Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 24, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. XXXX.
\ I Ladies' Tailored Suits made in Zibeline, Broadcloth, Cheviots and the * ►
i \ fashionable inanish mixtures and indistinct plaids, they are made with j
y long skirted blouse also hip seam and straight long manish coat effects, |
0 all colors and black, priced SIO.OO to fSO 00 Skirts 12 98 up to #25.00. >
A We offer a special Skirt at $5.00, made in all wool novelty cloth, a ( >
regular $7.50 value. , I
jC New Fall and Winter waists and waist materials —silks, flannels. ( |
jf mohair, vesting*. flannelette and fleeced vestings waists. $1 00 np to $5., .
y SB.OO, and #IO.OO. Waist material, 10c to SI.OO per yard.
We ore showing the largest aid finest assortment of trimmed and un- , I ,
*" trimmed millinery in Bntler, in our cheerful, well lighted millinery |
parlors. Our trimmers have returned from New York Millinery Open- i I
V ings. and are prepared to serve vou and show yon all that is newest in , ,
* ' head wear at prices that will interest you. Hats trimmed free of charge
when hat ana materials are purchased here. < >
j A complete assortment of Women's, Men's and Children's ribbed j
£ > fleeced underwear, ribbed woolen underwear, flat woolen underwear.
J . See onr specials at 25c, 39c, 50c. 75c and SI.OO per garment, beet values A
we have ever shown at these popular prices. f
C > All wool blanket*. $2 48 up to SIO.OO per pair. Cotton blankets, large «>
J i size. 50c, 75c, SI.OO *
1 A full stock of calicoe. ginghams, muslins, sheetings, yarns and r
/ > flannels and unsurpassed showing of domets and outing flannels, 5c to i >
J l 15c per yard. <
prs. J. E. Zimmerman.i
JL Hell Phone 208. 1 Oc, t \
People's Phone 128. UIJ Ct , J ci •
& The Store Sj
I SEPTEMBER 24, 25 AND 26. $
S Co.,
§ ™rromcE E SS M I Send in Your Mail Orders. 5
§09996609000 OOOOOOOOOOOOO®
w We Are Now Showing ©
8 B Fall Styles 9
0 iiL In AH SortsO
O Of Footwear. O
O kMS jjjp We have always noticed that °
8 m i3t\ dMm,t 8
« WMt# ©
0 Map time looking for high-priced 0
0 footwear, but he does like
Q v\ to get his money's worth. 0
0 1.25, 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50 §
a That is wny yoo see buys the best wearing X
oso many teams driving shoes made—for either 0
0 np to this store. man or women.
0 Opposite Hotel Lowry. 0
1 E Merchant Tailor. Jh] H
I Fall and Winter Suitings I
■ 142 North Main St. ■
| A Linen Opportunity! |
M A lot of Fine Linens, bought for Holiday trade, are w
■ here several months ahead of time. ji
u This is the best assortment of hemstiched and fine 5
G drawn WOTIC Linens we ever had and consists of Scarfs,
(R Squares, Lunch Cloths, Doylies, Mexican Drawn Work, tn
M Teneriffe Doylies, etc. Included in this lot are Fine Tabled
■ Linens, Napkins, Pattern Cloths, Match Setts and Towels. Uk
O; We sell Fine Linens at all seasons, so this Holiday assortment goes on
Jh Mle at once, bnt at mnch less tban Holiday prices We'll chance getting VI
ji more for Holiday trade. Bny now and save one-fourth to one-half. U
Fine Mexican Drawn Work 121 c, 20c, 25c and np
]■ Teneriffe Doylies, #, 9 and 12 inches 25c, 50c and 65c m
Hemstiched Squares 10c np TJ
j# 2 yards Pattern Cloth, -*orih |2.00 at SI.OO M
H yarda Pattern Cloth, worth $2.50 at $1.9»
■ Match Setts—Cloth and Napkins $4.50 np jp)
Cleaning up Summer Goods at Bargain Prices.«
■ All Shirt Waists at half price. Wash Ghx>ds, half price and less. pk
uf " Two qualities Fancy Vestings at 40c and 50c, are worth your atten- y
K tion. Entirely new and very handsome for Fall Waists. wi
IL. Stein & Son,«
j feed's Wine of
; Cod fciver Oil
will build you up and make
you strong, will give you
an appetite and new life.
If you feel tired and
worn out try our Wine of
Cod Liver Oil and find
It is stronger and better
than pure Cod Liver Oil.
Pleasant to take and is
inoffensive to delicate
Indorsed and recom
mended by physicians
every where. The best
Spring tonic to give you
Health and strength.
For sale only at
Reed's Pharmacy
Transfer Corner
Main and Jefferson Sts.. i tier. Pa
Do Ycu Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when in need of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will call again.
We carry a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
Both Phones.
213 S. Main St. Bntler Pa.
If they told the truth con
cerning my pianos, myself, and
my way of doing business I
would sell all of the pianos
that are sold in Butler.
When a party conies to you with a
story concerning my business, ask them
to call at my store with yon and repeal
it in my presence.
I am here for business, and I am hap-
Dy to say I have lots of it My patrons
are my friends, I always refer to
them. Ask them.
I can give you a list of over 300
patrons to whom I have sold pianos
since I came here four >enr» iuu.
And if you will find any of tnem who
will say that I have not been honorable
in all my dealings with them. I will
present you with a piano.
Trusting to have my just share of your
patronage, I am yours for business.
Your credit is good at
W. R. Newton's
317 S. Main St.. Butler. Pa.
We have removed our Marble]
and Granite shops from corner ol j
Main and Clay streets to No. 208 j
N. Main street, (opposite W. D. 1
Brandon's residence), where we j
will be pleased to meet our j
customers with figures that are ;
right on
"Monuments & Headstones
of all kinds and are also prepared j
to give best figures on
Iron Fence. Flower Vases
etc., as we have secured the sole
agency from the Stewart Iron
Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this
town and vicinity.
P. H. Sechler
EYLE See the il|a dlrect
oppotltc the
Theodore Yogeley,
Real Estate aid
laiurance Agency,
238 S. Main St.
Batler, Pa.
If you have property
to sell, trade, or rent
or, want to buy or
rent caii, write or
phone me.
List Mailed Upon Application
L. c. WICK,
H The new tHble delicacy that every- ■
■ body loves. A wholesome, clean. ■
■ pure «vrup, good for every borne ■
■ u»e. Sold In air-tight tint which 1:
■ keep Its goodnees free from dirt and ■
■ dust, no common with common ■
■ iyrup. 10c, 26c and 60c. At (frocer®. I
Dizzy? Headache? Pam
back of your eyes? It's your
liver! Use Ayer's Pills.
! Want your moustache cr beard a
beautiful brown or rich black ? Use
Buckingham's Oye
SOeta.of druggitUorß P H»!l&Ca., N«hu».N.H
In alllu stages. "Ufl#
Ely's Cream Balm v
cleanses, soothes and he&la f M
the diseased membrane, **'*sl
It cures catarrh and drives M
away a cold in the head
Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads
over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im
mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying—doea
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents.
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street, New York
Ffadid< &
109 N. /Vlain Street,
s«st Service.
Prompt and Careful
Four Registered
Prescription Worl< a
IjFW 8®
I have purchased the C. J.
Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein
building, at 345 S. Main St., am
remodel :ng and restocking the
store. 1 have twenty-two years
experience as a pharmacist, and
compounding of prescriptions
will be under my personal at
Pure drugs and honest treat
ment guaranteed.
When in town shopping, stop
and leave your packages.
J L. McKee, Pharmacist,
Stein Block. S. Main St., Butler. Pa.
Binding of Books
Is our occupation. We put our
entire time to studying the best
and latest methods of doing our
w >rk. It" you are thinking of
h ving some work done in this
line I am sure you will be well
pi ,-ased if you have it done at
Tfee Batler Book Bindery,
W. W. A MOM, Prop.
OPD Conrt Honse.
£ Rellevi-a Fain Quickly.
A never failing remedy for Kvery Actio,
anil Pain. Highly recommended for
Cholera-Morbus and Pains in llie
1 A# u Liniment l>r. llarriH' Cramp
Cure excel* all other*.
I Prepared bj IJ. A. I AIINK.-STOCK CO.
1 Pittsburg, Pa.
music Department!
We have added a mnsical department
—*rood innaic—good instrument* and
everything that belongs to a music store.
Call an:l inspect the famous Merrill
Piano. One of the best high grade
pianos on the market. We can sell it
on easy payments.
Want a Violin, Mandolin, Banjo,
Guitar or Accordeon, we have them
Send for onr catalogue of 10c sheet
music, containing over 1000 titles, and
we have them all in stock.
We will get any piece of music you
need, in fact we are in shape to supplv
all your wants in the musical line at
Near P. 0.. 241 S. Main St
H. G. Allison,
Funeral Director,
Bell Phone No. 3.
Bakerstown, Pa.
j OF THE ** :
CrrpvriQht, 1901, tjy J. if. SeanUuul *
IN the Jemez mountains, near Al!>u
querque, N. M., stand the ruins of
an estufa, the only remaining
"landmark" of the Jemez lnd.au
village, the last chapter in the history
of an extinct tribe. The site where the
village stood is a forest, and the huge
stone walls rising grimly amid this
scene of desolation remind the visitor
of feudal castles in a desert as depicted
In the romances of the dark ages. Here
was enacted about a generation before
civilization began to spread westward
a scene more realistic than perhaps any
depicted in romance, with superstition
as the underlying cause.
It is perhaps known to even the su
perficial reader that the Pueblo Indians
are sun worshipers; they believe that
their god. Moctezuma. dwells In the
sun, and to the rising sun their prayers
are repeated at mornings, and the sa
cred fire la kept perpetually burning in
the estufa, or church. Should this fire
become extinct disaster will surely fol
low—perhaps exUnction of their tribe
or village.
A few miles from the Jemez village
was the village of the Pecos, members
of the same family of Indians, also
tracing their descent from the Toltecs,
but living under a separate govern
ment. The Pecos and the Jemez were
friendly neighbors, and during a sea
son of great drought the Jemez had
given from their bountiful crops many
measures of corn, fruit and vegetables
to the Pecoe, whose crops had failed.
The Pecos envied their more favored
neighbors and attributed their calam
ity to the evil spirit, who was domi
nated by the good spirit of the Jemez.
"The evil spirit came out of Diablo
canyon last night and threw his spell
over the priest of our sacred fire, and
now It is no more! Our tribe is
doomed!" said Mancos, the shaman of
the Pecos, addressing the chief cacique
of the tribe.
"For three centuries the sacred fire
has burned, most noble cacique, until
the storm spirit came, and the priest
whose duty it Is to keep it alive under
the penalty of death fell asleep, and
the evil one stole the sacred blaze,"
added the shaman In tones of grief.
"Lead the traitor beyond the walls of
the village and let the squaws kill him.
He is unworthy of death at the hands
of the braves," ordered the cacique.
The shaman bowed, again bowed to
the east and gave orders to the war
captain to be executed instantly.
While the drums were beating for the
execution of the sentinel priest the ca
cique summoned a council of the
braves In the estufa. With terror
stricken countenances, they met In the
sacred hall. In which women are not
permitted to enter under penalty of
death. Here are held their most sacred
dances and other rites and also the
councils of war. Stone benches hewn
from tlie wall extended round the
council chamber, where the braves sat
as stolfd and as solemn as the gloomy
wulla. TUc tluruuu vjf tlio r»nolqnn
faced to the east, and in front was a
totem polo, on which was engraved the
history of the tribe. The cacique now
arose and addressed the braves.
"The evil spirit has stolen away our
sacred fire," said he, "and our race is
doomed. The temple must again be
lighted by fire from heaven, but the
Great Father ts angry with his people,
and It may not be so. The True Spirit
loves our neighbors, and we must per-
ish from the face of tlie earth. What
shall the Pecos tribe (lo to appease tho
spirit? I aui silent for an answer."
"Let us ask our neighbors," suggest
ed the young warrior Ked Mantle. "I
myself will take the extinguished fag
ots and bring back the sacred flame
lighted from their Are. It came from
heaven and was lighted by our great
ancestors from the north, the Toltees."
"Maybe the Jemez will not help us,"
suggested Tecolito. the medicine man.
"Then we must have war," gravely
replied Red Mantle.
"In three days more, the first of tho
new moon. Is the time I have fixed for
our rabbit hunt," spoke the war cap
tain. "Let us invite our neighbors, the
Jemez, to Join us In the chase."
The Jemez received the messengers
with hospitality and accepted the Invi
tation to Join in the chase. As the
course lay to the south of the Jemez
village and being nearer than to the
Pecos vlllage, # the Pecos braves were
Invited to call on the morning of the
hunt and Join the Jemez in a smoke.
After a two days' fast and purifica
tion the Pecos formed in line on the
morning of the third day and amid
singing and dancing started to the vil
lage of the Jemez. At sunrise they
halted on the mesa to the east of the
village and chanted the song of the
"Babbit Hunt" This was the signal
of their approach. The Jemez Issued
rrom their village and Joined In tho
chant as they marched forth to greet
their neighbors and extend to thcin the
hospitality of their village. Entering
the gates, the Pecos marched to the to
tem poles, where In honor of their hosts
they bowed three times to the east and
circled three times in a sacred dance.
The women had prepared a feast for
the guests, which was partaken of by
the braves of both tribes, the women
standing aloof In silence.
"I>et the chase now begin," said the
cacique of the Jemez after the feast
was ended.
The cacique of tie Pecos Uowetl bis
willingness, and the Uraves of each
tribe formed in Hne in the center of tlie
plaza, each armed with a boomerang.
Kach line was headed by their village
cacique, who wore a headdress of ea
gles' feathers, with the skin of a tiger
hanging down his back, as a mark of
distinction. Next in order was the s*ia
rnan of each trlb«, wearing a headdress
of woodpeckers' feathers. They were
followed by six musicians, three from
each village. Each carried half of a
gourd suspended from the neck, with
the convex side upward. The gou.ds
were partly filled with pebbles. Each
musician carried in his right hand a
notched stick, which he drew ncrt>s; the
edge of the gourd as be rattled the peb
bles, accompanying the movement with
a chant as the dance proceeded. The
dance moved slowly with a sen*"ntine
step, each line now facing Oie other and
then countermarching and growing
faster as the music became more ani
mated. For a moment they stood in
one position, raising the feet alternate
ly, accentuating their steps with the
music, and then in a dog trot or with
a hlppety-hop step they danced around
the inner side of the plaza and finally
formed in front of the estufa, where
the sacred fire was burning. A grunt
of delight escaped from the I'ecos vil
lagers which the Jeeuez did not seem to
Interpret. The omens of the shaman
were favorable." and the Jemez could
not believe that their hospitality would
be betrayed.
At the signal of the war captain the
dance ceased. The sacred cigarette was
lighted by each brave Iti order to blind
the rabbit, and after the smoke, during
which not a word was spoken, the
braves now marched to the course
south of the village. Each line was
separated by the width of half a mile
and closed In upon each other, encom
passing the game. The result of this
chase was sent hack to the village by
the squaws, who were eairied along
for that purpose, with Instructions to
prepare another feast for the guests.
It was decided by the war captains to
make similar closing lines from south
to north, driving the game toward the
village. In courtesy the Pecos were
given the post nearer the Jemez vil
lage. This movement was artfully sug
gested by the Pecos villagers In order
to more successfully carry out their
treacherous designs. Gayly chanting
the song of the Tl»ibhlt Hunt." the un
suspecting Jemez Indians took their
position on the farther side of the
mesa. As they tnrned to make the
closing in movement they saw to their
amazement the Pecos Indians running
toward their village, shouting the war
"Treacheryexclaimed the Jemez
cacique. "The red man has betrayed
his brother! Our squaws will be taken
away and our papooses killed. We
must now fight! No more talk!"
Tlie echoes of the song of the "Rab
bit Hunt" had died away and the war
whoop resounded over the mesa as the
fleet footed .lemer. ran toward their vil
lage, now being despoiled by their
neighbors. Entering the gates, they
soon foiind their weapons and ran to
the defense of the temple. The priest
had been killed, and the Pecos had
matched the burning fagots from the
altar stone, and, surrounded by a guard,
they were fighting their way to the
gates. The young warriors and the
squaws who had been left in the vil
lage were bravely ffgfrttog to retain tho
sacred fire, and many had been slain
before the arrival of the braves. The
battle was soon decided, and nearly all
of the braves—perhaps 500—fell In
front of the estufa. The saeraJ flame
had been taken by the enemy, and the
luck of battle was against them.
The few remaining warriors, women
and children were now prisoners, and,
their hands bound with leather thongs,
they were taken to Pecos.
"The Great Spirit'is angry with his
people since we have been so foolish
as to trust the red brother," said the
cacique to the remnant of his village.
"Henceforth we are to be the slaves of
the Pecos. Our tribe will be 110 mure.
Our people will die, But the Pecos will
also die at the hands of the whlto
brother. I shall say no more."
• ••••••
For several years the Pecos prosper
ed. Crops were bountiful, the chase
was always successful, the streams
yielded an abundance of fish and rains
were plentiful. The sacred fire burned
brightly In their eStufa—the cause of
their blessings and "go«d luck." Grad
ually their captive slaves, the remnants
of their neighboring village, passed
away beneath thrfr humiliation and
toilsome burden. Only the aged ca
cique, Zandia, remained to regret the
downfall of his people and witness
their declines.
"What do the spirits tell you, most
noble cacique?" asked the cacique of
the Pecos in a taunting manner as Xan
dia, cacique of tlie J»mez. was brought
before him. "Why do you always pray
to the sun and never to the sacred
blaze In the estufa? Is not that also
from heavent?"
"It was, most noble cacique," bumbly
replied the humiliated Zandia. "But
now the True Hplrit above frowns up
on that fire. He, too. weeps for the
wrongs we haw suffered."
"Go, soothsayer. Have anpther vision
and ask your spirit tije fate of the Pe
eos," said Mancos In a more tanintliiK
"The spirit has already told me.** re
plied the grief stricken Zandia. **The
evil spirit Is again In the Jf-mez moun
tains. Before tomorrow's noon lie *"111
come up from the earth In a flame a
thousand times larger fban our samwl
flame which your people stole from the
trustful Jemez. It will roll over this
mesa, and your people will soon l>e no
more, like the wronged jind murdered
Jemez tribe. I speak the truth. I hear
the angry spirit In the mountains
Your sacred flame will again become
extinct, and this time forever."
• ••••••
The afternoon had beeu oppressively
hot. The sun went down in a flame of
flre. The night was sultry. The hot
winds from over the sandy plains only
Intensified the heat and made sleep nl
rnoet impossible. The night was star-
less, and clouds of inky blackness gath
ered. couriers of the storm. I.ightniug
I flashed from the heavily charged
, clouds, and amid its terrific peals the
1 terror stricken people ran to the estufa.
Kneeling around the sacred blaze, they
began to pray to the True Spirit above.
Another peal, and the wall of the es
i tufa was rent asunder, and the sacred
blaze oecame again extinct. The ter
ror stricken, superstitious Indians ran
from their now accursed temple into
! the plaza, fleeing from the wrath of the
spirit whom they had offended. They
were more horrified still at seeing a
trail' of fire rolling down from the Je
j mez mountains.
j "It Is the evil spirit in his cloud of
• flre. and he has come to punish our be
! trayers," grimly B uid Cacique Zandia
as he poiuted to the mass of molten
! lava flowing down from the volcano,
I now In eruption.
The superstitious Indians still stood
In the plaza, executing their sacred
spirit dance, beating their breasts and
singing the prayer to the True Spirit
above. On came the wall of molten
lava, swelled by successive waves from
the volcano, until it reached the village
walls, where it was stayed until other
waves swelled the molten tide, when
the village and Its shrieking inhabit
ants were buried beneath the burning
A mountain of molten lava marks the
spot where the estufa of the Pecos In
dians stood, and it also serves as a
monument to those buried beneath Its
to ate Letters That Men Can Never
Lear I to Make.
"TThy Is It that with some men some
letters of the alphabet are harder to
make than others and. In fact, that
there are some letters that some men
never learned how to make?" asked a
young man who takes considerable In
terest in the matter of handwriting In
I the New Orleans Times-Democrat. "It
Is a rather singular fact that nearly
every man outside of the experts la
weak on one or more of the letters in
the English alphabet Sometimes the
letter Involved is a capital letter; some
times it Is of the smaller kind; some
times It is one letter and sometimes
another. In any event, you will, find
few men who are exempt from the fall
ing referred to.
"I know of one man who In spite of
the fact that he does a great deal of
writing has never learned how to make
a capital P. He simply makes a stag
ger at it, and. as a rule, the result of
his efforts will look more like a small
p than like the capital P. I know an
other man who can't make a small f
to save his life. lie can never get the
lower part of the letter below the line.
He makes It look like a clubfooted b
Instead of an f. There are others who,
when they try to make the small b,
i give It the long shank, and it looks
• more like the letter f. It Is rather sin
gular that these traits should hang on
| to a man's writing for a lifetime, but
they do It Just the same, and if you
make a few inquiries among your
friends and acquaintances you will find
that but few of them are exempt from
this fault.
' "It is very much like the habit of
spelling certain words incorrectly.
Many men who are rated as first class
spellers pass through life without ever
in a single Instance spelling certain
words correctly. It Is due to habit
largely. If you should ask them how
to Bpell the word, they would tell you,
but, when they go to write it, that is
j quite different, and they will g<*t it
! wrong every time. So they know, too,
how certain letters should be made, but
' they simply can't put them down on
paper. It Is a curious but common
Noin Soot In Slilp* Are Said to De the
U'urtl Alloat.
The worst case in the way of a ship
Into which Jack can go Is a Nova Sco
tlan. A certain Nova Scotia ship came
Into port at Santos one day with a crew
that was little short of mutinous owing
to the fact that the captain was too
sparing of the rations. The ship had a
bad name among sailors at the best,
nnd as soon as "lie was anchored the
entire crew cleared out. For three
weeks after she hud discharged and got
her new cargo she lay there with no
crew to take her to sea. At last the
captain went to some of tlic crimps on
shore and told tliern to rouial up a crew
under any pretext. The crimps sent
men around the docks offering big
wages to any of the loungers who
would go aboard the vessel to rig
some new sails. Some twenty men
were quickly picked up, many of them
In their shirt sleeves, and were takcu
aboard. They were then covered with
revolvers and rifles by the officers,
and the anchor was weighed, and the
Nova Scotia ship stood out to sea. her
unwilling crew leaving families behind
without even a chance to let them
know what had happened. The next
port was Sydney, and the next Yoko
hama, then San Francisco, then Val
paraiso, tbcivUsbon. and for those men
| who stayed with tbe ship it was just
two and a half years until she went to
lOraude du Sul. the nearest j>ort home.
Many of them, however, had cleared
out and gone home In other ships long
j before that.—Brougbton Urandcuburg
' in Leslie's Monthly.
How to Make It and Ita Valaa la
Time of Druaght.
We have received a number of re
quests for more definite Instructions
how to make dust boards. \Ve will
therefore illustrate, says Southern Cul
tivator. The dust board U uot necessa
rily of any precise dimensions. The
size can be varied to suit the width of
the rows. Take a piece of plank one
inch thick and from four to six Inches
wide and. say. three feet k»ng. To this
fasten two pieces of iron or steel long
enough to reach to the plow stock from
the ground. These should then be bolt
ed to the plow stock in such a manner
as to press the lower edge of the board
firmly against the ground when tlse
plow Is being used. These pieces of
iron should be so set that the dufct
board will not be In the way of the
plowman's feet In following the plaw.
In the accompanying cut D repre
sents the dust board, which is tkree
feet more or less in length and six
Inches more or less In breadth.
A. A, are two pieces of Iron or steel
fastened to D some distance apart and
reaching up to the plow stock and fas-
tened to it by bolts, one or more, as you
find necessary. These pieces may be
two separate pieces or one piece up at
the plow stock and split down at the
dust board. They may be straight or
curved, as suits your convenience, so
they hold the dust board firmly against
the ground as It follows the plow.
The object is to have the dust board
press the little clods made by the plow
Into as fine soil as possible. If this ts
done the capillary tubes will be so cov
ered that all evaporation will be pre
vented. This will keep all the moisture
right where the tender roots can get it.
In dry spells this often becomes a mat
ter of the greatest importance. The
success or failure of the crop may de
pend upon this one point. Experience
has shown that it pays to use the dust
board on all crops in all weather when
there is dust raised by the plow.
As already stated, the board may be
of any length. If more convenient a
piece of 2 by 4 inch scantling may be
used Instead of the 1 by 0 plank. The
method here suggested for fastening
the board to the plow stock is sot the
only one that may be used. Any way
will answer so as to get the dust board
to press hard enough to pulverize the
little clods left by the plow or harrow
or cultivator.
The dust board may be used with har
rows or cultivators. In this case we
fasten the board to the two hind teeth.
It Is estimated that the dust board Is
worth from $25 to SIOO to the pl#w In a
dry year—that It will add that much to
the crop yield.
Tobacco Growlaf and Cattle.
American Agriculturist points oat
that during the past few years fhere
has been a tremendous stride in the
eastern and centrul states in the pro
duction of beef cattle for market. Re
cently a large cattle buyer from the
west was touring the east and was
much surprised at the number of beef
cattle he found on farms. He Is re
ported as having said: "My observa
tion justifies the prediction that west
ern cattle growers will have livelier
competition from some of the tobacco
growing sections down east thin they
have ever experienced. There are now
many fat cattle in that section, and
there is a steady demand for stockers
from that quarter. Tobacco is consid
ered a gftod cash crop, and farmers
can afford to feed cattle simply for the
manure which they find uecessary to
produce their crops. He feeds them for
the production of manure largely and
keeps t'ueui as long as possible before
throwing them on the market
"This year there are tobacco growers
who never before fed a steer who have
plenty of stock at this time. I found
a line bunch of Herefords In Virginia.
They were as fat as butter. Any im
pression that there are no good cattle
down In that country Is erroneous.
They have plenty of tlieiu, and the oil
mate for feeding is unequaled. Ivtin
cnster county, l'a., has been rotking
f.it beeves for more than half a cen
tury. and the conditions over the entire
tobacco region east of the Alieghanies
,'i equally favorable. Cattle growers of
the west must take the down east
farmers into account hereafter In mak
ing calculations about his market
(ortT Crops In the Ka»t and So nth.
The general custom In the eastern
and southern states, where rain Is
abundant. Is to keep the orchard culti
vated until about the middle of the
summer and then seed the ground
down to some leguminous cover crop.
One of the purposes of this cover crop
Is to evaporate moisture from the soil
and thus cause the trees to properly
ripen their wood before winter comes.
Hacterla and Sunltuht.
Ordinary daylight Is not, as a rule,
very Injurious to bacteria, but sunlight
has a decidedly Injurious effect. Test
experiments prove that two hours' ex
posure to sunlight will kill most bac
• Have Lar^rljr Itrplnrm High Prlcfd
Hill Peed*.
A Tennessee farmer says In an ex
change: I would not even feed five
cows for home use without a silo. If I
hud only a two j'ears' lease on my farm
I would build a silo at my own exjwnse
rather than food for two winters on
dry feed.
My silos arc round stave strictures
costing less than ll.fiO per ton of con
tents. They have been In constant use
eight years and have paid the cost eitcb
yoar In the saving of feed and in
creased quantity of tnllk, and they are
seemingly good for eight years' steady,
efficient uso. I grow the crops and
mnkc the silage Ailing every year tar
loss than a dollar per ton.
A silage of pens and corn mixed al
most entirely does nway with (he ne
cessity for the purchase of high priced
mill feeds. So there 1H n cliance for the
thinking dairyman making money and
saving money If he will only do so by
grcwlng his own feeds all at home.
With us now bran Is S2O per ton and
not good at that, and laHt winter It sold
at $24. Cotton soil meal we used to
buy at $0 per ton. The oil mill trust
j>ut It up last winter. No dairy-
No. 38.
man can afford these price* now, nor
does he have to do so when he can
make good silage containing almost m
perfectly balanced ration of the pro
tein and carbonaceous elements for tha
best mil* production at $1 per ton.
So well am I satisfied with the econ
omy of the silo for the dairy that If I
had to build every year a receptacle to
contain the silage and tear it down to
get at the contents, like opening an.
oyster can. 1 would certainly do so. MJ,
si lag* this year is excellent, a very rich)
mixture of corn and peas. My cow#
are doing well. I do not need either
bran or oil meal, and It certainly make*
me feel independent.
Pat It Hp Greaa.
I see a great deal of complaint about
not getting to put up silage at the prop
er stage, waiting for the big steam rij
that had so many engagements ahead
and the frost getting there first I have
a good horse power and a cutter, and
the very day that my crop ta ready ths
work begins. It is slow, but anre, and
I always get the very beat of silage by,
getting It in at Just the right stage.
This year, at the finish of Saturday,
morning, the harvester waa running s0
nioely that I cut dfc'n more than I
could haul and cut Hf that day. Fire
or six wagon loads had to lie cut over
Sunday, a bright, sunny day. I put
that in the silo to finish filling on Mon
day. usAng quite a quantity of water to
wet it, but It was too dry, and I had a
foot or two of white, moldy silage. So
I will be careful hereafter not to cut
too far ahead:
My corn, the Albemarle Prolific, waa
too hard for table use, had two to four
ears to the stalk. The peas, the Whip
poor will, were hanging full of long,
ripe and half ripe pods. The harvester
got them all up clean, tying in nice
bundles, so that all went to the cutter
and Into the silo together and well
mixed. The result is an excellent and
a cheap lot of feed.
nave a Good Cat tar.
It will pay any small dairyman with
ten to twenty cows to build one or more
stave silos, get a good horse power and
a cutter so he will not have to wait the
coming of a big steam rig when his
crop is at its best stage for good silage.
I have used my horse power and cutter
for more than ten years for dry silage
and for dry corn fodder and have
found them a paying Investment I
have never tried a gasoline engine; it
may be better than a horse power for
farm use. I have had to renew the
knives on my cutter once, but It does
good work yet.
Alfalfa ltotea.
Alfalfa prefers deep, moist and warm
There Is none of our forage crope that
will respond more readily to a thorough
preparation of the seed bed than alfal
Cut alfalfa that has been rained on
demands the utmost care to cure prop
erly, because of the tendency of the
leaves to become brittle and shatter.
Alfalfa should not be pastured until
it has matured a good hardy crown
and root system to enable it to with
stand the tramping of stock. At least
two years should be allowed the crop
for this purpose, and even more would
be conducive to a hardy crop.
Alfalfa seed, being small, demand fa
vorable conditions for successful germi
nation. Rains following close after roll
ing of the land are liable to compact
the sttrface of the soil to such an ex
tent as to render It a difficult matter
for the young plants to push through.
This condition can be remedied by bar
rowing, which breaks the crust and al
lows the pluuts to easily push through.
Do not turn hungry or thirsty ani
mals In an alfalfa field. By observing
this rule and further accustoming them
to It by gradually increasing their time
of feeding, little or no injurious effect
will accompany the pasturing of horses
and hogs. Cattle are more liable to
bloat, and even with the best of care
and attention fatal cases will occur.
Soiling cattle is the safest method of
feeding them alfalfa.— Texas Experi
ment Station.
Sewi and IfotM.
Pork rating the highest at the Cana
dian experimental farm was produced
on a ration of corn meal, oats, peas and
barley, skimmed milk and sugar beets.
The July figures for the corn acreage
as given In the government report are
89,800,000 acres, a decrease of about
acres as compared with last
Recent experiments at one of the ag
ricultural stations seem to Indicate the
superiority of French grown celery
seed over the American grown. The
better quality la attributed entirely to
greater care In the growth.
Birds never eat fireflies and really]
seem to shun their vicinity.
North American reindeer usually se
lect an old doc for their leader.
Tho temperature of a swallow's body,
Is extraordinarily hlgL, no less than
112 degToes F.
Cats and beasts of prey reflect fifty
times as much light from their eyes ai
human beings.
The average lake trout lays 6,000
eggs each season, and the white fish
greater number.
The female English viper does not
lay eggs. She hatches them Internally
and brings forth her young alive.
Parrots are usually vegetarians,
though the Kea parrots of New Zea
land have developed a fondness fot
Garfish, sunflsh, basking sharks and
dolphins all have the habit of swim*
mlng with their eyes above the surface
of the water.
Fat Balanced It.
An Irish soldier attending school,
which is compulsory when starting till
after an examination has taken place,
had great difficulty In bringing a sum
to tbe correct answer.
"You are a shilling out, Magce," said
the inspector, "therefore you have
failed again."
"Och," said Pat, taking a shilling
from his pocket, "take this, and it'll
make the sum right. Uurroo! Succeed
ed at last!"— Spare Momenta.
Weather a Dan(«rou Topic.
Newltt— Well, there's one thing about
the weather—lt's always a safe topic
of conversation.
Borroughs— I thought It was today
when 1 met Lendlium, but when I
started to speak of it he Bald, "Yes, It's
unsettled, and that reminds me of that
note of yours."—Philadelphia Press.
netting l£ren.
Mrs. von Blumer—We must have the
Blggsbys to dinner. We owe them one.
Von Blumer—Of course. We passed
an awful dull evening tbere, and it is
nothing more than rlglit that they
should pass one here.—Brooklyn Life.
Making: It
"You never allow yourself to read a
book until you have read a review of
It? Why is that?"
"Weil, I prefer to use only predicat
ed mental food."