Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 17, 1903, Image 4
~, ■ \ Taken lr«B) ronire. 1 jpS From the pure fountain of nature flows the stream Sft /|||W«K' I y t> developer of mankind. Not only do we get inspiration ! t« »l •' V |3r^ •WS&SSffin*from nature, but health as well. To live in the open, g$ l' fovffx, ' 1/JSK?J? Vl! /%*/]■ v.;^Uil?rt' in the sunshine, in the fields or woods, drinking pure » air into the lungs, is best for those who have the M h'J 'xr opportunity. For people who nmww f ( V I,' headaciu;s, f ii'igiit-svveats, whose machinery lias income jI ( T , life?/// Sr; worn, it becomes necessary to turn to some tonic or IIH . £ strengthenerwhicb willjielp get on their feet 1-i * turieTit has been known that nature's most valuable ( \ J{ ( liiil if I fceds'the' putting the liver-into activity. KM '((ijl y, 1, Nervousness and sleeplessness are usually due to the fact that the nerves are not fed f fl' 8 V on properlv nourished blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes pure, lArfl"' ' *JV» I rich blood, and thereby all the organs of the body are run smoothly, like the rl/IMit" machinery'which runs in oil. In this way you feel clean, strong and strenuous— "" vou feel braced up, and you are good for a whole lot of physical or mental work. , iij///Jr Nyffl/Ct Be't of all, the strength and increase in vitality and health are lasting. The trouble t;t 'JT vV. !nos t tonics and medicines which have a large sale for a short time is that Off >\ tllev are largelv composed of alcohol holding the drugs in solution. This alcohol '■• mm | , >3k \fiM fair'lv shrinks up the red blood corpuscles, and so one may feci_ exhilarated and If /gK _ \\ W/n better for the time being, vet in the end weakened and with vitality decreased. /gsNn'"igfar Yh I*l Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical" Discovery does not contain alcohol. The i.roof is e sy. /?' ; M fjijl Distill a little in a glass retort and see for yourself. Every bottle of Dr. / ■ > 1 \HA/r~ 111 Golden Medical Discovery bears the stamp of public approval. For the uj •> A 1 1 I offer you something he claims is "just as good" is to insult your mteU'gcnce. Wat ?A Wf J you want is a remedy without alcohol , and one which has stood the test of time. 1 X / "It is with pleasure that I give my hearty endorsement to Dr. PIT .'3 Co'den i}| Jila> S Medical Discovery," writes Hon. E. E. Willard, Judge of nth District, Duv:-;! '>■ Florida. "It is the most successful remedy that I know of for the werUcrt-d CX-.JI tion of the digestive organs which excessive heat or overwork sometimes i .nags.. caus ing indigestion, sick headache, a disagreeable or bitter taste in the ntciiin, p'es.3 nights and a complication of unnatural conditions, making one feel sick dlwer Y<W rmely is fcienti y s and well calculated to renovate the entire system, cleansing and vitalizing the blood and .CJ - - assimilation of food, which will soon restore health and harmony. The dealer who tries to palm off a substitute for "Golden Medical Discover}-," does so in order to ria-;- ... profit paid by the sale of less meritorious preparations. Insist on having Dr. Pierce h OoMen Me.iica. I.i . The best guide to health and happiness is Dr. Pierce s Common Sense Medical Adust r. In tl. . ■ . . there are discussed the great mysteries of human origin and of human destiny, and a b.0a.l pa. i .1 ifo wS life. Send 3 I one-cent stamps for the book bound m strong cloth, or u ... paper seud only 21 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ARE YOU USING HARD TIMES LINIMENT? Many people of Butler find There is Nothing its Equal | for Rheumatism and Lumbago, Colds, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, Bronchitis, Paralysis, Sprains and Stiffened Joints. Each county of the state will be disposed of to good business persons, who will act as general agents for counties. They to order by the gross from the Company and supply both local agents and druggists for one year from the time gfH—thoi*-€ontract is signed. A Cash Prize of 515.00 will life- be given the general agent, for every gross ordered from the ijf-. Company. Address all communications to pr—W. J. BLACK, Carr P. 0., Pa. On Sale at Drug Stores- Wm. Wuerthele, Billiard and Pool Tables, Bar Fixtures, |if Office Desks, Chairs, Tables. Partitions, Bookcases, etc. Turning of Billiard and Pool Balls. Bowling Alley Equip ments. 418 Diamond Street, Abore Smithfield St.) Pittsburg, Pa. 11-5-03-6 m REMOVAL, We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner ol ' Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right' on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as \ve have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. khler f Gives a bread-winning Education— Edocatinc j'i:ia<r men and women to meet the demand of this prosperous commercial az»- t or circular* addreaa P. DUFF & SONS. Bth & Liberty Ave., Pitt jburg.Pa. Don't Know That? That Ste«-n's Creamery and Milk depot, at the rear of " 417 Soutb Main street is in operation? WELL, IT IS! And if you want good Milk, Cream. Creamery Butter or Butter milk, call and seens or watch for our wagon. People's Phone 435. Bell Phone 263. A.SK YOUR GROCER for Steen's Boiled Cider in quart jars. Wo guarantee our products pure and free from any adulteration. J. H. STHEN'S CREAMERY. Eyes Examined Free of Chargt R. L KiRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician ««■»* Hot to Oomt Hon«* T*rt'»r Pe DO VOl" WANT TO SKLL yonr farm or other rea(eatac*7 I can do it for you. Send mo full LarUculnrs at once. 1-ItHW-ly JOHN BODUER, Ml Keystone Building. l'ltthburg, I'a j vase*. TAFT'S philadelph;* —DENTAL ROOMS.-- ft" . 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa jii ZgUl We're PR ACTlCAv_YJo"'Kti"'i* S ■ CROWN md BF.i!:j£ wortkj ■iM Mk of Pittsburg—WH Y NOT DO f* fr fa|yours7 crownsL. V"f td mland BRIDGE work f«luced tof' 1 ,l\l HSS PER TOOTH. Also the i> 1^ 'jg y^jng»tßtt^reetL^rmd^ON_L>^e^V CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PUS Qp Hafe. Always reliable L.a<llp*,a.sk Ttragtfst fot CHCHIHtKU'S EStItMH in Bed urf <<old metallic boxes, scaled with blue ribbon. Take no other. Rcftow Uaiiilfrooa aubatl lotion, and imitation*. Buvof your Druggist, or send Ic. in stanips fw I"»rl irulnr*. Te»ti - moDial« and •• Kellef for LadiM. 'S'fi'C' a return Hail. 10,000 Testimonial*. bold by Druggists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL 00. TIM naditeo Sqnart-, fHIIA, PA Jhitlw'AUiami PAROID | READY OOFING. PAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't' grow brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of| eatjh roll. T> EPRESENTS the results o " years of Experience and Ex- ! perimenting. f\NLY requires painting every! fewyears. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate -®- or Shingles. T\EMAND for PAROID is world I wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are : yours if you will ask as. . LC. WICK, BUTLER, PA. I PENNSYLVANIA | ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, I 1026 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ■ GIVES INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION I ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES I Ball Phone 242 Grant 1. T. Niswinger, Preit, I 1-03-ly HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDINS HABITS, . I 4597 Forfats Street, Corner Craig Street, \ PITTSBURG, PA. If-19-ly Headaches Cured With Classes. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS 7(1.1 PF.W AVEXTE, OPP. rEXXIBI lUH.Vti, PITTSBURG. 3-l»-ly | Jliaflsni s, "Sk. Bb3l\'S I B A safe, certain reli» .t Suppr. P 9 MenstruaUor. Never kwivn to foil. Safe! ■ ■ Bum! Speedy! Satisfaction (Juan.nteed ■ ■or money Refunded. Sen:, prepaid for I ■ SI.OO per tmx. Will Kend them on trio) to I ■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. I J UHITCD MtOICOICO . Bon T«. L»WC«»Tt«. »». J Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. ! Pharrna* y. DR. M. FORBES Vt7 Ohio Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. Cures Cam-er without cutting: removes tumor and all face blemishes. Moles and birthmarks removed. Addition's sf>. Elec tric Belts for il, the next ,10 davs— for Uheu matism. Liver and Kidney Trouble. Ladles treated In strict confidence Agents wanted for Belts and l.adies Remedies. No Cure. No Pay. President of Hospital for Ladles. .' 11-10-o.'»-6m | MME. BARTLETT'S MASSAGE PARLORS. Mme. Bartiett, assisted liv a New York ' masseur and beauty specialist; magnetic, I electric, viipor baths, scalp treat ment, massage; bust development. 304 Federal St., Allegheny City, Pa. Boom 12, Third Floor, Above Scott's. 11-21! 0.1-1 y MTTRTHA & BItOWN, JJO sth Ave. Pittsburg. Pa., Can sell your Real Estate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. ALL Tit AN S ACTION 8 CDKHUISTIAL. r- ~ For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief, The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. aud SI.OO. Sold by Drugsbtft, or «ent prepaid on receipt of price, lluiiiphreva' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John SU., i\'ew York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Sold by Druggists, or acnt prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y. I IyjCTQD " LUNG * SYRUP The Great "Liu Remedy," "Threat Healer," and "Colli Killer." Consumption in first stages abso . lutely cured. The friend of Singers i and public Speakers. The Golder I Remedy for Whooping Coup Bronchitis, Asthma, Quinsy, Cole Hoarseness, Coughs, Etc. It Cur by striking at the root of the disea? Are you afflicted ? address ; VICTOR REMEDIES CO. Frederick, Maryland FOP sale at Reed's Pharmacy B. & B~ sheer dress goods Two lines of great importance—tex ture and shades at the prices. Bright lustrons Chiffon Colinne, 44 inches wide, 75c—Black, Brown, Navy, Cardinal, Garnet, Rose, Reseda, Moss Green, Pink, aud Light Blue. Medium mesh crisp Voile, 43 inches wide, sl-00— Black, Navy Blue, Cadet, Old Bine. Garnet, Cardinal, Green, Grey, and Tan. These two lines so far surpass any yet showu as will create immediate and extensive business. Very choice line of Sheer Dress Fab rics, 75c to $2,00, including Eoliennes and Chiffon Eoliennes, Voiles an.i Chif fon Voiles, All Wool and Silk and Wool Crepes. Great collection of All Wool Suitings aud Mixtures,so to 54 inches wide, 50c. —greatest money's worth offered in years. Assortment of smart Tweeds, Ban nockburSs, Herringbones, Homespuns, j Scotchy Mixtures, and other fashionable J goods of like character at 75c, SI.OO, and $1 25 that will convince the most skeptical there's no sense in doubting a fact so palpable—that this store affords distinct advantages to its patrons. The showing of London Tailorings, $2.00 to fc?.so is magnificent. Fifty cent double width Clau Plaids for Children's dresses, 25c. I Send more samples than any store in i the country, but we ask vou to help to ! get an idea of what yon want by mark | ing your letter B. C. 48, and stating as ! near to color, price and style as you , | can. Boggs& Buhl • ALLEGHENY. PA. CLEARING NEW LAND. Cprootlnir YonnK Tree* and Pnlllnn Stumps With liorweK and Chain. It is surprising how rapidly young trees may be pulled out of the ground with horses and chain where eondi .lons are favorable. Best results can be obtained where the growth consists of saplings, sny two to four inches in diameter, which have a lateral root system such as possessed by the locust, maple or dogwood. The ground should rPKOOTIXO A SAPLING, be soft and loose. The plan is simple. It consists in fastening one end of a long log chain to the trunk of the sap ling as high above the ground as the flexibility of the tree will permit and hitching a steady horse or if necessary a team of horses to the other end of the chain. While the horses are pull ing at the tree a man should be at its base with an ax and assist them by severing such roots as may seem loath to give way. In this manner when the saplings are of the right size and kind, the g -ound in proper condition, the horses true and steady, the man with the ax alert and discreet, wonderfully good and fast work can be accomplished. Stumps may also be pulled up with chain and horses. One end of a log PULLING A STUMP. chain should be fastened around one of the large roots of a stump, a team of horses being hitched to the other eud. The chain is placed across the top of the stump, which acts as a ful crum and furnishes leverage for its owu removal. —P. Williams, Jr., Vir ginia. Tlie Economical Sheep. Great business .enterprises have been built up by attention to details and stopping the wastes. The wastes alouo if saved would make a handsome prof it on the average western farm. In guarding against needless waste on the farm the sheep has not yet had the consideration it deserves from the farmer. The impression prevails that in some instances our lands are too valuable for mutton production. A more hurtful fallacy does not exist. Our lands are becoming too valuable to be without sheep. The average quarter section or 200 acre farm will practically fatten a carload of western wethers ou what would otherwise bo wasted. The old country farmer and the Canadian make it a practice to glean the stubble fields with sheep as soon as the crop is removed and change the fiock about from one field to an other until the entire farm is grazed during the season. The possibilities of mutton production from the stubble fields, cornfields and fence rows of the Mississippi valley states are of great magnitude, and yet one can ride all day without seeing a flock of sheep. From sixty to ninety days of good grazing with a few weeks of corn feeding at the close will finish a bunch of wethers for the market, and they may be turn ed at a much better profit than bj* win ter feeding on an expensive grain ra tion.—Breeder's Gazette. Hale at the Head. As the new president of the Ameri can Foinologieal society J. 11. Hale Beems likely to prove the right man in the right place, says American Cultiva tor. He has put new life into the sev eral prominent Connecticut societies with which he has been connected. His organizing and executive powers unite with his contagious enthusiasm in making him the right kind of a leader to increase the power and use fulness of this important society. The Clover Seed Product. Of the thirteen principal clover seed producing states four—namely. Indi ana, Illinois, Wisconsin and lowa-r report increased acreage, while all the other principal states except Califor nia, in which state the acreage is the same as last year, report decreases. In Colorado and Utah conditions are be low their ten year averages, while all other principal states report conditions above such average. I'lantlnK Aaparairaa. For new asparagus beds select a warm soil and sunny exposure and fclve each plant plenty of room. One Df the gardening authorities recom mends rows five feet apart and plants at least ti»o feet apart in the rows. It Went rnpnnlflhcd. This story is told of the late Dr. Hol land, better known as "Timothy Tit comb." During the service of one of the large churches in Springfield, Mass., a heavy electric storm came up, and one of the gentlemen of the choir set out to secure an omnibus to take the ladles home. Among the fair sing ers was a certain Miss Etta S., and as Dr. Holland was gallantly helping her into the vehicle a terrific clap of thun der startled them, upon which he re marked, " 'Kit' in terror packs home in a bus" (Et In terra pax hominibus). To close this strange tale it may bo well to add that the doctor was not immediately struck by lightning, but died years afterward peacefully in his bed. Odd Things. The origin of the sentiment, "Old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, old authors to read," is 6omewhat obscured. Itacon found that Alonso of Aragon was wont to say in commendation of age that age ap peared to be best in these four things. John Webster (1038) went further in declaring, "Old wine wholesomest, old pippins tootlisouiest," and that "old wood burns brightest, old linen washes whitest." Goldsmith in "She Stoops to Conquer" says, "Old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine." There are many variant quotations. Made the Cannon Balls Fit. The first battle of the war of 1812 was fought at Sacket's Harbor, July 9, 1812, and consisted of an attack made upon the village. The inhabitants had but one gun of sufficient size and strength to inflict damage, a 32 pound er, for which they had no shot. This difficulty was overcome by the patriot ism of the housewives, who tore up carpets from the floors and with strips wound the small balls to fit the can nna I Great Sacrifice Sale 1 i|i —This Week at— i|i 1 Rockenstein s Millinery ! | Pattern and Trimmed Hats at your own price. •Ji Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ostrich Plumes, Rib bons, Birds, Ornaments, Velvets. jj| DON'T FORGET THE PLACE J i Rockenstein's | $ .«• 328 South Main Street, - - ... Butler, Pa. , X)K*)K ****** **:'.:* XT#***:* **SE3HE»-:v************************** j j The Butler County National Bank, ij BUTLER, PA- | | OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY F | OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. % I Capital Paid in $200,000.00 1 | Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 § Surplus and Profits 195,000.00 — $595,000.00 | | Assets over $2,500,000.00 jj I Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000.00. * INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time * £ without notice. J J Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent—THE VERY BEST. $ We most cordially solicit your business either in person or by mail. J $ JOSEPH HARTMAX, President. Jxo. G. MCMARLIN. Cashier. * JOHN V. RITTS. Vice President. ALBERT C KRCG, Asst. Cashier. * * T. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. 81-AKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. I CAPITAL SURPLUS $200,000.00. $200,000.00. UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS HANK, 1108 South Main Street. , WM. CAMPBELL, Jr.. President. J. H. TROUTVIAN, Ist Vice Pre*. W. A. STEIN. 2nd Vice Pres. I.OI'IS B. STEIN. Treasurer. C. E. CSONENWETT. Ass't Treasur. Will continue to do a general banking business at .the old stand and is also prepared to transact a general Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to | withdrawal without notice. I *■***********-****** **■X-***** * ** * * * * •** * | I Standard Trust Company | BOTBER, PA. | CAPITAb ------- $150,000.00 | I Vaid on Deposits- Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GRfc6NkEE, President. C. A. SAIkEy, Sccty. and Treasurer. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EABNEII) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER. Ass't Cashier. 1 J) | I SAVINGS WITHOUT HQTICE. I 9C. B. McLEAN, W. R. CHRISTIAN, F. W. VAN OSTEN. j| I Prrst. Cashier, Ais't Ca«htcr* I ■ HOM. 3. X. EVANS - HARRISON P. BILWOSTH ■|| ■ JAMES H BEAL J?. N - GOODMAN ■ ji I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK |!{| , . _ _ _ _ - -■" - I BANK BY MAIL ) | ftf 8 And get the 4 per tent annual interest and KjjS' absolute protection of this bank. A»*et* over $7,700,000, Sermania Savings &w ! Ii wOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSE.UUG. ! Agyf umA \PROMPT SERVICE (&) on all orders—Purchase of K STCSKS AND BONDS \\ Either for Cash upon delivery of y Certificates or on moderate mar w gin You may execute orders -Jffijar by telegraph or Long Distance (P MESSAGES AT OUR EXPENSE | OUR DAILY MARKET FORECAST | NEVILLE BAY LEY,' \ Willi \\ MemSsr PiiUburg Slock E«chan<je. H J /) 417 WOOD ST., PITTSBURG, PA. » ilf sii' | For Holiday & Wedding Presents I % There's nothing more appropriate than pictures, and there's no better * || place to buy them than at our store. We have on view Bisson's "Zephyrs * of Love," one of the grandest water colors out. Also a fnll line of Den J X Pictures. Oval Frames are all the go now. See what we have to offer. £ TREGANOWAN ART CO , L 437 Penn ave., cor Fifth St., —Pittsburg, Pa. -1108 Wylie ave., cor Elm st f Near Jos. llorne Co. 2 KLEBER'S Piano Factory and Salesroom in Greensburg. We have moved our Piaoo Factory from New York to Greensburg and now invite every person to call and see the § KLEBER PIANOS I We are the only Pittsburg Music Dealers that are man- I ufacturing Pianos and we have received the in dorsement of many prominent pianists and dealers throughout the United States. It will pay ail intending purchasers to examine our Pianos. I We also have on exhibition the world-renowned I ENABE PIANOS and the wonderful Apollo Piano Player WITH A LIST OF 10 000 ROLLS OF MUSIC. EASY PAVMEMTS IF DESIRED. BUY DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY AND SAVE MONEY. CATALOGUES FREE- H. KLEBER BRO. DEPOT ST. near Otterman St.. GREENSBURG I Pittsburg House Established 62 Years. | 221-223 FIFTH AVENUE. jj f FREE! I ■ A handsome bottle filled with fine Table Wine and a I I Beautiful Calendar in Colors for 1904, Free to each and I I every purchaser of wine and liquors from now and dui- ■ I ing the Holidays. jfl |fl A good bottle of wine makes H 1 A fIIERRy CHRISTMAS GIFT g PS Finch, Large, WHISKIES I IK Gibson, Overbult, 9 Ej Dillinger, Bridgeport, 6 years Old g gfl Thompson, Guckenhehner, H » We offer them at $1 per fall quart, $5 for 6 quarts. H » GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE | |9 Whiskey, guaranteed 3 years old, $2 00 P© r gallon. I| *2 Our guarantee of purest goods at lowest prices governs every sale. H n Send your orders at once to obtain prompt shipment. We prepay express ■ "S charges on all orders of $5.00 or over. M I kOBFRT LEWIN & CO., I |« Wholesale Dealers in B If WINES AND LIQUORS, I M 14 Smithfield St , Pittsburg, Pa | lEberle Bros^S j plumbers j S Estimates given cn all kinds of work. ? C We make a specialty of ✓ 1 NICKLE- PLATED, C J SEAMLESS, / 1 OPEN-WORK. / ) 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa ? p People's Phone. 630. C The Davis Sewing flachine tor Sale by W. B. McCaridless, 45, Euclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs. - j : 'ioo Not * 1 | Doctor K'dd Can Cnre You With» £ out a Cutting Operation. Ij If Ruflering from chronic womb and ovarian tronb- ' r les, d painful and irregular periods, g iMtrrcnnesa, unnatural discharges, lacerations, nicer- .|sx, , ■ ,iti< >ns, tumors, rectal tr*-ul>lt-rs stomai.h. kiilney or I iieart troublce, ulcers, akin desease and blood * r any chronic ailment*. J rle is the only doctor devoting Ills entire .•'*>>/ V lime to women's diseases between >"ew V"ik "/ 1 f and Chicago. ''/y ' V V Catarrh, Bronchitic, Asthma, Throat and Lung /O . i ? r»iseaae»cured by means of Medical \ apor, the most succt'ssful treatment in these I ases, 06 t|u y all respond promptly to his method of ~ Nervous Disorder# cured by Electricity wientifii-ally applied. ' 11 is charges and teruis OXM rcatoi»aiile Slid within thi* reacli ol all Suffering ' Women. . Write if you cannot call, a.s his home treatment is very successful, iuiclose swuii. i for rep!v. 6e:idsix centa in staiuj»for book on of omen. 1 Graduate Nurse in attendance. Consultation and advice Free and sacredly t confidential. OFFICE HOURS— 9a.m.to Bp. ru., Sunday, 10:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. ''DR. A. R. KIDD'S MEmMU^TTTUTE I Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 631 Penn Avenue, PITTSBURC, PA. WESaiM 0«l»0«iT% •» 9«. M *M» IM». [ 2 INTEREST —Ji ° m «HifftiN« ACCOUHT*- 'J2&I WRITE FOR «FEDERAL ST ||^^ KL ~^^ Something | TO WAIT FOR "All things come to him who waits' says the proverb; bnt then yon canst have something to wait for, and yon do not want to wait too long. In the stock market there are quick results. Investments often double in a day or an honr. I will carry large lines on a comparatively email investment. ESTABLISHED 1803. IR. H. Weaver Stocks and Bonds Third Ave. and Wood St., PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Bntler, J A. REYNOLDS, Manager. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed end SaleStebie Rear of Wick House Butler °en»«'» The best of horses and first class rigs »i wavs on hand and tor hire. Best accommodations In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. 3pwl al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horse* A gi>od c ass of horses, both drivers »od draft horses always on hand «nd 'or sale ' under a fall guarantee; and borsi-t Nr;li p >a jr >j*r n itifleatlo? bv PEARSON 6 NACt. v f TV* |C. F.l Pape,< \ pJEWELER ! \ / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / P amily Reunions! We olten cause ourselves <.un less worry and remorse by ntg lecting to do some little thing Get a good picture of your family and hi-me made at yoyr < p« r portur.ity. We make the best dt $6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know in'time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Pyeitig, Cleaning, Picking. H. PiSHEH j Wm. Foster, | Architect. ) J tflan of all kind of buildings I \ furnished on snort notice. f € Office in Berg Building, 1 J Bntler, Pa. v fITERCANTILE BUREAU, Sfrani Fir»t-clm*« Mrrcautllg pml Mrrhanlral Polltlnm,—, omo* 5 ' » fuuutuw. 434 Fourth Avenue, S-IW-ly HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer Id Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER. PA NO SPAVINS be cured -iu 43 inlnrttes. Lump • Jawf splints and ringbones just aB quick. : Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M CLCGH, biuoxdtle. Oo Pa. VV.ISTED Fire:n»'i, Br.ik*n>ci!. MarMnliM, Ik. 11 r makes*, lHutksmiihs r.i.tl lielpeis (uf r<>adt, ;.i#o driven and all klnUa of help. l*lace» ! waiting, (ieneral * mplojmeut Bureau, 201 Fede» r.il »trt«et, Allegheny, I'a. i XV AIfTKD—At onee, girl« In eveiy capacity; |5 I to MO prr week; placed or money refunded. General Kmploymeat Bureau, 201 FaUeralSt- Allegheny, P*. 3-19-lj WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Coloa taught at home, and employment given bl GOt/W- For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OP ART, Beavtr Palls, Pa. M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 1 tot Booth Main Hv.