Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 18, 1904, Image 3

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NOTE— AII advertiser* Intending to make
changes In their ads. should notify us of
their Intention to do *o not later than Mon
day morning.
Administrator's notice, estate of Hen
ry Knauff.
Executor's notice, estate of James K.
Jury Lists for March Term.
Sheriff's sale for March 11.
Modern Store's Spring goods
The Cyphers Incubator.
Patterson Bros' Wall Paper.
Eye Specialists for Feb 22 and 23
Campbell's furniture.
Banner Lye.
ASmtaUiautuirs and Execu* r . t ••nate
cu tecnre their receipt boo. •» the CIU
EEN offl c*. and person» o-ikiu/ thin I
their note book..
—Pneumonia ia the next terror.
—Now is the time to bny • thin"
—"F" is the awkwardeat letter in the
English language to write.
The master painters have rejected
the new scale proposed by the journey
—J. G. & W. Campbell are making a
specialty of the Cyphers Incubator.
See card.
—The banks and oil exchanges will
be cloeed next Monday—Washington's
—The mercury was ten below zero
election morning and some of the can
didates were frozen out.
—Seventeen hundred and ninety-five
•lectors of Butler went to tbe' polls,
Tuesday—a very cold day.
—A "no loafing" sign has been pat
up in the postoffice. It onght to be
translated into about twenty foreign
—There is war between the Mormons
and tha Dowieitar, and the latter are
preparing to invade Salt Lake City with
0000 men next summer.
—People who want to follow the war
la China and Korea will have to get
■ew maps, as the names on the old and
sew ones are dissimilar.
—The Commissioners notified the
foreigners applying for aid, last week,
that they would have to go to the Poor
farm, and that stooped it.
—An irreverent reporter calls the
new game of fiiach "Methodist poker."
That is about equal to the old nickname
(or croquet, "Presbyterian billiards."
—Tbe battleship Missouri has discov
ered that she has a gun which will burl
■hells fifteen miles, and also that she
has no excuse for burling them so far.
—lt is leap year and we know a lot of
old bachelors who are combing up and
smiling sweetly under the delusive hope
that srmri fair maid will propose to
—Up to Saturday night one-hundred
•nd sixty-five bodies had been removed
from the Harwick mine,near Cbeswick,
•nd those remaining are baried by fall
log slate.
—lf yon are nervous and irritable,
can't sleep at night, have a bad taste in
70a r mouth, and a constant feeling of
dread, it isn't grip. Its an unpaid sub
scription bill. Just consult the tab on
jronr paper.
—Tbe Commissioners have fixed the
tut rates for this year at 3} mills for
County and H mills for poor purposes
—or 5 mills in all—a reduction of 1}
mills from last year.
—▲ Missouri jury has acquitted a
■tan of boodling, because the only wit
■esses against him were men whc ad
mitted that he had bonght their votes,
and the jury declined to believe men
who sold tbeir votes. But if it did not
believe theun, how did it know they
had sold their votes?
—Lots of people are getting their eye
teeth cat just now as to the methods
Mid practices of sick and accident in
surance association several of whom are
•voiding claims, made numerous by the
Ute epidemic, through any plausible
loophole in their complicated contracts.
The best slek and accident insurance is
• regularly-added-to bank account.
—Reports of large orders being placed
with onr Steel Car Co. come nnder the
head of 'too good to be true." The or-,
ders will probably come, bat the rail
road companies will not likely placej
them until after spring opens and they
get an idea of what they will need.
The great demand, this year, will je
(or passenger ooaches to accommodate
the travel between the centres of popu
lation and 8t Louis.
—The song recital and elocutionary
entertainment, to be given by the Ep
worth League, of the M. E. church,
promises to be the tiling of its
find given In Bntler this peason- Be
sses C. N. Hasler, baritone, Hinnian
Yuille' tenore, and Mrs. Hasler, pianist.
Miss Mabel Wright, of Kings School of
Oratory,has been secured. Miss Wright
has taken three medals at her Alma
Mater, the juvenile, undergraduate and
graduate medals.
—The first contract for the recon-
struction of a road nnder the new road
|§w yfM giyen by Btafe Highway
Pogitnisvioner Hunter at Harrisburg,
last Thursday. Crawford county has
(he honor of having secured the con
tract which is for the building of the
road from Titusville to Hydetown, a
distance of 7,708 feet, and was awarded
to Frederick obinson of Meadville at
bis hid of $11,840.20.
—J. Lang is completing his new
brick bakery in the rear of his store at
Yfefit §nd Waters S|s. and will «qon
embark in tha wholesale bakery business,
The Butler Builders Bupply Co. is
building at the oorner of West and
Bluff Bts. a large artificial stone ware
house end stable. These, with the new
two-story Bntler Steam Laundry, add
greatly to that corner of the city.
—The Pennsylvania live stock breed
ers met in Pittsburg, last Wednesday,
|o discuss their affairs, anc| one of the
fubjects brought up was thp need of a
State Fair- On# speaker remarked tbftt
Pennsylvania is 40 years behind other
progressive States in this matter, and
the blame seemed to be laid at the door
of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Socie
ty, which has been in existence a long
time. The stock breeders of this State
and this country form the backbone of
the community, and most of them are
also farmers. They deserve all the con
sideration that a Legislature can gjve
>8 w«M) oqt. because
p| lack of they are very
often kept from their rights.
Why buy poorly made clothing when
Jon can get the best aa cheap at Ritter
} Rockenstein's.
You will tind just what you want in a
(all suit or overcoat at Ritter &
Damrosh will not come to Pittsburg.
W. H. Hogg of Cherry twp. was in
town on baaineM, yesterday.
Alfred Ekas of Clinton twp. visited
friends in Bntler. yesterday.
Samuel L Stevenson of Clay twp.
visited friends in Bntler. Tuesday.
Quay aint a liar. He writes as though
be actually belives that what he says is
J. E. Moore and J F. P McGinley of
Oakland twp. were in town on business,
Rev. James Young, one of the old
citizens of North Washington, is eeri
onsly ill.
R. W. Thompson and wife of Brady
twp., did some shopping iii Butler,
F. W. Witte of Winfield twp. attend
ed to some business matters in Butler,
Wells Waters of Evans City is plaster
ing a house —the Catholic parsonage—
at Perrysville.
E. S. Kregar of Concord twp. did
some shopping and visited friends in
Bntler, Saturday.
Miss Lillian Crowe, stenographer,has
accepted a position with the Fleming
Pharmacy Co., of Pittsburg.
Col. McFarland. now the hero in the
'•Working Girl's" Co. was the only Bat
ler man who saw the Baltimore fire.
James Woodall, an inmate of the Co.
Home, has been granted a pension of
SB.OO per month. W. C. Findley. Att'y.
Dr. Lowe is no longer with Dr. Fos
ter, who retains her old office in the
Stein block, and has a good practice.
See card.
T. A_ Pearce of Bntler twp , Calvin
Tinker of Chery twp. and W. H. Todd
of Winfield twp. were among our call
ers, last week.
Geo. Leon berg of Cranberry twp , at
tended to some legal business in Bntler,
yesterday. He is administrator of the
estate of Henry Knanff, dee d.
Andrew Easley, father-in-law of Tax
Collector Daniel Slater, was stricken
with apoplexy at Mr. Slater's home,
Saturday. He was 75 years of age.
J. A. Klein, of the Williard, returned,
last Friday, from a trip to Kingston,
Jamaca. He went with a paity of
PittbnrKers. It is very warm down
there, bnt the sea voyage is delightful.
J. A. Hallstein and W. H. Mahood of
Clay twp. were caught in the wreck on
the West Penn near Mar wood. Monday
morning, on their wav home from
Vandergrift, where they spent Sunday
visiting friends and relatives.
W. C. Glenn, an honest man from
We6t Snnbnry, was in town, yesterday,
making bis return as Judge of Election.
The Commissioners accidently allowed
him ten dollars too much in paying him
for the whole Board, and he took it
Charley Bchwab of the U. S. Steel
Corporation went to Paris to get nd of
litigation, and now it is stated a French
man is after him with a suit. It would
seem as if there were drawbacks in the
game of finance. As old Commodore
Vanderbilt said: A man worth a million
is as well off aa if he were rich.
Treas. Dixon had a cold, Saturday, and
no wonder. On Friday he made an
-electioneering trip through Concord.
Washington, Venango and Parker
twps., had to dig his way through sev
eral snow drifts, and was chilled still
farther by a man in Hilliards who told
that everybody in Batler ought to be in
the penitentiary.
Admiral Uriu of the Japanese navy
graduated from our Naval Academy at
Annapolis in 1881. The Japs sent bright
boys to all, or nearly all, of the military
and naval schools of the western gov
ernments, and now they are profiting
by it; the Chinese began doing the same
thing some years ago, then became
alarmed at the ideas the youngsters ad
vanced when they got home, cut off
some of their heads, and stopped the
Clrau<l Opera, I'ittsburgr Season.
By The Conried Metropolitan Opera
House Company of New York, orchestra
of sixty, complete chorus. Corps de
Ballet, etc.
Five performances at the Nixon.
Tuesday eyening, March 29, at 7:45
o'clock, Richard Wagner's Masic-drama.
Tristan and Isolde, in German.
Wednesday evening, March 30, at 8
o'clock, Mozart's Opera, Die Zauberflote,
tbe Magic Flute, in German.
Thursday evening, March 31, at 8
o'clock, Bizet's Opera, Carmen, in
Friday evening, April 1, Good Friday,
no performance—theatre dark.
Saturday. Matinee. April 2, at 1:30
o'clock, Richard Wagner's Music-drama,
Gotterdammeruug, in German.
Saturday evening, April 2, at 8,
o'clock, Gounod's opera, Faust, in
Seats, $1.50 to $6.00, as in previous
sea SODS. Public sale of season tickets
opens at C. C. Mellor Co., 319 Fifth
Avenue, on Monday, March 14, and
contiue* for one week.
Sale of tickets for single seats on
Monday, March 21.
Grand Opera House, Pittsburg.
Regarding the dramatization of
Stanley Weyman's "A Gentleman of
France " by Harriet Ford, which is
pleasantly remembered in Pittsburg,
where it was given by Kyrle Bellew
last season and which version together
with the same production intact, in
cluding scenery and costumes, has been
secured by Manager Davis from Lieber
& Co. for the Grand next week, it may
be said for the benefit of those who did
not see the play at that time, that the
new play follows closely the lines of the
Pittsburg Orchestra.
The Orchestra with Victor Herbert
returns thiß week, when the fourteenth
set of concerts of the season will be
given Friday evening February 19th,
and Saturday afternoon, February 20th,
with Miss Aus der Ohe, as soloist.
Baltimore Conflagration
Owing to the many inquiries an to
what effect the Baltimore fire losses
would have on companies represented
by this agency, we state for the benefit
of onr policy holders and the general
public, that although their losses will
amount to several million dollars, they
all will be paid promptly in full and
without discount. The security of our
: policy holders will not, we are very glad
to say, be impaired in the least.
S. Mcjunkin fc Co.
"The Bargain Hunters"
Much interest was excited in Pitts
burg bv the appearance of advertising
in all the Pittsburg papers referring to
"The Bargain Hunters" No person
knew just what was meant; many
thought it was a new book, but the
mystery was dispelled by the publica
tion of a large advertisement in The
Pittsbnrg Dispatch, which announced
that "The Bargain Hunters" was a
novel contest which The Dispatch had
devised to test the skill of the' reader as
a shopper, make him conversant with
the stores where he conld save money.
Prizes of S4O each week are offered.
Short Horns lor Hale.
I have a lot of registered short-horn
bulls and heifers, which I offer for sale.
Inquire of
R F D No. 45, Euclid, Pa.
pn and after March Ist, 1904, I will
make a discount of 20 per pent, op all
former prices on horse-shoeing, veueral |
blacksmitbing and wood-work for cash.
Work promptly and neatly done. Feed
stable In connection Shop and table
at north end of bridge.
D. N. McCandless.
Euclid, Pa.
Get the habit—of buying R. & R>.
Clothing—it is always sold right—visit
oar store.
Hattie M Ferree by her next friend
and husband. John H. Ferree vs Jos.
H. Studebaker, executor of will of
Shepler Boston, dec'd . of Muddycreek
twp , assumpsit $136 96 for work done
in household of decedent dusicg his
Theodore Schwig is in jail on a
charge of a&b: John Smith for larceny;
Thomas Martin for gambling and sell
ing liquor without license, and Frank
Difazio of Evans Ci ty for larceDy
Ou account of the smallpox case rec
ently at th>- Nixon Home. Tuesday s
election in the Forth Ward was held in
the Schreibt-r house Future elections
will be held at the Nixon Home
John Wolfe was appointed majority
inspector for the First precinct. Third
ward, vice Hiram Gillespie, removed.
The Kobler McCool-Geis partition
proceedings on the Lyudora Hotel were
before court again Saturday morning,
the attorneys for the plaintiffs asking
that an order of partition issue for the
March term. The papers are in ha
Court's hands for consideration.
William Wahl hag petitioned for
transfer of his tavern license in the
Commercial Hotel. Evans City, to the
Wahidorf, a new three-story brick hotel
which he has just completed in the
same place.
Guardian's sale of property of John
Irwin, deceased, of Forward township,
to Margaret F. Irwin, was approved.
The papers in the sale of the property
of the Devonian Oil Company to the
South Penn Oil Company were pnt on
record Friday. The sale was made in
October. 1902, and covered 1,700 acres
of leases in Concord and Parker twps.
If anyone considers that Dickens'
picture of the abuses of Chancery was
overdrawn he might give a little atten
tion to a mild case of the same sort
which has jnst been concluded in New
York after twenty-one years of fighting
in the courts. In 1882 a braketnan
named Williams, sued the Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western railroad for
injuries. On the first trial he got a
verdict for $4,000. He has since then
had five more trials, at least four differ
ent appeals, in one of which the Court
of Appeals reversed itself, and has
finally obtaini-d an affirmation in all
the appellate tribunals of the last ver
diet for SI,OOO, which will probably
cover attorneys' fees.
A charge of larceny has been entered
against Mrs. John George, of Lyndora.
A charge of larceny of a spraying
machine from the carworks has been
entered against John Smitl).
Tony Cherry has been charged with
with selling liquor without license and
to minors
Thomas Martin pleal guilty to
gambling and was fined $lO and sent to
jail for 3 months.
The firm of Detwiler & Wetherell
h-tve a mechanic's lien of
sl7 35.17 against the Eleanor Iron & Steel
Co. and Butler Land & Improvement
Co.. and sued for execution thereon.
R. A Cannon, ot S. Main street, is in
jail on a charge of a&b, and surety of
the peace, entered by his wife.
The case of Pollard vs L. C Wick, re
alted in a verdict for the deft.
The petition of Eleanor D. Forsythe
of Penn twp. for leave to a adopt Jennie
Lind Grepner, aged ten years, whose
parents are both dead, was granted.
In the suit of William Robinson vs
W. A. Goehring, the only case for trial
Tuesday, a verdict of $35 was entered
for the plaintiff for non-appearance of
the defendant.
Civil Court convened Monday morn
ing and had nothing to do the first day
because the cases set for trial had to be
The following rases ware continued:
Edward J. Quigley against the Penn
sylvania Railroad company. Hngh J.
Forquer et al against Martha M. For
qner. widow of Wm. A. Forquer. John
Brennau and Co. against J. V. Ritts
Worth Mutual Insurance Company
against P. B. and L. E. Railroad Co.
James L. Campbell against Thomas Mc-
Kelvey. August J. Tlioler anil William
Thaler, partners, asTholer Bros,against
Wilhelm Greisser Construction com
pany, contractors, and the Butler Brew
ing company, owners or reputed own
ers. W. E. Brown against Western
Allegheny R. R. Co. T. N. Keighner
against Lewis Albert, to February* 26th.
A. Seaton and Son against George
Wimer, to February 22d. Eliza Best
against lioro of Butler, to February 25.
Tho following cases were settled:
John Stoffer against the Batler Passen
ger Railway Company. Mrs. Ellen
Kennedy against Webster Kennedy.
James Lawrence Kissenger et al, vs B.
R. & P. R. K. Co., Maggie Christie vs
W. G. Seaton.
The trial of Molivar Kovovick, charg
ed with the murder of Contractor Sam
uel T. Ferguson, was resumed in Wash
ington, Pa., Tuesday, after all day.
Monday, being spent in securing a jury.
The court room was crowded and only
a small part of the crowd that clamored
for admission could be permitted in the
W 8 Blakeley to M G Black 25 acres
in Washington for $290.
Chas Duffy to C W Stamp lot in But- ;
ler for S2OO.
C W Stamp to Richard Wick 5 lots on
West D St for $0490.61.
Leonard Schenck to Edward H
Schenk lot on W Jefferson St foi S2BOO.
Mary Burckhart to A B Hinchberger
5 acres in Bntler twp. for $225.
Northside Cemetery Ass'n to Dr L H
Stepp and others lot for $134.40.
J C Mettler. gdn, to Morgaret F
Irwin 133 acres in Forward for S4OOO
Theodore L Schenck to Jos P Sheldon
lot at Firet and Locust Sts for $2350.
Wm Cruikshank to Win Grenue, 25
acres in Connoquenessing twp. for $350
E I McKnight to C W Dambach 49
acres in Fairview lor SIOO.
Robert Hamilton to Lewis Hamilton
18 acres in Mercer for 8700.
Geo Munsch to C H Barnhart lot on
Bluff St for SI6OO.
Geo S Cousins to F S McGinnis 17
acres in Parker for SSO.
S Atwell to Anna M Turner lot in
Butler for sl.
Frank J Kleber to G O Hammer 6
acres in Saxonburg for S2OOO.
Alonzo McCollough to Angeline Sum
ney lot in Butler for $25.
Geo W Foster to Leonard H Brown
leases and well in Concord for $1687 50.
J W Boozel to Homer Boozel 25 acres
in Clay for S6OO.
Geo W Kiester to W A Ralston 50
acres in Slippery rock for $675.
Marriage Liccuk«h.
Francis E Cousins Armstrong Co
Kathrine Bowser "
George Adamszak Lyndora
Anastasia Parbig "
William H. Borchert Butler
Mary C. Haggerty "
Alfred B Becker Butler
Mary Kelly Butler
Frank J. Koegler Winfield twp
Blanche Gahagban Jefferson twji
William H. Brochert Butler
Mary C. Haggerty Butler
At Pittsburg—Philip Smith of Sharps
burg and Carrie Spowdpn of Carr.
Having sold their interests in the
Butler Brick and Tile Co., and the man
agement being entirely different, the
former owners desire to close out the
stock in the yard, viz: brick, hollow
block and drain tile. Special induce
ments will Ixs given to parties purchas
ing these goods within the next thirty
days. Apply by letter to the under
signed or by Peoples telephone at the
Works. J. p. Brandon,
(■'ak Street.
Butler, l^a.
' Just a little money wil. fit yon out
| complete at Ritter & Kocienstein's.
Insurance and Rea Estate.
If you wish to sell or ioy property
you will find it to yonr advintage to see
. Wm. H. Miller, Insurant and Real
t Estate. Room 508. Buler County
National Bank building.
New Justices.
Some of the men elected nnd re elect
ed Justices, Tuesday, are as follows:
Allegheny, John E. Womer. E., xnd
J. C. Gibson, D.
Jackson twp., C. F. Knauff. D., Ira
Boehm. D
Winfield twp , H. L Bick#r. It.
Venango twn.. Joseph Eakin D.
Slipper\rock boro, J. C. Stools, E ,
T. E. Taylor, D.
I Bradv twp ,J. C. Snyder. R.
Worth twp., J. W. St ude baker. E.,
Frank Double. D.
Harrisville, J. 11. Cochran. D.
Concord twp.. A. F. Cochran It.. I.
H. Christie. R.
Valencia. Robert Gibson. R.
Zelienopie. H. N. Teeple, D.
Prospect, John Weigle. E.
West Liberty. J W McDeavitt R.
M<-rcer twp. Eercard Fulirer. R.. and
James Wiley. I).
Evans Citv. I. N Graham, E , John j
A Eicheit D
Muddycreek twp.. W. S. Moore, R.
Jefferson twp , S M. Birr. D.. 11. 11.
Aderhold. D
Buffalo twp., G F Easley, D
Marian twp., Newton Mortlnnd. D
Summit twp . J. A. Gilliland, elected
without opposition.
Brnin, Samuel R Gibson, R
Saxonburg. W. D. Hoffman. R.
Kearns City, Geo. E McGill, no op
Rev. A. J. B. East of Chicora R. F.
D. TO delivered two very able ar.d inter
esting sermons in Grace Lutheran
church, last Sunday.
Rev. Paul Roth, son of Rev. D. Luth
er Rcth formerly of Butler, preached in
the First English Lutheran chnrch la»t
Sunday, and made a very favorable im
The ordinances of Communion and
Baptism were observed in the U. P.
chnrch, Sunday. Four people were
baptised and 18 new members received
into the church.
The Market—The Standard slashed
the market five cents on Lincoln's birth
day, making tlie price SI.BO. The Pro
ducers remain nt $1.85.
Kansas—The report of M. L. Lock
wood's financial embarrassment is deni
ed. Amos Steolsmitb, who his just re
turned from Kansas, says there is noth
ing in it.
Organ Recital.
The new pipe recently placed
in the Second Presbyterian chnrch. will
be formerly installed by a recital on
February 25, 1904. Mr. Edward J
Napier, an accomplished organist, of
Pittsburg, assisted by local talent, will
render a program, which is sure to be
a delist to all lovers of good music.
An admittance fte of fifty cents will
be charged, for the benefit of the organ
fund The public are cordially invited.
Public Sales.
March 2d—Beginning at 9:30 a.m. on
farm of James R. Robertson, dec'd, in
Oakland twp., stock, hay. grain, farm
ing implements, furniture, etc.
March 2d—At 12, noon, at W. H. Lo
gan's in Middlesex twp., stock, grain
farming machinery, etc.
The Cliff Sprtngs hotel, on the hill op
posite Kittanning, was burned last
Thursday night. The fire was first dis
covered by County Treasurer Booher,
who boarded there, and everylsjdy es
caped, excepting two men from Pitts
burg, who were caught in their room,
and were burned to death while trying
to get down the back stairs.
A broken rail on the West Penn near
Marwood caused the derailing of the
passeDger train due at 8:40, last
Monday morning. The engine went
over the broken rail, bat the two pas
senger coaches were derailed and upset.
Nobody was killed, but the people were
bumped against the side of the cars and
against each other. One man had his
arm uud face badly cut by klibb; and
another man's leg went through the car
window and then the cir fell upon it,
(thus pinning him down) and he had to
be cnt out. The cars did not take fire,
heating with steam has stopped that in
day time, and a little dynamo on the
eugine would stop it at night.
Harry Lackey, aged 21 years, son of
W. E. Lackey, the hotel man of Chico
ra, was fonnd dead in bed, yesterday
morning. He had been dead for some
hours when discovered and it supposed
that, his death was caused by the fnines
from a small gas stove, in which be left
the gas buring when he retired.
An employee of the Craigsville quar
ries. named Lamison, was injured by
the explosion of a blast, Monday.
H. K. Thomas, aB. & O. brakeman,
fell from a car at Knox station, and
was seriously injured. He was brought
to the Butler hospital, Monday.
Rev. Dickey, of New Kensington,
and I. Nathan, of Pittsburg, who were
hurt in the wreck at Marwood, weie
taken to the hospital.
White English setter do?—dark ears
and black ticks on body. Finder please
return to Rex Williams, 128 Mercer St.
The Cure of Crossed Eyes.
Few people realize the importance of
early correction of the defect known as
"crossed eyes." Yet there is a simple
test which everybody can make and
which proves conclusively that some
thing should be done to remedy this un
sightly and serious malady. Cover the
straight eye with your hand and you
will find that your sight is either very
dim or at least considerably weaker
than that of the other eye. Naturally,
as a crossed eye is never used for vision
and therefore becomes weaker the same
as an arm that is constantly worn in a
sling would finally refnse to do its
service. The earlier this trouble is
remedied, the better are the chances not
only for correction of the disfigurment
bnt also for improvement of the sight.
"My son George," writes, Mr Geo.
C. Aul, of 712 Arch St., Allegheny, Pa.,
was operated for a case of very bad
crossed eyes when he was a trifle over 5
years old. by Dr A Sigmann. the Eye-
Ear-Nose and Throat Specialist of 804
Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. It is now 5
years and his eyes are perfectly straight,
and have so increased in strength that
he has discarded the use of glasses.
Dr. A. Sigmann who has succeeded
the well known Eye and Ear Specialist.
Dr. O. W. Sadler, can be consulted free
of charite in his offices, HO4 Penn ave.,
until the Ist of April; thereafter Suite
405 Home Trust Bldg., 541 Wood St.,
Pittsburg, Pa. 9-18-4t
If low price is any inducement at
tend Ritter & Rockenstein's sale.
Have yon noticed how cheap Ritter &
Roikenstein'B are selling clothing.
Snitß and overcoats in newest styles
and colorings at your price at Ritter &
I BUY, sell and exchange all listed
and unlisted securities, and deal in
New York, Pittsburg and Chicago
stqcks. both on margin and otherwise.
Prompt, efficient service and liberal
terms I can make money fur von —
write me. HORACE J. PHILIPS,
anker and broker, 704-5-6 Keystone
Building, Pittsburg, Pa. (Member
Pittsburg Industrial Exchange.)
Reduced Rates to New York UIHI
Ketiirn via tlie 15. &O. It. K.
Account of Spring Meeting Mer
chants' Asdociation at New YOTU, tick
ets will be" sold at one and one third
fare for the ronnd trip, ou certificate
plan. Dates of sale, February (i to 10
inclusive, apd February 27 to March I,
inflaaive CertiUcatea for return tick
ets will be honored within 80 days.
Stop-over in both directions at Wash
ington D. C., Baltimore and Philadel
phia. For further information call on
or address nearest B. <fc O. agent.
I have two Registered Guernsey bull
calves that I will sell. Inquire of
R. F. D. 7, Bntler, Pa.
Close of Institute.
The most entertain inc. ins'.rnctive
and pleassnt Teachers' Institute ever
} held in Butler, closed Friday. Before
closing the finance committee aunonnc
i e<l that there was #l4 in the treasury
after paying all the bills.
Snpt Painter annonnced that the ex
aminations for graduation fr>m the
county schools will be held the lust Sat
urday or March, which is the 26th, ti:**
; same day on which the Republicans get
info each others wool.
The committees for holding the ex
aminations are as follows:
Harrisville—Alice Sloan, linth Bra
ham, Chas. Iffr.
Evans City—C. W. Griggs. Clara
Graham, Hu;h Liken, C <». Lusher.
Millerstowu—R. S Penfield, Nannie
Black, MHIII;' Price. Mary Adams.
Can Claire —A. W. Keiiy, T. V. Kel
ly. A F. Milfcrd
Perrolia- W. H, Orr, W. G. Russell,
John Meckling Mae Myers.
Br.nV.nry- Jenuie Granam. Dessa Mc-
Kinney, \V. J Campbell, Mont Hocken
b« rry.
Saxonburg-Lizzie WeiseLsteiu. Ber
tha Welsh. O. H. Grabe, W. A. Ketter
Glade Mills —Mnrgaret Moore. H. C.
Montgomery, Minnie Bcatty, Rebecca
Mars—R S. Dean. Aury C Cox, Rob
ert Grossman. Eva Campbell.
Prospect G. P. Weigle, E.R Stamiu.
Ford Forrester, Letitia Barnes.
West Liberty Maty E. Allen, Mabel
Martin, Cora Whitmire.
Petersvillo Miles Shakley, Lina
Glrnn. A E. Young, Harriet Graham.
Portersville—Edw. Frisfchorn. Sher
mau Gallagher, Harry Stickle, Bertha
Unionville—S. L Alleu, Ci ra Camp
bell. Lee Allison. Clnra Grohman.
Renfrew —H. N. Herron. Frank Mc
Clang, Beulah Bolden, Mabel Abbott
Harmony—G. P. Dombart, W. 1
Snyder. Ira Behui, Elizabeth Brenne
Jucksville — Mary Humphrey, Mar
garet Wallace. Ralph Gardner, Howard
Norlh Washington—Pearl Yarnuin,
Mande Holland, La Visa Mnrrin, Jose
phine Seaton.
Middletown- E. G. Troutman, Sara
Kinser, E. C. Dodds, Emma Wick.
Heduced ltates to Atlanta.
On account of the meeting of the De
j partment of Superintendence, National
[ Educational Association, to be held at
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 23 to 25, the Pennn.
Railroad Co. will sell round-trip tickets
to Atlanta, Feb. 20 to 22, inclusive,
good to return to reach original start
ing point not later than Feb. 27, from
all stations on its lines.at reduced rates.
For lull information apply to ticket
MUI-Wmtcr Kxciirsions to Wash
In accordance with its usual custom
the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. will, on
January 21 anil February I*. 1004. run
Two Popular Mid-Winter Excursions to
Washington at very low rates for the
round trip, good returning ten days, in
cluding date of sale. .
Excellent train service, standard
coaches, Pullman parlor and sleeping
These delightful excursions afford
splendid opportunities to visit the Na
tional Capital during the session of con
gress. For tickets, time of trains and
full information call on or address W
R. Turner. Ticket Agent, Butler. Pa
A most complete and fully illustrated
Guide to Washington may be purchas
ed from Agents B. & O. "li. R. at ten
(10) cents per copy.
Up- todate clothing and overcoats at
greatly reduced prices Bt Ritter &
Rockenstein's sale.
If it is a suit or overcoat the cheapest,
place to buy it is Ritter & Rockenstein's
Mnsic scholars wanted at 128 W
Wayne St.
I don't see how Ritter & Rockenstein
can fell clothing so cheap—attend their
Every busimss has sales—but Ritter
& Rockenstein lead all in low prices.
An experienced nurse in cases of con
finement, can be found at her residence,
910 Centre Ave.. Butler, Pa.
Better Than a Physical Culture
The Brawntawn Method of health and
system building will fit you to with
stand the pranks of King Winter-
Brawntawns are stern natures help
mate. Jnst pure vegetable food. Tonic
that invigorates. Greatest of all nour
ishes and builders are Brawntawns
tonic triangular tablets. Write today
for a five days treatment. Sent post
paid on receipt of ten cents.
Frederick, Md.
Eggs, " 30
Butter, " 23
Potatoes, ' 60
Onions, per bu 1 o<>
Cabbage, per lb 4
Chickens, dressed 12^-15
Honey, per pound 20
Lettuce, lb 15
Beets, per bu 75
Apples, per bn 50-65
Walnuts. 75
Hay, " 12-14
Two Days
Monday. Tuesday, February 22
and 23, Mr and Mrs- W- E.
Manaffey and Miss Miller, the
Expert Opticians of New York
and Pittsburg, will be at the
Hotel Lowry, giving free examin
ations of eyes No one urged
to buy- Open Monday evening
of next week. Headache over
Just as good a correction given at
night and on cloudy days as on bright
days. Come early as we are now very
busy. Our work is now well known,
having fitted almost 400 people correct
ly, and only three pairs have beep
slightly changed. All glasses are
guaranteed for two years , any necessary
change will be mnde free of charge,
Over 75 cases of headache overcome
by our celebrated system of removing
nerve strain.
The undersigned, acting under a
power of attorney from the heirs of
George Mainland, dee'd., late of Clinton
twp., Butler Co., Pa.; offers at tiriyate
sale the farm lately occupied by the
decedent, located two miles southwest
of Snxonbnrg and one frota (he
Besseiney railroad statiop sar>ley,
02 1-2 acres,
' with good buildings, and considered
• one of the best farms in the township,
t Also another farm of
j 130 acres
in same township, with good buildings
and in a good state of cultivation, and
adjoining farms with an oil production
fiom the Third sand.
Inquire of
R. F. D. No. 20, Baxonbarg, Pa.
By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex.. KI.
Fa.. Lev. Fa.. &c., Issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to dm
directed. there will l>e exposed to publicsale
at the Court House in the borough of Butler.
Pa. on
Friday, tlie 4th day of Mardi,
A. D. IIW. at 1 o.clock p. m., the following
described property, to-wit:
F D No. V». March Term. 1904. Frank X.
Kohler, Attorney.
All the riirht. title. Interest and claim of
Lewis M-aton and W G Seaton, of. in and to
all that certain piece or parcel of land, situ
ated in Venango township. Butler county.
J'a., bounded as follows, to wit: On the
'north l»y McLaughlin tract, east by Mc
' Laughlin tract. south by McLaughlin tract
and Donley heirs, and west by McLaughlin
| tra« t and I)onley heirs; bequeathed by Urn.
I Seaton to my son Lewis Seaton. one more
j acre ki own as my coal lot near the corner
lof tbe McLaughlin tract. Recorded in Will
i Book I. P. 249, dated July 3. ISKi.
ized and taken iu execution as the prop
city of Lewis Seaton and W G Seaton at the
suit of Maggie Christy.
K. D. No. 14. March Term. 1904. llelber and
Braudon. Attorney.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of ,
Albert Winter, of. in and to all that certain
piece or lot of land, situated in Zelienople
borough. Butler county, i'a.. hounded as fol
lows. to wit: Jn the north by Stephen Long,
165 ft; east by Mrs Sal lie Long well, 39 ft;
south by New Castle St. ft; and west by
Main street. 39 ft: having thereon erected
one large two story brick dwelling home
and store room combined, frame stable and
out buildings.
Seized anu taken in execution as the prop
erty of Albert Winter at the suit of Guar
an tee Safe Deposit & Trust Co.
E. D. No. 7, Term. 1904. McSweeny
Goucher. Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
W K Smith, of, in and to all that certain
niece or parcel of land, situati d iu Slippery
Kock township, Butler county. Pa , bounded
a?» follows, to-wlt: On the north by Wilbert
liockenbernr, east by Dan Kelly. south by
T F Patton \ M J Humphrey, ami west by T
M Gill, formerly Duss t t>cr, now Sharon Coal
and Limestone Co; having thereon erected
one frame house and bauk barn s».nd out
buildings. Containing one hundred and
thirty acres, more or less, mostly cleared.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of W It Smith at the suit of United
States Oil SL Gas Well Supply Co.
E D Nos 11 and 12. March Term. 1904. Murriu
& Murriu and F J Forquer. attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Mary Waller and Johanna Waller, of, in and
to all that certain piece or lot, of land, situ
ated in Butler l>orougb, Butler county. Pa.
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by
lot formerly of W E Ralston now Elizabeth
Feigel, et al. on the east by South Main
street, on tne south by lot of Christ Stock,
and an alley, and on the west by lot former
ly of K P Scott, now The Butler County
National Bank, said lot having a frontage
of twenty-two feet on said South Main
street, and extending back westward >0 f«*«*T.
more or less, to said western boundary, which
boundary is 42 feet, more or less, in width,
and having thereon erected a two-story
brick building, ased as a r mmd and
dwelling house.
ALSO—AII that certain other lot of land
situated in Butler borough, Butler county.
Pa, bounded and described as follows,to-wit.
On the north by lands of Butler Savings and
Trust Company .John Lawall, U Pillow heirs
et al, on the east by South Main street, on
the south by other hit of D H Wuller heirs,
and on the west by an alley, said lot front
ing 24 feet and one inch on said South Main
street and extending hack westward «»r:«*
hundred and eighty feet, to said alley and
having thereon erected a two-story brick
store bulldimr
ALSO Of, iu and to all that certain piece
or lot of land, situated in Butler borough.
Hutler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to
wlt: Oil the north by other lot of I) II Wul
ier heirs, on the east by South Main street,
on the south by lot of A 1 Ruff anil on the
west by ail alley, said lot having a frontage
of twenty feet on said South Slain street,
and extending back westward one hundred
eighty feet to said alley, and having thereon
erected u two-story brick store building.
Seised and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Mary Wuller and Johanna Wulier at
the suit of Joseph Welst.
E. I). No. 36, March Term, 1904. K.J. Forquer,
AH the right, title, interest and claim of
ll.»rry E Osbone, defendant, anil I M Shan
non, terre tenant, of. In and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, sltuatrd In Win-
Held township, Butler couuty. Pa., bounded
as follow, to-wit: Beginning at a post on
line of lands of Peter Hummel and W-st
I'enn Railroad; thence north 82 leg west 197
perches to a post; thence along lands of I) A
Crooksliank and H «• Krasy north 1 deg east
1-11 perches to a post; thence along lands of
Fleming SCott and Hale south H9 deg east
IJS perches to a post; thence along said lands
north 1 deg east 42 perches to a i-ost on line
of said West Penn Railroad; thence along
line of West Penn Railroad south 4- deg east
63 perches to a point; thence south :i2 deg
east 15 perches to a point.; thence south 19
deg east 15 perches to a point; thence south
24 deg west perches to a point; thence
south 2s deg east IS perches to a point-.thence
south 3 deg west 19 perches to a point; thence
south lUH deg west 6 perches to a point;
thence south 9 deg east 21 uerches to a point;
thence south 6 deg east 31 perches to a post
as a pla-e of beginning; containing 159 acres
II perches strict measure, about 130 acres
thereof lieing cleared and in gorx! state of
cultivation and aliout 30 acres being Wood
land. and having thereon an orchard, two
story brick dwelling house and frame bank
Seized and taken lu execution as the prop
erty of Harry E Oslioriie. defendant-, and I M
shannon, terre tenant, at the suit of George
A anil Jacob F Schuffner.
R. r>. No. 39, March Term. 1904. F. J. Forquer.
All the right, tltte, Interest and claim of
Elizabeth Williams and Jeremiah E Williams
of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of
land, situated in Butler borough, Hutler «'o.
l'a, liounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning ar.
ibe Northwestern corner of lot No 124 and
McCool avenue; thence southwardly 887.1
feet; t hence westwardly 25 ft to line of lot
No 1-fl; thence Northwardly 707.1 feet to
McCool avenue; thence Eastwardly 25 ft
f long McCool avenue to the place of lieu In
ning. and lielug lot No 1:23 In the John K Cav
anaugli plan of lots In Butler borough, l'a;
having thereon erected two story frame
dwelling and outbuildings
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Elizabeth Williams and Jeremiah E
Williams, at the suit of John K Cavanaugh
for use of I'ittsburg Land and Improvement,
E I) No 40, March Term, IHO4. F J Forquer.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
1) A Slater, of.in anil to all that certain piece
or lot of land, situated In the borough of
Hutler. Butler county, l'a, bounded as fol
lows, to-wlt: Beginning at the Northeast
corner of the lot herein conveyed, being tin-
Southwest corner of West Clair and nluff
street; thence South along the West line of
said Bluff street IKS ft more or less, to an
alley; thence West along the North line of
said alley 7H ft to line of lot of William Lett
hold, formerly Hubert Brcssll; thence North
along line of said alley 40 ft to a post; thence
East along line of said lot 2.1 ft to a post;
thence North along line of S-ime lot 140 feet
more or less to West Clay st; thence East
along the south line of said st 50 It to Blutf
st the place of beginning, and having a
fronting of 50 feet on West Clay st. at. and
extending back southward a distance of I*o
ft more or less to an alley and having erect
ed thereon two two story frame dwelling
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erly of I) A Slator, at the suit of Oeorge A
E I) No as. March Mcrm, 11104. A T Black, At
torney .
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Matthew McGregor, of. In and to all that
certain piece or tract of land, situated lu
Cherry township, Butler county, l'a, bound
ed as follows, to-wlt: On the North by lands
of Abner McCallen, J K McCandless; East
by Harrls\ llle road and lands of W M Mc-
Gregor and Alfred Black; South by lands of
Thomas Graham heirs and south branch
of Slippery rock creek; West by lauds of John
Grubfi, containing 130 acres, more or less
with frame house and barn and other out
buildings tlioreon, and the defendant waives
all stay of execution, all beneflt of exemp
tion of property, real and under anv laws,
inquisition or extension, all errors and right
of appeal utideriuld wllli coal and lime
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Matthew McGregor at the suit of R
A Marks and J 11 Black, admrs of Newton
Black, deceased.
E 1) No 42. March Term, 1904. Everett L Ral
ston, Attorney.
All the rlj?ht, title. Interest and claim of
Ilomer R Kelster and Ella A Kelster, of, in
and to ail that certain piece or parcel of
land, situated In Sllpperyrock township,
Butler county. l'a, liounded as follows, to
wlt: On the North by lands of Tlios Sankey
et al; East by lands of Robert Ralston et af;
South by lands of Hubert Ralston and Geo
Kelster; West by lands of W M Humphrey,
containing 100 acres, more or less, anil hav
ing thereon erected a frame house and ont
bu tidings.
Seized and taken in execution us the prop
erty of Homer R Kelster and EHa A Kelster,
at the suit of Everett I. Ralston, for use of
Mrs. Elizabeth Gllkey, now for use of F C
Ralston, executor of sirs. Ellzalieth Gllkey,
E )> No 43. March Term, lUo4,Lusk, Attorney.
All the right, title. Interest ana claim of
Henry Lobe, of. lu and to ail that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In Jackson
twp, adjacent to l>oroiigh of Harmony, Sut
ler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the North by Eighth st, ISO feet: Fast t>y
White Oak Alley, tlo feet; South by lot of
Haitian s w ab, 190 feet; West by Spring st.
150 feet, having thereon erected a two story
frauie dwelling house, hoard stablu and
ot her out bn|ldwß^
Selfced aud taken In execution ae the prop
erty pf Hepry M'ls>c, i|t the gull of Adam
Friday, the lltli clay of ."March,
A. I>. l'.*>4. at one o'clock. P. M., the following
described property, to-wlt:
EI) No 44, March Term, 1904, WlUlrto#
Mitchell, Attorney^.
All the right,title.lnt.<*re*l umf<-t:il>n of Mrs
Ellen Elliott, of, ku ami to a l l that certain
piece or lot of land, situated In th< borough
of Hutler. Butler county, l*a, bounded sis
follows, to-wit: On the North I»y other lands
of Ellen Elliott: East hy (formerly) A L
Flndley, now H li McOaudless; South by
Lincoln street or Way; Wes* \& Hcbleppy
street, taring 35 feyt aaid Schleppy >i
moreorlesSj ui.d <** fe£v, uiore or less, on
said l.aQc6ku Nv4y. and having thereon erect
ed iX p«*w two story frame dwelling house and
ALSO All that certain lot or piece of land
situated In the Fifth wurd, Hutler. Hutler
county. Pa bounded and desert bod :is fol
lows. to-wlt: Beginning at the Southwest
corner of lot hereby conveyed, at corner of
lot of land of second p«*rty and Schleppy st;
thence north along said Schleppy st JO feet,
more or less, to line of lot of .1 E Byers;
thence east along said Byers lot so ft, more
or less, to line of lot of II B McCjindless;
t hence south along line of said McCandless
lot 30 ft, tnore or less, to lot «»f second party;
thence west along said lot ft, more or less,
to said Schleppy st, the place <»r beginning,
same taring part of a larger piece of land
which granter herein purchased from N <
Mcfollough. by deed bearing date the '.'lst
day of August, A 1> IHO3, which dtpd is re
corded lu the office for recording (feeds, etc,
(Peptonized )
When yoa bny a beef, iron
aad wine, why cot get a good
one? Much that is sold under
that uaiue has but little to
2 comnieci'l it as such except the
(. name. We prepare H Beef.
i Iron anil Wine that is com
v i-osed of the purest extract o
f Iw-ef, the most intestable forn
£ of iron, pare sherry wine ani
c ~ J
a high grade of pnre pepsin.
This is a splendid tonic and
i i blood maker. Will agree with
j j the most delicate stomach.
Prompt results will follow its
/use in impaired nutrition, im- \
poverished condition of the
blood and in general debility.
; We have customers who
I speak of it in the highest
r terms. Be sure and ask for
£ Boyd's Beef, Irou and Wine
j peptonized. Full pint bottles
\ 75c.
\ C. N. BOYD.
i Near the Court Honbe,
\ Bntler. Pa. '
iii and for the county of Butler, l'a. In deed
bookSNo 211. page WP.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Mrs Ellen Elliott, at the suit of Hut
ler County National Hank.
ED No 41. March Term. 1001, Bowser, At-
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
A.I Malarky. of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In Clinton
twp. Hutler county. Pa. liounded a follows,
to-wit: Beginning at the west corner on
I' B I. E railroad and land of K O Woods!
thence north 4»S deg east 117.10 perches:
thence by lands of same 19 deg 45 min east
14.10 perches; t hence to a stone on lands of
llenrv Cooper: thence by lands of Mrs.
Ekas. north 57 deg 50 min west 25 ft-10 perches
thence to a stone on lands of Henry Cooper;
thence by lands of Mrs Ekas. north 57 deg
50min west 25.8 perches to line of railroad:
thence by line of same 57 perches to place of
lieginning. containing three acres.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
land, situated In Clinton twp, Hutler Co. l'a
founded and described as follows, to-wit:
tin the north by lands of Mrs Watson; on
the south by lands of W J and M C Ekas;
on the east by lands of II Cooper; on the
west by lands of Mrs Watson and PULE
Railroad, containing one-half an acre, more
or lef-s: the same being conveyed by M .1
and M C Ekas to W A Krumpe and Henry
Snyder, on March 2Hth, IHOO. and recorded at
Hutler. l'a. on Oct 16,1WM: then conveyed by
W A Krumpe and Henry Snyder to the Bess
emer Tile & Brick Works by deed dated Oct
Bth. IWJL'; the i WO piece* above ili—crlbed hav
ing thereon erected a factory 44x50 ft. one
story high, with tin roof; with a brick and
tile factory erected thereon, consisting of a
frame building, one boiler shed, and engine
shed, with tin roof theron, also one drier
building 14x70 ft. more or less,one story high,
with tin roof thereon, together with two
boilers, one engine.brtck machine tables in J
all equipments and machineiy belonging to,
and used In. the said factory and In operat
ing the same.
ALSO—IA»t or parcel of land being on the
southwest side of 1' It L E railroad, bounded
as fo.lows: Beginning at the southwest cor
ner on line of Mrs Ekas and line of railroad;
thence north 87 deg 50 min west 28.9 perches
to center of public road; thence north 17 deg
west 15.4 perches to line of railroad; thence
by line o'same 41.4 perches to place of be
ginning, containing 99.H perches the same
being conveyed by Elizabeth and James
Watson to the Bessemer Tile & Brick Works
on the 11th day of June. A I) 1900, and re
corded at Butler, Pa. on Oct 18th. 1901. In
deed ook 199. page 385,
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of A .1 Malarky, at the suit of August
Van nig.
EI) No 47. March Term, 1904, W II Lusk, At-
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
Annie B Krebs, now Annie B Kloepper. of.
In aud to all that certain piece or parcel of
land, sit uated In Cranberry township, Hut
ler Co. Pa, liounded as follows, to-wlt: On
the north by Freedom public road; east by
lands of Anna B Krebs; south by lands of
laimr Wrfiilit: wevt by lumlu of Isnuc tVrlirlit
ami containing 42 acres, more or less, being
the same lands sold by Annie II Krebs, as
administrator c t a. by virtue of an order of
the Orphans' Court, of Butler county, to
Charles C Keck, and by the said Charles C
Keck conveyed to the mortgager herein,
Annie B Krebs. No buildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the (prop
erty of Annie B Krebs, now Annie B Kloep
per. at the suit of George Keck.
ALSO—Of. In and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated In Cranberry twp,
Butler Co, l'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt:
On the north by the Freedom public road;
cast by lands of Cordon Mllligati; south by
lands of John Baker and Koss Trimble: west
by lands of Isaac Wright and George Krebs'
heirs, and containing ?5 acres, more or less,
having thereon erected a two story frame
dwelling house, stable and orchard.
Seizin and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Annie B Krebs, now Anuie B Kloep
per, at the suit of Oeorge Keck.
E D No 48, March Term, 11104, W II Lusk. At-
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
A Mor Matilda A M Christy. Clarence A
Christy,Hallle M Chlrsty,Korquer L Christy.
Raymond L Christy. Came E Fllesher and
George M Graham, guardlau ad litem of
Clarence R Moore, of, In and to all that cer
tain piece or tract of land, situated In Wash
ington twp, Butler Co, l'a, bounded as fol
lows, to wit: On the north by lands of Ly
man 11111 l ird and Thomas Milliard; east by
lands of I'erry Christy. William Dickey and
I'lutnmer Christy: south by lands of Bower
Steintorf and west by lands of James Hind
man or Sarah lllmlman, containing HO acres,
more or less; who are the widow, children,
and heirs at law of Marvin G Christy, de
ceased, who was the owner of the premises
In iiis lifetime, died Intestate on Nov. Ist,
IHOI, having thereon erected a two-story
frame dwelling house.log barn, and orchard,
mostly cleared and well watered
Seized and taken In execution as the orop
erty of A M or Matilda A M Christy, et al, at
tne suit of Solomon Stamra.
E 1>N049. March Term, 1!W, Levi M Wise.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
William Sahli, of. In and to all that certain
piece or tract of laud, situated in Lancaster
twp, Hutler Co, l'a, bounded as follows to
wlt: On the north by lands of Joseph I'ef
fer; east, by E F Boyer. formerly of Brad
ford; south by lands of heirs of Ira StaulTer
and heirs of George Shaffer; west by lands
of heirs of Geo Shaffer and Ira StaulTer, con
taining 111 acres and 1-ffl perches; lieing same
Innil conveyed by Ira Stauffer to Nancy
Salill, deed dated Jan :il. 1574. recorded In
Butler county, in deed book 37. page 441),
seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of William Salill, at the suit of Susan
nah Keldler.
E DNo 30, March Term, 1904, Levi M Wise,
All the right, title. Interest and clilrn of
E Sahli, of, In and to all that certain piece or
tract of land, situated In Lancaster town
ship, Butler county, l'a. liounded as follows,
to-wlt: On the north by lands of Joseph
I'etfer, east by lands of E F Boyer. formerly
of Bradford: south by lands of heirs of Ira
Stauffer and heirs of Geo Shaffer; west by
lands of heirs of Ira Stauffer and heirs of
Geo Shaffer, containing nineteen acres and
112 perches, being the same land conveyed
by Ira Stauffer to Nancy Sahli, deed dated
Jan ill. ls"4, recorded lu Hutler OQUntJ, In
deed book 37, page 44!'.
Seized and tnke.n In ejeeutlon as the prop
erty of E Salill, at the suit of 8 A Ralston
and II M Wise, administrators of O D Swain,
TERMS OF SALE—The following must bo
strictly compliod with when property U
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien owdttor
becomes the purchaser, the cuiiM on the writ
must be paid, and a llsV ul the liens. Includ
ing mortgage on the property sold
togither wtVu such Hen creditor's receipt*
for Hie amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All folds must be until In full,
3. All salt's not nettled luiuitxiutrly will tw
continued until iu»» ii*oloi'k, I*. M., of the
next iliiy uv wUton tluic nil property not
nettled far will ittfitiu Ite put up and Hold at
tlio expense auu risk of tin person to wlion
first sold.
•See I'nrdon's Digest, Otli edition, page 44f1.
•nil Hiultli's Forms, uuge 884.
Sheriff's Ufflcc. Butler. Pa., l'eb, 4, \tjp4.
Easy and Quick!
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve * can of Banner Lye in cold
water, melt 5 % lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set.
Full Direction* on Evwjr Packag*
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time, it is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Uses of Banner
Lye'' —free.
Th« Prao Chun leal Work*, Philadelphia
February s dr 9 d ' ns - <
Balance of stock of fall and winter good* to be closed ;>ut af 1 ' i-rice. |
Some goods will go at ltas than 1-2 pric. i
sl2 50 Fine Tailored Coats, for S4 98 '
10 00 Fine Tailored Coats, for 398 4
15 00 Fine Tailored Suits, for 398 \
20 OO Fine Tailored Suits, for 798 <
Balance of winter suits at half price. <
Balance of winter skirts at one-fourth regular price: <
Ladies' fine vesting and velvet waists at 1-2 price
Bed haps, blanket* (woolen and cotton I 1-8 off
Hundreds of remnants, wool, silk and cotton, go on sale this
week at jost half price. I
For Spring 1904.
New spring muslin underwear at special price- Not cheap, got- #
X ten np for special sales kind, but our ovv u brands made f«.T sell- 1
'-y iuif at le.»s price. New spring white goods and embroideries. New -t
' spring wash goods for waists and Miit< /
<> Infants' Wear,
* # We have just received our new spring stock of infants fine long
I \ slips. 50c up to $5 00. Short white dre- -ts one to five year
f np to $5.00. New white skirts, and t-hort. 00c und np New flan- I
< # nel and flaunelette skirts. 25c and np. Ribbed vtsts, cotton and wool-
4% en. Also bands and boots. We make a specialty of infants' wear—
r ask to see them. Fine cloaks, bonnet* in silk and mull.
Mrs. J. G. Zimmerman.f
f Hell Phone 90*. o j| 1
\ People's Phone 1:36. tJO T, i cl •
% ■%. •%,-% % % % "<a
Artistic Decorating!
' If you only knew how artistically lovely you can paper the simplest £
' home for a little bit of money, you would not live another day in those #
F old rooms. If yon are going to fix up the home this season -either piper- £
» ing or painting—let us lay out the whole scheme for you We offer our
\ advice and experience in helping you to select wall paper ami paints that 4
} will make any room just what it ought t J lie
k Come in and see all the new design* and colorings for 1904 ready for U
I your inspection. Mouldings to match all papers.
I Patterson Bros. f
jEberle Bros.A
S Estimates given en all kinds of work.
L We make a specialty of 5 -
2 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa r
S Peoples Phone. 630. c
? Pick Them Out j
* We are making prices #
J on some of our lines that £
# will surprise you. #
1 810 CUTS IN i
? Soft Shirts, J
d Stiff Shirts, d
J Neckwear, *
2 Broken Lots Underwear. 5
i| One Dollar j
J Hat Sale |
* Big Bargains. J
j $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 J
£ Hats for SI.OO. £
| Jno. S. Wick j
# People's Phone. 615 0
Wait For no Man." but if yon have one
of our time pieces you will know wheiw
you are at "iu the llitfht of tiuie." We
Bell all reliablo makes of watches from
the fawonn one dollar luyersoll to the
finest product of the U>klh and Waltham
Onr stock been replenished since
the holidays with everything new and
desirable in watches, rintfs and jewelry.
W' l also sell—
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Paco Cameras.
' Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins ami Gaitars.
Optical jfoods.
Field and Spy Glass*-?.
Jeweler end Greduete Optlclen
Next to Cooit Howe
B. B.
.new cotton from abroad
Showing choice new fashion
able Cotton fabrics f i om Franee,
Scotland, Ireland and Switzer
Larger assortments, perhaps,
than you'll be enabled to choose
from elsewhere.
Certainly priced on a lower
basis —of sufficient importance
to warrant and repay immedi
ate investigation, 10c to $1.50
a yard.
Extraordinary variety beau
tiful new 1904 Madrases, Ging
hams, and fancy Novelties,
12 l-2c to 85c, plain White,
White and Colors with fancy
embroidered stripes and figures,
and charming printed effects.
Linens —Very desirable this
season, 12 l-2c to $1.25 —
plain, embroidered, and fancy
New Voiles, Eoliennes and
Mohairs, 75c to $2.00.
English and Scotch Tailor
ings, 75c to $3.50 a yard.
Other nice good Dress
Goods and Suitings, 25c to
When writing it will facilitate
promptness and occuracy by
marking your letter B. C. 6.
Boggs & Bulil
%dicl{ &
109 N. /Vlain Street,
sest Service.
Prompt and Careful
Four Registered
Prescription Wcrl< a
World's Fair St. Loui< Mr«t Economical
IMan Hunk Guarantee.
An excursion club In n«»w being formed to
visit the St. Louis Exposition. Kiieh meruit* r
may goat Ids own convenience, but share in
! the reduced rates man** available ly tl»o
I large membership of the chili.
I Meml»er>hip includes railroad fai«*s. h »t-1
I accomodations, admission to the ground*,
uniformed attendants, ««i ■.
Nantloual Hank guaranty* for custody of
fundi*. l*'or particulars, address, "St. Louis
Association, P. O. Box IPittsburg, Pa.