lift Geo & Sons, store 1 List JM, drugs Long A J. confectionery L.irderer W C, implements.. '' Marburger J, meat Miller Chas. cigars Miller F E. seed Nicklas Bros, store ' Peffer Fred, music Ripper J A, stationery Seboeffel A, clotning j] Shoup L E, hardware TlieEdwDambach Co.lnmbar Wabldorf Hotel, cigars Zeman D & Co, clothing.... FAIRVIEW BORO. Adams Mrs M, cigars Baldwin r Rawn WC. store 1 McClnre Mrs SM. milliner 1 Scott C, store . " Templeton S H, cigars I HARRISVILLE BORO. } Borland CR, store Harrisville Brown R L, ireat ; Brown WE, meat jj Bortz J S, store. " Cnmmings L R, cigars Elrick R E, drugs . Humphrey D W & Co, 6tore r Kelly «St Glenn, hardware... J Morrison W L. store Morrison J H, Jr. harness... * Snyder C, store Steen Miss B, millinery.. .. : Ward James, cigars " i Williamson IN, store HARMONY BOROUGH. Bame H W. store Harmony Boyer E R R,cigars Rarnhart J J, drags " Boyer Levi, patent med Beam S A, cigars Douglass W C. harness " Eppinger A. store Foe''rinaer Fred, store " Grieser & Miller, organs Goetuian Bros, meat Harmony Cereal Co , feed '' Millemnu H C, store " Miller Jos, jeweler Oil Well Supply Co. hardware Ronymues G G, hardware Sahli E. meat Shontz Chas, cigars " Sitler, Swain & Moyer, store... Wiss II M, lumber Winter E. hardware Ziegler O W & Co , furniture. Ziegler L N, cigars *' Zeinan S, clothing KARNS CITY BOROUGH. Balsiger CP& Co , store Karns City Dieter MrsC, store McGill Geo E, hardware.... Shira & Wallace hardware Wersh John, store MARS BOROUGH. Brown J M. store Mars Boyd W D & Son, store Crow D W, store " Clark J S, lumber ' Craig Kennedy Hardware Co,h a w Davison cigars | File C A, jeweler Fernwalt Mrs Ida, millinery " Irviae A C, furniture | Jordan & Co, store Kerr T E, store | K<x>nse M E, store Kneal Geo & J, meat " Kerr & Sons, drugs " Kearns W C, store '' Levy B. store Link W J, feed " Mars Drug Co. drugs ] Mars Milling 00. feed McCormick R W, cigars " McCormick P A. cigars Miles T E. fish " Miles Thos H, cigars t Miller J P. cigars. " Shannon W L, store Sheridan .T J Co, hardware | Snyder J R, shoes Walters H W, harness " Ziegler Al, hardware Ziegler & Schwab, shoes Oil Well Supply Co., supplies " PROSPECT BOROUGH. Bowers A. drngs Prospect Critclilow Bros, store Dick F E. meat " Gleuu J G. furniture Hunter P L, cigars " McCleary E L. store Riddle W R & Co., store Scott J C, store PORTERSYILLE BOROUGH. Brenneman D .T, store Portersville Brenneman .T S, ciears " Covert Mrs R B. milliner.. Dann W H. harness. Heberling Jean, milliner... Heberling H, hardware.... " Hav S. drugs Humphrey W & Son, store. McDonald G B. hardware.. McDonald & Co, furniture. I'ETROLIA BOROUGH. Brown Miss K E. milliner Petrolia Chesebro E P. store " Denliolm F. store " Ervin Ida O. milliner EVHUS O E. dears Foster W C. drugs " Foster W C. shoes Fritz F M. cigars " Hawk J Til <£.' Son. store Jacobs E B & Co. hardware ... " Kurtz G H. cigars " Painter W H. store Stouehton W R, store '' Yeasjer S, jnnk SAXONBURG BORO. Gibson Charles, cigars S*xonburg Helmbnld&SonM rsTheo, stpre Horn Cora E. milliner " Hammer G O. gas fittings... Hammer G O. ciears " Kranse T & Co, store " Lang G. bugiries Muder H A. fnmiture Mershon Dr E B. drugs " Manrhotf G W, Mnder T E. cigars " Stneb::en Bros, meat " Sctiroth Wm & Son, harness " Schoentag C F, store " ' s'.VME CLASS ADDRESS 3 SLIPPER YROCK DORO. \dams R P. cigars 81ipperyrock , < Bingham J T, buggies Hard & Son. store " Bingham F P & Co, hardw " Llartz Peter, store " iiingliam L D. meat " Campbell Mrs Ell*, milin'r " Clntton F. drugs " ''handler EF, nations.... " Friedman Bros, clothing.. " Forester F L, lumber O " Kerr 6c Gibson, store Kiester L D. furniture.... " Morrison S L. feed " Moirison D M, feed " McQuUtion & Martin,meat " Patterson G V, wall paper " Rosenblutn H. clothing.... " Rhodes T M. harness " Ramsey W G. cigars '• ftoberts J M. implements " Stillwagon J N. harness.. Sloops & Coulter, store I'ber & Sons, furniture.. Williams Miss S A,milliner Watson A: Williams, store Williams O N, jeweler " VALENCIA BORO. Barr J C, store Valencia Purvis S A, store " Stoop & Morrow, hardware... WEST SVKBCRY BORO. Arthurs Bros, store West Sunbury Breadin,Conway&:Co, store Brown P P, harness Donaldson Win, cigars " Dunn J L, store (liiiduian II C, drugs " Mechling Mrs M. furniture Phoenix Milliug Co. feed.. " Russell W G, gns fixtures. Steindorf Bros, hardware " Sloan H A, cigars ZELIENOPLE BORO. Bumgardner Win, hardware,Ztlienople Blum John, shoes . odds V J, store " Lindinger W R & C L, Btore " D- nic J T, plumber " f: in H E, clothing " F...'!ihorn F A, hardware " '; & Keck, store " »" Idebraud B M, candy " 1 rt'.ing A, harness Householder G, buggies " Ifft John & Co. lumber " King Geo, cigars " Kanfmann Mrs M. shoes... " Knanff Mrs A L. cigars " Linenbriiik Mrs E C, milliner " Levis R L. wool " McKim H G. 5 and 10 cents.. " Meeder Edwin, store " McCormick W S. cigars Reed CE, drugs " Reibold J. machines " Seaton A & Son,'lumber " Sitler A. drugs.." " Stokey II W, cigars " Weise I M, store " Wright W J, store " Zelioer Fred, implements " Zelienople Hardware Co. hd'e " Zehner Edwin, furniture.... " CUTLER BORO. Anderson BC, cigars,.. .107 Centre five Allen J W, cigars 118 N Main st Anderson C, cigars B & O depot J W Bailey 500 W Pennst Bichl Henry, store 122 N Main st Brown & Co, furniture.. .130 N Main st Bickel John, shoes 128 S Main st Boos Jacob, store 848 S Main st Bellis G C & Son,store,2B9 E Jefferson st Bovard & Sefang Co, hardware 105 W Jefferson st Bianncci C, cigars.. .818 Breul D, machines. .235 Boyd CN, drugs Main st Bayonette V, store Daugherty ave Birckbigler . store... 800 Second st Brackney Mrs C W North st Bntler Lubricating Oil Co,oils. 107\V Jeff Biehl C, store cor Third & Brady sts Burton A R, store. ..112 W Jefferson st Butler Furniture Exchange, 554 E Jeff Butler Plumbing Co. .346 E Jefferson st Bnngar John, store Bntler Butler Hide & Fur Co Miller st Blank Sam, store Lyndora CaniDbell J G & W, hardware 208 & 210 S Main st Campbell A A, furniture, 887 & 339 South Main st Campbell A M, ciga r s .116 W Jeff, st Cohn A H, junk 210 Elm st Cornelius Lumber Co, lumber, Kittanning st Cavalier Frank, fruit 213 Centre ave Cavalier Jos. cigars 344 E Jeff st Cavalier Polo, fruit 09 Centre ave Colosime John, store 234 Centra ave Connel & Grout, store .. .120 S Main st Cohn J S, clothing 150 S Main st Colbert's furniah'g 130 S Main st Cypher GA & C, hardw'rel2l S Main st Cleeland D L. jeweler 125 S Main st Coovert Mrs W C, cigars.234i S Main st DeArme W H. dry goods. .347 S Mainst Davidson A W, store 400 Franklin st Dean Mrs S S. store..cor West & Water Dillon C A & Co. meat 120 W Jeff st DeFoggi L, store 211 Centre ave DePrill, store 201 South st Douthett & Graham, clothing Main et Duffy Chas.dry goods, 125 & 127 Main »t Dailey Mrs J S, milliner, 131 S Main st Doutt JH & Co.dry goods 126 S Main st Danbenspeck & Turner, shoes. 108 S Main st Dnft'ee T J. cigars 323 S Main st Douglass JH, stationery. .241 S Main st Dixon Clarence, drugs 316 S Main st Eskovitz N, store Fairground ave EhmerJ A, store 240 Second st Eberle Bros, olumbers.. .354 Centre ave Eyth Bros, stationery 251 S Main st Eisler&Mardorf.dry goods 221 S Main st Fox GW, store. .441 North McKean »t Fisher W A, store 257 S Main st Friedman C, notions 352 E Jeff st Feigel Bros cigars 326 S Main st Friedman J, store Fairground ave Ginzler, clothing Lyndora GiesC H, cigars Lyndora Gregg Ralph, cigars.. 108 East Diamond Grieb E, jeweler 139 N Main st Gormley W P & Co, store Bntler Goldstrom J H, meat 315 Center ave Graham Bros, store 317 Center ave Graham E T, store 151 N Main st Green & Young, clothing 118 S Main st Godwin C A, Jeweler 103 Jeff st Greek American Fruit Co, frnit 227 S Main st Goldbern & Littlestone, store Fairground ave Ha worth GC, cigars.. .811 Centre ave Harper Bros, store 357 Centre ave Hoch <Sfc McGuire, store. .805 Centre ave Heinzer MN,store 316 & 318 Ziegler ave Hull 11, store 423 Centre ave Hotel Waverly, cigars 319 & 821 McKean bt Hnaelton B C, shoes 102 N Main st Hildebraud J <ft Son,meat 135 N Main st Hotel Arlington, cigars S Main Hotel Williard. cigars.. Wayne & Main Hotel Bntler, cigars S Main st Huff F J, plumber. .112 E Cunningham Hotel Lowry, cigars...- Butler Hotel Standard, cigars. .Fairground ave Hotel Central, cigars..Main & Diamond Israel & Rice, clothing.. .333 S Main st Jackson & Mitchell, hardware 132 S Main st Johnston Pharmacy,drugs, 106 NMain st Jenkins & Royal. store, 162&164 Race st Jefferson Market, fruit 131 E Jeff st Jack J S, stationery Butler Krainbuher & Niesslim, store. Lvndora Kepple J H. store 370 Centre ave Knight EE& Co drugs,3ol Centre ave Klingler & Co, feed 139 Jeff st Knrnmer Mrs A. meat .. .331 S Main st Kamer*r G D, store 231 Centre ave Kamerer W A. store 100 Mercer st Kumuier Bros, meat .. .122 E Wayne st Kirkpatrick W M, Store, 306 N Main st Koch & Son. store 124 N Main st Koch Frank & Son, hardware 129 S Mam st Krug G J. meat 107 S Main st Keterer .Geo, furniture. ..222 3 Main st Keterer Bros, shoes 224 S Main st Kemper J«hn, harness 342 S Main st Kirkpatrick RL, jeweler.246 S Misin st LangThos. store Bluff and West et Leviuton & Son, clothing, 122 S Main st Lester W J, store C 42 Brown st Legions Robt, cigars Fairground ave Levy J, clothing 298 S Main st Leighner C. Jeweler 209 " Lyndora Supply Co. store Lyndora Lyndora Drugi-o, drugs Myers A E. store 109 E Jefferson st Miller W W, st-jre 234 S Main st Moore & Porter, store 230 N Main st Morris J D. cigars 219 Centre ave Mardorf G W, amusement.24oS Main st Miller C E. shoes -215 S Main st Metzger W F. shoes 127 McVay & Pollock, cigars,3l4 McCrea & Co, feed Church alley McCabe J E, cigars 407 S McKeau st McCrorey J G Co. 5«fc10c,407 " McCullongh J li, notions, 103 S Main st M(JClain M. furniture 404 Centre ave McCullongb A meat..<.lo3 Lincoln aye J L. estate, drugs Butler McGorlick J E. store 604 Centre ave McCutcheon J E & Co. junk Bntler Martinoourt S B & Co. buggies 128 E Jefferson st Miller G W, store 116 '* Morrison TA, confectioner,2l2 SMamst Miiler Grocer Co, store, 300 E Jeff bt NAME CLASS ASMMt Newton W R. organs. 317 8 Mnisfll Niggel Jos & Son,hardware.lSO E Jtffl| Oram S, clothing Fairground arc Oram S, clotbiuy tVotra an Oil Well Supply Co, bard'e.l2o E Jeff al Pape E A. cigars. 119 E Jefferaon at Purvis Pharmacy. drugs...2l3 S Main at Pagenelle D, frnit 228 Center a*» Patternon Bros, wall ppr, 236 N Main at Perry F P, Store Mulberry at Purvis S Or Co. lumber Franklin at Pittsburg Organ Co, organs.- Butler 0 Brieu WII & Son.plumber.l32E Jeff at Phelps Bros. notions 323 S Main at Poradu John, store New Ostle at Reed'b Pharmacy, S Main at Hush C N. cigars 823 " . 11 Rockenstein P & M. mil's,B2B " Rtiber Alf & Bro.dry gds.2os " Reiber A & H, atoie 143 " Ritter & Rockenstein. clothing, 141 S Main at Ruff A & Soa, shoes 11l " 1 liichey J A, confectioner, 142-144 " Redick & Grohni3ii.drugß,lu9N Main tt Rockenstein Mrs M C, hardware. 121 N Main at Roessing B C, harness 119 " Rockenstein Jos, harness, 146 " Risinger F, gas fixtures, 112 W Cunningham at Ralston & Smith, jeweler,..lloW Jeff st Raisley & Whitesides, store, 215 New Castle at Schaffcer Geo, cement-330 Lockout av» Shloes Bros, clothing Butler Smulovitz A, clothing...Fairground ave Smith E S, store 356 E Jefferson at Shira C C, store 340 at Stein John, confectioner, 117E Wayne at Snanian bros, furnitnre N Main at Swartz W F Store 403 Carbon at Smith H P, cigars Butler Schaul & Nast, clothing... 137 S Miin *t Socratea Poolos, fruits 133 Steel A, clothing 104 " Smith Mrs M A, store 317 Stein & Son, dry e00da.....108 N Mi in st Seipel M. cigars, 106 Centre ave Snell W J, lumber 451 W Pearl Starr & Reed, store W Jaffeiaan at Sullivan T C, harness, 132 Schlicht&, 115 ' Stock C, hardware 332 S Main at The Mfg Co, anpflie<>, McKean at Tbe Cutler Builders' Supply Co, lumber. 155 N Main street The I Cure "U Co.drugs. 709 Fairv'w aTe TrOntmau A <fc Son, dry goods. 200 & 202 S Main 8t The Singer Mfg Co, machines.Pittaburg Tafel M S. erore Fairground ave Vogel J W & Son,'wall ppr, 130 Main at Vaulet Jean, store. <2l Hickory at Yogeley J M, uieat i.. .Loc«*t st Wendell M, store Lyndora Weihe & Gibson, hardware. 223 C-'u're ave Wright J B. store 400 L-wust st Walter Geo & Sons, feed, Washington & Mill eta West End Drug Store,drugs.ll# Race ft WickWS, lumber Monroe at Wliiteman E E, store Limcoln ave Wilson W B, tinware.. .102 Centre aye Wick L C, lumber Butler Waller D H Est, drugs. .112 S Main at Weiss Kelly, cigars 200 Centre ave Wick Jno S, gents fnrmsbihg, . 242 S Main st Whitehill Geo W, hardware, 818 9 Main st Young Mrs Lizzie M, milliner, 232 S Main st Young H E, store Butler Zimmerman Mrs J E, dry goods, 100 N Main st Zotnbo S, store Lyndora Zeefe M, store Butler Wholesale- Atlantic Refining Co, oils, Bth st & Dnquesne Wat, Pgh Bntl-r Grocery Co, grocers, 153 N Main st Klingler 11 J, f* =d 130 E Jeff at McCrea W S & Co, feed.. .Church alley Rumberger W F, w001..442 W Penu »t Sarver A H, bugyies 309 N Main et The Lloyd Co, confections, 143 W Jeff The Robt McCoy Co Butler Walters Geo & Sons, feed, Washington & Mill ets Lewis Snyder, junk Mars Real Estate Abraxns & Dale, real estate Butler Christley LE & Co., real estate... " Hazlett & McCullough.real estate " Sutton D H, real estate S Main st Theo Vogeley, real estate..23B S Main at Wm Walker, real estate, Room 307, National Bank Building Miller Wm H, real estate. Room 508, National Bank Buildiag Billiards and Pools ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Murray P H, 3 billiards Callery BUTLER BOROUGH. Chakalea Steve, 3 billiards Lyndon Millmger <fc Pfeieter, 5 billiards, 823 S Main it Pape E A, 0 billiarJs. 119 E Jeffereon rt Parker Mrs SI J, 3 billiards Butler Root AW. 10 billiards, S Main st, " MARS BOROUGH. Mile 3 Tbos, 3 billiards Mars SLIPPERY ROCK BOROUGH. Ramsey W T, 2 billiards, Slippery R>ck Eating Houses ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Leonard Mrs B, restaurant Callery Murray P H, restaurant " BUFFALO TOWNSHIP. Clowes Mrs C E, restaurant Freeport - BUTLER BOROUGH. Anderson C, restaurant B AO Depot Coovert Mrs W C, rest 234} S M-uii st Campbell AM, restaurant, 118 W Jeff st Duffee Theo, restaurant, 822 S Main st Grant W H, restaurant Centre ave Kirk H D, restaurant 215 S Main st Smith 11 J, restaurant, rear Hotel Bntler Seipel M R, restaurant....lo6 Centre ave Webster R H, rest, Fair Ground ave CHICORA BOROUGH. Brown Geo, restaurant Chicora Schott Jos C, restaurant Chicora EVANS CITY BOROUGH. Long A J, restaurant Evans City HARMONY BOROUGH. Boyer ERR, restaurant Harmony Shontz Chas, restaurant " IIARRISVILLE BOROUGH. Ward James, restaurant Harrisville MARS BOROUGH. Miles J E, restaurant Mars PETRORA BOROUGH. Evi.ns O E, restaurant Petrolia SLIPPERY ROCK BOROUGH. Adams R P. restaurant...Slippery Rock ZELIENOPLE BOROUGH. King Geo, restaurant Zelienople McCormick W S, restaurant.. " Auctioneers Isaiah McCall, auct....Saxonbur* rfd 21 BUFFALO TWP. Easley GF, auct Sarversville rfd 18 CHERRY TWP. Gilghrist J G, auct, West Sunbury rfd 50 PENN TWP. J C, auct Renfrew rfd 2-3 BUTLRR BOROUGH. James, auct Butler Mathers J B, auct " Jas, auct " BRUIN BOROUGH Kelly V F T, auct Bruin CHICORA BOROUGH. Moloney Dan, auct Chicora KAKNS CITY BOROUGH. McUwitt D, auct Kama City PETROLIA BORGUGH. Morgan G A. auct ...Petrolia PROSPECT BOROUGH. Shauor It, auct Prospect McGownn J A, auct SLIPPERY ROCK BOROUGH. K rr J C, anct Slippery Rock ?• AXONBURG BOROUGH. A-;Jp s .a Frank, auct Saxonburg Le-.s'-<.-r F B, cuct " ZELIENOPLE BOROUGH. Riebold Jacob, auct Zelienople Theater Lyuf'ora Theater Co Lyndora The Court of Appeals will by held at tha ofli «of Countv Treasurer in But ler. on Fridav, Apiil 29th, 1914, between the hours of 10 a. in. aid 4 p. m., at which time and place pll who are inter* estod in the above report may attend if they think proper. G FORGE P. HARVEY, Mercantile Appraiser. March 25th, 1904. WM. WALKER. CHAS. A. MCELVAEN. WALKER & McELVAIN, 807 Bntler County National Eank Bldg. EYL F.ST AT F INSURANCE. OIL PKOI'EfiTirS. LOA UOTU FHOXSS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers