VOL. XXXX. 9seatxaeaeK»3ieaessxx4ie*e«&ei&xaef « Fall and Winter Underwear. € IS An Unsurpassed Assortment. More Matchless Millinery. £ 3 The Moderq Store g in Thii stock is complete and for quality and price is (n worthy of your immediate attention. We can not put £ It too strongly. We have the underwear stock of the £ town and we are willing to abide by your decision & after yon have examined it. jn Al *1 I t grey cotton fleece-lined, ribbed, good quality I .nllflPPn Q shirts, pants and drawers. start at 10c for size 10 VIIIIUI VII O and advance to 35c for 84. i| Boy's heavy fleece-lined cotton shirt*, and drawers, all sizes, 24 to 34. U SBc each. Children's fine Australian wool steam-shrunk start at 30c for size 16. 'A to 75c for pize 34. v? Children's finest Camel's hnir starts at 35c and advance 10c a size. /A Boys' heavy Uni ,n Suits in browa, best you ever saw for boys all sizes, 50c each. /» f% m |> fine ribbed anion suits in cream and silver. 50c each. Better ISA l«ip| O grades ap to $1 00 Children's hygienic sleeping garment* ® " forchildren. all sizes, 50 to 75c. Good qnility fleece-lined J| aleeuing garments, 25c suit ' ( Jk jO Misses fine ribbed vests and pants in cream, 25c, all sizes. M I I" J vests and pants in cream and pore white, best in the,} ** I Qfl IQ O land for 25c each. * Long sleeve corset covers, cotton 25c ."O kUUI vv Ha( j wool 50c each. Nicest underwear in cream and pur-' white in the market for 50c each Special extra heavy fleeced underwear 50c <«cb Oar line of finer grades in woo), silk and cotton, and silk and wool ntiderwear at from 75c to $1.50 will astonish yon. . AJ t*e above grades in onion suits starting at 50c for fleece lined cot 0 ton t-» #I.OO, 91.50. $2 00 to |3.00 for the finer wool. ■■ I nuderwear in all weights and a most varied assortment. (jM IllPn C Our 50c garments hare no equal. See our all wool grades *■' * ■ ** at fl 00 and $1.50 each, aleo nnion snita from SI.OO to $3.00 per siit. This is one of the strongest departments of oar store. We are ji bidding for the underwear trade of Butler and we are prepared to meet the demand. We don't ask yon to bny, but we do cordially invite you to J* examine oar stock. Oar Millinery Department Flourishing. 8 We have *et a pace in oar millinery f-e'jriou that is a matter of com' Wl rant —For yi SMART, ELEGANT MILLI NEHY § we clmllHiige comparison and competition Oar customers are appre- (R '.A dutiiK our efforts to furnish them thoroughly np-t-» d»fe he-vd wear. We f) «-i»h to avoid sensational advertising, baf w<* irnaraot«*e Better for the same price and as Goai for a Less Price 8 Co., 8 snmi Kin mm \ f%f%-1 91 g ronomaMx 8 ) fcfcl Send in Your Mail Orders. OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLFR. t'\ IA Magnificent j October Showing at BROWN A CO S. Every Furniture Fancy J Is favored In our grand showing. There's a marked absence of the uncouth and trashy. Everything for the Home—Stock Large, I Qualities Right, You Buy for Less. I Make your Home Beautiful. You can do it right here at little cost. We anticipate by far the largest October trade we have ever experienced. [■.■ As our store is full to overflowing, with a ! LARGE STOCK still to arrive, we are offer ing SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS on LOW PRICES DURING OCTOBER to make \ worn. | COME IN AND COMPARE! BROWN &• CO. No. 1M N. Stain St. (Bell Phone 106) BUTLER. PA. I I JE Merchant Tailor. B I Fall and Winter Suitings H ■ ( ) JUST ARRIVED. ( 1 H ■ '. V HZ North Main St. ■ CoHn's Bargain Store, I 15Q Main and Qunnjngham St, | We are ready for fall business with a wonderful showing of ladies' tailor-made suits, coats, skirts, waists and furs. Ladies' men's and children's under vear and hosiery, hats, caps and children's clothing. Girl s dresses and coats. We are not only ready with smart styles, but witji intgregting prices, which no gtore can meet. Ladles' flannelette Children's under i r A wrapper, worth $1.50 at JJgg wear fromj (jg Jfl Lilies dreaaing IQ. La4ie« lieary ribbeU ve»ts ncqnes Worth79c at Men's heavy ribbed IQ n Ladies' al wool vests and A 0« I sweaters, in Afferent 4XII pants worth at MXC oolora. worth 75c at xv/v Cohn's Store, Not the handsomest looking store in town but by far the cheapest . Md feest to?HA©ET AT: THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Reed's Wine of Cod kiver Oil will build you up and make you strong, will give you an appetite and new life. If you feel tired and out try our Wine of Cod Liver Oil and find relief. It is stronger and better than pure Cod Liver Oil. Pleasant to take and is inoffensive to delicate stomachs. Indorsed and recom mended by physicians every where. The best Spring tonic to give you Health and strength. For sale only at Reed's Pharmacy Transfer Corner Mail and .Tt.ffersou Sts.. i tie-. Pa Do You buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want 'he best for tlv least money. 11i«it is our :nottr>. Come and see us when i i nccfl of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemical*, Toilet Articles. etc. Purvis' Pharmacy 8. Q. Puavis, PH. G Both Phones. 21JI 8 Main St Butler Pa. I LIARS OP co^penTOßs If they told the truth con cerning my pianos, myself, and my way of doing business I would sell all of the pianos that are sold in Butler. When a party couit- to you with story concerning my busiuenu. a.-k (a it. to call at ay store with you and repea it in my presence I am here for busine*- 1 and I aiu hit.' uy to say I have loU» o i it My pHticr 1 are my friends, 1 always refer t< them. A«k them. I can give yon a lint of ovrr HO' patron h to whom I have sold pisinr since I came here four vears ago. And if you will find ;>ny of ihem w1... will say that I have noi t*eu honorabi in all my dealings with them. I will present you with a piano. • Trusting to have my jam share of youi patronage, I am yours for business. Your credit is good at W. B. Newton's THE PIANO MAN, 317 S, Main St.. Butler. Pa. REMOVAL We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner o( Main and Clay streets to No. 2oK N. Main street, (opposite W. D Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet oui customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to uive best figures on Iron Fence, Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stcvart Iron Woiks of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler fg S® e ,lle *'f ß direct •'"■• office, f®j Ibiodore Ys« lc>. Ws«l EfcUl? «nd |B»uranee Ageacy, |-j3 238 S. Mala St. J Butler, Pa • «>3| I f you have property | to »«11, tnide, or rnnt Bor, want to buy or r«nt CHI i, write or phone uif. List Ma(!p{J Upon Application L. c. WICK, ORAI.HB If LUHBER. I CORN SYRUP I Makes You i 1 4\ A Hearty Dizzy? Appetite poor? Bowels con stipated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills arc liver pills. ! Want your moustache or beard a beautiful browa or rich black ? Use Buckingham's Dye i 60c*c -A jr It. A. I AII NKiTOtK «'«>. I i I'i tt. b ii: I'a. At liruKiclfths 25c H l)„uin CONCERTS, PIANOS, t Everything Musical. Aililrewt Arthur Love, KLEBKIta MUSIC HOUSE. j 221-223 Fifth Ave., PittHljiirtf. I'a. + + + + + + ♦!>•»'. H* + J The best pUoo to stop at "f * when in town is the " T jr £ WAVERLY HOTEL, ® p T j£x j H. HAKVBY, Prop, cj E ' !£ q- Rates, $1.50 per day. £5 W W * t + + + + + ++ ♦ + > 4. H. Q. Allison, Huneral Director, Bell Phone No. 3. Bakci btown, Pa. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1908 CONVERTING . A GUARDIAN By CYRUS DERICILSON Copyright. ISM, by the S. S. HcClure Company There was nothing giddy about Miss Nancy Messmore, aged thirty-two, an old maid aud the aunt ni?tl legal guard ian of Miss Bessie Haplin. nine teen. Bessie had never fallen in love with a penniless count, confuted to elope with the family coachman or given her heart to a college student acting as waiter at a summer hotel, but for ail this she was supposed to be giddy. Strict discipline was needed at all times, but more particularly when the couple had settled down at a Catskill hotel to spend the month of July. The girl was attractive and Ingenu ous, and she couldn't help meeting young men, who soon became smitten. But it was Miiss Messmore's duty in public and Aunt Nancy's duty In pri vate to set a dead line beyond which the most anient captive should pass at his peril. If there was a little excur sion to a cave ar a gorge, she was on hand; if there was music in the parlor, she sat where she could gaxe into the tact* tho roung mail iurniUK over the music at the piano: if there was a tete-a-tete on the veranda, she crowded In aud changed the conversation from "MITH MESSMORE, I WANTH YOUB I>IA MONDS I" love to thunderstorms. It was her duty as a relative, as a guardian and as a woman to take care of the giddy young thing. When Miss Bessie rebelled, she was answered: "I must do my duty. Every girl of Mk«3 i* aiul ifcfctitlq Lu bv carefully watched." Bessie flung herself down on the bed to weep rebellious tears and wish she hadn't come. There was an unusually large number of young men at the re aort, but, with the Argus eyes of her guardian following her about, she couldn't even drop her handkerchief on the veranda without coming in for a lecture. She had her revenge, for the unex pected happened. Before the week was up Miss Nancy herself had an ad mirer. During former seasons she had made the acquaintance of ministers, college professors and lecturers, but it was acquaintance only. Now she was aouKht out by a luau of thirty-five. A woman is never too old to be flat tered. At home In her own parlor Aunt Nancy would have turuvd up her nose at Claude Bertrand. She certainly would have declared ihat a poet was a wishy washy specimen of humanity and a man who lisped worse than a schoolboy in love. It was different here at the resort, however. Within an hour he had not only made her forget that Bessie was off with a party of young folks for a long tramp, but had brought about a radical change of her opinions toward mankind. Mr. Ilertraud was enter taining; he was deferential; he WHS suave and sentimental. The guardian of the giddy rose up after a three hours' "seance" with a heart quite sub dued by his charms. Yet she de clared to her wondering niece: "This is an altogether different case. While you are only a foolish girl, I am a settled woman." "But he writes poetry and lisps," protested the girl. "What of that? A man with the soul of a poet must necessarily be a goi>d man, aud a lisp in one's speech may even be an attraction. Don't you worry about me." Miss Bessie didn't worry. She was too delighted to be free from the Argus eyes of her chaperon. But she won dered what the outcome of so many tete-a-tetes would be. Things move swiftly at summer re- Borts. You either full in love and want to know your fate wMiln a couple of w<-»*kn or you are out of It altogether. A girl with any pretensions to good looks experts to turn down at least two offers per week. Aunt Nancy was not a girl, hut the tlio«? came when she knew that hln? wa»i loved. Sin' hud to realize It, bei iui: ■ sitting In u shadowy corner of the veranda In their red rock pt. t hairs, with the moon shining and lt« sle in the parlor breaking the hearts of half a dozen young men, Claude Bertram! Ilsp<*d out the words. Aunt Nancy was not surprised. She had felt It coming, yet simply didn't know what to say In reply. Years he fore she had made up her mlud never to wed, hut When the words of love Weife lisped out softly she was torn with conflicting emotions. Klic got out of It by reserving her answer for a week, and, though the |»oet didn't see how he was to exist for seven long days, lie finally agreed. On the next evening a hop was given Bt the hotel. Aunt Nancy was no hand to show off, but she had some tine dia monds in the hotel safe, and she got them out for the occasion. Sin- didn't care to dance, and the poet complained of a lame leg, and so It happened that they paraded the veranda arm In arm and lisped sentiment. After itwhile they wandered out on the lawn to observe the moon, and he suggested a walk up the path to ob serve the shadows. Sin- sighed, and he sighed, and by and by they were a quarter of a mile from the scene of ga.vety and all alone on the path. They hato that young man, for he is as surely lealled to preach as you are." Admonished by this coun sel from, ono whose caution on all churchly matters he knew to be quite equal to-his own, Wesley reluctantly consented to hear ' Maxfleld preach. After^.lWtwofeXt. "It h» the Lord's doing. Let him do ns soeui eth to him good." Convinced In spito of deep rooted disinclination, he sanc tioned the first Methodist lay preaclur. Within a year there were twenty.—C. F. Winchester in Century. Professional Trnat. To any who regard the whole legal profession with suspicion 1 can only answer: "You are probably right la saying that if a lawyer had played the vulture he would not tell of it, yet In truth these evil birds of prey are not the majority in the law. If they were more than a small minority our profession could not sustain the almost boundless confidence it eujoys from the whole business world. Hemember. a lawyer Is Judged day by day, and by his deeds he is justified or condemned. If a significant number of us were traitors to our clients or if by oor hypocrisy we undermined the body of professional ethics, the keeu and un deceived men of this generation would not be placing In lawyers' hands every day their most momentous interests and trusting implicitly In the honesty of their advice. Suppose we do have our little professional attitudes and poses and pomposities; those are but superficial mannerisms which may make us aw kw ard and tedious when we, too, would write a popular article, but which have nothing under heaven to do with our faithfulness to our cli ents. On that faithfulness we meet our judgment day six times a week."— Everybody's Magazine. C! *• Ak» One Saturday afternoon two Brook lyn men were on their way over Fulton ferry to the City of Churches. Mr. Beecher happened to be on board. As the ferryboat felt Its way Into the slip Mr. Beecher seemed to be looking on abstractedly. As the boat struck the piling at the side, which creaklngly yielded, Mr. Beeclier's face lighted up. One of the men, who knew Mr. Beecli er's method of sermonizing, remarked to the other: "There will be something about that in tomorrow's sermon. Let us go and see." The men were in Plym outh church the following morning as suggested. Sure enough. In the course of the sermon Mr. Beecher made some such reference as this: "There are In every community men who perform for society the service that yonder pil ing does in the ferry slip—when they are struck they gracefully yield, yet are npt quite swept from their position. They stand for principle, but they tact fully yield in nonessentials. Those buffer souls are valuable members of society." Mia Second Stomach. Smugglers' brains are proverbially fertile, and a clever exp«*dient was once adopted to Import brandy into Paris without paying the octroi duiles, says the Golden Penny. For s-.-veral weeks a spleudid elephant and his keeper be longing to a circus had constantly gone in and out of one of the Paris gates, when one day a custom house officer suddenly thrust his probe into the creature's side. The spectators were horrified, but the elephant did not ap pear to feel any pain, while from the wound fell four tiny barrels of brandy. The keeper, considering that a little extra size in the unwieldy shape of his change would not be noticed, had in cased Its stomach in the old skin of a larger elephant and had filled out the space with brandy--a very profitable enterprise. A Desyernte Mar It was In a restaurant, and the young wife looked anxiously at her husband as he devoured a double portion of lob ster salad. "I wish you wouldn't eat that, dear," she urged. "You know,lt never agrees with you, especially at night" "It doesn't, but I don't care," he said ■s he tackled a huge mouthful. "It's my turn to take care of the baby to night, anyhow."- New York Press. A Fair WnrulnK. Mrs. Browne—Don't you think the new neighbor Is cute? She his such a coaxing little way about her. Mrs. Greene- Well, she'll get herself Into trouble If she tries her coaxing little way on either of my hired girls. Cleveland l'laln lieuier. Where KrlrnJ*hli> ( canes. "That girl with Johnson there— a friend of liis, I presume?" "Nope; us.Hl to be. though." "So? Had a falling out?" "Not exactly. He married her." —Bal- timore American. Much better results can be obtained paying a woman a compliment than by trying to argue with her.—Boston Globe. The Women of Noro. The women's dress In Bongoa shows great variety of color, but because of their black liuod teeth, which are often filed to an arch in front, they are, as a rule, not elmrniing to look upon. Their hair is fringed over the forehead and temples, while at the back It is drawn Into a knot, from which one end Inva riably straggles, giving a most untidy effect. The wealthier women wear their finger nails very long, In some in stances almost as long as the finger It self, and sometimes the nail Is protect ed with an artificial shield of silver. All have their cars pierced, and many of them wear a round bone or a stick resembling a cigarette in shape and size thrust through tho aperture.—Ev erybody's Magazine. "Imp" mid "Brat." How the use of words changes Is well illustrated by this extract from Bacon's "Pathway Unto Prayer:" "Let us pray for the preservation of the king's most excellent majesty and for the prosperous success of his en tirely beloved son, Edward, our prince, that most angelic Imp." In those days "brat" had also quite another significance. In an old hymn by Gascoigne Is the line: "O Abraham's brats, O brood of blessed seed." John Bull. A Self Milker. Mrs. Meadows—Yaas, Hiram got rid o' thet brlndle cow thet uster steal her own milk. Mrs. Korntop— Dew tell! I s'pose he took most anything ho could get for her? Mrs. Meadows-He Jest got double w'at he paid fur her; sold her to thet new man from the city ez a "self milker." T.'ie Spur of the Orrnalnn. Young men talk of trusting to the spur of the occasion. That trust Is vain. Occasions cannot make spurs. If you expect to make spurs you must win them. If you wish to use them you must buckle them to your heels before you go Into the light. Ilettrr Suited. SI—I thought Hank wns to college for n career f preacher Ify Po he was. but from the bills he k« j,' • ml:it* in l thought 1 ought to make a doctor of him.—Beverly Time*. PLOWING SOD. Typea of Work In Yarioaa Region* and on Dltlereat Soil*. The plows of our forefathers cut a narrow furrow, und even uow in Eng land mid Scotland more plowing Is done iu which a uine or ten inch furrow is turned than wider. Even in this coun try ' u 811 early day the narrow furrow plow was in common use. However, as men settled on the broad prairies it was found necessary to use implements that would accomplish more in a day than the narrow plow; hence the Intro duction of plows cutting fourteen or sixteen inches. Fig. 1 shows the general appearance of plowing when turned in furrows six inches deep and nine Inches wide. This indeed is truly setting furrows on edge. This style of plowing is adapt ed to a comparatively small region of the central west. It being appropriate only on clay soils that are Inclined to run together. Fig. 2 represents about a fourteen inch furrow four Inches deep, this be- PIG. 1, FT7RROWB PLACED AT A SHARP ANGLE; FIO. 3, FURROWS WELL COT AND TUKNKD; FIO. 3, FLAT PLOWING. lng turned with a plow of this width, and in this case the entire furrow slice is cut off by the share, there being no cut and cover whatever about it. • In this case any trash that may ap pear on the surface 1s well covered, while on the other hand a little comb, represented by the upper edge of the furrows, greatly facilitates the prepa ration of an ideal seed bed. The disk run crosswise on such plowing will not only pulverize four or Ave inches of the surface, but will press the fur rows down so that there will be prac tically no space left underneath. Another type of plowing Is repre sented In Fig. 3. Land that contains any considerable proportion of clay. If turned completely over In this fashion In the fall, is liable to bake consider ably, so that more work Is required in the preparation of a seed bed In the spring than Is the case where furrows are laid at an angle.— lowa Homestead. Feeding Value of Apple Pomace. It has often been claimed that apple pomace has no feeding value. The practice of almost all the cider mills in iiirowing away the poiuuce shows that this belief in lta worth'.essness Is widespread. The Vermont experiment station has fed apple pomace silage during three different years with entire satisfaction. As the result of one season's experi ment it has stated: About six tons of pomace was put into a small silo and a month later was found in a state of perfect preserva tion, and remained so. The cows like it exceedingly. When there Is any in their mangers they take It in prefer ence to any other fodder and eat all before beginning on hay or corn fod der. There was no* decrease In the milk flow, us has often l>een claimed to be the result of feeding apples or pomace. We fed ten pounds a day in two feeds. Feeding in this way, a cow would eat a ton during the winter sea son. It would be a good Investment for any dairyman to put up as many tons of apple iwumce as he has cows. Cnooda Thistle In Sew Sections. Near here, on u farm owned by a city man. we have an example of how weed pests get a foothold in new sections. It is overran with Canada thistle, which Is gradually spreading to tbe adjoining farms. As fur as known, they are the only weeds of this variety within many miles around, and were doubtless brought in by seed outs. Some roots were transplanted by wash ing rains to a meadow pasture on my farm, and from a small beginning spread from year to year until It be rafhe necessary to take measures to subdue it. 1 have done nothing to It excepting to mow close to the ground while It is In bloom. Iu two or three years this so enfeebled its vitality that It didn't amount to much, but a few more years of close cutting were re quired to completely destroy It. It Is a comparatively slow spreader, as It depends upon underground root stocks to carry it along. It is a light seeder, and In that respect unlike the Russian thistle, which Is a prolific seeder and does not spread by Its roots.—New Jer sey Cor. American Agriculturist. It* Redeeming Trait. "Meaner than purslane" runs the fa miliar saying. Rut eveu purslane flnds Its apologist. A Rural New Yorker cor respondent claims it Is "the richest plant for greens that grows out of the ground. Spinach cannot be compared with It, and young beets should not bu mentiom-d In the same day!" CORN FED POULTRY. Do Xot Fear the I'lump, Comfortable I.ooklnic lien In the fall. The curly development of the pulleta - getting them started to laying, etc.— and tin- incoming to laying again of the early molted liens depend very large ly on the system of feeding during the early full months, writes a Tennessee poultry man to the Southern Culti vator. In the llrst place It does not pay to be too economical. The hens must have more than enough to merely sus tain life and pull through the shedding process. They must have all Siey will eut and can digest. Indeed, at no time lu the year Is liberal feeding more lm peratlve than In the fall. It Is neces- I sary to enable the fowls to molt out healthy and vigorous and to start that peculiar process of storing up minia ture eggs to develop as soon as the strain of reelothlng for the winter is past. And in accomplishing this pur- I wise nothing Is more helpful than plenty of corn. The corn fed hen Is vigorous, she takes on fat, and It requires oil to make feathers, and for this reuson a liberal supply of corn ut this time uc- j No. 40, complishes a double purpose—li grows feathers and flesh as well as fat and lays the basis for a fine clutch of eggs. l>o not fear the overfatted hen In the fall, but beware of the underfed, scrawny thing that hasn't enough oil iu her l>ody to sustain the new feathers, and so goes only half clothed untfi the cold weather comes on, leaving It in no condition to lay until the next spring. It Is the same way with tbe pullets. They require an abundance of food to keep np the growth of feathers, to give tliem full, plump bodies and to start the egg formation process. Tha plump, healthy pullet soon takes to tha nest in the fall, while the half starved, thin creature lives through the winter in a debilitated condition, to lay only after the warmth of the springtime shall have rekindled the spark of vi tality and brought into action those natural attributes that might havs been developed the previous fall by proper feeding and care. Right now is the time for OS to put the hens and the pullets Into condition for a successful late fall and winter campaign In eggs, and if we neglect to do so now we need not expect eggs where there Is neither vitality nor suf ficient development to produce them. It may be added that liberal feeding at this season is economical, too, for there j are iu every flock a few hens that will continue to lay during the molting period when fed right—hens that would not lay under a light feeding plan— and the eggs so gathered will offset the additional cost of food, while we will at the same time put the whole flock in prime condition. These thoughts are drawn from the experience of a long series of years years that have demonstrated the wis dom of priming the hens and pullets in the early fall for the winter laying. TWO KINDS. Famlof For • Living Only or mm m Business Proposition. There are two classes of farmers one which farms because the farmers do not know how to do anything else and because it is the easiest way to make a llvlug and get along somehow for the time being; the others farm not so much for a living as because it Is their chosen business. They do not think of getting along somehow, but of getting ahead, accumulating, improving the farm. Increasing Its fer tility, all with the object of making It a better manufacturing plant and a better business proposition. The man who farms as a business adopts business methods as far as they, are applicable to farm operations, keeps books, knows his income and outgo, takes an Inventory of stock, has system in all his methods and knows approxi mately what every crop each year has cost him In cash or Its equivalent in la bor. We have small hopes of a man who Is simply farming as a means of getting through the world somehow. Our past experience Is that he does not take hold of the problems that are pre sented tp him from week to week in the farmer's papera. The probability is that he does not take a farmer's pa per at all and would not read it If he did. He wants some paper that Is cheap and will not compel him to think too much and won't get after him. It is the man who farms as a business, farming for dear life, farming to make a success of It nnd to make a success of himself and family, that Is the kind of farmer we are looking for. We can get his attention. These men may not believe all we say; they differ from us in a good many - things, and we think none the less of them for that, but we can do them?' some good. We have not much hope of doing the other fellows very much good, even if we could reach them. Our only hope Is In reaching their boys. -Wallace's Fanner. What Others Say. We need fully developed farmers, that we may surround ourselves with fully developed farms. There Is more in the man than there Is In the land. The farm Is a good place on which to be born, on which to live through one's prime work, on which to die. The best preventive of bad luck is good management on a farm or else where. Mighty little moss you will find be tween the square and active shoulders of the modern furmer. The time is rapidly approaching when a young man will be ashamed to at tempt fanning without an agricultural education. Many of us are too narrow; we have not broadened out as we should have done We are the creatures of habit rather than of thought Piling It On. Dedude—That man called me a liar, a cad, a scoundrel and a puppy. Would you advise me to fight for that? Old Blunt—By all means. There's nothing nobler In this world, young man, than lighting for the truth. Aa Other* Knew Her, "Phe seems to be a natural flirt." he said. "Natural?" the woman Impatiently replied. '"There's nothing natural about her but the framework."—Chicago Rec ord! lera Id. Llaat Plarln* Chopin. As Liszt played his demeanor changed in sympathy with the Intensely dra« matte content of the work. During the somber funtasie his teeth were set, his lips and massive Jaw Ann, bis entire face almost rigid, his gray eyes burned with the composer's inspiration, and hls body straightened out as he leaned somewhat away from the keyboard. When he struck the ponderous chorda of terror there was a vehemence almost diabolical In the sudden swoop of hi* great hands, and the tremendous crash fairly made one shiver. Uls nostrils becamo distended, and his breath came quickly, as ono laboring under great ex citement Indeed, It seemed that the spell of the great "tone poet," with whom in his earlier years he had been on such friendly terms, had completely mastered him, as though be felt him self again in his presence and ha would once more prove his devotion to Chopin's inspired art and show him that Liszt still knew and could portray his Innermost soul.—Silas G. Pratt In the Booklover's Magazine. Br Hook or Crook. Several explanations are given of the expression "by hook or crook." Two London lawyers, llook and Crook, were celebrated for locating sites of buildings ufter the great Are, the own ers often concluding that they must get back their property by "Hook or Crook." Once voters open to bribery Indicated it by placing straws In their shoes and were called "straw men," and when prosecuted for this offenso they were brought before Judges Hook and Crook and often got off "by Hook and Crook." It not Infrequently hap pened that a writ of habeas corpus was issued, and as often the sheriff's re turn bad not the Indorsement "hie est corpiw" that Is, "here is the body"— und the offender went scot free, which action the public regarded as "hocus uocuii."