Kyth Bros. Bargains m Wall Paper AND HAMMOCKS EYTH BROS Next to Old P. O. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate-cure certain. 8«M by Orß«cfeu. or MM PRMM on receipt of price. Humphrey.' Medlrfne Co., Cor. William and Jofca Blfc, >«» Voriu • NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Bold by DrogjUU. or sent prepaid on receipt of prloe. Med. Co., William 4 MM Stfc, H V. Bealth, P.icuVs Hopp: No more "Blue Tired Feelinr. Nervousness, Sleeplessness N.> more Headaches, Constip-sti on. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Phcum-. tism. Sallow Complexion Chi I Colds, Female Troubles, Ect -ti. results of a torpid Liver snf poor, thin Blood. Victor Liver Syrup the Great Liver and Blood, makes ycra well from the*e a IBR-IIV* •' keeps you well. Correspondence so'tciur! VICTOR REMEDIES C< , Frederick, >'« - For sale at Reed's Pharmacy f TArT'S PHILADELPHIA ft ' —DENTAL ROOMS.- K 39 - 6tH Av«., Pittsburg, Pa If : We-repBACTICAI/uYloT'ilCthel 9Tm CROWN end BRinse wort*j A AdT ftw«r|-WHV NOT DOW . ff ffIkYOURS? deli CROWNS IK ■ Ifi/V" t RIOOK *® rk r .T*' 1 i' N * 'W W*B PfR TOOTH Alto f»»« W m.TQNLV >a Si icirHi * BttOWN, m sth Are. PittHbunr. Pa., Can sell jronr Beat Est ate, Farm or Boslneita. Correspondence solicited. AVb THAKSACTIONH (30SriIJ*STIAL. DO YOtJ WAHT TO SELL your farm or other real estate? I can do it for jou. dead me fall partlcnlart. at once. 4-IMS-I* JOHN* BODGEB, IM.KeTstooe Ballding. I'ltUburK. Pa I inaflam Dean's A Mkfte, certain relit ji Hnpprenml MenstruaUon. Never kr-uwn to fiUL Hafe: Hare! Mpeedy I HatUfaction (Guaranteed or money Heftonrte»l. Hen*, prepaid for •MM per box. Will send them on trlaJ, to be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. Hold la Boiler at the Centre Ave P k*mmnr. Just 08 A Night^Cap Take a glass of Le win's Whiskey and water, hot or cold. Brings sotmd sleep, and pleasant dreams. ALWAYS IN BTOCK. Did, LABVK, OTKBHOLT. •vanrani, nr. ftßton. THOAPIWW, OIMOI. MIUI B. BBItM.KPOET, and offer them to von fl year old at |1 per foil quart, S quart* |b 00. OKAVSrATHZX'a CHOICE., whiskey guaraoteedZ years old, 12 00 per gal- Um. We pay express cba r«en on all mail orders of (800 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WlMllil I DIALERS orwnixs AH> UQUOBS. Be U Ssdtkfield Street, PITTSBinte, PA. fksassi Bell 3»« P. * A. wss. OTCTfCANTILE BURRAU, Ircsm First-class Ncr«antllt and Mechanical l»osttl«>im, OSes ' PltUtmv. l'» 434 Fourth Avenue, 3-19-ly CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS && M mfr. Always rcllabl* Esullea, ask nrauls! tin « UMill.'itKK'S BSHULIttIf In RMI «ntf U*l<l m«a!llc scaled with bias ribbon. Tsks no DIIHT. Kffnw dasirrmw s«l»sH tatlMs and Ifslisliosa. Knr of your Imiirsi", «>r Wild 4e. In »t4mp<i far Fsrtiralsrs. Testi nsaalals tu.<i •• Krllrf tor I.xdlrs." in u«'r. by rt>iurs Wsll. IO.OM leittimooisls. twl'l b» ail tmsnists. ciiioanaTsa OHKMJCAL CO. alee Bs<iMa ihssn, ruiix, PA RUBBER STAMPS. .(I STEEL DIES co,#!; STENCILS UNIFORMS LODGE SUPPLIES. /' 25^ - 5_ Av. PITTSBURG. PA. 11-5-08-lm ~>OR 3ALE~BRTCK YA RD Near McKees Rock, Pa New and Ready for Operation. Capac ity 16,000 per day. Wliole product can be sold within one mile of plant. Inquire, T- R PITTOCK, 41 St. Nicholas Bld« , Jl-5-08*lin PfttsburK. Pa. Win. Wuerthele, Billiard and Pool Tables, Bar Fixtures. Office Desks, Chairs, Tables, Partitions, Bookcases, etc. Turning of Billiard and Pool Bolls. Bowling Alley Equip ments. 418 Diamond Street. (Above6»ltii6eldSt.) Pittsburg, Pa. PHiL MAY'S BARGAIN. |s Exp*rlrsr« the Artist Had With a Roving; Conjvrer. An amusing story is told of the artist Phil May and an English conjurer at t fair at Strat ford-on-Avon. Phil was In the crowd which had gathered to watch a very clever gentleman who was wrap ping up sovereigns and half crowns in pieces of paper and selling them for 2 shillings. The "sharp" hud a beautiful face —such a face as Phil May loved to draw. So be sketched .him furtively. But the gentleman saw hiui and made a speech forthwith. "If that there celebrited portrit paint er with the tight breeches on will and up the pieter, the equally celebrited benefactor to 'oomanlty wot is glvin' away quids for coppers will reward 'lni accordingly," he shouted. Phil, with a twinkle in his eye, hand ed up the drawing. The conjurer was delighted with the sketch and pinned It to the tailboard of his cart. With an other preliminary speech, he threw three sovereigns, three half sovereigns and several half crowns into a piece of paper, screwed it up and handed it to the artist. "You'll be president of the bloomiu' R'yal academy some dye, young man." said he. "Here, catch:" "A bargain's a bargain," said Phil, walking off with the packet of gold and stiver. He confessed afterward when he opened the packet and found two pen nies and a halfpenny In it that it was the most entertaining commission he bad ever been paid for. glen Who "Were Literature." Balzac and Hugo were the last of the great men whose inspiration was unceasing and who did not make liter ature. but who were literature. Bal zac wrote a great story at a sitting -a sitting that lasted for eighteen hours. All that while he wrote, for no secretary could keep pace with him, and all that while he lived on black coffee. Then he slept for thirty hours. Hugo wrote "Hernanl" in a month, and we can think of Balzac and Hugo as we think of the great Vene tian living In the glory and exultation of constant creation. Veronese must have Improvised "The Marriage Feast at Cana" with extraordinary ease and I like to think he painted the immortal fiddler in a morning and went out in his gondola In the afternoon thinking he had done a fair day's work. That was how men wrote and painted in the great times before science beckoned them away from the beautiful.—George Moore In Llpplncott's. Brian oil and His A*•. On one occasion Biauchl, the noted teacher, went on the stage to see Brl gnoli, the famous singer, whom he found pacing up and down like a mad man, humming over his part. "Why, Brig, what is the matter wttl> yon? Are you nervous?" he asked. "Yes, I am nervous," was the reply as he walked harder and faster than ever. "But, Brig, you ought not to be nerv ous. Tve heard you sing the part 200 times. I heard you sing it thirty years ago." "Thirty years ago! Who are you that should know so much?" "Who am I? You know who I am, and I know who you are." "Very well; you know what I am, but I am sure you do not know what yoo are, and if you wish I will tell yon. Yon are a fool!" A Boris Bear's Ham. Sir Richard Owen, the eminent anat omist, often had his skill In identify ing bones tested. On one occasion his friend and neighbor. Lord John Bus sell, sent him a specimen for this pur pose, and the professor quickly pro nounced it the thigh bone of a pig. This explanation of the query was sub sequently offered by Lord John: "Pres ident Buchanan had sent from Amer ica to the English statesman the pres ent of 'n choice bear's ham,' and the family bad breakfasted off it several times with much enjoyment. Some how or other, however, suspicion was aroused, and the bone was sent to their scientific neighbor, with the result stated."—Pall Mall Gazette. Peebles. In the "Memoir" of Robert Chambers by bis brother William is a delightful allusion to Peebles, their birthplace and a spot ever warm in the loving mem ery of Scotch residents. One of these, a man who had lived there all his life, was enabled by some uplift of fortune to visit Paris. When he came back his townsmen gravely gathered about him. "Noo," said one, while the others lis tened, "tell us aboot it" "Paris," he began, "a' things consid ered, is a wonderfu' place; but, still, Peebles for pleasure." Ost Aloa* Without It. "Did you ever have inal de mer on your way over to Europe?" asked Mrs. Oldcastle. "No. Josiab took a bottle or two of It along, but when I'm seasick none of them kind of things ever does me a bit of good."—Chicago Record-Herald. Caalesa Tellla*. "Yod can always tell an English man," said the Briton proudly. "Of course you can," replied the Yan kee, "but It doesn't da any good, be cause he thinks be knows it all."—Phil adelphia Ledger. Becomlna Dlseonrsaed. He—Your father did not object to our marriage as inucb as I had expected. She—Oh, poor papa has given up the idea of being too particular.—Brooklyn Life. Uaod nnd Strong. Butcher—Wasn't that a good steak t sent you yesterday? Customer—Oh, It was a good, durable steak.—Life. WHAT IS WEALTH? Health and Ability to Work lielter Than Honey and Worrr- Does wealth consist In money, bouses, lands, bank stocks, railroad IJOIKIH, etc., alone? We think not. The young man storting in life with no money, but with go<Kl digestion, good sleep, good bealth and ability to work In soui« profitable employment, has what the aged capitalist would be glnd to ex change all his millions for. What compensation Is money for sleepless nights and painful days or the misconduct of dissipated children? Which brings the' greater happiness, the glitter, sbo-v. Jealousies and falsity of fashionable life or tho heartfelt friendships which prevail so largely In the homes of tho Industrious poor? In how many of the palaces of our mil lionaires will you find greater happi ness in the parlor than In the kitchen? How many millionaires will tell you that they are liappler now than when starting In life without a dollar? On tho top of mountains wo find rocks and ice and snow. It Is down in the valleys that we find the vim-yards. Let no man envy those richer than himself until taking all tilings Into account—age, health, wife, children, friends-- he Is sure lie would lie willing to exchange. George J. Augell In Our Dumb Animals. Itabld. Noorey—l've heard a rumor that she is to be married. Oldtmche Yes. Noostey—Who's the lucky one? Oldbaehe—Neither of them, If they only knew It. •Philadelphia Press. Wanted. I am looking for dishonest borrow ers—yes. Indeed- fellows who will bor- j row my troubles and never pay them ' basic—New Orleans Times-Democrat \AJugofW|^4\ I A jug the children dance around 1 I'll I in gleeful anticipation. 1 111 Agfo\ / CORN SYRUP J The Great Spread for Daily 'Bread. \ I JJn m The syrup of delight morning, noon or night. I IIM m A syrup that is not only delicious, but a valuable * I JIM M health-maker and body builder. Contains all the jj.l M goodness of corn—the most nutritive cereal I'll M gTowc. Prepared particularly for table and home » \ V I uses. Put up in airtight, friction-top tins which pro- V \\ M tect its purity, making it particularly preferable to m the dusty, uncleanly barrel syrups, ioc, 25c and 50c. / COfl* PRODUCTS CO., Hew York Mid Chicago. | The Butler County Naiional Bank, | BUTLER, PA | | OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY | ;• OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. 1 Capital Paid in ... $200,000.00 % Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 % Surplus and Profits • 180,000.00 — $580,000.00 * | Assets over $2,500,000.00 | I Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000. INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time i without notice. . We mos BOf dially solicit your business either in person or by mail. JOSEPH HA HTM AN, President. Jsro. G. MoMARI.IN, Cashier. § JOHN* V. RITTS, Vice President. A LiftKT C KKUG, Asst. Cashier. f T. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President. W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. | S2OO 000 00. $200,000.00. UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL. Jr.. President. J. 11. TKOUTMAN, Ist Vice I"res. W A. STEIN. 2nd Vice Pres. LOUIS B. STEIN. Treasurer. C. E. CKONENWETT, ABB tTreasur. Will continue to do a general banking business at the old stand and is also prepared to transact a general Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to withdrawal without notice. I Standard Trust Company | RUTfcER, PA. CAPITA*? $150,000.00 | ilnt?r?st Paid on Deposits- | Prompt and Careful Attention to all. * C. O. GR66NbEE, President. _ C. A. sAlfeEy, Sccty. and Treasurer. j THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINH, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLEH. Ass't Cashier. i \w* % ,NTEREST V M WITHDRAWALS^I | WITHOUT NOTICE. 1 I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BAflflC I I OF PITTSBURGH I I 033 9MITHFIELD STREET, 1 I Mail banking Is simple ami convenient. Bend us yoer niowey B ■ by Check, Money Order or Registered Ix-ttcr. By return mail you H II will receive hank book with the amount to your credit and card for ■ ■ your signature. When desiring to withdraw any amount, mail us ■ ■ check on form provided, together with your book, and we will send ■ I ■ you our New York draft which in as good as gold anywhere. ■ ' j f RANK BY MAIL ) J /^nc ' " et t,,e 4 P er ce,lt annual interest and j ' fflt! absolute protection of thin s'rong bank, pfef'Assets over 87,700,000. SERMANIA SAVINGS ¥>K,""' \ WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSftURG. f - J J i The Davis Sewing Hachine tor Sale by W. B. McCuqdlews, 45, Euclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs, HOW~ WE CAN SELL your property no matter what it consist of. A buyer can be found for any thing "with in reason. Our method of doing business is such that when you list your property with us we place it be fore the public in all our papers jv-hich comes with in reach of the entire county. We create a market, and we advertise it continually until it is sold. You get our personal attention and work. We have daily calls from all over for farms, resi dence and business property and we can sell no matter where located if such is placed with us at a reasonable price. We offer the tollowing at present: 3 housea with stores in N. Y. City, rents for fii.GOO, price $70,000. sth Ave. House, in N. Y. City, rente for $6,000, price $55,000. 65 acres, Oxford Co.. Main«. 40 acrts timber, good honse, $3,700. 8 acres. Marion Co., Ore«< n, timber, good honse, $500.00. Hot*-] and Livery Stable, Milton, N H., i cash, $8,500. 5 story honse, GTumercy Park, N. Y. City, $35,000. Send us a list of what yon want t> sell bnt don't have any fancy prices which would keep us from selling. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE CO., 8-27-3 m 25 East 14 St., N. Y. WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Colo-i taught at home, and employment given at once. For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART, Beavi r Falls, Pa. NO SPAVINS SurLS be cnred in 45 minutes. Lump Ja.w, splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M CLUUH, Knoidale, Jefferson Co., Pa VV'VTKD FtremM), Brak«men, Machinist*, 801 l r-makrrs, Itlu-kunltlM ai.a lu-i|wrn for iall r .«.<!«. .iJsoUrl»' rs»]'l all kl»'l« of help. Places wall.ll*. Bureau, 201 Keile ril mri'ft. A ilcglieny, l'a. WA.\TKI»— At onre, glrl« In evrry cai.arlty; |5 to #lO per week; placet or money iSfumlou. Geueral Employment bureau, 201 Federal St.. Allegheny, I'a. 3-19-ly 1 ELECTRO-MECH4!jICAL INSIiTUTc, 2 a 1036 Fifth Ave., Pltuburj-, Fa. - B ■ GIVES INDIVIDUAL UTBTBUCTION ■ ■ ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES I ■ Bail Pbnu 112 Grant. i. T. Snwingtr, Prtil. ■ 1-03-ly HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDINS HABITS, - 4697 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 3-IW-ly Curry College 44TH YEAH, Catalogue Mailed Free on Application J. H. WALLACE, Ph. M , Pre». Penn Avenue, PITTBBUKfiH, PA, 8-27-08-3 m HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer In Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER, PA. PAROID READY OOFINO. IjAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nqjls and Cement in core of each loii. REPRESENTS the result* u years of Experience and Ex perimenting. ONLY requires painting every fewycars Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate *■ or Shingles. I |\EMAND for I'AROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Otljw Facto, Sanjplea and <tro yours if yon will a«k ue. L C- WICK, BLTLFR. PA. Headaches Cured With Glasses. ArtiOtUl Eyc« I-uKcne Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS »«!» VK\ N A V K. OPP. f«l«Ji:BI!|l,l)llVI>. PllTKßtlltt H^y I turn » hr«*(l Winnlnc Munition IMut»tln« it man *ni| Women lomwt llm il»m»nil of tbU pn»i*Tmt» commercial «*« lor rlrcuUM »d<lre«« P DUFF * SONS, Blh > Llt»«rty «»».. PltUburg.Pl. *-:****%: XXXXXXXXXX *TXX **:* J 2 Best Furs $ ■ Don't bay Fnrs nntil you have se*>n onr stock, Greatest as- jn sortuient of fine Furs we have ever shown. Fox. Siberian |V S<jnirrel IJeaver and other fnrs at special low prices. w Cluster Scarfs fI.OO, $1.50. 00 and flr Lone Scarfs, $4.00. $6 (tO, SIO.OO and np. iff Flat Neck Fnrs. #5.00, ss.oo, sl-2.00 and np. of INEW WAIST MATERIALS S No tronble to get suited in Waistingrs if yon see onr assort- Uk went of stylish Vesting. Mercerized Waistings. Velvets and JR Wool Waist Materials jm Great values at 25c, 40c. 50c, 75c and 85c. PLAID RIBBONS. S We are in s»ood shape to supply the demand for uice Plaid Uk Ribbons for neck and hair bows. See the two Special Lota JR we have on Sale under price. a All Silk, 3} inches wide at 19c. W All Silk, 5 inches wide at 35c. jA GLOVES FOR FALL g $ The "Josephine" is the Best Kid Glove ever sold at SI.OO. A P complete new stock of this great SI.OO Kid Glove just re- PJ ceived, all sizes in Black, Slates Modes, Tan. Castor and R Brown. New Shades in a splendid quality Mocha (xloves at U white and slate, at 50c. | L. Stein & Son, | $ 108 N MAIN STREET, SUTLER, PA f +XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXX XXX-* $ Different f \ -T. ± Ready-to-Wear Clothing than you S f ever w ore. This Clothing has that ! tone of elegance about it, that swag- J ger hang to it, that very high eh ass \ \ F ■»ii made-to-order look about it. / \ J' ' Come in and see the Swellest Snits i flt' I "*■ ' An dXAW and TopCoats you ever looked at, C S w'y Iv; such celebrated makes RS / < vSlfll HAMBURGER'S I ' S iImIIIB PRICE no TO S3O. i / Hm?' Our fall Suits and Overcoats are 7 / certainly the greatest value we ever ) ( mfiiU'/lttihll offered. All have padded shoulders ) V mil! will firm fronts. See for yourself. N ff Wil l mm See our window display. \ S mi / f ill! Yours for Clothing, p { itf DOUTHETT & | New Fall Goods. ! til? We are showing an extensive line of advance * Styles of Fall Hats, Tailor- || ITO £ !ii? Made, Ready-to-Wear, Hil I £ :! Dress and Street 1 ,ri 1 : » J ? Ii Always First to Show the New Ideas, f »• ? 1 Rockensteln's I Ji II 828 South Main Street, - - .... Butler, Pa. sgHßa^maHi«Bg!gsgiaigia!aigmigigigiCT»gH jEberleliros^ J plumbers f p Estimates given cn all kinds of work. ? 4 We make a specialty of ? ) NICKLE-PLATED, C J SEAMLESS, / } OPEN-WORK. / 5 People's Phone. 630. C ■. .'.IJ'JIUL' ■ J.. I '., .J I F. -" J!!' I'—JUL. J L! ■ ■ - ■ ■ ■ " £ Gggs «and Poultry 5 C WANT6O UV S jCtymonts & Tavjlorj c Wholesale Dealers In / ) FRUITS AND PRODUCE ? FOR COUNTRy STORES. £ J and 333 E Jefferson St., Sutler. \ S People's Phone 03«, Bell fhouu 353E C I 3C>o ISTot Despair I I I Doctor Kidd Can Cure You With cut a Cutting Operation. £ If nofHrlng from cbrnnir womb and ovarian troub- ! • 1« <, d Hfjlaci mcnlH, painful and irrpgular iteiioils, . •| I, trrviiiM-HS unnatural di"cliargcs, ukor- M ■' r i jL-artiivii-i'i •! •••»•' ' 1 Ot any clirniifc iiilrii< nl:;. »i Me is tlie only doctor devoting "»•'» tvUrg JR-' r ","A'' J'WIP IP women's diseases Ijetwuen >"«w 1 •* and' liiuiiiju. , . ■/ D % Catarrh, J'.ronrliltlc, Antim... Th/oat u \ J.""« t\i | ■ f,; ,-.(d cnwl l.y m.-inHof M.-11. nl Vapor, ilia mwt #ncr.--(,,1 treatment In iliowl 3 ra»c« :L" thev nil ri-pond promptly to l«i* in- IHMI of tr'-aiment. fj W Nervoue" Dlaoroerf cur«l Uy Electricih cienttficalljr applied. S Ifi'tfhiirjjco and leriuH ure mwoaablfj and within tlio rcwch of nil Suffering G Ci W S|' n if you cannot rail, tw til- home treatment in very uttccewful. Knclow stamp i f ,, t i«i,J, H' ii'l i* ccnU in *< •!!!(■«for liook on Diaca»c» of \\oiiipn. Orulnhto >..r» ... at.»ndan«. < '«n»u!«at ion and U-Iv.-O Freo andweredly contidcntial. Oi PICE JlOi'ib Wa. n>. 2 J "'•< Sunday, lth.W a. in. to 4..W p. m. DR. A. R. KID!) S MEDICAL iNsrnurt KOOHIS 202-203 Werner Buii-'inx, 631 Penn Avenue, P»TI«»BURC ? PA. Advertise in the CI TIZBN. I Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN! Cloak and Suit Department: j g/igh. Greatest Suit values in J | OTp mx Butler for Ladies, Misses! > $ off am * including; J { i U ffnl Separate Jackets Cloaks* I ] | rts - | J J* r/Tf O We are ready with a great showing ' Jt Ull 111 I °' Tailor-made Suit*—separate ' v» flkpfkMHf I Coats and Skirts—iu dress and walking ( > * I Wn I ll I lengths, and they represent the vtry , . ¥1 i [ 1 11 I best in their class that have been pro- ' ( J // if J W dnced this season. Like all our ready- < > 1 1 1 J fit If U to wear garments they are all well. . ' Skm I I VWVv 64J made, perfect fitting. Prices extremely ' 'I I lk)\Wtr- low- d All that is newest in materials) ► f OA/ ' >Mk!2ES~_ Ladies' Tailor-made Suits in fancy ' * |i > fufoo* 1 4180 plain c ' o,lw slo.oo— valne< > | ( ( Ladies' Plain Bine, also Black Cheviot Suits of best quality, at - * » 1.118.50. Others ask $25 for same values. Prices range from $lO to SSO | i |' in Suits. Prices in Skirts fcJ.9B up to S4O. Ladies' Separate Jackets s.*>. J < > real value $7.50. Our Ladies'and Misses' Jacket at $lO is a special i leader in quality and price. Same values sold elsewhere at sls ( i 1 a I 1" We call special attention to our elegant . . I ' | J I stock of 1? ura All that is newest in de- ' ' <. t sign and colors, such as grey squirrel. 1 I i I k Isabella and Sable fox, nutria and marten, at , . I k Prices from 98c up to 575.00 , i. | We guarantee to save you 25c on every dollar you invest in Furs |' i here, as our Furs were all bought six months ago, before advance in i k Furs. The first shipments in Fare are always more perfect than later shipments and the prices much less. j 1 ;; Dress Goods | Largest and choicest collection of Dress Goods, Suitings and Novel- 1 ' ' ties this store has ever shown now ready for your inspection and «p- € ► 4 > proval. The prices as in every department in this store LESS than J | . others will ask yon for same values. Price range in novelties, plain and J fancy weaves. 25c to S3 per yard. \ 7Wi 11 inery-HatsTrimmed Free] > . I . In the new Millinery Department, which it now located in our new J ' annex.aud where we have double the space formerly occupied—splendid € 1 \ > ly lighted—large mirrors and experienced attendants -we are showing # | hundreds of artistic designs and models copied from the finest imported 1 ' ' models as well as the creations of onr own work room —all at reasonable % ' ( > prices. Trimmed Hats from s|. 98 np to any price you may wish to f > ,W pay. Be sure and visit our Millinery Parlors before purchasing your J ' winter Hat. We can please you-—we can save you money. \ ' | SPECIAL —We call attention to onr splendid showing of Men's, Wo- 1 i l > men's and Children's Underwear and Hosiery in cotton fleeced and v * I > woolens; also to our immense stock of Blankets, Bed Haps, Outinx ■ * Flannels, Waistiugs and Fancy Vestings. Yarns, Art Goods—in fact ' ( ► everything contained in an up-to-date, reliable dry goods store. Onr { ► > motto—the same or better merchandise for less money than elsewhere, i . . : Mrs. E. Zimmerman.: i Bell Phone OT. RnfUr P« A \ * | People's Phone 136. Duller, * Q• f )POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO<X| I Wall Paper Talk. Selecting Wall Paper is largely a matter of taste. We have everything in color, design and grade. We can suggest color combinations that will be perfect. Call and see NEW WALL PAPERS we are showing. Mouldings to Match all Papers. Just arrived large shipments of Framed Pictures and Mooldings. Bring your pictures and have them framed to order. Patterson Bros' - 236 North Main St., Both Phones, Wick Building. A Han to the Rescue I The Woman In Peril Barely Finds Help From Her Own Sex* It is in no wise to a woman's discredit that she is not a professional life-saver. We can only fancy her in the fireman's helmet, in the crew of the life-boat, or wielding a policeman's club, at the loss of some of that fineness which is the distinguishing quality of her sex. The Molly Pitchers and Orace Darling* are only examplea of the sublime self-for getfulness of women in great emer gences. It's much the same in other ways. Women turn to the strength, skill and judgment of men in the cruet of life. One of the moat common statements made in tha letter* grateful women write to Dr. Piarca, of buffalo, N. V., ia thia: "I owe my life to Dr. Pierce." Theae women have found themselves In great danger. They have appealed Without avail to local phyalcians. They have Counseled in vain with women adviacra. The beat that had been done for them waa just to keep them afloat in tha sea at diaease with ftrength visibly failing, in the hope that the man who had strength and skill to aave them might be found. WOMAN'S APPKAI. ANBWKRHD. Hundreds of thousands of women have appealed to Dr. Pierce, for relief fr&m wmnaniy ilia and not one baa ap pealed in vain. The use of Dr. Pierce'a Ftvgrite Prescription supplemented by the medical advice of lsr. Pierce haa been the incana of cure to this vaat armv of women suffering from diacaaea pecul iar to the ae*. "I wish to tell you the benefit I re ceived from using your remediea," writes Mrs. Alice hoiirrant, oi a6i W. Katriaon blreet, Chicago, Ilk. "Two years aro I waa token with k"*kvere pain in the left ovary and aide. Tried several different remedies, but nothing helped me. I got to bad X could acarCely walk across the floor or do work of any kind. One day an old neighbor lady came in to see me, and told me to try Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Preacription. She aaid ah* knew it would help tne, aa it had aaved her life. When the doctora had given her up and said they could do nothing for her ahe aaid ahe began to take Ur. Tlercs'o Pavorite Prescription fend it cured her. So I got u bottle oi the ' Favorite Prescription * and- one of 'Golden Medical IHscovery,' and began taking them. Before I had taken one bottle of each I waa so much better I pppld do all my own work, and that ia * good deal, a* I Mil the toother of four •null children. Three bottle* of the ' Favorite Preacription' and one of 'Golden Medical Discovery' cured me. { U»ve uvt Ifcen daw Ui«p. itfcOßt TOUT ' Favorite Prescription' la a won, Jarful medicine for women." Such cures as that Of Mrs. Soncrant are many, and they speak for the power of Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription better than the moet eloquent words of praise. The test of a medicine is, what has it done for women? By that teat "Favorite Prescription" Invites wom an's verdict. Cm the testimony of trustworthy women, "Favorite Pro scription " has saved life where physi cians had given up all hope, it has cured the most stubborn and obstinate forms of womanly diseafe. 'lt haf ban ished pain, restored the appetite, in* duced refreshing sleep, given color to the cheeks and roundness to the form. WOMSK WHO CANNOT 8S const*. There are few women for whom no perfect (ure is possible. The number of eueh women has been reduced to a mini- mum by Uie practical ex. Krience « Dr. Pierce. Of e hundreds of thousands of women who bare ag feunseHn connection with tion," oSrtwo in vretj hundred nave failed of a perfect and permanent cure. But even this two per cent of incurable* nave gratefully recorded a great improvement in their condition; relief from pain and a restoration to family enioymenta. , No sick woman ahould be discouraged by her con t dition, no matter bow feng , standing her ailment may be, or how utterly all other means and medicines have failed to cure. The great' er number of cures etiecto ed by "Favorite Prescrip tion » are cures of chroma and complicated disease* whioh have baffled the fkill of local physicians and proved intractable $ all other treatment. pf. Pierce'* Pavorite Prasoriptfon make* weak women strong and <fck Wamen well, ft established regularity, dries disagreeable and weakening drains, heala inflammation and ulceration, and curea female weakneaa. It is the great est preparative for maternity, giving w<jjnftnly health and strength and mak ing baby'* advent practically painless. A OMRAT FR«* OFFER. Sick women an invited to consult D t. Pierce, by letter, 1 'frti. Aft corre* pondence is held in sacred confidence and womanly confidences ar« guarded by strict professional privaoy. Addreaa Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. if. There Is ao similar offer of free con sultation by letter or free medical ad vies, which haa behind it an institution »uch as the Invalid*' Hotel and Surgical In stitute, Buffalo, N. Y., to which for over thirty year* Dr. Pieree has been chief consulting physician, assisted by a med ical ataff of nearly a score of specialists in the treatment and cure of womanly diacaaea "Favorite Prescription" contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any the weakest constitution. Some dealers for the sake of tha little more profit paid by inferior prepara tions, will try and sell the customer a substitute for "Favorite Prescription" as being "Just as good.* "Just as good " medicines do not nave the cures to their credit which make women ball " Favorite Prescription " as a " Godsend to women." Don't barter the substance for the ahadow. ft wax kjrmu as vow to see the great medical work which m. Pierce gives flnee to women; Thia'gifft work, the People's Common Senae Metr ical Adviser, containing 1008 large pages and 700 illustrations is sent frtt on re ceipt «f stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send si one-cent stamps for th* book in paper-coveta. or 31 stamps for the volume bound in durabladotL A&> drwifor. KV, T.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers