Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 19, 1903, Image 2
TIIE rUTLER CITIZEN. WILLIAM C. .NEGLEY - Publisher, j THCBSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1903. gl ' ~ t SUM per '■ A4*sac«. Otherwise Sl-50 ( t —= The U. S. Steel Coloration. ] An English capitalist, in New York, , last week, in the interest of the Eng lisb holders of stock of the United j State* Steel Corporation, expressed sur prise st the "quiesent attitude ' of the American holders of stock in regard to the buying of the stock in the open market at its present depressed value and its conversion into bonds: and he figured out that J. P. Morgan & Co , in whose hands the job was placed, will make about ten millions out of it, which the stockholders of the concern will Jose. Very few people have either the time or the patience to bother with the af fairs of corporations in which thev are not interested, but the figures of this one are so tremendous as to make them of interest to all. On the witness stand, sometime age, Mr. Schwab stated that the aggregate yalue of all the plants owned by the Corporation was over a billion of dol- H ' M krs. Against this value, or esti mated val ue, they ueue half a billion of bonds, bearing six per cent, interest; and Car negie took pay for bis plants, or his in terest in them, in $175,000,000, of these bonds, and be also boomed Schwab as being a wonderful fellow. Then about ten million shares of •tock, the par value of which is #IOO each, were issued and sold. About half of this is "preferred" stock, bear ing 7 per cent interest, and though this interest or dividend has been paid regu larly, the shares are now being sold in the exchanges at 152 and one wonders why .. u • The other, or "common, stock, is now paying bnt two per cent inter est, is quoted in the exchanges at $11; and it is said to a question wether or no it is worth a dollar. Quite lot of it was bought by Butler parties at sso—then thought to be a bargain—and now .they may lose all their money. If they do they will have company all over the country and it remains to be seen what they will do about it. The "preferred" stock is now being bought AQ the floors of the exchanges, and more bonds are being issued in lien of it, and if by this transaction the owners of the "common" are being rob bed, a remedy should be found for it. * Pro* pec t. G. B. Beighley has bought the L. D. Shanor property on Bntler St. and will soon be one of the handsome East Enders. Charley Weigle, the teamster, will baul lumber in Indiana county this winter. James Blake has improved his dwel ling house by having a new slate roof put on it. Mrs. Wolford is spending th« winter among friends in Slipperyrock twp. Director James BarrandSupt. Painter visited the borough schools last Friday, and made appropriate and interesting addresses. The Snpt. o* Schools says that from this time on, toe president of the school board must sw sar that the compulsory school law has been enforced, or the state appropriation will be withheld. Bobert Allen, the piano agent, of Bntler, was in town, last week.solicting —i' —-Customers. He sold one to Os. Shanor. Gladys Berkley, who attends school in town, was called home to Muddy creek twp., last week, on account of the sickness of her father, A. F. Barkley. Some are advocating the oiling of all School bouse floors, and we believe it would be a step in the right dhection. Mrs. Press. Weigle and Mrs. Lepley were the guests of Mrs. Geoig« Beighly and- Mrs. Campbell of the Butler turn pike, Friday evening. Marshall Owen has gone to Edgecliff, Westmoreland county, where he is weigh-master for a Kensington Coal j Company, James Scott, Frank Dick and wife, and Dean Warren are improving from their sick spells, while Mrs Cath. Shaf fer's condition is about the same. Shaffer and Langh&rst have started Ramsey's new house on the Red House property, south of town, one of the best sites in the county. Hal. Heberling and friend, of Porters ville, were here, recently, doing some repair work on the school bouse. JOE COBITY. Concord twp. The Get Rich Quick Oil Co., a home organization, is about ready to begin operations on the farm of A. J. Camp bell. one-half mile west of Hooker. Mrs. ffm. Curry of Magic is recover lag from an attack of pneumonia, Edgar Cochran of Hooker is down with typhoid fever. Don't forget the lecture at Troutman, Dec. 4tb, by C. W. Miner. Subject, "Mathematical Fools." Janette Stewart of Magic left, Tues day, for an extended visit to relatives in Ohio and W. Va. Jacob North of Mercer visited his brother in-law, T. Z. Caldwell,Monday. The Starr heirs' last well is in and shows for a fair prodncer. SLLEX. Brady TOWIIMIII|>. The farmers of this township are very busy trying to finish their corn and otherwise prepare for winter. Mrs Peter Bowers, of Greece City, was visiting bar father and mother, Thos Badger and wife, last week. Andy McKissick is working for Brick er on the Alexander hill, and it is thought they will finish this week. The schools of this township seem to be moving on nicely and are holding so cials for the purpose of starting a libra ry- Floyd Bollinger, formerly of this place, was visiting friends in this vicin ity for a few days. A great many farmers are complain ing of the potato rot, as when they come to dig them they are about two thirds rotted. Leslie Anderson made a trip to Saxonburg last Saturday and came back sometime during the week. Ifanyl»ody in this township has a coal bank he bad better get coal out. as scarcely anyone has more than half a load ahead. Tbo apples are rotting so fast in this section that the farmers ure rushing them to market. CHUKCII NOT KM. Daring the Methodist's tour of the world, Thursday and Friday evenings, Ireland was located at the house of Eli D. Robinson. Mr. Robinson made a very tine looking policeman, the rest of the family were also quite Irish, and Charles Smith was St. Patrick. Pota toes and buttermilk were served, and the trig was kept iu the parlor. A small donkey was also kept ther« for awhile, having beeu securely bound and carried into the lionse by six men. On tbo sec ond day the donkey rebelled, kicked a few chairs and a table to pieces, over turned a sofa, aud tried to fight his re flection in a mirror. Mrs Robinson at last succeeded in coaxing him out of the house with a pailful of oats and tied him to a telegraph polo. ACCI DENTS Arthur Nolder got twenty shots in bis ankle, week, while hunting rat bite. John Wolf, one of Butler's contrac tors, had a let? broken, by the fall of a scaflold. last Saturday. On account of the lighte in the red lanterns blowing out. last Wednesday night. Dr. Backer's horse tumbled into an opening on Mifflin St. Mrs. Cohn, an aged and blind lady fell down stairs Sunday afternoon, and was seriously injured, at the home of iier son, A. H. Cobn on Elm street. While Robert Harbison of Penn twp. was trying to extract a shell from a with a penknife, lii.*t flttrk. the shell exploded,and injured his right eye. A hunting accident in this county is reported from Mars. One of a party from Millvale, hunting on the T. W. D. Dennedy farm accidently shot another in the thigh. Ira Black, a son of S. J. Black of Boyers. was accidently shot through the three large fingers of his left hand. Monday evening, while reloading a re volver after cleaning it. Bv the explosion of some sticks of dynamite, in a kettle of hot water, last Friday morning, two Italians, working on the new railroad, on the farm in Fairview twp. were blown to pieces. Frank Hunter, the victim of the ele vator accident, in the grocery store, on Wednesday of last week, died Saturday afternoon. The fall injured his spine, and paralyzed the lower half of his body. He leaves a wife and two small children. The Butler Accommodation, which left Butler at 5:24 last Tuesday evening, ran into an open switch near the Bakery town tunnel. The train was derailed and thrown against the bank, and several of the passengers were hurt, but not seriously. Mrs. Tal. Scott of Brown ave. had her face cut, and was taken to the home of a friend in Pittsburg. Mrs. C. C. Armstrong of Grove City, had her face and hands cut, and was taken to friends in Bellevne. The engineer and fireman saved themselves by jumping. P. W. Wortman, a railroad brake man, employed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company and residing iu Pittsburg, fell between the cars of his train near Callery Junction about 6 o'clock last Sunday evening, andfdied from his injuries shortly after. Wort man was walking over the top of his train and was not missed after he fell The crew of a passenger train going to Pittsburg saw him along the track and took him to the city. He was not dead when picked up, bnt died on the train. It was found that Wortman had died in Butler county and when the body arrived at the Baltimore and Ohio depot Deputy Coroner George J. Lirnbei, who had been informed of the death, refused to receive the body and take it to the morgue. The body was taken to the undertaking establishment of J. M. Fullerton and the coroner of Bntler Co. was notified of the accident. A Cause of Disease. Mit. EDITOR*— In these times when typhoid fever, its prevalence and causes, form the principal topic of conversation in our town, it is proper to call atten tion to the polluted condition of our , creek and the abuses to which it is com mon. A stream is the open and natural drain of its water-shed, but this dws not give people the right to endanger the lives ana health of those living be low them by unnecessarily i*>lluting it. Yet every old thing goes into the creek. Here is a list of some of the things which the writer has seen lying or float ing in the water and for which the peo ple in or above Bntler are responsible: Dead chickens, turkeys, rats, .:<its, dogs, hogs, a quarter of beef, nninlierless fixh killed bv a local industry, boxen of de cayed vegetables and frnit, bed-ticks and castoff bed-clothing, garments and shoes, etc. This is all wrong and a per yersion of the proper uses of the stream Those who make filth and dirt have only themselves to blame for disease. The bodies of dead animals shonld be bnr ied. Cast-off shoes, clothes, etc., should also be buried or burned. We have no tick coming at the water company. XJAL tn« ixwijUi. Unm, H"' »y, Zelie nople, and Eli wood might have one coming at us. Anyone casting a dead animal into the creek commits u nui- sance and shonld lie prosecuted. How ever, Butler pedple are not alone in t'uis carelessness, but it is common in all towns, Yours for Cleanliness. Antiseptics in Typhoid If the physicians of Bntler, during the epidemic of typhoid fever now pre valent in their midst, will use the Dr. Woodbridge method of combatting this dreaded malady, as does he, they will find that their patients will not only in variably recover; but, also, if taken in time the fever will abort in from ten to twelve days, and some cases sooner. This assertion, no doubt, will receive the cynical smiles of those who are skeptical. Many scientific medical teachers assert that typhoid fever will run a course of from six weeks to three months, and are firm in their convic tlons that it cannot be aborted. This, however, like many more theories has been proven fallacious bv the scientific researches of Dr. Woodbridge of Yonngstown, O. We have used this treatment, accord lug to directions, and can add our testi mony to the fact that It jsissesses al*»r tlve power not only in typhoid, but also malarial fever. We have had cases re centlv which were beyond doubt ty phoid. which aborted within two weeks, and made a happy recovery. Park, Davis & Co. prepare the Wood bridge remedies, hence we are assured of pure and reliable drugs. We regard the Woodbridge method as efficacious as autitoxin is iu the den truction of the diphtheritic micro-organ ism. We have unbounded faith In pure and recently made antitoxin when used heroically. The Woodbridge treatment is put up in small bottles, Nos. 1 and 2, also a box containing soft capsules, No. Begin with No. 1 by giving one tab let every fifteen minutes for fir#t 154 hours, and In larger doses if necess try the next 1M hours, until this and the succeeding ~I hours. Not less than five or six evacuations of the bowels are se cured during each of these periods. On the third or fourth day of treatment use one tablet froui No. 2 every hour or two. Nos. I and 3 formula should is given freely at first, thou gradually re duce the size and frequency of the dose. The object being to so regulate them as to allow the movements of the bowels to become less and less frequent nntil thev fiave been reduced to one or two each day. About the fourth or fifth dav of treatment, the soft, elastic cap aufes should lie given. One cajxnilo to la) given every three or four hours, al tcvMrtaf with ihe tablet* During the entire course of treatment the patients mnst wash down the remedies by large draughts of distilled or sterilised water. If this treatment is begun early and assiduously adhered to no other remedy will be required, as the patients will re cover. A. V. CUNNINGHAM, M i>. This is not a proprietary medicine the formula being a gift by Dr. Wood bridge to the world. It can be had al Hoyd's Drug (Store, in Butler. What Shall We Have for Dessert This question sris< s In the family ev ery day. Let ns answui' it to day. Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful des suit. Prepared in two minutes. No ItoiliiiK' no bwkisgl simply add boiling wuter and set to cool, Flavors: Lem on. Orange, Raspberry and Htrawberry. (let a package at .your grocers to-day. 10 cents. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a cough to run until It get* be yond tiie reach of medicine. They of ten say. "Ob, it will wear away, but in most cases it will wear them away. Conld they Ist Induced to try the sue cessfnl medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would ttiimedfaloly nee the excellent effect after faking the first dose. Price 2.V. and ,V)c. Trial size free. At all druggists. DO YolJ WANT TO HKM' your furui or other r<!tt) **ntfiler I can do it Tor you. Hi n<l DM foll parikuKrii »' own 4-M-UMY JOLIN UOUTIKIL, 101 Ki-ytloou liuliiilijjt. I'itUburK. I'a DEATHS. DAVIS—At his home in Butler, Nor. 16, 1903. David, son of W. R Davis. aged 18 years. JACKSON —At his home in Bruin. Nov. 15. 1903, David Jackson, aired about TO years. CONRAD— Xovt-mber 17, 1903, infant daughter of W. H. Conrad of Pitts burg. formerly of Butler. RALSHOUSE -At her home near Glade Mills, Nov. 10, 1903, Mrs ffm Rals house, aged years. LEASURE— At her home in Winfield twp., Nov. 12, 1903. Miss Catharine Leasure. in her 90th year. STEVENSON—At his .home in Slip peryroek twp., Nov. 14. 1903 James | Stevenson, aged about 70 years, i SINZ —At his home in Allegheny. Nov. 12. 1903, Frank Charles, son of the late Rhinehart Sinz. in his 20th year. BUTLER—At the County Hom<>, Nov. 7, 1903, Moses Bntler. formerly of Lancaster twp.. aged about 75 years. TIDBALL -At her home in Butler. Nov. 19. 1903. Mrs. Tidball, daughter of Paul Lambert, aged about 30 years. Her death was caused by peritonitis. GREELEY—At his home in Buffalo, N. V., November 17, 1903, Mr. E. P. Greeley, aged about 70 year?. His wife, nee Carrie McCandless, of Butler and two children survive him. DELO— At the home of her father Svlvanus Aggas. in Concord twp , tfov. <5. 1903, Mrs. A. B. DeLo of Pittsburg, aged 36 years. Mrs. DeLo was visiting her folks when taken sick. ERAS—At his home in Butler. Nov. 17, 1903. f harles H , son of John W. Ekas. aged about 25 years. Charley came home from Youngs town, sick of fever, some three months ago. He will be buried at Saxonburg. today. TURNER—At his home in Parker twp. Nov. 15, 1903, Samuel Turner, in bis 82d year. The deceased had been sick one month. He was a brother of Miss Anna M. Turner at home, and of W. A and Morgan Turner of Butler, and six mar ried sisters. Win. Turner and wife are both ill with typhoid at present. EMERY—At her home in Washington twp., Nov 12. 1903, Mrs. Katie J. Emery, widow of Peter Emery, in her i*f>th year. Mrs. Emery was born in 1819. Her husband died nineteen years ago. She is survived by three sons, John of Clay twp., D. P. and H. H. of Washing ton twp.: and three daughters, Mrs. Eli Patterson of Clay twp , Mrs. Chas. Hindoian of Bntler and Mrs J. M. Yard of New Brighton, also several grand children and nine gr- t grandchildren KISTLER—At bis home in Butler, Nov. 10, 190-3, Dr. Ainandus H. Kistler the Veterinary, aged 32 years, Dr. Kistler's death Was caused by ty phoid and pneumonia. He was sick but a few days. He was born in Schuylkill county, married in Carbon county and came to Butler about 9 years ago. His wife and one danghter survive him. His body was taken to Andres, Schuylkill county, for interment. GARVIN- At the famiiy home in Cranberry twp , Nov 13. 1903. Mrs Wilson Garvin, in her With year. She leaves a husband. Wilson Oarvin, and six children, Miss Emma at borne. Robert W. and Mrs R. M. Roll of Cranberry twp., Mrs. J. C. Mortimer of Allegheny county, Mrs H. R. Sutton 1 of Butler and Russel B. of Allegheny. Mrs. Garvin was a danghter of Rob't and Mary Boggs, deceased, of EVBUH City. McELVAJN At his home in Illinois, 1 Nov. 13, 1903, Dr. Perry Mellvain, aged about 03 years. He was born and raised near W. Sun bury, read medicine here, went west over 80 years ago and was unusually successful as a physician. He was nev er married, and was a Mason and G. A. R. man The telegram announcing his death was addressed to Reuben, they not knowing of Reuben's death. He was a brother of Mrs. Reuben McElvain and Mrs Jennie Murphy of Bntler,and Mrs. Rev. McPherrin of Omaha, Neb. i.ntlicran ('(inference. I The Northern Conference of tb« Pittsburg Synod of the Lutli« ran church convened in Grace Lutheran church, Bntler, Monday evening. Rev b. T Himes of W. Snnbury, preaching the opening sermpn At the business t.ession, Tuesday morning, Rev A. J. B. Kast of < hi cor a was elected president; Rev. C. K. Froritz of Cbicora, secretary, and Rev. J VV Hwartz of Worthington, treasuter. The next conference will i>e held at Zion church, near Benna Vista. Papers were read and discussed by Revs. Front/., Mottern, Kast and Huiith In the evening Rev. Swaitz read a pa re-r on the "Central Doctrine of the Lutheran Church," Rev. S Nicholas of l'ittsbnrg. Missionary President of tin- Synod made an address; after which it was turned into a social, with good mu sic and refreshments. On Wednesday the various commit tees :::ade their reports and pnpeis weic rend by lives. Nicholas, Clancy, Le crone, MeSherry, Himes and others. The conference (dosed Wednesday evening with a Young People's Rally, addressed by Revs Himes and Smith. ■■■■■—MS—Ms—mi—Jlll,W nilMMi-M A.yers\ You can depend on Aycr's 8 Hair Vigor to restore color to | your gray hair, every tfrp £ Follow directions and if never § fails to do this work. It f.t . 2 Hair Vigor j fallingofthehair,also. Th* '• ' I great satisfaction in kn -i I you ore not going t; tc u. •'• I pointed. Isn't thai so? I "My hftlr until It utooct '•• • J, I took JIMI iM.til* of A'CiS it. « t .» B r< *tot" It l it In fi-rrMT •link r\< I. ».i H Hftlr r«rUi«»ly dor- %'»»!■ I fj B it." —A. M. Jto 4ingl .ii, :> I f \ 00 * tKltfto. .1. c. A . * I Be—"' 1 'wx>— - - *» vmvwumwme^nm L, C, WICK, riXAUHV IV LUHBER. on" - > iwwhii 'I w fin tl Slarkey I ?t Cji) Leading Photographer, 00 ■$- Old Postofllce Building, W: Butler, Pa. (#) § 0 FOR SALE BRICK YARD Near McKees Rock, Pa. New and Ready for Operation Caps'-. 11y 16.1H51 |» r day. whole product can fie »told ulihin one mile of plant. Inquire. T H PITTOCK, •II Ht. Nicholas lildg., II 5-08-lui Pittsburg, I'a. SHERIFFS SALES. ! By rlrtne of jtmilry writs of Ten. Ex., Pi Fa . Lev. Fa., Ac.. I»sned out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me j directed, there will be exposed «o public sale *♦ the Court House In the borough of Butler. | Pa. on Friday, the 4th <lay of December, j A. l>. 1903. at one o'cock, P. M., the following described property, to-wit: E D No 15. Decern tier Term. 1903. W D Brandon. Attorney. AH the right, title. Interest and claim of Alex Dunbar, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Forward to .vnship. .lutler county Pa. bonnded as fol lows. to-wit: On the north by lands of l'feifer heirs, on the east by lands of John Stewart's heirs and Matthew Williams, and on the south and on the west by lands of Pfelfer heirs and John A Irwin's lieirs. con taining SO acres, more or less, and having there-m ere.-teo. twi>-story framelhouse. and frame stable, and five producing oil wells thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Alex Dunbar, at the suit of Mary II Straw, admr'x of the estate of E 1 Straw, dee'd. E D Xo H, December Term. 1303. II H Goucher. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of G M llughes. of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Venango town ship. Butlercoujly. l'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Amos Seaton and widow Addtcman, on the east by iands of Blair heirs and William Stalker, on the south by lands of R C Wilson and on the west by lands of William and Robert Coch ran, containing one hundred and thirty (130) acres, more or less, anil having thereon erected a one and one-half story frame house, frame barn and outbuildings. -eized and taken in execution as the prop erty of G M llughef, at the suit of P D Gel bach. now for use of 11 H Goucher. ED Xo 43. December Term. 1903. Marshall Brothers, attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Samuel Slianer and Daniel Sr Shaner. of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Muddycreek township, Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to wit: Bediming at the northwest corner at line of lands of V Whltner and Henry Shanor: thence by lands of Henry Shanor north til - degrees east 61 rods to a stone; (hence by lands of Jane English. (J V Eng lish) south! 4 degree west 134.- rods to a stone; thence by iands of same south HV' 2 degrees east rods to a post at lands of A Shanor; thence by same south % degree west 55.4 rods; thence by same north degrees west 37 rods: thence by same south 5 and Vi degrees west lfl rods; thence south 4*i'* de grees west ~i rods to a stone, thence by same south 40.6 rods to a post; thence by iands of Thomas Garvey north degrees west 82.2 rods to a post; thence by other lands of John Scott, Henry Hay and V Whltner north 'i degree east -*74.4 rods to place of beginning: containing 131 acres and 51 perches, and hav ing thereon erected a frame house, barn and other outbuildings, also an orchard thereon. ' Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty af Samuel Shaner and Daniel S Shaner at the suit of John Scott, for use. E D Xo 44, December Term. 1903. Greers, Attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Ottilia M Raabe. of. in and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land. situated In the liorough of Saxonbnrg, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north tiy Water street, on the east by lands of I heodore Helmbolds" heirs, Henry Batten fielder, W D Hoffman, .Mrs John Krumple and August Krurnplc. on the south liy Main street, and on the west by lot of Auaust Meabgen and George Maurhoff, being one hundred feet on Main street and containing three acres, more or less, and having thereon erected one large frame hotel, one frame barn, one ice house and other outbuildings, and being the Same property conveyed to the said Ottilia M Raabe by deed of Prances Lauble, et, ux, by deed dated December 13th, Is!*). Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Ottilia M Raabe at the suit of Chris tiana I-' Helm bold. E D No 20, December Term, 1903. W C Findiey. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of John C JJlisht and Blanche T Idght, of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land. Hltuated In Cherry twp, Butler Co, I'a, bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Robert Hoxir. on the east by lands of Annie Blllinffsfey and Mellon, on the south by public road, known as the Anandale and New Hope road, and on the v laodi of R 0 Bryan, nn«i belog the same niece of land conveyed to John Irwin by Elizabeth Irwin, widow, by deed recorded in deed bookß2 page Mid by John Irwin to his two sons, by deed recorded In deed book 177, page 10H. and being the same piece or parcel of land conveyed by William W Irwin and Martha Irwin, his wife, to Blanche T IMtrbt, one of the mortgagors, by their deed dated the liith day of Jtacembor, 11*12, and recorded Iri the Recorder's office of But ler. Co. !'a. In deed book 214, page 16*, and eon tain lug 104 acres, more or less, and hav ing thereon erected a frame barn and out buildings. Seized and taken In execution as the nroij * rty of John 0 IHght and Blanche T f>lgnt at the suit of John M l>lght. E D No 4(1, December Term, I'jO'i.HFrank X Kohler, attorney. All the right, title, Inti-rest rcnd claim of l/iuli Hcabm. of, lu and to all tliat rcrtitln piece or p*r<°<-I of land. Hltuated In Marlon lowiihlilp, Hull r county, I'a, Ijounded as foil own, to-wlt: On tlie uortli l>v lands of Thorium lllndmaii, on the mist liy lands of E .) Walker, on the south by lands of .1 ami's Nll tt ami 011 the wt.it hy lands of heirs of John .Mc.'.'li lliuid, containing twenty-two (!"_') a/ r< s, more or less, mostly woodland. >i-l*cd and taken In execution as the prov 1-rty of Louis Sealon at tin: suit of Maggie t 'hrlstle. I. l> Ni.s .Vi and VI, Di i-en-in r Term. 1803. !•' J I .r.|ii. r and Murrinfe Murrln, aumuui... All the right, in 01 lcli st an<! claim of Mary Wullcrund Johanna Wullcr, of, In and to all that certain piece or lot of land. Hltu ated In Cutler borough, llutler county, I'a. hounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lot formerly of \V K kalston now Kll/at etli I elgi I, et al, on the east by South Main • Heel op u rath by lot of t'hrlst Stock, and :i 11 alley, and on the west by lot former ly of It I' Scott, now The llutler County National Hank, sal'l lot having a frontage of twenty-two feet on said South Main •11 eet, and extending back west ward so feet. more or )e*s, to said western boundary, which boundary In 42 feet, more or less, lu width, and hsivlng thereon erected a two-story brick building, used as a store and dwelling i|OUK», Al. O All that certain other lot of land litualed in llutler borough, llutler county, I'a, bounded and described as follows,to-wit, On !h«- north by lands of fiutler Havings ami Trust<'on<pany..tohn Lawall, II rillow heirs et al, on the ea .t by South Main street, OM the. south by other lot of I > || Wuller heirs and on the west by mi alley, said lot front- feet and one inch on said Houth Main stri'4't and extending back westward om hundred and eighty r« et, to said alley ami havlnu th«r«on erected a two-story brlcl* store bulldlfiM ALSO Of, In and to all that certain pleci or lot of land, situated in Jtutlcr Kutler county, I'a, bounded as follows. 10 wit : On th« north by other lot of l> II NVul ler heirs, on the e;»>t liy South Main Ntreet on th« outli Sy lot of Al ItufT and on tin wast by an alley. >.;ild lot having 11 frniitaui' of tivi-uty feet on said Hoatli Main street, and i-xti'iiilliiK liiu'k wi-stw:iri| onii liuniiri-il i-lKhty feet to said alley, ami having t lien-on ••n i-li il a two-story lirli-k store IjuI l<lI>■»; Sel/.i il ami taken In execution as the prop erty of Mary Wuller anil Johanna Wulforat the suit of Joseph WeKt, Friday, tin? 11 ill iluy of Doo. f A. I). \'.*U. >it I o.clock j». ui., the following dc-.crlbed property, to-wlt: EI) No, Ti'irn, 190 H. Kvcret L, Kalst-Oti, Al toriiey. All th,rlKht. title. Interest and Halm of Homer K. Kclster and Kllen A. Krister, of. In MIX! to all that certain pleise or parcel of lurid, situated HI Hllpperyrock township, I'.ut ier county, l'a.. hounded as follows, to wit: On tin north by land* of Thomas dinkey, i.*t Hi. "n ' he east by lands of Hubert Kalstun. i t ul, on rhu Hont h by lands of ICOIMII 1(IL I Hon and Ci«*ortin l\clst,cr anil on t h'i VV«*ht by land* of W. M. II umphrcv, run - talnlnK HW more or less, and fiavln# tlnr»'(III crwMi'd a framo IIOUM* and out bulldinKH. Hi l/« 'I and lak»*n In (ixer*utlon as the prop erty of Iforner IC. Iwlstcr and Klhn A Kei*tcr at the Milt-of lOvcret L KaUton, for tine of Fll/ttb('l h Ollkey. K1) No. :/>. Ileccmber Turin, IW).i. I .»npn r and Nliinln A .Muijln, At|orie*y. AII tlits rltfht, tlth*. Interest and claim of J. ll'oioter, .1. If. < oultcr and M. of. In it nil to all 11* At certain piece »ir nar<e| «»f land, ►Hunted In ' entre township, llutler < ounty, I'M nownded US follows, lo wit: On the tiofrth by lamls o/ Mr« Wllhemlna I lei'tffr. on the Mist i»y tin* Ilutlcr and "■tt 1' er r»»ad,on the sont hby lands of I'resli y lleck and on tie- went bv lands of Kliner J. Ivunne'ly, cofitilnln« Four a<*re»i, more or l« • t. and having thereon erected a frame house,frame store bulidlng anil frame stable*. Al>o Of, In and to all that eertaln piece or parcel of land, »ltuat<d In t'entre town- Hliip, Ilutlcr County, l'a., Ixuimled as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Abe I lee«« r, I»r. Ilollman, et al. on the iad by lands of II II l-.iHot t, I'llnton Klllott, <ir.orun I'awson'H heirs and Andrew Helper, on the Houi hby public road, lands of .1 l > Hrnlt h and Jonepli « arnahaii. on the west by lands of Oliver Httiuichton. Henry Volamh OeorK*' y'ainum. Samm-I Allen and .I I'Hmllh, con taining ilM> acres, more or lens, and having 1 hert on < re< tud a fr,imc |ioust«, I"U barn and oul btil Ul Inu v H««i/e<l and talon In exei'iitlou as the prop erty of J i) lon it er, J H i oulter and M < 'oulter al the null of John Iterg A I*o. TKKMM oi HAM-: The following must be Htrlctly compiled with when property 1m strh'.ken dowp. 1. Wh"n t he plaint lir or other Hun creditor becoin« » the puichahi r, the costs oil the writ inU'tt be paid, and a list of the liens, liu'ltul IUK moi t gage searches on the property sold toother With such lien creditor's receipt* for l liii amount of the proceeds of the sale <»r siM'h port ion thereof an he may claim, must be furnished the tfherl/T. 2. All bld»* must be nald In full. A. All sales not nettied Immediately will be continued until one o'clock, I'. M., of the nest day at whlcb time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first nofll. ♦Hee I'urdon's Idgest, Wth edition, page 4til, and Hmlth's I orm », page .'tH4. MAKTIN 1,. OIUSON, HherllT Miertff's Olllce. Ilutb r. l'a.. Nov. U, |0O;i. L. S. McJUINKIN insurance and Real Eslate Agent. 11/ l',. Jl'.l in'RSON PA VI r\ HERKIMER, Funeral Director. r»/ 5 IVlfin S' Butler PA LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania in Bankruptcy. In the matter of i Moses Isaac Bernstein. -Xo. 225t5, in Bank- Bankrupt. 1 ruptcy. To the creditors of Moses Isaac Bernstein of Butler, in the county of Butler and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Xotice is hereby given that on the 2nd day of Xov.. A. D. 1910. the said Moses Isaac Bernstein was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of J. W. Hutchison. Referee in Bankruptcy. Xo. 114 X. W. Dia mond. Butler. Pa., on the 23rd day of Nov.. A. D. 1903. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at which time the -aid creditors may appear, prove their Claims, -appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. November 9th, 1903. J. W. HUTCHISOX. Iteferee in Bankruptcy. Proofs of claim must lie accompanied by 50c filing fee. ~ CITATION. BCTI.EU COUNT V. SS: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Martin L. Gibson. High Sheriff of Butler county. Pennsylvania, Greeting: Whereas, At an Orphans' Court held at Butler, in and for said county, on the second day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three, be fore the Honorable Judge thereof, the peti tion of Edith Shull for inquest to make par tition of real estate-of Mrs. Jemimah Shull. deceased . was presented, setting forth, that her grandmother, Jemimah Shut), late of the Borough of West Sunbury. Butler county Pa., died on the day of A. I). 1881. in testate, leaving to survive bar, legal repre sentatives as follows: Three sons. Henry Shull. Perry Shull, and John G. Shull and one daughter. Sarah Shull. That the said Henry Sliull dlel on the - day of A. I) . 1-U5. intestate, leaving to survive him a widow. Ida Shull of Wi st Sun bury. liutler county, Pa., and children as follows. Sheridan Shull. residence unknown; Harry Shull of West Sunbury borough, of Butler county. Pa . Mosseim Shull, of West Sunbury Borough. Butler county, Pa., Etta Shull, Intermarried with Andrew Bush of East Smcthport, Mc- Kean county. Pa.; J.aura Shull, Intermar rl- d with William Fhell. of *C4 Liberty St., Allegheny City, l'a., and Lizzie Shull of West Sunbury, Pa., all of whom are aged more than twenty-one years. That the said Perry Shull, died on the day of A. D. Iss4, intestate, leaving to survive him a wilow, Susan shull, of 205 Scottwood ave.. Elmlra. N. Y.. and children as follows. Charles Shull, of :.ll Gregg street, Elmlra. N. Y.; W. 1). Shull, of 211 Gregg St.. Elmlra, N. Y.;J. P. Shull, of 218 Elgth street. Beaver falls. Pa.; and Annie Shull, Inter married with Breaden, of 210 Loral lie Place. Pittsburg, l'a.. all of whom are aged more than twenty-one years.ana John Shull. who died Intestate, leaving to survive him a widow. Shull, of No. 19 Bank street, Salem,Ohio, and now known as Mrs. Kobert Stuart, and one daughter. Bertha Shull. of No. 19. Bank street. Salem. Uliio. aged thir teen years. That the said John G. Shull died on the 2nd day of Oct.. A. D. 1902, intes tate. leaving to survive him an only daugh ter, Edith Shull, who is aged more than 21 years, and Is your petitioner herein of West Sunbury borough, liutler Co.. Pa. That the said Sarah Sbnll, is Intermarried with A. N. Bryson. and lives at Wellsville, N. Y. That the above named are all of the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent. Mrs. Jemimah Shull. And there are no other persons interested. These are therefore to command you, the said heirs and parties Interested to be and appear before the said Judge at an Orphans' Court to 1m? held at Butler, for the said coun ty otiiutier, on the 2nd Monday of Decem ber, llrfM, at - o'clock in the noon of said day, to show cause why an Inquest to make parti tion sl»ould not be awarded as prayed for and to submit to such other orders and de crees as the said Court shall make touching the premises. Witness the iloeucable James M, Oal brei/th, President of our said Court, the 2nd day of November, A. U. l'jnj. GEORUE M. GRAHAM, Clerk of Courts. MARTIN L.GIBSON. Sheriff. CITATION. BUTLER COUNTY, gg: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Martin I/. Gibson, High Sheriff of Butler county. Pennsylvania. Greeting: Whereas, At an Orphans' < ourt held Jit Butler In and for said county, on the fifth day of September, In the year of our Lorn, one thousand nine hundred and three, be fore the Honorable Judtre thereof, the peti tion of Rosa Bayer of the Borough of Butler, In said county, was presented setting forth, that Jordan Eyth. late of the Borough of Butler, In said county, died on or alx>ut the 29th day of May, ISA, Intestate, having to survive him the following namod children, to-wlt: Margaret, widow of Tomer, re siding In Pitts ford, Monroe Co ,N. V.; Albert, residing in Braddock, Pa.; Mary, now de feased, leaving to survive her a husband Peter Niggle, residing In Pittsburg, Pa., and eight children, namely: Stella, In tor marrled with Anthony Kohr, residing in Butler, Pi., Agnes. Rose, (ieorge, William, Irene, Jordan and Elner, all seven of whom r« side with their father, Agnes and George being of age; Minna,intermarried with Htehle. but not heard from for eighteen years; CharJcs, not heard from for soven te*jn years; Michael, residing In Allegheny, Pa.; Rose, inter-married with George Bayer, residing in Butler. Pa.; Lizzie, now in Ulx- TXn 4 - W. Va. Th«*»e arc tltf'ri-fon- to cotumund you, the s:ti«i ii«-ir-> and DirtiM Interested. t<» i»<- i ad appear lie fore tin* »aI«J Jadue at an Orplians' < ourt to be held at Hulier. for the said <"<»unty of llutler. on the ?th day of Deocin l>er, l!*J.'l t at 10o'clock* In the forenoon of *ald day, to show cauie- why partition of citato should not IM: made ami to submit to such other order* and decrees an the Mild Court shall 11 aue touching the premties. Wilness the llonorabU) James M. Gal brcat h, I'resldent of our said (V>urt at llut ler. the 10th day September, I INKS. UKOJtOI. M. (iHAHAM, (Jiork of < ourts MARTIN L. (JIHSON, HherllT. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Lettera of administration having be«u granted to the undiTHiKiied on the estate of Atuoit dws'd , late of Centre towtißbip, Untler (Jo., Fa., nil pefonH knowing thcnmelveH indebted to wtiid estate are hereby requested to uiiike i in - mediate payment, and any having claim* RKHtliHt the 'nine topreu nt them duly authenticated for Hettleincut to JOHN N. ALLISON, Adrn'r.. tt. F. 1). No. 1, Butler, l'a. WILLIAMS & MITCHKLL, Att'yu. 111208 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of /idiuiuistration on the estate of .lohn-T. Wirk.-dncoiwd.late of Con cord twp , Uutler county, FH., having been granted to the undersigned, all persona kno*inn them selves Indebted to Maid estate will please make immediate payment, and any havinK('laim*t Hiiid estate will prenent them duly authenticated for settlement to HAKUY E. CONN, ) West Sunbnry. Pa. J. 11. WII;K, f A "" rH K. F. I). ?H, Chicora. Fa, J (JKO. W. FLI'.KOKK, Att'y, 11 13 08 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary in the estate of Isaac Donaldson, der'd., late uf Cliiy twp.,Untler (Jo., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and all havinu bills against same will pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment to A. 11 THOMPSON, Kx'r., W. Hiinbury, Fa. • JACOII M. FAINIKH, Att'y. 11 .*» O:I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters tiit.unenfary on the estate of Mrs Catharine Harbison, used, Into of Middlesex township, But ler county, Fa., have been grant i ll to the undersiKued, all persons know inn themfelvi-M to lie indebted to said • t,ato are hereby requcatcd to make prompt piiyini'iit and those Iriving I IHIIIIS against tin- estate will present the same duly authenticated for settle merit to UoHKItT H. IIAUHIHON, / I.'-- RU Ma XV II II AKItISON, t ' K. F D. No. a;j, Valencia, Fa. UKKKKS, Attorneys. 10-2M-08 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on I he estate of Itachel Hnyder, di-c'd., lute of lJrady lp liutler Co, .having ls-en granted to the undersigned. all persons knowing them telves indebted to the said estate will make Immediate payment., and all buy ing claims iiKaiii"! said estate will pre i-eiit them duly authenticated for pay mcnt to J. <KNYI»KK, Adiu'r., H. F. 1). ■'><!. Hllpperyrock. Fa. .1, l> Mi .lttNKiN, Att'y. I<» 15-08 MISCELLANEOUS. WM. 11. WAI.KKM, StinvKVon, Itealdencc 214 W. lVarl St., Itutlcr, Fa. T JAM US DOE/OFE I • LICKNIKO AOCTIONKf* I ni| nii 1- at ShcritT'aofl'.oe or 416 Mifflin ft. Butler I'a f 1 F. h. McCJIMSTION, Civil, KMOINKKU ANI. SIJKVKVOU. Office it*nr Court ifou"** WM WALKN». CHAM. A. MI I'.I.VAIN WALKER & McELVAIN. 807 lln| lef ('inility National Bank Hldg. I KM. KiTATK INHt'H \N< K Oil, rUol'l.i Tll > i I.OANH lIOTII I'IIOMK*. REGISTER S NOTICES. The Register hereby gives notice that the j following accounts of executors. adminls- ! trators ana guardians have lieen filed in ' this office according to law. and will be pre sented to Court for confirmation and allow- I ance 011 Saturday, the 1-th day of Dec.. l'JttL at 8 A. M.. of said day: 1. Final account of W H Cooper, admin- ! istmtor of John Cooper, deceased, late of | Adams township 2. Partial account of Albert Neobert and [ Charles Gunst. executors of John Gunst. deceased late of Jefferson township. 3. Final account of 1' S Barnhirt. adtnin ls! rator of Joseph Itarnhart. deceased, late j of Fairview township. 4 Final account of Mary A Jack and A P .'ack, administrators of A J Jack, deceased, late of Washington township. j. Final account of E C Thompson, guar dian of Georgie Williams, minor child of Grant Williams, deceased, late of Slippery rook township. 0. Final account of C A Wise, executor of Frederick Pliugh. deceased, late of Franklin township. 7. Final account of John C Graham execu tor. of Barbara Maxwell, debased, late of Butler borough. s Final account of WS ( ashdollar. guar il 111 if Edwin C Gilleland, minor child of John Crawford Gilleland. deceased, late of Adams township. Final and distribution account of S M Bailey, executor of Margaret Bailey, de ceased. late of Marion township. in. Final account of Ada M Kumbaugh, administratrix of It O Kumbaugb. deceased, late of Butler borough. 11. Final account of M I Davidson, execu tor of William McCombs. deceased, late of Adams township. 12. Final account of Margaret A Bryan and Marinda C Bryan, executors of K S Bryan, deceased, late of Cherry township. 1:;. Final account of J B Wasson. guardian of liartholemew Sweeny, minor child of Pat rick Sweeny, deceased, late of I'arker twp. H. Final account of J B Wasson. guardian of Minnie May Sweeny, minor child of Pat rick Sweeny, deceased, late of Parker two. 15. Final account of J B Wasson. guardian of Mary Ellen Sweeny, minor child of Pat rick Sweeny, deceased, late of I'arker twp. hi First partial account of Phllomena L' nsner and Wm M l.ang, executors of Charles Wagner, deceased, late of Jefferson township. 17. Final account of William II Carson, i.lminlst rator of Mary 1) Carson, deceased, late of Buffalo township. I*. Final account of Mary A Bauman, ad ministratrix of Frank J F Bauman, de ceased. late of Jefferson township. lit. Final account of Margaret Turner ex ecutrix iff William Turner, deceased, late of Connoquenessing township. JO. Hnal anil distribution account of Henry N Troutman. administrator of lViul Troutman, deceased, late of Butler borough. 2J. final account of Nancy C McCall, ex ecutrix of Mary C Smith, deceased, late of Clay township. 22. First and final account of A W Dunn, administrator of Effie McCandless, deceased, late of Muddycreek township. Si. Final account of J M 1 light, executor of Sarah A Ramsey, deceased, late of Jackson township. 24. Final account of J 11 Kidd adminis trator of Robert Kidd, deceased, Tate of Adams township. 25. Final account of Mary O'Neil, execu trix of Belle O'Neil, deceased, late of Butler borough. -■•j. Final account of Henrietta F.agan, ad ministratrix of Patrick Eagan, deceased,late of Butler korough. 27. Final account of Thomas II Greer, ad ministrator of S Ii lla/.lelt, deceased, late of Wlntield township. '•>. Final account of Alexander Pollock, administrator of J Addison Elliott, de ceased, late of Centre township. 29. Final account of Jacob C Brown, ad ministrator of Rosanna Brown, deceased, late of Clay township. 30. Final account of P 0 Prugh, guardian of Clara Brown, now Painter, minor child of Mary A Brown, de< eased. 31. First I'arli tl account of Frank 11 Murphy, executor of the last will and testa ment of Dr J W F Moore, deceased, late of Butler borough. 32. Final account of Mary A Black and O F Black, executors of Archibald Black, de ceased, late of Donegal township. XL i'iiral account of the Guaranty Safe I It-post and Trust Co. administrator 1) B N. C T A of Dr S I) Bell, deceased,late of Butler borough. 31. Final account of 11 A Bell, executor of Dr S D Bell, deceased, late of Butler lioro as stated by Guaranty Safe Deposit and Tiust Co, administrator of H A Bell,now deceased. :13. Final account of Guaranty Safe De posit and Trust Co. administrator of Harry A Melt, deceased, late of butler borough. M. Final account of IJ II Black, adminis trator of W C Black, deceased, late of llruln borough. :17. Final and distribution acceunt of Lewis M Double, administrator of Mary M Double, deceased, late of Slipperyris'k twp. :w. Final account of (j A nlble and W 3 Wlhle, Jr. administrators of Win 8 Wlble, hr. deceased late of I'enn township. :iu. Final account of Geo V Dutter, admin istrator of the estate of Iteulien Dutter, de ceased, late of Coniioquenesslng township. 10. Final account of Ll/.zle ltedick, admin istratrix of W W ltedick, deceased, late of Harmony borough. 41. Final account Of W P McCoy, adminis trator of Hugh McCoy, deceased, late of Worth township. 42. Final account of Kathrlno Flanegan. administrator of John Flanegan, deceased, late of llutler borough. J. I'. DAVIS, Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE KSTATE OF KKV. N. E. UKOWN, DEC'D. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Rev. N. E. Brown, deceased, late of Worth township, Butler county, I'a., have been grunted to thfe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate rrnuCOltd tr> m«kc lilVilt, ttilU those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. A. T. BLACK, Executor, Armory Building, 0-17-03 Butler, Pa EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of James Forsythw, dee'd., late of Adams township, Butler Co., Pa., having l>een granted to the undersigned, all persons kriowning themselyes indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay meet, and any having claims against snid estate will present them duly authenticated fur settlement to JOHN It. FOUSYTHE, I .. „ W. A. SLOAN, f Mars, Pa. W. H. LUSK, A tt'y. 9-10-03 NOTICE Estate of William Koenig, lale of Butler bon>ugb, Butler Co., Pa., dee'd. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves to be in debted to said estate to mnke immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to MKH. ANNIE K. KOKNM, Admr'x., No. 1H Isabella St., 11. 11. (JOUCHKK, Allegheny City, I'a. Attorney, Butler. Pa. U 10-03 EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of John Wiley, Sr , dee d., late of Clinton twp.,Butler Co., Pa..having been grant ed the undersigned, ull persons known ing themselves indebted to stud estate will please make immediate payment, and any having clsims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to THOS. WILEY, I . JOHN WILEY, F W. D. Bit AN DON, Haxonbnrg, J'a. Attorney. II 3 1)3 FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE A FINE UPRIGHT PIANO TO THE PERSON GETTING THE LARGEST NUMBER OF COUPONS, GET A COUPON WITH EVERY PAIR OF SHOES AT ; Ketterer Bros 221 H. Main Ht XL MIUTIIA A IIUOWN. :■.-(•» r.th Ave. I'lt'siiurg. I'a., IN sell your lien I I on 1. I nrni or IIUKIIIOSS. I orn Kpoudl 11, .- solicit ell I A 1.1. tItAN 14 ACTIONS U>N riIIKMTI AL.. PROFESv JNAL CARDS. ATTORNEYST RP. scorr, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office on second floor of Armorj Building, Butler, Pa. I T. scorr, A. ATTORNEY' AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But ler. Pa. pOULTER & BAKER, V ATTORNEYS AT T,AW. ROOM 8.. Armory buildin fc . JOHN W. COULTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office with R. C. McAboy, J. P., south side Diamond. Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank JD. McJUNKIN, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Reiber building, cornet Main and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on Main street. 1 B. BKEDIIs, F) • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. EVERETT L. RALSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Fisher Building. First door on South Main street, next my former office in Boyd Building. HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wise building H. NEGLEY, J. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Negley Building, West Diamond LP. WALKER, • NOTARY' PUBLIC, BUTLER, PA. Office with Berkmer, next door to P. O. PHYSICIANS, pEO. M BEATTY, M. D., U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in John Richey Building. Office Hours—9-11 A. M., 2:30-5:30 P. M.. 6:30-8:30 P. M. Sunday—9-10:45 A. M., 1-3.00 I'. M. Night calls 331 N. Washington St. People's Phone 739. DR.HTJ. NEELY, Rooms 6 and 7, Hughes Bnild'ng, South Main St. Chronic diseases of genito urinary organs and rectum treated by the most approved methods. Hemorrhoids anil Chronic Diseases a Specialty. WII. BROWN, M. D., • Office in Riddle building, Diamond, next door to Dr. Bell's old office. Office Hours; —9 to 11 a. m., I to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. / i EO. K. McADOO, M. D. VI EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, Exclusively. Hours—9-12, 1-5. Both Phones. Troutman buildiug, S. Main St. "j C. BOYLE, M. D. FJ . EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, After April Ist, office in former Dr. Peters' residence, No. 121 E. Cunning haul St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times printing office. PLARA E. MORROW, D. 0., V GRADUATK BOSTON COLLEGE OK OSTKOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9to 12 m., a to 3 p. m People's Phone 573. 1/6 S. Slain street, Butler, Pa /I M.ZIMMERMAN VI. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON At 327 N. Main St. LR. HAZLKTT, M. D., . 106 West lJlamond, Dr. Graham's fonner office. Special attention given to Itye, Note and Throat. People's Phone 564. OAMUITL.M. BIPPUS, KL PHYSICIAN ANO OVUOBOH aoo West Cunningham St. DR. JULIA E. FOSTER. DR. CLARENCE M. LOWE. OSTKOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building Butler. Consultation and examination free, daily; and evenings hy appointment DENTISTS. \\J J. HINDMAN. VY . DKNTIST. l'J7i South Main street, (over Metzer's shoe store.) I iR. 11. A. McCANDLESS, II DKNTIST. Office in HutlorConnty National Hank liuildiuK. 2nd floor. HI! WICK, DKNTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. DR. M. D. K.OTTRAIIA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DKNTIST Office at No 114 K. Jefferson St., over G. W. Miller's grocery J J. DONALDSON, • DKNTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest Improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office next to postoffice. f\R J. WILBERT McKEE, 1' SURGKON DKNTIST. Office over C. E.Miller's Shoe Store. 2<5 S. Maiu street, llutler, I'a. Peoples Telephone 505. A s|>ei-ialtv made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridjfe work. . I HOLIDAY | I JEMS, I I JEWELRY, I I SILVER. I H It is not difficult to select ■ ■ appropriate gifts for Yule- B ■ tide, but of all, what elseß Kg has the real Intrinsic B fl worth of a diamond, al fl watch, a piece of real cut B B V.lass or something In the B B line of silver? Such gifts B Bas these are substantial, B Blasting—frequently hand-B Bed down from generationß fl to generation. B I] Ralston & Smith, I | JEWELERS, I B 110 W. Jefferson Street. B H. (i. Allison, funeral Director, Bell IMi<;nc No. 3. liaKerstown, Pa. EYESIGHT AND DOLLARS. THEY ARE AT HOTEL LOWRY I The Expert Opticians and Eye Strain Specialists and will j be at Hotel Lowry, Novem ber, 23 and 24, Giving Free; Examinations of Eyes. Prices from $2 to SB. None Asked to buy. Go and See Them. Your eyes art worth more than your dollars. In eye service cost is a second ary consideration, yet extravagance is unnecessary if you "come to us. Many suffer from headache, nervousness and dizziness who do not suspect the cause. Sixty per cent of these troubles come j from defective eyes. If yon have any trouble come and see us. We will tell you after examining your eyes if you have any of these troubles and where the trouble is located, without asking a question. It is better to come now than to spend hundreds of dollars after you have lost your sight. Our examination is scientific, careful and thorough. Mr. Dan McGrady, who lives two miles from Fenelton. Pa..Butler county, says: "I have always been bothered with my eyes bnt never fonnd any one that could fit me with glasses. I got so I could not read with any comfort or for only a few minutes at a time. Two weeks ago I called on Mr. and Mrs. Ma haffey and Miss Miller at Butler and had my eyes examined and was soon made to see at a distance perfectly, also to see to read the finest print with per fect ease. I have tried my glasses and can cheerfully recommend these eye specialists to any one who has trouble with his or her eyes. 60 YEARS' I P J gj 1 L mX I i 1 1 I > I 11 i k I TR^ DriiMi"" l ' COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain om opinion free whether an Invention 1* probably p«te"t»hle C<immunlc*. tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency for securingjpatenta. Patent * taken through Munn * Co. receive tpecial notice ; without charge. In tbo Scientific American. A tuui<l»ome!y llloiitr»led weekly. <rtr- MUNN & Co. 36,8ro ~ , -» New York Branch office. IBS Y Bt_ W«*hltmton. D.C. ■ ] LOOK AT THE LABEL Pasted on your paper, (or on the wrapper in which it comes,) for a brief but exact statement of your subscription account. The date to which you have paid is clearly given. If it is a past date a remittance is in order, and is re spectfully solicited, Remember the subscription price, SI.OO a year in advance or $1.50 at end of year. W. C. NEGLEY, Butler, Penna. «rif the date is not changed within three weeks write and ask why. THE KICKER. A Theory of His Else and Progress. The word "kicker" la no more slang, but an honorable term admitted by the lexicographer to the round table of English speech. This acceptance of the word proves that there was a real need for it; that a certain class of people had no word in the English language to fitly designate them. As a class these kickers must be as modern as the word which describes them. They are in ef fect a new product of our latest civiliza tion. The word which describes the kicker is picturesque. It suggests the mule whose kicking is usually done out *L f A f I \ of pum wantonness ; which kicks in sea son and out of season, at everything or at nothing as the case may be. The torm kicker scarcely needs definition. \Ve know exactly what it means, as well as we know the chronic fault-finder it designates. TRK RISK or TIIK KICKER. Any one who cares to trace the rise of the kicker will find that he keeps paoe with the prevalent American disease, dyspepsia. All kickers may not be dyspeptics, but all dyspeptics are surely ktckefs. They are everlaating lault finders. Nothing goes right for them in the family or in business. There ie always a dead flyMn their ointment. It is a miserable condition for the dyspep tic and his friends. Ho really cau't lielp tiimself. His nerves ore strained to the Imlt of endurance. Ills ears are like megaphones magnifying every little sound to the shock of thunder. Ilia eyes lose sense of perspective and be sees mole-hills as mountain*. lie it suspicious, jealous, unreasonable and obstinate ; and all these things are only symptoms of the disease which Is starv ing and weakening the entire nervous system and reaching out toward heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and other organs. ft WHAT CAN UK LION It POR HIM t What can be done for the victim of dyspepsia ? He can lie cured. He can lie given a new start in life. He can be made the tmlnhle. companionable man he waa of old. He can once more eat with ap petite and enjoyment, work with energy, and sleep the night through in sound, dreamless slumber. This is not a mere empty claim un supported by facts. The statement that the dysj>eptic can be cured is made on the autlioMty of tliousaudn of men and women, who bavc been entirely curtd Jury List for December Term. GRAND JUKY. List of names drawn from the proper jnry wheel on this, the 81st day of Oct. 1903, to serve at a regnlar term of court, commencing on the first Monday of Dec., 1908. the some being the 7th day- of said month: Campbell J F. Eau Claire boro. fanner. Critchlow Richard, Slippery rock twp, farmer. Cochran James P. Mercer twp, farmer. Criswell John, Mars boro, liveryman. Craig E E, Millerstown boro, cleik. Dobson Geo. Cherry twp, farmer. Douthett B W. Connoqnenessing twp. farmer. Drushell Henry, Forward twp, farmer. Forsythe Allen. Adams twp, farmer. Forcht John, Bntler twp. farmer. Grohman W A F. Bntler 4th ward. music teacher. Kennedy J R. Adams twp. pumper. Kline A W,Connoqnenessing tp, farmer. Leithold Wm. Butler sth ward, farmer Moore S E, Washington twp, fanner. Miller Jacob, Adams twp, farmer. Moyer Otto, Harmony boro, clerk. Mayberry Chas. Slippery rock boro, merchant. Nigh Peter, Snmmit twp. farmer. Swain W A, Jackson twp, surveyor. Serena Martin L, Fairview twp, farmer Sntton D H, Butler Ist ward, farmer. Taylor Tbomas. Cherry twp, tanner. White Robert A. Butler 3rd ward, gent. A list of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this, the 81st day of October, 1908, to serve at regnlar of court, commencing on the second Monday of December 1903, as petit jurors, th* same being the 14th day of said mouth: Albert William, Oakland twp, farmer. Collens J D. Fairview twp. farmer. Cnrrie Samuel, Concord twp. farmer. Cromling Henry, Petrolia boro,butcher. Cleeland Thomas J, Mnddycreek twp, farmer. Crouthers Jamison. Cherry twp, farmer. Campbell Milton, Concord twp, farmer. Dean Albert, Butler 3rd ward, grocer. Dierkin Peter E. Oakland twp farmer. Dautnb Fredrick,Millerstown bo,mason. Easley A F, Donegal twp, farmer. Eichotz Lewis. Lancaster twp, farmer. Ellenberger Charles, Fairview tp, farmer. Flemming James W, Buffalo tp.farmer. Forcht George, Summit twp, farmer. Fair W D. Brady twp, farmer. Freshkorn Nicholas, Jackson tp.farmer. Gilchrist Curtis. Cherry twp, farmer. Herr Charles E. Butler 4th ward,editor Helmbold John R, Saxonbnrg borough, merchant. Johnson C C, Centre twp, farmer. McCullougb S S, Prospect boro, farmer. McCandless J W, Venango twp, farmer. McCoullough A A, Fairview tp. farmer. Morrow George,Slipjieryrock tp.farmer. Mecbling Aljert, Sunbury bor, carriago painter. McMeckin W J, Fairview twp. farmer. McGill William, Harrisville borough, carpenter. Micheals William, Bntler twp, farmer. McAllen Joseph. Clay twp, farmer. McConnall Oeodr, Cranbeny tp, farmer. Morrison W J, Slippery rock bor, farmer. Perucker Wm. Millerstown bor.farmer. Penfield R S, Millerstown bor,principal. Passavant C S, Zelienople bo. merchant Rahiser J C, Forward twp, farmer. Rookeustine Anthony, Bntler sth ward, merchant. Stoner William J, Clay twp, farmer. Skillin John K, Buffalo twp. farmer. Sloan L C, Esu Clair boro, carpenter. Sefton Robert D, Clinton twp, farmer. Trontman Pillip, Penn twp. farmer. Vorhees G C, Butler 2nd ward, driller. Wilson L, Slippeiyrock boro, liverman. Wilson James, Worth twp. farmer. Wolford Charles M, Millerstown boro, pumper. Younkins John, Bntler 4th ward, oil producer. Ziegler Ira, Zelienople boro. butcher. The BOTteR OTizeN. fI.OO per year If paid In advance. otherwU# $1.50 will bo cnarged. Advehtisinq Rates— One Inch, one tlms $1; each subsequent Insertion 90 cents each Auditors' and divorce notices t* each; exec utors' and administrators' notices |3 oach est ray and dissolution notices (2 each. Read ing notices 10 cents a Hue for first and 5 cents for each subsequent Insertion. Notice* amonxlocal newsltems 15 cents a line for e*ch In sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks resolutions of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line, money to accompany the order, jeven words of prose make aline. Rates for standing cards and job work on application. All advertising Is due after first Insertion, transient advertising must be paid All communications Intended for publica tion In this paper must lie accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publica tion bui a guarantee of itooa faith.and should . reach us not later than Tuesday evening. Death notice* must lie accompanied with responsible name of dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Meaical Discovery. It always helps. It almost always cures. O. S. Copenhaver, Esq., of Mount Union, Huntingdon Co., Pa. (Box aaa), writes: "About twelve years ago I was suddenly taken with a pain in the pit of the stomach which was ao violent I could not walk straight. It would grow more severe until it caused waterbrash and vomiting of a slimy, yellow water. I consulted a physician and he told me I had a form of dyspepsia and treated me for about six months with but little benefit. I still kept getting so weak I could scarcely wait. I then tried an other physician and he told me my liver was out of order and that I had indiges tion. He gave me a treatment ana I Sot some better, but only for a short me. I then tried another one who aaid I had chronic indigestion, ulcera tion of the lining of the Kornacn, torpid liver and kidney affection. He treated tnr for more tnan a year and I felt much better but it did not last. X then took to using eereral widely advertised pateut medicines, but received no mora than temporary relief while using. I then tried Dr. Plerce'a medicines, using his 1 Golden Medical Discovery,' 'Ft vorite Prescription' and the 'Pleasant Pelleta' and in two months' time I was feeling better than I had for years be fore. I can truthfully aay Dr. Pierce's medicines did me more good than any I bad ever taken.** Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov cry cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digeetion and nutrition. It restores bodily strength by enabling the assimilation of food which is the •ource of nil physical atrengtli. It acts directly on the blood-making glands, in creasing their activity and so increasing the aupply of blood which ia enriched And nurtfled by the "Discovery." "Golden Medical Discovery " contain* no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics and injurioua drugs. I)o not aocept any substitute for the "Discovery " though claimed to be "just as good." "Golden Medical baa cured when all other medicine# have failed. There U nothing elae "just aa good." #35,000.00 OIVKN AWAY. The coet of the copies of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser (ex elusive of expense of mailing), given away last year was over $1 5,000.0 a This great work, containing 1008 large Ciges and over 700 illustrations, will be nt you frtt on receipt of (tamp* to pay expense of mailing only. Send *1 one-cent ntampa for the book in durable cloth-binding, or only 31 stamps for it in paper-coven. Address Dr. R. V. Were* BuSfAJo, N. Y.