THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1. LTOT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advarUaers Intending to make cbaoc*" t» their ad*. » boa id notify o* of tfcetrlateaUoa to do so aot later tkai Moa dar morales. Daffy'« Pall and Winter Good*. Cobn's Bargain Store. Clymoots dt Taylor. Frait and Pro dot*. Balaton * Smith * Jewelry Zimmerman'* Department* PioftnrtoMl. Dr. EL J. Neely Walker A MeEJrain. ml estate. Geo. Ifft * Son's local Agents wanted. AdntalMi»«ora and Executors of eMate eta secore their receipt book* at the CITI ZCM oSka. and pemoas makioc pot»ilc sale* ih»tr aota books. LOCAL AND GENERAL. SUMMER They stood beneath a spreading tree And talked as lovers should; And then, to seal the compact, be Cut 'Agnes" in the wood. AUTUMN Now back to town they both hare strayed One day they chanced to meet; An«l then and there the self-same maid Cut "Charlie" on the street-Tit-Bits. —Still a few straw hat* oat —The melancholy days are here. —Painted sparrows cost $1 each. —Some fanners are cutting corn. —Warm weather is not all over yet. - The ooal man is beginning to smile. —Days and nights are about of equal length. —The Wwt Peiin afreet paving is Bearing completion. —Hereafter the drng stores will close at • p. m.—except Saturday. —Beaatifnl to behold are the autumn al tints on le*res of tree and vine. —The greatest q nest ion before the farmer today is that of good roads. —Butler schools are to have Kinder garden and Ccoking School attach men l*. -WiJk-r A McElvain have moved their offi<-o to the new bank building, 3d floor. Hf*> card. —Doffy's Store has received its Fall and Winter stock of woolens, blankets and fore. See adr. —The Thompson property on 8. Main street, 180 feet front, is Mid to have changed hands for $40,000. —Zelienople has several esses of ty phoid ferer —supposed to be caused by the excavating for the sewer. —The Steel Car Co. now makes five kinds of car*, and has orders ahead that will keep it busy for mouths. —Rattlesnake oil is a "sure core for { rbenmstism." The snakes exhibited in the show windows are supposed to be able and willing to prove it -The new jewelry firm of Ralston A Smith, 110 W. Jeflerson St. have an ex cellent line of Jewelry, silverware and musical instrument*. See adv —Messrs Clymonts tc Taylor, the wholesale and retail fruit and produce dealers, 181 and 833 E. Jeff St. have sold six car loads of peaches this season, be sides other fruits. They pay cash for oountry batter and fresh eggs. See csrd in another column. —Since the Washington county mur der there has been some talk of Rural Polios-but it is not likely that a road patrol would have stopped that affair. The telephone proved a better protec tion in Jefferson county, 0., the other day If a man with criminal intent I; knows that the chances for escape are slim he wont do it —Elijah Wheeler, colored, reproved bis brother Rofus Saturday night for not psying fifty cents which Rofus owed a man, and Rufus in resentment drew a revolver and shot at his brother thres times. One bullet entered near the groin and when removed six bullet holes were found to mark Its path. Elijah was taken to the Hospital and Rufus escaped. The shooting took place on Third street. The man is said to havs worked on the water oompa- ■y's dam. —lf the Car Work* shutdown, sod the Court HOIUM ia moved to East Batter, the Plate Glass works explode, the Lead worka become a bole In the ground, the machine ahops remove, the planing mills bnrn np, etc. Batler will indeed be In a bad way. All this gab ble aeema to bare originated in MM re jection of some mm cam by the North ern Pacific, on acoonnt at being an aightb on an inch shy in t*>e metal plates. Somebody blundered in aocept ing thoae piatee, but the firm is amply able to stand the loss. —When the workmen were digging the trench tor the new gas line of the People's Light and Heat company which is being constructed from Pitts barg into the West Virginia field, they ■track what wss evidently a oorduroy bridge on the farm of refined and educated women in this land who would have worried to be guilty of snob an utterance, whose clothes are above all sensible criticism. I and who do not spend anything like $(00 a year for them. If Mr*. Rwsevelt Hpends no more than that sum for her | annual garbing it is Infinitely to her credit aud shows that she has good sense, and is fim from the vulgar desire for display which so often betrays the essential commonness of the very rich The wife of the President of this great Nation has an example to set to it* wo man generally, and she would be total ly lacking in her duty if she endeavored to squander money upon her clothe* for the sole nnr|xste of trying to win the approval of a few foolish women whose husbands happen to be millionires. WANTED An enterprising farmer in this section to canvass during the lute fall aud winter among the farmer* in his vicini ty. Must be active, capable and honest. Work will prove profitable to a gixxl man and can be made a source of regnlar and easily earned income each year. To it may be devoted as much or as little time as desired. If interested write at once to T, M. G., Box 74, Albany, N Y And jnnt think, it i* UP to date cloth ing Kitter & Rockenstein'* are selling *o cheap. .New Ice Wagon. The new lite wagon of May & Kenne dy I* now in service, and ic« will lie de livered to all part* of the city by this firm. If yon want ice today, call up Bell phone 87 or Peoples 128. Regular deliveries. Send in your orders 1 MAY & KKNNKUY. Come now to Ri tter A Rockenstein' . *ale. i Hitter & Kockenstein's sale of tip to late clothing give* every one a chance. 1.1 t \ \l . » NHV SUIT 4 -. Lena K- yen v» Victor Reyen, divide, for rt»-sert on. John D Collins vs Wt stern Allegheny Railroad Co.. indemnity bond of defend ant in $llOO filed to remunerate plain tiff for one acre taken from the plain tiff's farm in Fairview township. The railroad haa built a Y reversing switch in between two oil wells on the farm seriously interfering with their opera tion. B. Thompson, committee of Robert Piper, lunatic. and Elizabeth Piper vs George Reiber, summons to trespass SENTENCES. Saturday, Judge Galbreath sentenc ed several prisoners as follows. Harry Bickei, a&b with intent to commit rape, costs, S2OO fine and six months in jail. Nealy McCool. larceny, costs, SIOO tine and one year totbe Allegheny work house. Sentence on A 1 Glenn was sus pended until December. Motion hav ing been made for a new trial Jos. McCarthy. sssmlt with intent to r«;b. SIOO fine and three months in jnil McCarthy was caught with his hand in Marvin liegg's coat pocket. Rol>ert Frazier. furnishing liqnor to Geo White, 8100 fine and 30 ilays to jaiL J. F Burns, stealing Plum Tioiblm s bull pup, |IOO fine and 6 months to workhouse. The recoanizan'-e of Lulu Watterson, charged with keeping a disorderly house was forfeited. Sentence on Lewis Raphael, convict ed of seliir.g liqnor without license, was e of one fourteen-year-old girl near ( reenville. Yesterdiiv before Justice McAboy, S. R Uailey guilty to a&b on W. J. and exists. He was also held under S3OO ball for th< December court for surety of the peace. The Oilwell Snpply (Jo. ha* filed a mechanic's lien of flantifTa had hiicli atanding that they I could maintain the bill, and according .ly continued the injunction. It in Maid that the college will ajitH-al the from I the deceiaion of Judge Miller, if ho the | cane will go before the cuae will go be fore the .Supreme Court in October. I'KOi'KKTV THANHITEJtSr A M (Jhriatley to Geo Harvey lot on W Fenn Ht for SIBOO. ' iuaranty HD&T (Jo to A M Chria lej lot iu Oakland Place for $550. 1 Win Walker to name lot for s2<>o. J(J Graham to Andy Kratel lot on . i'lank road 'or SBSO. Hutler Land and Imp (Jo to Wm Col- lot at Bonnv Brook for SBOO. John H Painter to W K I'earco 40 acre* in Clay for slllOO. A M ('hrintley to W A Htover lota on Lincoln Way for SIOOO \A>HH Painter to J H Painter 'ls acre* In ("lay for s'looo. ! Julia ami John Wood to John W He* lej» (Mi acren in Marion for $450. • Butler L& I (Jo to Kirill Moriot lot in Kuat Butler for SBSO Itobt A Hartley to Josephine Ca ui|>- j bell 70 acrea in Jefferaon for S2OOO. ' Jll Cavanagb to M Bowera lot on W ! Wayne Ht for s2i»i)o. I .1 C Brown, aslm'r, to W J Handeraon 8!l acre* iu Clay for $11450. W J Handeraon to Annie and H O El liott name for S!t4SO. 1 Itutler L<& I (Jo to M Varagallo lot at E Hutler for $202.50. J. J). Marahall to W, G. Milea, lot in Mara for $985. J. A Hall to Martha Wick, 5 acres in Brady for $l5O. . liutler L AI. Co. to John Valance, I lot iii Eaat Hutler for $157 John M. Ilava to J. It. Haya. 5 acrea ' in Allegheny for $125. Jo*. Laurent to (Jharlea Leech, lot on ' Hickory Ht for SI2OO. Cliaa. H. Clark to Clark Coal & (Joke Co. 50 acrea in Buffalo for SI2OO I Martha H. liole to Geo. A. Truaoott, ' lot in Milleratown for SHOO. John F. McCoy to Wm Whiteaide, lot in Hutler for S4OO John (1 McMarlln to E. P. PefTer, lot on Graham Ht for $525 Weigarid & Heed to Itoaalla Pitt, lot on Houth Hide for $575. Chaa. W. Fluke to W. L Bchlc, lot in Mara for $425 Margaret K. Oanuier to 11. H. Zlm merman, 75 acrea in Clay for sit'KJs. Haiuuel Ktaplea to Mra. Mary A. Heera lot at Callory for $l2O. Oil. VOTE*. The Market— age cies advanced tosl 59, Monday and sl.nff2 yeserday. The advsuce i* due to the cnutinued decline in production which is not no*, and has not been for some time equal to the consumption. Evans City—The well on the Tester i farm in Jackson twp. near Evans City filled up with oil fiom the Snee sa. d 1 Monday It is owned by the Toiler brothers and the Evans City G;ts com pany. Herman —The Butler Gas Co has a good well —said to be 30 bbls—on the Campbell farm. Karns Citv —Last week Sawyer, Beck & Co. drilled in a well on the James Swartzlander heirs which filled up six hundred feet with naturally refined water-white oil,similar to that produced from the Westerman well on the Summerville farm near Millerstown The well should produce Bor 10 bbls. a day and the product is worth $5 or per bbl In lamps it burns the same as refined oil. Decrease in stocks—For many months the oil consumption of the world has exceeded the production, for which reason financiers and merchants have feared a possible exhaustion of the oil fields. Reports published in the Manual of Statistics, however,show an extensive decrease in the of crude petroleum in the greatest of all American fields, Pennsylvania, within the last two jeais and figures of equal authority indicate that for months the consumption of oil from Pennsylvania and West Virgin:;! wells has been very largely in excess of production. The stock of crude Penn sylvania petroleum above ground in December, 1900. a-as 13.174,717 barrels while in December, 1902, the amount thus stored WHS only 5.699.127 barrels AC< llti:XT». Harry Patterson wns hit by a street car at one ol ilie mil! ga r es, last Friday, and bsdlv injured. A carpenter named Potts, sccidently took an overdose of morphine, at his boarding house, Tuesday night, but his life was saved with a stomach pump. By a head-on collision near Apollo. Monday, Engineer Benmtt of Pittrburg. was killed, both engines were reduced to scrap-iron, aud a lot of cattle were killed. J A. Smith, an employe*; of the B. R. , & P. R R met with a terrible accident early Tuesday rnornin;.'. While he wai under a freight train in the Bntler yarils. coupling the air-hose, somebody mistakingly signalled th* engineer to K'J ahead, and the wheels passed over his lens He was taken to the Hospital where one leg was immediate!) ampu tated. I'ubiic Sali-s. Oct. 13 —At J. P. Klingler's in Penn twp, near Sutton's store, live stock farm implements, grain etc. Oct. 17— At Robert Gibson's in Penn twp , stock, grain, implements, etc, ■Vlari.ot*. W!i«*a', vv iid'rtjale price 05-70 Rye, " 50 Oats. " 89 Corn, " 00 Bay, " 13 00 Eggs, '• 20 Butter, '■ 20 Potatoes, ' .... 50 Onions, per br. 7ft Cabbage, per lb 2 Chickens, dressed 1H Chickens, spring, per pair '">o Celery, doz bunches 80 Honey, per pound 15 Lettuce, lb 5 Radishes, doz bunches 25 Onions " 20 Beets, per ha 75 Cukes, per doz 20 Apples, per bu 40-50 Green Corn, per doz 10 Tomatoes, per bu 75 FOR SALE! No. 1, brand new dwelling, good lot, good street, good neighborhood, posses sion at once, $25000. Two bouses for $llOO each, one for $1:100, one for $1450. Good 0 roomed house, Oakland Place, |HjSeesnioii 30 days, S2OOO. E H NEUMCY, Att'y, U. W. Unuvii 1 FOB HALE—Good general store, business In good location, oil country trade. Several very good dwelling properties, reasonable prices, possession 80 days. B H.NJXJt.BY. Millions are ignorant that continued cold invites pnenmonia. Buy Victor Lung Syrup and escape for your life. Your druggist has it For Hale An elegant property near Main anil W. Jefferson St*. Fine house and barn and K's>d lot House modern. Will be sold at once at a sacrifice as owner has moved to Pittsburg ALHO—A tine proj>erty on W. Pearl St one of the best streets in Butler large lot extending back to a 20 fO, Jolt S W Oom.TKK, 2 doors west of P. 0., Ist floor. Just now you can buy up to date clothing at way down prices at RITTKU <& ROCKKNSTKIN'H. The Citizen and the National Stock man and Farmer, the World's Greatest Farm Paper from now until Jau. I I !*<>.'» both for $2.00. Millions are ignorant that continued Cold invites pneumonia. Buy Victor Lung Syrup and escape for your life. Your druggist has it insurance and Rea Estate. •If you wish to sell or buy property you will find U to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance ami Real Kstate next P. 0., Butler, Pa •ASSETS $4,258 598 00 The Dollar Havings Fund & Trust Company, 527 Federal Ht., Allegheny, Pu , makes savings cany by their model arrangement for depositors. Hither by opening an account and furnishing a Bank Bk in sums of SI.OO or more, or by giving Certificates of deposits, with Interest Coupons payable every six mouths at the same rate 4 per cent. The promptness of this Company in sending Books by mail and lurnishing samples or Certificates or in remitting draft when depositors are absent from home, and all such courtesies make it a pleasure to do business with people wrio try to accoiiKslate and please tl.eir patrons. Try them arid see for yourself. FOR SALE Two heavy teams of mules young and good workers your choice out o' four teams, at llarrisville Creamery, Butler (Jo., Pa. They can l»e seen at any time except Mondays and Tuesdays. You are ahead if you buy clothing at Ritter & Rockensteln's sale. The Citizen, the National Stockman and Farmer and Success from now until Jan. I 1005 all three for $2.50. You can have The Woman s Home (Companion, Cosmopolitan, Leslie's Popular Monthly, j or Household Ledger, instead of Hucc/ess If preferred. I Now Now Now is the time to at tend Ritter <*e Rockensteln's sale. Music scholars wanted at 128 W. 1 Wayne Ht "Hello Central". Well Please give | me phone line for Victor Liver Hyrup It is a soverign remedy for Colds, Con ' sumption. Indigestion, and headaches. j NOTIUK My wife, Clara M Tlnitiltii. liav- In# L« ft my I>Wl and l>oard without CHIIM-, miy on« hartxirlfiK or furnUhlng htir hourd or ffiiilrit«>mricn ... Ailtghenv tnd rtrveUiwi Kxpif** Allegheny K*j»rw*e ♦lfclO «-ui ! ~ " ♦IMOa-mJ HI I wood City Accommodation "*"1 j»-ni , , Chicago, New (antic ami All<*gbei.y Kx .. . *l4" ' Alh-icbcajr Exprvw *5:21 |-w J \ llvjrlii-ny Acrumniolati n f.Sop.u. . Kllwooii HIKI New Caalie A«x»ninn«iaih»N... *"5; 30 |NM ! j NORTUUOUND Kaaeati«i Brwifonl Mail am | Clarion Accommndatiitn *4:55 js-ni | Foxlmrg AocouiniiMlation |< ui * Daily. ♦ *cept Sunday. * Sunday only. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler at 7:30, 8:15, 10:45 a.m., and 1:15, 3:00. 6:15 and 11:80 p.m. and Pittsburg : statioi. at 7:50 a. m. On Sunday at 7:30 a.m. and 0:15 and 11:30 p.m. Fur thn>U|(li tickets. Pullman reservations ami in formation apply to W. K. TURNER, Agt, Butler, Pa. E. I). SMITH, A. G. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa BK& P R R Timetable in effect Feb 15, 1903. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Bntler as follows: LEAVE FOR NOBTII. 7:30 a. in., mixed for Punxsutawr.i-y and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford. week davs, for Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. in. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARKIVE FROM NORTH. 0:08 a. ni. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:45 a. m week days, accomodation froin Dußois. 5:31 p. u. daily, vestibuled day express from Bnffali. Has connection at Ash foid week days from Rochester. 7:40 p.m. week days, mixed train from Punxsutawney. Trains leave the 15. & O. Station, Allegheny, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 p.m.. and for local I»oints as far as Dußois at 4:10 p.m. BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO Time table in effect Sept. 13. 1903 . EASTERN STANDARD TIME northward. Daily «xr«pt Sunday. Southward lirari jp) (Read down) 2 10 14 STATIONS. 1 9 U~ P.M. I' M P.M. a.m.! VM. |.m 7 » 2 -JO Erie 7 IK) 12 IS 7 01 1 53 K»ir»lew 72« 12 4« 6 M 1 42 Oirar.l I 7 35 'l* 57 ; 0 0" 1 16 ar. .Conueaut.. ,ar j S 11 1 I l * ! I :*2 U lft IT. . Connemit. .Iv 0 15 11 15 I 6 :n 1 25 CrmueHTUle 7 55 1 15 8 2D 1 20 All>i.m | 8 00 1 20 « 1! 1 05 Shailclaud ! 8 i:i 1 34 6CH 1 1/1 SprinirlMJio hi' I 37 ti 02 12 57 < "iiiiffiut ville ! R 2.*! 1 4. 5 40 12 Mead*i!le Juliet.. 8 Ift' 2 05 : 6 30 1 OH ar . Mendvlllo. ar i 023 2 43 i 1 43 11 r»2 It. . Meadvllle.. .Iv ; 7 45 1 27 6 oft 12 43 ar. .Conn.Lake, .ar & 56 2 15 i 6 15 12 23 It " IT H 33 1 52 1.5 40 ar .UneaTille 10 2.1 12 02 IT - IT 8 25 12 02 6 23 12 16 Ilartßt.wn n 5!) 2 21 5 17 12 10 AdaHWTille j 9 05 2 28 ft 07 12 no O.j ■' W 6 4f> I 35 II 22 rt«4.mia 8 5« » 47 3 17 1 27! 1 20 II (« Mercer 7 Ik' 10 03 3 35 *> 22 1 IVit 01 l!<.i;stvii Junction 72210 07 340 <1 "1 3 Sfl lO 41 lll4ar. llllllard ar 1114 (i 45 4 30 .1 0"i 7 Of) l»...Uiili«ril. ..IT 7 00 7 oO' 3 ft) 5 V» 3 33! 10 17 K-later < 12 10 4': 4 5 N 3 IK 1" ItJ Euclid H 3d 11 00 4 13 4 45 2 ftO t) 3 ■ llutlor « 00 II 25 "> 1') 340" I 15 H 15 Allegheny !•) 2i 1 W 0 35 pm pin mn a.m. pro p. m Train 12, icavlni; Urovtj Olty *."O a. ro. Mer -i-r tt:2>. Hliiinil' K ,, 7:(>3, (iroeuvllle 710, Meadviiie Jet. Uoutwautvllle B,H, arrlvui In F.rlo at 9:40 a. m. ! Train 13, leaving Erie 5:10 p. m. Con neautvllle ll;;W, Miutdvllli' Jet, 7,00, O roeovllle 7.10, sheinti|ro7,sa, Mfttr B,:a, arrives at 'J-ove «.'ity at 8,55 j» m, E D. COMSTOCK. E. It. UTMSV, (ien. Pawa. A«t, dou. Mt;r. Pittsburtt, Pa W. li. TUKNEH. Tkt A«t, Butler, Pa PENNSYLVANIA *fm. wrSTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION SCRIDVL* IN Krnu.T Sept, 14. t'or;rn. wtxm PATS ,A M A.M.'A.M. KM P. M UUTLJCH Leave t. 05; 7 3H|lO 05! 2 3A 4 35 inxonhurK Arrive 0 .14 8 08,10 3tl, 3 00 ft 03 Butler Junction.. " 707 83d 11 03i 3 2ft ft 20 K'itlar Junction...Luate 7 32 8 :MJ| 11 47) 3 26 ft 21) Natrona ArrlTe 7 41 S 44 11 (17! 3 #5 638 Txrentum 7 47 8 61*12 06 3 42 54# 3p f ll'*»dale 7 67 » 02,12 17' 3 63 CS 5» ■ llaronMtnt | 0 18! IS i»; 408 «10 .([ ..rpaburg 8 IU 090 12 47 4 1« 8 1« 4!levhenv K 10 « 3S,' I 001 4 W 8 W Ik. M.tA. M.|e. M. SUNDAY Tit A INS. I,.lire Butloi for Alleiibeuy Ollv and principal Intermediate station* at 7:20 a. m., •ii.d 4:&5 p. m. MuKTH. WKKK DAYS 1A M. A.M. A.M P. M P. M Allegheny City . .leave « 23 8 50 10 l& 3 03 6 10 iHliarpaburg 1 *8 0 00 10 2ftja3 lS'uH 20 CUremout, .. .. 10 32 ... .... rtpr 111 K'lale U 23 10 40 I (I 41 Tan-'l.turn 7 08 U 32 11 00 3 40 <1 4(1 latfona 7 13 # 3« II 07 3 4ft| II ft 3 llutler Juuttlon. ..arrive 7 25 « 47 II |7 3 51 7 02 .lutler Junction.. . leave 7 3ft W V, 12 36 | 4 05 7 Irj • K'-nljurc 8 08 10 li I 05 4 411 7 27 HI.'TLEM. , arrive 836 10 4ft 133 6 13! 753 A.M. A.M.If. M-IP. MiP. M SUNDAY TltAlWS.— Leave Ailegljeuy (3ty for But 'ei >.i,d principal Intermediate »tatiou« at 7:03 a. m. and !) '-3 p. ru rou TUIC CAST. Week* Daya. Sunday' A M. A M P M |A. M. P M UtliUM Iv « Oft 10 06! 2 36 1 7 21. Duller J'ct ar 707 II 03 ! 326 8 lo> ... Holler J'ct Iv 7 26 11 17 3 61 . 8 14' Keeport ir 72811 20 364 8 17* .... KHiilmlnetaa J't. . | 736 11 27 350 8 '43 i" htniiK " 74sii no 4 ia;- 8M) Went Apollo "18 11 11 67 4 % 867 ... Haltal.utg " 8401 227 603 tXI lllalravllle I) ID I 00 540 U62 Itlalravllle Int. . » 24 I 33 6 47 10 00 Alt.«na " 11 36 645 860 140 .. Ilarilaliurg " I 31010 00 100 8 -16 Philadelphia » «2» 426 4 26 ||)l 17 .... IP. M. A. M. A M. IP M.i I' M Ttirough tralna foi the eaet leave Plttohtirg (Union Station), aa followa:—- .S-h«ll',iu Limited, dally (No •'ouehea; 1.30 a m Atlantic Klpreaa, dally 8:lN) a ■ ' Pennsylvania Limited " (No com Ilea). , 7:16 " N'-w York « " •' ... 7:15 '• Day Klpreaa. " 7:!« l •• Main Line iuiprean, " 8:00 41 llarrlahurg Mall, M i' 2-46 r.* Ilarrlahuig Kipreaa tally 4.411 » Philadelphia Kipreaa, ' 4:60" Kaateru C< praia, " 7:10" Peat Line, • y (j(| 1 I'tttohurK Limited, dally for New York, only. 10:00 " Hr.oud Pit til,ill g Llllllteil, dally. n« nira Pi Phllmhifphla, Hullliuoie and WIMIIi lugton. Nocoa>:hea Irl oo " I'lillaira Mall, Bundu>« o lily ... 8:30 A."I Pflr Atlantic I'lty (via Delaware Hlvar llrldge, rail loute) 8110 a.m.and 0:1*1 p. m. itolly, "P •jlninla l.lniltwl," and New York limited, 7 (5 week da)*. 10*00 p.m. Tliu« Tiihln 111 iill«<:t May 25th, lU4>!i. WKBTWAHD. BTATDINB, AM I'M LMTIM Weal WlnlleM 7 *> 2 4.', " ll'.Kgavllle 7 45 H 00 " If ill Hi I'lge 766 3|o " Win field Junction 810 326 " 8 20 3 35 llutler Junction 8 2ft 3 40 A 1 line I'utlet 111 4ft 5 13 Alliva Allegheny I» 3* ft (IU pm Arrive Pl.lravlll. 12 Ml ft 40 CAHTWAIID. HTATIONH. A M P M Leave lllairatlll* ■ 11 IH " Allegheny 8 Ml 301 " llutler | 7 38 '£ 35 " llutler J.i... lion 110 I*l 4 40 " Lane !10 03! 443 Win field Junction 10 Ift 4 55 " Iron liil.lne 10 »' 5 Oft " . 110 & IS Arrlv* WMK 10 10 • TIMIHN *U.J» NI l«nn«i »N«Uno »n C Diamond Block. / / Butler, Pa, ? y People's Phone 83. S \ Bell Phone 146 D. y IF jjifa YOU W PAY MORE Than we charge for repair ing you pay to much. If you pay less you don't get your work done right. We do our watch, clock and jewelery re pairing as well as it can be done and our prices are very low. Cleaning SI.OO. Main Spring SI.OO. And all other work equally low. When was YOUR watch cleaned last? Better have it examined now; you may save yourself considerable expense later on. NO FANCY PRICES.' Ralston & Smith JEW6k6RS, 110 W. Jefferson street. SUMACH ' JEWE b Ry For the summer girl is very much iu ■ >iir line at present. We show a greut variety of riiiKH, brooches, pins and •it her ornaments Pretty patterns and modern denigns; ttlso watches and chain •if every make and description always in stock. Wn also sell — Kdisou and Victor Phonographs. Kastman and Paco Cameras. Photo Hupp lies. Washburn Mandolins and Ouitars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Nut to Court House . Indigestion, Dyspepsia can be cared by yiffoi Try it and if it doesn't help you we will pay back your money. Johnston's PHARMACY, 106 N. Main St. j Fall-1903-Winter i I Our woolens are in and ready forß I your inspection. You cannot put off | m buying much longer so better come | « v ~ & I in, and look things oyer. m 9 Buffalo VVoolen Blankets. ■ 3 Shaker Flannel Comforts. ■ I Woolen Dress Goods. B 9 Our Fur and Wrap Department is I fl more complete than ever. I ■ Everything in Furs from the cheap-1 I est to the best. I I All the latest and newest cuts in I I Coats, Jackets and Capes. 1 | DUFFY'S STORE, g jctymonts & Tavjlorj < Fruits and Produce. > Wholesale —333 6. Jefferson St. / ( Retail —131 E. Jefferson St. ( £ Highest cash price paid for County 7 * SUTTER AND 6GGS. X People's Phone C3t). Bell Phone 353 R. r | New Fall Goods. It :T i ? We are showing an extensive line of advance ti? II Styles of Fall Hats, Tailor- II ATO • * i i Made, Ready-to-Wear, Hj\ I !! :r: Dress and Street 1 ,rt 1 KJm H V • • | Always First to Show the New Ideas. II t j ?? 1 Rockensteln's U £ 838 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Jj S Qj Qj Ql Wear Wear Wear for feet. School Shoes for wear and durability at prices that are the lowest PATRICIAN SHOES exquisite in appearance perfect in fit and absolutely shape retaining—an ideal shoe for the ladies at $3.50. HANAN and TORREY Shoes, for stylish men, at $5 and $6. D. & T's $3.50 Special, nothing better made for serviceable wear. Waterproof shoes $3.00 to $6.00. Famous Torrey waterproof $6.00. Coupons for leather cushion covers. Daubenspeck & Turner, Next to Butler Savings & Trust Co., People's Phone 633. 108 S. Main St. Arriving Rapidly at BROWN A CO'S. The Largest and Best Line of all kinds of Furniture and Carpets and House Furnishings we have ever shown. * Our showing it SECOND to none in quality, stylo, workmanship and finish. Wo believe In : being in the first rank or not at all. Each pieoe shown was personally inspoctod on the immense floors of the Grand Rapids and Chicago Exposi tions. 'Tis the best that money eould buy. Now, as the season for Fall buying is at hand, Kwo invite you to look over our stock. COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICE; the result will be that you make your purchase here. COME IN AND COMPARE! BROWN CO. No. UW N Mttin Ht. (Bell Phoo® I