Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 19, 1903, Image 4
Evth Bros. i 1 11 i Big Bargains Wall Paper AND HAMMOCKS EYTH BROS Next to Old P. O. Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale ill their history, due to intrinsic merit. They cure the sick. 2d crus. mem. i—fewer*. Congestion*. InfUznmatkms. .23 j 9—Wama. Worm Few. Worm Colic... .25 }JfnlklM. Onlle.Crrlil.WilKfiilia' -23 j 4—(Harrbe«. of Children or Adulu 25 T—Concha. CoKta. Bronchitis 25 8-SearalfU. Toothache. Faceacho 25 9—HaaJaehe, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 , U Bimi p«la_T~"fl»«HniLWeakßttmiyh.2s 11—gnppreued or Painful PerloJa 2.1 l-£— IVhIK a. Too Profuse Period* 25 13— Croap. LarrnsilU, Boarsenea 25 | 14—Bait Bhenm. Eryslpela*, Eruption*.. .25 15—Bhenmatlam. Bbeumatlc Palzu .25 H Malaria Chills, Fever aad Ague 25 ' lf-CtUrrh. Tnf*"** I **! Cold in the Head .25 39—Wbaopln i-t'oaih .33 2T—SMaer Dbeuti 28—Kerrou Debility >••• Jt-Crlurr Weaknem. Wetting Bed.. .25 T7—Grip, Hay Fever 25 j ■old by druggist*. or »eut on receipt of price. ] Kf Dr.Httmphreyi' New Pocket Ifsnnal of *ll Diseases mailed free. * Homphreyi' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John BU-. Mew York. _ Vi'isTOß " LUNG * SYRUP . Tie Great "Lw Eemefly," "Tteat Healer," aid "Colli Killer." Consumption in first stages abso lutely cured. The friend of and public Speakers. The Goldcr Remedy for Whooping Cough Bronchitis, Asthma. Quinsy, Colds Hoarseness, Coughs, Etc. It Cure by striking at the root of the disease Are you afflicted ? address VICTOR REMEDIES CO. Frederick, Maryland For sale at Reed's Pharmacy TAFT'B PHILADELPHIA IbJh —DENTAL ROOMS." jK 39 -sth Ave., PttUburg, Pa |l Si WW We'repßACTlCAJ.LY l ' o '"*""'if ft JSfji crown «»<J ep.ioae w <" k JJ }>ffM of Htuljurc— WHY NOT DC W *•"— AU vv V*s ptrn tooth •*««. h 1« Vlie*tieton'eett.Bi»l...oNLV S3- 'g Kf, _i it _lli i i " MTTHTHA 4 BROWN, 333 st.li Ave. Pittsburg, I'a., Can sell your Real Estate, Karrn or Business. Correspondence jpllcited- AM. TRAHaAt?rn>Nrt CIxrIOTNT! AI.. DO YOC want TO BELI. your farm or other real estate? ( can do It for you. Bend ine full particulars at once. 4-l#-03-ly JOHN RODGER, «H. Keystone Building. Pittsburg. Pa Dean's J A safe, certain rell* jr »upproa-e<l I Menstruation. Never ki»j*n to foil. Bofe! ■ Burel Kpeedy! HatUfwtlf.n Guaranteed ■ or money Refunded. Sent pr< paid tor ■ SLOOperbox. Will send tbi-m on iriaj, to ■ be paid for wben relieved. Kara plea Free. ■ uhitsp MEDICAL co. ao» r«. U«C»ITW. w. | Sold In Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. Just as A Night^Cap Take a glass of Lewin's Whiskey and water, hot or cold. Brings sound sleep, and pleasant dreams. ALWAYS IN STOCK. riVCH. LA ROK, OVKBHOLT. CKJCKEIHEIIEB. ST.VEHIOH. TUOhPHOH. 618K0.V WILLIS B, BttIiMiKPOHT, and offer them to yon 8 year old at II per full quart, C quarts (5 00. GKAIDFATHXB'S CHOICE, whiskey guaranteed i years old, fc! 00 per gal lon. We pay express charges on all mall orders of |5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN <fc CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS II WIIEi AHD LIQUORS, Is 14 Tm l Street, PITTSBURG, FA. •Phases: leU 211* T. * MM. • ITCETOANTILE BUREAU, Steam Flr*t-el».» Mcrc.ntUs and Mechanical Position.,^, Ofice * PltUbuK. •*» Ot Fourth Avenne, 3-IS-ly CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS metallic Imxex, «nl»l wIUi t» lu# rl £s'i?' Take ao oilier. Rrfbae daiiuenm. ■■b.U UUUIK aud iMllallou*. Buy of your * ar Mini «c. In 't»m|n lw Parltralan. TeaU ■oal.U ami "Relief for e.adle.. toy return Mall. ia.a»aTemimonlaU. bold by all hruftytitu. CHIOUKBTKB CHEMICAL 00. 11 pa Batflw. K<|a*n, I'HILAs PA BUBBERSTAMPSjJg STEEL DIES STENCILS^uFbaoces -K J? F UNIFORM S tm® 'lodge supplies. y 25^-stt Av.Piitsburg. Pa. 11^-00-lm H. G. Allison, Funeral Director, Bell Phone No. 3. Bakerstown, Pa. Wm. XVuerthele, Billiard and Pool Tables, Bar Fixtures, Office Desks, Chairs, Tables, PartitioDH, Bookcases, etc. TurninK of Billiard and Pool Balls. Bowling Alley Equip mentn. 418 Diamond Street, (AboveHt.) Pittsburg, Pa. ®*e Vernacalar. This was the conversation between 3 the girl with the gum in her mouth 3 and the other girl with the gum In her , tnouth: ! "Alncha hungry?" "Teh." "So my. Less go neet." "Where?" j "Sleev go one places nuther." i "So dy. Ika neet mo stennyware. | C&nchoo?" i "Teh. Gotcher money Y' "Teh." \ "So vy. Gotcher aptite?" "Teh. GotcboorsV" "Teh. Howbout place crosatreet?" \ "Nothln teet there. Leaegurround cor- \ ner." "Tbattledoo zwell zenny ware. Mlghta ■ thoughta that 'tflrst. Getcher hat." i "Ima gettlnit. Gotcher money?" "Teh. .Didn'cheer me say I had It? : AllreadyT' • "Teh." "K'mon."—Chicago Tribune. *p«rtlea Tenaelona of Life. The way cats cling to their proverbial Dine lives is well known, but the aver age turtle wiil make a tougher stand than nine ordinary cats. Perhaps boil ing will kill a turtle at once, but any other method seems hopeless. The severed head of a snapping tur tle will bite for an hour after separa tion from the body. Hut more wonder ful Is the indifference of the green tur tle of the West Indies to mutilation. A party of naturulists lately returned give an account of an experience wbich proves beyond doubt that the green turtle's Indifference does not lie in its head. A green turtle found on the beach turned and made for the water. One of the party severed its head with an ar and turned the body around. The headless turtle ran, then stopped and turned toward the water again. Melba In » Temper. When Ml«. Melba first tasted the sweets of fashionable life a Boston woman of fashion captured her for a dinner. The Boston woman loaded her [ guest with attentions, and after the dinner she said to Melba, "You will ' give us a little song tonight, dear Mme. Melba?" But the songstress refused. The Boston woman pleaded and said petulantly: "I am quite sure my guesta will be disappointed. Really you are quite unkind." This Infuriated the high spirited singer, and she answered: "My terms as a dinner entertainer are $2,000. You may see my manager If you want me to sing for your guests. Then Melba got her wraps and went away In a frenzy of anger. What He Mlaaed. "An old negro living in Carroilton," relates the Boswortb (Mo.) Star-Senti nel, "was taken 111 and called in a phy sician of his race to prescribe for him. But the old man did not seem to be getting better, and finally a white phy sician was called. Soon after arriving i)r. S. felt the darky's pulse for a mo ment and then examined his tongue. 'Did your other doctor take your tem perature?" be asked. 'I don't know, sah,' he answered feebly; 'I hain't missed anything but my watch as yit, Wa'" The Erudite Prlaoner. "The charge ag'in ye," the police Jus tice said, "Is burglary. What have ye got to say?" "As to that," replied the prisoner, a seedy looking man who appeared to have seen better days, "if by the term of 'burglary' you mean the offense which, according to English law und practice for centuries, has been clearly defined as 'house breaking by night,' the charge Is palpably ridiculous. '1 he policeman alleges that he detected me In the act of breaking into a house yes terday afternoon in broud daylight. If, on the other hand, the term Is made to cover the same offense when committed by tiny, which, I believe, is your absurd American understanding of the word, in a legal sense, I shall have to concede the correctness of the charge, your hon or, reserving, however, the right to re gard with a species of contempt the crude Jurisprudence of this country-" "Take *lm buck to 'is cell," gasped the police Justice, "an' let 'im sober up."—Chicago Tribune. To Be Healthy Ue Practical. Theoretically, every adult person of any intelligence wishes to be strong aud healthy. Practically, a majority of them wish nothing of the sort They would like to be well enough, but are not willing to pay the price, though It really costs nothing. When a man gets out of health ho usually wants to get something to "patch him up" so that he can continue the foolish things which have caused his bad condition; hence the almost universal resort to drug treatment Instead of the uatural means of restoring and maintaining health and strength. If a man Is really desirous of being naturally sound and healthy be will try to study out the means of becoming so. These means are nil Included In the seven founda tion principles of practical hygiene— uamely, exercise, rest, air, light, food, drink and bathing.—Cooking Club. When Yon llay Clieeae. When you buy cheese bear In mind that all good cheese will be mellow to the touch, yet Arm. The rind will be of an even tint, elastic and free from puffs, and a sample will reveal a Ilrm, close, buttery grain of a nutty flavor. Cbeese which feels so bard that you cannot dent it with your finger tips on the rind is cither sour, salted too heavily, skliy med or cooked too much. On the other hand, if the rind breaks upon pressure or do<-» not spring back readily when , the Anger is withdrawn this Indicates an oversoft article, caused by the slack cooling of the curd or a want of aci'L At best It will have an insipid flavor and will "go off" as It ages. An L'napprccltttlve Llnlener. A well known lawyer whose first name Is James has a brother whom he visited lately. Ills brother has a daughter, aged four years, whose moth er hud lectured her a few days l>eforc for telling "Btorles." The lawyer, think ing to entertain the little one, took her on bis knee and told her two of his best folklore tales, instead of being charm ed, as be expected, "she never smiled, ' but when be had finished slid from his knee, with a solemn face, und, going U» > her mother, said: 'Mamma, Uncle Jim will go to the bad place sure. I!e has ' Just told me two big stories.' "—Kansas City Journal. Purely Conventional. "Agatha," Hal<l h«'r mother, "I don't 1 like to hear a daughter of mine tell I even a conventional He. You know you ' can't bear Aunt Becky, aud yet when •he came the other day you said, 'Auntie, how glad I am to s<-<; youl' " "That wasn't a He, mamma," auswer fd*Agathu. "That was an exclama tion."—Chicago Tribune. The Ansel Child. "Martha," said her mamma, "1 trust that while you wero at your Aunt Marthu's you said nothing to offend her." j "Oh, no, mamma," declared the ungel child. "I was careful to say things which would make her know that you and papa Jiked her for herself nlone." "That was proper." » "Why, when she asked mo If you folks had named me Martha so that sbo would leave us her money when she dies I told her that papa and you had talked about that aud that papa said we mustn't think of such a thing." "And what did she say?" asked mam . ma eagerly. « "Nothing. She Just luughed and said ' I was a good girl and I'd better run along home when I told her what pupa said about h®r going to have a pocket made In her shroud." —Chicago Trib une. I The Butler County National Bank, j 1 I BUTIER, pa I | I OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY | OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. f Capital Paid in $200,000.00 % Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 1 | Surplus and Profits 180,000.00 — $580,000.00 | jjj Assets over $2,500,000.00 _ Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000. |j | INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time J I without notice. \ . We mos dially solicit your business either in person or by mail. * * JOSEPH HARTMAX, President. Jn'O. G. McMARLIN*. Cashier. j j * JOHN V RITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C KRCG, As»t. Cashie . jj T. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. WS. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. | I CAPITAL ' SURPLUS I S S2OO 000.00. $200,000.00. | UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, !1 08 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL. Jr.. President. I H. TROCTMAN. Ist Vi -e Pres. q, ,s tTreasur ■ LOCIS B. STEIN. Treasurer. C. E. CBONENW ETT. Ass t Treasur. j Will continue to do a general banking business at the I old stand and is also prepared to transact a general | Trust Company business. * 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to I withdrawal without notice. | 5-*2*K.%%Tf.%ZW.X£-*** -******************U****** T J Standard Trust Company 1 RUTfcER, PA. | CAPITAIs ------- $150,000.00 | Paid on Deposits. Prompt and Careful Attention to oil. C. D. GReeNbEE, President. C. A. sAlbEy, Secty. and Treasurer. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. capital - $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000-00 (KAKNKKI Accounts of the public solicited A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President.. JOHN HUMPHREY, V ice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER. Ass t Cashier. W $600,000* SBOO,OOO. ■ I THE LINCQLH NATIONAL fi&NK I g OF PITTSBURGH I 1 533 SMITH FIELD STREET, ■ I offers to savers, everywhere, the splendid facilities I S of its Savings Department, E k 3F*ox" Ocut, Intorost 9 R Compound Boml-un nnally. I I Withdrawals to any amount without notice. BANK BY MAIL And get the 4 per cent annual interest and ; ELui*f' r absolute protection of this strong 411k. | Assets ovor $7,700,000. Germans Savings p I , WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSfIURfr. pa ) Get the Habit in Our New Fall Clothing. EXCLUSIVE STYLES In abundance, and the klnd sold here must be of the highest grade — Perfect. In selling our Exclusive Smart Clothes we realize that it is expressive of the highest attainment of the tailor man's art. We can tell you all about the clothes, but you must see them to truly appreciate their elegance and finish, you must try on a garment to see how weli It fjt? and how dressy it looks Men's Suits, $8 to S2O. Fall showing of the New Styles In Stiff and Soft Hats, Cost no more than the ones called just as good. Schaul & Nast, : LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, : 137 South Main St., Butler.. • ; j gg« w, : J5 ; p Do ZiXTot IDespair i ' S Doctor Kidd Can Cure You With out a Cutting Operation. t'' Jf miffi-rlnp from clironle womb and ovnrian tr<>i»J>- ; Ie«, d Kpluccments, painful and irregular peri'Mla, »J t , , barren ik , unnatural dlx-hargis, lacerstioijH, ulcer* /jk t j' Htiniii, tumors, rcctsd trouMi- ~ stonim li, kidney or 1 ly lu art trouhli M, ub ers, skin den awe and l,lo<jd jmix u, A' 1 ty, nr uny chronic ailments. a j gi lie U the only doctor devoting his entire 9 t r? time to women'ii iiiaein;ee "'i New York a 1 J'j Catarrh, Rroncliitle, Asthma, Ttiroat ami l.'in« fCi K cure<i by means of Medical \'apor, the most sucawiirtil ireaimcul »u U»es«!| fj fa.«<-(i t as they nil respond promptly to his method of treatment. i Nervous Dlsoraers cured hy Electricity scientifically applied. » lli-ii-hargcs and teruis are reasonable and within the reach of all Sufferings j Ej WorntM. . j 1 r> Write if you cannot call, hi" home treaL.m-nt is very Knclose stamp J ■ k for reply. Bend six cents in slump? lor tx<uk op I>i»eascs of \Vom«?n. ■ U (i r.uiuatc Nurse in at tendance. I'on-i. . ifion ami alvi.- Free and K.u:re<lly ■ £ iitial. OFUCK Ilouas—9 a. m. to 8 ». m., Sunday, 10:30 a. w- lo 4 .'lO p. 111.3 I DR. A. R. KIDD'S MKDICA UNSTIT UTEI ifj Rooms 202-203 Werner Building, 031 Penn Avenue, | t fi PIT rSBURC, PA. I #n oi^OtiT* Bank, HOW WE CAN SELL your property no matter what it consist of. A buyer can be found for any thing with in reason. Our method of doing business is such that when you list your property with us we place it be fore the public in all our papers which comes with in reach of the entire county. We create a market, and we advertise it continually until it is sold. You get our personal attention and work. We have daily calls from all over for farms, resi dence and business property and we can sell no matter where located if such is placed with us at a reasonable price. We offer the tollowing at present: 8 houses with stores in N. Y. City rents for $6,€00. price $70,000. sth Ave. House, in N. Y. City, rents for $6,000, price $55,000. 65 acren. Oxford Co.. Maine. 40 acres timber, good house, $2,700. 8 acres. Marl.>n Co.. Oregon, timber, good house, $500.00, Hotel and Livery Stable. Milton, N. H., -i cash, $8,500. 5 story house, Gramercy Pork, N. Y. City, s:i'j.oi>o. Send us a list of what you want to sell but don't have any fancy prices which would keep us from selling. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE CO., 8-27-8 m 25 East 14 St., N. Y. WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and taught at home, and employment given at once- For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART, Beavtr Palls, Pa. NO SPAVINS JfeS&C be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T M CLCGH, Knoxdale. Jefferson Ho,, Pa WAITED- -Firemen, BniVemen, Machinists, Ki.lter-iiiakers, KUOlulths f... 1 l.elper» for r»ll r ads, also <lriv;r« and all kinds of help •'*'*< e * nailing. tiener*l Kmploymeut Bureau, 201iede r..l s;:-et, A ;i*Kh«r.y. l'a. ~IV * XTED—At once, cii !» In every capacity; to : : I 1..T week; p'.aCKl er money rtifund'.-d. General I uiciit Bureau, '4DI F«-eia; St.. AllßEhcny, 1 a. a-19rly ———MB ll—W I PENNSYLVANIA I ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, I 1026 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg. Pa. ■ GIVES INDIVIDUAL, INBTBUCTION ■ ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES I Ml Pkw Grjai. 1. T. sn»mgsr, Prsst. | 1-oS-ly I HERMAN HARRIS, T''LOR-MADE SUITS and HiDIW HABITS, I 45')" Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 3-19-ly Curry College 4JTII YEAR. Catalogue Mailed Free on Application J H. WALLACE, Ph. M , Pres. Penn Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. H-27-(M-Bni HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, 316 East Jefferson Street IJAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't brittle. I NVONE can apply it. Tins, Kails and Cement in core of each roll. O E PRESENTS the results o years 01 Experience and Ex perimenting. /\NLY requires painting every ' fewyears. Not when first laid. F S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate. i , or Shinflcs. ' r\EMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask UH. L C. WICK, HUTLfcR, PA. Headaches Curod With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. feUßeut Heard Spectacle Co. UEOlfl'MA'rt o»>TrCl*Ntl 70.1 PK** AVKSi r, opr. IMTTSBtIIG. a-19-ly • UI»a« "r YAV.IWVM E4uc*uo« I you riif men moil wmin-n to mwt Itie ilfMiEQj uf tbl| | i mperout cuouuorcUl Mie I orrlrculanaddri*! IP. MJFE * BBN*. BIK * liberty A»«.. PlU«tn.fg>|. bell 27§. People's Phone 578 BUTLER. PA. PAROIP READY OOFING. * New Wall Papery Easy to pick the il j >\\■ r <igns and colore from our * splendid new stock. # j f We are at the top i v . i irgest and most artistic line # | J of wall paper in town S j Special designs fo Tit",-. t es are low, quality high. s i F. W. D . PAIN . L. -T ON EARTH. 21 r PICTURE AN T L» UROR FRAMING A SPECIALTY. 5! \ Patti rson Bros' I * # <* 236 North Main Beth Pr;nes, Wick Building. # V% c AM P E S GOOD JRNITURE lOdd : 1 1 Go ?er €hairs.| ||j Many N Pieces to show you, jg* Some with pholster d seats, others |g sgjwith wood eats# jg Si Divans Divans jg gM ish. highly >1 : n red tapestry, spindles J63S French leg at >1 the back, mahogahy seats. t. ish, neatly polished fcgtf Price Si 3.50 Price $lO m m *3l Buffet Wiiting Desks ® Golden oak. Fre 'i l°s. In oak or mahogany fin- J^C •gtf mirror on top, ■•! *KH: a neat house desk Iggaf *si glass doors in fr< • •. Ie v. !th large writing space. ESe of select stock. Price #7.50. $8.50. $lO, Price Si).so sl2 and up J' ROCKNIG CHAIR~S3XKr "fi Large gulden otk cobbler seat roc-ke- -strong and durable. IBgt 1 Alfred A. Campbell! Formerly Campben A lempluton. S6S( +xxx xxw; ar j | Best r urs | U| Don't buy .: il you ha. -.>eii our stock. Greatest as- jp| sortment uis we h ever shown. Fox, Siberian Ub Squirrel, ml i t her .it special low prices. W JO Cluat ¥I.OO, .!. ' £}. 00 and $3.00. S ■ Long. ' i.OO. s♦'. oi' 0.00 and up. ■ S Flat Ne ; .on. . $12.00 and up. ft yf EW WAIST W RIALS ff Ok No troubl .-aii din V.. tings if you see our assort- Uk W ment of s \ -rings Men ized Waistings, Velvets and U Wool Wa ' rial jpk Great »t 25c, 40c, 75c and 85c. T/ S PLAID RIBBON 3 Ol We are in ' p«« to ■; |>l\ the demand for nice Plaid yk PJ Ribbons! : u.i lissi • I Seethe two Special Lots JR we have < under i > ifj. Sal »f. All Si inched widft at 19c. All S 1 -rch• s "s i«i»- |A $ GLOVES FOR ! § iftl The "Joßt ' pi.- Glove ever sold at SI.OO. A S complete . i ... t SI.OO Kid Glove just re W ceived, al sr 2 >-b Modes, Tan. Castor and Qk Brown. did quality Mocha Gloves at SIOO. N iic Glove... \ iol, Silk and Lisle, in black, T5 Ck wVufo ails i-t |L. S' InSc Son, I Different j / \ ■*] Heady-to Wear Clothing tftap you l / ffSrf! ever w. re. This Clothing has that f t ' i f 'egance al>out it, that hw»h»- J I • fcs»' l;i '> to it, that very high phass \ S IF m\; UUlUUrfeh made ti. ider look about it. / / r L' l i iSravi. ''' : " see Suits y / ft' ' H \i a«A'' ""1 "l ; t'oats you ever looketl at, 1 S |Jk 1 Sl# vj HAMBURGER'S 1 ( yW|||Mm PETCE Jl» TO S3O. > ' i rflPS9raflßf/n Our . 11 Suits and Overcoats are f J II llmlf I certain' !he greatest value we ever / l Wr I'lUfll rttere.l All have padded shoulders 1 « mil 111/ Mil and tirif i'ronts. See for yourself. S r nf'/j fPI ®'' e on: window display. \ J fif /t W oarjj for Cl"thing, \ ■ llf DOUTHETT & LJJw' GR,HAM_] ' 1 New F 4 Gc,ds~J f 0 We ftre. an ext- nsive line of advance Styles ol . il Hats, 1 ail jr- II SI . :: Mad' eady to -Wear, r| 11 I 3; |P I Vcss and Street 1 Iri 1 KJ " M 17 !r HI Always Fir o Sh.jw !he New Ideas. % I Poo : -TSF.teln's | ft'zH South Main Htreei Uutl«r, Pa. X » « Ml ► •. ??^Jf ?Jftjf Jf tjf fEbe le Bros^\ I PLUMPERS | S Estimate ; -.n cn all kinds of work. ? C We make a specialty of J I NICKLE-PI-ATED, C J SEAMLESS, / 1 OPEN WORK. x } 354 Cer.'re Ave., Butler, Pa f S F ■ IP'S Phone. 630. C j See our Fall Assortment 1 OF FINE J Furniture, 2 Carpets, j House Furnishings. Many bargains to offer, in different lines, to re duce our stock to its minimum by first of year. Closing Out All Sewing flachines at greatly reduced prices. Don't fail to get a bar gain machine. A nice assortment of Parlor Goods, consisting of 3- and 5-piece Suits and odd pieces, all fresh and V new, will be sold for less than value. j M A number of Bargains in Fancy Iron and Brass Beds, Sideboards, Bed Room Suits —up-to-date goods, too good for general trade —will be sold at A reduced price for cash only. T A We are well prepared to serve you in the Carpet ►J and Rug line. Anything in Carpets from a cotton at A 25c up to the Axminsters or Body Brussels. In * Tapestries, Body Brussels, Velvets, Smyrnas and Kashmirs. 'A The overstocked condition of our store at present time places us in position to offer special induce- I ments on price, as we must reduce this stock ►1 materially by first of the year. >2 COME IN AND COMPARE! 3 BROWN &- CO. N No. 136 N. Main St. (Bell Phone 106) BUTLER. PA. jllllrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN i Cloak and Suit Department | j XX Greatest Suit values in ! I i%lk Butler for Ladies, Misses < ; JkL WW am * ®kildren, including <j! Separate Jackets Cloaks IMI iill* are "aty wit^B £ reat showing C/ Inia I of Ladies' Tailor-made Snitf—separate jJUm I Coajs and Skirts— >P dress and walking I lengths, and they represeut the very wf i I 111I II I best in their class that have been pro //I mi dnced this season. Like all our ready -lit I ill to-wear garments they are all well /¥ Ml I I ll\V AM made, perfect fitting. Prices extremely /jJ Im j / " low. All that is newest in materials I Ladies' Tailor made Snits in fancy weaves, also plain cloths SIO.O0 —value Ladias' Plain Blue, qlso Blftck Cheviot Snits of beet Quality, at ( if 16.50. Others ask $25 for same values, Prices range from flO to SSO in Suits. Prices in Skirts $2,98 up to S4O. Ladies' Separate Jacket* $5. real value $7.50. Our Ladies'ana Misses' Jacket at $lO is a special leader in quality and price. Same values sold elsewhere at sls. ( B m | g We call special attention to our elegant ( IH ■J stock of Furs All that is newest iu de- M sign and colors, such as grey squirrel, 1 Isabella and Sable fox, nutria and marten, at ( Prices from 98c up to $75.00- ( We guarantee to save you 25c on every dollar yon invest in Fum here, as our Furs were all bought six months ago, before advance in Fat's. The first in Furs qre always msre thad' la^e* shipments and the prices much less. Dress Goods ; Largest and choicest collection of Dress Goods, Suitings and Novel- . ties this store has ever shown now ready for your inspection and ap proval. The prices as in every department in this store LESS than ( others will ask you for same values. Price range in novelties, plain and fancy weaves. 2fc>c to $3 per '* j o/VYill!nery-HatsTrimmed Free; In the new Millinery Department, which ib now located in our new j * * annex, and where we have double the space formerly occupied—splendid- ' hundreds of artistic designs and models copied from the finest imported j ' * models as well as the creations of onr own work room —all at reasonable i < > prices. Trimmed Hats from $l9B np to any price you may wish to pay. Be sure and visit our Millinery Parlors before purchasing your j * 'winter Hct We can please you—we can save von monev. SPECIAL —We call attention to our splendid showipg of ' i I men's and Children's and Hosiery in cotton fleeced and | i . woolens; also to our immense stock of Blankets, Bed Haps, Outing i Flannels, Waistiugs and Fancy Vestlngs. Yarns, Art Goods—in fact j < > everything contained in an up-to-date, reliable dry goods store. Our f motto—the same or better merchandise for let's money than elsewhere, j furs'. J. £. Zimmerman.] < 1 I'wple'sll'hone ia«. But J d*, | i >ooooo<>oooooooooooooo<>P<X^ !• The Davis Seeing flachine for Sale by W. B. McCa rid less, 45, Euclid, Pi Also Pianos and Ongans.