Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 21, 1904, Image 1

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| SALE »
0 Starts Jan. 23. at 9 o'clock in the Morning. 0
O Every heavy garment in our store must be sold,
© regardless of cost. This is the store that is a little
© over one year old and has made a wonderful record for 2
© Itself. We have but two sales a year —one at this
© time, and the other in August —and when we say sale
© we mean an honest sacrifice of wearing apparel for
§men and boys. We do not have much room in this
small space to tell you about this wonderful sale, but g
will quote you a few prices:— X
0 Men's heavy fleeced lined underwear, worth 50c. sale price, 29e. J?
0 One lot cf boys' heavy winter underwear, worth 252, sale price, I Or.
One lot of men's heavy working coats, worth $1 25 and fl 50, sale
V price. 00c. _
One lot of boys' knee pants sail*, sizes from 9 to 16, at i regular price.
Jc One lot of men's and boys' suit*, worth sf> to $7, sale price, $B l 75. ft
One lot men's and boys' overcoats, worth ffJ to $7. sale price, $3 <■">.
All 50c overalls, 39c. V
All 50c working shirts. 39c. ©
jc We have bargains all through the store. a
Remember the date and come early before the good numbers are V
0 all picked out 0
§ Green § young, §
© One-price Clothiers and Hatters,
J? 118 South /Vlain Street. 0
ne After-Bargain Offers.. g
X R«duc*d and Again Reduced- Uk
ff Ladies' Shirt Waists, this season's goods, 35 per cent off. Big bar-
M gains In ladies' walking skirts. Dressing sacques, formerly 50c, now 38c. Uk
R More handsome ones formerly 75c, now 48c Elegant ones, sold at
U| SI.OO and $1.25, now 68c. The best, cheap at f 1.50, now 98c.
2 Portiers 25 percent off Great Reductions in Lace £
B Curtains
Ire Children's Ladies' and Men's Wear- Seasonable
mk Bargains for Everyone
« Children's fleece lined underwear reduced to 15c each. Ladies' 50c
JpP fleeced underwear now 38c. Lot of ladies' wool underwear. $1 goods, W
now 58c Men's heavy fleeced 50c underwear, now 38c. Swits Conde
wool underwear, now 68c. Men's colored 25c cashmere socks, now 19c.
U A lot of men's 50c neckwear, now 25c.
S Many Other Bargains Uk
f"I Send in Your Mail Orders. «
Great Bargain Sale-
An Immense Stock of Seasonable Footwear to be closed
ont in order to reduce our extremely large stock.
On many lines prices are redneed 25 per cent.
oakef A Bowman's $4 fine shoes in hand turns and welts, reduced to $2 25
|ladjpß : fine ahqee, regular price $2.50, reduced |o 1 <>■"•
Ladies' ttn* shoet<, regular price |i.fco, reduced t0......,,,, * ft.l
Ladies' good Kangaroo Calf, every day shoes, reduced to 0.l
Misses' fins shoes, all sizes, regular price $1.25, reduced to 95
One lot Children's fine shoes, size 4 to 8. reduced to 45
One lot Infants' fine shoes, sizes 0 to 4, reduced to 19
Men's fine shoes, Box Calf, Vici Kid and Patent Leather, regular price
$3.50 ond $4.00, reduced to.'. 2 SO
Men's fine Satin Calf shoes, regular price $1.50, reduced to 95
one lot Men!s fine slippers reduced tc ; 5Q
Qn§ lof Mentg heavy ihoes, regular price 12.00, reduced to ........ ISO
fine Jot Boys' 4»® SfWa Calf ghoes redaoed fc0!.... 95
One lot Youths' fine Satin Calf shoeg reduced tq. i •;•••;; •• ? ®4
Qne lof Little Gen|e' fine Satin Calf re4nce4 t0......... 75
One lot Boys' gelf.acting rubheps reduced tO : ' ::;
25 per cent. Off
on Felt Boots and Overs, Warm-lined Shoes and all Warm
lined and Felt Slippers, also balance of our stock of Leggins
Repairing dane in either Leather or Rubber Goods.
John sickel,
128 South Main St.. Butler, Pa.
!"£! Remodeling I:f ]
********* v **********
. Sale .
Nothing reserved. Winter goods are to be
beginning Saturday, January 9th, and continuing until
•Jantiaiy 25th. "
We mnat empty °y r shelves ot all oqr winter goods
regardless of prides, as immediately after we intend to
make some extensive alterations on oqr gtorc, and wuet
m»ke room |or |he Turkmen. Nqthitig must retrain of
stock to be jn |hejr \fay. Y®Bi we will pvtu sell at a loss
to clean out everything in short order.
If yon are waiting for prices to tumble on winter
goods there is no need of you waiting longer. Come in
and pick what you want and save from 1-4 to 1-2 of our
already low prices. See circulars for particulars. ...
Mm W
I Wotrfi " I Cor ' Mal!1 antl Cunningham
I TO- I " -:V Street?.- j| fgffe |
i °F°¥ | T! 1 ? Q??S, Sl'tl !! Urow I
********** ... Handsome Front. ... ■
H§ We are over loaded on BOYS ami Girls' Seho;>l S an I must nn
fl load regardless of cost; all size?, all ntyl»-H, all and all must £o ISS
at slaughter prices.
n This is one of the greatest Bargains in Sch.xil c h >es ever .fff-n-d to fT?
{S the public. They a.-e all clean, new goods made this se ison for us and ( '«J
I represent some of the very best manufacturers iu the country.
1 See Our Big Bargain Counters. f
3S We have just heaped them np with Pennine Bargains, all seasonable. rS
9 goods for all »tses They are assorted in different lots, each lot marked "jfl
M in plain figures, so you <'an look them nil over at your own lei-tire. pjj
■ Bring yoar whole family and a very little money and see whit we can |||
1 Holiday Slippers go at Fraction of First Cost. §
m We have put on sale the balance of our Men's. Women's, Boys' and U j
■M Girls' Holiday Slippers and marked them at fraction of real worth. If
m you have neglected to provide yeurself with :t pair of thest- comfortable. J< |j
9 easy Slippers, now is your chance; came before your size is .roue.
H Large Stock of Dorothy Dodd and K. D. & Co. Co. p
JB Fine Shoes for Ladies.
■ The Most Complete Line of Walk Over and W. L, §|
U Douglass Fine Shoes for Men we have ever Carried
Is When it comes to High Cut Working Shoes or Felt
9 and Rubber Goods we can down the world in both
ffi prices and variety of goods. Come in and see what fes
M we are doing.
C. €. (Miller,
§P 215 S. Main St, Butler, Pa., Opp.wite Hotel Arlington. |
9C%m <SBXm
8 Clearance Sale 1
The special Bargain Prices advertised for our Clear-
ui ance Sale will be continued until stocks are properly t*
reduced. If you did not get to this sale, come now and S
* get some of the bargains. jn
| Cloaks and Furs &
■) Must all be sold regardless of cost.
& Silks, Velvets, Waistings, Dress Goods, and all
Of goods sacrificed. &
yj Bargain Prices in every department and new bargains •§
g added daily. jfj!
m Remnant Sale Next Week, £
|L. Stein Son, I
vxxxx&x apagag asacx-a
Epidemic Sale of
Men's Suits
Men's Overcoats
Boys' Suits (long pants)
Eioy§ : Overcoats"
Boys' Suits (knee pants)
Boys' Suits, 3 pieces
Boys' Blouse Suit§
Mejvs Punts, tor dress wear
Men's Pants, for business wear
Men's Pants, for everday wear
Boys' Long Pants
Boys' Knee Pants
Prices on all the above goods "are at about 1-3 and 1-2
former price.
If you are In need of anythfng in the line of cl othing
tu us.
Don't put It off Come now.
Schaul & Nast ?
13? South Main It,, Sutler.
■ Jp Merchant Tailor. Jg R
I Fall and Winter Suitings I
■ V? North Main St. |
gqppujß CO.,
now theip
Suits from sl3 to $oO.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agri c
ably aromatic. It is received through tho
| nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole snr
j face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
] sell the 50c. sizo; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you ore sure to continue
the treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
I to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
i into the nasal passages for catarrhal tro'i
j Wet, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm iu
' liquid form, which will be known as Ely's
, Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
| spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
, mail. The liquid form embodies the med-
I icinal properties of the solid preparation.
gl The new syrup with tLe new flavor pi
tfi that everybody loves. Good for >- r
PA all borne uses, from griddle •
cakes to candy. Allprocers, Ar
u "d 50 crnt tint, jfffr
Is it acting well? Bowek
regular? Digestion good? I:
not, remember Ayer's Pi 1: s
Want your moustache or tear J a
beautiful brown or rich black ? Use j
. 50cts.of drugeittio'R P Ha SiCo fii.fc-ji f:
IT For Rheumatism,
Cold in Chest, |
Sore Muscles, I
Stiff Joints. R
■ AT ALL DRUGGISTS. 2So, 50c, SI 00. M
Indigestion, |
j Dyspepsia j
I can bs cored by 1
I Try it and if it j
doesn't help you we |
wilt pay back jour 1
money. I
106 N. Maio St.
Many a fine piece of **f
•P silver,watch or locket w
V is spoiled by machine W
or poor hand engrav- w
rj? ing, we eDgrave with- jf?
•f? out extra charge on
•Ji all gooq 5 t old by usj
iji and when we. say ji;
iji engraved we mean Ji
3; engraving tl»at you 3;
!r will not be ashamed :r
H? to send anywhere, |r
j| Ralston & Smith, j|
4? "No Fancy Prices," & j
Engravers and Watchmakers,
•J? 110 W. .Tetfergftu »tr«et. i
!£■ If
| $
h 3, CO
Insurance <Xr Real Estate
117 E Jsfferson St..
SOTbEfi, if A.
| $
I $
o o
* Hy 'harry fain *
* *
o o
« ( "ivrlijrit, 1. 3, bj T. C. UWUrt «
o o
It was close and sultry. No breath of
air stirred the pines, and the mullein
stalks beside the roadway were druoped
flat to earth. Even the drone of the lo
lusts seemed faint and dispirited, and
the occasional cry of a blue jay iu the
woods was far more In the nature of a
protest than anything else.
Ou the top rider of the rickety rail
fence beside the road snt Mr. Thomas
Morley Gray, smoklnc v■ ry methodic
ally. as he did all things, au ancient
brier pipe. A huge pine s'.iailed his
perch, hut for all that Mr. Gray wr.s
perspiring and evidently ill at ea«*.
Ever}' few minutes he looked at his
watch, and every time he did this he
grunted disgustedly and uttered an ex
pletive under his breath.
When an hour had passed—# Inn?,
dragging hour—during which he had
alternately fanned himself with his hat
nti'l waged unequal combat with the
mosquitoes, which despite the smoke
had declared hostilities. Gray put on
his hat with a determined air and slid
down from the fence. As he did so he
E2w a cloud of (lust moving along the
roadway iu his direction. Then out ot
the dust cloud emerged a yellow dsg,
trotting along heavily, with his tongus
lolling from Ills mouth.
At the sight of the man the dog gave
vent to a series of joyful barks. Hs
came the remaining distance in long
bounds, and when he reached the man
be stood before him, his tail in violent
"Billy," said Gray, stopping to pat
the panting beast—"good old Billy!
What—what the"— He broke off sud
denly In surprise, for tied to the dog's
collar was a violet envelope of smaH
dimensions, and the superscription on
It was his own name. Gray snatched
the envelope and tore it open.
"Dear old Tommy," he read.
"Humph!" he Interpolated. "I know
these 'ilear old Tommies'—trouble." Ha
again turned to the note.
I can't read Chaucer benenth ttl« big
?lne tree with you this afternoon because
m Koing out automobllinK with Mr. Ben
nett. Excuse haste and brevity, but he is
waiting for me now. I shall show Billy
your golf eluhs here and tell him to find
you. which I'm sure he'll do. Now. don't
be angry and make me call you "Tommy
Green Eyes" again. Trusting Billy may
find you soon, HELEN.
Xlr. Gray surveyed the cloudless s.ky
for several tumultuous moments.
"Now, wouldn't that"— he began.
The sentence died In an inane gurgle,
k«L' i * ■*' i' *
while Gray's face grew wriithfuliy red,
and great beads uf perspiration stood
on hi& ikireiiead. Then he tore a leaf
from liis notebook, hastily scrawled a
few words and tied It to Billy's collar,
where the other note had reposed.
He arose and, followed by the dog,
stalked down the road. When they
came to the fork, Gray pointed down
the left hand ro<\s wild sternly:
"Homu, liitiy. iiome, sir." After he
had watched the dog trot off deject
edly Into the dust he himself went
slowly up the other road.
Late that evening Bil'j? scrambled
into the muiuck wliere his mistress
lay.. She saw the note and iu the dim
Jight from the.window beside her read
liiese words:
My Dear Helen—l trust you'll have a
pleasant afternoon. Undoubtedly it will
be much preferable to Chaucer beneath
the pine. Billy reached me after I had
waited several hours for you. The t
passed very pleasantly, to Vhe vil
lainous hf">.t nud v warius of famine strlck
t-u mosquitoes. Being the soul of devo
tion, I shall be delighted any afternoon
in the future to go through the (pcjulal
tion again for the sak{» th* reward ot a
similar note tiling we you are automo
iiiiini,' wHU the latest arrival in town.
The next afternoon, as Gray wai
knocking a ball about the links, Billy
I gain caine trotting up with the violet
envelope attached to Id a ooJU»p. In
the shade of aumae bushes Graj
rea§ ven tents;
Your latest outburst duly received per
Billy, Mr. Tommy Green Eyes. Pray,
don't subject yourself to heat and mos
quitoes on my account. HELEN.
The note Biiiy carried back read ai
Thanks. I had no intentiox* of doing «o.
T. M. Q.
Then f«i" a week there was silence
between them. Gray in his auger care
fully avoided the Pennlson cottage In
his walks along the shore. Every after
noon, however, as he sat on the piazza
of the cacino he saw Helen Dennison
and Ilaner.ett dash by in an automo
bile, whit J u very probably accounts for
Mr. Tll Morlcy Gray's proneness
to kno< m'luiu the bay in his catboat,
Carrying full sail in a double reef
bro« 7.0.
Early one evening Gray was crossing
the lawn of the casino when he heard
a mighty yelping and ki-yi-ing in the
U« turned back to lind Billy and
0. briudle bull terrier hard at it. With
Judicious kicks he managed to got them
apart; then his heart came Into his
throat, fat attached to Billy's collar
was a bit of violet envelope. Gray
snatched it eagerly. It had been sadly
mutilated in the fray, but a few words
In ono corner of the paper were still
legible. "I was Just trying to make
you Jealous," he read, and in another
place he made out, "I'm lonesome for
you, you foolish" —
Mis-s ITolen P'.'HUfson, sitting on tho
broad v audi of the cottage, saw a
jtwute oultit trotting sedately across
the lawn. It was Bill} - , a wreath of
oak leaves about his neck ami tied to
his tali a small silk ftatf, which flut
tor ■: 'or. * . I.i :1 T rromiueut
on v.-, . h was u» envelope aJ-
My Diir Ilo'nn—«ha r«aJ &r.J lau;h«d
softly—l rwvivc! but the rasrust frag
mor.ts of jrctr n«.tr for Rllty trlnl co»-
cluslons with a bull *.:h
tri ue r«st;!ts Nevertheless enott(h re
mained to give me considerable enlinhten
mer.t. Til!}-'? appesrsnce when he reaches
you—lf he doesn't K*t into other d!tn<_-»l
--t!ee on the way—ls the result of rsy poor
attempt to expr.-ss my state of mind.
We'd better make it tarl} - fall and spend
our honeymoon In the Derkshlres.
• **««*•
And Mr. Thomas Morley Gray, who
strode up the gravel walk at that mo
ment. beheld Billy struggling from the
embrace of a young woman, who
blushed furiously as she saw him
standing there.
The Deun'n DeHeaey.
I)r. Plgoti, the dean of Bristol, had
been pointing out the openings iu
church work to r.n audience of clerics
and lay women of devoted lives. In
getting down to specific cases, as he
confesses in his book, "Odds and
Ends," he said:
"Next to opportunity we think of the
Instruments fitted to the opportunity.
Naturally our thoughts turn to widows
who are 'widows indeed,' whom God
has taken aside from the world by sor
row for a life of devotion to his serv
The dean paused. lie urns thinking
secondly of unmarried women. Why
he did not say uumarried women he
cannot understand. He thinks be may
have been nervous about using tbe old
fashioned word spinster, so he said:
"Next we think of those women
whose prospects of marriage are slowly
There was an instant roar of laugh
ter, in which the archbishop and some
of the married lay women Joined. The
discomfited dean deprecated tbe trti
seemly merriment as best he could.
But he did not mend matters greatly,
for be went on:
"Many of whom I hare In my mind's
There was another burst of laughter,
and I>oan Pigou went hurriedly on to
A Qnentlon of "SerTe."
Tbe hotel barber shop has its little
Joke as well as any other part of the
In the tonsorial establishment of ome
of the downtown hostelries the other
duy a drummer who knew all the doc
tors was being operated upon. Near by
a swell barber shop had been set up In
business, with plate mirrors, mahog
any furniture and the like, and was
making a great splash for business.
"How's the new barber shop getting
on next door?" asked the drummer of
one of the barbers.
"Oh, so-so," was the reply. "How
ever, we manage to keep at work," he
added, Just to show tkat though there
may be "butters in" competition is the
life of trade.
"I suppose you do get a few still who
don't see the other place," remarked the
By this time the barber was aarcas
"Yes, indeed," he said. "They wan
der in here occasionally—a few like
yourself, yoti know—and I suppose aft
er they get in they don't have nerve
eno»';;h to go out."
"Not at all, said the drummer. "X
:!i it's acr~ tUct t
And the laugh was on the house.—De
troit Free Fress.
*>»r« Her Hair Short Jfow.
As she stepped bareheaded into the
elevator la a Broadway business build
ing all the men in the car admired her
wealth of chestnut hair. It towered In
a pompadour tier, built up mansard
fashion, above her rosy little cheeks.
l!ut it glistened suspiciously. There
was a smell of brilliantine, benzine or
iomething like that. One of those men
who cannot go around without a cigar
bl.3r.fug as fiercely as the one that Wil
liam Gillette used in the famous dark
scene of "Sherlock Holmes" got in at
the eighth floor and crowded his way
behind the girl. Somehow or other the
cigar and tbe hair came together and
at once gat busy. Tbe pompadour flz
ftiet), sputtered and sizzled like a pin
wheel. One man put his hat on it, the
elevator man stopped the car, and the
shrieking girl was hustled into the hall
with a badly damaged silk tile »ur
mounting her neat wash blouse. The
Are was out In five stands, witbout the
assistance of h««d grenades. The man
With tbe cigar said be was sorry and
asked if there was anything he could
"Sorry !" shouted the girl. "Do! What
can you do? You York
Leie Maleaty.
The two bearded monarchs met and
kissed each other.
"Well," observed the feline quadruped
that bad witnessed tbe performance
from a safe distance, "I believe I would
rather be a cat and have merely my
historic privilege of looking at a king."
—Chicago Tribune.
A Mean Old Thlnf,
"Dobley, that Canton economist, is
about the stingiest on record."
"What's he done now?"
"Why, he bad a patent dishwasher
attached to his wife's elastic exercis
ers, and she's had to give up physical
culture in consequence."—Baltimore
A Severe Task.
"You should strive to appeal to the
Imagination and the human interest of
your pupils," said the principal.
"I do," answered the teacher, "but it
is very hard to convince the boys that
Hector and Achilles were as great men
as Corbett and Jeffries."— Washington
Marital Harmony.
Tipping—l'm afraid the Baikcra won't
get along very well together.
Fytcher—l don't see why not. Tbey
are wholly in harmony, you know. She
thinks there is nobody in the world
who can come up to her husband, and
he is certain of it.—Boston Transcript.
One Exception.
Tommy—When you waut to call a
person selfish, you always say he's
looking out for No. 1, don't you?
Fa—Unless you're speaking of a wid
ow, my son. She's always looking out
for No. 2.—Philadelphia Press.
Hon He Fell.
"The last I heard of him he was
climbing the ladder of success."
"Yes, but he was trying to go up so
fast that he overlooked a place where
there was a rung missing."—Chicago
Fatienee— You say that pianist is a
kindly disposed person?
Patrice —Yes; he married a deaf wo
man.—Yonkers Statesman.
Flat Carionlty.
"We have decided to take up house
"How high up?" Cincinnati Com
mercial Trihuue.
' - . - - PAST.
I ltc<-» I ..at V»cro Once <•»-
' uic: . t!3! ». rc \J»\ Kirfl)' Seen.
Uecent URiitii.a of the disappearance
i of the $2.50 piece from circulation
i and the premium this coin commands
I as a curio lias set many to rummaging
' in old pocketbooks and bottoms of cash
! boxes and drawers in search of odd or
out of date coins. Some have found a
$2.50 piece, but not many. The $3
piece, once quite common, but always a
sort of cuHbsity, is oftener found, and
many have specimens of the little gold
coins representing 25 cents and 50
cents which were not minted by the
government and probably have not so
much gold in them as they represent.
They used to pass as coin, but were
never in general circulation, being so
easily lost that they soon became
scarce. One of the handsomest coin
relics seen is a $lO gold piece bearing
the mint stamp of 171)9. It is larger
than the present $lO piece. The owner
has it hung in a band and wears it as
a charm on his wateh chain. The own
er says lie refused an offer of §l5O for
this relic. The old octagonal SSO pieces
were quite common In California in
early days, when gold dust was largely
used as a circulating medium. They
were made of pure gold, and, while
they had not the elegant finish of the
gold coins minted by the government
in these days, many still remember
them as the handsomest coins they ever
saw. Many people now would consider
them handsome on account of the SSO
In them.—New York Tribune.
The Custom One of Anelent Orlgrin.
The Yale Candle.
The custom of burning a large log
of wood which is known as the Yule
log is very ancient in its origin. All
through the middle ages every farm
house. cottage and castle in England
burned its Yule log upon the hearth,
the log I>eing dragged in with much
At Yuletlde when the great log flamed
In chimneypiece and laugh and Jest
went round.
The word "Yule" itself seems to be
derived from the Anglo-Saxon "Geol,"
meaning December. Earlier still the
Yule, or midwinter, feast Is seen in its
most flourishing state among the Norse
men, who commemorated the fiery sun
wheel with a mighty feast. They be
lieved that during the twelve nights
frotn Dec. 25 to Jan. C they could trace
the actual movements of their great
Odin, or Odhinn, the god of storms,
and other deified beings on the earth.
The Yule log, with Its cheery blaze,
comes to us across the centuries as a
dim memory of the fires lit to celebrate
the setting out of the sun on his north
ward journey toward the light and
warmth of summer.
A large candle known as the Yule
candle used also to light the Christmas
eve festivities. It was a bad omen If
the candle burned out before the even
ing was at an end.—Detroit Free Press.
Keep to the UlKlmari and Slinn the
Back Altera »t Life.
Keep to the broad highways of hope
and cheerfulness. Expect to succeed.
Think success, and you will succeed.
Keep out of the back alleys of gloom
and pessimism. Join the procession of
the cheerful, the willing and the hope
ful. Be sanguine. Know the pleasures
of living. Enjoy the sunshine of hope.
Keep away from the scavengers and
ragpickers who infest the back alleys
of life. Your pessimist is your scaven
ger, your ragpicker. He may be a nec
essary evil, a boil as it were on the
body social, but too much of him is fa
tal. He never gave the world a smile.
He never contributed to the good cheer
of any human being. Ho never lifted
the gloom from any distressed soul. He
Is the antithesis of progress. He Is the
pollvwog which in the evolution of life
Is continually dragging backward to
ward the slimy past, resisting the prog-
ross of development which must go on
with or without him.
Beware of the encroachments of the
carping, pessimistic spirit. It is a hardy
plant. It takes root easily in the mind,
and, like the thistle, when once It gains
a foothold it is well nigh impossible to
uproot it, but it cannot live in an at
mosphere of sunshine and cheerfulness.
Therefore, keep to the highways.
Keep out of the back alleys.—Exchange.
children's W'clsrht.
Some curious experiments have been
made at one of the royal philanthropic
institutions in Copenhagen. For some
years back the seventy boys and girls
In the place have been carefully weighed
every day in groups of fifteen and un
der. Thereby It is proved that the chil
dren gain weight mostly in autumn
and in the early part of December.
From that time till the end of April
there is scarcely any increase in weight.
More remarkable still, there is a dimi
nution till the end of summer.
Ilobaon'n (hole*.
Tom—l've been bidden to her wed
ding, but I'm not going.
Pick—But your absence will surely
bo noticed. Do you think you can af
ford that?
Tom—Well, when you can't afford to
have your presents noticed your ab
sence Is imperative.—Philadelphia Press.
Where It Sbonld Keeln.
"But why do you have your hero
marry in the first chapter?" they asked.
"Because," replied the author, "it has
always seemed absurd to me to end a
novel just where a man's troubles real
ly begin. That's where you should be
gin the story."—Chicago Fost.
When a man tells you that all wom
en arc delusions and snares. It's dough
nuts to fudge he has been snared by ft
delusion.—Cooking Club.
No Apology Needed.
As the car struck a curve the man
with a strap lurched forward and step
ped clumsily on the sitter's shoe.
"I beg your pardon," he said. "I
didn't mean to step on your foot"
"Don't apologize," replied the sitter,
smiling. "It isn't mine."
"Isn't yours?" asked the stander, rais
ing his eyebrows.
"Not yet," replied the sitter. "You
see, it's wood, and I'm buying it on the
Installment plan."—Cincinnati Times-
A Battered Lefend.
A hotel In Switzerland bore on one
of its walls the time honored inscrip
tion. "Hospes, salve!" ("Welcome, stran
ger!") After rebuilding the legend had
to be restored, but the painter, who
must have had some experience as a
traveler, made a very slight alteration
In one of the words and caused it to
read, "Hospes, solve!" (Fay, stranger!")
The Dnr«.
The days are ever divine. They come
and go like muffled and veiled figures
sent from a distant friendly party, but
they say nothing, and if we do not usi
the gifis they bring tin y carry then
as silently away.— Emerson.
No. 3.
What the Genuine Weevil la, Hon It
Look* and lion It Worki.
The cotton boll weevil has attained
such notoriety that those who have
never seen It may linve some curiosity
about the looks of so formidable a pest,
while those who seek to shun its ac
quaintance will find some hints toward
that end in the following by Frederick
W. Mally of Texas:
The full grown weevils vary In size
from three-sixteenths to three-eighths
of an lncHi in length. They are quite
active when traveling, but tly rather
The color of the adult varies some
what, depending upon the age of the
Weevil examined. A newly transformed
weevil is whitish all over. As it gets
older the body becomes chocolate in
color. The wings at first turn a clear
wine color and then darker, later be-
* A C
IA. adult beetle; B, pupa; C. larva. All
enlarged. Vertical lines show actual
size. J
coming slightly hairy or pubescent.
Down the middle of the upper surface
of the thorax this pubescence becomes
somewhat longer and so dense that it
forms a whitish line. Some adults are
found whose body color is essentially
black instead of a dull chocolate.
Again, some are more distinctly light
brown. The pubescence soon wears oft
somewhat, and then the weevils look
darker. This accounts for the frequent
confusion among planters as to what
the genuine weevil is and how it looks.
Th<' .ctive feeding period of the
adult weevils is during the day. At
night they travel and tly but very lit
tle. It has often been noted that a
weevil observed in any particular
square at sundown Is found within the
identical square at sunrise unless dis
turbed during the night. During the
vigorous growing season of cotton the
weevils go about from plant to plant
by short sluggish flights. When cotton
Is knee high or more. It usually hap
pens that they fly only across to the
next row before striking another plant,
on which they light.
Early in spring, when the adults
come out from winter quarters, they
nre voracious eaters and feed readily
on any young cotton to be found. They
feed for the most part by getting up
among the developing leaf buds be
tween the seed leaves, into which they
eat, just as they do the young squares
later. In spring, before squares are
formed on cotton, the weevils often
eat a small hole into the tender grow
ing portions of the stems or bra. e" --a.
Tfc~r h-rc a liable-uf euliug iuiu i'
somewhat different from that of eat
ing into a square under cover. The end
of the stout, slightly curved snout of
the weevil is provided with small,
clawlike Jaws, with which it actually
eats a hole rather than bores it, as the
popular notion is.
When preparing to feed on any ex
posed portions of the plant, the weevil
nearly always uses its sharp mandi
bles at the end of the snout to rasp the
outer bark, so as to enable it to get
hold of the ragged ends, which it then
deliberately pulls off and lays on one
side. After doing this it eats the ten
der portions underneath. This process
[A, newly hatched larva In a young
square; B, nearly full grown larva; C.
pupa In a young boll picked from th«
is comparable to peeling an apple be
fore eating it This is not an invariable
habit, but prevails in the majority of
Instances and is important as bearing
upon the methods of poisoning. As
loon as squares are formed on the
plants the weevils at once attack them
and eat holes Into them from behind
the shelter of the involucre, or ruffle.
When hard pressed for squares to eat,
■mull and even large bolls will be
eaten into.
Working: Hotter.
In working butter never slide the
paddle over the surface, as such treat
ment injures the grain. The best meth
od is to remove the milk by using a
gentle downward pressure. Excessive
washing is also injurious to the grain
and general appearance of the article.
Stop churning when the butter fat
globules begin to adhere to each other,
draw off the milk and wash in two wa
ters at About 55 degrees, stirring slowly
and no longer than is absolutely neces
sary to accomplish the purpose, says
tlie American Agriculturist correspond
Bookmaker Wouldn't Lend Money,
but Gave iiooct AdTlce.
Several turfmen were discussing the
sharp methods of a certain bookmaker
who adds to his income by money lend
ing. lie was conceded to be a hard
man to deal with.
"But I'll bet ?."»00 that I can borrow
,000 from him on my personal re
cognizance," said one.
"Done!" answered the crowd simul
taneously, and as he could only stake
one bet they pooled against him.
Thinking he had a sure tiling, lie went
off with an accompanying committee
to see the money lender.
"Mr. Cash" (that wasn't his name), he
said, "these gentlemen have bet me
sooo that I cannot borrow ?t.OOO from
you. I don't need the money, but you
let me have it for a day, and I'll di
vide the bet witli you."
The committee gasped, but the effect
of the cool proposition was unlocked
for. Instead of jumping at the chance
Mr. Cash buttonholed his interlocutor
and said:
"Did you make that bet?"
"I did."
"You bet f ."><*i thiit you could l orrow
money from me?"
' That's what I did."
"Then," in a whisper, "go aud Ut dge."