Nasal CATARRH /mm In all ita stages. JUo# Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals . V / the diseased membrane. -*"7 l It cures catarrh and drires away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a core follows. It is not drying—does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELT BROTHERS, SO Warren Street, New York Victor Liniment ■aa——^ Takes Soreness out of Wounds ?nd Sprains, destroys fite in * calds and Burns. Cures Croup i i children relieves i .m, and removes all Callous or lard Lumps* Felons. Lumbago, i curisy. Sciatica, and all deep ..utcd inflammations f afe, Sure, Speedy Y ctcr Remedies Company offeis r »j:d for any certified case of LocJ-j ». •■r itiood Poison, in man or beast, rt - nig from the kick of an animal, 1 :- :i the insertion of a rusty rail, or from i > fresh wound, provided Victor Linin.e U applied strictly according to direction.* within 3 hours after wound has been re ceived. For further particulars address, VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Marj For sale at Reed's Pharmacy For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phteys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Sixes, 25c.. SOe. and 01.00. Sold by Drucclsts, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medirlne Co., Cor. William and John tits.. New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. told by Druggists, at seat prepaid on receiptor price. Humphrey* 1 Msd. William 4 John SU., N. Y. T A FT'S "pH I / —DENTAL ROOMS.-- • 39-sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa I! >1 BW We're PR ACTIC AVLYdolngtlie [N fiStaE CROWN and work ft vf* ML^ ot Pittsburg— WHY NOT DO V A!#r wBIYOURS? «» ll ' CROWNS L". . IVI/lP D(1 BRIDGE reduced tc |L« Dss PER TOOTH. Also thf l" 5/! » ■ r best set of 7e«t. »">. ONLY *8 /L' 3-19- lV Easy and Quick! Soap-Making: with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simply dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold water,, melt 5 % lbs. of grease, pour the Lye water in the grease. Stir and put aside to set. • PFull Directions on Every Package Banner Lye is pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, per mitting the use of a small quantity at a time. It is just the article needed in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet " Uses of Banner Lye' ' —free. The Peon Chemical Works. Philadelphia —We pay the freight. Groceries a wholesale to boarding houses and pri vate families. You save 80 per cent by trading with us. Write for prices. The O. S. GATTON CO., wholesale grocers, 116 Atwood St., Pgh., Pa. h S ./VicJUNKIN * CO Insurance & Real Estate 117 E- Jefferson St.> fIUTbER, - - - PA PAROID READY OOFING. "DAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. "REPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. requires painting every fewyears. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. for PAROID is world wide. PMADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Sampleo anil Prices are yours if you will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. [SINGE 1893 I I I b«>gan business in 1H93 Who I wonld then have predicted the j great advance in wealth that has j since taken place? But I tell you, the coming ■ years will beat it ont of sight. Get into the push with those who are going to reap the fatness of the country's advance. I will carry you on 5 per cent, margins. ESTABLISHED 1893. R. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds 223 Poarth Avenue, PITTSBURG, j Local office, 213 S. Main St. I Butler, J. A. REYNOLDS, Manager. I TIMBER IN RIVER BEDS. Fortune Avrnltn tlie Inventor of a Method to Rwortr It. "If some scheme could be devised," said a Stillwater (Mlnn.l man. "toy which the sunken logs which fill tho beds of rivers and creeks in the log ging sections of Uiis country could only be recovered. Immense fortunes would be made. Along Uie St. Croix waters it Is estimated that logs enough are im bedded In the sand of river bottoms to keep mills running for years. T'nder present conditions the loss is total, for no successful method has ever been de vised to effect this saving. "Occasionally logs eut years ago are forced by the washings of floods from their sand beds and driven upon the ■bores, where the action of sun and Wind dries them out sufficiently so that they will float down stream, but tho percentage of logs recovered Is small, and millions of dollars' worth of prop erty Is lost beyond recovery until some enterprising genius invents a machine or process to recover the timber. "At Stillwater logs occasionally come to the sorting booms bearing marks in use half a century ago, and when they appear the old lumbermen grow remi niscent of men who have been long forgotten, but who were Important operators In the pioneer logging days of Wisconsin and Minnesota. "No possible estimate can be made of the amount of timber thus lost, but lumbermen estimate that the rivers of Wisconsin, in the value of the logs burled in their sands, have fortunes of , millions of dollars if the logs could be recovered. Wisconsin has been one of the big pine states, and your Chip pewa, Wisconsin, St. Croix and Me nominee rivers and their tributaries contain fortunes in sunken timber. "Strange as it may appear, the value of the timber Is not lessened, even after it has been submerged for half or quarter of a century. Efforts have been occasionally made to recover sunken logs. At one time a company was or ganized at Stillwater to dredge streams and thus recover some of the timber, but the plan did not work with any great degree of success, this method being found too expensive. Some one will come along some day with a plan, and this immensely valuable product, now lost, will be recovered."—Milwau kee Sentinel. CAIRO A PERPETUAL SHOW. Xonhere Else Arc There Such Vlrtd Color and Strlliinir t'ontrant. Cairo reminds one of on impressionist picture—it is so unreal, the colors are so unnaturally bright and the costumes and the manners of the people so dif ferent from what wo are accustomed to. The scenery and the actors ap pear to belong to another world, For the first few days after your arrival you are satisfied to sit on the terrace of Shepherd's hotel and watch the noisy, restless, ever changing crowd — half oriental, half European —that passes back and forth on foot, on horse back, in carriages, on ca nels and astride diminutive donkeys. Every nation of the eartli s< ems to be represented, and the prescuu touches fingers with the past wheiever you may look. Under the glare of an elec tric llglit you see venerable Ar.-.l) sheiks wearing the same robes and leaning upon the same sort of staff that was used when Abraham was a boy, and scribes with Inkstands made from the boms of cattle and pens whittled from reeds sit at the street corners and at the threshold of the postoffice, writ ing letters at the dictation of patrons whose fingers have never been taught to frame tbeir thoughts in words. Go a block from the most modern of modern hotels and clubs, and you will come face to face with stately patri archal figures in ample turbans, long vests of Syrian silk and outer robes of cashmere that seem to have stepped out of an Illustrated liible, and as the sun goes down you hear the call of the muezzin from the balcony of the min arets, and devout Moslems drop down on the pavement to pray. Water car riers with the same sheepskin and pig skin bottles that were used by the patriarchs rub up against English grooms In top boots and silk hats; sher bet and licorice water and lemonade sellers, with tin cans and brass cups, which they clink like castanets, gossip with peddlers of post cards and wax matches. Merchants, bankers, lawyers, soldiers, beggars, guides, policemen, meet and dodge each other. Officials from the foreign office and the treasury, conscious of their Impor tance and responsibility and dressed in the smartest of modern French tailor ing, halt at the crossing to avoid an Egyptian lady riding astride upon a donkey with her bare feet in velvet slippers and her face covered with a musty black veil. Syrians in long, bag gy trousers and braided Jackets; Bed ouins In flowing robes of brown and white stripes, whose turbans indicate the clan to which they belong; Persians with tall caps of brown camel's hair, Nubians with faces as black as eoal, Egyptian feliahln in ragged blue shirts and fezzes of red felt, Copt priests In long black gowns like those worn by our Judiciary and sharp edged stove pipe hats, Englishmen In pith helmets and khaki suits, keen eyed Algerians In white robes, and representatives of ev ery other race and nation elbow one another as they pass along the side walk, talking with nervous gesticula tions. There is nothing like it elsewhere in the world. It is new and novel to the oldest traveler, and on« must have seen the strange picture for himself to ap preciate how unique and how fascinat ing it Is.—Chicago Kecord-Herald. Victim* of lami'i They Dear. Many people go through life the vic tims of their parents' lack of judgment In naming them, but few are atfiicted as was an iudlviduul who lived some years ngo in Augusta, Me., and who9o tombstone In the cemetery attests tho burden that he bore. The tombstone says: "Here lies Ansel O'Gansel Anselo (Janselo Chandler White Iluntoun Wat son. Weep not for me." Scarcely less burdened was Mrs. Henrietta Tlneretta Tlngtong Terio Thompson of Wiscon sin, nee Henrietta Terio, which wn* tho actual name of a resident of Oshkosh, and Sarah Ann Grldley Hatch Ilohneg Panken Rnymond Wnterhouse of Nan tucket, whose relatives were all re membered at her christening. To have escaped such a fate as that any plain John Smith should bless his stars!— Boston Transcript. Whrre Man anil Dog Differ. "Pedigree in a dog makes hiui valu able, doesn't it?" "Certainly." "Funny, isn't It?" "What's funny ?" "N "Why, it's my experience that pedi gree makes u man pretty dara near worthless."—Chicago Post. Fciv I'rnycr*. Yern—Now, If all men would vote they pray this would truly be a happy, world. Dern—But If that should ever happen you wouldn't get the averago man to the polls once in ten yeara.—» Catholic Standard. ( Their Good Offices. i "I see they're advertising twenty-five cent lunches. What do they give yout'* "An appetite for your dinner."—Plill* ndclphia Ledger. Chance is a word void of sense. Noth* Ing can exist without a talre. - i A THatmat of -Literature. "You are always more or less skep tical about what you see In print." "Yes," answered the man who lias his own Ideas about things. "Truth inny be at the bottom of a well, but It isn't an ink well." —WusJiijijfton (Star. ii>i ' "*7T|i n* i i """"7 ~~ ' j lllnL ■„, ■•'"" H A delicious, table delicacy with all the goodness of the ,cj ■ graini retained. Itspurity is protected,goodness guaranteed W 1 'cleartlinessf sotnething so uncommon in com- i; P njon syrups. Three sizes, ioc, 25c and all grocers. ■Y «¥»***»* »*•***-**•:■ **•*»*»***««< * **** I The Butler County National back, 1 BUTLER, PA | 1 OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY | OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. f 1 Capital Paid in ■••• $200,000.00 1 Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 1 * Surplus and Profits ■•■■ 195,000.00 — $595,000.00 | | Assets over $2,500,000.00 | $ Ccmbined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000.00. Z j * INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time £ % without notice. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent—THE VERY BEST. We most cordially solicit your business cither in person or by mail. j| JOSEPH HAIITMAN, President. Jxc. G. McMarmn*. Cashier. * * JOHN V. RITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C Kkcg, Asst. Ci;sh:er. * £ T. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSL.EE, As;-t. Cashier. I 3K3KJKX * •«•** **** ******** * **# **** **** **** ***» **** * **** i-Z:Z3&£ Let Your Money Work for You. It will earn 3 per cent, interest, compounded, if deposited with the Butler Savings & Trust Co. I No account is too small. SI.OO wi I start it. \ Capital, Surplus and Undivivded Profits $435,000.00. I II WM. CAMPBELL, JR., Prep g Louis B. STEI.V, Treßß. C. E CRONENWETT. Asst Tress. gj ~.yy m ■#*## as**** ********* *** ** * * *' *** j Standard Trust Company | BUTLER, PA. | CAPITAfc ------ - $150,000.00 | Int<?r<?st Paid on Deposits | Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GReeNfcEE, President. C. A. 3AlbEy, Scctv?. and Treasurer. **** **** ** **** **■* * * **** **** **** **** *-**-* *s*** **-*■* **** THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLF.R, PA. CAPITAL ----- SIOO,OOOOO SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - 332,000 00 (EAHNKD) Accounts of the pnblic solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President.. JOHN HUMPHREY. Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLKR. Aas't Cashier. | ;i jj' I SAV!HGS°ACCQUNTS. WITHOUT NOTICE. | ! 1 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK ||i * 01 PITTSBURGH, I 033 SMITHFIELD STREET. fe The Best Friend of the man or woman of moderate means is gj Ijj 1 1 A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in a strong Bank. P WE PAY FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST on savings accounts H 33 opened with first deposit of not lesi than SIOO.OO, and any H Hj amount may be withdrawn without notice. Sj Capital, Surplus and Shareholders' Liability $2,000,000.00. B " | Pays Per Cent j * '-illftj On Savings Accounts. £ J WTIWJTIWPf lILH Compounded Scmi-Anntially. \ * Wpj Just as Safe and Easy to Bank by Mail as J * M Coming in Person. Ask How. J ] rt»#ET»pVEK $7,000,000. » I WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS, 5 < PITTSBURGH, PA. v. 1 ;rl■ r I? 41? rI? rlr rl-r rl? r-I-r rl 1 ? rlrrl"? rlr rlr rlrrlrrl-r rlr r rl~r I Great Sacrifice Sale jj & —This Week a»t— A I Rockenstein's Millinery! | Pattern and Trimmed Hats at your own price. iji Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ostrich Plumes, Rib- A W? bons, Birds, Ornaments, Velvets. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE 3; j Rockenstein's | 31 ?!? T|? R2* South Main fttrai, ' Butl«r, ' ,; - ijj w Arriving ?Almost Daily H \i BROWN & CO'S H The New Spring Goods & M Iron Beds at $3.00, $3.50 and up —in colors or white. M j Dining Room Chairs, solid oak. round seat, full back V, J ! posts, $9.00 per set. ! fcl Odd Dressers, combinations from SB.OO and up- Fig J Yd wards, neat, well made oak. j UOur Carpet and Rug Department Now fe- U Complete. g WA Room Size Rugs—Brussels from sl3 up. Art In grains—all wool, 9x12 size, $lO, New de signs in 9x12 Reversible at sl3. Ingrain Carpets—All wool, best quality, in patterns f" $ Wl to suit any room, 70c per yard. Velvet Brussels —At SI.OO and $1.25. | rfi Tapestry Brussels —In patterns suitable for Hall and M Stairs, Bed Rooms or Parlors at 75c. f# We have a large showing in all grades of better carpets —don't fail to see our exclusive designs. « iy COME IN AND COMPARE. U S BROWN 8c CO. { No. 135 North Main St., Butler. f4r V'V 2 _ . ; t£VTH BROS. [Across from Farmers Nat. Bank.] Our Big Line of Spring Waif Papers are all in, and are the finest ever shown in Butler. Prices Are Low. . . Big Lot of Room Mouldings and Window Blinds . EYTH BROS. The Cyphers Incubator I - 'lit °" ly senuine Patent-dia- | HljS phragm, non-moisture and I, •jl self ventilating incubator. I Winner of Gold Medal and £ Highest Award at the |j Pan-American Exposition, 1 | October, 1901. The stan- |; | d ird hatcber of the world, jg i ' P* j Call and see this incuba- | Af tor at the store of J.G. & VV. CAMPBELL I 210 Soutn Main Street, Butler, Pa. I IF PEOPLE 1 Were as careful about their drinking water as they are K about the clothes they wear * Sparkling Crystal Water I would be used in every house-hold for drinking purposes. H : Absolutely pure means free from all germ life- g Organic matter and Mineral Impurities. \ Sparkling Crystal Water is H ABSOLUThLY PURE. || | For sale by all druggists and first class grocers. 1| I Our valuable booklet on pure water should be read H by every person. Sent free for the asking. « | Crystal Water Co. of Pittsburg, Pa. p SUFFERING WOMEN*! I :] $5-OOTHIS COUPON IS WORTH $5-00 || . . . CUT IT OUT . . . Present it :it my office, and I will allow you credit for this amount in mod- fI ienM and treatment. '! >■ is is good for a short time only to reader* of this \ . j I'.ij'er. So avail yourself of the ureafe*t opportunity ever ottered for fretling K j reatment from a Specialist, at thu oldest and most reliable Medical Institution o.j in the state. V jy ' flCCeoSflßooOaC6ooß g^u U ' If 'n | l r | in r i 1 fj Barrenness Alt Female Weakness g and unnatural disciiai i :s usual!/ the result of nialfornia- ft without scraplug or cauntie rppti-f? tin or a displacement, which 1 Nft cations vcrcoine and cure without pain. » W Specific Blood & Skin Dise. cf! Piles and Rectal 21 'Sv'ls cured without mercury or p.>u •• uhlea cured permanently without M 2. f/ other ,H.iwn«ua minute t» 1 »;- ■, r knlfo or p.ilu, with no dctc'itlun » Wft V Tecetabla compounds, c, 4 M I f, m the houielMftl duties. TfiflPSfcsrf Usui to Immediately dK pp- .r _ suppressed or Painful Bladder and Kidney jrm. nemtruntian 1 ,u * ,urpru,ok " J If y»u cannot call, a« rny homo treatment Is very successful. Hue lose stamp f r rspljr. ■ . . . J si* eciits m litatupl f«»r book ou Diseasesof Women. g } Graduate Nurse in attendance. Consultation Kree and sacredly confidential, OFFICE Horns Bj 4 - a. m. to 7p. xxi.; Sunday, 10:30 a. ui. to 4:30 p ui. B i DR. A. R. KIDD'S Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 631 Penn Avenue, §| PITTSBURC, PA. Advertise in tbe CITIZEN. R-R-TIME-TABLES It It A 1' It It Time table in effect Nov. 23, 19(M. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Bntler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7.80 a. m., mixed for Pnmgntawney. | Du Bois and intermediate stations. 10:17 a. m. daily, vestibnled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. 6:80 p. ni. local for Pnnx'y, Du Bois and intermediate stations. 11:25 p. in. night express for Baffalo | and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:o* a. ui. daily, night express from i Buffalo and Rochester. 9:45 week days, accomodation I I from Dnßois. j 5:81 p.m daily, vestilr.iltd day express ! from Bnffali. Has connection at Ash > ford week days from Rochester. I 8:45 p.m. week days, mixed train from Du Bois and I'unxsut.iwney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station. I Allegheny, for Buffalo and Rochester at !t:00 a. m. and 10:00 p m.. and for local points as far as Daßois at 5:10 p.m. It & <> It It Time <flt-cti*e >\.v22.1905. Kajii-rn Standard Time BorrHr.orsD A!l«' S l,. uy A" "lunii-U'l' TI a-m Hii.l Ot-velaii: llvpr.- •?■'«) a-m Allrphmn Kxprew ♦v.ln n-m • ' •• + 11.15 a-m City Accomni.latin *t:4» |«-m i IK u.- >, NVu I asll*> and Alios!'-ny tl • All.'?t.en> Fipr.— *5.24 1-m A i»ii in *5:50 p.m V'lm — i ~i, l Xi '.t r.isili- A > ••• .mniodalion... "S:W i>-iu fUMmn, HtaaodCßy aadln <'«atle.....*< NORTHBOUND Katie and Bradford Mail +9:42 a-m (Tarii'ii A- ii *4:ss|vm Koxhuiy A« v nun "lation ... *8:00 |'.w *■ Daily. * A ctpt Sunday. t Sunday only. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler at 7:30, 8:15, 10:45 a.m.. and 1:15, 3:00, 5:30,6:15 and 11:30 p.m. Pittsburg statior. at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. Fti*through ticket.-, Pullman tin» »n«l in formation aj'i'lj to W. K. TI'BNER, A^ T . Butler. I*a. K. I'. SITU, A. 'J. P. A.. Pitt*hurg, Pa I»FSSEMER & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO. 1) Time table in effect Sept. 13. 1903 EASTERN STANDARD TIME northward. Pally except Sunday. Southward K.-ad ij>) (U»*a.i down) 1 10 14 STATIoN*" 1 9 II P.M. i' M -I'.M. a.m. A.M |ni 7 25 2 20 F.rie 7 00 1. IS 701 1 53 Kair«i-w 72#12 41 6 Si 1 (2 lilrard 7 S, IS 57 70" 1 15 ar. .C'onueaut.. ar 9 U 215 5 32 11 45 lv., itonueaut.. .IT 7 15 11 45 a 3:1 1 2.) Cr»nw*Tillf 7 55 1 15 1 20 All i>-n 8 00 1 20 (ill 1 05Shadtdand 8 l:i 131 ti i-> 1 tti Siiiagbuio 8 I'* 1 37 dO2 12 57 Cornraavill-*. ... S -i 14! > 5 40 12 35 Muil Janet.. 8 15 2 05 I 6 30 1 OS ar..Me«dville.. ar 1)23 2 43 4 43 11 52' lv. . Sleailville.. .1* 7 45 1 27 ti <»5 12 43 ar..Conn.Lake, .ar 8 55 2 15 5 15 12 23 lv " 1* 8 33 1 52 f 5 40 ar.. Lineeville . .ar 10 25 ,12 02 lv IT 8 25 12 02 I 5 23 12 Iti Hartatown 8 59 2 22 5 17 12 ll' Adanurillc fl 115 2 28 5 07 12 i»> Oagood , 9 15' S 40 7 10 5 00 11 52 Grwnviltc 0 :t0 9 23 2 50 7 05' 4 51 11 45 Shenango 6 38 9 29 3 00 6 45 1 35 11 22 Krwdouia 0 5* 9 47 3 17 ti 27 I 20 11 oil .Mercer 7 1* 10 0-i 3 35 b 22 1 15 11 01 Houston Juuctlon 7 22 10 07 3 40 6 01 3 50 10 41 Grove City 7 II 10 25 4 01 5 47 <lO 2s Harrisville .. ..7 S*' * 14 5 4" 3 38i 10 20 Itran.hton 8 07 10 43 4 23 6 45! | o-i 11 14 ar.. .Uilliard... ar 11 14 645 4 31' 3 OH 7 OO lv. . Hlliiard. 7 00; 7 00 3 Oo 5 3"> 3 33'10 17 Ki-iater 812 10 4.i 427 5 !»' 3 19 l'l 03 Kuelid S 3" 11 00 4 43 4 45 2 50: 9 35 Butli-r 9 0" 11 25 5 10 3 0»< 1 15 8 15 Allegheny lo 25 1 00 6 35 ■ pin : ['in am a.m. pm I' m 3 Train l-\ leaving Grove City 6.<»0 a. m. L Mercer fc i h'«u«tnK»» 7:iKJ. Greenville 7:10, 3 Mi'»'lviile Jet. 7,53, Couneautville arrives H in Erie at 8:40 a.. m. M Train l'-i, leaving Erie 5:10 p. ni. Con -3 m autville 0;36, Mtmdville Jet, 7,00, GreeoyUle B 7,10, Shelmcgo 7,52, Metrer 8,31, arrives at G-ov« ■ « ity at 8,55 p m, E D. COMSTOCK, | E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Gen. Mgr. Pittsburg. Pa | W. R. TURNEK. Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa I PENNSYLVANIA % L # , * WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. '> ScnEnrLi IS KFMIT NOV. 30. ISOIi. sorrl'. , Y.KKK DAYf AM AM. A.M. r. MP. M BI'TLEB Lear,- 6 2A 7 10 00 2 3* 4 15 rtaxonburg Arrive 6 8 04 10 »> 8 00 5 .it- Butler Junction.. •' 7 Ira 3 3f. 10 SS » 2-5 5 .">4 Butler Junction. L.HT. 7 » 840 11 3d X 2-.' o<o Natnma Arrive 7 .1(1 8 52 11 48 3 89 0 10 Tarentuiu j 7 43 859 11 57 3 46 8 17 Spriugdato 765 9 1 i 12 07 367 6 27 Clartwout 9 35 12 27 4 11. 6 41 Simrpaburg 8 19 947 12 38 4 18 6 50 Allegheny 8 liO iO (« 12 61 4 3«» 7 00 A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS.— L»«uv»* Butlei for Allcgbou) City and principal iutenncliute station* at 7:20 a. BJ., and 4:*5 p. tn. NORTH. WEEK DATS A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M P.M. P. M Allegheny 6SO 00"10 00 3(0 5 li» 850 Sliarpahurg 5 42 911 10 11 3 14 531 902 Ciaremont 10 18 3 25 5 40 9 13 Hpringdale M 34 10 35 3 4S 557 8 .'J3 Tarentnin 7 11 9 45 10 4»> 4 02 0 10j 944 Natrona. 7 17' 95210 53 4 10 6 If «.» 51 Butler June. ...m 7 25 10 00 11 O i 4 6 27 10 00 Butlei June lv 7 60! 10 03 12 60 4 30 6 3) 10 05 Saxonburg 820 10 :u 1 1 15. 5 00 •> 6** 10 30 BUTLER. . 8 4(J 10 6 r > 147 638 7251t 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P. 01 P.M. 1» M SI'NDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for Put ier and princij al intertnodiate station* at 7:OH a m. and 9-33 p. m. tfOR THE EABT. Week Days. tiunday* A M A. M. P. M A.M. P M Brrui IT 62* . . . 236 *7 2b Butler J'ct ar 723 325 8 1(> Butler J'ct lv 7 Jjo 335 814 .... KVeport *r 728 337 817 .... Kikiminetaa J't.. 735 342 821 .... Leechburg " 7 # Asl 8 3tf ... Heat Apollcj 44 811 413 867 .... Saltsburg " 840 1 C 953 Blairaville.. 9 It; 520 952 .... Biairsville Int.. .. 44 924 •••*. 530 10 00 Altooua 14 11 ;16 ... . 8 V 1 40j. .. flat tin!>u rg 44 310 100 636 Philadelphia 14 6 23 4 23 10 20 P M. A M. A.M. P M.'P.M Through trains for the eaat leuvo Pittsbcrg (Union Station), AN follows: Atlantic Express, daily 3:00 A M Manhattan Limited 44 (No coaches).. .3:35 4 ' PHtuisylvauia Limited " (No coaches) 7:16 u New Yoik 44 44 » ... 7:15 44 Day Express, " 7 : ao 44 Main Line Express. •• 8:00 44 Pl.ilad a and New Yoik Kxpn>s, 44 1201 Noon Harrieburg Mail, " 12:46 P.M Harrifthurg Express iaily 4:50 44 Philadelphia Express, 4 ..4:66" Eastorn Express, '• ... 7:10'• Knst Line, • g.OO • N*w York S|M)ciai, daily for Now York, only. 10:00 44 Pbiladi-Iphia HpecUl daily. Sleeping to I'itihiilulphUi, ijaltiuiore aud Ua»it iugton. No c«laches 10100 4 I Philttd'a Mail, Sundays omy 8 30 A. 11 For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge rail route) 8:00 a.m.and 9::H) p. m. daily, 4,Penn sylvania Limited," aud New York limited. 7:15 a. in . Buffalo and Allegehecy Valley Division. Trains leave KinkiminetaM Junction as follows: For iiuflalo, 9.56 a. m and 11.50 p. m. daily, with through parloc and aloeping cars. For Oil City, 7.42 9.A6 «. w„ 2. J5, 6.16 *nd J1.50 p. m. w«ek-da>N. Sundays, 9.66 a. m # , 0.16 and 11.50p tn. For Red Bank, 7.42,9.66, a.m., 236, ♦!. 16, 10.15, aud 11.60 p. m. wtH»k-da>s. .Sundays, 9.56, 10.10 a. m., 6.15 aud 11.60 p. m. For Kittanning 7.42, 9.31, 9.&fi, 11.14 a. 6.16,7.27,10.15, and 11.50 p. m. weeknlays. Sundays, 9.56, 10.40 a. m., 6.16,10.44, and 11.50 p. m. "f Stops only ou nigual or notice t<» agent or con ductor to receive «»r dischui g** ]>aMi4<<ugcr<«. FOl detailed informati<>ii, apply to ticket agent or addr«M Thos. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth A venu»« aud Smith Held Street, Pittsburg, J'H W. W. ATTERBI'RY, J R WOOD Cen'l Manager. PaMs'r TraOli* Manager. tiKO, W. BOYD, General Passenger Agt-nt. Winlicht K It Co 'l line Table In effect Nov. :ioth, 1903. STATION'S. IAM r M We.tWinflclJ 7 3" a 45 H .KK»villo 7 45 .1 OO " I run ItrtclK*- 7&> 310 1 41 Win Meld Junction 810 326 1 M Lane h2" .1 X) ( 14 Butler Junction 826 340 t Arrive » utler 10 66 6 38 Arrive Allegheny 10 02 6 t»5 pm f Arrive BlainnrUl# 12 4A| 6 20 ) EASTVV A RD.~ 1 STATIONS. A "STM l.eave BUirsville 7 50 2 26 44 Allegheny 900 300 1 44 liutler I 736 236 44 Butler Juiutiou 10 15 440 44 la&oe 10 Ift 4 43 " VVintU'M Juuctiun 10 .M' 450 " Iron Bri.|g« 10 401 5 «fi " B.«pr>ill« !o St>. SIS Arrive We«t VlnMI |lO 00 5 M> 1 Tr»lin Xt .p at I.nne and Irun Ilriilge uuly un Flag tu { tnke on or leave :■<! MiHenKon. Traiiia Connect at Butler Junction will,. Train* tjo.t«ard for Frwpcrt, VanderKrlrt auJ c Trains Westward for Natrona, Turt nluni and A!!'- , ghenT. Train, Northward lor Buonbarg, Marwood aud Hut- f I). O. KCAIiOn, fji noral Muuog.r. * C Wm. Wucrthele, Billiard and Pool 'fal.le#, lin? Fix j tiint, Office® Dt-sks. Chairs, Table*. „ Partitions, Bookcases, etc Turning of „ i'illiartl and Pool Ball*. Bowling Alley f LC<inii>uifntrt. 418 Diamond Above bmithaeld St.) PitUbnrg, Pa. U-&-o<i-aai sEberle Bros.,\ \PL,UMBERS Estimates given cn all kinds of work. ? C We make a specialty of s NICKLE- PLATED, C J SEAMLESS, / ) OPEN-WORK. Y / 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa ? S People s Phone. 630. c The Davis Sewing flachine tor Sale by W. B. McCaqdless, 45, Euclid, Also Pianos and Organs. MME. BARTLETT'S MASSAGE PARLORS. Mm>, BHrllelt. assisted by a New York masseur and beautv specialist; magnetic, electric, vapor hath*, sralp treat ment. massage; bust development. 24 E. Robinson St., Alli'Rlieny City. Ta. CHIUHLSsCR'S ENGLISH PENNYSCYAI PILLS C° p - Hufr. Aiwr.v> i.: ; ~ (bt ' !! : s e. He<4 a IK* UOM \ A. U blue r.bbon Ta'ae no p;ltcr. dHTitr< eon« ..übali tutlonaaUHi l»»4t a11«.u%. ..I > ~ur-<' or senil le. in :-n ' ■ l»r* : Ivt.lara, rra4l« luooiala unci 'SjjJCI by return Mull. :.>.«•>(» - 1 ■. Mimotiisds. sold b) all Hrucs *ts. CIiICKEJrr.K •■'HSMICAL CO. ■KM SaJ-Mo. v., I'I'ILA, Pi L. C. WICK, DKALSR JN LUHBER Ifnaflam'-v-fit. Dean's I Bj A wifo, certain rrllt r Soramwt B ■ Menstruation. NVv r ki.. .*-11 to fnA. Kafe! ■ B Sure! Hpcody! Satisfaction <«e<l ■ lor motley Refunded. H* i n'_ prepaid Cor H ■ SI.OO t»>r box. Wlllaond thi in on to ■ I be paid for when relieved. Kumplei Free. ■ Sold in Pntler at the Centre Ave Pharmacy Headaches Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS 70S >"F.\\ AVEM'K. OPP. rESStBI'ILBISU. PITTSBrUG. 5-10-ly NO SPAVINS 2&2EK.S; be cured in 45 minnteß. Lump Jaw. splints and ringbonex ju«t as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M CLUUH, Knozdale, Jefferson Co.. PP. W S. & E. WICK, • DEALERS IN Hough and Worked Lumber of til Kind* Doors, Sash and Mouldings Oil Well lilfrs a Specialty. Office anU Yard K. Cunningham and Monroe Sts i near We«it Penn Depot, nn—ryv rj MTIKTn A & BBOWN. 239 sth Ave Plttsimrir. I'a., Can sell your Ileal F.state, Farm or Ruslness. i Correspondence solicited. At.l. THANSAOTIONS CONriDtNTI AL. I HEYMAN HARRIS, j IADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDING HABITS, . I 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, I PITTSBURG, PA. Pa rson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler °enn'a The best of horses and first class rigs »i ffuvs on hand anil for hire. tiest accommodations In towu for prrina nent boarding and transient trade. Sped al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers aad draft horses always on hand and for sale u**der a full guarantee; and horses boujrb yon proper not!float 10p bv PEARSON B. NACE, Te.u jnone No. 21 . FARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned, acting nnder a power of attorney from the heirs of Oeorge Muizland. dee'd.. late of Clinton twp., Batter Co , Pa.; offers at private sale the farm lately occupied bv the decedeut. located two miles soutlnvest of Saxonburg and one mile from the Bessemer railroad station of Bartley, containing I§2 1-2 acres, with good TJuudings. and consideied one of the beyt farm* in the township. Also another farm of 130 acres in same township, with good buildings and in a good stHte of cultivation, uM adjoining farms with an oil production from the Third sand. Inqnire of WAUER, R. F. D. No. UO, baxonburg, Pa. i KEEP OUT THE COLD FROM YOU fj SYSTEM WITH AN OCCASIONAL GLASS OF LF.WIN S WHISKEY—STKAIGHT, OB WITH A LITTLE HOT WATER. ALWAYS IN STOCK FUCK, «LABGE. OVEBHOI.T. UIIRKMIK.nKK, Mi.TI.XIS. IHikPlfol, GIBSON, D1L1. 1,1 EH. Bi:|-(;tPOKT. and offer them to you 6 year old at (I uer fall qaart, ts quarts (3 00. GRAMFATHEK'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, £ 00 per gal lon. We pay express charges on all mail orders of s.">oo or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IB WII.ES AID LIQUORS, Ro 14 SmiUfield St, formerly 411 Watci St. PITTSBURG, PA. 'Phocea: Bell P. a A. 145*. ADJUSTABLE PIN. Our Corner Clamp ,PA> niide the "ACME" "Wll much superior to any tfc}"/ .ffi&SMHH« other stretcher. Our ' Ji f - H New Patent Adjustable ]M U* . 'f ■ Pin leaves the scallops in their natural shape; does iiot weaken the bars; k of ample length, verv practical and agreatlinprof» ment. Don't fall to examine 1U At your dealers,!* ICME M F'ti. CO., Allegheny, Fa 1-T -40 -ly j M. C. WAGNKK ARTIST PHOTO GRAPHFmI - i 139 Borith Main ft. H. MILLBB, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE— Room 508, Bntler County National Bank buildinu. I See Ibe «lgn direct opposlie the Old Pottofflce. Thec(?rrf Yrgclej, Veil E*iale fod LE liiurarn Ageocy, 230 S. Main St. Boiler, Pa. If you have property to sell, trade, or rent or, waDt to buy or rent caii, write or übone me. List Mailed Upon Application Dr. Miney Davidson. i otherapeutic Santitarium and Nat ural Healing Institute. crrat Enlarged Veins, Loss of Vitality, l'r< Jatorrliea, ltright's Disease, fthepina-. tlsu bladder, etc. Osteopathy, Massage F.lei rK'al Treatments, Oven, Vapor, Needle. Show er, all other local appllcatiopii. Sanitarium) 205 Seneca Street, IMttshuig. Pa, Take Fifth avenue car*—get of at So. 2100. 12-17-ta-3pi. KOWALSK7 CAS EKGIME CO -IfefT* Manufacturers of Small iBL GAS and GASOLINE ENGINE For StatSo.iary and Marina Engines and Automobiles. Kowitlsky Simplicity 2 H P. WyH JrW For HlacUsmllli Shops, I'ump- In tr water, Kuniilng Kans and Ice Cream Freezers, etc. LATBOBE. PAj^ ft##*** iSterkey I 0 Leading Photographer, 06 &• Old Postoffice Building, || ->>/- Butler, Pa. ($ M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer In Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purpose, Bell Phone 278 People's Phone §7B, 316 East Jefferson Street BUTLER* P>. a, . . ■, iM ilkaJl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers