Simb »'} "ft vf Hit ~xi l r'f ttiW//s / \*WW/.Y& ajJfi' // , \< tfi >► ?> y 11 /<1 t that the nerves are rot fed lical Discovery makes pure, are run smoothly, like the can, strong and strenuous— jf physical or mental work, ilth are lasting. The trouble ale for a short lime is that sin solution. This alcohol ; may feel exhilarated and ind with vitality decreased, alcohol. The proof is easy. Every bottle of Dr. Pierce's proval. For the druggist to jit your intelligence. What i stood the test of time, nent to Dr. Pierce's Golden of 11til District, Duval Co., of for the weakened condi vork sometimes brings, caus ing indigestion, sick headache, a disagreeable or bitter taste in the mouth, sleepless nights and a complication of unnatural conditions, making one feel sick all over. Your remedy is scientifically prepared awl well calculated to renovate the entire system, cleansing and vitalizing the blood and assisting the stomach to perfect •wimilation of food, which will soon restore health and harmony." The dealer who tries to palm off a substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery," does so in order to make the little more nrofit raid bv the sale of less meritorious preparations. Insist on having Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. best guide to health and happiness is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. In the scope of its 100S large pages there are discussed the great mysteries of human origin and of human destiny, and a broad path is laid out for those who would have a strong and long life. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the book bound in strong Cioth, or if content to havo the book in paper covers, send only 21 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. lotres a bmu!-w10»!n« KAneMaM f/amr ttjsa and mooxa tnm* <,'m«rwl of tteM pr»HT""* tmauetr', il ! <.r > r- u:*n addrcM P.PUFF A SOWS. Bth & Ltbt.-ly «,r.. P.>->l;eir«.P«. f" " Don't Know That? That Stern's Creamy and Milk depot at the rear of 417 South Main afreet la in operation ? WELL, IT IS! And if yon want good Milk, Cream. Creamery Butter or Butter milk, call and see us or watch for oar wagon. People's Phone 435 Bell Phone 2«3. AUK YOUR GROCER for Bteen '• Boiled Cider in quart jars We ipiarantee aur product* pure and free from any adulteration J. H. STEEN'S CREAMERY. Eyes Examined Free of Chargt R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jaweler and Graduate Optician C-.«• ri rwf" Sutler f"« Dean's I I A **C«, r«-rtaln r»IH ,t Hupf.nwi] I ■ Menstruatlem. ku.,«n Ui (ill. Huh-' ■ ■ Mure! PpMxly! Hstlafartlon <hi&n%nV**l ■ ■or mrmir Itefeiei'l'xl. ptvpulii (or ■ ■ fl.ffe per bo*. Will ewmel Ui"m»ri IrinJ to ■ ■ Npw for whan n-llmresel. Harnpl -a I n*. ■ B unrrto >e KDICAL CO. , so. r«, UWMWI., ea. | Sold In Butler at the Centre Ave. Pbarmvtv NFW = lIL-VV BTOC|( I have purchased the C. J. Harvey Pharmacy, In the Stein building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the store. I have twenty-two years experience as a pharmacist, and compounding of prescriptions will be under my personal at tention. .Pure drugs and honest treat ment guaranteed. When in town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J. L. McKee, Pharmacist, Stein Bleick. H. Matr ■ • r. I'a. I See the sign direct r>9t>a*ft« the Old I* <r office, Theotiuie Yogeley. Weal Pitat sad Erase* Agency, UA S. Mala St. Batler, Pa. /mm If you Teiive pre>perty I t<> imill, triulu, or n nt nrl or. nutll Ui lieiy or A K rent caie, write or Ui Übooe trie. Utt Mailed Upon Application CONCERTS, PIANOS Kve-rythiiiif Musical. PIS Address *jl Arthur love, KLKBER'H MI;HK; HOUSE. Av,. j '' ' DR. M. FORBES 737 Ohiodtreet, AbtCUIISNY, I'A. Cares C*w*r wltleoui catllritf: removes totJMir e4.fiel all feu'"' lilere.loliem. Me.lns >ie>el tilrtlunarks rernovnel. A'lelUlein's |r>. Klee trle Helta ffer |l, the. eic*(.;» eleivs—feir matlsm. I/tvnr uexl Kleleie-y Treiulelet. I.eulli'S treat#'l lo strict (umllel)tne'e A«i eif» witeilt-cl for Bells steel f.ewllen No Cure, Ho Pay I'rnsleleret of llo*plt(el for ba'llen. , 11-UMM-etm MME. BARTLETT S # MASSAQE PARLORS. Mme. Ilartlett. HHI.M ley et New V«.rk fnasaeiur etreel tiriiuty »p<'<-l»l|*l.; entitceintli'. eleetrli*. v»v»r fmtlm. xeilp tre-m --fncut. rniue«aK>'; Imat deve-leiprtec nt. MM Federal Ht., AHexbsny City, pu. Hoorie IZ, Third Floor, Alioro Mcutt's. U'K OU-ly ARE YOU USING HARD TIMES LINIMENT? Many people of Butler find There is Nothing its Equal for Rheumatism and Lumbago, Colds, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, Bronchitis, Paralysis, Sprains and Stiffened Joints. Each county of the state will be disposed of to good business persons, who v/ill act as general agents for counties. They to order by the gross from the Company and supply both local agents and druggists for one year from the time their contract is signed. A Cash Prize of $15.00 v/ill be given the general agent, for every gross ordered from the Company. Address all communications to W. J. BLACK, Carr P. 0., Pa. On Sale at Drug Stores CHIGHES t £R*S fctiGUSH PENNYROYAL PILLS X er, '* n <>"■ v*y a] 9 * 1/ Mmfr. Always r« iUtbi* Ln«SSess, Mk firuj u\nl frtl <"llI€«I§:**'• y.IZ'H r.ViMMIi l;i ar^ f,old iiM-Utlik: pfmlnl «vi(h blu<i riMwn Tnltr no lirr. dAnyrom futlonmind lidv»f ywt tirunici*t, or Mitui ie. In \r- U>* !•»»»iruhtrs, Tr«ll monlMlM :uvl for in UtUr, a' rriurva Hal!. J «:*>«* nonkkla. »4old by CHIOBBSTKK OffKMIOAL CO. 9109 llfMllaou M«|ua»rr t I'IIILA % F4 JaaO«« Ala a«MK PAROID READY OOFING. TJAROID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't Ijrow brittle. ANYONIvcan apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. T) EPHKSENTS the results o years of Experience and V.x perimcntinK- /'"iNLY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first laid. f S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate **■ or Shingles. HEMAND for i'AROID is world J wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Oth«r Fiwrts, Hum pi on anel Prices are yours If yon will aeik as. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. TH6 RIGHT WAV ! Th«-re-'s a way anel a wreniK way e ( f ele'iillnif In Hte><-kH. Froui toy expe ri<:ii< f, i ellrect my I • customers to feill«.w the way. I carry for th«m Rrain. stockn or bonels. ntKen low marvins. EHTABLIBIIKD IHliu. B. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds !! 223 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Maiu St. Butler, J A. REYNOLDS, Manager. 1 A FINE BABY. Never frets even when teething: "i„ VICTOR liMs Relief The Babe's Digestive Tonic. An absolute cnrc for Slimy Bowel*, Diarrhea, Griping, Colic, Cholera Infan tum, and all bowel troubles common to Infants. The Mother's Friend. I'lcasant to take. For further information address, VICTOR KKMJjDIiiS CO., Frederick, Maryland For sale at Reed's Pharmacy * \ A . A. * VK\ KfIH, ConKnllftvia, Inflamm*- CX'KIM (Luna Fnrr, Milk Finer. 11. 11. * HI*H A l.\N. Umriißa, Injurb-i. a;un( Rhrum«tl«rn. r.r./WlllK TllltOAT, Quinsy. Epizootic, t't:uth j IMalrmprr. e'un'eui j WORMS. Bote. Grulx. K. K. M OI OIIM. folim. InfWnra, Inflame-I cxani I.UIIKI, Plrtiro-f'nruiiiorila. K. P. H OMC, llHlv«rhr, Wlnd-lllown. niU»)lliarrli(;«, llv■••nlrry. ii.ii. I'revenla MIH( AliltlA(;K. rl:iun|"l"\KV * BLADDKH »IH»n»KIlH. I. I. {Mil* IMMKAHKM. Mange, Kriipllutia. Cl'lilteeH lerree. Orraw, Furry. J. H.'IMD mxtiriov Hearing Coal, (l/hU ( liidllPallun, Mtonearh Klauurra. S>\ narh; Heal<l<> Caw, Ten HpavlA/:*, book, Ac., #7. At (IraggUU, or M-rie t'(il'l on r' U'* of price. Ilueeiptiri/.' MndlclßO Co., Cor. William Jt Joho Otr-jcl«, Now York. * ~ ~ eaTST Tar — - rAF T'3 "HILADf. LPHik ft --DENTAL ROOMS.- V » 3*J - seei Ave., PlU*burg t Pa }/ :/< 15 %3l Wn'ei'PßACTlCA''_Y'l"»'K le,. f* ■ ra CMOWN ""I won. h V fi™ WHY MOT D<"W i'J, #«iVOUH»? «•••'•> CROWNS L< . *11? o*s PC H TOOTH Alee., |1„ or)<•«). ;I-II»-1Y 'jpaMsmrjaHCOTansx m«■ M PENNSYLVANIA >' tj ELfcCfRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, 3 lOCiO Mfth Avi , X'lttfct/urgf. F*. H tY in VI VIUV Ms IJfft'i'it UCTION 1 * j ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES R k| Ml HMOI 212C/tnL A. T. Hiavaofw, Freil. I IV ly M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 130 HcMith Main St. }|. MIMJOL FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OrriCK Il<i"in SW, IJutler (bounty Nutiorenl Hunk building. —MBE3»IST 6#l"V' BTTIWMI L. C. WICK, f'RACta >e« LUiIBER. i ■■■'«! asac asm Yeju will find just what you want in a full unit, e, r overcoat at Jlitteir lloeki.tif.tejillK Indispensable) in teething prodtic re fre-sbiiiK sleep, «j ll ititH tlie> nerves nod di«<'e4t,« f(,<«l fur baby. Test Victor Infonts Relief aud lee convinced. THE HALL OF FAME. The German emperor owns In hifl OTO name fifty-four palaces. Justice Harlan of the United States (supreme court celebrated on Dec. 9 the twenty-sixth anniversary of his ap pointment to that bench. Benton Lee French of Idaho, by rea lon of his being the youngest member, is known as the baby of the house. He has Just turned his twenty-eighth year. Professor Charles Eliot Norton is seventy-six years of age. ne is one of the few Americans of his age who live in the house in which they were born. The German playwright Sudermann has earned 300.000 marks with one play, "Ehre." Cotta, the publisher of Schiller's plays, had paid him and his heirs up to 1833 275,000 marks. William Archibald of Newark, N. J., has been awarded the silver medal and diploma of the St Petersburg Photo graphic society, nis pictures that won the prize were photographs of lightning flashes. President Diaz is quoted as saying, "A strong personal government is nec essary for u Latin race." Another say ing attributed to the Mexican president is, "The strongest alliance I know of is a commercial alliance." Rev. .Tames William Adams, the only clergyman who ever won the Victoria cross, has just died in England. He won it during Roberts' march to Kan daliar, rescuing two wounded lancers under the fire of the enemy. Sir Edward Fry, who presides over the London water arbitration and who has just celebrated the seventy-sixth anniversary of his birthday, has for several years past been carrying on a crusade against secret commissions, his most recent exposure being of traders who offer a bribe to clergymen to puff their wares. HORSES AND HORSEMEN. A race track Is being constructed at Kenosha, Wis. Endow, 2:14%, is the champion trot ter of the Philadelphia speedway. Baron Boy, 2:1814, will be driven on the Buffalo speedway this winter. Cupid, 2:18, Is a full brother to Sid ney Dilion, sire of Lou Dillon, Robert McGregor, 2:17 1 / t , now lias 101 standard performers to his credit. The Lexington (Ky.) track is now having a winter cohering placed on it Ed Geers think a that The Monk can go to a record of 2:04 if trained next year.. A. E. Aivord of Syracuse, N. Y., has purchased the mare Sloppy Weather, 2:14*. HpeedwtiyHfs is the new veterinary term fuc horses that have had too much work on the spe«!dwaya. Trainer George Starr Is able to get around and attend to business once more Since his accident at Iteadvllle. EDITORIAL FLJNGS. Modern surgery has given the phrase "Lend me your ears" literal as well as poetic significance.—Washington Star. Perhaps It isn't fiat life that is af fecting church attendance so much as flat sermons.—New York Mail and Ex press. In addition to boiling the water be fore drinking, it might be well for the people of Chicago to screen their air before breathing. Chicago Recor'J- Ileraid. The Standard Oil company, like death, has all seasons for its own. It declares as big dividends in panicky times as in any other.—Kansas City Journal. The sausage makers know how to do tilings Just right. At their banquet In New York the principal toasts were "Public confidence" and "Faith."— Washington Post. JEWELRY JOTTINGS. Chatelaines, with their attendant tri fles, curious or useful, again claim at tention. Buckles nre carried out In the oddest conceits of the "new art," with gold, enamel* and gems. Short strings of gold beads for the neck urn much seen. Like the pearl striugu, the size varies much. Bracelet* continue to hold a popular place, and "danglers" of various sorts are Ix-glnnlng to be attached to tliem. I-ong ropes of s<-ed pearl* woven In many strands, with heavily fringed triKKclK of tbe mi nit!; pearl collar* of many rows, with diamond slid'-*, and Hlnirli: strand necklace* of perfect peuriH testify to the everlasting and marvel ous charm of thin peerleaa gem.—Jcw |ler»' Circular-Weekly. CHURCH STATISTICS. Ilu'ldhlsm has establish!*! * mission ary center at Lclpslc, Germany. The Idsclple* of (,'hrlst, wlk> number a million ami a quarter member*, made n net km In of 33, last. year. There are more than n mUllon and a half communicant member* of tho Lu- Ihcran church In thin country. A hundred yeur* ago William Carey established tbo first Sunday achool 111 India. Now there are 12,000 school* ami liOO.OO'd scholar*. Twenty per cent of tli«? entire popu latlori of Philadelphia 1* enrolled In the Sunday nchool and 23 per cent of the state population. Snyder county makos the remarkable showing of OS per cent of all Its peciple In the Sunday school*. The (.nrilrurr T.n Old Horn*. nr nti«rnlly grew colon DA dew; hefaflh le.ned obellak* of box, cypreaa or lie*. 110 not only fluttered til* lord and mas ter by Inscribing *»t» name In odorifer ous herbs or gorgeous flower* thut star tled the garden with occasional tour* de force, but he netualJy trimmed tree* Into family portrait* or even tboae of hlNtorlcal character*. He transfoniad bushes and thick foraged shnilm into the fantastic likeness of *jMpa, lions, Itears and birds. Ami thesv inthor de generate "conceit*" and extra vagance* met with profound appreciation and were rewarded with Increase of wage* by tho same Individual wli<>, having tired of mere gladiatorial lights with wild Is-ast* In the (Coliseum, only do rlved renl thrills from such uncanny performance* as lights let ween women and dwarfs or women with each other, l'llny say* the gardener* were the best pnld of all worker*. Ct. Clair Itutfde ley In Nineteenth Century. Orlratnl HUH 11l lils monograph, "The Oriental Rug," Mr. \V. 1). ICllwunger, writing on tho crucial matter of the dyes used, says: "One expert Armenian ha* a *uro lest for mineral dyes In his tongue. When In doubt he cuts a bit of wool from the rug, nibbles It a minute or so atii' 1 then pronounces his sure verdict. But the test Is a delicate one, and tho fruit of knowledge) I* presumably bit ter." The Mice Thlnic ll* Hnld. "I'm not given to flattery," drawled Mr. Ktaylate. "I don't make a point to say nice things to girl*"— "No? I'm sure that was a nice thing you said to me earlier In the evening," replied Miss Itord, with n yawn. "What was that?" "Vou remarked that you didn't have long to *tay, you know."— i'tiUadiclphiu Ledger. , | The Butler County National Bank, BUTLER, PA | OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY | OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. % I Capital Paid in $200,000.00 f Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 Surplus and Profits 195,000.00 — $595,000.00 ¥ Assets over $2,500,000.00 jjj * Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000.00. * INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time * £ without notice. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent—THE VERY BEST. We most cordially solicit your busintss either in person or by mail. $ * JOSEPH HARTMAN, President. JNO. G. MoMARLIN, Cashier. * JOHN V. RITTS, Vice President. ALIJERT C KRUG, Asst. Cashier, t JJ| T. P. Mifflin, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSL.EE, Asst. Cashier. J CAPITAL SURPLUS I $200,000.00. $200,000.00. I UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. ] SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL. Jr.. President. n 9 » f II TPOI'TM \N Ist Vice I'res. W. A. STEIN,2iid Nice Pres. ■ LOUIS B. STEIN. Treasurer. C. E. CBONENWETT* Ass t Treasur. Will continue to do a general banking business at the § old stand and is also prepared to transact a general H Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to I | Standard Trust Company | RUTfcER, PA. J CAPITAL? ------- $150,000.00 § Pjid on Deposits- Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GRfcfcNkEE, President. C. A. SAlfcEy, Secty. and Treasurer. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- 2100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - " $32,000.00 (KAIINKD) Acconnts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKWB, President.. JOHN Humphhky, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HXITZLEB. ASS t Cashier. PIM M I >LN NATIONAL BANK 01 PITTSBURGH | v jfc 533 SIYIIYHFIELD STREET, L- '• Mall bunking in slmt>l<- and convenient. Bend us your money !! H fWk, Money <>rder or Bettered Utter. l*y return mail yoa 111 will receive Imnk book with the amount to your credit and card for 31! I>| ■ vour s ttr.atnre. When desiring to withdraw any amount, mail us l|, B check o>' form provided, together with your book, and we will sen , draft which is as good as gold anywhere. ifhmi fl BANK BY MAIL 1 Ani tei the 4 per cent annual interest and '"V fr/y vfflS tJI absolute jirotection of this s»roii« uank. Aaaot. uv*r $7,700,000. ! GERMANS A SAVINGS MM WOOD ANO DIAMOND STKEI'TS IMTTSIKJHO. I . \PROMPT SERVICE oa oil ordon—forohoio 4* t N STOCKS AND BONDS - \j Either for Cash upon delivery of ? MESSAGES AT OUR EXPENSE j) OUR DAILY MARKET FORECAST #| | NEVILLE BAYLEY, \ PITTSBURG, PA. Great Sacrifice Sale § »1« Ti 7 —This Week at— -1 Rockenstein's Millinery! » 4* A: Pattern and Trimmed Hats at your own price. iti Ladies' and Children's Hate, Ostrich Plumes, Rib- f i bona, Birds, Ornaments, Velvets. X DON'T FORGET THE PLACE ii I Rockenstein's | tr Ban Month Miiin Htrc-l. iiuUtjr, Pfc l j •< i * ************ #*#* *******# ******************* | For Holiday & Wedding Presents | L Them's (Mithinir more npjiroprlate than picture*, and there's no l etter I phu-e to lmy them than at onr store. We have on vii-w Uissou's "Zephyrs f of LoVo." <meof the grandest water colors out Also 11 full lm« of Den X Pictures. Oval Frames are all the go now. Hee what we have to offer. * TREGANOWAN ART CO, 4.'<7 Penn ave , cor Fifth Kt., Plttsbtirg, Pn. I IOH Wylio ave., cor Elm st |« Nrur Jo*, fiornn Co. f , -*»»*»*»**»*** ************ IHIHIHI»*IMHIH» **************** KLEBER'S J Piano Factory j I and Salesroom in Greensburg. [ f. We have moved our Piano Factory from New York to Greensburg and now invite every person to call and see the *j i IKLEBER PIANOS | •j? & | • I We are the only Pittsburg Music Dealers that are man- | | ufacturing Pianos and we have received the in- jjj dorsement of many prominent pianists and dealers throughout the United States. It will pay all intending purchasers to examine our Pianos. We also have on exhibition the world-renowned jj KNABE PIANOS and the wonderful Apollo Piano Player j WITH A LIST OF 10,000 ROLLS OF MUSIC. EASY PAYMEMTS IF DESIRED. BUY DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY AND SAVE MONEY. CATALOGUES FREE- | KLEBER & BRO. | DEPOT ST. near Otterman St.. GREENSBURG j Pittsburg House Established 62 Years. 221-223 FIFTH AVENUE. i i 1 win T unnr i iriii?Ti Water The Cause. g NEARLY EVERY CASE OF >' s | Typhoid Fever I can be traced to the use of water infected with Typhoid Fever Germs. , \ Sparkling Crystal Water | is the one absolutely pure water. Guaranteed to be free from germ life and all other impuri- - ties. Its use in the home removes the greatest - cause of disease— impure water. 1 Crystal Water is sold by all druggists and first class grocers. Our booklet on pure water should be in every househoid; it's free for the asking. Crystal Water Co. of Pittsburg, Pa. l—gagiasmM— | PLUMBERS | S Estimates given cn all kinds of work. ? L We make a specialty of s 5 NLCKLE-PLATED, C S SEAMLESS, / i OPEN-WORK. ✓ } 354 Centre Ave, Putler, Pa' ? People's Phone. 620. C The Davis Sewing /Machine tor Sale by W. B. McCuqdless, 45, Euclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs. !' Z>o 3>Jot r. vix* lj I Doctor Kidd Can Cure You With- | out a Cutting Operation. \ [4 If Kuffi'HnK from cl»r»"ti!«• womb ami ovnrlnn troul>- "ti* ♦^?sibu* m !•■'", <1 *|>lmcr men t«, painful mnl irregular j<crn><tH, <yV7~~ y^.' y li:irrenne unuaturnl tlixchargea, laceration* ulcer* jEL "yv H ntluiiH, tumor*, rx'tiil trouble*, alMniicli, klilney <>r Eg ln-i»rt truiiMiN, ulcer*, akin <lc»«iuni mi J 1110011 jn .i ■!>, fil'.jk / H Jy or nnjr chronic; fcitiiirnU. .fitZlSffLZfsKXfi'/H J 110 lit the only doctor dfvollng hi* entire Jt'j'BTT •fef'iw < L< time to women'* diseases bciwcrn New Yoik /jJj2jsrs!F> '■/ Catarrh, llronchltlo, Aithrna. Throat ami Ltinif ((J p |m Itl'-Tiuic#cure*! by mewnsof Minlicfti \ npor, tin* mo*t *tiwi'«lul trrilmciit In thenefl H 1 ivt«'* ( rut they nil rcMximl promptly to hi« method of treatment* p Nervous Disorders euied l>y Klectricitrscientifically applied. I lie charges and terms are ri .monnble ami within iho rem li «>f all buffering B j • Women. §, Wrlle if yon cannot rail, n* hi* home treatment In very MinMmful. Kncloae stamp H II for reply. Hernial* cent* in stani|*for Imok on I>iaea*o* of Women. « [ < irniluatn N u ran in attendance, t'lmultnlion nntl a-1 vice Free and asc-mlly Q f' conli'l'iilial. Oril«;i". Horn '.in. 111. tit) p. m., Sunday, Itt.HO a. m. to 4.W p. m. U IjDR. A. R. KI DD'SMKmauSroTEi Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 631 Perm Avenue, rj PITTSBURC, PA. | H —■■——J 1 .rnpip?# bank BY ? |r MA>L | N ST I %&igk£fs'jY H n PER ccnt. | y INTEREST I MV J tiMMiiMteeowrra- I I WRITE FOR a BOOKLET & •O FEDERAL ST ||V_ What to Buy. Many jieople would like to tnnk* money in stocks but are uncer tain what to buy. On this point we are in a position at all tiniM to give yon expert advice. Stocks are going higher, and there never was a better time to buy than now. Send for booklet on niar irinal trading and Daily Market Letter. Both mailed free on ap plication. THE AMERICAN COMMISSION CO., lac . Capital. SIOO,OOO. SOt-S-y Keystone Building, 12-17 03-41 Pittsburg. Pa. Dr. Miney Davidson. Hydrotherapentic Santitarium and Nat ural Healing Institute. I treat Enlawd Veins, Loss of Vitality, Prostatorrhea, Brlghi's Disease. Rheuma tism. Kindlier, etc. Osteopathy. Mas;nc« Electrical Treatments. Oven. Vapor, Nccdtk Shower, nil other local applications. Sanitarium: 30S Seneca Street. Pittsburg Ta. Take Fifth avenue cars—get of at No. iIOO. 12-X7-CS-3ni. iMiwfeMClßVi With Claris*. Artificial Cjm. Eugene Hoard Spectacle Co. LSIGIT I M ATT OHTICIANC. :M PRNS AViiirt'E, cr?. rE.\;.;;, rrrraamo. 5-l»-iy Pearson B. Mace's Livery Feed end SaleSttble Rear of Wick Housn Butlor ''enn'i The best of horse* and Brst class r:ft *> wavgon hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for purmi neut hoarding and transient ypw't al care guaranteed. Stable Room For (55 Horf*a A good c ass of horses, hoth drlrer» draft hor»e« always on Land and for *al« under a full guarantee; »ud horsrs N ugk 9 >u jrjtf jr ootidjatloo t>v PEARSON 3 NACF, T«it)t»ione SI . IC. F. T. PapeJ 5 S?JEWELER S \ / 121 E. Jefferson Street. ? Family | Reunions! We often cause ourselves et.d less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little tiling Get a good picture of family and li nit made at your first tpr portunity. We make the best at $6.00 per do*cn, 8x io inclu-s *ud guarantee them pcmancnt. let us know in time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing R, FI6HEH < Wm. Foster, £ I Architect. 1 1 Plun of nil kind of bnllilititfs v S farniahiHl on nhort notice. X r (Ifliou in IJitk l'uililii<(»'. ,y j Untter, Pa, v fITIfKCANTILK BUREAU, Hmnrrl I'lnl-clum MdrontUd m„| Mrehunteal Pi)»lUl>m,^ Ofllca • Plttlbuw. *• 4HI Fourth Avenuo, a-lU-ljr HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer In Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 Easi Jefferson Street. BUTLER. PA NO SPAVINS 1m« enroll In 41 minute*. Taimp Jaw, nplint* Htill rinutK>m'n ju«t «m quick. No» painful and n«v»r ha* fulled. Detailed information MnuU Ihimiow method »cnt frc« to boriH ownorn by T M CLCtJH, Knoxdale, JaffantoD Co., P» \V\KTICI> rii.-m.-ii. Itrnkamfii, MmhlnUti, lii ||< i L .tkrin. iiui itMtnlltm hihl |ipl|'»i» f'-r i*ll> r< K(la. nil... mul all Himl» of ln'l|i. Pi»r»» walling. liritr:«l I iii|<li>>iiiriii llurmiu, SOI r»ll«- r-< I •11-»I. » : 1.i:1..-II v. I». VV WTKf > *toiir». K lrl« In 0>«IT r»ii».li;.|« Co | lil I -l |.Ur. I in in.'lit*, !»filliill"l. I >l K u|i|o> iiicnl lluloau, JOI I'mJiiial 8U Allonliony, »*•- a-iu ij • WHY NOT Becomean Artist? Urityon, t'Mtol, Keplaand Water OoloJ taught »t home, and employment Klren HI one*. Kor full iiartlenlnrn. wldraw, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF AIT, BMV«T Fall* ft.
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