me Price ®l Pleasure. It is hard fbr a lovely won:an to forego the pleasures of the life which she was created to enjoy and adorn. She may have to be busy all day in office or in store, yet she cannot deny herself the aocial pleasures which are offered her. Bat the fatigue is . often too great for j " J her, and she suf- | fers from headache /S r and backache as a consequence of j I m /\i/\ \ it ower-exertion. : i I Women who are , }vUl| tlr«jd and worn out j will find a perfect JH&'A tonic and nervine [ \ \ jn Vr - K erces Fa " I \ voritr Prescription. -j It cures headache, backache and the other aches and pains to which women are subject. larity, dries weak- JDHraf en:eg drains, heals inflammation and nicer at ion, and cures female weak- ness. It makes weak w ? nen 6tr ° n s and vM side women well. am so pleased wftb yo:ir instructions, hardly know what to (T v " yon f <> r C7!9fC your kind firors." write# Mr» Milo Bry ant, of Lota. Thomas Co.. Ga. suffered ~.!n« in B» back and the lower part of my ttomacn anil palpitation of the heart that at time* I could hardly lit down. Could hardly vet up in the morning, but after using three battles of ' Favorite Prescription ' and two vials offci\ Pierces Pleasant Pellets, I am like a new woman." Sick women, especially those suffering {mo diseases of long standing, are in vited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly_pri- vate and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, W. Y. tr BOOH. MAILKD FREE. &£iK£fKis «ss«^a— B.B^ AWlLaiaeeeas. Injuries. C. C.{§OKB THROAT, Quinsy. Epizootic. cunts* (Piatfißper. Sou. Grubs. K.JE. | Inflamed r. P. tCOLIC. Bellyache. Wlnd-Blown. eemflHsrHwa, Oyseatery. «.U. Preresu MISCARRIAGE. » H-1 tiDXEV * BLADDER DISORDERS. I. I. i*KM D!#EASE«. Manse. Eruptions. Sinas It leers. Urease. Farcy. I. K.IBAD (»*BITIOS,Stsrini Coat, OCias i ladlsestloa. fMomarh Stassers. mo. aaeb; Stable Case, Ten Bpeetflca, Book, Sc.. r. St druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medietas Co., Cor. William A John ■pasts. Mew Vorfc. Victor Liniment Takes Soreness out of Wounds &sd Sprains, destroys fit* in ' . !ds and Burns. Cures Croup r» children, relieves »m. and removes all Callous or " d-;d Lumps, Felons. Lumbago, irisy. Sciatica, and all deep K||- . ,'.J inflammations ;-afe, Sure, Speedy. V < tor Remedies Company offcn> fioc ird for any certified r»«o of lockjaw .H l OlSOtl, in man or beast, resilt- j the kirk of an animal, from | 11 * —><■> ti-t-h vround, provided Victor Uninfect :■ applied strictly according to directions within 3 hours after wound has been re reived. Per further particulars sddress, VICTOR BBMEDIES CO.. Frederick, Maryim.d For sale at Reed's Pharmacy Eyes Examined Free of Chargt R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler end Graduate Uptlcien N»rt Hw to Hon** Untler P«. *'" J.SfCSSm —DENTAL ROOMS.- h ' ■■aMl 39 - st»l Avt., Pittsburg, Pa f; t'IDV We'r«FRACTICA*.I.Y''"I"Kt II " [II rlPr* CROWN 4(Djl Plu.lmrjf-WH Y NOT DO V JttvOURS? U rid CROWNS L" bridge: work retiurMl U,JL» 3"Tllf W*& ftp TOOTH, also thf.Bl fij tl WhU'. M.l of'lvwt. mail*. QN LYfta. jJ MITItTIIA A BItOWN. aaa &th Ave. I'lttitburß, Pa., Can sell your Ileal Estate, farm or liuslnesH. Correspondence solicited. Aid. Tli ASS ACTIONS CONrIOKKTI AL. IKJ Y"U WANT TO HELL your Tarr/i or other real estate? I can do It for you. Henri me full particulars atoric«. A-IS-AHy JOHN KODMEH. 401 Kevotone Bulliilnic. I'lttahurK. I'h j 1 — rnr-.x ~ '"CHEJViO" L I MU.KK " ' *——■ Has Established its Reputation FORaKILLING liotUs, Roaches, Bugs and Germ Life. Non-Poisonous tn human life,does not soil the finest fabrics. It has no equal as a disinfectant. Kill" Ilea* on dogs and lice on poultry instantly. It has been largely tis**l throughout Western Pennsylvania nnd Eastern Ohio, by all classes of j»eople. fUmieniber "CHEMO" is «u'iranteed. We furnish Hprays and Atomizers at cost —either should Is; used to KCt the I>irst results. Ask your druKfciist for it a'.'l taU<- no substitnPi. Look for onr Trade Mark. PEERLESS MFG CO.. i.lbi rty Ht., l'lllsburs, Pa. \ a-'ATafei*? r..y. .'JriOSJOBH^ Jinaaam Dean's | A xufi), nerlaln nIU e 'Sur>nrr"«Hl ttjj ij Mi.-r)*lruut!»m. Nsv'!rkt...«'o tofso. Hsfi-! ■ ■ Htir»'l Hpwslyl ttetlaflwtbm (luaranteed ■ sor in.lU fumlMl. >-•!.- |.i• !•■ Ieqo^oacoq| ! jsfe. tub 9 MARTIN 0 shor .L h - and 8 I; AX" 0 "/! COMMtRCIAL fl j! biismturMiunos SCHOOL, les. 1 Ths demand fer ylxon paid the rent for tl; -.iters, paid I the salaries of the cotnpr.ny, the rail road and hotel bills and the advertis ing throiv,'liout the country and made big they shared with Horace SlWleker, to whom Booth In- | trusted 1:1s affairs at the start and who j afterward associated himself with * Brooks & Dixon. •"Booth's agreement with Henry E Abbey was this: After nil expenses of evefty description were paid Booth got S5 per cent and Abbey 15. Booth lost a week in Philadelphia owing to the denLli of his wife. Tin company was put In there without him, and we had to indemnify the local raanaser. Our j loss that week was SI,OOO. Deducting that. Abbey's profits on the Reason were $30,000. I do not know any star, save Booth, who ever commanded 50 per cent of the gross receipts."—New York Press. Where Blood Tell*. It was in one of the fanning districts of New England. The young folks had banded themselves together for month ly Jollifications during the winter and were about to celebrate the last danee of the season as well us a couple of engagements which had resulted from the assemblies. Ben Hawkins, the lo cal Paganlnl, and his Btradlvarlus bad been engaged to lead them through the maze* of the country dance, and all were looking forward to the "time of their life." But death inconsiderately claimed Mrs. Hawkins for his own on the after noon of the eventful party. The young people gathered as arranged, but be moaned the absence of Old Bpu, and games were being substituted for the dancing when, 10, Hawkins and his fid dle appeared on the scone. Great astonishment and many #e(" said the condoling neigh lior, "that(you 1 will erect a buixlsomi monument' to 1 your husband's mem ory ?" "To hlymemory!" echoes the tearful wldoWy Why, poor John hadn't any 1 waa/uortlng over some of the clothe) he left today and found the pocketl fulKof letters I had given him to mall.' Ileuted, Jones Wonder what innde Mrs. Sut ton look HO heated when she picked uj thahpliutoxrapli from IST husband's of lice den*? Jay nes flood rea son for becomlnj heated. It was one of Ids oJd flames you know. - Boston Transcript. llctllnic I'lilloaophy. "Do you think that letting Ii wrong?" "It depends on. circumstances." an swered the town (Oracle. "If you can' afford to lose It'stwrong; If you can It'i merely silly." StJ Louis Lumberman. Beneflta of Fore tan Travel. "How did your husband enjoy., hi rlslt to the Alhumbra?" Inquired* thi friend of thfr family. "He was. tickled most vto death,", rc plied Mrs. )Gas well. "He (killed a soak tiun." v .\ "•> 1r Better Than Honey v K v For Less Money | mo CORN SYRUP is a food and table dalicacy com- |g bined. It mates you eat. Contains all th« nutrikiva, strenjfth- H ening properties of corn in a fire-digeatfcd form, read* to us* by Fy the blood immediately upon entering the rtomach. A finafood |M for feeble folks, as well as well folks. Children lov« it and IE thrive upon its pure, wholesome goodnee*. It ia a remarkable energy ani strength producer. Kxcellent for all home use* from griddle cake® to candy. Its reaao:iable coat appeals to g the prudent housewife. A better syrup than you «rer bought. Bj Ghe Great Spread for Daily 'Bread. B Sold In airtight, frietlon-top tltiS wtiich ara excellent for various bousabold purposes wben empty. Sold by all grocers In three «lze«, 10c, 25c and 90c. CORN PRODUCTS CO., Haw York and Chicago. SC | C. W. Starkey, j < Photogra ph. er ? ( Seccessor to Kindley. t \ Has remodeled, refitted and furnished f / Photograph Studio, > \ In old Postoffice Euilding, South Main St., \ C and is prepared to do everything in photography ' in the most artistic and up-to-date style. \ ) Fine Crayons, Water Colors and Pastels. ( ) Frames to Order. \ Baby Pictures a Specialty. » V F. Z. HOWER, formerly with Findley, / is still chief operator. / ? Bring in your Kodak work. j ; CAPITAL SURPLUS J S2OO 000.00. $200,000.00. J : UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. I SUCCESSOR TO ' BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL, Jr., President. J II T BOOT MAN, Ist Vice Pres. W. A. STEIN.-no \ Ice I res. LOUIS 11. Treasurer. O. E. CIIoNEN WKTT, ARM t Tre:wur. | Will continue to do a general banking business at the old stand and is also prepared to transact a general Trust Company business. ; 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to withdrawal without notice. t *• INTEREST , »ccou~r» H j \l 1.l on hand and for sale under a full Kuaructee; and fccr#»et» t/C.ufrl y m yr3*j«p n Jtltt *at ion by PEARSON R. NA( E, Tfletnor.p Vo. •••■. I' T cimiiy Reunions.! \Vc often cause ourselves end '.•ss worry ai■>l remorse by nep .ccting to d-, l.uK: iliing. (let a pood pictuie of your family and humc made at your first op portunity We m«*ke the best at 4>6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches ar.d • F j iran'ev them permanent. Let us know in t:mc to go out. The Bulier Dye Works Dv«*ing. Cleaning, P»essing R. FISHER W. S & E WICK, DEALKUSH* Kough and Worked Lumber of til Kinds Doors, Hash and Mouldings Oil Well Hlgs a Specialty Olih'e and Yard K. CvnulurlittDj and Monroe Ms • near We»t I'enn Depot, r > { Wm. Foster, j j Architect, j ) Plan of ull kind of building V N furnished on short uotice. r r Office in Berg Building, / ) Butler, Pa. V HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer In Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER. PA. Come and See us when in Pittsburg. A bottle of our Whiskey makes the liest Exposition Honvenier goiriK- A dollar never did I-etter baying. " ALWAYS IN STOCK riNCII. I.ABUP. OTKBMOLT. (■ITCHKRHKIVKH JIT. VKUNO* THOBPHO*. lilßsO.l. DILMRUKB. BKUHJKPOKT. and offer them to you «l y«-«r old al tl per full quart, (1 quarts grahlfathek-S CHOICE. whiskey guarantetd years old, 00 per gal lon. We pay express charges on all mall orders of ftoo or over. Good* shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN A, CO. WHOLESALE DEALfSS IN WINES AHD LIQUOBS, Ho W SmltUleld Street, PITTSBURG, PA. ■PhonAkOID. The Koofing witli NO I -*• TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONK can apply it. Tins, x Naiis and Cement in core of each roll. L>E»'KKSKNTS tiie results o *y< ai*. •»! Kxperience and hx pt rinirnting. requires painting ever} '' few years Not first laid. I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate -®- or Shingles. DEMANIJ for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Hampleß and Prices are yonrs if yon will ask '»s. L C. WICK, BUTI.EK, PA. H liadMSCOT* WMIOIMSM. Artificial Eye*. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS 70"» f'KKN JIVKWt'K, Ol'p, r*K% N lU'lTKin HO. 3-l!My /VThKCANIILh I"A Mrrurea Flrnttl""" Mn wiilHc and M.iluul.ul PwlUnni^, 0m.6 * PitUbttW. 1*» 4W Fourth Avenue, a-l#-ly New Fall Clothing! We are now ready to show the largest and best line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing ever shown in this city. We want you to see our new Hamburger Suits beicre you buy; they are beauties; all made with padded shoulders and firm front. Will keep their shape just as well as the merchant tailored suits. A peep into our Furnishing Department will delight you. All new styles in Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishings now on sale. Call and see us. Yours for clothing, DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. Reliable Clothiers IA Little Frontl I But stii! Doing Business | | Greater bjinyains than evei \>liileß H tllis tearing-iip is iioing on. [ Seethe large piles of shoes we I I have been compelled to mark way Ij 6 below cost in order to room for If | workmen. Youi size is among Kg | them. Come in today before it is I 3 gone. |i: T.O PAY US A VISIT C. 6. (Wilier,l Fall Footwear. Largest Stock and Most Handsome Styles of Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. ft • (Til Twenty new fall styles- Dongola, Box-c.ilf, Vnrncic Enamel and Patent kid made in the latent up Uolo i<, dittu ntylee In mndium or high tops. Misses' and Children's Shoes Extremely large stock of Misses' and Children's fine shoei comprised of many new aud pretty styles for fall. Bja j Ol All the latest styles in Men's fine shoes. A fnl lulon C Shnoc line of Men's Patent kid, the latest style lasts Iwlvll O WIIUCO $•.» f(0 to |. Large Assortment of Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Fine Shoes n | of Jamestown, N. Y., who failed sometime ago and who wat knuOV closed down for over a year has started up again. We gave Um i very order for Men s I.<•:< toe and plain toe shoes; also boys and Youths' copper tipped shoes The goods are all in. These shoes are cut from K"'ml water proof kip hand pegged sewed with heavy waxed eiuls. The best of liemlock out anil insoles. Nothing locking to make them a first class winter shoe Every pair Stamped on sole, N. W. Gokey & Son, Jamestown, N-Y We invite you to call and sc e this well known line be fore buying your wifiter shoes. Large stock of Ladies' Kan garoo, Calf, Oil-grain and Kip ehoes at away down prices. SPECIAL BARGAINS TN SCHOOL SHOES. Repairing promptly done. JOHN FjlCKeb, 128 South Main Street. Butler, Pa. jg EARLY FALL ARRIVAL OF gt 31 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SUITINGS Now on Display at Graham Building. tjj Suits from c :5 to sso. ►ji Wc Defy Competition. Call and Examine Goods Early. Tf? i •|1 COOPER & CO., $ Leading Tailors, f| 335 S. Main St, - - - - Butler, Pa. ji OUSA . ' nt miK il from liie ri'inai K.i v OKU) »AS ANY RECORD Or Idol ol America AssiMting him will he E TELU B [JEBLIINO Itrilliuiit soprano, ami ANNA OTTBN. iieoutiful vlollniste This will !«• a "star" week al tin Kxposition, and ilh HOIJHA remain* only this week, should i •>! delay their visits, bub start tot Pl'iTHllUlUi NOW. Excursions from this city nt the one-faro rate. A SINGLE WEEK In the stock market, a single week may place yon on the road . to fortune, as has been the case thousands of times. The advice born of uiy experience as a broker is at your command for stock operations, and large or small lines will be carried on low mar gins. Every facility for quick information and the prompt I execution of orders. ESTABLISHED 1S"J8. R. M. Weaver i Stocks M Bonds Thiid Ave, and Wood St., PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J A. REYNOLDS, Manager. HOW WE CAN SELL your property no matter what it consist of. A buyer can be found for anyr thing with in reason. Ous method of doing business ir such that when you list you property we'place fore the public in all]our papers which comes with in reach of the entire county. We create a market, and we advertise il continually until it is sold. You get our personal attention and work. We have daily calls from all over for farms, resi dence and business property and we can sell no matter where located if such is placed with us at a reasonable price. We offer the following at present: 3 house* with stores in N. Y City, rents for $(>,(500, price $70,000. .">th Ave. Honse. in N. Y. City, rents for $6,000, price $55,000. Gr> acies, Oxford Co.. Maine. 40 acrei timber, good house, $3,700. 8 acres, Marion Co., Oregon, timber good house, $500.00. llotc-1 and Livery Stable, Milton, N H., { cash, $8,500. 5 storv house. Grume icy Park, N. Y City. $35,000. Send ub a list of what yon want tf sell but don't have any fancy pricei which would keep us from selling. NEW YORK HEAL ESTATE CO., 8-27-8 m 35 East 14 St., N. Y. We turn yonr Old Carpets elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weaver# employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SILK BAGS woven Into lieautlful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our teruis are so moderate—no matter tin distance—lt »111 P»y you to send to us. DAVID LOVE & CO., 833 Third Avenue. 0-08-3n (L. D. Phone.) New Briuhton. Pa Curry College 44TH YEAR. Catalogue Mailed Free on Application J. H. WALLACE, Ph. M., Pres. Penn Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA - TEACHERS WANTED. We need at once a few more Teacher for Fall schools. Good positions are be ing filled daily by ns. We are receivin, more calls this year than ever before Schools and colleges supplied witl Teachers free of cost. Enclose staxnj AMEI&CAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION J. L. (iitAHAM, LI.. P.. Manager. 152-1 M Randolph Building. 8-27-03-Cm Memphis. Teni ML Gallitzin Academy, Baden, Beaver Co-, Pa Tills Institution, under tho care of tlij Sisters of Bt. Ih for boy* between mm of < and II years. Tuition, boardlni wiishlnK and mending#lK» a year, tor futlu I Ts^"m-m ~PPlyt" TUB DIKECTBKSS. I-IEYHAN HARRIS, I AO'.fS' TAILOR-MADE SUITS end aiBlH6 HABITS, 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. =W -JHKVIHI— PENNSYLVANIA 1 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, ■ loae I'irth Ave.. Plimburf. Pa. B OIVEiI INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION vj ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES 1-03-ly I (Htm a brfnd winning KMnoatlon fttaeattmr youutr ni*n wuioea lomMl Uie d«mai»d of Ihto pronj'rrotii miiinrrr!i»l age For circular* P. DlirF fi n»h K ! Ib'.rty Ave., rMtUhurp.Pa. PITTKIH'ttO HXPLOVHKIIT ItfllKAC. Oi-p. It. A « mi urn In militant touch with liio l«">t llruu, In anil nut of the rlty. Our I ii.ln.' iln i<> tnko care of neopl* who are willing to > i.rk imt r iiiiuit Ami It. Wo do thla bymeansof ,;!ali<.i i ii'nritnsiantly on the go, looking for , I,r all kliMtt. Pittsburg, I* t«>-d»y, tliß . , ~j;.,. |„ th-5 W..U.1 for an enterprtelng man or I 1.1 r wrlUi. All lotion uro jiruiu|itljr T-'.'JMW-am WANTRD Flri'iiirn, Itraknuian, Machinists, 11. Hr inaki'M, lllarl fiiilitm anil liclpom for t*ll - ulwiililvn«i 'l km of hilp. Plain wnlthu;. (~-IMI*I tnl '■ yiuout llnreau, " Mn • A . i. ,-1..-11 V. r i. W \ Vl f t> girl* In ewry MMrttytJl i„ ■ iiimwl refwwed, o#«#ml a-io-ly CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS a. (r All-. v» »."li.»tiU »•»«!»«.. iwk Hru«jl«tft>i < ;.«UI.I*H 111 iwd airf ",'u. ]„ urnee, «*t-t »"•>' " lu# ''H",",'' f.r^rrv.i'^rrvr^.^Vrg.: ClllOgkHlkk OHEMICAL CO. • too H■»w Room 8., Armory buildm*. TOHN 'W. COULTER, ff Attornby-at-Law. Office with R. C. McAboy, J. P., ' south side Diamond. Special attention given to collection* ; arid business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, <.r B'ltler County National Bank T D. McJUNKIN, t) • attornby-at-Law. Office in Reiber building, cornei Main and E. Cunningham St*. Kntranee <.n Main street. JB. BKEDIN, • Attorney at Law. Office on Main St. ne*r Com: llnuw. IjWERETT L. RALSTON. j Attornky-at-Law, No. 25? South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Fisher Building. First door on Sr.uth Main street, next my formet office in Boyd Building. H. GOlCha • Attorney \t La*. OSce in Vise bui'd'nv. Lr. WALKER, , Notary Public,, Pa. Office with Berkmer, next door to P. O. C H.NEGLEV, l!i . ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In the Negley Building, West Diamond ; PHYSICIANS, Hemorrhoids aDd Chro'uic D seases a Specialty. TIT H. BROWN, M. D , It • Office in Riddle building. Diamond, next door to Dr. Bell's old office. Office Hours: —9 to 11 a. ui., Ito 3 nnd 6 to S p. m. GEO K. MCADOO. M D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Thkoat, Exclusively. Hours— 9-13, 1-5. Hoih Pho .e*. Troutman buildiug, S. Mam St. T C. BOYLE, M. D. rJ . Eye, Ear, Nosk and Throat, After April ist. off.c* in former Dr. Peters' residence, No. 111 E Cunning-, ham St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times printing office. CI LARA E. MORROW, IX 0., 1 Graduate Boston College ov Osteopathy. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian aud examination free. Office Hours, 9to 11 m., J to 3 p. m People's Phone 373. 116 S. Main strew', Butler, P* GM. ZIMMERMAN • Physician and Suroih>» At 327 N. Main St. T R. HAZLETT, U. D., Li. 106 West Diamond, Dr. Graham's former office. Special attention giAtu L>t. > o»u and Throat. People's Phone s*l J. OAMUKLM. BIPPL'S, IJ Phvsiciah Ai»nSUHiir4>.> 200 West Cunningham St. DR. JULIA E. POSTER. DR. CI.ARENCK M. LOWE Osteopathic Physicians. Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Buildicg, l'uiltr. Consultation aud examination free, daily; and evenings by appointment DENTISTS. DR. 11. A. McCANDLKSS. Dentist. Office in Bntler County National Bank Building, 2nd floor. HW WICK, . Owmu.;. Has located in the 11 > v ' e:n building, with all the latent devtfm for Dental work. DR. M. D. kottraea, S-jcivsNor to I>r Jol'nuton. Dentist Office at No E. Jefkrwui St., o»<«r O. W. Miller's groevrv I J. DONALDSON, fj . DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the late«t improved plan. Gold Filling* n (ffec ialty. OISc next to j-.n*toffice. DR J. WILBKRT McKHK. Surgeon Dentist. Office over C. K. Miller's Shoe Store, 315 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. MISCELLANEOUS WM. H. Walkkb, Swbvkyor, Residence ai4 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa. T JAMES DOi/oS . Licensed Auctioned Inquire nt Sheriff 'soflßce or Mifflin St. Btitler Pa p F. L. McQUISTION, V. Civil F.nginkrr and Sunvmoa. OCce near Court ITou««. WHY NOT Becomean Artist? □Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Color taught at home, and employment given at once. For fnll particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OP ART. Bear*r Falls, Pa. C. F. T. Pape,| )T "* —r° —*T TT^T""" — } gJEWELERI I / 121 E. Jolferson Street. / JjSi Ivy 111 Bros. Big Bargains IN Wall Paper AND HAMMOCKS EYTH BROS Next to Old P. O.