Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 28, 1904, Image 4
CLEASgntO CATARRH iHD HKAUNO CtTBX FOB CATARRH BJ's Clean Bala Eur ■«» ■te. Contains no J luTq ! iic'kfjr mbeorbed. Girca Belief at once. Health, Riches. Hippiu;*. No more "Blue Tired Feelin- Nervousness, Sleeplessness. f more Headaches, Constip-ti.r Indigestion, Dyspepsia, tism. Sallow Complexion. Chi ' Colds, Female Troubles, £c: -i --results of a torpid Live" c poor, thin Blood. Victor Liver Syri ■ the Great Liver and Blood Purifier, HVM yon well from tbe.se a lEK nts n: keeps you well. Correspondence solicited. VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Ma:ylaui For sale at Reed's Pharmacy For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives reliet The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Hutee Msea, JSc., s#e. aai 81.00. SeU by DrutMi, or tent prep*l4 on receipt ef price. Bmpareyi' Medicine Co., Cor. WUlUai u4 Mm lifc. Hew York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, In use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, orspec ial package tor serious cases, $3. ■iiimi)T)ii|M« IB amil 111 T HaadMj** Bad. Co, Williaa t lota Btfc, It Y. 89 - 6th Ave., Pfttsbura, Pa » || ■■ Wrt. PRACTICAfXVdoIDf the ft NJKMCROWN —a BRtcac ™»[J MMm Pitt. bur*—WHY NOT DO I! IBJIYOU RS? << Memowm s K HllfV' BRIDGE work reduced tr,*» I 3-19-ly !ARE YOU ÜBING HARD TIMES LINIMENT? Many people of Butler find mnn » tfvimnu na equal for Rheumatism and Lumbago, Colds, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, Bronchitis, Paralysis, Sprains and Stiffened Joints. Each county of the state will be disposed of to good business persons, who will act as general agents for counties. They to order by the gross from the Company and supply both local agents and druggists for one year from the time their contract is signed. A Cash Prize of $15.00 will be given the general agent, for every gross ordered from the Company. Address all communications to W. J. BLACK, Carr P. 0., Pa. On Sale at Drug Stores PAROID OEADY KOOFING. T>AkOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. "REPRESENTS the results o ■*"*' years of Experience and Ex perimenting. rkNLY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first f S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. JJEMAND for PAROID is world 'MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are jroon it yon will ask as. L. C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. f THG I RIGHT w/\y There's a right way and a \ wrong way of dealing in stocks. ' j From my experience, I direct oiy i | customers to follow the right j I carry for tbem grain, stocks or bonds, upon low margins. ESTABLISHED 1808. R. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds jkgp. | 223 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. j J. A.' REYNOLDS, Soarrra ef Color. An interestins enumeration has been given of the sources of color. From this It appears that the cochineal in ■ects furnish the gorgeous carmine, crimson, scarlet carmine an<l purple lakes; the octopus gives sepia—that is, the inky fluid which the creature dis charges In order to render the water opaque when attacked; the Indian yel low comes from the camel; ivory chips produce the Ivory black and bone black; the exquisite Prussian blue comes from fusing horses' hoofs and pigs' blood; blue black comes from the charcoal of the Tine stock; Turkey red is made from the madder plant, which grows in Hlndoostan; the yellow sap of a Sia mese tree produces gamboge; raw sien na is the natural earth from the irngh borhood of Siena, Italy; raw umber is an earth found near Umbria; Indian Ink la made from burned camphor; mastic Is made from the gum of the mastic tree, which grows in the Gre cian archipelago; bistre is the soot of wood ashes; very little ultramarine, ob tained from the precious lapis lazuli, la found In the market. The Dirt la th* Air. The air of cities is impregnated with dust and filth. To combat their dele terious effects the streets should be freely ventilated and watered. Wind and rain are the great destroyers of dust From the fields the wind lifts the debris of vegetation—pollen, seeds, spores of fungi and bacteria; the dust of the soli —silica, silicate of alumin ium, carbonate and phosphate of lime and peroxide of Iron. In and proceed ing from volcanic regions fine particles of carbon and dried mud are taken up and wafted hundreds or even thou sands of njles. In and round about cities and towns the finely ground dust of the pavements, fragments of straw, hair, stable manure, debris of insects, soot, eplthella from floor sweepings or ahaken from rugs, carpets and bedding, together with gases and other volatile emanations from factories, rendering establishments, abattoirs, tanyardsand compost heaps of all sorts, though not of the air, are in It, In so much as to be In some degree almost everywhere present—Sanitarian. A Canny Scot. A canny Scot lived in a small settle ment some miles from the neighboring town. The distance, however, could be considerably lessened by cutting through a large estate. This practice was accordingly so much resorted to that the owner gave peremptory orders for all trespassers to be turned around and sent back the way they came. One time, however, the Scot in ques tion, having occasion to take some arti cles to town in a wheelbarrow, decided to run the risk and was about half way through when he saw the owner In the distance. Not relishing the idea of retracing his steps, be bethought himself of a scheme, and, promptly turning the wheelbarrow to face the direction from which he came, be sat down upon it as Jf resting. goon the owner came up and, seeing him there, roughly ordered blm to turn around and go back. As "back" was in this case his ob jective point, the Scot obeyed and went on his way rejoicing. Did Hot Look RtskS. The Intelligent coaiposltor, one of the kind that figures In many an anecdote, worked on an Arkansas paper at a period when a well known novelist was editor. One day the printer undertook to set up the word "doughnut." lie apelled It "donut." "Bee here," said the novelist, "don't you know how to spell 'doughnutr Yon've misspelled it here." The intelligent compositor came over and gazed at the proof and scratched bis head In perplexity. "Well," he admitted, "that doesn't look right, but it had a 'w' in It once, and somehow that didn't look right • ' 1 11 Set HI" Own Howl. B. L. Farjeon was one of the very few writers who set up work in type without the medium of manuscript. When the novelist first tnrned to fic tion be was editor and publisher of tho Otago Times, which was printed at hla own offices at Duncdln, and many of the chapters of bin novel "Grlf" were transferred direct to type by the late Mr. Farjeon. who wan one of the most rapid compositors of bis time. lie was a firm believer in charms and attrib uted much of his good fortune to a New Zealand greenstone which be wore for many years on bin watch chain.—lon don Tit-BiU. The Home Product. "I should think you would be am bitions for political distinction." "No," answered Mr. Cnmrox, "I don't care for it. My daughter has studied painting and her pictures of me are funny enough without calling In the aid of any professional cartoonist-" Washington Star. Th* Blade Mlitortna*. "Misfortunes never come singly, you know, Miss I'rlsclila." "Alas," said the poor maiden, shak ing her head, "the single misfortune Is the worst of all!" New Yorker. Patalean Operation. The old beau wa» trying to make btmself look youthful. "lie is dyeing for love," they com mented.—Chicago Post Tbe kicker usually does not make m»cb progress, notwithstanding that he puts bis best foot forward.—Boaton Transcript. Aa Anecdote of Disraeli, On one occasion Disraeli's habit of exaggerated adulation led to so bold an attempt by the fair recipient to turn it to her advantage that he was driven to save tbe situation in a way that was very far from being appreciated. Ths charmer, a young lady of "advanced rlews," finding the great man so ex ceedingly profuse in his attentions, thought It an excellent opportunity for making hiin a convert to her Utopian Ideals, which were of the most daringly democratic order. After a long recita tion of ber propaganda she wound up with a fervid appeal to the prime min ister to Immortalize himself by espous ing her Ingenious panacea for remedy ing the wrongs of humanity. As she finlshiKl her impasMloned harangue, with flushed checks aud Hashing eye, Idsraeli, who had been silently watch ing tier with apparently the profound est sympathy and admiration, suddenly dropped his eyeglass and softly mur j mured, "Ob, you darling!" "If it had j been at dinner," she afterward de , clared, "and I had had a knife I would , have stabbed him!"—Blackwood'i. Where There'* « Will There'* m V»«y. "One of tlioiif? tiling* which go to ■bow that where there Is a will there hi a way la well exemplified by a happening In a certain southern city," •aid a well known former railroad man. "A man before fiia marriage had purchased a beautifully located lot ID the city cemetery and paid $ 100 for it After awhile he married and Home ten or twelve year* afterward died and was burled In the aforenald beautifully kMfttcd lot, and bin grave was care fully teiuiu4 for awhile by bin widow. When the big fair came off In Chicago and all the world was en route to that Mecca the widow took a notion ah* must nee that atiow. \» a result of a Ion« cogitation over way* and means ■be bad the body of ber deceased hua band exhumed and railroaded fifty mil«« away and reburled nt a cost of about 175. when she sold the ceme tery lot for bad a good old time at the big world'* fair. Some what of a financier, waao't New Orleans Thues-iJemocrat. Treat I That Makes You Bat M l|r\ Karo Corn Syrup is the pure golden essence of corn with U\ !,1 I all the nutritive elements so characteristic of this strength- V \ V \J I Rising, energy-producing cereal retained. Its flavor is so V f H# good, so delicious, so different that it makes you eat. Adds 1 J JO rest to griddle cakes and gives a relish you can't resist, no rUj ijjjH matter how poor the appetite. Makes any meal appetizing. / f K§ro (m CORN VVC <^ie Great Spread for Daily Bread. Sold in airtight, friction-top tins, which Jr are excellent for various household //? /& uses. Fine for canning fruit and Jelly. Three sizes, IOC, 25c, 50c. CORN PRODUCTS COMPANY. NT« York and Chicago. ************* "iminvr JVL wriic m JH M tt^^ 1 The Butler County National Bank, j J BUTLER, PA I % OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY | _ OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. 1 Capital Paid in $200,000.00 I Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 1 Surplus and Profits •••• 195,000.00 — $595,000.00 | f Assets over $2,500,000.00 | | Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000.00. * INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time * 1 without notice. j| Safe Deposit Boxes for Rer.t THE VERY BEST. * We most cordially solicit your business cither in person or by mail. X % JOSEPH HARTMAN, President. JNO G. MoMARIXN. Cashier. * * JOHN V. RITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C Krug. As.-t. Csshier. ▼ IT. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst Cashier. I JOB 2iZS*Z;.' CAPITAL SURPLUS & $200,000.00. $200,000.00. $ UNDIVIDED PROFITS % $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. I SUCCESSOR TO p BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL. Jr.. President. J H. TROCTMAN, Ist Vlc« I'res. W. A. STFIN. 2nd Vice Pres. LOUIti B. STEIN. Treasurer. C. E. C HON E.N W ETT, A.sst Trea.su r. Will continue to do a general banking business at the j old stand and is also prepared to transact a general Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to j withdrawal without notice. ***» ** ** ***** **** **** **** *** * ** ** j Standard Trust Ccmpanv) | I" tfUTfcKK, PA. I CAPIT/Vfc ------- $150,000.00 | Faid on Deposits- Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GReeNbEE, President. C. A. IJAIbEy, Secty. and Treasurer. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EABKKD) Accounts of the public solicited. A liljeral rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHKEY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLKR. Ass't Cashier. lllllr** I!iTEREST » S WiTHDRAWJLS %il | SAViNGS°ACCOUNTS. WITi:GIiT KOT!C£ * B j| ! I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK | I OF PITTBBUUGH, | I 633 SMITHFIELD STREET. I ! I The Best Friend cl the man or womait «< mnctera'o meant Is fi ■ A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in a strong Bank. •<-] I WE PAY FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST on «aving3 account* ■ I opened with first deposit of not less than SIOO.OO, ar.d any 9 {■ amount may be withdrawn without notice. 'M I Capital, Surplus and Shareholders' Liability $2,000,000.00. pj Why not keep yonr This Year's Resolution to have b bank acconnt l>y placing yonr earntoß* on <lepo»tt at \ p<jr 'sent animal interest, compounded twice a year, Jnly Ist and January li-t, in the Germania Savings Bank a Wood and Diamond Strefts i pirrsßUko, i*A, 1 •j MN iJJ iii .. . : jj Great Sacrifice Sale f|i mm —This Week #1 » jf Rockenstein's Millinery! Pattern and Trimmed Hat« yonr own price. Li Ladies' and Children's Hate, Ostrich Plumes, j j f? bons, Birds, Ornaments, Velvet!, DON'T FORGET THE PLACE 1 1j 1 Rockenstein's ?! mi ?!? H'ZH Htjvith Main Htreet, .... - tiuUtf, git. Mi; [vjr?r y| V j TYPHOID GERMS. The Little Bacteria Which Bred The Epidemic of Typhoid. HK microscope shows that in the UC\ blood of every person suffering 9 from typhoid the little germs can be found as shown above. This disease has almost become epidemic in many cities and town? of the United States this season. They are supposed to get into the water or milk we drink. The germs multiply by growing long and divi ding into two. This happens every half hour, so that one germ is capable of producing about , one hundred trillion germs in twenty i four hours. That is why if they ever ' get into the water supply of a town they multiply so fast that nearly everybody drinking the water comes down with the disease. There are exceptions, however, and they are the persons whose health is perfect, whose blood is pure, and liver active. When the germs get into a healthy body they are thrown off with the other poisons. Recent Chicago statistics show that one-eighth of all the deaths in the past two years in that city have resulted from pneumonia. FNECMONIA AND CRIP. These two diseases, together with typhoid, chiefly engross the attention of our people just now. The best advice we can give is to put the body into a perfectly sound, healthy condition. Be assured that you have rich, red blood and an active liver. Occasionally take : a good vegetable laxative, such as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, to rid the body of the poisons clogging the canals. Pimples, boils, eruptions, extreme weak ness, feelings of nervous exhaustion, coughs anl colds are the warning signals which should be heeded. Keep the stomach healthy, the bowels regu lated and the blood'pure and rich, and your body is a stronghold against which the germs of these diseases can not make a successful attack. When you are pile and feel exhausted or despondent consult nature. "Nature is the real physician in such cases," says Dr. R. V. Pierce in his book, "The Com mon Sense Medical Adviser." Exercise in th; fresh air and sunlight is of great assistance in keeping the system healthy. Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, who is consuliing surgeon to the Invalds' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. V.. found certain herbs and roots, which vth-r. made into an alterative extract (without the use of alcohol), seemed to . be the very best means of putting the . sto iiich, blood and vital organs into i p'.>;er condition. NATURE'S WAV. is seemed to him as close to it. arc's way of treating disease as it w n possible to go. For over a third of a Ciiitury his Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ieal Discovery has had a wonderful sale and ths cures resulting from its use are numbered by thousands. It is a ti r.ic-bu'ller, better than cod liver < .1 because it does not sicken the stom a-'n, or off.-:id the taste. It strength i i, or rcii.-AS the assimilative or diges tive p >r"i -s in the stomach and puts on Wealthy fi:sh when the weight of the in . .; i is reduced below the normal. N i! 'uholic tonic could I>e so effective, f ■ ••*!. oho! shrivels up the red blood a -clr.:; impairing their vitality and !••> ; ; sy?tern cf one of its most .. ruict elements. TO 3U11.D UP /. .i I ts Ijeen weakened by an • . < o( Typhoid, Grip or Pneumonia i, .'hing will put on healthy flesh so fast t iiis tonic alterative of Dr. Pierce, a ~ MwlUttl I»isoov«-ry" a'hers, will cure you. We do ■ ask you to believe it on our asser t. ■ i, for the proprietors and manufactur er; of this " Medical ' Discovery " offer fwALL PAPER J IS OUR CRy < I .. .. ALL NEW PAPERS OF 1904 ■ a We are showing Florals, Burlaps, Tapestries, Ingrains, Damasks, J J Dnplexes, Embossed Silks, Dresden .Strips, Varnished Tiles, Crown ef- J fects, Panel effects, Drop Ceilings, Two Third work—All the latet.t anil J np to-date designs for parlors, 'lails, libraries, dining-rooms, kitchens, J € sleeping riKiius and bath rooms Al*o a full line of Monldings, to f r match any color of paper. Call and see for yourself. # j Patterson Bros, j '.£;/> North Main Street. %. *' j The Davis 3ewing Hachine tor Sale by W. B. McCui\dlesH, 45, Euclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs. """ 5 J SUFFERING WOMEnF] t U L tV*)r-MCC»r-r-v:-c^- r v^:>oocooo'"' IS WORTH $5-0° jjjj J ... CUT IT OUT ... " •* O I| >i Prcnent it at mv office, and I will allow you credit fo r (his amount in rn< <1- Q iS icnw Will This im Rood fot a -iliorl time only to ie:i<lern of tin* QL >5 pa|«r,' Ko flvait yiiiiiMilf o» ij»e Lirea!?' 1 opportunity ever offered for i"Mi"g Xfl jj ireiitmi nt from u Specialist, :it the luo-.t i .ij»W Wnifical Institution QJJ 4 in the state. S| ? i>socosco9ooooG<»ooooooocoooooooooooGooooooccos«o6'| I JU>... B IBarrerintst All r«»u?Jc Weakness I *1,4 uijnlhir.'ij 0I« 1 H U usually tlm r«olt of maifwmn- fcl'riinut tnarlng t,( c»u*uc ii.i.H- ■ t» .ii or a «li plar*im-»»t, whtrh I " ,r " wll, '" ut V Specific Blood & Skin Diseases R Piles and Rectal *9«r U Imfli aw >■ "f pot* I- 55 I r.«bl,« r U r..,| ,^rmM.« U tly m 1, F1 olh.-r |m,|..0,,i,u, .>..1. I,v jiufriy H . j'. -.1,1. «i n t4»iiu«iii '7 v**«tabl# rom pounds, rati«lug all H •Ifju. to 1...... w "»tr1jr «H..| i • it. B * ■? ZI supprciird or Painful |y> Bladder and Kiqncy y n«n<truation to.'it.lM mr«l In * iurtirlilUKly '"m. R * JlßiJ*m* t;X*, 1,,# | an 1 B Writ*. If J-U (»i.ii'/i I -ui, Mifljr liouiß M,»u»tMt h T«ry <uc'o»«fiil. F.nrloM iUuij. f.r r»|ily. ■ ml »lx |>.||l» j;i atainpt r.r iKKik oil ftf WnrflHi. ' " ■ 'J Jjlii'lujli; NIN MI 111 ai:.Tpil;irj'«;. Contulutlon Frrt aud nacreijjjr cottJldoiiMM. Drrm B J '» », in, to .j, h,. ■ jfiiffUff 10- 30 a. in. to f. w. r i| j DR. A. R. KlDD'SMtST"rnure,l Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 631 Pcnn Avenue, PITTSBURC, PA. $3,000 reward for any case where they . cannot show the original signature of ; the individual volunteering the testimo- 1 nial below, and also of the writers of j everv testimonial among the thousands \ which they are constantly publishing, ; thus proving their genuineness. " I have neglected from time to time to write you but feel it my duty to tell you and to let others, who may suffer as I did. know, that, through the help of our heavenly Father, your medicines have done a great deal of good for me," writes Mrs. W. B. Litton, of Kimballton, Giles Co., Ya. r I was in a terrible con dition, and two good physicians did not help me. Had almost every trouble a woman could suffer from. Could not do any of my housework, could not walk a hundred yards. Just felt so dead and heavy, and had such pains in knees and ankles. Had catarrh of stomach very bad ; would have to beat up a raw egg and swallow it, and there would l>e days I could not swallow a bite of bread. If I did try to eat would have such nerv ous chills it seemed I would almost die. Would feel almost dead, and chilly all over; had great heat in side and through my stomach and this would some times extend into chest under shoulders and nearly all through the body. Sight was almost lost and the days seemed to me about like a dream. Kidneys were in a ! dreadful condition. Had neuralgia in head, sides, and stomach, and at the ap proach of every storm would get numb ; had tingling sensation in limbs; was stopped up in chest so I did not dare get a particle of the damp air; in fact there was so much the matter with me I shall ! not attempt to tell all. I was simply a to tal wreck, and, as all my neighbors know, I was almost dead. I wrote to Dr. Tierce, and he kindly advised me what to do. Don't remember just how much I of his ' Golden Medical Discovery * I took, but, beside the 'Discovery,' had four bottles of his ' Favorite Prescrip tion ' and six vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. Now I can eat a little of almost anything I want, but have to be careful and not overdo. Have been doing my own work for months and can walk to any of my neighbors' houses. Am not entirely well—never expect to be, but how thankful I am to be as well as I am. I will say this much, that I don't believe there are other medicines in the world so reliable as Dr. Pierce's, for they did for me what no other medi cines could do. I wish all suffering hu manity knew of Dr. Pierce's medicines and would take them. Any invalid who may wish further particulars regarding this statement, or the sincerity of it, may write (enciosing stamp), and I will - gladly answer." A KEG OF POWDER. Men can hardly be made to realize that a little sputtering spark of disease which might be stamped out in an instant may mean death if it is allowed to keep on. Dyspepsia, constipation and liver complaint seem like trifling matters but they will eventually wreck the constitution as surely as a spark will biow up a keg of powder. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is acknowledged as the most wonderful medicine ever devised for those diseases which are caused by imperfect action of the liver and digestive organs. If your health is not strong and vigor ous it i 3 a simple and sensible thing to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consult ing physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., and obtain from him and his staff of eminent specialists, without charge, professional advice which will enable you to put your constitution on a solid basis of health and strength forthwith, before these ailments have a chance to reduce you to a physical wreck. Or. Common Srn r .r Mulicnl 1 Adviser is sent on receipt of 21 one-cent ■ stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound. Address • Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. REMOVAL. We have removed onr Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 200 N. Main street, ' (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence , \ where we will be pleased to meet onr 1 easterners with figures that are right I on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc.. as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cin cinnati.Ohio, for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler Eyes Examined Free of Charot R L KIRKPATfwL Jsweler and Graduate Optician cxt *> or o rr* T .* •- P CO^C^TS,^ Pittsburg, Pa. Binding of Books Is our We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking of having some work done in this ine I am sure you will be well Ipleased if you have it done at Tfce Batter Book Bindery, W. W. AM ON, Prop. Opp Court House. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sate Stable Rear of Wick House Butler ?enn'a The best of horses and Brst class rig* »i '■ wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for parent cent boarding and transient trade. Bpeci . al care guaranteed. > Stable Room For 65 Horses I A good c ass of horses, both drlrers noi draft horses always on hand and for sail ' jnder a full guarantee; and hcrs«» fccugt t 3 >:i oroaer notification b* PEARSON B. NACE. F » T».eucone No. 21 . |C. F, T. Pa,nej | ® JEWELER ® j ? 121 E. Jefferson Street. / > > ! Family » ' Reupiona! We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by ncg lecting to do some little thing Get a good picture of your famil) and home made at your first ( p portur.ity. We make the best ai $6.00 per dozen Bxlo inches ant i>dirantee them permanent. 1 d us know : n t.n • to fjo out. The Butler hyc Works I'yeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISH BH ( Wm. Foster, < I Architect,J m Plan of all kind of handings i \ famished on nhort notice. f r Office in Berg Building, / J Butler, Pa. I HUGH L. CONNhLL.y, Wholesale Dealer In Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278 People's Phone 5/8. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTL.BR. PA Wm. Wucrthele, Billiard and Tool Tables, Bar Fix tnre«, officer Desks, Chain, Tables, I'tti-titiouM. tHKiif. a .I-.., otc Tnrnl'ijf of Billiard and Pool Ball#. Bowling Alley Equipments. 418 Diamond H l Above Hiuithfield hit ) Pitteburg, Pa. : im OTIfKCANTILR KURKAU, Hrt ntrr Klrtl-rlif" IlirMWMIj ■nd Slctbankul r >mc9 • fltUlmW. r» 434 Fourth A venue, 8-HMf Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN ANNOUNCES < Their Great Semi-Annuali Sacrifice Sale ;For the Entire Month of Jan.. 04: > Commencing Tuesday, Jan. 5. k i This is our 22nd Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale cf new, , ( clean up-to-date Dry Goods, Tailor Made Suits, Wraps, , Skirts and Waists This semi-aunual event awaited by I hundreds of discriminating women, WITH THE BEST ASSORTMENTS AND MOST TEMPTINGLY LOW t PRICES OF YEARS. ; Dress Goods Sacrifice Sale of Black and Colored Dress Goods. 1-3 to 1-2 less than former prices. This sale includes all dress goods. No stock reserved. It means $1 goods for 62 l-2c per yard. It means 50c goods for 25c per yd. | Garment Prices Sharply Cut Down > This means dollars saved to everyone who purchases > a Tailor Made Suit, Wrap, Skirt, Silk or Laundried ' Waist, or Fur garment, during this Sacrifice Sale. Mil > linery included in this sale. > : Underwear IVlust Go ► ' Underwear Values Extraordinary. > Hosiery Values Extraordinary. > Wonderful reductions in every department, and on > every dollar's worth of merchandise in this store. ;our Record is Our Guarantee :Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. * I Sell Phone 3"*. ■1 t I r > People's Phone l-! 6. » " DR. M FORBES 737 Ohio Street, ALLEGHENY, HA. Cures Cancer without cutting; removes tumor and all face blemishes. Molew juiu birthmarks removed. AddKlon s *». hlec tric Belts for $!, the next :J0 davs—for Rheu matism. Liver and Kidney Trouble. Ladies , treated In strict confidence. Agent* wanted , for Belts and Ladles Remedies. No Cure. No Pay President of Hospital for Ladies. 11-lIMKi-Grn MME. BARTLETT'S MASSAGE PARLORS. Mnr. Bartlett, assisted by a New York . masseur and beauty specialist; magnetic, ' electric, vapor naths, scalp treat ment, massage; bust development. :«4 Federal St., Allcßheny City, Pa. Room 12, Third Floor, Above Scott's. 11-2B nil-ly , fflw » lirxad wlnolns Educatloa— Educatiaf i j"i'U7 men and women to meet Ihr demand of tnl | 11.commercial ace-Forclrrulsnaddrea* ) f, DUFF a SONS. Gth ft Liberty Ave.. PltUburj.P*. £H»CB«f.S ICR'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Is Naff. Always reliable Lad I fa. ni.it DrtiKftai fbl l lllllHMl Itw K*«.l.lslf In K«i ant' <>}ol«fl Metallic btixr"*, Wtthtl with blu® ribbon. Take no other. He ft/a* dniivcroot •übatl* lullon«»nd lualtAllons. Bui t y or send ie. in ntAmpi fo r l*arfl<'ul«»**». Twiil moiiUlß unil •• lU'llt'T for I.a«tir«.** in If tier, bv rrturn YImII. 10,<MN» Testimonials. Hold bj ail I/ruif«iHts. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL Og. 9109 Square. PIRIUL, WS MulUt mmmmK L. C. WICK, DKALXB RN Ll/HBRR *»«• •-! • ■■ HLHLL'L 9 madam^f«\^DeafVsl 1 A safe, certain n lit r StippreaaM I ■ Menstruation. NmtrkiwfiitolwL Batl ■ Huiv! Bpeedyl B*llllwtiM OumMNd ■ lor money Refunded. Hm> prepaid (Or ■ ■ fl.oo per inn. Will Mud thorn on trial to ■ ■ l>»: juil'l for when relieved. Kampli * Krce, H B UWITTO MTDICAL CO., »O» 14. »« J K<»ltl in IJutler a* the ffeutre Ave Headaches Cur«d With Glasses. Artificial Iy*«. liugcne Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIAN* 111.1 I'KSf* AVKMT., OPP. riaicaviLDiiiu, fitthicrci. J-IV-ly NO ffifnSMß he cured in 45 minutes. Lum;i JAW, uplinta and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about thin now method sent free to horse owners by T M CL.ru H. Knoxdale, Jefferson Co.. Pa MlliTllA *I "UI'TTVWN, DTH) Mh Ave I'll Uhuru, l it., Cut) sell your Itcal Kntiite, Kttrrtl or Iluslnsna. Corri'M" odetice solicited. AI.I. IHIKHAI TIONK coannrMi AI. I>o Vol" v»«NT TO DELL your farm or other retil estat-e? i fan di»lt for you. fetid inn full particular* ut od.-e , w i : j '■ >H*f KorwjFß, Ml I*' i. • < •'•K ' Hi.ott,, W s. & F. WICK, HKALEUHIN Hough and Worked Lurnbor of *!1 Klndi Do or*, Hash and Mouldings Oil Well itlys a tally. OfticP and Y ard K < uur.lr.phum and Monroe Htj prir W«it I'otio I>«ipol, Wf-rf fV 4 "~HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES' Ta!l OR-MADE SUITS and RIDING HABITS, 4597 Foebe* Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. KEEP OUT THE COLD FROM YOUR SYSTEM WITH AN OCCASIONAL GLASS OF LEWIN'H WHISKEY—STRAIGHT. OR WITH A LITTLE HOT WATER ALWAYS IN STOCK HXCH. LAKOK, OTHROIT. (H I KKMIKIXKK, ir.m»«R, THVKPI9V, «IBSON. DILI.IKia.K. BRIOUKPOIT. and offer them to you 6 year old at |1 per full guart, 8 quarts £> 00, GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, £ 00 per §al lon. we pay express charges on all mall orders of |3 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALX DEALERS IN WIJIES AID LIQUORS, Ito 14 Smith field St, formerly 411 WaUr It., PITTSBURG. PA. 'Fbocct: Bell 311* P. k A. 14U. ADJUSTABLE PIN. ■UMI» tho r " 4< 'ACME?' CjM much «uj»orlor to -toy F" WtMrSXi it other Btretclirr. Our U N«w Patent Adjiiatable An Uy w . ; lv2r"kfTß»Jf ' I'in lMves tin* scalk>J>i In their natural shape; doaa not weaken the ton; li of ampin tuiigtti. vary practical and a jjreat ImproTtf maut. pon't fall to axamlnelt. At your dcMM.of |CKB H'K'U. CO., Allefbwy, Pm l-T -«.Jy M C. WAGNE* ARTIST PHOTO 9RAPH 91 130 South Main tjf, ' H. MILLER, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE snd rfEAL E6TAT * r. Room fiO*, Bu'W Comity National Liiiik build mr. pe tl|n free, oppoii/j tkr kTJ « Old Postoffkc, fig Theodore Vogeliy, Pig*? Veal Er'at* and YLEE[ Iniiiratce Agency, 238 S. Mala SI Balltr, Pa. If y»u have |irn|.«rty to tell, trfulc. or rent or. waul to huy or rent ci»ii, write or üboD3 w , list Mailed Upon Applicilioi Dr. Miney Pavidscn. Hydrutherai.i-ntic Santttarinm trnd Nat ural Healing Institute. I treat FnhirKfd Win*, l«mn of Vitality, I'rotttntorrhiH. lirltrhis IhnrHif. Itlivumt- I Km. |tlu<J<i<*r. *lr ( I.h(< opiit hy, .Vasaiiv* I HM trl. al Tr» ai NN ntN. OVTII Vapor, Fhownr. nil other local ifcpplk'Wtloiia. Sunlturlu na: I ■ Si iHM-a Min i, J'iil wlmig Pa. Tak«' Fifth uv* ituv earn K<*t «'f ut No. aiUU. j,M. . , ... t-i tali KOWALSKY GAS ENGINE CO ■JSPt* it iinufii'Mureru of Hnuii TL t.Ah ai.<l<.,\*uMNr. JCMIINR /ffluTv lor Mnt.ii.iarv ami Ma'iue ■ WlXjro Ki Klneaitnd A ut<>tn< >l >1 l«-n. l\n» alnky Miiiplli'tly II I*. viKWiaf i'.. r liltti'KMnhit I'uiup- '"it »'>« i . Htitiolitu l-'iir i ui.d .• 'I'ATIWBK: ( PA: 3I Don't Know That? That Hin-n'e (Jreafnpvy ami H'Uf dfpot at Iliii'leHr .of 417 South Muiit nlie»'t in in optratioj? WELL, IT I ! And if jon wait good Milk, Cr- am, Creamery Butter or Butter milk, call and *•© UH or watch f>r oiw wagok * People'a Phone i:to roll Vhone 1108. ASK YOUR (JR(X:ER for Ktewj'a lioilt'd < Tiller in i 4 uart jars- We unarnntee jur product* pore and free froin any adnltcratlon. I. H. STEENS CREAMERY.