Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 24, 1904, Image 4

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I t The Butler- My National Bank, I
- BUTLER, PA «* **
Capital Paid in $200,000.00 I
Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00
Surplus and Profits 195,000.00 — $595,000.00 |
I Assets over $2,500,000.00 |
Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000.00.
INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject tu withdrawal at any time
without notice.
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent —THE VERY BEST.
We most cordially solicit your busintss either in person or by mail. I
!JOHN V. RITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C KRUG, Asst. Cashier. #
T. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. I;
Let Your Money Work for You.
It will earn 3 per cent, interest,
compounded, if deposited with the
Butler Savings & Trust Co.
No account is too small, SI.OO will start it.
Capital, Surplus and Undivivded Profits
Louis B. STEIN, Treas.
C. E. CRONENWETT, Asst. Treas.
I Standard Trust CcmpanxJ |
CAPITAfe ------- $150,000.00 §
| Fuid on Deposits- \
L* Prompt and Careful Attention to all. J
C. O. GR66NbEE, President. f
C. A. sAlbEy, Scctj?. and Treasurer. ;
•kjk* tit ik W W "if "it Ml iMlti It it" lit lit Mt I|t
Farmers' National Bank,
CAPITAL - $100,000.00
SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00
Accounts of the pnblic solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid.
JOHN YOUNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President.
E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER. Ass t Cashier.
] jml (Einmu units 6pm |
J Pays Per Cent {
J aglgmj! l On Savings Accounts. j
J SEESgSaLP ' Compounded Semi-Annu&lly. k
4 iffWiBKHBI I Just as Safe and Easy to Bank by Mail AS (
4 WSFFLPPPP 1 Coming in Person. Ask How. J
] m ASSETS OVER *7.000.000. »
jpa.ina.aigsai sc ai ai !i: as as mmai as sis ci: ■x> ti=
;; A
{ Great Sacrifice Sale J
• « —This Week at—
|| Rockenstein's Millinery! g
\; Pattern and Trimmed Hats at your own price, jf;
• • Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ostrich Plumes, Rib
•' • i
tz? bona, Birds, Ornaments, Voivets. &
I Rockenstein's |
1 i 4f
j 828 Sonth Main Street, Bntler, Pa.
Spring Footwear.
LADIES' FINE SHOES—Just received a large shipment of i
Sorosis and Kum-Bak shoes and the styles are very handsome, \
made In lace or button, light or heavy soles —with low, medium '
or extra high heels—made of the finest Dongola, Patent Vici
kid. Many styles to show you. All styles, AAA to EE.
Misses' and Children's Shoes—The most complete stock of \
fine shoes we ever had. All the latest styles in plain or patent <
lien's Fine Shoes—A full line of Men's Pateat-Kid Shoes — *
the newest styles—s2.oo, $2.50. $3.00, $3.50, $5.00, $6.00. ']
Men's fine Calf and Vici Shoes in Black or Tan, $1.50 to $5. i
AJso complete stock of Men's fine Oxfords.
Boys' and Youths' Fine Shoes —Oar stock of Boys' and
Souths' Shoes made on the latest style lasts, are very attrac
ive. We have a full stock of Boys' and Little Gents' fine Shoes
and Oxfords in Patent-vici, Velour-calf and Vici-kid.
T« - wm be a p °P u,ar Style for
1 ctftl Spring and Summer Wear.
We received a large stock of all the new shades and styles
n Tan Shoes and Oxfords. Come in and see them. The styles
ire handsome and are sure to please you and prices are the 1
owest. "* i
A Large Stock of School Shoes to be Closed Out at a
John si c k e l> 1
128 South Main St.. Butler, Pa. i
. * o
- — ! l'
/ 4 * ,J
• Artistic Decorating! \ \
[lf yoa only knew how artistically lovely you can paper the aiuipleHt * l*
home for a little hit of money, yon would not live another day in tboae W •'
' old roomn. If you are feeing to fix up the home this seawm—either paper- £ J,
► ing or painting—let us lay out the whole scheme for yon. We offer our # K
I advice and experience in helping you to select wall paper and paint* that JI
| will make any room jnst what it onght to be. j "
} Come in and see all the new designs and coloring* for 1901 -ready for jt si
I your inspection. Mouldings to match all papers. 5 W
I Patterson Bros. \ f
I Sjtl North Mala Street. Until Phones. Wick Building. 1
Receipts and Expenditures of But
ler County For the Year 1903.
r = «. « N t
= 1 § a
o! ffg. I g-®
~ '• O 3
o ■ £" ?
£■ K
a ■ ® ■
''' Adams Lewis Kaufman.... $2016 02 8-5$ 9(5 265.... 620 98
ISenT GS Glenn 1453 131 900 00 66 70 .. 486 43
' Butler John Hinchbereer.. 2275 32 1136 42 84 22 .... 1054 68
! ISo J L Simmers.T... 2038 65 1077 00 79 82 .... 881 88
i IP Castor 984 00 549 59 50 & .... 383 58
! CHntoi) Flick 1837 57 1518 22 99 86 .... 219 49
• Clav OR Thome 1626 87 1242 51 84 97 .... 299 39
I Centre P E Heck 1500 69 1100 00 81 52 .... 319 1.
SS JSS; .::: ||
gS w ::ir^ Dd : JSfSIiSS?? SS 5
SJT*.:::::. IS 9'S S S S B ." 4 ?
Forward Henry Drusell 1825 11 1163 42 86 22 ... 575 4.
Franklin Alonzo McCandlesa. 1459 18' 950 00 70 40 438 <8
Fairview .J J Campbell 1427 9m 1000 00 68 <3 —. 359 25
Jefferson W J Puff 18-5-5 17 1224 63 88 67 .... 541 87
JeS ,Chas Zehner 2164 23 1810 00 127 70 .... 226 53
Lancaster ...JcWSchol 1498 74 980 59 72 67 .... 445 48
SSiOT J N Bailey 1266 4j 1000 00 74 11.... 192 3.,
Mercer Henry Morrison.... 810 2< .>75 88 53 41 —. 180 98
Muddycreek!!! .. . WmBupp o?T-
Middlesex Robert tergnson... 2115 5.
Oakland F N Eyth 1450 49 ,10 00 52 62 68.8.
Parker W S Allen 1192 64 548 44 40 60... 603 60
Penn GS Huselton IH3O 46 1650 00 106 18 . . 74 28
Summit J W Baldauf 1570 82 8.50 00 62 96 .... 6.57 86
SHoDerrrock A H Rennic 1822 43, 1546 00 108 7o ... 167 68
VenX .::::::: W M Staker 1108 69 75 00 555 .... 1028 14
Wafihington Ci C Wray 1643 7*> 1111 00 75 £9 456 8i
Winfield- G W Galbreath 1530 19 1000 00 .4 11 456 08
nj or ti) Wm Gardner 1365 56; 1141 57 84 53 409 46
Butler boro . ...... Dan Slater 17016 85,11610 47 860 49 .... 4545 89
Bruin W C Gordon 345 7,>;
Connouuenessine Wm Burr 325 st>'
Eau Claire J A Wilson 196 40, 65 00 604 .. ~ 12» 36
Fairview . -Geo Graham 182 23 109 00 10 12 .... 63 11
Harmony.! FredWeigle 652 00! 300 00 22 22 .. 329 78
HarrisVOle .JasPew..? 332 90 288 91 22 30 21 69
K-raaS-:HughMcLaughim.. 13938 usoo 1095... 1043
Millerstown Ph Callahan 634 19 468 26 42 , 0 .... 123 -■
MARS W D Boyd 592 36 ; 4fM) 00 3 . 04 1.J5 32
ProSDect EEWehr 361 85 236 00 21 92.... 103 43
S.Kanßutzer m?> IM2O UMSU H27
Portersville W H Dann 205 51 190 00 1.6;j 4.1:6
shpS^ocV::::::: ph so wash 7»x» (H> oh 36 53 .... 17953
Saxonburg WD Hollman 419 37; 343 95 30 1 ( ... 4o 2o
Sunbury PP Brown 284 03! 175 00' 16 2fi 9~ 8<
Valencia . Amos Cooper 140 79 125 0<» 11 01 418
Ze1ien0p1e!......... ,Geo Householder... 1170 82;
" Total 77,95 61 51585 50 3809 66 18 09 21782 86
"~>|>; v m S O x
s B j g 3 e , s- 1 I
P e|| *
DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. : % ! s | * | »
I I | :? \ i % r '
;i : r, • r !_[ |
Parker .los Wallv 97 1 « < 4 * 74 *
Kama City b0r0... Frank Babbit ,3 5. ;
Clinton.... las R Riddle #1 SS, J
Clinton Jas R Riddle „ ,
Harmony boro. ... *red Welgle ljg» 30 ' HI 14 ® !J|
Cherry... ißJUarron 00 W*. "
Donegal IcFVensel,, « «> Ilh
Marion !j C Vandyke. W «
Harmony boro ;Fred Weißle 8,9 :S "20
Übcrry. R J Karron 8 *
IJonegal C V Vensel I<B <■> f* 2*
Marlon JCVaod*ke =«« 8a SU - ISBI 89
Mercer JC Brown n , . „ - . u .
Parker Jos Wall* V> -< tool, lyu Jb
Slippery Rock ,John Kelly
Venan/o |Jos Eakin *} M *J (tl t
Worth IJohn Beicbert 31 09 I-to; * *>■
Butler boro Jaj Maxwell HOW J
Centrevllle boro ... J A Aiken J5 5. Z> £ l
Harmony b0r0.... FredWeigle IJ< » ®*• M "
Petrolla. Karl Butier SB G4 JR .11 1-B
Fajfcfalre VwCS!''!! ' 4M 7T Km IK 97«
Adams twp i"!::'.:: \ F Werner 02 ««1 V « « » g ft'
A 'Jegheny I b Glenn 2WI 74 a» 19 11 «> ■>.'
I'ull/ir (ion ltlLllOr .144 111 •>' ® ■>
Buffalo •' L Slmm«trs 37K 47 l«j J ®
i»„ IN' Rsuiffpr 2Ti7 97 W7 00 •) 04 10 K. 14«> 11
ci.nton""^::';;;;:i Niiarvey::::::::::: »»«{ {««;. j,%. 1,201
gHii" i?£Klr e : IM V
Clearfleia'.'.:.:::.".'.. JPK Fenneli; 375 97 Mi }» K 7# 19 .«» *
Cherry... IR J Barron Ifij jol 17 0. 14 51. -r"
Connoquenesiting... Oreer Mci'andfcii.'.'. , *■' 4 ' l J; 5.', J 1 1 !
Cranberry Wm Graham ~ *am 972 51
Uncord. F R Sutton «£ ( .. jt fe _ , 4 ' *
Donoiriil i'J K Vens* I. 72*) (VI, tirtl «*• £' "J I
M:::::::::::::ACBrown::::::::;;: aea, fggf;
Frank! n ;Jas A Crattv U3» l)J V-> M » •*; »« »'
fairview 1.1 J CamtK.il 40U i; W«> « 31 74
Jefferson WII Grabe I-'T <T; iU U Jo"
•Tackvon lohn llehm Ml 11" JT 14 »■) W ?'i
Lau.-asUsr,, Jog Garman 4X9 9K iW 7!) i* <ll *»'
Merrer H.l Brown 11*9 llii Wi 17 94*
Muddycreek!!!!!!!!. .1 O M.Clymonds »*j fj* M 'i
Middlesex Geora*! »£epp 1.0'"•j "!i »f« J,
Oakland F M Eythe...... SU »l] 192 4. 10 1. MX.
penn ~,, G H ilu»elU>n 4;> 4» ® J® JJ*
I'arker W A Bell ' SOI 91. 4.tl M ~ M 4.. •£.
Summit! .. !!.'. . !!!! John Haldauf ?44 n. «« HI m j 1H oj
Slipiwry Rock John Kelly 01 £» I' •' « . u
Venango Jos Eakln fe 701 .1 97 .« .14,
Winfield Martin Cypher fl£ M |4H J7 Jl* 71 7H --4
Washington G C Wrar Mm 9* 4a« « *4 M *' M
Worth J L Eelchert DM H4 l W M J<U H
bfltjer boro Lias Maxwell -61 Ol «» lj *JJ , w . I
( VuiiiiVi V boro J M I lose 11 10 h 74 40 I SK ,
boiti.::: AS Ffelfer mn 3X»' «* «j jj' M J
F.au 4laire lxw». ~J A Wilson 121.6 ->-0" -el .9! M» « |
»», ■»«. " =
Harrlsvfllo Jj0r0,... 81m 4/ 109 -4 9» H. jz, 4...
Karn«C'lty boro.„,.Hugli M.-Lauxbltn. 31 ft ,
Mllleralown b0r0,., ( j J Donahue II *44 J •>• -'-I
Mara boro W|4 Hoird }* f. «' «J, ?<- '» «'
Frospeet boro KV. Webr. . 11l U j*.. •» •» 4 M
Petrolla boro K*rt Uwtjcer..® £ $ $ t lit 'j Hi
Baxonbura lx>ro Fmll Bchrotbe, ' J77 Oil lU.> 3J JO? *l^,
Sunbury Coro I' I' Brown jj *8 51 .00 . ' y
Slippery Roek Ijoro. J A Aiken ; M T4 > J9J ' j
Valencia boro ,\V H Smith 7V'*» f9» .5
Zelienople boro Wm Allen J» 37 J W '! Ti ~~ \
Win toro WCJordon 80 50 7* 36 ♦ M •• »4|
7777 - I Cfc"i«-»i«m 76 BR-.71141101 on *f7W3 Wp «*'} n
f4f~t7!i ►.« of ''onfj tv transferred from State to show standing of Treasurer with <'..uiilv
' F l'g ? ? o S| g
; ; : : t j c.
Fairview ♦ 40 ♦ 63$ 475. $ 11 ♦l6} $ J2 $1 76 j
Oakland 22 94 18 63; 5 44 . 8 03! 55 04 8 15! M 1(1 I
Doneiml 16 17 22 64 ti 65 . . 5 67 67 13 1 89 60 53 I
Franklin 536 4 20| 7 00.. 187 18 51 .... 18 51 [
Winfield .' 42 16 67 46 67 45 .. 14 79 191 86 191 86
Venanco ....... j 42H 2 97; 641 .. 150 15 16
Jackson j 154 91! 1 86.. 53 433 02; 435
Alleabeny t- tt-' 0® 19 65, 15 15 .. 94. .1 27 60477 81
Snmtuit Zl HO 1» 35 25 62 .. 764 71 41 892 75 33
Penn '8 5V * 40j ji 00. 29923 09 28 28 37
Clearfield 47 51 47 51 7? 88 V. 16 1«9 54 61 190 15
Clay 444 1 77! 620.Jiti IS Wf \ }' ;«)
HuUer 175 14" :«!•• «' 4" j
Marion 14 80 II »4 U i? 17 43 66 1 86 45 s£
Slipperyrocit 4 10 4 20 2 08,. .1 1 79j 1 06 12 85
Jefferson 83 20 14, J 11 Y8 • i 7 M
Butler boio 4 76 18 78 10 93 48 1 66 31 61 1 Hi] 38 «
Parker 519 892 7 88,.. 18023 79 75j 24 54
Washington 2 251 1 835 36 251
"""Total,, 233 08 251 54 274 2848 81 61 840 94 22 3*863 82 !
i|>a- w « c i
5 I 5' F i ■ !
Ic = B 5 S I
S a, a a. J
! I £ «* c ; f
I : ' i ! : 1 i I
Adams I.ewl» Kaufman ♦ SHU 'Ji i ttt« lui 4-' 1,1 ill iVS j,
MUmUunj KiSOlenn 90 ;m NOW) Sfe 4 jMi I.
Butltir John lilncblterger 3W.HH -"9: 117 2| .u ■>¥ Wi
Buffalo I J/Simmers I 1.. W» 14-im »07 ») k.' /
Brady .... J K Castor lOEI 00 tW 97 H 35 « J7 A
Clinton ' .... WJ FHck I SO.HI 9«" 47 U 9ii 10 10 A
Clay OHfhorn 10" 04 WM (1 OH IH 41 I
Centre f J E lle.vL tM It* J00» 741 49 27 I
I 'leaHlel.l i LCHlgf .... I.> »4 116 «» HIW 2»» I
< iierry John Hutchlso/j ... JU ai 100 00 741 4.J 1,. <
('oniKHiueiH'SKliij; .. Samuel (J 11 111 and Ji 'H 3*» <V4 (
Cranberry iJeUa, XKt 2'< 'JS3 >t> $b a> 18 K5 (
Concord I'lat R Siittor;,,,,, 131 #0 J— 77 ». 'ftl
DOIM'kuI WSCoyle ~,... 1«5 36 JO 00 9h7 IS C
Forward Henry hru.h.'ll.. ael £79 Xi 12 03 ?-
Krankllrt Alonzo Mi:Catidlu>s.,,..... V 7 6.1 jb m 5 •>» I<> 4*
raJrvlew I J Campbell , IW 13 ifc. 0» g24 A'«Bl
ie«UM/;n W J I'll If 3u'l if *1 bfi p W !
S»ckjKJ«> Chas Zehner 4** »l 42" 30 39 IN; L
l,au<aj.te* O W Schul I7iIM Ml 1141 I"a F
Mari/J/I '.... .las M Bailey 93 07 Willi Ukl , »y! J
Mrrvf t/i'" r y Morrison I.is HI IST, OTI l| fft I l.i J
linddjrenwk W» &in» 1«9 00 67 16 4t* on »»• I,
MJdtJ'ewx Koijt I'll* IH# 9."»5 ho :>H mi W
Oakland F N Kytf 7*!: 229 7.-. SOS 00 15 19 DM M
I'arker IWB Allen... .. . V... 2N in 24 9.", Ito JHO M
I'enn (< 4
Summit I W ll»ldji«l 4.1S 6} tth <v L" 41 4i. 'l'
-llunery lto.-k A H UenniC.... . 210 711 J{» » J4 » ""I I'
VenttDKO WDI M Htalkar,,, X> 9!> 1 ajf _
Waahlngton O C Wray MX- 2B 40 Tls W
IV In Held |0 W Oalbralth... ... » Wp» Jl jl V
IVorth Wm Gardner 7H 77 I- 4s Lji !fs \V
liomiiffh I> A Slater..... 5566 OH 42/2 |0 311, r,l yo# 3J| \\
Krulu WC Gordon 90 «2 53 4. { fc? &ft Ur
'onn'siu.'MCyylDK Wm Burr 11l WS 111 tXj' (Ti
vvansClty ' Georare 0 McFarland j 403 02 :MH » 27 31 751 <•«
•:»u 4'lalre J A Wilson ' li VI 7<" «S 7 27; E
■'alrvlew (irahatn ' 40 .**' <44 49 H II 3 94 Ki
larmony Fre.l
larrlsvllle Ja« I'ew 4s!i «'j IM 3D I II:
farna City Huali M.-J.aughUn. 12 20 A) <m at 12.1 Ki
llllerMiOWii rlillip < .lllulntn 7 ,in V* M* ?!i GH ">7
vyi> llovd 4U 4. to) nil '54 15 70 33 IMI
jroatoct i ; ,o® . r **-'«• 2»o«i -* i2l' f I'r
etrolla Karl Butzer 127 N5 121 4« 1129 » W
•ortersvllle. iW H Dann H2 (II 05'*0 621 lo s'i ,Si I
llppery Rock M: 7r > -Vci r«» 4« 42 , i:i «7 Hu
iixonhurK W (Hitman 30G Oft ck» 2B 01 , !m Hii
mi bury... il* I' lirown «7 no 3s ;»i :i m: HI i v»
'aleiicla A L Coo|>er 7" Is ta tin 7" •• 4.: i
ellenople ;Geo Householder 6I« 7n M .17 41 <io 15 7- |Br
Tul »> ' iiiiMo n'wm ftijifii 1
P £ ? 5 £ 50 7 K C si u K 1 > >
S 2 5. £. s 5 p » i » » b a
c . o & r- ft, £ •" M. £ • £. 5.
P. I
DISTRICT. g a £ § g S* 4 3 § 3" * g W §"
s ~ t3 *C " • JS ft
: 3§: J - * : < i S : ? | :
I 0 5? * M • *3 S *c •
: jr , . : : g : : : *j: : : 8. :
Buffalo * .... * 5 SOS .... * .... # 5 80$ 2 TO# ... t ... * 2 7i»# ....
Clinton 2 45! 2 45 97 97 .. i
Lancaster 2 11 2 11 70 .. 70!
Middlesex 1 1 2" 27 2 76.. .... 2 761
WestSunbury I I I 90 110.. .... i2O .... ....
Fairview 40 9 84* 63 984 63: 24 80 4724 30 47 521.. 521 .... 14 14
Oakland 22 94 18 63 13 54 509 69* 544 700 842 10 61 ■•10 61 .... 803 808
Donegal 16 17 20 19 22 64 31 36' 11 47 22 65 22 6.". 156 •. .... 1565 67 567
Centre 2 20; 220 418 ; j 418 435 ■ 4 .35
Adams ! I 3 10 1 3 16 88 ••I 88 ....
Franklin 536 233 428 661 120 94 70027 94 10 69 10 69 ... 187 I*7
Winfield 42 16 592 67 46 28 97 14 41 669 67 45 28 80, 45 28 371 • .... 3711479 14 79
Venango 428 126 297 423 303 «41 j 944 150 150
Connoquenessing 19 40, 19 40 629 6 29: 389 • • 389 .... .... ••••
Jackson 154 10, 23 1 23 1 04 04 • I tiß 08
EvansCity 78 ! W| 40 ! 40 j ... ....
Clay 444 • 1 116 ! 11« 57- .... 57
Allegheny 27 00 ! 19 65 19 6:. | 15 15] 2 40: 12 75 947 9 47
Brady 460 460 575 j 575 860 .. 8 601
Summit 21 80 i 16 35 16 35 ! 2»> 62 25 62 .... .... 7 64 7 64
Fairview 3 94 394 j ] ■ | 892 •• .... 8 92
Penn 850 17 48 840 18 38 750 3 201 1 320 290 290
Clearfiela 47 51 17 97 47 51 60 70, „ 78; 29 84 77 88,100 08j 765 10 91 .. 10 91 .... 16 64 16 64
Cherry 36 22 1 77 36 53 146 19 75 620 35 95 1 74 .. 1 74 .... 156 1 56
Concord 321 15 34622 80 06 22 30 06 494 .. 494 . .. J 05 05
Butler twp 17512 04 14013 44 t 410 35 4 45.... 49 04 .. .... 49 04 1 61 61
Marion 14 80 11 84 11 84. ... 11 85 11 85 517 517
Slippers-rock 410 ! 420 420 1 964 205 11 69 748 .. ... 74H 144 144
Jefferson 33 109 20 109 20 73 14] 87 46.. ... 46 11 11
Butler boro 476 200 18 78 200 13 78 10 93 10 93 48 .... 48 1 66 166
Forward ' | "6 76 5 00... .... 500
Millerstown 1 10.. ... 110
Mnddycreek 286 j ; 386 158 158 515 515
Parker 519 263 892 11 55 788 645 143 912 .. 912 .. 180 180
Washington 420 j j4 20 95 225 j3 20
Total 233 03 180 22 250 91 250 00 181 13 177 47 273 02 304 29 145 20158 59 48 62 34 96 73 81 18 81 13
> > T! i H I C 3 C
I 5 S 1 S ! s SL 5
* ~r i © ' • t
§ § I O ! B I .3
DISTRICT COLLECTOR : w g. ,oj*3 I g 2.
: _ : 2 • •
. £ s. : 5 : :
® &
Clinton twp «Tm R Riddle 00 $ 16 60 ♦lt? 60 $
Harmony , .:Fred
Cherry 'R J Barron 00 317 817
Donegal [C F Veneel 166 158 08
Harmony Fred Weigle 11l 88 11l 88 ....
Clinton J M Harvey 01 27 82 26 150 146
Donegal CF Vensel 150 142 08
Marion J C Vandyke 15 47 464 23 .... 10 60...
Washington G C Wray 24 68 24 (58....
Butler boro James Maxwell 39 37 | 39 37
Harmony Fred Weigle 110 80 50 00 363 .... 57 67....
Ean Claire.J A Wilson 0(5 0<i j
' Adam* twp A F Werner 02 49 17 46 71, 246
Allegheny J S Glenn 122 89 116 28 : 6 11
Butler twp Geo Bauer 14 05 13 35 70
Buffalo J L Simmers 19 55 19 55
. Brady I S Badger 22 72 2 10 80 62 ...
Clinton J M Harvey 3 0s 3 08
' Clay O R Thorne 32 42 30 84 158
• Center J O Rennic 595 147 08 441 ..
Clearfield P B Fennell 6 24 6 24 ....
Cherry R J Barron 50 89 63 50 26
Connoaijenessing . Greer McCandless .. 49 86 37 02 205 842 287 ...
Donegal C F Vensel 58 80 50 64 366
Forward AC Brown 48 90 35 46 13612 08
Franklin Jaa A Cratty....... 1 20 44 19 42 102
Fairview J J Campbell 39 23 80 74 1 52 687 ..
Jefferson W H Grabe 66 09 58 23 806 480
Jacks .n John Bt-hrn 33 23 20 38 106 84
Lancaster Joseph Gorman 722 687 35
Marion J C Vandyke 48 82 1 52 ol 80 ...
Muddycreek J C McClymonds... 60 41 57 40 301
Middlesex Geo E Stepp «0 3* 40 26 212 800
Oakland F M Eyth 89* 854 44
Penn GSHnselton 10 39 4 21 22 5 96
Parker W A Bell 794 754 40
» Summit John W Baldauf... 109 72 90 27 475 14 70
Slippery rock John Kelly 583 227 12 344
Venango Joseph Aikgp 41 20 ! .... 41 20...
Winfield Martin Cypher ■ • • ' 4(1 87 38 83 204
Washington G C Wray &7 74 1 13 5 12
Worth,. .... J h Beichert.. I .'.....j ,
Butler boro James 94 12 17 03 80| 76 20 ..
CoDnoonenesiiipg . J M R' be. ........ . }73 164 09 ! ...
Evans City \ H Pfelfep. ....... ..... ••••! 94 9
Eau Claire U Witaoa ... ?8M 550 28 .... 210 ...
Fairview HLSt rev ... 4!1 41
Harrnotiy Fr«i] Weigh* 8M 18 ~. .. | . ~.. 28 18
Millers-t'wn I J Dormlnie 273 08 259 48 18 65
Maw ,W D Ri»>d... v 95 91 04
S.-'Xunli-.irt/ Etnil Vhroth 67 47 59 62 8 13 472
SliiipHiy RiK-k J A .xi-'H 23 31 22 15 116
Valetcia . . ,|W H Smith 1 3 7H 5 46 1 7
Zelienople ... . . Wo. AHh, - 153 ... 6 14 46
Total 1942 01 1218 92 6.3 65 98 45 568 27 7 2
IJOfi TA£ pOR 1903.
r > > ss, r 'i t»
3 3 _St | C ~f *
5 I Sg • % I
_c _c e.|l » je r.
WHTRto? pqfj.ECTQU £«• •|| g| s I
a ft % * b
I § ' 5 I
I it » -» fit
Adams Lewis Kaufman 4150 00 i So ho $ 4 l.'l $ 90 07 $ 80 00 J..
Allegheny G 8 Glenn 75 Oil 50 00 370 21 30 600 ..
Iltitler John Hlnchberger 123 On 32 58 2 42. ss 00 115 20 ..
Buffalo Ll' Simmers 126 00 47 On a 4« 75 52
Uradv ... Jl* Caster «o 00 30 41 2 s:; 26 77
nflril/in . W J KllCk 130 00 97 5T> 617 26 28 77 50 ..
l-lair (J R Thorn 11l 00 6101 2 99, 46 00 00 00 ..
iJimier- 8 E tlei.K. ..... im 00 ##<b 7 in 1 21 .moo ..
hoarftfJtd .. .TFUrlley 10500 77 50 SW> 22 41 MOO ..
oiiurry John Hutchison WOO 75 01 4 4u; 12 sl| co, ..
Connoq'nenussing. Samuel •(l|llland 121 MBp j47 i'.'l ,1!} JS
I'ranberrjr. ./oh 11 l.t*[so I'-Q 00 ;>*i «-t 45« oH In. .<0
Couronl I'latt Slit |on 128 «• !'«> 5(1 7JI 26 00 J5 I
Donegal WFCoyle Isl 00 it K 420 WO7 Zi («/ ..
Forward llt-nry llrusi-helf 171 00 50 2!' 4 ;is I 111 42 iili 50
Franklin lAlonio McOaudless 116 00 ia no ;i II SO «" »W> 50
Fairview I J Campbell 121 Oil SO 00 al« Of.* hi 125 ot .
Tefferson WJPuff ICI 00 81 00 II 00 82 IN- 112 50 ...
Jackson Chas Zobner Ml 00 125 00 h4l 27 50 15 on ...
I.a-x-aster C W Schnl 126 00 60 35 514 51 51 43 » ...
Mii'rtiin.'.... .......... J M Halley 100 00 34 If 256 71 W 11 00 ...
Mor'-er Henry Morrison sii 00 :to m 27x 17 22 21 i*i ..
Mudilvcreek Wm Bunp 100 Oil 4s 45 354 4" 01 3H 00 ...
Middlesex Robert Ferguson 165 00 93 .'JO 5 97, 65 73 23 00 ..
iWaSy* . •• K N JOtjie'. ion oo 3S 00 2*2 05 IK 29 50 ...
Marker W 8 Alien KM on 25 65 187 58 48 24 00 ...
reBB '. usiluselton 135 60 11» CO 740 17 60
Summit':: ".. .:. . / W M.'ijdifull 130 Oo 100 00 #3» 32 67 39 oo ...
Worth ... . . Wm Gardner 110 Oil i'.i 4>> ii lt< 56 93 71 00
Butler boro Pan Slater »*> 00 "7 31 6«0 IT! 00
Bruin wrGordon anno u« 11» : i 3«
I'<tn!ifßiui-nftssliiK Wm llurr 12 00 ! 12 00
il-ltr Geo McFarlr nd 30 00 13 03 97. 16 00
Eki cfaWi J Wilson 12 0O 500 47 1 6 5.3
Fairview''it v.n *»eo Graham hOO 610 si> 10 44
Harmony .v.. . Freo WeJ-ln nOO 15 10 139 17 61
Harrlsvllie Jas Pew - 18 <*» l« 7« 124
KarnscVty'::::::::: H McLauithija on M3o 1&2 10 m>
Uiilerstavn Philip Callahan iW DM 20„ 3100
Mars ' Wl> lloyd 54 00 ft 00 1 » Kls
Pr,,si>e.-I.' KE Welir 2""*' 71 1120;
pStroMa Karl l»at*i-r 87 «' 1« » »£* " 17 - "
Purlirsvilie /...WHO ii«n 800 549 Bl 200
8 i,i.f?v«a li TII SofjMb I'I'JI *»* 71! 720
Minl.ury P ' Hfiiw# I» » ••••• ?■» g| -3 00
Vaii'iu-ia A LGoouer ••• I* So Ji' . r'i
Zellenople Geo Uoiiaeliulder ||9 M": •*'
"Total ~ ~~ 1081 00*304 I«" Hill w'a» It- '742 40 17 <
r "" n ► ► i si s i si 1
11 5 S i
CO D Zl '
"*• a
1,1 »' 3 | f
e R * t
(t 2-
&: ily PfSP^t
- .}» ::::: ,|$
ft- 9 - 00 rii.:::
DonenLl.... .• • • C V Venael -»•'«' *<* 142
Mari'ou •' ft Vandyke « 41 44 41 ...
Parker ' " Walley j J« V&
??{ g :::::
2!« ..' w ::::: «o, :::
fceUiwipJe b«r< A F Werner ,r <r |4 2»| 69 4jo id if> ..'
feeny >'<%*»«' .dd %%h feig :::
jjuyau, : '|S • "is it :::
. *^ r .: ... J G Rennic • » ! i£ iiV, w 8
■*tw 1,1 PR Fennell 39 57; 7 W22 ...
K J liarron 24 70 ...... .... 17 «.» 685 ...
iiroor McC/tndlvHH M 70; 4(i W C> J .i» ...
rfMwlt:;; ', 154 42 128 75 #67 21 «.
•orward ■■■■ ■ C Brown. . . SP On .... 4 K
orwarcl l.las A I 'ratty 19 04 370 Jj» U75 ri ,
'fdrAiiif 1.1 J lf. 72 10 M » 2Ki IS K
! « ' R 'W II Grabe .'(5 •«' II 4, 231
•irk son " i'.! ** K 1" if? II-
KsESer "• Jj«a*i«ftatll M »&| 41 1. tls II
i i \'J»U .{| .i" 14 .»J
i C vi-l'lyniijiids 21 iouu »•> 12 do Ml
Muddycriaik J ' mB3 §7 « \ « WSO it.!.
Middlesex F V i%» J< «l »W '45 945 ....
idai li y - i't* a"'
I'arkvf .... i•• •- • 5i W< ill iK 12 f"
IVnn GHHuselton IL «J 12
ni'-dt ... ... ... .. .... John W Baldauf . u ... " 1 *•" •
%i>Be l y>oi.L John Kelly 54311! 42 111 224
L'imit nji'i Jos F.akln 20 :.-j 24 15 .... 3 <Ki
iVashlnuton GCWu jr 38 7» II 06 >24 15 ...
vjnfll id Martin llypue. 17 55 12 «k «7 4 21! ....
L (,l-tl) John I. IfelMiert It 4UI 155 21 14 7n
Intli-rboro. J ami!* Maxwell 144 7»j »j u I £ ill 30 .
'onnoiiueiinsKinK U.ro— J fc Rose 3 oil :M ' 05 ' 5 2T
Evans City lioru A a Pfelfer 17 -3| lu 19 54 6 :*>
"an < ''aire tM>ro J 8 Wllaon is 2*' : ii)o 21 100 lil is- ... ;
jarmony l*iro I Fred Welgle in 3sl foil 83* ...
larrMille lioro Sim I> Morrison 390 171 09 210
[arns City boro. Iluiili Mi-l.aiiKhlln 14 54 1154 ....
1111 i-i ~ # "wn boro. .J J Donahuo 3T2 ■ i<• 20 it'.' 111 42n
lars boro W D Boyd 19 K 12 o» «l 030
POH !)«'<• t. Ixiro R K Wenr •> » «'< " «i
.•t-o»in Ih»w ' Karl Rotier •> 1« Who JI II v, ...
finery l.oro •' A Eakln o+s .1110 .1 5 2.1
uiibury WW'..'. 1 PI Brown .«!?., .J }j,
axonburic lioro ... Kmlle Srnrclb. • .2 In Is On 95 31. ....
"em-la Ih'TO™.:... .."!. *fl Hmlth • »Jo h iv. 3". 2 11. ..... ...
elb-nople boro Wm Allen. Jt» •«> . <• " -M'
ruin Imro W C Jordan 16 ol 14 .1 1 ifij ••-
Tom, , ; , tJ ~ 7777777777-7.lwoniouMHn7o4 KM uaV'K
Disbursements for 1903.
Amount Paid for assessing $ 1764 25
For publishing Auditors' report-
Robinson A shlever Jinn 00
Rutler Herald ion 00
L'E Herr too 00— 300 00
For Allegheny Co Work House 942 43
For bridge repairs ) fcvH 5s
For new bridges 22124 :ta
I'or brldre views s.'»w 50
For bridge inspection 146 83- 3413 (VI
For boiler house repairs, Ac 00 M
For Common wealth (costs) 3*lo 40
For Court House expenses-
County Commissioners £47 43
.1 L Patterson, 3UO days flitv> uo
Roliert McClung, :(ot> days.. 1071 on
Greer McC'andless. 30H dys.. 107s 00— 3199 On
Court Stenographers—
E S Kiddle 1675 00
Miss Ada Flndlcy 4!»7 7*
J II Jackson 2S 25
Mary McLaughlin . „ 12 00
Miss Bessie Golden 9 00— 2223 3*
County Commissioners' Attorney
E L Ralston 1200 (10
H II Goucher 10 CO— 210 00
'■'' or County detective (K L Hames).. soo im
For Court Auditor (J n Jackson) .. 75 0(1
County Auditors—
H C llazlett |l5O 00
G 8 Huselton 16T 04
W C Detrlck 161 64
P H Seohler, (clerk) 10 00— 4M S 5
| For Constables'quarterly returns.. 719 w
i For Clerk of Courts (G M Graham).. 769 53
For Coroner's inquest 571 13
District Attorney—
J II Ilenninger SIO6O 50
J M Painter 21 00— 10*1 SC
County Commissioners (cl«>rW)—
J C Klskaddon *OO W
' Court Crier -
| JS Campbell 1375 00
Joseph Crtswell Htl 00 471 0(
For Election 5200 it
For freight and <1 ray age fe 2t
For general or extra expense 101 it
For fuel account 1483 4:
For improvements to Co buildings
and public grounds 312N 01
For indexing (E I Brugli) 1022 3
For Insurance account 1x36 K
For Injured coal miners 100 0t
Kor Jurors, pay. &c 7SW 7i
For Jail repairs, supplies, &e 2209 4
Janltress of Court House cfflces—
Grace McClafferty 127 5<
Hugh Morgan JsnOO
E A McPherson 73H 75
Peter Wise 39 00- M 5 7
Jury Commissioners—
A D Nlckias 124 (!0
J G Christy 120 .«« 245 4
Jury Commissioners' clerk—John
Pfchbrt ' '. Ml
J.ill Physician -i>r L R llazlett 75 0
F6r Livery litre 130 5
For lunacy Inquest 590 9
For light expense 1277 4
For military enr011ment........ 309 0
For printing :... 204 8
For postage e:> <
For I'rothonolary sundry fees 374
For I'enna. Peformed School 995 :i
For Pennsylvania Industrial Re
formatory 229 5
For road views 778 5
Register & Recorder—
W J Adams J IS 50
J P Davis 119 40— 132 t
For refuridlngs I >
For registering voters 1593 «
For registering births and deaths... 91
For registering school children 1334 0
For Sheriff for l>oardlng prisoners
and taking prisoners to work
house and other institutions 5077 3
State tax sent State Treasurer, tax
• of 1903 w ...i 189X0 6
Special detective service—
Tho Perkins' I'nlOn Detective
Agenc* . ..:... L'....' '.SSC 99
Wflllitm Sl)ay 54 50- .'{so 1
Stationery at.u dockets 2112 (l
So Id firs' burial...'..'. ?75 fl
J('Welsh i Itf 0o
It II Harbison .'loon
R () Lewis 30 00
C Illnchburger X 00
F M Renno 196 00
II G Seaton 116 00
J G Klpptis 168 00
John Illnchburger 156 00— 714 f
Traveling expense 115 ll
Transcribing clerks—•
Laura B Mi-clung £122 75
Wary Patterson 290 31 - fill" r
Temporary loan 8000 ti
Telephone .wrvTce " 4
| : nspated land tux to townships and
boroughs 817 i
Water sL-ry|ei! for county buildings. 4w> t
Western lYnitentlurv niikintenance
of prisoners i>33 i
Interest on loan M 6 I
Damage account 130 1
$1309X5 S
W, S. DIXON. Treasurer.
Balance In Treasury Jan 5. !>ii Clt
19H3 » 2*6 lX 12
( uunty tax from 1902 and
previous v 12332 *7
Conntv tax from 1903 , H#*S 5T
State ta*'from 19w ancj 1
ii jlj&i fe
Roc'd from Co Commission
ers 406 I!
From temporary loan sooo 00
From Prothonotary 27 00
From Clerk of Courts tines. 31>71 9X
Justice of Peace, tines 274 95
From Sheriff 51 41
From retail liquor 555 75
Of 3-4 state tax from state) 14<»93 17
From Automobile license . 25 65
On unseated land of 1903
and'previous-.,. *63 22
. Hy state tax went sui'i for )•
| i!«vi, tail r ( imk-O s
Warrants paid on county
funds. 1... 1/7059 31
Treasurer's ix r cent 34*8 7
I us!) set aside for Butler
county sinking funds .... 3175 7
I 'ash paid to twpi ana Loro,
on unseated land . 010 t>
To Bar Association, 1-2 of
Ones 1011 4
Balance due county Jan 4.
1904 12905 2
1136837 DJ»t.J6B37 »
W. S. Dixon in account with Butler C<
Sinking Fund.
I)l< CK
To cash on hand Jan 5, lOu'l | - X5 to
Hue (L'frofii la»u» of l'.*M and
' T)re» limxu...a.» \j..w,..t 3|75 7a
By botids coupons redeemed •$ 420 <»
Treasurer's per cent.. II 1!
Ital on hand Jan 4, l'.nq 5t)09 7!
Asucit. of ttutici bounty.
Cash In treasury Jau 4. 1904.f12905 21 (
Duo from Collector Courty
tax of 1902 and previous... 4725 73
From col lector county tax of
1903 217H2 30
From collector state tax of
1902 and previous 50s 27
From collector state tax of
190 ... 2297 08
Cash In treasury of Butler
» o slnkuig. Xu;m ~ 5t 19 .f
Jury feesidue from oflfrers., <63 w
Fines due from officers 00 00 45301 41
Liabilities of Butler Co'.'nty.
Bonds outstanding .Sl3<*) "0
Sundry bills <lm- and unpaid 3121 00
l>u« tj).> «,ia l«i|os. ucrooj
Ux'fvbm unstiatftf nm<r t>~l ll
Duet ps and Itoros.rnail anil
poor tax. unseated land.,,, 241 91
lldtier Co p"or dlstrl' l from
unseated land iff* 79
Due bar luMMiclutton 119 59 16271 44
Assets In excess of liabilities $13030 oy
W. S. Dixon in Account with Dog Tax
for 13)3.
Ti> do 1; reservi fund from i'.kv'W 2i»» Ou -
I'Og IM* frOU) 491'- 1.1. J L. J
vlous• 1..,..; JOIS n'4
Dog tax from I'.«XJ ~. Ifiw in
Ity vouchers iui sheep duuiugo 17.V1 H5
Treasurer's per cent 54 *4
Amount turned over to Co— !W3 14
Treasurer's per cent onlial... 7* *9
Doif'tast ri.ser<o :V>
. -#
<X,7V H2 f)S7H
w. is. tJ'-wH m Account with Surplus
Dog a
r<i bill from Jan 5. 1908 i :ti 07 #
\mt of surplus dog tax of IWH. 1272 '>
ly amt paid tps aud lK>ros. . J«K> 40
lal d*(p tps and Ixiros 'Mi 95
»i:*y 3t fiwt :*
We. the Auditors of Butler county. biaU
it Pennsylvania, having met at the court
louse in said county on the 4th day of Jan
lary. 1904. Iw'ng the tirst. .Monday, iwcordlng
i> the Act of Assembly, having examined
lie several accounts of the county, do cer
lfy that the foregoing is a <-orr<"'t state
nent of the above accounts, according to the
•est of our knowledge and belief, this sth
la> of March. I'«' 4.
1 (i. S. HI SEI.TON.
HOW A lilt C. HAiLETT,
County Auditor*.
> I > kim a
H B 2-2 c
CT O a Jg|
2 § "=* 3 $
I ? I f I
I? ' s • i I
_J? a . „ ■§§
Adams Township Lewls Knufman J 705 614 479 88f 35 561 I ISO 17
Allegheny G S Glenn.. «» 001 29 65: !..! 78 «5
Butler John liinchberger ?.« ui 29 40 nvi QQ
ItufT.»l«> I L Simmers 713 a S»« 27 Jo "" ££ ™ 9
"""J* J :«« «' l!O 06 17 91 .... 133 44 I
♦lnton ) V ; ! , tL ,, k M;< '•"> Ml Si! 35 01 7» 83 9
J,' 8 ' « RTh° r ne sm 40' 42.'. 74 28 0B .... 114 57
< entre P E Heek 535 34 104 00 7y .. 413 86
Clearfield J F Crlley 419 91 37s OS' 22 36 .. 19 46
Cherry John Hntchlson 4-*3 a; 305 30; 23 53 " 97 43
<'onno<)uenc&>lag Saml GUland 514 76 322 00 23 86 ..I 108 80 t
Cranlierry John I-else 665 55 2fG Wi 28 38 354 23
Concord Piatt R Sutton 533 11 4*3 201 34 84 493 10 54
Donegal W T Coyle 496 40 233 60 1 17 31 .... 245 40
I orwarfl Henry Drusliell 63s > 483 96 35 80 119 OB
Franklin Alonzo McCandless 510 71 200 On 21 49 .... 199 S3
Falrvlew J J Cannibell 499 .<« 375 00 2>i 17 !!.. 98 72
Jefferson W J l'uff 649 31 42s 53! 31 13 I*B 65
Jackson ( 'has Zebmer 757 4s 620 00| 43 70 83 60
Lancaster C W Schul 534 56 3UO 68j 36 73 ...! 137 IS
Marlon J M Bailey 443 2H SO 00 14 82 .... 228 44
Mercer Henry Morrison »Ci 59 aoo 00 18 57 .. 63 02
Muddyrreek Wm Hupp 447 67 2i«> 6rt' 21 54 ... 135 47
Middlesex Kol>t Ferguson 750 >6 K3* 85 42 76 79 34
Dak land F N F.vthe 307 67 247 00! 18 30. 1111 42 37
Parker W8 Allen 417 43 lltMfli 14 30 ....! 211 »
Penn G8 11 use Hon two 06 5"0 00 35 90' ... 55 27 |
Summit J W Kauldauf 549 79 00 22 21 ..: 227 58
Slippery Rock 1\ H Rennle 637 85! 575 00 40 99 ... 21 80
Venango Wm Stalker .» o« 25 00 1 85 361 10
Washington G C Wray 575 32 358 SV 24 91 19156
Wlnflt'ld G W Galbreath 535 59 300 001 32 23 213 96 J
Worth Wm Gardner 572 44 399 43 ; 29 57 ..I. 143 44
Butler Borough D A Slater 31155 90 4063 80! 301 IS 1590 86
Bruin W C Gordon 121 01 73 75 ] 638 ... 40 88
Connoquenessing Wm Burr 113 94 1 11394
Evans City ,Geo McFarland 363 29 243 >7j 18 08. ...]' 10134
Fan Claire J A Wilson 68 74 28 00| IS4 ..."' 46 90
Fairview George Graham 63 7S 28 40 264 32 74
Harmony Fred Weigle 238 30 50 00 3 70 174 50
Harrisvllle Jos Pew 116 51 102 35 834 " 5jQ
Karns City Hugh McLaughlin 4* 78 40 00 371"I ' 507
Millerstown Philip Callahan 222 06 163 15 14 87 44 04
Mars W D Boyd 307 31 145 00 13 47 48 84
Prospect EE Welir 130 47 so 00 7 43 38 04
Petrolla Karl Butzer 60 67 59 75 5 11 i 81
Portersviile W II Dann sv 43 61 10 4 52 23 81
Saxonburg WD HolTman 146 7s 126 37 10 87 " , 954
Sunbury P P Brown 99 41 60 00 5 57, !.. 1 33 84
Vilencla A L Cooper 49 27 40 flo »72 ! 555
A'llenople George Householder 4<i9 78 305 37 22 61 ... 81 7B
Slippery Rock P A Sowash 24» 17 185 00 17 18 .I'.i 45 99 "
Total I mCTW 73 {17746 90|1306 02 |6 34 |7740 07
-r > > 5 h SO
I - 2 ® 5 B r-J ■ -4
r z I 2 5 : J
w "2 34 £2 IS*
}. C j? ® c 5T . ;
® S : S S» : 11
Cherry twp R J Barron 'X).| 15 4rt f 15 46 ....
Donegal UF Vensel 61 6* 58 (jo 308 .*
Marion J C Vandyke 105 72 105 721 ....
Harmony boro Fred Weigle 146 40 8 83 137 63 ...
Petrolla boro Karl Butzer • 38
Allegheny I S Glenn 01 ! .10 38 ,«
Clinton I N Harvey 70 24 06 54 370 '
Clay. KN Patterson . .. 383 .... 383
Clearfield P B Fennell ! 2 271 1 2 27
Cherry RJ Barron .. 221 40! 22140 .... 9
Donegal C F Vensel 121 05 115 00 605
Marlon J C Vandyke 236 02 100 00 526 647 124 29 ....
Parker JII Walley 25 63 24 34 129
Summit John W Bauldauf 239 19| 238 80 10 39
Venango Joseph Eakin 221 IM 140 00 737 74 57 .. .
Worth John L lielchert 17 85' 15 58 8J 1 4T-
Butler l>oro Jas Maxwell 134 !<; 3s 74 203 94 IP .. T
Centrevllle boro A J Aiken 113K 10 81 57 5
Harmony boro Fred Weigle 6121 515 590s ....
Petrolla l>oro Karl Butzer 12 49 11 86 - 63 A "f
Valencia boro WII Smith ; 45
Eau Claire boro J A Wilson 14 90 10 US 57 341 " "
Adams twp A F Werner 02 X.7 14 301 71 15 85 958
Allegheny J L Glenn ' 172 51 139 34 73325 84
It 11 tier Ceo Bauer 176 24 146 3'l 769 22 2:
Buffalo .las 1. Simmers 228 611 207 225 9! ..
Brady IN Badger 98 s7 90 30 475 JK ....
Clinton 1 N Harvey «• J£j »00 2 75i 191 9«. .. m
Clay OR Thome 10a W» 91 89 484 K27 t
Centre JU Rennle 15 N>; 942 49 559 ... 22 g
Clearfield, PB Fennell 123 65! 36 98 96 67
Cherry IU Barron 282 111 75 CK> 396 sOt 193 01' . ..
Connotiuenesslng Greer Mcl'andless 178 17,157 15 873 3SI 84t .... m
Cranberry .... Wm Grahaiu 601 571 30
Concord I'R Sutton 30 M' 23 (VI 124 14 94
Donegal 0 F Vensel 248 51 221 09 11 711 12 63 "
Forward AC Brown 50 07 1170 (t: 11 88 25 8; .... i
Franklin las A Cratty S3 U7] 47 56 250 361 *
Falrvlew J J Campbell ! 134 16] 113 20 59615 61 '.M
JelTertou W H Grabe 64 021 58 87 310 2 0T- . 4
Jackson John Behm 254 Xi 226 81 11 93 15 sfc
Lancaster J"S Gorman 152 82 146 11 400 271
Marion J C Vandyke. ?J\ Zi 123 45 267 78 .... fg
Muddycreek J C McClymonrts . 241 6. 225 94 11 92| 2Ot I 1:. .... J
Middlesex George Stepp 55 61 43 76 2 30i 9 sfi
Oakland F N Eythe 88 10 72 48 3 Bl| 11 87
i> en n G S Huselton I s 63 5 l'B 30 12 67
Parker W A Bell 188 16 16Ti 75 861 15 80
Slippery Rock John Kelly '**>?- 100 58 10 13 401 5
Venango Jos Kakln Sill 51 45 00 237 200 190 14 ...:
Washington JC Wray i '<7 54 61 69 32412 61
Worth John Itelchert 185 17 53 00 279 1H; 127 45 ....
Winfield Martin Cypher 12:1 115 91 31 496 34 •
Butler boro Jas Maxwell 853 60! 230 10 11 58 63192 .... ;
Connoiiuenesslng boro— J M Bone. I 5 65| 473 35—67 J
Evans City boro A L Pfelfer 128 08, 42 CO 221 923 74 <U ..:
Eau Claire boro J A Wilson A" 04 850 44 277 23 3f. .... ill
Falrvlew two H L Storjr. IK> 3!) 02 154 •; ;.J
Harmony boro Iretl Weigle 113 97 3 It 110 06
Harrisvllle boro ... Sim D Morrison. .., j 405 247 13 145
Karns City boro Hugh McLauglln •> 43 5 Hi «
Millerntown boro J J li/nahue .>9 no 52 83 278 419 .... jjji
Slars boro W D Bo\ iJ 49 86 43 3I : 227 435 ' ! ;J|
Prospect boro EE Wofcr 70 51 65 40 344 167 'j
Petrolla 1i0r0... Karl Butzer 21 2s 18 46 97 185 'aa
Portersviile boro A Ueushaw ..... C 8 a
Sunbnry boro Pl* Brown. > 38j 702 36
Saxonburs boro Kmll Schroth 61 I7| 06 91 2 m 128 **
Slln>jery Rock boro A J Alkuh 29 31, 25 *7 1 32} 282 ....
Valencia boro WII Smith 26 53 24 4; 1 2S| 83
Zellenple boro Wm Allen .".... 6 w!, .. ~| I.U 13C ...
Bruin boro WC Jordan 40 4<, 30 #7j 182 15>
Total 7741 52 4311 79 221 97 388 07 2833 52 15"27
Expenditures of Butler County
Poor District for 1903-
Aint paid for burial expenses for in
mates of home ! I 34j Ij
Amt paid for clothing —*] 44
Amt paid for extraordinary expenses. 40 00
Atnt pi»id for fjjrnlturp, .bedding afid
dry good* ■» "4
Amt paid for fuel and light W7 h*
Amt paid for farm expenses B£l :>3
Amt paid for Insurance on County
Home buildings IMS 57
Amt paid for Improvements 3I» 31
Amt paid for Justices, fees on orders
of r lief 109 22
Amt paid for livery hire 18 00
Amt paid for live sUk U -I*') 00
Amt paid for med cine and medical
supplies . 2IW 77
Amt paid for outdoor relief.. 2261 7i!
Amt p:lld for pHHisliftis and supplies. 223> 41
Ami paid for i/rotesSloua! service' on
oiitdooi relief 'OS lp
Amt paid for urlutlpg and stationery. 350
Amt paid for repairs lis 4K
A nit paid for removal of paupers,,,,, .i'J 51
Amt paid for refunding 44 US
A nil paid fur salary, labor and wages 3307 a)
Mut paid for traveling expense 1.12 a*
Amt paid for telephone service ID 07
A rut paid for Insane and hospital acct TTvsfi so
Amt paid for extraordinary outdoor
expense 27C* »
Amt paid for expressage IX'
Amt paid for guarding prisoners 4(3 25
Awt paid for transportation for poor
■ per*ons...<...j •#
Amt paid for attorney account 15 00
Total fSHWSW
W. S. Dixon in Account witn Butler Co
Poor District,
To amt In treasury Jan .">,!Htti#l7747 <L' i
Amt of tax ree'd from MB
and previous 4111 70
Amt tax ree'd from 1774<; 30
Amt cash ree'd from ('o < 'orn
mlssloners 1207 34
Hy vouchers redeemed 24«<i2 511
Ity treasurer's per cent 435 10
I Set aside fur poor district
linking fund i I 12520 *4
Hal on band Jan 4, I'KM f!7.1 li
£41103 0& J41103 oq
Yf. S. pixon in Account with Butjer Go
Poor District Sinking Fund.
To amt In treasury Jan S,I'JO.Jf 07110 30 #
Pet aside from poor tax from
IMB 12521) M
Interest and redemption of
bonds 8290 K
Treasurer's per cent 122 19
Hal on hand Jan 4. 1901 12*77 00
fISCUO II #1!I2!» 14
Liabilities of Butler County Poor District
i . . . fur 1904.
bonds outstanding" .<n2ofW "0
sundry btllb due & unpaid I2W U5- 11|3258 ttj
I Assets of Butler County Poor District.
( aiihtp tpeajjiir)'.fantmry
t»M.. i Wf> a*
Amt due from collectois
tax of 1902 and previous.. 2H22 52
Amt due from collectors
tax of IMS 7740 07
Amt due from county (un
seated land tax) 377 79
Cash on hand In poor dlst
sinking fund 12H77 00- $27002 90
Liabilities over assets Jn#l#.l 75
We. tin' Audliors of Hutler County, state
f 4VIIII ,y 1. am;. havlne piet at the court
liuatii Irksahl county «>n t'lib 4tli day of Jan.,
IUO4, iM'lug the llrsl. Monday, according to the
Act of Assembly, having examined the sev
eral decounts of the comity, do certify that
the foregoing Is a correct statement of the
above account*, according to the best of our
am l*llef thK sth day of March.
ffif.' •" •••
H. >l. lIIfSKI/rcjN.
County Auditors.
Farm Products for 1903.
192 bu wheat: 21 bu rye; 550 till oats; 1200
bu enrcorn; 35 bu sweet corn; 35 tons hay;
:uiO bu potatoes: 1500 head cabbage; 70 bu
Umia'oes 2" bu turnip-; 20 bu onions; 10 bu
Iroen peam, m bu drecti Leans' to I u plcUles;
SJiiio heaif i('M.uut!f .O ibtrtf cldvrj. IB" gallons
apple butter 2.10 bu winter apples; lbs
Cork: 3,000 guls milk; WW lbs butter; 20 bu
< vvm. rudici, \
I Architect. >
j Plan of all kind of buildings I
a furnished 011 short notice. r
C Office in Berg Building, J
Reed's Wine of
Cod feiver oi|
will build you up and make
you strong, will give ypy
an appetite and new life.
If you feel tired and
worn out try our Wine of
Cod Liver Oil and find
It is stronger and better
than pure Cpd
Pliant to take fng is
inoffensive to delicate
Indorsed and recom
mended by physicians
every where. The best
Spring tonic to give you
Health and strength.
Foi 1 sale only 1 ; •at' 1
Reed's Pharmacy
Transfer Corner
Main and Jefferson Sts. Butler. Pa
Qo Yoif Buy Mjeijiciqes ?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
east money. That is our motto.
Dome and see us when in need cf
mything in the Drug Line and
■ve are sure you will call again.
kVe earn.- a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toilet A'rtlcle/. |
8. G. PURVIS, PH. (i
Both Phones.
213 S Main St. Butler Pa.
Nr ik! owneb "
r W dr ugs
I have purchased tpe C.
4arvey Pharmacy, in the Stein
milding, at 345 S. Main St., am
emodellng and restocking the
;torc. I have twenty-two years
:xperience as a pharmacist, and
:ompounding of prescriptions
/ill be under my personal' at* ' j
ention. ' ~ • J a '" |
Pure drugs and honest treat
When in shopping, stop
md leave your packages.
I. L. McKee, Pharmacist,
Stein Block, S. Main Bt.. Butler. Pa.
Wm. Wuerthele,
Billiard and Pool Tables, Bar Fix
nrt«, Offii'ee Disks, ( hairs, Tablea,
'artitiouH, BookcH»m, etc. Turning of
iilliard ami Pool Bulla. Bowling Alley
:<iuipuient». 418 Diamond *H
kbove Suiithtield St) Pitttburg, Pa.
u-s-oa-Am , . , ,J|