THE BUTLER CITIZEN. TmntSDAY. February 33,1904. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XOTK— AII advertisers Intending to make cbaafes la their ads. should notify u» of tMrliteotloa to do so aot later than Mon day morulas. Orphan's Court sale, estate of James Forsyt'ae Executor s Notice, estate of Dr. J. E. Byers. Notice in Dissolution. Brown & Go's furniture. Zimmerman's Spring Goods. Schaol A Naat's Sale. Modern Store's 50 per cent off. Campbell's Wall Paper. Eye Specials. Call s College Aiaatateu*K>n sad Executor* of estate Ctaaeenrs tbelr receipt b00..* *t th- CITI Z|H offlce. and persons mik.ns .c »alt* th sir note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Lent It ia. —Mid-winter graduating exercises, this week. —lts the fresh man who is apt to get ia a pickle. —lt begins to look a little like maple sugar weather. —A word of advice to the winter - comeoffalexffieaki. -Unless s man baa sense be ia seldom able to acquire dollars. —The new Trolly Co. expects 11 build a branch to Saxonburg. —lt is to be a "Majestic" theatre—in sire and form end name. —lts always a cold day for an office holder when ha gets fired. —Now that the hens are loosening np eggs dropped to twenty cents. —Jap be nimble, Jap be quick—Jap jump over the Cossack-quick —The ground is frozen about a foot deeper than usual this winter. —The leap year giil should remember that a faint heart never wins fair man. —lntelligence from every part of the State report thons nds of quail froze a. —Some people never learn to govern their future action by their past exper ience —The trial of the Croat st Washiog t». Pa., last week, was a circus for the c immunity. Talking back to your wife is jnatae sei.sible as to keep winding the alarm dock while it is going off.—Ex. —Between Jap torpedoes and their own mines the whole Russian navy will soon be where McOinty went to. —News from the seat of war. by cable, is costing fifty cents a word, but the newspapers clnb together and thus reduce the cost. —When the Russions don't blow them+ilves nj they go oat and freeze to death. They are bound to help tbe Japanese In every way possible. —Tbe Minnesota Supreme Conrt baa decided that tobacco i» a necessity. Sherlock Holme* would at once deduce from thin that tbe judges are smokers. —A severe winter is supposed to be good for tbe wheat, but farmers ray tbe wheat is looking poor due to the bard freezing and little- snow in the early part of tbe winter. —Tbe average man wears out nearly two inches of sole leather in a year. Some crank has estimated that if a man shoes made to last him a lifetime toy would have to bate soles nearly nine feet thick. —Saturday evening onr basket ball team went to McKeesport "ano Fourteenth century the taster was allowed to sell them on tbe Ist and 9nd of Jaonery only, and upon these days women flocked to boy tbem. They were so expensive that it was customary to rive as wedding presents a certain sum of money to be used aa "pin money," hence tbe term. —While ten mile* out in tbe country I member of tbe Relief Committee re ppived a calling down frotq 4 man who fefgfd tot #ll » certain family, (n which were three oases of fever, had re ceived was a sack of meal and a bag of prnnee. An investigation yesterday abowed that tbe family received about worth of groceries, supplies, etc., and 00* of them had been cared for in to hospital. —A fakir with a brand new graft baa bam exposed by an exchange. He ■trlfcaa a town and locate* tbe beat at tended church. On Snnday morning attend* church services, and as sxra qa tbe pastor prononoces the benedic tion be fells over iq a fit. This enlists tbe sympathy of tbe cbqrch people. In tbe inside of bis ooat is pinned bis name and tbe home of his rslatives with tbe injunction tbat if he sbonld die in one •f tbe fits the people sbonld have his body shipped home. He finally recov ere and pulls tbe leg of tho congrega tion for enough money to get home on. It takes about S2O- He nearly always fcgts tbat much each Sunday. Then he pqli« for another tqwn to hare a fit the naat Sunday. —in Pittsburg tbe lots and tbe build ings upon tbem are assessed separately, j and, with but a few exceptions, the lots fronting on lower Fifth Ave. are vain- | ed at from ten to forty times as mnch as tbe buildings For instance tbe Backe store lot at corner of Fifth' and Jacket U assessed at $<574,088, while e building upon it i* assesjfd sf bat MOO; tbe A. Y- Holm oh lot is aysese (id at $487,800. and tbe bnilding at bnt, the Opera House lot at sl.oßil. • $49, sod the building at SIOO,OOO. In but one Instance between Market and Bmitbfleld St. is tbe bnilding rated as high as tbs lot—the lot of the Farmers National Bank is put at $1,228,800 and tba bnilding at $1,806,000. Tbe Park building—a modern bnilding—is assess ed at f/«01,200 arid {be lot at SO^O.IHO. WANTED -Party to pnt In IB acres wheat on shares, 8 miles north of Bntler. Address, P. 11., 02 Alsace, Baflalo, N. Y. PERSONAL. John Philippi has moved to Kaylor. Congressman Dick will probably be Senator Hanna'a successor. Alvin Allen, of Clay twp.. visited friends in Butler, yesterday Wm. Gal breath of Winfield twp vis ited friends in Butler. Monday. P. J. and J. J. Spahn of Summit twp. were in town on business, Friday. Reuben W. Parle of Middles** did some shopping in Bntler, Saturday. T. A Park, of Middlesex, attended to some business matters in Batler, yes terday. Prescott Xeglev of East Liberty spent Washington s Birthday with his grand parents in Butler. Attorney James B. McJuakin is saf fering from s severe attack of inflam matory rheumatism Paul Cronenwett captured some prizes at the Pittsburg poultry shew for single comb brown leghorns. John Stalker of Rankin, formerly of Batler. attended the funeral ol hi* niece, Ethel McMurdy, at Farmington, yesterday. Mrs. Nicholas Reiger of Winfield twp. came to Bntler to do some shop ping, last Saturday, and it is said, has disappeared. G. F. Weisenstein of Centre twp., Daniel Goldinger of Donegal twp and J. M. Byers of Fairview were among oar callers, Satnrday. Miss Clara Grohman of the North End and Miss Ora Kennedy of Summit twp spent Saturday and Sanday with the latter s parents at Mars. Maben Lowman of Meadville visited his mother and sister, last week. Mrs. Lowman has not been in good health lately. She is partially paralyzed. Those seven valentires received by Prof. Rolla Mediation the Unit morn ing of Institute do not seem to have bad any serious effect on his health —and he is still single. Mrs. J. E Zimmerman, accompanied 5 j her head trimmer, goes to New ork, this week, to attend the millinery openings. Watch for their opening an- L. D. Borland goes to New York this week to complete the spring purchase of dry goods, tailor-made suits, etc.. for the progressive, up-to-date, Zimmerman dry goods store. John Maizland, Jas K. Snyder and Henry Smith of Clinton twp. were among onr callers, last Thursday. A law suit seemed to bs the attraction in Butler, that day, as quite a number of Clinton twp. men were in town. John W. Bortmas is in town, this week, as a witness in the case of Kmt vs the Borougb. regarding tbe Wayne St. extension. John left Butler about ten years ago, and located on the East Shore. Maryland, where he raises to matoes and corn for one of the numer ous canning establishments in that country. W. H. Crosland, of London, in bts book, "Lovely Woman," remarks: "When I look upon life in my calmest moments, lam prone to wish that all women were widows." Which recalls the Irish philosopher's argument, "What's the world to a man when his wife is a widow?" Noah Raby, who is critically ill at the Piscatawny poor farm at Plainfleld, N. J., is probably the oldest man in the world If be lives until April be will celebrate hia one hundred and thirty first birthday Childless and almost friendless, without any of the honors so often rewarding the culmination of a long life much shorter than his. Mr. Raby has lived nearly half a century as the ward of public charity ' They are kind to me," be says, pathetically, 'but I ought not to be here." Samuel Butler, the author of "Hud ibras," died in the most squallid quar ter of London, literally of starvation. Some years after his death, when his fellow-countrymen began to realize that a genius bad passed away, a monu ment was erected to his memory. Re membering how the poet had been neg lected while alive, someone wrote the following: While Bntler, needy wretch, was yet alive, No generous patron would a dinner See him, when starved to death, and turned to dust. Presented with a monumental bust! The poet's fate is here in emblem shown: He asked for bread, and be received a stone. Attempted Bobbery. Night Clerk Charley Post el wait e of the B. & O. station wa* awakened early Monday morning (8 a.m.) by somebody getting through tbe window of tbe sta tion or waiting room. He turned out tbe light in bis office, the ticket office, and called for help over the telephone; and was called upon by five men to open the door, but instead of that shot tbrouh it, and they shot through both the door and office, and then left. Letter to Cbas. Dully, Ilutler, Pa. Dear Sir: It's an old saying: the best advertisement is a please*! customer. It happens to ns continually in this way: A man bay* Devoe for his bouse - be has painted it once in three years for a dog's-age, and think* be knows what be wants—buys 80 gallons, and has 10 left. He sees right off that S»0 Devoe is as mnch as 80 of anything else. He likes tbat; it comes quick; it is a surprise; and be tells of it. Tbe be*t advertise ment is a pleased customer. Three years roll round. There i*n't a sign tbat bis bouse needs paint, be don't paint it. Next year be don't paint it. This comes slow: it is a surprise; but be got used to it. Still tbe best adver tisement is a pleased customer. Yonrs truly 2 F W DEVOE & Co P. B.—Patterson Bros, sell onr paint. Mcowuring Social, To be held in the Academy Hall at Carbon Black, Monday, Feb. 20th Admission live cents per foot and one cent for each inch over. Lunch served free. MANAGEMENT. General Manager, C. W. Johnston , Fish Commissioner, Helen Scott; tyieeri of Hearts, Grace Smith; King of Hearts, Edwin Kennedy; Confectioners. Bess McAnallen, Luly Keasey; Mensor. C A. Smith; Chef de Cuisine, Florence Kennedy: Caterers, Sara Craikshank, Elizabeth Millirop, Stella Rivers, Lnella Todd, Luln Cruikshank, Mary McKee; Cup Bearers, Alice Watson, May me Cooper. Kate Yonng, Edna Marks. All are cordially invited. Lyiidora Theatre. JOHN W. VOOEI/H DIG CITY MINHTRKUS K*JI. 21). On Mondav evening. February 20, at Lyndora Theatre, will lie *een John W. 1 Vogel's Big City Minstrels, a vast organisation with more minstrel talent I tl)an any other minstrel troup now II traveling and tbe finest priyate cars in | tbe world. Manager Vogel has exercised his ' usual care and good judgment in I organizing this company, which is by far tbe largest, costliest, and possibly 1 tbe best combination of the kind booked to appear here this season. Seats now i on sale at Heed's, 25c, 60c and 78c. I [ {jrauri Op<-rii House, I'lttsburg. > I ti FEIJOUA—MKXT W*.KK. . 1 Among the most pronounced suc . cesses ever achieved by Sarah Bern- I bardt. and Fanny Davenjiort. in the ex " tensive repertoire of Victor!en Sardou's i plays, which these two celebrated ac l, tresses exploited for several yerrs, notb : ing attracted larger audiences, or gave | more universal satisfaction thnn Fedo 1' ra. With this fact in mind. Manager I Harry Davis, of tho Pittsburg Orsnd t Opera House, has jnst arranged with the Fanny Davenport estate for a sjd of Carpenters and Joiners. S. G. Purvis 6c Co. have filed a billin equity against L. C. Wick. Local Xo. 500, United Brotherhood of Carpenters, et al. NOTES The Southern Oil Co has recorded leases on about 1,000 acres in Win field twp. A ch:»rge of false pretense has been entered against Frank Stinker, of Lyn dora. Mike Froki is in jail for disorderly conduct. Steve Urchincki and Frank Omoffia have been charged with attempting to defraud board bills. The case of Win. J. Heuiphill vfc Stephen Hemphill, his brother, for S2OOO damages fcr slander was settled after hearing the evidence. A large proportion of Clinton township's popu lation were cn hand as witnesses. Each party paid his own witness costs, and the defendant withdrew all the charges made, and is to make no more. The case of J. R. Pitcairn vs Kaoff man & Fogel, assumpsit, resulted in a verdict of $63 for the plaintiff. The case of Curtis C. Shira vs Butler Borough for damages alleged to have been sustained by the flooding of the cellar of nis store at Elm and Locust streets, went to trial Monday morning. A Connecticut lawyer who embezzled the funds of neveral estates in his keep ing, jut pleaded that he embezzled as a layman and not as a lawyer, has been disbarred for unprofessional conduct. And that raises the question, what would have happened to him if he had embezzled as a lawyer.— Ex. B. W. WilsoA of Fairview township has been charged with forgery by Ralph Gregg, who states he cashed two checks of $5 each for Wilson, on which be had written his father's name. Jas M'Gregor, agent of the State Board of Agriculture, hai entered charges of violations of the pure food laws aga ; nst J. S. Jordon of Mars. R. Hudson of Evans City and H. Bame of Haimony. A. M. Christley was appointed audi tor in the «s»ate of John GiJghrist, dee d, of Cherry t*p.» Mrs. C. A. Abrauis was appointed guardian of G:-orge Thorp. Myra Webb was appointed guardian of Lulu Webb of Brancbton. The Superior conit has decided that land taken for the nse of a public high way remains the property of the owner fro:u whom it was taken, and cannot be occupied for any other purpose without the consent of the owner. If a tele graph or telephone company, therefore, wishes to erect lines along the highway it must receive the consent of the per sons to whom the land would revert were it no longer to be used as a high way. W. D. .Smith baa recorded leases for 1800 acres in Connoqueneseing and Muddycreek twps A charge of bigamy has been entered against Alexander Fowler by Sadie 3earight, who swears that Fowler mar ried her in Wil, having a wife then liv ing. Wrn. Doyle of Buffalo twp. has been charged with seduction by Elsie Scbreckengoat. Thirty-eight cases are on the criminal docket for March term. Tbe case of R. P. Robinson vs Geo. Schaffuer, Jr.. assumpsit for SIOO for cleaning out a well at Glade Mills, re sulted in a verdict for Hchaffner. John Berg secured a verdict of s4'J.2l against the Standard Lumber Co. for rent of an office room Berg had refus ed to permit the Lumber Co. to take a three ton safe into tbe building and they refused to pay the rent. A case of interest has just been de cided by the Supreme Court Venango county people charivsried a newly married couple. The groom objected, and after warning off ths serenaders fired a couple of loads of shots into the crowd. One of the party was filled with bird shot and sued to recover sl,- 500 damagep. The court held that the man's house was his castle, und if a mob disturbed him and was warned to desist be was justified in doing what he did. John Young has began proceedings ia Common Fleas court No 2. Pittsburg, against Robert W. Hervey. J H Fester and D W Wvlie, to recover ♦'42,000, al leged to be doe on a bond. Young bronght unit in tbe Bntler oonnty courts against Hervey, to enforce tbe sale of tbe plaintiff'* farm in butler township, at S2OO per acre under an agreement by which Hervey wan to take the property at au aggregate of $22,178. The Butler coouty court had jndgment for that amount entered against Hervey. An appeal wan taken to tbe Supreme court by the defendant. This acted uh a supersedeas of execution arid Fe»teraud Wylie became snrety on the bond in taking tbe appeal, l'be Supreme conrt affirmed the lower court on January 4, 1004, and judgment ia now nought on the bond. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. E. L Varnnrn to Ona W Varnurn, 20 acres in Centre for $1 Mary S Nicklas to Bouthern Oil CO. 46 am* in Butler twp. for SB2O. Jennie Strong to Southern Oil Co lease of 12 acre* in Butler twp, for SBOO. T J Kennedy to name, leases 88 a ere* on Plaisted and Oruver farm* in Bnt ler twp. for $8,900. J Oeo Htamui to J F Andersou prop erty In Wont End for $14,000. John (Staple* to W J Burke, . Clothing - it is always sold right—visit our store. Why buy poorly made clothing when yon can get the bent as cheap at Ritter & Rockenstein's. SOM>. Haying sold their interests in the Butler Brick and Tile Co., and the man agement being entirely different, the former owners desire to close out tbe stock in the yard, viz: brick, hollow block and drain tile. Special induce ments will be given to parties purchas ing these goods within the next thirty (lavs. Apply by letter to the under signed or by Peoples telephone at the works. J. C. Brandon, Oak Street, Butler, Pa. Just a little money will fit you out complete at liitter & Hockenstein's. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or bny property you will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real F»tate. Room 508. Butler County National Bank building. Public Sale*. March 3d- Beginning at 0:30 a.m. on farm of James K. Robertson, dee'd, in Oakland twp., stock, hay, grain, fann ing implements, fuiniture, etc. Msrcb 2d At 12, noon, at W. 11. Lo gan's in Middlesex twp., stock, jortance of early correction of the defect known as "crossed eyes." Yet there is u simple test which everybody can make and which proves conclusively that some thing should be done to remedy this un sightly and uerious malady. Cover the straight eye with your hand ami you will find that your sight is either very dim or at least considerably weaker than that of the other eye. Naturally, as a crossed eye is never used for vision and therefore becomes weaker the same as an arm that is constantly worn in a sling would finally refuse to do its service. The earlier this trouble is remedied, the better are the chances not only for correction of the disHgurment but also for improvement of the sight "My son George," writes, Mr Goo. C. Aul, of 712 Arch St., Allegheny, Pa., was oiterated for a case of very bad crossed eyes when he was a triflw over 5 years old. by Dr A. Sigmann. the Eye Ear Nose and Throat Specialist of HIM Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. It is now 5 years and his eyes are perfectly straight, and have so increased in strength that he has discarded the use of glasses. Dr. A. Higuiann who lias succeeded tbo well known Eye unrl Ear Hjsjcialist, Dr. O. W. Hadler, can cousulteA free of charge in his ofilces. HO4 Perm ave., until the Ist of April; thereafter Huiie 405 H'/irie Trust , 541 Wood Ht., Pittsburg, Pa- 2-18-4t If low price ia any inducement at tend Hitter & Kockenstein's Hale. Have yon noticed how cheap Hitter & Rockenstein's are selling clothing Huits and overcoats in newest styles and coloring* at your price at Hitter & Rockenstein's I BUY. Nell and exchange all listed and unlisted securities, and deal in New York, Pittsburg and Chicago stocks, both on mar Kin and otherwiw Prompt, efficient service and liberal terms. I can make money for yon write me. HORACE .1. PHILIPH, anker and broker, 704-5-0 Keystone Building, Pittsburg, Pa. (Member Pittsburg Industrial Exchange.) Ib-iliicctl Kilter to New York SIIMI Ki'tiii'ii vhi the It A O. It. It. Ac»>inrit of Hpring Meeting Mer chants' Association at New Yorn. tick ets will be sold at one and one-third fare for the round trip, on certificate plan. Dates of sale, I'ebrnary 0 to 10 inclusive, and February 27 to March I, inclusive. O.rtiHcates for return lick ets will be honored within !J0 days Htop over in both directions at Wash ington D. ('., Baltimore and Philadel phia. For further information '-all on or address nearest B. & O. a;;ent. STOCK FOR SALE. I have two KciriH'ered Guernsey bull calves that I will sell. Inquire of J. A H. F I). 7, Hutler, Pa If it Is a suit or overcoat the cheapest, place to buy it is Hitter & Hockenstein s. OIL JiOTES. The Market —Standard *I.BO, Pro dncers Perm twp.- The new field opened up jby the Toomej-Wsssoa & Xi ion well ; 011 the Sim Xixon farm is showing good. La.-f week, the South Penn struck h 100 , barrel well ou the D. B. DodJs firm. I and Toomey, W*6B>n A: Co. a ninety barrel well nr. the Be! j. Powell Brnsn Creek —The Southern Oii Co drilled in a nrndred foof well on the Robinson whiih msde 30 barrels on Thursdav, s <) Fiidav an.l Mi Saturday si.-i up drilling several inorewel!s.Tbey t'l.r a trood well oc the Bradford. Connoquenessing twp—Rose. Black iSz Sti-t-n are said to have struck a 30 barrel well ou the Sta*-rr farm on Little Creek. Callery—Johnson & Co. have good well on the Enoch Hal!. Old oii—Commodore Kocntz sold 5000 blls. at fl.tiO. the other day. He had held it for thirty vests i:i the ex pectation of getting s•"> a bbl. for it. A "Salted" ■*« according to the veracious chron ! icier of the Top -i:a Jonrnii. h.u b.'eu fa ned to the amount of SIO.OOO on h:j alleged km well that resolutely refuse* to "g:is." In other wcras. son;e pros pectors or promoters drilled a well th-it apparently had n.ll the symptoms of a gasser of The gusher order, sold it to the city for SIO,OOO, and then left for parts unknown. This is certainly something entirely new in the annals of deception, but the results prove that the men encased in disposing of a "dry hole" at ' gas" prices were thoroughly up to date and ac quainted with modern inventions The managers of the fake pas well were pre pared to make a winning in any event. Long before the well had nenred the sand, thev bad laid in a stock of cal cium carbide, the basis of acetylene gas, nrd had things fixed to dispose of their venture >.t a handsome profi'. The famon- • Stomp Creek mystery" in Jef ferson connty. Pa, probably fooled more people ant*in. Rev. Long opened with prayer and L E. Curistloy pre:unt«l the diplomas for the School Board. The class roll is Harry 1' Armstrong, Sara U. Beattr, Bianchi Campbell. William Ralph Co!l>ert. K;ty l> I>onnell, Margie 1,. Eisler, Twila J. Hughes. Charles F. Hosforil, Alberta B. Klinuler, R. R. Russell, Grace Shearer, Florence A. ■Sherman. Enid E. Stein, Walter II Turner, Mary T'jomp*on, David M. W eber. Tow itslilp K'cctioiiH. Butler township elected John McEl ro3', Flank Herold aud W. J. Campbell School Directors; A. D. Shearer and Jos Rlobner, Supervisors; Eli Oeeterling, assessor; Frank Sarver. auditor. Buffalo twp.—John Montgomery and John Atkinson, Directors; M. Mochel and Wiu. Scott, supervisors. Centre twp. —Fred Herold and Geo. Sbanor, Directors; 1. N. McUlung, su pervisor; A. Kieger. Assessor. Clay twp.—R. C. Thompson, director: J J. Thompson, supervisor; O. R. Thorn, assessor. Concord twp.—J H. Thompson aud Fred Bower, directors; N. f. Bell and Richard Campbell, supervisor*; R. A. Klnzer, assessor. Franklin twp —Frank Beatty and M. T. McCandless, directors; Henry Heyle and J. W. Weitzel, supervisors. Martlets. Eggs, " 20 Bntter, " 2.1 Potatoes, ' 00 Onions, per bn 1 30 Cabbage, per lb 4 Chickens, dressed 121-15 Honey, per pound 20 Lettuce, lb IS Beets, per bu 75 Apples, per bn 50-75 Walnuts 75 Hay, " 12-14 Worltl'N Fair at St. Uuih. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition will open at St. Lonis April UO. and will lie in perfect condition on that date The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run the first low rate coa.-h excui si on from the East to the World's Fair on May 10, affording residents of the Eastern section on opportunity to see the great Exposition lu all the glory ot its pristine freshness. Tickets will be sold from all principal stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad System. The fare from Philadelphia will be $18.50, with proportionate rates, approximating one cent yer mile, from other |. No. 11. March Term. 1904. ltelber and Brandon. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of All-en Winter, of. In and to all that certain nf land, situated in itellenople 1. .rough. Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol imv-i. T.i- wit: On the north by Stephen Long, i' fi; east by Mrs Sal lie Long well, X> ft: . by New Caitle St. tds ft; and west l.y Main street. :!:• ft: having thereon erected or- large two storv brick dwelling honse ml store room combined, frame stable and out buildings. -■ciztd and taken in execution as the proi,- < My of Albert Winter at the suit of Guar antee Safe Deposit A: Trust Co. F. D. No. T. Term. HUM. McSweeny & Goucher. Attorney. All tie right, title, inf rest and claim of W It Smith, "f. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Slippery Buck township. Butler county. Pa., boun'ied follows, to-wit: Oi the north by Wilbert iiockenberry. east by l»an Kelly, south bv T F I'atton & M .1 llumnhrey. and west by T M Nos 11 and 12. March Term, lAO 4. Murrin .'v Murrin and F J Forquer. attorneys. All thw right, title. Interest and claim of Mary Wullerand Johanna Wuller, of, in and to all that certain piece or loi of land, situ ate! In Butler borough. Bntler county. Pa. hounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Int formerly of W F. Kalston now Elizabeth Felgel, et al. on the east by South Main street. i»n the south by lot of Christ Stock, and an aliev, and on the west bv lot former ly |{ |' Scott, now The Butler County National Bank, said lot having a frontage of twenty-two feet on said South Main street, and extending back westward *0 feet, more or less, to siid western boundary, which boundary Is 42 feet, more or less. In width, airi having thereon erected a two-story briek building, used as a store room and dweiling house. ALSO -All that certain other lot of land situated in Butler borough, liutler eounty, I'a, Isiunded and described as follows,to-wit. On the north by lands of Butler Savings and Trust Company.John Lawail, II Pillow heirs et al, on the east by South Main street, on tl.e south by other lot of I> 11 Wuller heirs, ar:d on the west by an alley, said lot front ing 24 feet and one Inch on said South Main street and extending back westward one hundred and eighty feet, to said alley and having thereon erected a two-story brick st.,'re building ALSO of. In and to all that certain piece or • ' of land, situated in Butler borough, nutler county. Pa. bounded as follows. io it: On the north by other hit of 1) II Wul ler heirs, on the east by South Main street, on the south 'iy lot of Al BulT und on the west by an alley, said lot having a frontage of twenty feet on said South Main street, and extending back westward one hundred eighty feet to said alley, and having thereon er."-ted a two-story brick store building. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Mary Wuller and Johanna Wuller at the suit of Joseph Welst. E. D. No. March Term, I!*> 4. F.J. I'orquer. Attorney. All the right, 'ltle. Interest and claim of Harry E Osbone, defendant, and I M Shan non. terre tenant, of. In and to all that cer tain ple-e or parcel of land, sltuatrd in Win- Held township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follow, to-wlt: Beginning at a post on line of lands of l\ er Hummel and Wfst I'enn Railroad: thence north sU leg west 11)7 perches to a post; thence along lands of I) A Crookshank and II <: Keasy north 1 deg east 12ti perches to a post; thence along lands of Fleming Scott and Hale south s!l deg east li'i perches to a post; thence along said lands north I deg east 42 perches to a post on line of said West Penn Railroad; thence along line of West Penn Railroad south 42 deg east «3 perches to a point; thence south :K deg east,l.i perches to a point; thence south 111 deg east II perches to a point; thence south 21 (leg west 0", perches to a point; thence south S" deg east Is perches to apolnt;thence south :i deg west ID perches to a point; thence south !li'/4 deg west t! perches to a point; thence sout h « deg east 21 perches to a |Miliit; thence south « deg east 31 perches to a post us a pla -e of iH'glrinlnir; containing IM> acres II perches strict measure, about. 130 acres thereof lielng cleared and In good state of cultivation and about 30 acres lielng Wood land. and having thereon an orchard, two story brick dwelling house and frame bank barn. Seized and taken In execullon as the prop erty of Hurry E Ostmrne. defendant, and I M Shannon, terre tenant, at the suit of George A and Jacob H Schsffner. E. I>. No. M. March Term. 1001, F. J. For |uer. Attorney. All the right, tltte, Interest and claim of Kllzahet h Williams and Jeremiah K Will lams of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated In Butler borough, Butler Co. I'a. hounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the Northwestern corner of lot No 124 and McCool avenue; thence southwardly 0*7.1 feet: thence weatwardly as ft to line of lot No tlienco Northwardly 7t17 1 feet to McCool 11 venue; thence Eastward I y ft r long McCool avenue to the place or lievln nirig. and bellig lot No I—> In the John It Cav anatigh plan of lots In Rnt.ler borough. I'a; having thereon erected two story frame dwelling and outbuildings Seizi'dand taken In execution as the prop erty of Elizabeth Williams and .leremlah E Williams, at the suit of John It Cavanaugh for use of I'lttsburg Land and Improvement Company. E I) No 40, March Term. 11)04. F J Foniuer, Attorney All the right, title. Interest anil claim of I) A Slater, and to all that certain plocc or lot of land, situated In the borough of Itutler. Butler county, I'a, liounded as fo lows, to-wit; Beginning at the Northeast comer of the lot herein conveyed. lielng Ihe Southwest, corner of West Clay and luff street: t hence South along the West line of said Bluff street btt ft morn or less, to an alley: thence West along the North line of said alley 7S ft to line of lot of WlllUm I.elt ho'.il. formerly Koliert Bresult; thenco North along line of said alley 40 ft to a post; thence East along line of said lot U-l ft to a post; tiience Nort ii along line of s imo lot 140 feet more or less to West Clay st; thence East, along the south line of said st .VI ft to Bluff st the place i,f lieg'niilng, and havleg a fronting of SO feet on West Clay st. at. and extending back southward a distance of IK) fi more or less lo an alley and having erect ed I hereon two two story frmno dwelling houses. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of I) A Slator, at the suit of Ueorge A Schaffner. E D No#*. March Merra, H"U. A T Black, At torney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Matthew McOreiror. of In and to all that certain piece or tract of land, situated In Cherry township, Butler count*. I'a. Isiurd eil as follows, to-wlt: On the North by lands of A bner Met 'alien, J It McCandless; East by llarrlsv llle road and lands of W M Mc i/regor and Alfred Black; South by lands of Thomas lirahani heirs and south branch of Slippery rock creek: West by lands of John Oriilib, containing I.W acres, more or less with frame house anil barn anil other out buildings thoreon, and the defendant waives all stay of execution, all benefit of exemp tion of property, real and under any laws. Inquisition or extension, all error* and right of appeal underlaid wlllt txml and lltne stor.e. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Nfatthew MctJregor at the suit of It A Marks and J II Black, admrs of Newton Black.deceased. E !> No 4:.'. March Term. 1804. Everett li Hal sum. Attorney. All tin-right, title, Interest and clalni of Homer It Kelsler and Ella A Knlstor, of. In and to nil that certain piece or parcel of land, sltuutcd In Bllpperyrock township, But ler county. I'a. liounded as follows, tij wit: l»n the North by lands of Tlios S»e'„ey et al; East by lands of Hubert Ralston et al; Soul b by land" of Itnbert Italston anil (ieo Kelsier: West by land* of W M lluu■L.i.rey. containing 100 acres, more or In*., ami hav ing thereon erected a frtiu>»> house and unt il iil Idlngs. Seized and taken In execution as tlu" prop erty of Homer It Kelsier and Ella A Kelster, at the suit of Everett 1. Italston, for use or Mrs. I.llzabeth Gllkcy now for use of F C Italston. executor of Mil. Elizabeth Ollkey, deceased, K li No I I. March Term, IlKil, l.usk, Attorney. All the right, tit le. Interest and claim of Henry I,else, of. In and to ail that certain piece or parcel of land, situated le Jackson I wp, adjacent to liorough of Harmony, .tut ler county. I'a. liounded as folio.**, to.wit: On the North by Eighth st. ' v Pi'kit: 1.11.! by While Oak Alley, I.JI tv .-l i South by lot of Bast lan Hwali, lit feet; Wist by Spring st. I ,*iii feel. having I hereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, Imurd stable and other outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution us the urop city of Henry Eelse, at. the of Adam Entires*. j Friday,(he Nihility of Mitrili, ' A 1». 1904. at mm l«*-k I*. M., I.|w followli.k i*ro|n rl v, to«w|l! ! K I) N»i 11, Mart'h Turin, IMM, William* X, Ml|4 »m 11. AtlorncyH ) All tin- riff tit, tit ami Haifa of Mr-* KlU*ii Killott, of. In mifl to a'l that rnrtalr\ pli-n* or lot of luii'l. < il 111 I ho of Kutli r. Itntlcr rooiitjf, I'a, nn foil own. to wit: On tlii) NortL Ly otlifr litmN of III* n HI lot t: rfornmrly) A I. I Imllry, now l( it M' t'jiiiillpM; Houtli hy Unrol'i • #t or Way; W«*hl hy • tM imc wf« «-t aiotiK Hll id Mi hU *t rtior«- or HiMl <» f*'«'t, mory <»r I****, on Mll'l Lincoln Way. and iiivrron FIL II new two Rlory frm»N- 'IWI UIUM KOUHO un«' I outbuilding* ' aI All t liat r«*rtaln lot or pK'fn of land *|« uutnl In Die Fifth wurd. Ilutlcr. Hutl«*r county. I'a, IHIIIH«fti tln ni'i xoulli HltftiK linii u| stihl M»*« H»»'IU«>» U»I ft, iiior*- or l< MI lot of M J |«4ri Y ; fh* n«'< v wi'fct aloutf nalil lot. ft, mor« % or to H*l 1903. which deed Is re corded in the I'fflce fo' recording deeds, etc. in and for the county of Butler, Pa. In deed book;No211, page IMS. s, Ized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Mrs Ellen Elliott, at the suit of But ler County National Bank. EI) No 41. March Term. 1904, Bowser, At torney. All the right, title, interest and claim of A .1 Malarky. of In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Clinton twp, liutler county. I'a. bounded a follows, to-wit: Beginning at the west 'Corner on I' B L E railroad and land of R O Woods', thence north 46 deg east 117.10 perches; thence by lands of same 19 deg 4.'» mln east 11. 10 perches; thence to a stone on lands of Henrv Cooper: thence by lands of Mrs. Ekas, north 57 deg £0 mln west £"> ft-10 perches I hence to a stone on lands of Henry Cooper; I brace by lands of Mrs Ekas. north 57 deg 598a1a west i",.8 perches to line of railroad; I hen'-e by line of same 57 perches to place of beginning, containing three acres. A I,SO All that certain piece or parcel of laud, situated in Clinton twp. Butler Co. I'a lounded and described as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Mrs Watson; on the south by lands of W J and M C Ekas; on the east by lands of ii Cooper; on the west by lands of Mrs Watson 'ind I' B L E Uallroad. containing one-half an acre, more or lent; the same being conveyed by M J and M C Ekas to W A Krumpe and Henry Snyder, on March LDth, 1900, and recorded at Butler. I'a, on Oct 10,1H01; then conveyed by W A Krumpe and llenry Snyder to the Bess emer Tile & Brick Works by deed dated Oct IKb. iwrj; the two pieces alsive described hav ing thereon erected a factory 44x50 ft. one story high, with tin roof; with a brick and tlie factory erected thereon, consisting of a frame building, one boiler shed, and engine shed, with tin roof t heron, also one drier building 14x70 ft. more or story high, with tin roof thereon, together with two lioilers. one englne.brlck machine tables and all equipments and machlneiy belonging to, and used In. the said factory and In operat ing the same. A LSO—IiOt or parcel of land being on the southwest side of l' B I. E railroad, hounded as fo.lows: Beginning at the southwest cor ner on line of Mrs Ekas and line of railroad; thence north H7 deg 50 mln west ai.V perches to center of public road; thence north 17 deg west 15.4 perches to line of railroad; thence by line o'same 41.4 perches to place of be ginning, containing PB.fl perches the same being conveyed by Elizabeth and James Wni son to the Bessemer Tile & Itrlck Works on tlie lltli day of June, A I) 19H0, and re corded at Butler. I'a. on Oct 10th. IWH. In deed nook MB. page i<7s. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of A J Malarkv. at the suit of August Yahnlg. E l> No 47. March Term, lUO4, W H Lusk, At- torney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Annie B Krebs, now Annie B Kloepper. of. lu and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Cranberry township. Bat ter Co. I'u, bounded as follows, 10-wlt: On Hie north by Freedom public road; east by ].i n Is of A hint it Kreba; south by lands of Isaac Wright; west by lands of Isaac Wright and containing 42 acres, more or less, being the same lauds sold by Annie B Krehs, as administrator eta, by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court, of Butler county, to Charles 0 Keck, and by the said Charles C Keck conveyed to trie mortgager herein. Annie B Krebs. No buildings. Seized and taken In execution as the Iprop eriy of Annie II Krebs, now Annie B Kloep per. at the suit of Oeorge Keck. A I/HO - Of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Cranberry twp. IliitlerCo, I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: (in the north by Hie Freedom public road; east by lauds of Cordon Mllllgan; south by lands of John linker and Itoss Trimble: west by lands of Isaac Wright and Oeorge Krehs' heirs, and containing 7.', acres, more or less, having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, stable and orchard. Seized »nd taken In execution as tho prop erty of Annle B Krehs. now Annl« Ii Kloep per. at the suit of George Keck. E I) No4s, March Term, 1(104, W II Lusk. At- torney. All Ihi' right, title, Interest mid rlulm (if A Mor Mui I Ida A M Christy. Clarence A i hrlsty.Halite M I'hlrsty.Foriiuer Ii Christy. Raymond I> Christy. Came It Fllesher and Ocorge M (Jrahara. guardian ad litem of Clarence It Moore, of. In and to all t hat cer tain ylece or tract of land, situated In Wash itigtuti two, Butler Cu. I'a. liounded at fol lii«k. 11l V*lt: On the north bv lands of l.y inan llllll'ird and Thomas llllllard; < ant fly lands of I'erry Christy. William Dickey and I'lurnmer Christy: south by lands of Bower Sti Intorf and went hy lands of James lllml. man or Sarah Hind man, containing acres, more or lean; who are the widow, t hlldrnit, and heirs at law of Marvin U Christy, de ceased, who was the owner of the premises In Ids lifetime, died lut«'»tat« on Nov. Ist, 1101, having thereon erected a two-story frump dwelling house.log harn, and orchard, mostly cleared and well watered Hi land and taken In execution as the prop erty of A M or Matilda A M Christy, et al, at tne -nil of Solomon Slamm. K I) No 40. March Term, IBM, l,uvt M Wise Attorney, All the right, HIU I . Interest and clalni of William Sahl|, of, In and to all that certain piece or tract of land, situated lu Lancaster t wp. Butler Co, I'a, liouinlcd as follows to wlt. On the north by lands of Josenli I'ef fer: east by E F Buyer, formerly of Britd foril; south by lands of heirs of Ira Hlaulter anil heirs of George Shaffer; west lor lands of heirs of Geo Shaffer and Ira Mtaulfer, con taining 111 acres and i:u pvtchtisi being same land conveyed bjr Ira WtaulTer to Nancy Salill, d«e<| UAted Jan -l|, 1*474, recorded In liutlur wiuuty, in dead bisik :i7. page 440. "eUcil and taken In exoi-utlon as the pn>p erty of William Salill, at the suit of Susan nab Feldler. E I> No 50, March Term, IUH4. Irfivl M Wise, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest anil cl tlui of E Salill, of, in and to all t hat certain piece or tract of land, situated In Lancaster town ship Itutier county. I'a. hounded as to-wlt: On the north by lauds of .lot*tiih I'clTer, nasi, by lands of E F Buyer, fiiriuorly of Bradford; south by lands of holrv of l:a Stan Iter and heir*, of (leo Shaffer: wc.t by lands of heir; of Ira Htauff»r and lielrs of (ieo S'.iiffiT. containing nineteen acres anil r sj perches. Ixdug the same land conveyed by Ira Staulfer to Nancy Salill, deed dated Jan il. 1*74, recorded In Butler isiunty. In ileeil I look il7, page 4411. Selxed and taken In enecutlon as the prop erty of E Sahll, at the suit of H A Italston and II M Wise, administrators of I) Swain. Deceased. TKIIMH OK DAliI Tho following w«i»l bn ■tril lly i-ompll«d Willi whim property lt» Klrirknti down. 1. Wlion Llia pluliiUVornth«r Hon rrwlltor iMM'omx* tho purchnwr, thoconte on the writ must be paid. »ii»l a ll«t of tho ll«nit, Includ ing mot lifuite ware.hee on thi property wild Uigtther with Kuril llrn creditor's r<>ri>lpt» lor the nun.nut of the proceeds of tln« *itle or mii*li iMirtlon tin-roof ii* lie mny rlitltu, rount be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All hid* must lie pnld In IbU. H. AII null'* not »olUed kutuiedliilely will be continued until tir and put akide to set Pull Infection* on Every Peckeje I /tanner /.ye is pulverized. The can may Uo npened and closed at will, per mitting the use of a small quantity at a time. It it just the article needed in t cry household. It will Clean paint, ftomn, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet •• t set r/ />'•'»"er /.)•" ft ee. nu M* <■»— steel VVurlu. PWTe«U»pbJe I Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN! V NEW FOR SPRING, 1904 < j' Ladies' fine tailor-made* / fr> Suits, Ladies' fine tailor* y yyr/v\ pi ■ made Jackets, Ladies' fine* X "s? 1 wfl W& f \ \ tailor-made Rain Coats,* J ikjjki ladies' fine tailor-made* V 1/Separate Dress Skirts,* V f\ \ Ladies' fine tailor-made' V \ I j Walking Skirts. * jj I | .'ill Waisls and Shirt Waist Suits* I A/ii'W SUITS $lO np to S4OIT \> \ I.\ SKIRTS $2 98 to s4o^ it W d\ JACKETS $5 up to slsi J k i RAIN COATS $lO to S2V V y> SILK SHIRT WaIST SUITS. $lO to $2.5< > #SILK COATS, new Eton effects, ss tos2o< > % | New Spring Wash Goods| J C ► New white goods. India linens, plain and fancy waistings, new cot-4 > J\ton voiles in plain or fancy weaves, new ginghams, calicoes, chintzes., . V madras, seersuckers and shirtiDgs. II New Embroideries. Laces, and all overs —Notwithstanding the ad-< > J I vance in prices of all cotton fabrics, we are selling at the old prices. ( . X OUR RECORD IS OUR GUARANTEE. f Mrs, J. E. Zimmerman.;; K» l'eople's Phone 126. Butler, Pa. X In A Few More Days Our Sale is Over. It has been a success from the start. But there are still a few good things left for the economical buyer. DON'T PUT IF OFF ANY LONGER for you will regret it. Clothing, Hats and Furnishings at less than cost to make them. We must have the room that these goods occupy in our store. Schaul & Nast, LEADIN6 CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. «inK oat oar bite atock at factory prion 1 MOITIIIHII I«li„'htly st Service. Prompt tind Careful Attention. Four Registered Pharmacists. Prescription Worl< a Speci lit (irt« » ri« 't dhulrU'l'i to llf'UKi* »»<1 J 1- VHrt< a J tin O. «. UAI l'oN CO., wholea;il« * grodars. 110 AtwrtAl Ht., Pgk , P». . .. - ..