CLEANSING CATARRH AND HEALING CURE FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm KMJ and pleasant to na--. Contain* no "SaHsss- BslllS "'SSST COLD HEAD Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Benaea of Taste and Smell, Large Srae, 60 centa at DniiffMa or hr mail; Trial 9lzc, 10 centa by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, t*KW\ ork. yjcTciD ▼ LUNG * SYRUP Tie Great "LIE Remedy," "Ttooat Healer," and "Cnil Killer." Consumption in first stages abso lutely cured. The friend of Singers and public Speakers. The Golder Remedy for Whooping Cough Bronchitis, Asthma, Quinsy, Colds Hoarseness, Coughs, Etc. It Cure.' by striking at the root of the disease Are you afflicted ? address VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland For sale at Reed's Pharmacy tw~ BOOK MAILED FREE. B. B. (KPRAIKB. La me new. Injuries CUKES > RbeumaUfffl. C. C. > SORE THROAT. Quliwy. Epizootic, CURES > Distemper. | WORMS, Bote. Grate. B. E. i COUGHS, Colda. Influenza. Inflamed enn i Lunga, Pieuro-Pneumonia. F.F.I COLIC. Bellyache, Wlnd-Blown. cram S Diarrhea, Dyaentery. O.G. Prevent! MISCARRIAGE. H-H. J KIDXEY * BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. {SKIN DISEASES. Manse. Ernptlona. CUBES S t'lcera. Urease. Farcy. 1. R. {BAD CONDITIO*. Staring Coat, crura) Indlceation. Stomach Stascera. iaOo. each; Stable Caw, Ten Specifics, Book, Ac., $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William * John Streets. New York. ' PH 7LACT£LP H7A^ A —DENTAL ROOMS." Rf 89-sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa It 1 We'repßACTlCA'.LYdoiiigtheft Jl CROWN and BRICTIC work *1 Mi ot Pittsburg— WHY NOT DO V IVIYOURS? Gold CROWNS L". r Mlinil BRIDGF work reduced • >■ f KS PER TOOTH. Also the L» J best set of Teeth mnilf .QN L> £ PAROID READY OOFING. PAROID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. T> EPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /"\NLY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate -®- or Shingles. DEMAND for PAROID is world wide. [MADE IN 1,2 AND 3 PLY Other Facte, Samples and Prices are yours if yon will ask as. L. C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. WM. WALKER. CHAS. A. MCELVAIN. WALKER & McELVAIN, 807 Batler County National Bank Bldg. EAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. OIL PROPERTIES. LOANS. BOTII PHONES. Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to siudying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at Tie Butler Book Bindery, W. W. AMON, Prop. Opp Conrt House. Easy and Quick! Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simply dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold water, melt 5 % lbs. of grease, pour the Lye water in the grease. Stir and put aside to set. Pall Directions on Every Package Banner Lye is pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, per mitting the use of a small quantity at a time. It is just the article needed in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet "Uses of Banner Lye" —free. Tlx Prat Chemical Works, Philadelphia —We pay the freight. Groceries at wholesale to boarding houses and pri vate families. You save 30 per cent' by trading with ns. Write for prices. The O. S. GATTON CO.. wholesale grocers, 116 AtwocM St., Pgh., Fft fe. S. /WcJUNKIN He CO Insurance 8c Heal Estate 117 E- Jefferson St. BUTfcER, - - - - PA. SPENCER'S EAR PLUGS. The Way the Grrit Phlloiiophrr Rid Himielf of Small Talk. "Yeafs ago,"' Bays William 11. Ilud son In the North American Review, "Herbert Spencer found tliat the ef fect of following ordinary conversation l«came frequently too much for him. But he liked to have people about him to watch the play of expression on their faces, to feel that, though he could not himself share much in the merriment, he was, as it were, a part of the nor mal and healthy social world. For this reason he objected to withdrawal Into solitude and evolved a plan by which he might secure the partial iso lation which he required. He had a circular spring made to go round the back of his head, and this carried pada which fitted firmly upon the ears, ef fectively deadening the noise about him and reducing the surrounding chatter to a mere hum. I have often seen him, stretched at length upon his couch, follow with apparent interest the gossip over the afternoon tea cups up to a certain point a*id then, reach ing under his pillow, draw forth and adjust his instrument, thus suddenly detaching himself from his environ ment. The effect of this movement with comparative strangers was al ways to cause an instant cessation of the conversation. But this was precise ly what Spencer did not wish. 'Go on talking,' he would exclaim, with a quizzical look. 'I can't hear what you are saying, you know!'" THE KANGAROO'S STORY. Why the Does Throw Their Young Away When Hard I*re»»ed. "I have heard that men folk in their blindness deem our does to be lacking In the proper instincts of maternity be cause they have found that a doe kan garoo when hunted will throw away Its offspring to save its own skin by hastening its speed. Tills," says Old Man Jack in the "Autobiography of an Australian Kangaroo"' in Pearson's Magazine, "is simply scandalous and foolish. "Men people are evidently not aware that our youngsters use the mother's pouch almost up to the age of maturity. Would they havs our does attempt to fly from dogs and men and horses with youngsters weighing nearly fifty pounds in their pouches? The thing would be impossible. "Among u& a mother is fciuglit to toss her youngstOTS to a place of safety when she is hard pressed. If she could not throw it to a place far safer in the circumstances than her own pouch she would turn at bay with i* and face any odds. "In the case of my mother, when we were chased, and sure as the hunt be came dangerous she would pause, draw me out of her pouch, throw me careful ly into long scrub on her right, then turn sharply to her left, pause again until the hounds had seen her and then be off like the wind straight away from me." PLAYS AND PLAYERS. Turkey's sultan has a theater and company of his own. Performances are given when he feels in the mood for them. It Is reported that John Hare will come to America again before long in an adaptation of Thackeray's "Pen dennis," by Paul. The songs which Richard Mansfield has introduced into "Old Heidelberg" are the studentenlieder so popular with the men of the German universities. Jerome K. Jerome, Canan Doyle and Israel Zangwill appeared recently in london in the case of "Merely Mary Ann," when the play was given for copyright purposes. Jennie Teamans has filed a petition In bankruptcy with liabilities of some $5,700 and assets about $l5O worth of clothing. Her mother, Annie Yeamans, Is her greatest creditor. Toby Claude, in collaboration with another young woman, has written a musical comedy which she has sub mitted to the Shubert Bros., with whom she has a three year contract WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. A colony of live beavers will be ex hibited In the Canadian section. A photograph of the first building erected in Nevada, an old log house sit uated in Genoa, will be exhibited in Nevada's display. One of the most Interesting exhibits in the department of identification of criminals will be the methods of trac ing, capturing, identifying and treat ing them. The unique Jewelry displays will show not only the finished article, but the appliances and processes for mak ing same, arranged In such a way that the visitor may Intelligently study the details of manufacture. A model poultry- farm, showing all kinds of poultry in all conditions, from the egg to the table, will be seen. In connection with the farm a chicken restaurant will be operated. Here poultry in all forms will be served to order. The privilege will be granted the patron of catching the chicken that serves him for a meal. MODES OF THE MOMENT. Velveteen suits are smartly strapped with cloth. Elephant gray is one of the favorite shades in velvet. Yokes both round and square appear on the winter blouses. Ruche-like trimmings are as a rule at the foot of the roundation skirts of evening costumes. A fine linen lace fringe is a new idea that is finding much favor as a trim ming for sheer woolens. Silk braid and beads are combined in one of the newest styles in belts, the beads in contrasting shade being interwoven down the center. Hats -are worn more over the oyes than formerly, though tho hat that is tipped over the forehead is not seem. Instead there is the tipped hat, with a tendency toward a forward tilt Animals Enjoy Racing-. Little pigs are great at combined play, which generally takes the form of races. Emulation seems to form part of their amusement, for their races seem always to have the winning of first place for their object and are quite different from those combined rushes for food or causeless stampedes in which little pfgs are wont to indulge. Racing is an amusement natural to some animals and, being soon taught by others, becomes one of their most exciting pastimes.—London Tit-Bits. Why He Did Not Tarry. The importunate lover had just pro posed. "Let your answer be a vowel with a consonant on either side of it," be gently begged her. The charming girl smiled. "Very well," she said. "Git."—Cleve land Plain Dealer. A Distrust of Literature. "You are always more or less skep tical about what you see in print" "Yes," answered the man who has his own ideas about things. "Truth may be at the bottom of a well, but it isn't an ink well."—Washington Star. Be good to your neighbors. They know all about your family skeleton and can tell some entertaining stories about it.—New Haven Union. We earn our life by labor, and then, If we sjiend as the gods design, we ! spend onr life In love,—lJeiyy Har* ilfilL i I The Butler County National Bank, j BUTLER, PA f OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY J OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. | Capital Paid in $200,000.00 Shareholders' Liability. 200.000.00 Surplus and Profits 195,000.00 — | Assets over $2,500,000.00 jj j Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000.00. % j * INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time * without notice. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent—THE VERY BEST. We most cordially solicit your busintss either in person or by mail. J 4 JOSEPH HARTMAN, President. Jxc. G. McMARLIN. Cashier. * JOHN V. RiTTS, Vice President. ALBERT C KRUG, Asst. Cashier. ¥ T. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. Let Your Money Work for You. 1 It will earn 3 per cent, interest, t compounded, if deposited with the Butler Savings & Trust Co. 1 No account is too small, $1 00 will start it. * Capital, Surplus and Undivivded Profits $435,000.00. I WM. CAMPBELL, JR., Pre? Louis B. STEIN. Treas. M C. E CRONENWETT A.'st Treap. | | Standard Trust Company j RUTfcER, Ph. | CAPITAfc ------- $150,000.00 | : Int?r<?st Paid on Deposits- § Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GRfceNkEE, President. C. A. SectvJ. and Treasurer. ******** ****•***-* ***-* SBieiHß K-aetKf ******** THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS. President,. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER. Ass't Cashier. P | jfiy* I & SOOO,OOO. $300,000. |j i I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL Bffl I l 0P PITTSBURGH Q p 533 SMITHFIELD STREET, 3 I 1 offers to saver?, everywhere, the splendid facilities I f- of its Savings Department. I i"' Pour IF 3 01" Oozxt. Intorost p Oompound Somi-annuany. ■ " I Withdrawals to any amount without notice. I j HiiißMiij I Pays Per Cent > J hJI On Savings Accounts. i ferftlrPT'' !t Compounded Semi-Annuallv. | * jrßluFjß ■!MM Just as Safe and Easy to Bank by Mail as J < ll'f'''' Coming in Person. Ask Mow. * } |lsl ABBDTB OVER ft 7.000.000. » j WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS, J ! PITTSBURGH, PA. ( | Great Sacrifice Sale | —This Week at— «|i I Rockenstein's Millinery! | jl; Pattern and Trimmed Hats at your own price. 3; iji Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ostrich Plumes, Rib bons, Birds, Ornaments, Velvets. tj? DON'T FORGET THE PLACE 1 Rockenstein's I $ 4? 828 Sonth Main Street, Rntler, Pa. j I The Davis sewirig Hachine tor Sale by W. B. McCarxdless, 45, Eoclid, Pa.i Also Pianos and Organs. Almost Daily a BROWN & CO'S » 0 The New Spring Goods Nj M Iron Beds at $3.00, $3.50 and up —in colors or white. M Dining Room Chairs, solid-oak, round seat, full back VA r A posts, $9.00 per set. mj Odd Dressers, combinations from SB.OO and up f4 wards, neat, well made oak. I Our Carpet and Rug Department Now Complete. M Room Size Rugs—Brussels from sl3 up. Art In grains—all wool, 9x12 size, $lO. New de- Wj signs in 9x12 Reversible at sl3. Ingrain Carpets —All wool, best quality, in patterns yA to suit any room, 70c per yard. Velvet Brussels —At SI.OO and $1.25. Tapestry Brussels —In patterns suitable for Hall and pj Stairs, Bed Rooms or Parlors at 75c. fij We have a large showing in all grades of better pj carpets—don't fail to see our exclusive designs. COME IN AND COMPARE. BROWN & CO J No. 135 North Main St., Butler. p>j v m* *#P w 'V EYTH BROS. [Aooss from Farmers Na'. Bank.] Our Big Line of spring Wall Papers are all in, and are the finest ever shown in Butler. Prices Are Low. . . Big Lot cf Room Mouldings and Window Blinds. . EYTH BROS. The Cyphers Incubator] It is the original and [ , ; v Pl ua ß Kl ' non-moisture and I 1 • |• jg self ventilating incubator, i f j j I yp Winner of Gold Medal and I jj * P n-AmericanExposition, | jj| _ gp~ - ~ October, 1901 The stan- * i| | ri <rd h;;f eber of the world, j| I M A? Call and see this incuba- s| | *° f t^l6 store J. G. & W. CAMPBELL I 8 210 Soutn Main Street, Butler, Pa. ________ ______ '■ I IF PEOPLE 1 H Were as careful about their drinking water as they are H N; about the clothes they wear j : i Bo gSparkling Crystal Water || would be used in every house-hold for drinking purposes. M| Absolutely pure means free from all germ life — || Organic matter and Mineral Impurities.. £:■: Sparkling Crystal Water is IABSOLUTbLY PURE. For sale by all druggists and first class grocers. Our valuable booklet on pure water should be read by every person. Sent free for the asking. Crystal Water Co. of Pittsburg, Pa. ' SUFFERING WOMENII ry&QCCOCCCOOOOOCCOCOSCCCCCOSCOOCt . | ] $5.00 THIS COUPON IS WORTH $5-°° il . . . CUT IT OUT . . . Present it at mv office, and I will allow you credit for this amount in moil- p ji ' ii nes and treatment. This is good for a short time only to readers of I In.- ■ piper. So avail yourself of the greatest opportunity ever offered for pi tting ;« ( > 1 reatment from a Specialist, at the oldest and most reliable Mtfdical Institution (j in the state. k| ; 1 n, rre nne« All Female Weakness '• liarrenness *„, l unnatural imclmr-s r-.ire i :.nsual!y tlio result of malforma- mr »» without scraping or caustic aj |>h- v_. 1 or a displacement, which I K eatlom. , - , rcome and cure without pain. Specific Blood tc 6fcin P«;co : - Piles and Recta! ». .. , ... . OvJ jf J|/ other poisonous miner-il*. by able, cured permanently with ut Wfc N eompomms. a.. ',e k>,f«or pain. With no detantion W*. J , lg B ns w Immediately dU i ' :;i the household duties. ISjJK m±r:J " , „ ' . >r supp-essed or t aln-ii. 1 Bladder and Kidney fe. ,-X flenstruatijn . . ... /WPb * relieved snre. pulnles-; and &:•« ; , cured in • surprising!/ c, : r. x the i r,i .. hort tune. MLh—JSMBi regular. y.'iito, if jou cannot call, as my home treatment is Tery successful. Enclose stamp t r r»j y. U • siz cants In stamps for book on Diseases of Wjnmen. S3 1 (iradu.Uc Kurs«fn attendance. Consultation Krcr aud sacredly confltlentl.J. orn. *i- a ; -9 a. 111. to 7p. w.; JO;30 a. lu. to 4:30 p. in. i DR. A. R.KIDD'S JN?fn"V IE J j Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 631 Penn Avenue, I j Advertise in the CITIZEN.) R-R-Tl ME-TABLES It It AL V K K Time table in effect Nov. 1903. i Pa«sen|jer trains leave and arrive at Bntler as follows: LEAVE FOK NORTH. 7:30 a. in., mixed for Punxititawnej, Da Bois and intermediate stations. 10:17 a. m. daily, vestibnled day ex ' press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, j week davs. for Rochester. 6:80 p. m. local for Pnnx'y, Du Bois I and intermediate stations. 11:2."i p. m. night express for Buffalo ' and Rochester. AKKIVE FROM NOETH. a. in. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 1»:4") a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 5:31 p.m. daily, vestibultd day express from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 8:4") p.m. week days, mixed train from Du Bois and Punx-utawney. Trains leave the 15. & O. Station. Allegheny, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:(»0 a.m. and 10:00 p m.. and for local points as far as Dußois at 5:10 p.m. B&O K R Time taMe eflV-ctivi- Nov 22,1903. Eastern Stan.lard Time SOUTHBOUND Allfeheny A.<*oonimodHtion a-m Allegheny and (Icvt land *#:UO a-ni AJW ?heny Express *ftlO a-ui •• * - +n:4sa-m Ullw.hmJ City AccomouMlation *l.4(»l»-in Clii New Castle am! Allegheny Ex.... *-fc4o |»-m Express *5:-4 p-ni Accommodation *.VSO p.m Ellw- 1 ati«l NVw i ;«>tle Accommodation... *'* '•& p-m Pit!.-iurj:, Ell wood Ci*y and Xtw Castlo *€."oo p.m NORTHBOUND Kane and Itra.lf«'nl M:iil +9A'2 a-m CUri. ii A«" -ommodation +4:55 p-m Foxbnrg AccomnuMiation tt*#o p.ui 4 Daily. ♦ Sunday. t Sunday only. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler at 7:30, 8:15, 10:45 a.m.. and 1:15, 8:00. 5:30,6:15 and 11:30 p.m. Pittsbunr statiot at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:30 а.m. and 6:15 ar.d 11:30 p.m. For through tR-lceta, Pullman rnK-rrrtiuiu. and in fornmti •. Api ly to W. K. TI'KNKK, Agt, Butler, i'a, E. P. SITII, A. «. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa DESSEMER & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO I) Time table in effect Sept. 13. 1903 EASTERN STANDARD TIME northward. Daily except SuDday. Southward lit ad lp) (Read down) 2 10 14 STATIONS" i » lT V>l CM P.M.I »m. A.M. pm 7 2o 2 20 Erie 7 00 12 IS 7 01 l Kairview 7 2*!12 41 ♦> 51 1 Pi Girard 7 S 1*57 7 <>•» 1 15 nr. .CV>nne«Qt. . .ar 9 11 2 15 5 -?2 II 45 IT.. Oonneaut. .lv 7 15 11 45 j 3't 1 25 { Cr»nesTill«*. ... 7 .55 1 15 6 2> 120 Albion 8 00 1 20 ti 11 1 05 Shadeland 8 13 134 (', ( > lOt Spingl>oi«> S l l * 137 o i j 40 12 3> Mnil J:nn . 8 l'> 2 05 630 1 (M ar.. Meadville.. ar 923 2 43 4 4o 11 52 Iv .MeadTille . lv 7 45 1 27 0 05 12 43 ar. .Conn.Lake, .ar 8 55 2 15 5 15 12 23 lv - lv 8 M 1 52 ' 5 40 ar..LineaMlle 10 25 12 02 lv •« lv 8 25; 12 02 3 2d! 12 10 Ilartstown 8 59 2 22 5 17 12 1«» Adanunrille 9 05' 2 28 5 07 12 OO Osgood . 9 15 2 40 7 10 5 00 11 52 Greenville 6 30 9 23 2 50 7 05 4 53 11 45 Shenanjco € 38 9 29' 3 OO 6 45 1 35 11 22 Fredonia 0 > 9 47 317 6 27. J V) 11 o*s Mercer 7 1* 10 03 3 35 j b 22 I 15 11 01 llonstou Junction 7 22 10 07' 3 40 G 01 3 s<j 10 41 Grove City 7 4» 10 25 4 01 j 5 47 10 281 Ifarriavilfe 7 5S 4 11 5 l'»i 3 38(10 20 BrancLton 8 07 10 43 4 23 6 45 108 11 14 ar.. .flilllard... aril 14 6 45 4 ;H« 3 0'! 700 1v... Hiltiard. . .lv 700 7 00' 300 5 351 3 3:V10 17 Keister S 12 10 4t> 4 27 5 IS; 3 19; 10 0;i Euclid S 3" 11 00 4 43 4 45' 2 50 3-"> Butler 9 0o 11 25 5 10 3 0- j 1 15 8 15 Allegheny 10 2.Y 1 00, 6 35 j pm Ipm am | a.m. pm p.m Train 12. leaving Grove City 6.00 a. m. I Mercer 6:2--». Shtnaugo 7:i)3, Greenville 7:10, I Meadville Jet. 7,55, Conneautvllle Mtf, arrives J in Erie at 9:40 a. m. I Train 13, leaving Erie 5:10 p. m. Con j neautvllle 6;3'>, MealviUe Jet, 7,00, Greenyille I 7,10, Shenaugo 7,52, Mercer 8,31, arrives at G-*ove I City at 8,55 p m, E D. COMSTOCK, I E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Mgr. Pittsburu. Pa W. R. TUUNEK, Tkt Agt, Bntler, Pa ' PENNSYLVANIA % l s , WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ScuKDr; t is KrrtcT Nov. 30.1 ».£i. SOUTr. V7EEK PAYS A. M A.M. A M P. M P. M ; BUTLER 625 7 iijlO UV 235 tV) Suxouliurg Arrive 6 .'-0 8 W 10 3° H 00 6 Bntler Junction.. " 723 83C10 55 U! 554 I I Jnuction.. .Loeve 1 2N 8 4<> 11 'H 29 f'< "0 Kntroim Arrive 7 8 52 11 48 3 j; 1(■ I Turenrum. 7 4 ! 859 11 i? 346 6 17 Springdale 7 5. » 9 13 12 07 3 57 6 27 : Claremont 1 93512 27 4 11. 6 41 | Sban*burg 8 1«» 94712 38 4 18 650 • Allegheny 83010<£ 12 51 430 700 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P. M. j SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlei for Allegheny City aud principal intermediate stations at 7:20 a. tn., ind 4:55 p. m. NORTH. WEEK PATS A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. I*. M Allegheny 63C 900 10 00 3 ( 0 5 19. 850 Sharpftburg 6 42 9 11 10 11 3 14 5 31 902 Ciaremout ... .. ....j 10 IS 325 5 913 Springdalo ! 9 34 10 35 3 4S 6 57 9 33 Tarentnm 7 11 9 45 10 4* 4 02 6 I<> ;♦ 44 I 7 17 95210 53 4 10 0 1« 951 Bntler June. . .ar 7 25 10 00 11 03 4 24 6 27 10 00 Butler June lv 7501003 12 50 430 6 33! 10 05 Saxonbnrg 8 20 10 30 1 IV 5 08 5 68 10 30 BUTLER. . 8 40 10 55 1 47 6 38 7 25 11 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P M. P.M. l» M J SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Allegheny City for Bet I ( ler and princi(>%l intermediate stations at 7:03 a m. and | 9-33 p. ui. * FOR THE EAST. Week Days. Siiudayt A. MA. M. P.M. A.M. P M J BUTI-EH lv 6 25 . . . 235 Bntler J'ct ar 723 325 810 j Butler J'ct lv 785 335 814 .... I Fee port kr 7 28. 337 817 .... ! I Kdkiminetaa J't.. .." 735 342 823 .... ■ Leechburg 44 7 4f» 351 836 ... I West Apolk> 44 8 llj 413 857 .... I Saltsl urn .." 8 40;..... 442 923 ... j Blairsviile 910 520 962 Blaliwille lut. . . . " 924 •••. 5 [?) 10 00 Altoona " 11 35 860 1 4<J . .. Harridtmrg 44 310 ~.. . 100 635 Philadelphia 4 ' 623 423 10 20 P. M.!A.M. A M. P.M. P.M Through trains for the east leave Pittsburg (Union SUtiuu), aa follows: Atlantic Express, daily 3:00 a n M •nhattiii Limite-l " (No cosurhes).. .3:35 44 PniiUMvlvauia Limited " (No coaches) ..7:15 44 New York 44 44 44 .... 7:15 44 l>ay Kxpreas, 44 7:30 44 Main Line Kxpresa. •• 8:00 44 PhiUd'a and New Yo. k Kxpreiw, 44 12:01 Ni)Oll Mail, " 12:46 P M Uarrisburg Express daily 4 50 ,4 Philadelphia Express, 4 4:56 44 ■astern Kxpreas, " 7:10 44 Fast Line, • .9 00 1 N**w York Special, dally for New York. only. 10:00 44 Philadelphia SiMKial daily. Sleeping t«» I'hiladelphia, Baltimore aud Wash ington. No coaches 10:'K) 44 Philad'A Mail, Sundays ouiy 8:30 A.M For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge rail route) 8:00 a.m.aud 900 p. m. daily, "Penn sylvania Limited," and New York limited. 7:15 a. m,. week days. Buffalo and AUegehecy Valley Division. Trains leave Knkiminetas Junction as follows; For Buffalo, 9.5 Ca. m and 11.50 p. m. daily, with through parlor and nleeping cars. For Oil <."ity, 7.42 9.56 a. m., 2.J5, 6.15 and 11.50 p. m. weok-days. Sundays, 9.66 a. m. t 6.16 and 11.5»> For Red Bank, 7.42,9.56, a.m., 235, 6.15, 10.15, and 11.60 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56,10.40 a. m., б.15 and 11.50 p. 31. For Kittanning 7.42, 9.31, 9.56,11.14 a. m., 6.15, 7.27, 10.15, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56, 10.40 a. in., 6.15, 10.44, aud 11,50 p. m. 4 T' Stops only on nigual or uotica U» agent or con ductor t«» receive or discharge passengers. For detailed information, apply to ticket agout or a<ldreas Thos. E. Watt, P;*ss. Agt. Western District, G>rner Fifth Avunn** *ud Smithfield Street, Pittsburg, PH. W. W. ATTERBUBY, J li WOOD Geu'l Muager. Pass'r Traffic Manager. GEO, W. BOYD, General Passenger Wiulield It 11 Co Time Table In effect Nov. 30th, 190:!. WESTWARD. STATIohN. AM P M Leaves Went WiuHeld 7 30 2 45 " Bogg«yOle 745 300 '• Iron Bri.l K o TB6 JlO '• Wlcfield J auction 81« »25 44 Lane 8 2»' 345 " Butler Junction 8 2M 3 40 Arrive Sutler 10 55! 5 38 Arrive Allegheny 10 02 5 05 W" Arrive BUirsville 12 45J 5 90 EASTWARD. STATIONS. A M P M Leare BlaireviUe 7 50 2 S5 1 " A Utglieuy 1100 .100 " Butler 735 2»5 44 Kutler Junction 10 15 440 • 4 U..S 10 i 43 " w miicid Ju«iuiOai 10 3C» 455 44 Iron Bridge ifo 40 5<5 44 Bogg*ville 10 50 slt Arrive Went Winfield 110 05 530 Trains i*t j' .*< Lan* *nU Iroo |»ridge only on Klag to take on or leave off irtUMwUtfers. Train* Connect at Butler Junctiou witi 4 ; Train* Eastward for Freep* rt, Vandtrgrifi and 1 Blairsville Intersection. Trains Westward for Natrona, Tar.-ntuin and Alls- | gheny. Trains Northward for Saxc.nburg, Marwood and But ler. B. G. BEALOR, <««neral Manager. Wuf' Wupjlhele, Billiard and Pool Table*. Bar fc'ix tnre«, Office© Desks. Chairs. Tables. ] Partitions, Bookcases, etc. Turning of i Billiard and Pool Balls. Bowline Alley Equipments. 418 Diamond s l- Above Smithfield St.) Pittsburg, Pa. | Eberle Bros^ I PLUMBERS \ S Estimates given cn all kinds of work. ? I We make a specialty of s * NICKLE-PLATED, V ) SEAMLESS, / ) OPEN-WORK. ✓ ) 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa ? S People s Phone. 630. C Y\ If You are Interested In the )) STOCK MARKET write for special Information oonoarnlngf yK f \\ MISSOURI PACIFIC U whlo'i will prove of benefit to you. WIRE OR TELEPHONE MESSAGES JU^EB L. O. BILL PHONI—COURT IS6I. jJ OUR DAILY MARKET FORECAST V\ Mj [( MAILED UPON REQUEST. l| A! ElHftftM SB P NEVILLE BAYLEY, H \\ MEMBIR PITTSBURG STOCK EXCMANOI. J| \ JJ 417 Wood St.. PITTSBURG, PA. MME. BARTLETT'S MASSAGE PARLORS. Mtr.o. Hart let t. assist.*! by a New York mass«-ur and beauty specialist; magnetic, electric, vapor batiis, scalp treat ment, massage; bust development. 24 E. Robinson St., Allegheny City. Pa. CHISHtSteR'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Wf^ Alwnv* r«»!L»bl« m'x 1 ft* CllHill>;i:r. % »n »» »oM metallic »*>\ •*. »«■:»! •» r; r b^^ Tnif no otltor. -l:» :?c«»rou« (utiou»a;->i i&ait • ' v»;:rDrotH-iM, or send I<*. in *-t:inn« ; * ljr Par! moniatl* au<i - I«* Hcf for I. »«■««■»• by return >1 nil. 10.0*>» 1 «-sum< uiiiU bold by all J>rug*i~:s. CHIOHBBTER CHEMICAL CJ. SIOO 31**14k*m h<iu»re, FA Ucitk"» wv. L. C. WICK, DKALKK TV LUfIBER. —m es wgasagM———— ' pTaaamDean's J B A safe, certain relk .r Siu-pressed Pj 3 Menstruation. Nev"rltu,*n'.olsil. Safe! ■ ■ Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed ■ ■or l.ionev Refunded. Sen', prepaid Tor ■ I #I.OO per box. Will send them on trio?, to ■ K be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. K B UHITIO MEPICALCO.. »o> 7«. U»CHI». »«. J Sold in Pntler it the Centre Ave Pharmacy ttraiflm ftwni With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. ""LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS 70-. PP.W AVKM K. OPP. ?E.\.\:Bt'lLDlMi. PITTSBVRG. 3-19-ly NO SPAVINS a sis be eured in 45 minutes Lump Jaw. splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M CLUGH, Kaoxdale, Jefferson Co., Pa. W S. & E. WICK, I)KA LEBS IN Rough and Worked Lumber of all Kinds Doors, Sash and Mouldings Oil Well Klgs a Specialty. Office and Yard K Cunningham and Monrce fits near West Penn Depot. »pTrrj MTJBTHA & BIIOWN, 339 sth Ave l'lttsburg. Pa., Can sell your Beal Estate, Farm or Business. Correspoutlenee solicited. ALI. TRANSACTIONS CttKriDCKTIAL. [ HEYMAN HARRIS, \ LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS j and RiDifiS HABITS, . 1 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig: Street, PITTSBURG, PA. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler ?enn'» The best of horses and first class rigs a I wava 0:1 hand and for hire. Best accomnicdations In town for pernia nent boarding and transient trade. Specl al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sale u r Jer a fall ffuarautoe; and horses boujcb pon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Teiejnone No. It . 10 Pep Cent. Semi-Monthly. We are paying from t< to per o p nt semi monthly in onr cooperative busi ness; this is no bo»rd of trade or min ing sctjepe, but an absolutely safe and reliable business. conducted by compe tent people; will bear thd fullest in vestigation; a few thousand can be used to advantage in tbi* business: subscrip tions if-.'O and upward, Brennan & Co., 45 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. FOR SALE—Modern, well improved farms and country homes. Write or foaes F, C 'WBAy, one mile west of Si.-ott'lal,,. OO Yor v» nST TO HEI.L your farm or other real estate? / can do It for you. fend me full particular* at once. 4-ltt-03-ly JOHN KODUEB, <O4 Kerttoae Building, I'lttabuw KEEP OUT THE COLD FROM YOUR SYSTEM WITH AN OCCASIONAL <JLASS OF LEWIN'S WHISKEY—STRAIGHT, OR WITH A LITTLE HOT WATER. ALWAYS IN STOCK FIKCH, LAKt.K. UVKBHOLT. taikKNHKIJtKK. 11. T UMtS, TH'ixPftOW, <JIB«OX. OILLIH KB. BKIfMiIPMBT, and offer them to you 6 year old at $1 per full quart, 6 quarts £> 00. GRAKI FATHER'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, fc? 00 per gal lon. We pay express charges on all mail orders of $5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE EEALEBS I* WBES ABB LJQUOKS, Ho U Sinithfifld St, formerly 411 Wile- St. PITTSBUBG, PA. •Phones: Bell 31«* P. * A. I*M. ADJUSTABLE PIN. Our Corner Clamp made the "ACME"' <4gO< . much superior to any W3"l P 1 .ry \\ other stretcher. Our ' ']< ft New Patent Adjustable jfj, * Pin loaves the scallups u In their natural shape; does init weaken tho bars; li of ample length, very practical and agrcatlmproro ment. Don't fall to examine It. At your dealers,ot iC.ME M'F'ti. CO., Alleiheay, Pa 1-7 -40 -1y M. C. WAGNE« AHTIST PHOTO 3 RAF 318 189 South Main St. H. MILLER. FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE— Room 50S, Butler County National Bank bnildini?. TSee the sign lire ft opposite the Old Postofflce, Tbeodcre Vogeley. Ktal Estate and Inscrarce Agency, 238 S. Main Si Batler, Pa. I f you have property to sell, trade, or rent or, want to buy or rent caii, write yr uhone me. List Mailed Upon Application Pr. Miney Daridson. r otherapeutic Santitarium and Nat ural Healing Institute. treat Enlarged Veins, Loss of Vitality, Pre .tatorrbea, Rright'g Disease, liheuma tlsn Bladder, etc. Osteopathy. Massaga Elec rical Treatments. Oven. Vapor, Needle, Show er, all other local applications. Sanitarium: SOB Seneca Street, Pittsburg, Pa, Take Fifth avenue cari—get of at No. 3JOO, 13-]7-08-3m. Afr KOWALSKY GAS EIGNE CO Manufacturers of Small 1»L GAS and GASOLINE ESGINR For Statlojary and Marine Engines and Automobiles. lUag/AJI Kowalsky Simplicity 2li P. cor Blacksmith Shops. I'ump gsS® ■'if -, lug water. Running Fans and lee Cream Freezers, etc. LATROBE. fstarkey I * ® Leading Photographer, §8 Old Postoffipe Building, f| $: Butler, Pa, H M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer ip Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278 people's Phopp 52§ 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER, P*
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