THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THCTSPAT. JANUARY 14. HUM. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE— AII advertisers Intending to make changes In their ads. shoaid notify us of thatrlnteoUon to do so not later than Mon day morn lag. Bankrupt Hale—Al. Winters. Special Sale —Green & Young. Brain Business College. Notice in partition, estate of Jemimah ShulL Admlnistiators and Executors of estate can secure their receipt books »t the C ' • ZEN office, and persons making s>abl!c sales their not* books. ANNOUNCES! i: ert, Conductor, will be riday evening. Jan. 15th, y afternoon, January 16th, > Music Hair, Pittsburg, ilian Blauvelt, soprana, is t ths concerts. ind just what you want in a r overcoat at Bitter A the Bruin Business School. >ber 5 the Bruin Business snrolled 31 students in its artments. nay enter at any titne. scholarship in either short busitiees course $30.00 ge time which students may Eer course is thirty to thirty I le Principal, HUIN BCHINKSS SCHOOL. 1 Bruin. Fa. noticed how cheap Ritter & I'S are selling clothing. nit or overcoat the cheapest ' it is Ritter 6c Rockenstein's. I UNA MANQIN. iced nurse in cases of con in be found st her residence, Butler, {'a. holars wanted at 128 W. . overcoats iu newest styles gi at yoor price at Ritter & Abatement of the Epidemic Epidemic conditions improved so rap- Idly last week, that the General and Ex ecutive Committees, after dae consider ation, at their meeting Monday addressed the following statement to the pnblic: STATEMENT. BUTLER. PA., JAN. 11. 1904. It has been deemed expeWiiiter Kxcuralon* to Wash ington. In accordance with its usual custom the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. will, on January 21 and February 18, 1904. run Two Popular Mid-Winter Excursions to Washington at very low rates for the round trip, good returning ten days, in cluding date of sale. Excellent train service, standard coaches, Pullman parlor and sleeping cars. These dtilightfni excursions afford splendid opportunities to visit the Na tional Capital during the session of con gress. For tickets, time of trains and fall lnfsrmation call on or address W. R. Turner, Ticket Agent, Bntler, Pa A most complete and fully illustrated Qnide to Washington may be purchas ed from Agentrf B. &O. R. R. at ten (10) cents per copy. Every business has sales—but Ritter St Rockenstein lead all in low prices. IH6 QUTb6R CITIZCN. 11.00 per year If paid in advance, otherwise l UJM will be cnarged. ' AnvEHTisiso RATCS— One Inch, one tlms 111 each subsequent Insertion HO cents each 1 Auditor*' and divorce noticesH each; exec- I utors' and administrator*' notices Kl each | estrajr and dissolution notices $S each. Head ing notice* 10 cent* a line for flrst and 5 cent* for each subsequent Insertion. Notices ' among local new* Item* IS cent* a line for I etch In aertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks resolutions of respect, notices of festivals I and fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of 5 cents ; a line, money to accompany the order, ieven words of prose make a line. I Kates for standing cards and Job work on apnilcatlon. ! •I"' Insertion, I anil tH IrSntlbnV advertising must be paid ■ for in advance. All communications Intended for publica tion In this paper must be accompanb-d by the real name of the writer, not for publlca- I tlon bu. of good faith.and should . reach us not later than Tuesday evening. Death notice* must be accompanied with rssooMlbls saute i.KGAL NEWS. Nlff SUITS. Harry and Amine Piatt, plaintiff's in error va John DobsoD, defendant in error, certionari on W. A. Sloan, of Mars, on a judgment rendered in favor of Dobson. Wm H. Martin vs Union Pecific Tea Co., petition for stay of jndgment and execution rendered by Adam Groetz inger, of Allegheny, against the Tea Co. Carnegie Steel Co. va Bntler Foundry & Machine Co. summons in ;i"*nmpsit of #2991.21, for rails, etc.. delivered at North Butler. ~Wm. Ralston, of Prospect, vs H;irry Roth, defendant, and Farmers Fire Ins. Co., garnishee, attachment execution on an insurance policy. Wm. Ralston vs H- W. Roth, deft, and Ben Franklin Ins. Co . garnishee, attji' hinent execution. John F. Byers Machine Co., vs H. A. Richer, Geo. A Dean, assumpsit for $B7l, for a hoist engine, steel rope, etc. Elizabeth Prffer vs Joseph Peffer, summons in assumpsit for $8228, with interest from January 1897. The plain tiff was a daughter of Jacob Stamin, of Glade Run, who died in 1892. She was married to the defendant in 1861 and lived with him until 1897. when she charges he deserted her. During her father's lifetime her father made ad vancements to her to the amount su.-d for, but instead of paying directly to her, gave the money to her husband, who has had the use of it and whom she now sues to recover it. Frank Lacoq va J. E. Hoffman, land lord, and Seward Brandon, constable, summons in replevin for one gray mare, one bay mare, one black mare, wagon, surrey, buggy, farm machinery and grain, to the value of SBOO, levied upon by the defendants. H. C. Houston Lumber Co. va Butier Foundry and Machine O. assumpsit for $1071.50, for lumber and ties seat to North Butler WOTFS George, William, A. R. and Andrew Wahl petitioned for a guardian for their father. Martin Wahl' and Jan. 23 was fixed for hearing. A charge of a&b has been entered against John Smith, of Lyndora. J. J. Miller, adm'rof Bernard Gard ner, dee'd, was granted leave to sell 53 acres in Marion. D. E Dobson, W. A Porter and W. P. Jamisc n were appointed viewers on petition for a new bridge over middle branch of Slipperyrock creek, in Wash ington twp , on the Hilliarda and Eaa Claire road. Justice Dean used the expression "fraudulent confusion of goods,' in his opinion, the Stone et al vs Marshall Oil Co.. last week. At New York, a Congressman-elect, named Driggs, was found guilty of taking a bribe in a postoffice contract. Driggs admitted during the trial that he had placed 250 of the Brandt-Dent machines in the postofflce department, and that he was paid $12,500 by the company, but said he was acting not becnusu he was a member-elect of Con grew, but because Mr. Brandt had made him a good business proposition. The mass of details now hat died by the Supreme Court is confusing the at torneys of the state as to what the law really is. In the eatateof William Caldwell, the Guaranty Trust Co. was appointed guardian of Laura Eckman. PKOPEBTV TRANSFERS. J D Albeit to Enos McDonald lot in Prospect for S3OO. David G Ramsey to John and Laura Weitzel lot in Portersvile for SBOO. Geo. W, Raisley to Homer Fleming 11 acres at Coopers town for S3OOO Wm S Wick to Lewis E Ruby lot in Bntler for S4OO. Marcus Reichert to E A Mcßride property in Worth for SIOSO. F E Hinman to F E Hindman lot in Petrolia for sl. F E Hinman to Hannah Himnau lot in Petrolia for sl. Lyndora Land & Improvement Co. to C H Geis lot in Lyndora for $625. W W Brandon to Dora Gillelaud 7 acres in Connoquenesting twp for S2BB. Thos. Parks to Samuel Parks 53 acres i in Middlesex for SI6OO Ira McJnnkin to Nannie D Black lot in Butler twp for S2OO. Heirs of Salome Kachner to Margaret Snitzsl lot in Zelinople for $765. i Emma Kistler to Dr. E. G. Britton lot on W. Jefferson street (or SSOOO A M Christley to Lester Patterson i lot on W Penn street for SSOO. G 8 Gahaghan to W S McKee lot on Ziegler avenue for SIIOOO. i Gb Gahaghan to Mary A McCollough lot on Hickory street for S2BOO. Nannie and James McCabeto Wm II 1 Coulter lot of Walker avenue lor $2500. Marriage Licenses. Chss. B, Nesbit Jackson twp Sarah Hays Zelienople M. Dobooski Lyndora A. Jakaski Lyndora Frank E. Smith Homestead Dontini Strong Homestead Dominico Isaac Harrisville Maria Isaacco Harrisville Frank Stoperu Lyndora | Aggie Schiak Lyndora Willis W. Torrcnce Tarentum Dillie Morris Carbon Black j Robert D. Jones Allegheny! Lillian E. Steele Pittsbnrg j Harry M. Surrena Cliutouville Wilda Mortland Murrinsville Harvey N. Herron Billiards Lillian Adams Marion twp At Pittsburg—H. M. Rausch of Butler and G. L. Flowers of Pittsburg. At Vandergrift, Pa —W. W. Ramsey of Butler and Miss Ruth Wise of Vand ergrift. They will make their home in Butler, i I don't see how Ritter & Rockenstein can sell clothing so cheap—attend their sale. A New Firm. L. S. McJnnkin, who has long and successfully engaged in the insurance business st 126 East Jefferson street, has associated with him in that business his brother, Ira McJnnkin, and his former clerk, George A. Mitchell, under the firm name of L. H. McJnnkin & Co. The business will be continued as us ual. and Mr. McJnnkin thanks the pub lic for their liberal patronage iu the past and earnestly solicits a continuance of the same for tne new firm, assuring all of fair and courteous treatment and rates consistent with safe underwriting. Just a little money will lit you out complete at Ritter A Rockenstein's. Up-to-date clothing and overcoats at greatly reduced prices at Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. Better Than a Physical Culture Club- The Brawntawn Method of health and system building will fit you to with stand the pranks of King Winter. Brawntawns are stern natures help mate. Just pure vegetable food. Tonic that inyigorates. Greatest of all nour ishes and builders are Brawntawns tonic triangular tablets. Write today for a five days treatment. Sent post paid on receipt of ten cents. VICTOR RKMKIJIKH COMPANY, Frederick, Md. If low price is any inducement at tend Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. Inauranee and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property you will find it to your advantage to s«re Win. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Estate. Room 508, Butler County National Bank building. PURE DRINKING WATER Our most reliable faucet filters wjll giie ybu a constant supply of pure, ) healthful water at small cost, write I for prioss. GKM Fir.TEitCo., 885 Hubbard ave., Detroit, Mich Why buy poorly made clothing when you can get the best as cheap at Hitter & Rockenstein's. PEIUONAL John Milhiser's Christmas gif t vas a big tfn-pound girl. Miss Emma St. Ciair of Centre tnrp. visited friend# in Under, Monday. Wm. M. Thome of Brush Creek visit ed some friends in Butler, Monday. Clyde Kennedy and S. A. Ziegler of Penn twp. were in Bntler. l*st week. Mrs Loui-a Miller of Clinton twp., did seme shopping in Bntler y'-ster.lay. William A. Christie, Es-p, of CeutM twp , visited frieuus in Bntler Tut«>::«y. D. L. Hutchison of Washington tw[ did tome chopping in Butler, Monday F. N. Herald and wife o£ Bailer twp. did some shopping in Butier. S^turdnj. Mrs. Marion Tncmpson Eberhart oi Chicago is visiting ner parents m Butler. Bethnruui McQuistion, Jr.. got a boy, who is the picture of his daddy, lor a Christma3 gift. Frank Welsh and Wm. Spbear of Jtllerson twp. attended to some busi ness matters in Butler. Saturday. Jacob Albert of Franklin twp., and a lady friend enjoyed the oyster supper at M. T. McCandlees' one evening i4ury ami Murine f\M tJBil Kiitflm rt 2iu«J A utoniohileii. Unp>J K'»w;ihk yMm illicit y 11. I'. * W I'or lilurUs/iill li Bhoptt, I'tlCDp* fiilC water, liifc I'iinn and Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. you are thinking of having sonie wotk done in this line 1 am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at The Bntler Book Bindery, W. W. AM ON. I'rop. upp Court House. CHI'ItCH .VOTES. Rev. Robt Reeder School Association will cjuvece i;; Cooperstov. n. Friday. 29. The E..tilth di-trict S. hr\ A«*'n will convene Harmony j>T E church, Tuesday ; I'eb. y. . «s. Whe:-.r. v 70-75 " ■w Oats, •' 4i» Corn, " 50 Buckwheat 65 t'&y. 13 5 » l-gg-4. " 3.> Better. 24 Potatoes, ' 55 Onions. Jier i " 1 00 t Hobage. lb •! thickens, die-i-ed l'if-15 honey, per pound. ...... . .20 Lett nee. lb 15 lieers, per bu . 75 Apples, per ru 50-75 Walnuts 00 Three Days More, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, January *8,19 and 20, will the Expert Opticians of New York and Pittsburg be at the Parlors of the Hotel Lowry, Butlsr, Pa., Givinq Fr e Ex amination cf Eyes. Prices Range from $2 to S3 No one Urged to Buy Do your eye.-s blur at times'/ Do they hurt after reading? Are theie frequent headaches? Are themuscles around the eyes drawing wrinkles and crow's feet? A*? Thi y are Nature's danger signals. Only vrhen ifi {joneis the terrible danger realized. Free examination by Mr. or;d Jlrn. Myhaffey and Miss Miller, at iLe Hotel Lowry. Mrs S. Co'e, 118 E. Jefferson stree*, Batlitr, Fa-, says: "I have suffered so terribly with headache and tired eyes I would often have to close them for a while and as I had bad lad health I thought it was that that was causing my trouble, but from what others Raid I thought it might be my eyes. A month ago I called on Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mabaffey and Mia-i Miller and had niv eyes examined. I was told lots of my tronbie, but maybe not all, came from my eyes. I ordered glasses and am delighted to siy that I have had no headache or neuralgia since wearing them, and I cheerfully recommend any one having trouble with their eyes to thase opticians." THE WISE OWL. He couldn't see by day, 'Till h t>kill'.v he so es both diiy and night; And thank.-, his stars he flew thu way, Wfcera Kirkpatrick's (tore in hii track did lay. We also sell— Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Paco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goo ;•.» p. iu. for Pur.x'y, Dn Rois and intermediate stations 11 p. rn. night express for J'tofaio tiul lioche*t<-r. Armve from Nohth. !'■:<■"> :i. in. d-iily, night expr-- s from 'inffijlo and Rochester. 9:45 a. in week days, accomodation :■ f.i Dnßoirt. 5:31 p.Ui dxiiv. uled day express j f.-'-ra Buffs) >. H».s connection at A-h --! ft -I'l «>-ek days from Rochester. | 5:45 p.m. »>. k days, mixed train | from Du L'ois and Punxsutawney. j Trains leave the B. & O. Station. ! Allegheny for Buffalo and Rochester |at 9:00 a.i'i. and 10 : (j0 pni . and for local | joints as far a* Dußois at 5:10 p.m. It & O It it Ti.ii';tal.!i clNctive Nor 2?, 1903. liisi«>ru Stan Lord Time >«>ITPBOUXD A ilrghiMiy ArconiDiixlatit'T) +?".:2OR-In and Cleveland Express *-:O0 a-m Allegheny ExpreM a-m ' 4 " ♦U:45a-n. !.'!!u«-)d < itr Aocoumuditiion l^-ni < Jxi-ago. New r.c-ik* and Allegijenj Ex *1:40 A!!« irh« T > Fxp:<— -m AlN'gheny A- n *.". 50 p.m and N« w • :4"tlc- Acconiih<)n. .. t4:55p-m Fo\!»urg A- mun xUtion t8;00 pin * I*.tlly. * i Z £uu<2a j ouly. Trains leave the Allegheny station fcr Butler at 7:'50, 8:15, 10:45 a.m.. and 1:15. ■ i, 5:30,(5:15 and 11 p.m. Pittsburg statiot at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:30 a.m. and ti:ls and 11:30 p.m. For thmuitli ticketA, Pullman merratious and in> i rniation ap{ ly t«» W. K. TURNER, Ak*. lJutler, l*a. E. I». SITH, A. «. I'. A., rittfburjr, I'u —« » i>ESSEMER & LAKE ERIE H.R. CO. ) Time table in effect Sept. 13. lt'ontiMQt.. .ar 9 11 2 I*> 5 32 11 4Sjlv.. Oonneaut.. .!v : 7 15 11 45 > :u 1 2T>!Orai»«wvr,l- 7 ;V5 1 15 (j 2h 1 20 AlMon « 00 120 fill 1 05 >h*d. land Sli 1 M , 6 (4* 1 o.i Sprini;lK»io 1 8 1 ,; 137 d 02 12 57 <'onnr antviilr 8 2i I 4-J 54012 3) M#vv.'t-l?l»' Juni-t.. 8 1 2 «30 10s tr..M»-advill„.. ar V2i 143 4 4o 11 52 lv. Meadviile ..U 7 ♦ » 1 27 t> 05 12 43ar..Coun t 55 2 15 j 5 15 12 23, lv M Iv 8 .J.l 1 52 I 540 «r..UsH7ill« ar 10 25 ,12 C2ilv IT 8 25 12 02 j 5 23 12 10 llartfitown 8 69 2 22 5 IT 12 1«» Adamsvill* 9 05 2 28 5 07 12 oo . 9 15 2 *•) 7 10 5 00(11 52 Groouvilij 0 7 4 53 II 45 , SheuuuK<» 6 lii* 9 29, 3 0<» « 1.1 > 35!1I 22 Fretluiiim 6 sh. » 4Ti :t 17 0 271 i Vi 11 (M Mercer 7 1 > 10 01 :i 35 (j 'JZ I 1511 oMlouaion Junctiou 7 22 10 07; 3 40 0 01; 3 50 10 41 i'irove C'ity 7 41 10 25 4 01 5 47 fO 2t>(lJarri*Tilit4 . . 7 M' 4 11 5 40 3 38 I" l»ranchti>u 8 07 10 43 4 23 045 40- 11 14 ar... IfilharU... ar 11 14 G45 4 !JL 30 1 7 00'lT.. Hilliard.. 700 700 3CO 5 3 r > 3 :i3 10 17!KeUtcr 8 12,10 46 427 5 18 3 19 10 OCJ. Euclid 8 3*» 11 00 4 43 4 45 2 60| U 3* Hutler 9 «ki 11 25 5 10 3 0" 1 15, 8 15 All»itn p.m Train 1-, leaving Grove City 6.'#) a. ni. M«;roer Slinutngo 7:03, (irueuvllle 7:10, Jet. 7,35, Oouneautville H,I }, arrives iu Erie at 9: it a. rn. Train l-'i, leaving Eri«* 5:10 p. m. Con n<-autvlllu 0;' l>, Meadvllle Jet, 7,00, Greer villa 7,10, >lt<-iuir.go7,s2, Mercer K,.'il, arrives at City at 8,05 p ui, E D. COMSTOCK, E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Gen. Mgr. Pittsburg, Pa W. It. TUKNEK. Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa PENNSYLVANIA s f v , WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCBZDIPI is Errrcr Nov. 30. IMCL SOUTH. V/KEK I/AYS |A.M A M. A.M. P. M. P. M BUTLER Leave 0 25 73510 CO 238 i 5 SazouburK Arrivi OMS 8 04 10 ■> I 300 !t Jn Butler Junotiun.. " 7 I'M 3 31 10 55 3 25 o 51 Butler Junction. ..I.cuv. 7 2;i 8 IIJ ll .y l JK' 0"0 Natrona Arrivi 7 32 12 61 4 30 7 00 (A. M A.M. P.M.P.M. P. M. BUNI>AY TRAINS.—Leave Hutlei for Allegbot) City and priucipul intonaedUt.- vtAllone at 7:2*; a. 'II, and 4:66 p. ui. NOHTH. WKKK PATH A.M. A.M. A M. I>. M. P. M. P. M Allegheny « 30 W o; KSO SharjjKburg.. . 542 »1110 11 314 531 UWJ Glare moii t . ; 10 18 3 25 5 411 u 13 Bpringdale I .... U 34 10 85 3 4'. 5 671 II 33 Tarentum 7 11 « 45 10 4'. 4 02 0 1»| 044 Natrona. | 7 17 9 52 10 53 4 10 « 1« II 31 Butler June ur 7 25 10 00 11 03 4 u'4 »i 27 10 00 Builor June lv 7 fri 10 <>3 12 60 j 4 30[ ti 3') 10 05 Saionl.nrx 820 10 :io 1 It 5 08 (i AN 10 30 BUTLKK 8 4(1 10 51 1 47! 6 38 7 2.VH 00 A.B.|A.M,;P.M H.m IP.M.II* M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But ler and principal intermediate station. at 7:03 a in. and Of 3 p. UJ. FOR THE EAST. Week Day.. Sunday* A.M. A.M. P. M A M. P M Birrua I» 4Sv . . .I 236 7 %•, ... lJUtler J'ct aj 723 3 2fi 810 Butler J'ct lv 7 2b\ 3:« 814 fee port u 7 28j 3 37. 8 17 .... KnUlmluetan J't. . 7 3»' 342 8 2tj Leechhur* " 7iß 351 8 Sfl H'mt Apollo " 8 111 4 13 18 57 .... .Sattafcnrg. " M4O 4 I'Uimvillf e«.ft 'J 1«> 520 962 Hiititgrillti li.t.. .. " w2l 5 ft) 10 OIJ .1111 Altoon* .»• 11 HA ... . 860 j 1 40 . .. HiiriinbiifK " I -i 10 | 1 (Ml O ;j.'» PblladslpliU fl 23 4 10 560 ... J\ M.!A M A.ll. P. M. p. M Through traiua for the caul PltUiliarfc (Union HUtiou ), »n ft Jlowa:— Mitotic KzprutH, daily ..3:(W M-iiilmttiii LjuiiUtj •• (\o coa. II« B) •• Hf:iiiM.vlv..iilu Limited ** (No aukt >!«•• > 7:15 •* N«w Yoik •' »» « ....7.15 " Day Kxprem, M 7:30 M Main Llni» Ktpr**u«, •• fc:00 " l'liil'iil'a ami New Y«,ik K* i« tm, " 12:01 Noon llarrlcbiUK Mail, •• 12:46 r.H Jlarriiit'tirg Kxpt 6 *' Kukturu Ktitrtna, ** .7:10 " Kant Una, • .....MOO* New York SJM « ful, daily for New York, only. 10:00 M I'liilaili liilila HJIIK ial « only H.;jo A.M For Atlantic <'ity (via Dolawara Biver Hrldge rail ronU?) 8:00 a.w.anil 9:00 p. m. «laJly, * 4 lVnn- NVlvaiilu I.iiuiteti," uii'l Now York limite«i. 7:15 u. iu,. waak «lmy«. Buffalo and Allegehery Valley Dlvliion Train* Inavo KlukiminoUui Junctlou aa follows: If or lluftal", 'J.MI a. m and 11.f.0 p. in. ticket agent or a Thou. K. Watt, I'aan. Agt. Wuatern l>intrlct, Oiruur Fifth A venu** aud Hu.lthfiohl Street, PltUt urg, I'u W. W. ATTEIiBI UY, J ft WOOD. (jon'l Manager. I'atN'r Trafttc Manuger. ;i 40 Arrive Putlrr 10 66 ft :ih Afrlv« Alifglieny 10 02 6 (.-ft pm Aeriee BlainiviUf . . II 4ft ft 90 lATWABP. OTATI A M ? S : Mairwtlta 1 99 I 99 •' Allegheny U oo :i oo " liuih i 7 ;i r .i 6 « Hut hi Junction 10 15 440 - 10 IK | 4d M Wiuflcld Juucti »II 10 IU) 455 " lion ISrldgit jlO 40 5 »• H"i.'y«Mlle jlo 5o 515 Ar lvc V .rl Wilill. ld Hi 5 V> Traiui atop l«ane and Iron itridgeonly on ft t;»k«' on or have f! pa«Me!igeni, Train* 1 "iin« « t at Uuth r Junction with, Train* h*«t»ard for Kraapi rt, Vandeigiift and UlairnYille 11.i. i- tion. Train* Waetward f i MaUona, Tarvnluiu aud AIU* ghany. Tiaiu« NYitUwaiU for fakakonturg, Mai «0..d aud iiut- Ipf It. 0. IIKALOH, l**oi«ral Manager. WANTED AII unterpriaint? farmer in this wction to iitnviiMH during tlx; Into full ami winter among tin* (iimiers in iiiw vicini ty. Mnnt Iw active, cNimhta iind bone*t. Work will prove |>rl«« to n KOIM! miin and can be made a njtircw of r<'Knlar and eaaily earned income «wh year. To it may !«■ devoted an mtirli or HH little time an eef. the most digrstable forui ( i of iron, pure sherry wine and ) a hijjh grade of pnre pepsin. \ | This is a splendid tonic and i blood maker. Will agree with ) the most delicate stomach. V Promjit resnlts will follow its J use in impaired nutrition, im- 1 £ povemhed condition of the blood and in general debility. t We have customers who V speak of it in the highest f terms. Be sure and ask for £ Boyd's Beef, Iron and Wine ! peptonized. Full j>int bottles \ 75c. \ C. N. BOYD. / DRUGGIST, j ( i Near the Court House, \ Butler, Pa. j' /'~N/V Do Ycu Buy Medicines ? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. G. PUKVIS, PH. G Both Phones. 213 S. Main St. Cutler PH. Reed's Wine of Cod biver Oil will build you up and make you strong, will give you an appetite and new life. If you feel tired and worn out try our Wine of Cod Liver Oil and find relief. It is stronger and better than pure Cod Liver Oil. Pleasant to take and is inoffensive to delicate stomachs. Indorsed and recom mended by physicians every where. The best Spring tonic to give you Health and strength. For sale only at Reed's Pharmacy Transfer Corner Mi in tid ,'if i:n] JO. ntler. Pa FOR Drugs %dicl< & j Grohman, 109 N. /Wain Street, SUTkGR, PA. Best Service. Prompt and Careful Attention. Four Registered Pharmacists. Prescription Worl< a Specialty. UINThIIMKIHTKIt tiTANDH Koll HAKMONT — Music At The Club. A piano that will stand the usage given them at a club is certainly worth purchasing. We will vacate April lHt, and most got rid of alt oar goods previous to that time. Great reduction in everything. Come at once. Pittsburg Organ & Piano Co., Butler Branch Old P O Bldg.. JOHN C. DICKSON, Mgr Don't Know That? That Stern's Creamery and Milk depot at the i<*ar of 417 Bouth Main Hlreet is in operation? WELL, IT I ! And if you want good Milk, Cream. Creamery Butter or Butter milk, call and see uh or watch for our wagon. People's I'hone 4:15 Bell Phone 21 COUCHES —In plain or tufted—in Velours, plain or p i 4j figured, from SIO.OO up. >1 EXTENSION TABLES—In square or round tops, « ranging in price from $5.00 up for 6 ft. table. ODD DRESSERS —These we have in different u , H woods and patterns at prices for $8 and upwards. fl IRON AND BRASS BEDS—Any kind of bed f A r a Woolen Dress Goods. P Our Fur and Wrap Department is | K more complete tlian ever. 9 Every thing- in Furs from the cheap-1 ¥: est to the best. I All the latest and newest cuts in 1 g Coats, Jackets and Capes. 1 | DUFFY'S STORE, j i„ - Advertise in the CITIZEN.