Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 07, 1904, Image 3
THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY. JANUARY 7, 1904- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII ad vert (Mrs Intending to make changers In their ads. should notify u* of tbelr Intention to do so not later than Mon dav morning. Executor s Notice —Estate of Archi bald Montgomery. Administrators Notices Estates of F, M. Cooper and Chas. P. Kramer. Notice in Bankruptcy -W M. Osborn. Notices in Divorce Beatty, Bryan Lyon and Daubenspeck. Notice regarding A. B. C. McFar land's papers. AJmtolaiiif jrs and Rxecul'jrs • t ■ cin secure their receipt book* **t t-jT* ZEN ©fire, and person - m»kS" ' iwles thslr note book*. —Three thousand papers were filed with Register Davis, last year. —The Allegheny river is gorged with ice from Tarentum up to Templeton. fifty miles. —At the annuel meeting of the First Ward Hoee Co., Wednesday evening, all the old officers were re-elected. —Butler needs a building inspector, also some ordinances regarding the thickness of walls and fire escapes. —The Bntler pnblic schools opened this week. Ten of the teachers are yet sick, but substitutes were fopnd for them. —Saxouburg has three cases of ty phoid, and among John P. Weitrel. a former policeman here, but he is con valescent. —lt's an "old fashioned winter." sure enough. This cold spell started Nov. 16th and has held out without a break ever since. Kittanning has over one hundred ca-*od of typhoid and the pec pie fear an epidemic. Their water supply comes from the river. —The stock company organized by Geo. N. Burokhalter has had plana made x for a $75,000 opera house, but has not yet decided as location. —The capital stock of the Car Works •is three millions of dollars, and the stockholders received their first divi dend of two per cent last week. —Geo Barnhamer of S. S. Pittaburg. had no money to buy his six children Christinas gifts, to he went upstairs, that evening, and hanged himself. —The Butler County National had a prosperous year and declared a semi-an nual dividend of five per cent Monday, which puts it on ten per cent basis. — LOST— On Dec. 2T-th, on the road between Butler and Greece City, a la dy's black silk handbag. The finder please leave same at Citizen Office. —We direct the attention of our read ers to tbe clearance and bargain sale •ds in To-day's paper Now ia the time f'jr btrg-iins in all kinds of merchandise —During tae blizzard of last Satur day n oue of the boys stood aronnd the I struct corners spitting tobacco, and none of the girls were out making goo-goo eyes. —L. S. McJunkin, tbe insurance •gent, has taken in his brother, Ira, and bis clerk, George Mitchell, as part ners, tinder the firm name of L 8. Mc- Junkin & Co. —A nurse, said to be from Meadville and who will not give her name, has been doing noble work in Butler and bas refused all compensation excepting actual expenses. —Near Hudson, N Y., a farmer who bad no money for Christmas gifts and whose wife wns'dead, killed his three ebildren with a hatchet and then hung himself in a barn. —At 8 o'clock this morning tbe Wil liam Ralcton flouring mill, at Prospee , now owned «nd operated by Hairy Both, was destroyed by fire. Tbe loss is about'ss,ooo, partly insured. —Near Corry, Pa . a rural mtil par rier'p horse tan away, upgettipg his Wagon and also the oil stove therein. Tbe fvagon took fire, the mail was burned *nd the man had a narrow es oape, —At th» regular meeting of tbe 4i rectors of the U. 8. Steel Co. Id New York .Tuesday, the dividend on common stock was "passed," and bnt one and three fourths per cent was declared on tha preferred —Next Tuesday is Greek and Russian New Year's day. Peter the Great of Russia having adopted the Greek relig* ion and calendar. Tuesday of this week was tbeif Christmas day and the Jew ish residents of the Rncqian city qf J£i*hint-ff were fearing another masea pre. —Oq Tuesday morning of this week |kb thermometers of Oatier registered tO to 26 below zero. It is said to have become cooler that morning after six o'clock. Reports from other places in dicated the same low temperature, but one man in from Prospect that morning Mid the mercury was bnt 8 below there. It was the coldest morning we hgye J)ad and seemed more to on jic ooupt of the fog Near Boston, pome thermometers bnrsted at SO below aero. The cold and fog delayed trains, pad caused confusion in railroad traffic &)1 oyer the country. .-rfho term* of the following mem bers of council aud suliool board expire this year and their successors mast be elected next month: Council Fir%t ward —James E Campbell. D Second ward-Fred H. Goettler, D. Third ward-J. 4 U §o>irty ward--(saac MeaU, R. Fifth ward -J. fi Grohinann, P. Bci 1001 Directors- First ward -Thomas AJexsndpfc sfti to ward-Lev McQnistlon, p. jt'onrtli ward - James L. Garrowar.R. Fifth lyarfl -n g, jj, I don't see how Ritter & Rookonateiu can sell clothing so cheap—attend their ■ale. Orchestra, The second half of the ninth season of the Pittsburgh Orchestra, Victor ffer bw, Conductor, will be niven with the j;Cin' - erL» Hits vf-eg. Frfdtfy evening and B>Vturo*y «f{-moon, at Carnegie Music Ball, bchenley Park. This period. Which ends March lj}th, ipo*. inall regpects tie tbp ipoei important three uiubths in music Pittsburgh has experi enced. a distinctive feature being the presence of Richard Strauss, who will conduct his own programs at one of the March concerts. Grand Opera Hotitte, A'NOTH &R WEEK. Th« Xmas Pantomime of "Babes in Si?. iq delighting all pftsbqrn and it* environments, has «mi« luoro week to run, beginning Jan. Itth. The first play after the Pantomime at the Grand will be tlio Empire Theatre Jj; snccecs "Trelawncy of ibe Wells It is a W)tuedv dealing with the privatb llvea of player folka. LEGAL XEWB. NEW SUITS. W. J. Hemphill vs Stephen P. Hemp: hill, summons in trespass for $2,500- for slander. The plaintiff al leges that the defendant falsely pro claimed that W. J. had tortred » note on him for $75, and ginned John B. Cun • ningham's name as witness. Anna Neliis, West street, vs Edward C. Nellis, divorce for cruelty, etc. NOTTS Sheriff Gibson gave the prisoners a - good Christmas dinner. Burness. the sailor-coot murderer, was sentenced to die in the electric 1 chair, in Brooklyn, on the 2tfth nit. He ! claims Batler as his native place, bnt either the name or place is assumed. Rnfns Wheele - , the colored youth who ehot his brothtr last Sept., while they were returning from Batler to the Thorn Run Dam. plead guilty, and wa* sent to the Allegheny county work house for two and one-half years. T. W. Brown plead nolle contendre to a charge of a&b on Bill Hill.and was fined $3 and sent to jail for 10 days. Henry A. Hartinan was appointed guardian of Joseph and John P. Hart man John M Greer wa* appointed truar diau of John Allison Byerly, son of Har vey Byerly, dee d. Motion for a new trial in case of com. vs. Elk Brewing Co., was argued Mon day. Theodore Meeder was appointed guar dian of Dora, Mary and William Barn hart Dr. L W. Grooves was appointed guardian of the children of the late Dr. <i. K. McAdoo. Mrs. Iva Hays, admr.. was granted an alias order to sell real estate of L M. Brackney. Geo. P. Harvey, of Clinton township, was appointed Mercantile Appraiser by the County Commissioners, last week. The County An.litors began their work, Mondav. It is said to have cost about sJ<tl.ooo to run the county last year, and about $24,000 to run the County Home. A charge of forgery has been entered against Lewis Seaton, of Anandale, for allegtd writing of his brother's name to a check or note for $275. Charles B. Adams was appointed court auditor and commenced his wort. Wm. H. Walker, surveyor, John C. Kelly and George Troutman were ap pointed viewers on petition of citizens of Penu township, for a new bridge over Thorn Creek. On petition of the town council, the court appointed Jacob Keck, Harvey Boyd and T. M. Baker viewers to assess damages to property holders, caused by the opening of McKee street, from the first alley west of Dunbar street to Mulberry street, through the properties of W. B. McGeary, C. Duffy. Elias Shakeley, Mrs Stoner, J. H. Harper and Mrs. Mary Clarke. Some of the property owners are opposed to the opening. The county commissioners have con tinned Josiab M. Kiskaddon as clerk, Everett L. Ratston, as council, and Jos eph Graham and family as custodians of the poor farm. The Pennsylvania Oil Co. has record ed leases from G. B. Turner, Abner Campbell and others or 130 acres in Concord. Wm. Faber, who, while drunk, was caught Friday evening walking oat of Carl Schlucter's tailoring shop, with a pair of pants, knife and handkerchief under his coat, and who also purloined a dozen caps, necktie and pair of gloves from a Fairground avenue Slav store, plead ((uilty Monday afternoon and got a year and six months to the work house, in which to think of the evil of his ways. Through her attorney, J. W. Hutchi son, Mrs. Piper, the restaurant keeper, has brought suit against George Iteiber, the owner of the building she occupies, for |BO,OOO, as damages for the accident she met with last September. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. The State Snpreme Court convened in Philadelphia, Monday, with Justice Mitchell, the new Chief Justice, presid ing. and all the members in their seats, including the newly appointed Justice S. G. Thompson. Two or three hun ied decisions were filed, inclnding the following in cases appealed from this county: Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Co.. vs. Herman Liebold, action on an op tion given by Liebold for 24 feet of his hotel property, decided by Judge Miller, of Mercer county, in favor of the Trust Co., appealed by Liebold and now af firmed by the Supreme Court, which means that Liebola will have to make a deed of the property in dispute to the Trust Co., for the price mentioned in the option, $15,000' Standard Steel Car Co. y». Georgo Stamm, action on Htapun's option to the Company for his residenoe and brick-yard property, decided by Judge Miller in favor of Stamm; appealed by tho Company and now reversed, which means that Stamm will have to deed his property to the Company at the price named in the option or agree ment, $14,500. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. vs Butler Passenger Railroad Co., appeal by the Railroad Company for a decis ion of J ndga Galbreatb. regarding fhe right of the street car company to cros* the tracks of the railroad company, de cree reversed, with injunction to issue as prayed for, which means that the street car company has no right to cross tlje railroad tracks at tbat paint, unless it lie by an overhead bridge. The cases of Young vs. Hervey, and Walker vs. Berbigler, both from the Common Pleas of this county, were af firmed. The Tibby will case, from Allegheny county, in which Senator Williams was interested for a relative, was affirmed; the verbal contract between C. L. Ma gee, dee'd, and Jas W. Piatt, for the sale of the Fifth avenae restaurant property Was affirmed, as was also the verdict of the lower court in a case for damages against the "Pan-Handle" R. R. Co.. growing out of the disaster at Sheridan, in ot 1003. and a? this was a test case, this decision may cost the railroad company a million dollars. The Supreme conrt of the Uuited States in the cases of the Postal Tela graph company, vs. the boroagbia of New Hope and Tavlo* i-" . D v.-i- . . <•" mPennsyl —uenied the right of the boroughs to tax at certain rates telegraph poles for the purpose of inspection re?vr»iug the ouprenje obprt which npheld the borough ordinances. Justice Peckham said that the taxes assessed wero far in excess of the cost of inspection, making it plain that the ordinances are not tl»p interest of po liM for the purpose of racing revenue. I'KOPERTY TRAKafEiW. I J Mcßride to the United States, lot In Butler for *4.078. Geo B Mcßride to United States lot Bntlcr flWlfi.M. S Foster Mcßride to United States, lot in Butler for *4975. n H Goncber, guardian, to United Btßtee, lot in Bntler for *«.833.88. W A Kloffenstein to Theo D Rdlston lot in Harmony for SBOO. Thog B White to Kebeccn B fcaird, lot on Bontfi Side for *250. John 1! Pontius to Percy h |{eil. lot on E Walnut street for f 1500. Mary Gold tu Wamuel Nelson. 20acres ii) Cherry for 91. La wall Heirs to Geo Krng, 10 acres in Winfield for *I7OO. Nancy Hall to Ezra Firster, quit claim. 80 acres in Cherry for *275. T W Terwiliger to Blair Hooks, wells for *IO,OOO. Blair Hooks to A same for ' W H Alexander to JacobE Daoibach lot in Harmony for *a3o. i W J Wreadea, tmatee, to B B Breaden ; Join in Clay for *1 Oliver Thompson, guardian, to Ro ;-a Christy, 44 acres in Cherry for 1 Hedwlg Ilelmbold to John E Muder. •J acres in Uaxonburg for *7.900. Lawrence E Walter* to Rav A Wal tera. 119 acres In Buffalo for *l. i , N d>*»tler to M E Chantler, lot In Slippery Rock boro tor *I,OOO. Same to Andrew Hilgar, lot in Slip ' perr Rock for $550. Thomas Powell to Clyde E Powell • six acres in Parker forßl. A Cumberland vo J Harvey Cumber < land, quit claim, 50 acres in Concorc for $725 J J H Cumberland to A Cumberland quit claim on 100 a ires for $725. i M L Gibson, Shenff. to Ezra Firster i 80 acres in Cherry for $1,300. j A Lotz to Kath Staples, lot in Evaci j City for $250. G M Graham. Clerk of G>nrts, to Al , bert McCandless. 1-10 in 100 acres ir j Butler twp for $200: also iu 20 acres foi S6O. j William Knoch to Mi».iy M Zoller, 45 acres in Jefferson and 24 acres in Clin • ton tor $7,000. Chas and Miles Dausherty to H H Young, 51 acres in Clearfield for $2,000. Reed Wimer to Henry and Chas Ban der, quit claim to 20 acres in Muddy creek for S3OO. T C Kennedy to Amanda W Wigton, lot in Mars for SIOO. Heirs of Ruth A Marshall to J M Marshall lot in Portersville for $875. J M Marshall to E Scheidemantle lot in Portersville for SIO6O. E E Abrams to M A Rensel, lot in Elm street for SIBOO. W J Hemphill to W B Schoentag 50 aores in Clinton for SIBOO. Mary C G Smith to S W Glenn lot on W. Clay street for $3300. Clifton Deforce to L C Wick lot on Mercer street for SIBOO Gottlieb Weitzel to Josiah Shaner 53 acres in Buffalo for SI3OO. Josiah Shaner to S F Klingensmith same for SI3OO. U L Cookson to Samuel Gallagher lease in Adams for $450. Smiley R Williams to Lake Trade Co.lol acres in Venango twp for $2531.- 15. Sarah Randall to same 27 acrts for $6f*4.67. Thomas Eakin to same 50 acres for $1250. Wm N Stalker to sime 81 acres for $2036. «5. J C Say to Emma G Smith lot on Linden Ave for S4OOO. Marriage Ijcense-. H. G. Shearer Freeport Marie Blanche Tonks ... .Foxburg Mont M McCord Six Points Phoebe Steffee " E. H. Jones Portersville L O. Scott Rev. Wm. O. Ibach Glasgow, Pa. Lillian 11. McCollongh Chicora Samuel Stewart Chicora Genevieve Byers Will J. Ball Callery Martha R. McGraw Renfrew Chas. C. Braham Harrisville Minnie I. Cochran " A. H. Allen Portersville E. E. Thurber Beaver Co. Adolph Low Pittsburg Cora Kennedy " Arthur Ellis Sprague Marietta, O Margaret E Given Petrolia Wm. Taylor Clairton Stella J. Crawford Parker Frank Hutchins Hartstown. Pa. Hattie R. Black Boydstown Pasl Brenze Lyndora Justina Farabek Lyndora W. W. Ramsey Mercer. Pa Ruth May Wise Vandergrift Albert G. Lindsey Lima. O Annie E. Heginbotham Saxon burg Arthur Willets Turtle Creek Rebecca Peffer Harmony At KiltanniuK—Wm. E Minteer of Nichola and Millie Vensel of Chicora. Chas. A. Ward of Petrolia and Amanda Stonghton of Vandergrift; D. S. Cratty of Kittanning and E. F. Harvey of Chi cora. At Indiana. Pa. —F. S Bash of But ler and Gertrude Brad of Indiana. At New Castle— Johu M. White of Portersvilie and Mrs. Margaret Wier of Hartstown, Pa. At Franklin—C. E. Holmes and Har riet Coonliffe of Butler. At Clarion—Jno A. Sutton of Bruin and Cora Hugus of Turnipbole. At Pittsburg—Win. B. bwartz of But ler and Jennie McKissick of Pittsburg. Up-to-date clothing and overcoats at greatly reduced prices at Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. Better Than a Physical Culture Club The Brawntawn Method of health and system building will tit you to with stand the pranks of King Winter. Brawntawns are stern natures help mate. Just pure vegetable food. Tonic that inyigoratea. Greatest of all nour ishes and builders are Brawntawns tonic triangular tablets. Write today for a five days treatment. Sent post paid on receipt of ten cent*!. Vic'roß' Remedies c&mpany, Frederick, Md. If low price is any inducement at tend Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property you will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Ectat*. Room 508, Butler County National Bank building. PURE DRINKING WATER- Our most reliable faucet filters will < givo yon a constant supply of pure, healthful water at small cost. Write for prices. GEM Fij/rpxiCo , 885 Hubbard avo , Detroit, Mich. —The Citizen and tl»e National Stock man and Fanner, the World's Greatest Farm Paper from now until Jan. I 100-1 both for J2.CQ, POP corn" Take your old pop-corn to J. A. Rich ey's bakery and Confectionery, Butler, Pa. and get the market price in cash for it. Why buy poorly made clothing when yon can get the best as cheap at Ritter & Rockenstein's. Mid-Winter KxciirMionsto Wash ington. In accordance with its usnal custoxp the Baltimore and Uhio R. K. will, on January 21 and February 18. 1004. run Two Popular Mid-WinterExcursione to Washington at very low rates for the round trip, good returning ten days, in cluding date of sale. Excellent train gervliw couches, Pull"**- , standard — u parlor and sleeping cars. These delightful excursions afford splendid opportunities to visit the Na tiftuai Uaplcal during the session of con gress. For tickets, time of trains and full information call on or address W R. Turner, Ticket Agent. Butler. Pa A most coim)let« and fully illustrated Guide to Washington may be purchas ed from Agents B. &O. R. R. at ten (10) cents per copy. If i» in a Bait or overcoat the cheapest place to buy it is Ritter & Rockenstein's. B. It. & P. By. Clerical Orders. Clerical orders for the year 1904 will be loaned by the Bnffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. Co. as in former years to ordained clergymen having regular charge of churchs located on or near Ihe line of its road Application blanks will bo furnished l.y ticket apents of the company,.and should be forwarded to the (ieneral Patmenger Agent at Rochester. N. Y.. as early as possible, and in no case later than Dec. 25th. No orders will be issned except on in dividual application of clergymen, made on blanks furnished by the company, and certified to by one of its agents. EDWARD G LAPEYv (ieneral Agent. •Tnqt» little money will fit yon ont coinplete at Ritter & Kockenstein's. 11. B. S. The Brnin Business School has enroll ed 28 students in its various depart ments since Oct. !> We use the cele brated Williams & Rogers Actual Busi ness Practice. Complete Scholarship (good for one year) in either the Short hand or Business course, SBO. Board and room can be had for about $2.50 to |3.ootbe week. Jan Ist wonld be a good time to enter. For further infor mation address the Principal, Bruin Business School, Brnin, Pa. PERSONAL. Mrs. J. P. Mechlins is visitin friends in Pittsburg. Ben Price got the nicest -Christina gift in Bntler. It's a boy. : Mrs. Lear of Vandergrift is the gnet of her father. John Hildebr»-.id A F. Cochran, Esq., of Concord twp visited friends in Butler, Monday. Prushia Double of Donegal townshi; visited friends in Butler. Tuesday. i Edward Southerland and s.">n of Ma ( rion township are down with typhoid. R. P. Scott. Esq , has recovered from j the fever and is attending to business. | John T. Biicker of Buffalo attended j to some business matters in Butler, i Monday. ! Miss Franc Wadsworth. 103 Race street, was winner of the Mardorf-Eisler prize doll. John C. Graham. Esq., has entirely recovered from the fever and cau be found at his office. Allen McCall of Prospect got up a very pretty Christmas treat for the children of that town. Joseph Cooper of Worth and Thomas Cooper of Brady, were in Bntler on le gal business a few days ago. Jag. M. Dnnn and Matthew Jack of Brady township attended to some legal business in Bntler, Monday. Constable Mills of Millerstown was brought to the Hospital last week. He fell upon the sidewalk, and broke his arm. Jas. L. Simmers. Collector of Buffalo township, made his second return of taxes to the County Treasurer, Monday —one day too late for this year's audit. H. C. Frick and B. S. Coler intend building a 45 story building in New York city, with five of the stories be low the curb, one of which will be a station of the t-übwav railroad. Gen. Lyttleton. commander of Brit ish forces in South Africa, says that the cigaret habit is playing havoc in his ar my and that "'the chief disposition of the present average British recruit is to hunt some place to lie down and rest." If England gets mixed up in tbe Russo Japanese war it will take more than a lot of tired young men to defend the Brit'sh Empire. Rev. Henry Slmnor of Lancaster, G. W. Fleming of Concord, An«eit Mich ael of Butler twp., S. A. Leslie and H. J. Burns of Middlesex. J. C. Vandyke of Marion, W. N Davidson of Adams, Thos. Hnrnn* of Cltarfield, A. J. Beik ert and Levi Logan of Jeffeison, R. J. Anderson of Clinton, Rev. S. P. Mont gomery of Gill Hall, Daniel Heck of Butler twp., D. N. McCandless of Clay. G. M. Ziegler of Jackson, and A. B McCandless of Butler twp., were among our holiday week visitors. Muruets. Wheat, wholesale price 70-75 Rye, " 55 Oats, " 40 Corn, " 50 Buckwheat 55 Hay, 18 50 Eggs, " 33 Butter, '* 23 Potatoes, ' 55 Onions, per bu i 1 00 Cabbage, per lb 3 Chickens, dressed 12J-15 Celery, doz bnnches 40-60 Honey, per pound 20 Lettuce, lb 12i Beets, per bu 75 Cukes, per doz .... 20 Apples, per bu 40-60 Walnuts 75 Hickory 2 25 Chestnuts 4 00 Our meat m*n are paying fl cents for dressed hogs, 4 to 4i for undressed, and 3 to 4i for be«f cattle, but they must be very good to bring the outside price. Get the habit—of buying R. & R>. clothing— it is always sold right—visit our store. Music scholars wanted at 128 W Wayne Sit. Suits and overcoata in newest styles and colorings at your price at Ritter & Rockenstein'a. —The Citizen, the National Stockman and Farmer and Success from now until JaD. 1 1905 all three for |2.50. You can have The Woman s Home Companion, Cosmopolitan, Leslie's Popular Monthly, or Household-Ledger, instead of Success if preferred. Tcachera' Institute Postponed. Owing to the serious epidemic of ty phoid and algo on account of the rrious illness of Count v Supt. Howard Painter, the Bntler County Teachers' Institute is postponed until Monday, February 8-I°, 1904.in the Court House, Bntler, Pa. It is confidently anticipated that at thattiine Sunt. Painter will again be able tp attend to his work, and that lo cal conditions will have so improved as to relieve all from any anxiety which would be attendant, were the institute held at the time formerly arranged. Very respectfully, HOWARD I. PAINTER, Supt. Per Committee. MISS LINA MANGIN, An experienced nurse in cases of con fii ement, can be found at her residence, 910 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa. B. B. dry goods wonderfully reduced Season of 1903 ended. All surplus ;*nd odd lots must be moved to make room for 1904 goods. Prices to do it faster than ever before. A fine time to get things cheap. Great chances to save money on Dress Goods—Sill'-- Htv c "'*' - -nov ..j Jiangs —Laces and Em broideries—Muslinwear —Cor sets —Furs —Ribbons —Braids, Buttons and Trimmings Leather Goods Flannels Bedding Gloves Linens Notions—Muffleis— Handker chiefs—Women's and Men's Neckwear Umbrellas — Wo men's, Men's and Children's Underwear—Shirtwaists—Pet ticoats— Household Furnish ings—Pictures—Infants' Ne cessities —Books, etc! Hundreds of things not men tioned at greatly reduced prices. Give us a clear idea of what you want and price—also mark your letter B. C, 52. Lot 56 inch SI.OO Overplaid Tweeds, 50c goods for the money that will be a revelation. Blue, Brown. Grey and Oxfords effects. Bogo's & Buhl ALLEGHENY. PA ADJUSTABLE PIN. Our Corner Clamp Askyjr'l „ flp /- «$A mado the "ACME" / ,n\ much fttiperlor lo any PjSf V? /•' '"''l®/ \ other Rtrotrli«r. Our ' - */>' Jli Now patent A<ljuntal»lo '/ACMC mciti'l Pin leaven tlie nrallojn v 111 their natural nhnfio; <loe* not weaken tin* bam; It of ample length, very prartlral and a tfreat Improve* ment. l>on*t fall to examine It. At your d«ialem,of ICME M'F'U. CO., Allegheny, Pa irl-m-ij Bi4ugß of Council. f Town Council met in th>» Council Chambers. i'nc< lay night for the first i time since the rooms were given up to the Relief Committees, over five wtek? before. Tbe first matter laid before the Council were the petitions, s>iun«l by several hundred citizen;-, asking that a resolution be {-assed submitting to t.be people, at the February Election, the proportion of securing a third-class j city charter. Attorneys A. Ct. Wil j liaius, H. H. Goucber and J. W. ; Hutchison presented the petitions and •poke in favor of submitting th<> matter to a public vote; :.nd Henry Troutuiau appeared an'' questioned the v. isdoiu of j the move at this time. I The Council looked on the city charter I proposition unfavorably and passed, without discussion, a motion to lay the [ resolution on the tabls for one month, i Even if passed in February, this action prevents legal publication in time for the February election, and practically disposes of the city charter matter for one y»ar. unless another method through the State Legislature—is pur sued. An ordinance was a loj t-d. subniit ting to the voters of the borough at next election, the question of a two per cent increiise in the indebtedness of the borough "for the purpose of pnr chasing a suitable site and for the erection thereon and equipment of a building to be used for council chambers and general borough purposes ncd for the pu(|x>>e of paving the public rtreets ! of s-tid borough and seweriug the public streets and alleys there. ', jmd for tbe i installation of an electric fire al-trm iystem OIL NOT MS. The Market—Both agencies dropped to $1.85, en Tuesday of last week, and the hopes of the producers for a 00 market went glimmering The Stand ard's organ attributes the declino in crude to that in refined. Have you noticed how cheap Ritter & Rockenfctein's are -elling clothing. THE WISE OWL. He couldn't see by day, 'Till a skilled optician came that way; And fitted some glasses to his sight. And now he sees both day and night; And thanks his stars he flew tbe way, Where Ktrkpatricb's store in his track did lay. We also gell— Edison aiid Victor Phonograph'. Eastuian and Paco Cameras. Photo Sni>})lies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasse?. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler end Graduate Optician Next to Court House EYTH BROS. Near Court House. Just Received $ of New Wall Paper for lUO4. We are giying big bargains in pict ures. Full line of Blauk bo>jks an 1 diariig. EYTH BROS. Near Court House. TEACH THE CHILDREN TO §ING, Me i«ir«fu! what weut - - of an ,nHtni " .. ~se to accompany them with THE HINTERMEIHMaR PIANO has a beautiful, clear, rich touo thnt is not to be found in any other instru ment. Pianos and organs at factory prices to reduce our holiday stock. Pittsburg Organ & Piano Co., Butler Branch Old P O Bldg,, JOHN C. DICKSON, Mgr REMOVAL? Wo have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main anil Clay streets to No. 200 N. Main street, (opposite W. I). Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and arc also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence, Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sule agency from the .Stewart Iron Works of Cin cinnati, Ohio, for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler R-R-TIME-TABLES n k & r it r Time tible in effect Nov. 2*2, 15HW Passenger trains leave and arrive a Bntler as follows; LEAVE FOR NORTH. ~:•>«' a tn.. mixed for Pnnxsutawney Dn Rois and intermediate stations. 10:17 » in. daily, vestibnled d»y ex V'ef< for Buffalo, connects at Ashford v -ek days, for Rochester. 6:80 p. in. locxl for Punx'y. D:i Boh nr.d intermediate stations. 11:35 p. ns. night express for Bnftr.V and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. >. ni d iilv, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. S:UI p.iix daily, day express ir in Buffalo. Mas connection at Asb ford wtek days from Rochester. 8:4-> p.m. we< k days, mixed train from Du I?ois and Punx^utawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station. Allegheny, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.in. and 10:00 pm . and for local jK.ints as far as Dnßois at 5:10 p.m. Ii & O 11 It Time taMo effective Nov 22, 1903. lla»teru Sian«l«trd Time SOUTKBUUSI* Allegheny Anomaioilaliok *»>:2o-a-m AUfzlieny ami Kxi rw *>.-«) a-m Allegb«Bj Kimii tf»|o a-u» Elhvood City Act. +1.4" |»ru Cliiraps New Ca*tle ami Allegheny Ex •'1:40 p-m Allegheny Expm« I *5:24 |»-ni All -.}.. :,y A xuin•«!.iti- u p.u E'lw -k! and New CaatW* Accommodation... "fir r >o jvm PiKaf'iirgr, Kllwood City au«i New Catftle...,. *6:00 p. in NORTHBOUND Kan* ami Bradford Mail +9:42 a-m A' "MUi -lati-ii.... +4:55 p-m Fuxhnrgr Accontinflation p m * Ifculy. * *c«j't Sunday. i Sumiav only. Trains leave the AllegUeny rtation for Bntler at 7 ;W, H:ls. 10:45 a.m.. and 1:15, 3:00, 5:30,6:15 and 11:80 p.m. Pittsburur station at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. For through tickets, Pullman rewerrr.tiooa and iu f »rmatit»n apply to W. R. TfRNEK, Apt, Butler, Pa. F. I». f-n If, A. I*. A., I*ittidnirp, Pa DESSEXIER & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO. O Time table in effect Sept. 13. 1903. EASTERN STANDARD TIME ooOhward. jit Sni«!*y. Southward I.* h tl ip) (Heal tiowo) ' 2 lo 14 STATIONS! i i i !' M KM P.M. mm. A.M.| pin 7 Si 2 Erie 7 00 12 18 7 0! 1 53 Kairvie* 7 *J- 12 44 6 61 1 l > Glrar.l 7 :{| 11 .">7 7 00 1 15 &r..t'.>no-»at.. .ar 9 11 2 15 5 :t2 It 45 Iv., Oonni»;:t. !v 715 11 45 o 1 Si < 7 ;» 1 15 « 2*. 1 20 AIM.* 8 00 1 2» l> It 1 05 ShadrUn.l 8 111 I 34 | « OS, 1 03 Spriiigtwio | 8 1«! 1 37 , A 02 12 57 c,,im<.autvi!le . 8 £1 1 41 : 5 40 12 MftvlTillc Jiinet.. 8 15' 2 05 : 6 30 1 08 ar. Meadnllf. ar It 23 * 43 4 43 11 52 lv.. Mea'iville.. ,lv 7 45 1 27 G 05 12 43 ar..Conn.l.ako..ar 8 55 2 15 5 15 12 23 lv " lv 8 3.) 1 52 ' 5 40 :ar..Llnenvilie ~ar 10 25 I 2 02ilv •' lv ; 8 25 12 02 5 23 12 Its Hartatown I » 59 2 22 5 17 12 1" j 9 05 2 28 : 5 07 12 00 Osgood j 9 13 2 40 7 10 5 00 11 52!Greenvill'j 6 30 8 23 3 50 7 05! 4 53 11 45 Shenanga 6 ;t?4 9 29 3 00 « 45 1 35.11 22jFredutit& « 5s 9 47i 3 17 0 27 1 2'• II Of, Mercer 7 Jv 10 0-lj 3 35 022 1 15 tl . ; 1;lloufitou Ji. ncfiou 7 22 10 07 3 40 « < 1 3 M 10 41 Uruv* Otlv 7 111" S3 4 01 5 47 l'l 7 5" 4 11 5 4" 3 3S If BraiitliUiu H 0" 10 4"! 4 23 0 45, 1 0- 11 14 ;ir.. . Hilliartl ,.. ar till ti 45 4 :u>' 3 0 7 oirlv... Milliard. .|v T ««o 700 300 5 351 3 33 10 17 Kelnler S 12 10 4(1 4 27 5 In 3 t9 10 03 Kutliil 8 30 11 00 4 43 445 3 fill U 3f. Butler 9 («»11 25 510 3 0"| 1 15 8 15! Alle K heu» 10 25 1 00 G 35 lin pnt a-n a.ui. pn» p.m Train 12, leaving Grove Ulty «.'*) a. m. Mercer 6:25*. Shnuango 7:03, Greenville 7:10, Mea<lville Jet. 7»55 t Conaeautville a,li, arrive-* in Erie at 9: 4<> a. rn. Train 13, leaving Erie stlo p. m. (Jon neautvllle «;3», Jot, 7,1)0, Greeoville 7,lft H'jrwr H r 'll, arrive* at G-ove City at H.'xi f ii|, E D. COMSTOCK, E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Af?t, (ien. Mj<r. Pittsbura:, Pa W. R. TUUNKK. Tkt Agt, Bntler, Pa PENNSYLVANIA %>. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. fCHKiM Li IN Krrccr Nor, 30, ISUi. SOUTH. V/EtK DAYS , A M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M BLTLEB Leave 6 '46 7 35 10 CO. '4 35 * * Saxnubnrg Arrive 6 68 8 04 10 30 3 00 6 48 Butler Juuction.. " I T !!3 33«10 55 3V, 551 Butler Junction...Leave T 4N I 40 11 38 s 2» « i« n»tron» Arrive 7 3fl 8 54 11 i» 3 Su| 0 10 Tarentum 7 4.1 86» 11 57 '3 4c. 1 617 Springdaie 7 5;, u U 14 07 3 67■ 8 27 Claremont ! 986 14 '47 4 11 <i 41 Sharpabarg 8 1«' 8 47 12 38 4 18i « 50 Allegheny 8 30.10 02 12 61' 4 30 7 00 A. M A M. P. M.|P. M P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave I!uf!*.; Alleghob} Oitv and principal Intemuxliai,. atationa at 7:30 m, ul. %nd 4:55 p. ra. KO«T«. WEEK DATS , A. M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P.M. P. M Allegheny Clty.lv; 8 an 0 00 10 00 3 ( 0 5 19 H DO Sharpaburg r > 44 9 11 10 II 3 11 5 31 u It; Oiaremont .... 10 1» 3 2> 5 4" SI 13 J'rlngdalc I .... 0 34 10 35 3 is r, 57 u Tarantula 7 11 9 4;, 10 4'. 4 04 f, )>•- j 44 N«tron» 7 17 9 M 10 M 4 |t>! ff tn oj| Butler Junr. .. ...r 7 25 !(> (is tl 03 4 :.'4 r 17 <0 00 Btitlei Jour....|. 7Mi ij 12 h K i 4 3,, , <( J Q i,) 1 " 1 ' [ » lio to '0 1 1!' r. ic. t t, 's' 10 no BLTI.CS. . . ~8 4tjllo 5V I ft Bs 7 :fl 11 ~, |A.MJa.M.IP. fc.|p. n P. M. 1> M MNUAY TliVl.'Jc t.MV. Allegheny Clt> for Bui ler »nd 1 tiM-tpal luttrmodiat'. atatkma at 7:03 a ai. zui IKI4 V- U). FOH TH£ KAST. Week Daya. Snnd:iy. A.M. A. M. P. M A.M. P M BiTun . IT 62A ... 236 7 " ll,lor Jet ar 7 23 3 Sfl . 8 10 ... Butler J'ct I. 7 sr. ~.. 4 3ft 8 t l ,M I 'V or . , ">r 7 V.....' 337 817 .... KnkfminetM*. J'i.. ..«» 7 aft' :j 4,> g 2.1 Uechbum •• 74S ;3 54 8 3(1 "•■Xt Apollo " 8 111 413 8 67: Mtobarar " 840 tirg Iti a ""!'!"-; » >•- 5 40! 964 .! " Blalnrrillelut " 9»4 •■ •. ftjl. lnoil . Itarrlaburq..., « 310 ..... l ia, i« -a Philadelphia « H43 , ... 4 i3lO 20 V. M.!A.M. A.M. IP.M. P.'M Through trttiua fur th« nairt leave Pltlel u'if fL'nlou Statlou) ( aa followm— " Vtlantlc Rxpreaa, dail» Sofia* M 4iihatUn limited " /\o T'IIU-IIMMV " 't-'ta •• NeT?!.'"'" Lio .'. ilr J " 1 " V " """ "■ -'l'-H " i>ay Kxpreaa, u » !'• u Main l.iue Kxpreaa. « t ,J. >. r'hiUil'a and New Yoik " . ..... MW ilnrrlnyUtf Liptima tally i »•,(. «« l'hllailelp!*a 1C.pr,,., ' JS „ Kaatern fcxpraw, .. ... ; " - 7;10 .. "aat Una. • Vol< , pi m V', rI J . Spßciu, » ''"By l "' N "™ York. only. 10.00 " Ihlladelphia .Special daily. Sl.wi.inir i-ara to I'iillniii.lplii;., llaltiiiiore ami Wjali iiiKtoii. No ciifti'lioH ' ij) ]i/| «i fhilMil'tt Mail, SIIIKIH} I 8 A.M For Atlantic C'ltjr (vU Holnwaro lliier Bri(]«r« | rail route*) bCO a.to.au<i p. ui. iUIIv. NVlv.ii.Lu Liiniti-d," u.» l .\\jw X'A tyvW'A ?A) • wo«ik ilayn. ' " • ** ,u t . I »NL AUECTHTNR VTLLT7 DLVULOB . For w".-* Ve KI " V Jnnctloß follow*: 1 .atiU, 9/»G a. iu Mini 11 Jit) p. ui. ilailj, with inmiiKli l»arlor and nlo««piriK car*. For Oil City, 7.42 9M a. m. # «.i6, «.lft and 11.V --m. vnM.k-«lH>«. Huudays, U./iti u. m., 6.16 mid ll.&>p.ni. For Wank, 7.42, ».M, a.m., 241 ft, 8.15, 10.15, mi«l 11.60 p. m. w©ek-d.»}ii. Hundayw, tf.60,10.40 a. m., H. 16 and ll.M) p. m. For KittaiiiiiiiK 7.42, V.'M, 9.56,11.14*. m. t 2.3.5,5.33, «.l r », 7.27,10.15, *ud 11..M) p. iu. wook-day». Buiidayn, 10.40 a. in., 6.16, 10.44, and 11.50 p. in. "f Btopo only on n>Ki>*l or uotica to i»u»nt or n»n ductor to r«H«dv« or dii«-luii')(i' piiN>M<iiKt*rN. F- i d«Uil Inl irmaUcu, uj jiv to ti< ki I •« rat • I aildrww Tbo*. K. Watt, l'an*. Agt. Woatwn Dlntrtct, o>iru«r Fifth Avmin«* and Budthdeld t>tr«ot # ritt4burg, PH W. W. ATTKUHI KY, J U WOOD (lou'l Manager. l'»w'r Tmilk Maiut^or. G»J, W. lk»Vl», Ucufiml ruxbMUger Ajf' lit. Winikekl It uTo Timo TaUlt) In effect Nov. a()th, 1903. WTWALP, irmon. AM pm • Wlnflald. ....7 1 " Iloggnvillo 745 II 00 " Iron Bridge 7 56i 310 •• Winflnld J'inction 810 326 " H 2*i 3 &> " Itutlvr Junction H 26 3 40 Arrive I'utlw 10 66 5 ii« Arrive Allegheny 10 02 6 05 Arrive It lAJ navlll<* 12 46 6 2" I K 1 * v - BDi BTATIOXS. A M f M i . . nMinnii tso tsi •* Allegheny « 001 3 <»•> M l«otl#*r 736 236 •• tin tier Junction 10 16 440 " Uu»* lo i % i 13 " Wlufield Junction 10 "4) 4 fs» " Iron Bridgr 10 441 s<« " iw.ggnvilla I(j [a* 5 1*» \rrive Wift Wintleld (10 05 5 *F» Ti ill - top .i? Lane an l Iron Bridge only on K lag t-. take on or l. ave off nweongers. Tralim t'«»niiiM:t at Butler Juuction with; Tralun Fiifttward for Freoport, Vauderfcrift and Blaimvllle InterMK'tlon. Traiiin Woetaard for Natrons, Tarcutuui and A lie - ghcuy. Train* Northward for Haxouhurg, Mm w. «»d and Hut ■ 11.0. USA LOB, Omtieral Manager. WANTED An enterprising farin<T in tliin »«ction to ennvofw dnrin« tho late fall and winter among tb« farinera in hi« vicini ty. Mn»t lit* active, capable and honest. Work will prove profitable to a (,'ood man arid can lie made a source of nnft easily earned income each year. To it may be devoted as much or as little time us desired If interested write at once to T, M. U., Box 74, Albany, N. Y. j BEEF, < IRON J \ AND $ IF WINE, I> j (Peptonized) ? \ V. hen you buy a beef, iron ' , % ! and wine, why not get a good >' one? Much that is sold under «' that name has but little to ( commend it as such except the } •j name. We prepare a Beef, f j f Iron and Wine that is com- I 1 A posed of the purest extract of J f beef, the most digestable form S \ of iron, pure sherry wine and f ) a high grade of pure pepsin. This is a splendid tonic and V >i blood maker. Will agree with ( the most delicate stomach. C • • Prompt results will follow its S /use in impaired nutrition, im- | 1 l>ovenshed condition of the : p ; blood and in general debility, f j We have customers who J V speak of it in the highest : / f terms. Be stire and ask for S i Boyd's Beef, Iron and Wine / j peptonized. Full pint bottles C \ 75c. S C. N. BOYD, / DRUGGIST, ! / i Near the Court Home, y S Butler. Pa. C Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You 90. Then you want the bebt for the len<t money. That is our motto. C. me and see us when in need of a n thing in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. G. PURVIS, PU. G Both Phones. 213 S. Main St. Butler Pa. Reed'sr Wine of Cod biver Oil will build you up and make you strong, will give you an appetite and new life. If you feel tired and worn out try our Wine of Cod Liver Oil and find relief. It is stronger and better than pure Cod Liver Oil. Pleasant to take and is inoffensive to delicate stomachs. Indorsed and recom mended by physicians every where. The best Spring tonic to give you Health and strength. For sale only at Heed's Pharmacy Transfer Corner Main end Jiffcrici £ts., utler. Pa FOR Drugs %dicl< & Grohman, 109 N. (\\a in Street, 3UTkeR, PA. IJest Service, Prompt and Careful Attention. Four Registered Pharmacists. Prescription Worl( a Specialty. I We want your trade by [ deserving it The quality in our values, I our prices and increasing sales proves this more than ever. We appreciate your trade, and will do our best to please by giving you better shoes for less money, I a greater variety and larger I selection to pick from. $ Merer Bros | Couponß on the piano i given with each pair of S shoes. 224 S. Main St. t S I W. S & E. WICK, UKALKKBIM I: mh iiti<l Worked I.umbor of •«'! Kind* !> "Tit, Susli and Moulding* Oil W.-ll Ulks » Specialty. Offlcr nnd Yurd K CunnlmtliHin mid Monro* Ctn ■MM WNt Fean IMoot, BDTLIk PA I r Clearance Sale! Basinets has been dall, and every man. womin and child in Bntler f ,* county knows the reason why. We have entirely too many winter \ \ goods in onr store We have made np onr minds to sell xhem with- % r" ont respect to their renl value Onr motto always has been never to > • carry croods from one season to another, and we believe this to be a / good business principal —therefore, we have decided to clean np our \ 5 heaw goods. / v OVERCOATS. } i Yoa can now bny an overcoat in onr store in Men's. Boys' or Chil- £ i dren's at 20 per cent disconr.t- We have 500 Men's overcoats, 200 / • Boys' and 100 Children's. \ • MEN'S SUITS. C We have 75 Men's suits in all sizes that we will sell at half price. » We have this mmy more we will sell at one-tbird off. y MEN S SHIRTS. P , One lot 250 Men's shirts, odds and ends, which fold at $1.50 and / f #I.OO. go at 50c Another lot in regular sizes at 50c. Another lot, S new goods, with BO reduction at all. We are determined to onr eoods into money immediately, and \ j if yon are needing anything in onr line, we will save yon money. / Yonrs for Clothing, f > Douthett &. Graham. \ ' —IS OUR CRy~- i J •• .. ALL NEW PAPERS OF 1904 * f e are showing Florals, Burlaps, Tapestries. Ingrains, Damasks a "nplexes, Emtiossed Silks. Dresden Strips. Varnished Tiles, Crown ef- j* p tects, Panel elfects. Drop Ceilings. Two-Third work—All the latest and j! . np-to-date designs for parlors, halls, libraries, dining-rooms, kitchens. * sleeping-rooms and bath rooms Also a full line of Mouldings, to £ r match any color of paper. Call and see for yourself. r I Patterson Bros. Ma ' n S,re<>t ' B ° ,h I>hones - Wlck Building. | 1 I ; : 4| I /J A BROWN & CO. % Begin the New Year at BROWN & CO'S, kl X.Tf with a large stock of Furniture and Car- M ■ r J Many bargains to offer you during January. rJ Come in and aee us. Pi BROWN & CO. H WJW - rtflTri itftii iHh Ai A difci nt IFall-1903-Wintcr Our woolens are in and ready for your inspection. You cannot put off buying much longer so better come in, and look things over. Buffalo Woolen Blankets. Shaker Flannel Comforts. Woolen Dress Goods. Our Fur and Wrap Department is | - more complete than ever. m Every thing in Furs from the cheap r est to the best. m All the latest and newest cuts in H Coats, Jackets and Capes. | DUFFY'S STORE. WHY? AND SEE WHV? WHY men * inc * our suits anc * overcoats so much "" * better than others sell for the same price. WHY we a ' wa y s h°ld our old customers and are constantly " * winning new ones. WHY s0 man y People thing this is the best store at which H to buy your clothing. WHY y° u should do your trading here, come in and learn "" * about these AND OTHER WHY'S. This week men's and young men's black Thibet and fancy Casimere suits, $12.50 values for $8 75. This week blue and black Kersey any Oxford Frieze over coats. sl2 50 values for $8 75. Schaul &Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler.