THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1903. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE— AII advertisers Intending to make changes In their ads. should notify us of their intention to do so not later than Mon day morning. Statement of Farmers Nat. Bank. Davis Sewing Machines. Zimmerman's Fall Goods. Brown & Co's furniture. Modern Store's opening. Campbell's furniture. Johnston's VlnoL The Butler Business College White Sewing Machines. Store for Sale. Walker's furnishings. Admlnlsiiabors and Executors of estate c in secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN ofßce. and persons making pabllc sale# their note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Lyndora is to have a Sutday school —Slipperyrock is to have a Board of Health. —The frost of last Saturday morning hurt the corn in some localities. —Well shooters make a practice of hauling loads of nitro-glycerine through town. —The night freight on the P. &W. north, was wrecked at St. Joe; last Fri day morning. —The girl who would rather kiss a pug dog than a man will find that the men are willing.—Ex. —The throwing of poisonous acids into the creek still continues and the few fish left are being killed. —Mies Mary Double of Slipperyr xk, aged 22 j ears, killed herself. Tuesday, by shooting herself in the head. —A cas- of small pox has developed on Institute bill—that of a young man who had l*en working away from Lome. -Last Thursday night the Alameda basket ball team defeated the D. C. & A. C. in a very close game at the park. Score 13 to 12. —The 'knock-out cigar'' is the latest d inger f-.r the smoker. A stranger asks him f»r .i light, dopes his cigar, and then robs him. _ —People who take their seats in the theatre after the curtain is up are re sponsible for a large amount of this world's bitterness. —Look here, boy! It may appear to you that all the good jobs are taken,but by the time yen are capable of filling one it will be vacant.—Ex. —The notice of the death of Mrs. Mnntz of Zeliecople in last week's paper was a mistake. Our informant said Mnntz, when he meant Lutz. —An oak tree, cut down yester day to make room for a new house, wti three feet in diameter and its rings indicated an age of at least 180 years. —John C. Graham has sold ten lots ia the Graham Terrace plan, along the plsnkroad, and ever the hill. A street car line over that hill would soon send a large population out that way. —As some $25,000,000 worth of goat skins are imported into this country annually, some editors are advocating the raising of more goats—the four-leg ged variety, with horns—the other kind are skinned differently. •—Eighty -one lots were sold at East Butler, last Saturday. Several houses, •a well as the works of the Eleanor Steel Co. are being constructed, and the B. R. & P. is running a construction train to and from the grounds. —ThePennsylvania shops at Lawrence Junction were destioyed by fire last Sunday. Supt. T. B. Hamilton esti mates the loss at $35,000, divided about as follows: Buildings, $12,000! machin ery, SIB,OOO, and damage to locomotive, SB,OOO. —The B. R. & P. will give excursion rates to the Dayton FaiV—' Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week—excepting on the express trains, at $1 30 from Bntler; SI.OO from Feuelton, and 8S cents from Craigsville, (or the round trip. —At sunset, Monday, the first day of Tiahri in the Hebrew ralentar ushered in the year 5664 since the creation of the world, as calculated by the rabbis of old. Throughout the Jewish world this lit a time of rejoicing, congratula tion, well wishes and gift giving. —James 6. Bonaldaon, who was keep ing store in the house recently erected on Plankroad St. by J. H. Negley, has •old ont his interest in the same to Homer E. Young, who will continue the business at that stand. Mr. Donald son goes to his farm in Penn twp., neat Browmdale. —At the meeting of the Assessors of the county in the Court House, last week, they all agreei to live up to the letter of the law, and assess all proper ty in the county at what they believe it will or would bring at a genuine sale. If they do so the Commissioners' Office will ie*einble a bumble-bees' nest dur ing appeal days, next spring. . —lt is not generally known that the Pennsylvania state laws require a per son to stop, look and listen before driv ing across a railroad track. Unless the provisions are heeded and a person is struck by the cars, there is no poeribili ty for securing a judgment for damages in case suite are brought to recover. The courts hold that there was contri ta il tory negligence and, generally, non pnit th e plaintiff before the case is fully tried, This is worthy of notice. burglars boldly entered the Saint James hotel at Rural Valley.Arm* arong county, last Friday night, and by the aid of a revolver compelled the pro prietor, Mr. Conroy, to divulge the hid ing place of hut money. The robbers took about S3OO from a trunk and *>sc*p ed. Entrance was secured by climbing over the roof of the front porch, ans while one man, qyef the win: ggw Mr. and Mrs. Conroy, who were In bed, with a revolver, the other went after the money. —The department of public works of Pittsburg has notified the telephone, telegraph and electric light companies doing business in that city th*t they must comply with the ordinance of 1895, requiring overhead wires and cables on ceitain main thoroughfare* of the city to be put underground. In one instance only thirty day's time is given to obey this order, while in other cases no limit is specified. The one to receive a thirty days' notice was the Western yqion Telegraph tympany. The Wee t-jrn Union company in turn notified tbe public safety department that the city's police and fire alarm wirea must be taken oft th? companies poles within the same period. If von couldn t come betore come now to Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. Hurry! Hurry and get a big bargain in clothing at Ritter Sk Rockenstein's. PEUSO.NAI. Charley Pape is recovering from a severe illness. Samuel Purvis of the Pharmacy is able to be about again. C. W. Pond attended the A. O. U. W. meeting in Bruin, Mond-y. John C. Dickson attended a wedding festivity near Slippery Rock, this week. H. S. Thompson of Concord township did some ehopping in Butler, Saturday. Dr. ilcKee took his two daughters to Mountain Seminary, near Tyrone, Tues day. Phillip Hilliard. Esq.. of Hilliard, at tended to some legal business in Butler, Mondaj 4 . D. P. Kelly of Parker and A. W. Boozel of Clay called on Butler friends, Saturday. Miss Bertha Hoffner of McKean St. is entertaining Miss Eva Little of AJlegheny. Alva C. Brown of Forward township | is entertaining visitors from Allegheny | and Cleveland. B. F. Frantz of Chestnut street is en tertaining his brother, J. H., of Topeka," Kansas, who has not been East for j thirty years. H. C. Craig and wife of Chicora at-1 tended the Mercer Fair last week, and I visited Mrs Craig's father, John Horner, whom they report in excellent health. Mr. and Mrs Arthur E. Jennings, and their son, George Stansfield Jennings, of Tioga, Philadelphia are the guests of their brother-in-law Earnest C. Faber of Mercer street. Miss Mary Harding of the Western Union Telegraph company left Sunday to visit her parents near Parkersburg W. Va., and her place is temporarily filled by Joe Campbell. Editor Lewis L O'Kane. of the New- Kensington Dispatch showed bis good taste and judgment by yesterday mar rying a Bntler County girl. Miss Hal lie Bicket of Winfield township. General Baldwin, commanding the Department of the Colorado, favors the re-establishment of the army canteen, on moral grounds. The W. C. T. U. will have its opinion of his morals. Madame Baker. President of the Dressmakers' Association say 3 that the new woman is "slim and snug and svelts." wears '"an almost skin-tight gown," and has no Hps. Ladies, now is the time to be re formed Mr. E Miller, whose skull was tre panned at the Hospital last yree k, is do ing well, and a complete cure is expect ed. His head was injured by the ex plosion of the fly-wheel of an gas engine while he was repairing the engine house —a year or so ago. Miss Stella Mates, eldest daughter of W. J. Mates, formerly of Butler but now liviner near New Castle, and Wm. E. McElroy, a vonng business man of Ell wood were married in New Castle, on the 10th inst. They will reside in Ellwood and will be at home to their many friends after October Ist. Mr. L. D. Borland, the popular and well known business manager of the Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman's Dry Goods Store, has returned from a trip to New York, where he has been completing the purchjse of the handsomest stock of dress goods, silks, cloaks, suits,furs and all ibat goes to making complete a re liable up to date stock of merchandise in a high class dry doods store. You will be repaid by visiting this hand some store, corner of Main and Jeffer son St. Henrietta Starr, who lived in Petrolia during the Seventies is wanted wanted by tfce citizens of Red Cloud, Nebraska. Stories of destitution coming from Ne braska about the time appealed to the girl's sympathy and she collected money and sent it to the famine-stricken set tlers of Red Cloud. These settlers, now grown prosperous, are eager to reward the woman who aided them in their dis tress and are making a determined ef fort to locate her in the Pennsylvania oil regions. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman has just re turned from an extended trip to Cleve land, New York and Philadelphia. Mrs. Zimmerman bad with her five young ladiee on this trip, all employees of her popular store, one from tne cloak and suit department, one from the corset department and three from their mil linery depa.tment. The trip was a most enjoyable one as well as success ful one in sight seeing in New York and attending the fashionable millinery and cloak openings of the Paris of America, they certainly are well posted in this store in every one of their big departments as to what is the correct and proper style. Call and see them. No trouble to show goods. —The Institute Hill burglar robbed the house of Samuel Woods, Tuesday night. —"Foxy Grandpa', is announced in the near future—as a fan pnveyor it can't be beat, —This is plowing and seeding time with the farmers. It is an unusually back war d Jseason. —A 23-inch weasel was killed on Paul Cronenwett's place on N. Washington St, the other day. —Three men are under arrest for at tacking and abusing Conductor Robin son of the street car service, Tuesday night. The men were intoxicated at the time of the assault. —What a strenuous thing official life in Pittsburg is! The proposed elevated railroad around the Point has kept the Councils on edge since the Wabash R. R. matter was settled; and now that road wants to share in the elevated— Biglow's jump to seven millions for a filtration plant for the city caused more rows in Councils—the river men and railroad men are fighting each oth er as to the height of the bridges above water level, and the U. S. Engineer has decided in fayor of the river men. These with daily conferences regarding the removal of the "hump" on Fifth Ave., and the factional qnarrels keep people busy figuring out where they are at politically. —Some fifty farmers of Jefferson county, 0., made it warm for a couple of robbers, last Monday- They were aroused by the tinkle of the telephone bells in their homes, armed themselves and scattered over the country roads near Bloomfleld, 10 miles from Stenben yille, to catch two confidence men turn ed footpads, who had robbed John Kerr, a wealthy farmer, of $3,000. They met the fugitives, bad a running fight, in which none of the pursuers were wound ed, shot the two robbers to «hreds, cornered then} in a cornfield, made them surrender, recovered the money, and took their captives to town, where they lay bleeding and moaning in the county jail. —The following graduates of the Butler Bnsiness College have reoently aecepted positions as follows: O. F. Cashdollar, bookkeeper and cashier, New York Lease & Trust Co., Alle gheny, Anna Anderson, bookkeeper for General Store, New Castle, Pa.; Elmer Gelbach, bookkeeper, National Tube company, Frick building. Pittsburg; Oliver McGrady, assistant bookkeeper, Butler Ice company. The White ball-bearing automatic lift combination tension newiug ma chine is king of all other machines. Second hand sewing machines from 12.00 up to $15.00. Singers, Domestic, New Home, White. Wheeler and Wil son and Household. New Wheeler & Wilson drop head at tachments for f25 to S3O cash; new Vender for $lB cash; Queen for S2O to $25 cash. F. J. SLAWSON, Manager. 1 don't see how they oan sell clothing a« cheap as Ritter & Rockenstein are selling it. LEliAi. NS '•* S NEW SUITS. C. C. Shim vs Butler Boro, trespass for SIOOO damages for injury done his property at Locust and Elnj Sts .during a late flood. His cellar was filled with water. Mary H. Straw, adui'r, va Alex Dun bar, attachment execution on property in the hands of the Producers & Refin ers Oil Co. School District of Parker twp. vs Jos. H Walley, assumpsit for a balance of $422.10 claimed to be due from Walley as tax collector. Julia Anr Zvarr vs Michael Larch, trespass for JIOUO, for the alleged utter ing of words iu the Hungarian language, accusing the plaintiff of being a disrep utable person Myrtle Feigel ys Mrs. Elizabeth Fei gel, assumpsit for $952.14. with interest from March 17. 1902. The plaintiff is a daughter of the defendant, who is the widow of John Feigel, dee d, of Look out Ave The plaintiff states that on i March 15, 1902, on her coming of age she received $1952 14 from her cuardian. J. W. Hutchison, and gave it to her mother who deposited 81000, but kept ' $952.14 on pretense of wanting to bor row it for a time, and has never repaid it. Lnla Feigel vs Elizabeth Feigel. Myr tle Feigel, Fred Feigel, a minor, and J. W. Hutchison, guardian of minor, sum mons in partition for a property on S. Main St., Butler, bounded south by Wuller hens, west by Butler County National Bank and north by Mrs. Sloan. Ellis Hesselgesser vs August Sell, tres pass for S2OOO damages, for slanderous words alleged to have beeD uttered in the presence of G. W. McEwen and Henry Krug Mrs. Elizabeth Feigel vs Wenzel W. Walker and Lulu Feigel, summons in replevin for one parlor suit, 1 leather rocker 1 upholstered rocker, 1 willow rocker, 1 sewing machine and other fur niture to the value of SSOO. Walker, it appears, has been keeping company with Miss Feigel, and it is said they tried to take the goodsand elope to Den ver, but were stopped at the station. The goods werej billed for Los An geles, Cal. Walker has been arrested. CRIMINAL NOTES On Saturday pleas of nolle contendre were entered by the defendants in the cases of Com vs R. A. McCartney, fur nishing liquor without license; B Weu del and John Sproul, same Sentence on Sprouli was suspended until Decem ber. Wendel and McCartney are man agers of the Lvndora Pharmacy. They were called for sentence and each got $250 fine and coets. The Elk Brewing Co. of Kittanning and H. A. Smith, their agent, were con victed of selling liquor withont liens and motions for new trials were m'ide. The offences occurred at West Wiafield. B. V. Neubert and the other director were acquitted of the charge against them. A 1 Hanck plead guilty to a charge of gambling, and was fined SSO and sent to jail for 10 days. John Dunn plead guilty to gambling and sentence was suspended. Ou Monday the jury in the case of Com. vs Geo. Ebert, dtsertion, returned a verdict of not guilty, and the defend ant and the prosecutrix, his wife, Lucy E. Eberts, tach pay half the costs Ebert is nearly 70 years of age and is a well known farmer living east of Mars The prosecutrix is his second wife and several >ears his junior, and sho has a son with whom the old man conld not agree. Ebert testified the sou jerked him out of bed at 2 a.m and threatened to shoot him. Mrs. Ebert claimed that Ebert sold their farm, worth SIOO,OOO to his 6on for SISOO, and the gon resold it and with the proceeds bought two brick houses in Pittsburg, which he holds iu trust for his father. They broke up housekeeping and Mrs Ebert and her son are living in Mar«. Siegmond Starr was conyicted of sell ing liquor without license. W. E. Hays, agent for a wholesale grocery house of Cleveland, O , who was taking orders for whisky a few days ago. was fried. Monday, ou a charge of contracting in liquors for a non-resident firm, and convicted. His attorneys claimed the law under which he was convicted was unconstitutional and moved for a new trial. Sigmund Stern, an aged Jew, who travels for a wholesale liquor honse was convicted of selling liquor without license and contracting the sale ot liquors for a non-resident and non licensee, subject to the courts ruling on the Act of 1875. JOB. McCarty of Erie was yut on trial Tuesday on a charge of assault with In tent to rob. He was caught with his hand in Marvin Begg's outside coat pocket at the Barnum o bail for bis appearance Another Italian. Alvano Alano, was also arrested on the same charge, and t iken before a Kittanning Justice, who withheld his deceision until he conld lo'k up the new game law Alauo biings suit Hgainst Durrell on the same charges as his two fellow-country mt-n The first two Itaians were permitted to go after each paying SSO to Durrell and the courts will have to decide if the fine imposed by the Warden was legal with out a hearing before a justice of the peace. The sentry at the Arst-nal who killed William Crowley will answer to a conrt mxrtiHl first for his offence and will then be turned over to the civil author ity and be tried by them. The soldier is amendable to both and uiay be com pelled to serve two sentences for his act The cast- was givvn an additional in terest when it became known that the soldier is a resident of the immediate vi c nity of P.ttsbure, his aged parent •'both of whom are living, being unaware of the deed which he has committed. This was the sole reason for the refusal of Li- utenant Drury to disclose his name. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Chas Brown to W E Brown lot in Harrisville for SSOO A M Chri<-tley to Etta Andre lot on W Penn st for $550. J C Say to Ed Reiger lot in McKee place for $2700. Standard Trn.»t OjtoGC Dunn lot io Butler twp for $125. E E Weigand & Reed to John W Moral lot. i i Butler twp for $250. W E Coc'aran to Butler Builders' Su pply Co lots on Broad st ex for SISOO. David Cupps, trustee, to H N Hoff man 40 acres in Jefferson for $1055. Jas R Robinson to M L Painter 52 acres in Oakland for $1290. W J Rankin to Daniel Weitzel, Jr l<»t on Cecelia st for S4OO. A M Ckristley to Ed R Turner and S S Atwell 4 lots on Lincoln Way for $1750. Thos Lochrie to Like Trade C >al Co 76 acres coal in Venango for $3426.18; also 66 acrts for $2074. D O K a merer to J C Hoffman 56 acres in Oakland for $1(502. J. H. Walley to Isabel Latz lot in Glenora for $75. Stephen McClelland to Jas Bredin lot on Quarry St for $1(550 W J Mnsser to L C Wick 5 houses on Locust St for $14,000. J C Graham to Pansy V Davis lot on Plank road for $l5O. Standard Trust Co to J W Sbakeley lot in Butl' r twp for S7O. A A Ketrper to F G Holman lot on Elm St for S2BOO. W A Sloan to Daisy A Oswalt lot in Mars for $l5O. Helen and John Rimer to J B Sher win lot on E Penn St for $2400. A L Find!ey to H B McCandless lot on Lincoln Way for S2OOO. Marriage Licenses. Augustus l A. Futlirimjor .. . . ,CV>nno#i. Annie J. Hemphill Lancaster t^p Melvin Sarver Saryersville Mary Saxonburg Brant O. Sankey New Castle Jennie W. Cunningham Zelienople Harry C. Cookson. Cranberry twp Flora A. Ebrman J D. Green Feneltnn M. Mcßride Lyndoia Hi.iner K. Miller Franklin Stella S. Lackey Mars \Vm Marx Glade Mills Pearl Donthett Penn twp Lewis L. O Kane.... .New Kensington Hajlie C. Bieket Saxonburg L-iwrence W. Francis.Connellaville, Pa Annie E. Baruhart Chicora At Yonngstown, 0., H. O. Smith of W. Va, and Jean Johnston of Butler. At Pittsburg. H C. Shoup of Gayly ■ii.d S. E. Sutton of Bruin. At Kittanning. Charles A. Groves of Kavlor and Sadie E. Steele of Petrolia Caller—So the doctor brought you a little sister the other night, eh V Tommy—Yeh; I guess it was the doctor done it. Anyway, I heard him telliu' pa some time ago at if pa didn't pay his old bill he'd make trouble fur niui Bruin Business School, The Bruin Business School will open Oct. 5, in the vacant room of the High School Building in Bruin, Pa,, under the direction and of Prof. J. W, Jordan, who comes to us highly rt commended. It is predicted that the school will be a success from the start, as a large number of the young people of our town and vicinity will attend. Bate of tuition will be only $.lO for fnll scholarship. And just think, it is up to date cloth ing Ritter & Rockenstein's are selling so cheap. The liutler Business College. The opening of school at the Butler Business College on Sept. Ist was the best that the college has ever had. The number of NEW faces in greater than at any previous opening Young peo pie are learning more fully, each year, at the great PRACTICA L value of a good COMMERCIAL education. We want all the good, industrious, and WELL EDU CATED young men and women we can get. to come to our college and take a Shorthand or Bookkeeping course, or both, and thus prepare for FUTURE PROSPERITY. A GOOD POSITION AWAITS EVERY ONE WHO PROVES HIMSELF TO BE WORTHY and COM PETENT. Now. and the FIRST of each succeeding month is the best time to enter. Send for onr FINELY ILLUS TRATED catalogue for 1903-4. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. .ASSETS £4,258.59800 The Dollar Savings Fund & Trust Company, 527 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa , makes savings easy by their model arrangement for depositors. Either by opening an account and furnishing a Bank Book in sums of SI.OO or more, or by giving Certificates of deposits, with : Interest Coupons payable every six months at the same rate 4 per cent. | The promptness of this Company in sending Books by mail and furnishing samples or Certificates or in remitting draft when depositors are absent from home, and all such courtesies make it a pleasure to do business with people who try to accomodate and please their parrons. Try them and see for yourself. New lee Wagon. The new ice wagon of May & Kenne ' dy is now in service, and ice will be de livered to all parts of the city by this firm. If yoo want ice today, call up Bell phone 87 or Peoples 128. Regular . deliveries. Send in your orders. MAY & KENNEDY. FOR SALE J Two heavy teams of mules -young and good workers your choice out of four teams, at Harrisville Creamery, Butler Co., Pa. They can be seen at any time except Mondays and Tuesdays. The l'o-stottice Silc. The Treasary Department of the National government considered the «>f fer of the Mcßride heirs of Butler for their lot at the corner of Jefferson ami Washington streets— 120x140 feet—for |SO 000, IIRI A site for H government bnild ing, Monday, and word came to Butler, that evening that it had Wen accepted The lot includes the residence of I. J. Mi-Bride, but not the livery stable. The Treasury Department buts all the lots and builds all the buddings needed by the government—con-ultinif , of course the different departments ns Ito their needs. In this case, (if an ap ; propriation is secured for a building) the P. O. Department and perhaps, th- Internal Revenue Department will be i consulted. The selection of this site will probably cause a "boom" in real estate in time ' vicinity. CHUKCH NOTI.S. There will be a harvest home service I in the Grace Lutheran church. Sunday morning. when the children of th" : bath School will take part All are in vited. Communion services wiil be ob i served in this church Sunday October j 4th. Preparatory services, Friday even- I iog preceediDg. | The Juniors of the Grace Luth*-rau ; chnrch will give a "Shoe K>cial." at the ' h"mf of Miss Mary Miller. No. Franklin street, tomorrow eveu ng There is at least one member of the Erie conference who ought to be plea.-- ed with his assignment the coming} ear. He goes to Paradise. "God moves in a mysterious way'' said the Evangelist to the crowd on toe Monorigahala wharf, in Pittsbnrg last Snndny afternoon; and the reason h<* said that was because the crowd had ass-inbled around the organ not to h*>ar him preach but to see a terrific dog fight—but it brought him a congrega tion. Lyndora's fir-t religious service was ' held Sunday afternoon when about twenty numbers of the United Presby terian church led by Rev. Robinson went to the house of Mr. Johnslou on Pen 11 ave and opened a Sunday Scho">l* Rev. Robinson conducted the services and S. P Poll(K-k was elected Superin tendent: Miss Verda Pierce, assi.-raut; Mable Slianer, secretary, and A!. J. Weigand, treasurer. Fifty-five pupils all Americans, were enrolled and many in-ire are expected FAKR THLATHE. THE ELEVENTH HOUR—SEPTEMBER 4~> Lincoln J. darter's great melodrama. "The Eleventh Hour," wiil be at the Park Theatre on Friday, September io. 1903. For the past few years Mr. Car ter has been famous for his spectacular productions showing moving trains, racing steamboats, etc., in fnil view of the audience, and this, his new play while not of this nature, has something better, a real fight - one that is so real istic that the combatants actually break v.isis, lamps, jardiuers, etc. His NIBS—SEPTEMBER 2«, Laugh and the world laughs with you", is the adage which must have betn running through the mird of th» autbor of the farcical conceit. "His Nibs the Baron", which is to be seen at the Park Theatre on Saturday September 28—Matinee and night and iu which Miss Belle Gold, one of the cleverest soubrettes in thq country, is the star. The play was constructed purely for laughing purposes and the opinion of the captious critics who have seen the pla> is, that it fills its purpose exceed ingly well. Matinee prices 15c.-25c.-Night 25 c.- 35c. 50. 75c- Grand Qpeea House, Pittsburj*. The extensive improvements and marked which have been in pro gress at the Grand Opera Honse, Pitts burg. for the past four months are rap idly nearing completion, and a magnif icent new theatre will open two weeks hence, on the site of the ancient land mark. Night and day without a mo ment's cessation a veritable army of workmen bave been hustling to finish the big playbquse in time for the an nounced opening. Manager Davis him self has been continually on the scene of action nuurring the men oi}. and now everything points to the fulfillment of his hiichent expectations in the date for -the premier performance. The New Grand will unquestionably prove to be the most thoroughly equipped stock theatre in America, and will afford a fitting home for the stock company, which enjoys such an enviable reputa tion throughout the oouutry. Stage Director Huffman, together with the favorites of last season who have been re-engaged, and the new people who will make their first appear ance on this occasion, will arrive iicxt week when rehearsals will commence. FOR SALE! No. 1, brand new dwelling, good lot, good street, good neighborhood, posses sion at once, 135000, Two houses for $llOO each, one for SI3OO, one for $1450, Good 0 roomed house, Oakland Place, possession 30 days, E. H NEGLEY, Att'y. S. W. Diamond. Come now to Ritter & Rockensteiu' sale. FOR SALlj—Good general store, business in good location, oil country trade. Several very good dwelllUg properties, reasonable " y4lon :5 ° '' a Y ß ' H.. NEGLEY. & Rockenstein's sale of up to date clothing gives every one a chance. Millions are ignorant 'that continued cold invites pneumonia. P.tiy Victor Lung Syrup and escape for your life. Your druggist has it For Sale An elegant property near Main and W. Jefferson Sts. Fine house and barn and good lot House modern. Will be sold at once at a sacrifice as owner has moved to Pittsburg. ALSO—A fine property on W. Pearl St —one of the best streets in Butler large lot extending back to a 20 foot al ley ; house is new and modern; 8 open fire places; mantles, best in the maiket; stone wall, slate roof, hard-wood floors, fine chandeliers, stone walk; bath room is large, and fixtures and tub best in the markut. Property high and dry, with magnificent view. A new ten thousand dollar bouse building on one side. R'?a son for selling giveu. Terms very rea sonable. Price $3450. JOHN W COULTER, 2 doors west of P. 0., Ist floor. Just now vou can buy up to date clothing at way down prices at RITTER & ROCKENSTEIN'S. —The Citizen and the National Stock man and Farmer, the World's Greatest Farm Paper from now nntil Jan. 1 1905 both for $2.00. Millions are ignorant that continued Cold invites pneumonia. Buy Victor Lung Syrup and escape for your life. Your druggist has it. Insurance and Rea Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property yon will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real F»tate next P. 0., Butler. Pa. You are ahead if you buy clothing at Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. —The Citizen, the National Stockman and Farmer and Success from now until Jan. 1 1905 all three for $2.50. You can have The Woman s Home Companion. Cosmopolitan, Leslie's Popular Monthly, or Household-Ledger, instead of Success if preferred. Now—Now- Now is the time to at tend Rittw & Rockenstein's sale. Music scholars wanted at 128 W. Wayne St "Hello Central". Well. Please give me phone line for Victor Liver Syrup. It is a soverign remedy for Colds, Con sumption, Indigestion, and headaches. T'ANVASSERS— ' Ten dollars per day eiisy; staple line Slim-* rubber beeKcushlon scilc; l>erm;iiit*nt business; at home; no fuk**. A< l Manufacturers, Box lift. I>»trobe. Pa WANTEIi Lady auent.s everywhere; a moury-iritker: write for terms; samples free. Hieplierd Mftf. Co., SHI Liberty Se., flvtsburtc, I'a. W-St-ftMt R-R-TIME-TABLES B A O K It Time table rffrctivc 17, I>C. L*»t»-rn S tinUnJ Time 801TB BOrXD Allegheny A <«*l*liun a ni Allr-tclu'iiy and Exprciu... A UegfuHßj' Exprwaa *v l«> »-ru • •• *il HMI ; City Ac omm.-lat: -n . *1 H> !-m i Chi ;w?«\ New i utle and Kl . M:4»> |»-tn Allegheny Fxpr*** +5 24 i*-iu AUeu'!..'n> A> mm "Uition •S.inp.ui ESivJud and New Ca»tl<* Accommodation... *3:50 p-in NORTHBOrNP Kaiieai.d llnwlf.rd Mail +9-.42 m-m ' Clarion Aocommodaiioii f F<»xl'»r»c«*iatit»ri (*» |sn j * Daily. ♦ Sunday. ♦ SuD«lay only. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler nt 7:30, 8:15. 10:45 a.m.. and 1:15, 3:00. 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and statioL at 7:50 a.m. OnScndav at 7:80 a.m. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. Fur through ticket*. Pullman ro<*Tvali«»nii and in foimation apply to W. K. TI UNKK. Agt. Butler. l"a. E. I>. SMITH, A. «. P. A., httohurif, I'a i* u & r K it Timetable in effect Feb 15. 1&03. P.t.-eenger trains leave ami arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. T;«0 h. m. t mixed for Punxsutawney and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford. week davs, for Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois an 4 ail stations. 10:22 p. tn. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 0:08 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester 9:45 a. in. week days, accomodation; from Dußois. 5:31 p.n. daily, vestibuled day express from Buffalo Has connection at Ash- j ford week days from Rochester. 7:40 p.m. week days, mixed train! from Punxsntawney. Trains leave the 11. & O. Station, Allegheny, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 9:cM> p in., and for local points as far as Dußois at 4:10 p.m. DESSEMEII & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO I) Time table in effect Sepi. 13. Ifto3 EASTERN STANDARD TIME il- rtiiwhrd. Laiiy txrept Sunday. wurd ap) down) 2 IU 14 bTATk'NS I 9 13 « .3 l\M P.M. an.. A.M. |m 7 15 2 10 Krle 7 00 1J IS 7 01 1 53 Fairri'-w 7 28J2 44 6 »1 1 42 (iirard 7 & M 57 8 0" 1 15 ar. .Couueaut.. .%r J 8 II t 1-5 4 o 3.1 1 25 l'ranbo\;ltt} 7 i>s 1 15 0 2M 1 Alt.ion 8 had«-iand 8 13 1 34 6 OS 1 03 hprinjcboio , 8 1« 1 37 d WJ I'' 57 ConneautTille 8 353 1 |j 5 40 12 33 Meadville Junct.. rt 15 2 <*s 6 30 1 08 ar.. Meadrille.. ar 9 2 43 ,443 11 lv..Meadville...ltr 745 1 6 06 12 43 ar. .Coun.Lake. .ar 8 55 2 i£. 5 15 12 23 Iv " lv h V> 1 52 ! 5 40 ar.. Liuwvillo 10 25 12 02 lv •• U 8 25 12 (2 5 23 12 lii ilartutown '8 atl 2 2°. 5 17 12 10 Adaiurtville | U Ofi 2 .-§ 5 07 12 00 Uhgood » ft IT* 2 *" 7 10 5 00 if 52 Urecuvill© Q 30 ti Zi K 5u i o."| 4 53 11 46 aheaauso ...... . 6 3a 9 JW 3 (X' ♦» 46 i 35 11 22 J'rwloiiia G 3*. I# 47 3 17 027 I MO. 11 o*l Mercar 7 18 10 W 3 6 i."2 4 15 11 01 Houston Jnuctlon 7 22 10 07 3 40 fl 01, 3 56,10 41 Glove City 7 44 10 25 4 01 5 47 ilo 2s I!arrirtvill« 7 58 4 14 5 4<> 3 38 lo A) Brmnchton H 07 10 4j 4 23 fl 45 4on 11 U ar.. .Milliard... ar 1114 G45 4 30 30v 700 1v... Hilliard.. . .lv 700 7 (H) 300 5 35 3 33! 10 17 Kciater 8 12 10 46 4 :17 1 In 3 19 10 03 Euclid S 3U. 11 4 445250 i' 3j J'uiUr - 5 'ti Jl £» 51' t 8 : I.# 25 I O) 6 35 l>ml ' am a.m. p n Train 12, leaving Grovo City B.JO 0$ 2 3S 4 X> 9»xoubur((.,... .Arrive (j ;H 8 OS 10 J(I 3 >*> 5 KT Rutlur JuLCtiju.. " 707 83«11 oa 326 62U BAILOR Jiijcifou. -LEAVE 732 BSB 11 47i 525 523 Arrive 7 41 « 41 II f>7 3 331 6 :«l l'Hr..|i!uiu. 7 47 8 61 12 U» 3 42 5 »« .ipii>.Ks p. m. NORTH. WEEK DATA A.M.IA.M. A M. P. M P. M Mleiheuy City .LU»VE « 25! 85010 ID 303' 6 10 Hluujatiurg *>2o 9 00 10 26 U3 13 >6 »> 'Hareniout . I .... 10 32! ... .... Hpriugdale 1 ....!« 23 10 4I« ; #4! Tantalum 7 081 9 SSill Odf 3 40 f> 4!l Natrona 1 13| 9 30111 07 3 45 6 «J Butler JuacUou.. .arrive 7 25 ! 9 47 11 17 3 51 7 02 Outlet JoucUoo....leave 7 361 9 55 12 36' 4 06 7 03 rt«')t:batg 8 08 10 IS! 1 05 4 41 7 27 UI'TI.EE .rrrive. 8 38 10 45 1 1 33 5 13, 7 53 IA.M.IA.M.'P. M.|P. M. P. M 31'NDAY TRAINS.—I.E»va Allegheny City for But Icr AND principal iutersiediate stations at 7:Q$ A SI, AUIL 9 J3 p. n>. *o* TIIS BAST. WeekiDayn. Sumlays VM. A.M. P. M.IIA.M. P M Buti.Kß Iv G 08-10 05 2 36 I 7 20 Butler J'ct ai 7 07'u OH 326 810 ... Ilutler J'ct Iv 7 i">ill 17 3 61; 8 14 .... Keeport tr, 7 28 11 201 364 1 8 17 ; .... KnkimltioUs J't.. 73811 27 359 823 LF -hl.urg " 7 4«J 11 3YL 4 13' 830 Weat Ajwllo - HUH 81- 4 3ai 8 67' .... Saltalurg " «40 12 27 ! 803 » %<■ ... , Blaimvilla 1 9 IB 1 oo 5 4U:; 9 62J lllairaviilelut.. .. ("24 133 647 10 00l Altoons " U 36 » 44! 3 lUrrinbur*. Ml 3 Ift ••• - -it J • " ;;; u ,a. 4 q IS' w [ P. M.|A. M.| A. M. ;P. M.I I*, M Thruugh trains for the e*u»i leave Pltt»burg (Union Station), a« follows: Seiwhore Lunit«- week days. 10:00 p.m. daily, with through sle cars. Buffalo and Alley y Valley Dh*MkK- Trains leave KHkiminetus Junction as follows: — For Buffalo, 9JS6 a. m and p. m. daily, with through parlor and Bleeping cars. For Oil City, 7.42 9.60 a. m„ 2.38, 6.16 aud 11.50 p. tn. week-.34, and 11.60 p. m. w««k-deys. buudays, 9.66,10.49 a. m., 6.1". and 11.50 p. m. For Kittaunlng 7.42, 9.31, 9.56,11.17 a. m., 6.15,7.30, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56, 10.49 a. m.,6.15, 10.45, and 11.50 p. m. ,4 a" SO»|«s only on signal or notice to ag«-nt to re ceive pasMi»g«*rs. 4 T' JS!o|w only on signal «>r notlte to or con ductor t<» receive or discharge passengrrs. Foi detailed information, apply to ticket ag'-nt or address Thos. K. Watt, Pa*n. Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Sinithfleld Street, Pittsburg, }'•» W. W. ATTERBCRY, J U WOOD Geu'l Manag«'r. Pass'r TrafTl.- Manager. W. BOYD, (jeneral Pansenger Agent. Winflchl K It Co Time Table In effect May 25th, 1903. WESTWARD. STATIONS. AM P M L. uvc. We»t Wlnfleld 7 30i 2 45 " UORK»*IHO 7 45, 300 " Irou Bri.lK.- 756 310 ** Wlnfleld Junction HI" 3 26 " H 2"! 3 33 " Ilutler Junction H 26J 340 Arrive Putler 10 46 5 Li Arrive Allegheny 9 38 5 09 pm j Aniw Ihhwlh.. 12 56| 6 40 EASTWARD. STATIONS. * ~ AMP M Leave Itlairsville 8 111 2 25 44 Allegheny 8 50i 303 " Ilutler 7 381 236 *• Ilutler Junction 'lO 00i 440 «« Lane 10 03 443 ** Winfield Juuctiou 110 15i 45a " Iron Bridge 110 25! 505 " ItoggMVille lo 351 515 Arrive West Wlnfleld 110 50, 630 Trains stop at Lane and Iron ilridge only on Flag to take on or leave oir passengers. Trains Connect at Ilutler Junction with: Trains Eastward for Free port, Yandergrift aud Blairsville Intersection. Trains Westward f«»r Natrona, Tarentum and AH*- gtieny. Trains Northwanl for Saxonhurg, Delano and Ilutler. B. O. HEALOK, 'inneral Manager. L. 5. McJUNKIN Insuranc? and Real Eslate Agent. .; 7 ii JEFFERSON. - BUTLER r-A | Trusses j / The Kind ■ ( 1 To Buy.! 1 C You can buy Tru-ses for al : f / most i.othing or you can pay a V \ price for them, but thi* \% } price of a Truss does not prove C V • that it is going to be the one | J j i you need. Every case has to \ ; v IH> fitted individually. That [ V \ y is where we have had our great ; r i \ success in Trusses. No one f J out of our store with a V 1 \ Truss that does not fit {>ertect- q Sly. Th»-refor»- a great many } people are we Trntses t j ami sending their friecds to us S \ to bn fitted. If you are wear- C V ing a Truss and it does not 1 / feel right, or sta\ in the right J \ place come in and see us about x t it, no matter if you did not / C buy it from us. We will tell f / you whether it is the rij,'ht ! f / Truss to wear. We will .give V S you the benefit of onr twenty -3 five years experience. Private 7 x apportments for ladies. V i C. N. BOYD,) \ Pharmacist, S C Diamond Block. / / Sutler, Pa. ? j People's Phune j Rejwrt of the Condition of tte Farmers' National Bank, at Pa., in the State of Pennsyl vania, at the close of business, St : t U, 1903. BtsOUUCEP. DOLI.AIIS, Loans and dls<-oun»s 4H -is 51 Overdrafts. «ruft'd r»4 'J rtl 1. >. Bonds to si: UM cipcuititiou. I,M ,*« on Premiums on I'. 8 Bonds 4mm m Baulilnjc-bouse. furniture, and fl Mures 23 ".■« 41 I)ue from ap|>n>vi-d resrrveagents 5.1 >l7y II Intt-rual-Kevenne st.unps :si; « <:h«-ck> mid other cash item* IT 525 irj > on (ill 00 Redemption fund with I'.S. Treas> (5 per cent, of clrculatkin) 5 000 00 Total 618 7(12 0» LIABILITIES. 001.1.A US. Capital stock paid In 100 000 00 surplus fund 2.*> 000 (*i Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 8 104 SO National Hank notes outstanding 100 00.0 on Individual deposits subject to check... ~ ISrtfttMO Demand certificates Qf dupualt. .. 10 *74 W Time n( duposlt 217 6'CI S4 t"»tul (ill) 702 OV or PA.. COUNTY OF HCTLEH. ss: I. K. W. Bingham. Cashier of the ali.n-e --named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statemfut is true to the best of my knowledge aud belief. E. \Y. BINUIIAM, Cashier. CORRECT —A ttuit; LEVI M WISE. ) THOMAS HAYS, -Directors. D, B. CAMPBEI L. J Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of September, lun'l. JNO. 1). M AHsnai.i.. Notary Public. Commission expire!, May 5, l'.WTi. HER WEDDING GIFTS Will always be a monientoof one of the happiest events of her life—cloubly so if - 139 South Main St. Get the Habit in Our New Fall Clothing, j EXCLUSIVE STYLES In abundance, and the kind sold here must be of the highest : grade—Perfect. in selling our Exclusive Smart Clothes we realize that it is expressive of the highest attainment of the tailor man's art. We can tell you all about the clothes, but you must see them ; to truly appreciate their elegance and finish, you must try on a j garment to see how well it fits and how dressy it looks. Men's Suits, $8 to S2O. Fall showing of the New Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats. Cost no more than the ones called just as good. Schaul &Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. M a §W^a Wear Wear Wear for feet. School Shoes for wear and durability at prices that are the lowest. PATRICIAN SHOES exquisite in appearance perfect in fit and absolutely shape retaining—an ideal shoe for the ladies at $3.50. HANAN and TORREY Shoes, for stylish men, at $5 and $6. D. & T's $3.50 Special, nothing better made for serviceable wear. Waterproof shoes $3.00 to $6.00. Famous Torrey waterproof $6.00. Coupons for leather cushion covers. Daubenspeck & Turner, Next to Butler Savings & Trust Co., People's Phone 633. 108 S. Main St. I Arriving Rapidly at | BROWN SCO'S. I The Largest and Best Line of all kinds of I Furniture and Carpets and House Furnishings * we have ever shown. r~" ~ Our showing is SECOND to none in quality, k style, workmanship and finish. We believe in |» '"■■■■(j »*" *'»" fir,t r " nr ifft at all. Each piece shown was personally inspected on the immense | floors of the Grand Rapids and Chicago Exposi % tions. 'Tia the best that money could buy. I Now, as the season for Fall buying is at hand, we invite you to look over our stock. COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICE; the result will be that you make your purchase here. COME IN AND COMPARE! | BROWN &• CO. H No. 130 N. Main St. (Bell Phone 106) ' BUTLER. PA. CAMPBELL'S GOOD FURNITURE IA Car Load of Grand | 1 Rapids Bed Room Suits! 8! On sale this week, Grand Rapids suits igr §5 are noted for their style and workman-" jg pship, First-class in every respect} plain jg aljneat patterns, but not the cheap, flashy jg g kinds that are poorly made, jg« £K SUIT NO. 1 COSTS $25 || a golden oak finish, hard wood snit with pattern frame mirror; larire. strong lied neatly carved and a wash stand to match. One or Ml th<; bent nhM this store has to offer yon. fSi SUIT NO. 2 COSTS $26 ® Similar to the above No. 1 suit, except the dresser has a landscape mirror in place of a pattern framo. Quality and finish superior to the tgg |§3 average low price suit. JMH SUIT NO. 3 COSTS S3O jj| All hard wood suit in golden finish. Bed is richly carved and the ,i re!lfwr h;iH HW. ll top drawers, large beveled pattern frame mirror. A massive, rich looking suit at a low price. COME IN AND LOOK AROUNT>. « I Alfred A. Campbell I Formerly C'amptieU & Templeton. H. MILLER, FIRE and LIFE INSURANGE and KEAL ESTATE. OFKICK —Byere' Building—next to P. O. Butler Pa. M A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. St Butlef PA NOTICE -My wife. Clara M. Tlmblln, bav ins left my t*«l and board without cause, any one liarlairlim or furnishing her goods, tiourd or maintenance will do so at their own peril a* I will not be resiionslble tlierefor or pay any bills contracted by h.-r. L M. TIMBMN. Sept. Bth. IMB. J'etrolla, Pa.