TTOW long will It take the man to fill t':e sack if he does not stop the leak? To attempt to nourish the body when the stomach is di»- < — _ . eased is like try- f "J* J i;:g to fill the sack with the hole in it. When YUy / t'uc stomack and VtT other digestive ond nutritive or- N\ gans are dis-/ eased, there is » T \7' N constant loss of| Enough is bat the y loses flesh,-plain proof that the \ / mSM food eaten is 1 / M largely wasted I ISB because it is not |» 7 digested and as- I Dr. Pierce's I sB Golden Medical I Discovery cures I \ |3j[ diseases of the l*«xL MM stomach and M V other organs of A| digestion and LJjY nutrition. It stops the leaks I, B Tp4m by which nutri tion is lost, and jWy enables the ' ~ building up of the body by the nutri tion derived from food. The gain in weight proves the cure. "Three vears ago I was taken sick with what the doctor called nervousness and indigestion," write Mrs. Warren K. Parker, of Orange Street, Nantucket, Mass. "He gave me medicine for the trouble, but I could not eat even a little toast or oatmeal without suffering severely. In a few months I began to have distressing pains right in the pit ofmy stomach. I called the doctor •gain and he said I had catarrh of stomach; rive me ratdicine but it did not do any good, lost jS pounds in three months. I then com menced taking Dr. Pierce's medicines and soon becan to feel better. I have taken si* bottles of •Golden Medical Discovery.' two of " Favorite Prescription' and six vials of Dr. Pierce's Pel lets I have gained ten pounds. Can eat every thing." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys* Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They care the Bick. HO, CCtES. PEICES. I_Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations. .23 it— Worms. Worm Fever, Worm CoUc... .23 3—Teething. CoUo.Crrlng.Wakefulness .23 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 23 7—Couglis. Colds, Bronchitis 23 -ft—Xeoralrfa. Toothache, Faceacbe 23 9-Hc-a4aehe. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .23 10—Dyspepsia, Indigestion. w eok Stomach.'2 3 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods 23 12—Whites. Too Profnso Period* 23 13—Croup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness 23 14—SaltBheurn.Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .23 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 23 16—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague 23 19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in the Head .23 20—Whooping-Coac JtS 21— Kidney Diseases 23 2*t-Kervou Debility 1.00 SO—Urinary Weakness. Wetting Bed.. .23 TT—Crip. Hay Fever 23 Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. *T Or. Humphreys' Hew Pocket Manual of all Diseases nailed free. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John BU.. New York. Victor Linimenl T-!ccs Soreness out of Wcunds cd Sprains* destroys file in c:s!ds and Burns. Cures Croup i children, relieves m, and removes all Callous or " '-jrd Lumps. Felons. Lumbago, urisy. Sciatica; and all deep ted inflammations. fe, Sure, Speedy, Victor Remedies Company offers ? IC : g from the kick of an animal, from insertion of a rusty nail, or from ai y "iosh vound, provided Victor Liniment i tpi>lied strictly according to direction.* w thin 3 honrs after wound has been rt ciived. For further particulars address, VICTOR BBMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland For sale at Reed's Pharmacy Eyes Examined Free of Chargt Jeweler' end Greduate Optician T tft fv»»ivt- p r k Vr fft, sm*asagjv:i-i»g«i.*Sy. ■' "V"TAFT'S PHILADELPH:* ft ■■•! ■ —DENTAL ROOMS.- [n '-■•'JHf 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa {' We'repßACTlCAVLYdolugtWi [J! H M a CROWN and workK ; y '"M mk"< rlttsburg— wH Y NOT DO W k'jvsrI jfISIYOUIIS? O'ld CROWNSf. M;¥r/ W" 1 ' 1 BRIDGF work reduce.) tc?' P. '.'if ft|Ss PER TOOTH Also the L» MI" KTHA St BUOVVN. 339 sth Ave. PlttHbara, I'a., Can sell your Real Estate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. A Lit TUANBACTIOKH CONFIDENTIAL. IK) YOU WANT TO SEI.I. your farm or other real estate? 1 can do It for you. Sisnrt rae full partlcuWrs at once. 4-NMU-ly JOHN KODUEK. 401 Keystone Building. I'lLtsburg. I'a TISM ""'vflh. Dean's I ,'f A safe, certain relk ..* SurprfMPd B II Menstruation. Neverk>,„*-n tonul. Sufc! D ■ Sure) Hp««iyi filllsflnillnn fiiuill nim il ■ fi or money Refunded. Hon', prepaid (or D ■4 SI.OO per DO*. Will w?nd thomon trl.'J to K J'i be paid for when irllevt'd. Wamplca Freo. 3» H UNITED MCDICALCO., Box 74, LANCASTC*. »a. ]|| 9—B«—l—■Mffy.'MJ Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave t> Hnrmn"v, rßoaooooooocogcc C©l-SCC® oSfe, THC WARTS rJ I SHORTHAND ?! \\ '»* 7/ -end (1 | JQi COMMERCIAL u i BusiNissTouanon SCHOOL, o ! Liberty Av«. & Fifth St., Piihburg, Pa. K An old school eoniliteH on JJ t!:o nit;:.L tiuxlcra |>rmel|>: !. The demand for ymrj men sni! -.-omen V greater titan e»er tefcr.!. Call »"• eo-mo V of the largest tart li»tt oola In the S j ;i earn try. Catalogfneaon: on request. J. nrrerjTivis, iv ?Ds.;sans- • r s.g?.sS6Ußi,«mti7K u:! itrar, srs. ft R.TJ ».!' . osd !• ; ni. , -. 7-30 3m Kyth Bros, Jig Bargains IN Wall Paper AND HAMMOCKS EYTH BROS Next to Old P. O. ATCTTCANTILE BUREAU, Stcarrs FlnWlsiw IHcumilUc ami Mtihaultal P<wltliiu», w Office * PltHl,ui*. P» 434 Fourth Avenue, 3-lu-ly KINGBIRD AND ORIOLE. The Ulfference In the ftlrds Shown by Their Sent Bnlldluic. The difference In the nature of tho kingbird and oriole Is strikingly exhib ited in the style of their nests. The kingbird hasn't a particle of imagina tion, not an atom of the artistic. His shape, dress and voice declare it. lie Is hard headed, straightforward and se rious, somewhat overbearing, perhaps, and testy, but businesslike and refined in all his tastes. His nest is Jiiinself over again—strong, plain, adequate, but, , like its builder, reflned. Contrast the ! oriole's. Romance, poetry and that In describable touch —the light, easy, negli ! gent touch of the artist—in every line i of it! Why, the thing was actually : woven of new mown hay—as if one should build his house of sandalwood — with all the scent of the hay field about it. I put my nose near and tocji a deep, delicious breath. The birds had selected and cut the grass themselves and worked it in while green. Some of it was still uncured, still soft and sweet with sap. One side, exposed to the sun i through a leaf rift, had gone a golden ' yellow, but the other side, deeply shad j ed the day through, was yet green and ' making more slowly under the lea\es. I And this nest was woven, not built up 1 like the kingbird's; it was hung, not ; saddled upon the limb, suspended from the slenderest of forks so that every ! little breeze would rock it. And so j loosely woven, so deftly, slightly tied!— I National Magazine. Women on the Stupe. An attempt was made at Klaekfriars theater in 1620 to introduce French women on the stage, but without suc cess, and the appearance of Mrs. Cole man in Pavenant's "Siege of Rhodes" In 165<> was of a private character. On Dec. 8, 1000, an actress, whose name in not certainly known, took the part of Desdemona at Killigrew's thea tere in Vere street, when a "prologue to introduce the first woman" was writ ten by Jordan. Letters patent were granted by Charles 11., dated Jan. 15, 1002, to Sir William Da vena nt, and these recited that whereas women's parts had for merly been taken by men, to remedy this abuse it was now "permitted and leave given" that all women's parts then, and for the time to come, should be performed by women. In Pepys' Diary, under date of Jan. 3, 1600, we find the record, "To the theater, where was acted 'Beggars' Dash,* it being well done, and here the first time that ever I saw women come upon the stage."—London Standard. □linking: Eyei. If you find yourself blinking your eyes rapidly without any cause stop the habit at once or it will grow into an Incurable habit that will make your eyesight fail early In life. Natural blinking is necessary to clear and moisten the eye. The average number of natural blinks Is about twenty per minute. But a nervous blinker will wink 100 times In a minute. The re sult of this will be an excessive de velopment of the eyelid muscles. It also Involves a counter irritation, which acts on the optic nerve and ren ders the sight daily more weak and Ir ritable. Once contract this habit and you will find you cannot bear a strong light or read small types, and the eyes will get worse and worse. The symp toms may indicate a need of spectacles. A POETS ALOOFNESS. the Manner 111 Which Worilnworth Wuk ItrKurded by Ilia Neighbor®. The worthies of Wordsworth's vil lage in the lake country of England had their own ideas of his value as u muD and a poet. When questioned after his death as to his personality they readily admitted that he was kind to those who were lit sickness or need. 'But he did not hobnob with his neigh bors. "He did not notice them much," said an yld man in answer to questions rsked by the author of "Lake Country Sketches." "A Jem Crow and an auld blue cloak was his rig." continued the old man. "And as for his habits, he had noan. Nlver knew him with a pot i' his hand or a pipe 1' his mouth." After deep probing the author brought out: "Yes; Wordsworth was fond of a good dinner at times If you could get him to it. That was the Job." Then the p»ot's aloofness was again touched upon. "He was forever pacing the roads and his own garden walks and always composing poetry. lie was ter'ble throng in visitors and folks ye inun ken at times, but if he could get awa' fra them a spell ho was out upon his walk. "And then he would sot his head a bit forrad and put his hands behint his back. And then he would start a-bum ming, and it was bum, bum, bum. and go on bumming for long enough right down and back again. I suppose, ye ken, the bumming helped him out a bit." Not n Good Looker. From the mountains of Camden, Me., comes a story of a Philadelphia mer chant who has a summer cottage In that village and who wished to ex change a lively horse which he owned with a French Canadian who had a more gentle animal, which women anil children could drive. The Frenchman was willing to trade, but for some rea son insisted upon repeating to the vis itor that the local horse did not "look" as well as the one belonging to the Philadelphia man. An exchange satisfactory to iiotli parties was eventually made, and the first time the visitor's wife took the new horse out for a drive she discov ered that the beast was as blind as a mole. A few days later, when the rus tlcntor met the Frenchman, he said: "See here, you rasi-al! That horse you swapped with me for mine was stone blind. Why d. : Un"t you tell me of It at the time?" "Ali'm bin try tell you all Ah'in bin know how fer to tell. Ali'm bin say tny horse was no look lak you horse- say so seex, nine tains. Ali'm no bin blam' eef you no hear me." Philadelphia Ledger. Tree* Shaped by the Wind. The effect of wind upon trees Is pow erful. Even the presence or absence of forests may be determined by the character of the prevailing wind or the conditions that modify it. The wind acts as a drying agent, giving a special aspect to many plants. When It is al most always from the same quarter the plants show greater development upon one tide. Trees are smaller on the windward edges of forests, and trunks and branches are bent to lee ward. The deformations are most mark ed near the sea or in Hat regions. The cherry, plum, walnut, black poplar, ash and certain pities are very sensi- i tive t'i the wind, but mountain [tines and certain lira offer great powers of resistance, and these are recommended for reforesting wind swept lauds. History Made Palatable. Joseph Salvador, the French histo rian, and Jnl.s Bandeau, a novelist, made their meeting at a public recep tion the occasion for a dispute as to the respective places which they occupied in the world of letters. "The reading of history is like a pill it needs the sugar coating to make it palatable," argued tli<' novelist. "Ah. but it is the Ingredient which cures, not the coating," remarked the historian. "Then let us divide honors," said San dean, "for if it were not for my sugar coating your historicul facts would dry ou lb a HU*»]V*MI." -™* >> mzm \ com SYRUP M r/7e Great Spread for Daily Bread. I A new table delicacv that coaxes the appetite and makes H i you eat. Nutritious as well as delicious. A pure wholesome, gg ■ "tastv syrup fit for any stomach or any age. L nlike molasses 1 which isthe residue left in the conversion of brown into refined J 9 sugar, Karo Corn Syrup is the pure essence of the corn kernel, ■ 2 absolutely free from any adulteration. A safe reliable food ■ I article. Sold in airtight, friction-top tins which make handy ■ g household utensils when empty. At all grocers, ioc, 25c and 50c. 9 I CORM PROOUCTS CO., New York and Chicago. J I The Butler Cou ty National Sauk, § I I BUTLER, PA I I OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERS THAN ANY | OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. I Capital Paid in $200,000.00 | Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 | Surplus and Profits 180,000.00 — $580,000.00 | Assets over $2,500,000.00 | Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000. J INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time | % without notice jj We most cordially solicit your bu'-inrss cither in person or by mail. $ JOSEPH HARTMAN, President. Jxo G. JIcMAKUS, Cashier. 7 JOHN V* RITTS Vice President. ALBERT C KIUTO, i'.s.-t Cashier. * £ T. P. MIFFLIN. Vice President W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst Cashier. • I * *********************-* ; J*#****-'1 ****» ****** IIIMI HI II tis^ycrxxzs&Li^iss.'X:-^r^saa:sffisss S CAPITAL SURPLUS f 5 S2OO 000.00. $200,000.00. t I UNDIVIDED PROFITS | $21,138.00. | I Butler Savings & Trust Co. | : SUCCESSOR TO >, BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. IWM. CAMPIiKLL, Jr., President, f n TROI'TMAN Ist Vii-e l*re». NV. A. STEIN, -nd \ Ice I res. Vj LOUIS li. STEIN. Treasurer. C. F. CRONENWETT, Ass't Treasur. Will continue to do a general banking business at the | old stand and is also prepared to transact a general | Trust Company business. ?■- 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to g withdrawal without notice. g W-*** ***** ********* i^:m#*-****-*********t | Standard Trust Company | FJUTkEK, PA. j CAPITAL ------- $150,000.00 | Paid on Deposits- | Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GRfceNbEE, President. C. A. SAIbEV, and Treasurer. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - $32,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKLNS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM, Cishier. J F. HUTZLER, Aes't Cabhier g SAVINGS°ACCGUNTS. WITHOUT BOTICE..J 1 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK 1 | OF PITTSBTJU6H, $ I 533 SMITH FIELD STREET. * The Best Friend of the man or woman of moderate means is H| B A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in a strong Bank. ?Cj . WE PAY FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST on savings accounts I opened with first doposit of not loss than SIOO.OO. and any H I! B amount may be withdrawn without notice. Y~ B Capital, Surplus and Shareholders' Liability $2,000 000.00. B f WMJ] BANH BY MAIL/ "Tl /&£sss*jpffij & And get the 4 per cent annual internet I absolute protection of this strong bank, ; Assets over $7,700,000. Eermania Savings Ba h' WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS The Davis sewing Hachine tor Sale hy W. B. McCaqdless, 45, Euclid, Also Pianos and Organs. Subscribe for the CITIZEN ?«nk BY ?! rvsAiL | ; sfeffe 4 ,NTe"cst f ; O- OtPOfiTt h WK9ij r c , - a ; 2 .SSSSft WRITE FOB p - 'LS BOOKLET £j to frotr/'i iT. y? -«^ByS —nl Something: TO WAIT FOR •'All things come to hiin who i waits" savs the proverb; but then I yon must have something to wait ( lor, and yon do not want to wait 1 too long. In the stock markt-t there are j quick results. Investments often | double in a day or an hour. I will carry large lines on a comparatively am nil investment. ' ESTABLISHED 1893. 8. M. Weaver Stocks Bud Bonds Third Avp. and Wood St., PITTS BU 8 G. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J A. REYNOLDS, Manager. Pearson ft Mace's Livery Feed end Sale Stable Wick House Butler "'en n'a The best of horses sod first class rigs »i wavsnh hand and for hire. Best accommcdations in town for per ma nent boarding and transient trade. Ppecl al care guaranteed Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers aad draft horses always on hand tnd for sale under a full guarantee; aud horse.*- h« uri ) )" >;)»" n >r' i *a f 100 bv PEARSCN P. NACF. T.«• Nr.. "19 Famiiy Re tin ions' We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of" your family and ii me made at your first op portunity We make the best at &?.oo per dozen Bxio inches and guarantee them permanent. 1-et us know ; n time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R.FISHER W. S & E. WICK, UEALF.ItSoIK Itough and Worked Lumber of t!l Kinds Doors, Sash and Mouldings Oil Well Rigs a Specialty. Offlee and Yard - ft. l»n« Mnniw n««r west t'enn Depot. T-r*w"T tpt> ' $ | Wm. Foster, j | Architect. j j Plan of all kind of buildings x S furnished on short notice. r r Office in Berg Building, / Butler, Pa. HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER, PA. PAROID Ready oofing. I >AKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. I>Ei'KESpNTS the results o years of' Experience and Ex perimenting, / iNLV requires painting fewyears. Not when first laid. I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. for PAROID is world widw MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facte. Bam|ilna aud Prices are 3'oura if yon will ask ns. L C WICK, BUTLER, PA. lUxdfflhCJ Cured WMkQtaM*. Artificial Eye». liugeiifc HcHid Spcclncle Co. legitimate oprieiAUW 7(i.% i»i:v!v avkki B, OPP. pun DISiU, I'lTTsHI'Re. 3-l»-l}r L. C. WICK, DKAI.KR »l* I LUriBER. Wall Paper Talk. Selecting Wall Paper is largely H matter of taste. We h-»ve everything in! color, design uud {Trade. We can snirirest color combinations that will be perfect. , Call and see NEW WALL PAPERS we are showing. Mouldings to Match all Papers. Jur-t arrived l:ir„'e shipments of Framed Pictures and Mouldings. Bring yonr pictures and have them framed to order. Patterson Bros' 236 North Main St., Both Phones, Wick Building, j camp3ell ' s good furniture jggygij |The Campbell Exhibition! 1 Of Reliable Furniture! I ; Eight months ago we commenced buying goods for j*jjjs the present season. Most of the new stock is here, and pg Sga by the first of next month \vc expect the most complete jgjj assortment this store has ever shown. The largest g|| stock we have ever offered our customers *o select from jgj will be here for your inspection by Nov. Ist. Welcome, gj MUSIC CABINETS jg )M A verv complete assortment to select from. Some with mirrors on jSsi top, others without. Cheapest one costs $5.00. Rsfi H DINNER SETS || Z2St Bent English porcelain with a ue.u pink and green border decoration ggj j~! OUH of the choicest that we have ever shown Sold iu open stock also usjj Iga Full set coats $lB 00 |jj NEW LAMPS Wa Lirge base and slob.-to match. Choice of pink or green arronnd eg S3* with rtor.d decoration. Price $5.00. r H PANTASO JE COUCHES, L Next to leather there is no otlier overiug that will hist so long frlfl H' If :i dozen patterns to select froui. Prices np to £3O; low as S2O Ppj COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. 1 Alfred A. Camobelll Formerly Campliell & Templetnn.. ya| BEEIiE-EEill sicl<cl's Fall Footwear. Largest Stock and Filost Handsome Styles of Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. O ■ O ( Twenty new fall styles—Dongola, Box calf, Enamel and Patent-kid made in the latest up vlll l/O'O WllUvO to-date styles iu medium or high tops. Misses' and Children's Shoes Extremely large stock of Misses' and Children's fine ahofs comprised ot many new and pretty styles for fall. rvv\ SH * r*» | All the latest styles in Men's fine shoes. A full Sl'jAn Q line of Men's Patent kid. the latest style lasts, iVadl O wliUwO $2.50 to $<5.00. Men's fine Calf, Vici-kid and Box calf shoes SI.OO to 1(5.00. Large Assortment of Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Fine Shoes f\ I of Jamestown. N. Y., who failed sometime ago and who was ' UnkPV closed down for over a year has started up again. UUlXvy very large order for Men's box-toe and plain toe shoes; also boys' and Youths' copper tipped shoes The goods are all in. These shoes are cot from good water proof kip—hand pegged, , with lmtvy WHXMI en<l«. Th« of Hemlock ont an.l insoles. Nothing lacking 'o make them a first class winter shoe. Every pair Stamped on sole, N. W. Gokey & Son, Jamestown, N Y We invite yon to call and see this well known line be fore buying your winter shoes. Large stock of Ladies' Kan garoo, Calf, Oil-grain and Kip shoes at away down priees. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SCHOOL SHOES. Repairing promptly done. JOHN 51CK619, 128 South Main Street. Butler, Pa. lEberle Bros^ S PLUMBERS ? p Estimates given cn all kinds of work. ? C We make a specialty of s i NICK IE-PLATED, \ 5 SEA sss, / / OPE: WORK. ✓ £ 354 Centre Ave . Butler, Pa' ? S Peoplejs I one. 630. C EARLY FALL ARRIVAL OF IMPORTED AND D( lESTIC SUITINGS Now on Display at }raham Building. ** Suits from s 5 to sso. ji* We Defy Competition. ? ? Call and Examir.c Goods Early. f? # COOPER & CO., || •J? Leading Tailors, ?? ill 335 S. Main St, - - - - Butler, Pa. jg I > s Cure Vet ; ith* I ont a Cutting Operatk 2, '• If riifli-ring from chronic womb and ovar' . tronb- iH ' 1. , d painful ami irregulur . rinds, rf ' i. -s. unnatural di-charges, lacera ulcer i Z .. -1 tro'tl.U-. .-lonmcli -v or |Kli in troul'U M, ul> ei"4," '-kilt . ' nisnn, JHf ~4 % «.r :my clirmiic ailments. 1 r'Aff , v r'.\ 1 ■ f - lie in the only doctor devoting 'lire •. S time to women's diseases between V>ik ' te and Chicago. ''WA*jr '' Li Catarrh, Broncliitic, Asthma, Throat • i Lima; /O ■ i' ui ■■■.-(,.) cured bv means of Medical Vapo .< rnu-t enci-r.-sful trentmcut in these | I- ~i i, as they ..J( r<.iH,nij prom t .tl yto liiH <1 of treatment.^ j| Nervous Disorder* cuivd-Iry D. .nri •ntifii-ally applied. ■ ; ' I lischuryt*s aii<l tcruLi arc i Women, B H \Vi-i!« if you cannot call, as Ins home t ' i very sucofr-fuC siau.j, J t, for replv. "Send .--ix ccn'.s in st for b .Haea-e* i'f \\<»wji. ' K K (ir.Mhiute Nurse in Mttenilanoe. Con a ami aHvlt'O Free au \ socrwiy & conii jeutial. OFFICE llouiu—U a. m. to •: , ~ Sunday, lIUO a. m. to 1:W p. m. j iDR. A. R. KID y s jj JKouiat ZQ2 203 Werner Bu! tig, 631 Penn Avenue, | |Mrs J. E ZIMMERMAN| , |Cloak and Suit Department:; 11 » Greatest Suit values in ; | \> Sutler for Ladies, Misses < ► " Uu an( * Children, including \ | jfljt Separate Jackets Cloaks > H ||y and Skirts. ] \ [1 i y We are ready with a great showing. Cf t/iflf I of Ladies' Tailor-made Suits —separate' " I Coat« and Skirts—iu dress and walking 4 > fIP?T\ I lengths, and they represent the very . . ml i ' /ll / st in their c^asß that have been pro- ' O lit il' d need this season. Like all our ready- | f X /ft f Ij U to wear garments thev are all well . . it i'mll VHV (JS,J made, perfect fitting. Prices extremely oyji i V 'yfeir * ow - A" t^>Ht ' 8 neweßt in materials | > y I Ladies' Tailor-made Suits in fancy A J weaves, also plain cloths SIO.O0 —value< > Ladies' Plaiu Blue, also Black Cheviot Suits of best quality, at fx jf fit!. 50. Others ask $25 for same values. Prices range from $lO to SSO * in Prices in Skirts t-.OS up to S4O. Ladies' Separate Jackets $5. real value $7.50. Our Ladies'and Misses' Jacket at $lO is a special J leader in quality and price. Same values 60ld elsewhere at sls. If B f 1 H" > We call special attention to onr elegant J . g —< B J IE stock of Furs All that is newest in de- j sign and colors, such as grey squirrel. € > I Isabella and Sable fox, nutria and marten, at J . Prices from 98c up to $75.00- - J. . We guarantee to save yon 25c on every dollar yon invest in Furs J here, as onr Fnrs were all bought six months ago, before adyanoe in £ Fnrs. The first shipments in Fnrs are always more perfect than later J ( shipments and the prices much less. 1 11 Dress Goods j; Largest and choicest collection of Dress Goods, Suitings and Novel- 1 ties this store has ever shown now ready for your inspection and ap- \ ' provul. The prices as iu every department in this store LESS than £ ( others will ask you for same values. Price range in novelties, plain and J fancy weaves. 25c to $3 per yar*. /Willinery -HatsTrimmed Free]; t In the new Millinery Department, which it now located in our new 1 ' # annex,and where we have double the space formerly occupied—splendid- % ' 1 V ly lighted—largo mirrors and exjierienced attendants —we are showing / > C hundreds of artistic designs and models copied from the fine«t imported 2 ' f models as well as the creations of our own work room-all at reasonable % ' n P to any price yon may wish to # » i P pay. Be sure and visit our Millinery Parlors before purchasing your J t y winter Hat. We can please you—we can save you money. * ' VSPECIAL- We call attentiou to our splendid showing of Men's. Wo- V i M mens and Children's Underwear and Hosiery in cotton fleeced and I) t \ woolens; also to our immense stiK'k of Blankets, Bed Haps, Outing * f Flannels, Waistings and Fancy Vestings. Yarns. Art Goods—in fact 1 ever) thing contained in an up-to-date, reliable dry goods store. Our C > C motto—the same or better merchandise for less money than elsewhere. J firs. J. E. Zimmerman.! A C Hell Phone 2i>s. «-i 4- J A f » j i < 9 People's Phone LM. I~> U. LJ «TI , I fcl • | We turn your Old Carpets iuto elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weavers employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SILK FAGS woven Into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are so moderate —no matter the distance—lt will pay you to send to us. DAVID LOVE & CO., 823 Third Avenue. 9 08-2 m (L. D. Phone.) New Brighton. Pa. Curry College 44TH YE Alt. Catalogue Mailed Free on Application J H. WALLACE, Ph. M , Pres. Penn Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. 8-27-08-3 m TEACHERS WANTED. We need at once a few more Teachers foj Fall schools. Good positions are be ing filled daily by U9, We are receiving more calls this year than ever beforp. Schools and colleges supplied with Teachers free of coet. Enclose stamp for reply. AMERICAN" TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. J, L. GRAHAM, LL. D., Manager. 152-154 Kandolph Building. 8-27-ai-_m Memphis. Tenr f~I-ffiYMAN HARRIS, I LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS and HIDING HABITS, • | 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, I PITTSBURG, PA. 3-18-1/ [PENNSYLVANIA I ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, I JOlfl yiftti Ave , Ktubnrt. *»• I GIVES IMDIVIITJAL UfSTAUCTIOIf ■ ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES I Ball Phone 242 Grant 1. T. linranpr, ProL ■ 1-03-ly (Sire* a breadwlnnlDt Education— Mucallpt young mm and women to meet the demand of thl| pros;>er<»us commercial nice lor circular* address P. DUFF 4 SONS, Olh A Liberty Ave., Pittsburg,Pa. WABtTKD Firemen, Br.'tkemeu, Machinists. Jloller-inakrrs, Hlarksiplllis and helpers for rail: r"ads, also drl vera and all kinds of help. Vlaces waiting, t General Kmplejmen! Bureau, 'JQI Keile nl turret, A 1 lejhrtw. I'a. WA STKO-At once, Rlih In every riMrll;; >4 to nil per week; priced or money refunded, tie-iei .*1 Kispio) ilienL Bureau, 201 >'»tier*l M.. AUegoeuy, I'a. 3-19-ly CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS c> £ I *< nmfe. Mnyv r.llablt l.nrilr*. auk Pnigrlst tot nlllillXTl K'S i:\4.l lsll In K«4 an<? mii.,i:ic Hoxcs, sealed with blue rlbboa Take no oitirr. i:.'fuw dungeroui •übati lalliiiaHncd lijdllillonii. Buyof your Pnitffflst, or ceiel lr. in *i:mi| fo r l*Hrll'*iilarA, TVatl. innal.'ilH .tll*l •• Itellef tor l.acflira." in letter hy rrlitru '1 .>ll. la.IKM Testimonials. Hold by «Il I'rv-K iv a. t-ULCHESVBR C'USMICAXJ 00. 91|)8 3><IDI>"II SIAARI I ,' W 8oll»»'AU»«n;. • ■« N0 SPAVINS IS. <£, be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, ppliuts and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse nv uers by T M CLUGH, Knoxtlale, Jefferson Co., Pa. Binding of s3ooks Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. It you aie thinking of having soyie work done in tjiis line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at Tbe Butler Book Bindery, W. W. AMON, Prop. Opp Court House. REMOVAL We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner o! Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are' right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Woiks of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vipjnity. P. H. killer HOW WE CAN SELL your property no matter what it consist of. A buyer can be found for any thing with in reason. Our piethod of doing business is such that when you list yoyr property with us we place it b§r : fore the public in all our papers 1 which comes with in reach of the entire county. We create a market, and we advertise it continually until it is sold. You J get our personal attention and [work. We have daily calls [from all over for farms, resi dence and business property ' and we can sell no matter where 1 located if such is placed witji us at a reasonable price. offer the tollowing at present: 8 houses with stores in N. Tf. City, rents for $0,600, price $70,000, sth Ave. Honse. in N. V. City, rents for |6,000, price $55,000, 65 acres, Oxford Co.. Mains, 40 acres timber, good house, $2,700. 8 acres, Marion Co. , Oregon, timber, gcod house, $500.00. Hotel and Livery Stable, Milton. N H., 4 cash. $8,500. 5 story house, Gramercy Park, N. Y. City, faa.epy. • Send us a list of what you want to sell but don't have any fancy prices which would keep us from selling. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE CO., 8-27-3 m 25 East 14 St., N. Y. jC. F. T. Pape,| | IJEWELER | I / 121 E. Jefferson SjreeJ S * WHY "NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Coloa taught at home, and employment given at once. For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART, Bsavcr Fails, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers