Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 14, 1904, Image 1

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Mrs. 1. E. ZiMMERMAN|
[Their Great Semi-Annualj:
Sacrifice Sale i :
For the Entire Month of Jan., 04^
! Commencing Tuesday, Jan. 5. «>
m *v.r
[ This is our 22nd Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale of new,
I clean up-to-date Dry Goods, Tailor Made Suits, Wraps,
I Skirts and Waists This semi-aunual event awaited by {-
[hundreds of discriminating women, WITH THE BEST \ .
Dress Goods |
, Sacrifice Sale of Black and Colored Dress Goods. 1-3 X
,to 1-2 less than former prices. This sale includes all K
, dress goods. No stock reserved. It means $1 goods A
, for 62 l-2c per yard. It means 50c goods for 25c per yd. >
Garment Prices Sharply Cut Down
' - This means dollars saved to everyone who purchases J | J
a Tailor Made Suit, Wrap, Skirt, Silk or Laundried }
Waist, or Fur garment, during this Sacrifice Sale. Mil- |
* linery included In this sale. |
[ Underwear Must Go j;
Underwear Values Extraordinary. | '
> Hosiery Values Extrao dinary. *
) Wonderful reductions in every department, and on < >
1 every dollar's worth of merchandise in this store. < >
[Our Record is Our Guarantee;;
[Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.
. ft€»l 1 Phooe 2W. P-i 114-1 j-* p o iI fc
| People* IM. DUl,el i <,>
ireat Bargain Sale.
An Immeqie Stock of Seasonable footgear to fee closed
* qa| |n order to reduce our extremely large stock.
On ©any linei pricei are reduced 85 per oent.
ikrr & Bowman * 94 fine shoe* in band toniN and wolts, redacod to -•"»
idlm' fine »ho« «, reirnlur price S2.W, redacud ti 1 <K*»
idle*' fine •bofcft, regular price $1.50, reduced to U-"»
idtoi' good Kangaroo Calf, every day nhoea, reduced U>
IMM' fine ttboe*. alt xizen, rettnlar price $1.25, re<lace<l to Ufi
M lot Children'# fine shoes, aize 4 to H, redacea to 4<5
M lot lofanta' fine thoes, size* 0 to 4, reduced to IU
en's fine shoes, Box Calf, Vici Kid and Patent Leather, regular price
I&.50 ond s4.ot(, reduced \o —"P
«u's fine
M lot Men's fine slipperu reduced tc
ne lot Ken's heavy shoes, regnlar price $3.00, reduced to 1 tyl
He lot Boys' fit*e Satin Calf shoes red 14cod t0................, ...... <)/l
p l«t Youths' fiu« fciatio Calf shoes reduced to
le lot LittU Gents' fine Satin Calf shoes r«*dnce«l to
ie lot Boys' self acting rubber* reduced to 5*5
per oent. Off
1 Felt Boots and Overs, Warjn-Uned B'nops and all Warm
apd F?lt §lipp?rs. dl§o balancie of our stock of Leggins
id Overgaiters to be included in this Great Reduction Sale.
Repairing done in either Leather or Rubber Gpodg
John si c k e^
.128 South Main St., Butler, Fa.
fe Remodeling fe!
. Sale .
Nothing reserved. Winter goods are to be sacrificed,
beginning Batnrday, January Otb, and continuing until
January 25th.
We must onr shelves of al) our winVer
l.ega<:dle«H o| as'iriiniedlately after we intend fo
make sr>me extensive alterations on our store, and rnupt
Uiabe room for }he workmen, Nothing must reoiain of
■tock to be In their way. Yes, we will even sell at a loss
to clean out everything in short order.
If yon are waiting for prices to tumble on winter
goods there is no need of yon waiting longer. Come iu
*nd pick what you want and save from 14 to 1-2 of our
already low prices. Bee circulars for particulars. . . .
Coin's w
O'T! Cor. Main and Cunningham
$ h J ... Streets ... t f
row I The Place with the No 1 (how |
*«•«#» Handsome Front. ...
._Tiw**rf ———
£ We are over loaded on Boys' and Girls' School Shoes and inn&t nn- j
Sm load regardless of cost; all sizes, all ttyle?, all weights and all must go
*9 at slanKhter prices. S3 •
■W. This is one of the greatest Bargains iu School Shoes ever offered to f M |
jfl the public. They are all clean, new good* made tkis teason for 113 and '-4
9 represent some of the very best manufacturers iu the country.
§ See Our Big Bargain Counters.
Sra We have jast heaped theui np with genniiie Ba renins, a)l peaceable P
M goods for ali w«£c*s They are assorted in different lot-*, each l»»t riiarked
in plain fignres, so yon can look them all oyer at your own leisure, f
§H Bnnsr yonr whole family and a very little money and but wh it we can ft*,
§ Holiday Slippers go at Fraction of First Cost.
S3 We have put on sale the balance of our Mt-a's, W . itneii s B>; s and jKjl
ifl Girls' Holiday Slippers and marked thf ia i:t fra-.-ti-.a of real w. r'h If p?3
9 you have neglected to provide yrnr.«f>lf with n pair of !h'-sf- comfort ible. KJ
M easy Slipper.-, now is your chance; come before yonr 8iz j is monn H
U Large Stock of Dorotl y Doad and K. D. & Co. Co.
H Fine Shoes for Ladies fc
M The Most Complete Line of Walk Over and W. 1. »
|| Douglass Fine Shoes for Men we have evtr Carried j-j
tag When it comes to High Cut Working Shoes or Felt V
gH and Rubber Goods we can dewn th ; world in both' X
prices and variety of goods. Come iu and see what j .
wo are doing.
jc. 6. /Wilier j
Opposite H jtel Arlington. ff*
I Clearance Sale j
jd The special Bargain Prices advertised for our Clear
yi ance Sale will be continued until stocks are properly /
g reduced. If you did not get to this sale, come now and '
J get some of the bargains. y.
| Cloaks and Furs |
uj Must all be sold regardless of cost.
« Silks, Velvets, Waistings, Dress Goods, and all
goods sacrificed. U
yi Bargain Prices in every department and new bargains &
g added daily.
ft Remnant Sale Next Week. $
| L. Stein & Son, f
+?KWX> ***** %W%> IWXMKXfiMK
S Another \A/eek!|
ft Great Sacrifice Sale Continued from
g Monday till Saturday, January 11 to 16. g
ft Many trig bargains added $
The Moderr\ Store. 8
S Bargains! Bargains! j*
S Furs, Dress Fabrics, Waists, Skirts, Dreeing Uk
S Ladies', Men's and Underwear, Hosiery, 2
Fashionahle Milliuery, Linen, Cotton and Woolen Goods,
iR blankets',' Comforters, Etc, ft
$ Don't Miss This Sale $
2 posToFFic^Boi 18 I Send in Your Mall Orders, ft
■ Merchant Tailor. H
I Fall and Winter Suitings P
■ ( 1 JUST ARRIVED. ( 1 1»
■ 142 North Main St V S
FINE; T rA.iLo R«.
Are r\ow occupying their
old fit corner oi"
tl 1 MM i noi icl.
Huitw from slf> to sf>().
In all its stages. C< *or& J!UoM
Ely's Dream BalmV ,T ™";|w
I' cleanses, eoothes and heals £ y M
the diseased membrane
It cures catarrh and drives M.
, away a cold In the head
| quickly.
Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils,spreads
! over the membrane and is absorlwd. Relief is im
. mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—docs
j not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug
. gists or by mail; Trial Size, 19 cents.
ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren Street, New York
Dizzy? Headache? Pain
back of your eyes? It's your
liver! Use Ayer's Pills.
( Want your moustache cr beard a j
j beautiful brown or rich black ? Use j
Buckingham's Dp
|SO cts. of dru£g»»ttcr R. P. Ha'l 2c Co., Nashua, N.H |
Cures Rheumatism,
Sprains and Bruises.
r • vssßsszsmai
I Indigestion, jj
I y
l Dyspepsia
| eaa bs csrui by |
j Try v and if it 1
S doesn't help you we p
will pay back your 1
money, I
* 100 N. Main St.
Many a fine piece of *1?
silver,watch or loekct
Tj? is spoiled by machine f!?
?! ? or poor hand engrav- ?!•
0 ing, we engrave with- 4i
ȣ out extra charge on 4i
» « all goods sold by us,
I'i and when wc say
ji engraved wo mean J
-11 engraving that you 3^
will not be ashamed Vl:
TIT to send anywhere.
ii Ralston & Smith, j|
?? w
f a "No Fancy Prices,"
? * Engravers and Watchmakers,
1 f ?I?
» ♦ 110 W. Jefforson Stfeot. iu
« I
i i
'?? w
? !?^??i??J??I??I??I??I'??I'??I'f?I??2^?I^
Kodaking mem i pleasure anil con
Portraiture is the most fascinating
branch of photography. With a
Kodak the |K>rtralt attachment
costs but 50c, extra
Have you seen the new cabinet size
Mix powders and water, that U the
Kodak way. No dut'k room and
letter picture*.
liuvu yon tried the after sripiier
nuper Velox
li< tus tell you all aliont it. We
can interest you.
The Kodak Station la
Oil H. Main St. Butler, l'a.
M >
By /»\ary Wood
Copyright, 1901, by Blary "Wood >
The boys were singing snatches of
football songs as thev sat on the porch
to talk over the gatue. Nancy smiled
lis she listened and wondered how the
practice had come out.
Now. from the time she had worn
long dresses Nancy had gone to all the
big games as a matter of course, but
it was only since Tom Garrett had
made the team that she had shown
any interest In practice games. Bay
liss Lad not yet arrived at the dignity
of a training house, so Tom still had
his old room and kept the tahle in a
r sar at mealtimes.
The boys were tramping tip the
»ta!rs now, and the song had changed:
' It you don't wake love to the landlady's daugh
Yoa won't get a secoud piece of pie."
Then Jim Woodward's voice:
"How abont that. Tom?"
And Tom's voice in laughing reply:
"Oh, 1 don't know!"
The words seemed to hold n covert
significance, and Nancy's smile faded.
That hateful song! Ilow could she
ever have laughed over It with the
rest? Was that the way Tom looked
at her—as the landlady's daughter?
Was that the pitiful foundation of her
happy dreams? For once b»h« wan
ashamed of her mother'* calling. The
tears enme, but nhe brushed them
Angrily away. Tom Ourrett need not
think that she wan like the average
girl of a college town. She would be
H college widow for no one!
The tea bell was riuging. With a
hasty glance In the mirror to see that
no traces of foolish tears remained H1I<»
tripped down stairs with a pi*>r «>*-
sumption of her ordinary manner.
Once safe lioliii'il the urn, she devoted
Ivii'Hctf to the business of pouring tea.
Bhe appeared particularly oblivious to
the glances that Tom sent In her direc
tion, as If wondering the cause of her
He linfjeri-d at tli« tublo after til©
"Aren't you feeling well, Nancy?"
Bho clattered with the tea things as
she laid Rtlllly:
"Quite well, thank you."
Tom looked IIIH aurprlae at her tono,
but he only said pleasantly:
"Well, don't forget the concert. We
had better wtart ttt 7:150,"
Nancy made a valiant effort to bo
evol and dignified, but there waa a lit
tle catch In her voice IIH she Haiti:
"Oh, the concert! I had forgotten.
But I—l don't feel like going tonight.
You had better take some one clue."
And she fairly ran from the room.
Tom gazed after her Iu bluuk antou-
He understood even ICHH In the days
that followed. Nancy refused all IIIH
Invitations until ho grew thoroughly
provoked at her.
I»u I'eyster came to call. Nancy said
Hhe was delighted to nee liim and wan
HO very chartiilng that he came again
—anil again. Tom had never thought
much about Du Peyster, but now lie
found himself regarding "the call"
with hatred. I)u Peyster took Nancy
to ull the games.
"I do not mred your tickets, thank
yoa, Mr. <larrett."
That "Mr." wan the last straw, and
Tom vowed that he would never again
try to make frlenda with her. lie kept
his word, but IIIH heart often failed
Ulni IIH he taw Nancy, his pretty Nan
cy, go off with that cad I>u Peyater
with never u glance lu hla direction.
It wan a clear November day, an
Ideal ThankHKlvlng day, and every one
VVIIM out In force for the IIIHI game of
tho Hcason. Oil Peyater thought ho
had never seen Nancy look prettier, all
In the college colors, with her red »ult
and black furs. 11«-r dark cyc» danced
with excitement, and the cold air gave
a brilliant color to her uminlly pale
cheeks. Ho told lu-r Ho, but Homcliow
It gave her no pleasure.
"Don't let's talk HO much," she anld
caKi-rly. "VCe inunt pay ntrlrt atten
tion to the frame aiuce It IM the end of
the Hcaaoti."
The cheering and Hinging commenc
ed as the two teams trotted out on tho
field. Oil, there was that hateful Hong
again! Nancy tried not to watch u
certain llgur«-, but It Hccuied linpoa
•|blo for her eycH to forget their old
trick of hunting It out ufter every
It wan an exciting game, for the two
tcauiH were evenly matched. Nancy
found heraelf haiiKlng brcathlcHHly on
every play.
The first half over and even H cores I
Could II In* possible that Bayliss would
lie whipped oil ItK own Held? How
long the IntermlHHlon neemedl There
they come again!
Shout, lluyllHM, shout! Cheer SH you
never did before! The team iniiHt not
know that you huvc even a doubt of
Its failure.
The line of players zigzagged up and
down, following that bit of ipilck
■liver, the bail. Now there was a
splendid run, now a kick. 'Wie scores
mounted slowly. But what HIIH that?
Home one WIIH running with the ball.
One Intercepting player was thrown,
another <IIIMII>II aside, mid still the fig
ure sped on. Nearer, nearer the gonl
uosU! Threu ouuouenta weru ulu>u«>
on liim now. lie fell, but a great shout
wont up. The touchdown had been
The little heap slowly disentangled
itself, but the undermost man did not
move. A doctor ran forward. Nancy
turned faint. It was Tom—she knew
it was Tom—and he had been killed!
The cheering sounded far away. She
gave a little gasp, and Du Peyster was
alarmed at sight of her face.
"You're sick. Miss Elliot?" he asked
"No, no!" She did not take her eyes
from the group on the field. "Only
only, I hate to see any one hurt. Do
you think he is killed?" she asked pite
Du Peyster laughed as he said cheer
fully: "Not a bit of it. It takes more
than that to down a Bayliss man. See,
there he is moving. They are going to
take him off the field—probably an
ankle sprained or something of that
sort. What's the matter with Gar
rett?" to a passing sub.
"Only a sprained ankle. lie's all
right." And the crowd echoed, "He's
all right."
So Nancy sat out the rest of the
game, and when they were shouting
the college victory she had won a vic
tor}- over self.
Tom could not go to the jubilation
banquet on account of his sprain, but
he didn't seem to mind it very much,
for Nancy brought a well tilled tray to
his lounge and sat beside him while he
ate. And it was the old Nancy, smil
ing and gay. There was almost a
gleam of repentant tears In her eyes
when he had linished his dessert and
she leaned over him and said:
"Don't you want another piece of pie,
Tom seized her hand.
"Oh, bother the pie, Nancy! I'd rath
er you'd"—
Nancy's cheeks flushed as she bent
over the fallen hero, but her eyes twin
kled as she said:
"Well, only to show you—l forgive
Durability of Ancient Ink.
The labor required In making the
manuscript books of ancient days was
far beyond the understanding of the
men of the present day, who possess
all the modern adjuncts to that art. As
these books were intended to last for
many years, answering the same pur
pose as our printed tomes, the great
desideratum In their preparation was
durability. As a natural consequence
those who mude them not only selected
the best quality of parchment or other
material to write upon, but also paid
particular attention to the quality of
the ink used In such work.
That they were successful In making
the latter Is evidenced by the fact that
in the majority of Instances the char
acters Inscribed on the most ancient
manuscript rolls now preserved iu the
Itrltlsh museum and elsewhere are
very legible, the Ink being bright and
black and showing but little evidence
of its great age. It is supposed that the
superior quality of lampblack, prepar
ed In a manner now unknown, was the
true cause of this beautiful and lasting
color of the ink in question.
The Only Safe Way.
"No, I can't stay any longer," ho
said, with determination.
"What difference does an hour or so
make now?" asked a member of tho
party. "Your wife will be in bed and
asleep, and If she wakes up alio won't
know what time it is."
"Quite right Quite right," he return
ed. "1 can fool my wife almost any
time as long as I get home beforo
breakfast. Why, I've gone home when
the sun was up, kept the blinds shut,
lit tho gas and made her think that it
was a little after V 2. Hut, gentlemen,
I can't fool the baby. I can make the
room as dark as I please, but it won't
make the baby sleep a minute Inter
than usual, and when she wakes up
hungry It comes pretty close to being
morning, and my wife knows it. Gen
tlemen," lie added as he bowed himself
out, "1 make It a rule to get home be
fore the habj wakes. It's the only safe
Tllmlnl and (he Fountain of l'nnth.
Itlmlni wits a fabulous Island firmly
believed In by the Indians of the An
tilles, though tbey could give no further
clew to Its location than that it lay
some hundreds of leagues north of Ills
pnnlola. On this Island was the fa
mous fountain <>f youth and giving per
petual health and vigor. It was the
search for this fountain that led l'onco
lie I .eon and Hernando tie Soto to Flor
ida, on the outskirts of which the Is
land was generally supposed to be sit
(•ettlnir Hlil of Hie Acid.
An exploring expedition In a remote
part of China had a queer experience,
which one of the party thus relates: "A
large bottle of carbolic add hail been
broken Inside Its wooden case. We ex
hausted our Ingenuity in hopeless ef
fort to unscrew tho cover. We feared
to carry It farther, as the burning tears
distilled by it destroyed everything
they touched. Wo dared not throw It
aside lest the unsophisticated heathen
should drink It as a cheering or mo
dlclnal beverage. We had no time to
wult and empty it, as the fatal tluld
would only trickle drop by drop through
a chink which had been cautiously
and laboriously excavated with a blunt
hunting knife. What were we to do?
Degrading as the confession must ap
pear, we had to deposit the torpedo In
the middle of the yard and throw
bricks at it uutll it was smashed."
Sweetheart Abbey.
There Is In (ialloway, Scotland, an
ancient ruin known as Sweetheart ab
ls-y. Within Its Ivy covered, storm
battered walls lies burled tho affec
tionate mid devoted iJervorglll, with
the heart of her husband, John Ilallol,
embalmed upon her breast. Ixively In
their lives, In death they are not divid
ed. Tho crumbling masonry Is still
and must ever be a romance In its
symbols of di'iilh and decay, telling ev
ery day, as It has for WKJ years, tho
thrilling story of u woman'* tender
love mid devotion.
The Suilniieiin llaliy.
A Sudanese baby when dressod up In
Its best clothes Is probably the most
uncomfortable Infant In Ibo world. Tho
font or outer icnrmcut which fashion
dictates should Ito worn reaches tu Its
very heels. It Is of heavy velvet, hang
ing In many folds. This In turn Is
adorned with countless buttons and
bangles of brass, considerably adding
to Its weight. Its cap Iu turn Is of the
same material, similarly decorated und
doubtless equally lliicnuifortnble.
The C'rnille.
Peter Cooper had llfty live years of
domestic InippliH'-i • and morning (Ire
building. Mr. Cooper wn* un Ingen
ious innti. When a cradle beeaiue tii-«--
essnry In Ills home, us was nimotlmcs
the case years ago. Peter rlggi-d a self
ris king cradle, with a fun attachment.
Afterward 1 1 patented the device ami
sold the patent. Tin-re were many op
portuiiHlcM "111 IIIOHC days."
Hon It la Carried uu In Southern
Coiuc. tioat.
Onions, potatoes and strawberries
are the principal trucking crops grown
by farmers near the Long Island
shore between Bridgeport and Stam
ford, Conn. The first two crops are
marketed chiefly in New York city,
while strawberries are sold in Bridge
l>ort. Stamford and other markets.
Nearly every farmer grows a few
acres of these crops, some of them de
voting a fourth to a half of their culti
vated area to them. Ilay is also
grown extensively and meets with
ready sale at profitable prices, as high
as S:JS being paid the past spring and
early summer for prime timothy.
Nearness to New York makes tho
fertilizer problem easily solved, for
stable manure can be obtained at all
seasons of the year. Price of this va
ries from 40 cents to $1 per ton in
New York city, depending upon the
season and the demand, and freights
are a matter of 80 cents more. Before
the new rates were put into efTect July
1 freight on manure from New York
was 00 cents per ton. This stable ma
nure is from grain fed horses and con
tains but little straw, but it usually
has an abundance of grass and weed
seeds. The usual application is a car
load to the acre, somewhere between
twenty and thirty tons. When possible
it is put on the ground in the fall and
plowed in to n depth of six to eight
Large quantities of commercial fer
tilizers are also used liere, high grade
goods being the favorites. The best
farmers apply one ton of fertilizer per
acre no matter what the crop. The
bulk of the fertilizer Is sown broadcast
after plowing and harrowed In, al
though with corn and potatoes a few
hundred pounds are frequently put into
the drill.
Early planting of potatoes and on
ions Is favored by most of the growers.
Both of these crops do best when
germinating in cool soil. Early plant
ing also allows of early maturity and
harvesting, as it is essential that the
onions be put in during good weather.
Potatoes are harvested before the
heavy rush of northern and western
stock reaches the market and brings
down prices. The strawberry acreage
with each farmer Is light, from one to
three acres being the rule. Spring
planting Is the rule. Other truck crops
are grown in a small way, such as
asparagus, rhubarb, sweet corn, melons
and cabbage, but these usually for local
In the onion growing district around
Southport, where in the towns of West
port and Falrfleld about 1,000 acres
of onions are grown annually, other
crops are frequently worked In. The
onions are rotated with hay and pota
toes and seldom planted more than one
or two years in succession on the same
piece of land. The ground is given a
very thorough preparation and a heavy
application of manure or fertilizer,
from twenty-live to thirty tons per acre
of New York stable manure or one ton
of high grade commercial fertilizer be
ing applied to this crop. Naturally the
after crops get considerable benefit of
such a liberal application.
If perchance the onion crop should
be a partial failure, yet the stand not
thin enough to warrant plowing up. n
crop of carrots is often put in.—Aincri
can Agriculturist.
Hoar* on a Cement Floor.
Cement tloors are all right for hogs,
affirms the Country Gentleman, if the
pens are kept liberally bedded. How
ever, the lloor should be raised at one
side, as shown in the diagram. A is
the manure liberally mixed with straw,
B the iK-d and C a 2 by 4 scantling to
prevent the bedding from working off
the platform. Once each week remove
the manure from the pen and throw
the bedding to A. Three or four days
afterward move the bedding from B to
A and renew B.
WlnlrrlnK Cakkwe For Family ! ■«.
Cabbages that winter best nre those
Just fully formed and not overripe.
For famifj use bury an empty barrel
In a well drained spot and till It with
good heads. Place a lot of dry leaves
on top and cover the barrel so that it
will shed rain or pile some cabbages
In a corner on the barn lloor and cover
them with enough straw to prevent
solid freezing.—Bailey.
The Agricultural Spirit.
The agricultural fairs, with their ex
hibits and prize lists, have done some
thing toward creating the agricultural
spirit among farmers. The farmers'
institutes have done more. The granges
have exceeded the institutes, but the
agricultural press has done ten times
more than all other agencies combined.
—J. W. Ingram In Itural New Yorker.
Agricultural Note*.
Blue Andaluslans are said to be an
excellent breed for eggs.
A fairly good onion crop appears to
be the general estimate.
The New Kngland tobacco crop Is re
ported a light one by the New Eng
land Homestead.
One of the fine features of the New
York state fair was the exhibit of
bees and honey.
For an early spring crop of bunching
onions plant hardy onions this fall.
I.lft a little parsley and plant In the
cold frame or a box to lie kept in n
light cellar.
Khiiliarh plants may Is? set now. En
rich the ground generally with old sta
ble manure and give a few feet of
(pace to each root.
Clean off old asparagus plantations
and manure them all.
ltulalnv the I.lmlt.
"Don't you think that the Ideals of
statesmanship are higher now then
they used to be?"
"Hiiro they an l ," answered Senator
Sorghum. "I've known the time when
9SOO was considered big money. Now
you can't get a man that amounts t<>
anything to lisik at less than $10,000."
—Washington Star.
Ilia Feellnar Faculty.
"I don't s<-e anything remarkable Iti
that mule," said the prospective pur
chaser, "except that he's stone blind
"Yes, suh." replied the mule's propri
etor, "he blln' ill his eye, but you ties
orter see him feel fer you wld his
lieels!"— Atlanta Constitution.
Profit Willi the Brush.
"l>o you tlilnlt It possible for a man
who Is clever with the brush to make
a living these days?" asked the ills
couraged artist.
"Yes," responded the cruel cynic, "If
he Is a bootblack." —Pldladelphla Itec
Illd yon ever notice the Indecision
of a woman about choosing a scat In II
street ear with but few passengers?
Milwaukee Sentinel.
No. 2.
|nr I'nriuer Can MiiLc and I SIP Tlirm
l'or Faruluc rurpuai-*.
1 Comparatively inexpensive machines
j have been produced v.-hich, when u>id
I by even the ordinary laborer, can pro
duce cement stone of varying sizes at
i a cost of ir. to Oo per cent less than
j kiln run brick and in the east at the
| same cost a:s lumber.
The stone can be made to resemble
cut stone, thus giving au added beauty
to t ie building. Three hundred pounds
of c'-i .--nt and one yard of gravel will
Liake about thirty-seven stones S by 10
by -0 at a cost of 10 cents each, JfUo.7o,
: even estimating your labor at SI.OO per
day, w liieh will take the place of SCtO
brick at a cost of $8 per thousand.
$15.40. Any farmer can make them. It
costs less to lay these stones than it
does brick or stone. The inside of the
wall can be plastered with a thin coat
of cement, thus making the wall and
floor one unit. It therefore must be ab
solutely air tight.
Cement stones do not decay, will en
dure for generations, are impervious to
moisture, are cheaper than any other
building material save lumber anil,
taking Into consideration their endur
ing qualities, are even cheaper than
lumber and can be made by an/ ordl
nary farm laborer. The buildiui: does
uot require painting, which is a saving
In original construction and mainte
nance. The use of cement stone for
building purposes is no experiment, as
many large factories, power hous •*,
cold storage plants and residences have
been erected of cement stone. The dai
ry building at the Toronto Industrial
exposition, Toronto, is constructed of
Portland cement stone and is highly
recommended by the Canadian com
missioner of agriculture. So says a
Rural New Yorker writer, who give;'
further information as follows:
The composition Is usually six parts
sand and one part cement. Secure
good, sharp gravel, which contains a
small amount of sand. I)o not screen.
Do not use sand or gravel that has any
surface dirt, hardpan or clay or any
particles of decayed wood or other for
eign substance. For an economical
foundation wall the byproducts of a
stone quarry or even cinders or refuse
from mines may be used. This means
a source of revenue where before the
disposal of this waste was an expense.
Place sixty shovelfuls of sand and
gravel upon a platform, spreading it
out three or four Inches thick, and
then spread over It 100 pounds of Port
land cement. Mix thoroughly by shov
eling to the center, making a ridge six
or seven feet long and two feet wide.
Rake It down and shovel it as before,
and by handling it two or three times
It w 111 be well mixed. If It does not
show a good, even color give It another
turn, for much depends upon getting
the cement evenly distributed. Hollow
out the top and put on water enough to
moisten it thoroughly. Then shovel as
before. It should have water enough
to give it the appearance of freshly
dug earth. The mixture is now ready
for the cement stone machine. There
are several machines upon the market,
covered hy different patents, operated
by various devices, some molds which
are hand tamped and others by pres
sure, making the blocks either hollow
or solid. The hollow blocks are ad
vocated for the ventilation throughout
the entire wall, making It warmer In
winter and cooler in summer and re
ducing the cost of manufacture.
Some face the stone with a mixture
of two parts sand and one part cement,
thus making an extra strong concrete,
greatly adding to the beauty and In
creasing the Impervlousness to mois
ture. Samples of the stone are shown
In the cut. The stones are removed
from the machines upon wooden pel
lets and placed In the shade and out
of the wind and allowed to cure. Each
day they are given all the water they
will hold. This Is continued for ten or
fifteen days, when they are ready for
use. By various pigments they re
semhlc brown and other stone.
Ntorliia: Celery.
I)lg up the celery stalks, leaving the
roots on, and stand them close together
in a narrow trench, tops Just even with
the ground level. Gradually cover them
with boards, earth and manure. An
other wuy Is to set them upright upon
the floor of a damp ceflar or root
house, keeping the roots moist and the
tops dry.
it ml Nolr*.
The Imports of raw silk in the last
fiscal year were the largest In the his
tory of the government.
Potato storage requires a uniform
and cool temperature, with neither too
much nor too little moisture.
A "railroad gardener" is said to com
mand a salary all the way from
to ss,ix Hl a year.
"Money In bananas" In Central Amer
ica Is the report of a western man who
Is largely Interested In plantations
L. W. Lighty, a dairy authority, has
found rye silage unsatisfactory sour
and moldy.
The Improvement of the soli should
be one of the chief alms of every
fliry Were Made hy the tJreeks a*
Far llaeU a« A. 11. 100.
According to Theon, the commentator
•n Ptolemy, almanacs, as we under
stand the word, were constructed from
nlsjut the year 100 A. I>. by the Greeks
of Alexandria, but the dates of festi
vals und other events of natlohal Inter
est had been exposed on murblo tab
lets iu Koine 200 years B. C. Lalando,
an authority on the subject, states that
the earliest almanac of which the au
thor's name Is preserved was that of
Solomon Jiirclnis, who lived In the mid
dle of the twelfth century.
A primitive English calendar or a)
maiiac was called the "prime staff,
"rein stock" or "clog almanac." It was
made of wood, bone or horn, about
eight inches long, like a square ruler.
On this the days were inark<sl by a
series of notches, every seventh being
of larger si*e. The festivals were hull
cuted by symltols, as were the goiden
number and the cycle of the moon.
Specimens of this "clog almanac" may
tx> at the British museum and In
museums or libraries at Oxford, Cam
bridge and Manchester. Home of lnrgcr
size were hung "atone end of the man
tle-tree of their chimneys" for general
use, and smaller ones were carried in
the pocket or on the walking stick.—
Pearson's Weekly.