Nasal XSN CATARRH In all its stages. 1V s*o# Ely's Creas cleanses, soothes rad heals f the ilisissf 1 membrane. It ernes catarrh and drive# uray s cold In tlx bead qpkklj. Cream Balm I* placed into the nostrils,spreads Over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is Im mediate sod a care follows. It is not drying—does not produce sneering. Large Sire, 50 eeatsatDrug gfau or by mil; Trial Size, 10 cents. KLT BROTH EES, M Warren Street, Vtm Yorit. VICTOR ™ LUNG " SYRUP Tie Great "LEE Beieiy," • "Tlroat Healer," aM "Coiih filler." Consumption in first stages abso lutely cored. The friend of Singers and public Speakers. The Golder Remedy for Whooping Cough Bronchitis, Asthma, Quinsy, Colds Hoarseness, Coughs, Etc. It Cure by striking at the root of the disease Are you afflicted ? address VICTOR REMEDIES CO., l ; rt derick, Maryland For sale at Resd's Pharmacy Dr. Humphreys. Alter fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale in their history, dae to intrinsic merit. They care the sick. MX am. pbices. I—Fever*. Congestions, Inflammations. .35 9—Werau, Worm Fever, Worm CoUc... .33 3—Teethiac. Colic,Crying.Wakefulness .33 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 33 I—Coach*. Colds, Bronchitis 23 B—Neuralgia. Toothache, Paeeacbe 33 •—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .33 I*—Drapepaia, Indigestion, Weak Btomaeh.33 11—Baspreaaed or Painful Periods 33 13—White*. Too Profnae Periods 33 13—Croap. LaryugliU. Hoarseness 33 14—Salt Bheam. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .33 Ift—Bheamallira. Rheumatic Pains 33 1 •—Malaria. Chllla, Ferrer and Ague 33 I»—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Bead .33 90— Wkoeplas-Ceagk .33 3T—Udaey Diseases .33 38-Henooa Debility I.o® 30—Crlnary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .33 17— Orlp, Hay Fever 23 Bold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. tar Dr. Humphreys' Hew Pocket Xaanal of all Diseases mailed free. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and Jofca St*.. Xew York. BTArT'B DENTAL ROOMS.— fr 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa If We'repßACTlCAM.Ydolngthe l|| CROWN sod BRIUUC work of Pittsburg—WH V NOT DO V YOURS? Obld CROWNS L« and BRIDGE »ork reduced toßl ™ a-10-ir ARE YOU USING HARD TIMES LINIMENT? Many people of Butler find Thftfft 11 * f * Equal for Rheumatism and Lumbago, Colds, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, Bronchitis, Paralysis, Sprains and Stiffened Joints. Each county of the state will be disposed of to good business persons, who will act as general agents for counties. They to order by the gross from the Company and supply both local agents and druggists for one year from the time their contract is signed. A Cash Prize of $15.00 will be given the general agent, for every gross ordered from the Company. Address all communications to W. J. BLACK, Carr P. 0., Pa. On Sale at Drug Stores PAROID READY OOFINQ. PAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. "OEPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. QNLY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate "*■ or Shingles. JJEMAND for PAROID is world fMADE IN 1,2 AND 3 PLY Othor Facts, Samples and Prices are yours if yon will ask as. L. C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. i TH6 RIGHT WAV There's a right way and a wrong way of dealing in stocks. From my experience, I direct my cnston)ors to follow the right I way. I carry for them grain, stocks ! or bonds, upon low margins. ESTABLISHED 1808. R. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds 223 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J. A. REYNOLDS, Manager. GOATS AS THRASHERS. Plctarcsqae Cutoma Pr»»He*d b7 Xtw Mexico Farmers. The many sidedness of the domestic goat as a contributor to the satisfac tion of bnmai needs is perhaps less un derstood than the facts warrant The Importance of the goatskin in the leather trade we all know about, and most of us have heard that goat's miik Is a staple article of diet among some peoples. But It takes a trip to New Mexico, where herds of these demo cratic animals are an everyday feature of the landscape, to make us acquaint ed with the fact that goat's flesh is shipped east by the car load to do duty as mutton chops, that goat horn is a material out of which the Ingenious red man loves to fashion tobacco boxes ( and that the live goat makes an ex-i cellent thrashing machine. In New Mexico it is quite common to see a thrashing floor upon which wheat is being tramped out by a herd of goats. Such thrashing floors are made in the open fields by plastering a bit of ground with adobe mud, which dries in the hot southwestern sun to the hardness of cement. Upon this the ripened sheaves are spread. The goats are then turned in and driven rapidly round and round by shouting Mexicans or Indians, the trampling of the multi tudinous little hoofs gradually shatter ing the grain out of the heads. When all Is considered beaten out the goats are given a recess, and the drivers pick up shovels and pitchforks and start In to toss the broken straw and the chaff high In the air. The wind catches the light stuff In midair and carries it away, while the grain, by reason of its weight, falls to the ground and is ready for the sack. These thrashing customs, primitive as the time of the pharaobs, form one of the most picturesque sights of agricultural life in New Mexico, that easy going land of "wait a bit" where in ail the United States time is cheapest and hurry is least known. Philadelphia Record. DRESDEN POLICE. rfhey Are PermltteU to Impoae Small Finn on OCendera. One advantage accrues to the respec table member of the community from the minuteness with which the Dres den police look Into the affairs of every inhabitant of the city. If lie is a care ful man and always carries papers which may serve to establish his iden tity he is practically immune from the indignity of being arrested and march ed off to the police station unless, in deed, be commits some especially hei nous crime. Does he drive faster than the law permits, dots he cross a bridge on the left hand side, he is stopped by the guardian of law and order and re quested to give his name, if he has his papers with him the policeman may then and there Impose a fine of from Ito 3 marks. If then he admits that he is in the wrong and pays the fine the incident is closed. If, however, he wishes to appeal from the policeman's decision he may do so. Even in that case he Is not arrested, but a day or two later he is notified to appear in court and answer to the charge against him. But then if he is found guilty the lowest fine that can be Imposed is 3 marks. That this custom of per mitting the policeman personally to im pose small fines is little understood by foreigners is shown by a remark made to me by a gentleman who had lived in Germany the greater part of his life and in Dresden for a number of years. In reply to my inquiry as to whether there was ever any question of cor-_ ruption In the police department he re plied: "No; none whatever as far as the higher officers are concerned. The In dividual men, however, may be brib< d occasionally. For instance, If I wore to walk on the grass in the Gross"r garten and a policeman caught me at i w miiv I *' " r and that would end the matter."—Phil adelphia Ledger. The Tailor Bird. The brilliantly plumed birds of the tropical forests are exj>o»ed to many dangers, and if they were not gifted with peculiar yet useful instincts th'-y would fall ready victims to their ene mies. Chattering monkeys and big snakes steal and eat their eggs, while their offspring are preyed upon by foes on every side. But it takes a sly monkey or snake to get ahead of the tailor bird, a small East Indian sing ing bird. She hides her nest so skill fully that her enemies cannot find it no matter how hard they try. This she does by using her long, slender bill as a needle. With the tough fiber of a parasite plant abundant in the tropics as a thread she sews a dead leaf taken from the ground to a liv ing one near the end of a slender and hanging branch, and between these leaves she builds her nest, where nei ther monkey nor snake can approach, because the branch will not bear their weight The Literary Chap la Finance. "I know a literary chap, good writer and all that but with absolutely no business sense, who suddenly decided the thing for him to do was to start a bank account" said the secretary of a financial institution. "He came in to see me about it I asked him how much be had, and he said he had saved $59. I told him we rarely started ac counts on such small deposits, but would make an exception in his case to encourage thrift and school him lu business. "lie went through the preliminaries nervously, signed the signature card, put bis money in and got a nice new bank book. By that time be was all flustered. They gave him a check book, and be decided he would have to have some money for present use. The re ceiving teller Introduced him to the paying teller, and be inquired the procedure of checking out money. The paying teller explained at length. Then my literary friend went over to the desk and wrote a check for his entire SOO, got the money and went out." Comparative A(t> of Anlmala. Q.— What Is the age of (Tfleld mouse? A.—A year. And the age of a hedge hog Is threo linn's that of a mouse, and the life of a dog is three times that of a hedgehog, and the life of a horse Is three times that of a dog, and the life of a man is three times that of a horse, and the life of a goose is tlirea j times that of a man, and the life of a swan Is three times that of a goose, : and the life of a swallow is three ' limes that of a swan, and the life of I an eagle is three times that of a swal- I low, and the life of a serpent Is threo I times that of an eagle, and the life of ' a raven Is three times that of a ser j pent, and the life of a hart Is three times that of a raven, and an oak ! groweth Wst years and fadeth 500 j years.—Philadelphia North American, 1 Sept. 13, 1803. lion and Cat. The effect of a do« on a oat's tall is well worth study. When a cat enooun j ters a strange dog the tall Immediately : assumes an upright position, the back ) becomes highly arcued, and the fur ! stands out straight all over the body. | This sudden change dismays the dog, i who brills himself to a halt, and tlie j two regard each other steadfastly. But if the dog should turn his gaze away for a fraction of a second there Is a swish and a bound, and the cat has disappeared over a fence or up a tree. Stimulated by the presence of a dog, cats have been known to climb to such heights that they were unable to d'> ■ceiul the way they went up. j The Butler County National Bank, j BUTLER. PA J OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY * OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. • J * % Capital Paid in $200,000.00 | % Shareholders' Liability. 200.000.00 Surplus and Profits 195,000.00 — $595,000.00 | * Assets over $2,500,000.00 £ Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000.00. * INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time * £ without notice. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent-THE VERY BEST. We roost cordially solicit your business either in peison or by mail. x JOSEPH HARTMAN, President. Jxo. G. McMARLIN. Cashier. * JOHN V. RITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C Krl*G, Asst. Cashier. * X T P MIFFLIN, Vic© Prwident. W. S. BLAKSLEK, Cashier. 4 %****•*■ ***** *■ **** ********* «***««»» m ——SURPLUS i $200,000.00. $200,000.00. faj UNDIVIDED PROFITS $35,000.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. jj SUCCESSOR TO I BUTLER SAVINGS RANK, 108 South Main Street. § WM. CAMPBELL. Jr.. President JII TROUTMAN. Ist Vice Pres. W• A- ?-TFI-ud \ I res. CI LOUIS B. STEIN. Treasurer. C. F. CKONENWETT, Aas't Treasur. d Will continue to do a general banking business at the £ old stand and is also prepared to transact a general » Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to 't withdrawal without notice. r I Standard Trust Company j ROTIsER, PA. I CftPITAb ------- $150,000.00 | Int<?r<?st Fuid on Deposits- Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GReeNbEE, President. C. Pi. SAIbEV, Secty. and Treasurer. j \.X .»iff'"ft**'f ft" f *fr~*-&-*# ***** *** ******** THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - 832,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOCNKINS, President JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER. Ass't Cashier. II II! WITHOUT NOTICE, j THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK n'jfl 01 PITTRRTTPAH - 633 SMITHFIELD STREET, Mall banking !« simple and convenient. Bend us yonr money ;! i{ by Check, Money Order or Registered letter. 15y return mail you J| will receive bank book with the amount to your credit and card for || your signature. When desiring to withdraw any amount, mail us l| check on form provided, together with your book, and we will send 111 you our New York draft which is as good as gold anywhere. ■ Why not keep yonr $ This Year's Resolution to have a bank account by placing yonr earnings on deposit at 4 ner cent annual interest, compounded twice a year, July Ist and January ]t-t, in the Qermariia Savings Bank j Wood and Diamond Streate j PITTSBURG, PA. r 1 Great Sacrifice Sale i Jp —This Weak at - s|j I Rockenstein's Millinery! J Pattern and Trimmed Hats at your own price, Ip Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ostrich Plumes, Rib- W bons, Birds, Ornaments, Velvets. *-* DON'T FORGET THE PUACE •—$ $ Rockenstein's | ifi T|T 828 South Main fltreat. Butler^Pa^||| jj SUFFERING WOMEN: j SS.OOTHIS COUPON IS WORTH $5-00 '{. ... CUT IT OUT - - - L 1 ) I'reioent it at ony ullb', and I will allow you crt-olit for this amount in m« ■!- ( v icne* and treatment. This to good for a short time only to readers of thi- *. j \ paper, 80 avail yourself of the greatest opportunity ever offend for getti.ig t f j treatment from a Specialist, at the oldest and most rciiai/Ja Medical Institution to I jg V in the state. R j joooooaoaoocoooooooooooooooooooeoooooooooooj 'l Barrenness AH Female Weakncss \> XA aiul unualuoiol CUIIKI 7- y. >. imuilly U.h ranutt of inslforma- without jtiat-luif 0/ lmiHui J.J :■ ll' ii or a <li»|>laceinrut, wlik-U 1 eulloua . 1 overcom# ~..1 euro without M Spoci( ' jc B , #od & oiseaset g Piles and Kectal rurn<| Mrltljout in«n ury or " y rure.l wlthnut m * . Ff otli.r Ur i.u'.lv j : ~ Vjt. / ssss«3=#wsft "I soopprciicd or I'alnlul ;■« { 'j Bladder and Kidney & Xk ncn*truation 1 ~11.. < ur«l In > iun,rUti,irl* rellsvrol ««ro>, palliUMlr and H J t surpruiuglr cau>Jn( tli« normal 11.,0r to rou..' g Wtitd, If JIM caanot call. a« my horna treatment U very »uceo»oful. Enclow (tamp for reply. B kU 1 »si»u in iuiu|«i f«>r tK>o|t on I>lN<uuuia of Women. U <JriuJtiA(« Murno in UtMidßiica. Krce iacrodly confidential, orrn » IIOUHA ■ I A. 111. to 7 p. ill.; ftuuxlay, Ui;'4b a. w. to 4:34 y. m, : jj DR. A. R. KIDD'S Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 631 Penn Avenue, PITTBBURC, PA. | KSSSSItt KV la pH From the pure fountain of nature flows the stream lUlj /'I tt|\y f\ I l &: MmtvlSl (« )? of energy and health, which renews and invigorates ffA #'•'JM »f I til ' our race. In every period of the world's progress men All it )ft, have received their greatest strength and inspiration ffjf ■ ■■% direct from nature. It is the greatest teacher and Ml "to ! ' - Hi'J&tf&m&i-M developer of mankind. Not only do we get inspiration t jj »,\TWf, >■ from nature, hut health as well. To live in the open, ' | ~SZ*\ in the sunshine, in the fields or woods, drinking pure 1 r ' 1 $ air into the lungs, is best for those who have the HXJ# > V'-opportunity. For people who are run-down, nervous, / /V'l-'i »' ill suffering from occasional indigestion or dyspepsia, tf It' • V. ,/ H <\ i <■/ headaches, night-sweats, whose machinery has become IP, (' - rV fi\ lf. fllffcS worn, it becomes necessary to turn to some tonic or lill . £ ft ■/ strengthener which will help them to get on their feet Y,/ J r< y and put the bodv into its proper condition. For cen- /// ' ' : f'!' -i-'/lJf : iWjSijxfef. turies it has been known that nature's most valuable [// \V ■ ' '! F fli fISH'? health-giving agents are roots, herbs, bark, and ber- // SfetfSk \k j■ I 1 : I >»>• [■J IHfiyCTgyrpa ries, and some forty years ago Dr. R._ V. Pierce, clitef II J* \\ ( L 1 jjOf 1 ?i,VMSImm consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and // tO W "j\ n Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y., found a combina- V'i;SV)!I ill'/ C XtSywLt" tion of roots, herbs and barks, taken from the fields II J i 'T-■ m«P{Wand woods and made into an alterative extract, pro- U // 71 duced results in the system which was satisfactory \\ 1/ - ,-ji-^y, / in almost every case of blood disorder and stomach \V // v iMtrouble. This concentrated extract of nature's vitality ■I i : inth I ' j purifies the blood by putting the stomach into healthy ' '• mm { m Q condition, helping the assimilation of food which rlfll/l' I feeds the blood, and putting the liver into activity. ' P »/|hV'|l «(tl' t I Nervousness and sleeplessness are usually due to the fact that the nerves are not fed 1 'ifjjli*, ' yrir 1 j on properly nourished blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes pure, /'&}// \Tv 1 rich blood, and thereby all the organs of the body are run smoothly, like the j/fjMil machinery which runs in oil. In this way you feel clean, strong and strenuous — < —-7 you feel braced up, and you are good for a whole lot of physical or menial work. Best of all, the strength and increase in vitality and health are lasting, p-.e trouble I't'jr \\ w ,th most tonics and medicines which have a large sale for a short time is that ■jg \V \|/,/ ti lev are largely composed of alcohol holding the drugs in solution. This alcohol V.f \*?\ fairly shrinks up the red blood corpuscles, and so one may feel eshi'. -.raUd an l V « Q better for tlie time being, yet in the end weakened and with \itality reascd. 5? Hi Jr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery doi-s not contain alcohol. T' .e nw fij easy II |G{ Distill a little in a glass retort and see for yourself. Every bottle of i > * «.r '-?/ fill Golden Medical Discovery bears the stamp of public approval. F<«r the drugget t » * \ 'A? # l I offer you something he claims is "just as good" is to insult your inu'b.vcice. V»!it | '/!/} S you want is a remedy without alcohol, and one which has stood the ttit of tiv e. t \ y "It is with pleasure that I give my hearty endorsement to Dr. Pi rce'a GoVen ■ ' A 'V S Medical Discovery," writes Hon. E. E. WiUard, Judge of nth Di tnct. Dayal Co., i ' Florida. "It is the most successful remedy that I know of for the u>. . co tion of the digestive organs which excessive heat or overwork sometiuu bi c..;.: - ing indigestion, sick headache, a disagreeable or bitter taste iu the mouth, ilf ; L"i ! niel-'c r,- ' a complication of unnatural conditions, making one feel sick all over. Your remedy is .silvj r. •.r,-.. * ; . ulc'.dated to renovate the entire system, cleansing and vitalizing the Wood and assisting the stomal u> j- ..v, ■i nssin-.i'.ution of food, which will soon restore health and harmony." H Th..- deak-r who trier, to palm off a substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery," does so in order to m-d:-; the 1", f ur<>r,'. by the sale of less meritorious preparations. Insist on having Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discover.. i ' The beit cuiile to health and happiness is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. In the scope of i,s i._, e ~ - ' -.' C re are discussed the great mysteries of human origin and of human desti«y, and a broad path is laid cr.t : c l-l; • . :I>l have a strong and long life. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the book bound in strong cloth, or if content to h.i\» i ij*e in fiapcr covers, send only 21 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. i ; U/ALL PAPER i t IS OUR CRy J .. .. ALL NEW PAPERS OF 1904 <J ? W e are showinß Florals, Burlaps, Tapestries, Ingrains, Dauiasks, £ Z Duplexes, Embossed Silks, Dresden Strips, Varnished Tiles, Crown ef- i 5 fecta Panel effects. Drop Ceilings, Two-Third work—All the latest and \ # up-to-date designs for parlore, halls, libraries, dining-rooms, kitchens. J t sleeping-rooms and bath rooms Also a full line of Mouldings, to J # match any color of paper. Call and see for yourself. \Patterson Bros, j 6 210 North Main Street. lloth Phones. Wick Building. • jg S I The Davis Sewing flachine tor Sale by W. B. McCandlews, 4S, Euclid, Pa, Also Pianos and Organs. I IF PEOPLE 1 MWere as careful about their drinking water as they are K ■ ■ about the clothes they wear §1 • ■Sparkling Crystal Water! I would be used in every house-hold for drinking purposes, k , I Absolutely pure means free from all germ life — || . I Organic matter and Mineral Impurities. « Pi Sparkling Crystal Water js If | ■ ABSOLUTELY PURE. M ' I For sale by all druggists and first class grocers. § | I Our valuable booklet on pure water should be read ■ ; Hby every person. Sent free for the asking. 1| \ I Crystal Water Co. of Pittsburg, Pa. I • UL - f tgA; . \PROMPT SERVICE A,,- 0 an all ordtrs—Purohas* of K STOCKS AND BOMS- vfcA. i S| Cither for Cash upon delivery of ! 1/ Certificate* or ou moderate mar- %V'*' 1 Ui" You may execute orJeib HfHm (k by telegraph or Long Distance *iY9| i # ,A — JllfP^i ! Y MESSAGED AT OUR EXPENSE U L. D. Bell Phone —Court i»6t ' '< v ' ! OUR DAILY MARKET FORECAST f (( mailed upon request. 'j\l ■> >*V ► $ ! ; }NEVILLE BAYLEY, | I j\ Sl03» C« »4i< V"'- Jj 4>7 waoo sr., pinsaj/16. <•. # „ • — i Subscribe for the (lITIZBN Pf-afson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler "'enn'a The best of horses and first class rigs ai wavs on hand and for litre. Best accommodations In town for perma ntnt boardlnK and transient trade. Bpecl al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass ot horses, both drivers a«id draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and Lorsrs boupb j >a ur'ijer aotlflcatloo by PEARSON B. NACE. 'Oiei>non« No. 51 . |C. F, T. Papej \ I < ? 121 E. Jefferson Street. / Family Reur|ions! We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity. We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know in time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISH BR ( Wm. Foster, ( > Architect. \ J Plan of all kind of building V \ furnished on ijhort notice. f C Ofilce in Berg Building, / J Butler, Pa. v HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278 People'? Phone 578, 316 East Jefferson Street. tSuTLKK, HA Wm. Wucrthele, llilliard and Pool Tablet*, Bar Fix ture*, Offices Chain*, Tables, Partition*, lso<>k< awn, etc Turning of Billiard and Pool lsalln. Bowling Alley Kyulpmeiip. 41g Diamond s l Afiove Smiflifield St.) PitUburg.'Pa. If CAM ILH BUREAU, Hc«-l'>ni|-t |#»i and IlrrhftUhal Poiltloni,^ Office * PltWbtt*. I*» liiJ Kourth A v'-nu«. a-ll»-ly I FfEYMAN HARRIS, i LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUITS , and RIDING HABITS, 14 Vi'J l'oiDe» dirtvM vJjfiUjCi iig Street, x>ooooooooooooooooooooooo*x |Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN! <> ANNOUNCES O iff heir Great Semi-Annual! :; Sacrifice Sale | ! ;For the Entire Month of Jan., 04;; < ! Commencing Tuesday, Jan. 5. < » ■ i i This is our 22nd Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale of new, ( } clean up-to-date Dry Goods, Tailor Made Suits, Wraps, ( , Skirts and Waists This semi-aunual event awaited by , . ]C hundreds of discriminating women, WITH THE BEST . ASSORTMENTS AND MOST TEMPTINGLY LOW i ( PRICES OF YEARS. f :; Dress Goods I; I Sacrifice Sale of Black and Colored Dress Goods. 1-3 i > to 1-2 less than former prices. This sale includes all { > dress goods. No stock reserved. It means $1 goods < > for 62 l-2c per yard. It means 50c goods for 25c per yd. < > Garment Prices Sharply Cut Down ¥ This means dollars saved to everyone who purchases O a Tailor Made Suit, Wrap, Skirt, Silk or Laundried W Waist, or Fur garment, during this Sacrifice Sale. Mil- O linery included in this sale. O Underwear Must Go § 1 Underwear Values Extraordinary. O Hosiery Values Extrao. dinary. O Wonderful reductions in every department, and on A every dollar's worth of merchandise in this store. A Our Record is Our Guaranteed Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.: Bell Phone 3'S. F-i . i f J f*r X People's Phone 138. OUIJCI, 1 a £ I :*OO<X>9OOOOOQOOO<>OOOOO< ?OC - >! DR. M. FORBES 7.J7 Ohio Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. Cures Cancer without cutting: removes tumor ard all face blemishes. Mole* ami birthmarks removed. Addition's ff>. Elec tric Belts for sl, the next 30 davs—for Khen mat Ism. Liver and Kidney Trouble. Ladles treated in strict confidence. Agent* wanted for Belts and Ladles Remedies. No Cure, No Pay. President of Hospital for Ladies. 11-10-03-tlm MME. BARTLETT'S MASSAGE PARLORS. Mme. Hurt let t. assisted by a New York masseur mid beauty specialist; magnotlc, electric, vapor nut lis, scalp treat ment, massage; bust development. 304 Federal St., Allegheny City, Pa. I loom 12, Third Floor, Above Scott's. U-IWrtl-ly I Civet a broad-winning Education— Educating youxi? men and women to meet the demand of tMi prosperous commercial aire - For circulars address P. DUFF A SONS. Bth A Llbariy Ay., Pittsburg,Pa. CHiCHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS && |P| Naff. Always r> llabl* Ln<il«»», ask Drutttat fbv KSf<JLI«IV In ll*d trrf <>ol«l metallic boxca, nealtnJ with blu® ribbon. Tube no other. danueroui satMtl* tut lon» and liiiita(loa«. Buy of your Drujfirlat, or send -Ic. in MtumpH fo r rarfinilan, Trafl monlnU as><l " Krllrf for v," in tetter, bv return Mall. lO,OQO Tealimonlala. Hold by All DruKKHta. CHIOHEBTDR UIiRMIOAL 00. 1100 Had lawn Nquarr, FlflLA.* WM MMtiM MU IMM. L. C. WICK, jh LUfIBER. IlnaflanT^iTDßaiFs A wife, certain n ll< ,r gnpprewd Menstruation. Never ki..,*-n to ran. Hafel Hurel Hpwdyl Satisfaction Guaranteed or money Itefumlod. Hen'. prepaid for f 1.00 per box. Will send themon trliJ to be paid for W ben relieved. Kamplea Free. UHITIO MIDICmCO.. »B« 74. Hold tn Butler it the Centre Ave Pb'fmw Headaches Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS T0!» PKiin AVESiIfK. opp. rENS:wiii.Dffid, priTsiit ua. «-(W-ly NO SPAVINSS&isMt lie cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never haw failed. Detailed information about this new method Bent free to horse owners by T M CLUUH, Kuoxriale, Jefferson Co,, Pa W S. & E. WICK, IJEAI.F.RHIN Rough and Worked Lumber of »'l Klndi Doors, Hash and Mouldings Oil Well Rigs a Specialty. ottlce and Yard K Cunningham and Monroe tU n< ar wnt Penn Depot, priTrrw a ****** & Starkey I -&■ Leading Photographer, || -#• Old Postoffice Building, Rutler, Pa. KEEP OUT TIIE COLD FROM YOOR SYSTEM WITH AN OCCASIONAL GLASS OF LEWIN'S WHISKEY—STRAIGHT. OR WITH A LITTLE HOT WATER. ALWAYS IN STOCK FINCH. LAKUS, OVKIUIOLT. (il < HKMItiXKK, «r. f UMtN, TllOkiPHU*. <JIIM>X DILI.IS Ell. BttIIKJKfOKT, and offer them to you 8 year old at |1 per full quart, 6 quarts #i 00. GRAirSFATHXX'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, K 00 per gal lon. We pay express charges on all mall orders of $5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN <fc CO. WHOLE SALE DEALERS in WISES AHD LIQUORS. No U SmitMicld St, formerly 411 Wate; St., PITTSBURG, PA. 'Phones: Bell JIM T. k A. 1411 ADJUSTABLE PIN. -fr-wrt Our Corner Clamp .//tor?- 35> made the «'ACME' V /f(Qr\ '&g ' much superior to any KSj P" 11 other stretcher. Our < *7/ 11 New Patent Adjustable Jiff i tvtw» !L,ur-LnmJl ™ Pin leaves the scall„ps In their natural sha|>e; does uot weaken the hart; M of ample length, very practical and a great Improve, meut. Don't fall to examine It. At jroar deafest,a( ACME M'P'U. CO., AlleflUßr, Fa 1-7 -40-ly M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPH 11 189 Sonth Main St I H. MILLER, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATB. Office—Room 508, Butler County National Bank bnildipsjr. See the alga flrect oppoalte lb« Old Postoffice, Theodore Vr.gelej. Peal Estate aid ELE Insuraice Agency, 238 S. Mala St. Batter, Pa. If you bare property to aell, trade, or rent %e?S2h.%rWs übone me. List Mailed Upon Application Dr. Miney Davidson. Hydrotheraneutic Hantitarium and Nat ural Healing Institute 1 I treat Enlarged Veins, Lnay of Vitality, I'rimtiitorrben, Hrlght's Disease, |theumi tlsm, blwjdcr. eU\ Osteopathy, Massage Electrical Treatments, Oven, Vapor, Needle, Shower, all other local application*. Sanitarium: Seneca st reet., Pittsburg. Pa. Take Fifth avenue cari—get of at No. 2100. 12-17-OS-am. KOWALSKY GAS ENGINE CO JHt' Manufacturers of Small HL UAH and UASOLfN* ENtilN* >nj]T, For Statlo.jary and Marin? lUKWn Engines and Automobile#.' •' IjBjWJ Kowalsky Simplicity 211 r, vflfiW ;or lilacKsmltn Shops, I'ump li>k water, Running Fans and LATROIIE, PA.^ Don't Know That? Tbat Htern'a Creamery and Milk depot «r' the rear .of" 417 South Main aftWt is in operation? WELL, IT I ! And if you wan' k B°p4 Mj'H- Crt-Am, Creshiery Butter 6t Butjer milk, call anil eee ng or watch Jo# our wagon. People's Phone 438. Bell Phone 3#B. AKK YOUR GROCER for Hteen'a Boiled Cider in quart jara. We guarantee .>ur products pare and free from any adulteration. 14. B STpE|S§ fftEAJJgRV;
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