Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 14, 1904, Image 4
I Victor Liniment Takes Soreness out of Wounds and Sprains, destroys file in Scalds Cures Croup in Pheuma * ra. s all Callous or Hard Lumbago, Pleurisy, Sciatica, and all deep L sealed inflammations. *-Sa!e, Sure, Speedy. Victor Remedies Company offers fioo reward for any certified case of Lockjaw or Biood Poison, in man or beast, res: )t --ing from the kick of an animal, from the insertion of a rusty nail, or from ai y fresh wound, provided Victor Limine;:! is applied strictly according to directions within 3 hours after wound has been re- For further particulars address, VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland. For sale at Reed's Pharmacy Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity sod largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They care the sick. CUBES. PRICES. 1-FeTcn, Congestions, Inflammations. .25 9—Worms, Worm Ferer, Worm Colic... .25 B—Teething, CoUc.CrytaS.WakefulnesS .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 T—Concha, Colds, Bronchitis..; 25 8-Nenralcla, Toothache, Faceache 25 #—Headache, Bick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 1 ©-Dyspepsia. Indlgcstion.Weak Stomach. 2 5 11— Bappreue4 or Painful Period*-... .25 18—White*. Too Profuse Periods 25 gi IS— Ctoop, Laryngitis. Hoarseness 25 14-Saltßhcum, Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .25 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 IS—Malaria. Chills, Ferer and Ague 25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 9®—Whooping-cough .35 27—Kidney Diseases .25 38—Nervous Debility t.OO |l, S# —Crinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25 9T—Grip. Hay Ferer 25 Bold by drugglsU, or sent on receipt of price. I*B- Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual til DUeaie# mailed free. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and in SU., New York. eht ■ ■ ii i Hi MpL TAF-TS PHILADELPHIA ft —DENTAL ROOMS.-- W 39 - 6th Ave., Pittsburg, Pa II ■H We'repRACTICA , .LY doIu K" , eTK r Ti CROWN and BRIBCiE work H T AOL I'LIULMRJ-WHY NOT DO V LJUYOURS? Go" CROWNS U l . M Maud BRIDGE work reduced to jL 1 EV BSS PER TOOTH. Alm the W || J bett ut of Teeth i| ~ ' 3-19-lv ARE YOU USING HARD TIMES LINIMENT? [any people of Butler find re is Nothing its Equal Rheumatism and Lumbago, is, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, nchitis, Paralysis, Sprains Stiffened Joints, ach county of the state will Isposed of to good business ions, who will act as general its for counties, hey to order by the gross 1 the Company and supply local agents and druggists one year from the time • contract is signed. Cash Prize of $15.00 will Jven the general agent, for 7 gross ordered from the ipany. ress all communications to W. J. BLACK, On Sale at Drug Stores I Examined Free of Charge R. L KIRKPATRICK. filer and Graduate Optician Door to Con rt Hotue Butlw Pu PAROID ROOFING. IKOID. The Roofing with NO rAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. rYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. PRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. fLY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first i Cheaper than Gravel, Si ate or Shingles. IMAND for PAROID is world ADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY i»r Facte, Samples and Prices are i if yon will ask us. There's a right way and a rong way of dealing in stocks, ■om my experience, I direct my stomers to follow the right »y. I carry for them grain, stocks bonds, upon low margins. ESTABLISHED I. M. Weaver Slocks and Bonds 223 Fourth Avenue, Bcal office, 213 S. Main St. ntlcr, J. A. REYNOLDS, Manager. GREAT CONVENIENCE. Kothins Like a Telephone In the Home to Benefit lour Neighbors. "Yes," he said to the friend who was enjoying a cigar with him in the Li brary, "I've had a telephone put in." "It's a great convenience, isn't it?' "Oh, a very great convenience!" Just then the telephone bell rang, and he went to see what was wanted. Pres ently his head appeared in the library doorway. "Excuse me a moment," he said. "I've got to run next door and tell Mrs. Brown that some one wants to speak to her. In her pride over the possession of a telephone my wife fool ishly told the Browns to use it when ever they wished, and they've told all their friends." He came back with Mrs. Brown, who devoted several minutes to telling some one at the other end of the line that she was "so sorry baby had a cough." "Nevertheless," he said when Mrs. Brown had departed, "it is a great convenience. Pardon me! There it goes again." A minute or two later he glanced into the room again to say: "Got to run over and tell 3lrs. Jones that her husband can't get home to dinner. Be right back." He came back accompanied by a man who wanted to call up somebody at the club to tell him he couldn't be over that evening. "Say," said the man when he was through, "my friend isn't there yet, but I left a message for him. If he calls up later will you be good enough to run over and let me know what he says?' "Sure." Just then a child appeared at the door with a piece of paper in her hand. "Mamma's dressing to go out and can't come herself," he explained, "so she wanted to know if you wouldn't please call up Jensen's grocery and tell them to send up the things on this list the first thing in the morning." When this was done the host made himself comfortable in the library again. « "As I was saying," he remarked, "the telephone is a great convenience—for the neighbors."—Brooklyn Eagle. He App*ecl*ted. A new picture of some old ruins had been hung on the wall recently. Jonathan—What is that picture, mam ma? Delighted Mamma (to herself)— Chi ldren see and appreciate more than we think they do. I will tell Jonathan all about the picture. (Aloud.) That is a picture of some old ruins in Greece. The figures holding up the roof are carved out of stone and are considered very beautiful- Jonathan (thinking deeply, with a faraway look in his eyes)—Mm! What was the grease for?— Brooklyn Life. Amblacnona. Among a number of notes received by a teacher in excuse for the absence of children was the following: "Dear Teacher—Kindly excuse Min nie for having been absent yesterday, as she fell in the mud on her "way to school. By doing the same you will oblige her mother."—New York Times. Not a Leader. "Do you think your friend would lend himself to a shady political transac tion?" "No," answered Senator Sorghnm. "He might lease himself or rent him self or sell himself outright, but he wouldn't stand any friendly borrow ing."—Washington Star. A Damper to Genlna. "Alas!" exclaimed the despairing poet. "For three hours I have sat here, but haven't written a line!" "I'm sorry for you, dear," said his wife, "but what you need is exercise. Come and help me with, the week's washing."—Atlanta Constitution. Flattery. Nell—l consider that he paid a flat tering compliment to my good sense. Belle—ln what way? Nell—He didn't attempt to say any thing flattering to me.—Philadelphia Public Ledger. Quite True. "T»'yousc believe dat he who hesi tates is lost?" "Yep, if he hesitates In front of a automobile."—San Francisco Exam iner. Behind tbe Scenes. "Help! Help! The prompter has killed the leading woman." "What did she do to him ?" "She called him a stagecoach."—Cin cinnati Commercial Tribune. COLD WEATHER GIRLS. Ilfm nice to meet. In atore or street, t jretty girl, whate'er the weather. Her smile BO sweet, f Her form petite, '■* Induce the man to wonder whether The fabled days Of elves and fays Havo passed or still are here among us. The illusion stays. Though many ways Some other maiden may have strung us. But yet— "Tls the frosty morning beauty as to which I now would speak When each blessed, blooming maiden baa a rose In either cheek. Her eyes a-gleam, I Her breath a-steam. Her lips as red as finest coral; Her face a dream Of peach and cream, Such ravings can't be quite immoral. Her form erect. Air circumspect. And yet she's flesh and blood, they tell us! You'd not suspect The least defect; Her clinging neck furs make you jealous. Ah, yes. 'Tls the frosty morning beauty in whose praise I fain would speak. When each blessed, blooming maiden wears a rose In either cheek. —S. W. Gillilan in Baltimore American. The Itutle Boy. What Willie really lacked was tact. Or else he never would have said That two times three was equal to Tbe faftlrf upon Ilia teacher'j.fr&aO- I The Taffy Pull 8 MW II ■ I Spread CORN SYRUP B "' d - H ■ | is far superior to any other syrup for making taffy or candy ■&., ■V\ of any kind. Try the following recipe. It is convincing. ■■ S V p ~rof.rrup a B If \v thetlmeto prevent boiling over ami burning. \\ hen ® Bj ill fifl co'd water becomes hard, snappy. fcd-i Uot te.vpoonful of rurbonateo Mm 1M 9, \r\ *«r an.l thoroughly. then pour on grew* Pjattera. gy tm |i YV When cool enough to handle without burning the hands, pul. ISz fr.! MUL A little batter rubbed on the hands wOl keep It from_s«cking. J&f K| The more It Is pulled the whltor it becomes. Flavor ■Km**J'-**if -■#*.fr.• '•'** I The Butler County Naiioaal bank, j | ' BUTUER, PA J | OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS THAN ANY f OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY I Capital Paid in $200,000.00 * 1 Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 & Surplus and Profits 195.000.00 — $595,000.00 | # Assets over $2,500,000.00 . | Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000.00. j $ INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time •; I without notice. | Safe Deposit Boxes for THS VERY BEST. We most cordially solicit your business e.ther in person or by mail. | X JOSEPH HARTMAN, President. JXO C*. MOMARLJX. Cashier. * * JOHN' V. RITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C KHL'O, A*£i. Caghier. J |T. p. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSI.EE, Asst C.ienier, I §*** **** *-* ** **************** *->-** CAPITAL ' SURPLUS [1 $200,000.00. $200,000.00. y UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. I Butler Savings & Trust Co. I SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL. Jr., President. n r , X 11. TROUTMAN. Ist Vice Pres. , ~„„vrv;sS ; 1 LOCIS H. STEIN. Treasurer. C. E. CSONENWET7. ASS t 1 reaMir. j» Will continue to do a general banking business at the | old stand and is also prepared to trance t a general Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to g withdrawal without notice. I Standard Trust Company j fIUTfcER, PA. | CAPITAL ------- .$150,000.00 | Paid on Deposits i Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GReeNt/EE, President. C. A. SAIbEy, and Treasurer. 4HNHK »■*** **** *•**» ***•*;&•*** ***#■ Hjt *****-***• ********* * « * * THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL - - ~ " $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS. President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J, F. HUTZLER. Ass't Cashier. ii CAPITAL k' SURPLUS N \ , SCOO.OOQ> SOO ° COO, | | Tffi LICOLH rail Bffi I i K< OF PITTSBUEGH k ! | 533 SMITHFIELD STREET, . g offers to savers, everywhere, the splendid facilities ■ p c£ its Savings Department If j;M F'our Per Oont. Interest j m Oompoundl Somi-annxially. - '^"ir' Why not keep yonf This Year's I Resolution | to have a bank account by placing yonr earnings on deposit at 4 S* per cent, annual intereHt, compounded twice a year, July Ist and j., January Ist, in the Germania Savings Bank Wood and Diamond Streets PITTSBURG, PA. I Great Sacrifice Sale 1 •I* —This Week at— 4| I Rockenstein's Millinery! | jji Pattern and Trimmed Hats at your own price. iji Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ostrich Plumes, Rib- iji bons, Birds, Ornaments, Velvets. ||| DON'T FORGET THE PLACE I Rockenstein's $ 4? 828 South Main Street, Bntler, Pa. -I-tlHl-CMI--I ■ ■ TYPHOID GERMS. The Little Bacteria Which Bred The Epidemic of Typhoid. HE microscope shows that in the m blood of every person suffering MX# from typhoid the little germs can be found as shown above. This disease has almost become epidemic in many cities and towns of the United States this season. They are supposed to get into the water or milk we drink. The germs multiply by growing long and dividing into two. This happens every half hour, so that one germ is capable of producing about one hundred trillion germs in twenty four hours. That is why if they ever get into the water supply of a town they multiply so fast that nearly everybody drinking the water comes down with the disease. There are exceptions, however, and they are the persons whose health is perfect, whose blood is pure, and liver active. When the germs get into a healthv body they are thrown off with the other poisons. Recent Chicago statistics show that one-eighth of all the deaths in the past two years in that city have resulted from pneumonia. PNEUMONIA AND GRIP. These two diseases, together with typhoid, chiefly engross the attention of pur people just now. The best advice we can give is to put the liody into a perfectly sound, healthy condition. Be assured that you have rich, red blood and an active liver. Occasionally take j a good vegetable laxative, such as Dr. j Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, to rid the body of the poisons clogging the canals, pimples, boils, eruptions, extreme weak ness; feelings of nervous exhaustion, coughs and colds are the warning signals which should be heeded. Keep the stomach healthy, the bowels regu lated and the blood pure and rich, and your body is a stronghold against which the germs of these diseases can not make a successful attack. When vou are p3le and feel exhausted or despondent consult nature. "Nature is the real physician in such cases," says Dr. R. Y. Pierce in his book, "The Com mon seissa Medical Adviser." Exercise in ths fresh air and sunlight is of great assistance in keeping the system healthy. Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, who is consulting surgeon to the Invalds' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y., found certain herbs and roots, which wheu laaete iulu an alterative extract (without the use of alcohol), seemed to be the very best means of putting the stomach, blood and vital organs into proper condition. WAfWRK'6 WAV. 1".. 3 seemed to him as close to ii i .H i's way of treating disease as it w.? possible to go. For over a third of a c;ctury his Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery has had a wonderful sale and the cures resulting from its use arc numbered by thousands. It is a tUsue-bud.ltV, belter Ui.ui cod liver oil bocaus- it does not sicken the stom ach, or off;;ud the taste. It strength cm or ren vs ths assimilative or diges tive process in the stomach and puts o i *iithy flesh when the weight of the inv i*i.l is reduced below the normal. y.j t-'.nic could f>e so effective. i_>r ilcohct shrivels up the red blood cj. u-."!' 0 impairing their vitality and ro''.ifi - syjtem of one of its most TO HtiH.TJ *.•!< th -t has been weakened by aH Typhoid, Grip or Pneumonia itl.i'.!,!' s-. Hi ;.ut on healthy flesh so fast *' ! nit- alterative of Dr. Pierce, a i ;i .Medical Discovery." urs, will cure you. We do . k v-v.i t j believe it on our asser .'l, for the p ,- upr< jtoi J iuid inanufacttir _ .'.lj ' Medical Discovery " offer jEberle Bros.A £ PLUMBERS > p Estimates given cn all kinds of work. ? C We make a specialty of ? 1 NICKLE-PLATED, C B SEAMLESS, / J QPEN-WORK, / ) 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa] ? S People's Phone. 630. C The Davis Sewing flachine tor Sale by w. B. McCandless, 45, Euclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs. ~ isfl St J Bo Wot Despairi \ Doctor Kldd Can Cure You With- fj H eat a Culting Operation. if,-..*, v.. 1 ? I f KufTi ring from chronic womb end ovarian trocb- |j -• I--, dsplaccuientc, painful and irregular periods, ,•;? g .: 1 uremics*, unnatural discharge*, lacerations ulcer- K. 7l 5'- nitons, tumors, rectal troubles, Btomach, kidney or jj; |, art troubles, ulcers, skin deseaso and blood poison, Ja 5 Hi or any chronic ailments. . S lie is the only doctor devotinjf Itis entire (liessß?<s&>s,■ •"■'> | time to women's diseases between New loik tfffry / (. and Chicago. I Catarrh, Ilroncliitic, Asthma, Throat uiid Lung fO ■ • " Di c:ises cured by means of Medical Vapor, the most PiicoFsful treatment in these 1 f i x-fH, as t!i< y nlf respond promptly to his method of treatment. J Nervous Disorders cuieil by Electricity Bcicntincally applied. \ • J Hi"charges and terms arc reasonable and within the reach of all - tillering . . Women. , , , Wriie if you cannot call, as his home treatment is very meccssful. Enclose stamp • ; f for rep Iv. tiend six cents in »tami»s for book «n Diseases of \\ omen. n q i <:ruinate Nurse in attendance. Consultation and advice Free an.ll sacredly 3 \ confidential. OFFICE liocß3-9 a. m. to bp. m., Sunday, 10;d0 a. jn. to 4:A> p. n.. * ;r t7lT<3lVt3S3Sr'fe» g R, DR. A. R. KIDD SMEDICAL INSTITUTE^ Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 631 Pcnn Avenue, | PITTSBURC, PA. I Jvooo reward for any case where they cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testimo nial below, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. "I have neglected from time to time to write you but feel it my duty to tell you and to let others, who may suffer as I did, know, that, through the help of our heavenly Father, your medicines have done a great deal of good for me," writes Mrs. W. B. Litton, of Kimballton, Giles Co., Ya. "I was in a terrible con dition, and two good physicians did not help me. Had almost every trouble a woman could suffer from. Could not do any of mv housework, could not walk a hundred yards. Just felt so dead and heavy, and had such pains in knees and ankles. Had catarrh of stomach very bad ; would have to beat up a raw egg and swallow it, and there would be days I could not swallow a bite of bread. If I did try to eat would have such nerv ous chills it seemed I would almost die. Would feel almost dead, and chilly all over; had great heat in side and through my stomach and this would some times extend into chest under shoulders and nearly all through the body. Sight was almost lost and the days seemed to me about like a dream. Kidneys w ere in a dreadful condition. Had neuralgia ia head, sides, and stomach, and at the ap proach of every storm would get numb ; had tingling sensation in limbs; was stopped up in chest so I did not dare get a particle of the damp air; in fact there was so much the matter with me I shall not attempt to tell all. I was simply a to tal wreck, and, as all my neighbors know, I was almost dead. I wrote to Dr. Pierce, and he kindly advised Die what to do. Don't remember just how much of his ' Golden Medical Discover}-' I took, but, beside the ' Discover}-,' had four bottles of his ' Favorite Prescrip tion ' and six vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. Now I can eat a little of almost anything I want, but have to be careful and not overdo. Have been doing my own work for months and can walk to any of my neighbors' houses. Am not entirely well—never expect to be, but how thankful I am to be as well as 1 am. I will say this much, that I don't believe there arc other medicines in the world so reliable as Dr. Pierce's, for they did for me what uo other medi cines could do. I wish all suffering hu manity knew of Dr. Pierce's medicines and would take them. Any invalid who may wish further particulars regarding this statement, or the sincerity of it, may write (enclosing stamp), and 1 will gladly answer." A KEG OF POWDER. Men can hardly be made to realize that a little sputtering spark of disease which might be stamped out in an instant may mean death if it is allowed to keep on. Dyspepsia, constipation and liver complaint stem like trifling matters but they will eventually wreck the constitution as surely as a spark will blow up a keg of powder. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I is acknowledged as the most wopderfnl | medicine ever devised for those diseases ! which are caused by imperfect action of I the liver and digestive organs. If your health is not strong and vigor ous it is a simple and sensible thing to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consult ing physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., and obtain from him and his staff of eminent specialists, without charge, professional advice which will enable you to put your constitution on a solid basis of health and strength forthwith, before these ailments have a chance to reduce you to a physical wreck. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. f IF PEOPLE I ■ Were as careful about their drinking water as they are Ej fP are about the clothes they wear |p gSparkling Crystal Water® || would be used in every house-hold for drinking purposes. K Absolutely pure means free from all germ life — Organic matter and Mineral Impurities. : Sparkling Crystal Water is ABSOLUTELY PURE. % For sale by all druggists and first class grocers. £4 Our valuable booklet on pure water should be read || ||jby every person. Sent free for the asking. :* J. n c PZL s GRAND YEARLY "> > Clearance Sale ! \ * Business h>s been doll, and every man, woman and eliild in Butler f / conntv knows the reason why. We have entirely tio many vir ter j \ goods in our tore We have made up our minds to s* 11 t-hi-tn with- I f out respect to their real value. Our motto always h>- teen nv»r to S J carry goods from on* season to another, and we believo this to be a ' / good busier -) principal therefoie. we have decided to clean np our S J heavv goods. / / " OVERCOATS. ) / Yon can U.. V Iny an overcoat ia onr store in Meu's. Bojs' or Chi!- £ \ dren's at 30 per ceut discount We have 500 Meu's overcoats, 200 / f Bovs' and 100 Children's. v > MEN'S SUITS. C t We have 75 Meu'a -nits ir all sizes that we will sell at half price v 5 We have this maty more we will sell at one-tbird off. ) MEN S SHIRTS. ? \ One lot 250 ilea's shirts, od'.ls and ends, which eold at 81.50 and ? j£l 00. go at 50c. Another lot in regular sizes at 50c. Another lot, l • W g ds, with no reduction at all. ' We are determined to turn otir goods into money immediately, and \ if you are needing anything in onr line, we will save yon monej - . f / Yours for Clothing, / \ Oouthett & Graham. \ J WALL PAPER $ { is oor cFty— i J .. .. ALL NEW PAPERS OF 1904 S We are showing Florals, Burlaps, Tapestries. Ingrain l !, Damasks, & > Duplexes, Embossed Silks, Dresden Strips, Varnished Tiles, Crown ef- \ feet?, Panel effects. Drop Ceilings, Two-Third work—All the latest and \ K up-to-date designs for parlors, halls, libraries, dining-rooms, kitchens K sleeping-rooms and bath rooms Also a full line of Mouldings, to r r match any color of paper. Call and see for yourself. r I Patterson Bros. < 2.'>4? North MIIID Street. Both Phones. Wick Building. $ \ PROMPT SERVICE j® an ail erdars—Purohast of STOCKS AND BOKDS- tKfc/L ]/ Certificates on MESSAGES AT OUR EXPENSE /) OUR DAILY MARKET FORECAST BAYLEY, !^^^S^ DR. M. FORBES 737 Ohio Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. Cures Cancer without cutting; removes tumor and all face blemishes. Moles and birthmarks removed. Addition's $5. Elec tric Belts for sl. the next ijOdavs—for Rheu matism. Liver and Kidney Trouble. Ladies treatvd in strict confidence. Agents wanted for Xtolts :*.nd Ladies Remedies. No Cure, No Pay. President of Hospital for Ladies. 11-I<MXJ-tsm • . «• MME. BARTLETT'S MASSAGE PARLORS. Mine, liartlett. assisted l>y u New V<>rk masseur and beauty specialist; magnetic, electric, vapor baths, s>'alp treat ment, massage; bust development. Federal St., Allegheny City, Fa. Boom 12, Third Floor, Above Scott's. 11-20 PB-ly tiro*.: aiMlji lidusatloo-MUCMU« J j *n I women t.i meet tho demand of tbli ; |nT .ii commercial as> hor circular. addrMl * ? "f & SONS. C'h&Liberty A»«., Pltt«burj,Pi. CHICHESTER'S £HSLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS && fP| s^< I Raff, /.taw* reliable la4lc«, Mk DroMixt ftff I f us: iUAii j; ?, I M.LIMI in k«ml an<* | <-'»>«» i. ■ I r>euled with blue ribbon. I T.iln- no otftcr. <iiiba!!< | f caiion«t nud itaKatiOfii. Miar Druggist, or send 1«*. in f.»- Parfictt!nr«. T«-aV|. iuouii»!s n.i •• for in Irtter, I}!" return Tlall. iY'siiizjouiala. bold b7 oil LruKKiSi* CHioaKorßn co 91<K» ytik'iiu tki -.satiari*. rifiljL, JU•>(]•« lUtMW, L. C. WICK, DSAIEX Xff LUriBER. Imadam . Vir's^l ■ A nafe, certain nIU " Suppressed ■ 3 Menstruation. >• v-*r tofail. Safe! ■ . B Bure! h'p«*edy! SatiKfjietlon tiuaranteed ■ lor money Kefunded. S*rii prepaid (or ■ ■ 11.00 per r>oj. Wi'ls. nd th -iii on trinj to W H d«paid Lir when reltev« t. Samples Free. ■ BuNiTt^j«coica^^^«®i^4^ANc«aTrw^^^H Sold in Butler at the Centre Are. . Ph-iruiaor W S & E WICK, DEALERSIN ■ 1 Kough and Worked Lumber of til Klnda | Doors, Sash and Mouldings j Oil Well HIKS a Specialty. OUlce and ¥ard S.iOnritlnphHTi; and Monrce Btn • near Wmi Peon Depot, i Pf fO rj j HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS j 2nd RIDINS HABITS, - I j 4557 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, j I PITTSBURG, PA. ADJUSTABLE PIN. j Our Corner Clamp Afctjjr'Z B £j £§J\ I made the "ACME" A/Gf \ ; Mf\\ j much pnperlor to any I s * }' - other stm< hei. Our c—Jj \| New Patent Ad j uMal.le flfj t-[r/kCMt HiiwtJ Fin leaves the scallops v In their natural shape; floes not weaken the bars; is . of ample length, very practical ami a great Improve* raent. Don't fail to exazniuelt. At your dealers,of ICME M'F'G. CO., Allegheny« P» 1-7-40 -ly M. C. WApNEK AETIST PHOTO GRAP HER 139 South Main Ht. WM, H. MILLER, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE: and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE— Room -W, Butler County National Bank building. ' " * ee "" e B, * n l3 ' rcc, ■ opposite the Old Postofflce, Theodore Ycgeley. J « Keel Estate sod ranee Agency, ! i 238 S. Maid St. Butler, Pa. .3 If you have property i MB to sell, trade, or rent or. want to buy or ft M rent eaii. write or ' übund mv List Mailed Upon Application, Dr. Miney Davidson. Hrdrotberaj>entic Santitarinm and Nat» nral Healing Institute. I treat Enlarged Veins, Ixiss of Vitality. Prostatorrhea. Ilright's Disease. Rheuma tism. It ladder. etc Osteopathy. M a~*are F.lectrkral Treatments. Oven. Vapor, Needle, Shower, all other local applications. Sanitarium: SOT-Seneca Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Take Fifth avenue cars-get of at No. 2100. 12-17-OS-3m. Scr.j£c!.a» Cured With Gl«s;ei. Artificial Ey«. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE CPT CIAf-S 7(15 l'R\X AVEVT E, CPP. rE.VX;iiIILD!XG, PI'ITaBCUO. 3-19-ly Pearson B. Nace s Livery Feed and SaleStabla Rear of Wick House Butler "'enn'a. The best of horses and first class ri»» »j w.ivs on hand and f«>r hire. accommodations lu town for p«rr>« nent boarding and transle'.t trade. «p«vt a' care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horsa* A stood c ass of horses, both drivers a.ai draft horses always on hand and for ia!« under a full guarantee; and horse ! t-vsk pia p»->».;r aoti'i vtUoo bT PEARSON B. h'ACE, Tetsjr.- »r- ;i . |c. F. T. Paptij { iJEWELERI \ <=5(S ;-3< K amilv Reunions! We rUen cawt md u&s wony anil iciii' tsc by nvg ><. cling t Jo some iittle thing. Get a good picture of your family and h me made at your first op portunity. We make the best at sf).oo per dozen Bxio inches ard i. fair ce them permanent. let us know in time to go out. The Butler Rye Works Pyemg. Cleaning, I'icssi../ R. FISHER | Wm. Foster, \ \ Architect. I Plau of all kind of buildings \ \ furnished on short notice. r r Office in Berg Building, ; Butler, Pn. v /YILkV \NTSLF; uJRHAU, Stcnrro I'inl-clasi il«vci-ivf ijt. and 7JnU:;u*cul Office • 3H!? u 2 r f "f 431 Fourth Avenue, 3rl>l-ljr HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskigs For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 270, I People's Phone 578. 316 Easi Jefferson Street, I BUTLER. PA ! Flransen ttn* ?mcn, Machinists, i:<Hi r-uiakera, HiaclrsmiJis am! !ie.p«-r» for i fl g f» ads, also drivers siai it *imls of help. Placet ► I wailing. General r.mph.yiueiit Bureau, 201 Fede ral street. A llegheny, I 'a. . WASTED-At once, glrli in every capacity: |l t to #tO per week; placed or money refunded. Geugrtj I'aQplovtnent Bureau. '2Ol " ' • ~ ' s-uMfr Wm. Wuertliele, I Billiard and Pool Tables, Bar Fix , tures, Office© Desks, Chairs, Tables, I Partitions. Bookcases, etc. Turning of I 1 billiard and fool iialls. Buwjing Equipments. 4fß Diamond , Above Smitbfield St.) Pittsburg, Pa. 11-i-Oli-Om I NO SPiVINSSS.^,S be cored in JO minutes. Lump Jaw. i splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Dekrled information about this new method Bent free to horse owners by T. M CLUGH, Kuoxdale, Jefferson Co.. Pa. CONCERTS. m Arthur vc ' ISBf fl KLEBER'S ' ■■ MUSIC HOUSE i 221-223 Fifth iv f ; . j Pittsburg, Pa ! i MI" KTIIA „V BIWWN, 339 stb Avo 1 I'ltt sburK- Pa-, _ . I Can sell your Heal Kstate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. ALL TRANSACTIONS coH«ncsxi*l. DO YOt: WnST TO BELL your farm or ot her real estate? i can do It for you. Send in. full particulars atonee 1 4-10-oa-ly JOHN RODUEB. 401 Keystone Mulldfng. Pittsburg. I a | - - 1 Star key I & Leading Photographer, Old Postoffice Building, || •s!<• Butler, Pa. (&)