Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 03, 1903, Image 3

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DECEMBER 3, 1903. □
NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make
chum in their ada. »boa id notlfj a« of
their intention to do so not later than Mon
day mornlnf.
Notice in Bankruptcy—Standard Ex
Ch Adm'rs Notice—Estate of Levi Le
| '"Executor s Notice— Eetate of Barah
Report of First National Bank of
Ordinance for Mifflin street eewer.
Holiday advertisements.
Dr. Mahaffey, Dec. 7 and 8.
Hard Times Liniment for Rheuma
Admlnlsu »«ora and Executor* of estate
cin secure their rec-elpt book* at the CITI
ZBN office. and persons making public sales
thalr note books.
—The 1904 calendars are on d6ck.
—Christmas eoinee on Friday this
—Sixty-eight uurees came to Butler
from the Pittsburg hospitals.
—John S. Osborne of West street fell
on bis way to the carworks and broke
hia ankle
—The outlook for a Teachers' Insti
tute in Bntler this year is not very
bright at present
—Hobaon had a small audience in the
court room last Friday night— too many
of our people were attending sick folks.
—Gen. Qulings will be the speaker
at the Elks' memorial in the Court
Houae, Sunday, 2:80 p. m.
Eight-hundred and twenty-four new
wells were completed in the Penn-1
■ylvania fields, last month, with an al
leged slight increase in the production.
—The issue of bonds by the town for
the building of a City or Town Hall,
will be one of the questions to be de
cided at the Spring or February election.
—The afternoon 8.. R. & P. train
now leaves Allegheny at 5:10 p. m., or
an hour later, and the night train at
10:00 p. in., half an hour later. See
time table.
—That theatre fire in Pittsburg, turn
ed out to be not aa bad as was reported
in Butler last Wednesday night The
"Avenne" was on fire but did not burn
and the Grand was not touched.
Geo. B. Turner and Ed. Young, of
Weat Sunbury, were in Butler, last Fri
day, seeing about a case of smallpox
that had developed in that town. Har
ry Shall came home sick a few before
and developed a case.
—Last Friday while a son and daugh
ter of David George were driving home
a man stoppeed them and demanded a
ride, and when the boy said "No," and
whipped up the horse, tbe man shot at
him. the ball entering the left shoulder
and causing a dangerous wound.
—Carbolic acid ia an anti-septic; it is
•lao a poison, and people who use it as
A preventive of fever should do so care
fally and keep the bottle in their pocket
or under lock and key. A few drops in
half a tea-cupful of water, taken before
•ach meal or npon an empty stomach,
la about what the Pittsburg physician,
quoted by the Dispatch, recommends.
—At the meeting ol the Council,
Tuesday evening, the assessment ordi-|
nances for West Penn street and Zieg
ler avenue were adopted, also that for
fha Mifflin street Hewer; it was decided
to submit the City Hall matter to a vote
of the people; the report of Chief Bnrk
kalter was read and some supplies fcr
the fire department were ordered.
Some smill matters were disposed of,
aome bills passed, and Council adjourn
ed for two weeks.
—A young man of Philipsburg, Cen
tre county, made a reckless wager with
S charming girl of Ottceola. He wager
od to give her a box of candy for every
100 votes that Judge Gordon would poll
over his opponent, Allison O. Smith,
for Judge; while she obligated herself
to give him a kics for every vote that
Smith would have over Gordon. She
could see no one but Gordon in the race.
Well, Smith won by some 2,500 votes.
It la estimated that it will occupy the
young lady's leisure all winter to make
good her bet.
—A well-to-do gentlemen farmer re
cently wrote the editor of this paper,
giving him permission, for the benefit
of his readers, to say in his paper that
the aforesaid gentleman farmer bad
three very fine; cows for sale. With
the copy he sent "kind regards " Now
if the editor could pay his printers with
kind regards and the printer pay bis
landlord, groceryman and so on indefi
nitely with kind regards, what a lovely
place this world would be to live in!—
Second Presbyterian Church.
Chicago Glee Clab, this evening,
Thursday, Dec. Brd, is the date of the
Y. M. C. A. course's second number,
The Chicago Glee Clnb, and It will giv
en in the Second Presbyterian church,
this evening. The body of the chnrch
will be reserved for holders of season
Steen's Pasteurized Milk.
The proprietor of Steen's Creamery
started to deliver milk on the 19th of
August and is now delivering to 070
families besides a large number of hotels
and restaurants. The first wagon start
ed to deliver to 110 families and is now
delivering to 197. The increase in busi
ness speaks for the quality of bis goods
snd the future will find him strong in
maintaining the quality of his goods as
well as in the increase of bis business.
35 FOR 25
A real $85.00 overcoat for 125.00 and
s genuine $85.00 suit for $25.00 at
Corner of the Diamond.
These prices are only temporary.
The largest assortment of overcoats
in town at Ritter & Rockenstein's.
Take yoor old pop-corn to J. A. Rich
ev's bakery and Confectionery, Butler,
Pa, and get the market price in cash
for it
If It is up-to-date clothing you '.want
try Ritter & Rockenstein's.
—The Citizen And the National Stock
man and Farmer, the World's Greatest
Farm Paper from now until Jan. 1 1905
both for f2.00.
Dol'ar Savings Fund & Trust
-527 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa.
Is authorized to act as Executor, Ad
minittrator, Guardian, Committee,
Trustee, Receiver or Agent.
Security, Capital and Surplus #2,000-
4 per cent Interest paid on Time De
2 per cent Interest on daily balances
subject to check.
Loans made on Mortgages or other
approved Collateral in Stocks, Bond. etc.
Every accomodation afforded, consist
ent with careful management
Write for booklet giving full informa
The Epidemic.
i Some members of the State Board of
Health were in Butler, last Saturday.
I and, after investigation, were nnani
i mously of the opinion that the epidemic
of typhoid in Butler At present is doe to
, the pollution of the water supply, from
' cases of typhoid near the new dam,
from which the germs had been washed
into the dam.
This being the case—the water in the
dam, the reservoir and water pipes be
ing polluted—the question arises. When
will it end? Bnt as everyone in Bntler
is now using boiled water, and, as the
same can be had at all the restaurants
and hotels in the town, (besides deep
well and mineral water), there is no
more danger in coming to Bntler at
present than there ever was. A farm
er who is allowing a rotten cabbage to
remain in his cellar, or surface water
to drain into his well is taking more
chances on typhoid than the people of
the town. This disease came to the
town from tbe country. There is no
reason whatever, why the people of
this vicinity should not continue to do
their marketing and shopping in But
However, there are a great many
cases of distress in Butler, at present,
men out of work and ont of money, aud
either down themselves, or members of
their families down, and to aid these a
public meeting was held in the Court
room, last Sunday, at which relief com
mittees were appointed, and several
thousand dollars were subscribed.
The ward committees are to discover
and report cases of distress to the Cen
tral committee, which will issue orders
for groceries, fuel, or whatever is need
ed; and, if necessary, furnish nurses,
who are coming here from all points.
Besides this, the Wagner house, on
S. McKean, the Good Will Hose rooms,
on EL Jefferson, some rooms in one of
the Duffy buildings, the County Home
on the Hill, the new Smith building on
Pearce Avenue, and a large frame near
the Car Works, have been secured, aDd
fitted up for hospitals, with nurses,
The Ward Committees are—Blair
Hooka for the Ist.; W. Z. Murrin for
the 2nd; E. H. Negley for the 3rd; A.
W. McCollough for the 4th, and Theo.
Keck for the sth. The hospital com
mittee ia E. H. Caughey and Father
Carrol. The finance committee iaChaa,
Douglass, W. H. Pape, A. C. Troutman
and J. C. Jackson. Treasurer, T J.
The central committee, with office in
the Council rooms, Duffy building, is
composed of J. V. Ritts, W. F. Rum
berger, Alex. Mitchell, Harvey Boyd,
C. G. Christy, J. M. Galbreath, Isaac
Hawk, A. G. Williams, L G. Smith. C.
M. Heineman, Father Carrol, E. G.
Caughey and others —one or more of
whom will always be on band to issue
the necessary orders.
Almost everybody who subscribed to
the relief promised more, if necessary,
and it is a question aa to whether the
appeal for outside help, excepting as to
trained nurses, was called for. It seems
to have "queered" the town, but we re
peat to the farmers of this vicinity—
there is no more danger in coming to
Butler now than there ever was.
At the last session of the Legislature
through the efforts of Senator Williams
an emergency or epidemic fund of $50,-
000 was appropriated from the state
treasury and put in charge of the state
Board of Health. Part of this can now
be procared for the suffering here.
The largest local contributors were:
Isaac G. Smith, $100; E. G. Caughey,
*1 ,000 for the Standard Steel Car Com- I
pany and SIOO for himself; Millard F.
Wright, SI,OOO for Butler Water Com
pany, and SSO for himself; National
Transit Company, SI,OOO. Besides the
above the principal contributors were:
Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny, $250; Thos.
W. Phillips Bons & Co.. $250; Farmers
National Bjnk, $100; Youukina Bros ,
SSO: Butler Savings and Trust Compa
ny, $100; Standard Plate Glasa Compa
ny, $100: Butler Light, Ileat and Motor
Company, SSO; Home Natural Gas Co ,
$100; Douthett & Graham, $100; Amer
ican Brewing Co., $500; Producers &
Refiners Oil Co., $250; E. H. Jennings
& Bros., $250; H. J. Klingler & Sons,
$100; W. H. Larkin, SSO; Captain Lie
bold & Son, SSO; W. F. Rumberger,sso
- County National Bank, $100; J.
V. Ritts, $100; Joeeph Hartman & Son,
$75; Liquor Men's Association, $150;
Wm. Campbell. $100; J. H. Troutman,
$100; Lewis Wick. $100; Blair Hooks,
SSO; Raymond Reed, a druggist, offered
SIOO in prepared medicine; Alfred Camp
bell, Brown & Co., and Seaman Bros.,
all furniture dealers, and Troutmana'
Sons, the Eisler-Mardorf Co., Mrs. J. E.
Zimmerman. Harper Bros and other
business firms, offered large donations
in Merchandise. Casper Sherman of
fered $25 worth of bread.
On the program Friday night, but
cannot talk, innch less sing and recite.
Did yon ever try Victor Lung Syrup for
Coughs and Hoarsenessl
Yon will find just what you want in a
fall suit or overcoat at Ritter &
Insurance and Real Estate.
If yon wish to sell or buy property
yon will find it to your advantage to see
Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real
Estate next P. 0., Bntler, Pa.
Your fall suit at Ritter & Rocken
Will be sorry if you do not call at Clee
land's Jewelry Store, to look for a
Christmas gift. Finest goods that can
be sold for the price.
Ritter & Rockenstein's seem to be
leaders in men's and boys' clothing.
Reduced Itntes to Wilkesbarre.
For the benefit of those desiring to at
tend the meeting of the Pennsylvania
State Grange. Patrons of Husbandry,
to be held at Wilkesbarre, Dec. 8 to 11,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell round-trip tickets to Wilkes
barre from all stations on its lines in
the State of Pennsylvania, Dec. 7 to 10,
good to return until December 12, in
clusive, at rednced rates, (minimum
rate, 25 cents).
Everything in fall suits and overcoat
at Ritter & Rockenstein's.
One-way Colonist Itates to the
Tickets on sale daily until Nov. 20
1903, inclusive, at all ticket offices of
the B. & O. R. R. to points in Arizona
California, Colorado. Idaho. Mexico
Montana. Nebraska, Nevada, New Mex
; ico, Oregon. South Dakota, Texan, Utah
i Washington, Wyoming and British
Colombia at greatly reduced rates.
For full information call on or address
' ticket agent, B. & O. R. R.
FOK RENT— Two houses, inquire of
An enterprising fanner in this section
• to canvass during the late fall and
winter among the farmers in his vicini
i ty. Must be active, capable and honest.
Work will prove profitable to a good
' man and can be made a source of
regular and easily earned income each
year. To it may bo devoted as much or
jas little time as desired. If interested
■. write at once to T, M. G., Box 74,
1 Albany, N. Y.
Tom Alexander is home from West
Wilson Garvin, of Cranberrv. was in
town on legal business Saturday.
S. P. Hays of Middlesex township did
some shopping in Butler, yesterday.
Josiah Thomuson, of Brady township,
did some shopping in Butler yesterday.
Benj Stepp and wife, of Middlesex
township, did some shopping in Butler
J. N. Kirker. of Wampum, (Ellwood
City R F. D. No. 2) was in town on le
gal" business, Thursday.
David and Jatues Lt-fevre, of Middle
sex. sons of Levi Lefevre, deceased,
were in town on legal business Friday.
S. H. Bovard and T. J. Cokain. of
Mercer twp.. and W. H. Smith and J
C. Barr. of Valencia, were among the
school directors who attended the con
vention last Friday.
Prothonotary Clark is back in his of
fice. after a ten weeks siege of typhoid.
Nearly everybody who has bad this
fever and recovered from it. and who
have had previons attacks of typhoid,
agrees that this is something different.
The Market—On Monday the P, &K.
Co. advanced to $1.85 and the Standard
to $1.87 Wednesday.
Alleghenv Co—The South Penn's well
on the Thomas, near Undercliff. was
drilled in Monday and started off at a
30-barrel an hour rate. The Leight farm
well is yet doing ltK) barrels a day.
Public Sales.
Dec. 4—lo a. m., at the farm of Ire
McJunkin, occupied by Harvey Turner,
in Concord township, 2 miles east of
West Sunbury, there will be a sale of
4 bead horses, 20 cattle, 27 sheep, hogs,
poultry, hay, grain, wagons, farming
implements, etc.. on Friday. Dec. 4.
1903, at 10 o'clock a m. Free lunch
served at noon.
December 16 -10 o'clock, at the farm
of Josiah M. Thompson, at Elora, Pa.,
horses, cattle, skeep. hogs, grain, hay,
farming implements. • Free lunch
served at noon.
Wheat, wholesale price 70-75
Rye, " 50
Oats, " 39
Corn, " 60
Buckwheat 55
Hay, " 13 00
Eggs, ;; 25
Butter, ~3
Potatoes, ' 60
Onions, per bn 75
Cabbage, per lb 1
Chickens, dressed 12J-15
Chickens, spring, per pair 60
Celery, doz bunches 30
Honey, per pound 15
Lettuce, lb 10
Beete, per bu 75
Cukes, per doz 20
Apples, per bu 40-50
Walnuts 75
Hickory 1 75
Chestnuts 2 50
Grand Opera House, Pittsburg.
Next week's play at the Grand will
introduce Mr Ingersoll in the title role
of Mr. Olcott's original creation, "Gar
rett O'Magh," with the full strength of
the Stock Company in the cast.
Pittsburg Orchestra.
The fifth set of concerta of the season
by the Pittsburg Orchestra, Victor Her
bert, Conductor, will be given on Fri
day evening, December 4th, and Satur
day afternoon, December sth.
While the Orchestra program is nota
ble, the concerta will have peculiar in
terest becanse of the first appearance at
Carnegie Music Hall of Alois Burgstal
ler, tenor, aa soloist. Mr. Burgstaller,
it will be remembered, took the part of
Siegfried in the great performance of
that work by Mr. Grau'a Metropolitan
Opera Company last April.
Ritter & Kockenstein's price ia always
Overcoats—Overcoats—all kinds of
overcoata at Ritter & Rockenstein's.
Yonr fall overcoat at Ritter & Rock
Cauie to the residence of the sub
acriber in Jefferson township, near
Thorn Creek M. E. church, on or about
Sunday, Nov 33. 1903, a large, black,
brood sow. The owner ia requested to
come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take her away, otherwise
she will be disposed of according to law.
R. F. D. No. 0, Butler, Pa.
Music scholars wanted at 128 W.
Wayne St
—The Citizen, the Nalional Stockman
and Farmer and Success from now until
Jan. 1 1905 all three for $2.50. You can
have The Woman a Home Companion,
Cosmopolitan, Leslie's Popular Monthly,
or Household-Ledger, instead of Success
if preferred.
You will find just what you want in }
a fall suit or overcoat at Rit*»r &
Rockenatein'a. Their price ia alwaya
Six Montha night achool at the Bntler
Business College for $25. Term begins
Monday evening, November 2d. Call
at the office for particulars
Many people of Butler find
There is Nothing its Equal
for Rheumatism and Lumbago,
Colds, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis,
Bronchitis, Paralysis, Sprains
and Stiffened Joints.
Each county of the state will
be disposed of to good business
persons, who will act as general
agents for counties.
They to order by the gross
1 from the Company and supply
both local agents and druggists
for one year from the time
i their contract is signed.
A Cash Prize of $15.00 will
- be given the general agent, for
[ every gross ordered from the
, Company.
Address all communications to
Carr P. 0., Pa.
On Sale at Drug Stores
What yon innst have in the home
food, water and a good Liniment. None
surpass Victor Liniment for any and all
accident cases.
OFFICE —Byers 1 Building—next to P.
O. Bntler Pa.
Mme. Bartlctt. assisted l»y a New York
m:iss«ur and beaut* *pe<-latlst; magnetic,
electric, vapor baths, scalp tr<-at
mi'tii, niaasace; bust development.
304 Federal St., Allegheny City, Pa.
Uonrn 12, Third Floor, Above Scott's.
Blake Tobacco Co. vs. Elizabeth Fei
gel, assumpsit for for tobacco,
etc. furnished.
A. Holruan, M. D . vs Nellie Miller,
adm'x of Lewis W Miller. api<eal by dr
fendant from judgment of $lO4 rendered
for plaintiff by Justice Keck.
Ralph Fonlk is in jail on a charge of
stealing a kit of carpenters' tools.
John Lawall, adm r of the estate of
D. H. Wuller. dec'd, petitioned to huve
the writ of fi. fa. on the interest of Mary
and Johanna Wuller in the properties
issued on judgments held by Geor4<
Wiest, set aside and sale by the sheriff
restrained A rule was granted to show
cause why the writ should not be allow
Milke Cendry is in jail for a<teb.
B. F. Shannon has resigned as super
visor of Franklin twp.
S. V. Kerr and John Z. Murrin have
been charged with malicious mischief
and a&b by S. A. Meals.
The case of Com. vs Joliu P Lewis of
Glenora has been settled
J. C. Daubenspeck to A. Barasda'l,
5 acres in Concord for $350.
Norman J. Boyer, guardian, to Chas.
F Hohnian. interest in 110 acres in Lan
caster for *l4* 3*.
Heirs of Isaac Boyer to same, same
for £4500.
F. M. Campbell to R. S. G Campbell,
lot in Petrolia for £IOO.
Archie Stewart to W. G. Stewart, lot
in Bruin forsl.
Jane Hilliard to Margaret Carothers,
quit claim to I">6 acres in Clay for SSOO.
Standard Trust Co. to Edward A.
Bnrke. lot in Butler twp for SSO.
Sarah Haziett to Lillian Todd, lot in
Win field for $25.
Jos. A. Painter to Lillian Todd, 2 1-2
acres in Winfleld for SSO.
Forest and Loyal Clark to same, same
for $45.
Sophia Schilling to Henry E. Leasure,
lot in Butler for $425.
Mary Morris to Ella S. Niece, lot in
Harmony for SI2OO.
John Barnhart to James L. Taylor,
22 acres in Oakland for S7OO.
J. F. Anderson to same, lot in Butler
for S4OO
Marriage Licenses.
Cbarlea H. Garvis Foxburg
Sadie Adams Parker
Charles H. Redic Butler
Mrs. Lucy Iman Chicora
E. L. Gardner Butler
Erina Murtland "
J. W. Steele Chicora
Cora McCollough "
Lewis B. Brown Clay twp
ZnldaE. Rider Concord twp
C. H May Chicora
Florence Tadder "
Frank H. McCall Franklin twp
Amanda E, Brown Euclid
Wm. J. Watson Carbon Black
Jessie Powell
W. A. Hays Valencia
Lida L. Cunningham Bakeratown
At Pittsburg—George Dynan of San
Joae, Cal., and Alice Mauk of Butler.
We want
your trade by
deserving it
The quality in our values. 1
our prices and increasing ]
sales proves this more than (
ever. We appreciate your
trade, and will do our best
to please by giving you
better shoes for less money,
a greater variety and larger
selection to pick from.
Merer Bros
Coupons on the piano
given with each pair of I
shoes. I
224 S. Main St. K
Binding of Books
Is our occupation. Wc put our
entire time to studying the best
and latest methods of doing our
work. It you are thinking of
having some work done in this
line I am sure you will be well
pleased if you have it done at
Tlie Butler Book Binder;,
W. W. AM ON, Prop.
Opp Conrt House.
j Wm. Foster, (
\ Architect.
j Plan of all kind of buildings V
S furnished on short notice. X
f Office in Berg Building, /
J Butler, Pa. v
We have removed our Marble
and Granite shops from corner ol
Main and Clay streets to No. 208
N. Main street, (opposite W. 1).
Brandon's residence), where we
will be pleased to meet our
customers with figures that arc
right on
Monuments & Headstones
of all kinds and arc also prepared
to give best figures on
Iron Fence, Flower Vases
etc., as wc have secured the sole
agency from the Stewart Iron
Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this
town and vicinity.
P. H. Sechler
Directors' Convention.
About a hundred school directors of
Butler county came to town last Friday
morning and assembled in the Court
Prof Russell, of West Sunbury, was
elected President of the meeting.
Profs. Graham, of Fairview. Harper
of Cranberry aud Magee of Slippery
Hock lead off with a few well-timed
and appropriate remarks.
At the afternoon session talks on
school books, the compulsory law. high
or central schools, etc , were made by
Rev. Grimes, Co. Superintendent Fruit
of Mercer county, Deputy State Super
intendent Stewait and W. I. lierr.
The next convention will be called
together by President Russell.
Wonders Accomplished
By Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mahaf
fey and Miss Miller, the Expert
Opticians, of New York and
Pittsburg. Their science and
skill established in Butler. They
will be at the Hotel Lowry
two more days, next Monday
and Tuesday, Dec. 7 and 8.
Giving Free Examinations of
Eyes. No one Urged to Buy.
Price From $2.00 to SB.OO.
Why suffer with your eyes? It costs
no more to be fitted by specialists than
to risk your vision with inexperienced
opticians. We have successfully fitted
over five hundred people in and around
Grove City.
About your eyes? They pain you a lit
tle: they itch and you rub them, then
they are relieved for a short time. But
they ought noi to pain you at all with
ordinary use.
There is something wrong. Come in
aud tell us about it and let us show you
what it is. There is no charge for that.
If seeing is believing then you may
order glasses, but we do not urge any
one, and you will be shown the utmost
courtesy whether an.order is givett or
W C Fleming, well known saw
mill and lumber man of Butler countv,
with headquarters at Greer's law office,
says: I have beeu compelled to wear
glasses for years and always bought the
best I could have fitted. I thought 1
could see very well. But three weeks ago
I called on Mr. and Mr?. MahafTey and
Miss Miller at the Lowry Hotel. Butler,
and had my eyes fitted, and compared
my glasses with what they fitted. There
was so much difference, I ordered glass
es. I have worn them two weeks. I
have tried them at a distance and find
that I can read signs and recognize peo
ple at a distance that I could not Bee
with my old ones. I can also read for
hours without tiring or aching after
wards. I feel it a duty to those troub
led as I have been to recommend these
opticians to them.
Hintermeister Stands for Harmony.
The Most Critical Tests
are applied to the Hintermeister Pianos
before they are placed on sale. Tone,
finish, workmanship are all considered.
Therefore Thanksgiving should be cele
brated by placing ip your home one of
Still a few organs at low figures.
Sheet Music.
Columbia Phonographs,
25c Records.
Paragon Piano Player.
Pittsburg Organ & Piano Co.,
Butler Branch, Old P. 0. B'd'g.,
109 N, fl\a\n Street,
sest Service.
Prompt and Careful
Four Registered
Prescription Worl< a
w. s & E. WICK,
Hough and Worked Lumber of all Kind*
Doors. Ba»h and Mouldings
Oil Well Klgs a Specialty.
Office and Yard
K Cunningham and Monrcs Sta
near Went Penn Depot.
«nrrcs ''A
k -» See fbe sign direct
opposite the
Old Poslofflce,
Theodore Vogeley,
[|J Real Estate and
r 4 Insurance Agency,
j *3 238 S. Main St.
i ,; i>| Butler, Pa.
j"nji I f you have property
1 afl to sell, trade, or rent
Pfj or, want to buy or
A gg. rent can, write or
VJI uhone me.
List Mailed Upon Application
11 iV O It I?
Tim* table ellrctiv* SI my 17, I*« 2 EMI< rn Stamiar 1
Allegheny Acconmoilation.
Allegheny •n l
Altorbenj Kipnw ♦fclOa-m
- " ♦« *ll 40 a-tn
1111 wood City A«*"nin»<-lati<»n *l:4o p-m
Chit »£«•, N«*«r « *Mle aiul All' gbeD) Ex *i f l-ia
Aileghoaj Fxprp* k
AlWhriiy AicomoiiNktioi
Cllu.iml jui>] New Castle Accommodation... "5:50 p-m
KHiie an*l Bra«lfonl Mail +9:12 a-B»
Clarion Arromanriitinn *4:56 j-n
Fuxl»urg Accumni.-lation tft-'OtJ p.n ;
* Daily. ♦ Acept Sunday. S Buad*y ouh I
Trains leave the Allegheny station for .
Butler at 7:80, 8:15, 10:45 a.m.. and 1 15. !
;;:00. 6:13 and 11:30 p.M. and Pittsburg
station at 7:50 a.M. On Sunday at 7:30
А.M. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m.
For through tickets, Pullman reaervatl.HM and In
t -rniHti n applv to W. R. TI'KNKR, Ajrt.
Butler. !*».
E. I). SMITH. A. C». P. A..
l>itt»l>nrg, I*»
uK& P K R
Time table in effect Nov. 22, 190;!.
Passenger trains leave and arrive at
Butler as follows:
7:30 a. IN., mixed for Punxsutawney
and all intermediate stations.
10:17 a. M. daily, vestibnled day ex
press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week days, for Rochester.
0:30 p.m. local for Punx'y and Daßois
and all stations.
11:25 p. m. night express for Buffalo
and Rochester.
6:10 a. M. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester.
9:47 a.m. week days, accomodation
from Dußois.
5:34 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express
from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
7:45 p.m. week days, mixed train
from Punxsutawney.
Trains leave the B. & O. Station,
Allegheny, for Buffalo and Rochester
at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local
points as far as Dtißois at 5:10 p.m.
Time table in effect Sept. 13. 1903
northward. Daily except Sun-lay. Southward
tU-H.l jp) (Real down)
5 10 H ~ STATIONS. 1 8 11
I'M KM P.M. a.m. AM pm
7 25 2 20 Erie 7 00 12 1»
7 01 1 53 Fairview : 7 36 12 41
fi 51 1 42 (Mrard 7 X U 5;
7 00 1 15 ar. .Conneant. .ar 9 11 2 I_>
5 :i2 11 45 IT. . \Jonneaut,. .1* 7 15 11 15
I o 33 1 25 CrauMTille 7 55 1 15
fl -Hi 1 20 Albion 8 00 1 2"
11 11 1 05 Shaileland . ! 8 13. 1 34
! fi OS 1 03 Springboio 8 W 1 3 «
<5 02 12 57 (Jonueautville 8 l! 3 1 11
5 40 12 3> Moadville Juuct.. 8 »'• - <«
li 30 1 08,ar.. Meadville.. ar «23 2 43
4 43 11 52'1v.. Sleadville.. .1* ; 7 45 1 27
6 05 12 43 ar. .Conii.Lake. .ar 8 55 2 15
|515 12 23!1v " 1* |833 1 52
5 40 ar..LiuesTille ..ar 10 25
112 02 lv •* 1» 8 25 12 02
I 5 23 12 Irt HarUtoun 8 59 2 22
5 17 12 10 Adanwrille j 9 05 2 28
i 5 07 12 00 Osgood B 15, » 40
7 10' 5 00 11 521 Greenville 6 30' 9 23 2 50
7 »C> 4 53 11 45 Sheuango 6 3S 9 TJ 3 0" 1
« 45 1 35 11 22 Kre.loi.la « 5« 9 47l 3 17
6 271 1 2il 11 Otf Mercer 7 IK 10 0:1 3 3.)
b 22 t 15 11 OljllotMton Junction T 22 10 07 3 40
B 01 3 50 10 41 UroieClty 7 11 10 25 4 01
5 471 I" 28.1ffarriaville 7 58 4 It
5 4oJ 3 38 10 20 Branch t.,u 8 07 1C 43 4 23
6Vi 108 11 14 ar.. Hilliard... ar 11 It 045
4 :to 3 (Ml 7 00 lv...Hilliard. ..lv 7 00 7 00 3 Oo
5 31 3 33*10 17 Keiater S 12 10 46 4 27
sls 3 19'10 031 Euclid 83011 00 443
4 45! 2 50 9 35 Butler 9 OOill 25 5 10
3 00l 1 15 8 15 Allegheny 10 25 1 00 6 35
pin I pni am a.m. pm p.m
Train 12, leaving Orovo Oity fi.'*) a. m-
Mercer 6:2-">.
M'-advillc Jet. 7,55, Conneautvlllo B,lti, arrives
in Erie at 9;40 a. m.
Train 13, leaving Erie 5:10 p. m. Oon
neautvllle a;3s, Meadville Jet, 7,00, Oreenvlllo
7,40, Shcuaiigo 7,52, Mercer 8,31, arrives at G-ove
Oity at 8,55 p m,
E. H. UTLEY, Qen. Pass. Agt,
Gen. Mgr. Pittsburg. Pa
W. R. TURNER. Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa
SoaincL* 1* ltrrEOT Oot, 8,19011.
iA M A.M. A M. P.M. P M
BUTLEB Leave 6 05 j 7 38 10 05 235 4 35
Saxonburg Arrive 1 6 34 8 08 10 36 3 00 5 03
Butler Junction.. " 707 83011 03 325 529
Butler Junction. ..Leave, 7 32 8 30 11 47 3 25 5 29
Natrona Arrive 1 7 41 8 44 11 57 3 35 5 39
Tareotum 7 47 8 51,12 i>s a 42 5 4«
Spriugdale 7 57 902 12 17' 3 Q s<-
Claremont I 9 18'lB 30 4 08 fi 10
Sharpaburg j 8 19 ! 9 26112 47 410 616
Allegheny 8 30 9 38 1 00 4 20 6 20
|A. M. A.M.JP. M P M. P. M
BUNDAT TRAINS.—Leave Eutlci for Allegheny
Oity and principal Intermediate itationa at 7:2 n a m ,
and 4:55 p. m.
A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M
Allegheny City . .leave 6 25 850 10 15 3 0.1 6 10
Sharpaburg 1 0 30 9 00 10 25 *3 13ja0 20
Claremont . . .... 10 32j ... I ....
Spriugdale .... I 9 23.10 49 ... J0 41
Tarentum 7 08 9 32 11 00 3 40 « 4SI
Natrona I 7 I3i 9 36 11 07 3 45 6 53
Butler Junction. ..arrive 7 25 9 47 11 17 3 51 7 02
Butlor Junction... .leave 7 3 r > 95512 35 405 702
Saxouburg 8 08 10 19 1 05 4 41 7 27
BUTLEB airlve 8 35,10 45 1 33 , 5 Li 7 53
!A.M.|A.M,,P. M.|P. M.!P. M
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But
ler and principal Intermediate •tatlon* at 7:03 a m. and
9-33 p. in.
Week» Day«. Sundays
M.| A. M. P. M. A.M. P M
BCTLEK tT I> 05 10 05 235 7 20:
Butler J'ct ar 70711 03 325 810 ....
Butler J'ct lv 72511 17 351 814 ....
Keeport kr 72811 20 3 fit 817 ....
Kvkiminetas J't.. 73511 37 359 823 ....
Leechbu.a " 7<B li 3'J 413 83« ...
We»t Apollo " 8u 11 57 4 8 57| ....
Sal tabu rg ..« 84012 27 503 923 ...
Blaireville 916 1 0o ! 540 9 52; ...
Hlainrvlllel.it. , .. " 824 1 33! 547 10 00
Altoona " 11 35 545 1 8 50; 140 . ..
Harriaburg " 310 10 ooj 1 00i 0 35!
Philadelphia " 823 425 428 lo 17
P. M. A. M.iA.M. if.M.I P. M
Through trikina for the oast leav© Rlttcborg (Union
Stntion), a* follows—
SiNwhora Liinit«xl f (l»|ly (Ko cuaJitu) 1 in
Atlantic Kxprnaa, daily 3:(X. A.m
Penuaylvauia Limitod 11 (No coach en) . .7:15 *'
New York ** 44 14 ....7:15"
Day Kxpreas, M 7:30 44
Main Line £xpress, 11 .......... 8:0 c) 44
Harris burg Mail, 44 12:46 P.M
Ilarridhurg Express daily 4:49 "
Philadelphia Express, 4 4.50 44
Eastern Express, '• 1:10 41
Knst Line, • 9.00*
PittsburK Limitifd, dully for New York, only. 10:00 44
Second Pittsburg Limited, daily. Sl«M«ping
cars to Phllailelphtu, lialtiruoro aud Wash
ington. No coaches,..., 10:00 44
Philad'a Mail, Suu(la}« ouiy B:3'> A M
For Atlantic City (via Delaware Rirer Bridge •
rail route) H.OO a.m.and p. rn. daily, 44Peun
nyIv.t.iia Liinitrtl," and New Yt»rk limite«l, 715 a. m,
week days. 10:00 p.ru. daily, with through sle<ping,
Buffalo tnl Alleeehenj Valley Division.
Traiim leave Ktskiruirn'tafi Junction an follows:
For ISurialo, a. ru aud 11JH) p. in. daily, wit.
through [»arlor and nl«*<-ping cars.
Kor Oil City, 7.42 9.50 a. m„ 2.iH, 6.Li and 11. J.» \
m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56 :». in., 6.15 ami 11.5"P.m.
F«>r lied liank, 7.42, 9 Vi, 1117 a. in., 2 6.15, 9.34,
and 11.50 rn. «eek-<Uys. Sun«lay», 10.4W a. a»..
♦. l r » and 11.50 p. m.
For Kittunniug 7.42, M.3i, u. m., 2.
б.15,7.30, and 11,50 p. in. week-days. Sundays,
!>..%. 10,49 a. m.,6 |5,10.45, and ll.Wp. iu.
44 a" St«»|is only on signal or notice t.» agent to 1
4 T' .**t«i|wi only on HiKiwi or notice to agent t»r ♦>•!»-
«lactor t»» rt-ceive «ir discharge jianaeiig' iH.
F.i detailed information, apply to ticket ag-Mit or
ii<ldr<<Mi Tlios. K. Watt, Pass. Agt. WnHtern Uistiict,
(>»rner Fifth Avenue and Suaithfl<dd Street, Pittsl'irg,
(ien'l Manager. I'aan'r Traffic Manager.
<;Kn, W. BOYD,
General Passenger Ageut.
Winfield it'll To Time Tab
111 effect May 25th, 1908.
LCATM Wert WlnOeld.. 7 30; 2 45
14 Boggsville 745 3 ti>>
44 Iron Bri.lge 755 310
44 Wlnfield Junction HlO 325
44 H 2oj 3 35
44 Butler Juuctiou 825 340
Arrive fuller 10 45 5 13
Arrive Allegheuy 9 38 6 09
| ! . • .... 12 56 5 40
Leave BlairsvtUe 8 11 2 25
14 Allegheny . 850 303
« Hutler 73H 2 3ft
44 Butler Junction 10 00 440
« Lane 10 03 443
44 Wlnfield Junction 10 1® 455
M Iron Bridge 10 25 505
44 Boggnville lo 515
Arrive Went Wiiifl* Id _. lu 50 5 V>
! ""Trains stop at Lane aud Iron Bridge uuly ou Flag to
take on or leave off passengers.
Trains <V»nn«ct at Butler Junction with;
Traiim Kastward for Freeport, Vandergrlft ant)
Blairsville Intersection.
Traiuit Westward fur Natrons, Tarentum aud Alls*
Traius Northward lor Saxonburg, Delano aud Batler.
O#o>eral Manager.
Eyes Examined Free of Chargt
Jeweler and Graduate Upticisn
Next Door to Court Hooae, Sutler. P»
[ 1
< IRON \
\ AND <
(WINE, >
{ (Peptonized)
j When yon bnv u beef, irfiu f
v find wine, why oot get a )
f one? Much that is sold undt-r f
( that name h«"> but little to 1
J commend it as such excej.t the J
t name. We prepare a N
j Irou and Wine tbat is com- I
jwsed of the pnrett extract of J
( beef, the most digestable form
t of iron, pure sherry wine and j
> a high grade of pure pepsin. C
\ This is a splendid tonic aud
t blood maker. Will agree with
y the most delicate stomach. )
1 Prompt results will follow its t
} use in impaired nutrition, im- J
Sporensbed condition of the f
1 blood and in general debility. 1
f We have customers who (
v speak of it in the highest S
i terms, lie sure and ask for \
( Boyd's Beef, Irou and Wine f
peptonized. Full pint bottles J
\ 75C ?
\C. N. BOYD.iI
% Near the Court House. €
\ Butler, Pa. N
K? "'' 'y * *
r. rn
Fashions latest fancies conceived by
the skill of the gold and silversmith are
to be seen here in their ureates* pro
fusion. A shining array of trold, silver
and nickel watches, from the famous
.00 Intcersoll to the finest product of
the Elgin and Waltham factories.
Diamonds. Art Goods, Silverware
that wears,a magnificent stock of rings,
chains, charms, scarf pins, hrooches,
cuff buttons,rich cut glass and novelties
in gold and silver, suitable for presents.
We also sell—
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Paco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins aud Guitars.
Optical goods.
Field and Spy Glassee.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court House
BK Many a fine piece of Pj
j'.'f] silver,watch or locket
. is spoiled by machine
|y or poor hand engrav
■ ing,we engrave with
ra out extra charge on
U all goods sold by us,
K| and when we Bay
■ engraved we mean
Si engraving that you
|H will not be ashamed
fl to send anywhere.
I Ralston & Smith,
■ "No Fancy Prices,"
fl Engravers and Watchmakers,
9 110 W. Jefferson Street.
Inspect Your Eye Glasses Closely
And yon will find that all tho minor
points have been attended to as care
fully as the most important feature.
They fit. The price is what you should
pay, no more, no less. No charge for
M> Holiday lines of Jewelry, Dia
monds. Cut Glass, Hand painted China,
Gold Vases and Bronzo Statuary are
arriving daily. Come early and select
your Xmas presents and have them laid
away till wanted.
Graduate Optician and Jeweler
209 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Don't Know That?
That Stern's Creamery and Milk
depot at the rear of 417 South
Main street is in operation?
And if yon want good Milk,
Cream. Creamery Butter or Butter
milk, call and see us or watch for
our wagon.
People's Phono Bell Phoue 2<ia.
Boiled Cider in quart jars.
We guarantee jur products pure
and free from any adulteration.
Aii experienced nurse in cases of con
finement, can lie found at her residence,
UlO Centre Ave., Butler, Pa.
-' Your Need is Now, If Ever s
P[ An Enormous Stock and Splendid Selection. SPJ
"The Moderq Store. *
* Children's Grey, fleeced underwear froui 10c for small sires to 85c for
size :i4. Cream C'olored, fleeced underwear 19c each, all sizes- Boys' <4
. heavy fleece-lined underwear 25c each, all sizes, 34 to 84 Fine Anstra- tfi
liati nnderwear 2.V- for small sizes up to 75c for size 84.
Boys' and girls' heavy flee»-e-lined union suits 25c and 50c, Dr. Denton s
I is sleeping garments for 50c to 75c. Ladies* fine fleece lined vestsandyl
S l»ants. cream colored and pure white, extra value, 25c each. Finest *0
| jpt combed. Egyptian fleeced cotton in cream and pure white, 50c each. The £9
; JV Famous Forest Mills hanl-finisbed nnderwear, in wool, silk and cotton, 5?
fIP *:!k and wool at SI.OO and #1 50 Union Suits 50c. sl, $1.50. |2. SB. Men's (0
! he,ivy fleeced underwear JKk- each. Finer fleeced underwear 89c each
j V Fiuer fleecd. in plain and ribbed. 50c. Best line of underwear in all
I "A wo °' > n city at #1 each. Better grades $1.50 each. We are leaders
in Union Suits for men, sl, $1.25. $1.50 to SB.
LA REDUCTIONS IS MILLINERY—AII Trimmed Hate, from the lowest Qk
JP to the highest, are now to go at reduced prices, and we show an assort-
jm mt*nt worthy of your attention. Now is the time to get your Winter Hat. a)
£ Watch For Our Christmas Announcements- &
■j Co., g
£ SS D ' I"I Send in Your Mail Orders. 5
- * m
I Important Price Cuts ;;
$ ON O
X Women's, Children's and Misses' < ►
Wraps, Suits, Cloaks and Millinery, < >
■'/? < >
With the near approach of the Holidays we begin a * *
V general reduction sale of Suits, Skirts and Coats; also { *
V Millinery and Fine Dress Goods. The opportunity is a i *
great one if you have not yet bought your winter out- * *
y fit. Read. j |
j{ $10.(X) for lined Coats with Military Capes, value, $15.00 { |
8.50 for lined Box Coats, real value : : 12.50 \ t
X 5.00 for lined Kersey Jackets, real value : : 7.50 (
€> Our Special Coat in Kersey Zebeline cloth at $5.00 < >
ts for children up to 14 years, cannot be equaled else- < )
O where for less than $7.50. < >
V $5.00 Skirts in long and walking lengths, value $7.50 i *
V 7.50 Skirts in long and walking lengths, formerly 10.00 * *
V 5.00 Jacket Suits, : : : : formerly 10.00 { '
10.00 Jacket Suits, : : : : formerly 16.00 ' >
112.50 Jacket Suits, : : : : formerly 20.00 { *
At Half Price. j >
75c Fine Dress Goods, formerly SI.OO < »
50c Fine Dress Goods, formerly 75c < >
39c Fine Dress Goods, formerly 50c \ >
Big Reductions in Furs for Ladies, Misses and < >
Children. < ,
"Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.:;
X Bell Phone 30*. Ruflor Do < >
V People's Phone 136. Duller, r—Q. < t
;t>00<?00000000000000000000<> I
Fall-1903Wintcr I
| Our woolens are in and ready for I
yourinspection. You cannot put oft I
buying much longer so better come I
in, and look things over. I
Buffalo Woolen Blankets. I
Shaker Flannel Comforts. I
Woolen Dress Goods. I
Our Fur and Wrap Department is I
more complete than ever. I
Everything in Furs from the cheap-1
est to the best. I
All the latest and newest cuts in I
Coats, Jackets and Capes. I
The Christmas Spirits I
Or Any other spirits or wines ■>r liqnors should be purchased at Lewins^l
if yon are looking for the bent. jfl
"Give me a bottle of wine,
In this I bnry all nnkindness." H
' —Julius Caesar. ■
A good bottle of wine makes H
Finch, Largo. WHISKIES I
Gibson, Overholt,
% Dillinger, Bridgeport, 6 years old H
Thompson, Gnckenheimer, ■
We offer them at per fnll quart, $5 f° r W quarts.
Whiskey, guaranteed a years old, S2 00 P^ r gallon.
4 Onr guarantee of purest goods at lowest prices governs every sale. Hj
Send your orders at once to obtain prompt shipment. We prepay express
charges on all orders of $5.00 or over.
Wholesale Dealers in H
14 Smithfield St , Pittsburg, Pa- H
1 Bell Phone, Court 2179. P. &A. Main 1458. B
| For Holiday & Wedding Presents |
| There's nothing more appropriate than pictures, and there's no better £
» place to buy them than at our store We have on view Bisson's "Zephyrs f
* .>f Love,' one of the grandest water colors out. Also a full line ef Den x
% Pictures. Uval Frames are all the go now. See what we have to offer. *
I 4:57 Penn ave , cor Fifth St., -Pittsburg. Pa. -1108 Wylie ave., cor Elm st |
Near Joh. Horn© Co. w
| Advertise in the CITIZEN.