VOL. XXXX. QSQOeSOOGSSOSSOQS&SSSSSCS*) § HUSELTON'S O and Winter gßefcals the Sveliest Shoes we have ever offered the trade® Ol Paten*. Colt, Veloar and Boxf) ©Men s Fine Shoes g»2W.°«g 0 $3.50, pi 00, fi.so. and ft.<*•%) O SCHOOL SHOES FOR MEN'S AND BOY'S 0 BOYS AND GUtLS. COMBINATIONS IN 00 Strong: and serviceable at all Wool Boots and Stockings prices, invidiam aod highcnt, with Bor without copper tip. . $T 0 Women's Strong, Bo) Vat 11 23 to *' ~ r> O A Serviceable Shoes, , _ c , - 4) (I Winter Wear. ®* en 3 Heavy Shoes in 0 ti Kangaroo Kip. Calf. Oil Grain. High Cut, 2 Soles and tap () X Wax Kip Calf. Veal Calf at / _ rn (% %y $1 DO, *1 85 and $1.50 tS-OO $3 s°. *3 00 and $3 50, W 8 We are the only bouse u«:n? regular Height 41.00, si.~o, ft.so there «lw**s in Bntler. and $2.00, best money will boy. •• • are without a doubt W| OiilftO rmo swellest thing ever pnt before** ALdUluO I lliV WllwUO the fair sex. the geat f arietj rfkof hand* .me styles make it easy to fit you perfectly and please the Vfasti li.-u-. The men stop and size them np in our windows, that is a*' fjsiepi :l"«f they are shayely. COME IX AND SEE US. %J § HUSELTON'S. 8 A ~ , , 0 g Opposite Hotel Lowry. Q ****** ***** vsz*;* £ COLO WEATHER 3EO COVERING 4 ** GUANO VALUES IN OCB BIG BASEMKNT. „ f V U ' PINE MILLINERY fOlt SMART I 'UESSERS ffi $ THE MODERN STORE 5 BLANKET: 1 OK EVEKY DKf' KIITMV. £ S Good cotton blar.kHe, white and grey. 60- p 'ir Heavier quality, 10 4 'Jk 9i mze. grey and whit-. 75c nair Extra large «•'?,« white «nd gry, fI.OO, JK -A fj 2>j ( i_so p a i r . Fancy Mexican Striped HI HI kels. suitable S.r bath robes J| aD d oncL covers. 75c SI.OO and *1 35 pair. Good heavv a!) .vnd new life. If you feel tired ana worn out try our Wine o Cod Liver 3il and relief. It is stronger and better , than pure Coi Liver O Pleasant to take and is I inoffensive to delica' : stomachs. Indorsed recom mended physicians i every where. The bes'' Spring tonic give yo.< j Health and s'rength. For sale, c ily at Reed's Pharnmc | Transfer Corner Main and Jeffesson Sl < i f- Do You Buy tadici es ' Certainly Tom DO. Then you want t* • 1 • • f • 1 least money. Th.' - t> "nr ir >l* Come anJ see us W"'-N i > HI - • anything in the 1 ; we are sure you v . i We carry a full I c <- f ' ; \ Chemicals, Toilet dc. ( Purvis' P!-rmar , S. G. PußviL i' G Both Phi.: ••8. 318 H. Main Bt. Bntler Pa. -V*. -V* %s% 1 * T 'T'JIL' ! I '■ if 1 '' , 1 ~ /!•' " ' 's » ! <-»rv , 'V\ W { \\ 1 ' " 1 W OUR STO;.K OF 1 HATS AND o Men's Furnishings J IS NOW 60M o LETE t J Come In and let n* show yon * ? the new fall shlrth. # We have shirts at all prices 9 W Our leadnr of ooui>>\ IM the * { Manhatten Shire, i The best in tlii World |ln Underwear j we have all the dilT rent w. Igh's * f and grades. m We can surely sui. von If you * J need underwear, Haven't the apa«-> *<> CM)I ntt- • ' J tion to all the go d we f # have. # 0 Jnst come in and >r'< for youi 4 # self. 1 Htrii t attention [.t to v II A L orders. \ \Jno. S. Wick j i HATTEtt hw\ f S MEN'S I)L'U.;iUHKit 1 J People's "Phone 015 0 J BUTLKR, PA. J W BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1903. K THE GREAT "RUB-DOWN." FOUR-FOLD LINIMENT. | For Sore Muscles, Pain in Back, Sore Throat and Sprains. 'AT ALL OBUGOISTS. 2Sc, 60c. »VOO *ll W !■! 1111 III! ■HTIiII Your Is it acting well ? Bowel regular? Digestion good? i: not, remember Ayer's Pi!' ( Want your moustache or Kard r. | beautiful brown or rich tlack ? I"-: j ?Buckingham ? sDv | Hp '' al * C3 f 1 j Nasal jge7 Y T\> CATARRH In all IU stages. M JUo# Ely's Cream >. instx, soothe* and heals I m t d!?ens<*d membrane. :; curta catarrh and drives M - ay a cold in the head c/.ickly. Cream Ilnlm is placed Into the nostrils.spreads • r the membrane and Is abuorbed. Belief is im r. diate and ft cure follows. It is not drying—does I. ,t produce Hneezing. IJirge Size, 60 cents at Drug ts or by n. ail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTHEKS. 60 Warren Street. New York OWNER m drugs 5 SIOCK 1 have purchased the C. J. Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the s ore. I have twenty-two years e perience as a pharmacist, and c ompounding of prescriptions v/ 11 be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs and honest treat- guaranteed. When in town shopping, stop nd leave your packages. L McKee, Pharmacist, ifein Block. S. Mnin St., Bntler. Pa. FOR Drugs rirohman, 109 N. /Wain Street, BUTfceR, PA. ' e est Service. S'ronipt and Careful Attention, i our Registered !mrmdcists> rescription Worl< d pecidlty. ithasL— l Leaked Out ■ 1 that tho new jowclery E Arm of | jh Ralston & Smith, |f - , (successors of W. E. H Ralston) aro showing a 9 new ana up-to-date stock K 1 , of everything pertaining B to the trade and their B k motto shall always be K f "No Fancy Prices." p* } 110 W. Jefferson Street. B FOR YOU. We have just received a lot sets of fine CHINA. These we offer at exception . iy low prices considering their lue. 1 hink of it—loo piece dinner i' ■ts of English Porcelain at 37.25, $9.25, $12.25 per set. Nicely decorated too. Don't always get this chance. Call soon at DOUGLASS' 241 H. Main Ht. t THEIR j PHYSICIAN ♦ By ROY RICHARDSON C jt>r!aM. ISO 2, k, tht S. S. Wcttttrt Coatm *' ' 4 t v t ♦ '♦*♦'♦»■< ► "Now, then, young man," yawned Uncle Iliil as he got slowly out of his easy chair an of W0.,,! ia ml lis Ilti rn I»11 It y. The problem IIIIH troubled many why two pleteH nf wood Hawed from the Mime auction of II TREE HIIOIIIII poaaem very varied clniracti-i'lHilrH when used in different Y»I IlloiiM. For example, u Kate |>o:U will I"' found to d« <-iiy inueh flutter If tile I'Utt end of tile tree |M Uppermost tlillll Would lie tlie fit HO If the top were pl:iei«d In this ponltlou. The reiIHOII In 11>111 the molMlure of tilt) ntnioMphere will perinea to the |ioreM of the wood mtieh more rapidly the way the tree jjrew than It would If In tho opposite direction. Mleroxeopli'itl examination provet that tlx pores Invite the ascent of moisture, While they repel ItM descent. Take the fit in II In l' CUHe of a Wooden bucket. Many may linve nutleeil that some of the slaves appear to lie entirely Milt united, while others lire apparently quite dry This urine* from the sauio cause the dry staves are 111 the pod tloll 111 which the treo urew, While the auturaled one* are reversed. A NOTCRiOUS CORPS. Tiie French I i Riun nn»l It* Dnnscroa/i ( *. \rueter*. The death penalty awarded a private In the French for. > v. 1-vlon for throw ing his cap in hK capt-dn's fnoe at Oran Is an illustration f the merciless severity exercised in that fa: :ous corps. Shooting at sight is p- :'ii. ;t<>d the of ficers, who have to di 1 with dangerous characters from all quarters of Europe. Nowhere is tln-ri l vich a corps, ac cording to the I.ordon < !:ronlcle. Its ranks are recruited from outcasts of all social ranks. Disgraced officers of the Russian service, deserters from the German army, broken scions of the Austrian nobility, fraudulent debtors from Belgium. forg< rs from Spain, homicides from America, ruined gam biers from Italy, are found in plenty in the ranks. No excuse is taken for a fault, and the slightest symptom of in subordination carries with it a swift passage to another world. It is under stood that recruits are simply seeking refuge from the arm of the civil law. The foreign legion is the only volun tarily enlisted corps In the French army. It has done excellent service against the Arabs and is always placed In the forefront of the tight. The ElarmlfMM Grim Snnlto. The poor, harmless grass snake is the subject of stories almost as wonderful as those related of the adder. The superstition that, however much yon may hammer it, It will not die till the setting of the sun is widely held. A fable not so ger«*rally held to is that even at sundown it will not die if you should neglect to tell some one of what you have done. The rule on seeing one of these terrible creatures is to "lilt it and tell"—that Is, give it a good drub bing and run quickly and tell some one. The best snake story is from Leigh Sinton, near Malvern, according to a London correspondent. A laborer states that he had killed a grass snake and bum; it on a tree. The blood dripped down and a toad came and swallowed some, dying instantly! The fancy that makes this species poisonous or even harmful Is a wild one, but how much more wild Is that which attributes violent toxic proper ties to any chance drop of blood from Its body! It might have been thought t' it the other popular belief that poi sonous things cannot be poisoned would have saved the life of the poor toad. — London Express. Wlint Colli in t>u» Mliclit Have Done. There are relatives of Columbus liv ing In Spain at the present time. It is said that gambling debts are keeping them poor. These persons look to the United States with wistful eyes, hoping that some patriotic American will con fer on them a few millions iu recogni tion of their distinguished ancestor. This fact led a statistician to work his brain, and he published the statement that had Columbus placed $1 at com pound Interest at 0 per cent 400 years ago his descendants today would pos sess a sum amounting to more than $8,000,000,000 When these figures were published Lyman J. Gage Was secre tary of the treasury. Ills attention was called to the tremendous feasibil ity of a single dollar, ami his comment was either a sincere remark or a well adapted pun. lie said, "Indeed, to »uo this ii rt utni v of I'nvt Interest." IlunorM Were Ktmy. "In the church I attended as a l)oy," snld a New York man, "there were fre quent clashes between (lie minister and tlio choir. The minister thought the choir Irreverent and unmusical. The choir thought him a back number. Each tried lo give tin- other n dig on every possible occasion. "One Sunday, I remember, there was a clash wherein the honors were about even. The minister, after the choir had sung the opening hymn, said with a significant smile, that bis text would be from Acts xx, 'And after the uproar was ceased.' Hut the choir, at the scr mon's end, retorted neatly with the anthem, 'lt Is Time to Awake From Bleep.'" 111,- Mtlrk ln»rpt of llnrnri). The longest known Insect Is undoubt edly the stick Insect of Borneo. Speci mens thirteen Inches In length have been captured. It Is an Interesting ex ample of mimetic coloring, resembling In a remarkable manner a piece of rough stick. On the bough of a tree It Is extremely difficult to distinguish be tween the Insect and the bark. Ilorneo Is also the homo of one of the largest species of dragon fly. A specimen of the subfamily teschna measures six inches and a half from wing to wing and Is endowed with a correspondingly strong body. IluMtuii Could MIIIMI 11. ltalph Waldo Emerson once made n crushing reply to a man who asked him whether the people In Hoston did not feel alarmed. Said Emerson, "What al»out?" Said the man, "Why, the world Is coming to an end next Monday." Emerson replied: "I'm glad of It. We can get along a great deal batter without It." A Situ lit Kir*. "I say, Miss I>e Witt," remarked young Saplelgh, "yoiih wesplcndent beauty sets me bwaln on tire, doncher know V" "Never mind, Mr. Saplelnh," replied Miss I >«• Witt, "the conflagration will bo too Insignificant to necessitate the call ing out of the fire brigade." 1-1 uln Talk. "Shave," said the crusty patron la conically. "CloseV" Inquired the barber. "No. I'm not close, but I'm not In the bablt of KIVIIIK Hps If that's what you're driving at." Many seemingly unaccountable friend ships ha IIK upon a golden Image. When a great calamity befall* one, how It lightens It to tall, about It after It is over! Atchison Globe. Still llnrdiT. "It's hard to have a lot of debts that you slnply can't pay." "Oh, I don't know. It's worse to Irnvo a lot that you simply have to pay." riilladelphla Ledger. Ml|t»n'« Opinion. Milton wns once asked If he Intended to Instruct his daughter In the different language*. lie replied: "No. sir. One tongue Is sufficient for a woman." rlntwlf) li) 4 111111. "Yes, ma'am." said the peddler, "this here lialr tonic will raise hair on a billiard ball." "Ituj will It raise hair on a pump kinV" asked the lady of the house. "Well. I lilloltld IJ HO!" "I'll take i bottle and get my husband to try It." .Indite •«*r« r« nt«. First Housewife Some days 1 undo about everything the servant doeii Hccoud lli'iisi v, lf» uu UaieV |li (roll Flee I'M SB. rtARMNCWEN FRUIT EVAPORATION. A rhrnp, slm|>l) Hutlt Homemade Drier For Applri 01117. All over tho country are i«ll<> and abandoned fruit evaporators. Tlieir present condition is due to the fact that the original outlay of cash was so large that dividends were not equal to first expectations. I will illustrate the construction of a drier built in Newago county. Mich., for the evaporation of apples only, says an American Agriculturist corre spondent Though unattractive in ap mEp AJ-O SKELETON OUTLINE OF PKIEU. pearnnce, yet in Its cheap and plain construction lies its success. The first figure shows simply the frame without roofing or Riding. Choose a site where the ground Is dry and high. Ruild a stone or brick wall Just high enough to raise the sill off the ground. The building Is 18 by 18 feet on the ground, and the posts are fourteen feet high. Thus fourteen boards will reach from sill to plate without cutting. The floor above is ten feet from the sill. A Joist 2by 0 can be used, but must be rather close to gether, as the floor to be laid on them is but one Inch square strips. This is laid so as to allow for circles of about one-eighth inch, for on these strips the fruit is to be dried. The lower room Is latticed and plas tered on four sides, while the celling is left so that heat may go into the cham ber and out at the ventilators In the peak of the roof. No floor Is needed. The ground, being fireproof, serves the purpose. On three sides are ventilators Just above the sills. These are 8 by 24 Inches and are for the purpose of sup ply iiiK air from the outside. The furnace must be very heavy and of cast iron, as the heat required is usually very great Place the furnace In the center of the lower room and se cure one that has two smoke flues. I'lace thereon two pipes and extend the same upward about eight feet, where they should be crrrled toward the front nf the building and around the entire room and far enough from the Joist above to Insure It against fire. Possi bly twenty Inches would be about right. Those pipes can be suspended from the Joist by wires, thus making all secure. On the buck side a T Is sup piled that connects the two ends of pipe and conveys the smoke up and out of the stack. This stack runs up and out of the roof on the back side. The fuel used should lie wood. An elevated platform extends along the front of the drier outside, and on tills is a car. This Is the manner in which fruft Is supplied, being carried to place In bushel boxes. The second «,.;t shows how the bleacher Is made and employed. The ■ Jtlllb rati it ulkacueu cjomplktx. lire pit Is seen at A. Place In an old Iron kettle a few live coals and on the coals throw a piece of brimstone. Place the kettle In the pit A and close the door. The letter B shows rollers in tho tramway that are to convey Ikjxps of fruit through to the part marked O. This tramway Is open between tracks so that the fumes may pass upward and through the fruit. The bleacher may be made as long us desired. Farm FUh Caldre. Many persons huve ponds or availa ble stream# that could be profitably utillzml if the owners but knew how, remarks au exchange. "The waters should feed the land" is tin old saying that may Justly claim a literal signifi cation. In some parts of Europe i>onds iiml lakes arc renting at the same rate l>er equal area as the best land adjoin- Ing them. This is for the fish they are made to yield. Truly has one of Amer ica's greatest living scientists. Profess or H. A. Forbes, stale zoologist of Illi nois, said In one of his recent reports, "In regard to tlsli culture we stand to day at a point to Im> compared with the American Indian's knowledge of agri culture at tlie time of the discovery of America by Columbus." However, we can live up to the best light und knowl edge we have and by so doing hope to oblalu more. Celery ■llntirhlnu nml Lute Krrplns. Where celery Is Intended for winter use blanching may take place after the crop has been removed from tlie field und pluciil In storage. In fact. It Is best to blanch as little as possible be fore storing when the product Is to be kept late, as the keeping qualities are better whIU It ll unbluuched. NEW SILO NOTIONS. Till- l oiirrHr Silo Thoronalil r I'rsr* I leu I—A Wire Ceaielnji Kramr. Wire fencing has often been used to bind a stave silo, and now its use as the skeleton of a concrete silo Is under consideration. An American Cultivator writer says: The suet-sun of a round water tank of concrete molded ou a framework of wire fencing led to the Idea that such a structure built longer und ii little' larger would make a good mid cheap hllo, The plan was sublliltt<*d to the Wisconsin experiment station, where tlie Investigation of silo problems has In i n HO extensive as to make It au thority In this Hue. Itcply was re ceived as follows: II h4n'inn to mo It would IM> perfectly F < -UMll >|«> to coiiMtruct it <>Y lliitlrl<*itl HIIO of concrete with Mfotit wire fcucliiK Im bedded nit you HHKK<'Nt. 1 lliHpeoted two MIION 11 few H nlnce built on tlio Moruaii furui nt llelolt, Win., of con crete with it eement iiliiHicr lining, liut liming HiHMxiUlitliK Inch rixln InUl In H<'I'I|OIIH N round the MIIO at dlntuncM varying froni two nimrt iicnr the bottom to flvo IWt iijuirt near the top. Them? MIIOM have IH>UI l»eeu