Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 26, 1903, Image 4
■ Kyth Bros. ■ Big Bargains W Wall Paper I HAMMOCKS I EYTH BROS ■ Next to Old P. O. I For Piles. B Sample mailed free. I One application gives relief. ■ The continued use of Hum ■ phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per- I manently cures Piles OP Hera | orrhoids—External or Internal, ■ Blind or Bleeding, Itching or I Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. I Relief immediate—cure certain. I Three Size*. 23c., 50c. and 81.00. 6oid by I Dntcsl.U, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. ■ Hupbreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and | Jakm 8M». New York. I NERVOUS DEBTT.TTY, E Vital Weakness and Prostra- K tion from overwork and other 81, causes. Humphreys' Homeo- E pathic Specific No. 28, in use I over 40 years, the only suceess- I ful remedy. $1 per vial, orspec- I ial package for serious cases, $3. E; Bokl by Druggists, or lent prepaid on receipt of price. I Humphrey* 1 Med. Co, William A John Sts., H. Y. I It A FINE BABY. [ Never frets even when teething. ■ "to VICTOR Infants Relief ■ Tie Bato's Digestive Tonic. R An absolute cure for Slimy Bowel*, ? IP Diarrhea, Griping, Colic, Cholera Infan tum, and all bowel troubles common to Infants. ' The Mother's Friend. Pleasant to take. For further information address, VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland For sale at Reed's Pharmacy H? ndDßa TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA A at-. >1 "DENTAL ROOMS." ffl Pittsbury .Ja ft CROWN »od" BRlflCiEwo'rk h v Mi* Htuborg-WHY NOT DO K W«I#«|VOURS? 0010 CROWNS ft UH If Viand BRIDGE wor * reduced tsM I IVtl DSS PER TOOTH. Also the ft fa WIB ybeot»etofTeethmmde,owL> SB y , pSJ^rDBaTsl I A safe, certain relit ir Suppressed ■ ■ Menstruation. Never ktw«rn to fall. Safe! ■ ■ Buret Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed ■ ■or money Refunded. Bent prepaid for ■ ■ 11.00 per box. Will send them on trlaj. to ■ ■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. ■ U MWTto ■toiotco., ao» T*. LAWCASTCW. J Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. Jtist as A Night^Cap Take a glass of Lewin'a Whiskey and water, hot or cold. Brings sound bleep, and pleasant dreams. ALWAYS IN STOCK VIHCH, LABGE, OVEBIIOLT. fItJCEBHHEIHEB. HT. TKBIOIf, THOhPSOX, aiBSOK, BlLlilH B. BBIDGKPOBT, and offer them to yon 8 year old at fl per full quart, 0 quarts J6 00. ftHAIDTATHXR'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, 12 00 per gal ton. We pay express charges on all mail orders of |5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS DTWIHES AID LIQUORS, Ho U SmltMleld Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 'Ptoses: BeU 21» P. A A. USA. JTORCANTILE BUREAU, geenrea Flrst-clua Mercantile and Mechanical Po«itinas w Office - Pitt abuse. Pa i 34 Fourth Avenue, 3-19-ly CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Safr. Always reliable Ladle*, auk Druggist tot CHIfHESTEBS RHOLISII In It«d am! OoM metallic boxes, sealed witb blue ribbon. Take no other. Brhue danaeroaa .utMti „ tatloaaaad Initiation*. liuy of your UniKgirt, or send 4f. in stamps fo' l*art Irnlars. Tein ntonlala and "Relief Iter Ladle*. ■ by return Mail. 1«,®»« Testimonials. Sold bj all Druggists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. BIOS Mod iron IK|un, PUUJL, PA IU.tU.AH.aa. RUBBER STEEL DIES <»,* STENClLS^j^^badges UNIFORMS LODGE SUPPLIES. /^•SttAv.PHTSBURG,PA 11-5-03-lm Win. Wuerthele, Billiard and Pool Tables, Bar Fixtures, Office Desks, Chairs, Tables, Partitions, Bookcases, etc. Turning of Billiard and Pool Balls. Bowling Alley Equip ments. 418 Diamond Street. at.) Pittsburg, Pa. FOR SALE-BRICK YARD Near McKees Rock, Pa- New and Ready for Operation. Capac ity 15.000 per day. Whole product can be sold within one mile of plant. Inquire. iT R- PITTOCK, 41 St. Nicholas Bldg., 11-5-08-lm Pittsburg, Pa t ♦s"ure Si£ns Of the | Ti me j- AIR a-gittln' cool and coolah. Frost a-comin' In de night, Hlcka'nuts an' wa'nuts fallin'. Possum keepin' out o' sighL Tu'key struttln' In de ba'nya'd. Nary step so proud ex his; K«vp on struttln', Mlstah Tu'key, To' do' know what time It is. Cldah press commence a-squeakln', Eatin' apples eto'od away; Cblllun swa'min' roun' lak ho'nets, Huntin' aigs «rmuog de hay. llistah Tu'key keep on gobblln' At da geese a-flyln' souf; Oomph! Dat bird do' know what's com In': # Kf he did he'd shet his mouf. Pumpkin gittln' good an' yallah Mek me open up my eyes; Beems lak It's a-lookln' at me. Jes' a la'ln dah sayln', "Ples.•' , Tu'key gobbler gnine 'roun' blowin', Qwlne roun' gibbin' sass an' slack; Keep on talkln", Mlstah Tu'key, You ain't seed no almanac. HYIA.HB DAT TC'&ET GOBBLBH liHAOai*'. Fa jner walkin' th'o de ba'nya'd Beein' bow t'ings is comin' on; Sees ef all de fowls is fatt'nln"; Good times comiu'n, she's you bo'n. "Hyeahs dat tu'key gobbler braggln'; Den his face break in a smilej Nebbah mln", you sassy rascal, He's gwlne nab you atter w'ile. Cboppln' suet in de kitchen, Stonln' raisins in de hall; Beef a-cookin' fu' de mince meat, Bplces groun'; I smell 'em all. Look hyeah, tu'key, stop dat gobblln"; Tou ain' luned de sense o' feah; Tou ole fool, yo" nalk's In dangah. Do' you know Thanksgibbln's hyeah T —Paul Laurence Dunbar in "Lyrics of Lowly Life." The Tbajaksglvlng Pumpkin. It is the lady pumpkin that Is Inva riably chosen for the honor of the Thanksgiving menu. For the benefit of those who are un versed in the mysteries it must be said that the lady in the case betrays her sex by a marked delicacy. The outer skin is absolutely smooth. No little knots or blisters, such as be long to the male pumpkin, disturb its surface. The flesh within will be found of un usually fine grain, and the "stringl ness" so much disapproved of by the pie maker will be entirely lacking.— SPICE FOR THE FEABT. Turk Up to Date. The Gobbler—ln this age of the horseless carriage let me suggest a turkeyless Thanksgiving.—Life. Very Probable. "What are the probabilities for to morrow?" asked the star boarder of the drug clerk, who was looking over the paper. The drug clerk turned to the weather page and, seemingly unconscious that the landlady was behind him, read, "For tomorrow and Saturday hash, followed by turkey soup and cro quettes."—Judge. A Happy Thought. First Poor Boy—Let's go round to the Astorbilts' for Thanksgiving. Second Poor Boy—What for? First Poor Boy—Their dining room's fixed so's we can see 'em eat.—Life. A Tender Episode. "Bring home a turkey; don't forglt. And praties. Pat: we need 'em." "Ah. Biddy, If you asked for it I'd get the Bird of Freedom." "The eagle: Sure he'd be enough To keep us from starvation, But wouldn't he be rather tough? He's oulder than the nation." "He tough! Bedad, you're off the track; Columbia—heaven defend her!— Puts him upon the dollar's back, And then he's legal tender." —Munsey's Weekly. Knew Hta Geography Lesson. Freddy—We had ono of the famous Rhode Island turkeys for our Thanks fivin' dinner. Teddy—Huh! So did we. I heard Kandpft thank Providence fer it!— ick. Ho Celebration. Uncle Rastus— I'ze afeard I ain't go in' ter hab no turkey fer mah Thanks givin' dls year. Hooks—Why not, Uncle Rastus? Are the prices too high for you? Uncle RastusNo, sab, but de fences !■.—Life. Prosperona Americans Draw tbe Line at Keeping Faat Day. The changing attitude of the Amer ican Is shown In bis increasing will ingness to have Thanksgiving come around every few weeks and his re luctance to have a fast day. Up in New England even, where fast day ■was as regular as feed day, it became in the last few years an occasion for military reviews and firemen's paradaa and picnics and doings like that rather than for prayer and mortification i>f the flesh and the devil. It's a long time since the church bells have rung the people together to sustain one an other through a day of short rations. Why, do you know, there are Amer icans who can eat at Delmonico's ev ery day in the year except Sunday and have turkey at every meal! Compare our condition, then, with that of the Frenchman who breakfasts on water and wine and bread, has a turuip for lunch and bouillabaise or some such mess for dinner, or with the Scotch man existing on oatmeal, whisky, onions and pipes, or with the poor Eng lishman, who finds nothing on his ta ble but Montana beef, Canada mutton, Massachusetts plum pudding, Califor nia oranges, Connecticut tobacco and Michigan celery, or the sad German, who must sit down to Philadelphia sauerkraut, Hoboken frankfurters, Brooklyn beer and bretzels made of Minnesota flour. And so, comparing our lot with a lot of other people's lots, we take pride to ourselves and satisfaction and eat our annual bird with a light heart and a gravid stomach and are at peace with all the world, for we are feeding a good deal of that world as well as our selves and therefore ought to have its friendship and its money, if there is any money left outside of the United States.— Brooklyn Eagle. f Butterscotch \ A new kind of butter scotch, made in a new way; a better butter scotch than you ever tasted. Better because it is nutritious as well as delicious; better because it's pure, whole ■ some. Try the following recipe and test its real goodness. H H Onecijpor Kfti\,CornSyrup, onecupof granulated tugar. ona-b»ir H eup of fresh butter. 801 l until a «mall quantity dropped In oold M water becomes bard and snappy. Do not stir while Bolllne. Add • H batter Just before candy is dona. H I Agro I ■ CORN I la decidedly preferable to any other syrups, which come to the consumer with all the dirt and dust the svrup measure has accumulated since its last use. Karo Corn Syrup is protected by airtight, friction-top tins, which preserve its purity, insure its cleanliness, guar antee its goodness, ioc, 25c and 50c, at grocers, CORN PRODUCTS CO., New York and Chicago. I The Butler County National Bank, j ; BUTLER, PA I I OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY | | OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. I | Capital Paid in $200,000.00 | Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 | | Surplus and Profits 180,000.00 — $580,000.00 | | Assets over $2,500,000.00 | ; Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000. | I INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time j * without notice. j £ We mos dially solicit your business either in person or by mail. * * JOSEPH HARTMA.V, President. JNO. G. McMARLIN, Cashier. J JOHN V. RITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C KRUG, Asst. Cashier. J I T. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. £ CAPITAL SURPLUS | $200,000.00. $200,000.00. I UNDIVIDED PROFITS gj $21,138.00. 1 Butler Savings & Trust Co. SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL, Jr.. President. J. 11. TRODTMAN, Ist Vice Pres. • W. A. STEIN. 2nd Vice Pres. LOUIS B. STEIN. Treasurer. C. E. CBONENWETT, Ass t Treasur. Will continue to do a general banking business at the old stand and is also prepared to transact a general Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to withdrawal without notice. IT—IT II "WilliWfcMißllll I HIIUHWI iII I i "'Hi Bil i i 11 > f Nld IHMI I'll" *********************.(<** -.frX*****) I Standard Trust Companj) ] | RUTfcER, PA. ; | CAPITAb _______ $150,000.00 j | F aid on Deposits, t Prompt and Careful Attention to all. r C. 0. GReeNfcEE, President. | C. A. SAIkEy, Secty. and Treasurer. j THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the pnblic solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER. Ass't Cashier. j ! 4 J) WITHDRAWALS^!, ■ SAVINGSTgCOUHTS. WITHOUT NOTICE. V IC. B. McLEAN, W. R. CHRISTIAN, F. W. VAN OSTEN, I ■ Prfit. Cashier. Au't Cashier. I ■ DIRECTORS: I ■ HON. J. A. IVANS HARRISON F. DILWOETH ■ ■ WILLIAM C. KINO EDWAJiD H. UTLiY ■ ■ QEOBQE A- McLEAN WX V. WILSON ■ ■ JAMES T. ARMSTRONG ALFRED R. WE£B ■ Oi l JAMEB H SEAL E. H. GOODMAN ■ I I 9£o ' MOCAGUB C. B McLEAN ■ ■ J. A. HUSTON. ■ I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK | " H 533 Smlthfleld Street, PltUlixrgli, Pa. ■ TOjUT BANK BY MAIIT t; Ket the 4 per cent annual ' nter est and se£.absolute protection of this strong hank. Assets over (^,700,000. IJERMANIA SAVINGS BANK < WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSBURG. PA j) i 'V The Davis Sewing Hachine tor Sale by W. B. McCaqdless, 45, Enclid, Pa. i Also Pianos and Organs. i I •« CAVIMO S *' *"° "*' 1 (f WRITE FOR i BOOKLET ( « FEDERAL SI HOW WE CAN SELL your property no matter what it consist of. A buyer can be found for any thing with in reason. Our method of doing business is such that when you list your property with us we place it be fore the public in all our papers which comes with in reach of the entire county. We create a market, and we advertise it continually until it is sold. You get our personal attention and work. We have daily calls from all over for farms, resi dence and business property and we can sell no matter where located if such is placed with us at a reasonable price. We offer the following at present: 8 houses with stores in N. Y. City, reuts for $6, COO, price £70,000. ;ith Ave. House, in N. Y. City, rents for £6,000, price $55,000. 65 acres. Oxford Co.. Maine, 40 acres timber, good honse, $"3,700. 8 acres. Maris>n Co., Oregon, timber, good house, $500.00. Hotel and Livery Stable. Milton, N. H., I cash, $8,500. 5 story house* Gramercy Park, N. Y. City, $35,000. Send us a list of what yon want to sell but don't have any fancy prices which would keep us from selling. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE CO., 8-27-3 m 25 East 14 St., N. Y. WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Coloj taught at home, and employment given at once. For fall particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART, Beavtr Falls. Pa. NO SPAVINS asSLS be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints r.nd ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T M Clugh, Knoxrtale. Jefferson Co.. Pa WASTED -Firemen, BntVemen, Machinists, I-.makers, liiaiksioiths !1 >.' i helpers for r.ill r n!» aUo<lrlv.rs ut.d all klmls of help. Place* ».iUi:ijr. Ufin-ral J npluymeut Bureau, 201 Fede ral 3ti s'et, > ileeli"!'}', *'•">. V/ASTEB Atones, girls in every capacity; |5 to ■lO |r week; placed <*r money refunded. General Employment Bureau, 201 Federal St.. Allegheny, I'*. 3-19-ly I PENNSYLVANIA I ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, I 1030 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Fa. ■ arVEB INDIVICBA_L tNBTEUCTION ■ ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES I B«U Phone 242 Grant A. T. limngw, Prert, I ""r HHEYMAN LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDING HABITS, - 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. •**** * 3-19-ly Curry College 44TH YEAR. Catalogue Mailed Free on Application J. H. WALLACE, Ph. M., Pres. Penn Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. H-27-03-3W HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER, PA. PAROID READY OOFING. T>AKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. REPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /"VNLY requires painting every fewyeitrs. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. FvEMAND for PAROID is world ** wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. Headaches Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS •tor, PF.NX AVE STUB. OPP. rExjcßiiLomu, PITTSBI-RG. 3-19-ly I Gives a bread-wtnalnff Education—Educating fount? men and women to meet the demand of thli prosperous commercial aire-For circulars address , P. DUFF 4 SOWS, Bth * LHwty *>«., Pttt«bun,P«., j Get the Habit in Our I New Fall Clothing. EXCLUSIVE STYLES In abundance, and the here must be of the highest grade—Perfect. In selling our Exclusive Smart Clothes we realize that it is expressive of the highest attainment of the tailor man's art. We can tell you all about the clothes, but you must see them to truly appreciate their elegance and finish, you must try on a garment to see how well it fits and how dressy it looks Men's Suits, $8 to S2O. Fall showing of the New Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats. Cost no more than the ones called just as good. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. 137 South Wain St., Butler \ New Wall Paper Easy t<> pick the proper wall paper designs and colors from oar tf ? splendid new stock. i We are at the top of the heap with the largest and most artistic line £ & of wall paper in town. 4 A Special designs for fine decorating. Prices are low, qnality high. £ 4 F. W. DEVOE PAINTS. BEST ON EARTH. j i PICTURE AND MIRROR FRAMING A SPECIALTY. 5 j Patterson Bros' £ 236 North Main St., Both Phones, Wick Building. 0 f-xxxxxxsexxxsea !! Best Furs S Don't buy Furs until you have seen our stock. Greatest as- a sortment of fine Furs we huve ever shown. Fox, Squirrel, Beaver and other furs at special low prices. • Cluster Scarfs, SI.OO, $1.50. #2 00 and |3.00. S Long Scarfs, $4 00. $6 00, SIO.OO and up. dP Flat Neck Furs, SO.OO, SB.OO, $12.00 and up. X EW WAIST MATERIALS. 3 No trouble to get suited in Waistings if you see our assort ment of stylish Vestings, Mercerized Waistings, Velvets and JR Wool Waist Materials. jm Great values at 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c and 85c. PLAID RIBBONS. 5 We are in good shape to supply the demand for nice Plaid Ribbons for neck and hair bows. See the two Special Lots JR we have on Sale under price. )■ All Silk, 3i inches wide at 19c. 5 All Silk, 5 inches wide at 25c. M GLOVES FOR PALL. g The "Josephine" is the Best Kid Glove ever sold at SI.OO. Ajp complete new stock of this great SI.OO Kid Glove just re ceived, all sizes in Black, Slates Modes, Tan, Castor and K Brown. New Shades in a splendid quality Mocha Gloves at U SI.OO. New Fabric Gloves, Wool, Silk and Lisle, in black, v white and slate, at 50c. * w L. Stein & Son, g FT 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA $ +XXX XXX XXXXXXXXX* T Different 1 / \ -rf Ready-to-Wear Clothing than you \ f jmu ever wore. This Clothing has that f j tone of elegance about it, that swag- 2 C £<l ■\u* I i ger hang to it, that very high chase\ J W 1 'lln''> made-to-order look about it. / l 1.111 Come in and see the Swellest Suits J / ll I'm, and Top Coats you ever looked at, 1 1 t ' IK< such celebrated makes as r < |l HAMBURGER'S J ( TOW|||||a PRICE »10 TO S3O. i r p\WmWMKmjli Our fall Suits and Overcoats are 7 / r/'i ®7> certainly the greatest value we ever ) \ jm/jjjljllmMlJJ offered. All have padded shoulders J / ff|[ jWji j.j and firm fronts. See for yourself. ) J M KM See our window display. C \ | W doutlett & | I New Fall Goods. I !! :: ?} We are showing an extensive line of advance i i V* Styles of Fall Hats, Tailor- II tk TO :: Made, Ready-to-Wear, Hil I Oil Dress and Street 1 1 :: »« • • II Always First to Show the New Ideas, i «» "j* » Rockensteln's il »« $ • 1£ 828 South Main Street, - .... Butler, Pa. ■ i'in—j l - ■ ~K^-j£Feasu&c<saL. /a—l I o IXTot Despair! f Doctor Kidd Can Cnre You With- i out a Cutting Operation. jT '$ S If KiifTering from chronic womb and ovarian troub- Jv/ir ? lcs, d splacunents, painful and irregular periods, ■HpjSjfcLSft' ! I barrenness, unnatural discharges, lacerations, ulcer- j jit ions, tumors, rectal troubles, stomach, kidney or heart troubles, ulcers, skin tlesease aild blood poison, 1 f or any chronic ailment*. •WfzlL He is the only doctor devoting his entire - time to women's diseases between New York Catarrh, Bronchittc, Asthma, Throat and Lung fO * Diseases cured by means of Medical Vapor, the most successful treatment in these cases, as they nil resixjnd promptly to his method of treatment.^ Nervous Disorders curedl>y Electricity scientifically applied. 11 is charges and terms are reasonable and within the reach of all Suffering Women. Write if you cannot call, as his home treatment is very successful. Enclose stamp for reply. Send six cents in stamps for book < n Diseases of Women. Graduate Nurse in attendance. Consultation and advice Free and sacredly confidential. OFFICE HOURS— 9 a. m. to Bp. IN., Sunday, 10:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. jDR. A. R. KlDD'SM^au^muTE . Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 631 Penn Avenue, | PITTSBURC, PA. CAMPBELL'S COOD FURNITURE iFurniture, Carpets, | a House Furnishings.! Everything you need in furnishing S gj your house is here to select from# jg Steel Ranges & Goal Heating Stoves at Reduced Prices g sgj STEEL RANGE § M»J Large steel Range with warming closet on top, with or without J555 ZSO reservoir on the back. First-class in every respect. Simply want to 10* rednce the stock. $39.00 kind reduced to S3O - COAL STOVES ® Round Heatins: Stores, large and heavy; first-class heater, nickel )S| 3§5 . To 2 of them so down goes the price. Selling the |of J0( |16.00 ones for $13.00, and the $15.00 kind rednoed to sl2. jE jj|| SIDE BOARDS §< New last week; golden oak, beveled mirror, curved standards, neat-, n ly carved top an<i liase. Price $25- *gj EXTENSION TABLE 8 oca?/ Golden oak, well made; legs bolted on, tiist-cl&es in every way 10 139 feet long. Price sl7 COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. B|| lAlfred A. Campbell I Formerly Campbell & Tcmpleton. •< R| BICKEL'S. II •i" i ftjft • • • Our stock of Winter Boots and Shoes % j • • is the largest we have ever had. Ex- • • • • tremly large stock of Cokey's high-cut, t if • • hand-pegged box-toe and plain toe t; if • • shoes. Our line of School-Shoes is O • •complete. Cokey's copper tipped tif t • shoes for the Boys and good water- *if $• proof shoes for the Girls. We wish to • • t • call your special attention to our large % • • • stock of Felt and Rubber goods which | • • •we are selling at prices sure to in- *• • terest you. $ • NOVEMBER PRICE LIST. tffiS ill •« •i !• Ladies, Kangaroo-calf shoes SI.OO ? " • • Men's good every day shoes 1.25 • • •j » Old Ladies' warm lined shoes 86 J ! • •• Men's fine embroideried slippers 45 * 9 » « Men's fine satin calf shoes 95 • • •I £ Children's heavy shoes 50 5 I •j ;• Ladies' fine Dongola, Pat. tip shoes.. 1.00 T 9 i • Men's fine calf boots 2.25 • • •>• Misses' good school shoes.sizes 12 to 2E 90 I! I •j;; Men's fine Pat. leather shoes 2.00 * * !! F£LT AND RUBBER GOODS. ** * Man's good felts and overs, fl 50, fa, $2.25 * 9 f • Boys' good felts & overs,sl,2s, $1.50, $1.75 • • « > Yonths' good felts and overs SI.OO Jj £ «... * !• Men's robber boots (regular heights) $2 25 •• _ tlfflfflfflfflfflf Mei »'B buckle arctics SI.OO • • Complete stock of Men's heavy stockings and overs. Large stock of • £ •; j Ladies, Gents', Misses' and Children's leggins and overgaiters. «. • High Irons with four lasts for repairing. Bole leather and shoe- * • • • makers supplies. Repairing promptly done. ■ || JOHN BICKER, \\ • • BUTLEB, PA. € i«I-a»IHIiOil»Iiil;iimiiIiiliilHl»l»imSieiIjg!l!SiliiIig!i? ) COOPER & CO., I FINE: TAILORK J Are i\ow occupying their old locatior\ at corner of I tlrje Diamor\d. I | Suits form sls to SSO. lEberle Bros^| I PLUMBERS | S Estimates given on all kinds of work. ? i We make a specialty of J ) N ICICLE-PLATED, V s SEAMLESS, / ) OPEN-WORK. V £ 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa c b Phone. 630. c Something ! TO WAIT FOR ' ' 'All things come to him who waits" says the proverb; but then yon mnst have something to wait ror, and yon do not want to wait i too long. In the stock market there are anick results. Investments often aonble in a day or an honr. I will carry large linee on a comparatively small investment ESTABLISHED 1898. 8. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds j Third Ave. and Wood St, PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J. A. REYNOLDS, Manager. Pearson 0. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler. Penn'a The beat of horses and first class rigs ai wavs on band and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Bpecl al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sals under a full guarantee; and horses bougb pan proper notification bv PEARSON B. NACE, Tstepnone No. US. HjFamily j Reunions! We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse \)y neg- I lecting to do some little thinff. | Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity. We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxlo inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know in time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. B. FISHER jC. F. T. Papej : J I JEWELER! | / 121 E. Jefferson Street. S ! W. S &E. WICK, DEALEKSiIN u ® Kough and Worked Lumber of all Kinds Doors, Sasb and Mouldings Oil Well Rigs a Specialty. B. CunAln/bapFani Monro* 8(9 •asax West w