Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 01, 1903, Image 1

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< — %
|Cloak and Suit Department^
~ Greatest Suit values in;:
iwfo Sutler for Ladies, hisses
k and Children, including J^
e^arafo^° a k 8 \
• We aie rti.dy with a great »howicg i
4/ /111 I of Ladies' Tailorwad.- Soite— separate l'
*l* I <; ,aH aud ftkirte—in drees and walking <t »
V n I lengths, and th*y represent the very }
~JR M | ■LIL beat in tbeir cUu tbf t have bt-en pro- \J
A WFI \L duced this pepßoc. L'ke ali onr ready-•
EIJ | U to wear jff>rrn»-nt"i they are all well
J /jfc I I *4 a mile, fi'tn / 1r :• r< ■
Ll\fc° low. All that is Dev. e-t in material.- f
i 1 I lAjf*- and design. /
""J I m/jKZ- — Ladies' Tailor made Sat-, in fancy
, y yreavee, also plain elotha SIO.O0 —valnef
,ȣ Ladle.' Plain Bine, also Black Cheviot Saitd of befct <}nality. at
f lift. 50. O'.L- ra a»k $25 fir same values. Prvses range from $lO to *.V)
%JtnHtrf.-. Pri. eaia ;->kntH IS.'JS up to fH. Tidies* S-parat'.* Jackets £>. ,
real v*l«* |7.30. Onr Ladies and Misses' Jacket at |IO is a spe«al _ >
jf leader in quality and price. Same valnen gtt'd elsewhere at sl3. JU
,t. w * a w. * We cull sj>e.-: T -'l'teiition U> our elegant &■
■/ 1-H 1 JI \r stof kofl* - /-iifhatiu newest ir; de- \f
® ajid u>- -ii«:b Ltrey i-qairrel.
A Isabella and tiabie h>z uotri i mid '.marten, at
Prices fwr 93c UD $75 00
.* V<e gnarantee U> save you 3oc oa every <; y ir;vesr in Fnrs * ■
h» n.-i our Fnrb were all bonifht six rit'". r>e»<.re advance in
A Fun'. The first shipments in Fnrs are always-i'ore f- -1 t:um later
, * shipments and the prices much less.
■} Dress Goods
LfiTifbft and choicest collecrtion of Uiess (ii/ods, Suiting:- md Novel- /
\7 ties this Mfore h»s ever showu now ieady f»ir your inape'-*ion arid np-""
proval. Th<? as In every department iu this t-'or'- tlmn
others will a-k v>n for same valnes Price in novelties, plan and
|r fancy weave*. 25c to S3 per yarjf.
•TVYillfne'ry-Ms Trimmed Free|
if. In the new Millinery Department, which i> now locate'' in our new
annex,aud where we have double the space formerly occupied splendid- t'
A|y lighted —large mirror* and experifri(se«l attendants —^we are showing
y hundreds of artistic designs and Siodels copied from the finest imported i
W modela ax well a* t'ie creations of onr own v. >r 1: room-all at reasonable \i
prices Trimuje<l Flats fr< rn $1 98 "!• 1 I ,ric " J - "" w to
Jf pay. Be snre and visit our Parlors ij»-f'.ire purchasing your J,
w winter Hat We cm please yon—w.: cm - iv»- y.i mon»*y.
—We call attention to onr spleudid Hbowirn? of Meu's, Wo- '
men's and Children's Underwear and Hosiery in c.-tton fleeced and »
£\ woolens: also to onr immense stock of Blankets, Bed Ilati-*, Ontin< i
" Flannels, Waitings and Fancy Vestinifs Yirus, Art f»ot/is iti fact V
everythini? contained in an up t j-dat-, relia'il-* d>y goods ft ire. Our C
motto—the same or better merchandise for 1- rjouey than elsewhere. £
|Mrs, J. E. Zimmerman.!
/V Bell Phone ZPS. p lll t|~ r P„ J;
Peopie'ji Paone ia# liUUrr, I tl. yp
T[ f hte iModerq Store
§ 1?^t ed HATS c>
S • CHILDREN'S * * M * *
Onr new styles are attrar-ting attention and we believe we can show .V
10 you the most up to-date heaflw<?ar in Butkr. Ju*t st»-p in and see for ( ?
R yourself. We want you to look at some excellent millinery.
%, Zibillnes. Scotch Mixtures. Meltons, Novelty Oi-ods. liroad Cloths. Y,
Cheviots, etc , from Vk: to (1.50 per yd
QI New Cotton Wal»tin({». in a wide range of styles and Goods, 10c to '
P fl.oo per yard. Examine onr assortment.
g BZisler-Mardorf Co.,
S i Send in Your Mail Orders, g
B [? Merchant Tailor. (
B Fall and Winter
r i JL : _____
Cohn's Bargain Store,
150 Main and Cunningham St.
We are ready for fall business with a wonderful |
showing of ladies' tailor made suits, coats, skirt 3, K
waists and furs. Ladies' men's and children's under- n
wear and hosiery, hats, caps and children's clothing. La
Girl's dresses and coats. We are not only ready with |
smart styles, but with interesting prices, which no store jj
can meet.
ladies' flannelette AQa (Children's under k -
wrappers worth at wear from | [J JJ !
li* lies' fldrini lettc rln-KslriK 4Q_ l^ulies'heavy riblted V' r.ts f) El p
Mcqaw with TSc at (Lql. ud pasta worth 85c at j
Men's btmvy ribls-d IQ- Ladies' all woo! vests and AQp i
aaeatere, in different 4<A(, pants worth ♦ I..Vi at Vl/S^
coU/rs worth 75c at uv !
Cohn's I3argdin Store,
LNot the handsomest looking store
in town but by far the cheapest
and best to TRADE AT.
Reed's Wine of
Cod biver Oil
will build you up and make
you strong, will give you
an appetite and new life.
If you feel tired ?nd
/vorn out try our Wine of
Cod Liver Oil and fin.
It is stronger and be'te
than pure Cod Liver Oil.
Pleasant to take and ic
inoffensive to delicate
Indorsed and recom
mended by physicians
every where. Ihe bes
Spring tonic to give you
Health arid strength.
For sale only at
Reed's Pharos*
Transfer Corner
M*in and .Icfferwn St*. u ii*r. I'.
Do Ycu Buy
Certainly You Du
Then y©u want t~ b«»t for !•
lea t money T b.v - onr m., - .'
Come an J iC:. W r. j-.
anything in •.he D 1 te -• <
wc arc )»>u v. il •- '. a-," 1 -
We O'.y a full h-c of !>r
Chemical'. A .i- '•-**. "•
Purvis' Pharmacy
8. G. Pmtvrs, PH. <i
Both Pbonta.
213 S. Main St Butler Pa.
If they told the truth con
cerning rny pianos, myself, and
my way of doing business I
would sell all of the pianos
that are sold in Butler.
Wb».n a party com*-* to you with u
story concerning my biistnesß, k them
to cull lit u.j store with you aud r• i>*-a
it in my presence
I aru h< re for business. ar:d I am hap
py to say I have lot* of it My patron 4
are my friends, I aiwa\H refer to
them. Af-k them.
1 can give yon a list of over :i"0
l>atrons to whom I h ve sold pi. I:OM
1 UIII.H litJUi fuui f ... A
And if you will find my of l hem who
will say th.it I have not t*'i-n honor it 0l«
in all iny dealings with tbein I wiii
present yon with a piano.
Trusting to have my just share of your
patronage, I am yonrti for business.
Your credit is good at
W. R, Newton's
317 S. Main St.. Butler. Pa.
We have removed our "nr blc |
and Granite Jio|>:. fi .in corner of!
Main and ' lay streets to i\>>. 208 1
N Main street, (opposite W. I>.
Urandon's residence), where wc |
will he pleased to meet our
customers with figure* that are
Monuments & Headstones
of all kinds and are also prepared
to give best figures oil
Iron Fence- Flower Vases
etc., as we have secured the sole
apei:cy from the "te'vart Iron
Woiks of Cincinnati, 0., f"« t'u
town and vicinity.
P. H. Sechler
i Ste lhe "'* n d,ret '
.' '* opposite the
t,VOld Pnsiofllcc
Theodore V^el^y.
Veil Eitate and
Insurance Ajfenty,
L3I ZJH S Mall St.
( ,£d Rutlcr, Pa
|«j| f f ym huro prop* rt v
Hps OR. want TO HUF OR
ftC r« ril riii, writ* or
11st Wailed Upon Apo!ic?.*irT'
Poor man ! He can't help it.
It's his liver. He needs a
liver pill. Ayer's Pills.
!' Waal jour moustache or bear J a }
beautiful tro*n or rich black ? Use 1
Buckingham's Dye!
jiOcti.ct druf gutter ft. P. H»" &Co.. tiiihus.N.H \
E!, ; sC«Bal 4"^J#
t tiueji. sootL» and heals I y M
th membrane.
J; ire» catarrh and drives E
t yt. cold in the head
( roam ISnlm is placed into the nogtr .3, spreads
irver membrane and is atforbed. Rel.efisim
r: and a cure follows. It is not drying—does
t.: produce sneezing. Size, 50 cents at Drng
g'sts or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents.
ULY BROTHERS. 5C Warren Streets Z<CXR York
? vjl\
109 N'. Street,
50TbeK, PA.
i>'St Service.
Prompt and Careful
Pour registered
Prescription Worl< a
I have purchased the C. J.
Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein
building, at 345 S. Main St., am
remodeling and restocking the
s'.ore. I have twenty two years
e/perier. eas a pharmacist, and
ccmpou; ling of prescriptions
will be u.ider my personal at
Pure c.rugs and honest treat
ru nt gr iranteed.
-Vhen n town shopping, stop
'i leav your packages.
< L A : cKee, Pharmacist,
l»|.. k, li. iW Ul , ' P>l
Binding: of Books
rur occup tion. VVc put our
i r K tiinr* to studying the best
-I lafes method> of doing our
i rk. It you are thinking of
ing some work done in this
I am sure you will be well
Med if you have it «:>>ne at
k Butler Book Bindery,
W \V. AM ON, Prop.
Oop CoTt House
miner Cordial, |
W Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
if Sick Headache. 1
Sumaier Complaint,
VomitiiiK, Sour Stomach,
and f >r Children Teething.
F- itcpurf l LIF 11. A. VA IINKHTOC*K CO. I
I'ltulturg, I'M.
At llriljcullitff A hoi I in
Pittsburg, Pa.
++++++ + + + + +
Z The best place iv,
jC' to stop at 2
* when in town is the
"j* J. H HARVEY, Prop,
4 /▼/
* Rates, $1.50 per day. $
J. .J. + + + + + + + + ++ +
H. (j. Allison,
l-uneral Director,
Bell Phone No. 3.
Baucrstown, Pa.
I 'if HICK- flyers' Building -next to p
•O. Ittitler Pa.
i i
Copyright, law, b> ths
9. S. McOtire Corornns
> =<-'
Under the brilliant southern stars the
white camellias jrleawed wasiike. Be
tween the glossy leaves a sieuder fig
ure leaned over the low whue wall
that skirted the garden. It seemed a
kplrit of the night, that face shadowed
by dusky hair. K-zii.; down witb
troutded eyes into the pj -• • .ate ou«
raised to her own.
"Camille," he whispered, "niia bella,
must I still implore you? It Is that
you do not lore me, cruel one."
He seized ber hands imperiously as
If to draw her to him. They trembled
in his hot grnsp as her voice sighed:
"FUipe, it is you who are cruel. You
know—the granpere is so old. lie has
none but me. It wouid kill him if I
should fly with you."
The girl's charming patois betrayed
the daughter of France, while h«-r deep,
mysterious eyes were the heritage of
some Indian beauty—a quadroon girl,
bift none the less vaunted as the heiress
of old M. Le Moyne and the belle of St.
Pierre, where the color line Is but
loosaly drawn. Her granpere planned
great things for her when they should
go to Paris In the fall. She was so
beautiful; a prince perhaps, or at least
a count.
And she? She had already given her
heart to the keeping of Filipe. he who
®nly owned a small lugger plying be
tween Martinique and Guadeloupe.
Bhe loved him. and yet she answered
all his prayers with "Wait!" Filipe
could not understand it. As the night
wind, perfumed with the scent of a
hundred flowtrs, caressed her cheek
bis heart was suddenly filled with a
passionate Jealousy. She was so tieau- |
tifui, and she loved him alone, and yet
the fates had placed her high above
him, so that, as now, be could barely
touch the tips of her delicate fingers
with Ills Hps. The hot blood of Spain
that lent color to Ills swarthy cheek
and fire to his dark eye could not brooK |
such thwarting. t
"Camille," he cried Impetuously, "let
me again implore you! Come with me.
The white sails of my Santa Maria
will bear you safely to Basse Terre, |
and ttiere I have a friend, a good i
padre, who will make us one. Come,
my flower."
His voice had softened to Infinite j
tenderness. Cainille leaned heavily
against the wall, and her words were j
broken by longing as she whispered, j
"1 cannot"
A hot tear splashed down upon his
band, but be drew It away roughly.
"Knough of tears!" he cried bitterly.
"They cost you nothing, while I—l am
eating my heart out for you. But you
have said 'No' once too often. I swear
| to you" and he raised his hand and
pointed to the distant mountain peak
half cloaked In vapor—"l swear to you
: that your sleeping Pelee shall wake to
i life before I again s<-fk for your love!"
I (.'a in I lie gave a cry of anguish, but It
' fell on esrs all unheeding. Filipe
i strode down the road toward the quay
with never a backward glance. The j
girl's face was as waxen as her name- ,
sake's, and like a rudely broken flower
she sank on her knees against the wall. |
Above Ikt sobs came the rumble of )
Pelee's voice, but she did not hear.
• ••••••
It WIIH at Basse Terre that tin- news
caine to Filipe came In a swift suc
cession of horrible rumors, each more
terrifying than the hist. Pelee had
awakened. And St. Pierre? No one j
Ami Camille? Flllpe prayed In hla f
heart when hla dry lip* refuaed to ;
move. So benumbed were hla sense* t
from ll iiguiah nnd suffering that the I
memory of hla oath had no longer
power to move blrn. The Santa Maria
waa bended directly for the port of i
St. I'lerre. Iler decka were atrewn
with aahea and atone*, her aalla and
rigging torn and broken, yet gallantly :
abe rode thla unknown aeu of dirty
anffron color, whose aullen water waa
cumbered with wreckage. She had j
met huge tidal wavee that awept away |
her crew, for ahe could not full the
hand of the man *t the helm. The
pllot'a eyea, bloodshot by long houra j
of vigil, were fixed on the blazing '
heap* which alone remained to tell the
r.tory of St. I'lerre.
Swollen bod lea were now added to
the wreckage on the water. Flllpe
hud aunk on hla knee*, aa If fearful of |
recognizing a beloved face among,
then). But the Hiintn Mnrln, driven j
on by a midden breeze, headed straight
for the quay that Iny neareat to where
the white wall atlll allowed amid the
atrlcken garden.
Hardly conacloua of having made the
landing, lie staggered up the walk and
leaped the wall A groan eacaped hla
Hp*. There, amid the blackeli«d stems
of the cameliiaa, lay u body. It wna
burned to u crlap far beyond recognl
tlon, but the lover could not doubt.
Around waa alienee, denotation, death.
And here lay Camilla.
"She waa watching for tno for the
henrtleaa one," he muttered.
Then audilen fury aelzeil him. "I
aha ll not leave you here, my flower 1
OIIP!" he cried. "There miiat be plncea
on thla accursed Island atlll untouched
by lire. I will lay you to aleep there
under fragrant bloasoma, nnd then per
haps the Hiilnta will eaae me of my
Stripping off bin coot, he wrapped It
tenderly about the body, hiding the
face, and lw>r<- It down to the quay.
Again the favoring wind sprang up.
and the Santa Maria crept slowly down
the bay, and atlll the voice of I'elee
thundered from flie peak wren tiled In
forked lightnings. Her ashes fell
ceaselessly on the shrouded figure at
the foot of the mast and on the head
ef the pilot. His hands and face were
blackened and burned and his eyes
were blinded by smoke and dust, but
his hand still kept the helm and th«
Santa Maria her way.
The Dixie's deck was crowded with
anxious man, for were they not al
ready entering the groat zona of ashes
thkt surrounded the fated island?
Through the gloom came the gleam of
a sail. "Ship ahoy!" brought no an
"Probably and too dazed to
s{K.-ak," OUJ man said commiseratlngly.
"No; not dazed —only dead." another
replied, for Pelee had added another
victim to her list, and the saints bad
released Filipe from his misery. Per
haps—who knows? —he found his flow
er one again in all her radiant beauty
where camellias ever bloom.
Heooprnlred Him.
A professor in the Harvard Law
school has a memory which plays him
false on all matters except points of
law. He cannot remember his men.
When the school opened last fall a stu
dent who prldt'S himself on his reputa
tion with the instructors and makes
himself felt by wise questions In the
classroom approached the professor
and held out his hand.
The professor hesitated a moment
over the man's name and finally got it
out iu triumph.
The student was highly olated and a
few minutes after said with proud sat
iofiirtion to the professor's secretary.
"The old boy seems to he g-»ttlnji his
memory back. He hesitated only a
minute before he called me by name.
Pn-tty good after a three months' vaca
tion. isn't it?"
"Why," replied the secretary. "It's
funny he hesitated when I had Jusl
told him your name. He saw you com
ing across the hall and asked me who
. you were."—Youth's Compauion.
The Mlntletoe I.cacml.
i Here is tho real historic reason for a
very pretty custom tixit should never
be allowed to die out. It Is the good
old Christmas custom of kissing a girl
I when you catch her under the mtstle-
I toe. Here is the legend:
"Balder, the Scandinavian god of
f poetry and eloquence, was protected
from the violence of his enemies by the
promise of everything in earth, fire
and water not to harm him.
"The mistletoe only had not been
asked, nnd Lokl, his enemy, discovered
' this, got another man to shoot him
with an arrow formed of it. Then all
! the gods and goddesses mourned griev
; ously, and at their urgent reqnest
Balder wns restored to life, hewauso ho
was greatly loved,
j "S<> to the goddess of love the uilstle
| toe was given to guard and and
every one passing underneath the
| bough slie held kissed bor as a sign
I that henceforth the branch was an em
; blem not of death, but of love." —Kan-
; sus City Independent.
A n»r witils » Pl»y.
| Atkins Lawrence in recalling his ap
i pea ranees with Mary Anderson when
j shi' was a youtLful ssplrant for stellsr
| honors in the east ssys: "I was get
j ting a little stout In those days, even
| though I was a young follow, and, as
j Claude Mclnotte, 1 had a vest that I
j bud supplied with three powerful buc
i kit's in ihene I would draw as
tightly us possible to make mykelf
sliu.. One night 1 bud Jrr* finished n-y
description of my palace and knelt
down to say, 'Llkest thou the ptcturu,
Pauline?' when suddenly all three of
the buckles gave way with a snap that
j sot the people In the orchestra tittor-
I lng. 'What's the matter, Atkins?' Ma
i ry Anderson said in a staga whisper.
I 'My vest buckles have broken,' I an-
I swered. 'That's all right,' she replied.
| 'I was afraid It was your suspenders.' "
; —Argonaut.
The I'rlnrlpnl Wripnm «f Drnth.
The fifteen principal cau«e* of death,
with the rate per 100,000, made public
by the census bureau, nre as follows:
Pneumonia, 191.0; consumption, 101.5;
heart disease, 134; diarrheal disease*,
85.1; kidney diseases, 88.7; apoplexy,
cancer, GO; old age, 54; bronchitis,
48.8; cfeolMl infantum, 47. H; debility,
45.5; Inflammation of the brain and
nienlngc*,4l.B; diphtheria, B4.4; typhoid,
*.'lß, and premature birth, .'13.7. Ileatli
from all principal causes *hows a de-
Tense since IfifHl, the most notable be
In* consumption, whlcli allows a de
sense of 5-1.0 per loo,ooo.~l>lctetie
tnd Hygienic (Jasette.
Onurmr Willi Wlilrli n Tonn*
Ofllncr Urwlril llnilh.
"Sjmnklrig of heroism," mild a n«vy
officer at hi* club n few evening a no,
"It I* rare that such an example la aeen
ax that of IlyriMon, who wn# a pasw-d
midshipman at Vera Crur, In IH4«1. It
WDM really more than a bit of bori/lsm;
It wn* fortitude, paaalve oowAffc, Hint
confronted a peculiar danger, a self
ancrlflce, that was moat conapicuoiia.
"Our fleet was off the harbor oil
bkx'Ttade duty when one day n Spanish
merchant v»"<«el managed to slip In
wlthotft l»-lug discovered. Ilyiiaon con
ceived the Idra if capturing the vessel
by a night attnck. nnd lie succeeded In
doing so lint aa lie could not take Ihe
vessel <Ait of hnrl>or, for th« reavm
tluit all"' was undue the clow range
of the enemy's gun*. ll.vnaon aet
t«> the vessel. In doing so lie burTni<l
both Ida arms no badly flint ho carried
them In sllngw for several daya. While
In fhla dlanbled condition a terrific
•quail carue tip nnd played haroe with
aevernl of our little vessels, and the one
oil which llynaon waa serving wn* cap
sized. llynaon nnd one of the other of
ficer* managed to g<*t hold of a flontlng
apar, bat n« It \vn« not mifflctnnt to
keep them both afloat llynaon let go
hi* hold and In n few momenta annk to
hla d'-nth." -.New York Tribune.
Wrltflit of a i hllfl.
The weight of n growing child la the
moat Important Index to It* general
health. The standard of weight for
growing cliiidren, that usually given
by authorltlew In the matter, la that at
five year* of age a child should weigh
about na many jiouiida a* It I* inches
high. Aa a rule, tlila vtlll not be IIIIK-II
over or under forty pound*. Children
who come of hirge parent* aliould
weigh something more than that. The
rate of Incrcaae should be about two
pounda for every Inch of growth, with
a tendency for the veelght lf» '*wd
thla atandard proportionately rather
than to fall below It. When a child la
rather heavier In proportion to It*
height than thla atandard It la a sign
of gfaal health If the child la growing
rapidly It ahould not l»- allowed to fall
111 I|f I, below It without liellik' lllllde to
rest more than hna tieou tin- ciiatom be
for«- A deficiency of weight In propor
tion to height la alwnya an unfavorable
algn. Any Interruption lu the progress
of Increase of weight, especially dm
Ing tin- contlnunnce «»f growth. must
lie a iliinger signal that ahould not b<
iieglecied by those interested In the pn
Tiie Klah'a Cmpacitr For I.cnrnliin IN
Palnfnllr Conlracti J.
Most seek tlietr fO"<1 by sipht.
pays Professor Fldinu d Clark Stanford
in the International Quarterly, aud
these do not usually notice It by any
other sense. P.ut those that are a. cus
tomed to find It by smell seldom pay
any attention to it when they merely
seo it.
Catfish depend principally on the
sense of tnste. and tu,, s•• i.) to taste
;ill over, not or.lv in :h» mouth, but by
the outer skin HS f..r back as the tail
It Is uncertain whether fishes can feH
pain or not. There is a good deal of
evidence to show that they cannot.
A tish that has lost its sight may
learn to avoid an obstacle after swim
ming against it a single t!::ie. 1 .it tishes
that can see will Jump against the plata
glass wall »>f an aquarium day after
day. sometimes for a year, in the effort
to catch tilings outside.
The elements of consciousness in the
mind of a fish foot up a total -'equiva
lent, perhaps, to the lowest idiocy when
measured by human standards." It Is
possible that the fish's capacity for
learning is "about 0:1 a level with that
of a man in deep sleep or preoccupa
Bird* That Exercl**' IoBmnl(T.
Birds building on high trees are not
so wary about the concealment of their
nests as hedge builders and those that
seek the springing corn or grass land
for the shelter of their homes, tnisUng
to the loftlnoc uf situation for secu
rity. A nest placed upon the ground
is in constant danger of exposure. A
browsing animal might destroy it.
Then the scythe with one sweep occa
sionally lays bare one or more nests,
thereby endangering the eggs or callow
nesUtngs. This renders the parent
birds very wary and causes them to
practice great ingenuity in their ef
forts to protect the young birds.
The skylark has been known to T«rry
its egg or offspring to a place of safety
after an exposure of the nest, and It
has been s iid Its long hind claw-the
use of which has puzzled many natu
ralists—ls specially adnptrd by natnre
for more easily grasping and transport
ing its treasures from the source of
danger. When the yomig Idrds are
too bulky to be thus removed the par
ent bird carries them on Its back,
though this mode of removal Is a somo
wlrat di(2cuit one.—London Tit-ISlts.
Jrltcraon nml the I'alenl OCtee.
The flint patron of our patent system
was Thomas Jefferson, who during
three years gavr his personal attention
to every application for a patent. He
used to call the secretary of war and
tho attorney general to examine and
scrutinize with him. and they did it so
thoroughly that in one year the first—
they granted only three patents. The
very first patent of s'l was given to
Samuel Hopkins in 17i»0 for p"arl ash
es. Mr. Jefferson held that the patent
system was not one for creating rev
eptie, but for encouraging a production
of that which Is to be of benefit to the
whole people. In the first twelve years
n sins!:' cleric In the state department
and a few ;,:p< r«n:.• >I«•.-» were all that
the tnisiner-n of tlw ofllee required.
Tl en a IT. Tim nton to«.k charge of It
and devoted hinii'clf to It as t<> a hobliy.
*r>ldpr» Mkf Murale.
A violinist pays spiders are notori
ously and historically fond 01" music.
At one > f his jierfonnaneci th" concert
liali wns made ilisagree-aOle t>y » nml
den Invnslo'.i of spiders, which were
drawn by Ilia violin out fro::i Wie
cracks nnd crannies of the ancient
building. They ernwled about the floor
nnd on to the stage, and ho could see
the rntioyed nudlenee stamping on the
Insects. The writer adds thnt hf has
known a small garden snnlte to h" at
trncted t»y pinno playing and n young
cult' to wlih'k his tall anil pruneo about
most gleefully at the first notes of a
French born. Ills neclc would curve
about proudly, Ids hoofs trend lightly
nnd Ids ears wng Joyously when the
tooting began, and he never quieted
down till the music censixl.
Prcallar I'rlvllrarr*.
Tin* spo!ik<-r of the house of commons
has several peculiar privileges. Every
yenr he receives n gift from th<' innster
of the hucUlioundH of a buck and doe
killed 111 fli" royal preserve.-.. This CUM
toin goes back so far tlirit then- Is no
record of It. Later In the year tho
spanker reef lve< another trttmte from n
dltTerent souro*. Th" <lonoiv on the
second occasion are the t.'loth Vorki?rs'
compnny of I#ondon, who send t'> the
speaker of th<' house of commons and
to several of his majesty's ministers a
generous width of the Is-st broadcloth
to Itv found In ICnglnnd.
Il«*r Audloncr.
"How are yon getting on with your
music, my deurV*' lin|iilred a lady of
her niece.
"Well, of course." replied tho niece
diffidently, "It wouldn't lot proper of
tne to compliment myself, but some of
th" nelglilMirs have told ni" they have
stayed awake M t night for hours Itsten-
Irrff to my playing."
Tli" Knltfil fftrta.
The new bonrdor had Is-i'n fbree
we«.'Us fn the house. "It Is usual," raid
(too Innitlsily, with gn*at delicacy, "for
my boarders to |>ay as they go."
"Oh. Hint's nil right," he replied af
fabty. "I'm not going for a low; tltue."
*laill|(1« «1 Mltl* If.
~Whnt fx that plee ( » j-ou nrp playing?
Ia It by Wagner?"
"No; the piano f« out of time."—•
Brooklyn Times.
With the Persians the writing of
poetry nnd beautiful nnd witty say-
Injfn Is described as tho "threading of
pin rls."
Why lln llnly Alt* Ihr Volt*.
An Atnerfcnn woman tra\e|in*; In
England stopped one dny nt a Utile
country house, ('hutting with the vln
I tor, the woman of the house told of
her difficulty In getting along nnd of nn
experience she had lind with n bisinler.
"Tim first morning this innti stopped
hi're," vlie said, "he begun to eat liolled
eggs very gnsilily. I'.gg after egg he
uto three, four, fUi% si* and It was
only the yolk of tliem that he swaJ
lowisl; tfio white be didn't Isrtls'r with
nt all.
"When he dug bis spoon Intn tiio sev
entli cirg my temper got the beHcr of
fno, and I said In a severe (ortei
"'Don't you ever eat the Whfte of the
egg, Sir?'
" 'Surely not, iny wotuaij," lie at)
awerrd. 'The yolk Is the tdrd; tie' wUH»'
is the fentliers Would you luivo in
make a Isdsler of myself?' "
Merchant Did you find out what
thnt gentleman wanted?
New Clerk No, but I found out what
he didn't want.
Merchant Whnt? How dare you
New clerk And I sold It to him. -
Catholic HtnndiinJ and Times.
r ——-~.t. , .«, ~
Plain uml Practical I>lrectlon» For
SrlltiiE Oat Apple Treea.
We first set what I call the sighting
■takes, 132 In all for a double row all
around a nine acre rays \V. I.
Chamberlain in Ohio Farmer. Wo took
for each stake two pine fence laths,
V 4 by I' 4 Inch by 4 fret; sharpened one,
planed the other, nailed the two to
gether with two shingle nrils driven
planting. lapping the laths one foot so
n* to make the stakes seven feet long.
The top half Is planed so as to make
It more easily sen forty rods off.
With good tape line begin, say, at the
southeast corner of the field (see Fig.
'i ......
1 j :
• •
.. i •
. . u*' %n* » •
~: » •
• • ! > ■ '
• . * •"• uJ * f *
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•. . • • a,-* » • i • r • • •
no i
EZZ—n ~>J
1), measure just one rod from the soutli
line of the lot and set the first stake
quite close to the east line; second stake
two rods north of that, and so on north
ward across the cast side, and so on
for the other three sides, end trees
one rod from line; other trees two rods
apart. We set the planed side of the
stake toward the field. Then I stand
outside the first stake on tho cast line
and sight across to the tlrrt stake on
west sld«v with a man and a loose
stake about four rod* from each of
these two line stake*. I wave with the
hand, north or south, to the further
man until his stake ts set In exact line;
then the same to the nearer man. Then
all move north two rodu and sight and
set stakes as before, and so on until the
sighting stakes are all sot In the four
Inner rows, each two Inner stakes In
exact line with the two corresponding
outside ones.
The tree stakes are made as follows:
Raw old free splitting pine boards into
eight Inch lengths and wttta a sharp
hatchet sharpen each stake with one
blow and then spilt It off with another
blow, as tliln t.s it will spilt well. For
nine acres you will want 720 of tkese,
two for each tree. Now take n basket
ful of these setting stakes and take for
a sighting pole a straight rake handle,
long enough to reach from the ground
up to your eye and pointed at the lower
end, and begin, any, at the southeast
corner. Move and both west and
north until you are In exact line with
the three stakes west of yon (one rod
i north of south line) and with the three
stakes north of yon (one rod west of
the cast line). Llold your sighting pole
plumb, move It Into exact line both
ways, press It down and set a setting
stake firmly In the hole made hy the
sharp end of your sighting pole. Drop
one hxiflc setting stake close by the one
set In the ground, for future use. Now
move two nsls westward and sight
west and north as liefore and sot and
drop two setting stakes, and so on to
the end of that row of trees. Then
move two nsls northward along the
west side (where you then are) and set
the setting stakes for the second row
of trei-s from the south, and so on for
the entire field.
Let the setting board be about alx
feet long and six lnclnf» wide. Bore an
Inch and n half hole midway of the
width near each end and In the middle
of Its length. Saw In to this last, milk
Ing It horseshoe shnpe, as shown In Fig.
2. Place fhls setting lsmrd with the
horseshoe toe ngalnot the setting stake,
slick the loose stake Into the ground at
one end hole, pull the middle stake and
stick It In at (he other end hole, then
remove the board and dig the hole for
(he free aliout three feet la diameter
and übout a foot deep, and with Its
center Just w here the setting stake
first stood.
When you are ready to set tho trees
place the end holes of the. setting
board over the two setting stakes, with
the heel of the horseshoe toward the
south, and move the trunk of (lie little
apple tree up Ming to the toe of the
liorsi-shoc, and the base of the tree
will Is- exactly In line In all directions.
The trees should be set leaning slight
ly toward the prevailing winds.
( oiicrriiliiff Corn
With a crop of corn r.00,000,000 bush
els less than that of last year In pros
peet many people are jumping to the
conclusion that pri<"«*t for that grain
will be proportionately higher than
they nre now. Therefore, they reason,
this will lie a Is-ltvr year to sell corn
than to feed It. < Virn may lie higher
than It 1s now, for tin- crop Is not safe
yet, but the eff«vf of the k-sscned yield
has already Ih«cii discounted 111 market,
as Is shown by the present high price
level. Furthermore, It Is very likely
that much less corn will be needed
than last year. Not so much stock will
be fed. nor will so much of the crop be
devoted to replenishing tho reserves,
which were practically exhausted when
the last crop was harvested. Under
these conditions, unless there Is great
damage to the crop by early frost, It Is
well not to e \pect too milch of com
prices, ad vises National Stock man.
••Some! blnu llolna" 4in»uß Frolt
I.rtmer*—firimc \rrnnii Sentiment,
There begins lo be "something doing"
among the horticulturists, who have
Buffered more than ever this season
from bird depredations, and here Is
what some of tin in have t« *ny In ltu
rnl New Yorker:
1 am glad lo las* you *t>eak out ou
tln' bird question. My experience Ims
ls-en alsnit like yours, altltough per
haps not quite so bad If 1 try to grow
n (Vw strawberries In my own garden
the\ prarSl'tilly amount lo nothing l» v
(•nuse the birds take tho gntifer part.
In experimental work we find results
lire likely to be greatly vltUilcd for
the same reason, 'ibis year they de
stroyed many currants as well
ptrawberries, particularly on any
plant* near toees. In Nebraska we
found It almost Impossible lo gel any
grapes from a vineyard containing per
haps half an acre lo an acre, and also
Impossible fo get any early red applies
flint were perfect. I think It Is time
liortlculturlsls took a hand In flic bird
question. If our Andulsiu societies
Would reorganize Into bird destruction
societies I think they woubUtl" more
H»od, nt ler«l If their activities were
< 4 1r'kruda"iirf"fbc nflihi anil
No. S9.
the catbird.—Professor Fred Card/
Rhode Island.
I have read a great deal of what I
can call by no other name than non
sense about the beautiful birds. Tho
great majority of people have been #o
etturaTed 1 hit while they would be hor
rified at the thought of killing a robin
they consider it quite the proper thinff
to kill on sight a snake, a skunk. •!
hawk or an owl. As a friend of fruit
grower or fruit how can a robin be
compared to one of the above despised
four? I have 300 sweet cherry treea,
most of them small, three or four bi®
old trees. The birds came in flocka*
took them all. I did not get OTer three
quarts. The larger trees had a big
crop on I have fifty May Dukes set
in IS!*;. They*t>oro a pretty good crop.
1 got less than a busbel. Then they
turned their attention to our otherf
sour trees. This was most too much.
My partner suffered a relapse, and 1
there was something doing. As near
as we can estimate, COO birds won't ea>
any more cherries. —A. I*. Pennsyl
We have always been friendly to the
birds and opposed to killing them; even
spared the European sparrows until
they became too great a nuisance by
nesting In gutters and spouting, from
which they had to be routed. Until
the present year other birds have not
6eemed too abundant, but this year one
other bird, the robin, haa multiplied
beyond nil reasonable expectations,
■our or five nests were built on the
place early in spring and must all have
been successful. Strawlierrles were
unmolested, but by the time raspber
ries Were ripe the young birds had
reached maturity and seemed to eat
little but fruit. Toward the end of
the season they took absolutely every
thing, and we estimate that they took
probably one-fourth of the crop of
raspberries and blackberries. Cherries
were scarce, and birds took all there
were. The redheaded woodpecker has
also been a prominent fruit eater with
us, but the robin has been by far the
I most destructive. We need the pro
tective law !>eyond all doubt, but we
also need a modification In It, such as
now applies to rabbits and squirrels,
which will permit the farmer to de
stroy within the limits of his own
farm any that become a nuisance
through becoming too numerous. This
would give protection to the fruit grow
er and still be protective of bird life
In general. Sentiment in regard to the
birds is nil very good, but sense is bet
ter.—J. M. 8., Ohio.
Dactrrta by Mall.
The syndicate letters sent ont from
Washington have announced that the
government Is preparing to furnish
farmers with clover and other helpful
bacteria In small mall packages like
yeast cakes, and we are getting In
quiries as to where to apply for them.
We have no idea that tho government
will undertake to supply these bacteria
to farmers. If government scientists
find a way to handle them, as suggest
ed, private enterprise will probahly
place theui on tho market just as It
iuis put other bacteria within reach of
the butter maker, says tho National
Stockman. As to the practical value
of the plan we cannot say, but usually
it Is not necessary to Import bacteria
except for seme crops new to the farm,
such as alfalfa on land where It haa
never been grown before. And It is not
always necessary to do so In that case.
Typhoid Fever In Cattle, jg
Typhoid fever to affecting horses and
cattle In Dane county, Wis., to an
alarming extent. Within a year past
100 horses have been treated for' It,
twenty dying, and nearly ns many cat
tle. It Is also called swamp fever. In
belief that horses become affected by
eating grass and hay grown In low ly
lug regions.—Country Gentleman.
Asrlcaltaral Notes.
Intense cultivation and care are the
only things that will make big crops
of liny, snys O. M. Clark.
One of llio experiment stations ad
vlhoh dalrymon possessing silos which'
they can but partly fill to ensile all the
apple pomace they can l>eg, borrow or'
New England Is giving the Angora
goat a good trial.
Iluy wheat, for It canuot be grown
profitably In any part of New England
except Aroostook county, Me., an ft a
Homestead writer.
There Is nothing to prevent ranking
pickles on tho farm and selling direct
to consumers.
Is onlnn growing a gamble? Not sa
much with the transplanted system.
You are surer of your crop and of you*'
price, remarks llnral New Yorkor.
Where It Al*rnyn R«ln«.
There Is a group of Islands to the
•outh of New Zealand called the Sis
ters, or Seven Hlstcrs, which nre re
pub-d to lie subjected to a practically
constant rainfall. The same may l»e
said of the Islands mid mainland of Tl
erra del Fuego, save for the differ
ence that the rain often takes the form
of sleet nnd snow. On a line running
round the world from 4 degrees to H or
D degri-es there are patches over which
rain seldom ceases to fall. This Is
culled tho "wm of constant precipita
tion," but at the same time there are
several localities along with it with
very little rainfall.
Llffhlnlnv Praaka.
The most beautiful display of light
ning or atmospheric electric currents
which l( was my good fortune to wit
nes«," says a resident of yuobec, "wu»
out on the Heauport flats, near Quebec,
when two electrically laden clouds, us
though two trees, their heads toward
each other and their longer bronchi *
Interwoven, kept on for more than fen
minutes, Interchanging horlxontal Hash
es of beautifully colored fire, not one
of which ever reached llie earth, while
occasionally a flash would shoot up
ward as If toward some cloud In that
Aft Rtpfrlmpnl.
"You see," said Corntossel, "a phre
nologist once told us that our boy Josh
had a remarkable head."
"Ho you sent lilm to college?"
"Yes. Now we're waiting to see
whether his head Is goln* to turn out to
be a congenial residence fur brains of
Jos' a garden fur football hair.—*
Washington Star.
Iler Method.
Stella So die married him to reform
Mint Mow did she begin?
P.eJhi II) speixWng n lot of money.
You know how hard it Is for a rich
man to enter the kingdom of heaven -
lliirper'a Baxar.
\ Cna*c Far Worry.
A man may go along fur fifty years
nn' in I be worried niUeh alsiut de here
after. bill de mlnlt de barlier find ; ».
Ini|ii upot on bis head he's got a burden
to i .i , fur de rest of Ills days. I>e
I roll Flee Press.
The poii of (lie seif made man geu
pt illy begin* at the top nnd work*
downward. Chicago H ord-llerald.