Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 17, 1903, Image 2

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WILLIAM G.HEG LEY - Publisher.
SIJSO per year ia Advisee. Otherwise 51 -50
EHMjg On Thursday last Rep. Huff introduc
ed a bill appropriating #IOO,OOO for a
public building in Butler.
There ia a difference of opinion over
the failure of the extra session of Con
gress to adjourn sine die. thns creating
a distinct recess between its adjourn
ment and the convening of the regular
r session. It arises over appointments,
and is the first of its kind.
The President has distinct authority
to fill all vacancies during the recess of
the Senate, and, acting under this con
stitutional authority, he commissioned
Brigadier General Wood a Major Gen
eral and moved up 167 other army offi
cers as a result of the change. When
Congress met in November he sent the
nominations to the Senate for confirma
tion or rejection, as he was in duty
bound to do. (
80 far, so good. Bat the Constitution
farther provides that if the Senate fails .
to act by the end of the session nomina- <
tions fall. The extra session came to a ,
close at noon on Monday, and at the ,
same hour the regular session began (
Taking the gronnd that there was a re- j
cess, although its duration was exceed- ,
ingly limited, the President recommis
sioned General Wood and again sent
the nominations to the Senate.
Secretary Shaw's annual report is
more interesting than such documents ,
usually are. Aside from the maes of
1 statistics which he gives concerning the
operations of the Treasury, he has some
things to say that are worthy of a great
deal of consideration. First of all is
the threatened deficit for 1905. For the
coming year he figures out a surplus of
about fifteen millions, but for the next
there is an apparent deficit. Calcula
tions for two years ahead are notably
untrustworthy because actual commer
cial conditions cannot be foreseen,
neither can there be any sound judg
ment as to what Congress will do either
in the matter of raising money or ex
pending it. Based on normal conditions,
there is, however, a deficit coming
which is small compared with the large
surplus in the Treasury. This is no
cause for alarm, as we have already
more money idle than is good for the
At the meeting of the Republican Na
tional committee in Washington, last
Satnrday, Chicago was selected as the
place for holding the next National
Convention, and Tuesday, June 21st,
the day. Pittsbnrg had but 7 votes to
48 tor Chicago and one for St. Louis.
The objection to Pittsburg was the in
sufficiency of her hotel accommodations,
though Dalzell put up a strong plea for
Dalzell on Pittsburg.
Extract from Dalzell's speech to the
National Committee:
"Pittsburgh wants the convention as
a matter of sentiment. Well, why not?
Do yon know any more potent force in
the world's moral economy than senti
ment? Why does the man, mature in
. years, successful or unsuccessful, revisit
with reverence the place of his birth
and revel attain in the memories of his
bdyhood? Why doe* the wanderer
fepft abroad look with eagerness for the
lights, the bills and the shores of his na
tiye land? Sentiment, pure sentiment.
Bnt in that sentiment is the essence of
patriotism, and patriotism is the relig
r km of liberty. Sentiment. Why, it
„ lies at the base of home life; of gener
ous aspiration, of every noble impulse.
It ia the mainspring of ambition. It
rules the woild. It is a reasonable and
should be a potent argument in itself
of Pittsburgh's claim to entertain a Re
publican national convention. Come to
the place where the party was born ;
come to the old home, the original roof
tree, and catch again the inspiration of
the little band that entered upon a cru
sade in the interest of the dignity of hu
man labor and inaugurated an era of
K which today's unexampled prosperity is
the ripe fruit. Old Lafayette hall is
gone, but on its site rises a commercial
palace, one of the many witnesses to the
glory of Republican policies. All around
are other witnesses. Come and see
A; them. For miles and miles along the
shores of our rivers I will show you the
watchflresof protection; the pillar of
clond by day and the pillar of fire by
fig: | night that more eloquently than any
human tongue bespeak the beneficent
results of the policies of Lincoln and
A Birthday Party.
A very pleasant surprise was given
Dec. 10,1903, in honor of Mrs. Nancy
Powell Harvey by her children, grand
children and great grand-children at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J.
Critchlow, near Glade Run, it being
the occasion of her seventy-fifth birth
day. At the noon hour a sumptuous
dinner was served, of which all partook
very heartily. Grandma was the recip
ient of a number of beautiful and use
ful presents. Just before dinner a let
ter was received from her son, Geo. C.
Powell, of Connellsville, Pa., stating
the cause ot his absence, but he and his
family remembered grandma by send
ing her a beautiful present. The after
noon was spent in social intercourse
and music. In the evening all returned
all returned to their homes, after wish
ing grandma msny happy returns of
the day. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Johnston Mrs. A. E. Powell,
of E E. Pittsburg; Me. and Mrs. J. W.
Powell and children Gladys and John,
New Kensington, Mrs. S. M. fainter
and daughters, Vernaaud Nannie, Bird
ville; Mrs. J. A. Painter, Mr. and Mr?.
W. D. Painter and children, Arthur,
Lenore and Baby; Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Snyder and son llaro'd, Butler; Mr. aud
Mrs. A. J. Critchlow and family, IJ*-1-
mar. Carl, Raymond and Lulu; Harry
Sutton, Glade Run; Mr Alvin Dickie
and son Russell, of Renfrew.
The 44th General Meeting of the Far
mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company
of Hannahstown and vicinity, will be
held on Satnrday, the 9th day of Janu
ary, 1904, the same being the second
• Saturday in said month, at one o'clock,
p. m., in the Creamery building at Mar
wood. All members interested in the
welfare of the company are most cor
dially invited.
1. The annual accounts of the com
pany will be open for inspection by the
member 8.
2. The charter and by-laws will be
read if demanded.
3. The President will give a concise
account of the Company's affair*.
4. Election of four directors to serve
for three years.
A. Khauhk, Secretary.
F. W. WITTK, President.
Marwood, Pa., Dec. 14, 190 a. 8t
As to Penny packer.
The remarkable letter of Gov. Penny
packer, in which he indicated his desire
to abandon the office of Governor when
his tenn would be less than half finish
ed, in order to take practically a life
position npon the Supreme Bench, al
though be pledged himself when a can
didate for Governor not to take such a
course, has not surprised those who
have closely watched his career. In
this new move he is bnt playing the
part he has always acted, that of a pli
ant subject in the hands of Senator
I Quay. Anybody with half a political
eye can see that this latest inspiration
of Gov. Pcnr.ypacker proceeded from
the Beaver man.
Nobody will imagine that it was Gov.
Pennypacker's idea to appoint a Demo
crat to the Supreme court in the person
of Judge Thompson so as to pave the
way for his own elevation to the same
position at the expiration of the com
mission issued by himself. That idea
had its origin in the mind of the senior
Senator from this state. Pittsburg
The most remarkable feature of the
case is the utter obliviousness of the
Governor to the moral quality of the
act. He is absolutely unconscious of
any impropriety in what he is doing.
The naivete and simplicity with which
he is shocked at any imputation of
wrong in the prostitution of the power
of the Governor to open the way for
himself have never been surpassed.
There is nothing in the fantastic fancies
of Don Quixote or in the dull and dense
opacity of Wouter von Twiller that
can exceed the strange and incompre
hensible obliquity of view which the
Governor shows.
He sees nothing in his desertion of his
poet which should expose him to criti
cism. He sees nothing in the designa
tion of a Democrat with the ostensible
virtue of nonpartisanship but with the
real purpose of leaving the door open
for himself that indicates any sinister
design. It is as if he sat down in the
narrow range of a provincial home and
applied to problems of state the princi
ples which might govern a barnyard.
The singular and inexplicable mala
droitness which has stamped so many
of the Governor's acts and utterances
as wayward and eccentric is illustrat
ed in this peculiar demonstration. Noth
ing could have been more malapropos.
Even if his determination had been un
objectionable, his method of announc
ing it lacked every element of tact and
jadgment. —Phil'a Press.
Those who are attacking Samuel W.
Pennypaeker for his moral obliquity in
seeing no wrong in the method he pur
sues in peeking a seat on the supreme
court bench have evidently not made
much of a study of this remarkable
He is the Pennypacker who thinks
Quay as great and good a statesman as
Webster or Clay.
It is this same Samuel W. Penny
packer who for four months sat next
door to a Pennsylvania legislature and
said he could find no evidences of cor
ruption in its proceedings, while lobby
ists thrived within its doors.
It was Pennypacker,of Schwenksville,
surnamed Samuel, who named as one
member of his cabinet a municipal boss
who vies with Tammany in methods,
and as another member a former munic
ipal boss who lived for years in a cor
rupt atmosphere
It was this sage of the Perkiomen
who officially assented to the b-heiue of
corrupt politicians to prevent proper
newspaper criticism, and who saw fit to
write an apology for his ofliciul act
ranking second in its nauseating tone to
the "P. S." letter of his predecessor.
With all of these circumstances in
view, sharp criticism is uncharitable.
The proper sentiment is pity. —Leader.
Clara Badger is recovering from an
attack of typhoid fever.
The Lutheran Snnday School will
have their Christmas services on Thurs
day evening before Christmas.
The box social at the U. P. church,
Friday evening, was a very pleas int
and successful affair.
Johu and Charles vVeigle were in
Lawrence county, last week, attending
the funeral of their cousin, Joseph
G. B. Beighley sprained his back
while building the derrick for the new
well on the Kennedy farm, and has
been pretty old and helpless since.
The Portersville high school we(f en
tertained by Mr. and Mrs Wallace,
Friday evening, and gave their "col
lege" yell in fine style.
Several of the young folks attended
the dance at Gns Shannon's one
last week, and think Gas is as handy
about a house as a girl.
Nick Keighner was stricken with par
alysis some time ago, and his recovery
is considered doubtful.
George Warren" Perry Hunter, May
Henshaw and Sam Graham are drilling
the Kennedy well.
Mrs. Mary White, of Kent, Ohio, and
Mrs. Amelia Albert, of Franklin, Pa.
were here last week to see their sick
mother, Mrs. Catherine Shatter.
Mr. Price, of Bridgewater, Beuvcr
county, was the gn< st of his mother-in
law, Mrs. Caiherine Koth, Sunday.
Teacher*' Institute I'oHtponecl.
Owing to the serious epidemic of ty
phoid fever, and also on account of the
serious illness of County Supt. Howard
I. Painter, the Butler County Teachers'
Institute is postponed until Monday,
February 8-I'', 1904.in the Court House,
Butler, Pa.
It is confidently anticipated that at
that time Sn'.t. Painter will again be
ablo to attend to his w.-rk, and that lo
cnl conditions will hive so improved as
to relieve all from any anxiety which
would be attendant, were the institute
held at the time formerly Hrr;uigtd.
Very respectfully.
Per Committee.
j Allow a cough to run until it K'ts be
I yond the reach of medicine.' They of-
I ten say. "Oh, it will wear away,." but
in most cases it will wear thetn away.
Could they l>e induced to try the sue
cessful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,
I which is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would immediately see the
excellent effect after taking th<- first
| dose. Price 25c. and 50c, Trial size
I free. At all druggists.
What Shall We Have for Dessert
This question nrlses in the family ev
ery day. Let us answer it to-<lay. Try
Jell-O, a delicious and healthful des
sert. Prepared in two minutes No
boiling! no bakiug! simply add boiling
water and set to cool. Flavors: Lem
on, Orange, Rsspbeny and Strawberry.
Get ti package at jour grocers to-day.
10 cents.
Agents of the Bessemer Railroad will
sell excursion tickets between all sta
tions Dec. 24, 25, 31. 1003, and .lan, Int.
1004, liood returning Jan. 4th, 1004. at
excursion rates on account of Christmas
and New Year Holidays.
1> EAT 118.
BELLIB—At his home in Bntler Dec.
11. 1903, George Frank, sen of G. C.
Bellis. agfl 27 years.
BHICKER At hi* home in Bntler. Dec.
12. 1903, Perry Bricker, aged 48 years.
Mondav afternoon his remains were
t-iken to Sarvers Station for bnrial.
CLARK—At the residence of his sister.
Mrs. Weber, in Bntler. Dec. 1">, 1903.
Brace Clark, aged 16 years.
He was a son of Rev. Clark, dec d. of
Prospect, and a brother of Mrs. Weber,
Mrs. Berkimer. and Julian A. Clark
CRAIG—At New Castle, Dec. 14. 1903.
Mrs. C. P. Craig, nee Eva Criswell.
of Prospect, aged 43 years.
Mrs Craig died suddenly lof heart
CROWE—At her home in North Wash
ington, Mrs. Win Crowe, formerly
Mrs Preseley Miller, of Butler, aged
about 40 years.
Her remains were buried in the Soutl;
cemetery, Butler. Tuesday afternoon.
EYTH—At his home in Pittsburg. Dec
10. 1903, Michael Eyth, "husband oi
Margery Duffy."
HARVEY—At Lardintown Dec. 8
1903. Niblock Harvey, aged 45 years
HERVEY—At his home in Butler, Dec
12. 1903, Hugh Hervey, aged 38 years
KRAUSE —At her home at Marwood
Dec. Nth. 1903, Flora, daughter of
Robert Krau.se, aged about 10 years
KELLY—In Pittsburg, Dec. 10, 1903
Mrs. David Kellj', formerly of Union
McKEE—At his home in Butler, Dec
17, 1903, Dr. John McKee, druggist
aged 43 years.
MASSETH—At the residence of hei
sister, Mrs Campbell, S. S. Pittsburg
Dec. 15, 1903, Mrs Anninta Masse th
widow of Ben Masseth, in her 45tl
McELHANEY—At his home in Forest
ville.Nov. 29, 1903, Joseph McElhaney
McCALL —At bis home on E Pearl St
Dec. 10. 1903, of typhoid, Charles C
McCall. aged 28 years and 1 day.
Mr. McCall came to Butler froii
Pittsburg as the agent of the Armou
meat company within the past year
and had made numerous friends in Bnt
ler. He was considerably over six fee
in heighth and weighed nearly thre<
hundred pounds. His sickness wa:
yery severe from the first. A wife am
two small children servive.
MONTGOMERY—At his home in Clin
ton township, Dec. 10, 1903, R. G
Montgomery, aged 94 years.
ORR—At his home in Mercer, Dec. 12
1903, Harry Orr. aged 81 years.
PFEIFER—At his home in Forwari
township, Dec. 13. 1903, Leonarc
Pfeifer. aged about 35 years.
His death was caused by appendicitis
His wife and one child survive him
POST—At his home in Centre town
ship, Dec. 13, 1903, of typhoid feyer
John Poet, aged 49 years.
PURVIANCE—At bis home in Pitts
burg, Dec. 13, 1903, C. E. Purviance
formerly of Butler.
RAMSEY—At her home in Bntler, Dec
12, 1903, Mrs. S. B. Ramsey, aged 8",
SIEBERT—At the home of his grand
father, Wm. Siebert, Dec. 10, 1903
John Victor Siebert, aged 3 yearn
SYKES -At the home of her daughter
Mrs. Grubbs, in Butler, Dec 10, 190' i
Mrs. Emma, widow of Samuel Sykes
dee'd, aged 81 years.
WALKER—At her home in Butler
Dec. 17. 1903, Miss Emily, diughtei
of W. H. Walker, aged 25 years.
WHITE—At her home in Bntler. Dec
11, 1903, Ed. White, aged 2,
Her death was caused by pneumonia
and her remains were shipped toKinzua
J. A Cadwallader of Titusville, ;
well known oil operator, died last Fri
William J. Davis, a pioneer operato
of East Brady, died last Thursday, ii
his 80th year* He was the father of th
Davis brothers, well known oil opera
At the meeting of the Japanese Die
or Cont:ress in Tokio, last week, th
government was criticized for not de
daring war against Russia, and, nex
day, the diet was dissolved. The war
party in Japan is determined to have i
out with Russia at once, and the hesita
tion of the government may lead to i
revolution; and a revolutionary senti
ment is also spreading in Rnssia so th
world may soon see a war between tw<
nations, caused by fear of internal die
sension, as will as outside interest.'
rm&n** •vrv* *x»s>a. iku a v * WMMMlwwoiiW
Bald? Scalp shiny and thin?
Then it's probably too late.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
the dandruff, saved your hair,
and added much to it. If
not entirely bald, now is your
opportunity. Improve it.
"I havo tined Arfr'i If. r VI. or f-riv ;r 10
yean 1
growth *>t rl'lt l.r r.vn h.ii; • •. i thli.ii.en- I
tircly to Avi-r'i VL'or." B
Muh M A. Mhi rn, Be!>vil»e. 1.1. I
8 f*\ 00 a bottle. J. t a\ » t: to . I
■ AU<lrtit'tTls»<
lOr car+*x.r9.*mm£*-tr*> j
IGood Hairj
2K&> "fr"-*" J ' ■ "• »'- ■ • *-• r^»awr".
g&SxS&c'Zfr f*2— Sr • i-'*
r <%<.?■;,
Where EVERYTHING is good, it is
hnrd to select any particular article
worthy of special mention. We have
Violins from $2..V> np; Mandolins from
ifß.oo up; Banjos from 00up; Guitars
from Si 00 no; Zither* from $ 1.50 tip;
Plion graphs from sls up.
Records 25c Up.
Sheet music 10c; Song folios fio».
We have violin bows. vi<•]in cas>-H.
rosin, strings, bridges, (ail pieces, castl
netH, batons, Rattlers, accordeons, har
monican with bulbs, music rolls, music
stands and piano players,
pi inoi and Onfans at Factory prices.
Pittsburg Organ & Piano Co..
But'cr Bcanch O'd P O Bldg.,
Carl It. Leiuhucr. Jeweler and <Jjiti
c;au, Butler, Fa., headquarters for Cut
(iiats mid Fancy China.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Mr*. Sarah Beighle. dec'd., late of Lan
caster tp., Butler CoPa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all person®
knowing the mselyes indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
meet, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
J. N KIRKER. Ex'r..
12-3-03 R. F. D. 2, Ellwood City, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Levi Lefevre. dec'd.. late of Middlesex
twp., Bntier Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned. all
persons knowing themselves to be in- J
debted to said estate will'make immedi- J
ate payment and those hav.ng claims f
against the same will present them duly t
authenticated for settlement to f
DAVID LEFEVRE, adrnt., (
R. F. D. 23, Valencia. Pa. {
JAMES B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 12-3-93 f
Letters testamentary on the estate of (
Allkey C. Kerr, dee d, late of Harrisville (
boro..Butler Co., Pa .havingbeen grant- j
ed the undersigned, all persons known- .
iiiL'themselves indebted to said estate .
will please make immediate payment, '
and any having claims against said '
►■stat.' will present them dnly authenti- [ '
cated for settlement to 11
W. D. BRANDON. Ex'r . (
11-26-03 Butler, Pa. {
- 1
Letters testamentary in the es'ate of '
Donaldson, deed., late of Clay ! <
twp..Butler Co.. having been grarted to j S
the undersigned, all persona knowing (
themselves to be indebted to said estate I <
will make immediate payment, and
all having bills against same will pre-L
sent them duly authenticated for pay
inent to ;
A. K. THOMPSON, Ex'r., '
W. Sunbnry, Pa. 1
con M. PAINTER. Att'y. 11-5 03 <
Letters of administration having been 1
granted to the undersigned on the estate : 1
of Amos Michael, dee d , late of Centre
township, Butler Co., Pa., all persons i
knowing themselves indebted to said (
estate are hereby requested to make im- (
mediate payment, and any having (
claims against the same to present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
R. F. D. No. 1, Butler, Pa.
Att'ys. 11-12-03 1
Letters of administration on the estate ;
of John T. Wick, deceased,late of Con- j
cord twp., Butler county, Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
West Sunbnry, Pa. , A(lm > rs
R. F. D. 78. Chicora, Pa. J
GEO. W. FLEEGER, Att'y. 11-12-03 j
Came to the residence of the sub- !
scriber in Jefferson township, near
Thorn Creek M. E. church, on or about
Sunday, Noy. 22. 1903, a large, black, ;
brood sow. The owner is requested to i
come forward, prove property, pay j
charges and tnke her away, otherwise !
she will be disposed of according to law i
R. F. D. No. 0, Butler, Pa. |
Rings and Diamond Brooches at re- j
duced prices. Carl H. Leighner, Jew- j
eler, 209 S. Main St, Butler, Pa.
i . I
Dr. Miney Davidson.
Hydrotherapeutic Santitarium and Nat- I
ural Healing Institute.
I treat Enlarged Veins, Loss of Vitality,
I'rostutorrlie'i, Bright's Diseu.se. Rheuma
tism. <-t<- (Ntr-opnt liy, Miisoise '
fcli ciricul Treatments. Ovuii, Vapor, Needle,
Shower, all other local applications.
■ju"» Senc'ii Strt<jt, rittsburs, Pa.
Take l iftti avenue cars-get of at No. !
What to Buy.
Many people would like to make ;
money in stocks but are uncer- ,
tain what to buy. On this point
we are in a position at all tiai»s
to give you expert advice. Stocks
are going higher, ami there never
was a better time to buy than
now. Send for booklet on mar
ginal trading and Daily Market
Letttr. Both mailed free on ap
Capital. SIOO,OOO.
807-8-9 Keystone Building,
12-17 03-4t Pittsburg, Pa
( nil 11. Leii;hn.«r, Jeweler arid Opti
cian, Butler, Pa. is offering many pret
ty goods, suitable for Xmas presents i-i ,
Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Fancy
China and Stationery.
I .
IfHl Christmas|
II Suggestions j
m Kcsul» from a visit to this store, Everything in the
j |||j Furniture line can be found here, The price and
; 35p| quality is always right.
|mm Music Cabinets, $5.00 up House Desks, $31.50 tag
iPt Writing Desks, $7.50 up Side Boards, $16.00 up BfX
?p{ Framed Pictures, 50c up Reed Rockers, $4.50 up
££* Rocking Chairs, $3.50 up Hall Glasses. $3.00 up
9&i Pantesote Couches,s2o up Hall Seats. $lO up
Leather Couches, $39 up China Closets, S2O up
Corner Chairs, $5.00 up Parlor Tables. $1.50 up
i&i Princess Dressers sl6 up Parlor Lamps, $3.00 up Sag
Salad Dishes, 50c up Olive Dishes, 40c up fgj
! Spoon Trays, 45c up Dinner Sets, SIO.OO up v-3*
i iSi Decorated Cups, 25c up Water Sets, $2.50 up
! Creams, 25c up Celery Trays, SI.OO up
' ££'
1 Alfred A. Campbell!
For DM riy CusplicH A Towplotoii. UK '
Xmas Goods Sacrificed, j
On all Holiday Goods.
Owing to the scarcity of mon<jy in Bit i sr, <m H*l i>y thj f.iv«r epidemia,
we have d-« die 1 t > giv.; i> >r omit off on ill h did ty < > > i-t; iii'-lo I'n.c t >y ■(
toilet coses, military brushtM, brudi and c nub ■:<',» tn iiiicure Hwta, smoking
sets. shaving sets, tobacco jar«, album*, .iftbook*, bibl M calendars. fancy
writing paper, glove box*;*, fan bi.vH, ;;:»n l -la'.ic n. br.n.s novelties, Rock
wood ware, framed pictnres, and in fact everything in the line of holiday
| T , jiristnias Hits 7s:
r in our stock are the rule, not r <
J the exception. Good things £ -
\ beam on the visitor from jl
> every point Let us give
a you a few ideas in Christ- f
j ms 3 presents for the men. 6
J Hats.
5 Neckwear, Collars, I 1
5 Handkerchiefs, Underwear, &
S Shirt?, Cufis, 2J 1
i Mufflers, Scarf pins, m,
# . Suspenders, Cuff buttons. # |
f Half hose. Umbrellas, w
f Night robes, Pajamas, J
Fur caps, Fur gloyes, J
J Dress gloves. Golf gloves, \
Full dress protectors. J
We have soma real fine £
neckwear that sells from k
J 25c to Si.so, and fancy \
? half hose from 25c to SI 25-
p Buy your presents for the 5.
4 gentlemen, here #
1 Jno. S.Wick
t *
£ Sole Agent Knox Hat. #
* Manhattan Shirt. ?
w People's 'Phone. 615 P
© Lev
Things you would like to have, but
do not want to buy for yonrs^lf—that is
what you would appreciate for a Christ
mas gift.
We have many such things, so couie
to ti«, and get for your friends a treat
in the way you would be treated.
We have novelties for everybody—
toys for the children; china for the la
dies; useful things for the men, and
fancy articles and books for all classes.
Induct ments for holiday buyers at
241 S. Main St.
Holiday Excursions.
The Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad
] Company will sell excursion tickets be
lt ween all stations Dec. 24, 25. and 81,
i 1903, and Jan. Ist, 1904 good returning
i Jan. 4th, 1904, at one and one-third fare
J for the round trip. Inquire of agents
i for rates, time of trains and other in-
I formation.
E. D. Coms'ock. G. P. A..
Pittsburg. Pa
nsuranoe ami Real Eslaie
! .
. a
Office— Room 508, Butler Connty
National Bmk building
y Now on Display <
Largest Assortment of Xmas Novelties!
X We Have Ever Shown.
O at smaller prices than we have ever offered them before. Sneh a 1
short time now until Xrnis day— snch a bi,? stock to sell before the
day arrives--makes price concession on all Xmas novelties a neces i
& Bit - v - ,
| Useful Xmas Gifts.
Q Useful Xmas gifts,such as fine tailor made suits, waists, wraps and
furs, milliney, dress goods, gloves, handkerchiefs, neckwear, hosiery
jf and nnderwear, all at greatly reduced prices.
0 1-4 Off on Wraps and Suits.
| Xmas Novelties.
A Dolls, toilet set*, albums, wcrk boxes, pictures, framed and nu-
Jk framed, collar and cuff cases, shaving and .smoking sets, books, art
if goods, linens, pillows and pillow tops, pin cushions, doilies and cen
jf tre pieces in Mexican drawn work and trimmed in Cluny lace, art
C# novelties in Indian sweet grass, and modern novelties made 'way
A down east. Xmas goods from 3c up to $50.00.
{ X Come and See Them.
iMrs. J, E. Zimmerman,
, f Bell Phone 31S. rj « < i—>
1 \ People's Phone 126. ILlti J t? T, 1 Q .
! QOC< i >000000»000000w>^^4
WHY men our su ' ts anc * overcoats so much
11111 better than others sell for the same price.
WHY we alwa y s hold our customers and are constantly
llill winning new ones.
WHY so man y P eo Pl e thing this is the best store at which
"" * to buy your clothing.
WHY y° u should do your trading here, come in and learn
"*ll about these
This week men's and young men's black Thibet and fancy
Casimere suits, $12.50 values for $8 75.
This week blue and black Kersey any Oxford Frieze over
coats, $12.50 values for $8.75.
Schaul <sc Nast,
137 South IVSain St., Butler,
Finding a Fortune and
Founding a Fortune.
It is perliap9 true as told that a tramp,
searching a garbage barrel for scraps of
refuse food, found a fortune in good
United States currency. Such a thing
may happen.
But the workman who givea up a
steady occupation however unremuner
ative to hunt garbage barrels for a fort
une will surely degenerate to a tramp.
There is a difference between finding a
fortune ami founding a fortuue. Few
j men chance upon fortunes. The fort
unes we know about are not found but
founded ou a certain substantial basis.
The nature of that basis of fortune is
well set forth in the advice given by a
successful merchant to u young man
who asked, "What is the first requisite
to making a fortune?" "The first re
quisite to making a fortune" 6iid the
rich ttian, "is health." "The idea that
fortunes are made suggests toil and in
dustry and skill. Nothing can be made
without these. But a weak man cannot
toil, and industry is incompatible with
ill-health. If you want to be strong
remember that all physical strength
comes from food and that the amount of
strength extracted from food depends
upon the ability of the stomach to di
gest food and assimilate its nutrition.
The man who takes care of his digestion
is, in general, taking care of every other
organ of his body."
The merchant who gave the above
opinion m*y not have r>een much of a
physician but he was a good deal of a
philosopher. He had seen men with
success almost within the grasp, break
down because of "stomach trouble."
He had theorized the i>ayin«r that the
" weakest must go to the wail" into the
saying that "the man with the weakest
stomach must go to the wall," l>ecause
110 man is stronger than his stomach.
The man who will learn this lesson of
success has taken a great stride to his
goal. Health is the first prerequisite of
success and health in general means a
•ound stomach and a good digestion.
I/K>k at tlie logic of the matter. Food
is a man's life, his strength. Physical
life is sustained by food. Hut the fact
that a tiling can l>e eaten doesn't make
it food. Many a physician practising in
the tenements of a city says of failing
men or women, "What they need is
nourishing food." Shipwrecked men
cat scraps of leather, the bark of trees,
anything to satisfy hunger. But this is
not food in any true sense because it
contains 110 nutrition. All food must
fee considered iu relation to its nutritive
value. When the stomach and the al
lied organs of digestion and nutrition
are diseased the nutrition contained in
food is imperfectly extracted and the
body fails of nutrition adequate to its
needs. The shipwrecked sailor living
upon scraps in wliich there is no nutri
tion is on a level with the man who eats
abundant nutritious food but whose
stomach with its allied organs is dis
eased and therefore fails to extract from
the food eaten the nutrition which if
the body's need.
That is almost an axiom. The man
with a sound stomach and good diges
tion will in ordinary be a sound man,
because the nutriment of food is the life
and strength of heart, lungs, liver, kid
neys and every organ of the body.
The first need of a weak man is tc
look after his stomach and his digestion.
TTiere is the common scat of physical
weakness. How weak men
have been made strong j
strong of heart, liver, lungs,
kidneys, and other organs
by being made strong of
stomach and strong of di
gestion has Ijeen told thou
sands of times by tlios«
1 who have used Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery.
" I write to tell you of
the great benefit I have re
ceived from the use of I)r.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery," writes Mr. G. B.
Bird, of Byrnside, Putnam
Co., W. Va. "It cured me
of a very bad case of indi
gestion associated with tor
pid liver. Before I began
the use of 'Golden Medical
Discovery' I had no appe
tite ; could not sleep nor
work but very little. The
little that I ate did not
agree with me, bowels con
stipated, and lif« was a
misery to me. I wrote to
Dr. Pierce giving the symp
toms, and asked for advice.
You advised me to try the 'Golden Med
ical Discovery' so I began the use of it
and after taking four bottles I felt so
well that I went to work, but soon got
worse, so I ngiin began the use of it and
used it about eight weeks longer, when I
was permanently cured. I took in all
twelve bottles of the ' Discovery' and
some of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets in
connection with the 'Discovery.'"
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery cures diseases of the stomach and
other organs of digestion and nutrition.
It cures through the stomach diseases
which seem remote from that organ but
which have their origin in disease of the
stomach tit id its allied organs.
There is no alcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery" and it is entirely free
from opium, cocaine and other narcotics.
Persons suffering from disease in
chronic form are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter, free. All letters held
us strictly private and sacredly confi
dential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Tlure is 110 similar offer of free con
sultation by letter or free medical ad
vice which has behind it an institution
such as the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.
There is 110 similar offer of free medical
advice which has behind it a physician
of Dr. Pierce's skill and success. In a
little more than thirty years Dr. Pierce,
as chief consulting physician to the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
a: sisted by his staff of nearly a peore of
physicians, has treated and cured hun
dreds of thousands of men and women.
It may often happen that the issue of
life or "death depends upon knowing
what to do and how to do it in a crisis.
Dr. Dierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is full of helpful information
which may at any time mean the saving
of a life. This great work containing
lot>B large pages is sent free on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of mailing
only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the
cloth-bound volume or only 11 stamps
for the book in paper-covers. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Byflido, N. Y.
The Modern Store's
Christmas Gift Suggestions.
Make Your Selection Early
An Immense Stock Display.
For Mother
Sister, Daughter
Or Sweetheart
Dress Patterns
Silk Waist Patterns
Flannel or Vesting Waist Patterns
Silk Umbrellas
Kid Gloves, Golf Gloves
Handerehiefs, 3c to $3 each
Dressing Sacques
Fur Neck Scarfs, 95c to $27.50
Fancy Hosiery. Cotton, Lisle and Silk
Fancy Gaiters
Fine Underwear
Fine Table Linen
Fine Linen Napkins
Fine Linen Towels
Bat ten berg Pieces
Cushion Tops
Shirt Waists, Cctton, Wool and Silk
Walking Skirts
Trimmed Hats at Big Reduction
Fancy Waist Sets
Gold Brooches
Belt Pins, etc
Ladies' Neckwear, Latest Novelties
Bath Robes
Wrist and Automobile Bags
Fancy Toilet Sets
Fancy Manicure Sets
Fancy Work Boxes
Fancy Work Baskets
Fine Perfumery
Fancy Glove Boxes
Fancy Hankerchief Boxes
Fine White Aprons
Silver Manicure Articles
Silver and Ebony Toilet Sets
Silver and Ebony Brashes
Silver and Ebony Mirrors
A Doll Coupon With Every 25c Purchase.
The finest LIFE-SIZE DOLL ever shown in Butler.
The more coupons you have th a more likely you are to net the Doll.
I Send in Your Mail Orders,
r ——~—■—
►1 A Few Suggestions for
►1 The Holidays From
(j BROWN & CO.
►1 Royal Morris Chairs -Jl2 ,°° u p- Reversabie
m J cushions, perfect adjust
ment, in golden oak and Antwerpt finish.
Music Cabinets— Prices start at £?.oo. some
Wl pretty patterns in Mahogany,
with or without glass at SB, $lO and up.
W Rockers — c °bbler seats as low as $2.50.
Polished Mahogany or Golden Oak.
rJ with panel back and leather cobbler seat $5.00.
Mahogany polished finish, low back, just what you
fj want for parlor, $6.50.
A Writing Desks-'" Gol £ n Oak, Birds Eye Maple,
fA 3 Golden Birch or Mahogany, a
variety of styles, prices start $6.00.
Parlor and Library Tables— Th ® largest as
-1 sortmentwe have
*A ever shown in polished goods, tables all sizes, shapes
and finish, prices $1.50 and upwards.
Parlor Upholstered Goods— ° dd
r A variety in corner
4 chairs and small pieces, at prices from $5.00 up.
| Useful Presents— A »9[ les ln T: £° ur ;
Q ettes, Oak, Mahogany or Burnt
J wood effects, Roman and India seats. Jardiniers,
Toilet Sets, Pedestals, Pictures, etc., for Holiday
I buyers at nominal prices.
No. lart N. Main St. (Bell Phone 100) BUTLER. PA.
t Different
Re»dy-to-Wear Clothing than >ou
ever wore. Thin Clothing has that
tone of elegance about it, that swag
ger l.hiitc to it, that very bigli dine*
ini dr-to order look about it.
Couie in and see the Swellent Suita
and Top Coats you ever locked at,
finch celebrated tnakoa as
Our fall Suits and Overcoat® are
ceitainly the greatest value we ever
offered All have padded ehouldeis
and firm fronts. See for yourself.
See onr window display.
Yourn for Clothing,
For Father,
Brother, Son
Or Lover.
Neckwear, finest line in Bntler
Fnll Dress Shirt Protectors
Fancy Socks
Fancy Night Robes
Fancy Snspenders
Cuff Buttons
Scarf Pins
Watch Fobs
Leather Suit Cases
Silk Umbrellas
Collars and Cuffs
Fine Underwear
Shaving Sets
Smoking Sets
Clothes Brushes, ebony, silver, stag
Hat Brushes
Hair Brushes
Military Hair Brushes, in ebony and
and stag and sterling silver
Silver Match Boxes
Collar and Cuff Boxes
Necktie Boxes
Fancy Sweaters
Long Coat
Infants' Dresses
Silk Cap
Fine Cashmere Hose
Comb and Brash Set
Baby Pins
Knitted Sacques
Fine Silk Undervests
Fine Dress Goods
Fnr Set