Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 24, 1903, Image 4
Victor Liniment Takes Soreness out of Wounds and Sprains, destroys fite in Scalds and Burns, Cures Croup yS in children relieves Rheuma/ and removes all Callous or Hjrd Lumps, Felons, Lumbago, Pleurisy, Sciatica, and all deep rcatcd inflammations. Safe, Sure, Speedy Victor Remedies Company offc. iivo rt ward for any certified case of Lockjav. ,»r fiiood Poison, in mar. or beast, rt --. H ir.g from the kick of an animal, fro. the insertion of a rs:=iy nail, or from y ftesh wound, provided Victor Linhrei i i applied strictly according to direction v :thin 3 hours after wound has been re ceived. For further particulars addrtss, VICTOR B.EMEDIES CO., Frederick, Slary, : <i For sale at Reed's Pharmacy ARE YOU USING HARD TIMES LINIMENT? Many people of Butler find There is Nothing its Equal for Rheumatism and Lumbago, Colds, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, Bronchitis, Paralysis, Sprains and Stiffened Joints. Each county of the state will be disposed of to good business persons, who will act as general agents for counties. They to order by the gross from the Company and supply both local agents and druggists for one year from the time - their contract is signed. A Cash Prize of $15.00 will be given the general agent, for every gross ordered from the Company. Address all communications :o W. J. BLACK, Carr P. 0., Pa. On Sale at Drug Stores Wm. Wuerthele, Billiard and Pool Tablee, Bar Fixture*, Office Desks, Chairs, Tables, Partitions. Bookcases, etc. Turning of Billiard and Pool Ball*. Bowling Alley Equip ments. 418 Diamond Street, Above Smithfield St.) Pittsburg, Pa. 11-fr-owta REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner ot Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence, Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P.H. SecMer ICAvt>ji a hmd v inning I" J ; call on Fx! jcatl n* |o>uq£ RMS urti women lameetthfi demand of this prosper ji:* commercial a; 6 -t or circulars aildrej* a P. DVff & SONS. C'h 9l II Joriy Ay.. PlStoburg.Pi. Don't Know That? ' That Stern's Creamery and Milk depot at the rear of 4)7 South Main street is in operation? WELL, IT IS! And if yon want, good Milk. Cream. Creamery Butter or Butter milk, call and see nn or watch for onr wagon. People's Phone 435 Bell Phone 363. ASK YOUB GROCER for Steon's Boiled Cider in-qnart jars We guarantee jnr prodncts pnre and free from any adulteration. J. H. STHEN'S CREAMERY Eyes Examined Free of Chargt Jeweler and Graduate Optician noo- to rv>.!rt Hon.* 7»ot -r. Pr, no von WANT TO HRLI. your farm or oth.-r real estate? 1 can do it for you. fiend me full particulars at once. 4-I<WM-ly JOHN BOIXiKH, Ke iMi.i.e J'ui dii.g. Fllltl Big. P Dean'sl ■ A wife, certain rrrlk / M ■ Menstruation. Never kw#n to mil. Hafe! I] ■ Hare! Bpeedjrf Bati*tkf*tion C*tutn»fiteed (n ■or money Refunded. Sen', prepaid for P ■ 21.00 per box. Will fiend them on tr'.aj, to ■ ■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Kree. B J UK IT CO MKOICALCO.. »Q« 74. L»HC»OTC«, p*. [j Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. DR. M. FORBES 7m Ohio Street, ALLEOHEBY, HA. Cures Cancer "without cutting; removes tumor a»d all face blemishes. Moles and birthmarks removed. Addition's &">. Elec tric llelts for 11. the next :iodavs for Rheu matism. Liver and Kidney Trouble. Ladle* treated In .strict confidence. Agents wanted for Belt* and Ladies Remedies. No Cure, No Pay, President of Hospital for Ladies. U-KMU-Sm MME. BARTLETT'S MASSAGE PARLORS. Mme Bartlett. assisted by a New York masseur and beauty specialist; magnetic, electric, vapor baths, scalp treat ment, massage; bust development. !*>4 Federal Ht., Allegheny City, Pa. iioom 12, Third Floor, Above Scott's. !1-2<l«|-Iy _____ MUUTIIA & BBOWN. m :tb Ave. I'lltsburg. Pa., Can sell your Heal Estate, Karin or But>laei>s. Correspondence solicited. ALL TRANSACTIONS COVriUXMXIAL. ' | Griddle Cakes 1 I of Alt Makes J A hearty breakfast is more essential than any other meal. It forms the fund of vitality from i&BSE"~ wbkh the day's demand is largely drawu. When you can'teat in the morning, Karo Corn Syrup rruzkes sou cat. Fine for griddle cakes of - -*^£^S9 all makes. Nutritious —delicious. '-ZjgXHBM 9 T*" 801(1 in airtight, frlotlon-top tins, 35 10c. Sse, 60c, by all I P CORN PRODUCTS COMPANY, New York and Chicago. IB r p The Little Bacteria Which Bred The Epidemic of Typhoid. ITE microscope sho-.vs that in the JTrV blood of every person suffering ■jFX' from typhoid the little germs can be found as shown above. This disease has aluiost become ] epidemic in many cities and towns , of the United States thi3 season. They < are supposed to get into the water or ( milk we drink. The germs multiply by ] growing long aud dividing into two. , This happens every half hour, so that ; one germ is capable of producing about ] one hundred trillion germs in twenty- ] four hours. That i 3 why if they ever - get into the water supply of a town they 1 multiply so fast that nearly everylxxly ; drinking the water conies down with the ' ] disease. There are exceptions, however, ] and they arc the persons whose health , is perfect, whose blood is pure, and liver ■ active. When the germs get into a < healthy body they are thrown off with - the other poisons. Recent Chicago , statistics show that one-eighth of all the : deaths in the past two years in that city , . have resulted from pneumonia. j ; PNECMOXIA AND CRIP. j ' These two diseases, together with ' typhoid, chiefly engross the attention of j our people just now. The best advice we can give is to put the body into a perfectly sound, healthy condition. Be assured that you have rich, red blood and an active liver. Occasionally take j a good vegetable laxative, such as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, to rid the body of the poisons clogging the canals. Pimples, boils, eruptions, extreme weak ness', feelings of nervous exhaustion, coughs and colds are the warning signals which should be heeded. Keep the stomach healthy, the bowels regu late 1 and the blood pure and rich, and your body is a stronghold against which the germs of these diseases can not make a successful attack. When you are pale and feel exhausted or despondent consult nature. "Nature is the* real physician in such cases," says Dr. R. V. Pierce in his book, "The Com mon Sense Medical Adviser." Exercise in the fresh air and sunlight is of great assistance in keeping the system healthy. Many years ago I)r. R. V. Pierce, who is consulting surgeon to the Invalds' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y., fouud certain herbs and roots, which when made into an alterative extract (without the use of alcohol), seemed to be the very best means of putting the stomach, blood aad vital organs into proper condition. , NATURE'S WAV. This seemed to him as close to nature's way of treating disease as it was possible to go. For over a third of a century his Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery has had a wonderful , sal; and the cures resulting from its use are numbered by thousands. It is a tissue-builder, better than cod liver oil because it does not gickcn the stom ach, or offend the taste. It strength en; or rene-vi the assimilative or diges tive processes in the stomach and puts j on healthy flssh when the weight of the invalid i' reduced below the normal. No alcoholic tonic could be so effective, {■jT alcohol shrivels up the red blood corpuscles, impairing their vitality and robbing the system of one of its most important elements. TO BUILD UP A body that li;us been weakened by an attank of Typhoid, Grip or Pneumonia nothing will put on healthy flesh so fast as this tonic alterative of Dr. Pierce, a truly "'Gold' :i Medical Discovery." Cinrs others, ;vi/l cure you. We do not ask you to believe it on our asser tion, for the proprietors and manufactur ers of this " Medical Discovery" offer CHICBKrteB'S SHGUSH PENNYSOM PILLS ft "V - r Alwnvs r« II . :■ /.iwUca, wk Orcgirlst fbf <lll <3l C.TFHS I in »l«"J »t«? ,;01,l mctst:,;- bom I with blue ribbon. TsliC 111. »<b< r. Iti ffte Jaii|(iTipu« substi tntlon.fturl Imltiilhiu., Btt> ui your OmtjiflKt, or xerul -Ic. in f - i'n.tlfular.. Testi monials ai.'i "It« for l.uiiieH." 1 ' l"t<r bv refiirii Mnb. io,fH»«Ti-.l;monl«i«. bold by all Drugitist" CUVJHK. tr.ii CHEMICAL CO. 8109 flsillMun V.-jt/urr. PA at ..ti-..- >!. PAROID READY OOFINQ. pAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONK can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. T> EPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /\NLY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate -*■ or Shingles. TVEMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1,2 AND 3 PLY Other Fact*, Samples and Prices are yonrs if you will a«k as. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. rewar<l for any where they cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testimo nial below, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. ~ I have neglected from time to time to write you but feel it my duty to tell you aud to let others, who may suffer as I did, know, that, through the help of our heavenly Father, your medicines have done a great deal of good for me," writes Mrs. W. B. Litton, of Kimballton, Giles Co., Va. " I was in a terrible con dition, and two good physicians did not help me. Had almost every trouble a woman could suffer from. Could not do any of my housework, could not walk a hundred yards. Just felt so dead and heavy, and had such pains in knees and ankles. Had catarrh of stomach very bad ; would have to beat up a raw egg and swallow it, and there would be days I could not swallow a bite of bread. If I did try to eat would have such nerv ous chills it seemed I would almost die. Would feel .almost dead, and chilly all over; had great heat in side and through my stomach and this would some times extend into chest under shoulders and nearly all through the body. Sight was almost lost and the days seemed to me about like a dream. Kidneys were in a dreadful condition. Had neuralgia in head, sides, and stomach, and at the ap proach of every storm would get numb ; liad tingling sensation in limbs; was stopped tip in chest so I did not dare get a particle of the damp air ; in fact there was so much the matter with me I shall not attempt to tell all. I was simply a to tal wreck, and, as all my neighbors know, I was almost dead. I wrote to Dr. Pierce, and he kindly advised me what to do. Don't remember just how much of his ' Golden Medical Discover}-' I took, but, beside the ' Discovery,' had four bottles of his ' Favorite Prescrip tion ' aud six vials of Dr. I'ierce's Pleas ant Pellets. Now I can eat a little of almost anything I want, but have to be careful and not overdo. Have tx-en doing my own work for months and can walk to any of my neighbors' houses. Am not entirely well—never expect to lie, but how thankful I am to be as well as I am. I will say this much, that I don't believe there are other medicines in the world so reliable as Dr. Pierce's, for they did for me what no other medi cines could do. I wish all suffering hu manity knew of Dr. Pierce's medicines and would take them. Any invalid who may wish further particulars regarding this statement, or the sincerity of it, may write (enclosing stamp;, and 1 will ! gladly answer." A KEG OF POWDER. j Men can hardly be made to realize | that a little sputtering spark of disease which might be stamped out in an instant may mean death if it is allowed to keep on. Dyspepsia, constipation and liver complaint seem like trifling i matters but they will eventually wreck the constitution as surely as a spark will blow up a keg of powder. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery i is acknowledged as the most wonderful ! medicine ever devised for those diseases i which are caused by imperfect action of i the liver and digestive organs. If your health is not strong awl vigor ous it i.i a simple and sensible thing to write to I)r. R. V. Pierce, chief consult ing physician to tlie Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., and obtain from him and his staff of eminent specialists, without charge, professional advice which will enable you to put your constitution on a solid basis of health and strength forthwith, before these ailments have a chance to reduce you to a physical wreck. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy tho greatest popularity and largest salo in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They cure the sick. ISO. cvitKS. rcucra. I—Fcrer», Congestion*, Inflammations. .23 2—Worms. Worm Fever, WormCotlc... .23 3—'Tkcililii it. Colic, Cry lug. Wakefulness .'i't •I—Dlarrlirit. or Children or Adults 23 7—Caucbe, C0I1L), Ilrouchltls 23 H—.WurnlKln. Toothache, Face ache 23 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .23 10—l>r»pep«la.Indlgi*tIon,Weflk8tomach.93 11—Huppreurd or i'alnftil Periods 23 1 2—Whiles. Too Profaso Periods 23 13—('roup. Laryngitis, Uuarsenuu 23 11—Sail ltlirum,EryßljK Lm, liruptlona.. .23 15—ilhcuniutism. Rheumatic IMI I i.i 23 IS—Malaria, Chilli, Fever and Ague 23 19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .23 20 —Whooplng-Cough 23 27-Kidmv Diseases 25 2H—Xervous Oehllltv ■ 1.00 30—I'rlunry Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .23 77—<Jrtp. Ilay Fever 23 Sold by druggist*, or sent on receipt of price. a«r Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual of all Diseases mailed free, Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Ste.. New York. TAFT-S" "PH Z ii '*• -DENTAL ROOMS.-- V • iii 39 - S'J» Ave., Pittsburq, p» '< K V.Vro PR ACTIC A '.LY "" fl fiEST J?* CROWN and pF.illviE w.rkf) ■ftA /Wli.r I'lttsl.urg-WHY NOT DO fa *»« YOURS? «i''ld CROWNS ft Ej'll'lf M '" 1 BHIOGF wrk rciuec.l c M ill VI *• 7 Br : °s PER TOOTH Also t»i? ft <»-iy-iv U PEN NS3YLVAN IA ij ELECTPsO-MECHAniCAL INSTITUTE, g 1028 Fifth Ave , Pitttbarc* Pi. H g OIVE3 UtDtVIDVMt INSTRUCTION ■ r\ ALL W ECU AN ICAL BRANCHES A 801 l 212Grfcat i. T. ><,.wtr.g«r, Ircit. 9 * .aaMStaqsaaac^j l-u.'i-ly M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTO GBAPHFB lift Booth Mam tit. PLUM PUDDING. plain Directions For Malting ThU Chrlxtmn* Luxnry. Place la a vessel cue pound of beef kidney suet, very dry, free from fibers and chopped very fine; one pound of seeded Malaga raisins; one pound of currants, cleaned and washed In plenty of water; one pound of bread crumbs, sifted through a sieve; a quarter of a pound of lemon peel, chopped very fine; one pound of powdered sugar, four tablespoonfuls of flour, a quarter of an ounce of nutmeg and allspice, a pint of brandy and six eggs. Mix the whole well together. Dip a strong cloth In cold water and wring It out to extract all the moisture. Spread it open on a table and butter it liberally with butter softened to the consistency of cream. Dredge over with sifted flour and shake the cloth to remove any excess of the flour that failed to adhere to the butter. Lay in the center of the cloth the prepared mixture. Form it in the shape of a ball and raise up the edges of the cloth, bringing the four ends together all around, so as to inclose the preparation well, then tighten and tie firmly. Have on the fire a high saucepan three-quarters full of water. When this boils plunge in the plum pudding and let it cook for three hours. Then remove it and have it stand for fivo minutes before cutting the string. Un do the cloth carefully and Invert the pudding on a hot dish. Sprinkle it with sugar. Four over some brandy or rum and set it on fire. Serve imme diately with hard sauca, St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Saaee For Flam Pudding-. Four tablespoonfuls of butter, whites of two eggs, one cap powdered sugar, one gill of brandy and one gill of boil ing water. Cream tbe butter, add grad ually the sugar, and beat until white and light. Add the whites, one at a time, beating all the while. When ready to serve add the brandy and wa ter. Stand in a basin of boiling water over the fire, stir until creamy, and it is ready for use. A sauce without brandy Is made as follows: One tablespoonful of corn starch, one tablespoonful of butter, one pint of boiling water, one egg, one-half cup of suif.tr. Put cornstarch, egg and sugar in a bowl nnd mix tliem well. I'our over them the boiling water nnd stir over the fire until thick. Add any flavoring. Cranberry nnd Apple Sauce. Tako one quart of cranberries, two cupfuls of sugar, two cupfula of wa ter. Pick over the berries carefully nnd wash in cold water. Put them into n porcelain lined saucepan, with enough water to cover, and cook until tender. Then ndd the sugar and re move from the stove Just as soon as the sugar has been dissolved. Serve hot or cold. Select the berries careful ly; boil them slowly without stirring. If treated in this way they will retain their shape and the sauce will be clear and transparent. Apple sauce is for roast goose. Peel and core six tart apples. Put them in to a saucepan and Just cover with wa ter. Boil until tender, then press through a colander. Add a teaspoon ful of butter, a dash of nutmeg or cin namon and sweeten to taste. I'mienla FOP Men. In silverware there are toilet articles such as talcum Jars, cold cream Jars, silver mounted brushes, combs, clothes brushes, whisk brooms, flasks and shav ing brushes. Bath robes come in the most attrac tive guise, and the man who has none will surely bless the sister or mother who gives him one. Gorgeous heavy silk mufflers, em broidered suspenders, neckties of white silk, linen or silk handkerchiefs and chest protectors are some of the things men must expect, as they penerally put off buying them until after Christmas. Otlier decorations for u man's din are the hideous but picturesque Japanese masks, swords and bayonets. I'anel decorations In oriental design will sure ly please if they are well selected. A wastebasket would not be amiss, and one of the new corkscrews, with a born top, silver trimmed, would be highly acceptable. Kind Old Man. Ascum—What did that rich old undo of yours give you for Christmas? Some thing useful, I'll bet. Ilauskeep—Yes; a little device for sav ing coal bills. Ascum—Ah! An arrangement to at tach to the heater. Ilauskeep—No; to keep on my desk. It's a bill file.—Philadelphia Press. The Only One In Captivity. Museum Patron —Well, what new freak have you for the holidays? Manager—The rarest thing on earth —the man who doesn't buy more Christ mas presents than ho can afford. Then He Toolt Another. Comfort Brown—Don't you think It nonsensical—all this kissing under the mistletoe? Thomas Tubbs—Sure thing! But a little nonsense now and then is rel- Isiied by the best of men—and womenl A Synonym. Spacer—Give mo a synonym for the word Christmas. Popper (moodily)— Broke! At Gay Ynletlde. All hall the genial tlmo of year When every heart In kind. When far and near there is good cheer And care Is left behind. Old feuds forgot, old hates aside. Now hearty clasps of hand. While far and wide at Chrlstmastlde Love reigns throughout the land. Forgive, forget, a truce to prido; Healed are all friendship's rifts. At gay Yuletldo on every side We're "worked" for Christmas gifts. —New York Journal. I)ru!d* nnd Mlatletoe. The IJrulds always sought the mis tletoe by the full moon and, when they found it, rejoiced and worshiped. Aft er cutting off its twigs with a golden sickle they sacrificed two milk white bulls beneath the tree. The sacred shrub was then immersed in water, and the resulting concoction became their remedy for all diseases. The early Christians would not permit the use of the mistletoe In their churches because of its heathenish origin; consequently It was hung only within the private abode and usually in the kitchen. Any maid caught stnndlng beneath a branch had to forfeit a kiss to the gallant eagerly awaiting his opportunity. With each kiss a berry was plucked, and when all of the berries disappeared the bare branch was useless to the young man who wished to claim the privilege of thus saluting the fair damsel there after. The mistletoe was said to havo been the original magical shrub or for bidden tree in the garden of Eden. — Cincinnati Enquirer. C'hriNtmnN ut ninety In the Shade. Christmas In the West Indies Is very well observed. To meander about among palm trees or orange groves and fields of sugar cane on Christmas day, with the thermometer at 00 degrees in the shade, certainly has the zest of novelty to a northerner. If you are In the British West Indies on Christmas day your attention will bo most attract ed In all the Christmas gatherings of which you form a part, whether in the streets, the home or the church, by the close association of whites and blacks. The "color line" is not a live question. Hootn mi Stocklnir*. German children do not, us a general practice, hnng up their stockings Christmns eve, but use their father's big boots instead. • V <l/ <■ >lr »!/ -J/ •- -J* si* its *l* Mr -if .»■ -V 'V itr J—'» *. | -T* j The Butler County National Bank, j BUTLER, PA | OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY | | OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. f j | Capital Paid in $200,000.00 || % Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 |i I Surplus and Profits 195,000.00 — $595,000 : 00__ | || Assets over $2,500,000.00 |j | Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000.00. & INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time * 4 without notice. sji Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent—THE VERY BEST. j| vVe roost cordially solicit ycur business e : ther in person or by mail. 3: £ JOSEPH HARTMAN, President. Jxo. G. MOMARLIN. Cashier. £ * JOHN V. RITTS. Vice President. ALBERT C KRUG, Asst. Cashier. * J T P. MIFFLIN. Vice President. W. S. lit.AKSI.EE, Asst. Cashier. 2 rßTvrc-. accfnreigiiiffjjg,-Tim'iff f VTTi-Ti't -iBMBMr .Will ,"1 ■— i fi^BSt CAPITAL SURPLUS P $200,000.00. $200,000.00. U UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. 1 SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. I IWM. CAMPBELL. Jr.. President. .f. 11. TROFTMAN. Ist Vice Pres. W. A. -TEIN, 2nd Vice Pres. « LOFIS 11. STEIN. Treasurer. C. E. CKONENWETT, Ass t Treasur. fig Will continue to do a general banking business at the | old stand and is also prepared to transact a general I Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to fe withdrawal without notice. ********* ************ ******** jjfc J![ | Standard Trust CompanvJ | SUTLER, PA. | CAPITAfc ------- $150,000.00 | Int<?r<?st Paid on Deposits- Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GF(66NL/EE, President. C. A. Sect\?. and Treasurer. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public 8-olicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS. President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER. Ass't Cashier. t . I— .1,1, " - V p /•> '/ *3 * I ¥k£ i) ,HTEBEST J/' WITHDRAWALS^ ' I WITHOUT NOTICE. | I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BAW& | - . Or PITTSBURGH, : G33 SMITHFIELD STREET. t The Bcsi rriend cl the man or woman of moderate means Is ■ !! j H A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in a strong Eank. \,VE PAY FOUR FER CENT. INTEREST on savings accounts §g eg opened with firs! deposit of net less than $109.00, and any I , §1 amour.t may bo withdrawn without notice. ' ' "'•IB Capital, Surplus and Shareholders' Liability $2,000,000.00. H 1 " ¥ BANBY MAIL ! 'V' 1 I AnJ £ ct the 4 per cent annual interest and I iv v. (v'-. : I absolute protection of tiiis strong unk. j !*. i" ''' ''■ $ Assets over $7,700,000. !■• ' iTaai-J PU r.«.<•*!! 1 1 ■■■■.r.viß ts. tfi '~i> \ L'H a ei> R * VS-'k? fev - i .. v : | L! "WOOD AKD DIAMOND STREETS PITTS ?■>":!<"., ( - S Y fSE RV IC E moderate mar- JR EXPENSE T FORECAST fi BAYLEY, PITTSBURG, PA. ' „ > ir=Bi II I Great Sacrifice Sale $ v —This Week at— ?|j I Rockenstein's Millinery! | TJF Pattern and Trimmed Hats at your own price, IJI Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ostrich Plumes, Rib- IFC #f * FL? bons, Birds, Ornaments, Velvets. T i?* v J! DON'T FORGET THE PLACE & J Rockenstein's I In 4? 5!2H South Main Street, - ... - Butler, la. *-***■***•*JNtsK-* *.%%% ****************-*** X ****** | For Holiday & Wedding Presents | There's nothlDK more appropriate than pictures, and there H no better * § place to buy them than at onr store. We have on view Biaaon h "Zephyrs j S of Love," one of the grandest water colors out. Also a fall line of Den x Pictures. Oval Frames are all the go now. See what we have to ofTcr. * TREGANOWAN ART CO, I 437 Penn ave., cor Fifth St., -Pittsburg, Pa. 1 108 Wylie ave., cor Elm st | I Near Jos. Horn© Co. w lt***ife* *********** ******** KLEBER'S Piano Factory and Salesroom in Greensburg. We have moved our Piano Factory from New York to Greensburg arid now invite every person to caiiand see the 1 KLEBER PIANOS i We are the only Pittsburg Music Dealers that are man ufacturing Pianos and we have received the in dorsement of many prominent pianists and dealers throughout the United States. It will pay all intending purchasers to examine our Pianos. We also have on exhibition the world-renowned KNABE PIANOS and the wonderful Apollo Piano Player WITH A LIST OF 10,000 ROLLS OF MUSIC. EASY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED. BUY DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY AND SAVE MONEY. CATALOGUES FREE- H. KLEBER & BRO. DEPOT ST. near Otterman St.. GREENSBURG Pittsburg House Established 62 Years. 221-223 FIFTH AVENUE. | FREE! | A handsome bottle filled with fine Table Wine and a H [9 Beautiful Calendar in Colors for 1904, Free to each and H 3 every purchaser of wine and liquors from now and dui- ■ 9 ing the Holidays. B H A good bottle of wine makes H ) A (VLEKRy CHKIST/WAS GIFT ■ Finch, Large, WHISKIES 11 3 Gibson, Overhult, fig Kf Dillinger, Bridgeport, 6 years Old H Tig Thompson, Guckenheiiuer, BE H We offer them at $1 per fall quart, $5 f° r 6 qnarta. BE pf GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE H ' -s| Whiskey, guaranteed 3 years old. $2 00 per gallon. jgj Our guarantee of purest goods at lowest prices governs every sale. Rj <9 Send your orders at once to obtain prompt shipment. We prepay express Mi *3 charges on all orders of £5.00 or over. gPj 8 kOBFUT LEWIN & CO., I ? Wholesale Dealers In n| J WINES AND LIQUORS, ■ f 14 Smithfield St, Pittsburg, Pa ■ lEberle Bros.,S I PLUMBERS i S Estimates given on all kinds of work. ? C We make a specialty of x 5 NICKLE-PLATED, C V SEAMLESS, / OPEN-WORK. ✓ j 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa! ? S Phone. 630. C The Davis Sewing flachine tor Sale by VV. B. Also Pianos and Organs. ..'i/ v'.,> i. i!£■ ki w :Oo Mot Pespa,ix*! Doctor Kidd Can Cure You With out a Cutting Operation. J If KuflVrlnp from clironic womb and ovarian tronh- J ' lw, .1 (.placemento, painful and Irregular period*, WSES&V . liarrenne-w, unnatural discharged, larcrationn, ulcer- S)L «: ationu, tumors, rectal trouble*, stomach, kidney or A heart troubles, ulcer*, dun deseaso and blood JXIIM.II, hi 3 or anr chronic ailment*. M lie Is the only doctor devoting: his entire ' A ' < time to women's diseases between New Y.uk f ;0"' ■ ''i l / \ ri and Chicago. , , . ?* ■J Catarrh, Uroncliitie, A tlima. Throat and Lung fO | : Di < ;IISCH cured by mean# of Medical \ apor, the (needful treatment in the* i canes, an they nil restwnd promptly to his method of treatment. Nervous'Dlsoroers cured by EU-etricity scientifically applied. I lis charges and terms are reasonable and within the reach of all Suffering • Women. . , Write if you cannot call, as his Imme treatment is very successful, l.nclone stamp for replv. Beiul six cents in stamps f'-r IXM.TC on Diseases of \Vomen. tiraduate Nurse in attendance. Consultation and advice Free and sacre<lly t confidential. OFFICE llotiu —'J a. m. to Bp. m., Sunday, 10:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. jDR. A. R. KIDD'S Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 631 Penn Avenue, PITTSBURC, PA. What to Buy. Many people would like to make niocey in stocks bnt are uncer tain what to buy. On this point we are in a position at all times to give you expert advice. Stocks are going higher, and there never was a better time to buy than now. Send for booklet on mar ginal trading and Daily Market Letter. Both mailed free on ap plication. THE AMERICAN COMMISSION CO.. lac , Capital. SIOO,OOO. 807-8-9 Kevstone Building, 12-17-03-4t " Pittsburg. Pa. Dr. Miney Davidson. Hydrotherapeutic Santitarium and Nat ural Healing Institute. I treat Enlarged Veins, Loss of Vitality. Prostatorrhea, Brlght's Disease. Kheunia tlsui. Bladder, etc. Osteopathy. Massage Electrical Treatments. Oven, Vapor, JJeedle, Shower, all other local applications. Sanitarium: 205 Seneca Street, Plashing. Pa. Take Fifth avenue cars—get of at No. 2100. 12-IT-o®-:ftn. Headaehss Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eys». Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OFTICIANS 705 PEItS AVEXCK, OPP. rsss ;BUIU)I.XU, PII-R«BRNO. a-ir-iy Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable R>;ar of Wick House Butler ?enn'a The best of horses and first clans nits » wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perm* nent boarding and transient trade. Bpecl al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horsea A good c ass of horses, both drivers aj.l draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bouifl> p>a proper notification bv PEARSON B. NACE. T«i«ooooe No Sit jC. F. T. Papej pJEWELERi / 121 E. Jefferson Street. ? Family Reuq ions! We olten cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity. We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know in time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISHER < Wm. Foster, < | Architect. | / Plan of all kind of buildings V \ furnished on short notice. r f Office in Berg Building, 1 J Bntler, Pa. v JVTETOANTILE BUREAU, HrcarM I'lr»t-claa« Mercantile and Mechanical PMitloni^, oiBc« - mubnw. h ♦at Fourth Avenue, 3-l#-ly HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer In Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 Easi Jefferson Street. BUTLER. PA NO SPAVINS &3SS be enred in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M CLUGH, Knoxdale, Jefferson Co., Pa W A VTKD--Firemen, Brukemen, iUchlnlrti, Bull r mukern, ltUrktuiltbl Hurt holper* lor r*lU rid*, alsoflrlrmiint »ll klmli of help. Plfcce# w.illliijf. General Eiiipluymeiil Buroau, 101 »"ed»- r.i! <l!iel, A I i k 11riy. l'». W % IVTKD At one®, (lrl« In e»eij capacityi I* to 1 10 twr week; placed or money refunded, (.eaeral ICwplojineut llurotu, 201 St.. AUejckeD J, !'*■ 3-19- ly WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon. Pastel, Sepia and Water Colo* taught at home, and employment given at once. For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART, Beaver Palls, Pi.