STARTLED By some sudden aouod she drops the vase upon the floor. Slie is nervous and may be told that nervousness is a luxury which only a rich woman can afford to indulge in. Nervousness y lias cost many a woman her po- r\» Jy sition. times when worn- f en run machin ery the price of nervousness is mutilation, — a finger lost or per- M baps the whole T B baud crushed. YWV\ Nervousness in wdmtn is com- I mon 1 y but a M v \ symptom of v womanly disease. is useless such cases to "doctor" for the nerves Cure the diseases attack the delicate woman ly organism and ™ nervousness will „ Favorite Pre- •—— scrijition makes weak women strong, sick women welL tt establishes regular ity, dries weakening drains, heals inflam mation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It tranquilizes the nerves and induces refreshing sleep. "In the fall of 1897, 1 was troubled with nerv ousness, headache, heart trouble and female weakness,* writes Miss Blanch M. Bracey. of Bala, OiwegoCo., N. Y. "La*t summer I wrote jron and you advised me to try your ' Favorite Prescription' and Golden Medical Discovery.' I did so and I improve rapidly. Con tinued taking the medicine, half a dozen each of ' Favorite Prescription ' and ' Golden Medical Discovery' for the space of five months, and in Jess than a year had regained my former health." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the muddy complexion. I: ~ | ' j'llffri BE . 1 ■ j-' '± j ■ PBKI tr BOOK HiILIO FEF.K. ££ISSSU. B. B.ISPBAMS. Lameness. Injuries, eras { Rheumatiini. C. C. j SORB THROAT. Ouiaar, BpteooUe. CCIUB j Distemper. Bets, Grnka. B. B. { f'OIGHS. Colds. lilMns. inflamed con j Lanes. Plwrt-mwwiU. F. P. I COLIC, Brtlfa**#. WW-BIOWB, ctmm ll Diarrhea, Pysewlery. 6.G. Preveata HUCjUBIAOK. "•J; { KIDSBY * BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. IBKIN DISEASES. l.aage. Eruplloas. CCBBB {I leers. Grease. Farcy. J, H. {BAD CONDlTlO*.Jltarlaa Coat. QtmaM ladisestloa, Stamaeh Staccers. Be. sack; Stable Case, Ten Specifies, Boot, kr.. f n At dnmclsts, or sent prepaid oa receipt of prie i. Hnmptirsys' Medicine Co.. Car. William **>' an Street*. New York. " ' ' '■ ■ - - Health, D el - HipM'--- No more "Blue " Tired Vx*Fae;. Nervousness, Sleeplessness N< more Headache*. Con«s Colds, Female Troubles, £ct -tt mult* o( a torpid Live Vid poor, thfa Blood. y-»- * g,,r '- the Great Urer and . Blood rtrffier, makes you. from these » lr J»I:U T keeps yon well. Cocrespondence solicited. VICTOR REMEDIES Co. Frederick, f.Uiybujj For sale at Reed's Pharmacy Eyes Examined Free of Chary t % t KiRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate O otic is n f»xt TVvrr to Court Hons >. jN,tl fT p e . TA TJL / k .llsdcisH:#. || --oJ" t au ROOMS - $ Ptttaburg, Ps >| jrirtf LYdol iIH IgV4N =«i amuac workkj J.lm M° ! •ltuburf— WHY NOT OOfJ ?iUlrW* OUR»7 Cold CROWNS L, I iVKCB BRIDGE w °rk reduced te*J QIV MS KR TOOTH. Also the 9 3Jl^^F^^£2aiJ2^^ie2mi4fea lIcBTHA A BROWN, 338 5t17 Ave. Pittsburg, Pa., Can sell your Real Estate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. ALL TRAHSACTIOKS COSriDeRTI AL. DO YOU WAST TO SELL your farm or other real estate? 1 can do It for you. Send me foil particulars -it once 4-16-oa-ty JOHN RODGER, M Keystone Building. Pittsburg. Pa Imaaam'^-Dezn™ .A safe, certain relk .>/ 9unpresa<>d I I Meastruatlon. Never kt,.,wn tofiul. Haft*! Hare! Speedy! BatMSsrtlon (iuaranteed or money Refunded. Hen', prepaid for SI 10 per boa. Will send them on trtaj to be paid for wban relieved. Mam plea Kree. uarrca MtoicsLCQ., »w t«, Lswosatts. as. Hold in Butler at the Centre Ave. PH*T*naaip's estimated profits from the fraud. Cbina'a Al(nm Mountain. In*Chlna, about twelve miles from the 'village of Llonchek. tbere is, ac cording to a writer in the Liverpool Post, a mountain- of alum, which, in addition to being a natural curiosity, 14 a source of ;weaJtii for the inhab itants of the country, who dig from It yearly tons of alum. The mourtfaln 19 not less than ten miles In circumfer ence at its base and hes a height of nearly 2,000 feet The* alum is ob tained by quarrying la rye blocks of ■tone, which are first heated in great furnaces and then in vats*fille soon as a person is Wideinned to fbe hanged notice is sent to the executioner, who has the privi lege of erecting the scaffold whoever he pleases, and at", sunrise the next morning he begin* iti* work. Accom panied by bis assistants, who guard tho condemned man anAcarry material for the scaffold, he goes*® softie pr<*ni nent place In frtont of a lasge dwclßng tad there proceeds to/erefctftho scaffold. ▲ few minutes later jtlse owner of the large dwelling rushesiout? and Implores him to go somewherefelse.' "I don't want to have afmanV'angeii in front of my house)" hefexpljslns. "All right,"/says the hangman. "I'm willing to go) elsewhere torovldad you pay me for njy trouble in| coming here and for the/time which 0 have spent at the Job." Though sum whlchahe names Is pretty large, the ownerWnf the"- large dwelling pays It without a word, whereupon ? the 1 hangma to an other large - dwelling, when* a> similar scene Is enacted. In.this wihy several honrs(are\spent by the executioner in extorting mohey from ail the magnate*in the neighbor hood. When hjs purse Ist at 4ast well filled he erect* the scaffold in some dark wood, andj soon the v unfortunate man, who bas>been tramping after him all day. Is atirest.—Now York Herald. The/Kla« t of Bar That Tbe'ear that Darwin illustrate* In his "DescqUt of Man" as l>elng jallied to the pointed tyj>e belonging to tour sim ian relatives vis not-,an uncommon as many may imagine. It is my observa tion thut tyis peculiarity of the fold In.question isi oftener to l>e observed In 1 women, and) in manyVof tliese cases the l persistence of the wisdom teeth Is folso a characteristic! I have in mind/two!cases of this una', one of a mnn.k4.he other of n woman. i»otli resi dentslof one of our. leading'cities and their social! und Intellectual forces. The lattqr is.a renfarkable inversion to an earlier type 1m ear, in teeth, in length of.(arm, in painless ciiildblrth, In flexibility of lAiud joints' and In other ina,Tked characteristics. It ap pears to fmc tjint tl*! ear. like tl»e ver miform appisidix, fhe suspension of the viat-era, the position of the orifice of the bladder and the unprotected condition of cerfcnln main arteries. Is yet In n ( transitional Rtnte and not fully adapted! .to the newer Iniman conditions imposed ',by the i high |>ollsh. lie Knew a Way. Anxious Father But, my boy, nnle*» you study you will know nothing. Von will make no mom y with which to buy things. Young Hopeful—That's nothing. I'll have everything charged, and I'll keep on flint way till I get married.-Meg gendorfer Blatter. What'a Orforr Tliem. "These young society buds are mere butterflies." said the Itev. Mr. Strait lace. "They have no thought of the future life." "Of the future life?" replied Miss In nit "Oh. but they do! Matriiii'jny is always la their thoughts."—Exchange. 4|jjj|vOtfthe drawn from the strength-giving portion ' | of the kernel, and refined to absolute JlfMa JW j J purity, is a brief idea of the goodness of liMtji M/^rom RStfg CORN SYRUP Sf ) A food article and table delicacy that 1 ■ ' ?>>l pleases all tastes. Appetizing, nutn- ] I ILA r tious; makes you eat. A pre-digested food I \\ ready for use by the blood independent of ■ ; U digestive function, therefore agreeable to \4H| B j W the weakest stomach. A trial tin wul tell. \ 1 H I I Sold in .irtight, friction-top tin«. 10c., 25c. »nd 50c. «t trocm \ 1 fjfl ■/ ,' CORN PRODUCTS CO.. W»« Yark >nd Chicigo Jjjj rrr," ii'i 1 1 ■" 1 J * CAPITAL SUR PJ;VS S2OO 000.00. - $200,000.00. UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBF.I.L. Jr . I'r. Id< nt I 11. TltOl'T >1 AN, Ist VI.-.- Pres. TrZ M? * 1 LOUIS I!. -TEfX. Tr.-isurer, O. E. CBO.s K.N WET I\ Froasnr. Will continue to do a general banking business at the i old stand and is also prepared to transact a general j Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to E withdrawal without notice. | j Standard Trust Company I RUTIsEK, PA. | CfIPITAb - - - - - - - $150,000.00 | Paid on Deposits- Prompt and Caryful Attention to all. C. D. GRfcGNbEE, President. • C. A. sAlfcEy, Sccty. and Treasurer. ******* EXT*-- •*-*•-******** **** x*** *****-»*H THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $^00,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - ~ 832,000.00 (KAHNKIII Accounts of the public solicited A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOCNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President K. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J- F. HUTZLER. AM t Cashier. . I JrCAPITAL SURPLUS^k j \W $600,000. SBOO,OOO. M jj I TB£ LIHCQLN NATIONAL BAI I Ml OF PITTSBURGH 9 I 533 SMITHFIELD STREET, | I offers to savers, everywhere, the splendid facilities I ( I of its Savings Department. I I Four Per Oont. Intorost I I Oompound doml-annually. | ill I Withdrawals to any amount without notice. rvm&T BANK BY mail i I And get t!)e 4 per cent annual interest an.i absolute protection of this strong ''auk. j Assets over 37.700,000. jl GcniANU SAVINGS & I WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSBUKG. }' V ' ■ - BrosZ^ £ PLUMBERS i Estimates given on all kinds of work. L We make a specialty of / 1 NICKLE-PLATED, \ S SEAMLESS, / 1 OPEN-WORK. / } 354 Centre Ave.,' Butler, Pa' ? Peoples Phone. 630. The Davis Sewing Hachine tor Sale by W. B. McCaqdless, 45, Euclid, Pa, Also Pianos and Organs. Subscribe for the CITIZEN THK Boiler Connty National Bank, l-j >j 11 r Penn, Capital pal. in Surplus and Pronto (180 000.00 Jos. llariman, President; J V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug. Asa't Cashier. A general ban king business transacts Interest paid on time deposits. Money 1 janed on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this bank. .. u - DIRECTIRS-Hon. Josepn Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waldron. Harry Heaslev H. M;;- >weeney. C. I'. Collins I. G. SmitiJ, Leslie J - Ha/'eit" M. llent»haw. W. H. Larkln, T.. P« MifiT.n, Dr. W < McCandless. E h\. liredln. W.J. Marks. .1 vr . R'tt*. A. L. It**ir*ir. ®r U*. n Pearson B. Nace's Lsvery Feed and Sale Stable •<. »■ ..r Wick House Butler "'enn'i Th** if aii*J first cla*b rigs »i wii.Ts on hand auri for hire Best nent boarding and transient trade. Sped al cart guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good r a>~ if Viors'-s. both drivers ajf draft In'r». ■- always on hand *nd for sail un'lerafuil guarantee; and I ort»e& bou*l 0 )a jro >*r n >Mfl—iMo* bv PF«RSI-K B. T C.'ni . N . Famiiy i^euqionS'! We "(ten cause ourselves ei do some little thing Liet a gout! picture of your family and h mc made at your first op portunity. We nuke the best at $6.00 per dozen BxiO inches and 1 »uirantee them permanent. let I us know <"n time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing R. FISHER W. S & E W ICK, HEALERS IN Hough and Worked Lumber of s.ll Ktndi Doors, Sash and Mouldings Oil Well Kins a Specialty. Office and Yard K. Cunningham and Monroe Bti r»o*r Wept Penn Depot, vr-"t rtt t># | Wm. Foster, j j Architect. ;? j Plan of all kind of bnildings v \ furnished on short notice. £ r Office in Berg Building, / * Butler, Pa. V HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER. PA. Come and See us when in Pittsburg. A bottle of our Whiskey makes the best Exposition Souvenier going. A dollar never dill hotter buying. ALWAYS IN STOCK PINCH. I.ABHK. OVKBHOLT, (it . hKMIKIMKH. Mf. »KU*o\ IH'IMPSO*, lilß-ON. IIILIJNHfcB. HKIIMJKPOBT, and offer them to yon (I year old at |1 per full quart, 8 quarts |uUU. GRAN! FATHER'S CHOICE, whiskey guar mi tee (1 years old, 00 per gal lon. We pay express charges on all mal ..rders of *><»' or over. Quods shlppoc promptly. ROBT. LEWIN <% CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AlfD LIQUORS, Ho 14 Smithflrld Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 'Phone*: Brll ?>'«* P. * A. 145*. PAROID READY OOFINO. "DAKOID. The Koofing with NC TAK. Won't dry out. Won'l grow brittle. ANYONK can apply it. Tins Nails and Cement in core ol eaph roll. REPRESENTS the results o " years of Eitpericiice and Ex perimenting. ONLY requires painting every few years. Not when first laid. f S Cheaper than Gravel. Slatt or Shingles. |\KM AN O for PAROID is world '' wid« MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PL* Other Fact*. Hamples and Prices art yonrH if yoti will auk n*. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. Headaches Curod Wi!h Glasses. ArtificialEys». Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS ?(•"> PI'.N'M AVKNI'K, QPP, PE\\ -IIL'IL.DIBiO. PITTSBURG. a-HMjr /ITBTOANTILE liURF^U, ■trenrra Pln(.rl*M WrrcanlUe avid Nnhanlral Poiltlnns.^, Office • PltUliow. I*» iiU Fourth Avenue, HHI Get the Habit in Our ! New Fall Clothing. EXCLUSIVE STYLES In abundance, and the kind sold here must be of the highest grade —Perfect. In selling our Exclusive Smart Clothes we realize that it is expressive of the highest attainment of the tailor man s art. We can tell you all about the clothes, but you must see them to truly appreciate their elegance and finish, you must try on a; garment to see how well it fits and how dressy it looks Men's Suits, $8 to S2O. L Fall showing of the New Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats. Cost no more than the ones called just as good. Schaul & NastJ LFADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS 137 South .Wain St.. Rut' |A Little Disfigured in Front! I But still Doing Business 1 ■ on the Inside. I I Greater bargains than ever while I 3® H ■ this tearing-up is uoing on. B |j Seethe large piles of shoes wel ! have been compelled to mark way I H below cost in order to get room for B |j workmen. Youi size is among B j them. Come in today before it is B I o°ne. m m SO PAY US A VISIT I C. e. /Vliller,l 215 8. Main St, Butler, Pa., Opposite Hotel Arlington. B Fall Footwear. Largest Stock and Most Handsome Styles of Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. Twenty new fall styles-Dongola. Box-cnlf, SnrnQlQ Enamel and Patentkid made in the latest up- Wvl UOIO WllUwO to date styles in medium or high top& Misses' and Children's Shoes Extremely large stock of Misses' and Children's fine shoes comprised of many new and pretty styles for fall. no 5 C"%| All the latest styles in Men's fine shoes. A fnll lUBOn C Snnoc line of Men's Patent kid, the latest style lasts, IVIUII O \JIIUvO 50 to #6.00 Men's fine Calf, Vici-kid and Box calf shoes $1 00 to $6.00. Large Assortment of Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Fine Shoes f\ | of Jamestown. N. Y., who failed sometime ago an«l who wa« l-vfILPU closed down for over a year lias started up again. We gave him a UUlVwi verv large order for Men's box-toe and plain toe shoes; also boys' and Youths' copper tipped sl»o«s The good* are al! in. These shoes are oat from go.>d water proof kip -hand pegged, sewed with heavy waxed ei.tls. The beat of Hemlock out and insoles. Nothing lacking to make them a first class winter shoe. Every pair Stamped on sole, N. W. Qokey &. Son, Jamestown, N Y We invite you to call and sec this well known line be fore buying your winter shoes. Large stock of Ladies' Kan garoo, Calf, Oil-grain and Kip shoes at away down prices. SPECIAL BARGAINS N SCHOOL SHOES. Repairing promptly done, JOHN 51CK613, 128 South Main Street. Butler, Pa. Y ' EARLY FALL ARRIVAL OF Si IMPORTED AND DO VIESTJC SUJTINpS jj| Now on Display at Graham Building. jjj* jk Suits from $ 5 to sso. I jfj We Defy Competition. ? ? "y Call and Examin. Goods Early. :i? $ COpPER & CO., p Leading Tailors, |j fit 335 S. Main St, - - = = Butler, Pa. j* MAK E 1 HAS fEI —— ip vis- :E— --NEW EXPOSITION o* it pos lively c.'o»e» one /flrtrkhor from next SAIUTOAY MGHI . VvtIUUCI "'*) Just NOW It if qt U?e height of its CI ORY and SUCCESS! Magnificent music this week and next by WALTER PAMROSCH VND HIS NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA " 1,1 lif'i "M ' '¥ His programs are calculdU-d to delight the largest possible number of visitors. lion* t dc!av your visit until too late. Excursions from this city at the one-fare rate. jWrs. J. E.'ziMMERMANj : Cloak and Suit Department'; ! [ xk Greatest Suit va * u ® B ,n i | < i tnr Butler for Ladies, Misses < S -JNL. W and Children, including J [ Separate Jackets Cloaks < j /. f f ("i We are ready with a F 1 ** 1 showing , . V ■_l f I (I / of Ladies' Tailor-made Suits —separate {v / C >nt* and Skirt*—in dress and walking 4 > I lengths, and they reprrwi t the very . . V ml f ' jil / l**t in their class th«t hnve been pr»- /V if I I |W dm-ed this season. Lik** aH our ready- I | jf Jji I 11W to wear gurmenti they are all well Jl y M hi. f ■ 11 \V *43 made, perfect fitting. Prices extremely j vy JV j 1 |\ low. All that is newest in materials r ► O I j - Ladies' Tailor-made Suite in fancy J ' f | weave*, also plain cloths SIO.O0 — > J i Ladies' Plain Blue, also Black Cheviot Snits of best qnalitf. at J | J $16.50. Others ask $25 for same valuer Prices range from $lO to SSO £ \> in Suit-*. Prices in Skiits t2 98 up to S4O. Ladies' S-p«rat«* J.tckeU sft. O real value $7.50. Our Ladies'and Misses' Jacket at $lO is a special > V leader in quality and price. Same values sold elsewhere at sls. jf J. ■ * w a ■ % * We call special attention to our elegant , . V H 1 J I stock of Furs All that is newest in de i* * 0 M sign and colors, snch as grey t-quirrel. ( I . I Isabella and Sable fox. nntria and marten, at ( I k Prices from 98c up to $75.00 { . We guarantee to save you 25c on every dollar you invest in Furs ( here, as our Furs were all bought six months ago, before advance in I 1 Furs. The first shipments in Fnrs are always more perfect than later ( shipments and the prices much less. u Dress Goods I Largest and choicest collection of Dress Goods, Suitings and Novel * I ties this store has ever shown now ready for your inspection and ap- " { » proval. The price® as in every department in this store LESS than j > I others will ask you for same values Price range in novelties, plain and , I fancy weaves. 25e to $3 per yard. biwill! nery < -HatsTrimmed Free] j In the new Millinery Department, which it now located in onr new * annex,and where we have double the space formerly occupied—splendid- ' i kly lighted—large mirrors and experienced attendants -we are showing ) hundreds of artistic designs and models copied from the finest imported I models as well as the creations of onr own work room-all at reasonable ' ' i k prices Trimmed Hats from $1 98 op to any price you may wish to ( > pay. Be sure and visit our Millinery Parlors before purchasing your w winter Hat. We can please you—we can save you money. I SPECIAL —We call attention t» our splendid showing of Men's, Wo- V I V men's and Children's Underwear and Hosiery in cotton fleeced and > J\ woolens nl*o to our immense stock of Blankets, Bed Hups, Outing i'i V Flannel", Waiotings and Fancy Vestings. Yarns, Art Goods—in fact | O everything contained in an up-to-date, reliable dry goods store. Our 1, 1 ( molto—the same or better merchandise for lees money than elsewhere. {Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.l (I PM?hsSim Butler, Pa. < > I We turn your Old Carpets Into elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Wearers employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SILK BAGS woven Into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our tcriOM &re so moderftte-no umttcr the Jlstance—lt will pay you to aend to üb. DAVID LOVE & CO., 823 Third Avenue. 9-08-2 m, (L, D. Phone.) New Brighton. Pa. Curry College 44TH YEAR. Catalogue Mailed Free on Application J H. WALLACE, Ph. M . Pre®. Penn Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. «(-27-oa-S(n TEACHERS WANTED. We need at once a few more Teacher* for Fall schools. Good positions are be ing filled daily by us. We are receiving more calls this year than ever before. Schools and colleges supplied with Teachers free of cost. Enclose stamp AMEBIAN TEACHERS; ASSOCIATION. J. L. OKAHAM.LL. D., Manager. laß-l!W Randolph Building, s-27-03-2tn Memphis. Tenr Mt. Gallitzin Academy. Baden, Beaver Co , Pa This Institution, undur thp care of the Sinters of sit. .IsM'ph. I» fur tniys between the agi* of 4 and 1« years. Tuition, boarding washing and mending |IiO a year, tor futher Pa H r !i-« KPP ' y 10 THE DIBEOTBTOB. "TIEY MAN HARRIS, LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDING HABITS, 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 1
-iy I ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, I 1038 nrih A TO., Plttabur*. Tm. ■ OIVEH INDIVID WAL IWSTRUCTIOW ■ ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES I Ml »0M 242 Grant. i. t. lnupt, h* | 1-03-ly (Gltm ft brftftd-wiflfiloff Education - KdMfttlaff fount into and whdmo lo mmt the dsmaad of Uft prosperous commercial u» Tor drcuJsrs ad dross P. DUFF A SOWS. Bth A Übtfty *»#., PlWsbfftFft. ill mwßWUt* A mnpt Itt Imaiun. Wliyf Hecaiuow* an In constant toM with the boat Anna, In and out of the oily, Ou» husln«ia Is to take care of people who an willing te work but cannot Unci It. We do this by means of willettors who an constantly on the go, looking roe I.uenlngii of all kinds. Pittsburg, la to-day, tlie iwHt |.lice In the world for au enterprising manor woman. Call or wrlio. All letters are promptly an, we red. 7-23-03-3 m WANTED Flrxmcn. Ilrakamen, Machinists, n,i. llUrrkmnllha and lielpeia for rail* r-ada, Mao '.lt Mrs >mr fit ►l'»ls of h«lp. Pl.m-.-s walling. t.cncral Onreau, '4) l Fede ral street, A Pa. W \ XTKP \t once, en 1« In every capaclfr; )J to 10 I» r »• -ck : (I ir I >.r num.-* refunded. (Jomoc-I 1C mem linrcau, JOI FaderalSl.. Allettneuy, I'a. 3-18-ly CHICHESIERS ENGLISH PENNYROYALPHIS cp \v- n •afr. Alwayj r.llablf a«k n ,l u *r" l