ENCAGED. Marriage i» very largely an accident. In few cases do men or women set up • standard of manly or womanly excellence and choose by it In most cases people become engaged as the result of pro pinquity rather than because of any deep rooted preference. , m And so ft often happens that the wife ejgtscs upon marriage relation, because no one has warned her A of the dangerashe Thousands of j /Jill women become HTB J invalids for lack mi I § "(li 'H of knowledge of mg V i themselves. It if & r \.» > SSOSsSZW (hIViM Pierce's Favorite [JQ V v / Prescription * comes as a priceless boon, because it cures womanly ills. "Favorite Prescription" establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. "After my first ejjlld was born,* writes Mrs. Jordan Stoot. of Fswcettgap. Frederick' Co., Va.. « my health was very poor for a long time, and lltt winter I was so bad with pain down in back 1 could hardly move without great suffering Mf husband act me a bottle of X>r. Pierce s Fa vorite Prescription and a rial of bis ' Pleasant Mlets,' which I used as directed. In four days I was greatly relieved, and now. after using; the medicine three months. I seem to be entirely well! I can't see why it is that there are so many suffering women when there is such an easy way to be cured. I know your medicines are'the best in the world." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the fa vorite family laxative. One ' Pellet' a laxative, two ' Pellets* a cathartic dose. Ir BOOK HAILKD FREE. A. A. {FEVERS. CiMlilliai. Inflamma- CTTBO S tioas. Lone Fever. MUk Fever. B. B.i SPRAINS. Lameness. Injuries, cum f Rheumatism. C. C.iSORB THROAT. Qnlnsy. Eptsootir. crass i Distemper. | WORMS. Bots. Grabs. F-. E. (COUGHS, Colds. Influent*. Inflamed etnas)Langs, Plenro-Pneumonia. F. F. i COLIC. Bellyache. Wtad-Blown, ecus f Diarrhea. Dy.eatery. G.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. | KIDNEY * BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. > SKIV DISEASES. Mange, Eruptions. CPBM (t'lrers. Grrue, F.rry, J. R. (BAD CONDITION. Starinz Coat, ecus j Indigestion, Stomach Stagger.. Be. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, Ac., $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William A John Streets, New York. A FINS BABY. N«ver frets even when teething. "'its VICTOR Mauls Relief fhfl !■!■■« Uj ii Hi' fun Hi An absolute cure for Slimy Bowels, Diarrhea, Griping, Cholera Infan tum, and all bowel troubles common to Infants. The Mother's Friend. Pleasant to take. For further information address, VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland For sale at Reed's Pharmacy —DENTAL ROOMS.-- Af • ' 89 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa IS ft HPV We'repRACTICA'.LYdoIHKtiK-ft HT ■ CROWN and BP.ICGE work h rlWsliun —wHY NOT Oofa »jb«n wUfcYOURS? Gold CROWNS If. Mif Va BRIDGE work reduced tcS." I'll If PER TOOTH Also the i "MHKTHA & BROWN, 338 sth Ave. Pittsburg, Pa., Can sell your Real Estate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. ALL TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL. DO YOU WANT TO SELL your farm or other real estate? 1 can do it for you. Send me full particulars at once. 4-10-03-ly JOHN KODGEK, tut Keystone Building. Pittsburg. Pa InManT-ii-h.Dean'sl A safe, certain relit ji Suppressed I Menstruation. Never kb.,«rn to fall. Safe! ■ Sural Hpeedy! Satisfaction Uuarunteed ■ or money Refunded. Bent prepaid for ■ ll.OOperboi. WiUwend thomontrlnj to I be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. ■ UWITCP Ml PIC* L CO.. »o« T*. U»c«.TH, J Sold In Butler at the Centre Ave. Pbarrnaov \J tist as A Night^Cap Take a glass of Le win's Whiskey and water, hot or cold. Brings sound sleep, and pleasant dreams. ALWAYS STOCK. dWCH, LABHK, OVKBHOLT. eUCKEMHEIMBB. MT. YEUNOM, THOIPNON, BIBsOS, DILLINGEB. BUIDUtPOBT. and offer tbem to you 0 year old at |1 per full quart, H quarts |& 00. GKAJTDFATHXX'S CHOICE. Whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, K 00 per gal lon. We pay express charges on all mall orders of $5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN arwln, in dwelling upon the pleasure a visit paid by Mr. Glad stone had given him. say, 'And he talk ed just as if he bad been an ordinary person like one of ourselves.' The two men were alike unconscious of their greatness." It Is only the little who think them selves great. They are like those who do not know much and therefore im agine that there is not much to know. The great do not think themselves so. Just as the learned are overwhelmed by their ignorance. Snake In a Street Car. The snakes with which I have g **** *■:»** **** * * X * *** THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL - ~ - . - $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public solicited A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J F. HUTZLER. Ass't Cashier -- |Jr4* INTEREST J) j W WITHOUT NOTICE. I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK - £- ABJSBUBnSfiS - I 533 SMITHFIELD STREET, Ef Mail banking is simple and convenient. Rend us yonr money , ■by Check, Money Order or Registered letter. By return mail yon ■ will receive bank book with the amount to your credit and card for 3 your signature. When desiring to withdraw any amount, mail us . ■ check on form provided, together with your book, and we will send r ANK by mail I nd et tl,e 4 per cent annual i riterest - and j 1 absolute protection of this strong UIK. : Assets over $7,700,0-J J. BERMANiA SWINGS t 1 WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSBI ;iG The Davis sewlnj? Hachine tor Sale by W. B. McCai\dless, 45, Euclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs. T7.1 -a rx" 5 - "w !'' f 3Uo D>3"c>l; 330«323a/i3T ! rl | Doctor Kidd Can Cure You With= out a Cutting Operation. i If f-nflßTinpf from chronic womb and ovarian troub * ]"i, painful and irregular periods, •5 ljarjennes.H, unnatural discharges, lacerations, ulcer- Sf jfm. ] :ttions, tnmortf, rectal troubles, stomach, kidney or ' ] lioart troubles,nh'ers, skin desease and blood poison, Jtl f kj or any chronicjjilments. - j j a lie Is the ot ly doctor devoting his entire 'S'ljjijf / I time to women's diseases between New York /' M 11 iiii :igo. y ' 1,1 Uj* Catarrh, Broncliitic, Asthma, Throat and Lung /O _ Lj Di-cas s cured by means of iMedical \ :ip«>r, the moht KUW WU! treatment in these *J: B, ii tliev tilf promnlly to his method of treatment, Nervous Disorders cured by Electricity scientifically ajiplied. i!!- < !i".rges and terms are reasonable and within the reach of all Suffering a "Wo;i:en. J Write if you cannot call, an his home treatment is very suc.ssful. EnclOHU stamp J L- for K-j>ly. Bend six cents in stamps for book on DUeanen of omen. fl 1"; 6p. m., Sunday, 10:30 a. m. to 4:30 J). in. J I DR. A. R. KIDD'SME™N^te[ Rooms 202=203 Werner Building, 631 Penn Avenue, I PT M) 1 HMJ savino I i U.. Something TO WAIT FOR "All things come to him who waits" says the proverb: bnt then yon most have something to wait for. and yon do not want to wait too long. In the stock market there are qnick results. Investments often double in a day or an honr. I will carry large lines on a comparatively small investment. i ESTABLISHED 1893. R. M. Weaver | Stocks and Bonds Third Ave. and Wood St., PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J A. REYNOLDS, Manager. Pearson B. Nace's uivsry Sale Stable I<.Ch •. f A/ick House Butler Tta». uest u! fiur i* 1 * auu Irsi iocouinj«-daliuc> in town for perma Dfu> JioarriinK ! t'ndf Hpect al cart guan:nt< eu hand and for sale under a 'nil oor», -'ash and Mouldings OM W<"1! Rlf* a ty. Offl.-B and Yard F Ci ri'inirhan' and Monroe Sts -»- " IVrr Depot. | Wm. Foster. j \ Architect, j i Plan of all kind of buildings v X furnished on short notice. X r Office in Ber« Bnilding, J Butler, Pa. v HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER. PA. PAROID READY OOFING. PAKOII) The koofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONK can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. I)EPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. f\NLY requires painting eyefy fewyears. Net when first laid. r S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. r\EMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yonrs if yon will ask ns. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. He.-»daches Cureii With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OR-T!CIANS 70."> PEVS A VKXVE, , v iiiii.Lii.\u. raTTsiiruo. 3-lil-ly "TTe. wick, nBAI.BR TP LUHBER. +X3V.% 2 Best Furs | U| Don't bny Furs until yon have seen onr stock. Greatest as- jp : sorfuient of fine Furs we hare ever shown. Fox, Siberian I M Squirrel. Beaver and other furs at special low prices. w 1 Clnster Scarfs, fI.OO. $1.50. £3 anil JSf I fIP Long Scarfs, $4 00. SO.OO. SIO.OO and up. M Flat Neck Furs. fo.OO, fs.oo, Ili.OO ana up. Oj j $ NEW WAIST MATERIALS M U No trouble to get suited in Waistings if you see our assort- |4 1 luent of stylish Vestings, Mercerized Waistings, Velvets and Wool Waist Materials. jp i JO Great values at 25c, 40c, 50c, Tsc and 85c. ' 5 PLAID RIBBONS. 5 We are in good shape to supply the demand for nice Plaid Uh Ribbons for neck and hair bows. See the two Special Lots JR U we have on Salf under price. Uk All Silk, 'M inches wide at 19c. 'M; All Silk. 5 inches wide at 25c. ■ J GLOVES FOR FALL. 5 The "Josephine" is the Best Kid Glove ever sold at SI.OO. A W complete new stock of this great SI.OO Kid Glove jnst re- R ceived. all sizes in Black, Slates Modes. Tan. Castor and Brown. New Shades in a splendid quality Mocha Gloves at ) JA white and slate, at 50c. | L. Stein & Son, | $ 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA f> I Different j \ m Ready-to-Wear Clothing than you S ( ever wore. This Clothing has that ! tone of elegance about it, that swag 1 > ger hang to it, that very high chns? V ' J W / r 4r, Our fall Suits and Overcoats are ? \ ' r . ft':. certainly the greatest value we ever V » mliiml offered. All have padded shoulders ) I and firm fronts. See for yourself. \ / mllrlHr/Wt See our window display. \ S jSj/ / fl' 'llfj Yours for Clothing, p ■ |I DOUTHETT & Get the Habit in Our New Fall Clothing. EXCLUSIVE STYLES ' In abundance, and the kind sold here must be of the highest grade —Perfect. In selling our Exclusive Smart Clothes we realize that it is ' expressive of the highest attainment of the tailor man's art. W#» rtkn tell you all about th#> clothes, but you must see them to truly appreciate their elegance and finish, you must try on a garment to see how well it fits and how dressy it looks Men's Suits, $8 to S2O. Fall showing of the New Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats. Cost no more than the ones called just as good. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. 137 South Main St., Butler, Wall Paper Talk. Selecting Wall Paper is largely a matter of taste. We have everything in color, design and grade. We can suggest color combinations that will be perfect. Call and ece NEW WALL PAPERS we are showing. Mouldings to Match all Papers. Just ariived large sbipnunta of Framed Pictures and Mouldings. Bring yonr pictures Bnd have them framed to order. Patterson Bros' 236 North Main St., Both Phones, Wick Building. [liberie Bros^ $ PLUMBERS | Estimates given en all kinds of work. ? L We make a specialty of , / J NICKLE-PLATED, C b SEAMLESS, / i OPEN-WORK, ? \ 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pal C S People's Phone. 630. v / Gggs and Poultry j < WANT6O f*y ( jcivjmonts & Tavjlorj c Wholesale Dealers in > ) FRUITS AND PRODUCE C / FOR COUNTRy STORES, i S 131 and 333 E. Jefferson St., Butler. v j People's Phono 028. Bell Phone 2!53R. C Advertise in the CITIZEN. jMrs. J. E.' ZIMMERMAN^ jjCloakand Suit Department!: <> >v Greatest Suit values in j | I > Butler for Ladies, Misses \ > J&L Ww and Children, including j | * e P ara . te ac^ets Cloaks | | We are ready with a (treat showing . Ci /111 I of Ladies' Tailor-made Suit*- separate' ' f*. ak T 4jf I Coat* and Skirts —iu dress and walking < > ■FT I I lengths. and they represent the very . . y ml l |jl I beat in their class that have been pro- ' f | wit JW duced this seasoD. Like all onr ready- < ) 3. //#' V towtar garments they are all veil, . \ ' MM I I VUV |£] made, perfect fitting. Prices extremely \ 1 k\%t low. All that is newest in materials! | ATM/ J and design. . V I Ladies' Tailor made Suits in fancy ' ' weaves, also plain cloths #lo.oo—value< > / t Ladies' Plain Blue, also Black Cheviot Suits of best qnality. at A J #16.50. Others ask #25 for same values. Prices range from #lO to #SO jf yin Suits. Prices in Skirts #2.88 up to #4O. Ladies' Separate Jackets #5. O A real value #7.50. Our Ladies' and Misses' Jacket at #lO is a special ■ Jf leader in ([uality and price. Same values sold elsewhere at #ls. 1 X ■ > w | 1 We call special attention to our elegant . V I J I stock of Furs All that is newest in de- ' ' y sign and colors, such as grey squirrel, I | X Isabella and Sable fox, nntria and msrteo. at ( jf Prices from 98c up to $75.00 V We guarantee to save you 25c on every dollar you invest in Furs G here, as our Furs were all bought six months ago, before advance in ' > X Furs. The 6rst shipments in Furs are always more perfect than later jf shipments and the prices much less. ] Dress Goods ;> J Largest and choicest collection of Dress Good?, Suitings and Novel ties this store has ever shown now ready for jour inspection and xp- ' ' provsl. The prices as in every department in this store LESS than | J others will ask you for same values. Price in novelties, plain and \ fancy weaves. 25c to S3 per yar*. 1 1 | TWillinery-HatsTrimmed Free;; J In the new Millinery Department, which it now located in onr u»-w m ' annex.and where we have double the space formerly occupied—splendid- ' ' / > ly lighted—large mirrors and experienced attendants -we are showing ( > J hundreds of artistic designs and models copied from the floest imported \ ' niijdels as well as tho creations of onr own work room -all at reasonable < e y prices Trimmed Hats from $1 98 up t> any price yon may wish fr> | | pay. Be sure and visit our Miilin»ry ParK-rs before purchasing yonr W winter Har. We can please you—we can save you mon*y. . ' VsPECUL —We call attention to our spleudid showing of Men's. Wo- V ft men's and Children's Underwear and Hosiery iu cotton fleeod and O Jfo woolens: also to our immense stock of Blankets. Bed H*ps, Onting ' , Flannels, Waistings anrl Fancy Vestings. Yarns, Art Goods—in fact ' SJ I everything contained iu an up-to-date, reliable diy goods store. Onr I > X motto—the same or better merchandise for lees money thau elsewhere, i i |Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, i J k Bell Phone SfW. R-.f |-»_ r>„ , l 'i ' People's Phone I£B. LJUllcr, I fcl • X>QOOOOOOOPOOOOOO< la -ksuiitlis and helpers fdt rail. roads, also drivers and all kinds pf uclp. i General Km payment Bureau, SCI Fede ral ntr5 . , • . ; . ~r n »'-»■•#* v». fund ml. Ceneial K. .{,><_•> tnt-iil 1 -r. i-i, 201 F •»*l«jrV M.. A lie;:- «ny, l*a. a-19-iy CHiCiif-iaCR'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Hufr. AKVBJ-!. I -luibl< tiutiN. UK nrugrtit TEJ CllM'HKvrKlt* In Wold metallic boses, sealed with blue ribbon, fake n«> oilier. danf»roa» aubeU* tstiona :»od liailaliom. Buy of wor Dnjffuf, or send Ir. In stumps to r Partlfolsrt, Tfsll* noniali and " Relief for UiHe#," by return Midi. io.o©o Testimonials. bold by ail DrugKiMs. CHI« -HESTER UHBMIOAL 00. »ro4> n adhuu WM m .IU»« AIIIM» NO SPAVINS S&SStB be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splint* and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M CLUUH, Knoxdale. Jefferson Co.. Pa. Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire tjfpe to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at Tfee Butler Book Binder;, W W AMON, Prop. Opp Court ilonae. CONCERTS, MBBpH PIANOS 'H Everything 118 Musical. *SI Address mLv Arthur Love, KLEBER'g MI'SIC HOUSE, Fifth Ave. Pittsburg, Pa. M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 13d South Main St. REMOVAL. We have removed our Marb'e and Granite shops from corner ot Main and Clay streets to No. 2cß N Main street, (opposite YV. D. Brandon's residence), where > e will be pleased to met-i 11 r customers with figures that ate light on Monuments & Headstones ©?!f3 of all kinds and are ako prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agmcy from the Me'\art lr< n Woiks of Cincinnati, 0., for tl-is town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler HOW WE CAN SELL your property no matter what it consist of. A buyer .can be found fpr apy : thing with in reason. Our method of doing business is such that when you list your property with us we place it be fore the public in all our papers which comes with in reach of the entire county. We create a market, and we advertise it continually uptil it is sold. You get our personal attention work. We have daily calls from all over for farms, repir dence and business property and we can sell no matter where located if such is placed with us at a reasonable price. Wd offer the tollowing at present: 8 houses with stores in N. Y. City, rents for $6,600, price $70,000. sth Ave. Houpe, in N. if. City, renly for 16,000, price $65,000. 65 acres, Oxford Co., Main*. 40 acres timber, good honse, $2,700. 8 acres, Marion Co., Oregon, timber, good house, |500.00. Hotel and Livery Stable, Milton, N. H., i cash, $8,500. 5 story house, Gramercy Park, N. Y. City, $35,000. Send ns a list of what yon want to j,ell but don:t fiaya -any fancy nrioeg which would keep n# fr'opj selling. " NEW YORK REAL ESTATE CO., 8-27 3m 25 East 14 St., N. Y. }C. F- T. Papej | pJEWELER S \ ? 121 E. Jefferson Street \ WHY - NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water ColoJ taught at home, and employment given at once. For fall particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OP ART, OMffVi. ft.