Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 24, 1904, Image 3

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NOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make
cbutet In their ads. should notify us or
their intention to do so not Inter than Mon
dftT morning.
Jury List for April IS.
Diasolntion Notice.
Financial Statement of Bntler twp.
Newton's Pianos.
Brown & Cos furniture.
Modern Store's Millinery.
Campbell's furniture.
Farm for Rent
Bankruptcy, estate of Leon Schloss.
Administrators and Executors of e«t»n
eu» secuire their receipt books at the CITI
ZSN offlce. and persons making public sules
their note books.
Oh, gentle, beauteous eprmgski,
We hail three as our kingski;
To thee we'd proudly clingski
And thy praises gladly singski.
If winter would take wingski
And tby grateful presence bringski.
—Forged checks are in evidence.
—Clean up and disinfect premises.
St. Patrick's Day was one nice day.
—The street-cleaners are making rap
id progress.
—Now that the clouds have rolled by
its daylight after seveu.
—The coal miners adopted the new
•rale by a large majority.
—Good Friday, moving day and all
fool's day will be bunched iu one this
—The hen* are expected to work over
time from now cntil Easter Sunday,
April 8.
—Just at soon as the weather will
permit, those bad side walks should be
made good.
The Ilallston Coal Co.—R. J. Barron,
foreman—ir now shipping fifty tons
a day to Buffalo.
-The justices of the peace elected at
the late election will go into office on
the 10th of May.
—The Lyndora theatre is securing
some good shows—Mildred Holland and
her troupe will be there Friday night.
—After June next the R. F. D. boys,
old and young, will get $750, the year,
and must stop being news and express
—Beginning next Wednesday the
elothing and gents furnishing goods
•tores will close at 6 p.m.—Saturdays
at 10 o'clock.
—The water from the well drilled at
the Broad street school has been con
demned. as containing bacteria. It is
bat 90 feet deep.
—The locomotive engineers are get
ling their bumps these days. When the
frost leaves the ground, it leaves soft
•pot-t in the tracks.
—A very successful Teachers' Insti
tute was held at West Liberty, a few
days ago. Misses Mary Alien and Ma
bel Martin conducted it.
—Last Saturday was the first fair
seventh day we have bad for a long
tiine, and the crowds on our steets re
minded one of old times.
—Newton, tbe piano man, will rise
•gain in his old place, in one month.
He now has a desk in Cooper's, at the
Diamond oorner. See adv.
—At the meeting of the Board of Di
rectors of tbe Batler County National
ttenk, Friday, Leslie P. Qazlett was
dec ted President of tbe Bank.
—Tuesday morning, of this week,
farmers from *ll parts of tbe county
journeyed to Winfield Grange where
an interesting meeting was held.
—The Byerly house at corner of E
Cunningham and McKean Sts., M being
torn down, and tbe Krng bouse will be
moved to make room for the theatre.
—The ghost that caused Ihe strange
rsppiags and wises in an appartment
house at 4123 Butler 3t., Pittsburg,
turned oat to be a defective gas meter.
—One of our young men took some
medicine in Pittsbnrg, the other day—
some knock out drops, wbat-ever they
•re—and woke up. next day, in Butler,
minus bis watch and money,
—Fertilizing the ground was what
the Agricultural lecturers talked about
most The ground is something like
human beings in tbat "What's one
man's meat is another's poison." Every
m in must study his own patcb.
- Bloodshed was feared at the Net*
Castle primaries, last Saturday, both
candidate* made affidavits and special
police were sworn in, an outside Judge
was on the bench and the Grand Jury
was kept in session—bnt nobody got
—The ladies of the First Presbyter
tan chnrch will give a New England sup
per in the lectnre room of the chnrch
on the evening of Friday the 35th. The)
will also have a Bazar and Candy
Booth, at which Easter novelties will
—The Bntler connty authorities
•hoald have the law of 1818 which de
clares Connoqaenessing creek a naviga
ble stream engrossed, framed and suit
ably displayed in order that the memo
ry of the past may be kept green
Pittsbnrg Times.
—Sunday felt like spring, if yon
didn't take off yonr overcoat. Thous
ands enjoyed walks in the sonshine.
Near the Kohler bridge a party of nine
Italians spent the afternoon seining flsh.
Someone could have made a big days'
wages by identifying them and inform
ing Against them.
—Thiee children of W. E. Holmes of
Mcßride ate some bulbs that had been
•ncovered or washed bare by tbe flood
•long Thorn Creek, and were so badly
poisoned that a physician had to work
with them all night to save their lives.
Tbe bulbs were probably those of the
hellebore—* bright and pretty yellow
balb, but a deadly poison.
—P. E. Cronenwett. • Butler, Pa., is
now prepared to fill orders for eggs from
hie prize-winning, single-comb, brown
Leghorns. His pen No. lis beaded by
a cockerel scoring 94 points, and a doz
en pallets all scoring over 08. From
this pen he will sell a limited number
of eggs at f1.60 Der setting, and from
foar other pens of prize-winners at SI.OO
per setting eggs shipped safely any dis
- -rJPqllowing the late drop in the pri<? J
of prude an old producer was heard
humming a revised version of that
beautiful stanza:
"Praise John from whom all blessings
Praise him oil creatures here Mow.
Praise him Wall street, ye oily hosts.
Praise William too, bat John the most."
Ready for your spring suit—look over
Bitter & RockensteinV line.
Von will always find tbe new styles
iB Men's and Boy's clothing at Ritter &
"Squire McAboy is able to be in bis
office again.
E M. Watson, of Piano,visited friends
in Bntler, last week.
B. J. Barrou, of Cherry twp., visited
friends in Bntler, last week.
W. S. Allen, collector of Parker twp ,
was in Bntler on bufinees, Monday.
Perry S. Campbell, of Washington
twp.. attended the appeals, last Friday.
Frank Murpby, Esq., has rented a
room on the sth floor of the National
Bank building.
Wells McJunkin, son of Hon. J. D.
McJunkin, is again about, after a long
siege of typhoid.
P. E. Cronenwett won third on cock
erel and fourth on pnllet at the late
Pittsburg Ponltry show.
E. H. Crawford, of Allegheny twp.,
and A. W. Shannon, of Franltlin twp ,
served on the jury last week.
Dr. L. V. Groves of Anandale. lately j
appointed on the Pension Board vice Dr.
Byers, dee d, was in butler, yesterday.
James Game, of Niagara Fall*, is
game by nature as well as name. When
nis daughters got too gay he moved his
bed into the parlor.
N. J. Hall of Pittsburg, with a force
of men, is now canvassing this county
in the interest of Pittsburg's agricultur
al paper—The Stockman.
E. E. Price of Renfrew. F. W Boggs
of Evans City and J. C. Wiles of Zelie
nople will be delegates to the 31 iccabee
convention in Pittsburg, April ~th.
John Murphy of Mercer St. has made
for himself a game table that i« some
what of a curiosity. The top is <>o
inches square and contains 850 pieces of
wood of various kinds, inlaid, and is
very pretty.
John C. Goehring. of Forward. Jas.
K. Snyder, of Clinton, Matthew Bad
ger, of Franklin, James Duffy, of Cher
ry, and J. B. and G. E. Hilliard. of
Allegheny twp.,were among our callers
last week.
Jesse Heydrick, the civil engineer,
has eome chunks of petrified trees,
found twenty feet under ground in Ok
lahoma, in his front yard. Some petri
fied worms appear on one of the pieces.
T. L. Kappenberger writes that he
has eaten an apple raised near where be
was raised in Redbank township. Arm
strong county, Pa., which was verv
sour on the one side while the other was
almost as tweet as sugar.
Rev. Fred Hawk and R. W. McAees
of Butler were nominated for the Legis
lature by the Prohibs of the county,
Tuesday; and Thomas B. White for
Clerk of Courts. No nomination was
made for District Attorney.
Rev. Paige, superintendent of the
Pittsburg district of the Anti-Saloon
league, spoke in the Presbyter
ian and U. P. churches last Sunday,
and will appear in the First Presbyter
ian chnrch next Sunday.
James E. Coulter of Cleveland, a son
of W. L. Coulter of Butler, and Miss
Alberta, daughter of W. A. Stein were
married at the bride's home last Thnrs
day afternoon. Thev are now on their
wedding trip, and will probably begin
housekeeping in Cleveland.
Daniel J. Sully's name has been add
ed to the list of Leiters, Prices and
Hutchisons who have tried to corner
the market in one of the world's great
est staples. Tho latest "cotton king"
failed last Friday, while the whole pyra
mid of cotton speculation he had been
building up for two years, in the pro
cede of ' educating the public np to 15-
cent cotton." was crashing about his
—These Farmers Institutes do more
good by giving the local farmers an op
portunity to talk than in any other way.
At the Institute in Butler, last week,
the talks of Geo. W. Varnuin of Cen
tre, J. M. Douthett of Penn. C. Black
of Slipperyrock and others on liming,
poultry, and general farming were in
teresting and valuable to other farmers.
—Music, flowers, millinery and good
looking people predominated at Mrs.
Zimmerman's Spring Opening, last
nigbt, ana the store-rooms were crowd
ed. The ladies went to see the pretty
things—so did tbe men. It was the
event of the week, and fine weather and
the best of eveiything in millinery are
now assured facts for Batler.
—Every day the journals bring to onr
notice new accidents due to the negli
gence or imprudence of those having
petroleum lamps under their charge.
Every well-kept kitchen is provided
with a little stock of milk. While wa
ter only quickens tbe flame of petroleum
or of gasoline, milk immediately extin
guishes it and prevents all danger. Tbis
is a process which every mistress of a
house ought to post in a prominent
place in her kitchen. —Translated from
Le Journal du Petrole.
—Some Butler people who were in
Allegheny, the other day, got fooled on
a train. They went to the Wett Penn
station for the old 6:10 p, in., bnt found
that it had been taken off. The even
ing trains for Bntler on that road now
leave the Chestnut street station at 5:19
and 8:50. It is always best to look over
the time tables before using the rail
roads. The new P. R. R. bridge at As
pinwall is ntaring completion, after
which the West Penn trains will run
into and leave from Union Station in
Letter to W. F. Metzger,
Butler, Pa.
Dear Sir: Mr Frank Robinson, Titus
ville. Pa, bought Devoe with a good
deal of feeling against the whole tribe
of mixed paints. Our agents there,
Messrs. Kernochan & Co, got him to do
it. He says:
I am more tban ple&ited with the job. I bad
one-third uf the paint left-ovyr; 1 know of
tereral other Job*, u year old or more, paint
ed with Devoe, that are wearing well.
What a pity we have to all go through
the same school, to find out what paint
to pat on a house! Experience teaches.
Isn't there any easier way to learn T
Yonrs truly
7 F W DEVOE & Co
P. B.—Patterson Bros, sell our paint.
Grand Opera HOIIMC, PittwDnrg.
The character* are quaint type# of
New England life, each well provided
with dialogue. eocen*-icity and amusing
situations; the argument contains a nice
onion of sunshine and shadow, emotion
and gaiety. Lover's Lane is a piece
which almost acts itself. The mirth
and sentiment of the story found a suc
cession of appreciative audiences last
week. In fact, the play made such a
hit that Manager Davis has arranged
with William Brady and Mr. Fitch to
continne it for one more week, starting
| next Monday.
Grand Opera at IMttttburj;
The sale of seats for the coming sea
son of Grand Opera at the Nixon, Pitts
burg, opened at Mellor's, :Jl9 sth ave.,
Monday morn<ng last with a tush, and
there can no longer be any doubt about
the financial and artistic success of the
five performances scheduled, beginning
with •'Tristan and Isolde" on Tuesday
evening next, March 29. The sale of
seats will continue each day at tbo
I store of C. C. Mellor Company.
On April Ist, 1901, I will removo my
Livery Stable to the Brick Barns on W.
Jefferson St. and the old prices will pre
vail. Ten cents stand in and 25 cents
for feed. Thanking my customers for
the past, I assure them letter accom
modations in my new place. Peoples
Phone 2«! I. HENRY BICKEL.
Ritter & Rockenstein guarsntee their
prices, try them for your spring suit.
Look over Ritter & Kocken
stein's sto k, it will give >on an idea of
what la new in men's wear.
Elias Sbakely vs Bntler boro, appeal
from report of viewers awarding plain
tiff no damages for the opening of Mc-
Kee street through his property in the
West end. Shakeley states two 50-foot
lots will be wholly occupied by the
street and wants £2.000 damages.
N. Haseflue vs Cornelius Lumber Co.
bill iu equity to compel deft-*, to with
draw a £IOOO mechanics lien. Hasen
flue claims they had signed a release.
Iltnry and Alvira Rumbaugh vs John
L., John A. and Mrs. Bessie Turner,
the Turner Coal & Coke Co., trespass
for SSOOOO damages for the death of
their son Earl Rumbaugh. aged 20 ;
years, who was killed by a fall ot slate ,
in the Keystone mine just a year ago.
D. P. Kellv vs Bntler County, Parker
twp . School District of Parker twp.,
and W. S Allen, collector, bill in equi
Allison Klingensmith vs United States
Health and Accident Ins. Co.. assump- |
sit for $282. on a disputed sick benefit, j
Jas Follet va Parker twp. bill in j
equity to have assessment to township i
stricken off.
The first two cases, E. J. Quigley of j
Oil City vs Penn'a R. R. Co. for SIOO,-,
000 damages and heirs of William A j
Forqner vs Martha M. Forquer, eject
ment. were continued. Other cases
were continued as follows: W. Flood
ing vs Jos. Ziegler; John Brennan &
Co. vs J. V. Ritts: Heniy Shenk & Co.
vs Butler County National Back, as
sumpsit for balance of S26,O<H); Jennie
Cumming? vs B. & O. R. R- Co.;
Matthew Bowers vs Brown & Sutton;
W. B. Denniston vs New Castle Gas
Co. and Fort Pitt Gas Co.
The ejectment suit of W. W. Hen
shaw va The South Peun Oil Co. for a
lease in Forward twp. resulted in a ver
dict for the defr. Tbis is the only trial
completed this week.
A motion for a new trial was made in
the case of Commonwealth vs R H
Gevberding, of Forward twp.
Theodore Scliwich plead guilty to a
charge of assault and battery, and waf
sentenced to pay cost, a fine of $lO and
to undergo imprisonment in jail for 10
In the ca?e against Annie Rumrnel.
of Chicora, accusal of having concealed
the death of her child immediately
after buth, the jury returned a verdict
of not guilty.
In the cas-e of Commonwealth vs
Frank Hatick. felonious entry, no evi
dence was offered by the Common
wealth and the defendant was acquitted
The P & W R R Co, charged with
maintaining a nuisance by obstructing
Etna street with a sucker-rod fence,
was found not guilty, aud the costs
were put on the county.
John Parado of the West end, was
found not guilty of assault and battery,
and the costs were divided between him
and the prosecutor, Frank Stanko.
The case of Commonwealth vs Daniel
M Wade was settled
In the case of Commonwealth vs
Grant Geiger, convicted of false pre
tense, sentence was suspended on pay
ment of costs.
"Aunt Tillie" Kiester, of Kiefiter Sta
tion. was put on trial Thursday on a
charge of selling liquor without license.
The alleged liquor was Peruoa, De-
Witts bitters and orange cocoa. A
chemist from the medicine company,
which sold the orange cocoa to Mrs
Kiester, stated it contained enough al
chohol to preserve the drugs in it. Sev
eral young men testified they felt its
effects after drinking. The verdict was.
guilty. A new trial has been asked for.
A plea of nolle proseoue was entered
by the Commonwealth in the case
against Cherry twp.
Peter Crilev was appointed supervisor
of Jefferson twp.
Sale of 70 acres of Jas Forsythe, dee d,
in Adams twp to Win Anderson for
$4,000 was confirmed.
Geo Amos, prosecutor in the larceny
case against Christ Lavos,was sentenced
to pay the costs
Last Thursday afternoon Michael
Lombraso met Louisa DeFoggi, a bright
little girl, 13 years of age, who has been
employed as interpreter in law suits,
as she was coming out of a bank after
cashing a check of $59 for her father,
Leonard DeFoggi, a baker of Centre
Ave. The two decided to elopo and
walked to Lombraso's shanty near the
old saltworks. Next morning they walk
ed to lanysonville, there took a train,
and were arrested at Houston Junction.
DeFoggi having started a search for his
daughter. They were brought back to
Butler by Chief of Police Schultz Fri
day night. At a hearing Itefore Justice
Keck, Saturday morning, DeFoggi at
tacked Louobraso and tried to kill him.
Lombraso is now in jail ou charges of
rape and seduction.
On motion of the attorneys for the
brothers and sisters of D. H. Wuller,
the Snpreine Cour has made an order
of supersedeas staying sheriff's sale of
the decedent's real estate. The excep
tions to the bond of John J. Kohler. as
signee of Johanna and Mary Wuller,
were withdrawn by the attorneys for
the children.
William Pettigrew plead guilty to a
charge of furnishing liquor to a woman
of known intemperate habits and was
fined $lO and costs and sent to jail for
20 days.
An Italian who accidently shot a man
in Poit Perry, two weeks ago, was ar
rested in Butler, Monday.
J. M. Painter, Dr. M. E. Headland
and Geo. W.Campbell were appointed a
commission in lunacy on Priscilla Hil
liard, an inmate of the County Home.
Tuesday two small boys found the
dead body of a very young baby at
Myoma. Two men working on s rig
nearby told the boys to bury it and say
nothing. Later the boys told Squire
John F. Shannon, who had the body
lifted for proper interment and who
sent for Coroner At well to make an in
Geo W Deer to Minnie M Allen lot on
W Penn st for S2OOO.
Susan Ziegler to W G Ziegler lot on
W Clay st for *IOOO.
Benj Sarver to Benj M Sarver 142
acres in Buffalo for S4OOO.
A Howard to P K Carson, assign
mentof lease in Harmony for SI2OO.
Samuel and Kate Allen to Wm Hoff
man H acres in Connotjuenessing for
Louisa M Brown toll C Bricker lot
in Bntler for $1)50.
W C Thompson to H N Hoffman 40
acre* in Jefferson for SISOO.
G W Morrow to B E Itunkle 125 acres
in Cherry for SBOO.
B E Runklo to It It Wright interest
in 124 acres in Cherry for S4OO.
Gottlieb Pfiel to W J Hemphill 08
acres in Clinton for SBOOO.
M L Gil>son, Bheriff, to Emery Myers
trustee 130 acres in Slipperyrock for
J F McClung to Ada M Rumbaugh
lot on W Clay Ht for S4OOO.
Philip Oelbach to Catbering Forsytbe
lot on W Jefferson st for S3OOO.
John Balliet, Jr., to E A Hunter 12
acres in Connoquenessing for SSOO.
E E and Anna Hugh to Margaret
Edwards lot on West D St. for SbSO.
Frederick Bauer to Chas Mosthaf a
acres in Summit for SOO.
W D Brandon to Butler Brick & Tile
Co. 5 acres in lintler twp. for SOSO.
A B McCandlesa to Thomas F Coulter
lot in Slippery rock for $240.
Margaret J Eakin to L T Kerr lot in
Eati Claire for s*7s.
Asa M Patterson. Ex'r, to Chas Ger
lach f:i:i acres in Slipperyrock for
Geo W Beatty to John W Waitz 00
acres in Venango for $2125.
Butler Brick & Tile Co. to Geo F
Howard brick works and 5 acres in But
ler twp. for SMOOO.
P E Dierken admr to Daniel Dierken
80 acres in Oakland for $2200.
Henry Wagner to Otto Li mberg 2
houses on N Washington st for $4200.
C S Pitts to Daniel Dierken lease and
well in Fairview for SIOOO.
Jacob Ader to Wm Beitz 56 acres in
Win field for SI7OO.
Your spring suit st Ritter & Rockell
stein's, their price IM alwajs right.
The best at the lowest prices at
Ritter & Rockenstein a.
Marriage Licenses.
Lewis Morrow Bruin
Margaret Watsou Ean Claire
James E Coulter.. Cleveland. O
Alberta L Stein Butler
Lindsey L Fox Hilliard
Flossie Bohrarn *'
A. V. Flick Armstrong Co
D. V. Snyder Fennelton
William B. Bryson New Castle
El?ie V. Adams \Yatr> is
S. O. Reiter Troutviile, Pa
Laura A. Limberg But'er
Doting Father—"Yoa must not ex
pect lier to propose so soon. my boy.
She has been callirtr on you only three
Beloved Son—' I know that, father,
bat instead of enlightening me as to her
intentions she insists on turning down
the gas and keeping me in the dark.
j John Watt, of near Forest ville, Mer-
I cer twp., a section hand on the Besse-
I mer, was killed by bt-iug struck by a
! passenger train, last Wednesday. He
j stepped out of the way of a freight and
was struck by the passenger. He left
a family,
John G. Lutz, formerly of Porters*
ville, fell dowu the shaft of a steel mill
at New Castle, a few days ago. and was
* killed. He was buried at Portersville
! on Thursday last.
Mrs. Rusi-ell of Saxonburg fell on an
Elm St. sidewa'.k, yesterday, and was
A stranger named Patrick Gallagher
d.ed in the lock-up, last night.
Public Sales.
April 11th—Monday—At Andrew
Lettiitim's in Butler twp., hor>e, cows,
wagons. bnggi<B farming implements,
ponltry, etc. J. R. Kearns, Anct.
Farm lor Kent.
The Win. Miller farm in Butler twp.
three miles west of Butler is for rent
inquire of G. Wilson Miller or Henry
Miller, at the grocery stores.
Low Kates to Washington, I). C.,
via IS. & <>. Kailroa«l, Account
Knights of Columbus.
Tickets on sale April 11th, 12th and
13th, good returning until April 18th,
inclusive. Rate from Butler £IO.OO
round trip; correspondingly low rates
from other stations. For Tickets, sleep
ing car reservations, etc., apply to W.
R. Turner, Ticket Agent, Bntler.
A Remarkable Record.
The affliction known as chronic
Catarrh (Rhinitis) of the uose has been
one of the most difficult problems
in Medicine, first, because nearly every
other person is afflicted with this trouble
and second, because only few physicians
possess the necessary skill, patience and
experience to successfully treat this
malady which eo frequently is the fore
runner of bronchial and lnng-diseases.
The physician who wishes tocure catarrh
must be able to treat not only the seat
of the affliction but also the cause which
lies invariably in the ueneral condition
of the patient and requires at least the
same attention as the local trouble.
Dr. A Sigmann, the Pittsburg Eye-
Ear-Nose-and-Throat Specialist seems
to be in possession of the essential re
quirements for the cure of Catarrh, a
claim which he can substantiate by
scores of testimonials: ''l never thought
that I could be cured.'' writes Mr.
Uenry Schilling. Manager of the Pru
dential Life Insurance Co., 5 Watson
St., Carnettie, Pa., as my case had
had baffled the skill of several of the
best doctors and specialists. My gener
al health had ureatly suffered so that I
had to resign my position. In less than
6 months Dr. A. Sigmann of 804 Penn
ave., Pittsburg, succeeded in curing me
of all mv troubles."
Otto E. Heinemann, 435 E. Ohio St..
Allegheny,certifies that he was cured of
ulcerated rhinitis by the doctor, after
all other remedies and doctors had fail
ed to give relief.
Dr. A. Siguiann may be consulted
free until April Ist, at 804 Penu ave ;
thereafter at Suite 406 Home Trust
Bid#.. 541 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
If it is an up to-date spring *nit you
want try Hitter & Rockenstein's.
For better men's clothing at less
money try Ritter & Rockenstein's.
A first class gray work team, weigh
ing about 2800. Will cell naked team or
complete outfit. Lack of work is our
reason for selling. Will sell cheap.
Butler, Pu.
Low Itatcs to Points In tlie
West and .Northwest.
March I to April 80, inclusive, the B.
& O. Railroad will sell one-way Colo
nists' tickets at greatly reduced rates to
points in the West and Northwest. <
For further information call on or
address nearest B. & O. Ticket Agent,
or B. N. Austin, General Passenger
Agent, Chicago, 111.
Registered Jerseys for Sale
I have four registered, Jersey cows —
two fresh now and two fresh soon —also
fonr heifers, eligible to register, which I
oiler for sale.
R. F. D. 44. Prospect, Pa,
Better Than a Physical Culture
The Brawntawu Method of health and
system building will fit you to with
stand the pranks of King Winter-
Brawntawns are stern natures help,
mate. Just pure vegetable food. Tonic
that invigorates. Greatest of all nour
ishes and builders are Prawntawns
tonic triangular tablets. Write t<xlay
for a five days treatment. Sent post
paid on receipt of ten cents.
Frederick, Md.
World's Fair at St. Ixiuis.
The Louisiana Purchase Exposition
will open at St. Louis April 30. and will
be in perfect condition on that dale.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will run the first low rate coach excur
sion from the East to the World's Fair
on May 10, affording residents of the
Eastern section on opportunity to see
the great Exposition in all the glory of
its pristine freshness. Tickets will be
sold from all principal stations on the
Pennsylvania Railroad System. The
fare from Philadelphia will be f1H.50,
with projiortionate rates, approximating
one cent per mile, from other points.
These tickets will be good going only
on special coach trains to be run on
May 10, and returning in coaches of
regular trains leaving St. Louis not
later than May 10.
Always the best in men's and Iwy'ti
clothing at the lowest prices at Ritter
& Rockenstein's.
Music scholars wanted at 1!W W
Wayne St.
Insurance and Real Estate.
If you wish to sell or buy property
yon will find it to your advantage to see
Win. H. Miller, Insurance and Real
Estate. Room 608, Hutler County
National Hank building.
I BUY, sell and exchange all listed
and unlisted securities, and deal in
New York, Pittsburg and Chicago
■tool's, both on margin and otherwise
Prompt, efficient service aud liberal
term*. I can make money fur you
write me. HORACE J. PHILIPS,
anker and broker, 704-5 0 Keystone
liuilding, Pittsburg, Pa. (Member
Pittsburg Industrial Exchange.)
DO Vol) vv „NT TO SKI,I. your farm or
other rual «*htut«;? I ran do It for you.
Henri rue full i/iirllrul'in* at onro.
404 Keyatooe Building. l'lttMliurg
Attend the Ptntf Normal School ut
Hlippt-ry Roc If, Untl» r Connly, Pa. Ad
vantages find clmh«, r.:t»*M low; tuition
free to teachers an<l to tbotc who intend
to t<incb. Spring term March
1004. Henil for n catalogue Add reus
Aluekt E. Malthy, Principal
! The upper stories of the old Nixoi
. ! Home on McKean st.. were pretty wel
eaten out by fire, yesterday morning
' The fire originated in a front room o:
r | the second story, and spread rapidly ti
[ 1 the third story and attic. When tht
j firemen reached the scene the wholi
, ' building teemed to be in flames, aiiti
, they had to flood it to extinguish them.
A negro boy who roomed in the attk
tumbled down a ladder from the rool
but was not killed. The home wa«
built by Ham and M*ry Barnes, chil
dren of Kev. Barnes, dee'd. in the 70s
they sold to Sim Nixon, now dee'd. who
changed its name to "Nixon's Hornw."
and it is jet owned by his family, f.
Walsh fca.- had it rented lately. Thedaui
age to house and goods will probably
reach $5,000, and the i nan ranee is with
L. S. McJuckin & Co.
The Graham Bros, grocery, in the
Aiken building on Centre Ave., was
discovered to be on fire shortly after 10
o'clock last night, but the flames were
extinguished before much was
Eggs, " If
Butter, '• 23
Potatoes, ' 60-65
Onions, per bn 1 20
Cabbage, per lb 4
Chickens, dressed 12J—15
Honey, per pound -M
Lettuce, lb 15
Beets, per bn ?•">
Apples, per bn 50-75
Walnuts 75
Hay, " 12-14
Tour to the l'aciiic Coast and
iiraiut Canyon,
On account of the General Conference
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to
be held at Los Angeles, Cal., beginning
May 3, the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.
will run a personally-conducted teur to
Los Angeles, visiting the Grand Canyon
of Arizona en route, at unusually low
rate.-. A special train of the highest
grade Pullman equipment will leavs
Pittsburg on Wednesday, April 37. run
nir.g via Chicago and the Santa Fe
Route to the Grand Canycn. Sunday
will be spent at this wonderful place,
and Los Angeles will be reached on the
evening of May 2. Rouud-trip tickets,
including transportation, one double
berth, and meals on special train going:
and transportation only returning on
reKniar trains yia direct routes or via
San Francisco, w ill be sold at rate of
SIOO from I'ittaburg. Tickets will b*
good to return at any time before June
an. Touri.-.ts returning via St. Louis
luny stop off for ten days to visit the
World's Fair, by decanting ticket and
faying SI.OO fee. A deecriptiye itiner
ary will be sent on application to Geo.
W. Boyd, (ieneral Passenger Agent,
Drcid Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa.
You will find just what you want in
a new spring suit at Ritter & Rocken
Two Days More
By Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mahaf
fey and Miss Milier, tbe Expert
Opticians, at the Lowry Hotel.
Their science and skill estab
lished in Butler, Pa. 500 people
relieved of defective vision.
Over 200 cases of headache
over come. Headaches over
come in one hour. They will
be at the Hotel Lowry two
da>s more, March 28 and 29.
il# \1
v/v *! -
' *?w>
He 3.
spring dry goods
The great preparations we
have made—large choice as
sortments —and the prices—
show how determined we are
to get —and deserve —a very
largely increased business
through the mails.
Won't you send for samples?
—if you do, be definite about
goods, color, and price—also
mark your letter B. C. 10.
One of the ne\v sheer import
ed goods of this sheer goods
season is Lattice Voile —43
inches wide—Cadet, Navy,
Tan, Grey, Cream, and Black,
$l.O0 —a pretty weave—pleas
ing departure from the perfect
ly plain so long and strongly in
vogue—the texture, the shades,
and the price, all interesting.
Large choice line of Dressy
Thin Stuffs, 35c, 50c, 75c to
Parsifal Blue Voiles, SI.OO,
$1.25, and $1.50.
Parsifal Blue Crepe, $1.25.
Parsifal Blue Eolienne,s 1.50.
Parsifal BlueJChiffon Cloth,
What would you say to an
open-mesh Tailoring?
We have it —Crepe Twine
Cloth —open, but heavy enough
to be made up without lining,
46 inches wide, $1.50.
Golden Brown, Seal Brown,
National Blue, Navy Blue,
Porcelaine, Reseda, Tan,
Cream and Black.
Boggs & Buhl
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House °enn'a.
The best of horse* and Ami clan* nn» al
way* on hand and for lilr«*.
Hest accommodations tn town for i>< rrna
ii' 1.1 bOSMlag and truiinler.l tradn. ripec!
al earn guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horsea
A good c ass of horses, both drivers and
draft horse* always on harul aud for »al«
u'-rler a full Kuarantn"; and horswN bouyli
it jn ur >u«r notification by
| Tc<Mpr»OßA No. 21
Mt-u nnd women fit yourtrlvr* to rain Irons
4*A<> t«> 4KMIO tt Month.
Wc can find |»>Hitioa» lor nil ifr.uluntrt In ,
railroad and commercial office*. licg:u i.ow.
Scud for illustrated catalog.
Pennsylvania Trleqraph Collrqe,
600-603 Lewis Block, Pittsburg, Fa.'
1 j REEF, 5
\ AND i
5 WINE, >
'j (Peptonized) /
i?i I
" When you buy a beef, iron J
{ and wine, why not get a good j C
c one? Much that is sold under f
f that name has but little to j f
J commend it as such except the )
C name. We prepare a Beef, {
} Iron and Wine that is com- 1
C posed of the purest extract of J
/ beef, the most digestable form S
£ of iron, pure sherry wine and (
a high grade of pure pepsib. I S
C This is a splendid tonic and N
1 blood maker. Will agree with ; !
j the most delicate stomach. C
V Prompt results will follow its r
f use in impaired nutrition, im-
r poverished condition of the ; J
/ blood and in general debility, j C
f We have customers who I J
C speak of it in the highest j /
€ terms. Be sure and ask for ! j
f Boyd's Beef. Iron and Wine I
J peptonized. Full pint bottles C
i | Near the Court House, | ?
Butler, Pa.
Butler Twp. Auditors' Report.
Account of J. W. Rice and .lames Sedorls,
Supervisors of Hutlcr township, for the year
eudinfr March, 1901.
To amount duplicate ?!177 91
To amount taxes worked J22)i2 44
To amount taxes paid In cash 408 90
To amount taxes unworked 393 21
To amount taxes exonorated 53 26
Total $3177 91
Aocouut of J;is. SfdorlH for tr.onry received.
Ree'd from Oesterllng & Hlnchberger i 28 94
George Bauer, Col 6 lis
" " County Treasurer (license) 57 Oil
'• Oveiseers p<K>r (old balance) I*7 97
" " old Supervisors :il 35
'• " taxes paid In JIM 28
Total i 016 49
.1 Boos, grocer S 10
.1 II Fry. hauling flow
W fcilwrt. hla'.'ksmltliing 7 55
.1 H Fry, work 29 W
J Fisher, work 4 50
W .1 Stepel. work 12 till
W J Millisou . work 2 W
.1 .! Manney, work 1 50
W \V Mutiney, work 42 W
(I S IVarce. plank 12 W
J I' Crlswell, collecting 4.17
A M Hunter, hauling 44 W
II Holmes, hauling ashes 12 38
S \V Voting, stone 7 00
F Kock & Son, hardware 1 30
Jackson & Mitchell, hardware 22 29
\V .1 Heatty, work 2 00
A Lemon, timber 5 W
It .1 Thompson, work 20 54)
M Mohler, work 10 01)
A Sedorls, work tl 95
C F. Seilorls. work 15 W
.1 E McCutcheon. tile 7 CO
.1 II Fry. lumber 12 01
Work and sundries, nails, etc 34 80
102 days 153 W
Total $ 532 48
Balance due township I 84 03
I'ald to new Supervisor i 85 02
Accourtof J. W. Hlce for money received.
Taxes paid In cash $ ItH ts*
Amount received. Overseers Poor.— 187 97
Am't ree'd Oesterlliiß, old account.... 28 78
Am't ree'd Oeo Bauer, Col X'in
Total I 412 35
Sundries i 3 3.3
Work with team 14 W
101 days 151 50
A C Croup, work 2 00
i' Gold, work 3 55
CC Barn hart- work 3 5(1
A Zelttler, work ... 9 75
A J Kradel. work 2 W
11 Fry, work 1* 50
J Gillespie, work 1 27
H Fry. work 17 00
• F Kock, spikes 40
(3 Kradel, work 4 80
F Hcrold, plank SO
T C Johnston, repairing and plank.... 16 81'
I' Lfltz. plank 1 50 '
A F Kradel. stone 2 W '
.1 Croup, work j W
(»»so Bauer, work 2 18
Geo I'll low. lumber 1 75
A Kockensteln. tile 20 W
Urobman & Oesterllng. repairing 10 90 (
T Morris, planks 11 : <2 >
W Watson, spikes 15 '
Total I 320 10
Balance due township $ 92 29
|>ald new Supervisors March 19, 1904...j 60 W
[rif \\
iine of optical floods in the county
will surely lixht on our store. All
sorts of glasses are in our stock and our
knowledge of eye defects and eye needs
is at your disposal without extra cost.
Call on us when you have eye trouble
of any kind. EXAMINATION FREE.
We also sell-
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Paco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Guitars.
Optical goods.
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court House
1 )AROID. The Roofing with NO
PAR. Won't dry out. Won't
grow brittle.
A NYONK can apply it. Tins,
Nails and Cement in core of
each roll.
liEPRESENTS the results o
" years of Experience and Ex
/\NLY requires painting every
fewyears. Not when first
I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate
or Shingles.
1 \EMAND for PAKOID is world
Othw Facta, Samples and Prices are
yonrH if yon will umlc uh.
WM. WAt.KFin. ('HAS. A. McRr.VAIN.
Jintlcr County National Hank Hide.
INnl UA V(-E.
<)l I. I'ItoPKIiTIKB.
IS It & 1* It II
Time table in effect Nov. 22, 1901!.
Passenger trains leave and arrive at
Butler as follows:
' 7:30 a. m., mixed for Punxsutawney.
Du Bois and intermediate stations.
10:17 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex
press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week days, for Rochester.
6:80 p. m. local for Punx'y, Du Bois
and intermediate stations.
11:"-io p. m. night express for Buffalo
and Rochester.
G:oi< a. m. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester.
9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation
from Dußois.
5:31 p. iii daily, vestibuled day express
from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
8:45 p.m. week days, mixed train
from Du Bois and Punxsutawney.
Trains leave the B. & O. Station,
Allegheny, for Buffalo and Rochester
at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p m.. and for local
points as far as Dußois at 5:10 p.m.
Time ttable.effectlve Nov 22, 19<A3. Eastern Staudanl
Allegheny Acaivnnuxlation +6:2oa-m
Allegheny and Cleveland Kxjren* -m
Allegheny Express. *9:10 a-m
" _ " tl]: 15 a-m
Ell wood City Accommodation *1:40 i»-ni
Chicago, New Castle and Allegheny Ex.... *•{ 40 p-m
Allegheny Fxprew ♦ft 24 p-m
Allegheny A oconi inflation *5:50 p.m
EllwtMid and NVw Castle Accommodation... "Sr-SO p-m
Pittsburg, Ellwood City and New Castle..*6:oo p.m
Kane and Bradford Mail *9:42 a-m
Clarion Accommodation *4:56 p-m
Foxl-urg Acrominflation $8:00 p,m
* Daily. ♦ xcept Sunday. t Sunday only.
Trains leave the Allegheny station for
Butler at 7:30, 8:15, 10:45 a.m.. and 1:15,
3:00, 5:30,6.15 and 11:30 p.m. Pittsburg
station at 7:50 a.in. On Sunday at 7:30
a.m. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m.
For through ticket*, Pullman reeervntiohs and in
formation aj'ltly to W. R. TURNER, A let,
Butler, Pa.
E. D. SITH, A. G. P. A.,
Pittsburg, Pa
Time table in effect Sept. 13, 1903.
northward. Daily except Sunday. Southward
Ruad ap) (Read down)
2 10 14 STATIONS. 1 » 11
I' M I' M P.M. a.m. A.M. pm
7 2j 2 20 Erie 7 00 12 18
7 01 1 53 F»irricw 7 2« 12 44
6 51 1 42 Olrmril 7 3T. 12 57
7 0O 1 l. r > nr. .(VinnMUt. . .ar 9 11 1 Ift
5 32 11 45 IT.. OoDDoaut. .lT . 7 16 11 45
j i 33 1 2") Cnuiwille 7 5a 1 15
# 2S 1 20 All.ioii 8 00 1 30
Gil 1 05 Sli*lt*lMUti 8 131 1 34
« OS 1 (alSpingbolo H 16! 1 37
il 02112 57 Cornea villi 1 8 23 1 43
5 40 12 35 Ml Juajt.. j 8 Is| 2 05
« ;» 1 os|«r.. Moadcillo.. *r 023 2 43
4 43 I! 52, IT. .MxaJvllle. .!» 7 45 1 27
6 05]12 43 ar. .Cuuti.ljake. ar 8 55; 2 15>
5 15 12 23 L» " IT 8 33 1 52
5 40 ! »r.. Liuesvillo . .ar 10 25
12 02 IT -< IT 8 25 12 02
5 23)12 1U Hartatuwn 8 59 2 22
5 17 12 lo AilamitTillc a 05 2 28
5 07 12 00 Osgood I » 15 2 40
7 10 5 00 11 62 OroeuTiUe 8 30 1 • 23 2 50
7 <F> 4 53 11 45 Shenango « 38 9 29 3 OO
8 40 1 35111 22 Fredonia 8 58' 9 47 3 17
6 27 1 20 11 0« Mercer 7 1« 10 03 3 35
6 22 I 1511 01 Iloiutou Junction 7 22 10 07 » 40
« 01 3 5(1 10 41 OroTeCity 7 14 10 25 4 01
5 47 10 2H llarrinvillo 7 58 4 14
540 3 38 ; 10 20 llran. liton 8 07 ! i0 4* 423
8 4.5 * lis 11 14!ur.. .nilliard... ar 11 14 6 45
4 3" 3 <►> 7 00: 1T... Hilliard. ..IT 7 00 7 00 3 00
5 35 3 33 10 17 Kel.ter 8 12 10 4« 4 27
5 IS 3 19 10 (li Kuclid 8 30 11 00 4 43
4 45 2 50 Ut Butler 9 00 11 25 » 1"
3 Ou 1 15 8 lSlAllegheuy 10 25 1 00 « 35
pm pni 'am j a.m.i pm p.m
Ttaln 12, leaving Grove City 6.00 a. I m.
Mercer 6:2-->. Bh-<uango 7:03, (ireenvtlle 7:10
Mrawlville Jet. Cooaeautvllle 5,16, arrives
,i Krie at 9:40 a. m.
Train 13, leaving Erie 5:10 p. m. Con
n«aulvlile 8;3«, Memiriila Jet, 7,00, Greeovllle
7,t0, Slieuungo 7,52, Mercer 8,31, arrives at U*uTe
City at 8,55 p in.
E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt, i
Gen. Mgr. Pittsburg, Pa .
*W. R. TURNER, Tkt Agt, Butler, P* j
SCHEDULE IS Imn Nov. 30. ltOii. J
|A.M A.M.'A.M. P. M.|P. M i
BUTLEB Leave 8 26| 7 35 10 W SB6 456 J
Haxonburg Arrive fl 58 8(M 10 3(1 3 W 628 !
Butler Junction.. " 723 83810 55 526 554 i
Butler Junction... Leave 728 840 11 38 *29; 8 W J
Natrona Arrive 7 .18 852 11 48 3 311 8 10 ,
Tarentum 7 4.1 88911 57 3 48! 617 I
SpriugUale 7 Bft 91112 07 367 6 V J
tJlaromont i 036 12 27 1 4 lli 641 .
Sharpeburg 8 19 94712 38 4 18 650 i
Allegheny 830 10 02 IS 51 4 80j 700 1
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. I
SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Butlei for Allegheny '
Oity and principal intermediate atatlona at 7:90 a. UD.,
and 4 55 p. m.
IA. M.i A. M.: A. MP. M.IP. M.iP. M
Allegheny CUy.lv 8 an 9On 10 00 3 HOI 5 lltl 850
4harpehurg 6 42 V II 10 11 3 14 5 31' »OC
Glaremont 110 18 3 281 540 913 '
Springdale II 34:10 35 3 4«! 6 57; 9 33
Tareutum 7 II 945 10 4«| 402 8 111 944 ,
Natrona 7 17 952 10 53 1 410 8 18! 9JI 1
Butler June ar 7 25|10 Wll 03] 424 8 27j10 W <■
Nutlet June. . ..W 740 10 03 12 60 4 30 8 3t> 10 06 j
Saxonburg I 8 20 10 30 1 IS, 5 08! 8 RMIIO 30
BUTLEB I 8 tti lO 5V 1 47 b3B TV<II W I
A. M.I A.M. P. M.|P. M.|p.M.|l' M ]
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Un Allegheny City for But
I'-r and principal Intermediate atatloua at 7:08 a. m. and
9 33 p. ui. '
Week Days. Sundaya
A.M. A. M. P. M A M. P M
BUTI.XK Iv 626 . . . 236 7 2oi ....
Uutler J'ct ar 7 23 3 26 i 8 10 ....
tiutier J'ct Iv 726 336 814
Fee port ar I 7 28 837 817 .... j
Kaklmlnetaa J't.. ..« 736 342 823 .....
Leechburg ...." 748 3 54] 880 ....'
West Apollo " 811 413 867 ....
Soltafcarz "|8 40 442 »23 ...
Ulalr.vllle „ ! 918 &20 962 .... !
Hlairavllle Int.. 9 24 •••■. 6 30 10 W
Altoona » 11 36 850 i 140 . ..
Harriahurg " 3 111 I 1 W I 836
Philadelphia "6 1 23 . 4V310 20
IP. M. A.M. A.M.;!P.M. P.M
Through traloe for the ea*t leave Plttaborg (Union
Station), aa follows:
Vtlantlc Expreaa, dally 3:W *.■
M•nhattin L|mlte<l " (Nocoaches)...3:3s "
Pennaylvanla Limited " (No coaches) . 7:15"
New York " " " ....7:15 "
Day Kxpreee, " 7:30 "
Main Line Expreaa, " 8:W 14
PliiUd'a and New York
aKxpresa, •' 12:01 Noon
UarrlifburK Mail, " 12:46 r.a
HarrieburK Expreaa laily 4:50 "
Philadelphia Expreaa, ' 4:66 "
Eaatern Expreaa, " 7:10 "
'aat Line, • fI:W '
N« » York Special, dally for New York, only. 10:00 " ,
Philadelphia I«1 .tally. sieeplnfc
cam to Philadelphia, Haltluiore an.l Wa*h
iiiKton. No coachea 10:00 1
■ hliad'a Mall, Suudaja only 8:30 *<«
Kflr Atlantic City ('la Delaware Blver Bridge
rail route) 8:00 a.m.and 9-nO p. m. <lally, "Peun
aylvaula LlmlUsl," ami New York limited. 7:15 a. m,.
week daya. <
Boffalo and AUeteheny Valley Division.
Traina leave Kiaklmlnetaa Junction aa follows:
For Huflalo, a. m and 11.50 p. m. dally, with
through parlor and aleeplng care.
r..r Oil City, 7.42 «. in., 2.JA, fl.lft and 11.50 p.
m. MuiiiUy*, W./MJ a. m., fl.lfi arid 11.50p.zn. I
For lt««l I Junk, 7.42, ».W, A.m., 2 36, 6.16, 10.15.
aixl 11.60 p. in. wook-djyN. Hunditya, 9.M, 10.40 a. m.,
ft. 16 ami 11.60 p. n».
for KI Untitling 7.42, tt. 31, 9.50,11.14*. n»., 2.35,5.33,
0.16, l:n % 10.15, And 11.60 p. m. w«*«k-<laya. Huixlaya,
9..V1. 10.40 a. m.,6.16, 10.44, And 11.50 p. m. I
"r' Htojw only on al|(i*al or uotic* to atfeut or oou
ductor to rmreivr or pamwiiKeni,
Foi detailed informAtlon, Apply to ticket Agent or
A«tdrnaa Thoa. C. Watt, Paaa. A«t. Wnateru l>iatri< t.
Corner Fifth A term* And Bmlthfleld Street, PitUburg,
(Jen'l Manager. Pna'r Traffic Manager.
Ueueral I'Aawugcr A^nt.
Wlnileld K it Co Time Table
In effect Nov. 30th, 190! i.
liMvoa Weat Winflold.. ... . 730 245
*' Boggavllla . 745 300
" Iron Bridge 756 310
" Winflnld junction HlO 326
M Butler Junction 3 26 3 40
Arrltn Cutler 10 66 ft 38
Arrive Allegheny 10 02 6 06
Arrlv Slalravllle B »
•• All«*(heuy ... i tt 00 3 Oil
•• Ifutlrr 1 736 23A
" Butlnr Junction 110 16 440
•• Umm io i- i i.i
Wlnfield JuiKilon 10 30 4
•• Inn It ridge 10 it) 5 oft
" B"t<K n *iUe lo oO| 516
Arrive Wwt WWiftald 110 051 SSO
TiAltiaatop At Laiieniid Iron Bridge ouly on I'latf to
lake on or leave i»fl MMaetkgera.
Trains Connect At Hutler Junction with;
Train* Ktulwiud f«»r Fre«p<rt, Vandcrgrlft And
Bl*lr«vlllr> !ntereectlon.
Tiaiua Wmlwakl for Natroua, Tarunlom And Alia*
TrAlna Northward lor Haictiburg, Mm wood And But
<l«narAl Manager.
h S /V\c.IUNKIN A- CO,!
Insurance & Keul Estate
117 E Jefferson St.
BOTIsER, - - - - PA j
M This Store is Now Overflow- fc
j W ing With Good Things in H
| I Carpets and Furniture gj
r An Elegant Line of Carpets- rl
f< Io IngraiD, Brussels, Axminsters and Yeivets. M
r Room siifi Rags in all grades. A very large kl
! r showing of the best that money coold buy. Li
Ij f
f M Jute and Cotton Ingrains at 30c m
•1 Good wool filling at 60c and 60c F<
All wool Ingrain* at 65c w
W Beat Extra Super, all wool 75c k'
L* Kenmar solid woven, all wool 85c
___ _ >
> Best Brussels in patterns suitable for any \
< room in the house SI.OO >
* Bright new patterns for hall, stairs, parlor <
* or bed room in medium taps at... 75c and 90c y
* A very large showing in Velvets, Axminsters and *
Body Brussels at LOW PRICES. j
J BROWN & ca I
I No. 135 North Main St., Butler. ij
PPP campbells Go ° D furniture,
|| This seasons line of Furniture,
sgj Carpets, Wall Paper and Housejg
1 Furnishings will be the largest andU!
m , i. , M
most complete this store has ever jg
jgj shown. jg
3 £
a — ;
§! The assortment of Parlor Suits®
jj|jcind odd pieces will be larger thanj|j
Jgjany previous showing. - jg
m m
m ; i
Hi By April Ist we expect the as-18
Hjsortment to be very complete,
gj you are invited to inspect our stock, jg
1 Alfred A. Campbell!
Formerly Campbell * Templeton.
in the Mackey plan of lota in Bntler Borough, Pa., and extending from
Centre avenne to Strawberry Way, as a public alley of said borough.
SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Town Council and the
Burgees of Butler Borough and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority
of the same: That the alley known as "Short Way" in the Mackey plan of lots
in Bntler Borough, Pa., and extending from Centre avenue to Strawberry W ny,
be and the same is hereby vacated and annulled as a public alley of Butler
Borough. .
Ordained and enacted in Council this day of IW4.
President of Town Council.
Secretary Council.
Now 1904, the above and foregoing ordinance
is hereby approved of by me.
In A Few More Days Our
Sale is Over.
It has been a success from the start.
But there are still a few good things left for
the economical buyer.
for you will regret it.
Clothing, Hats and Furnishings at less than
cost to make them.
We must have the room that these goods
occupy in our store.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
The Davis Sewing Hachine tor Sale by
W. B. McCaridless, 45, Euclid, Pa.
Also Pianos and Organs.