OSTRICH LOGIC. "When lesft't it* danger there is no danger." .Ttfct's tb« logic of the ostrich which hidM Its h«*d and txposee Ma body to AM honUr. There are not a few peopt* who mm to have gone to the ostrtch to lasra logic. The moat dangerous enemies of humanity are ths •nemios whkh taa't be Men, the disease weeding microhes which infect the blood. It is hsxder to get the microbe out of the blood tfcsa to keen H out, but Dr. PrerM*s Ooldsa Medical Discover does both, bj parv fyisg the blood keeping eruptions on the ff fly Bj Pittsburg, Pa V! Wi 2SW We'ropßACTlCA'.i.Y (loln K l, 'e[> 'liS * CROWN and BRlttttC workk; -ftffM A"' Pittsburg—wH Y NOT DO K !is«§ WWYOURS? Gold CROWNS/, J*'!t'a *® nd BRIDGE » ork reduced to|L< MI'KTUA & BROWN, 33!) sth Ave. Pittsbure, Pa.. Can sell your Keal Estate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. ALT. TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL. DO YOU WANT TO SELL your farm or other real estate? X can do It for you. Send me full particulars at once. 4-16-03-ly JOHN KOUUER, 404 Keystone Building. Pittsburg. Pa 13 A safe, certain relit .r Suppressed (a Menstruation. Never kt. u «rn to fail. Safe! J Sure! Speedyl Satisfaction Guaranteed 3or money Refunded. Ben", prepaid for B 11.00 per box. Will send them 011 trinj to H be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. 9 UHITtP imPICALCQ., SOI 74. >«. Sold in Butler at the Centra Ave. "turmsT. K THE fi K MARTIN 0 S w stto - R O L HAND 1 g IWi COMMERCIAL Q X tuswtulManoM SCHOOL, 8 8 Liberty Ave. Ii Fifth St., Pittsburg, Pa. ft 1 An old ichool conducted on y | the most modern principles. Q [ The demand for young men and women 9 greater than ever before. Call and see one If of the largest and but schools la tlio V country. Catalogue sont on refi'.iost. V uo&THtxs, nwwurao. i cnnwn«&. txsvs- x rnr, BKiiss. sriti C 5, rnrsiu m, z:o. H (, I,K».prt EniaaJ Fita:'. t;,. • r.iol r-30-3m Eyth Bros, Big Bargains IN Wall Paper AND HAMMOCKS EYTH BROS Next to Old P. O. CANVASSERS—Ten dollars per day easy; staple Hue—Shoes -rubber heel.cushlou sole; permanent business; at home; no fako. Ad dress Manufacturers, Box lliS. Latrobe, Pa WANTED —Lady agents everywhere; a money-maker: write for terms; samples free. Shepherd Mfg. Co., Ml Liberty St., I'lUsbure, P»- »-24-03-4t WORK AND LOOK YOUNG. lud will Siuc«Tfd If Ynar Heart la In Your Labor. Is It hard work that makes people grow old or is It because tliey do not have enough to do, or, rather, do not ftud tl»' thing they are be«t fitted to do? The hardest worked people In the world are the actresses, yet some of them, without mentioning wuoes. are •lxty and some play •ie parts of lovers and boisterous young tomboys at an even greater age. Tho Americans are the hardest work ed people ih the world, yet foreigners call us a young looking nation. Noth ing makes n people k»ok so young "8 liberty. There is none of thi> cramp: d. caste restricted blight upou our people that la seen in Europe. The oldest look Ing people in the world are not those who have worked hardest, but those who have not worked nt all. If one would see them he wants to go to the fashionable watering places. There he will see comparatively young men and women who have never worked, either with body or uiind. driven around in bath chairs or hobbling about on canes, while men absorbed in business are of ten quite robust at seventy. Where hard work ever killed a man laziness and Inaction have killed a wore. It is the class that feels above work that nature has little use for. Work and look young!--Boston Globe. The Rock That Hoars "Smote." The famous "Rock in U*reb." an ciently called the "Rock of Jlafsah" and at present known throughout the orient as the "Stone of the Miraculous Fountain," being the identical rock which Moses struck with his rod In or der to give water to the children of Is rael, Is religiously preserved and guarded even down to this late date. or. Shaw In his book "Shaw's Travels" says, "It is a block of granite about six yards square lying tottering and loose in the middle of the valley of Rephldirn and seems to have originally been a part of Mount Sinai." The action of the waters of that mi raculous fountain, as related In the seventeenth chapter of Exodus, hol lowed a channel about two inches deep and more than twice that broad across the face of the rock, this not upon un supported testimony, but upon the word of such men as the Itev. Dr. Shaw, Dr. Pocock, Lieutenant Clogher and other eminent scholars and trav elers. M. Beaumgorton, a German no bleman who visited the "Rock of IIo reb" in the year 1507, declares his be lief in the generally accepted story of it being the rock of Moses' famous fountain. Famous Bloated Hon»ei. The moat which so often surrounded halls and castles In the old days Is ncrw generally dry and filled up. but some remarkable specimens still remain. Perhaps the finest example of a moated botiaa 1# Heimingham Hall, the seat ot Lord Tollemache. in Suffolk, about eight miles from Ipswich. The draw bridge still remains, and it has been raised every night for more than 300 years, the ancient precaution being ob served even though the need for it has long passed by. The moat which sur rounds Leeds castle, near Maidstoue, is so wide that it may almost be called a lake. The ancient Episcopal palace at Wells is surrounded by walls which In close nearly seven acres of ground and by a moat which Is supplied with wa ter from St. Andrew's well. A vener able bridge spans the moat, giving ac cess through a tower gateway to the outer court Life After Death. A German biologist has been investi gating the question of the activity of animal bodies after death and has pub lished some suggestive conclusions. It appears that death Is not instantane ous throughout the physical organism, for It has been observed that many of the different tissues continue active a considerable period after the tim j LOUIS B. STEIN. Treasurer C. E. CKONENWETT. Ass t Treasur. f; Will continue to do a general banking business at the jj old stand and is also prepared to transact a general | Trust Company business. H 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to I withdrawal without notice. *■ jj Standard Trust Company I I BUTIsER, Pfl. | CflPlTflb ------- $150,000.00 J ' Paid on Deposits- Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. £>. GR66NkEE, President. C. A. SAII9EV, Secty. and Treasurer. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS. President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER. Ass't Cashier. |J INTEREST ]f WITHDRAWALS^* | I SAVIN6S°ACCQUNTS. WITHOUT NOTIiiE. I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK 1 OP PITTSBURGH I 633 SMITHFIELD STREET, ■ Mail banking is simple and convenient. Bend us your money 1 I by Check, Money Order or Registered Letter. By return mail you I ■ will receive bank book with the amount to your credit and card for |i H your signature. When desiring to withdraw any amount, niai us 1H ■ check on form provided, together with your book, and we will sera fraMl SANK BY MA 111 \\ 6 AnJ get ihe 4 per cent annua! i n t erest an^ I absolute protection of this strong bank. ! Assets over $7,700,000. Germans Swings ban* WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSBURG. PA JJ K Bros^S $ PLUMBERS | Estimates given on all kinds of work. ? C We make a specialty of ✓ J NICKLE-PLATED, V J SEAMLESS, ✓ J OPEN-WORK. / : 354 Centre Ave., Butler, S People's Phone. 630. t The Davis Sewing Hachine tor Sale by W. B. McCandlesH. 45, Euclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs? I New Fail Goods, *f a; * Y We are shewing an extensive line of advance $ Styles of Fall Hats, Tailor- jj mTA fff Made, Ready-to-Wear, 011 S if. M Dress and Street 1 Ji z § Always First to Show the New Ideas. $ S it | Rockenstein's 1 g; 328 South Main Street, Bntler) Pa jg I OHKIM.4 nVFR our sp'endid stock of Wall Papers LUvlllllU w w til will bring a smile of satisfaction to the most gloomy face. The NEW DESIGNS are clever, artistic and harmonious. You don't know how welcome you are to come in and just see the new designs we're showing. Mouldings to Match all Papers. Picture and Mirror Frames made to order. Patterson Bros' 236 North Main St., Both Phones, Wick Building.' TH E Butler Couatj National Bank, tiutler Penn, Capital paid in f 200,000.00 ; Surplus and Profits $180,000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. | Interest paid on time deposits. Money leaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. DIRECT'JKS—IIcn. Joseph Hartman, Don. W. S. Waldron. Harry lloasley H. Mc- Sweeney. C. V. Collins I. G. Smith, Leslie P. Hazlett, M. Heusliaw. W. H. I.arkln. T. P. Mifflin, l>r. W. C. McCaudless. E M. Bredir. W. J. Marks, r. V. Kltts. A. L. R"U>er. «*VINO AND UP. RA ON FCI eMicmtta ACCOUNT*, Pearson B. Mace's i Livery Fee'J and Sale Stable i Rear of Wick House Sutler "'enn'a Thebes) of horses aud first class rigs * wavs on hand and for hire. Be*.t accommodations In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Sped al care guaranteed. Stable Rocm For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand anil for sale under a full guarantee; and horses tour' jan .inner notification bv PEARSON B. NACE. T"'eßtior<> f". ?1 .. Family Reunions;! We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some .ittlc thiisg. Get a ged picture of your family arid home made at your first op portunity We make the best at s(>.oo per dozen, Bxio inches and guarantee them permanent. If t ij* know in time to go out. Tiie Butler Dye Works Djeisip. Cleaning, R. ?iSH£R W S & E WICK, HE AIXZUTT:, Liough .iiiu V. LuhjPCt or * t !\illOft Doors. Sasb und Moulfilnjrs Oil Weli Ri/b a Specialty. O&ce and Yard E Cunnlcfflium und Monroe ?ts •near Penn liepot, -»r -y 7" r # AAAAA/^f l Wm. Foster, j \ Architect. » Plan of all kind of buildings I \ furnished on short notice. r r Office in Berg Building, / J Butler, Pa. V HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER. PA. Come and See us when iu Pittsburg. A bottle of our Whiskey makes the best Exposition Souvenier going. A dollar never did better buying. ALWAYS IN STOCK UXtit. LABfc'K, OVKBHOI.T. ft UCREMI til 3Mi HF. I PSON. tit 11 UN. DILMSUKK. KKI lift E PORT, and offer them to you 6 year old at $1 per full 1 quart, (5 quarts foi*). GRAHJ FATFLER'S CBOICS. whiskey guaranteed :i years old, 00per gul lon. We p.iy cxpi' charges on all mall orders of jr>on or over. (ioods shipped nromptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOT.ESALK EEALERS IN WIHSS ALTD LIQUORS, Ho 14 Smitlillcld Street, PITT32URG, ?A. •?tC3e«: E-U P. ft A. 1458. PAROID READY OOFING. a K.OIU The Roofing with NO ir' TAR. "vVr n,t dr^'out - Won t grow brittle. A NYONK can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. OEPRESENTS the results o yt ars <>i Experience and Hx perimenting. /"kNLY requires painting every few years. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. PvEMAND for PAROID is world j wide MADE IN 1. 2 AND 3 PLY j Other Facts, Samples and Prices are I yours if you will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. j Hc3dacl.es Cured With Glasses. Aitilicial Eyes. tugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS. 105 PENS AVEStT. CPP. RE.N.V :BVILDI.\U, PITTSBIKG, 3-19-ty JffERCANTILE BUREAU, Sfcam Firat-t lami r«lereantlls and Medio uieal PoiUlou#,^, Office - Pitttbuig. 434 Fourth Avenue, 3-19-ly Get the Habit in Our New Fall Clothing. EXCLUSIVE STYLES In abundance, and the kind sold here must be of the highest grade —Perfect. In selling our Exclusive Smart Clothes we realize that it is expressive of the highest attainment of the tailor man's art. We can tell you ail about the clothes, but you must see them to truly appreciate their elegance and finish, you must try on a garment to see how well it fits and how dressy it looks Men's Suits, $8 to S2O. Fall showing of the New Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats. Cost no more than the ones called just as good. Schaul Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS 137 South IKain St., But!*" | A Little Disfigured in Front 1 | But still Doing Business 1 | on the Inside. 1 1 m Greater bargains than ever "while® fi this tearing-ii}) is going 011. as Seethe large piles of shoes weß p have been eonipelled to mark way Jl j below cost in order to get room for R U workmen. Youi size is among B M them. Come in today before it is E PAY US A VISIT- g|jj |C. 6. filler,l 215 S. Main St, Bntler, Pa., Opposite Hotel Arlington. sicld water proof kip—hand pegged, sewed with heavy waxed eods. The best of Hemlock out and insoles. Nothing lacking to make them a first class winter shoe. Every pair Stamped on sole, N. W. Gokey &. Son, Jamestown, N Y We invite you to call and sc3 this well known line be fore buying your winter shoes. Large stock of Ladies' Kan garoo, Calf, Oil-grain and Kip at away down prices. SPECIAL BARGAIN? N SCHOOL SHOES. Repairing promptly done. JOHN RlCKeis, 128 South Main Street. Butler, Pa. jg EARLY FALL ARRIVAL OF % IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SUITINGS Si Now on Display at >aham Building. : |p Suits from £ls to sso. J We Defy Competition. » •g Call and Examin.; Goods Early. Ij! COOPER & CO., $ ?|4 Leading Tailors, «? jjf 335 S. Main St, -- - - Butler, Pa. jp Y 3 WEEKS MORE EXPOSITION! " Piltsburrj's maqn'rfi irMElltff' • vv is imperative ~VESS >: L L A And his Koyal t!a!iai G.i s we k, < ssistcd by THE PARk SISTERS .110 finest Cornel (, . . ,-t i>> liie world BAMROSCH EXT WEEK i I Special Excursions from this City. x>ooooooooooooooooooooooo^; iMrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN ; o- M > iCloak and Suit Department:: £ ggjP*. a Greatest Suit values in; | OTp Butler for Ladies, Misses! ! y % Ww a "d Children, including ] j x M Separate J a °kets Cloaks < I & wS! y an rts * <1 Ml I* f We are ready with a great showing . C 1 11 111 / °' Tailor-made Suits —separate' I Conts and Skirts—in dress and walking < > / lengths, aud tbey represent the very V fl I{' I 1 / > n their class that have been pro- ' ' A ///' \/ dnced this season. Like all our ready-| > X //J | I V to-wear garments tbev are all well . if MM I I 11 \V. made, perfect fittiun. Prices extremely 'i ' - ,*Jj3' i l\V " low. All that is newest in materials | > \J I - Ladies' Tailor-made Suits in fancy ' A Ladies' Plain Blue, also Black Cheviot Suits of best qualitv. at A V $16.50. Otheis ask $25 for same value?. Prices rang* from flO to #SO V Oin Suit Prices in Skirts #3.98 up to S4O. Ladies' S*>p:irate Jackets $5. I? JV real value $7.50. Our Ladies'and Misses' Jacket at $lO is a special > I leader in quality and price. Same values sold elsewhere at sls. ■ \ | T ■"% > We call special attention to our elegant jr""* 0 1 stock of Furs All that is newest in de- and colors, such as grey squirrel, i Isabella and Sable fox, nutria and marten, at . Prices from 98c up to 575.00 We guarantee to save you 25c on every dollar you invest in Furs " here, as our Furs were all bontrht six months ago, before advance in ' Fnr«. The first shipments in Furs are always more perfect than later 1 shipments and the prices much less. ' j Dress Goods Largest and choicest collection of Dress Goods, Suitings and Novel ties this store has ever shown now ready for yonr inspection and ap- ' proval. The prices as in every department in this store LESS than j others will ask von for same values Price range in novelties, plain and fancy weaves. 2 5c to $3 per yard. 1 AAiUine r y - Hats Trimmed Free] f In the new Millinery Department, which ik now located in our new | annex.and where we have double the space formerly occupied—splendid- * | { ly lighted—large mirrors and experienced attendants —we are showing ' I hundreds of artistic designs and models copied from the finest imported 'I ' models as well as the creations of onr o.vn work room-all at reasonable ' < j prices Trimmed Hats from SI 98 n P to any price yon w-«y wish to | ( pay. Be sure and visit onr Millinery Parlors before purchasing your ( yr winter liar. We can please >'>a--we can save you money. W VSPECIAL —We call attention oar splendid showim? of Men's. Wo- Jr men's and Children's Underwear aud Hosiery in cotton fleeced and f woolriis; also to our in!uiens«» of Blankets, Bed Flaps, Outing f V Flannels, Waistings and Faucy Vesting*. Yarns, Art Gooas —in fact j m everything contained in an up to-date, reliable diy gooda stare. Onr € mott">—-the? same or letter merchandise for less mouey than elsewhere. J iMrs. J. E. Zimmerman.? Be 11 I*llollo 30f*. . « | X) ri # w People's rhoue ouner, i ca \ O'^>00000000000000«xvi We turn your Old Carpets luto elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Or'entnl Weavers employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SILK BASS woven Into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are so moderate—no matter the Jlstance—lt will pay you to send to us. DAVID LOVE & CO., I 823 Third Avenue, 9 03-2 m (L. D. Phone.) New Brighton. Pa. Curry College 44TH YEAR. Catalogue Mailed Free on Application J H. WALLACE, Ph. M , Pres. Peno Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. X-27-03-3iH 1 ~~ TEACHERS WANTED. We need at once a few more Teachers for Fall schools. Good positions are be l ing filled daily by us, We are receiving more calls this year than ever before. Schools and colleges supplied with Teachers free of cost. Enclose stamp for reply. AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, I J. L. GRAHAM, LL. D„ Manager. 102-1&4 RandolDh Building, 8-27-03-2 m Memphis. Tenr Mt. Gallitzin Academy. Saden, Bea/er Co, Pa This institution, under the care of the Sisters of St. Jsseph, is for t>ovs between the ages of 4 and 14 years. Tuition, boarding washing and mending $l5O a year. For futher P 2»-S UPPIJ l ° TH E DIRECTRESS. ! ABIES' rAILCR-MADE SUITS and HIDING HABITS,—- 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 3-19-ly I PENNSYLVANIA I ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, I lose Firth Ave., PltUbure. Pa. ■ a IVES INDIVIDV XL ihbtbuction ■ ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES I -03-ty (GlTOfl a bread-winning Education—Ednetting jonag rnsn an J wornra to meet tne demand of UUi prosperous commercial age -*' or circulars address P. DUFF ft SONS. 81b * Llbtrty At*., Pltt«b*r|,P». ■ JT PITTS lITTRCJ EHPLOyMKST Ht'RKAU. Opp. b. A O. l>epot, 431-4*4 WaW St, Entire Second Floor, A medlnm for obtaining work that cannot b* beaten. Why? Because we are In constant touch with the I>est firms, in and out of the city. Our busings is to talcc care of people who are willing to work but cannot find it. Wo do this by means of solicitors who are constantly on the go, looking for openings of all kinds. Pittsburg, is to-day, the best place In the world for an enterprising man or woman. Call or writo, AH letters are promptly answered. WA\TKD Fircnen, Brakemen, Machinists, i • l iiac.s. Iliac k smiths ami helpers for rail- I'v'r'vrrs M'«i ; I kinds of help. lliKti V - ' lOl fal M ' *. IV AXXKD-At OBCO, gi.-'.i In every capacity: J5 • i» , •! ; |. •ci-il <>r money rtluinlo.l. Xa>bi>.Muciii l.Mira i, 201 Ftdsre'tt.. Allecneny, Pfc 3-19-ly CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENN YROYAL PILLS <£•' X ¥ *<£? 6?* P * ft.'Ti H (•old metal;, ho*.*. wltll fnUr no «U'cr. diinir<-ron» »""«" lullirtloafc Uu ? ofyourDTOWMt, or (lend Ir. in t. rnp« (•>' V-*rtlrnlan. Tr»tl monlal, and - Krllef for "•»«»"• < 2ifK* hv return 71h41. TrttUnoniata. Bold by •Jl CHEMICAL 00. SIOD fliuiiaon Alavd** Ihii ■ ■■»■* NO SPAVINS asas be cured in 45 minutes. Lamp Jaw splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never baa fa ; led. Detailed information abort this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M CLUGH, Knoxdaie, Jefferson Co,, PA. A SINGLE WEEK In the stock market, a single week may place you on the road ' to fortune, as fca!< been tbe case ' thousandg of times. The advice i born of my experience as a broker is at your command for stock operations, and large or small lines will be carried on low mar fins. Every facility for quick information and the prompt execution of orders. ESTABLISHED 1893. R. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds Third Are. and Wood St, PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J A REYNOLDS, Manager. HOW WE CAN SELL your property no matter what it consist of. A buyer can be found for anyr thing with in reason. Ous method of doing business ir such that when* you list you pfoperty with'us we'place fore the public in all'our papers which comes with in reach "of the entire county. We create a market, and we advertise it continually until it is sold. You get our personal attention and work. We have daily calls from all over for farms, resi dence and business property and we can sell no matter where located if such is placed with us at a reasonable price. We offer the following at present:' 3 houses with stores ip N, Y City, rents for f0,(iOO, price #70,000. sth Ave. House, in N. Y. City, rents for $6,000, price $55,000. 65 acre?, Oxford Co., Maine. 40 atTt.B timber, good house, $2,700. 8 acres, Marion Co., Oregon, timber, good house, |500.00. Hotel and Livery Stable, Milion. N- H., i cash, f5.500: 5 story house, Gramercy Pork, N. Y. City, $85,000. Send us a list cf what juu Wi.r.l to sell but don't have niiy farcy prices which would k<-«p us from Beiliiig. NtW YORK REAL ESTATE CO., 8 27-3 m 25 East 14 St., N. Y. WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sopiaand Water Color taught at home, and employment given at once For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OP ART, Pall*. Pa. . v jC, F. T, Papej j £ JEWELER! | < \ / 121 E. Jefferson Street i